#Cervical Dysplasia Biopsy
lungfuls · 9 months
uh??? my pap smear results from when I was pregnant just randomly got uploaded to my online chart and I still have cervical dysplasia... which means I actually need to get checked out again and might need a biopsy. hello. why the fuck didn't they tell me that
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For the past few months my level of anxiety had been sky rocketing high.
Received the result of my cervical biopsy today which thank God came back negative for CA. Apparently, abnormal cell growth was detected during my cervical screening on November last year and my GP referred me to a Gyne specialist for further review and got diagnosed with CIN 3 or high Grade 0 cervical dysplasia which if left untreated can eventually lead to cancer.
Fuck me, I was overwhelmed with fear right at that moment when I was told by my Gyne specialist. God knows how much I am praying na sana even at my late 30s I could still conceive. Right there and then, on my own, I was told that I have to undergo LLETZ (large loop electrical excision) procedure where a large loop wire has to be inserted in the cervix to remove the abnormal cells and I’m not kidding when I tell you that it was bloody painful despite of 4 shots of regional anesthesia. I fainted and literally felt my heart pounding. But if I won’t be able to tolerate the procedure then I will be booked for OR table which I really don’t want as it would make me feel that it’s officially major. I remember biting my lips so hard during the whole procedure. I told the Dr that I wanna do it right away coz there’s no point on delaying if it needs to be done anyway and I just want to get over it. So it was done and the excised specimen was sent to lab for biopsy, which took painstakingly looong.
Three things na iniisip isip ko after that. First, my main concern is kung papaano ko sasabihin sa parents and sister ko if say I have cancer, I feel like I could easily process and accept it than them. It will break their hearts and that I’m not really sure if I can handle. We have lost one of our sister when I was a teenager and I don’t even want to relive what we went through after we lost her. My parent’s just don’t deserve to go through that pain and agony again in their life.
Second is, I feel bad for myself coz I am praying so hard na sana I would still be capable of conceiving in the future, honestly I don’t know when. I try to remind myself na di pwedeng just because I’m kind of desperate to have a baby is kung sino sino na lang. My children cannot choose their father but I can, not that Im saying Im perfect but hell no Im not nor nowhere near that but, I know what I deserve and as well as for my future children. I want to experience motherhood and seeing my children grow up and be a hands-on mum.
Third and last is Im grateful that Im insured, and that healthcare in the UK is free. Like literally you go in the hospital penniless but no worries at all dahil ni pence wala kang babayaran maski chemo, radiation or whatever therapies or even surgery that you have to undergo. How I wish na ganito din tayo sa Pinas. ☹️ Also, Grabe pala yung feeling pag insured ka, I didn’t realize how important it is not until I was almost get diagnose with Cancer. I mean if anything happens, the least among all the worries my family have to think about is money because I’m covered. It’s literally a security blanket considering that I am the 🥖 winner in the family.
I cant help not to overthink during that time. Ikaw ba naman kaya ang nearly diagnose to have CA. Inisip ko na ayoko magalit kay Lord because, as cliché as it sounds, I believed that everything happens for a reason, whatever it may be, hindi man natin maintindihan right at that moment, but eventually along the way, life unfolds itself. And I always tell sa lahat ng prayers ko na kahit ano pa man yun will ni Lord no matter how painful it could be, I know He knows better than I do, kaya dun ako. Let thy will be done. 🙏🏻
Quite a long read but yeah, my heart is full. ✨
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drchitrachampawat63 · 22 days
What are the most common types of gynecologist surgeries?
Gynecologists perform various surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of gynecological conditions. Some of the most common types of gynecological surgeries include:
1. Hysterectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus. It may be performed for various reasons including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or certain types of cancer.
2. Oophorectomy : An oophorectomy is the surgical removal of one or both ovaries. It may be performed as part of a hysterectomy or as a standalone procedure to treat conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer.
3. Salpingectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. It may be performed to treat conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation for permanent contraception, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
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4. Myomectomy : A myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often performed for women who wish to retain their fertility or who prefer not to undergo a hysterectomy.
5. Endometrial Ablation : Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the destruction or removal of the endometrial lining of the uterus. It is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who do not plan to have children in the future.
6. Cervical Conization : Also known as a cone biopsy, cervical conization involves the removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. It may be performed to diagnose or treat cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.
7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery : Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, bulge into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Surgical procedures such as pelvic reconstructive surgery or vaginal mesh placement may be performed to repair the pelvic floor and support the organs.
8. Laparoscopic Surgery : Laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures such as hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, or treatment of endometriosis.
9. Tubal Ligation : Also known as "tying the tubes," tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in women. It involves blocking, sealing, or cutting the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.
These are just a few examples of the many gynecological surgeries that may be performed by gynecologists to address various reproductive health issues. The specific type of surgery recommended will depend on the individual's condition, medical history, and treatment goals.
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dhanvantarihospital · 10 months
Do gynecologists perform surgeries related to women's health?
Yes, gynecologists do perform surgeries related to women's health. Gynecological surgeries are a significant aspect of the specialty and are conducted to address a variety of reproductive and pelvic health issues. Some common types of gynecological surgeries include:
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1. Hysterectomy: This surgery involves the removal of the uterus and sometimes the cervix. It can be performed for various reasons, such as fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic pain, and certain gynecological cancers.
2. Myomectomy: Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often performed for women who wish to retain their fertility.
3. Oophorectomy:This surgery involves the removal of one or both ovaries. It may be done to treat ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or certain ovarian cancers.
4. Salpingectomy: Salpingectomy is the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. It can be done for various reasons, including ectopic pregnancies, prevention of ovarian cancer, and sterilization.
5. Ovarian Cyst Removal: Surgical removal of ovarian cysts may be necessary if they are large, causing pain, or suspected to be cancerous.
6. Endometrial Ablation:This procedure involves the removal or destruction of the uterine lining and is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding.
7. Laparoscopic Surgery:Minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopy, are used to diagnose and treat conditions like endometriosis, pelvic pain, and infertility. Small incisions are made, and a camera-guided instrument is used for visualization and surgery.
8. Colposcopy: While not a major surgery, colposcopy involves examining the cervix, vagina, and vulva for abnormal cells. If necessary, a biopsy can be taken during this procedure.
9. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery:This type of surgery addresses prolapse of pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, which can occur due to weakened pelvic floor muscles.
10. Cervical Cone Biopsy: A cone-shaped piece of tissue is removed from the cervix for diagnosis or treatment of cervical dysplasia or cancer.
11. Laparotomy: This is a larger incisional surgery used for more complex cases, such as large fibroids, advanced endometriosis, or ovarian tumors.
12. Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Some gynecological surgeries are performed using robotic-assisted technology, allowing for enhanced precision and control during the procedure.
These are just a few examples of gynecological surgeries. The specific surgery recommended will depend on the patient's condition, medical history, and treatment goals. It's important to discuss all available options and their potential benefits and risks with a qualified gynecologist before making any decisions about surgery.
Consult Dr. Deepika Doshi is a Gynecologist, Obstetrician, and Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn) Gynecologist in Mira Road.
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n0nb1narystarf1sh · 11 months
What Is Cervical Dysplasia? - Treatment & Prevention | familydoctor.org
So this is my second time having cervical dysplasia; and this time the doctor said "The 'C' Word". We're just doing the testing right now. Biopsies and the like, painful, but necessary. I get my results on August 8th 2023
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Cervical Cancer | Cervical Cancer Doctor in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian
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Cervical Cancer Doctor in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian says Cervical cancer is usually caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The cancer cells grow in the zone where the endocervix and the ectocervix meet. Cervical cancerous cells are slow-growing and develop over many years. Initially, they are called dysplasia and can generally be removed with a simple clinical procedure.
