#Changkyun One shot
gor3rri · 4 months
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❕PAIR❕: (! husband!) Im Changkyun X Reader (!wife!)
❕GENRE❕: Realistic, Romantic, deep, Fluff-smut, !unprotected sex!raw!cum eating, grabbing!
❕SUMMARY❕: You find yourself in the pov of your husband, Im Changkyun. He’s good just like a normal husband material but thinks deeply of everything he does. Serious but a sweetheart. He fulfils all your wishes. He’s completely opposite to you. You’re an ambivert.
❕AUTHOR’S NOTE❕: This Context contains kissing , touchiness and etc. It’s a realistic way of looking through scenarios which might look real in future i.e it’s how he might behave if you were married to him in real life. It’s a little smutty which makes it appropriate for ages 18+.
❕DISCLAIMER ❕: English is not my first language so if you witness anything off while reading of spelling of punctuation, just know ㅠㅠThe context is just scripted and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just for fun - ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
❕CONTEXT❕: MONSTA X members also mentioned (some areas) and y/n(you)- darling or often by her real name ; Im Changkyun - Kyun, Love, I.M, Danny etc.
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“Are you awake yet?”you asked your husband as you turn to his side of the bed, in a sleepy tone. You were restless because of yesterday. You’re a housewife but you spent most of the time helping Changkyun’s father in the Lab. His father is a famous known professor in Pohang-si , Postech University of Science and Technology. As a kid you did well in science and wanted to pursue it but unfortunately couldn’t get enough in finals and you gave up and made ur hobby ur job. You were a Science teacher in a school in Gwangju. So in your free time, you would help his father in research. You were more than qualified but only you couldn’t get in a good college and ended up as a teacher instead.
“Changkyun..? You said again in a sleepy tone while still in bed. You couldn’t find him at his side of the bed so you woke up and went to look for him. It was your day off today. Sunday of course. You were searching for him as you wanted to tell him something. You went downstairs to check. You couldn’t find him there so you also went ground floor. You guys had a ground floor pool and a small living room so basically the house was like 5 floors with a basement. You were at fourth floor which was a ground floor. You finally found him.
“Kyun-ssi?”you said slowly. As you say, he turned to you slowly. He had a book in his hand which he put down as he saw you. “Oh your awake?” He said while approaching you slowly. “You never rush. Is there something you want me to know?” He asked as he came close. “Kyun, good morning” you said. “Don’t tell me you just rushed downstairs to wish me morning. You were tired. Yesterday dad called me to tell you that you don’t need to rush in the work anymore. He’s thankful to you that you stayed the night in the lab, testing the samples. And so I didn’t wake you up.” He said as he looked into your eyes. “It’s my job. If I know stuff I can offer help. My family is more to me hence I don’t think I’ll be tired but he don’t need to thank me :)” you said while smiling and looking down. He went to the table to put the book back in the shelf. “I miss my parents so helping him made me happy. I can say I have two parents now.” You said while helping him. He then stopped what he was doing and look at you. “Do you miss your parents hm?” He asked you ,worrying about you. “I do”. you said while putting the last book in the shelf. “It’s decided, I’ll be taking you to Busan.” He said holding your hand. “Kyun, you’re busy and so am I? It’s okay you don’t need to. I just missed them. I can always call th-“ you were about to finish your sentence but he cut you up by saying “Y/N your stressed and you need relaxation, taking a week leave from work won’t be a problem plus, I hired a person who can do the work when I’m not at work, it’s all fine.” He said while holding your other hand.
You were once upset with your parents cause they didn’t let you think about your marriage. And they made the decision themselves without even considering your opinion. But seemed like you were married to a good person. Im Changkyun was a Biomedical engineer, owned three big Research Companies. He was qualified, rich and stable. He won’t let you pay for anything. He’s caring and loving. You never thought your arrange marriage would lead you two to fall for each other. For now you’re just caring towards each other. Love each other as well. You guys have known each other 70% out of 100% in these 1 year. Since you were upset, you forgot about their caring nature too. Why would a parent want their child to marry someone unknown. Changkyun’s parents and your parents knew each other well but you didn’t so that’s why you found it to be difficult for you to adjust in an arranged way. Hence you forgot about them. You accepted and realised your mistakes and decided to apologise to them.
“Y/N, get ready in some time. We’re leaving soon”said Changkyun. “Kyun..” you said slowly. “Hm?” He said while turning to your side. “What about you..? Us..? I don’t even spend my time with you..it’s been a year, we haven’t progressed..and mom (in law) was expecting us to be paren-“ he again cut you off. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll be as well. I don’t want you to worry about anyone anymore. As you say there’s a right time for everything to happen. It’s okay Y/N” he said while holding your hands “just get ready.” You nodded and went upstairs.
He made you breakfast this time. You didn’t knew that he already made breakfast. You were in a hurry to make breakfast so you bathed quickly but it turned out that he already did everything for you. Watered the plants, gave the food to the fishes in the pond and yes you two owned an aquarium since fishes made you feel happy and calm, cooked breakfast and put the clothes in laundry, almost everything. “Kyun..thank you” you said to him while he was plating the dishes. “If a wife can do things like taking care of everyone and being as grateful to us, a small gesture everyday and some help from my side wouldn’t cause harm right?” He said while smiling and looking at you. You kept looking at his eyes. “You came here to live the rest of your life with me at 22 years, and you thought I never felt you? We all love you and care for you okay? Just the way you do for all of us, in fact I can say that you work more than what all of us here do. I respect you, Y/N. He said while coming closer to you. “You’re talented and admirable, I do know that getting married to someone you don’t know properly could be hard but you made it smooth in just a year, darling.”
“Darling” you thought in your mind. How can someone be so good? Charming in both the ways- by nature and by looks as well. Usually people with good looks turn out to be cruel but him, his just so caring. He spoke less but his eyes says a lot about me. He called me by my name always but the way he used the word “darling” for me is just so.. I’m not flattered but it isn’t the word. It’s more than what I thought. He said he respects me. Men these days lose their temper and respect for women even when they do hard work but it seems like today’s the day __th[day]_____[month] and _____[year] , my perspective towards my husband changed. Getting to know that he loves me so much would always be my favourite feeling.
You hugged him and couldn’t say anything but it all was so self explanatory to him. “The food tastes amazing, Kyun.” You say while taking a bite out of the steak he made for you. “This is just what I could serve to you. We’re not late okay? Just chew your food properly.” He said wiping your lips with a tissue. “Oh oops” you say while holding the tissue he used. “Let me take care of you since you’re leaving your husband for a week cause I won’t be there” he said. “Your not staying?oh I forgot.” you say while taking a bite out of your food. “Mhm. I have to check on the companies whether they have shown any new information.” he said while taking his plate to the counter. “Im done, when you’re done, just keep the dishes on the counter. I’ll ask Ms. Shin to clean them because the dishwasher isn’t working due to some technical issues.” he said leaving the kitchen.
You put the dishes on the counter and waited for him downstairs with your bags. “Im here!” Said Changkyun. “Ready?” He said holding your bags. “Kyun it’s okay I can carry them since you did a lot for me already.” you say grabbing the bags. “Let me do my job, Im Y/N” he said taking them bags to the car. “Im Y/N, I love the way you call me by my full name, Im Changkyun!” You said in a little teasing tone. “Mmhm, my lady”
These little gestures he shows you is his best charm. Not too physical not too touchy. The words he uses are magical to you. Even the simplest word becomes as expensive as gold. “The car smells good” you said after getting in the passager’s seat. “It was the perfume I used haha” he said while taking the car keys. “Mason Margiella- burnt wood and whiskey 🥃 is what it smells like” you say while looking at him. “You seem to know what your husband smells like hm? Soo keeping everything aside, where’s your destination Mrs. Im?” He asked you teasingly. You chuckled and answered “oh please take your passanger to her Parents house.” “Of course, of course, fasten your seat belt, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said while fastening the seat belt for you. “Thank you.” You said smiling at him.
AUTHOR : You guys then reach to the desired destination.
“Oh my my!” Said your mother you look so much healthy my baby! “Yea mom and I missed you guys, Im staying here for a week so that I can spend some time with you guys after I left in sorrow.” You say while hugging both of your parent. Changkyun saw the tears of happiness in your eyes and in your parents and he thought - “how much loving and caring could a person be? She’s the one for me, mature and perfect by nature and pretty by looks as well.” He was all in the thoughts 💭 then suddenly your dad say “Changkyun-ssi, I’m glad to hear that my daughter is in good hands, I’ll always be thankful to your parents for treating her as their own.” Said your father as he hugged Changkyun. “Oh no no, as we agreed to take the responsibility as promised we’re also doing our job, keeping Y/N happy and healthy, worry free.” He said while hugging back. “Oh dear, you guys are staying here, this makes my heart so much full.” As your mother said this, Changkyun replied “Im sorry to you Mr and Mrs. Yoo that I won’t be staying as I need to check on progress of my companies :), instead Y/N would fulfil my emptiness(presence) here” he said while holding your mother’s hand. “It’s okay dear, next time I want both of you to stay with us. That would make us more happy. But you’re a busy man and taking your time to drop my girl here, thank you.” Said your mother smiling to Changkyun. “No no it’s my job to see your daughter happy, my wife in fact.” He say while looking at your mom and then at you. “Come in for a while Changkyun.” Said your father. “Oh as I’m not staying here, I can at-least come in for coffee or tea.” Said Changkyun.
Your house was just like a normal big house. A little Japanese style, the structure with an open yard for meet up with guests. “Kyun?” You called him. “What do you want? Coffee or tea?” u asked him when suddenly your father interrupted “Whiskey! Haha my young man should try the Glenfiddich, a classic 12 year old” your dad said with a little laugh. “Dad it’s not the right time i-“ you said while looking at them and at Changkyun after. “Ohh I have had that one mhm” he said look at the bottle. “Kyun-“ you looked at him with an expression that stated - “it’s not right time kyun for whiskey 😭” he understood what you wanted to say then suddenly put the bottle aside. As he put that aside, he received an important call. “Dad maybe kyun’s busy so he might have to leave at the moment.” You say to your father and your father understands you. He said “mhm I have no problem, we still have time” he said patting you. “Thanks dad” you said whole hugging him. “I have to leave now Mr and Mrs. Yoo but I’m sure the next time I visit it’ll all be the whiskey 🥃” he said while holding your father’s hands. “Of course son! Let me help you out” he said and you all bid him a bye.
“Kyun!” You called him as he was gonna sit inside “wait-“ He stood there while holding the car door and you kiss him on his lips. He felt so good. He won’t describe it at the moment but surely will when you guys would be all alone together. He kissed you back and said in a low tone while holding your hands “I’ll be back soon, I miss you already..” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Take care, I’ll miss you, kyun” you said as he got in the car breaking the kiss.
AUTHOR : The time passed by and you were missing him so much to the extent that you almost teared up at times cause you felt that you left him alone at the house and how much he would miss you. He would call-text you when he was free but it wasn’t much like his actual presence. A week ended and it was finally when the time when he could kidnap you back lol. Im gonna skip the car part.
You arrived your home after a long time and seeing everything back again just made you happy. The scent of your own home just felt so good. Then you heard doorbell ring. You rush towards it cause you knew it might be your husband. “Y/N!” You said nothing but hug him. “Im sorry I couldn’t pick you up and you had to come here by yourself and even the driver wasn’t here today due to some personal reasons..” you said nothing still but just hug him. His scent was something you missed. Fresh roses and whiskey with burnt wood. That’s what he smelled like. Even after working too much, his scent never changed, it felt natural on him, his scent. Then you slowly let go the hug. “Changkyun Im” you said while looking close to his face. After what you just called him, he came closer to you as well while slowly throwing his blazer. “Keep looking at me like that and-“ you cut him off “didn’t you miss me?” You said after putting him in the MOOD and you backed up. “Miss dare to change the topic hm.” He said as he went to the couch and rested there. You turn back at him. “Now you kept me waiting like that you know how much I missed you?” He said while looking at you. “You called me by what earlier ?hm?” He then stood up and started walking towards you again. “Im actually glad someone else took you here or else I don’t know what would happen, I won’t even let us reach here by this time” he said teasingly. You became all red and nervous. It was all your fault that you set him in the mood and now you’re wanting to back up. It would be a big loss not to kiss a man who’s in the best mood. You knew he was not drunk but just sipped whiskey at work because he smelled like Ballentines and it secretly drove you crazy seeing him like that. Loose tie, white shirt and long silky hair with scent of Margiella was enough for you to surrender yourself.
You couldn’t believe you guys had an arrange marriage almost a year ago. “Y/N? Darling? You slept alone these days?” he said while going upstairs. “There was none to warm my side up.” You say while following him upstairs. “Aw” he said after reaching to the room door, he turned back to you. “Wash up, you might be tired from that travelling” he said while patting your head. He went to his office after saying but you had a feeling that you needed him so bad but he still seemed busy so you just interrupted him “Kyun~?”You called him, he turned back “hm?” he said starting at you. “Are you busy even in that kind of mood?” You asked him confidently. “What mood??” He said with a slight smirk and then continued walking towards his office room. Gosh it drived you crazy when your husband acted like that. You pouted and then went towards bathroom for a warm shower. You took 20 minutes for it and then came back out with a robe. When you entered your room, you saw your husband, arranging his clothes in the closet properly. You couldn’t help but stare at him. He caught you off guard. “Hm~? What’s something that Y/N is staring at?” He asked you while still putting his clothes back in the closet. “Im looking at Im Changkyun.” You say while moving to your closet. “Call me by my name again and I’ll show you what happens, darling” he said while looking at your eyes. You stopped and so did your heartbeat. “I wanted you so bad. Ever since I was there at my parents house. Couldn’t wait honestly but I saw your busy even after you came home from work. I’m not in a playful mood but I’m very serious about what im talking about.” You turned back at him and went towards his direction and you added on “Love, when you call me with nicknames, it drives me crazy. That I want you with me. Near me.” You said looking at his eyes. Not even realising how honest you were, you stopped. “Is that what my darling thinks about me? Just want me? What else?? I’m curious” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Kyun, are you really okay with me behaving like this all of a sudden.” You said and then he added “didn’t you notice me earlier? I behaved the same and you didn’t seem to have a problem as well. Even if I wasn’t like that and you asked me the same question, I wouldn’t hate it.” He said, then you added “I missed you besides me during night time”. This time as you spoke, he just said nothing but stare at your lips. Your lips, bare lips drove him crazy, he couldn’t resist your behaviour and lips of course so the next step he did, lead to a whole new scenario. To be completely honest, you and him were just awkward as you guys barely knew each other back then but as you guys got closer and got to know each other, man, it’s like complete opposite, now your totally lovers and I don’t think someone would actually think that this might be the arranged marriage. Not at all.
“As I said I missed you besides me at night, it’s cause the first word you would ever speak in the beginning of a new day is my name and I couldn’t hear it ever since, like a week and-“ you heard him say everything but then suddenly your lips meet his, you cut him off. It was your first ever kiss with your husband. Shocking but yes. All the year passed, you guys were just arranged but now it seems like your arranged to lovers. You could feel his lips taking the same feel as yours. Oh you loved him too much at this point. Your windows were all open which led to a cold air breeze moving inside your room and the white transparent curtains of your room just waving, the moon shined through as well. You had your left hand on his shoulders, and the other on the back of his head, grabbing his medium mullets lightly, black hairs, silky and smooth, his chest was almost exposed because he was wearing a simple white shirt with just three top buttons open. His shoulders were broad, broad enough to just trap you in there. Then slowly the kiss became insane, deep and more passionate and your right hand moved slowly back on his almost bare chest. Then after a few minutes you guys stopped, then his gaze went towards your eyes. “It’s would be a shame and disappointing decision on not marrying you, Y/N” he said looking at you. You’re all red, even though you have been this much close to him before but it still made you damn nervous. “Mmm look at you” he said in a teasy loving low tone. You looked away as you heard him say that, hiding yourself. “Wouldn’t you wanna say anything to your husband? I mean I wanna listen it from you, Y/N. Your bold I know mm, since you kissed me.” He said while leaning onto the couch in your bedroom. Then you turned back and said “anything for my husband but he’s too charming, my eyes couldn’t take the view.” You said and then ran back to the bathroom since you needed to change clothes (you were still in a robe). “Im waiting” said Changkyun while letting out a small chuckle.
AUTHOR : You took your time and then you came outside wearing a usual night gown, wasn’t too fancy but it made your body shape look SO GOOD.
Then you came in the room, you saw Changkyun laying down on his side of the bed while closing his eyes. You were confused and pouty. You thought to yourself that “he just asked me to wait and just did everything so hurriedly ://“ as you thought this, you went towards your side of the bed and laid down facing him. He’s so pretty and of course charming as usual but you became restless as you thought that meeting after a week long period, he just slept like that? You meant that you wanted to get lovey-dovey with him but here he just told you to come out as he was waiting. You were all restless, little angry. Then you turn to your side, facing away from him. You were little pissed 😭 cause he got u in the mood but then he dozed off. You mumbled in a little aggression “mmmhmm, tricked, cheatedㅠㅠ”
AUTHOR : You really thought he would let you go that way haha, he wasn’t asleep tho he was just wanting to see what and how you react. And it seemed like you waited for him to wake up. I mean you wanted to see if he was actually asleep or no but he didn’t react until he found out that he had enough play with you(lol) so he woke up and then he (smartass) took his actions when you were on the verge of sleeping ㅠㅠ. He just slowly moved his hand in your hair and whispered—-
“Mmm..sorry about playing like that, darling” he said and then he trapped you. You were in between his hands and his chest towards your face almost. He was on top of you. You were tricked again 😭. He just wanted you to be restless so he waited till u reached limits. “!!!!huh,oh??” you were all sweaty and nervous. “Kyun. You-“ you didn’t get time to say anything. He kissed you. He slowly lifted you up and now your position was like you on his laps facing him eye to eye. You become nervous and try to look away but also intrigued looking at him. You didn’t know what to do but you weren’t awkward. It drove you crazy since he took you on his lap. You were happy knowing that you can now officially act personal and however you wanted in front of him. He pulled you even closer, he was still wearing the white shirt and his hairs slicked back. His bare face is what you loved, those eyes, dark brown pupils which shone throughout the moonlight, as it entered through the open window. “Oh..kyun, it’s a shame not being able to love you..” you said looking all innocent (but he knows you aren’t😏) “mm? Love or fuck? You didn’t know me yet, Y/N, I never got time to show my real avatar..” he whispered in your ears which made you even want him more. You were all okay with what he was gonna do because he asked you many times that in future if there would be a time like this, would you be all ready? And you guys had enough time to find out until today as you both were out of limits. You loved loved loooovveedd his scent. You sniffed him and kissed him on his lips. He got excited to the extent that he took off his shirt and now was on his trousers and you? “Darling, it would be a shame not to appreciate your bare body, he said and asked you “Can you..remo-“ as he was about to say the whole sentence you just didn’t take seconds and took off your pretty floral nightdress which was almost translucent from the top and bottom as well. You wore tights. It was in his favourite colour- purple. The light shined on your body and highlighted his favourite parts, the chest and the collar. Changkyun didn’t have an ideal type cause he’s into someone’s personality but now looking at you, he felt like girls who look good in bikinis would work. But don’t worry, it’s just only gonna be you whom he’ll admire in that attire. You looked perfect. A normal body, not too skinny nor too over. He kissed you all over your neck and then slowly moved to your chest. You had big boobs, he started licking you as he moved down. You let out a moan. “Already moaning hm..?” He said while licking your neck and tummy back and forth. “Mmm~~kyun it tickles” you said being all crawled up. As you said, he just stopped to look at you. “Nuh uh.. you need to be rewarded but also punished for leaving me like this alone for week.” Said Changkyun then he started biting your neck and collarbones, you collar and neck was all his of course, it drove him crazy. You looked at him, he was all over you, looked like a hungry alpha. Whatever he just spoke, made you realised that he’s not gonna let you sleep tonight and you didn’t care about it because you wanted it. You indeed has a sex drive throughout the day, a high sex drive. “I don’t know, I mean you, you don’t know how much I missed you, I drank an entire bottle just because I was missing you. This was yesterday night.” He said kissing you all over. “Kyun~ punish me? Let it all out on me, it’s my fault for making you impatient.” You say whining over as you felt his saliva all over your chest. Plus it was all cold so that little wetness on your body because of sweat and saliva made you whinny. “Punish? You want me to do what I just said earlier ?? Hmm?” He said. He kept asking you which made you say it even louder because in between he would keep making you wet. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~ your too good, I’m gonna be so wet if you keep doi-“ he cut you off “Princess? I almost forgot that you’re messy down there already? Let me check” he said. He ripped your panties, it was too wet and it was shocking to him cause it was your first time as well.
“Next time I’ll bring you a lingerie, it would just look so alluring on you baby” he said in a deep husky voice. You reached too high to your limits that you wanted to be more pleasured so you started acting all slutty (😏). “Next time I’ll make you wait more kyun” you said as you kissed him shutting him up. That thought of buying you your first pair of lingerie drove you insane. He then pulled away the kiss as he heard you. “Mmh? Naughty much? So suddenly huh~?” He said then he slowly put his finger inside your clit. I thrusted it inside whenever you made a statement that he didn’t like. “Oh goddamn, you make my cock swell like..your asking me not to stop huh?Thrusting again, you moaned loudly, and your pussy clenching onto his cock so hard. “You’re totally in mood, huh?” As he said, the tone you couldn’t handle it put hop on his lap fully. “I’m always gonna be in the mood as long as your with me, husband~” you said while kissing his neck. He let out a relaxing moan. “Idk why but I want you so messed up right now~” he said while grabbing your ass and lifting u up to the wall and started biting you, all those love marks meant that you won’t dare to look at someone else but your husband. He’s passionately would be jealous of anyone getting too close to you. You were a science teacher married to a biomedical engineer who owned three big laboratories and companies, what else did you even need in your life? Nothing more nor less. Every touch of his would just make you crave for him even more. More than what a horny feeling contains. You didn’t have words to describe how good he’s in person but on the bed as well. “Kyun, don’t..don- go in too- harsh-“ you said as you were into him. His whole body just on you. He slowly slide in his dick inside you. He knew you wanted to relax, and just making you work too much for him, might not be good, he was a little too rough indeed but he did slow down at the BEST MOMENTS. The room was filled with warmth and just scent of wetness of sweat and his perfume. Gosh that Margiella scent, you felt like a pure heaven and that too after so many days, a week. He wanted to have sex, it was obvious. It felt like the first night of the honeymoon. If it was you, he wouldn’t control he knew this as well, he stripped down your already ripped panties and then went in and out as you felt good, too good. He does have a beautiful dick, you trembled a little so he held on you tight, you could feel that you already have his finger marks on your ass, those marks are of possessiveness. It was 12:00am sharp and the moon was shining bright onto your sweaty body. He then took you to the bathroom but on your way you guys were busy kissing that you missed the couch and fell on it, the couch was a leather couch, brown coloured and it was wide enough to let him have you all night, just laying on it.
He sucked over you. “Such a damn big..prett..y..nose, daddy~” you complimented while being on top of him, riding through out on his dick. He just kept staring at how good you looked riding on him, all the way down you were dripin’ so hard that he turned you over and glide inside the hole of yours, it was small but you just had your first time and that too all raw, “the best thing about us-..Is that I get it.. all raw~” Changkyun said as he licked your hole, he bit your inner thighs and just marked you. He just trusts you and loves you so much. He’s a kind of husband who just knows when your wrong and help you correct it. His sensation reached to your inner walls, just locked it all in. It was like him thrusting into you too much. My goodness it felt so goood, and he forgot about punishing you. He pulled you on him, too much passionate sex and that too no protection, all raw. You moaned too well. “Mm Ahh~” you sounded too good for him but you were all not in your state. “Daddy~” you said “Princess or Slut? Pick one” he asked as he kept on letting you ride him like an actual cowgirl. You were too busy enjoying for yourself. “I ask one more time~” he said then as he got no answer from you, he grabbed your ass, holding you in that position and threw you to the bed again. He threw you on the bed and he climbed on you. “I wanted MOREEE~~” you said to him cause he interrupted you. “So much fun for the living, now let me.” He said. “Now do as your daddy says mm?” He said as he looked at you. You looks so damn good even when your doing nothing but just lying on the damn bed all wet. “No~~” you said while biting your lips and all restless. “Whatever you wanna do but now it’s time for taking the remote control back~” he said while looking down your hole which of course was closed right now “I can’t see it Y/N so open your legs for your daddy~” he said while rubbing your inner thighs. You couldn’t open even if you wanted to because he already had you riding him for some time straight. “Let me then~” he hold your knees and opened your legs, in between all that condensed milk looking consistency oozing out like a river. “Too bad if I couldn’t have it” he said and he licked and sucked you down there. “Mmmmmmmm~” you led out a cry. Too much guilty pleasure for the living. He then turned you over to your chest side facing the bed and ass towards him. “Your pussy and ass both are who’s??” He asked you as he leaned towards you on the position. It was the most penetrative position ever, doggy style in lying position. He thrusted you in your small hole. Your clit was swollen as he turned you back over and kept going as restlessly as you were. You couldn’t even dare to move your legs as they got folded and twisted and things like that many times, it hurt because as he became more passionate, he became more rough. He then in the standing position took you to the bathroom.
