#Changkyun imagine
mebeindelulu · 10 months
Boyfriend! Changkyun random thoughts
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boyfriend! Changkyun who randomly video calls you and talks about random things, like what he just ate at 7/11 store or about music that he creates at that moment.
boyfriend! Changkyun who whispers into your ear dad jokes during a situation when you both have to remain serious. And you both end up trying not to laugh so hard.
boyfriend! Changkyun who always wants to be next to you even when both of you are busy and doing your own things.
boyfriend! Changkyun who fixes your hair whenever he notices that they have gone into your way. It doesn't matter if you are out somewhere or you are both just chilling home.
boyfriend! Changkyun who doesn't need you to tell him verbally that you are cold. He just looks at you and knows. In a second he covers you with the fluffy blanket.
boyfriend! Changkyun who holds your hand whenever you are somewhere that are a lot of people. Like he is scared that he will lost you.
boyfriend! Changkyun who tells you that he loves you in very unexpected situations. Like during grocery shopping when You both are waiting in the lane he leans close to your ear and whispers " I love you." And then he pretends like nothing happened.
boyfriend! Changkyun who sends you songs that he discovered to listen to. He is so over the moon when you will like them as well.
boyfriend! Changkyun who takes you on those fancy restaurants dates and home sweatpants and takeout dates depending on how you both feel at that moment.
boyfriend! Changkyun who is taking pictures of you sneakily everyday in random situations; when you're brushing your teeth, texting to your friends/ family, sleeping on his lap, etc.
boyfriend! Changkyun who follows and looks at you like a curious cat whenever you cook something. From time to time asking if you need help and if you say yes he is more than happy to help you.
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gor3rri · 4 months
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❕PAIR❕: (! husband!) Im Changkyun X Reader (!wife!)
❕GENRE❕: Realistic, Romantic, deep, Fluff-smut, !unprotected sex!raw!cum eating, grabbing!
❕SUMMARY❕: You find yourself in the pov of your husband, Im Changkyun. He’s good just like a normal husband material but thinks deeply of everything he does. Serious but a sweetheart. He fulfils all your wishes. He’s completely opposite to you. You’re an ambivert.
❕AUTHOR’S NOTE❕: This Context contains kissing , touchiness and etc. It’s a realistic way of looking through scenarios which might look real in future i.e it’s how he might behave if you were married to him in real life. It’s a little smutty which makes it appropriate for ages 18+.
❕DISCLAIMER ❕: English is not my first language so if you witness anything off while reading of spelling of punctuation, just know ㅠㅠThe context is just scripted and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just for fun - ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
❕CONTEXT❕: MONSTA X members also mentioned (some areas) and y/n(you)- darling or often by her real name ; Im Changkyun - Kyun, Love, I.M, Danny etc.
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“Are you awake yet?”you asked your husband as you turn to his side of the bed, in a sleepy tone. You were restless because of yesterday. You’re a housewife but you spent most of the time helping Changkyun’s father in the Lab. His father is a famous known professor in Pohang-si , Postech University of Science and Technology. As a kid you did well in science and wanted to pursue it but unfortunately couldn’t get enough in finals and you gave up and made ur hobby ur job. You were a Science teacher in a school in Gwangju. So in your free time, you would help his father in research. You were more than qualified but only you couldn’t get in a good college and ended up as a teacher instead.
“Changkyun..? You said again in a sleepy tone while still in bed. You couldn’t find him at his side of the bed so you woke up and went to look for him. It was your day off today. Sunday of course. You were searching for him as you wanted to tell him something. You went downstairs to check. You couldn’t find him there so you also went ground floor. You guys had a ground floor pool and a small living room so basically the house was like 5 floors with a basement. You were at fourth floor which was a ground floor. You finally found him.
“Kyun-ssi?”you said slowly. As you say, he turned to you slowly. He had a book in his hand which he put down as he saw you. “Oh your awake?” He said while approaching you slowly. “You never rush. Is there something you want me to know?” He asked as he came close. “Kyun, good morning” you said. “Don’t tell me you just rushed downstairs to wish me morning. You were tired. Yesterday dad called me to tell you that you don’t need to rush in the work anymore. He’s thankful to you that you stayed the night in the lab, testing the samples. And so I didn’t wake you up.” He said as he looked into your eyes. “It’s my job. If I know stuff I can offer help. My family is more to me hence I don’t think I’ll be tired but he don’t need to thank me :)” you said while smiling and looking down. He went to the table to put the book back in the shelf. “I miss my parents so helping him made me happy. I can say I have two parents now.” You said while helping him. He then stopped what he was doing and look at you. “Do you miss your parents hm?” He asked you ,worrying about you. “I do”. you said while putting the last book in the shelf. “It’s decided, I’ll be taking you to Busan.” He said holding your hand. “Kyun, you’re busy and so am I? It’s okay you don’t need to. I just missed them. I can always call th-“ you were about to finish your sentence but he cut you up by saying “Y/N your stressed and you need relaxation, taking a week leave from work won’t be a problem plus, I hired a person who can do the work when I’m not at work, it’s all fine.” He said while holding your other hand.
You were once upset with your parents cause they didn’t let you think about your marriage. And they made the decision themselves without even considering your opinion. But seemed like you were married to a good person. Im Changkyun was a Biomedical engineer, owned three big Research Companies. He was qualified, rich and stable. He won’t let you pay for anything. He’s caring and loving. You never thought your arrange marriage would lead you two to fall for each other. For now you’re just caring towards each other. Love each other as well. You guys have known each other 70% out of 100% in these 1 year. Since you were upset, you forgot about their caring nature too. Why would a parent want their child to marry someone unknown. Changkyun’s parents and your parents knew each other well but you didn’t so that’s why you found it to be difficult for you to adjust in an arranged way. Hence you forgot about them. You accepted and realised your mistakes and decided to apologise to them.
“Y/N, get ready in some time. We’re leaving soon”said Changkyun. “Kyun..” you said slowly. “Hm?” He said while turning to your side. “What about you..? Us..? I don’t even spend my time with you..it’s been a year, we haven’t progressed..and mom (in law) was expecting us to be paren-“ he again cut you off. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll be as well. I don’t want you to worry about anyone anymore. As you say there’s a right time for everything to happen. It’s okay Y/N” he said while holding your hands “just get ready.” You nodded and went upstairs.
He made you breakfast this time. You didn’t knew that he already made breakfast. You were in a hurry to make breakfast so you bathed quickly but it turned out that he already did everything for you. Watered the plants, gave the food to the fishes in the pond and yes you two owned an aquarium since fishes made you feel happy and calm, cooked breakfast and put the clothes in laundry, almost everything. “Kyun..thank you” you said to him while he was plating the dishes. “If a wife can do things like taking care of everyone and being as grateful to us, a small gesture everyday and some help from my side wouldn’t cause harm right?” He said while smiling and looking at you. You kept looking at his eyes. “You came here to live the rest of your life with me at 22 years, and you thought I never felt you? We all love you and care for you okay? Just the way you do for all of us, in fact I can say that you work more than what all of us here do. I respect you, Y/N. He said while coming closer to you. “You’re talented and admirable, I do know that getting married to someone you don’t know properly could be hard but you made it smooth in just a year, darling.”
“Darling” you thought in your mind. How can someone be so good? Charming in both the ways- by nature and by looks as well. Usually people with good looks turn out to be cruel but him, his just so caring. He spoke less but his eyes says a lot about me. He called me by my name always but the way he used the word “darling” for me is just so.. I’m not flattered but it isn’t the word. It’s more than what I thought. He said he respects me. Men these days lose their temper and respect for women even when they do hard work but it seems like today’s the day __th[day]_____[month] and _____[year] , my perspective towards my husband changed. Getting to know that he loves me so much would always be my favourite feeling.
You hugged him and couldn’t say anything but it all was so self explanatory to him. “The food tastes amazing, Kyun.” You say while taking a bite out of the steak he made for you. “This is just what I could serve to you. We’re not late okay? Just chew your food properly.” He said wiping your lips with a tissue. “Oh oops” you say while holding the tissue he used. “Let me take care of you since you’re leaving your husband for a week cause I won’t be there” he said. “Your not staying?oh I forgot.” you say while taking a bite out of your food. “Mhm. I have to check on the companies whether they have shown any new information.” he said while taking his plate to the counter. “Im done, when you’re done, just keep the dishes on the counter. I’ll ask Ms. Shin to clean them because the dishwasher isn’t working due to some technical issues.” he said leaving the kitchen.
You put the dishes on the counter and waited for him downstairs with your bags. “Im here!” Said Changkyun. “Ready?” He said holding your bags. “Kyun it’s okay I can carry them since you did a lot for me already.” you say grabbing the bags. “Let me do my job, Im Y/N” he said taking them bags to the car. “Im Y/N, I love the way you call me by my full name, Im Changkyun!” You said in a little teasing tone. “Mmhm, my lady”
These little gestures he shows you is his best charm. Not too physical not too touchy. The words he uses are magical to you. Even the simplest word becomes as expensive as gold. “The car smells good” you said after getting in the passager’s seat. “It was the perfume I used haha” he said while taking the car keys. “Mason Margiella- burnt wood and whiskey 🥃 is what it smells like” you say while looking at him. “You seem to know what your husband smells like hm? Soo keeping everything aside, where’s your destination Mrs. Im?” He asked you teasingly. You chuckled and answered “oh please take your passanger to her Parents house.” “Of course, of course, fasten your seat belt, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said while fastening the seat belt for you. “Thank you.” You said smiling at him.
AUTHOR : You guys then reach to the desired destination.
“Oh my my!” Said your mother you look so much healthy my baby! “Yea mom and I missed you guys, Im staying here for a week so that I can spend some time with you guys after I left in sorrow.” You say while hugging both of your parent. Changkyun saw the tears of happiness in your eyes and in your parents and he thought - “how much loving and caring could a person be? She’s the one for me, mature and perfect by nature and pretty by looks as well.” He was all in the thoughts 💭 then suddenly your dad say “Changkyun-ssi, I’m glad to hear that my daughter is in good hands, I’ll always be thankful to your parents for treating her as their own.” Said your father as he hugged Changkyun. “Oh no no, as we agreed to take the responsibility as promised we’re also doing our job, keeping Y/N happy and healthy, worry free.” He said while hugging back. “Oh dear, you guys are staying here, this makes my heart so much full.” As your mother said this, Changkyun replied “Im sorry to you Mr and Mrs. Yoo that I won’t be staying as I need to check on progress of my companies :), instead Y/N would fulfil my emptiness(presence) here” he said while holding your mother’s hand. “It’s okay dear, next time I want both of you to stay with us. That would make us more happy. But you’re a busy man and taking your time to drop my girl here, thank you.” Said your mother smiling to Changkyun. “No no it’s my job to see your daughter happy, my wife in fact.” He say while looking at your mom and then at you. “Come in for a while Changkyun.” Said your father. “Oh as I’m not staying here, I can at-least come in for coffee or tea.” Said Changkyun.
Your house was just like a normal big house. A little Japanese style, the structure with an open yard for meet up with guests. “Kyun?” You called him. “What do you want? Coffee or tea?” u asked him when suddenly your father interrupted “Whiskey! Haha my young man should try the Glenfiddich, a classic 12 year old” your dad said with a little laugh. “Dad it’s not the right time i-“ you said while looking at them and at Changkyun after. “Ohh I have had that one mhm” he said look at the bottle. “Kyun-“ you looked at him with an expression that stated - “it’s not right time kyun for whiskey 😭” he understood what you wanted to say then suddenly put the bottle aside. As he put that aside, he received an important call. “Dad maybe kyun’s busy so he might have to leave at the moment.” You say to your father and your father understands you. He said “mhm I have no problem, we still have time” he said patting you. “Thanks dad” you said whole hugging him. “I have to leave now Mr and Mrs. Yoo but I’m sure the next time I visit it’ll all be the whiskey 🥃” he said while holding your father’s hands. “Of course son! Let me help you out” he said and you all bid him a bye.
“Kyun!” You called him as he was gonna sit inside “wait-“ He stood there while holding the car door and you kiss him on his lips. He felt so good. He won’t describe it at the moment but surely will when you guys would be all alone together. He kissed you back and said in a low tone while holding your hands “I’ll be back soon, I miss you already..” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Take care, I’ll miss you, kyun” you said as he got in the car breaking the kiss.
AUTHOR : The time passed by and you were missing him so much to the extent that you almost teared up at times cause you felt that you left him alone at the house and how much he would miss you. He would call-text you when he was free but it wasn’t much like his actual presence. A week ended and it was finally when the time when he could kidnap you back lol. Im gonna skip the car part.
You arrived your home after a long time and seeing everything back again just made you happy. The scent of your own home just felt so good. Then you heard doorbell ring. You rush towards it cause you knew it might be your husband. “Y/N!” You said nothing but hug him. “Im sorry I couldn’t pick you up and you had to come here by yourself and even the driver wasn’t here today due to some personal reasons..” you said nothing still but just hug him. His scent was something you missed. Fresh roses and whiskey with burnt wood. That’s what he smelled like. Even after working too much, his scent never changed, it felt natural on him, his scent. Then you slowly let go the hug. “Changkyun Im” you said while looking close to his face. After what you just called him, he came closer to you as well while slowly throwing his blazer. “Keep looking at me like that and-“ you cut him off “didn’t you miss me?” You said after putting him in the MOOD and you backed up. “Miss dare to change the topic hm.” He said as he went to the couch and rested there. You turn back at him. “Now you kept me waiting like that you know how much I missed you?” He said while looking at you. “You called me by what earlier ?hm?” He then stood up and started walking towards you again. “Im actually glad someone else took you here or else I don’t know what would happen, I won’t even let us reach here by this time” he said teasingly. You became all red and nervous. It was all your fault that you set him in the mood and now you’re wanting to back up. It would be a big loss not to kiss a man who’s in the best mood. You knew he was not drunk but just sipped whiskey at work because he smelled like Ballentines and it secretly drove you crazy seeing him like that. Loose tie, white shirt and long silky hair with scent of Margiella was enough for you to surrender yourself.
You couldn’t believe you guys had an arrange marriage almost a year ago. “Y/N? Darling? You slept alone these days?” he said while going upstairs. “There was none to warm my side up.” You say while following him upstairs. “Aw” he said after reaching to the room door, he turned back to you. “Wash up, you might be tired from that travelling” he said while patting your head. He went to his office after saying but you had a feeling that you needed him so bad but he still seemed busy so you just interrupted him “Kyun~?”You called him, he turned back “hm?” he said starting at you. “Are you busy even in that kind of mood?” You asked him confidently. “What mood??” He said with a slight smirk and then continued walking towards his office room. Gosh it drived you crazy when your husband acted like that. You pouted and then went towards bathroom for a warm shower. You took 20 minutes for it and then came back out with a robe. When you entered your room, you saw your husband, arranging his clothes in the closet properly. You couldn’t help but stare at him. He caught you off guard. “Hm~? What’s something that Y/N is staring at?” He asked you while still putting his clothes back in the closet. “Im looking at Im Changkyun.” You say while moving to your closet. “Call me by my name again and I’ll show you what happens, darling” he said while looking at your eyes. You stopped and so did your heartbeat. “I wanted you so bad. Ever since I was there at my parents house. Couldn’t wait honestly but I saw your busy even after you came home from work. I’m not in a playful mood but I’m very serious about what im talking about.” You turned back at him and went towards his direction and you added on “Love, when you call me with nicknames, it drives me crazy. That I want you with me. Near me.” You said looking at his eyes. Not even realising how honest you were, you stopped. “Is that what my darling thinks about me? Just want me? What else?? I’m curious” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Kyun, are you really okay with me behaving like this all of a sudden.” You said and then he added “didn’t you notice me earlier? I behaved the same and you didn’t seem to have a problem as well. Even if I wasn’t like that and you asked me the same question, I wouldn’t hate it.” He said, then you added “I missed you besides me during night time”. This time as you spoke, he just said nothing but stare at your lips. Your lips, bare lips drove him crazy, he couldn’t resist your behaviour and lips of course so the next step he did, lead to a whole new scenario. To be completely honest, you and him were just awkward as you guys barely knew each other back then but as you guys got closer and got to know each other, man, it’s like complete opposite, now your totally lovers and I don’t think someone would actually think that this might be the arranged marriage. Not at all.