How is screening conducted?
It has been found that two-thirds of women who are sexually active are vulnerable to cervical cancer. It develops over the years as it is a gradual process. But it is seen that most women get screened for the disease only after a PAP test shows some irregularities. This should ideally be not the case. Some preventive measures that doctors advise are to suggest the partner use condoms, get vaccinated, and also have regular PAP smears to diagnose it in its early stages.
Risk factors to be considered
Sexually active at a very young age
Multiple sex partners
Multiple pregnancies
Use of oral contraceptives
What is the diagnosis tests available?
PAP smear
Cone biopsy
What is the treatment process?
Surgery: The doctor may recommend a hysterectomy that involves the removal of the uterus. During the procedure, the surgeon may also extract some tissues next to the cervix and the uterus. They also may remove some lymph nodes from the pelvis to check if the cancer cells have spread to those areas.
Chemotherapy: This process uses anti-cancer drugs to eliminate cancer cells.
Radiation Therapy: Can be given in combination with one or both of the above procedures.
To know more visit www.drmuralisubramanian.com
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alysonpappas · 2 years
What is The Meaning of HPV? What are the Tests for Diagnosis?
The meaning of HPV is human papillomavirus. Major human papillomavirus causes have been linked to be transmitted by sexual activity. Though primarily transmitted sexually, HPV has also been found to be transmitted genetically through specific genetic strains. The immune system of the body normally neutralises infection by HPV within 2 years. However, there are some strains of the HPV infection that persist in the body and can develop into cancer if left untreated for a long time. Studies have shown that while pre-cancer develops within 3 years, it can take upto 10 years for some types of cancer, primarily cervical cancer to advance beyond stage 1.
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People who have had HPV infection one or more times are not only more prone to fresh HPV infection. Their infection has more chances of developing into cancer. Hence such people must recognise the symptoms and get themselves vaccinated at the earliest or go in for treatment. Detailed studies into HPV have indicated that it is a lifestyle-related infection and that those with a sedentary lifestyle and those with excessive smoking and alcohol consumption tendencies are prone to getting HPV infection.
Having learnt the HPV meaning, it is now necessary to understand and learn the diagnostic tests for the human papillomavirus infection.
The diagnostic tests and what they mean One of the diagnostic tests centres around the timely detection of warts, especially those barely visible ones. Applying a swab of vinegar in the area will cause flat warts to turn whitish and become prominent against the darker background of normal skin. A high density of warts and a careful watch to see if the warts are growing or diminishing provide a fair idea of whether HPV infection is remaining static or diminishing becomes clear.
One of the reliable diagnostic tests for HPV is the anal PAP test. The Pap test is also known as cervical cytology. There is also an HPV/ PAP contest where samples are collected from the cervical region and checked for both high-risk HPV infection as well as changes in cervical cells that are likely to lead to cancer. The Pap test is also done on samples from the deep throat to check for signs of oropharyngeal cancer or cancer of the throat. The PAP tests reveal Atypical squamous cells (ASC), which can be mild or severe, indicating to the testing doctors the severity of the infection and which type is likely to develop into cancer as cancer cells are also detected by the PAP test. The Pap test also indicates the presence of carcinoma in situ, which are abnormal cells but may not be lethal. The Pap test also looks for dysplasia which is assigned to HPV infection.
Another diagnostic test is a biopsy of genital warts to examine if they have a chance of turning cancerous. This is done with a lighted magnifying instrument (known as colposcopy). A local anaesthetic is used before drawing a sample of tissue as this process can be painful. The tissue is examined under a microscope to check for signs of HPV as well as pre-cancer conditions and the formation of cancerous cells. Microscopic examination will reveal whether certain cells are abnormal, known as koilocytes. Such cells appear hollow or concave when examined under a microscope. These are indicative of high-risk HPV and can be termed as pre-cancer, and treatment is to be begun immediately.
Another diagnostic test is DNA. A sample is usually drawn from the cervix. The test is done to recognise the DNA of HPV that is linked with genital forms of cancer. The DNA test is usually done along with a PAP smear test and is known as a contest. A doctor may recommend further DNA testing if the PAP test shows abnormal results.
The different diagnostic tests are recommended not just for detecting HPV but to ensure that the HPV is not of the high-risk type to cause cancer. The objective is to detect the HPV at the pre-cancer stage and begin treatment to prevent the onset of cancer.
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sreemanjuhospital1 · 2 years
Gynecology hospitals in Kukatpally | Gynecology hospitals in KPHB
Sree Manju Hospital is one of the Best Gynecology hospitals in Kukatpally, KPHB. Care must be taken in all aspects of a woman’s life to promote her health. To serve solutions to every health-related issue for women we have the best gynecologist in Hyderabad and zeal to promote women’s good health. If you are also looking for the best Gynecology hospitals where you can get treated with comprehensive solutions for your health issues then we are always at your assistance to serve you with the best procedures and latest equipment.
 Treatments provided by our best Gynecology hospitals are listed below:
 Across the female lifespan of a female, there are a number of issues that are faced by them. We offer an expert solution for all such health issues with the best team of gynecologists. Issues that may be faced by a female and their solutions are listed below which are effectively treated in our hospital.
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General Gynecology
 General gynecologic exams, treatments, and procedures, including pelvic examinations and Pap Smears, breast exams, and Breast Self-Examination education
       Sexually transmitted diseases
       Warts and premalignant lesions of the lower reproductive tract
       Urinary tract infections
       Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
       Chronic Pelvic Pain
       Female sexuality issues
       General physicals
       Immunizations and injections
       Ovarian cysts
       Uterine, vaginal and vulvar disorders
       Vaginal yeast infections
Infertility evaluation and treatment
       Pregnancy and mental health
       Pregnancy and the flu
       Pregnancy care
       Ectopic pregnancy
       Cervical cerclage
       Abnormal bleeding
       Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
       Irregular menstruation (heavy bleeding, prolonged periods)
       Menopause (and midlife care/issues)
Pelvic Floor Issues
       Lower genital tract dysplasia
       Uterine prolapse
       Vaginal vault prolapse
       Pelvic floor dysfunction
       Tension-free vaginal taping/Vaginal vault suspension
       Urinary incontinence
       Fecal Incontinence/Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL)
       Pelvic heaviness or fullness
       Urine leakage
       Contraception options
Gynecologic Cancers and Screening
       Cancer prevention and screening
       Precancerous conditions of cervix and early cervical cancers
Tests and Surgical Procedures
       Myomectomy (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic)
       Preventive and surgical care, including:
       Cervical Biopsy
       Biopsy of the Vulva
       Biopsy of the Vagina
       Reproductive Surgeries
       Supracervical total hysterectomy
       Laparoscopic oophorectomy
       Robotic Hysterectomy
       Endometrial Ablations
       Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
For the most efficient treatment and consultation get in touch with our experts now.
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holdenhbjd881 · 4 years
Don't Buy Into These "Trends" About Can You Have Cervical Dysplasia Without HPV
One can enhance the immune system and therefore typically create immunity to an HPV virus in basically a matter of a few months, prior to the time that it might set up any significant cervical injury. (Short Review of Book)
By any chance have you hitherto endured a cold virus? Maybe did you https://cervicaldysplasiacure.com/p/DYS2/Escharotic-Treatment-For-Cervical-Dysplasia.php eliminate the virus? Of course you recovered! You cannot treat an acute rhinitis itself, however your body normally creates resistance to a specific cold infection within a couple of weeks. That is called being cured by your personal immunity!