“Your getting all this for being selfish earlier, hmm? Get it baby~?” He said. He put you on the bathroom counter besides sink and the mirror. Then you looked at him with tired af eyes and it immediately reminded you of what he might wanna do next. “Shit” you thought. Of course you didn’t want to see yourself like that in the mirror while your partner is doing you. It’s Changkyun, he’s too strong, even if you escape where else would you even hide? “You know why? You didn’t answer my question earlier~” he said while grabbing you back down from the counter and now he grabbed your waist from behind and made you look at the mirror, you refused. “Never mind it’s gonna be slut for now~” he said grabbing your boobs and squeezing them. “Aauah…mmmm, Kyun~~” you let out a moan. “Nuh uh.. what’s my name~???” He asked. “Kyun~” as he heard you say, he put his finger back down in your already too much swollen clit and rubbed it hard. He asked you five times, but didn’t get his desired answer. In between them wrong answers, he kept squeezing, rubbing and penetrating you hard. When I meant hard, it’s on the most passionate but insane level. You were tired, too much tired than you couldn’t stand up. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~!” You moaned and you let out a cry. “Good girls don’t answer late. But seemed like you’re a bad girl now hmm~? For answering late~”. He thrust his dick into you even harder, you dripping down too bad, it needed to be cleaned up. “Damn, that looks so~” he said kissing your back. You wanted to turn towards him as you couldn’t see the mirror. But he didn’t allow you. “Not until I make you see how beautiful you look this way Mrs. Im~” he said biting your shoulders which made you look up and moan. “Mm aah~~” you say as he finally made you see the mirror on his 7th attempt. Yes you just had 7 rounds of having intercourse with your husband. After then finally he let you turn back, facing towards him. You looked at him with tears and anger, not too much angry. “What hm? My Princess just needed..to see..her pretty body and how much more you look..in my eyes” he said kissing you all over your face and then neck. You hugged him at the position and those bites and kisses made you grab his back, muscular and stiff back with your long nails. As he kissed you, his kisses went down till your chest to the tummy and he got on his knees, kissing your cute belly. “A belly piercing ~? You didn’t know how much your making me want you more my darling~” he said to you as he licked your belly. You let out a small chuckle as it tickled you there. “I got it..~ for you.. Danny~” you moaned as he hold your waist and started biting your tummy as well. Gosh this man just likes being all possessive, not a single place on your body was left unmarked. All filled with cherry red marks. “You got the..piercing for daddy~?” He asked you while lifting you up and taking you back to your bed. “I knew you liked piercings..~” you said to him as he carried you, you facing towards him. “Jooheon told me once that you like.. girls who look good in bikinis and piercings~~” so I did them days after our wedding without letting you notice. I kept the moment for today~” you said to him. He heard you and threw you on the bed again. Having just sex and that too raw too, still seemed incomplete for him. He again caged you up. “I want to plant us a seed.” He said while kissing your chest. “And what does that mean~” you asked him even though you knew. “Baby~ idk if you’re ready for our mini version.” He asked you sucking through your tits. You said nothing but moaned. “Do I stop~?” He asked you. You shook your head restlessly. “While you sucking the second most sensitive part of mine~? No, Mr. Im~” you said while ruffling his hairs back. He chuckled and kissed your chest and went down to your belly again. “Knock ✊ knock~” as he knocked your belly. “There’s got to be someone in there soon~” he said while putting his dick inside you. Thrusting again but this time slow and steady, it all oozed out, the cum. It filled your walls and at the Highest time, your walls sucked all of that.
“I forgot to ask you~ would you be able to take our baby if you get pregnant~?” He asked you while stopping. “It’ll be our first little baby, kyun” you cried as you shared. “With you taking care of it? I’ll be so happy to give birth” you said while hugging him. You were all wet. “So should I plant?” He asked you and you replied “get in already~!”. As mentioned, he slit in this time not taking his dick out, instead, he filled you up with his seed. “Now if I let you let all that out..—“ you cut him off “too late, you fertilised me already~” you said as you kiss him on his lips very passionately.
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AUTHOR : After that moment, he tucked you in the blanket and pat your head and massaged your legs. He realised he was too cruel and rough earlier so he helped you relief pain you had in your legs. They were sore and they pained since you kept them open😳😖. He helped you throughout until you fell asleep. He kissed you and lay besides you, hugging you and cuddling you with you burring your face onto his chest and then falling asleep. You guys were sooo cozy to look at.
(The next morning)
You woke up the next morning and found out that your husband was asleep on your tummy i.e his head on your tummy. His hand was on your legs which made you think that he might have fallen asleep while massaging your legs. You just stared at him for some minutes then you ran your hands through his hair, cat like big man. “🐈‍⬛” as you stroked his hair again and again he just woke up. “Oh darling, it’s too early why are you awake?” As he said this, you replied “I was gonna say that to you~” you kissed him saying that. “Mm~?” He said. “You slept late I know, rest up cmon!” You say while slowly getting up the bed. You still had pain in there, you slowly trumbled upon. “Haha~ says the one who’s still tired~” he said and then teasingly grabbing your hand. You looked at him “😭”. “Aww my baby, cmere” he grabbed you on his lap. “How can I see you like that hm? Let me massage your body.” He said as he grabbed your waist and then massaging your back. “Mm not the backkk I want the legs!!” You ordered him. He turned on your side on his knees as he turn towards you and then sit in front of you and take one of your legs on his lap and pulls you. “You remember something~mm?” He said teasingly. You hit his lap and said “yah husband~!!”. He enjoyed you being getting teased. He just massages you till an hour. You felt so good. You slept again while he was massaging, it was clear that you did need extra sleep and so did your husband but he received a phone call from his work so he had to leave in a hurry. But the way he left, you didn’t even got disturbed from your sleep. At the end he put a note besides your bed’s side tables which went like-
“In the end, I think that taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and if you can’t then I’ll do it, I’ll be there for you always until- I’ll be home soon my love~”
(The above quoting is taken from an interview of MONSTA X spoken by Changkyun himself, not the same as the above but I moderated it to fit with the context. Also idk which interview he said so cause they didn’t really state the name.)
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The end 💜
📑 writer : @gor3rri
📑 I post new context weekly so stay tuned 📑
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latherinhoney · 1 year
kinktober 2023 day 3 - worth the wait
(changkyun - monsta x)
genre: (non - idol au)
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warnings: (18+), (hard smut), (edging), (fingering), (cum - eating), (praise), (orgasm denial)
740 words
a/n: day 3 of kinktober! today is changkyun and this is definitely a shorter one but i hope you still enjoy it regardless and as always feel free to send in any requests!
You'd been going at it for hours at this point, your panting growing heavier and heavier. Changkyun had suggested the other day for ways of making your sex more interesting. 
"how about I edge you?" He suggests. 
Your throat runs dry at the thought of the idea. Your sex was always typically vanilla but vanilla was starting to get boring. You weren't against it and the thought of him making you beg to cum enticed you. Making you squeeze your thighs together and slightly shift on your seat. He looks over at you waiting for your response
"I won't do anything your uncomfortable with but I just thought it'd be fun?" 
You nod your head and give him the sign of approval and that's where you found yourself in this situation. Changkyun was three fingers deep into you and fingering you hard. You could hear the squelching of him moving his fingers in and out of you while rubbing over your clit at the same time. That feeling in your stomach was starting to bubble up again for the second time and you could feel it approaching soon. He continued fingering into you, making sure to rake his fingers over your spot. 
His fingers moving at the perfect angle hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. You weren't gonna last much longer feeling your stomach starting to burn. He leans his head down to spit onto your clit adding onto your already dripping pussy. You moan feeling the spit fall onto your already hypersensitive clit, he continues rubbing your clit and fingering you, picking up the pace. 
The pace he was fucking you at was perfect it was brutal but just what you needed to reach that high 
"fuckfuckfuck kyun don't stop please, please don't stop fuckfuck" 
"i-im ima fucking cum" 
You moan out as you squeeze your eyes shut but just before you hit your peak, Changkyun pulls his fingers out from inside of you. The loss of feeling his fingers inside of you and him denying your orgasm for a second time already made you want to cry. You were almost in tears with how badly you wanted to cum and find a sense of relief. 
"Why'd you pull out?" you whined "I was about to cum" you whimpered out feeling on edge. 
Your skin was on fire and any slight touch on your body had you begging for release. 
"I know I'm cruel baby" Changkyun whispers as he places a kiss on your lips. 
You deepen the kiss by sucking on his lip and moan into his mouth. You we're rutting onto his leg trying to find any sense of relief. 
"if you're a good girl for me I'll let you cum this time around mhm?" 
You look at him with pleading eyes 
"yes anything please just fuck me already" 
He slips his fingers in, pushing only one in this time. You whimper at the feeling of him finally entering you and pumping into you with a feverish pace. He uses his other hand to start rubbing on your clit, picking up the tempo to match the pace he's fingering into you at. He then slips in the rest of his fingers bottoming out into you. You arch your back, moaning at how pleasurable it feels. He watches you turn into a moaning mess feeling pleased with himself at how he can only make you feel like this. 
"feeling good baby?" he grunts, continuing to pump into you. 
The familiar burn in your stomach returns and it's approaching quicker this time around. You feel your walls getting tighter around his fingers signaling that you're almost at your peak. 
"fuck baby" he groans "you feel so fucking tight" 
His praise spurring you on, as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your release. 
"fuckfuckfuck ima cum"
"mmmhm fuck" 
You pant out, as you slightly arch your back coming onto Changkyun's fingers. Your vision getting blurry as you continue your orgasm. Changkyun continues to pump into you, slowing his pace as he sees you start to come down from your high. He pulls his fingers out and sucks on them savoring the taste of your cum. You whimper from the sudden loss of contact, your pussy clenching around nothing. Changkyun leans over to place a kiss on your lips, tasting yourself on his lips. 
"fuck baby, you were so hot," he says "I want to hear your pretty whimpers again". 
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mebeindelulu · 1 year
He calls you clingy - Im Changkyun
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bf! Changkyun x fem! reader . a little bit of angst, fluff .
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After a whole day spent at the university, finally you could meet your boyfriend Changkyun. So you picked up the take out and rushed to the studio where he was working on his new album.
When you arrived, the door was slightly opened so you quickly noticed that two people were talking inside.
"Uh... I can't go with you bro. Yn will be here in a minute. We spent littleraly the whole day yesterday but she can't live without me." You heard him ironically laughing, "I love her but Jesus... She is so clingy sometimes that it is annoying".
You were so so confused. You've never heard something like that from Changkyun. Yesterday you both had really a good time from coffee date, cooking dinner together to watching your favourite movies and walking around the Han river at night. And the whole idea about spending almost the whole day together was his idea, so hearing that you are "clingy" and that he has enough of you really got the worst insecurities out of you. Tears started to form in your eyes as you turned around and stormed out of the building.
In the bus you texted Changkyun that something in the university came up and you have to stay longer so you won't come to the studio today. When you arrived at your tini apartment you decided to drink the sadness away with wine.
To give Changkyun more space that he "needed", you thought that it will be a good idea to not text with him too much and to not meet with him as well this week. And the word part was that it looked like he is totally fine with that.
After one day that you declined his phone call saying that you have classes, he didn't call you anymore. And after two days instead of replaying to his "Good morning baby, how are you?" as you usually did sending him selfie or describing your day by the voice message, you only replayed "good, I'm just bussy" and he stopped to text you first. So you both were barely texting at all.
After a week of going to university and spending all your free time sitting alone in the apartment, your best friend could tell that there is something that is bothering you, so she told you to get ready because you are going to a party Friday night.
At the party you drink a few drinks and had fun dancing with your friends. You need that kind of distraction from overthinking your relationship and crying every night because your biggest fears came true: he got bored of you. At least that was what you thought.
One of your friends took photo of your group on the dance floor and posted on Instagram with caption "the single ladies", which could get interpreted wrong. Most of the girls in your group were not single. But the song that was played at the time when you were dancing was Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and that's why she added that caption. It had nothing to do with if you are taken or not.
When you were at the party, Changkyun was working at the studio, just like for the last couple weeks, working on his album. And he even wouldn't know that you are at the club if not his friend sent him a screenshot of your friend's "Single Ladies" post.
He suddenly got jealous and betrayed. You said that you will study all night and that's why you can't meet with him, when he asked if you want to spend the evening with him. It hurt him that you avoided him last week, but also he tried to understand you since you were studying so hard for the exams that are coming next week.
He couldn't understand why you didn't even texted him anymore like you used to. A single selfie and "good morning jiagi" would be enough for him. But there was only silence for the past week. And when he texted first you gave him only short replies.
But also deep down he knew that sometimes you need some time alone to isolate yourself from others and be alone with your own thoughts. And he thought that after isolating yourself from people you will come back to normal life and spend a lot of time with him.
But after seeing that you are at the club instead of being with him, he thought that something must be wrong. So he decided that it's enough. Changkyun put on his coat, took his car keys and rushed to the club that you were in (thankfully your friend added a location to her post).
You was standing by the bar with a drink in your hand when some tall guy joined you.
"Hi, what are you doing here?... Alone?"
You could tell that he is handsome, but weren't interested. Your friends were dancing on the dance floor but you were not in the mood to join them do you stayed here, drinking. But you didn't wanted to give such a classy answer so you decided to be a little bit cocky since you had nothing to do.
"And why are you asking, hmm?" He laughed at your question and tried to lean closer to you. But you took a step back. It was too much for you.
"Because a beautiful women like you shouldnt be alone in a place like that." He said putting his hand on your hips, which you immediately shaked off.
And at this moment someone pushed the man away. It was Changkyun. "Don't come close to her, she's mine. Understand?" You could see his jaw clenching.
"Okay, okay. Got it. Chill man." The guy said laughing and walking away.
You were happy that he was here but at the same time you were confused how he knew where you've been.
"Changkyun? What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same question!!!" He yelled at you. "What was that? Who was this guy?" He was really mad. And you didn't like that he yelled at you like that... especially when you didn't do anything wrong.
He was angry seeing some guy that close to you, especially that lately you distanced yourself from him.
You suddenly become anxious, tears forming in your eyes, you lowered your head down. When Changkyun saw that you become tense, he shook his head and sadness took over his anger. He hated seeing you crying. And he knew that you really badly endure if someone is yelling at you.
"It's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to yell at you. I'm sorry." His voice soften as he took a step forward and took your hands in his. You relaxed by his touch.
"Let's go home, Okay?" You nodded your head to his question.
"But first I have to tell girls that I'm leaving" and as you said you quickly swiped of tears and went to the dance floor where girls were dancing and said that you are leaving with your boyfriend. Of course they wanted you to stay and tried to hold you but Changkyun intervened and they let you go.
You were driving in silence for the most of the ride. And it wasn't a comfortable silence. You both could feel the tension.
"Sooo you still didn't answer my question. What you were doing at the party? I thought that you were studying tonight." He asked looking at the road and avoiding an eye contact. You felt so terrible. You didn't want to lie to your boyfriend but you still was sad that he thought that you are clingy. And studying was an excuse to not to spend time with him and give him space. But right now you started to have doubts about it.
"I was but Mia decided that they can't leave me alone so I had to go with them." You answered mirroring Kyuns behaviour, looking ahead on the road.
"Oh, so you have time to go out to drink but you don't have time to give me at least one call, huh?" You could feel that he was hurt. But so you were too.
"I thought that I'm a burden to you so I decided to give you space..." You put your head low and started to play with your fingers.
At that time you arrived at your apartment parking.
"What? I've never said anything like that. Where did you get this from?" Finally he turned to look at you.
"But you did say something like that. About a week ago, when I came to the studio the door to your room was open and I've heard you complaining about me to Soobin. You said that you have enough of spending a lot of time with me and that I'm clingy. So I decided not to come in and instead I went home." Holding his both hands on the wheel he listened to you carefully as you quietly explained your point of view.
"I don't even know what to say right now YN." he looked at you with mixed emotions. You couldn't say if he is angry, sad or just disappointed. "Then don't say anything" that proved that he didn't care about you so you wanted to get out of the car as quick as possible but his hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Don't. Please. I'm sorry, listen..." When you looked at him with teary eyes he thought that his heart stopped. It really hurt you what he said a week ago. Changkyun took your hand and hold in his both hands.
"Yn, baby. I didn't want to say that. I didn't mean that, really." He hold your chin and put it up so you were looking at him. "I love you and I love spending time with you, please believe me." A tear went down your face and he swiped it with his thumb.
"I just had a hard day. We are finishing my album and everything is just stressing me out. I know that it is not an excuse but I seriously had no idea why I said that, I'm sorry."
"Can I hug you?" You asked shyly and Kyun immediately hugged you caressing slowly his hand on your back and the other hand patting gently your head.
"If I ever say something like that again just punch me in the face" He said, which make you laugh.
"Do you want me to stay with you for the night?" He asked While still hugging you. You pulled out from his embrace. "Yes, if you can..."
"Of course I can baby" he said kissing your lips.
And that's how you both spent the night drinking wine and talking about this whole week. He said sorry to you a couple more times and promised that you are his favourite person and he will never have enough of you.
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maximura · 2 months
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Hyunjin | I.M
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flurrys-creativity · 1 year
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Pairing: Im Changkyun (Monsta X) x GN!Reader; Genre: Established Relationship AU, PWP; Rating: MDNI, nsfw, 18+; Warnings: making out, oral (m receiving), kinda voyerism as they are in an elevator; Wordcount: 1.085
Summary: You wanted to surprise your boyfriend but he had a little surprise for you too.
A/N: It’s based on this tiktok… it cursed me... and I just... all of you have to suffer with me.. enjoy this!
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You stumbled backwards into the elevator. If you hadn’t been clinging onto Changkyun’s grey form-fitting shirt you probably would have landed on your behind. You wanted to slow down your pace in hopes of stabilising yourself again but Changkyun simply wrapped his arm around your middle and pushed you into the elevator faster than before.
He had his hands all over you, kissing and nipping at your skin eagerly. 
Somehow you had managed to sneak past security and surprise him inside the fitness studio in the basement of his apartment building. Usually you could only enter if Changkyun announced your visit beforehand so seeing you so unexpectedly made his heart beat even faster. Definitely more violently than the training he just did.
You were of no help when you slyly told him you bought new underwear and wanted to show him. Changkyun basically dropped everything on the spot and dragged you towards the VIP elevator. 
As you two waited for the elevator to arrive and open its doors, Changkyun already devoured you like the sweetest dessert on earth. He thrusted his tongue inside your mouth, entangling it with yours and playing around until he heard your soft moans and whimpers. 
Changkyun barely needed to do anything for you to feel all hot and bothered. You rubbed your thighs against each other, feeling the throbbing heat between your legs growing stronger by the minute. You weren’t the only one heavily affected as you felt his dick straining inside his sweatpants.
That’s how you found yourself on your knees even before the elevator doors closed behind you two. Changkyun exhaled heavily at the sight, readily pushing his sweatpants and boxers down. His cock immediately sprung free, nearly hitting your face.
You weren’t worried about getting caught since the VIP elevator would only stop again once you reached your destination on the 75th floor. No outside forces would be able to stop the elevator and reveal the act you were about to start.
While you grabbed his shaft and leisurely started pumping him, Changkyun blindly searched for the button of the penthouse suite. His desperation to only focus on you grew by the second, making him carelessly press a button he thought might be the right one.
You looked up at him with innocent eyes while you continued stroking his shaft. A soft smile played over your lips before you leaned forward and licked along his dick - from the base up towards its head. You even wrapped your lips around the head and suckled on it for a few seconds. 
Changkyun groaned in pleasure. He steadied himself by placing one hand against the elevator walls. His other hand found its way into your hair, brushing it out of your face and grabbing it at the back of your head. 
You licked over your lips as you held your gaze with him. You even bit down on your lower lip, relishing in the fact it drove him even crazier. Your eyes shortly dropped down to his twitching dick, noticing the white pearls of precum forming. Without hesitation you leaned forward again and smeared his precum over your lips, looking back up to Changkyun as you did so.
You pushed your tongue out and let some of your drool drop on his shaft, slicking it up before you took him into your mouth. 
Changkyun’s hold on your hair became stronger once you hollowed your cheeks and sucked him off more vigorously. It took everything within him to stay put, trying to ignore his desire to simply fuck into your wet cave. He still couldn’t help his hand pressing you further down his dick, moaning and groaning at the sight of you taking him so well.
Your jaw slackened and you willingly followed his guidance, bobbing your head in the rhythm Changkyun was giving you. At the same time you used one of your hands to roam over the area of his body you could reach. Your hand snaked its way underneath Changkyun’s tight fitting shirt, wandering along his toned muscles, which you easily saw even with that excuse of a shirt. Your nails raked along his skin, amplifying the pleasure for him.
“Floor 37”, the automatic voice of the elevator announced loudly before it stopped and the doors opened.
You choked around Changkyun’s cock as he simultaneously thrusted forward to push you into the farthest corner of the elevator, trying to shield your form to his best ability.
Changkyun turned around with nervous eyes, feeling the relief lifting from his body once he saw nobody in front of the elevator. He leaned backwards and reached for the panel, pressing the right button this time around. With a sheepish smile Changkyun turned back around to you. He carefully brushed the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, looking down at you fondly. “You’re taking me so well”, he murmured, keeping his hand on your cheek.
You preened under his comment and ministrations, slacking your jaw once again and breathing evenly through your nose. With a soft hum you notified Changkyun you wanted to continue where you left off.
“Be good for me”, Changkyun simply told you as a warning, grabbing your hair again as he started thrusting into your mouth. 
Drool and tears ran down your chin and dropped onto your chest since you had no chance of swallowing right now. You could only keep rooted in your place and let Changkyun abuse your cavern to his liking - not that you would want it any other way. His groans of pleasure sent you spiralling as well. 
With the ding of the elevator and the announcement you reached the penthouse suite, Changkyun came down your throat. He pushed himself into your mouth as far as possible, staying there while his pulsating cock shot his load into you.
Even though you tried swallowing everything once Changkyun pulled out, some of his cum dripped out of your mouth, running down along the lines of drool and tears towards your chin.
Changkyun leaned down and grabbed your chin, swiping his tongue over the mixture of liquids before he sealed your lips with an intense kiss. “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow after what I’m planning to do to you tonight”, he smirked and helped you up to your feet. “Maybe you should have swallowed my cum after I made you scream my name over and over again.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, and pulled you into the suite, ready to fulfil his promise immediately.
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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dreamaze · 2 years
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Monsta X ⟡ Reason ver.1-4
84 notes · View notes
nihyunluvskookie · 2 years
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[Changkyun] : you should’ve known by this time
genre: fluff
[Changkyun] : I want to fall deeper in your love, Changkyun
genre: fluff
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truthofself · 2 years
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Title: lie to me Pairing(s): Hyungwon & Changkyun (Monsta X) Word Count: 1,494 Warning(s): N/A Original Date: 19 May 2018
Likes & Reblogs Appreciated <3 my ko-fi link
University wasn't anything like Im Changkyun expected. The only thing that was what he expected were the stupid parties thrown at the frats and his liking of being buzzed. What he wasn't expecting was go meet a model and instantly kind of like having him around. What he wasn't expecting was trying to play it cool around that boy. And when it ultimately failed, he wasn't expecting to pretend to start hating him to fix the issue of people figuring out he liked the tall model boy named Chae Hyungwon.
He spent a quarter of a semester playing it cool, looking cool and trying to impress Chae Hyungwon. But it never worked. The model was never impressed or even interested in the activities Changkyun had done. Not interested in him toying with his normal fashion sense or taking a stupid amount of selfies. Never interested when he asked if he wanted coffee, Hyungwon always spoke the same exhausted and bored tone asking for the same boring Americano everytime. It was annoying, frustrating and irked Changkyuns very being. Maybe that's why one week he finally snapped. No matter how much he adored and loved that model. He couldn't just sit around anymore and watch him or listen to him.
They weren't agreeing anymore. Changkyun openly went out of his way to disagree and bother Hyungwon. He openly showed disdain and anger towards the other male. Even if Chae Hyungwon was still able to make his heart flutter or even stop. Im Changkyun did everything to ignore those feelings and remind the model how much he apparently hated him. And he did, for weeks, for months.
Until the end of the semester. The last place Changkyun expected to see the model was the end of the semester frat Party. Which vexed him more than anything about Hyungwon. Changkyun attempted to get him to attend a frat party with him when they were friends. But he never wanted to. He always was studying or needed to sleep for an upcoming shoot and didn't want to risk having bags under his eyes. But here he stood, in the kitchen doorway. Red solo cup in hand laughing. Changkyun just stares for a few moments, taking a few drinks from his own cup.
What did he do to deserve seeing that boy here.
But yet, his heart still fluttered and raced. Changkyun was unsure if it was just the ridiculous amount of vodka he had already out into his system in the few hours he was there dancing or if it was because he still loved the model. He figured the latter because he would have happily gone over and flirted or asked to dance. He spent months away from and avoiding Chae Hyungwon, he hated the fact he pretended to hate him. He hated the fact he drove him Away. It was times like this were he was staring that made it obvious he was still in love. It was these times they his friends would notice and still tease him about the model.
It was times like this that sparked the idea of truth or dare in Changkyuns best friends head. She happily giggled, obviously gone on her own cups of vodka.