“As I said I missed you besides me at night, it’s cause the first word you would ever speak in the beginning of a new day is my name and I couldn’t hear it ever since, like a week and-“ you heard him say everything but then suddenly your lips meet his, you cut him off. It was your first ever kiss with your husband. Shocking but yes. All the year passed, you guys were just arranged but now it seems like your arranged to lovers. You could feel his lips taking the same feel as yours. Oh you loved him too much at this point. Your windows were all open which led to a cold air breeze moving inside your room and the white transparent curtains of your room just waving, the moon shined through as well. You had your left hand on his shoulders, and the other on the back of his head, grabbing his medium mullets lightly, black hairs, silky and smooth, his chest was almost exposed because he was wearing a simple white shirt with just three top buttons open. His shoulders were broad, broad enough to just trap you in there. Then slowly the kiss became insane, deep and more passionate and your right hand moved slowly back on his almost bare chest. Then after a few minutes you guys stopped, then his gaze went towards your eyes. “It’s would be a shame and disappointing decision on not marrying you, Y/N” he said looking at you. You’re all red, even though you have been this much close to him before but it still made you damn nervous. “Mmm look at you” he said in a teasy loving low tone. You looked away as you heard him say that, hiding yourself. “Wouldn’t you wanna say anything to your husband? I mean I wanna listen it from you, Y/N. Your bold I know mm, since you kissed me.” He said while leaning onto the couch in your bedroom. Then you turned back and said “anything for my husband but he’s too charming, my eyes couldn’t take the view.” You said and then ran back to the bathroom since you needed to change clothes (you were still in a robe). “Im waiting” said Changkyun while letting out a small chuckle.
AUTHOR : You took your time and then you came outside wearing a usual night gown, wasn’t too fancy but it made your body shape look SO GOOD.
Then you came in the room, you saw Changkyun laying down on his side of the bed while closing his eyes. You were confused and pouty. You thought to yourself that “he just asked me to wait and just did everything so hurriedly ://“ as you thought this, you went towards your side of the bed and laid down facing him. He’s so pretty and of course charming as usual but you became restless as you thought that meeting after a week long period, he just slept like that? You meant that you wanted to get lovey-dovey with him but here he just told you to come out as he was waiting. You were all restless, little angry. Then you turn to your side, facing away from him. You were little pissed 😭 cause he got u in the mood but then he dozed off. You mumbled in a little aggression “mmmhmm, tricked, cheatedㅠㅠ”
AUTHOR : You really thought he would let you go that way haha, he wasn’t asleep tho he was just wanting to see what and how you react. And it seemed like you waited for him to wake up. I mean you wanted to see if he was actually asleep or no but he didn’t react until he found out that he had enough play with you(lol) so he woke up and then he (smartass) took his actions when you were on the verge of sleeping ㅠㅠ. He just slowly moved his hand in your hair and whispered—-
“Mmm..sorry about playing like that, darling” he said and then he trapped you. You were in between his hands and his chest towards your face almost. He was on top of you. You were tricked again 😭. He just wanted you to be restless so he waited till u reached limits. “!!!!huh,oh??” you were all sweaty and nervous. “Kyun. You-“ you didn’t get time to say anything. He kissed you. He slowly lifted you up and now your position was like you on his laps facing him eye to eye. You become nervous and try to look away but also intrigued looking at him. You didn’t know what to do but you weren’t awkward. It drove you crazy since he took you on his lap. You were happy knowing that you can now officially act personal and however you wanted in front of him. He pulled you even closer, he was still wearing the white shirt and his hairs slicked back. His bare face is what you loved, those eyes, dark brown pupils which shone throughout the moonlight, as it entered through the open window. “Oh..kyun, it’s a shame not being able to love you..” you said looking all innocent (but he knows you aren’t😏) “mm? Love or fuck? You didn’t know me yet, Y/N, I never got time to show my real avatar..” he whispered in your ears which made you even want him more. You were all okay with what he was gonna do because he asked you many times that in future if there would be a time like this, would you be all ready? And you guys had enough time to find out until today as you both were out of limits. You loved loved loooovveedd his scent. You sniffed him and kissed him on his lips. He got excited to the extent that he took off his shirt and now was on his trousers and you? “Darling, it would be a shame not to appreciate your bare body, he said and asked you “Can you..remo-“ as he was about to say the whole sentence you just didn’t take seconds and took off your pretty floral nightdress which was almost translucent from the top and bottom as well. You wore tights. It was in his favourite colour- purple. The light shined on your body and highlighted his favourite parts, the chest and the collar. Changkyun didn’t have an ideal type cause he’s into someone’s personality but now looking at you, he felt like girls who look good in bikinis would work. But don’t worry, it’s just only gonna be you whom he’ll admire in that attire. You looked perfect. A normal body, not too skinny nor too over. He kissed you all over your neck and then slowly moved to your chest. You had big boobs, he started licking you as he moved down. You let out a moan. “Already moaning hm..?” He said while licking your neck and tummy back and forth. “Mmm~~kyun it tickles” you said being all crawled up. As you said, he just stopped to look at you. “Nuh uh.. you need to be rewarded but also punished for leaving me like this alone for week.” Said Changkyun then he started biting your neck and collarbones, you collar and neck was all his of course, it drove him crazy. You looked at him, he was all over you, looked like a hungry alpha. Whatever he just spoke, made you realised that he’s not gonna let you sleep tonight and you didn’t care about it because you wanted it. You indeed has a sex drive throughout the day, a high sex drive. “I don’t know, I mean you, you don’t know how much I missed you, I drank an entire bottle just because I was missing you. This was yesterday night.” He said kissing you all over. “Kyun~ punish me? Let it all out on me, it’s my fault for making you impatient.” You say whining over as you felt his saliva all over your chest. Plus it was all cold so that little wetness on your body because of sweat and saliva made you whinny. “Punish? You want me to do what I just said earlier ?? Hmm?” He said. He kept asking you which made you say it even louder because in between he would keep making you wet. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~ your too good, I’m gonna be so wet if you keep doi-“ he cut you off “Princess? I almost forgot that you’re messy down there already? Let me check” he said. He ripped your panties, it was too wet and it was shocking to him cause it was your first time as well.
“Next time I’ll bring you a lingerie, it would just look so alluring on you baby” he said in a deep husky voice. You reached too high to your limits that you wanted to be more pleasured so you started acting all slutty (😏). “Next time I’ll make you wait more kyun” you said as you kissed him shutting him up. That thought of buying you your first pair of lingerie drove you insane. He then pulled away the kiss as he heard you. “Mmh? Naughty much? So suddenly huh~?” He said then he slowly put his finger inside your clit. I thrusted it inside whenever you made a statement that he didn’t like. “Oh goddamn, you make my cock swell like..your asking me not to stop huh?Thrusting again, you moaned loudly, and your pussy clenching onto his cock so hard. “You’re totally in mood, huh?” As he said, the tone you couldn’t handle it put hop on his lap fully. “I’m always gonna be in the mood as long as your with me, husband~” you said while kissing his neck. He let out a relaxing moan. “Idk why but I want you so messed up right now~” he said while grabbing your ass and lifting u up to the wall and started biting you, all those love marks meant that you won’t dare to look at someone else but your husband. He’s passionately would be jealous of anyone getting too close to you. You were a science teacher married to a biomedical engineer who owned three big laboratories and companies, what else did you even need in your life? Nothing more nor less. Every touch of his would just make you crave for him even more. More than what a horny feeling contains. You didn’t have words to describe how good he’s in person but on the bed as well. “Kyun, don’t..don- go in too- harsh-“ you said as you were into him. His whole body just on you. He slowly slide in his dick inside you. He knew you wanted to relax, and just making you work too much for him, might not be good, he was a little too rough indeed but he did slow down at the BEST MOMENTS. The room was filled with warmth and just scent of wetness of sweat and his perfume. Gosh that Margiella scent, you felt like a pure heaven and that too after so many days, a week. He wanted to have sex, it was obvious. It felt like the first night of the honeymoon. If it was you, he wouldn’t control he knew this as well, he stripped down your already ripped panties and then went in and out as you felt good, too good. He does have a beautiful dick, you trembled a little so he held on you tight, you could feel that you already have his finger marks on your ass, those marks are of possessiveness. It was 12:00am sharp and the moon was shining bright onto your sweaty body. He then took you to the bathroom but on your way you guys were busy kissing that you missed the couch and fell on it, the couch was a leather couch, brown coloured and it was wide enough to let him have you all night, just laying on it.
He sucked over you. “Such a damn big..prett..y..nose, daddy~” you complimented while being on top of him, riding through out on his dick. He just kept staring at how good you looked riding on him, all the way down you were dripin’ so hard that he turned you over and glide inside the hole of yours, it was small but you just had your first time and that too all raw, “the best thing about us-..Is that I get it.. all raw~” Changkyun said as he licked your hole, he bit your inner thighs and just marked you. He just trusts you and loves you so much. He’s a kind of husband who just knows when your wrong and help you correct it. His sensation reached to your inner walls, just locked it all in. It was like him thrusting into you too much. My goodness it felt so goood, and he forgot about punishing you. He pulled you on him, too much passionate sex and that too no protection, all raw. You moaned too well. “Mm Ahh~” you sounded too good for him but you were all not in your state. “Daddy~” you said “Princess or Slut? Pick one” he asked as he kept on letting you ride him like an actual cowgirl. You were too busy enjoying for yourself. “I ask one more time~” he said then as he got no answer from you, he grabbed your ass, holding you in that position and threw you to the bed again. He threw you on the bed and he climbed on you. “I wanted MOREEE~~” you said to him cause he interrupted you. “So much fun for the living, now let me.” He said. “Now do as your daddy says mm?” He said as he looked at you. You looks so damn good even when your doing nothing but just lying on the damn bed all wet. ���No~~” you said while biting your lips and all restless. “Whatever you wanna do but now it’s time for taking the remote control back~” he said while looking down your hole which of course was closed right now “I can’t see it Y/N so open your legs for your daddy~” he said while rubbing your inner thighs. You couldn’t open even if you wanted to because he already had you riding him for some time straight. “Let me then~” he hold your knees and opened your legs, in between all that condensed milk looking consistency oozing out like a river. “Too bad if I couldn’t have it” he said and he licked and sucked you down there. “Mmmmmmmm~” you led out a cry. Too much guilty pleasure for the living. He then turned you over to your chest side facing the bed and ass towards him. “Your pussy and ass both are who’s??” He asked you as he leaned towards you on the position. It was the most penetrative position ever, doggy style in lying position. He thrusted you in your small hole. Your clit was swollen as he turned you back over and kept going as restlessly as you were. You couldn’t even dare to move your legs as they got folded and twisted and things like that many times, it hurt because as he became more passionate, he became more rough. He then in the standing position took you to the bathroom.
“Your getting all this for being selfish earlier, hmm? Get it baby~?” He said. He put you on the bathroom counter besides sink and the mirror. Then you looked at him with tired af eyes and it immediately reminded you of what he might wanna do next. “Shit” you thought. Of course you didn’t want to see yourself like that in the mirror while your partner is doing you. It’s Changkyun, he’s too strong, even if you escape where else would you even hide? “You know why? You didn’t answer my question earlier~” he said while grabbing you back down from the counter and now he grabbed your waist from behind and made you look at the mirror, you refused. “Never mind it’s gonna be slut for now~” he said grabbing your boobs and squeezing them. “Aauah…mmmm, Kyun~~” you let out a moan. “Nuh uh.. what’s my name~???” He asked. “Kyun~” as he heard you say, he put his finger back down in your already too much swollen clit and rubbed it hard. He asked you five times, but didn’t get his desired answer. In between them wrong answers, he kept squeezing, rubbing and penetrating you hard. When I meant hard, it’s on the most passionate but insane level. You were tired, too much tired than you couldn’t stand up. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~!” You moaned and you let out a cry. “Good girls don’t answer late. But seemed like you’re a bad girl now hmm~? For answering late~”. He thrust his dick into you even harder, you dripping down too bad, it needed to be cleaned up. “Damn, that looks so~” he said kissing your back. You wanted to turn towards him as you couldn’t see the mirror. But he didn’t allow you. “Not until I make you see how beautiful you look this way Mrs. Im~” he said biting your shoulders which made you look up and moan. “Mm aah~~” you say as he finally made you see the mirror on his 7th attempt. Yes you just had 7 rounds of having intercourse with your husband. After then finally he let you turn back, facing towards him. You looked at him with tears and anger, not too much angry. “What hm? My Princess just needed..to see..her pretty body and how much more you look..in my eyes” he said kissing you all over your face and then neck. You hugged him at the position and those bites and kisses made you grab his back, muscular and stiff back with your long nails. As he kissed you, his kisses went down till your chest to the tummy and he got on his knees, kissing your cute belly. “A belly piercing ~? You didn’t know how much your making me want you more my darling~” he said to you as he licked your belly. You let out a small chuckle as it tickled you there. “I got it..~ for you.. Danny~” you moaned as he hold your waist and started biting your tummy as well. Gosh this man just likes being all possessive, not a single place on your body was left unmarked. All filled with cherry red marks. “You got the..piercing for daddy~?” He asked you while lifting you up and taking you back to your bed. “I knew you liked piercings..~” you said to him as he carried you, you facing towards him. “Jooheon told me once that you like.. girls who look good in bikinis and piercings~~” so I did them days after our wedding without letting you notice. I kept the moment for today~” you said to him. He heard you and threw you on the bed again. Having just sex and that too raw too, still seemed incomplete for him. He again caged you up. “I want to plant us a seed.” He said while kissing your chest. “And what does that mean~” you asked him even though you knew. “Baby~ idk if you’re ready for our mini version.” He asked you sucking through your tits. You said nothing but moaned. “Do I stop~?” He asked you. You shook your head restlessly. “While you sucking the second most sensitive part of mine~? No, Mr. Im~” you said while ruffling his hairs back. He chuckled and kissed your chest and went down to your belly again. “Knock ✊ knock~” as he knocked your belly. “There’s got to be someone in there soon~” he said while putting his dick inside you. Thrusting again but this time slow and steady, it all oozed out, the cum. It filled your walls and at the Highest time, your walls sucked all of that.
“I forgot to ask you~ would you be able to take our baby if you get pregnant~?” He asked you while stopping. “It’ll be our first little baby, kyun” you cried as you shared. “With you taking care of it? I’ll be so happy to give birth” you said while hugging him. You were all wet. “So should I plant?” He asked you and you replied “get in already~!”. As mentioned, he slit in this time not taking his dick out, instead, he filled you up with his seed. “Now if I let you let all that out..—“ you cut him off “too late, you fertilised me already~” you said as you kiss him on his lips very passionately.
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AUTHOR : After that moment, he tucked you in the blanket and pat your head and massaged your legs. He realised he was too cruel and rough earlier so he helped you relief pain you had in your legs. They were sore and they pained since you kept them open😳😖. He helped you throughout until you fell asleep. He kissed you and lay besides you, hugging you and cuddling you with you burring your face onto his chest and then falling asleep. You guys were sooo cozy to look at.
(The next morning)
You woke up the next morning and found out that your husband was asleep on your tummy i.e his head on your tummy. His hand was on your legs which made you think that he might have fallen asleep while massaging your legs. You just stared at him for some minutes then you ran your hands through his hair, cat like big man. “🐈‍⬛” as you stroked his hair again and again he just woke up. “Oh darling, it’s too early why are you awake?” As he said this, you replied “I was gonna say that to you~” you kissed him saying that. “Mm~?” He said. “You slept late I know, rest up cmon!” You say while slowly getting up the bed. You still had pain in there, you slowly trumbled upon. “Haha~ says the one who’s still tired~” he said and then teasingly grabbing your hand. You looked at him “😭”. “Aww my baby, cmere” he grabbed you on his lap. “How can I see you like that hm? Let me massage your body.” He said as he grabbed your waist and then massaging your back. “Mm not the backkk I want the legs!!” You ordered him. He turned on your side on his knees as he turn towards you and then sit in front of you and take one of your legs on his lap and pulls you. “You remember something~mm?” He said teasingly. You hit his lap and said “yah husband~!!”. He enjoyed you being getting teased. He just massages you till an hour. You felt so good. You slept again while he was massaging, it was clear that you did need extra sleep and so did your husband but he received a phone call from his work so he had to leave in a hurry. But the way he left, you didn’t even got disturbed from your sleep. At the end he put a note besides your bed’s side tables which went like-
“In the end, I think that taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and if you can’t then I’ll do it, I’ll be there for you always until- I’ll be home soon my love~”
(The above quoting is taken from an interview of MONSTA X spoken by Changkyun himself, not the same as the above but I moderated it to fit with the context. Also idk which interview he said so cause they didn’t really state the name.)
