#Chandlo thought he could fly
fruitytulip · 1 year
This isn’t Mysterious Benedict society related it’s Bugsnax
You know when you had to get Chandlo hunnabees before he asked he said that he can’t fly and he’s tried before…
Just imagine snorpy finally going outside to see Chandlo jumping off the roof probably screaming “IM GONNA FLY DAWG” and then falling face first on the floor (I imagine buddy has tried doing that aswell)
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cyberaxolotl · 2 years
Confront The Blizzarding Mountain
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: Violence, gore, attached illustration containing these, body horror
Fic below the cut
There was an icy cold wind blowing through his hair, past his ears, making a high pitch howling. Chandlo did not let the shrill screams of a mountain so high discourage him, no, he embraced them as a sound and sign as he scaled the mountain. He saw sparks of lightning shoot through the bushels of clouds, hailed by storm and heavy with water, the weather as angry as the mountain.
He saw chunks of rock and ice fly down the mountainside, the terrain quaking with a deep-rooted force, as though angered. Anger was a constant, though; the creature large enough to shake the earth was filled with either a passionate rage, or a torrential fear. With boots on his back paws, gloves on his front paws, and ice picks in his hands, Chandlo did not turn away from the vicious mountain. Nothing would keep him from… him.
But as he reached the Frosted Peak, he realized that the storm was far worse than he thought. Even with a lantern attached to his backpack, he could barely see around, the shroud of clouds blocking out all sunlight. It was like a dark mist had enveloped the peak, and he felt like he knew what it’d take to calm it down.
He finally got to the top, or, close to it. There was not the singing of Chilly Nilly’s, or the sweet songs of a Sodie… There was only the howling of the wind. “Snorpy?” He called out, stepping forward. His light was barely a circle around him, leaving most of its usual range wrapped in darkness.
With instinctive steps, Chandlo walked forward, eyes darting around the mountain. He knew vaguely what the layout was like, and knew how not to fall off the edge, but there was a worry on its own. There were only two things on that mountain: Chandlo, and a monster several times his size, that he wouldn’t be able to see until it was close to him. But it’d be able to see him from much further away.
The snow crunched under his boots. “Snorpy?” He called again. Walking forward, he found the slope further up the mountain, continuing to get higher up. Finding him was only the first step.
He breathed heavily as he walked up to the cave, entering its treacherous mouth. He felt the air get still as the wind quieted, the cave being… disturbingly quiet. There was an echo with his every footstep, reverberating through the chamber, but that was the only noise.
He watched the ground as he walked; it was all he could do. Beneath him was but snow and ice, no evidence of movement anywhere, until…
“-!” He took in a sharp gasp as a puddle appeared in front of him. “…Chocolate sauce?” He bent down by it, seeing its glow in the light.
Another droplet fell from the ceiling.
“…” Chandlo slowly turned his eyes up, tilting his head. Something was in the cave with him, but far too high up to be within the range of his light. Detaching the light from his backpack, he reached forward and held it up. “Gah-!” The moment he saw a little shine from red wax, it was hurrying away, dropping chunks of packed snow from the ceiling. The ground shook as something ran away faster than it should have, and he couldn’t do anything but drop and curl forward, covering his head.
A chunk of hard snow hit his back, and he tried to ignore it as smaller pieces fell down and around him, splattering onto the ground. “Snorpy!” He looked up, seeing another wax candle leg run by him.
But it was gone as soon as it came. As the cave continued shaking, he grabbed his lantern and booked it, turning around and hurrying out of the cavern. He figured he was just in time when he heard a larger crash behind him, a bigger rock falling from the ceiling. “The whole mountain is gonna come down if I don’t get him!” He cried, only able to hear the mountain come apart behind him.
Standing up, he waved the lantern around. As he hoped, a sign. “Chocolate sauce…” He saw a splattered trail on the ground, leading up the mountain. “Snoooorpy!” He called, running up the slope.
He followed the trail with limited light, hoping to see him again, hoping to find his lover just for a moment- they’d known each other for twenty five years, he had to recognize his face, he had to…
The chocolate got redder.
“-!” He gasped as he noticed the change in color. “Snorpy- ah!”
A shot of thunder and lightning illuminated the mountain. Right in front of him, attached to the side of the wall… Snorpy.