She happily whisked him away by the wrist taking him to an empty room away from the world up stairs. Slurred versions of stay here and wait fell from her lips as she vanished from the room. It took a bit, but she kept bringing in more people. One by one, she brought mutual friends, and one sided friends. Until a group of about 13 sat in that lonely room. Everyone held a cup, and after a few final moments passed as she emerged again through the door with the boy Changkyun wished she hadn't brought hooked around her arm. Chae Hyungwon seemed to be the same stoic man he always was. Besides for the small smile that was obviously tugging at the edges of his lips, and the pink that laid on his skin. Maybe if Changkyun was sober he would've left, upset at the sight but pleased that his best friend still understood him. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to be livid at the action done by the female. But he just grinned slightly, pleased.
“Binnie, what did you bring us here for” Changkyun spoke the girls name, with slurs in his words.
“Well Changkyunnie” she spoke taking a seat next to him. “Since it's the end of the sem, truth or dare” A grin was apparent on her lips  as she pulled a bottle out of the small bag that was pressed against her.
Always depend on Huang Binnie to be carrying more bottles of alcohol whenever it's needed. Keeping people tipsy when needed. Plus, she was just someone who loved vodka. She said it got her through all her problems and even school.
But here they are as they play Truth or Dare. Who knew it was still so captivating to University students. But everyone seemed to focused in each other. Seemed so focused on truths spoken that everyone is going to forget by morning. So focused on the stupid dares spoken, through lisped words and stutters and it was fine, until Hyungwon got to chose another person.
“Changkyun-ssi” He spoke, he seemed to focused on Changkyun, as if he'd slil away if he stopped looking at him.
Changkyun hummed in reply, focusing on making eye contact with the model and trying to hold back a smile knowing Hyungwon was only paying attention to him.
“Truth or Dare”
“Truth” And time stood still as Hyungwon paused, thinking obviously shocked that Changkyun choose truth over dare until the other time he was picked by someone.
“Have you ever lied to me, and what was it”
“I hate you Chae Hyungwon, more than anything” Was flowing from his mouth before he even had a chance to think about it. “I actually really like you” He didn't feel shameful or embarrassed. He just held his head high.
There was no reply at first. Just simple stares, a suffocating silence. Here Changkyun felt frustration fall into his mood again again Hyungwon opened his mouth.
“Believe me I like you too Changkyun-ssi” Hyungwon with a smile.
How long had they been together a year? A glorious year that made Changkyun the happiest. Even Hyungwon seemed pleased at the start before falling back into his normal Stoic persona. But it didn't bother Changkyun anymore like it once had. It made him happy now. Spending days with hands interlocked with the model. Spending days at photoshoots with him, or going out to dinners. They were happy.
And here they were at a similar frat party to mark the end of yet another semester. Go mark the end of the year. Together the two boys arrived together arms hooked. Changkyun was just grinning, and sometimes a similar grin flashed across Hyungwons face.
And even after a year, they found themselves in the same situation that got them together. The same boring empty room. Similar people, similar words spoken.
Expect the roles reversed.
“Hyungwon? Babe?”
“Truth or dare”
“Tell me a lie you've been telling me all this time, and be honest”
Time stopped with the words that Hyungwon said. A head hung low, his voice wavered. Stuttered filled the words. “Believe me, I love you.”
Changkyun could have choked on the air he was breathing. Tears quickly formed at the edge of his eyes. He quickly found his way to his feet and stumbled out of the room, water falling from his eyes. He gulped down on the saliva that filled his mouth as he fell into a bathroom. Hyungwon followed him, closing the bathroom door behind him. Giving a few moments of silence.
“Go away” Changkyun spoke.
“Let me explain”
“There's nothing to explain”
“Yes there is.”
Changkyun glared at Hyungwon, begging that he were to leave but he didn't. He stood his ground at the door. But finally he spoke and explained himself.
“I did love you. The first time we met. I adored you Changkyun. And then you left me. Hated me. But then we got drunk at the last end semester party, and you said you liked me.”
“shut up”
“No. I'm going to explain myself. I was glad you confessed. And I did love you. I loved you last year. And this last year dating you was fantastic. I was happy. Even if I stopped loving you. I was glad you were happy.”
“I hate you”
But Hyungwons words felt on deaf ears as the younger got up and pushed his out of his away and hastily made an exit. His love and adoration for Chae Hyungwon had died there and festered into the hatred he had pretended to have for the male last year. But now it was true, and stronger than his love once was for him.
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hannieween · 8 months
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killer | heartbreaker series | c.sc
Choi Seungcheol is a strategist to his core. And he thought it would be simple to steal princess from her castle. Well, he thought wrong.
✧ pairing: choi seungcheol x female reader ✧ genre: angst, fluff, smut (18+) ✧ aus: gambler seungcheol, boyfriend seungcheol ✧ word count: 18.3k
↣ previous chapters – other fics – buy me coffee? ᨐฅ
₊🎧: heartbreak – minho | winterfall – dpr ian | flower-ed – i.m
₊ nsfw tags under the cut
✧ warnings: flashback chapter, this chapter is really long pls bear w me, smut with plot, reader has an abusive family, cheol is a bit possessive, a whole lot of drama i warned you, first times, corruption kink, oral sex (f), pussy stretching, body worshipping, multiple unprotected sex scenes, pull out method, a whole lot of exhibitionism: sex in public spaces; mentions of alcohol, couch sex, creampie, daddy kink, dom seungcheol, sub reader, big dick seungcheol, monsta x i.m makes an appearance (i love that man, let me be), pet names: love, baby, beautiful, angel (hers), daddy, babe (his)
✧ a/n: this is loosely proofread.
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✧ disclaimer: minors dni this post is intended for 18+ readers. please have your age stated in your description and try not to look like a bot please 🙂.
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part iii
six years before – (first year together)
The first time Seungcheol saw you, he swore he had never laid eyes on someone so beautiful. You were strolling around the party wearing a literal tiara on your head and a sparkly dress that played with his eyesight when you walked past him. 
The place was so packed with people but still, you had managed to drive the attention of nearby eyes to you only. When you danced with your girlfriends all in a group and started drinking out of a strawberry vodka, straight from the bottle.
"Birthday girl gets to drink first!" one of your friends chanted over the loud music. That was how Seungcheol knew that it was your birthday. 
Probably that explained the tiara on your head, he thought.
Although Seungcheol had found at last something interesting to hold his attention to, he couldn't help but think that it was a weird place for someone like you to be in. 
He sat at a round foldable table, a ragged green cloth covered it. Completely cluttered with red plastic cups, ashtrays, a lonely tequila bottle and packs of cards. 
Seungcheol had thought that the reunion for tonight would only be for the game. But upon arriving he immediately thought that the crowd was mixed, since on one corner you and your friends were getting blasted, another corner was occupied by the table he was sitting at. And between them, a lot of people who he didn't recognize.
One of your friends laughed loudly when you tilted your head back, mouth wide open while the other poured alcohol down your throat. But you closed your mouth too soon, spilling vodka on your chin and down your neck. 
"What the fuck?" Changkyun muttered under his breath, flicking the bud of the cigarette he was taking to his mouth to give it a long draw, winking one eye as he looked over his shoulder to your friend group. 
"Honey's girlfriend invited them," Seungcheol explained briefly, after being informed of the situation. "It's someone's birthday, I think."
"Mm," he nodded his head and exhaled the smoke slowly. "That would explain all the squealing." 
There was indeed a lot of laughter and squealing coming from your friend group. He noticed that you were probably just here for a pre-drinking session because it was a tad bit too early to be downing shots like that, unless you were planning to go elsewhere. 
You twirled around for one of your friends who apparently wanted to see your sparkly dress and when you did, you elicited a bunch of 'aws' and compliments from your girlfriends, making you blush and cover your face with your hands. 
Seungcheol smiled. Pretty. He threw his head back as he downed the last sip of soju from the bottle. Mind reeling, split in two between the game and the start of his new plan. 
When the game came to an end, Seungcheol collected his prize from the table and pocketed it with a nonchalant expression on his face. 
Changkyun clicked his tongue. "I'll get you next time, Coups." 
Seungcheol rolled his eyes when he heard his friend use his old nickname. "Sure you will, Kyun." 
He rose from the chair and followed his friend out the tiny apartment and onto the open halls of the building complex for a smoke. 
Seungcheol shook his head when offered the blunt. "I'm driving back home," he muttered and bent on the rails to prop his elbows over it. 
Changkyun sucked in a breath and blew the smoke slowly. It was quiet outside, the night had only begun and he could sense that the interesting part was just about to begin. 
"Hiii," a small chirpy voice broke the silence. Seungcheol looked over his shoulder and his friend did too. 
A girl, who Seungcheol vaguely recognized, waved her hand at the pair of unsuspecting men. 
"Hi," Changkyun replied first, the velvet lacing his voice almost made Seungcheol huff in utter embarrassment. 
"Me and my friends are going to this club and we'd like you guys to come with us," she breathed in some of her nervousness. "If you wanna come, obviously." 
Seungcheol remained silent and turned so that he wasn't giving his back to the girl. 
"We'd love to," Changkyun replied first, making Seungcheol arch an eyebrow inquisitively. 
"Great!" the girl replied with a small jolt and turned to run towards your friend group, who watched the whole interaction from afar. "Oh, we're leaving in ten!" 
Seungcheol sent his friend a glare. 
"Wha?" Changkyun squeaked and huffed. "You need to go out more, man. Meet people, girls, dunno." 
"I don't wanna babysit." 
His friend clicked his mouth. "Ayy, you're such a prissy ass," he reprimanded. "Nobody said you'll be babysitting. Have fun for once. Real fun."  
The smell of burnt weed had started to affect him, surely, because Seungcheol only shook his head and said: "Fine. But I can't stay long, okay? I have a game tomorrow morning." 
"I have a game tomorrow morning," Changkyun parroted, doing a poor imitation of Seungcheol's tone and then huffed again before tucking the blunt on his lips one final time. "Nerd." 
"Asshole," he retorted and rolled his eyes.
Seungcheol's friend was a bit of a player, as long as he had known him, he had never settled with one partner for longer than three months. Which, to Seungcheol's point of view, was whatever.
But to his friend, Seungcheol was a total loner.
"It doesn't hurt to do something different once in a while," he encouraged with a small smile. "You're in your head way too much."
"Mm," Seungcheol nodded and made no comment about it.
The only times he has been in these kinds of situations, had been solely because of his friends. He's not one to go out clubbing, if he wants to get drunk, he does it at home, which in this case would mean, his friends' homes, not at his parents.
So as soon as he followed Changkyun, and a group of girls down the packed, steamy, grimy club, he immediately wanted to turn around and leave.
But he felt dragged by his friend, who was eyeing him warning and knowing looks, making Seungcheol feel like a dick, because he totally was already planning an excuse to go home.
And for once, Seungcheol decided to relax. He didn't have any excuses to go home, and in reality, he did need to go out more, he did need to meet people, rather than staying secluded in his own little bubble.
Changkyun immediately found a place to sit, and to manspread, Seungcheol noted silently. His friend knew what he was doing, because as soon as they found a place to watch your pretty friends reunite around a table and dance, they slowly started flocking around him.
Seungcheol snorted and rolled his eyes when a girl sat between him and his friend in the small seat. It was inevitable, Changkyun always had that quiet alluring aura about him. Whereas Seungcheol was more closed off, which, to him, was alright.
He watched under the neon lights the group of girls progressively get drunker, sloppier, happier until the night reached its high and the energy started to decline rapidly.
He stopped paying attention the minute his friend started snogging the girl that made the invitation for them to come, and feeling like he had a window of opportunity to leave, he rose from the seat and snuck out of the club.
Once outside, Seungcheol exhaled the fresh air of the night and looked up at the dark, moonless night. Torn between going back and telling his friend that he was going home or simply pulling a disappearing act and going home.
"Watch your head, oh no, careful–," he heard someone let out a silly chortle. "Oh my god, your dad is going to kill us."
Seungcheol turned and saw you trying to get one of your friends in the backseat of a car. You had your friend wrapped in one arm and managed to get the door open with the other.
"Get in there," you laughed again when your friend started to put in some resistance, not wanting to leave for home. "Oh my god, this looks so bad, Chae please get in there."
Your friend laughed with you, giving up the fight and you closed the car door, waving your friend back as the car drove away. You exhaled tiredly, and drunkenly and slowly turned.
"Oh, hi there," you gasped, a bit startled by his presence. "Did you see all that?"
Seungcheol nodded silently.
"That was my friend's dad," you put in quickly. "Please don't think that I was aiding a kidnapping."
He couldn't bring himself to reply. He obviously saw the situation as it was and didn't interpret it in a wrongful way.
But he also saw in your eyes that you were quite drunk, the rosy colored cheeks and glistening eyes. You were trying to make him laugh, and he totally didn't get it.
"Are you–," you breathed and looked nervous again. "A friend of Kyun's?"
Seungcheol didn't reply again, not as quickly as you wanted.
"One of my friends has a stupid crush on him," you explained and brushed off with a hand. "I was just wondering because... well, I've seen you around campus."
He felt an eyebrow immediately quirk up before he could control himself. "You have?"
You put your hands on your waist and staggered a little bit. Seungcheol noted that you looked tired and, probably from wearing really high heels, and being drunk didn't help much with your balance either.
"Yeah, you're part of the soccer team, right? And you... you're always at the library too," your tone faltered a little by the end of your sentence and you looked away, clearly embarrassed.
Seungcheol couldn't help but grin a little when he noticed you were flustered. "I'd never seen you around," he admitted, enjoying the blush that intensified on your face. "You've been to my games?"
"I've watched you train... once," you stuttered, raising your drunken gaze back at him.
Were you... flirting with him? Probably. Seungcheol noticed that you looked nervous right away, but you were also drunk and that made you brutally honest.
That made him smile for the first time, your big starry eyes zeroed on his lips when he did that. "And... the library?"
"I'm always there too," you mumbled, bringing a hand to brush some hairs off your face.
The cold wind ruffled his hair too, and your hands held onto the sparkly fabric of your pretty dress when it threatened to blow your skirt. You giggled in utter embarrassment but he just thought you were cute.
And apparently, from your reaction and from your drunken comments, you thought the same about him too.
Seungcheol was the cute library crush you always found caught up on schoolwork at the library desks.
At first you thought it was nice that the sportsy, popular guy would mostly be found buried in essays, but once you saw that his popularity was something he didn't even remotely desired, you found him quite alluring.
And from the moment you noticed him, you saw him everywhere around campus. At the gym, the library, the café. Being that he was of the older generations, a lot of girls found him cute too.
"I probably should go back," you slurred after a brief moment of silence and pointed a thumb back to the club's entrance.
Seungcheol thought of anything to keep you there, but at the same time, he had nothing to say yet, he was just enjoying the dazed look on your face, the pinkish cheeks and the sloppy way you licked your lips.
"Happy birthday," he muttered with an honest smile.
You stopped in your tracks, looking completely flustered, you showed him a small frown, a question written in your eyes.
"Thank you."
You smiled sheepishly and he gave you a polite nod before you went back to your friends.
But that was the moment he solidified his plan.
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The campus library was always cold. The windows were high in the ceiling, so what little sunlight they let in didn't help alleviate the morning chill either.
Seungcheol sat at one of the most secluded desks, buried in his thesis work. At the moment he was just reading and gathering sources, but he was aching to start writing it so he could just be done with getting his degree.
But it was undeniable that he was brilliant. Top of his class, excelling in his sports scholarship too. He kind of hated it too, he was eager to abandon this place once and for all.
But that morning was different. As soon as he settled in his usual spot, he kept alert to any signs of you, he wondered how you noticed him first and he never did you.
Until you came down to the library, an hour and a half later. You were unsuspecting of his watchful eye and that made him curious.
You wore a fluffy sweater and had put your hair in a ponytail, which swayed and bounced a little with your walk, which he noticed was delicate. Almost as if you didn't want to draw any attention towards you, didn't want to make a sound.
Did you know he was watching you? He couldn't tell, but honestly, he felt it was fair game now that he knew you had watched him more than once.
You sat at the far extreme, and it seemed like that was your spot too. As soon as you settled the book beside your laptop, you raised your gaze to his direction, much as if that was a bit of a habit of yours.
As soon as your gazes connected, you lowered your head, pretending to bury your nose in the book sprawled open in your desk.
Seungcheol couldn't help but stifle a smile when you noticed him and made a weak attempt to pretend you weren't looking his way. But he noticed.
The next hours went down that way, exchanging meek glaces at each other that slowly progressed to more knowing, subtle looks. But it ended too soon, when you checked your phone and realized you were late for a class, gathered your things silently, but swiftly and ran from the library.
The following morning, he decided to sit closer to your table. His usual spot was occupied that day so he saw it as an opportunity to sit on the table next to yours.
Sitting across from you, diagonally, he had a clear view from your flustered face upon entering the study section of the library and finding him closer to your spot in the tables.
But you sat in your usual seat anyway. Silently setting down your stuff, your laptop and notebooks and your obnoxious amounts of post-its and highlighters and got to work.
Ten minutes later you got up to find a book on the shelves. Seungcheol couldn't help but to steal a glance at you, but you appeared to be expecting it. Your gazes crossed again and now it was his turn to look away, completely embarrassed.
He looked down at his laptop's keyboard and pretended to type something while on the inside he was deeply and utterly flustered by you.
When you came back to your seat, Seungcheol didn't dare to look your way, not immediately, he thought it would only make his case way too obvious and scare you away.
But then, in his line of vision, he saw your pretty hand slipping a piece of paper on his table with your handwriting in it.
› hi there •ᴗ•
Seungcheol finally looked up, but you were looking down to your open book, very evidently pretending to be immersed in a page. He scrambled on his backpack for a pencil or a pen, anything, just so he could return the note to you.
› hi
He slid the piece of paper back to your table, but you made no move towards it yet, so he returned to his laptop.
Some minutes later, you slipped a new piece of paper. Now, insead of a written down note, you had drawn a three-by-three grid, a single cross on the top right corner. It was a game of tic-tac-toe.
In disbelief, he raised his eyes back to your still pretentious self and smiled. Drawing his zero on the top left corner and return the game to you.
Seungcheol suspected that you didn't want to make your game evident to respect the silence in the library and the students around you. So some thirty seconds later, you returned the piece of paper and copying you, he returned it thirty seconds later as well.
The game took about three minutes. It ended with you winning when you returned the piece of paper with your three crosses aligned and a smiley face.
› that was an easy win; you said in your pretty handwriting.
Seungcheol exhaled a smile softly.
› i let you win
› sore loser?
› or a gentleman...
You snorted quietly as soon as you read that, making Seungcheol smile embarrassedly.
› i appreciate the gesture, but i prefer fair play
His eyebrow twitched slightly.
› i won't go easy on you next round, then.
› bring it on.
You watched his hand twirl the pencil around his fingers a couple of times before writing down his response. The two of you had forgotten to stay discreet, exchanging looks as you passed each other the piece of paper.
› i will on one condition.
› which is?
› that if i win, you go out on a date with me.
› and if i win?
› you choose your prize.
You slipped a new piece of paper with a clean three-by-three grid, with your cross slotted in the middle.
And either you got sloppy or let him win because the game ended too soon with him winning. Did you want him to win? He wondered.
But soon you both hit it off effortlessly. Seungcheol would soon learn that you were kindhearted, sweet and really smart. One of the reasons why you were always at the library was to keep yourself top of the class, too.
He discovered that one of your aspirations was to dedicate your life to your studies, writing, researching and unraveling the mysteries of past lives, authors and their intentions. And he thought it was great that you were determined in your career.
After a number of dates of just you two going out to grab lunch after course hours, Seungcheol made up his mind. And that was that he really liked you, and wanted something more serious.
"Careful with that," one of his friends warned one night.
It was a big university, but word got around fast that the very popular Seungcheol had his eye set on you.
"Why?" he asked slowly.
"She's kind of royalty," his friend explained, which Seungcheol only replied by pushing his eyebrows up. "I mean, look her family name up, you'll see."
Reluctantly, Seungcheol did what his friend said with a snort. Only to find that indeed, your family was kind of royalty in the city.
Owners of one of the biggest enterprises in the country, your parents appeared to be two powerful entrepreneurs with a significant influence in the country.
There were a bunch of photos of them and you posing by their side, hiding your face from the cameras. Cold, distant to you, but oddly enough dubbed by the media as philanthropists.
And before Seungcheol scrolled for more, he stopped himself.
"I don't see why this should mean anything," Seungcheol finalized, rising from the bench inside the locker rooms.
And it didn't. Not at first, at least.
One night, after much preamble of sweet glances and shy touches, Seungcheol offered you a ride home.
As you slid on the passenger seat in his brother's car, you suddenly felt a very unfamiliar heat warm up your body. You hadn't been this close to Seungcheol in private. So far, your interactions had been kept public, and you hadn't so much as touched his shoulder.
So now that you were beside him, you took a moment to calm yourself. But your anxiety was almost palpable, you became quiet, and tried to avert your gaze from him as best as you could.
But it didn't help that Seungcheol was wearing a navy polo shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. And god, he was wearing those jeans today too. His meaty thighs stretched the blue and thick fabric.
Seungcheol noticed your wandering gaze, but made no comment about it.
"Um, pull over here," you signaled him nervously.
"Do you live here?" he asked as he pulled over and leaned over his seat to look up at the tall building at the center of the city.
"Yeah, wi-with my parents," you put in nervously and fidgeted for the door handle and pulled it, opening the door to scramble out of the car.
Seungcheol tilted his head inquisitively and got out of the car as well, following you to the sidewalk. It was already dark outside, so he wondered if your parents gave you some kind of curfew.
"Hold on," he said, stopping you before you could run off to the interior of the building.
"Sorry, I just–," you breathed out nervously and mustered up some courage to look up at his big puppy eyes. "I've never, ever, done this before."
"Done what?" Seungcheol asked slowly, feeling a small smile creeping on his face.
"This, d-dates, dating," you stuttered a bit, which caused you to smile shyly. "I might have some moments of boldness around you but—I really like you, Seungcheol."
Seungcheol looked at you, the sweet girl that hadn't left his mind since that moment he met you, the pretty girl he already had concocted plans to win over, you were toying with the dainty necklace with your fingers anxiously and smiled.
"Call me Cheol," he corrected softly, offering a sliver of familiarity before he added. "I like you too. A lot."
You blinked at him, your fingers stopped fidgeting and your mouth parted a little. "Cheol," you nodded, smiling at him shyly.
"We can take it slow," he offered and pressed his lips into a smile.
His dimples showed on his cheeks and your heart twisted, making your breath hitch ever so slightly.
"But... that's the thing," you crossed your arms over your chest now, and he guessed it was to keep yourself from fidgeting any more. "I don't want to... take it slow."
Seungcheol arched an eyebrow. "Please elaborate," he mumbled with a goofy chuckle.
"I mean, we've gone out five times already and you haven't even kissed me," you babbled and he could see that you were beginning to be flustered.
Seungcheol pondered for a second. Why hasn't he kissed you yet? Well, it wasn't his indecision, really. He would've done it the first time you both went out together. But the truth was, he wanted to do things right with you.
"I didn't want you to think that I'm going too fast," he mumbled hesitantly, bringing a hand up to scratch a fake itch on his nape.
"Oh," you uttered and frowned. "In that case..." you trailed off, unable to find what words to say.
Your previous words you said hung in his mind, giving out the reason why you were almost jittery whenever he even so much dared to press the palm of his hand between your shoulder blades.
You've never had a boyfriend before. Not by choice, you've had a few crushes before, but nothing that ever went farther than just simple, innocent kisses.
But Seungcheol had awakened something in you. Something so unfamiliar that unnerved you to your bones. It was a warmth that made you feel hot under your clothes, it made your blood rush to your cheeks and twist your heart.
"Come here," Seungcheol said, opening his strong arms and pulling you in a comforting hug.
It wasn't a friendly hug, the purpose of it was to try and calm down your anxieties, to make you realize that he wanted to be more serious with you.
You stiffened under his embrace at first, but quickly wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your head on his shoulder, breathing in his manly scent, the cologne in his clothes.
The warmth feeling invaded you again when you felt his heartbeat against your own chest, when he appeared to be pressing his lips slowly on the crown of your head. Oh my god, you thought over and over.
When you felt like the hug had went over for minutes, you peeled off his body slowly and reluctantly, but suddenly stopped short
"Oh–," you gasped.
"What–," he muttered and looked down.
Your gold necklace had tangled in one of the buttons of his polo shirt, making you giggle shyly and brought a hand up to attempt to untangle the mess.
Seungcheol seized your hand, your eyes snapping to his nervously as his other hand came to cup your chin gingerly. Your eyes read his face, widening slightly when you saw it in his gaze—he wanted to kiss you.
His half-lidded puppy eyes swam over the features of your face, on your eyes, your lips and then back up. And you wondered what the look on your face might have been, because it made him smile softly.
You, in turn, looked flustered. And Seungcheol knew that you wanted this because your lips had parted in desire, your breath hitched at his touch. And your eyes, so telling of your own intentions.
Slowly, Seungcheol dipped his head to meet your lips with his own, keeping his hand on your chin to keep you in place. You swallowed hard the second you felt his wet lips on yours, pressing tenderly once, twice, until they locked slowly, moving against each other seamlessly.