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The end 💜
📑 writer : @gor3rri
📑 I post new context weekly so stay tuned 📑
102 notes · View notes
iibonniee · 11 months
You Were Always Mine
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Pairing: Im Changkyun x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: ex!changkyun, unprotected sex, creampie, impregnation kink, oral (male receiving), public sex
Rating: R
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: The two of them always had a game of cat and mouse. She was the mouse, and he was the cat. The cat never lets their pray get away.
Masterlist | Tags: @beautifulworldandmore @kyunnielove @iamkyunie @doveslittlekpoparchive @dessianna1
It only took three seconds after the clock on her phone hit 8:30 for him to walk in. It always felt like clockwork, and she felt like she knew him better than anyone. Her eyes were glued to his movements. How he stood at the bar entrance — not a single care in the world — showed that he was blocking excited patrons from entering. He had a goal in mind.
She was far too exhausted tonight to mingle in the crowd to run from his browsing eyes. She knew what his game plan was. After all, his messages on her phone swarmed like flies, ranging from passive-aggressive to downright semi-nude. He was a good fuck; she had to give him that much. But she knows that if she kept feeding him more and more, there would be no real reason to call him her ex.
But here she was, unmoving from the bar stool directly across the bar entrance. Her lips wrapped around the rim of her martini. She could always pick a different bar. She knew she should, but then that silly game of cat and mouse would continue. While it was fun, she had to admit his dick was always just too good to run from.
Whether it was fucking her or just in her mouth, why would she run from that?
Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes, thankful the club music was just a bit too loud for the drunken girl beside her to notice. She should have known better than to dare to sit here. Was misinformation her ally or foe here? She could only imagine what ridiculous stunt he was going to pull next. His ideology seemed to be “bigger, bolder, more daring,” which drew her to him in the first place.
She allowed her arm to fall, each finger trailing down the stem of her glass, carefully spinning it around the coaster. A slight smirk grew on her face. She so enjoyed playing the role of the irresistible bait, as much as she hated to admit that much out loud. His predatory instincts made him even more appealing, his brown eyes often a shade darker in his approach, or perhaps it was the drink washing her worries away, clouds blurring her better judgment.
Should she leave, making herself out to be the elusive prey yet again? Or should she stay and match his boldness with her own? Tease, bait, invite - it was all just a dance she enjoyed too much. Each step, each swirl, was addictive and exhilarating. And each little private victory gave her the satisfaction, the validation she constantly sought.
Yet, she never considered herself the victim. No, her heart didn’t stand a chance in this battle of the sexes. Instead, she amused herself by laughing, both at her lack of restraint and at the nature of man, ever persistent in his pursuits. She realized that the line between attraction and addiction was easily blurred under the glimmer of the club’s neon lights.
Her eyes flicked up, and there he was, flashing his characteristic smirk the moment his eyes finally met her own, ready to play another round of their dangerously addictive game. She showed no such emotions back. Instead, she stood up from the bar, her eyes meeting his own once more before she snuck away.
In one swift motion, she managed her escape, mingling swiftly with the crowd, her sleek figure disappearing amongst the jubilant mass. Yet, her eyes never left his figure, her heart pounding in anticipation of the thrill that was to come. The club’s neon lights play a kaleidoscope on the glossy floor leading the path to her sanctuary - the girls’ bathroom.
Despite the loud club music drowning out any particulars, he could still sense her fleeting figure like a predator in tune with its prey. As interested spectators made space for him, he pursued, the constant smirk playing on his face, witnessing his confidence.
She slipped into the girls’ bathroom through the crowd, the feminine echo of laughter and chatter creating the perfect shield for her. Much like a safe haven, she sought refuge in its familiar tiles, the fluorescent lights glaring in sharp contrast to the club’s ambient neon.
Yet in the game of cat and mouse, they played, sanctuary was momentary. She knew he would wait for her to leave the bathroom. She watched as the drunken girls giggled their way out of the bathroom, and she was met with silence. Even in the comforting silence of the bathroom, she could discern the faint musings of the music that struggled to seep in - the bass of the clubs’ anthem pulsating in sync with her heartbeat. Her reflection stared back, eyes revealing a wild exhilaration that she was all too familiar with. The flickering neon light of the bathroom danced on her face, painting a beautiful paradox of vulnerability and intent.
Just as she was about to collect herself, the silence was broken by an uncalled disturbance. The metallic barrier that demarcated her sanctuary had been breached. A figure had entered, his silhouette speaking volumes of the audacity she had grown to enjoy. The trademark smirk, beautifully lit under the urban neon, revolted against the defined norms, entering the feminine haven that was the ladies restroom.
She watched as he locked the door behind him and leaned against him. His eyes never left her own, staring her down with pointed daggers ready to strike and cut if and when he could.
“This is the lady’s restroom, Changkyun.” She was the first to speak, leaning against the marble sink to keep herself up. The game of cat and mouse was about to end. Changkyun looked far too hungry to wait another moment.
“You enjoy this little game of ours, don’t you?” His voice was hoarse, his eyes darkened as he stayed unmoving. She watched as his eyes traveled over her body, then a groan left his lips. “You… you drive me fucking insane, Y/N. I can’t get enough of you. I want you all the time. It drives me fucking insane. I can’t even think about fucking someone else when I know I can just find you and just make you mine again. How much do you miss me?”
She watched as he pushed himself away from the door and slowly stalked towards her. His movements were slow but full of purpose and precision. He wanted to scare her and let her know that her running had consequences. His kind act was just a front for her to cave.
And she knew she would.
Her breath hitched when he stopped in front of her. His familiar scent filled her space way too quickly. His warm hand cupping her cheek was just the beginning, and she knew far too well what would unravel next.
“I missed you, baby. How much did you miss my cock, baby girl? I bet you missed choking on it,” He murmured, his fingers tracing her jawline almost affectionately. His voice was a husky whisper, so intimate in the hollow silence of the restroom. Yet, it held an undercurrent of dominance she was familiar with.
“No, I didn’t,” she retorted, voice steady despite her heart hammering against her ribcage. It was a lie, of course. It was all she ever thought about. Her witty response was her defense, a mesh of defiance wrapped around a soft core. She met his heated gaze, an open challenge, unyielding and defiant, resisting the fear that threatened to shake her nerve.
Yet deep down, she knew Changkyun had a way of teasing out her vulnerabilities. His brand of seduction was potent, a battle of wills in their dangerously addictive game of seduction and dominance.
His smirk grew at her response. It appeared almost predatory. He was aware of his effect on her, the tingle of anticipation he could evoke. Yet, he was wholly unprepared for the resistance she displayed.
“Oh really, baby?” His dark eyes gleamed under the fluorescent lights of the restroom, echoing his provocative sentiment. “You started this game… but remember, I play to win. Your lies won’t work on me.”
The tension between them was palpable, volatile, and invigorating. She watched as his soft expression changed. His gaze darkened, the softness replaced by a predatory gleam that quickened her pulse. The physical shift in his demeanor could have been attributed to the adrenaline pumping through them both. Still, she knew it was more than that. He tested her limits, challenging her as an opponent in this twisted game.
“On your knees, Y/N.” he commanded, the tone of his voice starkly contrasting with the tender caress that still lingered on her face. The words echoed around the vacant room, each syllable slicing through the thick tension hanging in the air.
Trapped by his magnetic gaze, she felt the words reverberate through her core. The audacious demand was invigorating. She looked up at him, her features calm amidst the storm. Here was the crucial turning point of their game - his bold demand met by her open defiance or willing submission. They both knew well this was no longer about power but about control. The bathroom’s fluorescent lights witness their complicated dance of seduction and resistance.
“Changkyun, we’re in the bathroom. A public bathroom.” She tried, but she knew her efforts were to be in vain. His dark expression remained unchanging. She knew his mind was set in stone.
“That didn’t matter whenever I would finger fuck you at dinner with the boys, now did it? Or may I remind you when I fucked you so hard in an alleyway I had to force you from screaming and drawing attention to us.” His retort hung heavy in the air, reminders of their previous dalliances now fuel to the fire.
Her blush was visible in contrast to her otherwise steady face, the memories he draped into words causing a familiar stir. Changkyun had the knack for commanding control, for bending the norms and creating an element of the forbidden in the most mundane.
“This time is different,” she said, maintaining her defiant gaze, an attempt to reign in the control she once had. A weak protest, it was more of a plea than an assertion. But by now, they both knew he had set the confines of this game.
“Is it, now?” He returned, a mischievous side-smile accentuating his smug satisfaction. “As far as I remember, our little games never had any boundaries.” His words were a challenge, daring her, making her question her own reservations.
“That was when we were together, Changkyun.” She shot back, knowing that her attempts would be futile.
“Who said we broke up? Baby, I don’t fuck anyone else but you. You’re still mine. All fucking mine,” He grit, his eyes a dark shade of brown. She shuffled where she stood, entrapped by his hands, pinning her between the sink and his body. “So, get on your fucking knees, Y/N, and suck my cock like a good girl. I have so much cum to give you.”
Reluctantly, or so it seemed, she complied with his demand. Lowering herself until the cold ceramic tiles were beneath her knees, she allowed herself to look up at him, a picture of mischief and provocation etched on her face. The scenario felt dangerously intoxicating, their reckless game wrapped in anticipation and cloaked by the silence of the restroom.
“You know, Changkyun,” she began, hands lightly resting on his thighs, her voice soft yet playfully taunting. “Even when I’m on my knees, I’m still the one in control.”
With the fluorescent lights casting harsh shadows around them, she watched as his eyes never left hers. Now smirking, he tilted his head to the side, teasing her with his smirk.
“Let’s see about that.”
With a coy smile dancing on her lips, her fingers started their sinful journey up his muscular thighs. Her touch was feather-light yet powerful enough to make him shiver in anticipation. His breath hitched as he reveled in the seductive spectacle unfolding before him.
She met his gaze, her eyes swirling with a lustful cocktail of daring and desire. Lowering her head, she gingerly kissed the growing bulge in his trousers, her smirk never leaving her face, her eyes never breaking contact with his. The silence between them was thick with anticipation as she skillfully unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.
Changkyun’s breath hitched as she delicately wrapped her fingers around his pulsating length, her touch bringing about an electrifying sensation that sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. She moved her hand up and down, evoking a raw groan from him that echoed in the room.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He groaned, his eyes trailing her movement. “My cock missed you and that filthy mouth of yours.”
The sight of him teetering on the edge, his face contorted with pleasure, was euphoric. It was her wicked game, and Changkyun was an eager participant. As she slowly lowered her head toward his trembling length, her eyes flicked upwards, catching his, a spark of victory igniting in her eyes.
She enveloped him with her lips, her tongue swirling around him in decadent exploration, savoring his taste. Changkyun’s grip tightened on the arms of the chair, his knuckles whitening at the acute pleasure ripping through his body.
Her actions became rhythmic, a sinful dance of her mouth on his length that had him gasping for breath, his fingers threading through her hair in a desperate effort to keep her close. The intensity escalated until he was a quaking mess beneath her.
“Shit, just like that baby girl.” His fingers curling in her hair, he gently but firmly redirected her movements, guiding her along his throbbing length. “Mmm, fuck. You take my cock so well. I knew you missed it.”
With each tantalizing swirl of her tongue, each decadent enfoldment of her lips around him, Changkyun found himself battling the convulsive waves of pleasure that threatened to prematurely bring him to his peak. He resisted the urge to close his eyes, preferring to feast on the sinful visual of her lips moving rhythmically on his arousal.
Her hooded eyes were locked onto his, holding an alluring blend of domination and submission. The delicious anticipation of her exploring his sensitive areas made him bite his lip, a husky groan emanating deep from his chest. The raw and animalistic sound-induced an irresistible vibration that traveled up his length, amplifying the pleasure.
The moist warmth of her mouth and the softness of her lips quickly drove him toward the height of his release. He could feel his resolve crumbling under the onslaught of her wicked expertise. He quickened his pace, gripping her lush hair more tautly as his body stiffened.
His pulse roared in his ears, his climax imminent. A guttural growl rumbled from his chest, warning her of his impending release. With a growing pride, she increased her pace, taking him deeper, refusing to break eye contact.
The sensations were too much. A strangled cry broke from his lips as his orgasm thundered through him, hot and potent, his body convulsing in waves of ultimate satisfaction. She did not break her rhythm until she had drained every last drop from him, swallowing his warm release with a provocative air of triumph.
Her sultry gaze and sensual smile curving her lips suggestively confirmed her control over his pleasure was absolute. His legs nearly gave out beneath him, but the victorious glow in her eyes was a sight he wouldn’t trade for anything else. Changkyun was indeed a willing captive in this lascivious game.
Catching his breath, he reacted swiftly, all prior tenderness replaced by a raw, primal desire. With a surge of strength, he pulled her up, his grip firm on her arms as he pivoted her to face the mirror. His smoky reflection locked gazes with her surprised one.
Forcefully, with little ceremony, he hoisted the hem of her dress, tugging it up until the fabric bunched around her waist. Her gasp was swallowed by the silence of the restroom as the cold air brushed against her bare skin. She clutched the edge of the sink basin, anticipation and a touch of apprehension igniting a flush in her cheeks.
“Look at us,” he murmured huskily, his fingers tracing electrifying paths on her thighs. “This is what control looks like.”
With the fluorescent lights casting a cruel, explicit glare on their reflections, the provocative reality of their position struck her. Yet, the intoxicating thrill that coursed through her veins at this lewd spectacle overpowered any semblance of regret or embarrassment. She was as much a part of this dangerous game as he was.
“I’m going to fuck you so good tonight Y/N. Everyone is going to hear you screaming my name. Shit, I might just put a baby in you.” He chuckled darkly, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “Wearing my favorite underwear tonight, too. Did you give up on our game? Did you just want me to fuck you instead of running from me, princess?”
Changkyun nudged her underwear to the side with a swift and audacious motion. As his fingers danced provocatively at her edge, a sharp intake of breath hitched in her throat.
“Fuck you.” she managed to retort, her voice but a sultry whisper drowned in the ambiance of the echoing restroom.
His responding grin mirrored devilishly in the reflection, was her only warning before he claimed her defiantly. Their gasps echoed in unison, bouncing off the cold tiles, amplifying the intoxicating symphony of their game.
A plethora of sensations rummaged through her – from his roughened fingers leaving their memory on her skin, his breath falling erratically on her nape, to the decadent intimacy of his intrusion. Barely clutching onto the edge of the sink basin, she cursed under her breath, bucking instinctively as he thrust into her without warning.
He took her breath away, every maddening thrust deeply etched onto the canvas of her memory. Unraveling under his touch and pace, she was yet not entirely defeated. Turning her head slightly, she locked eyes with him in the mirror - a silent, sensual challenge reflecting in her eyes, never backing down from their addictive, reckless game.
“Shit-“She cried out, surprised at his forcefulness.
“What is it?” He grunted as his eyes met hers through the mirror. “You’re already fucking soaked. There was no need for foreplay.”
As the thriving tension in the restroom escalated, the one thing clear beneath the spell of the fluorescent lights was this: their dangerous game had just been taken up a notch, and neither of them was ready to lose control. Neither of them wanted to lose.
“Does it feel good?” he husked in her ear, pushing her body against the cool sink. Changkyun’s heated gaze met hers in the reflection once more, the lust burning in them enough to make the room feel like it was on fire. She whimpered in response, her body betraying her with a fierce shudder of ecstasy. The way he filled her so completely was almost too much to bear.
The primal connection between their bodies was amplified in the silence. The need that bound them together was raw, elemental, shattering the last vestiges of their restraint.
“Changkyun,” she gasped out, her voice filled with raw desire as she dug her fingers into his forearm. “Fuck…”
Her reaction drew out a throaty groan from him, some of his control slipping at the sound of his name coming out so sweetly from her lips. His pace quickened, the primal rhythm of their bodies blending into a symphony of sinful pleasure. Each deep thrust had her craving more, her body twisting and bucking in sync with his savage rhythm.
The sharp sting of her nails digging into her own fisted skin and her cries for more further fueled his desire. He caught her neck firmly, pulling her so that her back was against his chest, eliciting a choked gasp that sent tremors running down his length. Changkyun could feel her reaching her climax, and he pushed her towards the edge, provoking whimpers that escalated into throaty cries of his name.
Her release rippled around him, her body clenching and contracting in waves around his throbbing length. Sensing her sweet downfall, Changkyun followed suit; his body stiffened as his climax hit, spilling hotly inside her with a guttural groan. Her name fell from his lips as a reverent whisper, their shared pleasure echoing through the dark room.