No doubt you will possibly cave in to one more cold, because there exist several hundred different runny nose viruses. Yet you will unlikely get the same runny nose infection that you had before since you have created immunity to that particular virus.
Grownups have already had a lot of the runny nose infections. Grownups have established resistance to the colds they have suffered from. Therefore there are not as many cold viruses around for adults to acquire. That is why grownups only acquire a couple of colds per year whereas kids succumb to a dozen colds per year.
HPV virus is the same since HPV virus is just an additional viral infection. And you can quite simply establish resistance to HPV. Nonetheless, HPV is much better at evading your immunity than are the rhinitis infections. So you need to try with more diligence to acquire resistance to HPV.
If an individual does not do anything it can require a couple of years to establish immunity to HPV. If somebody follows the writer's guidance, it requires only a few months to develop immunity to HPV. The longer an individual has human papilloma virus, the more likely it can cause cervical damage. Therefore it is ideal to create immunity so as to eliminate HPV virus when possible.
An individual may reinforce immunity and generally create immunity to an HPV virus in basically as short of time as a few months, sooner than it could generate any type of major infection. (Short Review of Book)
Many persons become confused and believe they have actually not created resistance to HPV merely due to the fact that they get infected again by another strain of the over 100 HPV infections. However one could prevent future direct exposure as well as future HPV virus infections.
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This publication clarifies HPV virus infections, the most common STD infections in the USA, impacting over 20 million men and women. HPV virus causes cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital protuberances, plantar moles, miscarriages, the inability to conceive and also penile cancer cells.
It does not matter how this publication entered your possession. Just what is of concern is how you use such information as hundreds of others that have actually generated immunity to HPV virus.
The book's writer communicates just how she simply reversed the signs of human papilloma virus and totally recovered her own body of the human papilloma virus problem by reinforcing the body's immune response.
Exactly what in the world is human papilloma virus? The author remembers asking herself this concern when she got the findings back from her doctor. The writer was down and out, perplexed and also ashamed. The writer had tons of concerns yet she really did not like the responses she was receiving. HPV virus, a STD problem that could cause cervical cancer cells, is much more usual than what we assume. She wrote this writing to help others eliminate HPV.
One may reinforce the immune system and consequently generally develop resistance to an HPV infection in basically just a couple of months, before it might begin any type of severe damage. (Short Review of Book)
Below is the bottom line, this publication is about recovery from HPV, however it is not just concerning HPV. It has to do with living the very best life we could live. It is about identifying human papilloma virus as a remarkable opportunity to take obligation for our own health and wellness. When viewed in this way, a person can be thankful for human papilloma virus. Yes, thankful! And with that appreciation as well as whatever else discussed in this book, someone can, and somebody will certainly, heal the body! She https://cervicaldysplasiacure.com/p/DYS2/Escharotic-Treatment-For-Cervical-Dysplasia-And-Carcinoma.php understands this is successful since it helped her - it changed her life and also her health and wellness.
Guess what individuals are claiming about this encouraging publication: "Incredible! I purchased the Kindle Version. This publication is fantastic! I was specifically happy as well as delighted by the details I discovered on page 63 about the supplement that you refer to as the magic active ingredient in the food recovery chapter."
"I purchased this publication in hopes of obtaining even more information about this virus. I absolutely took pleasure in reviewing the story of the author and also http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=Cervical Dysplasia Cure I did not really feel so all alone anymore."
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You could enhance immunity and normally develop immunity to an HPV infection in basically just a couple of months, before it can create any kind of major injury. (Short Review of Book)
"It is so true that your book can assist any kind of lady, including my friend with breast cancer."
"This easy to read publication offers valid encouragement to ladies detected with HPV. I am so thankful I read it a number of months ago, due to the fact that I valued her frankness and also agree completely that HPV is an infection, not an ethical judgment. Most current clinical examinations show my high grade dysplasia has actually vanished."
"Many thanks again for creating this publication, I am so pleased with it due to the fact that without this book and your words of encouragement I would certainly be entirely without hope. Thank you! (See Book Sneak Preview)"
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You can enhance immunity and consequently quite simply develop resistance to an HPV infection in basically as short of time as a couple of months, before it could create any kind of important cervical damage. (Short Review of Book)
Perhaps have you hitherto had a cold? Peradventure did you get rid of the problem? Naturally you did! You won't cure a common cold itself, however your body generally develops immunity to any cold virus within several weeks. That is called healed by your very own immunity!
And definitely you will most likely succumb to a different cold, because there are several hundred various cold viruses. However you will certainly unlikely acquire the exact same cold infection that you had in the past because you have actually created resistance to that cold virus.
Parents have actually already had a great deal of the rhinitis infections. Grownups have developed immunity to the colds they have had. Therefore there are not lots of runny nose infections existing for grownups to catch. That is why parents just acquire a couple of runny noses annually and kids usually get a dozen runny noses each year.
HPV is similar since HPV is just one more virus. And you will quite simply establish immunity to HPV. Nevertheless, human papilloma virus is more capable at hiding from your immunity compared to the common cold viruses. Therefore you need to work a little harder to obtain immunity to human papilloma virus.
If an individual does not do anything it might require a few years to generate immunity to HPV. If an individual takes the author's recommendations, it takes just a couple of months to develop immunity to HPV virus. The longer one has HPV, the longer it might create cervical damage. Therefore it is preferred to establish resistance so as to do away with HPV as quickly as reasonable.
One may reinforce the immune system and normally create resistance to an HPV infection in literally just a few months, prior to the time that it might originate any severe cervical damage. (Book Review)
Some persons become puzzled because they assume they have actually not established immunity to HPV virus just because they become contaminated once more by a different strain of the over 100 HPV infections. Yet someone could stay clear of future exposure and future human papilloma virus problems.
This amazing publication clarifies HPV virus infections, the most common STD infections in the US, affecting over 20 million men and women. HPV virus causes cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital warts, plantar moles, losing unborn babies, infertility as well as penile cancer cells.
It matters not just how this material entered your possession. Exactly what matters is just how you make use of such info as thousands of others who have become immune to human papilloma virus.
The insightful expositor shares exactly how she carefully turned around the signs and symptoms of HPV as well as completely healed her very own body of the human papilloma virus infection by enhancing the resistance.
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franciscojaqk331 · 4 years
14 Cartoons About Cervical Dysplasia Without HPV That'll Brighten Your Day
You may strengthen the body's immune system and consequently typically establish resistance to an HPV virus in only as short of time as a few months, before it might set up any kind of serious cervical injury. (Book Review)
Maybe have you a while ago had acute rhinitis? By any chance did you do away with the virus? Certainly you did! You won't cure a cold directly, yet your immune system generally creates https://cervical-dysplasia-cures.com/s/DYS1/Treatment-For-Cervical-Dysplasia-That-Uses-Heat-10.php immunity to any type of cold virus within a couple of days. That is called cured by your very own immune response!
And sure you will possibly acquire one more runny nose virus, since there are several hundred various runny nose infections. Yet you will unlikely get the exact same cold infection that you had in the past since you have created immunity to that particular cold virus.
Parents have actually already had a lot of the rhinitis infections. Grownups have actually established immunity to the viruses they have had. So there are not quite as many runny nose infections remaining for grownups to catch. That is why adults just get infected with a couple of runny noses per year and youngsters get a dozen runny noses annually.
HPV virus is comparable since human papilloma virus is just another virus. And you could normally establish immunity to human papilloma virus. However, HPV virus is more adept at hiding from your immune system compared to the runny nose viruses. Moreover you have to persist with more diligence to get immunity to HPV virus.
