#Changkyun Drabbles
gor3rri · 4 months
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❕PAIR❕: (! husband!) Im Changkyun X Reader (!wife!)
❕GENRE❕: Realistic, Romantic, deep, Fluff-smut, !unprotected sex!raw!cum eating, grabbing!
❕SUMMARY❕: You find yourself in the pov of your husband, Im Changkyun. He’s good just like a normal husband material but thinks deeply of everything he does. Serious but a sweetheart. He fulfils all your wishes. He’s completely opposite to you. You’re an ambivert.
❕AUTHOR’S NOTE❕: This Context contains kissing , touchiness and etc. It’s a realistic way of looking through scenarios which might look real in future i.e it’s how he might behave if you were married to him in real life. It’s a little smutty which makes it appropriate for ages 18+.
❕DISCLAIMER ❕: English is not my first language so if you witness anything off while reading of spelling of punctuation, just know ㅠㅠThe context is just scripted and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just for fun - ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
❕CONTEXT❕: MONSTA X members also mentioned (some areas) and y/n(you)- darling or often by her real name ; Im Changkyun - Kyun, Love, I.M, Danny etc.
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“Are you awake yet?”you asked your husband as you turn to his side of the bed, in a sleepy tone. You were restless because of yesterday. You’re a housewife but you spent most of the time helping Changkyun’s father in the Lab. His father is a famous known professor in Pohang-si , Postech University of Science and Technology. As a kid you did well in science and wanted to pursue it but unfortunately couldn’t get enough in finals and you gave up and made ur hobby ur job. You were a Science teacher in a school in Gwangju. So in your free time, you would help his father in research. You were more than qualified but only you couldn’t get in a good college and ended up as a teacher instead.
“Changkyun..? You said again in a sleepy tone while still in bed. You couldn’t find him at his side of the bed so you woke up and went to look for him. It was your day off today. Sunday of course. You were searching for him as you wanted to tell him something. You went downstairs to check. You couldn’t find him there so you also went ground floor. You guys had a ground floor pool and a small living room so basically the house was like 5 floors with a basement. You were at fourth floor which was a ground floor. You finally found him.
“Kyun-ssi?”you said slowly. As you say, he turned to you slowly. He had a book in his hand which he put down as he saw you. “Oh your awake?” He said while approaching you slowly. “You never rush. Is there something you want me to know?” He asked as he came close. “Kyun, good morning” you said. “Don’t tell me you just rushed downstairs to wish me morning. You were tired. Yesterday dad called me to tell you that you don’t need to rush in the work anymore. He’s thankful to you that you stayed the night in the lab, testing the samples. And so I didn’t wake you up.” He said as he looked into your eyes. “It’s my job. If I know stuff I can offer help. My family is more to me hence I don’t think I’ll be tired but he don’t need to thank me :)” you said while smiling and looking down. He went to the table to put the book back in the shelf. “I miss my parents so helping him made me happy. I can say I have two parents now.” You said while helping him. He then stopped what he was doing and look at you. “Do you miss your parents hm?” He asked you ,worrying about you. “I do”. you said while putting the last book in the shelf. “It’s decided, I’ll be taking you to Busan.” He said holding your hand. “Kyun, you’re busy and so am I? It’s okay you don’t need to. I just missed them. I can always call th-“ you were about to finish your sentence but he cut you up by saying “Y/N your stressed and you need relaxation, taking a week leave from work won’t be a problem plus, I hired a person who can do the work when I’m not at work, it’s all fine.” He said while holding your other hand.
You were once upset with your parents cause they didn’t let you think about your marriage. And they made the decision themselves without even considering your opinion. But seemed like you were married to a good person. Im Changkyun was a Biomedical engineer, owned three big Research Companies. He was qualified, rich and stable. He won’t let you pay for anything. He’s caring and loving. You never thought your arrange marriage would lead you two to fall for each other. For now you’re just caring towards each other. Love each other as well. You guys have known each other 70% out of 100% in these 1 year. Since you were upset, you forgot about their caring nature too. Why would a parent want their child to marry someone unknown. Changkyun’s parents and your parents knew each other well but you didn’t so that’s why you found it to be difficult for you to adjust in an arranged way. Hence you forgot about them. You accepted and realised your mistakes and decided to apologise to them.
“Y/N, get ready in some time. We’re leaving soon”said Changkyun. “Kyun..” you said slowly. “Hm?” He said while turning to your side. “What about you..? Us..? I don’t even spend my time with you..it’s been a year, we haven’t progressed..and mom (in law) was expecting us to be paren-“ he again cut you off. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll be as well. I don’t want you to worry about anyone anymore. As you say there’s a right time for everything to happen. It’s okay Y/N” he said while holding your hands “just get ready.” You nodded and went upstairs.
He made you breakfast this time. You didn’t knew that he already made breakfast. You were in a hurry to make breakfast so you bathed quickly but it turned out that he already did everything for you. Watered the plants, gave the food to the fishes in the pond and yes you two owned an aquarium since fishes made you feel happy and calm, cooked breakfast and put the clothes in laundry, almost everything. “Kyun..thank you” you said to him while he was plating the dishes. “If a wife can do things like taking care of everyone and being as grateful to us, a small gesture everyday and some help from my side wouldn’t cause harm right?” He said while smiling and looking at you. You kept looking at his eyes. “You came here to live the rest of your life with me at 22 years, and you thought I never felt you? We all love you and care for you okay? Just the way you do for all of us, in fact I can say that you work more than what all of us here do. I respect you, Y/N. He said while coming closer to you. “You’re talented and admirable, I do know that getting married to someone you don’t know properly could be hard but you made it smooth in just a year, darling.”
“Darling” you thought in your mind. How can someone be so good? Charming in both the ways- by nature and by looks as well. Usually people with good looks turn out to be cruel but him, his just so caring. He spoke less but his eyes says a lot about me. He called me by my name always but the way he used the word “darling” for me is just so.. I’m not flattered but it isn’t the word. It’s more than what I thought. He said he respects me. Men these days lose their temper and respect for women even when they do hard work but it seems like today’s the day __th[day]_____[month] and _____[year] , my perspective towards my husband changed. Getting to know that he loves me so much would always be my favourite feeling.
You hugged him and couldn’t say anything but it all was so self explanatory to him. “The food tastes amazing, Kyun.” You say while taking a bite out of the steak he made for you. “This is just what I could serve to you. We’re not late okay? Just chew your food properly.” He said wiping your lips with a tissue. “Oh oops” you say while holding the tissue he used. “Let me take care of you since you’re leaving your husband for a week cause I won’t be there” he said. “Your not staying?oh I forgot.” you say while taking a bite out of your food. “Mhm. I have to check on the companies whether they have shown any new information.” he said while taking his plate to the counter. “Im done, when you’re done, just keep the dishes on the counter. I’ll ask Ms. Shin to clean them because the dishwasher isn’t working due to some technical issues.” he said leaving the kitchen.
You put the dishes on the counter and waited for him downstairs with your bags. “Im here!” Said Changkyun. “Ready?” He said holding your bags. “Kyun it’s okay I can carry them since you did a lot for me already.” you say grabbing the bags. “Let me do my job, Im Y/N” he said taking them bags to the car. “Im Y/N, I love the way you call me by my full name, Im Changkyun!” You said in a little teasing tone. “Mmhm, my lady”
These little gestures he shows you is his best charm. Not too physical not too touchy. The words he uses are magical to you. Even the simplest word becomes as expensive as gold. “The car smells good” you said after getting in the passager’s seat. “It was the perfume I used haha” he said while taking the car keys. “Mason Margiella- burnt wood and whiskey 🥃 is what it smells like” you say while looking at him. “You seem to know what your husband smells like hm? Soo keeping everything aside, where’s your destination Mrs. Im?” He asked you teasingly. You chuckled and answered “oh please take your passanger to her Parents house.” “Of course, of course, fasten your seat belt, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said while fastening the seat belt for you. “Thank you.” You said smiling at him.
AUTHOR : You guys then reach to the desired destination.
“Oh my my!” Said your mother you look so much healthy my baby! “Yea mom and I missed you guys, Im staying here for a week so that I can spend some time with you guys after I left in sorrow.” You say while hugging both of your parent. Changkyun saw the tears of happiness in your eyes and in your parents and he thought - “how much loving and caring could a person be? She’s the one for me, mature and perfect by nature and pretty by looks as well.” He was all in the thoughts 💭 then suddenly your dad say “Changkyun-ssi, I’m glad to hear that my daughter is in good hands, I’ll always be thankful to your parents for treating her as their own.” Said your father as he hugged Changkyun. “Oh no no, as we agreed to take the responsibility as promised we’re also doing our job, keeping Y/N happy and healthy, worry free.” He said while hugging back. “Oh dear, you guys are staying here, this makes my heart so much full.” As your mother said this, Changkyun replied “Im sorry to you Mr and Mrs. Yoo that I won’t be staying as I need to check on progress of my companies :), instead Y/N would fulfil my emptiness(presence) here” he said while holding your mother’s hand. “It’s okay dear, next time I want both of you to stay with us. That would make us more happy. But you’re a busy man and taking your time to drop my girl here, thank you.” Said your mother smiling to Changkyun. “No no it’s my job to see your daughter happy, my wife in fact.” He say while looking at your mom and then at you. “Come in for a while Changkyun.” Said your father. “Oh as I’m not staying here, I can at-least come in for coffee or tea.” Said Changkyun.
