kirbyoctournament · 1 month
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galactic-knightmare · 4 months
I needed a break from drawing Phosphor so I decided to draw some of the other contestants! I'll maybe/probably draw some of the others later, but these three are the ones that caught my brain at the moment XD
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starting wiiiith Fecto Flora from @ceoofmetagala !
I had fun drawing them! I really like drawing the Fectos, and he just looks so cute! anyway def go vote for Flora, 10/10 very adorable!
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and of course I couldn't forget Sir Uther and Valfrey from @quanblovk and @gethoce ! the relation between these two amuses me greatly, and they both deserve a vote! ...maybe? everyone keeps saying not to vote uther, but I already voted for him and its just leaving me confused LMAO
Either way very nice designs, especially love Valfrey's! and good luck to everyone in the tournament! :3
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🫀and ♟️?
Questions from here:
Fair warning: Lots of Lore dumping is about to take place /A long read... (but for those of you who want a quick read, you can just skim to the picture/image sections which will give a quick summary of what is being explained.) Have a great day!~
Lady Celestine was actually never supposed to be Merlyn... She was originally going to be the "Lady of the Lake... Nimue"
If you see in the earlier drafts I tried to hang on to the whole blacksmith idea/ and the creator of the scared items but then I just changed it to alchemist cause it was just I solidified her role as Merlyn~
She was going to be the soul inside the Galaxia, but she lost all her memories because she was the first to rebel against the ancients and withheld her creations as an act of protest towards them and the other Heroes of Yore... And was punished as a result, but before she was permanently sealed she performed her last act of defiance and scattered them about the galaxy.
(Via. Galaxia imprisonment )
While Sir Uther & Sir Icarus were supposed to fill the bigger roles of how the galaxy became a wasteland, she was written to be the only truly "Good hero of Yore."
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Lady Celestine as Lady of the Lake:
I couldn't grasp what to do with her... She definitely had a more stern personality to fit Galaxia, but I just couldn't get on board with her character. The best way to say it is I think I made her "too perfect" (or the girl bossed her too much... I was reading Remarried Empress at the time, so basically, she had Navier's personality.)
Seemly cold & calculating but has a heart of gold underneath is all merely misunderstood. Very nonsense struggles with connecting Normally methodical and is always composed but has a sarcastic tic to her if you rile her up enough...
She was still an owl lady, but it was a reference to the Athena Goddess of Wisdom in Greek Mythology. (Owls often being associated with her and being her symbolic creature.)
I much as I loved the arctype (Navier's personality.)I wasn't in love with her character...
She had nothing really attaching me to her... it just felt like she was there to fill a slot as another hero of Yore she had nothing endearing about her... I didn't know what to do with her...But I didn't want to throw her away (I loved her design & color scheme).
That is until I ran into another problem...
For those who don't know in the original draft, Srir Arthur was supposed to be the villain in the series. (or the surprise villain so to speak~) However, once the rewrite happened and created Sir Uther in the au...all his evil went into him.
Especially once I changed his relationship with Meta Knight as his father figure and became the one who saved him from Sir Uther. But despite all my mind just kept seeing that man as a villain~
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But then it occurred while creating this post (Link here ) ... Wait a second (*me taking a long good look, at Sir Arthur in the narrative*) WHY ARE YOU GOOD? I needed a reason why Arthur was good in the KBASW.
I wrote him too naturally accepting he just seemed too suspicious... plus... And besides with such a corrupt system in the GSA (the one created by the Ancients & Uther), how could one good egg exist...
So in a very "Meta" way (pun intended), not only was I trying to find a motivation for him to be good that convincing in the narrative... I was also trying to convince myself...
Perhaps if it was another character, it'd be enough, but... The Sir Arthur from the first draft kept creeping in my mind... (it's so hard to let go of your first ideas...)
Then the answer came to me... who (in Arthurian) was Arthur's mentor and confidant, and his compass in guiding him to become king...Merlin. I had a Sir Uther... why not have a Merlin! (Plus, in the show Merlin 2008: Arthur started out as a little jerk ward and only became a better person through Merlin's influence!)
Wait a moment... don't I have a character design on the back burner.