His body was mangled and disheveled to make way for his unnecessary amount of limbs. There were wax legs sprouting from the front of his torso, his chest and abdomen having been halved to make room for the new appendages, which spilled cake filler and blood around. His actual limbs had been replaced with sticky, frosting covered candles, which were melting and held together by thin tendrils. He looked like his face was falling apart, the cake in chunks.
Chandlo realized the chocolate wasn’t blood, it was tears. It made lines down his face and spilled below him, some getting on his now-cake bunny ears, and making him look disordered.
“Snorpy! Snooorpy!” He called up, walking closer to the wall. “Don’t run away, it’s me!” He saw the chocolate falling to the mountainside and dripping down it. There wasn’t a single noise from above him, and he felt like he had a chance. “It’s me, Snorpy! Chandlo! Your boyfriend!” He yelled up.
“…” Not a sound. No tapping of wax on stone and snow, no voices.
He breathed heavily, plunged back into darkness. He wasn’t even sure if he was looking at the right place anymore. “You gotta come back to me, Snorpdawg.” He called. “I-I know the snax are in there, but, I know you’re still there too! Please-“
It all happened so fast. With a flicker of lightning, the monster leaped down, immediately trapping the grumpus beneath him. With a monstrous screech, Chandlo couldn’t take a single breath when a leg was placed on his torso, winding him with the force, and then- teeth. Bared, bold, and made of wax, they dug into his neck, ripping out his throat with a wet squelch in one hard sweep. He was dead without a second moment.
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Snorpy let the blood drip down his maw, staring wildly at the wide-eyed body. The lantern fell to the ground and rolled away, plunging them both into darkness. With a wrathful growl, he backed off, letting his leg push down on the corpse and crush it with a visceral crunching.
The mountain was not pacified that night. The monster that lurked at its peak only became wrathful, more and more upset with every second that passed after a life was claimed. And there was a sense of… guilt…
…But he didn’t know why.
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poliel · 3 years
This is directly inspired by my in game experience in catching sight of the Snaxsquatch and then approaching it, thinking it was one of the villagers and then it melting into the ground before I could get a good look at it. I spent a while trying to get it to reappear and even now during my second play through, every time I'm in that area I look down into the alcove with my camera, hoping it's there. It sadly never is though. I decided to turn the fic into a Filbo/Buddy thing because why not?
Stepping out of the cave, Buddy looked up. … But alas, the sky was still crystal-clear blue. There were a couple wispy clouds but nothing that had much of a chance of yielding rain any time soon. Waiting around for it wasn’t the best use of their time but… it was the last snac they needed to document in Flavor Falls. Supposedly anyway, there could be more, the entire island was still largely unexplored after all. So there could easily be…
“Sandopede, sandopede, sandopede…”
Coming to a stop, their eyes naturally followed the sandopede as it crossed right in front of them in its seemingly never-ending loop. It was weird how so many snax resorted to running or flying around in a loop, almost like they wanted to be caught. Perhaps later Buddy should ask Floofty about…
Someone stood at the end of the little alcove they’d fallen in when first arriving upon the island. At this distance and with their back to Buddy it was hard to tell who it might be. But if they were out here it had to be for a reason.
Abandoning their prior path, Buddy jumped down to the lower level. They then crossed the stream and ascended the hill to the alcove, taking a breath great whoever it was. They didn’t get a single word out though because that was not a grumpus!
Its large googly eyes locked onto Buddy, sending a chill down their spine. Despite that they were already scrambling to lift their camera. They were too slow though, the thing disappeared, seemingly melting into the ground, before they could even get it in the view finder. … Dammit!
Their fur bristling with fear and anticipation, they glanced around, both hoping and fearing that it might’ve reappeared elsewhere. … But no, whatever that thing had been was gone now. Shaking it off, they held their camera at the ready, just in case, as they approached the spot it had been standing.
No trace of it remained, not even a single footprint. It was rock and grass so that made sense but was disappointing nonetheless. They hadn’t gotten a good look at it but it had definitely been grumpus shaped and perhaps made of bugsnax? It was hard to say for sure with how brief their glimpse had been.
There was a good chance it whatever it had been was the thing Beffica had seen that night a couple weeks ago. Buddy had already been intrigued by that mystery but now that they’d seen it themself, it was a whole other story. They had to document it, simply had to. And since bugsnax seemed to like to hang out in one place – and that was probably what it was given how no other native creatures had been spotted on the island – it was probably still around here somewhere, perhaps watching them. That thought made their fur prickle with fear again but… no matter. They wouldn’t rest until they’d found, scanned, and officially documented whatever it was.