Your house was just like a normal big house. A little Japanese style, the structure with an open yard for meet up with guests. “Kyun?” You called him. “What do you want? Coffee or tea?” u asked him when suddenly your father interrupted “Whiskey! Haha my young man should try the Glenfiddich, a classic 12 year old” your dad said with a little laugh. “Dad it’s not the right time i-“ you said while looking at them and at Changkyun after. “Ohh I have had that one mhm” he said look at the bottle. “Kyun-“ you looked at him with an expression that stated - “it’s not right time kyun for whiskey 😭” he understood what you wanted to say then suddenly put the bottle aside. As he put that aside, he received an important call. “Dad maybe kyun’s busy so he might have to leave at the moment.” You say to your father and your father understands you. He said “mhm I have no problem, we still have time” he said patting you. “Thanks dad” you said whole hugging him. “I have to leave now Mr and Mrs. Yoo but I’m sure the next time I visit it’ll all be the whiskey 🥃” he said while holding your father’s hands. “Of course son! Let me help you out” he said and you all bid him a bye.
“Kyun!” You called him as he was gonna sit inside “wait-“ He stood there while holding the car door and you kiss him on his lips. He felt so good. He won’t describe it at the moment but surely will when you guys would be all alone together. He kissed you back and said in a low tone while holding your hands “I’ll be back soon, I miss you already..” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Take care, I’ll miss you, kyun” you said as he got in the car breaking the kiss.
AUTHOR : The time passed by and you were missing him so much to the extent that you almost teared up at times cause you felt that you left him alone at the house and how much he would miss you. He would call-text you when he was free but it wasn’t much like his actual presence. A week ended and it was finally when the time when he could kidnap you back lol. Im gonna skip the car part.
You arrived your home after a long time and seeing everything back again just made you happy. The scent of your own home just felt so good. Then you heard doorbell ring. You rush towards it cause you knew it might be your husband. “Y/N!” You said nothing but hug him. “Im sorry I couldn’t pick you up and you had to come here by yourself and even the driver wasn’t here today due to some personal reasons..” you said nothing still but just hug him. His scent was something you missed. Fresh roses and whiskey with burnt wood. That’s what he smelled like. Even after working too much, his scent never changed, it felt natural on him, his scent. Then you slowly let go the hug. “Changkyun Im” you said while looking close to his face. After what you just called him, he came closer to you as well while slowly throwing his blazer. “Keep looking at me like that and-“ you cut him off “didn’t you miss me?” You said after putting him in the MOOD and you backed up. “Miss dare to change the topic hm.” He said as he went to the couch and rested there. You turn back at him. “Now you kept me waiting like that you know how much I missed you?” He said while looking at you. “You called me by what earlier ?hm?” He then stood up and started walking towards you again. “Im actually glad someone else took you here or else I don’t know what would happen, I won’t even let us reach here by this time” he said teasingly. You became all red and nervous. It was all your fault that you set him in the mood and now you’re wanting to back up. It would be a big loss not to kiss a man who’s in the best mood. You knew he was not drunk but just sipped whiskey at work because he smelled like Ballentines and it secretly drove you crazy seeing him like that. Loose tie, white shirt and long silky hair with scent of Margiella was enough for you to surrender yourself.
You couldn’t believe you guys had an arrange marriage almost a year ago. “Y/N? Darling? You slept alone these days?” he said while going upstairs. “There was none to warm my side up.” You say while following him upstairs. “Aw” he said after reaching to the room door, he turned back to you. “Wash up, you might be tired from that travelling” he said while patting your head. He went to his office after saying but you had a feeling that you needed him so bad but he still seemed busy so you just interrupted him “Kyun~?”You called him, he turned back “hm?” he said starting at you. “Are you busy even in that kind of mood?” You asked him confidently. “What mood??” He said with a slight smirk and then continued walking towards his office room. Gosh it drived you crazy when your husband acted like that. You pouted and then went towards bathroom for a warm shower. You took 20 minutes for it and then came back out with a robe. When you entered your room, you saw your husband, arranging his clothes in the closet properly. You couldn’t help but stare at him. He caught you off guard. “Hm~? What’s something that Y/N is staring at?” He asked you while still putting his clothes back in the closet. “Im looking at Im Changkyun.” You say while moving to your closet. “Call me by my name again and I’ll show you what happens, darling” he said while looking at your eyes. You stopped and so did your heartbeat. “I wanted you so bad. Ever since I was there at my parents house. Couldn’t wait honestly but I saw your busy even after you came home from work. I’m not in a playful mood but I’m very serious about what im talking about.” You turned back at him and went towards his direction and you added on “Love, when you call me with nicknames, it drives me crazy. That I want you with me. Near me.” You said looking at his eyes. Not even realising how honest you were, you stopped. “Is that what my darling thinks about me? Just want me? What else?? I’m curious” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Kyun, are you really okay with me behaving like this all of a sudden.” You said and then he added “didn’t you notice me earlier? I behaved the same and you didn’t seem to have a problem as well. Even if I wasn’t like that and you asked me the same question, I wouldn’t hate it.” He said, then you added “I missed you besides me during night time”. This time as you spoke, he just said nothing but stare at your lips. Your lips, bare lips drove him crazy, he couldn’t resist your behaviour and lips of course so the next step he did, lead to a whole new scenario. To be completely honest, you and him were just awkward as you guys barely knew each other back then but as you guys got closer and got to know each other, man, it’s like complete opposite, now your totally lovers and I don’t think someone would actually think that this might be the arranged marriage. Not at all.
“As I said I missed you besides me at night, it’s cause the first word you would ever speak in the beginning of a new day is my name and I couldn’t hear it ever since, like a week and-“ you heard him say everything but then suddenly your lips meet his, you cut him off. It was your first ever kiss with your husband. Shocking but yes. All the year passed, you guys were just arranged but now it seems like your arranged to lovers. You could feel his lips taking the same feel as yours. Oh you loved him too much at this point. Your windows were all open which led to a cold air breeze moving inside your room and the white transparent curtains of your room just waving, the moon shined through as well. You had your left hand on his shoulders, and the other on the back of his head, grabbing his medium mullets lightly, black hairs, silky and smooth, his chest was almost exposed because he was wearing a simple white shirt with just three top buttons open. His shoulders were broad, broad enough to just trap you in there. Then slowly the kiss became insane, deep and more passionate and your right hand moved slowly back on his almost bare chest. Then after a few minutes you guys stopped, then his gaze went towards your eyes. “It’s would be a shame and disappointing decision on not marrying you, Y/N” he said looking at you. You’re all red, even though you have been this much close to him before but it still made you damn nervous. “Mmm look at you” he said in a teasy loving low tone. You looked away as you heard him say that, hiding yourself. “Wouldn’t you wanna say anything to your husband? I mean I wanna listen it from you, Y/N. Your bold I know mm, since you kissed me.” He said while leaning onto the couch in your bedroom. Then you turned back and said “anything for my husband but he’s too charming, my eyes couldn’t take the view.” You said and then ran back to the bathroom since you needed to change clothes (you were still in a robe). “Im waiting” said Changkyun while letting out a small chuckle.
AUTHOR : You took your time and then you came outside wearing a usual night gown, wasn’t too fancy but it made your body shape look SO GOOD.
Then you came in the room, you saw Changkyun laying down on his side of the bed while closing his eyes. You were confused and pouty. You thought to yourself that “he just asked me to wait and just did everything so hurriedly ://“ as you thought this, you went towards your side of the bed and laid down facing him. He’s so pretty and of course charming as usual but you became restless as you thought that meeting after a week long period, he just slept like that? You meant that you wanted to get lovey-dovey with him but here he just told you to come out as he was waiting. You were all restless, little angry. Then you turn to your side, facing away from him. You were little pissed 😭 cause he got u in the mood but then he dozed off. You mumbled in a little aggression “mmmhmm, tricked, cheatedㅠㅠ”
AUTHOR : You really thought he would let you go that way haha, he wasn’t asleep tho he was just wanting to see what and how you react. And it seemed like you waited for him to wake up. I mean you wanted to see if he was actually asleep or no but he didn’t react until he found out that he had enough play with you(lol) so he woke up and then he (smartass) took his actions when you were on the verge of sleeping ㅠㅠ. He just slowly moved his hand in your hair and whispered—-
“Mmm..sorry about playing like that, darling” he said and then he trapped you. You were in between his hands and his chest towards your face almost. He was on top of you. You were tricked again 😭. He just wanted you to be restless so he waited till u reached limits. “!!!!huh,oh??” you were all sweaty and nervous. “Kyun. You-“ you didn’t get time to say anything. He kissed you. He slowly lifted you up and now your position was like you on his laps facing him eye to eye. You become nervous and try to look away but also intrigued looking at him. You didn’t know what to do but you weren’t awkward. It drove you crazy since he took you on his lap. You were happy knowing that you can now officially act personal and however you wanted in front of him. He pulled you even closer, he was still wearing the white shirt and his hairs slicked back. His bare face is what you loved, those eyes, dark brown pupils which shone throughout the moonlight, as it entered through the open window. “Oh..kyun, it’s a shame not being able to love you..” you said looking all innocent (but he knows you aren’t😏) “mm? Love or fuck? You didn’t know me yet, Y/N, I never got time to show my real avatar..” he whispered in your ears which made you even want him more. You were all okay with what he was gonna do because he asked you many times that in future if there would be a time like this, would you be all ready? And you guys had enough time to find out until today as you both were out of limits. You loved loved loooovveedd his scent. You sniffed him and kissed him on his lips. He got excited to the extent that he took off his shirt and now was on his trousers and you? “Darling, it would be a shame not to appreciate your bare body, he said and asked you “Can you..remo-“ as he was about to say the whole sentence you just didn’t take seconds and took off your pretty floral nightdress which was almost translucent from the top and bottom as well. You wore tights. It was in his favourite colour- purple. The light shined on your body and highlighted his favourite parts, the chest and the collar. Changkyun didn’t have an ideal type cause he’s into someone’s personality but now looking at you, he felt like girls who look good in bikinis would work. But don’t worry, it’s just only gonna be you whom he’ll admire in that attire. You looked perfect. A normal body, not too skinny nor too over. He kissed you all over your neck and then slowly moved to your chest. You had big boobs, he started licking you as he moved down. You let out a moan. “Already moaning hm..?” He said while licking your neck and tummy back and forth. “Mmm~~kyun it tickles” you said being all crawled up. As you said, he just stopped to look at you. “Nuh uh.. you need to be rewarded but also punished for leaving me like this alone for week.” Said Changkyun then he started biting your neck and collarbones, you collar and neck was all his of course, it drove him crazy. You looked at him, he was all over you, looked like a hungry alpha. Whatever he just spoke, made you realised that he’s not gonna let you sleep tonight and you didn’t care about it because you wanted it. You indeed has a sex drive throughout the day, a high sex drive. “I don’t know, I mean you, you don’t know how much I missed you, I drank an entire bottle just because I was missing you. This was yesterday night.” He said kissing you all over. “Kyun~ punish me? Let it all out on me, it’s my fault for making you impatient.” You say whining over as you felt his saliva all over your chest. Plus it was all cold so that little wetness on your body because of sweat and saliva made you whinny. “Punish? You want me to do what I just said earlier ?? Hmm?” He said. He kept asking you which made you say it even louder because in between he would keep making you wet. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~ your too good, I’m gonna be so wet if you keep doi-“ he cut you off “Princess? I almost forgot that you’re messy down there already? Let me check” he said. He ripped your panties, it was too wet and it was shocking to him cause it was your first time as well.