Assuming someone does nothing it could require a couple of years to generate immunity to HPV virus. If someone follows the writer's guidance, it takes only a few months to generate resistance to HPV. The longer someone has human papilloma virus, the more likely it might cause damage. So it is ideal to establish immunity and get rid of HPV as soon as reasonable.
An individual can strengthen the immune system and quite simply create resistance to an HPV infection in only just a few months, prior to the time that it could make any kind of severe cervical damage. (Book Review)
The majority of individuals become confused because they think they have not established immunity to HPV just due to the fact that they become infected once again by another strain of the more than 100 HPV infections. But somebody could avoid additional exposure as well as additional HPV virus infections.
This amazing book sheds light on human papilloma virus infections, the most typical STD infections in the USA, impacting over 20 million males and females. HPV triggers cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital verrucas, plantar blemishes, losing unborn babies, infertility and penile cancer.
No matter just how this information came to be in your possession. Just what is of concern is how you utilize such information just like countless others who have actually eliminated human papilloma virus.
The insightful author shares how she simply eliminated the symptoms of HPV virus and also totally healed her very own body of the human papilloma virus problem by enhancing her resistance.
Exactly what in the world is HPV virus? The author remembers asking this concern when she obtained the diagnosis back from her doctor. She was devastated, confused and also horrified. The writer had tons of concerns however she really did not like the answers she was receiving. Human papilloma virus, a sexually-transmitted problem that may cause cervical cancer cells, is more common than what most people usually think. The writer composed this publication to assist other people eliminate human papilloma virus.
One may enhance the immune system and therefore generally establish immunity to an HPV virus in only as short of time as a few months, sooner than it could generate any important infection. (See Book Sneak Preview)
Below is the bottom line, this book has to do with healing HPV virus, but it is not just concerning HPV. It has to do with living the best life we can live. It is about acknowledging human papilloma virus as an amazing chance to take responsibility for our own health. When viewed in this manner, one can be happy for HPV virus. Yes, grateful! And also keeping that appreciation as well as every little thing else shared in this publication, someone could, and a person will certainly, heal the body! She knows this is successful since it worked for her - it altered https://cervical-dysplasia-cures.com/p/DYS1/Stage-2-Cervical-Dysplasia.php her life as well as her health and wellness.
Guess what individuals are stating concerning this motivating book: "I inspected around the net as well as found lots of other women that had followed your recommendations effectively. They are currently HPV FREE with typical Pap smears, and they did not have any type of surgical procedure and they https://cervical-dysplasia-cures.com/s/DYS1/HPV-Mild-Dysplasia-9.php may still have children! Just what excitement!"
"I acquired this book in hopes of obtaining even more information regarding this virus. I truly took pleasure in reviewing the tale of the author and I did not really feel so all alone anymore."
You could reinforce the body's immune system and consequently generally establish resistance to an HPV infection in literally a matter of a few months, before it can cause any type of severe cervical damage. (Short Review of Book)
"It is so true that your publication could aid any woman, including my friend with mammary cancer."
"This quick-read publication gives valid encouragement to ladies identified with HPV virus. I am so delighted I read it numerous months back, due to the fact that Dysplasia Carcinoma In Situ I appreciated her frankness and concur entirely that human papilloma virus is a virus, not an ethical judgment. Latest medical tests reveal my severe dysplasia has disappeared."
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"Many thanks again for creating this publication, I am so appreciative of it since without this book and your words of encouragement I might be entirely without hope. Thank you! (Short Review of Book)"
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You can reinforce the body's immune system and consequently generally establish resistance to an HPV virus in only just a couple of months, prior to the time that it can create any serious infection. (Book Review)
Possibly have you once endured a common cold virus? By any chance did you get rid of it? Of course you recovered! You cannot heal an acute rhinitis itself, however your system usually develops resistance to a specific cold virus within a couple of weeks. We call that being cured by your very own immune response!
And of course you will eventually get infected by another runny nose virus, due to the fact that there exist more than 300 various runny nose viruses. Yet you will certainly never ever acquire the exact same cold infection that you had previously due to the fact that you have developed resistance to that particular cold virus.
Parents have actually in the past had a lot of the rhinitis viruses. Parents have acquired immunity to the colds they have actually had. Therefore there are not as many runny nose viruses around for parents to catch. That is why parents only get infected with a couple of colds each year whereas kids may get 10-12 colds annually.
Human papilloma virus is comparable in that HPV is just an additional infection. And you can simply develop resistance to human papilloma virus. However, human papilloma virus is more adept at evading your immunity than are the runny nose viruses. So CIN II Moderate Dysplasia you must try with more diligence to acquire resistance to HPV.
If someone does nothing it might require a few years to create immunity to human papilloma virus. If one takes the author's recommendations, it takes just a few months to establish immunity to HPV virus. The longer someone has HPV virus, the more likely it might cause damage. So it is preferred to develop resistance and do away with human papilloma virus when reasonable.
One could reinforce immunity and therefore generally create immunity to an HPV infection in basically as short of time as a few months, prior to the time that it could begin any important injury. (Sneak Peak Book Review)
Most people get confused because they think they have actually not established immunity to human papilloma virus just due to the fact that they become infected once more by another type of the more than 100 HPV viruses. However somebody may stay clear of additional exposure and also new HPV virus problems.
This amazing book clarifies human papilloma virus infections, the most typical STD infections in the United States, infecting over 20 million males and females. HPV virus causes cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer cells, genital excrescences, plantar moles, miscarriages, inability to conceive and penile cancer.
No matter just how this material entered your hands. Just what is of concern is exactly how you use such details just like thousands of others who have become immune to HPV.
The insightful expositor communicates just how she normally eliminated the signs of HPV virus as well as totally healed her very own body of the HPV issue by strengthening her immunity.
0 notes
waylontdlg989 · 4 years
An Introduction to Atypia Dysplasia
Someone could strengthen the body's immune system and quite simply establish resistance to an HPV virus in literally as short of time as a couple of months, prior to the time that it might establish any significant cervical damage. (See Book Sneak Preview)
Likely have you ever had a cold? Likely did you heal from the cold? Obviously you did! You will not treat a runny nose itself, yet your system typically creates resistance to a particular cold infection within a couple of days. We call that cured by your very own immune system!
And definitely you will possibly get a different cold, due to the fact that there are more than several hundred different cold viruses. Yet you will certainly never ever acquire the exact same cold infection that you had previously because you have developed resistance to that particular virus.
Grownups have actually currently had a great deal of the runny nose infections. Grownups have developed immunity to the viruses they have actually suffered from. Therefore there are not quite as many runny nose viruses around for adults to acquire. That is why grownups just get infected with a couple of runny noses per year whereas youngsters may get a dozen runny noses annually.
HPV is the same in that human papilloma virus is simply an additional virus. Therefore you will most likely create immunity to HPV. Nonetheless, HPV virus is better at hiding from your immunity compared to the runny nose infections. Therefore you have to persist with more diligence to acquire resistance to human papilloma virus.
Assuming somebody does not do anything it might take a few years to generate resistance to human papilloma virus. If someone follows the author's guidance, it takes just a few months to create resistance to human papilloma virus. The longer someone has HPV virus, the more likely it could cause cervical damage. So it is preferred to create resistance so as to do away with human papilloma virus when reasonable.
An individual may strengthen immunity and typically establish immunity to an HPV virus in basically a matter of a couple of months, prior to the time that it could produce any type of major cervical injury. (See Book Sneak Preview)
Some persons get puzzled because they think they have not developed immunity to human papilloma virus merely since they get infected once again by a different type of the more than 100 HPV infections. Yet a person may stay clear of future exposure and new HPV virus infections.