A week or so later and back at Snaxburg
“Hey Gramble,” Filbo said as he poked his head into the barn. Gramble looked up from whatever bugsnax he was tending to, giving him a slightly suspicious look. It hurt a little but… it was understandable so Filbo continued. “Have you seen Buddy around lately?”
“Nope. They ain’t been by when I wasn’t around to drop off any new little ones for a while now neither.” Which meant they hadn’t been back to Snaxburg at all because they always had something to donate to Gramble’s barn every time they returned to town.
“They’ve never been gone this long before.” They hadn’t really been gone for a super long time but previously the longest they’d been away from town without returning for even a short while was like two or three days. And given how Liz and Eggabell were still missing after disappearing… “I’m starting to get a little worried.”
Gramble suddenly looked nervous too. “Well what do you want me to do about it?”
“I don’t know. Help me go find them maybe?” Filbo didn’t exactly trust himself to find them on his own otherwise he’d have gone off to do so already.
“I would but… I can’t be away from my little ones that long. Someone would break in and eat them for sure.” That was unfortunately probably a fair point.
“Right, yeah, uh… I guess I’ll go ask the others for help then.” Buddy was friends with everyone here so surely getting a search party going wouldn’t be too hard.
It turned to Snorpy had placed a tracking device on them, making determining their location in Flavor Falls a breeze. But… “They didn’t respond when I tried to contact them earlier today for I too was starting to get worried. I was thinking of sending Chandlo out to go find them if they didn’t return by nightfall tonight.”
“No need for that. I can handle it,” Filbo said even though he was not at all confident that he could handle even that. But Flavor Falls was the least dangerous place on the island other than Snaxburg so he’d probably be fine. It’d be chance to possibly prove himself a little.
“Very well then,” Snorpy replied with nod. “I suppose I shall see both you later then. Be careful though, you never know what might be out there.” That sounded a bit forbidding but… Snorpy was just like that so Filbo wasn’t going to worry about it.
It wasn’t until he was halfway there that the realization that things might not be so safe hit him. Surely there had to be a reason Buddy had been gone for so long. It was possible something had attacked them and they were hurt or perhaps worse. What would he do if he when he found Buddy they were…
The distinct sound of a snaxscope snapping a picture made him jump a little and drew his gaze upward. Buddy stood atop a steep hill, looking down at him, their camera still raised. Oh thank grump, they were okay.
“Hey, Buddy.” He smiled, lifting a paw in a small wave to hide his relief.
“Hello, Filbo.” Buddy lowered their camera and jumped down off the hill with seemingly no concern for their own safety. “What are you doing out here?” As they approached it became hard to miss the heavy bags under bloodshot eyes. Clearly they hadn’t slept in a while.
“Looking for you. You’re been gone for a while and I was starting to get a bit worried.” And apparently, given their appearance, he’d had a right to be. “So… you okay?”
That gave Buddy pause as they opened their mouth as if to speak but said nothing for a solid few seconds before finally speaking, looking Filbo right in the eye as they did so. “You’re amazing and I would kill someone for you if you asked me to.”
Now it was Filbo’s turn to be taken aback. Who said that kind of thing in general but especially to someone like him? He wasn’t all that great or amazing and nobody should be killing anyone at his request. Also that was something he very much did not want. But before he could gather himself enough to say that or anything really…
“But anyway,” their tone now matter-of-fact as if they hadn’t just said something super weird, Buddy broke eye contact as they shifted their backpack around to start digging through it, “the reason I’ve been out here so long is I’m hunting what I’ve decided to call a Snaxsquatch. It’s shaped like a grumpus but made of smaller bugsnax… I think. I only saw it for a split second before it melted into the ground. Which is why I couldn’t get a picture of it. I’ve been trying to get to reappear or root out its hiding spot ever since. I may have gotten a bit wrapped up in. But I did capture what I think might be a footprint it left.” They pulled out their notebook, flipping it open and holding it out so Filbo could see.
On one page was some writing, repeating most of what Buddy had just said. Beneath it was a sketch of a shadowy grumpus shape with googly eyes much like the bugsnax’s but bigger. On the other page was a photo of a grassy patch that did indeed look kind of like something large had stepped there.
With a shiver, Filbo glanced all around them. Thankfully whatever it was didn’t seem to be around right now. “Surely if something like that was on the island, especially this part of it, we would’ve seen it by now, right?”