“Next time I’ll bring you a lingerie, it would just look so alluring on you baby” he said in a deep husky voice. You reached too high to your limits that you wanted to be more pleasured so you started acting all slutty (😏). “Next time I’ll make you wait more kyun” you said as you kissed him shutting him up. That thought of buying you your first pair of lingerie drove you insane. He then pulled away the kiss as he heard you. “Mmh? Naughty much? So suddenly huh~?” He said then he slowly put his finger inside your clit. I thrusted it inside whenever you made a statement that he didn’t like. “Oh goddamn, you make my cock swell like..your asking me not to stop huh?Thrusting again, you moaned loudly, and your pussy clenching onto his cock so hard. “You’re totally in mood, huh?” As he said, the tone you couldn’t handle it put hop on his lap fully. “I’m always gonna be in the mood as long as your with me, husband~” you said while kissing his neck. He let out a relaxing moan. “Idk why but I want you so messed up right now~” he said while grabbing your ass and lifting u up to the wall and started biting you, all those love marks meant that you won’t dare to look at someone else but your husband. He’s passionately would be jealous of anyone getting too close to you. You were a science teacher married to a biomedical engineer who owned three big laboratories and companies, what else did you even need in your life? Nothing more nor less. Every touch of his would just make you crave for him even more. More than what a horny feeling contains. You didn’t have words to describe how good he’s in person but on the bed as well. “Kyun, don’t..don- go in too- harsh-“ you said as you were into him. His whole body just on you. He slowly slide in his dick inside you. He knew you wanted to relax, and just making you work too much for him, might not be good, he was a little too rough indeed but he did slow down at the BEST MOMENTS. The room was filled with warmth and just scent of wetness of sweat and his perfume. Gosh that Margiella scent, you felt like a pure heaven and that too after so many days, a week. He wanted to have sex, it was obvious. It felt like the first night of the honeymoon. If it was you, he wouldn’t control he knew this as well, he stripped down your already ripped panties and then went in and out as you felt good, too good. He does have a beautiful dick, you trembled a little so he held on you tight, you could feel that you already have his finger marks on your ass, those marks are of possessiveness. It was 12:00am sharp and the moon was shining bright onto your sweaty body. He then took you to the bathroom but on your way you guys were busy kissing that you missed the couch and fell on it, the couch was a leather couch, brown coloured and it was wide enough to let him have you all night, just laying on it.
He sucked over you. “Such a damn big..prett..y..nose, daddy~” you complimented while being on top of him, riding through out on his dick. He just kept staring at how good you looked riding on him, all the way down you were dripin’ so hard that he turned you over and glide inside the hole of yours, it was small but you just had your first time and that too all raw, “the best thing about us-..Is that I get it.. all raw~” Changkyun said as he licked your hole, he bit your inner thighs and just marked you. He just trusts you and loves you so much. He’s a kind of husband who just knows when your wrong and help you correct it. His sensation reached to your inner walls, just locked it all in. It was like him thrusting into you too much. My goodness it felt so goood, and he forgot about punishing you. He pulled you on him, too much passionate sex and that too no protection, all raw. You moaned too well. “Mm Ahh~” you sounded too good for him but you were all not in your state. “Daddy~” you said “Princess or Slut? Pick one” he asked as he kept on letting you ride him like an actual cowgirl. You were too busy enjoying for yourself. “I ask one more time~” he said then as he got no answer from you, he grabbed your ass, holding you in that position and threw you to the bed again. He threw you on the bed and he climbed on you. “I wanted MOREEE~~” you said to him cause he interrupted you. “So much fun for the living, now let me.” He said. “Now do as your daddy says mm?” He said as he looked at you. You looks so damn good even when your doing nothing but just lying on the damn bed all wet. “No~~” you said while biting your lips and all restless. “Whatever you wanna do but now it’s time for taking the remote control back~” he said while looking down your hole which of course was closed right now “I can’t see it Y/N so open your legs for your daddy~” he said while rubbing your inner thighs. You couldn’t open even if you wanted to because he already had you riding him for some time straight. “Let me then~” he hold your knees and opened your legs, in between all that condensed milk looking consistency oozing out like a river. “Too bad if I couldn’t have it” he said and he licked and sucked you down there. “Mmmmmmmm~” you led out a cry. Too much guilty pleasure for the living. He then turned you over to your chest side facing the bed and ass towards him. “Your pussy and ass both are who’s??” He asked you as he leaned towards you on the position. It was the most penetrative position ever, doggy style in lying position. He thrusted you in your small hole. Your clit was swollen as he turned you back over and kept going as restlessly as you were. You couldn’t even dare to move your legs as they got folded and twisted and things like that many times, it hurt because as he became more passionate, he became more rough. He then in the standing position took you to the bathroom.
“Your getting all this for being selfish earlier, hmm? Get it baby~?” He said. He put you on the bathroom counter besides sink and the mirror. Then you looked at him with tired af eyes and it immediately reminded you of what he might wanna do next. “Shit” you thought. Of course you didn’t want to see yourself like that in the mirror while your partner is doing you. It’s Changkyun, he’s too strong, even if you escape where else would you even hide? “You know why? You didn’t answer my question earlier~” he said while grabbing you back down from the counter and now he grabbed your waist from behind and made you look at the mirror, you refused. “Never mind it’s gonna be slut for now~” he said grabbing your boobs and squeezing them. “Aauah…mmmm, Kyun~~” you let out a moan. “Nuh uh.. what’s my name~???” He asked. “Kyun~” as he heard you say, he put his finger back down in your already too much swollen clit and rubbed it hard. He asked you five times, but didn’t get his desired answer. In between them wrong answers, he kept squeezing, rubbing and penetrating you hard. When I meant hard, it’s on the most passionate but insane level. You were tired, too much tired than you couldn’t stand up. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~!” You moaned and you let out a cry. “Good girls don’t answer late. But seemed like you’re a bad girl now hmm~? For answering late~”. He thrust his dick into you even harder, you dripping down too bad, it needed to be cleaned up. “Damn, that looks so~” he said kissing your back. You wanted to turn towards him as you couldn’t see the mirror. But he didn’t allow you. “Not until I make you see how beautiful you look this way Mrs. Im~” he said biting your shoulders which made you look up and moan. “Mm aah~~” you say as he finally made you see the mirror on his 7th attempt. Yes you just had 7 rounds of having intercourse with your husband. After then finally he let you turn back, facing towards him. You looked at him with tears and anger, not too much angry. “What hm? My Princess just needed..to see..her pretty body and how much more you look..in my eyes” he said kissing you all over your face and then neck. You hugged him at the position and those bites and kisses made you grab his back, muscular and stiff back with your long nails. As he kissed you, his kisses went down till your chest to the tummy and he got on his knees, kissing your cute belly. “A belly piercing ~? You didn’t know how much your making me want you more my darling~” he said to you as he licked your belly. You let out a small chuckle as it tickled you there. “I got it..~ for you.. Danny~” you moaned as he hold your waist and started biting your tummy as well. Gosh this man just likes being all possessive, not a single place on your body was left unmarked. All filled with cherry red marks. “You got the..piercing for daddy~?” He asked you while lifting you up and taking you back to your bed. “I knew you liked piercings..~” you said to him as he carried you, you facing towards him. “Jooheon told me once that you like.. girls who look good in bikinis and piercings~~” so I did them days after our wedding without letting you notice. I kept the moment for today~” you said to him. He heard you and threw you on the bed again. Having just sex and that too raw too, still seemed incomplete for him. He again caged you up. “I want to plant us a seed.” He said while kissing your chest. “And what does that mean~” you asked him even though you knew. “Baby~ idk if you’re ready for our mini version.” He asked you sucking through your tits. You said nothing but moaned. “Do I stop~?” He asked you. You shook your head restlessly. “While you sucking the second most sensitive part of mine~? No, Mr. Im~” you said while ruffling his hairs back. He chuckled and kissed your chest and went down to your belly again. “Knock ✊ knock~” as he knocked your belly. “There’s got to be someone in there soon~” he said while putting his dick inside you. Thrusting again but this time slow and steady, it all oozed out, the cum. It filled your walls and at the Highest time, your walls sucked all of that.