Your eyes had fluttered close, as you let the man you've been crushing for months dominate the kiss, and that he did gingerly, almost lovingly. The hand that had seized yours slowly pressed his palm against your own, and you took the liberty to lace your fingers with his.
When the kiss ended he parted to look at your pretty eyes, moving the hand from your chin to brush the softness of your cheek and you leaned in to his touch, almost instinctively.
"Seungcheol," you muttered then, "Cheol, I have something to tell you."
You pressed your hand against the one that was cupping your cheek. And Seungcheol pushed his eyebrows up slightly, encouraging you to speak.
"I don't know how much you know about me, about my family, but it has scared some people off my life before and... I don't want that to be you," you muttered with a tinge of nervousness quivering your tone.
"I'm not going anywhere," he reassured, leaning to press a kiss to your forehead. "Don't think that for a second."
That was the start to your relationship with Choi Seungcheol.
And for all his plans of taking it slow, you both sure flew into first, second, third base pretty fast. Seungcheol was careful with you every step of the way, but sometimes he found you so hard to resist.
And it didn't help that your sex drive was just as high as his, or even higher.
The making out session had started innocently. Seungcheol had driven almost aimlessly out of the city until he found a perfect spot to park in a secluded area.
By this point, you were a month into dating. So you were pretty much still new to all things relating to intimacy. But at the same time, you were so eager for more. To go past brief touches and short make out sessions.
But there was something different about you tonight. Maybe it was that you were far from the city and the car was practically hidden from view and upcoming cars, deep into some trail in the woods.
Maybe it was that you thought he looked extra hot that night. Wearing a tight black long sleeve t-shirt. But you found Seungcheol hot, no matter what he did or wore.
You were pressed against the steering wheel of the car, straddling him in a very lewd manner. You've never gone this far, but it was exciting, it was taunting.
"Baby," he muttered against your lips, one of his hands was cupping your face while the other was kneading anxiously at the curve of your waist.
"Mm?" you hummed softly in his mouth, not wanting to pull away, you felt as though you were unable to.
"Is this okay?" he asked with a strangled tone. It had been some minutes since either of you had spoken. He cleared his throat and added: "We're not going too far?"
You had never gotten this close to anyone before. Your heart was beating so hard against your chest that you could feel your pulse at your throat.
"This is okay," you breathed, capturing his lower lip between yours and he groaned. "I want this."
"Want what?" he moved a hand from the side of your face to your lower back, eliciting a small moan from you. "Fuck," he breathed when he heard you.
"I want you," you whispered, pressing your lips on his jawline, then down his neck, daring to lick his skin.
His fingers clenched on your flesh, over your clothes and hissed loudly. "Baby, don't do that," he groaned.
"Don't like it?" you asked and finally peeled off him.
The look on your face was something Seungcheol couldn't get enough of. You looked flustered, hot and horny. Your lips were swollen from all the kissing, and the steamy conditions from the inside of the car made your skin dewy, making your hair stick to your neck.
"I do, I like it," he chuckled, feeling embarrassed. "I like it too much."
Your features took on a bolder look. "How much?" you asked with a playful tone, smiling a bit.
Seungcheol rolled his eyes at your playful question, feeling like he might explode soon.
But he only took your hand and guided it to the huge bulge pressing against his jeans, wordlessly telling you just how much he was driven insane by you.
It was a bold move, he knew it. Your eyes widened and a shudder invaded you, along with that warmth that begged you to move farther, to get more from this interaction.
You swallowed thickly. "You're..." you trailed off.
Seungcheol mimicked you and swallowed hard too. He removed your hand from his hard crotch and kissed your knuckles.
"Do you want to... do something about it?" you asked shyly and smiled to yourself.
"Like what?" he asked, now being playful with you.
"Do you want me to touch you?" you asked with a tiny voice, your shifty eyes averting from his.
"No," he replied, drawing your eyes back at him with a question written in them. "I don't want you to do that now, baby."
"Doesn't it... hurt?" you asked meekly and turned your gaze yet again from him.
Seungcheol smiled. "Not right now, but it will later," he replied simply, shrugging as if this wasn't the first time he's gotten blue-balled by you.
"Why does it sound like it's normal for you?" you caught right on, an eyebrow jumping up.
He pinched your chin with his index and thumb. "You drive me crazy, baby. You always leave me a little needy," he explained, but then realizing how he sounded, he added: "But it's okay, I'm not pressuring you to do anything you don't want to do."
"But I want to, Cheol," you repositioned yourself on his lap, scooting your crotch closer to his.
That made his hands snap to your hips, just when he felt a little bit of friction on his hard and clothed cock.
He stifled a moan. "What do you want, baby?"
You swore you went a little crazy every time he called you that. You bit your lip, looking at his big and dark eyes.
His hand cupped your chin again, motioning you closer so that he could kiss you on your lips.
"Mm? What do you want?" he egged you on, his voice low and pouring into your ears.
"Take me," you whispered between kisses.
A groan bubbled in his chest and deepened the kiss by swiping a line with the tip of his tongue on your lower lip. You moaned softly in his mouth too, and the sound might have sent him into a frenzy too.
"No," he groaned with a low guttural tone.
"Please?" you asked before he could even explain himself.
"Not here, baby," he started and pressed his body back on his seat, thus parting away from your lips. "You're not having your first time in my brother's car."
You blinked, looking a bit startled and searched his eyes.
"Don't you want to have your first time in a bed?" he asked, his eyebrows knitting at his question.
That seemed to cool you down from your frenzy moment and appeared to be considering it.
You nodded quietly. "With you," you replied with a certain tone of plea.
He blinked slowly, realizing that you had thought he was rejecting your advances. "Of course, baby," he replied with a warm smile.
You pressed your lips in a cute pout, and then you hit him with puppy eyes. "Can we... continue where we left off?"
"What do you want?" he asked again, his hands parked on your hips.
You fidgeted with the collar of his black t-shirt, shyly glancing at his eyes, then back to your hands. "Can you touch me?"
Seungcheol pressed his hands on the curve of your waist and nodded. "Where, baby?"
Your breath hitched audibly but neither of you made note about it. Borrowing a page from his book, you took his hands from your waist, and guided them to your breasts, indicating where you wanted his hands.
Your blood rushed to your face in utter embarrassment from how wet you felt already, your panties were pooling with your arousal and the second you motioned his hands on your breasts, over your clothes, you swallowed back a moan.
Seungcheol applied pressure to your tits, kneading at them softly, over the fabric of your blouse and bra. You knew that wasn't enough, you needed to feel him directly.
You dropped your forehead on his and breathed out your nervousness. "God, I'm so wet," you whispered and let out an embarrassed laugh.
Seungcheol groaned louder this time and closed his eyes fiercely. His hands flew from your tits and pressed you down on his cock by your hips.
"Fuck," he breathed, anxiously tightening his grip on your sides. "Can I feel you?"
You nodded desperately. "Yes, please?" you sighed a moan.
His hand sneaked beneath your skirt, realizing that you might've come prepared for this because you were also wearing a lace thong, as soon he would discover when the pads of his fingers grazed your clothed pussy.
"Baby," he called, making you pull back and lock eyes with him. "You can stop me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"
You nodded and bit your lip in anticipation, looking down where his hand had disappeared beneath your skirt.
But a hand grabbed your chin gently to lift your gaze back at his. "I need to hear it."
"Okay," you replied.
He then searched for the hem of your thong and moved it aside to uncover your cunt to his fingers, where he ran the pads of his fingers, shuddering slightly when he felt the softness covered with your arousal.
"So wet," he whispered and swallowed back a groan. "You're dripping, baby."
You nodded and bit back a moan when his fingers exploring your cunt found your clit almost effortlessly.
"There?" he asked and you nodded. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"Good," you breathed immediately when the pads of his middle fingers rubbed your clit back and forth, pressing on the nub just the right amount to make you moan.
"You sound so sweet," he mumbled almost entrancingly, enjoying the look on your face when your eyelids fluttered shut and your lips parted a little, allowing a sigh to escape between them.
Your hands slid from his shoulders down to his chest and you leaned back on the steering wheel to give him ample space to continue pleasuring you.
Seungcheol put his free hand to use by hiking your skirt up, uncovering your lush thighs to his view. Under the weak moonlight, he could also see your pretty cunt, and he pushed your panties aside further so he could see just how wet you were.
"God, baby," he looked up, his darkened eyes finding yours. "You're perfect."
You were still biting your lip, unable to make a coherent response because his touch was nearly driving you crazy.
Seungcheol threw you a cautious glance, before dipping one finger inside your entrance, his mouth parted at the same time yours did.
"Cheol," you mewled when his finger slid in completely exploring your warm and wet walls.
"Is that okay?" he asked, dragging his finger out to then push it back in.
You nodded and then replied. "Yeah, okay," you babbled.
"More?" he asked, but it sounded like he was testing you.
"Yes, yes more, please," you whimpered desperately trying to get more so you could finally get the pleasure you seeked.
Seungcheol pushed another digit in, feeling your walls contract and that made him gasp. But wasted no time and started exploring your gummy walls, every ridge, every slippery fold.
You held onto one of his buff biceps, your fingers digging on his muscle quite harshly but not enough to hurt him.
"Relax, baby," he whispered. But there was no denying that he was loving every second of you getting off by just a couple of fingers. And not only that, him being the first to be doing this was also giving him a rush.
"It feels good," you gasped and looked at his eyes.
"Yeah? Do you like it if I do this?" he asked before curling his fingers inside you, the pointy tips of his fingers pressing on your walls in a very sensitive spot.
"God! Yes, that feels good," you gasped, your hips buckled on top of him just as he started to move his hand repeatedly, teasing that glorious spot inside you.
"Like that?" he asked with a strangled tone, feeling like he might come in his pants from just seeing you and feeling you with his fingers.
"Yes, yes, yes," you whimpered. "Don't stop—please? Please, Cheol, it feels so good."
Seungcheol felt the corner of his mouth twitch up in a smirk. "I'm not stopping, baby," he replied.
Your breath had started to hitch and the hand holding onto his bicep clenched hard and then went lax. You were close, but it was quite difficult to get to your much desperately needed release.
"Do you want to rub your clit?" Seungcheol asked when he noticed and you nodded. "Show me how you do it, baby," he instructed, not stopping his hand on your cunt, but only moving it to give more access to your fingers.
You lifted your hips a little, giving him the full view to your cunt as you reached your clit with your fingers and started rubbing. You mewled instantly at the motion of both your fingers and his inside you, making you cry out in pleasure.
"Are you close, angel?" he asked, when he saw the features of your face relax, moaning sweetly and looking almost angelical.
"Yeah," you gasped, a rush of bliss taking over you when he used that new nickname on you. "Mm so close," you moaned.
"God, you look so good like this," he whispered in complete awe.
"Cheol," you mewled. "I'm there, god, g–ah," your eyebrows knitted and your mouth opened, breathing in sharply as you came hard on his fingers, the orgasm was nearly mind-numbing, not only from how good it felt, but from how long you had been aching for this.
"So good, so good," you whimpered over and over as you came, eyes closed, enjoying every second of it.
Seungcheol also enjoyed the look on your face, the sounds you made, how tightly you squeezed his fingers with your warm walls.
By the end of your orgasm, you were panting, thighs trembling a little, and you leaned forward a little to get some support. Seungcheol used his free hand to cup your cheek, motioning you over to his lips.
You kissed him softly, still breathing erratically.
"You did so good, baby," he whispered on your lips. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay," you frowned. "Perfect, actually."
Seungcheol laughed and pressed his lips on your forehead.
You shuddered slightly when he pulled out his fingers from your walls and brought his hand up to his mouth to lick your arousal from his fingers, looking at your eyes as he got his first taste of you.
"Seu—Cheol? What are you doing?" you sounded alarmed as you watched him groan in approval and as if he were testing you, he pulled you for a kiss.
You tasted yourself in his tongue, the act so lewd that it had you whimpering again.
"You're so perfect baby," he muttered with a low tone.
He fixed your panties back in place and then your skirt, his fascinated eyes reveling at the sight of you on top of him.
You looked around for the first time in what seemed like hours, and realized that the windows had become obscured with a light layer of condensation.
The sight made you smile a little—it seemed just like in movies. And you were so, so in love with Seungcheol. It seemed fast, but you were also young and so willing to discover things about yourself at his side that time seemed to be unimportant to you.
You brought up a finger and started scribbling on the window of the car.
"I love you," your little message read.
Seungcheol felt something so strong in his chest that it almost robbed him of air. You shyly looked back at him, expecting a response, reading his face for any signs of rejection.
"I love you too," he answered vocally, cupping your face with his hands to kiss you passionately.
Some weeks later, after more taunting each other with heavy make out sessions. You found yourself pressed against the mattress of his twin bed. Nearly naked, only your matching bra and thong were covering your body.
Seungcheol had wished for an opportunity like this. Somehow he was struck by a miracle when his parents told him they would be out of town, so he knew that was his chance to prompt this proposition to you.
Which, of course, you agreed to.
Seungcheol was bare from the waist up, his body hovering on top of you as he slowly worshiped your body, both with kisses and with his sweet words.
You were nervous, utterly embarrassed as you pressed your thighs together, your breathing had turned erratic, pathetically loud to your ears as you watched your boyfriend kneel on the bed before your body.
"Spread your legs for me, baby," he instructed with a soft tone, running a hand on your knee, caressing your bare skin.
You pushed your knees up and parted your thighs slowly for him to slot his body between them. And before he could press his chest to yours, you snaked a hand beneath you to unclasp your bra and removed the straps swiftly.
"Slow down," he chuckled and leaned down to press his lips against yours. "We have time, don't worry."
"I'm nervous," you admitted with a sigh.
"I know," he replied and smiled sweetly at you. "I'm nervous too," he confessed but he didn't look nearly as nervous as you.
Though he was.
"But you've done this before," you countered, blinking at him confusedly.
"It's the first time I do it with you, angel," he replied, pressing his lips on your face, then littering your throat with more kisses.
"I want you to like it," you muttered with a tiny voice.
"Why wouldn't I?" he asked, breaking away from your neck to look at your eyes. "Baby, I'm going to like it no matter what. Relax, I got you."
Seungcheol waited until you gave him a nod with your head and continued loving your skin with his lips. You tried to ease your head into his pillows and you tried to do the same with your limbs, relaxing into the duvet of his twin bed, which you noticed, smelled like his clothes usually do.
"Don't worry about me," he muttered into your ear, making you shudder slightly. "I want you to focus on what you're feeling. Tell me what you like and what you don't, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered.
"You can close your eyes if you want to," he offered before pressing his lips on your cheek.
You decided to keep looking at Seungcheol as he moved your bra aside with delicate fingers, uncovering your breasts to his eyes and he let out a soft sigh that landed on your skin, making it prickle.
You suppressed a sigh, your hands instantly reaching out to hold onto his shoulders and neck when he pressed his lips against your chest, just above your heart, smirking to himself when he heard you swallow back a whimper.
You flinched quite dramatically when his mouth reached down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, loving the taste of your skin, the smell of your perfume with a pleased groan.
Your hand traveled up from his neck and toyed anxiously at the short hair on the back of his head as he moved to kiss and lick your other nipple.
"Baby," he reminded you gently.
"Good," you croaked. "That feels good."
"Do you want to undress me?" he asked, pulling back to his knees on his bed.
You nodded and sat up, getting his belt and undoing the button and zipper of his jeans. He stood up from the bed and you sloppily undressed him, chuckling embarrassedly at yourself throughout the process.
You looked up at the growing bulge beneath his black boxers and instinctively reached for the elastic band and pulled the last piece of clothing on his body.
You bit your lip harder than before when you saw your boyfriend wholly naked and standing in front of you. He was fully hard for you already, the pinkish red tip of his cock was glistening with precum at his slit.
All the times you imagined him naked weren't compared to the real beauty Seungcheol was. Your eyes roamed from his broad shoulders, his lean chest, to the soft hairs trailing down from his belly button and joining his pubic hair.
Seungcheol was big, but you had figured that out already. But seeing him fully bare was something else. He enjoyed the look in your eyes when you couldn't help but to reach out and touch his milky white skin.
The muscles of his abdomen tightened slightly when you ran your fingertips over the soft lines marking it and down his meaty thighs. Darting a look up at him, you trailed a fingertip down the shaft of his cock, his breath hitching slightly at the feeling. You gingerly ran the pad of your finger over the soft ridges below his cockhead and swallowed thickly.
Seungcheol moved decisively towards you, pressing a knee on the bed then the other, making you crawl backwards on the bed and lie back down on his pillows.
His fingers hooked on the band of your lace thong you bought solely for the occasion and slid them down your legs slowly and you lifted your feet from the mattress for him to get rid of the thong and finally have you completely bare and exposed to him.
"You're so, so beautiful, baby," he said with a sigh, his big expressive eyes marveling at your figure on his bed.
"Thank you, Cheol," you whispered bashfully.
You averted your gaze when he dipped his head and started grazing kisses along your tummy and tried to focus on the sensations, your skin prickling, heating up, the arousal shooting like a bolt of lightning inside you with each kiss.
The blinds on Seungcheol's room were slightly parted, blowing in with the wind that filtered through the open window. It was a quiet, windy night, and the soft glow of the moonlight gave you the opportunity to explore his bedroom with your eyes.
Until his lips reached below your belly button, making you jolt slightly under him.
"Your skin smells so sweet," he pointed with a low hum and raised his head to show you a smile. "Did you do that on purpose?"
You nodded. "It's raspberry lotion," you explained meekly.
Seungcheol smiled, circling a hand on your hip and slid down your skin and pressed his lips on the inner side of your thigh, making you jump slightly again.
"Easy," he breathed, littering your skin with more kisses as if wanting you to get accustomed to the feeling.
"That feels good," you slurred, closing your eyes when a shudder ran from your legs to your face.
Then he pressed his tongue on your inner thigh, really close to your pussy.
"God," you gasped, opening your eyes wide and propped your weight on your elbows.
"Tell me if it's too much," he mumbled, trailing more open mouthed kisses until his lips reached your mound.
Your breath hitched and nodded. "Okay," you whispered, reaching out to graze his scalp with the pads of your fingers, eliciting a low groan from the man who was between your legs, the first person to ever be this intimate with you.
"Oh my god," you breathed when he gently and so, so slowly pushed his tongue between your pussy lips, parting your slippery folds with a generous stroke with his tongue.
His hands came to angle your thighs open for him when your first instinct was to try and close them. He pressed his mouth to your cunt, licking your arousal from your entrance with a groan that you felt on your soft flesh.
"Cheol, babe," you gasped, watching him ravage your cunt slowly, making the most loud wet sounds when his pointed tongue glided between your folds and swirled around your clit.
"Babe, don't stop," you whimpered, your hips buckling against his face when his tongue started flicking your swollen bud. He blinked and raised his eyes to find yours.
And he didn't stop, not to speak, not to rest and even though his mouth was starting to feel tired, he was determined to make you come first like this.
"God—Cheol," you mewled, feeling a tingling wave rushing through your body, intensifying by the second. "Babe, I'm there, 'm–"
You sucked in a sharp breath, shuddering violently on his bed as your orgasm flooded your body in hot waves. Overwhelming sensations invaded you as you cried out, your voice sounding raw and lewd. You felt it everywhere, not just between your thighs.
He pressed his lips on your clit and on your mound as he removed his hands from your thighs, using them to support his body by placing them at your sides.
"Good?" he muttered as he lowered the lower half of his body between your legs, without pressing his full weight on you.
His lips looked slick and swollen, and when you reached out to capture them with yours, you tasted your arousal on his tongue, making you moan at how lewd the act felt.
"Great," you breathed.
Your eyes had a post-sex glaze look on them, still breathing heavy, you looked heavenly this way. And Seungcheol loved that he was the reason why you looked like that.
"God, you're so beautiful, baby," he whispered, pressing his lips on yours between each word.
"Cheol?" you whispered, dragging his gaze back to yours.
"I want you now," you mumbled with a sweet tone.
Seungcheol read your eyes briefly, looking for any signs of uncertainty, before he leaned his weight on one forearm at your side, his free hand grabbed his fully hard cock and guided it to your core.
You sucked in a breath again, when Seungcheol glided his cockhead down your wet folds with a low groan before nuzzling at your entrance.
Then he slowly eased himself into you, the fiery discomfort at your entrance was immediate, making your muscles contract and the scrunch on your face made him pause.
"Talk to me baby," he instructed softly.
"I'm okay," you breathed. "Keep going, please, Cheol."
He mouthed a 'okay' and pushed inside you slowly, his hand came up to cup your cheek to hold your gaze, your eyebrows knitted and your mouth parted, and he felt himself mimic your expression as he sheathed himself completely inside your warm, fluttery walls.
Seungcheol watched your beautiful features as he dragged his cock out and pushed in again, slowly, making your walls ease around him, adjusting to his size, letting him fuck you slowly.
Small moans spilled from your lips as the discomfort dissipated and soon turned into a warm, sweet pleasure, making your eyes flutter close and sigh blissfully.
Each drag of his cock in and out of you felt deliriously good. Seungcheol was slowly driving himself mad with your moans, with the feeling of your warm throbbing walls around him, taking him so good he was sure that you were made for him only.
It also made him a little crazy to think that it was your first time feeling something like this, to have him claiming you before anyone else. He shuddered and dropped his head on the crook of your neck, failing to control himself.
"I need to put a condom on, baby," he groaned against you, lifting his head to look at you.
"No, please. Just a little bit longer?" you immediately whined.
"I might not last long," he admitted shyly. "You feel so fucking good."
"You-you feel good too," you blurted.
Your arms were encircling him by his shoulders, your wrists locked behind his nape. You hummed a sigh when his hips pressed against you, driving his cockhead into a spot that felt just too good. Your walls clenched and he immediately pulled out with a low groan.
"I'm putting it on," he murmured, kissing you chastely before pulling his body up and reaching for a condom on his nightstand. He opened it with his experienced fingers and slid the condom down to his hilt.
Seungcheol slid inside you again, the contact of the latex inside you created a noise when he started delivering precise thrusts against you again. Undeniable, it felt different with protection, but it still felt good.
So good in fact that when his thrusts picked up pace, you moaned against the crook of his neck, the feeling of being so close, open and vulnerable with him so intense that you were sure you were losing what little sanity you had left.
"I love you," you breathed against his lips.
Seungcheol stifled a moan and his hand cupped your cheek again. "I love you too baby," he responded, lips grazing against yours.
He came not a second after you with soft moans and calling your name as he pressed his hips sloppily against you until he was rendered breathless on top of you, head resting on your shoulder as he blinked back to reality.
Seungcheol was in love.
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Time flew by and soon it was your first anniversary with him. Still in love, still making puppy eyes at each other. Your relationship moved almost seamlessly without any issues.
You both loved spending time together, whether it was going out together or just chilling at home. Seungcheol had moved out of his parents house and started renting a small one bedroom apartment. Freshly graduated, he wasted no time and started working, which was something he was aching to do.
There were little disagreements, but you always found a way to talk and work things out. It was like you were a team, facing every single challenge together.
On your anniversary, Seungcheol prepared a dinner to celebrate the year you had spent together. He placed candles on the table and seemed nervous before he led you inside his tiny apartment, covering your eyes with his hands, chuckling all the way as you stretched your arms out in case you stumbled and fell.
"Ready?" he mumbled in your ear.
"Ready," you replied and he uncovered your eyes.
There was a flower bouquet on a vase sitting on top of the table, which you noticed were your favorite flowers.
"This is beautiful, Cheol," you started and turned around to face him.
Only to find him on one knee, a small blue velvet box in his hand. The glint in his puppy eyes as he looked up at you with such adoring eyes as your heart clenched.
"No, stop!" you whined. "You're joking," you laughed as your eyes brimmed with tears that spilled onto your cheeks when he laughed with you when you told on his prank.
He opened the box, revealing his gift to you, which was a pretty dainty gold necklace with a heart locket.
"Happy anniversary," he said with his goofy laugh and rose just as you cupped his cheeks to kiss him lovingly.
The laughter and the sparkle in your eyes made it an unforgettable night for him.
A memory he would cherish for a long time.
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second year
It was your twenty second birthday.
And soon it will be your second anniversary with Seungcheol. And it seemed hard to believe how fast time had passed you by, and how fast Seungcheol became the center of your whole world.
He was your partner through a world of self-discovery. Did you want to try new kinks? He was all in. Did you want to try weed or shrooms for the first time? He'd take care of you—or do it together in a safe space.
You had so much fun together that he wasn't only the love of your life, he was your best friend. And you were still so in love with him, it seemed like a dream, almost.
As the second anniversary rolled around, Seungcheol made it a little tradition to get on one knee to present you with jewelry. The second time he did it, your heart jumped again but you knew what his plan was, which was to get that joyful look on your face.
This time, you knew that if he presented you with a ring, you would've said yes.
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third year
Choi Seungcheol is a strategist to his core.
At least, that's what a lot of people say about him. He doesn't like to think too much of himself, but sometimes, when he pays attention to what the people around him say, they say things akin to him being thoughtful, always scheming, always analyzing.
Seungcheol was a hundred percent sure about you. From the first anniversary together, he started planning the day he would get down on one knee and ask you to marry him seriously.
At this point you had been together for three years, and not one single day he doubted himself with you. There were some setbacks, money being one of them, but he could manage. The only problem was dealing with your overbearing parents.
Steal princess from the castle, that was the name of his little plan.