So, I fully committed to changing her role as the Merlyn of the KBASW... I was able to get a better feel for who she was in the story. This resulted in the current design & personality she has now...
Basically, I pulled both the Disney & TV versions and took my favorite aspect of both of them which resulted in the vigilante persona of "Merlyn" was actually a nod to the TV series Merlin's old man persona Dragoon...I did want to make a few changes to really make her more than just a counterpart to Merlin. (I think that's why I got so stuck on her the first time when she originally was the Lady of the Lake...)
So her future vision would always be the main part of her character. Though I made it the reason why she was such an empathic person. Not only seeing the future, but she can feel it too:~
To go along with the whole guide theme, I made it a part of her title as a Hero of Yore~. Celestine, the "Navigator of the Constellation." The four-pointed Star Crystal refers to the "North Star," the closest star to the celestial pole, the main compassing star to signal north... it was used to guide people home~. (The moral compass)
Due to her ability, she gets overly involved in situations and emotions. Since she has all these terrible visions, she feels responsible for them. Which results in her being overly critical of herself when things go wrong and lacking self-care. Despite hating her abilities, she is overly reliant on them...
Overall she's a smart, witty, scatterbrained, down-to-earth, well-meaning goofball with a sassy edge...
I was finally able to give Celestine the soul that she needed. And how did they become a couple, you may ask? When writing her her story was so entirely laced with Arthur (because of Arthurian legend) that their chemistry was undeniable...(Also I shipped Merthur in the TV series, so once I saw an opening I took it)
And she since was supposed to be Arthur's person. I used complementary colors to connect the both of them together. Adding orange & gold to her blues & yellow...
And so with that all said Sir Arthur became
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The First Redeemed Villian of KBASW~
Redeeming the former baddies so they can use their skills and talents for the forces of good through kindness (Kirby). Celestine is basically the first one to do so... This did so much for the plot.
Sir Arthur: If someone like me could be given a chance and be changed for the better... Then so can this lot (Referening to Star Allies)
Arthur can naturally, relate to Kirby's menagerie of former villains who wanted to improve and be reformed. It fixed the problem of his niceness/goodness coming off as disingenuous (when I first was writing). There's a motive and reason behind them... Celestine. She showed Sir Arthur that there was a better way, a smarter way, a kinder way... It's her influence & example that inspired him to be a better man... a good man.
That's how Arthur gained the empathy & courage to stand up to Sir Uther and injustice when he was about to execute baby MK. It also enriches Meta's relationship with Sir Arthur... The man was barely holding on, and Meta gave him a reason to live.
Due to the Ancient cursing & erasing Celestine from existence, she was, he could not even speak her name. But Arthur was able to walk around this by speaking about that funny whimsical rouge that he was never able to catch "Merlyn." The stories always made Meta laugh; however, he could never understand why Sir Arthur would speak of this failure so fondly.
He deeply blames himself for not being able Celestine. Everything that happened to her was out of his control... This is why Arthur wants to create a better world, a place where Meta & Celestine would've been accepted.
Not only that, but he has this fear of being alone left. This is why he made the safest route for Meta Knight (to be one of the holy knights to keep him safe...), but wasn't the right path for him which (Leads to "Birth of Lone Swordsman...") and misunderstands. This makes it all the more heartbreaking to Arthur that Meta Knight thinks he doesn't truly love & care for all of him... when he does </3.
(Don't worry) He learns his lesson, and they make up (early on during Falsapr getting punished for the Fisher King incident, spontaneously meeting up when they're both saving Falspar...) It wasn't a proper talk and it was mostly Arthur and Meta apologizing because they missed each other.
MK only understands Sir Arthur after the war (& the Knightmare's End Saga). And goes to apologize to him again during the Kirby & Crystal Shard (I need a reason why the Meta wasn't there during the game... perfect excuse...)
Also presents a reason why Sir Arthur allows Meta Knight & Kirby to stay in Dreamland. "You deserve a chance to find yourself after this war... that man (Uther) can no longer have a hold on us... You have nothing to prove, you're free now... but if you need anything I will always be here waiting, just visit when you can okay?"
