#Ceres in the 8th House:
harmoonix · 1 year
Intense Astro Observations
~ Your comfort room ~
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~ It's never easy to walk away ~
Pluto - Moon aspects can feel the pain in different ways based on the way they experience the pain, if is anger they can act feel a lot of pain, if is sadness they can have a depressive mood etc..
Sun - Moon harsh aspects could've experienced in a war between their parents, it was always something happening and always ended up hurt, these things make them stronger but with the heart on thorns
Mars - Moon aspects are getting annoyed very fast and aswell they do get angry fast, their emotions can be very powerful and tend to have a hot temper (some natives with this aspect can experience anger issues)
Chiron in the 1st house or aspecting ascendant can make the native to experience different types of healing during their life time, emotional, physical and mental, you need to learn how to heal them when you feel them
Cause I knew that that was
The last time i see you
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Mars - Chiron aspects are another indicator of someone who can experience anger issues or someone who can get violent fast, sometimes they don't understand how they react like this because of their feelings
Chiron - Neptune aspects can actually suffer of having nightmares or insomnia, especially if Neptune or Chiron are in the 6th or 12th house, the native can often have vivid dreams and experience nightmares and tend to stay late in the night
Juno in the 12th house or aspecting Neptune can often get signs in their dreams about their lovers, sometimes these can come as daydreaming for some natives
Sometimes I wake up by the door
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now, when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you
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Venus, Mercury, Saturn or Moon in the 11th house are the people who have loyal friendships/friends, for Saturn in this house the friends can appear in your life later or after you learn a lessons about friendships
8th house placements can experience grief or loss of someone in very sad and harsh ways, they can be broken mentally and emotionally disconnected from everything, in these situations their souls and hearts have a healing episode trying to heal
Pluto - Asc aspects and Lilith - ascendant aspects can often get blamed or accused for things they never did, and experience this "They started first, they did it first" kind of thing, people blaming you and you did nothing, makes you feel bad and hurt, your mentally strong babes 🙏🏼❤️
Is very hard to make someone to feel loved when they were hurt and couldn't feel nothing for a lot of times, that's what Pluto - Sun and Pluto - Saturn aspects can experience
Venus - Moon/Venus Pluto aspects are having this "I don't want anyone else just you", these natives love so much and can feel so much love towards their partners while Venus and Saturn aspects have this "You're the one for me" energy, because it can be very fated for them to met
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Moon - Saturn aspects have indeed a very sensbile soul, they experience anxiety, panic attacks and a lot of phobias from very young ages and carry this "Fighter/Warrior" title on their head, they can get hurt easily and when karma comes back for those who hurt them it's unforgivable
South Node harsly aspecting Saturn/Moon can often have this "I always wanted to feel loved but my heart is empty" this aspect usually means problems with their family and the native was not loved properly
"I love but you i can't let you go" is someone with Lilith - Moon aspects can experience, they get attached very fast and become posesive of the person they attached to
"Learn what love means and then fight trying to make it work" is what Saturn - Venus/Saturn in the 7th, 8th and 5th houses and Saturn - Moon/Sun aspects can experience
"Love can be unpredictable, and it can hit when you don't expect it at all but it comes with a price" is what Uranus - Venus/Venus - Pluto and Venus - Mars aspects can experience
Neptune - Ascendant aspects and Neptune - Sun aspects can often experience flashbacks from their past and it can happen very often, talking with someone about a thing and then your mind goes back to something you experienced in the past
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Chiron - Moon aspects can actually have a very hard time to get over bad feelings or bad moments that happen in their life, and it can happen for them to be very hard on themselves
Chiron in the 12th house could have a wound that implies their spiritual beliefs or their subconscious can be hurt, let's say that they could've had a very hard past life and some memories from that certain past life would come in dreams in this life (Chiron in the 12th house is such an interesting thing to have in a birth chart and can represent so many things I would need a whole post to talk about this placement i love it)
Chiron - Asteroid Nessus 7066 aspects can indicate having a hard time to heal from abuse/trauma/bad things happening in your life but aswell as having an "re-birth" after something traumatic can happen on your life
Vesta (4) in harsh aspects with Venus/Moon are the meaning of "No matter how kind you are, you can still get hurt". They usually are very kind people but it can happen for them to be so hurt
Juno (3) in harsh aspects with Ceres (1) shows that you need some amount of nurturing and love in relationships and the same can happen for your spouse they can be the type of people who got hurt pretty often and need this nurturing,love, support etc..I feel like people with these aspects love harder/different and can happen to need a lot of physical touch/love
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🥀 Hello dear people 🤩, How have you beeeen? Sorry for not being so active it seems that some countries get holiday way faster than others 😭 anyway it is so warm outside it literally kills me because i don't really like this much warm (I prefer cold seasons more😭). I hope everyone stays safe because the climate change is no joke at all, please make sure to drink enough water or something cold to keep your body in a good state with such a warm climate 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
🌩️ About my post this is an interesting topic for me because usually there are good sides of astrology but of course there are gonna be some darker sides aswell 🌩️ If you have placements from this post that doesn't mean you are having bad placements it just means your placements can be more intense than others which is perfectly fine 🫶🏼🌩️
🩵 Much love and good energy for everyone reading my post, have an wonderful day angels🩵
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astrologged · 2 years
Pallas in the signs and houses
Pallas, also known as Pallas Athena, is an asteroid in astrology that is associated with wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence.
Pallas in the signs
Pallas in Aries: A strategic thinker who likes to take charge and lead. May be good at starting projects but less interested in finishing them.
Pallas in Taurus: A practical and resourceful thinker who values stability and security. May be skilled in financial management or the arts.
Pallas in Gemini: A versatile and adaptable thinker who can see multiple perspectives. May excel in communication, teaching, or writing.
Pallas in Cancer: An intuitive and empathetic thinker who is skilled at nurturing others. May have a strong emotional intelligence and be skilled in psychology or social work.
Pallas in Leo: A creative and confident thinker who likes to be in the spotlight. May excel in the arts or entertainment industries.
Pallas in Virgo: A precise and analytical thinker who pays attention to details. May excel in fields that require a scientific or technical approach.
Pallas in Libra: A diplomatic and fair-minded thinker who values harmony and balance. May excel in law, mediation, or politics.
Pallas in Scorpio: A perceptive and strategic thinker who likes to uncover hidden truths. May excel in research, investigation, or psychology.
Pallas in Sagittarius: An optimistic and philosophical thinker who values freedom and exploration. May excel in education, philosophy, or travel.
Pallas in Capricorn: A practical and disciplined thinker who values hard work and achievement. May excel in business, finance, or politics.