In fact, as your twenty fourth birthday drew near, he thought of the way he would carry out this plan. One day, when you were away with your parents' for a whole weekend, he knew this was his chance.
He pressed the phone to his ear and waited for the line to be picked up. Chewing on his lower lip, sitting on his sofa with one leg crossed.
"Hi mom," he smiled when he heard his mother's voice greet him. Then he started picking on the hem of his clothes with his free hand as he said. "I need your help with something."
"Are you alright, baby?" his mother queried immediately.
Seungcheol noticed how nervous he sounded, added to his sudden ask for help and put in quickly. "Oh! Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine mom. Don't worry," he chuckled awkwardly. "I was thinking of picking you up later this evening for coffee and... I want you to help me choose a ring."
Silently, Seungcheol looked at the ceiling.
"An engagement ring?" his mother asked, a tinge of emotion twisting her words.
"Yes, mom," he breathed in. "I'm proposing," he nodded and gulped hard, trying to swallow down the emotions that coiled in his throat.
His mother didn't need to ask if he was sure, or if it was too soon. Because everyone knew how much he loved you.
Everyone knew you were end game.
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fourth year
Every relationship has its ups and downs. But everything with Seungcheol seemed to be so good that it made you think that saying was just a fabricated thing to persuade people to stay in their relationships.
That was until you got in for a master's degree in a prestigious university abroad. It was a really big thing for you, a dream come true, really. But sadly you didn't get the necessary support to accept the offer.
Of course you wouldn't get the funding. Your family name was related to wealth, so why should anyone give you the funding when you could afford it yourself?
However, your parents stepped in, offering their help to you under one condition. Their condition was that you had to break up your relationship with Seungcheol, and once you finished your master's degree you'd have to marry someone they approve of. They'd cover all the expenses, the tuition, everything.
You just had to break up with your boyfriend. Marry someone worthy of you. They said,
You declined.
"What happened, baby?" Seungcheol had spent the past hour holding you as you cried and sobbed uncontrollably in his shoulder.
You had tried to tell him what had happened, but every time you opened your mouth a sob would have you breaking down in tears all over again.
"Baby, you're scaring me," he warned for the nth time, but he waited patiently for you, he rocked your body in his arm gently and kneaded your back with his hands attempting to soothe you.
The two of you were standing on the sidewalk outside the building where you lived with your family. Seungcheol had waited so long for you to speak that he was now leaning against his old car.
When he saw your figure hurriedly come out of the building, he supposed that you probably were running to him thinking you were late; however as soon as he saw your crushed face he immediately got out of his car to hold you, knowing that you were about to break down in tears.
He initially assumed the worst, his mind went to any possible scenario that could have you in such a state, and he voiced his concerns while rubbing your back.
"Has someone passed away? Is someone sick?"
Or perhaps,
"You've been cut off again?"
Maybe, maybe,
"Are you pregnant, baby? Is that it?"
The last two were issues he knew he could help you figure out.
He'd done it before, once your mom got sick of threatening you with cutting you off the will and allowances, she kicked you out of her house. Seungcheol would let you crash in his apartment, whenever you needed it. And he'd secretly wanted you to move in.
And if in one in a million chance he got you pregnant, well... He was all in with you. Whatever you decided, he was all in.
"I g-got accepted," you sobbed, but most of your words got muffled in the crook of his neck.
"What was that?" he asked softly and you sensed him lowering his face to look at your head in his shoulder.
"I got accepted," you told him more clearly, swallowing your sobs.
"Baby, that's great. That's your top choice, right?," his soft voice was a bit closer now. "Why are you crying?"
Seungcheol was well aware of all the post-graduate applications you did the previous year, and you had some letters of acceptance but you were waiting for the letter of acceptance and it had finally arrived.
He didn't really care if you went to another country; he wanted you to fulfill your dreams. He could wait for you, that was the initial plan, to wait for you while you achieved your milestone abroad.
"I didn't get the funding," you replied. "I didn't get it for any of the applications."
Oh. Seungcheol knew that you needed the funding, otherwise you were pretty much at a loss. Even though you had many other options, it would be really hard for you if you wanted to break away from your family's nasty hooks once and for all.
"And my mom told me they can give me all the funding, everything," you continued, now speaking fast as if you wanted to get the words out before breaking in tears again. "But they'll do it only if I break up with you and marry someone else when I get the degree. They weren't even pleased that I got accepted, it's like they were planning this."
Seungcheol just listened, but he couldn't help but feel a mixture of rage and anguish at what he was witnessing. How could they do that to you? You were their daughter, why would they try to sabotage you at any chance they had?
He knew your parents didn't hate him. Hate was earned. He just wasn't what they thought was 'good enough' for you. They were just waiting for what they called your 'little fling' to end, hoping that you would move on to what they considered a more serious relationship with someone they thought was more 'suitable'.
And by that they meant, filthy rich.
Granted, Seungcheol didn't make one small fraction of the money your parents made, probably never will. But he took care of you, he loved you. Wasn't that enough?
But he couldn't give you what your parents were offering. He knew that. He wasn't ready for that.
"You should accept," he said suddenly, he even felt like he was betraying himself.
You stiffened, finally looking up from his shoulder. "W-what?" you sniffed. "Cheol, are you listening? We'd have to split-"
"Not really," he muttered, seeing you so broken made him want to cry too. "We can still be together. Your parents don't have to know."
You smiled bitterly through your tears. "I'd be married off to someone else, and then what? They told me they already talked with some other family. They can arrange a marriage 'cause they're crazy like that."
Seungcheol knew just how crazy your family was. They were the kind of family that would whip out a binding contract on you if you agreed to marry someone else. They made the kind of money to hire a PI to follow you around because they didn't actually know who their daughter was.
Your parents didn't like what they found, obviously. And they could pretty much pinpoint the exact moment in your life when you started to feel more free. Such things they mostly thought were 'acts of rebellion'. And Seungcheol was your partner in crime.
He nodded and looked heavenward. "I can't give you what they can. I just don't make the money."
"I'm not saying that, babe. Besides, I already declined my mom's offer," you mumbled through your tears and whiny sobs. "I'm not breaking up with you."
"So you're not following your dream because of how I'd feel?" he looked at you again. "Baby, this is not what I want for you. You know that."
Studying abroad has been your dream since you could remember. You made it your whole life besides being with Seungcheol, if there was anything you could ever do for your whole life, it'd be reading, writing. You were always buried in books.
He cupped your flushed face in his hands. "This is your future. This is yours long before I was. I can't be the reason why you don't follow through. I just can't."
Your eyes met his and knew he was being dead serious.
"I won't break up with you. That's my final decision."
He sighed, but not out of relief. He hated arguing with you. Having arguments with you happened rarely, but you were just as stubborn as he was—perhaps even more so, and often pushed arguments for hours until he was the one who eventually gave in.
"Can we at least consider what I'm saying?" he proposed in a gentle tone, trying to convince you.
"I'm not keeping us a secret either!" you countered. "That's crazy, Seungcheol. Are you serious?!"
He visibly flinched when he heard you call him by his full name. "It's not crazy, it's a possibility, a plan."
You inhaled deeply, feeling the chill in the air as your fingers brushed his dark hair. He recently had it trimmed short on the sides, so he looked boyish and younger, even. He looked just like when you met him.
You loved him. Your love for him wouldn't be kept a secret.
"We'll think of something else," that was your final say about it.
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It is true that Seungcheol had grown a bit disdainful of himself ever since your parents had let on their thoughts of him. You didn't have to tell him anything directly, he could sense it. The cold shoulder, the glares, the offhanded comments.
They didn't have to be straightforward with him. Seungcheol also noticed it in the way your parents treated you; the constant threats, warnings, always cutting you off, the blackmail.
It was easy, from the minute he witnessed your parents talk down to you he knew he would never like them.
Well, the feeling was mutual.
That grew into dark thoughts in his mind, a sneaky internal voice that would feed into his insecurities, every dark thought inside him and these would get stronger each time he doubted himself with you.
Not feeling enough can be suffocating.
"Babe, you split your lip," you told him, offering him a tissue he could wipe the blood that was now mixing with his drool on his lips.
He had been biting off the skin of his lips. He did that absentmindedly as his thoughts took him to a dark path.
"Thanks," he muttered.
The tissue broke in his lip and stuck to the slit in his lower lip but he didn't seem to notice. That made you smile softly and reach for him to remove the bit of tissue from his broken lip with your fingers.
"Here," you whispered, and noticed Seungcheol's big dark eyes lost on your face.
He had been doing this for weeks now. Losing focus every now and then, he'd lose sleep and forget things. He did these things whenever he needed to say something but didn't know just how to get there, he always needed some prompting from you.
But you just couldn't bring yourself to initiate this time.
It was almost a month ago that you told him the news about the offer for you to study abroad. And about the offer your parents had made. You declined your mom's offer, but ever since then, Seungcheol had been acting off.
Your hand rested on his cheek, and he closed his eyes briefly to kiss your palm with his bloody lip.
"I love you," he mouthed, almost as if he couldn't bring his voice to enact itself.
"I love you too, babe," you replied, seeing his face contorted in pain and frustration was eating you up on the inside.
You had taken a job as a teacher's assistant at a school near Seungcheol's apartment. It was so near that you always visited his apartment after you were done with your shift.
So you practically lived with him in his one bedroom apartment. You had a bunch of clothes stored in the closet of his bedroom, a toothbrush, the books piling up in a corner were yours too. You occupied a large chunk of the desk with your computer, piles of papers from your job and pink headset sitting next to his.
The reason why you had taken up the teaching job was to start making some money for yourself, and possibly to make Seungcheol see that you could manage without the help from your parents, maybe then he'd ask you to move in with him.
Why hasn't Seungcheol just asked to move in with him? You hadn't asked him, but it would probably have something to do with your parents.
You knew he felt a certain kind of insecurity when it came to the lavish lifestyle your parents raised you with. But you couldn't care less in reality. You had him, that was all you needed.
So now your focus was that, your job and Seungcheol. You tried to forget about your MA acceptance letters. When you got the final letter of acceptance from all the applications you made, you were aware that you had a limited timespan to return one letter in agreement, but you haven't made a reply yet.
Seungcheol knew that, he was also well aware that you had only a few weeks to make your final choice and it was driving him crazy that you haven't made one.
It was like he was the one deciding on your future and he hated it.
He hated when your parents wanted to puppeteer everything in your life, they made choices for you most of the time and he hated watching that.
So now that you were choosing him over the biggest opportunity of your life, it killed him.
"Babe, stop thinking about it," you muttered, your heart palpitating hard at the mention of 'it'.
He blinked slowly and found your face, his brow furrowing slightly. "I can't."
"We have tonight," you smiled softly at him. "We can take our minds off for now, can you do that?"
He pressed your hand against his cheek briefly before grabbing it to lock your fingers with his.
"I will but only if you do something for me," he smiled slowly–a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
You knew that look. It was the look of someone desperately trying to feel something other than worry and finally coming face to face with their remedy.
You pushed your eyebrows up, and you knew what was coming. "No."
"Please baby, for me?" his eyebrows knitted and his bloody lip hung out in a cute little pout.
"I am not doing it!" you yanked your hand from his and stood from the couch of the living room of his apartment.
"Baby, you love it, every time!" he laughed as you walked off to his bedroom to get ready for the friendly reunion he was hosting that night.
"You are such a child, Cheol!" you bit back, rolling your eyes.
He was soon delivering kisses on your nape, hugging you from behind. "Please, baby. Please, you don't have to do anything, just sit."
"I'm not sitting on your face," you snorted as you sorted the clothes that you had brought to his apartment over months ago.
"Mmm baby, you didn't seem to hate it this much last time," he said, kissing the crook of your neck. "In fact, you sounded like you loved it."
"It was hard to relax," you confessed, your hands slacking on your sides when you felt his lips touch that spot on your neck. "I kept thinking that I was suffocating you."
"Angel, you know if that happens I'd die happy," he giggled. "Please? Before we go."
That was also something he'd been doing: drowning his worries with sex. So suffice to say, he's been fucking you almost everyday, at any chance he can get.
"We're late already babe," you muttered, his lips kissing your shoulder, ignoring the strap of your tank top.
"Jeonghan can manage if we're late, don't worry," he mumbled, while his hands dipped beneath your tank top, pulling it up to caress your skin at your waist.
When you made no reply, because you were too busy thinking that he'd been fucking you a lot these days, probably to quiet the voices in his head—you heard him sigh softly, and you turned your head to see him smile.
"We can do something else if you want to," he suggested in a soft tone.
"We're going to be late," you repeated but as soon as his hand slid from your waist and under your panties, you knew it was game over.
You dropped your head back on his shoulder when his fingers dipped on your sopping core. You heard him smile, and your head was now angled back so his lips found more skin on your neck he hadn't kissed.
"But you're so wet baby. You're dripping on my fingers. You planned to arrive at the party with your pussy all wet? What then?"
"I'd just wait for you to drag me to any corner where you can fuck me in," you replied, knowing that would elicit a chuckle out of him.
"Mm, but maybe I've spoiled you too much—giving you my cock whenever you want it, letting you come when you want to," his voice was low, like honey pouring onto your ear.
You shuddered against his body when his fingers circled your clit expertly. He knew you so well, knew every inch of your body, where you liked to be touched, how you liked to be fucked.
You moaned softly when he pinched your slick covered clit between his index and middle finger.
"I want you now. Do you want it baby?" he asked in a feigned sweet tone.
"I always want you to fuck me, Cheol," you whimpered, his fingers pressed on your clit and started rubbing circles on it.
"Will you be a good girl for daddy?" his other hand had already busied itself too, sliding from your waist under your tank top to find one of your already hardened nipples.
Your mouth parted a bit, feeling a bit lost on the swirls of his fingers on your swollen clit, and his other set of fingers teasing your nipples.
Seungcheol might be drowning his worries with sex. But so were you.
"Mmm yeah, I can be good," you decided.
I mean, you could be late for a bit. Han would manage.
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They say hurt people hurt people. But how can you hurt each other and bring comfort at the same time?
You never saw that you were hurting, but in retrospect, it couldn't have been more obvious. And Seungcheol was hurting, too. Pushing troubles away with sex and alcohol, you brought comfort to each other to ease the pain that was looming close.
What was the purpose of this party? You didn't know exactly, and you didn't ask. But lately you've been visiting Jeonghan's apartment every at least twice a week, for a different party.
Now, what prompts Jeonghan to throw parties? You suspected that he was fully aware of Seungcheol's need for a distraction, and the reason why. So like the best friend Jeonghan was, he made a pathetic excuse to throw a party at his house.
Seungcheol introduced you to his best friend a month into your relationship. It was the first time he introduced you to one of his closest friends and he was so excited, as he said he just knew you were going to get along with his best friend.
And that you did. You met him and you instantly clicked with him. As the years went by, he turned into something close to a brother for you. He even called you his little sister in an endearing way.
"What took you so long?" Jeonghan asked as he opened the door to his apartment. "Wait. Spare me the details," he chuckled as he embraced you tightly. "Happy anniversary!"
"Anniversary? Is that what he's saying now?" you asked, and looked over your shoulder to see Seungcheol already being stolen away by his friends.
Although your fourth anniversary drew closer, you knew that Seungcheol might be putting that as an excuse now. Even if your birthday was before the anniversary, you were suspecting he wouldn't dare use it as a real excuse.
Jeonghan shrugged carelessly. "I don't fucking know anymore," he laughed, looking at your boyfriend in the distance. "It's a new excuse every week, is it?"
"Yeah, I'm beginning to think it is," you muttered, resisting the thought that it was getting serious.
Seungcheol had a desperate need to avert his worries lately, which had turned into party after party every week. But now he was just saying anything to bring his friends over to Jeonghan's.
"Listen, I wanted to be patient and wait for him to tell me what's going on but, I'm getting worried now," Jeonghan announced, sucking in a long breath as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"He's fine, Hannie," you said reluctantly. "He's going to be alright, he just needs to let it out of his system."
And by that, the way Seungcheol chose to let it out was by turning to his vices: sex, gambling, drinking.
He was usually a fun drunk. Loud, energetic, happy. He was quick to organize a party around so he wasted no time and had already sat at a table with his friends to play drinking games.
"Are you sure that this has nothing to do with you not taking the degree offer?" he asked in a soft tone as you walked to his kitchen where he was picking on his food prior to your arrival.
"Han," you whined, darting a look to your unbeknownst boyfriend. "I told you I don't want to talk about it."
Jeonghan had turned into something like your confidant as well. Almost everything that Seungcheol knew about you, Han knew as well. Almost everything.
His brow furrowed a little, and two of his lithe fingers pushed a strand of deep red hair back and tucked it behind his ear.
"Neither of you want to talk about it," he rolled his eyes with a goofy giggle. "I guess I'll just wait until none of you sorry asses can't hang on any longer."
You laughed. "I suppose so, too. We don't deserve you, Hannie," you mumbled, giving him a squeeze on his shoulder before walking to your boyfriend.
He was sitting on a foldable table in Jeonghan's living room. The table was covered in cans of coke and bottles of soju, but in the center of it was a pile of bills.
A small sigh escaped your mouth. You felt tired already and haven't been to your 'anniversary party' for more than two hours now.
Seungcheol had already downed almost two bottles of soju when he lifted his head and found you standing before him.
"Hi beautiful," he murmured with a content smile, his lazy eyes scanned you from top to bottom once and with his free hand he took yours, pulling you gently.
You understood what he wanted and moved to sit on his lap in front of his friends. His hand gripped you by the waist and continued to pay attention to the game of poker he was playing with his friends.
Your cheeks grew hot at the very public display of affection and dominance but deep down you knew that you liked it.
Four years ago when you started dating Seungcheol, you slowly got a grip of just how possessive he was and you found out that you liked it.
He'd let everyone and anyone with eyes know that you were off limits. You liked that he made hickeys on your neck and chest so whenever someone darted a look at your cleavage, they'd see the marks from him.
And with the red strapless dress you were wearing, everyone glanced your way. It didn't show a lot of cleavage but it made your tits look so good that it drove everyone's eyes to take a peak.
So when you sat on his lap in the middle of their poker game, you couldn't help but notice the glancing eyes from his friends. Seungcheol couldn't care less that people looked, that was something he knew he had no control over.
No one would dare to do something more than just look.
Your boyfriend always encouraged you to dress however you felt like. And you did, every time you felt you were dressing too revealing or too provocative he would reassure you that nothing would happen to you around him.
You wondered if his friends even knew they had taken the bait. You knew you'd create a distraction the moment you sat on his lap, your lush thighs crossed, a bored look on your face.
Poker was a game that deeply bored you. You knew how to play, and you always thought it was not a game for you. It took time, money and strategy.
By the end of the game, Seungcheol gathered the money from the center of the table, and with a chaste kiss on your mouth he patted your backside gently.
"You won, baby," he muttered in your ear, placing a soft kiss on your earlobe.
You frowned in confusion. "No, I didn't. You did," you countered.
"The game turned in my favor when you appeared," he chuckled, looking up at you with a glint in his eye. "You give me luck."
"I do? And what do I get?" you asked playfully.
He offered you the roll of bills that was still in his grasp. But then a knowing smirk appeared on his cherry lips. You could tell that his eyes were glazed, a sign he was a bit drunk.
"You know I'm not talking about money, Cheol," you quipped, playing with his soft dark hair with your fingers.
"Oh, angel. You are greedy," he laughed and slowly reached for your lips. And then he muttered: "Let's go home."
As soon as you crossed his apartment door, he was already turning you around using one hand to yank you by your arm. You yelped as your chest hit his frame, quickly being shushed by the drunk kisses that landed on your face.
You made no attempt to slow him down, his hands pushed you to the nearest surface he could lay your body in. Your back hit the soft cushions of the small couch as you scooted your body across it with a squeal in pure excitement.
Seungcheol pulled your dress down by the hem of the chest area, yanking it down made it tear open a bit and the smile that appeared on his face made you think that he'd been wanting to do that all night.
He pulled back with a pleased sigh, his large hands taking both ends of the tear made in your dress and pulled harshly. Another yelp came out from you when Seungcheol tore the fabric on your chest in two.
"Babe! That's the second dress that you destroy," you tried to chastise him, but you couldn't help but smile. You kind of liked to see him so needy for you that he had to tear the clothes off of you.
But being so that your strapless dress was padded around the chest area, your bare tits sprung out when he tore it open. His smile grew bigger as he dipped his head to lick your nipples.
He didn't give you a reply, he just placed open mouthed kisses on the underside of your breast while a hand wrapped the other one and gave it a squeeze, making you squirm and moan when he started sucking your nipple.
Your hands searched the hem of his black t-shirt, pinching at the fabric to pull it over. He didn't resist, being a bit drunk made him forget about staying in the domspace for a bit so he pulled back and with one movement of his arms he got rid of his t-shirt, scrunching it into a ball and chucking it across the room.
"You're so hot," you sighed, letting out a chuckle at seeing your drunk boyfriend on his knees and between your legs.
The corner of his mouth stretched a bit into a grin. "You are too, angel. So fucking hot," he bent down to kiss you, two fingers grabbing your chin as his tongue dragged across your lip, then he paused. "Everyone looked at my baby tonight, I bet they wondered what was under that little dress."
You chuckled, returning the soft drunken kisses he planted on your lips.
"But only I get to look, right baby? Only I get to kiss you," he muttered, and to make his point across he trapped your lower lip to suck on it, and then he whispered: "Only I get to fuck you."
"Yes, daddy," you smiled, watching him continue to practically make out with your tits. You let out a small moan when he turned to suck your nipples again. "I'm all yours."
He stopped and smiled, lifting his head to give you a sly look. "That's right, angel. You're mine," he muttered, his hands gathering the sides of the torn dress to break the bit that was still sown together, tearing it completely.
He got rid of your red thong quickly and threw it over his shoulder where you couldn't see them anymore. At least he didn't destroy them this time.
"You will always be mine," he muttered with a fond look in his eye as he dipped his head between your legs, holding one of your legs over his shoulder and the other in his hand, angling it open for him.
He ran his tongue all over your cunt, making you scream in pleasure and grab his head with your hands. The strands of his brown hair tangled in your fingers.
Whenever he got tipsy, he would do this. He'd eat you out until he got drunk in your sweet juices instead. So he would run his tongue across your wet folds and your pussy lips, dipping his tongue on your entrance to get a taste of you, humming, moaning with you.
"Fuck, daddy!" you cried out, squirming involuntarily under his body. You arched your back, trying with everything you had not to push your hips against his mouth.
But you just couldn't help it. You swayed your hips forward ever so slightly, your pelvic bone bumping his forehead a bit.
"Behave," he warned, throwing you a look before darting the tip of his tongue around your clit.
You sucked in a breath, feeling the pointed tip of his tongue start to flick your clit expertly, knowing that would throw you over your climax soon.
"I'm–f-fuck," you stuttered, your body already twitching. "Daddy, I'm close. Let me come, please?"
You heard him lick his lips and you glanced down to see him. "You can come all over my mouth, baby," he granted before dipping his head to tease your clit some more with his tongue.
None of you cared how loud you were. Seungcheol loved the lewd sounds he got out of you, especially when all he did was make out with your pussy. You felt your walls clench erratically as you came on his mouth, your fingers clenching around the strands of his dark brown hair.
You blinked at him as he rose from the couch, undoing his belt with one hand and you sat up to get the button of his jeans and zipper with hasty fingers.
A hand came up to cup your chin, his fingers grazing your skin softly, commanding your eyes to his. Your heart twisted when you saw his adoring eyes looking at you as you got him out of his jeans and boxers.
He had been doing that lately. His eyes would briefly linger on yours during moments of intimacy. It made your heart ache as if clenched in a tight fist.
Seungcheol undid the strap of his wrist watch and let it drop to the pile of clothes on the floor. He sat on the couch as you moved to straddle him.
The following movements were precise, too familiar. You knew each other so well that there was no need for pause. So you simply angled his cock for you to sink yourself into it with a blissful moan and started riding him slowly at first.
You looked down at his eyes.
Seungcheol got caught up on the features of your face again, almost as if committing himself to memorize every expression, the way your eyebrows knit together, the way your mouth parts, the glint in your eye when your gazes connect.
"You're beautiful," Seungcheol whispered.
A sharp feeling in your chest robbed you of words, swallowing hard you dipped your head to kiss him softly.
Your hands grabbed at his wrists when he started kneading at your thighs, caressing the curve of your waist as you rolled your hips on his cock.
He loved the sight of you, the steady sway of your hips on his cock, your tits bouncing on his face, getting tired and more aroused by the second, the sweet moans you made for him.
"So perfect," you heard him whisper.
You swallowed back a moan when you felt his hot mouth on the swell of your breasts, then suckling at your nipple and teasing the other with his fingers.
"Daddy," you mewled, fingers sinking on his soft hair. "Fuck, that feels good."
His free hand caressed your back and secured a spot on your butt, cupping your flesh gently as you seemed to be getting tired, your breath had hitched and he could see that you were almost about to tap out.
"Do you want daddy to help you come, baby?" he asked with a sweet smile on his face.
"Yeah," you breathed and bit your lip in anticipation.
Seungcheol repositioned your body so your back was now pressed down the couch, your knees hoisted up his shoulders as he sheathed his cock inside you with a moan from both parts, and he immediately started slamming his hips against you.