He learns his lesson, too, allowing him to leave & stay as he pleases... and the door was always open for him & Kirby the gang!~
(and someone gets rather jealous of this bias.... *cough* Dragato)
And of course, they do visit often (the plot demands it)... This leads MK to re-establish closeness with his mentor (learning from his own time with Kirby). Sir Arthur was trying his best too & he isn't perfect... he's not invincible... Wait what's happening to him...Why is he moving slower... His protector who seemed so unshakable...his father-... Is he getting weaker?
The early reconciliation is to make way for the true conflict: Meta realizes that his father figure is growing older & weaker. But why (*cough* Trip to Underworld *cough *the deal *)... like I said the man did not leave for free, a price had to be paid... (Did I have these two rekindle their wholesome father-son relationship only to have something tragic happen to the father... yes!)
There's such an emotional reason why Meta Knight has to become the leader of GSA. He's not only continuing Arthur's legacy but also Celestine's legacy. With the way Arthur raised him, he was able to instill the beliefs of her as Merlyn... And I also:
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In the Kirby game series, Meta Knight always offers a sword to Kirby. It comes into play with Arthur's story. This act was done with Arthur & Celestine, however, not for the sake of due... for a very different reason... And this action & courtesy is passed down. (There's a hidden special meaning behind it... SWORD & THE STONE REFERENCE)
And so, making Celestine Merlyn was the best decision I ever made!
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Really, I wanted to engineer a love story that complemented the series as a whole... I was able to write Arthur as a fuller character as well as give an emotional core to him. And Celestine became a fleshed-out three-dimensional character and found his place in the narrative.
Fun Fact:
Guys I kid you not she was so close to being named "Celestia..."But then I kept associating the name with My Little Pony~ (hardcore Brony back in the day) So she became Celestine...
@ceoofmetagala I got so excited when I got your ask (♟️it was the question I really wanted to get), and the fact that you were the one who asked made me so happy... I JUST HAD TO GO ALL OUT ON THIS POST~ And then I think I got carried away and ended up making it too long!~
I know you wanted this was just a questions 🫀 &♟️ on them:
♟️: When did you make your oc?
But it ended up being snowballed into the trial & error of creating Celty and how she wound up as the final version of herself.
🫀 : is there anything your oc and canon characters don’t like about each other?
I promise I'll get into this 🫀 A lot of people asked this. I'll get to the one soon... I wanted to do something extra special for this one... comic maybe~ (this was the one where I hinted jokingly that everyone wanted Arthur to get the couch~)
I hope this is enough & that you like it!
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From: @ceoofmetagala (Twitter)
To: @cali-kabi
Message from Santa: "Hey, when I saw I was you're santa I got very excited and could not believe it, I looked up to you a bit before! When I was a younger kirby artist I always really liked you're style, very glad to have been you're santa, I had a ton of drawing these! Heck even got to experiment a bit ! I hope you enjoy all my gifts!!!"
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maybe-arts · 4 months
i see you have a lance,chiffon why did you chose this as your weapon?
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"Papa says that one day I may learn the same - but for now I'm training how to use it with my tail as well! Then I could be even throwing it, like a dart, and pull back to me - imagine, how cool is that?!"
Kirby have also participated in Chiffon's combat training - but was quickly shooed out once it became clear his swordfighting style relays on much more raw strength, than a finesse weapon like a rapier can handle...
(Asks are open! Vote for Chiffon!)
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gethoce · 4 months
Hapoy birthday : D
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THANK YOU SO MUCH VERI!! :'> Smiling so hard right now ARGH You truly never miss drawing the Frey! 🔥🔥🔥 Late Dark Locust anniversary art HELL YEAH and Dozey is here too, the silly!!
@kirbyoctournament Valfrey is here (My birthday is technically tomorrow, June 7th, but it's almost midnight for me anyway e28ogluve2e2)
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kirbyoc-secretsanta · 8 months
My Kirby secret Santa submission!!!
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Message for giftee ( @centellazul )
Sorry I couldn't end up drawing galaxia like I wanted, I wnated to draw all 3 but I didn't have the energy so here u go either way! Have a nice day :)
from: @ceoofmetagala
to: @centellazul
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“Good luck dearie. Take this crown I’ve made myself. You are always welcome in the kingdom of Floralia. I look forward to watching you bloom and grow, and as you do, remember these words a sweet spider once told me: ‘take care of yourself little moth, not all lights are friendly’. All the same, I will be cheering you on and look forward to seeing where you go. It was a pleasure competing with you, and an honor to lose to someone so kind.”