“I forgot to ask you~ would you be able to take our baby if you get pregnant~?” He asked you while stopping. “It’ll be our first little baby, kyun” you cried as you shared. “With you taking care of it? I’ll be so happy to give birth” you said while hugging him. You were all wet. “So should I plant?” He asked you and you replied “get in already~!”. As mentioned, he slit in this time not taking his dick out, instead, he filled you up with his seed. “Now if I let you let all that out..—“ you cut him off “too late, you fertilised me already~” you said as you kiss him on his lips very passionately.
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AUTHOR : After that moment, he tucked you in the blanket and pat your head and massaged your legs. He realised he was too cruel and rough earlier so he helped you relief pain you had in your legs. They were sore and they pained since you kept them open😳😖. He helped you throughout until you fell asleep. He kissed you and lay besides you, hugging you and cuddling you with you burring your face onto his chest and then falling asleep. You guys were sooo cozy to look at.
(The next morning)
You woke up the next morning and found out that your husband was asleep on your tummy i.e his head on your tummy. His hand was on your legs which made you think that he might have fallen asleep while massaging your legs. You just stared at him for some minutes then you ran your hands through his hair, cat like big man. “🐈‍⬛” as you stroked his hair again and again he just woke up. “Oh darling, it’s too early why are you awake?” As he said this, you replied “I was gonna say that to you~” you kissed him saying that. “Mm~?” He said. “You slept late I know, rest up cmon!” You say while slowly getting up the bed. You still had pain in there, you slowly trumbled upon. “Haha~ says the one who’s still tired~” he said and then teasingly grabbing your hand. You looked at him “😭”. “Aww my baby, cmere” he grabbed you on his lap. “How can I see you like that hm? Let me massage your body.” He said as he grabbed your waist and then massaging your back. “Mm not the backkk I want the legs!!” You ordered him. He turned on your side on his knees as he turn towards you and then sit in front of you and take one of your legs on his lap and pulls you. “You remember something~mm?” He said teasingly. You hit his lap and said “yah husband~!!”. He enjoyed you being getting teased. He just massages you till an hour. You felt so good. You slept again while he was massaging, it was clear that you did need extra sleep and so did your husband but he received a phone call from his work so he had to leave in a hurry. But the way he left, you didn’t even got disturbed from your sleep. At the end he put a note besides your bed’s side tables which went like-
“In the end, I think that taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and if you can’t then I’ll do it, I’ll be there for you always until- I’ll be home soon my love~”
(The above quoting is taken from an interview of MONSTA X spoken by Changkyun himself, not the same as the above but I moderated it to fit with the context. Also idk which interview he said so cause they didn’t really state the name.)
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The end 💜
📑 writer : @gor3rri
📑 I post new context weekly so stay tuned 📑
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sunflowercheol · 2 years
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Monsta X/Wonho x Y/N
Word Count: 585
Warnings: mentions of injury (no real descriptions tho)
A/N: unedited :)))
31 Days of Halloween | Main Masterlist
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“Y/N! Come eat your lunch!” your mom yells at you through the open back door. 
“Coming, Mommy!” your 5-year-old self yells back, standing up from where you were playing with your toys. You dust yourself off and get ready to take off to your house when a whimper of an animal stops you. 
“Hello?” you whisper, looking around trying to see where the whimper came from. 
You hear noise in the bushes when a little brown pup comes popping out from it. The pup tackles you and licks all over your face. 
“Oh!” you giggle as its tongue tickles you. It whimpers again, and you tilt your head in confusion. “Oh! You must be hungry!” The puppy wags its tail, and you smile wide, heading inside to eat lunch with your new friend.
“Look, mommy!” Your mom hums softly as she fixes your plate. “I got a new friend!” you giggle causing her to whip around as she was frightened to see who you had brought into the house.
“Get that animal out of here!” your mom raises her voice at you, swatting at the little pup that you were carrying in your arms. 
“But mommy!” you whine. “It’s a puppy and it’s hungy!” 
“It’s not! It’s a big bad wolf,” she sternly tells you. “Go leave it outside right this instant!”
You pout and head back out with the wolfie whining in your arms. You place it on the ground, and it tugs at the bottom of your pants. “I sorry but stay out here. I will get you something to eat and to get you better, okay?” 
The wolf whines and tugs you towards the bush it had leaped out of earlier. You eventually allow it to drag you without resistance, and it takes you behind the bush only for you to find a little nest filled with more wolfies. 
“Woah,” you say in fascination, reaching out to pet one of them. 
A gray one laying on top of the pile yelps and growls at you, scaring you. You jump back and land on your bottom causing your eyes to water and your bottom lip to wobble. 
The brown wolf snarls at the gray wolf and stands protectively in front of you. 
You look at the black wolfie that barely turns his head towards you during the commotion. A white wolfie whines quietly and lays its head on top of the black wolfie’s stomach. 
“Aw, did this cute wolfie get hurt?” you innocently ask as you dry your tears with the back of your hand. “I can be like a doctor and nurse you back to health and help you get better and feed you lots of food!” Your rambles got interrupted by your mother’s screams.
“Y/N?!” your mom screams frantically. “Where did you go?” 
“Here, mommy!” you yell back to her. “I’ll be right back wolfies! Don’t worry!��
As soon as you head back inside, the gray wolf shifts into a little boy. “I told you that you should stay hidden at all costs.”
The brown wolf also shifts into a little boy. “I know, Hyunwoo Hyung. But she can help us!” 
Hyunwoo shakes his head, “Listen to me, Hoseokie. She can’t do anything for us. She is younger than us! Plus, she couldn’t randomly bring 1 ‘puppy’ into her home, let alone 7! She got in trouble for it already!” 
“I know what I am doing, hyung! Leave it to me now. I must do whatever it takes to save Changkyunnie.”
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lubbuub · 1 year
hyungwon smut pls
just friends, right?
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the quiet ones are always the best ones.
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you're always hanging around the boys, its just you've never had an actual conversation with hyungwon, just some smiles and glances here and there. nobody would notice the way you both look at each other right..?
you both kept it cordial around the others, no one would ever assume you two would have anything going on. the heavy eye fucking you two were doing made it clear you both wanted each other, but you knew you couldn't have him anyways, you didn't want any type of drama between you or the guys.
you guys had been texting for about two weeks now, telling him how much you wanted to fuck him. you never knew he was such a freak, especially since he was just so quiet, he never said a word really. but when he told you to come over that night, you found out.
fucking him wasnt the ideal plan. you just came over to chill, but chilling turned into you wiping off the leftover cum painted over your face.
he watched your ass bounce perfectly, watching how you swallowed his dick, how you creamed on him. he bucked his hips up to match your rhythm, watching you crumble on top of him. he wanted to see your legs give out, wanted to see you struggling, knowing you were talking shit in the messages but of course not backing it up.
"you like when I stretch you out like this.. huh?"
no words could come out of your mouth, the only thing that was coming were you, and the moans spilling from your lips.
feeling both of his hands rest on each side of your hips as he drilled your shit even harder, your body could give out at any moment with the way your body shook, achieving your third orgasm of the night. his movements slowly stopped as he pulled out, you slowly fell back on the bed trying to regain yourself and your breath.
"if you think im done, im not."
he leaned forward, kissing your lips before sliding back into your sensitive pussy, hissing at the tight and wetness before him. he pushed your legs up to your chest, opening you up for him, wanting more access. he kissed you even more, down to your neck leaving his marks that were soon to bloom purple, down to your boobs sucking at your sensitive nipples. all emotions you had became blurry, the feeling of pleasure and pain mixed together felt like heaven. accepting the fact that he really was the freak he claimed to be.
your body arched off the bed as you reached your last and final orgasm, squirting all over him and his bedsheets and soon after he pulled out, stoking himself a little bit more, releasing all over your body.
tired, he laid down next to you hearing the words-
"were.. just.. friends."
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fairiewonu · 4 months
last updated: 06/10/2024
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best friends
the pixie
hhu ass smacking penalty 💭
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hyunchksoul · 2 years
✧Love Sick✧
hey guys, this is my first time writing and posting something (kinda nervous lol). I am not a full time writer so I don't write much and won't post a lot. The idea of this piece has been lingering around in my head for a while so I thought I would put it into words :)
Please interact, share and let me know how you guys like it <3
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Pairing: Im Changkyun (I.M) x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
You've been friends with Monsta X for about 3 years now. You all love hanging around with each other every now and then. As a singer yourself, you have helped them around in the studio to record their songs.
You always had a thing for Changkyun. The way he acted all soft and flirty around you made you feel things. His aura and voice always made you feel weak. You have always been a huge fan of his rapping and would catch yourself staring at him whenever he would record his rap.
There were times where you wanted him to be your man but you were scared to put your friendship in danger.
Changkyun works a lot and everyone knows it. He would always work on his solo project alongside the group projects.
He was working on a new song to add to his album. He was almost done with his part of the song but he found the song to be incomplete. He was looking for a voice to make it complete. Changkyun always admired your vocals and music and was ready to ask you to feature on his song.
"Hey Y/N, you know i've been working on my album and I am stuck on the last song, Love Sick. I've been searching for a voice to make the track complete and no one fits better than you. I would love to have your voice in it Y/N. Come over to my studio tomorrow and we'll work it out ;)"
This text sent you to cloud nine. You were jumping up and down and giggling like a baby. You were reading the text over and over again and smiling so much that you almost forgot to reply to it. You were in seventh heaven as your dream to collab with kyun was finally coming true.
The next day, you tried to dress up cute as you were going to his studio for the first time, you've only been to the studio they have at starship. It kinda felt like a big deal to you as he never invites anyone to his studio except his hyungs.
You had butterflies in your tummy and kept fidgeting. Just as you reached his studio, you stood at the door took in deep breaths and knocked.