Buddy closed their journal and slipped it into their pack and shifted it around onto their back again. “We have seen it. Or at least Beffica and Gramble saw it. But I think this one’s smarter than most bugsnax. Which is why we haven’t seen it much. It’s hiding somewhere, probably watching us.” Their face and tone seemed to indicate that idea excited them somehow. “I’m going to find it though.” If anyone could, it was probably them, right? But…
“Maybe you should rest first though. You look pretty uh… tired.”
“I can rest after I find it.” They started to turn away, probably to return to their hunt it. Filbo couldn’t let them do that though, both for their sake as well as his own because returning to town alone knowing something could be out there watching him was not something he had any desire to do.
“It seems to be taking a long time though. And… and… what about Lizbert and Eggabell? You still haven’t found them yet. And what about the rest of the town too? We’re kind of uh, depending on you.” Probably more than was fair.
They froze before snapping back around to face Filbo again. “Shit, you’re right. After I got that quick glimpse of it I just go so excited to find another cryptid I guess I forgot about everything else. … Whoops, sorry. I’ll hunt it down afterfinding Lizbert.” They turned and started fast walking back towards town. “I’ll get back on that right now. Thanks for coming out here to find me.”
Filbo scrambled to catch up, almost having to run to keep up with their walking pace. “You’ll get some rest first though, right?” Because they looked like they needed it and because in general they didn’t seem to rest as much as they should. And if Filbo was already out here checking up on them he might as well also take the opportunity to encourage them to take care of themself too.
They turned their head to look at him. “If you insist, I suppose I could use a nap.”
“Awesome.” And for once in his life Filbo had actually succeeded at something. He’d found Buddy and was bringing him back to town and had convinced them to take another much needed rest. Not a grand achievement or anything but he’d take it.
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twilightprince101 · 4 years
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn, much less created a new OC! But recently I’ve succumbed to Bugsnax brainrot, so introducing Brandy Brittleshoot!
Brandy is a freelance writer and editor, working on several different projects at once before coming to Snaktooth Island. Alongside decently good hearing he has an intense curiosity for the world, often experimenting with different Snakified limbs to get inspiration for his latest story! (Just be prepared if you ask them about it, you’ll be stuck there ‘till nightfall).
I also filled out an interview prompt of him under the cut from @cosmicheartz , so check that out if you’re interested and feel free to shoot any asks about them! I’d love to talk a bit more about my newest character!
Who are you?
I’m Brandy Brittleshoot, I’m a freelance writer! Editing articles, typing out scripts, writing for dating sims, I’ve done a lot!
( How long have you been writing for? )
How long? Hehe, honestly I can’t even remember. One of my earliest memories was me writing an alternate ending to a book that had a crummy finale. I was so upset and whined so loud at a last minute plot twist that my dad sat me down in front of a notebook with a pencil so he could focus on his work. Though, I don’t think he expected me to actually write something decent! Never underestimate the power of an upset fan!!
( Anything in particular you’re writing now? )
Oh a handful of things! I have like, a million story ideas sitting on the backburn, but right now? I’m outlining a story idea I got for my latest novel! The details are a little hazy right now, but it’s all about an island of shapeshifters who can change into whatever they want. But of course, in a world like that there’d be lots of chaos if there were just like, a bunch of dragons flying around everywhere (who wouldn’t want to be a dragon) so there’s the government trying to limit it somewhat and there’s this one girl who-! Oh, grump! Sorry, um, still working on that.
Why come to Snacktooth island?
Oh Lizbert’s to thank for that! A while back I helped with putting out her story about Grumplantis! She saw a bit of the work I was doing at the time and, for some reason, decided I should help her out! Still have no idea why she chose me to help edit especially considering I was writing Grumpus Croft fan fiction at the time, but to think I’d get to help publish official findings about a lost civilization!!! I didn’t even care about the money, just the thought of working together with an explorer like that is just-!
( *Ahem…* But, what about Snacktooth? )
Oh right, that! Well, long story short she thought the work I did was good and invited me to come along as a way to say thanks since she didn’t exactly have the funds to pay for my work. Obviously I couldn’t pass up an opportunity that big, getting firsthand experience with an actual adventurer! So I dropped what I was doing, packed up and came right along with her!
Thoughts on bugsnax?