Sorry this has taken me so long. My AC is STILL NOT FIXED but I hope you like it. 🥺
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dreamland-academy · 4 months
Fecto Flora 4 @ceoofmetagala
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heiressofdoodles · 5 months
Do you like cheese
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I heard some people can't have cheese, or at least they shouldn't...
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kirbyoctournament · 3 months
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nokk0 · 5 months
Hello fal! Do you like plantlife?
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you mean gardening, right, pon? If that's so, then yes, pon! Fal moved to Floralia not for mere interest on the old studio of Lollipop Land, Fal also moved there for the varied kinds of plants there
My Owner wasn't a enjoyer of gardening, so trying that by Fal's own is... Exciting, pon! Taranza is very good teaching Fal about the variety of plants from differents planets and others native of Floralia, pon. The meanings are attractive with no doubt and the various simbolisms of them still surprise Fal, pon
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Congratulations to Valfrey
@gethoce's Valfrey
Thank you to everyone who supported me during this journey;(to the loser bracket with me). It was such an epic well-fought fight and honestly, the most fun one I had. It really meant a lot to me that I was able to go up against a legend like @gethoce.
To @gethoce
You were such a major inspiration for me staying in the Kirby fandom... Sorry if I'm getting all sentimental, but you were the first person to do fan art of my OC (Sir Uther of KBASW). It meant a lot to me & when you said that the character design was "cool"; I thought to myself "Wow I guess I really should stay."
Thank you so much. As I've said before if I were to lose this round I'm glad it's to you.
Good luck in the next round, I'll be rooting for you!~
Also special thanks to @ceoofmetagala who has been my biggest supporter in and out of the tournament. Your comments & reblogs always give me motivation and life
And also...
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Please go vote for Fecto Flora!
And don't worry everyone I'll be sticking around until the end, still posting the tournament content (maybe not as frequently). Other than that until next time~
A preview for next year's (2025) OC :3
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Who else but Dame Morgan (Morgan Le Faye)~
And once again to all my followers thank you for putting up with all the reblogs/ and Kirby Oc tournament!
The lore that I promised gonna coming up soon!! (If we're lucky later tonight, stay tuned for that~)
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From: @plusreaderswhenever
To: @ceoofmetagala (Twitter)
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stm-pnk · 2 years
Hmm!! Parfait cookie or elffin (If you know enough bat him cause idk If you've played forgorten land yet)
ill do both ;D!!
parfait first!
sexuality - omni ace with a pref for girls!
gender - demigirl and a neopronoun user too hehehhee
ship - raspfait 💛
brotp - licofait!
notp - iii am not sure, haven't seen a bad ship around her recently
hc - prefers apple juice over orange juice
opinion - SUPER cute/10
now mint chinchilla!!!!
sexuality - panromantic ace
gender - nonbinary (just like me fr)
ship - kirbilin 💖💖
brotp - mmmm not sure..
notp - also not sure, haven't seen anything bad
hc - avid glitter glue collector
opinion - autism/10
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gethoce · 7 months
Shooting star for ultra knight given his whole universe taking over thing and cherry for hmmmm. Heiazdoze. Sure.
[💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?]
Ultra has ambitions much akin to those of Meta Knight and Marx. It wants to be the most powerful and rule over the universe, to feel like it used to when it was young same as the universe it inhabits, when everything was still at its feet. What better thing to wish for than omnipotence? Unlike Meta Knight it doesn't shy away from obtaining power cheaply rather than earning it. Honour is of no concern to it as long as it ends up being above everyone else.
[🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?]
Heiadoze loves her grandson Kirby and her son Marx, no competition, but those are obvious. She likes her son-in-law Dark Meta Knight a lot and supports women's wrongs (Susie). Flamberge and Ribbon have caught her eye as well, she just adores their attitudes.
As to who she dislikes, there is her other son-in-law, Magolor. She just can't stand him. His vibes just don't seem authentic to her. Zan Partizanne and Meta Knight are what she calls buzzkills and Bandana Dee she thinks of as a goody goody.
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