In the end, they were both breathless, their bodies still locked together amidst the remnants of spent desire. His forehead rested against her back while she clung to the sink, her body trembling softly beneath him. As he pressed gentle kisses on her sweat-laced shoulder, Changkyun knew he had lost, lost himself entirely to the woman staining his every thought with her intoxicating presence. He couldn’t care less.
“All fucking mine,” he said, finally breaking the silence. He withdrew slowly from her, shuddering slightly at the loss of warmth. “Look at my cum dripping out of your greedy hole.”
His words caused her to shiver. She felt his cum leaking down her leg, leaving her to feel emptier than before. His audacious remark resonated in the silent room, part warning, part claim. She glanced down past their intermingled bodies, alive with the aftermath of their reckless abandon. The telltale evidence adorned her thighs, starkly contrasting her flushed skin. Heat pooled within her at the salacious sight, a realization of their actions reverberating through her.
“No more running, Y/N. You are mine.”
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purp1einmyh3ad · 1 year
POV: Changkyun is your boyfriend and sends you random life update selfies every day
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[this is just an excuse to post my top4 September 2023 personal favorite Changkyun updates ✌️😗]
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imaginidol · 2 years
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POV: he keeps purple on him in one way or another because it’s your favorite color…
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j0514x · 2 years
Changkyun x OT7 [+ strangers] - Gimme a shot to over everything angst + nsfw + dead dove | ongoing | ao3 previous chapter | all
┌─────── · · · · Ch.2: All that's left of you is the regret in my veins
CW: sex in exchange for drugs, dub-con; drug abuse; implied withdrawal symptoms; minor violence
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It's curt; the door to his studio slamming open, bookcases trembling. Something heavy falls off. Kihyun beelines for the bathroom.
Harsh cracks of light stream from the doorway, steam flooding out in plumes around Changkyun's silhouette. A damp towel hangs loosely around his hips, haphazardly secured; it's ill-fitting, Kihyun notes, and likely only a hair towel given the crass amount of thigh it fails to cover. He tries to catch a glimpse of the towel rack behind Changkyun, tries to gauge the last time he did laundry, only to see the gleaming metal bars lay bare, flickers of light catching in the condensation. For the amount of times they've seen each other laid bare, he questions to himself why Changkyun tried to cover himself with what little he had clean. For a moment Changkyun feels like a stranger.
Anger and adrenaline drain from his body, veins left desolate, cold. Changkyun is but a foot or two from him, but he's never felt further away. Beads of water drip from the ends of Changkyun's hair, soundlessly hitting the floor. Watching them, Kihyun realises neither of them have moved, have spoken a word. They exist in purgatory, oppressively silent. A drop of water hits Changkyun's collarbone, trailing down his chest, detours dictated by the curves of his torso. Kihyun outstretches a hand, wordless but expecting. Changkyun frees the towel from his hips and places it in Kihyun's grasp. Towel pulled from palm to palm, Kihyun steps a pace closer, reaching to catch the trickles of water, to dry Changkyun's hair. It's callous, Kihyun rougher than needs be, but slender fingers drag through the knots left behind, combing through swaths of drying hair.  Head hanging, Changkyun swipes away tears he hopes Kihyun overlooks.
Leaning back on the heel of his shoe, Kihyun reclines from Changkyun, job deemed finished. He folds the towel, habitual, before offering it back. It's accepted; Changkyun unable to meet Kihyun's gaze, fingers anxiously kneading at the sodden towel in his grip.
"You didn't need to come here." Breath held, he dives, crashing through the still of the room. Changkyun knows ripples bore crashing waves, and perhaps that's what he seeks.
He is met, instead, water that will not move, with Kihyun's silence.
"I said I was fine." Pebbles thrown to lakes that never hit; Changkyun lifts his gaze to meet Kihyun's. It's scrutinising; he snaps to look away.
"Four days." Kihyun mutters; the tide begins. "Four fucking days."
Changkyun begins padding through his studio, stripped bare, false confidence his blood. "Jooheon spends longer at his studio." He lowers himself onto the sofa.
A sigh, gritted teeth, Kihyun turns to face Changkyun. "Jooheon isn't spending the time letting strangers use him like a piece of cheap plastic for some shitty powder pulled from their jean pocket, Changkyun."
It's biting, cruel even, but spoken with such soft pity Changkyun's ribs cave, chest a hollow cavern. He forgets how to breathe. A beat passes, the water unnervingly still; Kihyun rapidly burns with regret.
"For uh, what it's worth, Joo does occasionally..." Changkyun trails off.
"I know what Jooheon does."
2015... 2015 was the last time things felt this painfully awkward between him and Changkyun. A twitch of the neck, he tries to shake the memory from his head. The watch on his wrist sounds small ticks, small reminders of time continuing without them. A worry grows that perhaps there is simply nothing left to say.
"I thought you stopped being the mom of the group." The words tumble from Changkyun's lips before he can claw them back. He hears the clack of Kihyun taking a step back, shocked; he doesn't look up.
Kihyun stands taken aback, slow blinks as he regains composure. There is no shortage of responses, of things to say to Changkyun, words to cuss, questions to yell.
Instead, he simply leaves. Nothing to gather, to take home, Kihyun simply walks through the door.
It isn't slammed this time, but quietly clicked shut. Changkyun hates how it's more painful this way. Body wracked with turmoil, pain radiating through every fibre of tissue. Knees to chest, he curls into the sofa, squeak of skin against leather. It's a cruel fate, he concludes, to feel both nothing and everything in equal measure; overwhelmingly numb and numbly overwhelmed. Duality.
Whether a mercy or surrender, he allows himself sleep.
Sometimes Jooheon thinks about how it began; in plastic bags the size of his palm, in powders and pills. A sly smile on Changkyun's face, eyes always miles away. The dull thud of bass shaking through the studio floor, the desperate hands tearing past clothes, skin sticking to skin. Breath so thick you could drink it from the air. The carnal desire to reach a place that felt further and further away. Changkyun always bought it closer, somehow.
He remembers the first line, eyes watering, caught off-guard as his sinuses stung. Changkyun laughing fondly, wiping the tear as he continued sniffing in cold air. The first pill, the taste of Changkyun's fingers slipping it under his tongue. The way his head fell back when it finally hit, breathing so deep it felt like the first time his lungs had ever been sated. The first drink, glass shattering between Changkyun's grip as he opened the vial, pouring it into Jooheon's soda. A raised eyebrow, a soft 'Trust me.', a hand on his thigh. God, his hand was so warm, burning through his jeans. Changkyun was setting him alight.
He doesn't remember how long ago it began, just that it did. Maybe that was the first mistake.
Peeling sweat-soaked skin from leather, nights passed in studios with nothing but panted breath and muffled moans. It became routine, scheduled almost. Enough days would pass for Jooheon to get... agitated, itchy. He hated the way he grew nauseous, room spinning whenever he tried to focus, the look of concern on his members' faces. The whispers as he left the room.
He always went back to Changkyun, dragging his feverish body up the staircase to the studio door. He doesn't remember when Changkyun started looking at him with pity, with guilt; when he started asking 'Are you sure?' before handing it over. The corner of Kyun's mouth twitches, pulled sideways, when he pours the vial in now. Jooheon doesn't care, barely even sees it.
And then, Jooheon went to someone else. No one could find him til Changkyun saw him behind a nightclub, stuck down some damp fucking alley on his knees. For a brief moment, veins running cold, Changkyun saw only himself, knuckles white against a porcelain sink.
Collar in fist, he pulls Jooheon off of the cock between his dripping lips, cum fresh on his tongue, yanking him to his feet. The confusion, questions, were answered with carelessly tossed money from Changkyun's pocket, whatever crumpled notes he had to hand.  He drags Jooheon away, into the streetlight, trailed with frustrated muttering.
"What the fuck, I didn't even get-"
Grounded once more on pavement, Changkyun slows, snapping to face Jooheon.
"What the fuck are you doing, hyung?"
Jooheon stops dead in his tracks, scuffing the toe of his shoes. He doesn't like the title, not like this.
"You were busy." Jooheon shrugs, deflecting.
"I wasn't busy, I said no."
"Same shit."
"You need to slow down, Joo. You're gonna fucking kill yourself."
"Like you're not loose enough to take two at any given moment for whatever crumbs they pull out their pockets."
A muscle twitches in Changkyun's jaw. He lunges at Jooheon, spine smashing into the cold concrete of a wall. A cry is cut off, dying in dry gurgles as Changkyun wraps his hands around Jooheon's throat. Nothing is said, aside from one brief choked-out moan.
Changkyun awakes with sheen of sweat, skin tacked against the hide of the sofa. Before eyes open, he's dry heaving, hanging over the sofa edge. His body is collapsing beneath him. Slipping from the grip of leather, he tumbles to the floor, feeble attempts to clamber to the bathroom. Standing brings nothing but the spinning of the room, sweat dripping from his temples, stomach lurching.
With moments only to lift the toilet lid, Changkyun drags himself to the bathroom before vomiting. Bitter waste gushes past his lips, chest heaving as his organs refuse what he gives them. There's not enough substance in him to hold back the bile, violent green hues burning his throat, tears streaming down his face. A shaky hand reaches to brush the hair from his sweat-slick face, and holds it, a makeshift hair tie. Changkyun lets out a sob. He wonders if Kihyun would hold his hair back if he was still here.
He knows the answer is no.
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ratedfleur · 8 months
Oooh yay! Can I request nsfw links for Changkyun (I.M from Monsta X) please?
And since I’m a little new here, can I be the ✨ anon?
nsfw x links | monsta x IM edition
🚫: links below contain 18+ content.
📝: sorry this took so long, ✨ anonnie! it was oddly hard to find links that reminded me of changkyun 🙁
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[link] most of the time, changkyun likes to fuck you by the mirror because then he could see the expressions that you try so hard to hide from him.
[link] when you once wore fishnets for your outfit, changkyun loved the look on you so he fucked you with the fishnets still on.
[link] he didn’t exactly like the sight of you slightly flirting with the members when he was sitting right across you, shooting daggers with his eyes so he knew exactly what he had to do — fuck you in the bedroom while the others were in the living room.
[link] he always liked fucking you in ways where you could only whine and moan as he fucked you, fingers busy rubbing your clit before changing positions which has you pulsing around his cock.
[link] changkyun always loved it when you moan and writhe in your sleep, clearly having a wet dream of some sorts so he tries to bring that pleasure into reality, touching you after he strips your clothes off of you.
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astroyongie · 6 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Numb
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Read with the song: https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/track/2xCucTP5OkXJ7ISUk4xlBB?si=fb723270ee6a406a
Warnings: Smut
Parings: Changkyun x Reader
“What do you want from me?” Changkyun asked, a frown covering his face as he watched you from the corner of his eye.
You mumbled to yourself, looking around at his studio, before flopping into the red couch, sighing when your body was surrounded by the expensive leather. The night was ringing outside, the city lights and the buzy cars roaming in Seoul. But here, in the intimacy of Changkyun’s studio everything was quiet, gloomy, the purple lights from the neon being the only thing that allowed you to see past darkness. There was a scent of strawberry and incense in the air.
“Nothing” you said, not bothering to look at him, as you reached for your phone in your pocket, scrolling away for something interesting. “I am just here for the company”
Changkyun ignored you with a huff, turning back to his computer as he arranged a few new accords. Probably for a new release, you figured. As an artist, music had always been his priority, and it often came even before pleasurable release.
He was always like this. You have been sleeping with him for the past 3 months. The moment Changkyun had terminated his relationship with a fellow idol, that you didn't bother to recall the name of, he had grown closer to you. Naturally, your friendship quickly became something more. There were boundaries that none of you dared to reach and despite your feelings for the black haired man, Changkyun had always made clear that this would be purely physical.
 Changkyun was someone cold, quiet but he was a good lover and an even greater company. The only one that wouldn't interrupt you when you complained about your day, the one that would give you actual advice and be able to satisfy you physically. It was a win-win situation. You wanted a sneaky link, and Changkyun well... you never figured exactly what he wanted from you. Sex was the main topic but often he would invite you out for dinner or just to chill while constantly reminding you of his boundaries. You were okay with whatever you guys had. 
For now. 
You sighed, tossing your phone away. There wasn't anything interesting on your social media, and Changkyun didn't seem to give you any of his attention either. You knew the rules. He would call you, you came and waited until he finished his work, before you could get into his pants. Yet, this was taking way too long. He was playing the exact same melodies over and over, groaning to himself each time.
What a perfectionist, you thought. Sighing again, louder this time, you looked at him. Still nothing. You proceed to repeat. Nothing. Maybe if you coughed he would look at you– 
“y/n” he called and you smirked that your cough had caught his attention. “Shut up”
“Kyun, I am bored” you said, swinging your legs as you sat down on the couch. You didn’t want to be a whining brat, but you needed stimulation or some kind of attention before it drove you mad.
“Not my problem. I have got to finish this first.”
“You are inconsiderate”
“And you are acting up.” he said, turning his chair to look at you. You couldn't help but bit your bottom lip at the intensity of his gaze “Fix that attitude of yours''
“Don't want to fix it yourself?”
Changkyun rolled his eyes, turning his chair back to his computer and you groaned out in annoyance. Fine, if he didn't want to give you attention, you would force it out of him. Standing up, you made your way to Changkyun in silence. You knew this was dangerous but you just couldn’t help it. Not now at least. Reaching forward you closed the screen of his laptop. Before he could say anything in protest, you pushed yourself between him and that damned electronic device. Making room between the chair and his desk, you dropped on your knees in front of him, a grin on your lips.
“I came here to fuck” you reminded him, loving the way he was giving you that glare. “Will you do your job or do I have to do it myself?”
“If you want it that bad, do it yourself.”
There was so much defiance in your eyes as you heard his challenge. You were quick to work on his belt, tossing the accessory away. Your hands went for his pants, your eyes glued to your price, as you pulled his pants down enough to relieve his black boxers. You touched him a first, feeling his groin against the palm of your hands, grinning wider when you felt it twist, ever so slightly. Releasing his shaft from its confinements, you wrapped your hand around it. Even without being hard, he was already delicious. You opted to give it a few light strokes, working Changyun up, slowly. As he started to get harder against your palm, your mouth went in, leaving behind sloppy kisses and kitten licks until you could hear his body shift and his breathing changing. 
“If you open that computer again while I am sucking you off, I will use my teeth” you threatened, reminding yourself of the last time you had given him head in his studio. Changkyun laughed, his ringed fingers rubbing his own face before he went to caress your cheek. It was affectionate, almost too much. You hated to admit it, but the way his bony fingers touched your skin, made your heart skip.
“You wouldn't dare.”
“Oh I would,” you said with a grin, before finally taking the tip into your mouth, circling your tongue around the head. Changkyun groned, allowing his body to rest against his chair. His hand went to your hair, grabbing it skillfully out of your face so he could get a better view. Obviously, he couldn’t help himself but guide you with it, not enough to be rough, yet enough to be demanding.
Your hands went to the base of his shaft, stroking him lazily as you allowed yourself to suck and lick him, until he was moisturized enough for your taste. When you heard the click of his tongue, you smirked, finally taking him fully into your mouth as you bobbed your head up and down, using your hands to touch what your mouth couldn't reach. Soon, the studio was echoing with soft groans and occasionally little moans from him. Yet, each time you would look at him, Changkyun still had the same expression that haunted his eyes.
Numbness. His whole face expression was deprived, the only faint tint of pink blushing his cheeks, giving away his enthusiasm along with the angelic sounds living his lips.
Closing your eyes, you breathed heavily through your nose, trying to focus on the pleasure you were giving him. Now wasn’t the moment to care about feelings.
“Darlin’, put more into it” he instructed as he looked down at you. 
You opened your eyes, looking up at him with half lidded eyes, your cheeks hollow to accommodate his shaft inside your mouth. Changkyun’s eyes held no feeling towards you. You could tell. He looked at you as if you were a remedy, a pill that he needed to consume to erase negative thoughts out of his mind. You didn't care, he was free to use you as much as he wanted.
You pushed his member further into your mouth, your hands resting on his thighs this time. You felt the tears swelling in your eyes, as you forced yourself to breathe through your nose. Changkyun was hitting the back of your throat, his own hips moving according to his own wishes. It was his moans however that were sending you astray. Pushing yourself further, you hollow your cheeks, tongue pressed firmly against his veins. Your jaw was killing you from the angle. As long as he was feeling pleasure, you could push through it.