This writing clarifies human papilloma virus issues, the most common sexually-transmitted infections in the US, impacting over 20 million males and females. Human papilloma virus causes cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital blemishes, plantar blemishes, losing unborn babies, the inability to conceive and penile cancer.
It does not matter just how this book entered into your hands. Just what is of concern is just how you utilize such information just like thousands of others who have actually gotten rid of human papilloma virus.
The book's writer communicates just how she naturally reversed the signs of HPV as well as entirely healed her very own body of the human papilloma virus issue by reinforcing her body's immune response.
Just what in the world is HPV? She remembers asking herself this inquiry when she obtained the medical diagnosis back from her medical doctor. The author was devastated, puzzled as well as embarrassed. She had tons of inquiries but she really did not like the solutions she was receiving. HPV, a sexually-transmitted issue that can cause cervical cancer, is more usual than what we usually think. The author wrote this writing in order to help other people eliminate human papilloma virus.
An individual may reinforce the immune system and consequently generally develop resistance to an HPV infection in basically just a couple of months, sooner than it might originate any kind of compelling damage. (Book Review)
Below is the deal, this publication is about recovery from human papilloma virus, however it is not just concerning HPV. It has to do with living the most effective life we could live. It has to do with recognizing human papilloma virus as an awesome possibility to take responsibility for our own health. When seen from this perspective, an individual could be happy for human papilloma virus. Yes, happy! And also with that thankfulness as well as everything else discussed in this book, one could, and an individual will, heal the body! The author knows this works because it helped her - it altered her life as well as her health and wellness.
Look at what some readers are saying concerning this motivating publication: "Incredible! I bought the Kindle Edition. This book is outstanding! I was especially eased and delighted by the info I found within Chapter 10 concerning the supplement that you refer to as the magic component in the food healing phase."
"This book provided me really hope! I should expand my sources for researching this infection. When I encountered this book by a person who selected a different type for therapy of HPV, I needed to buy it."
An individual could enhance the body's immune system and consequently quite simply develop resistance to an HPV virus in literally as short of time as a few months, before it could create any major damage. (See Book Sneak Preview)
"I am so pleased I came across your book which really aided me to begin reframing my ideas concerning myself and this condition, and also I am going to maintain it near to me as I begin this trip of healing myself. Thanks a lot for your favorable energy and for sharing this remarkable recommendation with me!"
"This easy to read publication offers valid hope to ladies detected with HPV. I am so pleased I reviewed it numerous months ago, because I valued her frankness and also concur totally that human papilloma virus is a virus, not a moral judgment. Latest medical tests reveal my high grade dysplasia has actually disappeared."
"As a professional psychologist and also yoga exercise educator, I could attest to the unbelievable power of the mind-body connection. Thank You For HPV not only resolves the healing power of your mind, it additionally provides you specific devices on the best ways to reduce your stress level as well as cope with even more health and wellness, peace as well as delight. (See Book Sneak Preview)"
An individual could enhance the immune system and generally create resistance to an HPV virus in basically a matter of a couple of months, sooner than it can start any severe cervical injury. (Short Review of Book)
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Perhaps have you formerly suffered through a common cold virus? Maybe did you heal from the infection? Certainly you got over it! You won't cure an acute rhinitis directly, but your system usually develops immunity to any type of cold infection within a few days. That is called being healed by your personal immune response!
And sure you will most likely acquire another cold, since there exist more than 300 various cold infections. But you will never ever acquire the very same cold virus that you had before since you have actually established immunity to that particular cold virus.
Grownups have currently had a lot of the runny nose infections. Grownups have actually created immunity to the colds they have suffered from. Therefore there are not numerous runny nose viruses existing for adults to catch. That is why adults only succumb to a few runny noses annually and children may get a dozen http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Cervical Dysplasia Cures runny noses annually.
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Human papilloma virus is the same since HPV virus is just another virus. And you will quite simply establish immunity to HPV virus. Nevertheless, human papilloma virus is more capable at concealing from your body's immune system than are the runny nose viruses. Moreover you have to work a little harder to develop immunity to HPV.
If a person does nothing it could take a couple of years to create immunity to HPV. If one follows the author's suggestions, it requires just a couple of months to generate resistance to HPV. The longer someone is infected with HPV virus, the more likely it might cause cervical damage. So it is best to generate resistance and get rid of human papilloma virus as soon as reasonable.
An individual may strengthen the body's immune system and quite simply create immunity to an HPV virus in basically just a couple of months, prior to the time that it could begin any important injury. (Selected Chapters of Book)
Some people get puzzled and believe they have actually not developed resistance to human papilloma virus simply because they become infected again by a different strain of the more than 100 HPV viruses. But someone can stay clear of additional direct exposure and future HPV virus problems.
This book clarifies human papilloma virus infections, one of the most usual sexually-transmitted infections in the US, infecting over 20 million men and women. HPV virus creates cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer cells, genital excrescences, plantar warts, losing unborn babies, infertility and also CIN Ii Cervical Dysplasia penile cancer.
It matters not exactly how this website came to be https://cervical-dysplasia-cures.com/s/DYS1/IUD-Cervical-Dysplasia-3.php in your possession. What matters is exactly how you make use of such details as hundreds of others who have become immune to HPV virus.
The book's writer shares exactly how she normally eliminated the signs and symptoms of HPV and also entirely recovered her own body of the HPV problem by reinforcing the immunity.
0 notes
iheartguts · 5 years
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Your cervix is a pap star! Take care of it with regular exams.
Reposted from @plannedparenthood
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allaleesha · 4 years
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Abnormal Pap Smear.
Discovery of CIN III HSIL high grade cell changes/severe dysplasia following on from a routine pap smear.
Have you ever been so shocked you didn't know what to do.
Thank god JV was with me on that day.
I was due for a pap smear in May 2018 but in Australia the rules for pap smears changed. Previously a pap smear was recommended every 2 years, but rules and test were changed to a cervical smear every 5 years from the age of 25.
I was 25 in July so it was decided with my GP to put my pap off to avoid having to pay for it myself. I scheduled my pap smear for early Aug 2018.
A pap smear is a quick procedure where a sample of cells is collected to detect cervical cancer early.
I had a phone call late Saturday morning after having my pap smear done the Tuesday prior. Unfortunately I missed this call and had to phone them first thing Monday morning. 
The Doctors office didn’t really give me much indication as to why I needed to come back -  I actually thought I must have had thrush or something pretty basic they wanted to chat about.
JV was driving in the driveway as I was leaving for the appointment and jumped in the car to come with me. I think he must have sensed something wasn’t quite right.
I was explained my pap results and given a copy of the report which indicated high grade cells.
Without a colposcopy (a procedure to examine and biopsy the cervix) they werent able to fully confirm, but indications were I had CIN III HSIL high grade cell changes/severe dysplasia.
CIN III is severly abnormal cells that are found on the surface of the cervix. It is usually caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It is not cancer, but very concerning as it may become cancer if not treated.
I was shocked. So shocked I dont think I even cried until we left. It took a hot minute to sink in.
My GP referred me off to see a gynaecological oncologist to have further investigations done.
An appointment was made for about 6 weeks later for a consultation at which point a colposcopy would be performed to investigate these cells further.
I was scared. 
I didn't know what to expect.
I had recently switched jobs from a position I was in for 8 years.
JV was working in a Queensland mine about 18 hours drive away.
We had recently become engaged.
My Dad was due to have open heart surgery.