He opened the door and greeted you with a soft smile. He pulled you in for a hug and guided you inside. You have hugged changkyun a lot of times but somehow it felt different today.
Changkyun was telling you about the song but you just couldn't keep your eyes off him. The way his long hair was falling on his face and the usual purple shirt with some sweats never failed to make you flutter.
"....and that's about it, now I just need you to bless this song with your voice", he said insistently. You smiled at his words, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to make a song with you kyun, believe me today is my day to shine", you said. He laughed at your cuteness and guided you over to the recording booth.
You put on the headphones and drank some water. Changkyun asked you if you were ready to start and you gave him a thumbs up.
You took and breath and started singing your verse.
Changkyun seeing you from the outside lost his mind to your voice, he just couldn't get enough of your soft yet sultry vocals. Hearing those love-filled lyrics made his heart race.
Changkyun stood up from his chair and walked to the booth standing beside you, seeing you sing. You had your eyes closed and were singing your heart out, swaying to the beat.
You got done with your verse and opened your eyes to find him beside you. You let out small gasp and he smiled.
"How was it Changkyun?", you asked him. Rather than replying with words he just took off your headphone and let them hang around your neck, tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned in towards your lips.
"May I?"
Instead of answering him you just took his face towards you and kissed him deep. You snaked your hand into his hair and he held onto your waist. It felt like his kiss was all you ever needed in your life. You couldn't believe what was happening and got lost in the moment. Changkyun explored your mouth and linked his tongue with you. You left feather soft touches on his jaw which made him sigh into your mouth.
He finally let go and you both caught your breath. Your lips were now just as slick and pink as Changkyun's. You blushed and smiled at him.
"Wow, I-, I-, kyun that was-" , you stuttered. Changkyun let out a small laugh and rest his hands at your waist. "I am so glad you feel the same way for me Y/N. I was going to ask you out later today but I just couldn't hold myself back", he confessed. The rush of feelings filled your body and you just stared at him lovingly.
"Changkyun, I like you too, I have liked you since day one", you let out your feelings to him.
Changkyun blushed and gave you a soft peck to your lips and hugged you tightly. The scent of him filled you up and calmed your racing heart. You never wanted to let go of him.
"Do you wanna grab some coffee?", he asked pulling away from you.
You nodded a yes and you both grabbed your coats.
"Wait, what about the song??", you asked while putting on your coat. He smiled and responded, "You can come to my studio anytime you want...babe", he said cheekily and did a wink.
Those words made you punch his chest softly and giggle.
He laughed at your shyness and you both made your way out to the cafe.
This turned out be longer than expected lol. I hope you guys enjoy <3
Stay safe and happy y'all.
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yourfatherlucifer · 10 months
MDNI - Changkyun (I.M)
tags: @sanspuppet (THANKS FOR REQUESTINGGG)
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Changkyun who loves when you cheer him on the crowd, no one aware that you're his and he is yours. He loves that these people do not know of the things he does to you when you two are alone.
Changkyun who loves when you ask to ride his nose during sex, he'd giggle along the way. He'd lay on his back, you'd be straddling his lap, face buried in his chest as his cock thrusts up into you. The squelching from you both echoed throughout the room. He wouldn't care if he disturbed his fellow members.
Changkyun who loves to flaunt you in front of your members, if you're wearing a skirt, he will quickly flip the back of it up, especially in front of Jooheon and he'd giggle like a maniac.
Changkyun who's raps are dedicated to you, only you. For you. He loves to eat you out, that rapper tongue doing wonders on your wet and dripping cunt.
Changkyun who is dedicated and loyal to you, who only wants you.
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eternalmx · 2 years
Happy Birthday | Im Changkyun
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🥀 a/ n : it’s been a while!!! if you guys are still around and follow me, thank you, I miss you all and I hope life has been treating you well. And if you’re new here! Hi! Welcome! I hope you enjoy this piece, ngl guys, this was originally supposed to be a fluff but my mind took a wrong turn down the rabbit hole. If you’d like to check out some other pieces, my masterlist is here! Nonetheless! As always, thank you for existing within this space with me, thank you for giving my writing a chance and I hope you enjoy! (Disclaimer : English is not my first language so please bare with me and i apologize for any grammar errors you may come across while you read.) In case you haven’t heard it today, you are so loved, you matter, and if you ever need a safe place and someone to talk to, my dms are always open to you.
P.S ! This is a two part piece! Part 2 should be up by tomorrow night! Stay tuned!
🥀wc | 730
🥀 warnings : smut / dirty talk.
[1:26pm] “So….what do you want for your birthday?” She asked Changkyun, and she ran her hands through the wet strands of his hair, as the water from the shower was hitting his back, shielding her from most of it.
“You’re asking me this now? My birthday’s tomorrow baby” he asked with an eyebrow raised towards her. She playfully hit his shoulder in response as a small laugh escaped her lips.
“You’re asking me this now? My birthday’s tomorrow baby” he asked with an eyebrow raised towards her. She playfully hit his shoulder in response as a small laugh escaped her lips.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“I’ve got everything I want and she’s about to have soap in her eyes if she doesn’t close them” Changkyun said. His large hands began rubbing shampoo into her scalp, his hands moving in a circular motion, a small moan escaped her.
“Can you be serious for a moment? Please?” she said to him, as he began helping rinse off the shampoo.
“Okay. For my birthday I want….” He trailed off, pretends to think about what he was planning to say. “You. I want you for my birthday..” he said, her breath caught as his hands slowly wrapped around her, his fingers lightly grazing back and forth against the soft skin of her stomach.
“You already have me” she said, breathlessly as his hand dipped lower.
“I do, don’t I?” Changkyun whispered, his hot breath, setting off goosebumps all over her. “But I’m thinking, I want you…” his hand trails lover, slipping between her wet folds, “here. I want to feel how wet you get for me, when I keep you on edge all day and then when I get home and finally have my way with you, I want to feel how tightly you wrap around me.” Changkyun began rubbing slow circles on her clit. Her head falling back onto his shoulder and his arms wrapped around her, keeping her balanced.
“Kyun” she moaned softly, hips bucking into his hand.
“And I want to here all the precious sounds you make when I make you come. Want to here you moan my name, maybe yell it a little yeah? So everyone who hears knows you belong to me and how good I’m making you feel, while my cock is buried deep between these thighs” he whispered harshly. Nipping at her neck, as his free hand slowly descended and gripped the front of her thigh roughly.
“Please” she said in a whisper, as she felt her stomach tighten, her small hand wrapping around is wrist so she can rock her hips against his hand for more friction.
“Please what? Use your words baby” he said, nipping at her ear as her breathing got heavier.
“Please let me come” she moaned out, as her legs began to shake, she felt Changkyun’s cock, poking her backside, a groan escaped him as she grinned up against him.
“And after a few rounds, when your exhausted, my cum leaking down your leg, and sore from taking me, you’re going to give me one more, and I’m going to take you from behind, and bury my cock so deep inside you, you’re going to feel me inside you for a week.” His dirty words lite a fire inside her stomach, her high washing over, as he rubbed her clit through it. His hand slowed, rubbing light circles on her clit, milking out her climax as she moaned his name repeatedly, almost like a chant.
Changkyun finished washing both of them up. Taking his sweet time on her sensitive places, making sure to be gentle with her. Her eyes still closed as the warm water cascaded down her body, as Changkyun made his way back up, her kissed her along her torso. Teasingly nipping at her breast, taking his time to leave a mark on one, as she moaned out his name, grabbing him by his hair. His lips crashed onto hers, his hand wrapping gently a rougher, to cup the back of her head, his other hand holding hip tightly so she was flushed again standing his naked body.
“So what do you say babe? Tomorrow? “ he asked, giving her his signature cocky grin.
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rrothh · 1 year
You saw him on a radio show broadcast looking tired and sick. You're worried.
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genre: comfort + fluff + angst (just a little bit). pairing: changkyun x !gen reader warnings: it's based on a real radio show appearance back in 2021. not proofread.
You hear him cough even before opening the door of the small apartment, you hear him come in dragging his feet while holding a sneeze, you hear him remove his winter jacket, his sneakers and the bag he carry on him as if everything weighed a thousand pounds, dropping the stuff on the floor carelessly, you hear him sigh, a really tired sigh.
It's almost 4 in the morning.
Before even thinking to announce that he is back, you greet him relieved that he was able to return home to rest for a few hours before having to go back to fulfill that tight schedule that his job entails. Between those late late dance practices, the endless shows and presentations, the stages and the unhealthy diet you are very aware that comebacks can be brutal.
"I saw you on the radio show this morning ... I sent a very angry message to your manager" you confess without shame. You see how his face lightens despite those deep dark circles on his face and although he hides behind those long fringes, you see how his features soften and he smiles a little.
"No wonder why he was so tense and nervous”.
Your features also soften and you come close to give him a hug, one he doesn't deny, he hides his face in the crook of your neck and you can feel the coldness of his body temperature, as if he hadn't just taken off a padded jacket a few moments ago. You gently rub his back and run your hand through his straight hair while you feel him embrace you in his arms a little more... suddenly you feel him abruptly pull away, almost as if you had burned him.
“Wait, I'm very sick, I don't want you to get si-..."
“Oh shut up, I don’t care” you see how he opens his mouth to reply but instead a sneeze came out and now he has no choice but to surrender.
"I know it's 4 in the morning but I did dakjuk, I think it’ll help you feel better and then you could take a bath but I don't know how long you are staying here, actually I don't know if it's better if you go straight to bed and sleep for more hours" ideas pile up in your mouth as you head to the kitchen followed by the sound of him dragging his feet, you hear him laugh almost like a sigh.
"They gave me half a day, something like that”.