Pallas in Aquarius: An innovative and unconventional thinker who values progress and individuality. May excel in science, technology, or social activism.
Pallas in Pisces: A compassionate and imaginative thinker who is skilled at connecting with others. May excel in creative fields such as music, poetry, or film.
Pallas in the houses
Pallas in the 1st house: is strategic and independent in their thinking, skilled in leadership or self-promotion.
Pallas in the 2nd house: is practical and resourceful in their thinking, and may excel in finance or the arts.
Pallas in the 3rd house: is versatile and adaptable in their thinking, and may excel in communication, teaching, or writing.
Pallas in the 4th house: is intuitive and empathetic in their thinking, and may be skilled in psychology or social work.
Pallas in the 5th house: is creative and confident in their thinking, and may excel in the arts or entertainment industries.
Pallas in the 6th house: is precise and analytical in their thinking, and may excel in fields that require a scientific or technical approach.
Pallas in the 7th house: is diplomatic and fair-minded in their thinking, and may excel in law, mediation, or politics.
Pallas in the 8th house: is perceptive and strategic in their thinking, and may excel in research, investigation, or psychology.
Pallas in the 9th house: is optimistic and philosophical in their thinking, and may excel in education, philosophy, or travel.
Pallas in the 10th house: is practical and disciplined in their thinking, and may excel in business, finance, or politics.
Pallas in the 11th house: is innovative and unconventional in their thinking, and may excel in science, technology, or social activism.
Pallas in the 12th house: is compassionate and imaginative in their thinking, and may excel in creative fields such as music, poetry, or film.
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suniverseastro · 2 years
Astrology observation #4
Hello guyssssssss <3 welcome back to my AO. Have a nice dayy, my bestie
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🧜‍♀️🧝‍♂️ Moon in Pisces has very good intuition, they are very emotional, forgiving, dreamers, their minds easily get lost in some beautiful fairy world or lively and interesting animation scenes to watch. hide from the cruel, difficult reality when they are in trouble. They are the ones who find it difficult to say no, possibly because they themselves fear the feeling of rejection. But my babies, you are an individual, use your precious time on things that make you feel meaningful! 🥰🧚‍♀️🧝‍♂️🧙🧝‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧜‍♀️
+ They often like to drink different kinds of drinks, beer, wine, carbonated water, etc. Some people use drugs. if their planet ceres is conjugated with another planet, it is a better thing for them to choose foods that are good for the body such as: vegetables, soy drinks, fresh juices, fish, … instead because of instant food or other stimulants
The hybrid sun sign is quite interesting, they have a bit of a mix of both signs that make others feel they are not too rigid but they are also unpredictable; In the position of the moon, the hybrid sign is not very clear, but it also has the same expression. idk
Children whose mothers (or female adopters) belong to the Libra sun/moon in childhood often feel very fond of and clingy to them and grow up they also want to find a life partner with the same qualities: loving, romantic, caring, sensitive, artistic, loving beauty, elegant, good at communication
🤓🤩🥳 Moon in saggitarius: are extremely free people, love freedom, need freedom and they can build a life with an open mind, can discuss freely about many areas of the world
Moon in Libra: sorry but to be honest, you are a person who often evaluates the appearance and style of other people's clothes, maybe just because of the appearance factor, you will be satisfied with them despite their inner feelings like how. Beauty is very important to you. However, you are a very peaceful person inside, many people often see you easily in conversation with the surrounding circle.
👻 Given Pluto's conjunction with the big 6, people are often attracted to and curious about their sexuality and sex , even though they don't intend to show it. Natural attraction
Raise your hand if you have sun+1 planet in moon/venus/mercury in 5th houseeeee = good chef
😂🤣 Venus leo + venus sagittarius = talk to each other so funny :v venus leo is more protective of the other in a relationship
When 8th house in Pisces or planet, you will be reminded to pay attention to your subconscious until you transform it to combine both dream and reality. It seems to be a heavy experience or each person will go through a different journey or transformation, be it in a dream, the threat of death, etc.
👩‍🍼👨‍🍼 Venus Cancer is really kind, they appreciate loyalty, are very caring, willing to do everything for their loved ones, family, children, they are also very sweet, sensitive people. feel and protect
🔮 If there is a good aspect between the asteroid Circe(34) and Mercury: your words carry power so pay attention to your words
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venus-moon-mars · 9 months
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Ceres in Scorpio
P12 of the astrology scrapbook chart
Reminder, all descriptions and art used in these scrapbooks are not mine. If you see something that belongs to you in these, feel free to let me know ^_^
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
Solar return observation ☀️
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
🌿 My masterlist
Let's go !!
🧡 sun in the 8th house means there can be a heightened interest in the occult, astrology, spirituality or the hidden aspects of life. You might find yourself drawn to exploring the mysteries of existence, delving into psychological or esoteric studies.
🧡 Saturn in 11th house means you may find that some friendships are tested, leading to the realisation of which connections are truly meaningful and worth maintaining.
🧡 Moon in the 12th house means you might feel a desire to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life to spend more time alone. this can be beneficial for introspection and self discovery but be mindful of not becoming too isolated.
🧡 part of fortune in 5th house - if you are involved in any form of performance or entertainment such as acting, dancing or public speaking this can be a highly successful and rewarding year.
🧡 Uranus in the 1st house means others may see you as exciting ,dynamic and unpredictable. your unique qualities and originality can attract attention and admiration.
🧡 Groom conjunct Vertex- you may meet your fs that year.
🧡 Boda conjunct sun - either you will get married or engaged.
🧡 Juno in 7th house means you might have a clear vision of what you want in a partner and what you expect from a relationship.
🧡 if you have North node in 12th house then pay close attention to your dreams and intuitive insights as they can provide valuable guidance and messages from your subconscious.
🧡 Taurus rising means you may find yourself drawn to comfort and luxury more than usual.
🧡 Venus in 10th house means others perceive you as charming ,attractive and likable.
🧡 Mars in 4th house may signify conflicts with family members.
🧡 Capricorn mc means you are likely to prioritize long term planning and stability in your career. you may take steps to secure your future whether through investments ,career advancements or building a solid professional network.
🧡 if you have Vertex in your 6th house then it's a time to pay attention to your physical well-being and perhaps make positive changes to your health routines.
🧡 Jupiter in 2nd house can inspire a spirit of generosity and philanthropy. you may feel inclined to share your wealth or resources with others contributing to charitable causes or supporting those in need.
🧡 Groom conjunct POF - meeting with your significant other/ spouse.
🧡 Sagittarius stellium - frequent travels.
🧡 if you are married and want a baby and if you have 5th house stellium, then you can expect your pregnancy that year. Congratulations 🎉
🧡 Ceres in 5th house also a indicator of being pregnant.