This wasnt how it was supposed to be. I was young, fit and healthy.
The moral of this story...
Get a pap smear.
If you are due, make an appointment.
If you havent ever had one, make an appointment.
If you’re scared, dont be... cancer is scary. Make an appointment.
Please, make an appointment.
Dont put it off. No excuses.
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nurseslabs · 5 years
Papanicolaou smear (Pap smear, cervical smear) is a safe, noninvasive cytological examination for early detection of cervical cancer. During the 1900s, cervical cancer was one of the leading cause of death among women. It was until the year 1928, where a greek physician George Nicholas Papanicolaou was able to discover the difference between normal and malignant cervical cells by viewing the samples microscopically, hence Pap smear was invented.
For women ages 30 and above, this procedure can be done in conjunction with a test on Human papillomavirus (HPV), the most common sexually transmitted disease and primary causative agent for cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends a Pap smear at least once every three years for women ages 21 to 29 who are not in a high-risk category and who have had negative results and who have had negative results from three previous Pap tests. While a Pap test and an HPV test is recommended every five years for women ages 30 to 65 years old. If a Pap smear is positive or suggests malignancy, a cervical biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.
Nurses play an important role in promoting public health awareness to inform, encourage and motivate the public in considering health screening such as pap smear. This pap smear study guide can help nurses understand their tasks and responsibilities during the procedure.
Indications of Pap Smear
Pap smear is indicated for the following reasons:
Identify the presence of sexually transmitted disease such as human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, Actinomyces spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, and Candida spp.
Detect primary and metastatic neoplasms
Evaluate abnormal cervical changes (cervical dysplasia)
Detect condyloma, vaginal adenosis, and endometriosis
Assess hormonal function
Evaluate the patient’s response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Interfering Factors
These are factors or conditions that may alter the outcome of the study
Delay in fixing a specimen, allows the cells to dry therefore destroying the effectiveness of the stain and makes cytologic interpretation difficult
Improper collection site may cause rejection of the specimen. Samples for hormonal evaluation are taken from the vagina while samples for cancer screening are obtained from the vaginal fornix
Use of lubricating jelly on the speculum that may affect the viability of some organisms
Specimen collection during normal menstruation since blood can contaminate the sample
Douching, using tampons, or having sexual intercourse within 24 hours before the exam can wash away cellular deposits
Existing vaginal infections that may interfere with hormonal cytology
Pap Smear Procedure 
Pap smear is performed by a practitioner and takes approximately about 5 to 10 minutes. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:
The patient is positioned. The client is assisted in a supine, dorsal lithotomy position with feet in stirrups.
A speculum is inserted. The practitioner puts on gloves and inserts an unlubricated plastic or metal speculum into the vagina and is opened gently to spread apart the vagina to access the cervix. The speculum may be moistened with saline solution or warm water to make insertion easier.
Cervical and vaginal specimens collection. After positioning the speculum, specimen from the vagina and cervix are taken. A cytobrush is inserted inside the cervix and rolls it firmly into the endocervical canal. The brush is then rotated one turn and removed. A plastic or wooden spatula is utilized to scrape the outer opening of the cervix and vaginal wall.
Collection technique (Using the conventional collection). The specimen from the brush and spatula is wiped on the slide and fixed immediately by immersing the slide in equal parts of 95% ethanol or by using a spray fixative.
Collection technique (Using the ThinPrep collection). The brush and spatula are immediately immersed in a ThinPrep solution with a swirling motion to release the material. The brush and spatula are then removed from the solution and the bottle lid is replaced and secured.
Label the specimen The slides are properly labeled with the patient’s name, age, initials of the health care provider collecting the specimen, date, and time of collection.
Specimens are sent to the laboratory The specimens are transported to the laboratory for cytologic analysis.
Bimanual examination may follow. After the removal of the speculum, a bimanual examination may be performed wherein the health care provider will insert two fingers of one hand inside the vaginal canal to feel the uterus and ovaries with the other hand on top of the abdomen.
Nursing Responsibility for Pap Smear
The following are the nursing interventions and nursing care considerations for a patient indicated for Pap smear.
Before the procedure
The following are the nursing interventions prior to pap smear:
Secure patient’s consent. The test must be adequately explained and understood by the patient before a written, and informed consent is obtained.
Obtain the patient’s health history. These include parity, date of last menstrual period, surgical status, contraceptive use, history of vaginal bleeding, history of previous Pap smears, and history of radiation or chemotherapy.
Ask lists of the patient’s current medications. If a patient is taking a vaginal antibiotic, the pap smear is delayed for one month after the treatment has been completed.
Explain that Pap smear is painless. The test requires that the cervix may be scraped and may experience minimal discomfort but no pain from the insertion of the speculum.
Avoid interfering factors. Having sexual intercourse within 24 hours, douching within 48 hours, using a tampon, or applying vaginal creams or lotions is avoided before the test since it can wash away cellular deposits and change the ph of the vagina.
Empty the bladder. Pap smear involves the insertion of the speculum into the vagina and could press down the lower abdomen.
After the procedure
The nurse should note the following nursing interventions after pap smear:
Cleanse the perineal area. Secretions or excess lubricant from the vagina are removed and cleansed.
Provide a sanitary pad. Slight spotting may occur after the pap smear.
Provide information about the recommended frequency of screening. The American Cancer Society recommends screening every three years for women aged 21 to 29 years old and co-testing for HPV and cytological screening every five years for women aged 30 to 65 years old.
Answer any questions or fears by the patient or family. Anxiety related with the pending test results may occur. Discussion of the implications of abnormal test results on the patient’s lifestyle may be provided to the patient.
Normal findings in a Pap smear will indicate a negative result which means that no abnormal, malignant cells or atypical cells are found. While a positive result signifies that there are abnormal or unusual cells discovered, it is not synonymous to having cervical cancer.
The Bethesda System (TBS) is the current method for interpreting cervical cytology and it includes the following components.
1. Adequacy of specimen
Satisfactory for evaluation: Describe the presence or absence of endocervical transformation zone component and other quality indicators such as partially obscuring blood, inflammation.
Unsatisfactory for evaluation: Specimen is rejected (specify reason) or the specimen is processed and examined but unsatisfactory for evaluation of epithelial abnormalities (specify reason)
2. Interpretation/result
Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy
Showing evidence of organism causing infection:
Trichomonas vaginalis; fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Candida spp.; a shift in flora indicative of bacterial vaginosis (coccobacillus); bacteria consistent with Actinomyces spp.; cellular changes consistent with herpes simplex virus.
Other non-neoplastic findings:
Reactive cellular changes related to inflammation (includes repair), radiation, intrauterine device use, atrophy, glandular cell status after hysterectomy.
Epithelial cell abnormalities
Squamous cell abnormalities
Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H):
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) encompassing HPV, mild dysplasia, cervical intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN) grade 1
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) encompassing moderate and severe dysplasia, CIS/CIN grade 2 and CIN grade 3 with features suspicious for invasion (If invasion is suspected).
Squamous cell carcinoma: indicate the presence of cancerous cells.
Glandular cell
Atypical glandular cells (not otherwise specify)
Atypical glandular cells, favor neoplastic (not otherwise specify)
Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ
Endometrial cells (in woman >=40 years of age)
Related images to help you understand pap smear better.