You sigh in pure frustration, half a day is no time to recover from a flu this strong, the memory of him leaning his forehead on the radio show microphone crosses your mind, you were going to turn around to complain about everything when you feel him hugging you from behind and now resting his forehead on your shoulder.
"You shouldn't have cooked anything" he tells you in a muffled voice, his mouth pressed against your shoulder. Finally, you let yourself go and grab his hand with which he is holding you firmly by the waist. He looks so tired, you understand that the last thing you’d want if you were on his shoes is to hear complaints, no matter how right they are.
“I’m sorry for complaining so much, it’s just… I was really worried when I saw you like that in the morning, I'm happy that you’re here to rest a little” your voice is almost inaudible, but you don't let go of his hand and he doesn't break his hold.
"I love you".
You smile and close your eyes, the sound of the kettle with boiling water starts to fill the room.
"I love you too, Changkyun".
well hello! this is just a repost of the one I made back in 2021 I just happen to finally open a new account just for... writing... i guess?? (more like to reblog things honestly) anyways, hope you don't minddd.
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iibonniee · 1 year
100 Ways to Say, "I Love You" | Im Changkyun
100 Ways To Say I Love You: "This is my favorite picture of us"
Pairing: Im Changkyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 0.6k
Masterlist | 100 Ways to Say, "I Love You" Masterlist
As the mid-afternoon sun warmed their living room, Changkyun and Y/N found themselves sprawled out on their comfortable couch, a memento-filled album open between them. Their fingers traced over glossy surfaces, silent laughter coloring their shared memories.
Suddenly, Changkyun paused, his hand stilling over an old photograph. It showed them at the beach, windswept hair, bare feet pressed into the sand, their laughing faces turned towards the setting sun. Their bodies had a natural ease; their arms were loosely wrapped around each other, and love and contentment were clearly reflected in their eyes.
“This is my favorite picture of us,” Changkyun confessed, a gentle smile playing on his lips.
“Why?” Y/N asked, her head tilting to rest on his shoulder, eyes filled with quiet curiosity.
“Because,” he began, his voice softer than a whisper, “this was the day I realized I’m irrevocably in love with you. I remember feeling so overwhelmingly happy. This photograph… it just captured it all: our joy, our connection, and our love. It’s an incredibly precious moment for me, Y/N.”
A shared silence filled the air, their hearts echoing the sentiment with each beat. Basking in the warmth of their precious memories, they fell into another peaceful afternoon — another beautiful moment added to their shared album of love.
As she took his words in carefully, warmth spread across her face as she realized his simple words had caused her to blush. Changkyun often shied away from romantic tendencies, but he was never as shy about showing his love when he knew the time was right.
Her eyes fell on the many other pictures shared on the same page as the one he spoke about. Photos of the two of them when she joined him on his most recent tour, pictures of them doing small, mundane things. Small snippets of memories to last the two a lifetime.
“I think the moment I realized I’m undoubtedly in love with you was when you came to my place and laid yourself bare for me,” Y/N spoke, no longer paying attention to the photobook he held in his hand. Instead, she gazed around the living room, recalling such a story. “You were emotional and stressed out, but you told me I was the first person you came to and asked to stay the night. You had turned your phone off and cuddled into me.”
“And you knew not to ask about what was happening until I was ready to say.” Changkyun finished her words. He remembered the night clearly. It was the dreaded night Hoseok decided to protect them and leave. The wall Changkyun had desperately tried to put up was made of glass, fragile and breakable. The moment Hoseok left, it crumbled, leaving him raw and exposed.
Y/N had been there. She hadn’t asked questions or tried to pry, even though her concern was palpable. Instead, she had held him, her arms a comforting anchor in the tumultuous storm of his feelings.
“I remember that night,” Y/N murmured, her fingers drawing invisible patterns on his arm, evoking a trail of goosebumps. “And the first thing you said when you finally opened up… do you remember?”
Changkyun paused, his gaze far away. Then, like a flipped switch, his eyes lit up with recognition. “I said, ‘Thank you for simply being here’.”
Nodding, Y/N placed her hand on his chest, over his heart. “Yes, you thanked me for being there with you. But Changkyun,” she whispered, her eyes softening. “Where else would I be? My place is with you. Always.”
Rather than words, a tender kiss was his response, a silent note of gratitude for her understanding, patience, and love.
“Thank you.” He uttered, his lips just inches from hers as he spoke softly.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
god damn
I.M x Reader
Word Count: ~700
CW: Fem!Reader, implied body insecurity
Song Inspo: God Damn by I.M
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His reflection stares tired and unsatisfied, broad shoulders hunched over the bathroom sink, not quite awake fingers warm and drowsy against the cool enamel. Reaching for the faucet, he turns its stainless steel lever, cold water splashing from the basin to his skin. He doesn’t flinch, still staring—critiquing—the shadows under his eyes.
“You okay?”
A voice, his favorite voice, floats sleepy and amused behind him, familiar scent enveloping him as she leans into his back, elbow brushing his forearm as she turns off the water, concern pressed steady along his spine in the form of gentle, patient kisses.
“I’m great,” he chirps immediately, shadows receding with practiced ease, “I was about to wash my face.”
“I couldn’t tell,” she murmurs, fingers tugging at the hem of his shirt, slipping toward the front to ghost across his soft, toned stomach, “You’re so pretty.”
No I’m not he nearly retorts, disdain pinching his brows, resisting the sour urge to push her hands away Not even close.
“So what’s going on in that brilliant brain of yours? What’s got you up and about so early?”
He knows she means well. Knows she has her ways of coaxing genuine light from his smiles — of dissipating the humbling fear that, whatever he does, whoever he is, will never be enough. But the morning feels unkind, his muscles taut, an empty vessel indefinitely unworthy of fulfillment. How can he live up to her faith in him when he knows the truth of his vanity? The depth and fraying of his self perception.
“I’m going to work out. You’re welcome to join me.”
She nods slowly, his shirt creasing beneath her cheek, palms splayed tentative and sensitive on his hips. Again, he turns on the cold water, a distraction from melting into the feeling of her body following his movements. Cleansing once leaves a sensation of lingering shame and disappointment. Cleansing twice helps. Barely.
“You worked out yesterday,” she remarks quietly, “Remember?”
He shrugs, patting at his face with a washcloth, almost caving when she suddenly turns him, washcloth somehow in her grip now, her expression unreadable as she begins dabbing at his temples. He can’t see himself anymore. Can’t see the stress etched over and over and over, the doubt sunken in further than any suds could ever penetrate — an uneasy act of beauty and exhaustion radiating from his brown, narrowed eyes.
“I know this is more complicated than my love for you,” she mumbles, “But I do, y’know, I do love you.”
This. This distaste for his figure. The angles of his legs. The structure of his pelvis. The fluctuation of his gut. The wiriness of his arms. This. The constant maintenance to be able to look at himself and feel, at the very least, neutral. The facade of confidence and cockiness, because he understands he’s handsome. He understands how—why—he could be deemed so pretty. Sexy. Desirable and desired. Just as he can’t bring himself to believe it. Can’t bring himself to meet her open gaze, and confess: Sometimes, all the times, I don’t know, I hate myself.
I know you love me crawling up his throat, enveloping her hands in his, washcloth dropping to the bathmat. I know you love me on the tip of his tongue, lips chapped, grazing her knuckles. I know you love me swallowed abrupt and hazardous, thumbs tracing the undersides of her wrists, unwilling to spill for the tenderness in her pulse.
“I love you,” he says, because loving her is truthful.
“I love you,” she insists, tears pricking at his restraint — his reluctance.
“Are you going to cry?” he rasps.
A wobbly giggle fills the bathroom, “Probably.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, wishing he could pin his heart to her sleeve.
“Let’s cuddle and sleep in.”
He allows her to guide him back to the bedroom, underneath the covers, limbs intertwined, shallow breaths smoothing out to a dreamless rhythm, momentary weakness showing him how he could feel if he could say I know you love me. If he could say I love me too.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
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fluff, crack, smut/suggestive. MINORS DNI !! :D
★ my perm taglist ; @hunbun07 @metalchick529 @chewryy @haesunflower @iraa567 !
★ nsfw warnings ; slight degradation (whore, brat), mention of vibrator, implication of publicity.
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dollydaisies · 8 months
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(՞߹ - ߹՞) wanna be able to navigate MONSTA X's section? take a look at this!
☆ - personal favorite ୨୧ - nsfw ♡ - fluff ᘒ - angst
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"do you just want, like, ALL OF THEM...?"
say hello to SOHN HYUNWOO (손현우)! y'know, SHOWNU (셔누)!
oh, look, it's LEE MINHYUK (이민혁)! ah, so charming!
it's YOO KIHYUN (유기현)! if i proposed now, would he say yes...?
wait, CHA HYUNGWON (채형원) is real? i thought he was an angel...
ah!!! LEE JOOHEON (이주헌)!! AHH!!
KIM CHANGKYUN (임창균)! he is so heartwarming.
lee hoseok (이호석)... WONHO (원호)... come home...
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lubbuub · 1 year
sweet, gentle fingering from jooheon pls
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imagine being between his legs while he places sweet kisses along your neck. feeling the warm breeze from the cracked window, the smell of the vanilla candle burning on your nightstand, and the partynextdoor slight drowning out your moans. his fingers deep inside you curling at the soft wet texture, you called your g spot. his free hand occupied by your hard nipples twisting and pinching at them. hearing him talk you through it asking if it feels good, telling you that you’re a good girl. rolling your hips to feel his hard bulge underneath you, knowing he’s ready to explode at any moment. “f-fuck.. i’m gonna cum” are the words that come out of your mouth as you feel the overstimulation building up in your stomach, your body jerking at the soft movements of his hips bucking up to match your rhythm as he leaves trails of purple-reddish bruises down your neck and shoulders. your breathing getting more heavier as you looked down to see your cum painted all over his fingers.