🧡 Saturn in 4th house - family problems can occur.
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🧡 Pluto in 7th house - issues of power and control may become prominent in your relationships Both in romantic and platonic.
🧡 Uranus in 10th house - sudden changes or unexpected developments in your career.
🧡 leo rising means this year you may find yourself drawn to activities or situations that allow you to shine and Captivate others with your enthusiasm and charm.
🧡 sun conjunct juno means your relationships may become more visible or influential in your public or professional life during this period.
🧡Moon in 2nd house suggests emotional support or financial contributions from family members or closed loved ones.
🧡 Jupiter in 12th house - you may be drawn to meditation, dream analysis, or psychological studies that help you understand hidden aspects of your psyche and spiritual self.
🧡1st house stellium can indicate a fresh start or a new chapter of your life., Can influence your physical appearance too.
🧡moon in 5th house means a focus on nurturing your inner child.
🧡 Uranus in 5th house can indicate unexpected romantic connections or surprises in relationships.
🧡north node in 1st house indicates a sense of restlessness and a desire for new experiences.
🧡 Jupiter in 7th house - marriage can occur.
🧡 Chiron in the 10th house means that the year will bring a focus on healing and mentorship in your career and public image.
🧡 Venus conjunct saturn means fear of loss and abandonment in romantic relationships.
🧡 Fama conjunct ascendent/ in 1st house/ 11th house / 10th house means gaining fame / recognition/ reputation that year.
🧡 if fama it's in 7th house then your relationship may bring fame.
🧡 Webb (3041) conjunct groom meaning gaining fame with your partner in social media.
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Ends here.....
✨ solar return indicators
Thanks for reading.
- Piko ✨
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pearlprincess02 · 2 months
style guide: ARIES EDITION
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rihanna - jupiter in 1st house, james dean - uranus & chiron & north node in 1st house, kendall jenner, miuccia prada - sun & north node in 1st house, barbra streisand - sun & mercury in 1st house, penélope cruz - sun & mercury in 1st house, cardi b - moon in 1st house, sophie turner - moon & venus & part of fortune in 1st house, amber rose - moon & juno in 1st house, nikki reed, shakira - chiron in 1st house, stevie nicks - north node in 1st house, vinnie hacker - ceres in 1st house,
style aesthetic: bold & dramatic, leather chic, modern minimalism, rockstar vibes, athleisure luxe, metallic accents, animal prints, vintage with a twist, unexpected mixes, sunglasses as statement pieces, red, orange, and black
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marilyn monroe - venus in 9th house, audrey hepburn - venus in 1st house, elizabeth taylor - venus in 4th house, mariah carey - venus in 12th house, lady gaga - venus in 11th house, gigi hadid - venus in 12th house, rihanna - venus in 12th house, jennifer aniston - venus in 6th house, shakira - venus in 12th house, cristiano ronaldo - venus in 3rd house, gigi hadid - venus in 12th house, keira knightley - (unknown), cate blanchett - venus in 11th house, melanie martinez - venus in 5th house, tyler, the creator - venus in 9th house, sarah jessica parker - venus in 11th house, eva longoria - venus in 5th house, janet jackson - venus in 5th house, millie bobby brown - venus in 8th house, suga - (unknown), sarah michelle gellar - (unknown), madison beer - venus in 11th house, helena bonham carter - (unknown), gal gadot - (unknown), emma chamberlain - venus in 3rd house,
style aesthetic: confident & playful, bold & romantic, leather with lace, athletic luxe, fiercely feminine, metallic accents, graphic prints, tailored pantsuits, bold blazers, vintage with a modern twist, bold jewelry, statement sunglasses, and eye-catching hats, gold, silver, red, orange, and hot pink!
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tyra banks - moon & mars & chiron in 10th house, kayne west - venus & mars & chiron & part of fortune in 10th house, angelina jolie - jupiter & chiron & ceres in 10th house, céline dion - moon & mars & saturn & north node in 10th house, cameron diaz - chiron in 10th house, julia roberts - north node & lilith in 10th house, sharon tate, meghan markle, the weeknd - pallas & part of fortune in 10th house, jessica lange - sun & mercury & venus & mars & north node & part of fortune in 10th house, jennette mccurdy - moon & mars & juno in 10th house, danielle fishel - sun & mercury & venus & mars & chiron in 10th house, kate moss - mars & chiron in 10th house, cindy crawford,
style aesthetic: tailored suits, sharp blazers, crisp shirts, bold statement necklace, a brightly colored pocket square, a unique pair of shoes, bold eyewear, orange, black, white, grey, red power suit, a red statement scarf, and red accents
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selena gomez - venus in leo, elizabeth II - venus in pisces, kourtney kardashian - venus in pisces, beyoncé - venus in libra, katy perry - venus in sagittarius, zayn malik - venus in pisces, angelina jolie - venus in cancer, cameron diaz - venus in cancer, nabilla benattia - venus in capricorn, audrey hepburn - venus in aries, blake lively - venus in virgo, anna nicole smith - venus in libra, avril lavigne - venus in scorpio, jude law - venus in sagittarius , rachel mcadams - venus in scoprio, halsey - venus in scoprio, doja cat - venus in scorpio, priyanka chopra - venus in gemini, olivia rodrigo - venus in capricorn, nina dobrev - venus in sagittarius, madison bailey - venus in pisces, damiano david - venus in aquarius, maggie lindemann - venus in cancer, elle fanning - venus in pisces, olivia holt - venus in virgo, mina - venus in aries, sophie turner - venus in aries, isaac mizrah - venus in virgo,
style aesthetic: flowy fabrics, pastel colors, silk fabrics statement jewelry, natural textures, well-fitting clothes, minimal makeup, unique color combinations, unexpected layering, vintage pieces, bold statement piece, a head-to-toe monochromatic look, eye-catching earrings, handcrafted pieces, unique materials, a touch of lace, soft pinks, baby blues, lavenders
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kim kardashian - neptune in sagittarius, paris hilton - neptune in sagittarius, kylie jenner - neptune in capricorn, ariana grande - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), scarlett johansson - neptune in capricorn, eminem - neptune in sagittarius (conj. asc), nicole kidman - neptune in scorpio, marilyn monroe - neptune in leo (opp. moon), damiano david - neptune in aquarius (conj. venus & tri. moon), björk - neptune in scorpio (conj. asc), nelly furtado - neptune in sagittarius (conj. asc), perrie edwards - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), dave franco - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), river phoenix - neptune in scorpio (opp. moon), lil peep - neptune in capricorn (opp. moon), lorde - neptun in capricorn (tri. moon), sofia richie - neptune in capricorn (tri. moon),
makeup style: dreamy & ethereal, soft washes of color, shimmery textures,  makeup uses cool tones, metallics, glitter, glowing skin, lightweight foundations, highlighter for a natural glow, graphic eyeliner designs, whimsical lashes, soft & natural lips, smoky eyes with a twist, smoky purples, teals, touch of silver, lavender, muted purples, blues, greens soft pinks, peaches
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kleopatra45 · 3 months
Asteroid Ceres (1)
Asteroid Ceres (1) in astrology represents nurturing, caregiving, and maternal instincts. Its placement in a birth chart influences how one nurtures and seeks nurturing from others. Ceres signifies emotional sustenance, family dynamics, and the ability to create a nurturing environment. Understanding Ceres' position reveals fundamental aspects of one's approach to care and emotional fulfillment in relationships and personal life.