You looked up at him again, the sight sending shocks of pleasure waves through your core. He was watching you so intensely, that your cheeks blushed without your accord. You could only wish that the dim neon purple light was hiding in it. You could almost feel it. The hint of him adoring you, perhaps meddled feelings playing on his heart. If you could just suck these feelings out of him, you knew you could reach his heart, you just needed to work on it more, you just– 
“Don’t put faith in us” as if he had read your mind, he confessed, his breathing steady again. You frowned, removing your mouth from him. You used your hand to wipe your lips, the saliva coating both his dick and your jaw. The lack of contact made him hiss, but you were quick to use your hands up and down his member to keep him occupied. 
“It’s not like I am asking to be your girl, Changkyun”
“And you better not do it. Ever”
“Would that be so bad?” You asked, forcing a chuckle out of you to light the mood. You needed to pretend you weren't so serious, or else you could lose whatever thing you both had.
“You know I just need to revive, love” he hummed, his free hand intertwined on his black hair, removing it from his forehead. Changkyun was gorgeous, and you couldn’t help but look at him in all his glory. You hated that you wanted him so bad.
“Don’t you feel alive when you are with me?”
“I do”
Lies. His eyes didn't shone, the numb feeling plastered on his iris. You knew pretty well the only person on his mind was his ex, You just didn't want to admit it to yourself, it was too painful. you wanted to believe that your body, your company was enough for him. You could only thank Changkyun’s ego that would never allow him to go back to his ex. The same ego that was unfortunately also not allowing you to break his walls. 
You removed your eyes from him, taking him on your mouth again, sucking at his dick more eagerly this time. You couldn't help but feel your core tingle each time he groaned out in pleasure. You would go through this, you thought. No matter how many times you would have to be on your knees, you would break him. 
He swore, his eyes closed shut as he focused on the pleasure. You bobbed your head faster, sucking his dick like the damn lollipop that he was. Maybe, if you were good enough, he would reconsider it. Gradually, his moans become louder and his breathing heavier. You hummed around him, whimpering when you felt his hand tugging at your hair again. A few more movements of his own hips snapping against your face and he was done. Changkyun released hot seed through a low groan, moving his hips lazily until he was finished.
You felt his hand losing its grip around your hair, his body relaxing against his chair as he caught his breathing. You released him from your mouth, swallowing what you could. 
“You are my weakness, y/n”
You didn’t believe him. This was just him and his post nut self talking. Standing up, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, tasting the reminds of him on your tongue once more, before you climbed into his lap, his half lidded eyes, looking at you as if you were half of a nuisance, half an object of lust. 
“What are you doing y/n?”
“I will fuck the numb out of you, Im Changkyun.”
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neo-percs · 1 year
DADDY KINK:: ( day 5 )
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WARNING:: daddy kink, unprotected sex, marking, biting.
SUMMARY:: in which you accidentally let the words slip in the middle of having sex with kyun, expecting him to be taken aback it was the complete opposite.
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You felt full, you had been on your third round sex with Changkyun with you thighs pressed against your chest, with a tight grip on the back of your thighs thrusting into you kyun felt so deep inside you it clouded his minds as he lets your moans and whimpers cloud his mind for hours. "Please- it feels so good" you moan as your death grip on the bed sheets had turn your knuckles pale.
"Yeah? It feels good? Tell me how you feel" he groans as his thrusts pick up inside you, the words had been practically caught in your throat as you let your eyes roll back in pure bliss not even realizing what you were babbling on about. "It feels so deep, please don't stop daddy- please" you choke out but once you felt his thrusts become more shallow you whine as your hands cling desperately at his shoulders, your nails dig into his skin leaving red crescent shaped indents in your wake.
"Say it again" he mumbled as he pulls your legs down over his thighs, your fries furrow in confusion "say what?" You ask oblivious to your previous outburst. "Say what you just said again" he repeats being more clear and obvious, he lets himself lean over top of you kissing your at the supples and unmarked skin on your neck, leaving behind red marks in the shape of his teeth and blossoming bruises in odd shapes.
Your breath caught in your throat as he kisses gently against your sweet spot your fingers trail into his hair you moan weakly as you realized the words that slipped from your mouth. His thrusts become more harsh "please don't stop daddy- it's so good" you gasp as your back arched against his bare chest. Changkyun's fingers dig into the fat of your thigh as presses you against the sheets pounding into you deeper you feel your jaw slack open and the utter pleasure.
"I'm close" you moan loudly not caring if your neighbors heard you— hell you don't care if people 10 blocks away heard, you were so immersed into the situation that the feeling in the pit of your stomach would snap at any moment. "Cum for me go ahead I got you" he whispered into your neck still high off the words that had reached his ears he was driving into you hard almost eager to make you cum.
Your legs shake as you whimper out a broken version of his name your back once again arching off the sheets as you open your mouth a silent scream begging to ripple through the walls as you cum. The feeling of you finishing around him has Kyun almost needy to finish your fingers gripping onto his black hair he thrusts once more before he spills inside you with a groan.
Waiting until you had both caught your breath Changkyun pulled out and rolled to the other side of the bed letting sweat roll down his temple he tips his head to see you practically tuckered out "daddy?" He asks with a huff of laughter you only shuffle away in embarrassment "shut up" you cover your face as it feels like your face is on fire. Pull your hands away from your face "it's okay, I liked" he says wrapping your arms around his arms around you leaning in close you close the distance delivering a kiss to his soft lips "it was so sudden I didn't even realize" you laugh against his lips.
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moonhoures · 1 year
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🕷️ kinktober — day 8: choking 🕸️
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pairing: changkyun (monsta x) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: non-idol!au, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, established relationship, kyun sucks his own fingers, choking, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, creampie, pet names: ‘babe’, ‘baby’, ‘naughty girl’ (all for reader), kyun slaps reader’s ass once
word count: ~1.8k
synopsis: you and your boyfriend discover a kink of yours 🤭
a/n: me while writing this > 🫨🫨🫨
posted: october 8, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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“You really couldn’t wait until we got to the shower, huh?”
“I’ve been waiting since we left this afternoon, so no. I can’t wait any longer,” your words came out half-muffled as your lips pressed kisses to the skin of your boyfriend’s newly-exposed chest. His collarbones, neck, and pecs were getting all the love you could give them, and he couldn’t help but smile. You were so desperate for him. He loved when you got like this.
“If I knew you’d be like this, I would’ve fucked you before we left.”
You let out a soft whine that had him biting back a laugh. Changkyun had told you he had some quick errands to run which included stopping at his workplace for an hour or so. You offered to tag along, knowing you had nothing else to do for the day. But what you didn’t sign up for was being forced to go throughout your entire day watching your boyfriend saunter around in the most simple, yet hottest outfit he could wear. Tattered jeans and a white, sleeveless muscle top that showed off his sides and drooped low enough on his chest to show the top of it. He also had a black beanie that hid his fluffy hair, and to top it all off, a chain that dangled around his neck. There was nothing particularly extravagant about the look, but he looked like a model to you. And you made it very clear to him how much he was turning you on.
The knowing glances. The pointed compliments. The not-so-innocent touches. The lustful confession of how horny he was making you. He had told you in the car to prepare for when you got home, insinuating that he would take care of you during a shower, and you couldn’t wait. It all boiled down to you two making it through the front door and instantly pouncing on each other. You had managed to pull off his shirt as you made it into the bedroom, but you just couldn’t hold out anymore.
“So needy,” he smirked.
His eyes closed for a moment as your lips trailed back up his neck and to his jaw. He reached up, clutching your chin to bring your lips to his ravenously. Low, grumbling sounds echoed from his chest as he kissed you. Your waist was pulled in close to his by his other arm, and the next thing you knew your back was against the wall. The back of your head bumped lightly against the hard surface behind you as you continued to make out passionately.
Your hands plucked at his clothes, urging him to strip, or at the very least, free his cock that you needed so badly. And your mouth watered at the sight of it alone. You had seen his length countless times, but it never failed to send arousal pooling between your legs every time. The things it could do to you. The things it has done to you. You were buzzing with anticipation.
“You’ve already got me so hard,” he breathed out, catching your gaze briefly before you both watched your hand beginning to stroke him. Small moans and whimpers of your name graced your ear, making you grin. You loved when he moaned your name.
Your boyfriend bucked into your grip, attempting to get some more friction. His tip was starting to leak with precum just for you, and as it made a mess on your hand, you itched to have him inside of you. Fortunately, Kyun was having the same thoughts.
“Turn around for me.”
No hesitation. In seconds, you had swiveled around, facing the wall of your bedroom. You waited, rather impatiently, hips swaying back a little as if to urge him to enter you already. But all you got was his hands on your ass, rubbing the bare skin before landing one, nice slap against your right cheek.
“Kyun-“ you warned him, but got a snarky chuckle in response.
“Sorry, babe, I couldn’t resist.”
“Just fuck me, please,” you whined, “I’ve been waiting all day.”
“Really? All day?” he continued to tease you, both verbally and physically, as he pumped his cock behind you. You could feel the head of it bumping against your cheek, leaving behind a spot of wetness on your skin.
“Yes, all day,” you had a hint of aggression as you confirmed your horniness yet again, if only for the amusement of your boyfriend. A moan freefell from your parted lips and your body jolted forward slightly at the feeling of his fingers swiping up through your lips, collecting your arousal on his fingertips. He smiled to himself as he brought them up to his mouth, sucking on them.
“Just for me,” he said it, not as a question, but as a statement. He didn’t need to ask. He knew it was all for him. It was always for him. Nobody else. “Are you ready?”
“Kyun, if you don’t fuck me in the next ten seconds-“
“Alright, alright.”
He cut you off, his hands grabbing a stern hold of your hips as he thrusted into you slowly but deeply. You felt your breath escape you in one gasp and you quickly braced yourself, placing your palms against the wall in front of you before you could smash your face against it. Once he knew you were secure, he began pounding into you just how he knew you would want it. Hard. Fast. Deep. Yet, careful. He only thrusted into you as much as he knew you could handle, and he kept it just soft enough that you wouldn’t be smushed against the wall in an uncomfortable way. Even when he noticed your breasts getting squished against the hard surface, he made a point to ease you back against his chest.
“How’s that, baby? Just what you wanted?”
You nodded, fingers gripping but unable to catch anything on the smooth wall while his dick brushed the spot inside of you that you could never reach on your own.
“This what you wanted all day, huh? For me to fuck you good? You should’ve just asked.”
His breath tickled your ear, making your head tilt, but he simply nudged your head to the other side before he placed kisses along your neck. Your body continued to bounce with every push of his hips against your ass, and almost every push caused a groan or a whine or a moan of his name to expel itself from your pretty lips. He couldn’t get enough. His fingers found homes all over your body, becoming nomads that roamed the terrain of your skin. The curves of your hips. The expanse of your stomach. The valley and swells of your breasts. He cupped them, his cock twitching within your walls as he felt your hard nipples underneath his palms.
“Fuck, I love you,” was muffled into the space below your ear before he kissed it. He left more kisses along your shoulder, but paused when he felt that familiar sensation building deep inside of him. His grip on you tightened, his arms restricting you even more than before. One arm wrapped around your midriff while the other snaked closer to your chest.
“Kyun, oh my God,” you moaned as his thrusts grew deeper. He was grinding himself almost strategically, his erection hitting you exactly where you needed it. You screwed your eyes shut for a moment as the warning signs of your orgasm appeared. Your heated skin. Your tensing muscles. Your bated breath. The warmth in your tummy.
And it all came crashing over its apex when his hand slid between the valley of your breasts, past your collarbones. His fingers reached up to the column of your throat. You didn’t even have a moment to prepare yourself before he was adding pressure to it, causing a small feeling of panic to brew in your mind. It quelled itself soon enough, once you remembered that this was Changkyun. He has never hurt you, and would never hurt you. Still, he had never attempted choking you before, so there was an exhilaration you had never experienced before. You hadn’t gone even ten seconds with restricted air before he was letting up again. And by then you had already came.
“Did you like that?” his voice was deeper than before, rumbling with a newfound sense of lust. He didn’t mean to choke you. Honestly, he didn’t. As soon as he realized what he was doing, he stopped, but he also noticed that you had came—hard. Your pussy was still clenching around him like crazy when he spoke, “You naughty girl.”
“Stop,” you whined, knowing he was teasing but still feeling a small sliver of humiliation from his words.
“It’s okay. Everyone has kinks. I just didn’t think you liked getting choked out,” he reached up with the same hand that had asphyxiated you, tilting your face towards his so he could look you in the eyes. Your noses were merely an inch apart, “You did like it, didn’t you? Cause you came pretty hard.”
“Mhm,” you admitted it weakly, but you didn’t feel as shameful when he smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips that grew hungrier by the second. He had been still since you came but now he was shallowly and slowly thrusting again. The faintest of whimpers mumbled from your lips as the kiss became sloppier.
“You want more?” he grunted against your lips, getting an eager nod in response.
A low, animalistic moan from Changkyun’s lips met your whimpers as his hand rested against your neck again. This time the pads of his fingertips felt like heaven as they naturally fell into the dips below your jaw. Your skin felt like velvet under his palms. And when he added just enough pressure, you could hear your heartbeat pumping in your ears louder than ever. Little bursts of white spots sparkled among the black abyss behind your eyelids. You moaned, but no sound came out. You gasped for air, but no oxygen met your lungs. Your walls clenched around your boyfriend’s cock. He shivered as his hips stuttered, and he came inside of you, secretly loving the feeling of both of your climaxes leaking down his balls and your thighs. He lowkey loved making a mess with you. Besides, you were going to join him for round two in the shower anyways.
As he released your throat from his hold, you sucked in a gulp of air, filling your lungs with its necessities. Changkyun’s thumb soothed the space just between your collarbones while he pressed his lips lovingly along the side of your neck, “You’re so hot.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
dj dj 🫵
I really wanna hear your monsta x hard thoughts or like. any brainrot that you have for any of them cause I love your work
I'm feeling very Changkyun recently. he's sooooo
I think he's a possessive little shit if I'm being honest w/you. I think he's the kind to perk up whenever he hears you talking/always makes room for you when you come over to him. he doesn't even stop what he's doing, just presses a kiss to the side of your head and keeps talking
this was supposed to be hard thoughts LMFAO I'm just needy for him
anon anon 🫵
first off, thank you for reading and enjoying my work! 💗
second, one thing to know about me is i will always absolutely catapult myself at the chance to talk about my obsession with changkyun. and i thank you for gifting me with that opportunity.
my mind immediately goes to when he was on bambam’s show last year (i think??) and bambam asked if his future partner had to have money. and kyun just said “no, i make enough for both of us.” and IN THIS ECONOMY???? you better believe that is the sexiest thing ever. 
like, he’ll always take care of you. in every way. buying you gifts, supporting your hobbies, just everything. he’d buy you the world if he could. of course, he’ll take care of you in other ways too. 👀
i like to think that kyun’s partner HAS to have a voice kink. there is just no way they don’t. have you heard him speak???? dear god. 
he’s hovering over you in bed. fingers playing with the elastic of your underwear as he kisses your neck. just below your ear. he's quiet. focusing on kissing your skin. it's not until you moan out his name when he moves his hand to palm your pussy through your panties that he moves his face to your ear, softly biting the shell before asking in his low voice "you'll moan extra load for me tonight, right baby?" you can help but whimper at just the sound of his voice.
OR oh god. his voice when he first wakes up in the morning. 🙂
you're facing away from him. your bare back pressed against his chest. he has an arm draped over your waist holding you close to him. you wake up to him rubbing your thigh and kissing your neck. when he notices your shuffling and waking up, he grumbles a "good morning" into your ear. it is a simple greeting but you feel it immediately deep in your core. he notices you press your thighs impossibly close together and teases you, "really baby? i didn't even do anything." you whine ever so slightly, though and he's quick to bring his hand between your thighs where you want him the most.
and a note on his possessiveness...absolutely. ESPECIALLY in public. it's never anything graphic or explicit, but his hands are ALWAYS on you. on your lower back, your thighs, your hair. being the quiet type, he'll always let you lead conversations. nodding along as he keeps on with his little touches. and he's not possessive for the reasons you might think. it's not about anyone else but you. he wants YOU to know that you're the only one for him. he trusts you completely around other guys, but he wants you to know that he'd never for a second leave your side. and his touches are reminders of that.
his tattoos are a headcanon of their own so....maybe we'll touch on that another day 🤭
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mebeindelulu · 5 months
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Changkyun as your boyfriend
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femdomlieeh · 1 year
Riding your thigh (m)
Sub!Monsta X ✧ Dom!Fem!Reader
WARNINGS—nsfw ✧ thigh-riding ✧ praising ✧ degrading ✧ dirty talk ✧ mentions of spanking, breath play & oral sex ✧ BDSM ✧ pet names (mommy, babyboy, puppy, princess)
NOW PLAYING—vampire ✧ Olivia Rodrigo
[A/N.] This is unedited and I wrote this a long time ago but I want to prioritize my time and energy on writing new fics instead like
M.LISTS—random idols/groups ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
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이호석 / wonho
Wonho's cheeks would puff up, as well as redden at your words. He likes it when you introduce new positions, and in return always acts all innocent with a flustered reaction as if he never knew those types of positions existed — but it's just an act. His cutie-like self would not question you at all; he'd smile and get on your lap without a word. To add more effect to his angel acting he'd maybe ask you about directions.