Duuude, okay. So imagine me, a writer who absolutely loves fantasy, lands on this island and finds out that fantasy actually exists! And is edible!!! I get to know what fantasy tastes like!!! This whole island is walking through one big fantasy novel and I have gotten nothing but inspiration since I’ve gotten here, it’s amazing!
( What does fantasy taste like? )
Okay, it’s like--actually, hang on, it would be faster if I just read this excerpt I wrote down a bit ago instead of trying to explain. *ahem.* ‘Upon the first bite of the plump and crispy Bunger, a dazzling fireworks show of flavor cascades into my mouth and paints a nova onto my taste buds. Each crunch a new explosion, a new flavor, a new color streaming across the sky’s canvas and dazzling me like a nova-’ oop, put nova twice there… ‘-Dazzling me like a child’s first glimpse at the night sky’s expanse! A symphony of crackles for me to experience alone, and by the time the last stream of light fizzled out, I’m ready to light the fuse for an encore.’ And that was just for the Bungers!
Why did you leave town?
Hoooh boy okay, bit of a loaded question there… After Lizbert and Batternugget vanished I tried to keep calm and keep doing what I was doing, wait for them to get back. But as the Bugsnax ran out and people got hungry, it was a bit hard to keep doing that… especially with all the noise...
( You’re referring to the fight? )
More or less yeah. I could hear pretty much everything from inside my cabin: Everyone ganging up against Cromdo, Chandlo calming down Snorpy from a panic attack, Filbo doing his best to keep everything together (can’t blame the guy for trying). Good hearing is both a blessing and a curse I guess… but the worst no doubt was Wiggle.
( What was up with Wiggle? )
Well, I do like her music, don’t get me wrong. But since coming to the island I can’t exactly handle being in the same room with her. She tried getting me to write her some song lyrics for exposure, kept peeking at my writing notes to steal my ideas, and worst of all, she stress yodels. And around the time the two vanished, she certainly had a lot of time to practice. I already couldn’t handle the fighting, but her singing was the last straw, so I slipped out in the middle of the night before I had to hear another note. Erm... you don't think she'll sue me for defamation if you put this in your story, will she?
Any info on Lizbert?
Duuude, Lizbert is no doubt the coolest person I know--probably ever! It’s like she jumped right out of an action movie and I could actually talk with her! She was really nice, telling me about a lot of her previous adventures in her free time and supporting me when I was going through writer’s block. Of course, she wasn’t around too much when she was out hunting snax, but Doctor Batternugget was around!
( Did you and Doctor B.N. get along? )
Yeah Miss Nugget was really nice! She was usually quiet when Lizbert wasn’t around, but after keeping her company one day and helping her sort supplies we got to talk a lot. She even volunteered to read some of my story drafts in her downtime--without me asking first too!! Plus, she also was a good resource to go to when I was writing about… more graphic details regarding Grumpus anatomy. I know a lot of people say that they might not come back, but I know they’re out there somewhere I know it! I mean come on, an adventurous explorer and her nurse girlfriend? That just SCREAMS main character plot armor! Plus, it would seriously suck if I finally find people eager to read my work on their own, then they just vanish from my life altogether… Please be okay Miss Batternugget…
Tape’s almost dry Brandy, gotta wrap this up soon!
Oh thanks for the interview! First one I’ve ever gotten, certainly a learning experience! (Maybe I could make a story entirely using interviews, that could be cool). I’m just sorry for talking your ear off. Hey, I know you’re kind of a solo worker from watching you run around, but if you’d like I can try and help with editing this story when you head back to the mainland. Free of charge too, I know you guys at GNN aren’t exactly treated the best. Not to mention it would look really good on both our resumes if we collaborated for this kinda story!
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 11/13: I'll Be Fine
“You think you can handle refueling it on your own?” Snorpy asked as he and Filbo stepped back from the airship engine.
“Uh… yes.” It had been a while but Filbo still knew enough to be able to do that by himself, even under pressure.
“Good. I’m off to help Chandlo then.” As he turned away, he lifted his radio, presumably to call ahead to Chandlo.
Filbo turned away as well to focus on his new task. Knowing him he’d find a way to fuck it up though, wouldn’t he? Stressing about it would only make it more likely to become reality though so… just don’t think about it or how everyone else was holding back the swarm of bugsnax, depending on him to do this right so they could all get out of here without dying.