Ceres in the Houses
Ceres in the 1st House: This placement suggests that nurturing and caretaking are integral to your identity and self-expression. You may have a nurturing presence and be seen as someone who takes care of others. Your personal growth and well-being may be closely tied to how you nurture yourself and others. Ceres in the 2nd House: Material security and values are important themes in your nurturing style. You may find fulfillment in providing for others or being provided for in practical ways. Financial stability and comfort may play a significant role in your nurturing relationships. Ceres in the 3rd House: Communication and intellectual stimulation are emphasized in your nurturing approach. You may express care and support through conversations, teaching, or sharing knowledge. Siblings and neighbors may play nurturing roles in your life. Ceres in the 4th House: Family and home are central to your nurturing style. You find fulfillment in creating a nurturing environment at home and may take on caregiving roles within your family. Your emotional security is closely tied to your sense of belonging and domestic harmony. Ceres in the 5th House: Creativity, playfulness, and children (if applicable) are emphasized in how you nurture and express care. You may find joy in creative activities with loved ones or in nurturing the inner child. Romantic relationships may involve a nurturing and supportive dynamic. Ceres in the 6th House: Service, health, and routines are integral to your nurturing approach. You may express care through practical acts of service or by promoting well-being in others. Work environments and daily routines may provide opportunities for nurturing interactions. Ceres in the 7th House: This placement suggests that nurturing and partnership are intertwined. You may express care through committed relationships or seek partners who provide nurturing support. Collaboration and mutual care are important in your relationships. Ceres in the 8th House: Intimacy, shared resources, and transformation play significant roles in your nurturing style. You may nurture through deep emotional connections or by supporting others through life transitions. Issues of trust and vulnerability are part of your nurturing dynamics. Ceres in the 9th House: Philosophy, beliefs, and higher learning influence how you nurture others. You may nurture through sharing wisdom, cultural experiences, or spiritual guidance. Travel and exploration may provide nurturing opportunities. Ceres in the 10th House: Career, public image, and achievement are important in how you express nurturing qualities. You may nurture through leadership roles, mentoring, or by achieving goals that benefit others. Your nurturing style may influence your professional life. Ceres in the 11th House: Friendships, social causes, and group activities are emphasized in your nurturing approach. You may nurture through community involvement, humanitarian efforts, or by supporting friends in their aspirations. Group dynamics play a nurturing role in your life. Ceres in the 12th House: Spirituality, compassion, and hidden strengths are integral to your nurturing style. You may nurture through acts of service, healing, or by providing emotional support behind the scenes. Intuitive and empathetic qualities enhance your nurturing abilities.
Ceres in the Signs
Aries: Ceres in Aries nurtures through independence, action, and self-discovery. You may nurture others by encouraging their autonomy and supporting their initiatives. Taurus: Ceres in Taurus nurtures through stability, sensuality, and practical support. You provide nurturing care by creating a secure and comfortable environment. Gemini: Ceres in Gemini nurtures through communication, intellectual engagement, and adaptability. You support others by sharing knowledge and engaging in lively conversations. Cancer: Ceres in Cancer nurtures through emotional support, home, and family. You provide nurturing care by creating a nurturing home environment and offering empathetic understanding. Leo: Ceres in Leo nurtures through generosity, creativity, and warmth. You express nurturing care by celebrating others' uniqueness and encouraging their creative self-expression. Virgo: Ceres in Virgo nurtures through practical assistance, organization, and attention to detail. You provide nurturing care by offering practical solutions and reliable support. Libra: Ceres in Libra nurtures through harmony, fairness, and cooperation. You express nurturing care by promoting balance in relationships and encouraging mutual respect. Scorpio: Ceres in Scorpio nurtures through depth, intimacy, and transformation. You provide nurturing care by supporting others through emotional challenges and promoting personal growth. Sagittarius: Ceres in Sagittarius nurtures through optimism, exploration, and freedom. You offer nurturing care by expanding others' horizons and encouraging their independence. Capricorn: Ceres in Capricorn nurtures through responsibility, discipline, and long-term goals. You express nurturing care by providing stability and supporting others' ambitions. Aquarius: Ceres in Aquarius nurtures through innovation, humanitarianism, and progressive ideas. You provide nurturing care by fostering individuality and promoting social change. Pisces: Ceres in Pisces nurtures through compassion, spirituality, and creativity. You offer nurturing care by providing emotional support, inspiring dreams, and fostering healing.
Ceres in Aspects
Conjunctions: A conjunction of Ceres with another planet intensifies the influence of that planet on your nurturing style and relationships. For example, Ceres conjunct Venus emphasizes nurturing through love and harmony, while Ceres conjunct Mars highlights nurturing through assertiveness and action. Sextiles and Trines: These harmonious aspects indicate ease and support in integrating the energies of Ceres and the other planet involved. For example, Ceres sextile Mercury suggests smooth communication and intellectual nurturing, while Ceres trine Jupiter indicates nurturing through growth and expansion. Squares and Oppositions: These challenging aspects can indicate tension or conflict that needs to be addressed in nurturing and caregiving dynamics. For example, Ceres square Saturn might indicate issues with boundaries or responsibilities in caregiving, while Ceres opposition Uranus could highlight a need to balance independence with nurturing connections.
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astroismypassion · 6 months
Astrology observations 🌞🌞🌞
Credit @astroismypassion
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🌞 Taurus Venus child in the family is known to be someone “you need a lot of money for”, they are the high maintenance of the family. They are also quite particular in how they want their things to be made, for example no homemade coffee, just Starbucks.
🌞 Aries Sun, Venus and Mars need their windows open for fresh air as often as possible. They feel as there constantly no air in the room.
🌞 Pisces Vesta women don’t compete with other women for male attention or approval ever. They also have a very “if you can steal him, then you can also have him” mentality.
🌞 Libra Vesta native has a lot of female friends.