Soon the tiny living room would flood with the sound of your lewd gasps and the slapping of his skin against yours as he fucked you into his couch. He knew your body so well that it didn't take him long to find the sweet spot inside you that drove you a little mad.
"God, daddy! So deep," you groaned through gritted teeth.
His eyes were lost on you, he knitted his eyebrows when you did as you moaned sweetly, pleading for him to not stop, your teary eyes glazing over his face as you neared your sweet, sweet release.
"Daddy, I'm cumming," you whimpered with a high-keen moan. "Fuck-k, daddy!"
Your eyes spilled some tears when you screwed them shut, sucking in a breath and your walls tightened around him. Seungcheol came so mind-numbingly hard that he groaned loudly, fucking his cum deep into you, his eyes still lost on your face.
Mind spinning, he eased your legs down from his shoulders to press his chest against yours as he attempted to regain focus. He felt your heart beating against his, your soft breaths, his cock still wedged inside your fluttering walls.
He didn't lower his full weight on you, but he knew that if he didn't recover soon, he would fall asleep on top of you.
When you felt like he might be falling asleep, you tried to budge under him. "Let's go to bed," you muttered softly.
He hummed. "Shower first, baby. Y'know the rules."
He peeled away from your body and stood up from the couch, promptly hooking his arms beneath your body and lifting you up.
You let out a groan in protest, but didn't complain any further because he had a point. The wet sensation making its trail down from your core was enough to make you go along with him.
He started the shower while you were in the middle of the bathroom, which was more cluttered with your stuff than his.
"Come on," he muttered lazily as he extended a hand to you, stepping on the shower with him.
He cupped his hands to gather water and he poured it on your shoulders. "Is it too hot?"
You shook your head and he proceeded to clean your body.
Seungcheol looked focused as he gently covered you in soap. You practically beamed at him, no matter how many times he did this, you always found it endearing whenever he washed your hair and body because he did it with a lot of care.
"You're okay?" he asked, taking one of your hands to rub your arm with soap.
"I'm fine, Cheol," you cooed and lifted your other hand for him to repeat the same process.
He hummed and nodded with his head briefly, his eyes inspecting your whole body as he covered every inch in soap.
"Turn around for me, baby," he instructed and you turned your back on him, the gentle stream of warm water landing on your face as he washed your back.
His wet dark hair was sticking to his forehead as the gentle stream from the showerhead above you warmed your body. He hugged you from behind and pressed his lips against your cheek.
"I love you so much," he whispered, pressing his lips repeatedly on yours. "Go to bed. I'll be there in five."
"I love you too, babe," you muttered before stepping out of the shower to dry your whole body with a towel and prepared for bed.
You practically slumped on the bed, where you had a designated side, marked by the small pile of books on one of the nightstands.
Five minutes later, you felt the bed sink behind your body on the weight of Seungcheol's body. He quickly grabbed your body in his arms and hugged you tightly, pressing kisses on your naked shoulder.
You thanked the warmth emanating from his body as he cuddled you beneath the bedsheets and bed covers.
A moment of silence happened between you. It should've been normal, but something in you sensed that Seungcheol was trying to get something out of his chest as his lips pressed long kisses on your skin.
"Love? Are you asleep already?" he muttered softly.
You turned beneath the bed sheets to face him.
His eyes wandered from yours, and into the distance behind your back. His brow furrowed ever so slightly and you saw how he choked on his own words before he could even utter a single one.
"Let's sleep, okay?," you suggested, your heart dropping at the sight of him being so troubled.
He nodded, blinking sleepily at you.
You smiled and cupped his cheek with one hand, which made his brow relax and his hand came up to yours, pressing his cheek against your hand.
"I love you," he whispered.
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The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing below your pillow.
You had but one message from your mother, detailing that her and your father were just coming back from their trip overseas and that they had just sent a driver to come pick you up because they were eager to see you.
You huffed. That was pretty much an euphemism for: 'We know you haven't been home since we left and we're not happy about it.'
That was pretty much like a routine for you, so you left your phone aside, just as a heavy arm circled your frame and pulled you closer to his.
"It'll be my birthday soon," you pointed with a small voice. "I'm turning twenty-four."
"I know, baby," he replied with a small frown, trying to egg you to get to your point.
"Maybe... I think it would be nice for us to start planning to get together–," you took a deep breath. "I wanna move in, with you."
Seungcheol allowed your words to sink in for a moment, not just for him but for you too, as if giving you a chance to elaborate.
"Would you like that?" you asked, shifting slightly on the pillow. "I mean, I practically live here already. And I'm making money, I'm sure we can manage..."
You could see the gears in his brain turning, his dark eyes reading your face over and over. His silence was unsettling and as the seconds went by, you started to feel nervous.
"What about your graduate acceptance?" he finally asked, his voice sounded almost like a croak, and you weren't sure if it was the raw emotion of finally touching the subject or the fact that you both had just woken up.
You shrugged slightly. "What about it?" your voice quivered slightly. "I can try next year, it's no big deal."
"No big deal, really?" he repeated slowly. "Baby, what are you even saying?"
"I can try again next year, maybe they'll give me the funding for the research next time," you fretted slightly beneath the sheets, an instant giveaway that you weren't sure of your own words.
"Why are you doing this?" he blurted, and the words sounded as if he wanted to ask for a whole month.
"Do what?" you frowned slightly.
"You're turning down this opportunity, your dream opportunity, why?" he asked.
"I just think that it might not be the best moment for me to take it," you mumbled, again, that tinge of uncertainty lacing your words.
"What?" he cringed. "You're joking, right?"
You paused, unable to give him a reply. Not because you didn't want to, but you didn't know what to say.
When you didn't say anything at all, Seungcheol sat up on the bed with a sigh. He rubbed his face and then brushed his hair through his fingers, a clear sign that he was getting heated.
"Cheol," you started, trying to get him to look at you. "If I go away right now, we're losing time together and I don't want that."
"You're telling me that you're turning down a once in a lifetime opportunity for us?" he asked, and you saw him shake his head slightly, but he was still not looking at you. "Can't we do long distance? Can't we take it up when you get back?"
The questions he was asking were honest and valid. But in your perspective, it was time lost.
"In a year and a half?" you pressed. "And you know we won't be able to do long distance, it will be nearly impossible."
"It will be better than you missing out on the opportunity to build and achieve your goals," he countered sternly. "I can't believe you're turning this down."
At that, he rose from the bed, throwing the duvet and sheets aside and opened his drawer to fish out his underwear and put it on silently as your mind reeled.
You sat up on the bed as he slid a pair of black sweatpants and turned to your direction.
"Say something," he urged.
"What do you want me to say, Cheol?" you started and shrugged again. "I've made up my mind. Why can't you just accept that?"
You rose from the bed too and copied his actions by finding your underwear and putting it on silently.
"I just want what's best for you," he said, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
"At the cost of what we have?" you asked, knowing that you were threading on a dangerous path.
"Why does it have to be that way?" he asked, and you could sense the desperation in him just by hearing his voice. "Baby, this is your future and you're putting it on the line, for what?"
"For you, Seungcheol! For us!" you turned, your voice rang hoarse. You knew that it was wrong to raise your voice, it wasn't needed.
But you were in pain.
And he knew that.
"I don't want this," he muttered through gritted teeth.
"You don't want me?" you asked, your chest had started to heave in remorse and tears welled in your eyes.
He rolled his eyes in utter annoyance. "I want you to choose what's best for you and maybe right now the best for you is to follow your dream."
"What if what I want is to be with you?" you asked despite the feeling that maybe you were stepping on a line. "What if I tell you that I want to start a life with you?"
He ran his hands over his hair and his eyes rolled back again, but this time he just looked straight at the ceiling. "Since we know each other you wanted this," he shook his head slightly. "I can't believe that you just changed your mind in the span of a couple of weeks."
"But what if I have?" you sniffed loudly as tears ran down your cheeks. "What if I choose you? You don't want that?"
"I want you to choose yourself for the first fucking time in your life!" his words hung in the air between you two, but as soon as he uttered them, he looked like he wanted to take them back immediately.
But it was too late.
He was right.
But you couldn't give him that, you just couldn't see it at that moment.
He was right, but so were you.
You stood there, frozen. Feeling like an idiot. For four fucking years, all you did was choose him over everything. Half of your life was in that apartment; your wishes to move in with him and finally start your life far away from your family.
But now, you felt pushed away.
Seungcheol looked scared for a second, his mouth agape and widened eyes, as if waiting for your next move.
"Baby, I'm-,"
"I'm leaving," you declared, scrambling to get your clothes from your drawer in his bedroom. Hot tears blurred your vision as you tried your best to dress up quickly.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, just-"
"No, Seungcheol. Don't baby me."
"We need to have this talk," he insisted, chasing you all over the bedroom as you dressed up.
"There is nothing to talk about. I'm done. I'm taking my mom's offer."
"What? Just like that? I say one wrong thing and that's it?" he asked, his voice strung in pain and confusion.
This can't be happening, he thought over and over.
You scrambled desperately for your pants, anything to put on.
"No, you're right," you told him. "You're always right. I should choose myself. I am so fucking dumb for thinking I was doing the right thing by choosing you."
You didn't dare to look at his face, but you knew that it hurt. It hurt saying it and Seungcheol stopped chasing you in his room as you found a top to put on.
"Don't do this," he said as he tried to take your arm, which you yanked from his grip.
"Do what?!" you snapped, finally looking at his face as you finished dressing up. "Do what, Seungcheol? You are leaving me with no choice. So, do what, exactly?"
Your voice rang with rage and despair. And when you faced him, you probably conveyed those emotions in your eyes because Seungcheol's expression just broke.
"This! Not talking it out, trying to hurt me," he gritted. "We need to talk about this. Or else, you're going to leave to another fucking continent and where does that leave us, me?"
Your steps were determined as you walked away from him, creating a physical and emotional distance between the two of you. He stood there, a mixture of frustration and despair written on his face.
"I can't tell you that, Seungcheol," you uttered through a broken voice. "That's something you'll have to sort out alone."
His eyes narrowed and tilted his head to the side just slightly, shoulders slumping down in defeat.
"What are you saying?" he asked, his eyes searching your face frantically and in sheer disbelief.
"Maybe we're not ready for this, Seungcheol," you told him despite the crippling pain in your heart. "Maybe I need to figure things out by myself."
This was happening. Despite all Seungcheol's planning, scheming, despite all his love, you chose this. You chose yourself.
So he had to make his choice.
"So this is it?" he asked, his eyes dead.
Your head nodded, chest heaving. "This is it."
The silence between you grew heavy, so heavy that Seungcheol felt nearing a breaking point.
"I never thought we would end like this," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Neither did I," you replied.
A broken sigh fell from his lips, choking up from the sheer pain invading his chest. "Is this what you truly want?"
"It is," you whispered.
You watched him swallow hard and then he nodded, balling his hands into fists, gritting his teeth as he accepted your choice, thus finalizing his.
Everything inside him screamed in pain, pleading with him to fight harder, to make you see what he saw but he just nodded.
He was letting you go.
The reality was, you and Seungcheol had given up.
It didn't feel real. The air was almost sickening, it made you dizzy.
With a last look, you walked away, leaving behind a piece of your heart and the remains of your first love, your first everything.
You left his apartment, slamming the door on your way out, tears blurring your vision as you hurried down the stairs. Your head was buzzing, and your chest hurt so much that you never noticed that Seungcheol changed his mind and followed you out the building.
But as soon as he saw you get in a black car, tinted windows and drove away, he knew he had lost you, you were gone.
And that you were, for two years.
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✧ a/n: hiiiii ᨐฅ
i cried while writing this, and that's a first for me.
i hope this flashback chapter wasn't confusing haha. if it was, feel free to comment or send me an ask!
› so who do you think was in the wrong/right here? reader or seungcheol? i wanna know your opinions ‹(•⩊•)› i'd say they were both dumb and thought themselves to be undeserving of each other and threw it all away at the slightest bit of conflict haha
once again, this was loosely proofread, am sorry
if you liked reading this, please let me know? i'd appreciate a comment, reblog, like or even an ask! my ask box is always open and i love to know your thoughts on anything ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა
↣ i want to dedicate this chapter to @cvntrlseecvntrlvee, who kept the seungcheol brain rot alive and kicking, 💟
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659 notes · View notes
illneverrecover · 6 months
god dammit i like it (M) | changkyun
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➛pairing: Im Changkyun (I.M.) x reader ➛genre: card shark/gambling Changkyun, cocktail server reader, poker!AU, hurt/comfort, smut, angst, fluff (in that order). ➛word count: 9005 (oof) ➛rating: M ➛warnings: excessive alcohol use, cursing, dirty talk, very very soft femdomme energy, oral sex (female and male receiving), changkyun begging, unprotected sex, creampie, cock warming, very brief mentions of blood, more soft clown changkyun. ➛summary: One last game, he tells himself. Just one last game, and he'll have enough money to take care of you the way you deserve, to show you how much you mean to him, to give you the life that you want... as long as he doesn't get caught. ➛notes: My second time writing Changkyun and as always, it's for the one and only @taetaesbaebaepsae. She had commissioned me (back when I still did those) to write something based on the God Damn MV, and then patiently waited for me to get my life together. I thoroughly enjoy creating new ways to hurt you with your ult bias, so I hope you enjoy this one! I did edit this one, but just barely, so please be gentle with me. Let me know what you think! ➛song: God Damn - I.M | Habits (Stay High) - Tove Lo (Hippie Sabotage Remix) ➛tagging: @taetaesbaebaepsae @lvupmushroom @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife - thank you for letting me use your likeness for this, and for looking it over to make sure it would truly hurt Kristy's feelings. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, bbs.
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He’s an idiot, but you already knew that. 
The alcohol in his gut sloshes as he moves to stand, his glass painfully empty. Changkyun stumbles towards the bar, the thrumming in his head keeping pace with the bass thumping through the speakers of the club. 
His eyes are glassy, faraway when he reaches his destination, the cup fumbling out of his grasp as he indicates to the bartender he wants another. The bartender looks him over, seemingly debating on following through with the request, but he turns to grab the bottle of whisky regardless. 
Changkyun hates it. Hates that he’s so drunk, that you’re not here, that the guy serving him thinks he’s a mess. He knows he’s an idiot, that he should stop. Put down the glass and pick up his phone. That he should just call you and tell you he’s sorry for being such a moron all the time, and that he’ll listen to you from now on. That he does love you, and wants to take care of you, and he can fucking prove it, if you’ll let him.
But then he recalls the look in your eyes when you caught him – the disappointment, the pain – and he reaches for his now refilled glass, taking a swig before facing back towards the club. 
He doesn’t deserve it – doesn’t deserve you, to provide for you, to do any of it. Not when he’s such a jealous asshole, not when he’s such a fuck up. You deserve the world. Someone who can really give you what you need. 
Fuck, he wants to be that. There’s some moments when things are good, when you’re tucked into his arms in bed, sleeping softly beside him that he thinks he might be that – someone who can provide, be reliable, strong. But then he remembers your fights; his words of jealousy and anger, his avoidant nonchalant fake ass attitude, his fragile little ego shattering with a flick of your eyebrow and a sharp word. 
So he leaves his phone in his pocket, instead slinking back towards his booth before dropping into it. It was easy to ignore his friends’ questions, to insist that he was fine, to pretend to be more interested in the tray of shots being dropped off at the table. He accepted the small glass, slamming it down before he could think about the burn, about the empty churning in his stomach.
 It was easy to ignore his friends, but damn, Changkyun was tired of pretending he wasn’t fucking exhausted of trying to be okay without you. 
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It had always been push and pull with him.
From the minute Changkyun had walked into Yvonne’s, the lounge where you worked, you could feel the snap of electricity, the buzz of magnetism that pulled you to him. He would’ve stood out from his clothing alone; his lithe form draped in a bright red perfectly cut suit, shirtless under the vest to show off his tanned, broad chest. The combination of cut and color was lethal on him and he knew it, his dark hair swept back to allow the full potency of his sharp gaze. The group of men he was with were also impeccably dressed and attractive, but there was something about him that had your eyes following him, unable to look away.
Luckily for you, he had seemed to feel the same way.
His friends had gone to sit at the Baccarat table in Kat’s section, but he had stayed behind, noting which tables your body was sliding between as you delivered drinks before he made his selection at the blackjack table at the end of your section.
He couldn’t keep his gaze off of you, ordering more drinks than he was actually playing cards you were certain, but you weren’t going to stop a paying customer. The table he was at was pretty low stakes overall; the crowd was a bunch of casual players, but he had enough money to keep up with the table, so they were willing to ignore his flirting. 
You were also trying to ignore it, playing into him enough to ensure your tip would be secure, but also knowing that this was likely all just fun for the rudely handsome stranger. And if there is one thing you enjoy doing, it’s having a little fun – especially while at work.
But there was something in the way he looked at you, the way that he spoke to you, that had you hanging on a bit more than you’d care to admit. You wanted to tell yourself it was just the fact that he looked like that in that suit – that his tattoos and cocky smirk on top of it all was just too  much for you – but you knew it was more than that. 
It was when you were dropping off his umpteenth cocktail that he finally made a move, his tattooed hand wrapping around your wrist to stop you and slide a piece of paper into your palm. 
“When do you get off?”
You smirked, trying to ignore the sudden rush of blood in your veins at his skin touching yours. “Why? Who wants to know?” 
His face deadpanned, his mouth dropping to a pout, and the juxtaposition of such a cute expression on such a lethal man made you laugh.
“I don’t even know your name,” you clarified, pulling away from his grip and tucking the paper into your apron.
“You could call me whatever you wanted,” he replies, voice low, glare fixed on you, “but others call me Changkyun.” 
The same things that had drawn you to him also made you roll your eyes, his cockiness frustrating just as much as it was attractive. He insisted on waiting until you had finished your shift, ensuring that you  made it safely to your car before reminding you about the paper tucked into your apron pocket. 
“It has my phone number on it so you can text me and let me know what time you want me to pick you up tomorrow.” He had murmured, his face so close to yours that you had forgotten to breathe. 
“Pick me up, hmm? Well aren’t we feeling awfully sure of ourselves,” you replied in a shaky breath, hating how much he was affecting you.  “What are you picking me up for?”
“I was hoping to take you on a date, but if you have things you need to do - errands, work - that’s fine with me too. Just let me take care of you.” 
It was as easy as that, the way he slid into your life. You hadn’t believed the offer, not really, but decided to text him anyway. You had some things to do before your shift, why use your gas when you could waste his?
But Changkyun was effortless, showing up in gray sweats and a black t shirt promptly at the time you requested, ready to chauffeur you all over town. He kept up with your teasing about his sad fuckboy music he was listening to, and let you mess around with his AC without complaint, like he had been doing it for a hundred years. 
Maybe that’s how he broke your walls down – acting so nonchalant, while also being dependable, always showing up when and how he said he would, always ready with an easy smile and a light joke. 
It could have been days, maybe weeks, but it didn’t take long for you to realize you wouldn’t be able to stay away from him. That you didn’t think you wanted to. 
Which was a complete contradiction to what you had told him – that you weren’t interested in anything serious, but if he played his cards right, you could be convinced for an evening of fun. An offer he had declined, telling you that he would wait until you changed your mind and wanted him fully. An answer that had infuriated you to no end, but one that felt inevitable. 
It was the 14th or 15th day of hanging out that he finally said the words, putting the feelings out into the space between you. His “I love you” came out rushed, as if the words had pained him, but the flush of his cheeks and shimmering soft eyes had you cracking, reaching for him to smash your mouth into his own. 
The kiss was unlike anything you had ever felt; the intense rush of heat nearly choking you when his tongue traced the seam of your lips, seeking entrance. He groaned when you had opened, the feeling of his tongue on yours sending the kiss deeper, starved for each other. He tasted like whisky mixed with the faint hint of gummy bears he was always snacking on, and you were drunk on his mouth, drunk on him. You don’t even remember if you had said the words back, the volatile energy between you now snapped and now your full focus until it was fully satiated. 
Changkyun slotted into your life like he had always been there. The familiarity of it soothed you, brought you a deep peace that you didn’t know you needed – but there was the other side of you, the one that had never allowed anyone to get this close, that was terrified of what this would mean. That knew letting someone in also gave them the power to break you. 
It was always a push and a pull with him, an intoxicating desire to give in, to let your heart find a home with him – mixed with the fear that eventually, that home would be ripped away. 
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“Fuck,” Changkyun cursed, and your fingers tangled in the hair at his nape, tugging. 
“No marks,” you reminded him, though you would be lying if you said you didn’t love the feel of his mouth at your throat. His tongue was laving at the junction of your skin between neck and collar bone, suckling it between his teeth before soothing it with sloppy kisses.
You had been pressed against the wall of your apartment, him latched to you like a man starving until you had coaxed him down the hall towards your bedroom, letting him push you down onto the bed before resuming his work on your neck.
“Mmm,” he acknowledged, though he didn't stop his ministrations. “I wish I could mark you up, make sure everyone at Yvonne’s knows who you come home to.”
You had let out a breathy giggle, eyes rolling though he couldn’t see it. His silly jealousy over the stares you got while working at the lounge was just that - silly, nothing of merit - and yet, you couldn’t help but play into it just a little bit.
“Oh yeah? Who’s that?” you whispered, using your hand in his hair to guide him to your mouth, only stopping his descent when he was a breath away. 
“Don’t play games, sweetheart,” Changkyun leaned forward, nipping at your bottom lip, and your grip deepened. “We both know I’m the only one you’d let stick around this long.”
He was right about that. 
Closing the distance, you melted your mouth into his, letting him take control of the kiss for just a moment before you tug at his head once more, dragging him down your body. He complied quickly, pressing small kisses into your flesh as you guided him lower. 
“I don’t know,” you breathed, eyes hazy as Changkyun settled between your thighs, a groan leaving his throat when he saw you had forgone any kind of underwear beneath your skirt. “That one guy at table 7 was tipping really well, I bet I could-”
Your words were choked off with a moan as Changkyun dragged his tongue from the bottom of your cunt to your aching clit, giving it a singular swirl with the offending muscle before pulling back. 
“What was that?” he asked, but he didn't wait for a reply, not before delving back between your legs. He lapped at your center, taking his time tasting you before he settled up near your clit, sucking it between his lips. 
Any retort you had been working on died as he made quick work of you, sucking and licking until you were bucking up into his face, both hands tugging at his hair to hold him in place. He had become pliant beneath you, molding himself just where you needed in order to push you over the edge. Just when you felt like you couldn’t take any more, that you were going to snap, Changkyun slid two fingers inside of you, curling them upwards. 
“Please, come for me, sweetheart,” he begged, murmuring against the heat of your flesh. “I want it so bad.” 
His words were your undoing, and you find yourself doing exactly as he asked, moaning out his name as he takes you over the edge, his mouth and fingers working you through it in tandem. 
You exploded, white bursting behind your eyelids until you were boneless, unable to do anything but ride out your orgasm at the will of the man in front of you. Changkyun made sure to taste every drop of your release, slowly sliding his hand away from you only to quickly replace it with his tongue to lap at you until you were shoving him away. 
You wanted to make him feel as good as you did in that moment, wanted to return the favor, so you pushed him off of you and onto his back, switching positions to settle between his legs.
Hands tugging at his boxer briefs, Changkyun complied to your silent request, lifting his hips until you could drag them off. You were quick to palm his erection in your hand and squeeze, relishing in the hiss he rewarded you with, your thighs squeezing together. 
“Please,” he groaned, and fuck did he beg so prettily. “I just want to be inside you already, let me be inside you, yeah?”
Teasing the head of his cock with your lips, you hummed, playing as if you were considering his words. The truth was, having a beautiful man like him pleading you for anything was your kryptonite, and you would give him anything he asked for as long as he sounded like that.
Taking a final swipe of your tongue over his sensitive flesh, you gave him a smirk, moving until you straddled him, hovering for just a moment. Grasping his length, you line him up with your dripping cunt, sinking onto him slowly, tortuously. 
You may be giving him what he had asked for, but only because you wanted to, because you had deemed it aligned with your desires. Changkyun gave you full control over your pleasure, and you took it greedily. 
Once fully seated, you moaned, hips beginning to undulate and swirl against his. Pressing your palms into his chest, you began to work yourself over him, sliding back and forth until you were panting, thighs burning. 
His eyes searched yours, waiting for permission before he did anything more than take what you were giving him. “Fuck me, Changkyun,” you gasped, voice teetering into a whine. “Wanna come on your cock.”
Changkyun didn’t need to be told twice, didn’t need any more instruction before he was thrusting up into you, pelvis meeting yours. His hands tugged you down until your chest was flush with his own, his mouth seeking yours and coaxing it into a filthy kiss. 
“Fuck, yes, please come on my cock,” he rasped against your lips, his pupils blown as they make contact with yours. His gaze was intense, searing, but you couldn’t look away, didn’t want to. You wanted to be engulfed; consumed by him. “Use me, baby.”
Slamming down onto him, your pace began to turn frantic as he matched you thrust for thrust, each connection against your tender clit sending you further into oblivion. 
“You feel so good, Kyun,” you praised him, adjusting until your face was pressed to his neck. “So good for me, so perfect.” 
His answering moan reverberated in your chest, his arms tightening around you as his pace turned punishing, and it drove you crazy how something as simple as your words has him frenzied, falling apart beneath you.