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References and Sources
Additional resources and references for the Pap Smear study guide:
Adele Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Health Nursing:Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Anne M. Van Leeuwen, Mickey Lynn Bladh. Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications: Davis’s
Solomon, D., Davey, D., Kurman, R., Moriarty, A., O’connor, D., Prey, M., … & Young, N. (2002). The 2001 Bethesda System: terminology for reporting results of cervical cytology. Jama, 287(16), 2114-2119. [Link]
Suzanne C. Smeltzer. Brunner & Suddarth’s Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Pap Smear Nursing Care Planning and Responsibilities – Diagnostic and Procedure
Pap Smear (Papanicolaou Smear) Papanicolaou smear (Pap smear, cervical smear) is a safe, noninvasive cytological examination for early detection of cervical cancer.
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drmilliesays · 5 years
Natural Cures for HPV - The Cervical Cancer Virus
The human papilloma virus is ubiquitous, which means it’s everywhere and hard for public health agencies to control it so many people are looking for natural cures for HPV. There are vaccine solutions but the studies were done hastily and there have been reports of severe side effects leaving many people wondering if they should take it or if it’s too late once they are already struck with the virus. The virus itself is said to be self-limiting, which means that the body deals with it in most cases. However, the fact still remains that this is the virus that may cause genital warts, cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer and a host of other cancers such as throat and anal cancers as well. Therefore is it any wonder that many people are looking for natural cures for HPV - otherwise known as the cervical cancer virus.
There are 4 strains responsible for cellular changes that could eventually cause cervical cancer (HPV 6 and 11, which are less harmful than the aggressive HPV 16 and 18). These same strains lead to anal, throat and mouth cancer in sexually active males and females.
Symptoms of HPV
Men are usually silent carriers, meaning they do not know they are spreading this pervasive sexually transmitted disease because they are free of symptoms and there no is no possible testing method. Most women will also never develop any symptoms because the HPV infection is usually self-limiting – this means that the body’s immune system fights the virus on its own. The Papanicolaou, or PAP test, is a necessary exam for females whereby the physician takes a cellular sample from the cervical tissue for cellular analysis to assess for cellular changes, called cervical atypical or cervical dysplasia. While spotting and pain during sexual intercourse are the most common symptoms, the PAP test is the only way to determine actual risk for cervical changes. Having routine PAP tests reduces a woman’s risk of developing a cancer related to the HPV infection. Diagnoses are staged for severity of cervical dysplasia (Cervical Intracellular Neoplasia 1, CIN2, CIN3 and cancers (Carcinoma in Situ, Invasive Cervical Carcinoma). But what determines if person develops a persistent HPV infection, or if it clears up on its own?
What to do about HPV?
Despite a reported high vaccine effectiveness3, the prevalence of infections may be rising. Studies show that vaccine compliance is low, possibly due to lack of public trust on the safety of the vaccine (see incidence reports on deaths and adverse events here: http://www.nvic.org). Data from the American National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2009-2010 found that the prevalence of HPV infections among women is 42.7% in the cervix, and 3.8% in the mouth and throat2. Women with oral HPV infections were 5 times more likely to have a cervical HPV infection as well, which means that HPV infections at these two sites are not independent2. Thus, overall body health and susceptibility, rather than exposure, might be the issue.
Since it is the body’s immune system that is responsible for fighting off this virus, then education and Nutrition may be the missing pieces to overcome these conditions in a safe and non-invasive way. Nutrition and lifestyle factors can play either a positive or detrimental role on an individual’s overall level of health. You may check your own nutritional status using an online tool as ensuring adequate nutrition is the first step towards having a strong immune system. While there has been massive promotion of the HPV vaccine, the population’s health efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle and diet have been minimal at best. A lack of health information on the risk factors of HPV and prevention and lifestyle strategies to treat it leave the public feeling confused and powerless about their options. While research is behind, there are many risk factors and interventions associated with lifestyle and nutrition that the public ought to be informed of so they know how to best prevent and treat their current situation.
GET EDUCATED: How to Reduce your Risk of HPV Infections
Get tested. Getting examined by the doctor establishes your cervical health. - PAPS, and think prep of cells to check for virus and abnormalities.
Use protection.  Unprotected intercourse increases risk for developing tissue abnormalities. While cervical cancer is unlikely with condom usage, genital warts can be contacted, as male and female condoms do not cover the entire area. Keep in mind the virus may be latent for years or decades.
Delay intercourse and be selective. Changing male partners (especially prior to 18 years of age) introduces the virus at a time when the body is still maturing, meaning the cells are most susceptible to viral influences.    
Delay childbirth. Giving birth prior to 22 years of age increases risk for cervical dysplasia due to cellular changes in the cervix.                                       
Stop smoking. Women who smoke have 2-3 times higher risk for developing cervical abnormalities due to oxidative stress that lower the immune system’s response to fight the virus.  Results from a large prospective study confirmed that tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for the most severe types of cervical dysplasia (CIN3) as well as CIS, and even the more severe ICC4. Quitting smoking is required for recovery from HPV.
Reconsider your Pill. Long-term use of oral contraceptives (over 5 years, as well as other medications such as Midol, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen) may be responsible for nutrient deficiencies of the crucial antioxidants (Folic Acid, Vitamin C and Zinc) needed to protect soft cervical tissues against conditions caused by HPV.
Cut down on alcohol. Alcohol damages cells and leaches key nutrients in the body that protect the immune system (B1, B12, Folic Acid and Zinc). A link has been established in women who consume two or more servings of alcoholic beverages per day with a persistent HPV infection of the mouth5.
Fruits, veggies and supplements. Those who eat a poor nutrient diet, meaning insufficient servings of fruits and veggies, are missing these key nutrients mentioned above as well as special plant nutrients mentioned below. Keep reading.
GET HEALTHY: Nutrients Researched for HPV Infections and Immunity
If you have been diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells or cervical dysplasia, rather than waiting to the next PAP test, why not act now to improve antioxidant protection and boost your immune system? Nutritional programs may include food and supplement suggestions for increasing specific nutrients, as well as improving immunity so the body can fight the virus on its own:
High nutrient intake. A diet rich with green, yellow, orange, red and cruciferous vegetables has been shown to be the best way to incorporate key nutrients into the diet. When specific antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, carotenoids and lycopene are low, HPV is harder to treat. What’s more, cabbage-family vegetables with natural levels of Indol-3-Carbinol and Sulforaphanes have great cancer-fighting abilities.
Increase alkalinity and decrease acid. You can measure the acidity of your urine using a pH test strip. Increase green vegetables and green tea, and decrease processed food, meat, alcohol and coffee.
Breathe in salt air and eat from the sea. Seafood contains essential minerals such as iodine, magnesium, calcium, boron, selenium and zinc, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, healthy thyroid function, metabolism, and electrolytes. If your whole body is healthier, delicate tissues like your cervix will respond positively.
Exposure to the sunshine vitamin. Don’t forget Vitamin D is essential for normalizing immune response. The salt water mineral magnesium is required in order for Vitamin D to aid in proper calcium absorption.
Leave junk food behind. Processed foods are high in sodium, refined sugar, processed white flour, and animal products with hormones and other bad fats, causing inflammation and robbing the body of essential nourishment.
In addition to the diet, there are several key antioxidant nutrients have been studied in relation to HPV, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer. While there is no guarantee you can recover naturally from cervical cancer, nutrition can be used alone or in combination with medical procedures to improve outcomes and protect one’s response to HPV exposure. Here is how to augment specific nutrition to give your immune system the best defense possible, inspired by the original protocol by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND, here is a 12-month plan to boost your immunity. Supplement levels will vary in each individual.