🌞 There is a reason why Taurus Venus is actually really good at shopping (and it’s probably their favourite hobby as well). It’s because they find the best price.
🌞 I have not met a single Scorpio or Aries Moon that does not like rap, R’n’B or hip hop.
🌞 Aries Moon woman or man was often not picked as the crush or romantic interest when younger. That’s why some of them have player vibe around them when older. Because they want to know how does it feel to have options.
🌞 Also, for some reason Aries Moons often attract people that don’t want to commit or are scared of partnerships.
🌞 I noticed that Scorpio Venus often has very private partnership later with age. And the reason for this privacy was because when they were younger, their relationship was super public. Or other people got involved, had their opinions about the relationship.
🌞 I noticed Aquarius Suns really don’t have a lot committed partnerships when younger or may stay single in their younger years when their peers are dating.
🌞 Ceres being like a “second Moon sign” indicates also the traits of your own mother. But also how you might act as a parent yourself, most likely your parenting style.
🌞 Cancer Vesta is often found in a Natal chart of a native that is part of a family that has had daughters every family generation.
🌞 The beauty of having Scorpio Venus is absolutely transforming your lovers, but the downside is low self-worth and that’s when jealousy kicks in.
🌞 I think that the placement that often ends up thinking that they will stay forever alone is Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Jupiter, Sun Uranus aspects or Sun at an Aquarius degree, especially women. But the reason for this is often in younger years, they attract unserious people, that’s why they rather stay single. These people also have very high self-love! So it takes them a lot to enjoy someone else’s company.
🌞 Libra Ceres has a tendency for dramatic partnerships, they experience high highs and low lows.
🌞 Virgo or Gemini and Aquarius placement always find each other. Both live pondering on life. And often Aquarius Sun is found in a partnership with someone who has a Virgo or Gemini Moon I noticed. One celebrity example is Matthew McConaughey who has a Virgo Moon and his wife Camila who is an Aquarius Sun.
🌞 Sagittarius Mars women love a partner that is very very fun, but often end up attracting someone who doesn’t take life seriously.
🌞 I think Gemini and Virgo Venus, also Venus in the 6th house are the only people who get “impersonal” compliments, such as “I love how you take care of yourself” rather than relating something with their physical appearance, style.
🌞 Composite Capricorn Rising might experience either family supporting the connection or family being “open enemies” against the connection. Also, they deal with a lot of pregnancy scares.
🌞 I noticed Scorpio Moon or Moon in the 8th house and those with Moon Pluto aspects tend to develop feelings for whoever they spend the most time with! Because it takes them a long, long time to get truly comfortable with someone.
Credit @astroismypassion
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cinnamonnangel · 8 months
🌟 Wealth in Astrology 🌟
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealth ・✧•°
Taurus, Libra Sun
Taurus, Libra Rising
Taurus Stellium
Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn or Pisces Venus (especially 27°,28°,29°)
Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces Jupiter
Gemini Venus (especially 8th house)
27°, 28° and 29° signs or planets
29° Cancer (the millionaire degree - wealthy family)
Earth / Water grand trine
Stellium in the 2nd, 5th or 11th house
2nd or 8th house ruler conjunct Jupiter
Sun in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in the auspicious houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th)
Sun conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus conjunct Mc
Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Mars / Pluto aspects
Venus conjunct Saturn
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Venus trine Uranus
Venus, Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, 11th house
Venus, Jupiter, Pluto conjunct in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Venus conjunct or opposition Pluto
Jupiter conjunct / trine / square Saturn
Jupiter conjunct Pluto (the millionaire aspect)
Jupiter trine Pluto
Uranus, Venus / Jupiter aspects (unexpected wealth)
Pluto in the 2nd house
North Node in the 2nd or 11th house
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Part of fortune conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Ceres conjunct or trine Venus / Jupiter
IC/MC at 0°
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealthy husband ・✧•°
Strong Sun, Jupiter, 7th and 8th house
Taurus or Libra Mc
Taurus, Libra or Sagittarius in the 7th house or lord of the house
Venus conjunct Jupiter (especially 7th, 8th and 10th house)
Jupiter, Venus in the 2nd, 8th or 10th house
Jupiter in the 7th house or Jupiter Dsc aspects
Saturn in the 7th house or lord of the house
Saturn, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 7th house
7th house ruler at 27°, 28°, 29°
7th house ruler in the 8th or 10th house
7th house ruler conjunct / trine Jupiter and Venus
7th house ruled by Saturn and conjunct Jupiter, Venus
7th house ruler conjunct Venus and Jupiter at 27°, 28°, 29°
8th house ruled by Jupiter
8th house ruler in the 7th house
8th house ruler conjunct / trine Venus and Jupiter
10th house stellium (especially Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Sagittarius)
29° Cancer in the 7th or 10th house (wealthy family)
Part of fortune in the 7th or 8th house
Part of fortune, 7th or 8th house ruler trine/ conjunct
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harmoonix · 8 months
Eye of the hurricane
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(Short Astrology Observations)
🌪️- Chiron in Scorpio/8th or Chiron in Scorpio Degrees [8°, 20°] can be afraid to be intimate with their partners, or they can be anxious when it comes to intimacy
🌪️- Sun/Uranus/Neptune in the 12th house are half between the worlds, with one foot in the real world and with one foot in their subconscious world/spiritual
🌪️- Moon aspecting Pluto can sense energies for example they can have sense when they're being followed or watched by others
🌪️ - Chiron in Pisces/Chiron at Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) and Chiron in the 12th house will have to end some karmic pain/wounds from their past lives in this current one
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🌪️ - Neptune in the 1st house can get into a state of realization a bit harder than others, they usually tend to dream with their eyes open
🌪️ - Uranus aspecting asteroid Psyche (16) will make the native so much intuitive. Having these aspects will feel like a lightning striking the sky.