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justsomekpopstuff · 6 months
monsta x as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
Shoutout to @vesvosmozhno who encouraged and awaited this post! You are awesome, and thank you for all your support!
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: Half-Orc Barbarian
Shownu was born and raised into a communal clan of half-orcs, living in isolation from the rest of the world. While he did have parents, he really was raised by the entire group, with each member teaching him every skill they could. As he grew, he eventually became a proficient blacksmith, becoming the official apprentice for the clan. Everything was peaceful - until it wasn't. One day, the village was attacked by a group of raiders who had a particular hatred for half-orcs, wanting them to suffer. The raiders were destroying everything in their path, taking anyone and anything they could get their hands on. Shownu, who happened to be finishing his shift at the blacksmith's, ran out to the commotion, newly forged and sharpened axes in his hands. After witnessing the terror for himself, Shownu's rage became too much to handle. Despite his typically peaceful nature, he blazed through the raiders, as if the axes were made to be in his hands. When the raiders realized there was no stopping him, they ran, never to be seen again. While the village stood silent, marveling in Shownu's show of strength and fury, all he could care about was going back and fixing the damage to the shop, as well as what he was going to eat for lunch. That day, without him knowing, his people deemed him the town protector, knowing that his love for his village and his might would protect them from any danger - even with his peaceful demeanor.
Wonho: Human Druid
Wonho doesn’t have any memory of where he really came from. All he knew was that as a small child, he wandered into the feywild and was adopted by the people there. They showed him all sorts of magic, but quickly learned that he loved animal magic the most. As he grew, they focused more on teaching him the lessons of animal magic, and Wonho quickly became a druid prodigy. Befitting for his gentle temperament, the feywild people bestowed upon him the power to transform into a small lop-eared rabbit, with a nature as gentle as himself. After bestowing this gift upon him, the feywild people gave Wonho a mission: go into the human world, and show the power of love and kindness to those who are most in need of it. Each village he approached, he approached with kindness and curiosity, which was off putting to most of the locals. However, those who saw his genuineness and appreciation for learning welcomed him. Wonho quickly learned he had a soft spot for the orphanages of the villages, seeing how much in-need the young children were of love and kindness. Wonho became a regular presence, often showing up in his rabbit form to greet the children as they played. He rarely showed his human form to them until one night, when he was caught sneaking in extra food rations by the head of the orphanage. The head of the orphanage watched as Wonho got so spooked by his presence that he accidentally shifted into his rabbit form, exposing himself as a druid - and the one that was giving comfort to the children. The orphanage owner, instead of kicking Wonho out, allowed Wonho to stay and work at the orphanage as a caretaker for the children. Needless to say, the children were incredibly overjoyed at his presence, both animal and human. Wonho knew from then on, his mission would always be complete.
Minhyuk: Tiefling Rogue
From the time he was born, Minhyuk knew that he was meant to be a showman. As a small child he would regularly pretend to be different characters, creating new stories of people and things from far-off lands. However, because of his appearance and infernal nature, his theatricality was often seen as a threat by the other children. Being a tiefling was seen as a curse. Despite those who tried to make him feel ashamed for who he was, Minhyuk never gave up on his dream. However, as much as he put on a brave face, he could never deny that the words of the ignorant cut him to his core. One day, it became all too much. He saw the horrible paintings on his home, depicting him as nothing more than an awful monster, a creature never to be respected. That night, he packed his things and ran, never to return to his hometown again. Every village he wandered into, he found the outcasts, the odd-ones-out, and the rejected. To each of them, he gave kindness and respect, and shared his dream of creating a show where no one would have to be ashamed of who they were. Eventually, he had a whole group of followers, and their dream began to take shape. Every talent, magic, look, and style were welcome in Minhyuk’s show. He would make sure they were all introduced with respect and lauded with praise. Anyone who dared try to ridicule his fellow performers would quickly be met with Minhyuk’s legendary infernal wrath. While his show was still met with the usual group of detractors and protestors, Minhyuk knew that he was doing what he was meant to. His dream of showmanship, and showing the world what those who are rejected are capable of, all came together. No matter what, he never let the hatred get to him anymore.
Kihyun: Half-Siren Bard
Kihyun was born on a boat to a sea-faring family, but ships are not friendly places to small children. There was a massive storm that tossed him overboard, and because of his age, he began to drown. That was, until he felt two arms scoop him up and the air returned to his lungs. He would learn that he was saved by a siren queen who had taken pity on him and bestowed him with some of the powers of the sirens. Kihyun was raised with the pod, never really questioning why he was the only one without a tail, scales, or gills. To him, they were the only family he actually knew. He grew up singing, his voice becoming a unique and alluring power that benefited him greatly; and, because of his mostly human origins, he would learn that he is the only “siren” that could walk between sea and land. When Kihyun reached adulthood, he decided to leave the pod and venture onto land full time, promising his mother the siren queen to never forget his true self. He wandered onto the shores and began his new life, humming his way through local villages. Because of the alluring tone of his singing, he quickly drew crowds. Local taverns tripped over each other to try and get him to perform, and Kihyun found himself obliging all of them, bouncing to a different one each night. However, this quickly became too much for Kihyun. He decided to become an apprentice at a local bakery, where his skill with baked goods nearly outshone his talents for music. Every now and again, the owner of the bakery would open the door to the shop to let the locals hear Kihyun’s humming as he worked. One day, an elderly member of the village came into the bakery, and Kihyun recognized them as the owner of one of the oldest, smallest taverns in the village. Kihyun felt it was fate as the tavern owner lamented over how few patrons came through their doors. Kihyun volunteered to help, scheduling a performance for that night at the old tavern that brought in nearly the entire village. Seeing the smile on the tavern owner’s face as he sang brought so much joy to Kihyun’s heart that he announced to the village that this would be the only tavern he would perform in. From then on, Kihyun was a baker’s assistant by day, and a tavern singer by night. He finally felt whole both of his worlds finally at peace with each other.
Hyungwon: Human Ranger
From his earliest memories, the only human person that Hyungwon ever knew was his grandfather. Living in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of society, Hyungwon was raised to trust and respect the land around him, and was taught how to survive in the harshest of conditions. Despite his disdain for exerting extreme amounts of energy, Hyungwon became a skilled survivalist. Eventually, his grandfather passed away, and Hyungwon was driven to live out in the wild on his own. Because he didn’t really have anyone else, Hyungwon found himself connecting more with the wild, especially with the animals. This led to him discovering his ability to summon an animal companion to keep him company. This animal companion, or companions, became a hoard of rats he accumulated while on the road, with their leader, whom Hyungwon named Ratrick. Every now and again, whenever he realized that he was running low on supplies that he couldn’t make or find himself, Hyungwon (having a small existential crisis) forced himself to wander into local villages to restock. He would use Ratrick and his hoard rats to gather what they could before he had to step in and do it himself. Anything he could do to avoid people, he’d do it. The only person who ever made the effort to become friends with Hyungwon and give him one small connection to society was Shownu. The only reason that this happened was because Shownu almost killed Hyungwon by accident after he found Hyungwon sneaking large amounts of snacks out of the community pantry. Shownu saw that despite Hyungwon's incredible reflexes and skill, that all Hyungwon really wanted was to be. Just be. So, Shownu gave Hyungwon the supplies he needed and told Hyungwon that if he ever wanted a place to return to, that he would always have one in Shownu's village. That one connection was all Hyungwon needed in the world - that and Ratrick.
Jooheon: Human Sorcerer
Even though he would deny it, the village where he was born called Jooheon a miracle. For many generations, the village had been plagued by a militant occupation of power and money-hungry warlords. These warlords would regularly steal children as young as infants to raise them to be pieces of their military machine. Jooheon’s family did everything they could to keep his birth a secret, but his presence was felt all the way to the Feywild. The Fae decided to bless Jooheon with magic abilities - a jack-of-all-trades magic that would help him on his quest to freedom. Despite his blessing, Jooheon grew up hidden and isolated. His parents told him stories passed down from those before them of how the village used to be free until the warmongers had taken over. Every story fueled Jooheon to want to take action, and so he grew his magic to one day bring that liberation to his village. As an adult, with his Fae blessing fully charged, he made his presence known with explosions, taking out many of the warmonger’s bases. Cultivating all of his power, he blew through the warmonger’s encampments. By the time dawn began to break, not a single leader was left. The village was finally free - but, what now? Jooheon spent days in the village, ensuring everyone that he was force of good, and working with the other villagers to liberate all of the lost children that had been stolen from them. As more weeks passed, Jooheon began to feel more like there was something more left for him to do. As the village got back on its feet, free of their militant oppressors, Jooheon felt more and more useless, and his family could sense it. And so, they knew to let him go. They knew, with his Fae blessing, he would become a powerful freedom fighter that would bring liberation to countless people - just as he was born to do.