Drunk on the power, you felt yourself hurtling towards your climax, nails digging into the skin on his back as he relentlessly slammed up into you. “Fuck, yes,” you cried, letting yourself go, giving in until you were over the edge, orgasm overtaking your senses. 
It was too much for Changkyun; the way your scent was all around him, intoxicating him, the way you were moaning curses and his name, the way you were clenching so fucking tightly against his cock. Before he could stop himself he was chasing his high right alongside you, shuddering as he pumped his release deep, unable to still his hips even when you were mewling from the sensitivity. 
Panting heavily against each other, you had tried to pull away only for Changkyun to roll you beneath him, pinning you under his weight. He was still fully lodged inside you, face nuzzled into the curve of your neck, his breath warm against your still sweaty-from-sex skin. 
“What are you doing, Kyun?” you chuffed, making a feeble attempt to lift his weight before letting him resettle against you. It was all for show, the response he expected from you. The truth was  you didn’t mind it - the feeling of him still inside you, the familiarity of his lips on your skin, the intimacy of it all - you didn’t mind it if it was with him. 
“Just let me hold you like this for a bit, hmm?” he mumbled against your neck, and you hummed your agreement, letting your eyes fall closed. He pressed a few lazy kisses to your throat before his breathing became measured, even, and you decided joining him in slumber wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
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“Promise me,” you murmured, voice thick and lazy. You were still naked and draped across his chest, listening to the calming beat of his heart. You had already woken and showered, deciding that clothes weren’t necessary before jumping back into bed together. That was several hours ago now. The smoke coming from his cigarette was curling up towards the ceiling, leaving a dreamy haze in the room. 
“I’d promise you anything,” he replied quickly, taking a drag, “but what specifically am I promising you this time, sweetheart?” 
“No more going to Kihyun’s high roller floors, Kyun. I know the pots are bigger, but you don’t know those men at those tables - not like I do.” You paused then, taking a shaky inhale. 
Being in your line of work, you were no stranger to dangerous men, however you purposefully stayed away from serving on those floors of the lounge for a reason. Those men were the worst of the worst, and even if they weren’t, they rubbed elbows and served those who were. Either way, the money may be sweet, but the risk wasn’t worth it. You made better than you ever had at the lounge with the sections you served,  and that was fine with you. 
But Changkyun had always wanted more. 
Ever since you had told him about your lofty dreams - the ones that you had saved for yourself in the darkest parts of the night, when your mind was racing and you couldn’t sleep - he hadn’t let them go. Truthfully, you always loved the idea of retiring your waitressing shoes and being able to finally write full time, working on the novel you’ve been imagining for years in some quiet home somewhere, tucked away from the world. But it broke you to see Changkyun willing to risk his life to see it come true by hanging around that crowd, placing higher and higher bets at Yvonne’s most hazardous tables. 
It was strange for you to accept that he would even want to do this for you, to support you in this way, but he always knew how to soothe those concerns, promising you that he genuinely wanted to care for you before gently ribbing you to stop being so damn stubborn. 
However, it was his stubbornness that had been creating a wedge between you. 
“They’re bad people, Changkyun. And I don’t mean like - scamming old ladies for their pension money bad, either. I mean like extremely shady dealings with people who are involved with things that would get them sent to prison, bad.” 
His free hand fell to your head then, smoothing your hair back as he took another puff of his cigarette. 
“I know they are. I’m only just polite enough for the rules of the game, I never engage with them more than that. I’m not there for friends or connections, just the money.” He took a final pull before dropping the spent butt in the ashtray on the bedside table, his other hand moving to rest over the one you had placed on his heart.
“I get that, but it doesn’t take much to get on their bad side. It could be the slightest thing. Sometimes, just winning is all it takes.” 
He sighed, but let the silence linger, instead letting himself get lost in stroking your hair softly. You were about to say something again, to make sure he had heard you, when he finally spoke. 
“I just want to take care of you, you know?” His voice was low, thick with emotion, though he tried to swallow it back. “Give you what you deserve.” 
That pain came back, the one deep in your chest, and you sat up to face him. “I know that. But I already have everything that I need, right here.” 
You tap his chest once, twice - his hand still firmly resting on top of your own. 
He met your gaze, giving you a small, cocky smirk, as if his eyes weren’t shiny with unshed tears. “What, you mean this hot body?” 
You scoffed, eyes rolling. Maybe you should’ve called him out on his side stepping, forcing him to vocalize that look he had been giving you, but instead you fell back into step with your teasing. It was, after all, the familiar dance between you two. 
“No, stupid. I meant you - you’re all I need. The rest of this shit is just noise.” 
“I bet I can make you make some noise–”
“Okay okay,” he laughed as your soft touch turned into pointed jabs into his chest, sitting up to wrap his arms around you and stop your onslaught. “I hear you, sweetheart. You’re right. I’ll stay away,” he said, pulling you up and back until you’re leaning against his chest, arms still wrapped tight around you.
“Promise me?” This time when you say it, you made sure your eyes were locked on his, made sure the fear you felt was evident behind the words. 
“I promise.” 
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It felt like a sign from the universe. Well, either that, or a promise from the devil.
But sometimes, those can look the same. 
The posting for Kihyun’s upcoming game had just gone up, but it was already making the rounds. Games like these were advertised in a certain way - you had to know where to find it in order to play, and the regular gamblers all knew the common message boards to keep an eye on. Changkyun hadn’t been looking for it, wasn’t even checking the forums anymore – but had gotten a text about it from Joohoney, a screenshot of the flyer accompanying his message of “Bro, did you see this shit??” 
A high stakes game, in two nights. The winning pot large enough that he would be able to retire you permanently, and he wouldn’t be too far behind you, honestly. You were already off work that night, plans in place for a girls night with Kat and a few of the other servers, so you wouldn’t be at Yvonne’s. 
It would just be one last time.
One last game, and with enough luck, he could finally give you the life that you’ve always wanted, provide for you in the way a man should.  Sure, you wouldn’t like it – the idea of him going to the tables again –  but that was only if you found out, and the chances of that were slim.
He could win the money and set it aside, give himself a week or two of regular games to make it seem a bit more feasible. A few days of being off your feet and back on your laptop would have you forgetting about work anyway, and the top floor of Yvonne’s would fade quickly away from your memory. 
It had to be a sign. He could do it, could pull it off, could be the man that you deserve. 
His fingers hovered over his phone, the reply ready to be sent to Joohoney. It would be just as easy to delete it, to tell him that he’s done with that shit. To text his best friend back and tell him that he can’t, because he told you he would walk away and stay away from those men. Joohoney might give him some shit, but he would understand, likely wouldn’t push the matter. 
But the money…
It didn’t take long for Changkyun to do the math; it would take months at the regular tables to get this kind of money, and that’s only if he kept winning. Which didn’t seem like long in the grand scheme of things, but when he thought of how your eyes lit up at the idea of writing full time, made it seem like it was centuries. 
You wouldn’t have to know. It would just be one last time. 
He pressed send on the text, foot tapping nervously until he saw the read receipt pop up under his message. 
“I’m in - one last game.”
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You were mad at him again, but your friends didn’t need to know that. 
All they needed to know was that you were in the mood for a girls night out, and if they knew what was good for them, they’d be there in their sluttiest outfit ready to indulge with you. 
However, it only took you ordering the second round of shots to have Bri’s questioning stare fixed on your own.
“So, what did he do this time?” she deadpanned, sipping from her straw. 
“What? Who? I don’t know what you speak of,” you replied. “I’m just enjoying a night out with my friends.” 
“Sure, okay,” Kat nodded, giving a convincing performance of someone who actually believed your nonsense. “If he didn’t do anything, then why isn’t he here, buying us all drinks?”
She had you there. Changkyun was always wanting to show up on your nights out – not to crash them, but so that you and your friends could enjoy your time without having to worry about a single thing. He covered the tabs, made sure everyone was having fun, and ensured each person got home safely – all while staying tucked away at a nearby table until you needed him, never putting too much pressure on you. 
It had pissed you off the first time he had suggested it, but after he showed you what he meant, showed you how he could be supportive in the shadows while still letting you shine, you had slowly given in. Part of you loved being able to enjoy yourself with your friends while knowing he was always looking out, even if he wasn’t directly visible. 
“Maybe he’s busy.”
Twin glares pinned you to your seat, and you allowed several beats of the bass blaring in the speakers to pass before caving. 
“Okay, fine, yes. We’re having a slight disagreement,” you conceded with a sniff, “over something that happened at work.”
“Wait a minute - is this about what happened with Vanda?” Kat questioned, mentioning the newest server at the lounge. She had only started a few weeks prior, but had been making a lot of work for you - constantly acting like she knew what she was doing in front of management, only to flounder and follow you and the senior staff around asking a million questions the minute they weren’t on the floor. 
It wasn’t her confidence in her lacking serving skills that had bothered you, not really. It was more so how the minute she did get called out on a mistake, she was quick to try to throw you and your friends - the same people who had just been helping her ass - under the bus. 
You had told Changkyun about an incident earlier in the week of this exact scenario – she was flirting with another customer instead of checking on the tables in her section, and a patron of hers ended up getting up to go to the bar to order a drink. It wouldn’t have been a huge deal, mistakes happen after all, except she had immediately told the manager on duty that you had promised to cover that table. Which was news to you.
“Are you serious? After all the help you’ve given her?” Changkyun had shook his head, irritation evident in his voice. “Did you tell the manager the truth? Who was on?”
You had smothered a smile at the question, trying and failing to hide how much you loved him wanting to know more about your life. 
“It was Amy, and yeah, I told her. She believed me, but still. I don’t get it, I’ve never done anything to that girl.”
“Want me to show up to Yvonne’s and request her section with the guys, give her some shit? You know how annoying I can be when I want to,” he offered, brows raised in a teasing lilt, but you could tell by the line of his mouth that he meant it. 
“Yes, I do know how truly annoying you can be. It’s almost like a super power.”
He grinned then, a full one, and you wanted to kiss his stupid mouth. 
“But no, it’s fine. I got this. I know how to handle people like this, and having anyone else fight the battle for me will only make her more bold about it.” This wasn’t your first rodeo, after all - you had been serving a long time, and doing luxury serving at Yvonne’s for even longer than Vanda had been out of diapers. If there was one thing you knew how to do, it was handle people. 
But did Changkyun listen to you?
Well no, of course not. 
He did exactly as he had threatened - showed up the following day with his full group of rowdy friends, sitting in her section and dedicated to being the most obnoxious people Vanda dealt with all night. They didn’t do anything harassing or illegal, just toed the line of being pretentious drunk pricks gambling and drinking – sending back drinks for being made incorrectly, asking for complicated cocktails and shots, requesting a rundown of the entire menu before telling her they were no longer hungry.
Kat and Bri had found it hilarious, stating that your boyfriend’s malicious compliance of the rules while still making Vanda run around so much she was pouring sweat was truly an artform. And there was a tiny piece of you, deep in your soul, that was pleased at the lengths he was willing to go for you. 
But you were also pissed, because you had been exactly right. It did nothing to stop Vanda from sending bullshit your way; if anything, it had spurred her on, the following shift of yours even more annoying and mind numbing after hours of her questions and subtle sabotage.  
“Yes, it’s about what happened with Vanda! I told him to let me handle it, and he didn’t listen. I know he meant well, I get that, but still. He didn’t listen.” You had known his heart was in the right place - you hadn’t questioned that. But it didn’t negate the fact that it made you feel so small when he didn’t listen to your requests. 
“I thought that was hilarious,” Bri said, arm reaching out for another shot glass. She had one already prepped in front of her, but preferred taking her shots two at a time. “But I get it. Vanda’s been worse since.”
“I can handle Vanda, I don’t really care about that. But it feels like our fights are usually because he just doesn’t listen to what I’m telling him. It’s like he thinks he knows better than me.” 
Deep down, you know he didn’t mean it in this way, but it was like he didn’t trust you - your judgment, your read on the situation, whatever it is – and that hurt, especially when you had worked so hard to open up that piece of yourself to him. 
“And I know that I’m not always right, and it’s not like I don’t want to hear his opinions, but I don’t like the choice being taken from me. Or worse, dangled in front of me like he’s going to consider my feelings, only to have him do whatever.” 
Downing her two shots in rapid succession, Bri shook her head, reaching for her chaser before speaking. “I think that’s part of the problem, he thinks he is considering your feelings. He thinks he’s standing up for you and fighting for you. He thinks he’s taking some of that burden off your plate.” 
“I don’t need, I mean, I don’t-”
“When is the last time you let anyone fight a battle for you?” Kat interrupted, elbows leaning on the table to make direct eye contact with you. “You tell everyone that you got it, that you can handle it. And we’ve seen you do it, so it’s not that we don’t believe you. But sometimes, we want to help you, for no other reason than we love you. And we can.” 
The direct read into your defenses had your throat tightening, and you blinked back the tears that threatened to form and ruin your makeup. 
“He should listen and take your feelings into consideration, absolutely,” Kat continued, voice gentle, “but also, you should let him support you and help more. I think if you let him be there for you in smaller ways, he wouldn’t feel the need to be the knight in shining armor so much.” 
There was a lot of wisdom in your friend's words, and you had taken a moment of silence to chew on it, to let it sink in. 
“He really loves you, you know that, right? So stop being a dumb bitch about it,” Bri deadpanned, but her expression was soft, “and let him love you. And you know I say that with affection.”
“I know,” you said, nodding at your friends. As much as it wasn’t easy to admit, they had a point, which also meant that maybe Changkyun did, as well. “Thank you both, seriously.” 
It had only taken one text message, a quick “This tab isn’t going to pay itself” with a kissing emoji to have him showing up at the bar, settling into a table a few down from your own with a wink and a sly smirk, where he proceeded to wait out the evening, taking care of you and your friends as always when the time came. 
“I’m still annoyed with you,” you had panted against his mouth when you got home, letting him push you up against the wall and cage you in with his arms. He was on you like a starved man, and it had made your buzz intensify, making you drunk on him, his kiss. 
“Of course, I understand,” he mumbled, words barely intelligible in the urgency of his lips. 
You had to fight to pull away, using one hand on the base of his throat to push him back for a moment to catch your breath. 
“But, also, thank you. For what you did with Vanda. And for always wanting to protect me.”
If Changkyun noticed how soft your voice got, he didn’t say anything, instead leaning down to press his forehead against yours. You could tell he was going to say something – probably something devastatingly sweet – and you needed to finish what you were going to say, before the bravery lost you. 
“I’m not used to having someone who wants to fight with me, or for me, you know.” 
“I know,” he replied in a rush, like he had already known your confession, knew what you were going to say long before the words had formed.  “I know, and I also shouldn’t be an ass and push all the time. But I will always protect you, yeah?” 
Nodding, you fought back tears for the second time that evening, but this time you didn’t shy away from letting him see the emotion in your face. 
“You’re mine, and I will always fight for you, sweetheart.” 
This time when he kissed you, it was slow, purposeful, heated. Like he was going to  make sure you felt and wanted for nothing other than him, his touch, and that you could allow yourself to fall into him forever and would always have a safe place to land. 
Maybe it wasn’t so bad, to be vulnerable with someone, to let them in, if you could feel like this. 
Or maybe it wasn’t so bad, only because it was Changkyun. 
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Tonight was the night, and everything was in place.
So why did Changkyun feel a ball of anxiety forming in the base of his gut?
Everything had been going according to the plan so far, not that there was much of a plan for any of this. It mostly relied on you and your friends being away from Yvonne’s for the night, which was easy enough since you were all off on the same evening. A rarity that you all were going to take advantage of, and had planned for movie night with drinks and sushi take out over at Kat’s place, an event that was common enough that Changkyun knew it usually ended in a sleepover. 
He had dropped you off an hour prior, kissing you gently and shouting a greeting down the hall to the girls before heading back to the car, ignoring the feeling of guilt roiling in his stomach. He had just kept reminding himself that he was doing this for you, doing this so he could support you and give you the life that you deserved. 
It was one last time, one last game. 
But that pit didn’t dissipate as the evening went on, not even when he met with Joohoney who had insisted he take a shot when they arrived at Yvonne’s to help with his nerves. It had burned his esophagus, blurring the edges of his tension a bit, enough that he felt confident walking through the lounge next to his friend.. 
“You good?” Joohoney asked, slapping a hand on his shoulder. 
Changkyun nodded. “Yeah, just really wanna win some money, you know?” 
Joohoney had given him an understanding grin before guiding him past the tables in the lower section of Yvonne’s towards the stairs leading up to the high roller tables. 
“It's our lucky night, Kyun,” Joohoney said, pausing in front of the door leading to where the game was about to begin. Through the heavily frosted glass, Changkyun could see several bodies already seated at the few VIP tables, and he felt his pulse spike.  “We’re going to win.”
“I hope you’re right.”
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The sleepover at Kat’s had been just the reset you needed. 
A night of screaming at the television, drinking cocktails and eating your bodyweight in sushi with your friends was healing in more ways than one, and you had left the next morning feeling lighter and more content than you remembered in a while. 
 It was surprising to find your apartment dark and quiet when you returned, as you had assumed Changkyun would be there waiting for you, like he always was. You had given him a key long ago, figuring there was no point in pretending like he didn’t spend all of his free time glued to your side, but not fully ready to give up the independence of living alone quite yet. 
Sending him a quick text, you let him know that you’re home and about to catch up on sleep before your shift later. He replies quickly that he had fallen asleep at his place after a late night with Joohoney, but that he would be there once you got off work. 
Nothing had felt out of the ordinary, and you felt energized enough from your nap to get ready quickly, getting to work much earlier than you normally would for a shift.
You should’ve known something was up the minute you walked into work and saw that Vanda had a shit eating grin on her face.
She kept sneaking side glances, watching you with a scrutiny that made you uneasy. She’s normally more obvious in her attempts to annoy you, and her passive aggressiveness is setting your teeth on edge. 
After the third glare and giggle on your way to drop off more drinks, you decide you’re going to confront her and ask her what her deal is, when she beats you to it.
“Did you have fun last night?” Vanda questions, a stupid smirk on her face. 
“Why do you care?”
“Seemed like Changkyun did,” she continued, like you hadn’t asked a question. Your stomach dropped.
Raising a brow, you wait for her to go on, not wanting to give her any more satisfaction. She clearly knew something that you didn’t, and she was already well aware of that fact. 
“How much did he actually end up winning last night? I mean, him and Joohoney were upstairs until last call, and he seemed pretty happy when he left.”
Instantly, your throat tightens, unease now unfurled into full blown anxiety. He was here last night? If he was here last night, and with Joohoney upstairs, no less…
“I didn’t manage to hear how much he won, just that Changkyun shouldn’t worry, because you would never find out.”
It was enough. You had heard enough. 
It was surprising how quickly you switched into autopilot, spinning on your heel and striding out of the room before your throat tightens, before your vision fully blurs. Vanda says something more behind you, a lilt of concern in her voice, but you can’t hear her, not anymore. 
 Your mind quiets as your body takes control, moving you to find your manager to tell her that you need to leave, before grabbing your purse and coat, and leaving the lounge. Turning towards your apartment, your rage fuels your step, gut churning with the betrayal of knowing the only reason why Changkyun would be upstairs at Yvonne’s last night, why he would be leaving looking so pleased with himself. 
The wind bit at your face, chapping your lips,  but you didn’t care; needing the night air in your lungs and for the anger to be burned out in your movement before seeing him. 
Because once you walked out your anger and faced the betrayal, you would need to deal with the deep seated fear for Changkyun’s safety, and how the hell you would be able to protect him now. 
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Changkyun wasn’t expecting you so early when you barged into the apartment, and the mix of confusion and excitement quickly bled away once he saw the look on your face. 
He strides towards you, grabbing your shoulders, concern knitting his brow. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Blinking, you allow yourself a moment to stare at him, to drink in his full mouth and stupid handsome face, before you swallow around the knot in your throat. 
“Tell me it isn’t true, Changkyun.” 
You hate how your voice sounds; weak and strained and like you’re just bone deep tired, defeated. Maybe you are. 
“What are you talk-”
“Tell me that you weren’t upstairs at Yvonne’s last night,” you sigh, irritated with the ruse. “Tell me that you didn’t go and do the exact thing that you promised me you wouldn’t, and that I didn’t have to find out from fucking Vanda, of all people.”
Pulling away, you slide from his grasp, tucking your arms around your middle so that you wouldn’t be tempted to reach back out for him. It was tortuous, how much you want to reach for him, even when your heart is breaking. 
“Sweetheart, I just- it was just going to be one last time, one last game. The pot was too good, it was enough to get you set up, so you could quit,” he lets the sentence hang, almost waiting for you to interrupt, but when you stay silent, he continues. “Joohoney made sure everything was good, and we won just enough to get what we needed, not enough to rock too many boats. I had it under control.” 
Closing your eyes, you let the last sentence settle around your shoulders like a heavy weight, the same old feelings bubbling up. “It wasn’t about you being in control or not, Changkyun. It was about listening to me, actually listening to me. You promised.”
It was on the last word that you broke, that the tears started to fall, and for once you didn’t turn away, wanting him to see. 
“You promised me you would stay away, and then you didn’t. You hid it. You thought you knew what was best for me, instead of just listening to me.” 
Pain laces Changkyun’s face as he takes a step towards you, only pausing when you take an equal step backwards. “I’m so sorry, I don’t think I know better, I just-”
“Please leave. I’m done.” Your voice is low but measured, certain. 
“Baby, please, let me just explain, and- and-”
“I don’t want to hear an explanation. I want you to leave.” Tears continue to fall, but you don’t drop his stare, willing him to understand just how serious this all is, how serious you are. 
He wants to fight it, wants to say more, but something in your eyes must convince him, because he keeps his mouth shut. Instead, he moves back to the couch, grabbing his coat and phone, before making his way to the door. His gaze is mournful as he gives you one last look, lingering, before shutting the door behind him. 
You aren’t sure how long you stand there, unmoving, before the autopilot kicks back into gear, forcing your limbs to move. Heading towards your room, you place your phone on the charger before you curl into your bed, surrounding yourself with the blankets and the lingering scent of Changkyun. 
And then you let yourself break down. 
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Changkyun was drunk. Too drunk. 
He shouldn’t have taken that last shot, especially not after that last drink from the bar. It was too much, but fuck it. Who cares?
“I’m not sure what I’m doing,” he mumbles to himself, not caring how crazy he looks. He wishes someone would just give him some direction, tell him what he would need to do in order to fix this. 
He didn’t listen. He never listens. 
And now he’s lost the only good thing he’s ever fucking had, the only reason he got up each morning and what’s the point, if you’re gone? 
Fuck. Fuck. 
Sliding down low in the booth, he lets his head hang, the whisky glass precariously dangling in his hand. His body felt so heavy, so numb, and yet the anguish deep in his chest only worsened, throbbed along to music blaring in the club. 
If only he could apologize, he’d beg for mercy, he’d promise he’d never fuck up like this ever again. Explain how you were right - how he doesn’t need the money, or any of that shit, as long as he had you. 
He needs you.
His heart is in a vice grip, squeezing so tightly that he thinks he might explode from his body, his skin, until he’s nothing but red.
Pain suddenly licks up Changkyun’s palm, and he looks down to see the glass cup gone. In its place are thousands of tiny shards, twinkling in the dim club lights, reflecting everything back to him. More red, but this time welling in his palm, pooling in the deep lines of the skin. 
“What the fuck, are you alright dude?” 
Changkyun thinks it’s Joohoney who asks him, or maybe it’s Hyungwon? It doesn’t matter either way, because it’s not you.  
He goes to stand, to ask for a bandage or a rag or something, but instead his vision blurs, the room spinning. And then he’s flat on his back, blinking up at the cacophony of lights, faces coming in and out of focus, but not the one he needs, not the one he’s looking for. 
He can faintly hear his friends talking to him, feel them digging in his pockets for his phone, but he can’t be present anymore. It’s too torturous, too heavy. Much easier to close his eyes, to think about your face. To let himself get lost forever. 
He’s happy to die here on the floor of this stupid club, imagining your smile, your laugh, your lips as you say his name.
Changkyun just wants to take care of you, just wants to give you everything that you deserve. How can he do that if he’s here? If he can’t listen? 
He lets the darkness swallow him.
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Changkyun isn’t sure where he is. 
He feels like he got hit by a truck, his head specifically feeling like it had been trampled on, though it’s his right palm that's aching in time to his pulse. 
Without moving, he opens his eyes slowly, trying to take in his surroundings. It’s dark, wherever he is, and his head is propped on a pillow, body stretched out on a couch. He can see a small trash can directly in front of him, as if whomever brought him here wasn’t sure if he’d be capable of finding a bathroom if the contents of his stomach decided to make a reappearance, and he groans.
Fingers swipe through his hair, easing the pounding in his skull by a fraction.
“Hi, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”
Changkyun thinks he has to still be sleeping, must be having a very good dream if it’s your voice he’s hearing, your scent he’s inhaling as he settles onto the pillow. He smiles to himself, not wanting to speak and having the dream fade too soon. 
“Changkyun? Are you going to answer me?” This time, you peer over him, leaning down to stroke his face. You let your fingers linger briefly on his cheekbone before lightly touching his lips.
His eyes snap open. 
“Is this real?” He asks, voice hoarse, gaze searching your own. He doesn’t feel strong enough to sit up quite yet, but you don’t seem to want to make him, either. “Are you really here?”