🌪️ - Psyche in Taurus or in the 2nd house can make the native gracious/ they can be blessed by Venus with grace/elegance and romance
🌪️ - People with Pluto aspecting the ascendant can get hate and envy without a reason, they're like in the middle of the fight and still the one who gets blamed 100% times
🌪️ - Saturn in the 12th and 6th house have a hard time to focus on themselves, in their lives they mostly focused on others instead of themselves and that can cause a chaos between soul & body
🌪️ - Ceres (1) in the 1st house is already a big indicator that you need to nurture yourself, you could've have been hurt a lot in your past and that caused pain in your life
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🌪️ - Mars in air and fire signs (yang energy) wil feel very attracted or pulled in by the men around them. Is not like you are attracted by them but you rather are pulled in their circle of energy
🌪️ - Mars in the 11th house will be that friend who laughs when you do something wrong but still supporting you in some friendly way
🌪️ - Mercury in the 7th house cannot function in a relationship where there is not communication a lot. Omg guys please stay away from people who don't like to communicate their feelings because you'll get hurt so much
🌪️ - Mercury ascendant in your persona chart can indicate how are you at your best when you're communicating/expressing yourself fx Leo Rising may like to talk about self esteem and that will make them feel better
🌪️ - Destinn asteroid (6583) in Libra or Taurus cand end up being in a place predominant with fashion/art/style/glamour
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🌪️ - Air Risings feel like a breeze of air in your life, they won't judge you or pull you down but rather they will be staying supporting always and they're so open-minded everything
🌪️ - Midheaven in Sagittarius or in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) can have luck when choosing for a career/job because Jupiter rules that specific house of theirs
🌪️ - Venus in Capricorn/Venus in the 4th/Venus in Cancer house can look after an traditional relationship and traditional household
🌪️ - Sun at 4°, 16° 28° degrees (Cancer Degrees) when they get hurt sometimes these natives try to manipulate people emotionally
🌪️ - Mars in the 3rd house may enjoy riding cars/motorcycles/bicycles/ etc.. Or they can find satisfaction in these things
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🌪️ - Cancer Moons or Moon in the 4th house. They can try to be like their mothers but they could also get the toxic traits from their mothers aswell
🌪️ - Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Midheaven natives can be so indecisive when it comes to choosing the right path for them, because they can have more options to choose from and it can end up promising
🌪️ - Juno in Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) or Juno in the 12th house are looking for a lasting romantic relationship, they want to feel romantic and make their partners to feel the same
🌪️ - Moon aspecting Venus (all aspects), i can't find the perfect words to describe this but, they can search all their lives for their partners and it can get pretty sad if they lose the hope for finding "the one" fated for them
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H a r m o o n i x
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astrologydayz · 8 months
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KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 CONJUNCT/SQUARE SADO ASTEROID - 118230 IN A MAN'S CHART = a man who can get VERY sadistic towards the women he gets sexual with. No boundaries, & def no rules. He want2punish, be cruel & humiliate. He gets sexual pleasure, & sexual excitement from seeing women in pain/by hearing their "cries". Biting, choking, name calling, spanking, whipping, beatings, & using restraints are 9/10 times used in practice here, 2 inflict pain onto the women he sleeps with/has a sexual relationship with🩸⛓. Not4the "weak".
WOMEN WHO GOT DICK ASTEROID - 17458 CONJUNCT/SQUARE THEIR SADO ASTEROID - 118230 = same as above, just vice versa with genders𓀏.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE DICK ASTEROID - 17458 = sexually attracted2 dick/dicks - balls/gets turned on when they're fucking a man/gets fucked by a man/when they're pleasuring a dick. They're usually not embarrassed about it here - sometimes they're even proud about it/they feel good about it. If this is a man, &he's not into guys = can show that he's amazing at pleasuring himself/that he's horny, A LOT. If this is a woman & she's into women = can show that she's literally being met with horny men who tries 2 get into her pants, pretty often.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 = sexually attracted2pussy/gets turned on like crazy, when they're having sex with a woman/when they're pleasuring a woman. They're usually not embarrassed about it here - sometimes they're even proud about it/they feel good about it. If this is a women &she's not into women = can show that she's very good at pleasuring herself/that she's horny, A LOT. If this is a man, & he's into men = can show that he's literally being met with horny women who tries 2 get into his pants, pretty often.
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BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MERCURY = loves dirty talking, and they're good at it2. The nastier the better usually, &they can also be really into choking, light or hard - whatever they're in the mood4/whatever they're into. BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT PLUTO IN A MAN'S CHART = has some very dark fantasies/fetishes that he keeps very close 2his dick. Won't tell anyone about them, only them he gets sexual with, &feel REALLY FUCKING comfortable with. He can have some "dark" sexual secrets2 - people can get shocked, bc they would never expect something like that from him. Sometimes it's some really crazy shit they're into.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 IN A MAN'S CHART can show a man forcing himself 2 like pussy. Like he can force himself 2 have sex with women, even tho he doesn't enjoy/like it. Can def show a man hiding in the closet/hiding he's really into men.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN A WOMAN'S CHART = Same as above, can show a women forcing herself 2 like dick. She can force herself2 have sex with men even tho she doesn't enjoy/like it. Can show a woman hiding in the closet/hiding she's really into women.
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 = lusting after people they see/meet online/they can be really into porn - whatever kind they're into/or they can get turned on like crazy when making sex tapes - 2put out online👅📸.
CERES CONJUNCT CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN A MAN'S CHART usually has some kind of fetish involving around being "mothered". "Mommy issues"/mommy kinks shows up here a lot. They get off by someone taking care of all their "needs", like a child almost. They're really sexually attracted2 "motherly"/real loving/nurturing types. 8TH HOUSE RULER IN 10TH HOUSE can show a person having sex with people they mentor, or gets mentored by/with people they can meet in public/"older people"/with people who's famous - "high rank" in whatever - "power"/with people they work with later in life. It can actually also show a person waiting a long time before even doing something sexual/having sex. Public sex scandals can def also show up here.
8TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can show a person having sex with friends, or friends friends/with multiple people/with people they collaborate with/with people who makes their dreams come true/with people who's all about doing something amazing for our world at large - or our communities.
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8TH HOUSE IN LEO IN A WOMAN'S CHART shows us a woman who's sexually attracted2 people who's very out there - 2people who's in the "spotlight", &2 people who's very expressive and not afraid 2 put on a "show". She wants 2 be praised, admired, &2 be bathed in compliments - she needs that reassurance, baby. She's sexually attracted2 someone who doesn't give up/someone who stands their ground and doesn't budge even tho they stand alone/attracted2 leader types/loyal people. She finds successful, creative, & assured, but kind alpha types sexy as a mf. She needs2 be impressed before she will even consider jumping into bed with someone. Attracted 2 strong jawlines/hair/2backs/feline features. PEOPLE WITH Priapus asteroid - h22 OPPOSITE THEIR PLUTO can have a really hard time with controlling themselves sexually at times - It goes up and down. One moment they're perfectly in control, & in the next = can't control their sexual urges/desires, & ends up giving in, & overdoing it by mileeees. It can get prettyyy crazy, when they can't control themselves. It happens on & off/in periods tho.
IF A MAN GOT HIS CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN CANCER = Usually loooooves2 cum inside somebody. He can also love the thought of impregnating a woman - if he's into women ofc. Loves 2 ejaculate onto breasts/chests/stomachs2.
MOIRA ASTEROID - 638 CONJUNCT 8TH HOUSE can show fated hookups/fated sexual experiences🫦.