Instead, he could worry about Buddy. The feed to their radio device had cut out completely a little while ago. Which didn’t mean anything bad had happened to them but… it’d still be nice to know for sure they were okay. Which they had to be right because they were Buddy, they were practically invincible apparently. Oh if only Filbo had insisted on going up the mountains them then maybe… But no, he wouldn’t have made any kind of difference in Buddy’s current situation, whateverit was. If anything, he’d have just slowed them down. So it was probably for the best that…
He snapped around to see Triffany and Buddy jogging down from Garden Grove. “I did it!” Buddy continued as they reached the airship’s railing, panting as they leaned heavily onto it. “I interviewed Liz and found the Snaxsquatch again, turns out it was her the whole time, who’d’ve guessed, huh? Oh, and bugsnax are evil parasites.”
“We know. They’re kind of trying to kill us. Everyone’s holding the swarm off for now while I uh finish getting the ship ready to go. So I should really…” he cut off as Triffany gasped.
She was looking out over the cliff at the town. “It’s all destroyed. Well… I guess that makes sense, the earthquake was pretty bad. But… Wamby!” And without further word she was off.
“Welp I guess I got to help everyone one more time before I can take a nap,” Buddy said, drawing Filbo’s gaze back to them as the pushed off the railing of the ship. They seemed to have caught their breath but still…
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” How much more could they actually take? They looked worse off than when they’d left for the mountain and that wasn’t even a full day ago.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.” They lifted a paw in a dismissive gesture as they turned away and started down the hill.
Filbo growled to himself, half tempted to run after them and stop them from running off like an idiot but… the others might need help making it back to the ship and Buddy was undoubtedly far more suited to do such a thing even while in poor shape than he ever could be. So he had no real choice but to trust their judgment and work on getting the ship ready to take off as soon as everyone was onboard.
Floofty and Shelda returned first. Reportedly Buddy had helped them out of a tight spot, proving Buddy’s judgment call correct even if Filbo still didn’t like it. Next was Chandlo and Snorpy with another report of Buddy helping them out, arriving just as Filbo finished fueling the ship, meaning they could go as soon as everyone returned here. After them came Beffica and Cromdo, seemingly getting along better than ever.
Filbo immediately went over to Beffica and handed her the egg. “You see Buddy?”
“Thanks,” she said as she slipped the egg back into her pouch. “And yeah, we saw Buddy.”
“They’re real good at aiming that launchpad,” Cromdo added. “I darn near threw my back out putting the barrels on it to keep up with them.”
Good! That sounded like Buddy was still going strong despite everything. They really were amazing. As soon as they were all safely headed away from here though, Filbo was going to insistthey rest and recover for a long time and he wasn’t going to let them make excuses to get out of it anymore.
Gramble, Wiggle, Triffany, and Wambus arrived together a few minutes later. Which was almost everyone.
“Where’s Buddy?” Filbo asked as they boarded.
“You mean they’re not here?” Wiggle said. “I thought for sure we were the last ones.”
“They went into town to help everyone get back.”
“Well… I haven’t seen them since I left them here with you,” Triffany said. “So if that’s the case then… they’re still down there.”
Abandoning the wheel, Filbo walked over to the railing to look down the hill leading down to what had once been Snaxburg. Naturally everyone else had run up it to reach the boat so surely Buddy would soon be coming up it too… right? … But the seconds dragged into minutes as everyone else gathered by the railing, waiting for Buddy to show.
“I hate to be the one to say it,” Floofty said, “but it’s not feasible to wait for them forever.”
“I’m not leaving without them.” Filbo wasn’t naïve enough to think there was a chance Liz or Eggabell would be able to make it after hearing how they spoke on the radio but Buddy was going to make back. They’d just been held up by something, they’d show up anysecond now surely.
“We might not have a choice if we want to leave at all,” Wambus said, his tone sorrowful but he sounded like he meant what he said; he’d leave without Buddy.
“But… but we can’t just…” Gramble began before cutting off with a yelp as the ground and airship shook under the weight of the massive Mama Mewon jumping in out of seemingly nowhere and landing a few feet away.
“That’s it, we gotta go!” Cromdo said as the airship bucked up under everyone’s feet, lifting shakily into the air.
Growling, Filbo turned around to yell at him, demand he release the wheel or perhaps to rush over there and wrest it from him manually. But… but… Filbo couldn’t fight him or anyone. He turned back around. They were already a foot or so off the ground and only getting further. … Gripping the railing, he vaulted over it
“What the fuck Filbo? You idiot!” Beffica called after him but it was already too late.