Chankgyun: Half-Elf Bard
Changkyun was born into a family of bardic singers, beloved by the humans and elvish. Everyone born into the family was blessed with a beautiful voice, and joined in the family choir once they came of age. That was, until Changkyun came along. When he became old enough to start his training to join the family, they learned something quite jarring - Changkyun couldn’t sing at all. No matter what they tried, he just could not sing to their standards; and so, they gave up on him. Every time they would travel to a new town to perform, Chankgyun’s family would sit him in the very back of the tavern while they performed. One night when he was a tween, and they saw him scribbling away on some paper. When they snatched the paper away from him, they saw that this whole time he had been writing lyrics -lyrics for him to perform. At first they laughed, reminding Changkyun that he was tone-deaf, but then he opened his mouth and began to rap the lyrics to perfection. His musicality, despite not singing, rendered his family speechless, as they never realized that talent could look different than what they expected. And so, Changkyun’s family gave him permission to join the family choir - an offer that he quickly refused. Chankgyun knew he was meant for more, and the fact that it took them until now to realize it never sat well for him. He walked off into the night, lyrics and a small drum in tow. On Chankgyun’s travels, he grew his skills of rhythm and rap. His unique musical stylings (and sporadic d*ck jokes) enthralled every village and town he came across. Despite being more shy and quiet when not performing, his stage persona was goofy, flirtatious, and a little bit of a menace. Every now and again, when he would have to interact with fans on the road, he’d break out the persona - an act that would regularly get him into trouble. There was an incident where he accidentally got engaged to a half-orc that he sweet-talked…he doesn’t like to talk about it. But, with every adventure and every song, he felt more and more free. He was no longer the “tone-deaf outcast”, but a creative spirit in his own right - one that he was meant to be all along. His talents helped him connect to so many on the outskirts, including Minhyuk, Jooheon and the others. Changkyun knew from then on that he would never be tossed aside again.
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hyunchksoul · 1 year
➷Craving You➷
hey guys, I am back with another Shownu writing. He is finally out and I'm so so so happy!!
Hope you guys like this and lemme know what you think about it. <3
Summary: Shownu is back from his military service and you both had been missing each other a bit too much and things start to heat up between you both as soon as the boys leave your shared apartment.
Warning: Unprotected sex, breeding, fingering (receiving).
Pairing: Shownu x Female Reader
Genre: smut
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The wait was finally over, Shownu was finally gonna be out of the barracks and in your arms. You and the rest of the boys were waiting for him outside the military center. You brought him flowers and some of his favorite chocolates.
After standing there for what felt like an hour, you saw his figure from far walking towards the gates. And woah, he looked even bigger than before. The members started cheering for him and you laughed at their enthusiasm. You got a bit teary eyed as he finally made it out of the center.
The members ran towards him and jumped on him. They all shared a big group hug and were hopping like kids.
When Shownu finally made it out of the hug, he walked towards you. His heart was pounding out of his chest the moment he saw your face.
"Hi Y/N", he said shyly
You laughed at his shy and formal behaviour and gave him the flowers you got him. He blushed and pulled you into a tight hug. Tears ran down your face as you finally felt his warm body against yours. You ran your hands across his big back and cradled his neck. You missed his big bear hug the most and now that you finally had it, you felt complete.
He let out a relaxed sigh against your neck, wiped your tears and pecked you on your cheeks. The members started teasing you both and made cringey, lovey dovey comments.
You all decided to go to your and shownu's apartment for dinner and drinks. You all celebrated shownu's arrival by dancing and drinking a lot. He was so happy to finally have his people around him and have the best time with them.
The members left your apartment around midnight. You both waved them goodbye and closed the door.
Finally it was just the two of you alone together after a long time.
You made your way to the kitchen to keep the dishes and shownu pulled you by your arms and gave you a desperate kiss. You ran your hands through his hair and he rested his hands on your hips.
He might act shy with you in front of his members but you knew he expressed all of him when it was just the two of you.
He pulled out of the kiss and looked right in your eyes
"I missed you so much Y/N, you have no idea how much I craved you" he said while kissing your soft hands.
You tugged at his shirt and pulled him in for another sloppy kiss. He grabbed the back of your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist.
He held onto your firm butt and made his way to your shared bedroom.
He sat himself down on the bed with you on top. You hurriedly stripped him leaving just his boxers on.
You suddenly got off him and escaped to the bathroom. He felt confused and startled and started to walk towards you. You told him to wait for you and gently pushed him down on the bed.
Two minutes felt like forever to Shownu, but as soon as you walked out of the bathroom with a sultry set of lingerie of his favorite color on his mind went wild. You looked absolutely ravishing and he wanted to take you right there and then.
His blood rushed towards his ears turning them hot red. You walked towards him and placed your hands on his chest. You slowly guided him to lay down on the bed as you sat on top of him settling your core to his hardness directly.
He groaned because he had not felt like this in a long time. You bent down to kiss his neck while running your hands across his abs. His body got bulkier than before and you could tell it. You could feel his thighs tightening as your heat rubbed on him continuously. He got harder as each second passed.
He caressed your hair, closed his eyes and took in your scent. Your presence was heaven to him.
You were working your lips on his chest just when Shownu brought his hands to your chest and gave you a light squeeze. The friction of the silk wrapped around your chest made your nipples hard. Shownu circled on them with his fingers and you felt yourself getting wetter.
You moved up to his face and gave him a deep kiss. Shownu was rubbing your back with his hands and stopped at the clasp of your bra. He unclasped it in a second and threw it across the room.
You looked him in the eye and saw nothing but devotion and lust. His wild thoughts took over his mind and he flipped you to the other side of the bed. Now you were under him and he was in control.
He attached his lips to your nipples and you moaned. He snaked his hands down to the waistband of your underwear and slowly inside them. He attached his fingertips to your clit which was throbbing with pleasure. He circled it while leaving hickeys on your neck.
He looked into your eyes when he placed his fingers inside your core. You rolled your eyes in pleasure and whined. He curled them up perfectly and kept abusing your sweet spot.
He kept a stern and proud face as he watched you turn into a mess under him.
After pulling out his fingers he went down to remove your underwear. He looked at your heat, all wet and throbbing with stimulation.
He opened your legs wide and kissed the insides of your thighs and gave a gentle bite as sweet nothings kept falling out of your mouth.
He removed his boxers and threw it away. He saw you resting yourself on your elbows to have a better look at him. He smirked at your desperation and started to pump his already hard and stimulated cock. He kept getting bigger and bigger with each stroke.
Your eyes were hungry as you watched him rub himself. He came closer to your heat and rubbed his tip on your clit, jolts of pleasure ran through your bodies and you lost control of your senses.
He slowly started pushing himself into your core, you let out a squeak. Shownu threw his head back as he relaxed himself inside you. You grabbed his shoulder and pulled him towards you, making his member go inside you deeper than before.
You kissed him hungrily as he started to move his hips back and forth. He started out slow, making you feel every inch of him.
"I need more shownu"
These words made shownu pull himself out of you and ram inside you even harder.
You let out a loud moan and saw him move in and out faster.
He had no thoughts on his mind, he was pushing himself inside you senselessly, his only aim was to pleasure you.
You held onto his shoulders for your life. Your hands were roaming around his body then finally stopped at his waist. You were digging your nails in his body out of pleasure. Shownu enjoyed this delicate pain.
You felt your walls pulsing around his cock and knew you could come undone any moment now. You placed your hands on his shoulders, stalling his movements. He got worried, he thought he hurt you.
Instead you just told him to lay down again. He smirked as soon as he understood your motive. He let his body fall onto the bed.
You placed your legs around him and sat on top of him. His hard member running along the folds of your heat. You moaned loudly at this feeling while shownu had his hands on your waist to guide your movements on him.
You grabbed his cock and opened up your folds to let him inside you again. You placed your hands on his chest and slightly rubbed his nipples.
You started to move your hips back and forth on his member slowly making you both feel sensuous feelings. Shownu could not hold back his thoughts and gripped on your waist hard and guided you to move faster.
You were now giving it your all, running out of breath, bouncing up and down, eyes closed, panting and gasping. Shownu took in this beautiful view and brought his body up to you.
You were now chest to chest with shownu. You felt your juices overflow and trickling down to his member. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly, leaving no space between you.
You could feel your walls tightening again and his member twitch inside you. Shownu grabbed onto your shoulders from behind and guided you to move faster as he came undone. His wave of pleasure took over, he breathed heavily and released inside of you.
After a few seconds you too came undone, walls tightening and sucking in every drop of his release. You bit his neck slightly and he groaned at the feeling. Both your releases crashing together like ocean waves.
You still moved yourself on him to ride out your high, you just could not get enough of him inside you.
Shownu kept you close to his chest as he pulled you down to the bed. You were on top of him and had your face buried in his neck still panting. Shownu had one hand on your back massaging it and other gently caressing your hair.
After calming down your racing heart you got your head up from his neck and pulled yourself out of him. You both groaned at the loss of contact and you slumped on the bed beside him and he turned himself, facing you.
You looked at each other and shownu tucked your sweaty hair behind your ears. Rested his warm hand on your cheek and gave you a deep kiss. You could feel his satisfied emotions in the kiss.
He pulled away and rested his hands on your waist, wandering his tips around, slightly tickling you.
"Everyday felt empty without you by my side Y/N. I missed you so much and I am so happy to be with you again. I love you so much Y/N"
You smiled hard at his words and kissed his forehead.
"I love you too Hyunwoo"
Shownu spooned you and you both drifted off to sleep,
Please share and interact with this and lemme know how you guys liked it <3
stay safe and happy y'all <3
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binniebeams · 1 year
MX Changkyun - 10 + 16 + 19 🤤
10. “Ah, fuck.”
16. "Such a good little pup, aren't you?"
19. “I want you. I need you.”
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“I want you, I need you” Oh how those words felt like music to his ears, You were being so good for him so far, eating up every command he gave you and behaving so well… That’s how you found yourself here, laid out on the bed you two shared and being kissed from your jaw all the way down to your inner thigh. Worshiping you like the royalty you are was a common theme in the bedroom but this pet name he seemed obsessed with lately was something you were new to. 
"Such a good little pup, aren't you?" The name affected you more than you'd admit to him, We don't need his ego getting bigger than it already is from making you melt under his touch. You had lost track of how long you two were at it, all you knew was that would be sore in the morning and there was no sign of stopping him from reaching every aching inch of you that you needed attention on… “Ah, fuck..” the breathy curse was all you heard next to your ear as you felt him filling you and his head nustling into your neck, and to think this was only round one…
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