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VENUS/EROS IN LIBRA/AT 7, 19° = LIBRA DEGREE 🧡 points2 someone wanting a fair, intelligent, balanced, &physical lover. They need someone who’s comfortable in their own skin/in who they are, & comfortable with handling things in a calm, & fair manner. They do not stand for being treated unfairly. They can be enamoured by beautiful people, & be swayed if u got manners, & always stands up for the underdog. They're sexually attracted2 people who helps others/stands up for others, &2 people who's clear, & comfortable in their own feelings. They’re typically really into romantic gestures- romantic gifts, letters, songs, dinners, romantic getaways/vacations etc. They wanna feel like they're the only one for their partner. They love the teasing, & the romance before getting sexual!
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
✨Astro Observations for those who think they're stupid when they're actually smart✨
✨Mutable risings are the "funny yet depressed" friend that is always trying to make sure everyone is okay and having a good time
✨Out of all the placements Aquarius is the only one I don't have a definitive standpoint on. Not a single one has something in common with another.
✨5th house placements are obsessed with reality tv while 11th house placements are obsessed with internet drama
✨Saturn in the 6th house natives are very likely to get plastic surgery for their weight
✨I keep reading on here that people know Taurus Moons that cook? I am sorry but since when instant noodles became "cooking". I have known five and my sister is one, and let me tell you, they can't cook for shit. They're such picky and particular eaters, they barely eat too.
✨My mother being an Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon means that I know the biggest catastrophizer alive.
✨Luminaries (sun and moon) opposite the rising, in my opinion, creates the most difficult people to deal with. They're so tone deaf and oblivious to how they come off.
✨Cardinal Lilith has conflict anxiety
✨Air Mercury thinks of an answer instead of listening to what someone is saying
✨Mars in the 11th house have many frenemies
✨Moon in the 11th are very popular among women
✨Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) at 0 degrees struggles to achieve milestones or feels behind compared to others
✨Scorpio risings are always referred to as an onion. To me, an onion is something with layers of the same shit that just burn your eyes.
✨ Whichever house of yours an artist's Ceres falls in is what their work is going to help you with.
✨This also applies to planet aspects, as to whether their work will leave you challenged, intrigued, feeling empowered, motivated, seen, connected, or just simply aroused.
✨Fire Mercury says the most random shit. But we are here for that crackhead energy.
✨Fire/Mars in the 9th house is very common among dancers
✨The sign of the 6th house can show how are you with apologies. Since along with that work ethic comes responsibility and integrity.
✨Anyways, you'll never catch a Sag or Taurus in the 6th apologizing that's for sure.
✨Lilith/Juno in the 10th house are very mistreated by men/masculine people and authority
✨Lilith/Juno in the 4th house was betrayed by the family, especially the mother
✨Aquarius in the 4th house is always looking for a mommy in someone else
✨The body part/s the sign of your 8th house rule indicates which sexual act gets your toes curled.
✨Having friends of the same Mars sign are people that match your energy
✨People that have Mars Square Mars got a friendship that needed communication and patience, however, they tend to create a stronger bond
✨It's ghetto out there with all of those unevolved Earth placements
✨First house stelliums are never grateful. The entitlement is real.
✨Neptune/Pisces in the 1st house and 12th house ruler is in the 1st house depersonalize as a full time job. Existing is very draining for them, and at times painful.
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lavishlyleo · 2 years
Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition
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Having your SR Ascendant in the same sign as your natal chart's planet ruler sign will mean you'll likely have a lot of growth and prosperity that year. I have Sagittarius Rising (My Jupiter is in Scorpio). I've had SR Scorpio Rising twice in my life, and both times I did I went through many transformations and had a lot of good luck during those years. Possibly the best years of my life.
Having Jupiter or Saturn in your 4th house could mean you move houses that year.
Having Venus and/or Mars in your 12th house could make people obsessed with you and want to learn more about you, this is probably because you appear mysterious to them even if you're a generally open person, and they wanna get to the bottom of the mystery.
Whatever house pluto is in for that year will be where you change the most. For example if you have 5th house pluto one year then you may get a new hobby or something about your original hobbies will change durastically. Or 8th house pluto could mean you have a sexual or spirital awakening, maybe a near death experience, or you feel like a part of yourself died inside you.
Mars in the 11th house can mean you're more outgoing and even aggressive amongst friends and peers that year.
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When the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, there is a new moon. So those who have this placement that year will likely have many moments of realizations about themselves and be in very in tune with their emotions, wants, needs, ect. This is a very self aware period in your life but also an AMAZING time for manifestations to occur, you may literally speak some things into existance this year! When you align your emotions with your goals, and vise versa, great things will happen for you!
Along this note, check what house(s) this conjunction falls in! If they both are in different houses, it may weaken the manifesting power. However, if they are both in the same house, look at that houses themes to see what you'll need to focus on and to build up your karma for so you can more properly manifest!
Uranus aspecting North Node could mean a huge change in your plans or destiny that year at any point. For example you could be working on your art hobby and career but suddenly you get more chances at a cooking career or find yourself more interested in baking as a hobby, if that makes any sense.
Lilith in the 1st house, 10th, and/or conjunct to any of your personal planets can indicate being an over all social pariah that year. People may betray or break off relations with you, you may slowly realize some people are becoming more hostile to you, you may be seen as a bad guy in every situation, people might make you feel ashamed of yourself, ect. This is NOT a fun placement to have.
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However, having Sagittarius or Gemini in your top 3 for that year though could mean making a lot of friends that year and learning about a lot of diferent peoples lives.
Having beneficial planets or astroids like Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, or Pallas conjunct to your Midheaven means you'll likely have a very prosperous and lucky year in your career and workplace. Things may feel like they just come easily to you.
Wherever your Sun and Moon are placed in the chart can show where most of your emotional and over all focus will be for that year. For example if you have your Sun in the 11th house and your Moon in the 2nd, many themes that you'll focus on that year will be finding your self worth in the groups you're in, standing up for your personal values, and trying to find what your place is in social circles.
Sun in the first house can indicate needing to focus more on yourself that year. More self care and less about other people's problems.
Having a Pisces or Scorpio Ascendant, and/or personal planets in the 8th/12th house are other very powerful placements for manifestation.
Saturn in the 4th house could mean something terrible or life changing is going to happen to you that year. You'll likely learn a lot of life lessons and karma will come to you, good or bad.
Speaking of the 4th house, this probably goes without saying but 4th house sign will show what kind of life to expect at home for that year, Mars or Saturn ruled signs will likely be malefic in this house and can cause some issues for you that year.
I don't know if this is because I'm a Sagittarius rising or if it's just because Jupiter is a lucky planet, but in all the best years of my life, Jupiter was strongly aspecting my ascendant (conjunction and opposition).