But once he got to action he no longer seemed like an innocent angel who didn't know what thigh-riding was. His hips would be grinding very seducingly — as if it were an erotic dance he'd practice for months — and his hands would be on your shoulders so there would be space between you so you could see him. He'd love to get praised. Praises would be motivating. This boy would love it so much he'd continue riding you even after cumming if you allowed him to. His stamina comes in handy.
"Should I take my clothes off or keep them on, Mami?"
After your answer he got on your thigh and sat down, ready for fun time.
"Am I doing this right, Mami?" he asked innocently, fully knowing he was a pro, because he wanted praise.
He will not admit that he's a dirty boy. No way. He'll still act like he's too pure to know what thigh-riding is, but every time he gets back on your lap he proves your theory of him being a freak to be true. Despite craving to ride your thigh again, he'll wait for you to tell him to do it instead of asking you. If you want to mess with him you can refrain from ever bringing it up. If you rile him up enough his innocent bubble might burst and he'll beg to get on your though again. Innocent angel? Pfft.
... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧✧
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 손현우 / shownu
Hyunwoo's a softie, but he likes it rough. He knows that if he ever were to ride your thighs he wouldn't be able to go any different. Thus he'd be worried of actually getting off too hard on your thighs :C He'd be blushy and try to slow down, even if it wasn't enjoyable for him. You'd have to encourage him and grab his hips and physically make him ride your thigh harder and faster. After a while of seeing that you're completely fine, he'd get more comfortable and let loose of the tension he was previously feeling. The effort he'd put into it would be shocking since he's so shy and 'innocent'.
"B-But, Mama," he stuttered as his cheeks reddened.
"But what, Babybear?"
"I-I don't wanna hurt you," he looked down insecurely.
"You've been such a good boy this week, you deserve to get off on my thigh. Now listen to Mama and ride, okay?"
"Ye-Yes, Mama."
In the future, he would get flustered even at the mere mention of the first time he had ridden your thigh. And because of the embarrassment, he won't have the courage to ask you to do it again. If you asked him to do it again, however, he'd gladly do it (still blushing as if it were his first time, of course). He'd say he'd do it 'because he's a good boy', but the truth is that he had wanted to do it again ever since the first time.
Progressively, he'd feel more easy-going about it, and would muster up the courage to ask you if he could do it again. He'd be stuttering during the little speech that he had prepared beforehand and his face'd become red if you allow him to. Thigh-riding will only be occasional because it's his guilty pleasure and he feels abashed about asking you — but he'll give his all any time he does it. Take the first step for his sake.
✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧
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이민혁 / minhyuk
Minhyuk is the human version of a puppy. He would get on your lap and hump you like there was no tomorrow. Boy has no shame and is always up for the dirty.
"Get on my lap."
"Okayyy~" he sang cutely.
Baam! In a second he was sitting comfortably on your lap like you ordered.
"Now ride it, Puppy."
He grinned.
"Okay, Mommyyy~"
Not caring enough to take time to dedress when he's horny, he'd be the one to do it fully clothed. You would maybe need to slow him down, because his great excitement would make him go crazy on your thigh. Guide him through it.
If he doesn't listen to you, give him a spank and he'll be sure to listen. After a while into it, he'd take off his shirt or drag down his collar so you could give him some hickeys. Your attention and affection is important to him. Your hands guiding and caressing his body, your lips and teeth nibbling on his purple skin would be the only way to get him to cum.
"This is so much fun, Mommy," he moaned and arched his back at the sensation.
He threw his head further back to give you more access to his neck. Panting, he managed to say what he wanted the most during that moment: "M-Mark me, Mommy. Please, please, please—"
He will act like such an adorable and good boy for you if it means that he can ride your thigh in the end. From calling you Mommy in sweet scenarios to giving you head without wanting anything in return — he'll do everything to prove that he deserves it. He'll love to do it randomly too. Imagine watching a movie with him on your lap and he suddenly starts grinding slowly on you and whimpers out pleads.
✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧
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유기현 / kihyun
Kihyun's eyes would pop out. He'd be shocked people even do that, because he's a pure, holy child of God. It wouldn't take long until the stupefaction would turn into shyness. He'd be so flustered and ask you if he heard you right just to make sure his brain hadn't messed with him. Oh boy would he become even redder after you confirmed he'd heard you right. You'd have to lead him through the whole process or else he'd just sloppily ride you with insecure thoughts hunting him. In a very foreign situation like this one he'd need you to tell him what he should do and what he shouldn't do.
He'd be very obedient and would flush at any compliment you gave him, but on the inside he'd feel very sexy and confident in himself at the praising. By the end of it he'd be back to being pure and holy and would deny that it was indeed very pleasant to ride your thigh. But when you two'd go to sleep that night he wouldn't be able to stop thinking of it as he reluctantly smiled.
"You want me to w-wHat?"
"Ride my thigh."
"A-Are you for sure?"
"Yes. Now."
"I— Uhm— Okay—"
Sheepishly he followed through your command.
"Good boy."
"T-Thank you, M-Mommy."
He will never admit that it feels good. The only time he ever could go against himself and actually admit he was into it will be when he's very, very, very needy for your thigh — which is very rare. But you could also find out that he's into it if you find him watching thigh-riding porn, which by the way would result in him not being able to look you in the eyes for at least a week. It'll be better for you both if he himself tells you that he likes it. And if he does decide to tell you one day, he'll expect you guys to start doing it often.
✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧
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채형원 / hyungwon
Hyungwon would get on your lap and look you in the eyes confidently. He's often sassy and shit, but in the bedroom his missions are to impress you and satisfy you — he'd still be a power bottom, but he'd be a nice, not-too-bratty one. You'd have to grab his butt with one hand and choke him with the other, or else he'd physically bring your hands to where they should be. If you called him something other than Princess he'd tell you off. He's the definition of thigh-riding Princess. Since he wants to be a good Princess he'd need you to tell him he is one.
If you didn't praise him enough he'd think he didn't do good. But he wouldn't become sad about it, instead he'd ask you for guidance. By the end of the session he'd be tired and want the Princess treatment — cuddle him and let him sleep on top of you.
"Wanna take a ride?" you asked and patted your thigh.
"Of course, Mommy."
He made his way to you and plumped down on you, putting his ass out in an arch.
"This—" he looks down at your lap and up into your eyes, "—This is my throne."
He will start sitting on your lap more often. Both because he wants some lovey-dovey time and because he wants come touchy-touchy time. If it's the latter he wants, he'll move a little against you to send you signals of what mood he is in, even if it makes him a bad Princess. Another occasion he'd sit on your lap would be when he's jealous and wants to show that he obviously is your Princess. Back to the thigh-riding, he'll make it your routine to do it at least once a week, because it's his favorite form of masturbation.
✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧
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이주헌 / joohoney
Jooheon would love the idea as soon as it went past your lips. He's always up for anything Mommy wants. But he'd feel like he needed to put on a show for you and would thereof feel pressured to be good enough for you. Confidentally, he'd get on your thigh, but when it came to actually riding you thigh he wouldn't be as confident since it's his first time doing it on you.
He'd try his best and be as cute for you as possible, moaning out your name, telling you how much he appreciates you, pecking your neck as he hides in it — everything to prove to you that he loves you. If you say something filthy in return he'd keep his head on your shoulder and wouldn't look at you for a while out of embarrassment. If you praised him cutely, however, he'd get giggly and encouraged to continue showing how much of a good boy he is for you. He'd be so exhausted after he cummed, because of how much work he put into it. You better give him nice aftercare.
"Your thigh is so nice, Mommy," he whimpered out.
"You're doing so good, Honey. Only you can look this pretty riding my thigh."
With deeper dimples from smiling, he fastened his pace.
At first he'll only do it if you encourage him to, because then he knows you like it too. Eventually after you've requested to do it a couple more times, he'll become confident and start surprising you every now and then. It'll both be sexy and cutie time. He'll be able to make thigh-riding cute with his small whines at your praises and with his fluffy hair sticking to his forehead. If you don't cuddle afterwards he'll become pouty and cross his arms until you hug and kiss him.
✧✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...✧
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임창견 / i.m
Changkyun would be like 'finally she asked me'. Like this is something he's wanted to do for so long. No matter how cute he is, he is not innocent at all. Just the thought of rubbing himself against your thigh, whilst looking into your eyes, and moaning for you turns him on. He'd be a little bratty at first, because you didn't want to do it earlier on in the relationship.
Out of all the boys he'd be the one most likely to ask you if you two could do it. Anyway, he'd be a soft boy and would want affection such as kissing, touching, or just praising words, from you at all times. He'd also love it if you helped him by keeping your hands on his hips or if you grinded your thigh up against him. After cumming he'd stop being whiny and would instead be fully satisfied.
"Took you long enough, Mommy."
"What do you mean?"
"I basically live on your lap. I want to be on your lap all the time, Mommy. Whether it's for cuddling or humping," he whined and pouted dramatically with crossed arms.
"Come here, my Babyboy," you said and opened your arms for him.
He kept arms crossed but still listened to you.
"Show me what you want to do on my thigh," you whispered and pecked his pout.
His pout turned into a dimpled smile.
"Okay then, Mommy," he whined softly.
Oh how he was going to enjoy every single moment of it.
He'll ask you to do it again for sure. He's very submissive and baby-like and isn't ashamed of himself or his sexual preferences. If you denied him he'd be all pouty and whiny, and would complain along the lines of 'But I've been a good boy~' and 'Why not, Mommy? I thought you loved me.' Let him ride you for fuck's sake. He's a good boy and he deserves it. He also deserves the best cuddle sessions afterwards.
✧✧✧✧✧✧... ✧ ...
❝ And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too
Went for me, and not her
'Cause girls your age know better ❞
—olivia isabel rodrigo; 2023
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iibonniee · 11 months
All Eyes on Her
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Pairing: Minhyuk x Reader x Hyungwon x Kihyun
Genre: Smut
Warnings: foursome, oral (fem and male receiving), unprotected sex, double penetration, facial, masturbation, cum eating
Rating: R
Word Count: 7.2k
Summary: There was only so many ways to piss off her roommates. Going out without their knowledge was the top of that list
Masterlist | Tags: @beautifulworldandmore @kyunnielove @iamkyunie @doveslittlekpoparchive @dessianna1
(huge shoutout to @spacequokka for the proof reading and hype!)
The city was ablaze with Halloween spirit; twinkling orange lights adorned every lamppost while smiling pumpkins stared down from each window. The usual humdrum of the city had morphed into a chorus of high-pitched laughter and teasing catcalls, echoing against the walls of the high-rises.
Amidst the crowd of excited buzz and anticipation, individuals wander with faces hidden behind masks, from classic vampires to slutty nurses, each strutting their raunchiest and most creative costumes. There was an electrifying tang of mischief and lust in the air, the boundaries of common decency momentarily put at bay with the scapegoat of horror-themed revelry.
Skimpy witches revealing a little too much ‘hocus pocus,’ flirtatious vampires showcasing more than just their canines, and provocatively dressed devils smirking at their sinful antics sauntered down the bustling streets, their laughter rising into the chilled air. While the cityscape was a treat, the people were the spectacle under the Halloween moon.
A palpable excitement fizzled through the crowd as they flocked towards the city’s center, where grand parades, Halloween parties, and bars offering dangerously potent ‘witches brew’ awaited them. The chilling thrill of Halloween quickly ignited into a fiery celebration, prophesizing a night of reckless abandon and racy encounters.
As the night fell, the city became the perfect playground for these supernatural imposters, ready to indulge in their darkest fantasies. The ‘trick or treat’ didn’t concern candies anymore, and the only spell that mattered was the intoxicating stimulant of the night - wild, wicked, and wonderfully suggestive.
As if on cue, the city’s heartbeat quickened, mirroring the palpable pulse that thrummed through the mingle of Halloween revelers. Y/N, lost in the sea of provocative costumes and devilish laughter, somehow managed to weave through the boisterous crowd. Three of her friends, who had decided to venture into the night together, barely noticed her sneaking past—such was the intoxicating allure of the Halloween spectacle.
Y/N took a hasty gulp from the mysterious concoction in her hand, the ominous label of ‘witches brew’ at the bar only fueling her adventurous spirit. Its potent ingredients quickly washed over her, a familiar haze clouding her vision. The alcohol warmed her veins, the heady sensation making her limbs feel heavy yet oddly cheerful. At the same time, the crowd around her swayed like an intoxicating dance of shadows.
Pumped up on the adrenaline and the dangerously potent brew, she felt bold and invincible. She was just another face hidden behind a risqué costume, seduced by the promise of reckless abandonment. Embracing the night’s madness, she let herself be swept up in the waves of laughter and playful catcalls.
Her world was spinning, the city lights blurring to form endless streams of orange and black. The pounding music from nearby parties became a pulsating rhythm in her chest, the enticing beat luring her further into the night’s embrace. The roommates, the rules, the norm – everything that caged her was forgotten, lost in the hedonistic pursuit of a Halloween adventure. Y/N was perfectly adrift in the Halloween ocean, ready to plunge into whatever wickedly delightful encounters the night had in store for her.
Suddenly, the buzz of her phone broke through the symphony of raucous laughter and pulsating music. Fumbling in her small purse, Y/N retrieved her disobedient phone, squinting at the sudden bright light. The screen displayed a flurry of messages, quickly piling up from her roommates, who had noticed her absence.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“You’re not at the apartment!”
“Weren’t you feeling unwell? Where did you go?”
Their messages were tinged with worry and mild reprimand; they hadn’t expected her to ignore their advice and dive into the wild tangle of Halloween nightlife. At any other time, a pang of guilt might have washed over her. But tonight, under the spell of intoxication, cloaked in the stringency of her risque costume, Y/N felt free, audaciously untamed.
With a dismissive laugh, she typed a quick, vague reply: “I’m out; don’t worry. Just embracing the night.” Before the incoming reply could pull her to reality, she silenced her phone and shoved it back into her purse.
Reality and its naggings could wait; tonight was all about stepping into a world of fantastic desires. Drowned in the seductive whispers of the festival, she allowed herself to be adrift in the giddy ocean of celebration. 
Her roommates, their well-intentioned rules, and worrying had no place here. As she moved deeper into the city’s pulsating heart, Y/N felt an exciting sense of freedom. She was alone - lost yet freed, intoxicated yet in control. Redefining the limits, she plunged further into the intoxicating fervor, ready for whatever wickedly delightful encounters the night had in store.
Y/N drank in the freedom. She was free from Kihyun’s alert gaze, constantly scrutinizing those who dared enter her personal space. There were no towering presences of Hoseok and Hyunwoo, ready to scare off any potential troublemakers, no Minhyuk lingering around her ‘just in case.’ Minhyuk, Kihyun, and Hyunwon, who had decided on a quieter night in, were far from the raucous festivities of the city center. 
Meanwhile, Hyunwoo, Hoseok, Jooheon, and Changkyun were lost in their own adventures, leaving Y/N to navigate through the irresistible maze of the night, undisturbed and unhindered.
For Y/N, this was uncharted territory - exciting, intoxicating, and filled with an array of wicked possibilities. The Halloween spirits danced around her, caressing her senses and painting her vision with a tantalizing kaleidoscope of adventures. Echoed chuckles, flirtatious banter, and enticing rhythms led her deeper into the city’s pulsating heart, where the intoxicating fervor of Halloween was brewing at its peak.
Unrestrained and unhindered, she was lulled by the siren call of the city’s enchanting revelry. Her senses were filled with the intoxicating allure of the night, promising a treasure trove of wickedly delightful experiences beneath the Halloween moon.