He landed on the top of the hill where the ship had just been and face to face with the angry Mama Mewon. He growled it at it too. The sound died in his throat a second later though, turning into a whimper of fear as it jumped again.
With nowhere else to go, he turned and jumped off the cliff towards the town. A significantly longer drop than the first but thankfully his fall was broken at bottom by bugsnax, splatting underneath him as he landed quite awkwardly. He didn’t have time to be stunned though as he quickly righted himself.
What had once been Wambus’ sauce garden was now overrun with bugsnax. All of which were suddenly looking at Filbo and coming his way. He snatched a wooden fence post that had once been part of the fence around the garden off the ground and whacked the nearest ones away from him.
“Buddy!” he shouted as loud as he physically could make his voice go.
The only sound that greeted him was the continued cacophony of bugsnax cries. Sounds that had been quite cute in isolation but very much not so in this context.
“Buddy, where are you?”
There was still no answer of course but they had to be somewhere. Filbo would simply just have to find them himself. He started moving forward, knocking back bugsnax with the fence post, stepping on others. He had to move quickly though, both his feet and attacks. There was no way he could keep it up for long.
What was he even thinking, jumping down here like this? He was weak and only ever managed to mess things up. So how could he ever hope to rescue Buddy. If anything, he’d probably put himself into a situation where they’d have to rescue him. … Or a situation that was going to kill him.
“Buddy, I could really use your help!”
For every bugsnax he splatted or whacked away with his fence post two more seemed to take its place. They were coming up straight out of the ground around him now, halting his progress forward, driving him back towards the cliff wall.
This had been a mistake. He wasn’t strong enough to do something like this? What had he even been thinking? Now he was going to die without even finding Buddy let alone…
Something splatted onto the ground to his right. All the bugsnax crowding him turned towards it to rush whatever it was instead. Another something splatted on top off all of them, sending them into a frenzy. Suddenly with more space to breathe – for now anyway – Filbo looked up and over in the direction the somethings had come from. … Buddy! They were sitting on the ground, leaning back against the one fence post still firmly planted in the dirt. Next to them was the sauce plant they were plucking from to fling out and keep the bugsnax occupied.
Taking advantage of that, he rushed to them, clearing the few bugsnax still in the way with his fence post. “Buddy! Are you okay? What happened?” he stammered out as he reached their side.
Still focused on using their sling shot effectively, they didn’t even look up at him as they answered. “No, not okay, don’t think I’ve… ever been less okay. I tripped and kinda just couldn’t stand back up. But… I heard you calling so… here I am. Why aren’t you… on the ship?”
“I couldn’t leave without you.” Speaking of the ship though… he glanced up at. It wasn’t hard to spot. Its movements were sporadic and jerky – whoever was piloting it clearly didn’t have a clue how to do so properly – and it hadn’t risen much or made any real move to get away from the island. Which meant there was still hope it could come down to rescue them, right?
“Thanks,” Buddy said. “But I wish you hadn’t. Because now I’m going to have to watch you die before I finish starving to death.”
Filbo wanted to protest but… with the way the ship was flying it would probably crash if it got too close to land again. Meaning it’d be quite hard for him and Buddy to board it. And… the Mama Mewon was still at the top of the cliff, seemingly waiting for it to come crashing back down. And to make matters worse, as Filbo glanced up at it again, a Mothra Supreme rose up out of the desert to harass it too. So… they were pretty screwed, huh?
“I didn’t even get to write and publish my story.” Buddy even growled a little. They deserved to be mad though, huh? “Also, I’m out of sauce… sorry.”
“It’s fine. I’m sure we’ll find a way out of this.” There had to be a way out… right? But how? As soon as the sauce distraction was gone, which wouldn’t take long, all the bugsnax would be focused on Filbo again. And then he’d have to fight them all off while alsohelping Buddy get somewhere safe. Assuming such a place even existed on the island anymore how were they supposed to get to it?
“Filbo, I…”
The ground shook again, knocking Filbo off his feet. Another earthquake, really? Could anything elsego wrong? … But no, once the initial shaking settled, the ground remained still. It hadn’t been an earthquake at all but instead something very heavy landing nearby and now looming over them as evidenced by the shadow now covering them.
Turning to look at it, Filbo gasped and lifted his paws up to mouth to muffle his whimper. Turns out Wiggle was right, there was a Queen of Bugsnax and it was the largest being Filbo had ever seen in person. Now, assuming Wiggle was all the way right, it was going to eat him and Buddy. What a way to go. He reached over to grab Buddy’s paw, squeezing it tight as he cowered, awaiting the inevitable end.