Dr. Millie's Plan
Folic Acid: Low serum and red blood cell folate are moderately, but not significantly, associated with an increased risk of invasive cervical cancer6. If you are on oral contraception pills, drink alcohol, or take ibuprofen or other pain relievers, you are more likely to have an insufficient supply of folate in the body. Several studies have shown that low serum folate levels are linked to cervical dysplasia, and high folate blood levels are linked to the prevention of CIN I (cervical dysplasia).8,9 Improvement in cervical dysplasia outcomes using folic acid supplementation is also well documented10, showing improvement when using up to 10mg per day for 3-6 months. If you are over 35 then take half the dose.
Indol-3-Carbinol, Sulfurophanes and DIM: Studies show that this extract from cabbage or cruciferous family vegetables, broccoli seed extract, sulphuraphane, I-3-C and DIM have the potential to prevent and even treat a number of common estrogen-related cancers.11 In a double blind, placebo-controlled study, 30 patients with biopsy-confirmed CIN II-III (moderate to severe cervical dysplasia) received either a placebo or 200 or 400mg oral 1-3-C daily for 12 weeks. None of the 10 placebo patients had complete regression of CIN, whereas four out of eight patients in the 200 mg per day group and four of nine in the 400 mg per day group had complete regression.12
Depending on the quality of your diet and lifestyle, a multivitamin and mineral supplement for women that includes antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C, E, CoQ10, Lycopene, Lutein, Selenium and Zinc may be essential for good cervical health. One study found that blood levels of CoQ10 and Vitamin E were significantly lower in patients with diagnosed CIN cervical cancer than in controls.13 Another study revealed that levels of CoQ10 from cervical epithelial cells themselves were significantly lower in women diagnosed with CIN.14
Vitamin C in any form is one of the body’s main antioxidants. It also works to re-circulate Vitamin E, another one of the body’s most important antioxidant. While it’s known that women with cervical dysplasia have low blood levels of  Vitamin C15, Vitamin C’s benefits are numerous. One study showed that women with high intake of Vitamin C had a lower risk of cervical dysplasia.16 Another study of Korean women looked at 58 cases of CIN cervical cancer and compared them with 86 women with normal PAP test results – the cancer group had significantly lower blood levels of Vitamin C than the control group.17 Take up to 5000mg / day.
Green Tea: Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful polyphenol antioxidant from green tea, known to impede the epidermal growth factor receptor, an agent needed for cervical cell growth. A recent study looked at 51 women with HPV-positive cervical dysplasia and divided them into 4 groups, compared to 39 controls. Green tea ointment was applied locally to 27 patients twice a week. 20 out of 27 patients under ointment therapy showed a response. One standardized EGCG capsule was taken every day for 8 to 12 weeks. Six out of eight patients under green tea ointment plus capsule therapy showed a response. Six out of 10 patients under EGCG capsule therapy alone showed a response. Overall, a 69% response rate was noted for treatment with green tea extracts, compared with a 10% response spontaneous improvement rate in the controls. A positive response meant an improvement in cervical dysplasia staging.18
Coriolus Versicolor (Reishi, Shiitake, Cordyceps and Coriolus)  is an immune mushroom commonly used for its health-boosting properties due to their high beta-glucans and polyphenol levels.. As a known immune-modulator, it has been studied for its immune-enhancing properties. It has been studied for its ability to improve immune response to HPV and to reverse the early stages of cervical cancer.19 In a year-long Portuguese study, Coriolus versicolor cleared high-risk strains of HPV known to cause cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer in 39 women. All of the women had the equivalent of CIN 1 or 2. After one year, 9 of 10 women who supplemented with 3000mg Coriolus versicolor tested negative for HPV, compared with just 1 of 12 placebo women. In addition, 13 of 18 Coriolus patients reverted to normal PAP results, compared with 10 of 21 non-supplemented women.
Resveratrol: In one in vitro study, Resveratrol treatment (150-250 µmol/l) applied for 48 hours increased cell-cycle arrest on HPV18 and HPV16 positive cervical cancer cells.21 Furthermore, a lower dose of resveratrol (50 µmol/ produced a similar effect, suggesting that this effect is not necessarily dose-dependent and that even a low dose of resveratrol treatment changes the expression of the cancer gene on both HPV18 and HPV16-positive cells. This study shows promise that that resveratrol uses different mechanisms to induce the killing of cervical cancer cells.
Topical treatments are important as well. In addition to this vitamin protocol, there is a treatment option involving a rotating series of vaginal suppositories for women with moderate or severe cervical dysplasia. Many of these suppositories have been taken off the market by the FDA because it now considers suppositories a drug. However if you are having a compounding pharmacy make them it would would include a combination of antiviral, escharotics and therapeutic herbs, enzymes, and vitamins to treat and heal the local site. These suppositories are capable of killing the virus and healing the local area, and unlike the LEEP procedures, are non-scarring. Suppositories must be performed or taught by a trained alternative health professional. You must see a Naturopathic Doctor for this treatment option is for you. Unfortunately PAP tests are provided less often now, however it is important if you have tested positive to go for them more often. Do your best to deactivate this virus and strengthen your immune system using the amazing tips provided.
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industry365 · 3 years
Cervical Dysplasia Market Is Expected To Reach New Growth Revenues During 2021-2028
The global cervical dysplasia market size is expected to reach USD 936.4 million by 2028 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “Cervical Dysplasia Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Type (Diagnostic Tests, {HPV Test, Pap Smear Test, Biopsy Test}, Diagnostic Devices, Colposcope); By End-Use (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, Ambulatory Surgical Centers), By Regions; Segment Forecast, 2021 – 2028” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
The rising prevalence of cervical cancer and awareness regarding its early diagnosis is the key cervical dysplasia industry impacting factors. As per the report published by World Health Organization, in 2018, worldwide there were around 5, 70,000 new cases of cervical cancer, and more than 3,11,000 deaths were recorded. It also reported that HPV is the most common causal factor for cervical dysplasia among women.
Moreover, Cervical Awareness Month was introduced by the U.S. Congress, in 2019, to declare the month of January dedicated to the patients suffering from cervical cancer in the market. National Cervical Cancer Coalition under government control was responsible to highlight issues related to disease and the importance of early diagnosis. These government-supported initiatives are bound to increase awareness regarding disease screening and are anticipated to boost the market growth for cervical dysplasia.
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Market participants such as Qiagen N.V., Abbott Laboratories, Hologic, Inc., Quest Diagnostics, DYSIS Medical Ltd, Micromedic Technologies Ltd., OncoHealth Corporation, Inc., CooperSurgical Inc., and Roche are some of the key players operating in the global market for cervical dysplasia. The companies in the marketplace for cervical dysplasia are focussing on collaborations and agreement to survive in the highly regulated market with huge patient unmet needs.
For instance, in January 2020, both Japan pharmaceutical giants ASKA Pharmaceutical and KinoPharma entered into a collaborative agreement for the development and commercialization of drug candidates for cervical dysplasia in the market, which is under preclinical phase under KinoPharma. Under the agreement, ASKA would obtain exclusive rights to sell the drug in the Japanese market and will help later in co-developing potential drug candidates and KinoPharma in return will receive upfront payments for the exclusive licensing.
Earlier, in July 2019, Roche expanded its portfolio of offerings under the Global Access Program to include HPV, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnostic products for the emerging countries, particularly in countries where the prevalence of HPV is highest. This expansion is an attempt towards cost-effective treatments for cervical dysplasia in resource constraint countries and to implement multiple large-scale programs.
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Polaris Market research has segmented the cervical dysplasia market report on the basis of type, end-use, and region:
Cervical Dysplasia, by Type Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic Devices
HPV Test
Pap Smear Test
Biopsy Test
Cervical Dysplasia, by End-Use Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
Diagnostic Centers
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Cervical Dysplasia, by Regional Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
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