The unplanned glamour of the night, free from the watchful eyes of her roommates, offered Y/N a wild freedom. With each heartbeat matching the risque rhythm of the Halloween sway, she was ready to hitch a ride on the Halloween roller-coaster and let it take her wherever it wandered.
The club was inviting, a beckoning call for anyone who dared to enter. The line was long, a promise of fun if the wait would be granted. Her eyes followed the crowd of drunken and giggling bystanders laughing at anything and everything. Halloween always felt like a night to let loose.
As Y/N stepped into the disorienting embrace of the club, she found her way to the bar, ordering drinks that fizzled and popped in neon hues, mirroring the hedonistic surge running through her veins. She allowed herself to get lost in the pulsating music and the intoxicating drink in hand, her worries slowly dissolving in the pounds of the bass. 
Suddenly, amidst the crowd, she noticed a figure moving towards her. The male was dressed as a Kingpin, with a playful smirk and an inviting gaze; he made his way through the crowd. He perched onto the stool beside her, his overwhelmingly charismatic charm barely concealed. He began to flirt, his words a mix of praises and playful banter, aiming to enthrall and captivate. 
Her intoxication amplified the already intense charm radiating from him. Her defenses lowered and her guard down. And just like that, a potentially dangerous scenario was painted; Y/N’s actions were guided by the impulsive rush of alcohol, the stranger’s intentions hidden under the playful banter, and the unforgettable night carrying on its unpredictable stride.
“And what are you supposed to be?” He finally asked the burning question. His smirk never left his face as she realized the alcohol had taken over him. “You have been driving me crazy.”
“Well, tonight, I’m nobody. Just here to enjoy the night,” Y/N slurred, her voice full of alcohol-induced delight. The man chuckled, introducing himself as Jungkook with a voice as smooth as the whiskey she held in her hand.
Jungkook, moving even closer to her, whispered playfully, matching her audacious tone, “Then nobody, you sure know how to attract attention.”
Caught in Jungkook’s entrapping charisma, Y/N was further intoxicatingly entertained by his flirtatious banter. The room was spinning, the colors merging into one, and the sounds became a distant echo. She was, however, rudely brought back to reality by a distinct, familiar voice slicing through the music.
“Y/N, have you lost your mind?!” Kihyun rushed towards them and, with a swiftness that misrepresented his anger, placed himself between her and Jungkook. The fury evident in his voice and expressions was enough to bring the room’s spinning carousel to a jarring halt. As he forced her to stand, he physically distanced her from Jungkook, the lingering intoxication started wearing off, replaced by the chilling realization of her actions. Despite the immeasurable confusion, one fact was clear: the night was far from over, and it wouldn’t be easily forgotten.
“Kihyun?” She gasped suddenly, aware of her roommate’s presence. The more time that had passed, the more she realized that Kihyun had turned his attention to Jungkook. 
“Isn’t she a piece of work?” Jungkook muttered to Kihyun, utterly unfazed by the tension. His words, intended to provoke, met their target. Kihyun’s glare intensified, his body stiffening as he towered over Jungkook.
“Y/N isn’t here for your amusement, Jungkook,” Kihyun retorted, the sharp tone of his voice owning the immediate space around them. “So I suggest you fuck off.”
Despite the rising conflict, Jungkook merely smirked, goading him further. “Oh, she seemed pretty amused just now, didn’t she?”
Those words threw Kihyun over the edge. “She’s had enough for the evening, Jungkook. This is your only warning. We both know your track record here so station your charm somewhere else before I forget about my respect for this place.” threatened Kihyun, his voice dangerously low.
Caught between the tension of the two, Y/N was jolted to sobriety, the remnants of her euphoria fizzling out, replaced by the harsh reality and an all too familiar sense of worry. The flare in Kihyun’s eyes made her realize this wasn’t simply about an overprotective friend; this was about something much more tangled, their past colliding with the present all at once.
“Kihyun…” She tried, only to be shot down once she noticed how his glaring eyes snapped back to her. Once she realized that he wasn’t going to calm down, she sucked in her breath, wishing that the alcohol that was mixed in her veins didn’t wear off as quickly as it did.
Ignoring her meek attempt to interject, Kihyun fixed his glare back on Jungkook. “This isn’t a joke, Jungkook. You are crossing a line here,” he hissed, making his irate state clear to everyone in their immediate vicinity. “Keep trying stupid shit, and I promise you, you won’t like what comes after.”
Unfazed, Jungkook laughed, “Seems like somebody needs to chill a little, hey Y/N?”
Before Y/N could even open her mouth to respond, Jungkook, sensing the opportunity to further provoke Kihyun, chimed in again, “You better keep her close, Kihyun. Or she might just end up in my bed next time.” With that, he chuckled, the sound echoing loudly in the otherwise noisy room. “Can’t let a beautiful thing like her out of your sight.”
Kihyun’s glare turned into a furious stare, and without another word, he shoved Jungkook back. The force surprised those nearby, and a hush fell upon their immediate surroundings. “She is not an object to be won,” Kihyun growled menacingly. “So I suggest you watch your tongue.”
Turning back towards Y/N, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the exit, leaving a smirking Jungkook and stunned spectators behind. The drive back home was tense, with Kihyun’s anger still palpable. 
He picked up his phone and dialed their housemates, recounting the night’s incidents in a heated tone. Throughout it all, Y/N sat quietly in the passenger seat, sipping her water and coming to terms with the night’s unsettling revelations.
As Kihyun began retelling the happenings of the night, his knuckles turned white, gripping the steering wheel with such intensity it bellowed of his still simmering rage. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down as he tried to tell the story.
“She was in a bar on the other side of fucking town. Jungkook was there being a fucking pest and snuggling up to her as if he knew… Y/N you should know all the shit he’s done.” his voice trailed off, replaced by a bitterness Y/N could taste even from her spot in the passenger seat.
With every grumbled sentiment and colorful adjective, Kihyun painted Jungkook as the embodiment of disrespect and insolence. His rant was punctuated occasionally by his grip tightening on the wheel, each outburst coinciding with a particularly vehement part of his tirade.
Y/N could only sit silently, absorbing his anger and the weight of his words. Despite the anger directed towards Jungkook, part of her couldn’t help but feel the sinking sensation that she was also to blame. As the car moved steadily along the deserted roads, the silence stretching between them threatened to unveil the underlying issues she was trying to avoid.
Once they arrived at the apartment, its comfort was replaced with an atmosphere of stark disappointment. Waiting for them, Minhyuk and Hyungwon looked up, their faces filled with concern and evident disapproval. She shivered at their piercing gaze, shying away and trying to make herself look small as Kihyun told the two the story of what happened once more.
“Jungkook acted like he’d won a prize, treating Y/N as an item,” Kihyun informed them, his words laced with biting contempt as a tearing anger shook his voice. Turning his frustrated gaze on her, he didn’t hold back. “You played along. You laughed at his indecent jokes, making him believe you enjoyed his attention. It was crude, Y/N, and you seemed to revel in it,” he accused, the hurt evident in his tightened voice. “Tell me, what was that?”
Y/N felt a wave of guilt crash over her as she caught Minhyuk and Hyungwon’s piercing stares - they held the same disappointment that Kihyun had vocalized. She took a deep breath, opening her mouth but quickly shutting it once she realized all she would spill out was utter lies.
“If you want to behave like a whore, getting passed around as if it’s a game, we can ensure that it becomes your reality.” Kihyun declared, his tone filled with an unexpected, unsettling fury.
Against the attack of bitter accusations, something unexpected stirred within Y/N. It was not the guilt or the shame that was meant to follow such a degrading tirade - instead, it was a thrilling heat. His words, cruel and harsh as they were, sparked an intensity within her, a reaction she was struggling to understand, much less control. As Kihyun’s bitterness continued to pour, Y/N felt the bizarre feeling twist, churning into a strange form of excitement. His anger and dominance somehow translated into an unlikely stimulus, opening the door to a place within herself she had never explored before. 
Sensing the change in herself, Y/N found an odd sense of power, soaking in the scorching onslaught of accusations, transforming them into fuel for her unexpected defiance. Gathering her courage, she responded to Kihyun’s hostility with a cheeky retort that completely derailed him.
“Is that a threat…or a promise, Kihyun?” she bit back, a hint of rebellion dancing in her eyes.
The bold question hung heavy in the silent room, thick with growing tension. Kihyun’s eyes widened at the unanticipated challenge, soon replaced by a dangerous glint. He tilted his head, studying Y/N’s transformed demeanor. This was a side of her he had never seen, and despite the initial shock, the intrigued in him woke up with a start. An unsettling thrill slowly replaced his initial anger, and a surge of desire began to cloud his judgment. 
Y/N’s snide retort might have ignited another wave of anger. Still, this time, it was mixed with a spark of unexpected exhilaration that was impossible to ignore. The air between them crackled with an unspoken challenge, a brewing storm that promised a level of intensity neither had experienced before.
“Okay then, let’s see how long you’ll last playing this game,” Kihyun drawled darkly, his voice promising dangerous games. 
As Kihyun commanded Y/N to step towards him with a finger, his intimidating aura took over the room. There was a silence as she walked over, her gaze steady, accepting his challenge. Stopping before him, he wordlessly turned her around so her back was against his chest. He slowly brought his hands up to her body, his touch causing her to instinctively hold her breath. His hands lingered at her waist for a moment before sliding upwards at a dangerously slow pace. 
Her eyes involuntarily flicked towards Minhyuk and Hyungwon. Seeing their intense gazes upon her fueled an unusual thrill, a sense of being wanted. Kihyun wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other began to explore, his fingers drawing lazy circles on her exposed skin. The room was filled with an electrifying tension as the three men watched Y/N, her expression reflected in their eyes. 
Y/N could feel the heat of Kihyun’s breath against her neck and the hardness of his body against her back. It was a power play, and she decided to call his bluff. Biting her lip, she leaned her head back on Kihyun’s shoulder, meeting his eyes with a challenging gaze. She was playing with fire, but it was a game she was willing to partake in. The anticipation, mixed with the exhilarating thrill of the unknown, had set the room ablaze, rapidly igniting a spark that promised of a rough encounter. 
“Look at them,” Kihyun’s command was a whisper against her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. Obediently, she turned her gaze towards Minhyuk and Hyungwon, who had been quiet spectators until now, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and desire. “They look so hungry, don’t they?”
Kihyun’s arm snaked around to her front, his hand beginning to explore her upper body. His touch was electrifying, sending an adrenaline rush through her veins, her body tingling in response. As his hand found her breasts, Y/N couldn’t help but let out a soft moan, her body instinctively arching into his touch. He smirked at her reaction, his ego stoked by her enjoyment of his touch. 
“You love being the center of attention, don’t you?” he asked, a teasing edge to his words. His hand continued to deftly manipulate her breasts, and her breath hitched, an undeniable wave of pleasure washing over her. As Kihyun’s skillful touch continued to stir her pleasure, Y/N’s mind surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, forgetting everything else at that moment.
“Just say the word Y/N, and tonight we will break you.” Kihyun’s words were a dangerous promise, a challenge that sent the room into a heart-stopping silence. The power dynamic had shifted, the game reaching a new, intense level. Shared glances between the men and Y/N exchanged mutually understood messages; Tonight would not be easily forgotten. 
Kihyun’s lingering touch and tempting words sent an intoxicating thrill through her, a promise of untamed pleasure hanging heavy in the air. She cast a glance toward Minhyuk and Hyungwon, meeting their greedy gazes. The twin flames of desire flickered in their eyes, igniting a fever within her that she hadn’t known was dormant. Their intense scrutiny was intoxicating, stoking the blaze within her even more.
“Do it,” she agreed, her voice barely a whisper, yet holding a firm resolve. Her trembling response only fueled their anticipation further, every muscle in their bodies tightening in anticipation of what was to follow.
“On your knees, Y/N,” Kihyun commanded, his voice as compelling as the predatory glint in his eyes. A wicked smirk pulled at the corners of Kihyun’s lips. Conveying a silent command, he gestured towards the floor. The smirk on his face was a stark acknowledgment of the havoc his words were wreaking, coupled with the genuine understanding that tonight, they’d dwell in a world where they would embrace their most primal desires. “Tonight, you are ours. You did consent to that, no?”
All three of them watched as she nodded her head almost too eagerly. 
As if spellbound, she carefully lowered herself onto her knees. The harsh reality of the cool, hard floor beneath her did nothing to dampen the electric energy surging in the room. Minhyuk and Hyungwon now circled around her like predators, their eyes shining with an insatiable hunger.
Minhyuk was the first to crouch down before her. His fingers traced a gentle path across her face, his tender touch contrasting starkly with the wicked gleam in his eyes. His hand curled into her hair, the sudden firm grip causing her to gasp. The sweet smile he had been wearing morphed into a wicked grin that promised sinful delights. “Who would you like to choke on first, darling?” His voice held an ominous edge, setting her heart pounding.
“Remember, Y/N, this is your punishment,” Hyungwon chimed in from her other side, his voice burnished smooth like whiskey. His reminder echoed ominously around the room, a reminder of her indiscretion. His comment hung in the air, heightening the sense of control and dominance they collectively held over her.
A moment of suspense hung in the air as she glanced from one face to the other, her eyes flickering with evident desire. Considering the inescapable thrill of the situation, Y/N finally decided, her gaze landing on Minhyuk. The choice was apparent in her answer, said in barely more than a whisper, yet it echoed deafeningly in the silent room. 
“Minhyuk,” she finally spoke, watching as his wicked grin turned into a victorious smirk. 
Minhyuk’s victorious smirk transformed into a look of unmasked desire, his nimble fingers working to rid himself of the confining fabric of his pants. His impressive length was now on full display, the sight making Y/N’s breath hitch in her throat. The intoxicating mix of trepidation and excited anticipation sent shivers down her spine.
Just at the edge of her periphery, she witnessed Kihyun and Hyungwon seating themselves comfortably. There was a predatory glint in their eyes as they prepared to be spectators to the sinful show that was about to unfold, their heated gazes soaking her in anticipation. Their dangerous looks only served to fan the flames of her desire, the weird sensation of being watched expanding the inner tumult of pleasure.
Minhyuk stepped closer, his length brushing against her lips, the sinful sight igniting an unquenchable fire within him. A moment’s hesitation was all it took before she opened to accept him, wrapping her warm mouth around him. The room was charged with electrifying energy, the sensation of her mouth coupled with the tantalizing sight of Y/N on her knees, pushing them all towards a precipice of exciting danger.
The moment Minhyuk made contact, her lips gracefully glided across his length; the wet warmth of her mouth contrasted with the cool air around them. His self-restraint wavered on the edge as she leisurely explored him, testing his patience with her tantalizingly slow pace. Low groans echoed in the room as she assuredly consumed him, each movement of her head sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. His hands glided through her hair, occasionally tightening their grips, eliciting a suppressed whimper from her, which only served to drive him further toward the brink of self-control. 
Hyungwon and Kihyun, absorbed by the spectacle before them, their eyes never strayed from the sight. Their hands moved in rhythm with Y/N’s head, each stroke perfectly mirroring her pace, fueling their own pleasure. The sight of her submission, combined with the sinful sounds echoing around them, only heightened their arousal. 
Hyungwon’s low moan, almost a growl, gave voice to their shared pleasure, “Such a filthy sight... You’re swallowing him whole, aren’t you, Y/N?”
Kihyun chimed in with a barely suppressed moan, his hand strokes hastening, “So eager to please. Don’t take it easy on her Minhyuk. Don’t forget what she did tonight. If she was sucking my cock right now, she’d be choking on it. Begging for some mercy.”
As the room was filled with a symphony of soft groans and heavy breaths, Minhyuk, caught up in the heady sensation, smirked down at Y/N, his fingers tangled in her hair as he began to set a relentless pace. The sudden change from her leisurely rhythm made her choke slightly, her gag reflex pushing against him, only serving to ratchet up his pleasure. 
“That’s it,” he muttered gruffly as he thrust himself into her mouth, the debauched sounds of his pleasure punctuating his words. 
Running his fingers mercilessly through her hair, the grip tightened with every movement, forcing her to take him deeper. His hips jolted forward, each forceful push revealing an aggressive side that contrasted with his initial tenderness. His lust-filled eyes bore into hers, pushing her beyond the limits of her endurance.
Meanwhile, Kihyun and Hyungwon were driven wild by the sight in front of them. Their hands stroked themselves faster, each sound from their lips only serving to encourage Minhyuk further. Overcome with the decadent sight and the symphony of heavy breaths.