Venus aspecting Mars in SR 🤝 being the center of attention wherever you go and having everyone fawn over you for that year. This can also indicate a huge glowup, not just look wise but also socially as well. You will likely gain some level of popularity or positive recognition this year, even you're a more private and not outgoing person.
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Having the astroid Nessus conjunct to any of your personal planets or points could make you a target of abuse and bullying for that year. However having Nessus or Uranus in the 3rd or 6th house could also generate the same effect.
Whatever house Uranus is in will be where you can suddenly lose and gain something of those themes all year long. For example, having Uranus in the 7th or 11th house could mean suddenly losing friends and/or close ones but also suddenly gaining them. Another example is Uranus in the 4th could mean having a family member die unexpectedly, or suddenly finding out a family member is pregnant.
Having Moon in the 10th house can indicate spending a lot of time working to advance in your career. You'll likely make big steps towarda your goals because of all the thought and soul you're going to put behind it this year. Same goes for Mars or Saturn in the 10th.
Speaking of Saturn, wherever Saturn is placed in your chart can show what you may have difficulties with or lose this year, but after working towards fixing it and learning from it, you will likely be awarded for your efforts in the end with getting back what you lost or gaining something better. Saturn is breaking you down and building you back up stronger and wiser. Saturn represents our life lessons for this year and makes us appreciate what we have by taking it away from us, but giving it back after we learn and grow.
Pluto aspecting the Moon or Ascendant will make you more sensitive but give you more emotional perseverance. You may become a person for people to lean on and look up to because of how emotionally strong and intelligent you'll likely become this year. But you may go through a destructive period this year that changes your perspective and warrants this change in your emotional psyche. Like Saturn, it'll tear you and all that you know down, to build you up stronger and wiser.
However, if Pluto is harshly aspecting your Sun, you might go through a long period of hardship or some kind of long lasting difficulty. This is because once Pluto starts aspecting your Sun, it'll stay in aspect of your Natal/Transit chart AND in many of your SR charts to come. So having it harshly aspected to your sun sign is NOT ideal. Pluto aspecting the Sun in SR will likely stay that aspect for 10+ years. You will have to change and transform a LOT during this period of your life, when either you want to or not.
Neptune in the 5th house could mean you focus on not very important things a lot this year. You'll likely focus a lot on yourself and what you want, but not what you need. You may neglect a lot of things you have to get done and procrastinate a LOT.
Uranus 9th house can indicate stepping out of your comfort zone and traveling a lot in general this year. You'll likely discover some new places that you like but never went to before.
Saturn 6th house can be a depressing placement for the workaholics, and over all anyone out there because it may feel like in the beginning of having this in your SR that no matter how hard you work that you're not getting anywhere with it and you're stuck in one place. You may feel more unaccomplished and/or unsuccessful during this year.
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Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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lilmajorshawty · 1 year
which astrological placements in synastry suggest “I have to leave my stable relationship that I have for years now because I’m so madly in love that I can’t resist not being with you” ??
Moon conjunct Venus is the biggest indicator that I’ve seen. And it never goes away, it’s a slingshot aspect as well especially if sex occurs, they cannot escape one another.
Mars square Pluto and Venus square Pluto. They ghost eachother ( normally the planet person) but the planet person usually comes back to the Pluto person who moves on.
Venus or mars in the 8th house ( you already know why 😏)
Scorpio rising composite/cancer rising composite/Pisces rising composite (water risings composites usually means very deep and almost fated meeting between two people, hard to escape)
Saturn in the 1st in synastry
Saturn in any aspect to the others Venus and especially if it’s a double whammy.
4th house synastry and aspects between Chiron/ceres and mars or Venus.
Saturn in the 7th in synastry
Composite Venus/mars or sun in aspect to Neptune/Pluto
Mars square mars & mars conjunct mars
One that is super unexpected in my studies is actually a delayed mars and Venus square! So let’s say person A has mats in Pisces at 11 degrees! And person B has Venus in Gemini at 24 degrees! This is a far square and is considered too wide to be counted as it’s effects would be felt but not nearly enough for it to cause the same friction as a full right square. BUT as I mentioned prior delayed squares are still felt! They’re just delayed so they show up later on in the relationship and act out in a more calmer manner then a tighter square would. That being said delayed Mars square Venus actually unlike the tight version can cause obsession and a inescapable feeling like you have to be with that person. It causes a “pursuit” of relief! A need to scratch the hypothetical “itch” so to speak but you never get to scratch that itch. It can be addictive and overwhelming. It is often what I call the devil aspect as it can make separating IMPOSSIBLE.
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jupiitersreturn · 10 months
Meeting Spouse As Represented In The Solar Return Chart
Disclaimer: Astrology is not and will never be a "one size fits all" type of thing. You could have all of these aspects or none of them, and still meet your spouse at any given time. These are just the aspects that I find to be the most prominent between the Solar Return Charts of women in the years that they met their husbands or long term partners.
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Natal + Solar Return Chart
Ruler of Natal 7th House in SR 5th House (And Vice Versa)
Ruler of Natal 7th House in SR 1st or 7th House (And Vice Versa)
SR Neptune in Connection to Natal 7th House
SR Groom in Natal 1st or 7th House (And Vice Versa)
SR Neptune Aspecting Natal Juno (And Vice Versa)
SR Vertex Aspecting Natal Neptune (And Vice Versa)
SR Groom Aspecting Natal Juno (And Vice Versa
SR Juno Square Natal Jupiter (And Vice Versa)
SR Amor in Natal 1st or 7th House (And Vice Versa)
Top Three That I have Seen Most Often Occur;
SR Neptune Aspecting Natal Juno (And Vice Versa)
SR Juno Aspecting Natal Groom (And Vice Versa)
SR Neptune Aspecting Natal Vertex (And Vice Versa)
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Solar Return Chart
Juno in Connection to Libra (7th House or in Libra)
Vertex in 6th or 8th House
Jupiter With Leo Influence (5, 17 ,or 29 Degrees or in the 5th House)
NN, Amor, Ceres, or Vesta at 28 Degrees
Jupiter With Gemini Influence
Jupiter - Saturn Aspect
Groom in Connection to Taurus
Amor Aspecting Neptune or Saturn
Groom Aspecting Neptune
Pholus Aspecting Juno (Trine or Sextile)
Top Three That I Have Seen Most Often Occur;
Pholus Aspecting Juno (In EVERY chart that I looked at)
Juno In Connection To Libra
Jupiter With Leo Influence
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Asteroids Mentioned:
Pholus - 5145
Amor - 1221
Groom - 5129
Union - 1585
Juno - 3
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