“Filbo! What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be the airship!”
He looked up to see Liz hovering over him somehow. Her body was attached to a long string of sushi and that was attached to… “Liz? You’re the Queen of Bugsnax?” He’d known from overhearing Buddy’s conversation with her on the radio that something drastic had happened to her but he’d never even remotely considered it was anything like whatever this was.
“Yep!” Now Eggabell was here now too, attached to the same body via another tendril of sushi. “We don’t exactly have time to explain though, we need to get you two onto the airship so you can get out of here.”
“Please don’t throw me again,” Buddy said, sagging even hard now that the post they’d been leaning into was dislodged. They still held Filbo’s paw though in a scarily weak grip. “I don’t think I’d survive if you missed the airship.”
“I know and I won’t.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Liz said. “Filbo, let go of their paw before the bugsnax start swarming you again.”
Reluctantly he let go. Before he could ask what the plan was, she picked him, scooping him up in her arms using the strength of her sushi tendril to lift him way higher into the air than he’d ever want to be without something solid and sturdy under his feet.
“Do you know who’s piloting the airship?” she asked, seemingly indifferent to the way Filbo clung to her.
“Uh… when I jumped off, it was Cromdo. I don’t know if he still is.”
“You jumped off?!”
“Yeah. I wasn’t going to leave without Buddy.” Speaking of them, Filbo glanced over to see that Eggabell had picked up Buddy much the same way Liz had him. Unlike him though, Buddy hung mostly limp in Eggabell’s arms.
“Oh… that was very brave of you. Now let’s get you two on that ship.” She turned her attention away from, raising her voice to a yell loud enough to hurt his ears a little. “Cromdo, get your sorry ass over here with that ship this instant!”
“Get over here!” Eggabell added just as loudly. “Or you’ll regret it!”
Filbo looked over to see that the airship was still shaky in the air but with the Mothra Supreme no longer harassing it, it could move a bit more freely and… it was coming closer. They weresaved! Filbo had been right! Even if he never could’ve predicted this.
“What’s going to happen to you and Egg after whatever this is?” he asked because what else was there to do while they waited for the ship to get closer? “You think you’ll ever be uh… back to how you were before?”
“I don’t know.” Her tone was somber, not inviting any more conversation or questions. So he kept quiet for now.
Soon the airship was close enough for Filbo to see everyone on board. Triffany was piloting with Wambus and Floofty standing nearby while everyone else was gathered around the railing on the closer side of the ship as Triffany brought the ship in closer.
As soon as it was in close enough and low enough, Eggabell’s tendril extended to gently drop Buddy on deck. Next was Filbo’s turn.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other again,” Liz whispered to him before placing him down.
“We will. See you later.” he whispered back as she withdrew.
Naturally everyone at the railing had exploded into a bunch of questions. Filbo didn’t even bother to try to pick any of it out though as he righted himself. Taking a deep breath to steady himself before rushing over to check on Buddy. Wambus had picked them up and was already carrying them into the ship’s cabin. “Are they okay?”
“They’re alive,” Wambus replied. “That’s ‘bout all I can say though ‘cause they’re unconscious.”
“Well… they need rest so that’s probably good, right?”
Wambus shrugged. With their cot having been moved there wasn’t anywhere comfortable to lie them down so he placed them in the corner. Filbo crouched down beside them to look them over.
They were still alive as evidenced by the barely perceptible rise and fall of their chest. But Wambus was right, that was about all that could be said. They were in awfulshape; if they weren’t visibly breathing, they could’ve easily passed for a corpse that had been dead for a couple days already.
“I’ll stay with them if you want to go pilot the ship,” Wambus offered.
Filbo took a breath to decline, he wanted to stay with them himself but… the ship gave another awkward rock, titling the whole boat further than it should. If he was the only one here to who knew how to fly it properly, he should probably do so, right? Especially since he couldn’t do anything else for Buddy right now so… “All right.”
Before getting up though, Filbo carefully pulled Buddy’s backpack off, followed by their camera. He carefully put it away in its case in the pack before zipping the pack closed and placing it under Buddy’s head. It wasn’t a great pillow but it was better than nothing.
“Tell me when they wake up though, okay?” he said, looking at Wambus as he stood up.
Wambus was already lowering himself to the floor. “Sure thing.”
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