Hyungwon couldn’t help letting out a few words meant to provoke the situation further: “Can she take it? Minhyuk, don’t you think you’re being too kind to her?”
Echoing Hyungwon’s sentiments, Kihyun added, biting back a groan, “Absolutely, don’t forget she needs to be taught a lesson. Treat her like the whore she’s been tonight.”
Their words filled the room, the thrill coursing through them as they watched Y/N’s resolve being tested under Minhyuk’s forceful pace.
In response to Hyungwon and Kihyun’s provocations, Minhyuk’s smirk deepened. His predatory gaze met Y/N’s eyes, noting a flicker of uncertainty mixed with arousal, which only spurred him on. 
He tightened his grip on her hair, tugging her closer to him, “She can take it, can’t you, darling? Show them.” he muttered, the roughness of his voice contrasting with the one she had initially known. “I bet you fucking like this.”
With a sudden surge of force, Minhyuk drove himself deeper into her mouth, his rhythmic thrusts growing more persistent, setting a punishing pace that left her gasping and choking. Each guttural groan he released seemed to echo in the room, amplifying the tangible tension and anticipation amongst them all.
“She’s doing so well, isn’t she?” Minhyuk taunted, his voice dark and laced with raw arousal, not missing the way both Kihyun and Hyungwon’s hands moved faster in response.
The sight before them was driving them both to the edge, their self-induced pleasure heightened by the sinful scene being played out before them. Unable to resist, Kihyun added fuel to the fire with his provocative words, “See how well she takes you, Minhyuk? Remember, she’s ours tonight.”
Hyungwon, feeding off the growing intensity, growled, “Make her choke, Minhyuk. Show her what happens when she misbehaves.”
Their husky commands were a stark reminder of the intense night that was still to unfold, their words echoing ominously in the room, winding the heat and anticipation to an unbearable pitch. Minhyuk, lost in the sensations coursing through him, only smirked in response, disciplining their shared toy in the way they all craved.
Just as Minhyuk was wavering on the edge, on the verge of surrendering to the pleasure, he abruptly pulled back, leaving Y/N bereft and confused. His eyes danced with mirth at the stunned, disappointed expression on her face and the way her lips parted in protest. 
“Not so fast, darling,” he murmured lowly, a chuckle threading through his voice. “Did you think I would reward your indiscretions that easily?”
He guided her up, his hand firm on her arm, leading her to the plush couch. He ran a single finger down her cheek, a single chuckle leaving his lips when she scowled up at him. Pushing her gently onto the comfortable cushions, he took a step back, grinning at her frustrated pout, “Sit down and make yourself comfortable.”
Once she was comfortably arranged on the plush couch, Hyungwon moved into position, his gaze scorching as he appraised her. With a devilish smirk playing on his lips, he settled in between her trembling thighs, his warm breath bathing her in anticipation.
Teasingly slow, he moved his hands up her legs, his thumbs tracing sinful patterns on her sensitive inner thighs. He could feel his pulse quicken as he trailed kisses along the crease of her thigh, deciding to tease her a little longer. His tongue flicked out to taste her, a sigh escaping his lips at the intoxicating flavor.
A soft whimper left her lips as she involuntarily clenched her fingers on the edge of the couch. This simple reaction spurred him on, his tongue delving deeper, exploring the folds of her sweet warmth. Hyungwon taunted her with his skilled tongue, flicking her sensitive bud before lapping at her juices that soaked his mouth. The gasps and moans echoing in the room only amplified the erotic charge of their encounter.
His hands found the soft curve of her hips, thumbing at her flesh as a silent plea for her to open wider, to offer more. Listening to his quiet command, he deepened his efforts with his tongue, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body, turning her pleas into a mix of husky moans and soft gasps. Hyungwon continued his attentive servicing, driven by the taste of her on his tongue and the sweet symphony of her moans filling the room.
As Hyungwon serviced her eagerly, Y/N met Kihyun’s gaze from across the room. A smirk adorned his face, one hand leisurely pumping his thick length as he watched. He hummed in appreciation, his actions shamelessly open and teasing.
“Look at you,” he moaned in delight, his voice husky with desire. “So fucking beautiful when you’re spread out, being devoured.”
Minhyuk, unable to resist any longer, moved closer to join in on the teasing. His fingers danced up Y/N’s trembling thigh, adding more sensation to the blazing pleasure that Hyungwon was evoking.
“I bet she tastes so good, Hyungwon,” he murmured, his eyes locked onto the erotic sight, a sinful grin tugging at his lips. Hyungwon gave no verbal reply, only flicking his gaze briefly to meet Minhyuk’s, the grin on his lips echoing Minhyuk’s words. He continued his relentless torment, his tongue expertly teasing and tasting. “I’m jealous.”
This bold display, coupled with the sound of Kihyun’s self-pleasure and Minhyuk’s teasing touch, sent Y/N spiraling towards a precipice of pleasure. Her noises turned to fervent pleas as various hands, mouths, and words drove her toward an explosive climax.
When Y/N was close to reaching her peak, Hyungwon suddenly pulled away. A surprised moan slipped from Y/N’s lips, her eyes fluttering open to meet his gaze. His smirk grew wider at her confused and needy expression.
“Oh, darling,” Minhyuk crooned, his voice thick with amusement. “Did you really think we’d let you get off that easily? After what you did to us tonight?”
Hyungwon chuckled, resisting the urge to dive back in and finish her off. Instead, his fingers lightly traced over her now overly sensitive folds. “It’s not that we don’t enjoy your reactions,” he murmured, his voice dipping to a seductive growl. “We just think... you’ve been a little naughty tonight.”
Her soft gasp of protest when he barely touched her clit with his thumb told him she was teetering on the edge. “And naughty girls,” he added, smirking at her frustrated twitch, “don’t always get what they want.”
Hyungwon pulled back from the intoxicating girl beneath him, his lips gleaming wickedly. With a knowing smirk, he moved from his previous position to glance back at Kihyun and Minhyuk, who were intently observing the spectacle. Their heated gazes met approvingly, their silent exchange speaking volumes.
Kihyun finally broke the deafening silence, his command echoing against the room’s walls, “Hyungwon lay down.”
Hyungwon, taking Minhyuk’s place, swiftly lay down on the plush rug, his gaze never leaving Y/N as he made himself comfortable. He watched in fascination as Minhyuk moved behind her, pressing his body flush against her, his hands running illicit trails up her trembling thighs. He tilted his head, whispering something in her ear that made her blush scarlet.
From his standing position, Kihyun merely watched the scene unfold, a shameless, unhurried hand pumping himself. He chuckled lowly, his gaze catching Y/N’s. He moved to stand in front of her, eyes glinting with anticipation, his body ready to be served by her beckoning lips. The intensity of the situation only seemed to amplify as they all knew the tantalizing night was far from over.
“Can’t forget about me now, can we?” he purred, directing his length into her welcoming mouth. 
The large room amplified their sounds; the orchestrated symphony of their shared pleasure no longer whispered secrets but public declarations. The unmistakable sound of wet skin slapping against skin, coupled with their fervent gasps and moans, created a heady, ensnaring atmosphere of pleasure — a testament to their relentless pursuit of passion and desire. 
“All filled up now, are we darling?” Minhyuk cooed into her ear, his words laced with sin as he relentlessly pushed into her ass. His hips snapped forward, driving into her with a rhythm that only heightened the pleasure coursing through them all. 
Hyungwon’s eyes rolled back in pleasure as a guttural moan left his lips, “So tight...” he managed to rasp out, echoing Minhyuk’s sentiments but lost in his own world of pleasure. His hands gripped her hips tightly, matching Minhyuk’s thrusts, their timing as exquisite as their pleasure. “Fuck.”
Encased between these men, Y/N was lost, her cries muffled by Kihyun’s length, her own pleasure reaching soaring heights as her body was filled in ways no one else could. The distinct sensations within her — Hyungwon’s unwavering length, Minhyuk’s relentless tempo, and Kihyun’s sinful claim — had her perched on the edge, her climax coming closer with every pulse and thrust.
Their greedy moans echoed throughout the room, the rawness of their passion, the intensity of their desire, and the intimacy of their shared pleasure amplified tenfold as together they headed towards a dizzying peak, lost in a world of sinful delight.
As the sinful scene unfolded, the distinct sound of the front door clicking open echoed through the lavish apartment. Hyungwon, Minhyuk, and Kihyun barely missed a beat at their interruption. Managing to keep their involvement steady with Y/N, their intense gazes flickered towards the entrance as the new arrivals took in the impassioned tableau laid out before them.
Changkyun, Hoseok, Hyunwoo, and Jooheon stood at the threshold, eyes wide and mouths hanging agape at the sight that greeted them. The normality of their evening seemed trivial compared to the carnal spectacle unfolding in their shared living room.
“God, can’t you three keep it in your pants for one night?” Jooheon finally exclaimed, a teasing grin spreading across his face, misrepresenting his exasperated tone. Changkyun gave a low whistle, his eyes roaming Y/N’s body with gleaming admiration. At the same time, Hoseok and Hyunwoo simply shrugged as they opted for silent observation.
The undisguised staring from their additional audience had the color creeping onto Y/N’s cheeks. Still, it didn’t slow down the rhythm of the three men currently using her to satisfy their pleasure.
Kihyun, however, couldn’t let the comment pass unchallenged. He lifted his head from where he was currently engrossed with Y/N, glaring at their bandmates.
“Shut up, Jooheon, or get out,” he warned, sharp and impassive, his pleasure temporarily pushed aside by impulsive irritation. “That goes for you three. If you don’t care to watch, fuck off. I mean it.”
“No, no,” Changkyun quickly interjected, raising his hands in surrender as he smirked. “Please, continue. It’s quite the show.” 
The three new arrivals took the liberty to make themselves comfortable around the room, finding seats with the perfect vantage point to enjoy the continued proceedings. Their presence added another dynamic to the sinfully charged room, their eyes feasting on Y/N, who was the center of pleasure and desire.
Having made their point, the hard trio immediately resumed their activities with renewed gusto: Hyungwon maintaining his steady rhythm, his hips snapping upwards to meet Y/N’s downward motion, Minhyuk plunging into her from behind, matching his pace hypnotically, and Kihyun sliding back into her mouth, his thrusts becoming more insistent.
The room, yet filled with moans of pleasure and the undeniable sound of skin meeting skin, now also held the hushed whispers of the newcomers as they watched what unfolded before them. The sight of Y/N being endlessly pleasured by their bandmates had each of them growing hard and anxious, jeans suddenly too tight. Each took their arousal into their own hands, steadying their breaths as they pumped their lengths in sync with the rhythm echoing in the room.
“Couldn’t have imagined such a sight,” Jooheon murmured lowly, his hand working his length as his gaze was fixed on the writhing figure of Y/N, sandwiched between the three men. “Fuck, you three are so lucky. We’ve all been wanting to take a turn at you, Y/N, but it seems like you’re already in good hands.”
“I agree with that.” Changkyun hummed in response, similar thoughts running rampant in his mind. His eyes danced across the spectacle, each sight more sinful, more erotic than the last. His hand slid over his arousal, a low groan slipping past his lips as he watched the trio and Y/N lose themselves to pleasure.
Both Hoseok and Hyunwoo seemed to be unaffected by their commentary, choosing to focus solely on the live show before them. Hyunwoo’s hand moved over himself, a quiet grunt echoing in his throat, his mind imagining it was his hands, his mouth, causing the tantalizing moans and cries to slip past Y/N’s lips. Beside him, Hoseok groaned at the sight, his lip caught between his teeth.
Amid the orchestra of moans and hip thrusts, the newcomers’ hushed whispers and the rhythmic slick sounds of their self-pleasure added another layer of carnality, making the atmosphere thick with unchecked desire. As the room echoed with the sounds of pleasure and need, the tension heightened, leaving everyone on the brink, waiting for the climax of this sinfully delightful scenario.
“God, Y/N,” Hoseok managed, his voice laced with raw desire as he watched her sandwiched between the three men, “you’ve never looked so gorgeous. Can’t wait to paint that gorgeous face.”
Hyunwoo merely hummed in agreement, his focused gaze on Y/N, his hand moving faster over his hard length, shifting in his seat as he attempted to deal with the pooling desire in his lower abdomen. His restraint barely hanging by a thread, amplified by the sight of Y/N writhing in irrevocable pleasure under their joint gaze.
Their added voices, heated gazes, and unrestrained yearning doubled the layer of carnality, the atmosphere thick with unchecked desire. From the rhythmic thrusting against Y/N to the shared collective pleasure among them, the heightened tension appeared to be reaching its apex, everyone teetering on the brink, waiting for the climax of this sinfully delightful scenario.
Succumbing to the intense buildup, Hyungwon, Minhyuk, and Kihyun simultaneously reached their peak. Each man removed himself just enough to release inside her, their combined climax filling Y/N to the brink.
Kihyun, in his last throes of pleasure, came in her mouth with a long groan. He held her head steady, encouraging her to take and swallow every drop of him.
Stepping forth, they each aimed toward Y/N’s face. Their releases splattered across her lips, cheeks, and exposed neck, completing the salacious imagery of their joint desire. Shuddering breaths echoed throughout the room amongst muttered praises and shared satisfied grins. The scene before them served as the climactic finale to their unanimously enjoyed, sinfully tantalizing event.
“Fuck.” Hyungwon’s voice came out as a gravelly groan, the primal sound resonating through the room. Both his and Minhyuks eyes bore into the lewd spectacle before them, Y/N’s trembling body, their cum leaking from her and streaking her thighs. His lips pulled into a self-satisfied grin, the white droplets a stark contrast to her flushed skin painted an explicit portrait of their shared pleasure.
“She took it like a champ,” Changkyun voiced from beside him, arching a brow, his own climax held in check as he watched the scene with a determined gaze.
Hoseok’s chuckling response was muffled as his attention was solely focused on marking her skin with his climax. The sight of her drenched and filled with their desire fueled him towards his own explosive finale. And with a grunt of completion, he emptied himself over her form, the sight of his release pooling in the hollow of her collarbone a gratifying sight.
They savored the aftermath, the residual tremors of their climaxes still echoing in the room. This would be a memory to revisit, a testament to their shared desire, a sinfully delightful scenario etched indelibly into their minds.
“We need to do that again. Next time, we should all fuck her.” Jooheon’s words hung heavy in the room, his gaze avidly fixed on the shiny trails of his climax sluicing down her face. His quirked lips and the gleam in his eyes revealed the extent of his satiation and unspoken promise of future escapades.
“Absolutely,” Changkyun voiced his agreement from the side, eyes hooded and voice laced with seductive gravel that hinted at a hunger yet to be fully satiated. His hands already wandering with suggestive intent, confirming his eagerness to plan the next round with Y/N. “Next time should be now, though. I’m just suggesting. It’s not fair they have all the fun...”
That was the cue they all needed, their corresponding murmurs of agreement echoing in the room, punctuated by shared grins and lingering glances cast toward Y/N. Promises and illicit whispers about future pleasurable promises hung in the air, awaiting a complete promise. 
Despite the exposed desire on display, they were all bound by the shared sensation and undeniable chemistry, fueled further by their shared need. As they pored over the shared memories of this lustful wonder, the thrilling prospects of the next event began to mark another chapter of their intoxicating shared desire.
“Can’t I rest?” Y/N’s words whispered through ragged breaths, struck a chord of amusement amongst them. At her question, a scatter of chuckles colored the heavy silence, their carnal satisfaction mirrored in the full smiles curving their lips.
“Rest is for the weak,” Hyunwoo distinctly teased, his hearty laughter bouncing off the room’s walls in sharp contrast to the lewd canvas they’d just painted.
“You forget, Y/N — we’re just getting started,” Minhyuk added with a suggestive wink in her direction, driving the point home. A mischievous grin stretched on his face, and his words steered towards the pleasure-filled adventures they had yet to step foot on. “You’re in for a long night. They don’t even know the stunt you pulled yet.”
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purp1einmyh3ad · 1 year
POV: Changkyun is your boyfriend and he gives you random short but cosy calls just to nonchalantly share fragments of his daily life with you and include you in his space regardless of the distance and his busy schedule. Those little cyber dates include him showing you the Han river under the night sky and sharing the radiant sunset after work because you're still connected and under the same yet ever-changing sky, the same way your love stays the same no matter the changes of time and place. You're dating a Pisces Venus man.
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I cringed a bit but I liked this aesthetic and delulu is the solulu and I'm in my feels today, plus, this is tumblr, let me be ✌️😗
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imaginidol · 2 years
POV: flustered because the lyrics he keeps writing are still about you…
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