“Technically, you’re here at my place, but yes, it’s real.” You reply, your nails sliding back up to his hair to give his scalp a soothing scratch.
He swallows as he stares at you, as he drinks in the tenderness in your eyes that he thought he wouldn’t get a chance to see again. It took him a moment before he recognized your apartment in the dim light, and another more before realizing the pillow he’s laying on is settled in your lap. 
Even knowing that this was real, that you truly let him back in, he was still too scared to speak, not wanting to scare you off. Not wanting the moment to end. 
When he finally gathered enough courage, he cleared his throat.
“I’m so, so fucking sorry, sweetheart. You’re right. I don’t listen. I hear what you say, and then just act like an ass who thinks he knows everything.” Changkyun swallows thickly. “The only thing I do know is that you’re my everything. You’re all I need. Please, don’t give up on me yet.”
His pleas make your eyes well, and you force yourself to take an even inhale before speaking. 
You want to tell him that you couldn’t give him up, that you had tried because you knew it would be easier in the long run, but your heart wouldn’t allow it. You want to say that you had regretted telling him to leave the moment the words left your lips, that you hadn’t meant them. You want to say that you were just so tired of not being heard, of people making decisions for you.
Instead, you roll your eyes playfully. “Now why would I do that, after all the trouble I went through to patch up your hand while you were black out?”
You will tell him those things, but later. When the sting of last night had faded a bit from both of your memories, and the impact intended can land. 
He gives you a small grin, meeting your gaze. His hand - the bandaged one - raises slowly, tentatively, until it’s cupping your cheek.
“I just wanted to give you the world,” Changkyun murmurs, almost reverently. “I will give you the world, the right way. It might take me longer, but I will.”
His words soften you more, and you reach for his other hand, pulling him up until he’s facing you. He’s slow to move, the onset of a hangover taking hold, but eventually he settles sitting upright, eyes still intense on your own. 
He  is always trying to take care of you, trying to lessen your burdens. You know you’re not the best at accepting the help, but dammit, you were trying. For him. And he was trying for you, too. 
You lean forward until your foreheads are touching, breaths mingling. 
“I already have it, stupid.”
He kisses you then, a gentle press of lips that quickly builds, as everything always does with him. A push and a pull. Changkyun leans away slightly,  grins against your mouth. “I’m an idiot, but you already knew that.”
“You’re my idiot. The rest is just noise.”
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wonjns · 1 year
particular — i.cy
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pairing. im changkyun x male reader
genre. smut
summary. another long day of work leads to a horny mood, thankfully you have a (slightly odd but extremely sexy) boyfriend who's always willing to help you out.
includes. car sex, semi-public sex, slight voyeurism, masturbation, cum eating, unprotected sex ( dont irl !! )
WC. 1.7k
°A/N. . . ok this is literally so random it was just an old draft i started literally last year ?? but i just had to finish it bc wow i forgot how much i love chankgyun and i hope u guys like this !!
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everybody usually labeled your boyfriend as a bit of a freak, but you just liked to think of him as selective about what he liked when it came to sex.
despite his horny tendencies, changkyun had never done anything outlandish or unheard of before with you - shit, he was hardly even open to trying new things. he simply knew what he liked, despite how specific some of his turn ons were. you understood that, and he always appreciated how open you were to his desires.
just like now, as you sat in the passenger seat of his car – your pants long discarded as you palmed your exposed member while he watched you with intense eyes.
you woke up in an uncharacteristically needy mood today, dropping hints as soon as he picked you up from your barista job. changkyun could feel the desire radiating off of you in waves the minute you laid your eyes on him, the way his fitted black gym shirt up clung to his chiseled torso stirring a fire in your gut. it was unlike you, but you practically begged to have him before he could fully drive down the street. and who would he be to tell his favorite boy no in that moment?
he just wanted you to do a thing or two for him first.
for some reason, changkyun loved to fuck you after seeing you reach your climax first. something about how spent you would be just ignited him in a blaze, pounding into you extra passionately afterwards... every single time. 
so you didn’t hesitate for a second when he asked to see you pleasure yourself until your first orgasm, then he would touch you. you obliged, immediately throwing your head against the seat rest from a couple strokes to your cock. 
but before you knew it, you had been at it for 10 minutes, unable to get yourself climaxing despite your needy state. your hands simply never felt quite the same as changkyuns larger, warmer, and much more experienced ones. your wrist was starting to cramp after putting in so much effort to no avail, groaning out of frustration when you saw changkyun begin to palm himself over his gym shorts.
you were sickeningly turned on at how aroused he was getting at your frustration. you had always needed his help with nearly everything, especially when it came to sex, so you were always so pliant and obedient — and fuck did it turn him on.
“kyun, i need you so bad, please.” you whined, feeling overwhelmed with the hunger that he stared at you with as you played with your throbbing length.
changkgun’s jaw clenched for a second before he slowly licked his bottom lip, watching your hands run along your cock. he didn’t even want to blink and risk missing a second of the beautiful sight before him.
“you’re doing good, baby, keep going.” he sternly encouraged, voice so deep it caused you to whimper with more want. his eyes shot up to yours for a second, darker than ever. “are you close?”
“mm mm,” you mewled in response, gaze dropping to his erect nipples poking through his dry-fit shirt. you stroked yourself deeper, remembering what he looked like underneath the thin fabric. “let see your abs, please.”
the ever-so-cocky grin that you were used to grew across changkyuns face. and as annoying as it was, you fucking loved it.
he’d been working out so much at home lately, and it showed more as the days went on. you would always watch in perverted silence, eyes fixated on his back muscles as he did pull ups on your bedroom doorframe. the way his round shoulders were forming, tan thighs growing more muscular, and of course that torso being shaped by the gods - there was hardly a time that he’d be doing his sit ups in the living room that wouldn’t end in you two getting some extra cardio in on the couch after.
changkyun complied to your request all too easily, reaching down to drag the hem of the shirt slowly upwards. the material slid up and bunched around his broad chest, bronze chiseled abs glaring right back at you.
he must’ve just finished working out before picking you up from work, as there was still a thin sheen of sweat reflecting off the grooves of his muscles. you just wanted to cum all over them right then and there, and to lick it off after without a care in the world.
and that was all it took. the thought alone activated a long whine out of you as you squirted all over yourself, ropes of your white essence shooting up onto your stomach and thankfully missing your uniform shirt by a smidge.
you felt a little out of breath already, but the marveling in changkyun’s eyes gave you all the boost you needed. you didn’t bother discarding your shirt as you scrambled into his lap, back accidentally honking the horn in the process. you’d didnt give a damn.
“there, will you kiss me now?” your voice sounding much more desperate than you wanted it to.
changkyun offered you another smirk before slightly lifting your shirt and scooping some of your arousal off your stomach with two fingers. you didn’t need any instruction as you opened your mouth, excitement stirring in your bones.
your boyfriend’s eyes struck in a trance as he rubbed his fingers along your tongue, spreading your salty love liquids around to his liking. his free hand held you firmly in place by your neck. you took the opportunity to suck on his digits for just a moment before he pulled them away.
your tongue protruded out to show chankgyun his work, prompting a deep groan out of him.
“that’s my boy…” he finally mumbled before surging forward, finally soothing your aching lips with his own.
the kiss was deep, full of hunger as changkyun wasted no time in slipping his tongue in to mingle with yours. he took his time tasting you, collecting the smeared essence off your tongue to take for himself. he was so noisy today, as another one of his moans shook you to your core, and you were thankful to be perched on his lap... otherwise your knees would’ve given out immediately.
you were growing drunk on his sloppy open mouthed kisses, feeling along those godly abs before you forced yourself to pull away - unable to hold in your final request any longer.
“changkyun,” you huffed, “please fuck me.”
the dark haired man laughed at your already desperate state, warm hands encasing both sides of your hips securely as he looked you up and down.
“i don’t know, prince, right here and now? you’re already so sensitive, i’m not sure if you could handle it.” he mocked, experimentally rolling his hips up into you.
the thin material of his workout shorts boldly exposed how rock hard his bulge was already. he felt so, so big and it sent your mind reeling. your eyes rolled back when you rocked your hips down into him in response, clutching his broad shoulders.
“let me try.” you cried out, reconnecting your lips before he could form a reply.
after the two of you shared a hot, needy make out session for a couple minutes, changkyun skillfully removed both of your clothes before you could notice.
his teeth ran teasingly along the column of your neck before he passionately sucked on your adams apple, flipping you over and lowering the seat back. you moaned as you ran your hands down the expanse of his exposed melanated back, the valleys of his toned muscles sending you into a haze.
chankgyun made sure to leave an array of pretty little marks all over your neck before finally ridding himself of his underwear and fishing the small bottle of lube out from the center consul.
he laughed to himself, realizing that normal couples probably wouldn't keep something so vulgar brazenly in their car. but the man learned quickly that he had done it to himself; after corrupting you for the first time, you had become such an insatiable little thing.
when both you and he were finally prepped, he teasingly prodded his thick head against your entrance.
“i’m going in, baby boy. hold on tight.” he spoke.
his teasing actions caused you to already clench around nothing, but you tried to will yourself to relax. he slowly pushed in, and you couldn't even attempt holding your noises in. not like he would want you to anyways.
changkyun's ego would always skyrocket every time he heard how good he made you feel. his favorite would be times just like this, when you were in your most fucked out state just babbling over how much you loved him and his huge, skillful dick.
you clung to your boyfriend tighter as he ground his hips into you rhythmically, taking you to the stars and back right there in his driver's seat.
it didn't take much for you to announce your second orgasm, the sensation hurdling towards you as changkyun relentlessly pounded into you with a starved passion.
when the blissful relief washed over you, once again coming all over you and changkyun's stomach, he couldn't even warn you of his own climax as the fluttering of your walls began milking him dry as well. he wanted to bite down on your collarbone but refused to look away at how cute your scrunched up face looked, loving that he was the reason for your ecstacy.
changkyun tried to still his head from dizzying, groaning as he watched his own come begin leaking down your leg. he went to grab napkins from his consul, but you stopped him immediately, pulling him back on top of you for one more deep kiss.
you just wanted the both of you to rest in that moment, so fucked out that you didn't feel like moving despite the stickiness forming between the both of you.
your boyfriend chuckled as he lowered himself to your ear, pecking your cheeks a couple times.
"ok, 5 minutes babe. but then we have to get out of this parking lot, your job has cameras."
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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minnieminshi · 7 months
Sporteen Masterlist
Welcome to what I call my chronic brainrot and where I start to accept the fact that I might actually like watching sports even tho I spent most of my childhood saying I hate sports lol 
This is the first series I’ve done and I’m also a first year uni student so I make no promises on how frequent I can update this but I do wanna try to get them done at least by when my semester ends in like April
Also some of the stories are linked as since some of the guys are on the same team/sport
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Choi Seungcheol: Pucking Chemistry
Summary: You never should’ve agreed to tutor the captain of the hockey team. Who shows up a full hour after the agreed meeting time? Choi Seungcheol, apparently as you’ve come to learn. And now you’re stuck tutoring him because for some reason, you're his last hope to pass chemistry so he’s eligible to play in an upcoming tournament. 
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol, mentions of your father abandoning the family 
Extra info: high school setting, Cheol uses the term "princess" a lot and I'm a sucker for calling people by their last name, mentions of Monsta X’s I.M (aka Changkyun) and Kard’s Somin (but she gets mentioned like once lol), your little brother’s name never gets mentioned but you do call him Frosty lol, and my knowledge of hockey is limited to watching Dr. Mike on yt talk about hockey injuries so there’s not a whole lot of hockey action in this fic lmao. On a personal note, this fic made my realize my little brother is turning 13 this year and I can’t handle that because what do you mean he’s a teen now he literally turned one the other day and I think that shows in this fic lol
Release: 2/24 Read Here
Word count: 9.9K
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Yoon Jeonghan:  Maybe Romeo and Juliet Were Onto Something
Summary: When you agreed to help your dad with coaching his soccer team, you expected to help with writing down prs and handing out water bottles in return for free tickets and an excuse to be out of your dorm. What you didn’t expect to happen was falling for the charming co-captain of his soccer team. So do you take your shot with co-captain or do you heed your dad’s one and only rule of absolutely no dating his players? 
Warnings: cursing since that’s gonna be pretty much a staple in my writing lol, arguments with a parent 
Extra info: uni setting, so originally Jeonghan was gonna be a basketball player but then I remembered I hate basketball due to getting hit in the face and breaking my glasses on my birthday during practice… Plus I saw a tiktok of svt playing sports and Jeonghan was playing soccer and the gears started turning in my head lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Hong (Jisoo) Joshua:  It’s a Win-Win! Right?
Summary: Agreeing to fake date your best friend definitely wasn’t on your schedule when you dropped by after Joshua’s swim practice after your student council meeting had ended. But with his oddly passionate fangirls, you suppose this was more for his comfort than anything else. And hey, you could also use this to get your vice president to stop hitting on you as well, so it's a win-win for everyone. Plus it’s not like you’d be met with the realization that you might be in love with your best friend, that’s crazy…
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol, and crazy fangirls 
Extra info: high school setting, I got a confession… I don’t actually know how to swim lmaoo I just never learned so I apologize for the lack of actual swimming lol and Joshua is definitely inspired by Oikawa from Haikyuu in the sense of his fangirls lol and I guarantee there’s at least 50 fake dating Oikawa fics so here’s my spin on that with Joshua lol. I was also half tempted to make Joshua like one of my friends, who, for some reason decided our senior year to join our school’s swim team that I didn’t even know we had lol while he was on the varsity soccer team but I decided against it for simplicity lmao 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Wen Junhui: Racing Hearts and Skating to Love
Summary: Getting the chance to perform at an end of year celebration? Amazing! Having to perform a paired performance with Wen Junhui? Not amazing! Don’t get it twisted! You don’t hate Junhui, in fact it’s the opposite. You’ve been silently crushing on your fellow skater for months, and now you’re going to have to create and perform a paired program with him. Which of course meant having to spend weeks with him, and getting close to him to actually practice. But you can do this, it’s only for a few weeks, your heart can handle it. Hopefully it can, at least.
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol
Extra info: it’s never mentioned but it’s a uni au lol, reader wears contacts and glasses because I do too and I love Wen Junhui so next question lol and literally all my knowledge of ice skating comes from the time I was obsessed with Yuzuru Hanyu like a year or two ago so I apologize for the inaccuracies of the sport lol
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Kwon Soonyoung:  Goal- Wait Watch Out!
Summary: Meet cute except it’s not cute and you probably have a concussion from the rogue soccer ball to the head. All you were trying to do was drop off your roommate's lunch since she forgot in the morning and now you’re being carried by a concerned goalie and your roommate treating you like one of her athletes. At least the goalie carrying you is cute? 
Warnings: cursing since I can’t help myself, and of course injuries (a concussion) since that’s the plot lol 
Extra info: uni setting, my knowledge is very limited on soccer and all that I do know comes from when my librarian would let me stay in the library while the cup was going on last year instead of making me go do errands for the teachers during my student aide period lol and putting Hoshi as goalie is most definitely brought on by Jeonghan’s monthly meeting pics of him as the goalie lol
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Jeon Wonwoo: Scheming Love 
Summary: When your coach told your team that you guys would play a skirmish against the boys volleyball team for fun, you felt your heart freeze. Now you weren’t scared of the boys team, you believe your team is fully capable of beating them in a game. No, what scares you is the fact that it means you have to play against Jeon Wonwoo, one of the middle blockers on the team. And your longtime crush. Normally you’re confident as a libero, doing your best to make sure your team’s defense’s on top and making sure the ball doesn’t touch the ground, but with Wonwoo on the court at the same time? Maybe you should start apologizing to your team now. Wait, why did they have a team huddle while you were helping the manager bring the water bottles? And why are they smiling at you like they’ve just made the greatest plan in the history of the world? 
Warnings: cursing as usual, and threatening to strangle someone (as a joke lol) 
Extra info: high school setting, reader wears glasses because I do too and I love Wonwoo lol. One of two fics that are fueled by my Haikyuu brainrot that’s coming back thanks to the movies and the new content that’s been coming out recently. Wonwoo as a middle blocker is brought on by this twitter artist that’s drawn Tsukishima in some Wonwoo stage outfits and that has caused me great pain I eat it up every time and reader being a libero is because that’s my favorite position lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Jihoon: Wait Where Are You Going? Come Back!
Summary: You really didn’t plan to watch your university’s baseball team play today, especially since it was so hot out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky to provide some shade to hide under. But alas, your best friend insisted on dragging you along, wanting to watch her boyfriend play. Sure that’s fine and dandy, but why drag you along? At least the catcher’s cute, or what you can see of him on account of his mask. Wow, he's really muscular and is he giving Seokmin signs on how to pitch- wait why is your best friend and her boyfriend pushing the two of you after the game is over? And why are they running away? Oh, she’s gonna pay for this once you get through his conversation with the cute catcher. 
Warnings: cursing as usual, and betrayal from your best friend and Seokmin lol 
Extra info: uni setting, I’m like 85% sure Woozi said he used to play as catcher when he played baseball so that’s why he has this position. I don’t know anything about baseball besides one man named Shohei Ohtani and that getting hit with the ball hurts like hell (and all the injuries Dr. Mike on yt covered lol) 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Seokmin: Breaking News! Falling in Love is Scary!  
Summary: Being part of your university’s blog and radio show is great, until you’re being forced out of the studio/office and out in the open to go interview the baseball team after a recent winning streak. Normally this job would get assigned to another team member, but after a recent bout of frat flu ravaging your crew, the interview is left up to you. Whatever, just get the answers to the prewritten questions you have and the sooner you can go back to the studio/office to work on other things. Or that was the plan before the pitcher, Lee Seokmin, took an interest in you and suddenly seemed to pop up everywhere around campus. Or aka, grumpy reporter x sunshine baseball player. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, and you being a hater for no reason lol 
Extra info: uni setting, I don’t know much about baseball other than the fact that I would kill to see DK in a baseball uniform 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Kim Mingyu: Red Bandage of Fate  
Summary: When you joined the athletic team as a student trainer and got assigned to the university’s soccer team, you wondered if the team’s number 06, Kim Mingyu, the ace of the team and top scorer, was the same Kim Mingyu who basically lived in the training center, constantly in need of treatment for his never ending list of injuries. And please, slow down with the injuries, the center’s almost out of athletic tape and bandages, you’re begging him to please be more careful out on the field. 
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself, and very obviously injuries (I’ll come back to be more specific with the injuries lol) 
Extra info: uni setting, I’m taking an intro to athletic training class this sem so I know some stuff about treating athletes but again it’s intro class so beware if some things aren’t super accurate lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Xu Minghao: Filmed Lovestory  
Summary: When you agreed to help film your friend’s practice for an upcoming competition, you didn’t think much of it. You’ve done it thousands of times. Put on your skates, a couple of extra layers so you won’t freeze, use her phone to record her, and follow her out on the ice. It’s simple, really, and a great way to spend Saturdays while also getting some exercise in between your tiring uni life. What you didn’t expect is somehow to agree to film the practices of one of her skating friends. Her very handsome skating friend, you might add. So now your weekends are fully booked for the ice, but watching Minghao skate on the ice, it’s not so bad. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual 
Extra info: uni setting, as I mentioned with my Jun fic, all of my figure skating knowledge comes from the time I was obsessed with Yuzuru Hanyu like a year or two ago so again I apologize for the inaccuracies of the sport
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Boo Seungkwan: Tangerines, Confessions and a Supply Closet  
Summary: When you agreed to be the boys volleyball team’s manager, you didn’t think you’d spend your high school career taking care of the team. Yet, here you are, in your senior year and the only reason some of your players are even here (and why some of them are passing their classes, seriously signing up as a manager became a lot more than just handing out water bottles!). The only reason you’ve been able to stick around as long as you have is because of the team’s setter, Boo Seungkwan, who makes your job of wrangling the team a little easier. Now if only you could get the team off your back about confessing to him before the two of you graduate, that really would be great. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, threats to kill an entire volleyball team (all jokes), and getting locked in a supply closet 
Extra info: high school setting, this is the second fic that is 100% fueled by my Haikyuu phase that is slowly coming back due to the movies and the new content that’s been coming out recently. And out of all the sports, this is the one I’m most knowledgeable in since I actually watch matches (shout out to Lim Sungjin and Heo Subong). Also I had such a hard time giving Seungkwan a sport since he does so much I decided on volleyball because the thought of him playing makes me want to bark so there’s that 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Chwe (Vernon) Hansol: Quick, He’s Not Watching! 
Summary: When your older brother told you to wait for him in the bleachers, promising to give you a ride after your night class, you didn’t think much of it. If you’re lucky, you’d be able to take a nap in the bleachers waiting for him. What you didn’t expect was to somehow catch the attention of one of the midfielders, Vernon. As you come around more and more often, you find the midfielder always making an effort to say hey to you, and even stealing some of the team’s snacks for you. Now you just wonder if he’ll make a move before your brother notices the two of you getting closer with each other.
Warnings: uni setting, cursing as per usual, and older protective brother that means well but doesn’t go about it the right way 
Extra info: I deadass looked up what the positions in soccer are because I have no idea what goes on in the sport even though one of my friend’s played our entire high school career 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Chan: You’re Not Too Bad 
Summary: You didn’t think that showing up to your best friend’s, Seokmin’s, baseball practices would make one of the players hate you, but here you are and apparently Lee Chan hates you. Or so you think at least. The rest of the team loves you, especially since you always bring them plenty of food to feed them throughout practice (it pays to be a nutrition major) and always try to help out even though you’re not an official manager. But it’s no biggie, it’s not like Chan hating you bothers you, nope, not at all. But maybe you’d skip out on stopping by Seokmin’s practice for the week… Yeah that sounds like a good idea. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, Chan being a bit of an asshole but it gets resolved don’t worry 
Extra info: uni setting, Dino being assigned baseball is all because of the 231105 fansign where he was given a baseball jersey and glove, and I still don’t know how baseball works
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
122 notes · View notes
seungkwansphd · 1 year
want YOU
pairing: changkyun x fem!reader word count: 2.2K synopsis: your dynamic with changkyun had been strained for the entire time you'd dated his friend. after breaking up, the 'why' starts to unravel. themes: smut, boyfriend's friend, repressed feelings, M O O D Y changkyun, post-breakup.
a/n: this fic was HIGHLY inspired by tabber (hence the title). baby's (me) first changkyun fic. also smut's all over the place, to be honest, but oh well
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You chewed on your lip. You hadn’t expected Changkyun to be here. You shrank against the wall slightly, as if it would help you evade his detection, but his dark eyes landed on you before long. Found you like always.
You sighed. You didn’t want to talk to him. Even when you’d still been dating his friend, your relationship had felt strained. Dominic insisted that it was imagined on your end, but you could always feel an energy in Changkyun’s gaze that felt disapproving. Even when you’d met eyes with him just now, it felt like it crackled through you from head to toe.
Changkyun clenched his jaw when he saw you. He knew he looked mad, but that was okay. He was used to keeping up this facade, feigning dislike or indifference to avoid the assuredly disastrous reveal of the raw, unbridled attraction that he felt for you. He’d known from the first time Dominic had introduced you two that he wished to undo you.
As time passed and Dominic proved himself to be a rather poor partner, Changkyun’s reign on his emotions grew tenuous, strained. He couldn’t avoid you, after all. He became a sideline admirer of your stray thoughts and soft smiles, but his sense of duty ensured that the way you affected him stayed a secret to everyone and especially you.
“I’m gonna go grab some water,” you excused yourself from the conversation. You wandered into the kitchen and pulled open cabinets until you found the cups you were looking for. Pressing up on your tiptoes, you reached upwards until you nearly lost your balance.
“Careful,” someone appeared to steady you. Large hands found purchase on your waist and even provided a slight lift to assist. The way their thumbs pressed into the muscles of your back made you want to purr, but you managed to keep a hold of yourself.
“Thank yo-,” your words faded into a squeak when you realized who had helped you. “Changkyun.”
He nodded as you looked back up at him. You frowned. He was too close.
Changkyun grimaced slightly, looking at his hands. This had been a mistake. To now know how they fit around your waist would make him mentally unwell.
“Changkyun,” you did your best not to stutter. “Can I? Water,” you pointed towards the faucet. His hands were still around you and sent a ripple down your back.
“If you’re here to tell me off for breaking up with Dominic, you should just save it. Go ask him why things ended,” you told him indignantly after a sip of water.
Changkyun’s heart leapt into his throat. What had you just said?
“You broke up?”
“You didn’t know?” you looked up at him with surprise. He shook his head.
You gave him a half smile and a shrug before finishing your glass of water. Changkyun was still embroiled in thought as you placed it into the dishwasher and slipped outside.
You shook yourself once you were in the backyard. The way he’d been looking at you had been downright suffocating, so the fresh, cool air was a welcome relief. You waved and made small talk with a few familiar faces before you noticed one of the ladder toss bolas wrapped around a tree branch. Someone should get that down.
Once again standing on your tiptoes, you reached upwards, but this time the goal was far more out of reach. Jumping didn't do the trick and neither did standing on the tree’s gnarled roots. You spotted a rickety stool and decided to give that a shot.
“I told you to be careful,” Changkyun’s voice sounded in your ear as the stool started to wobble. You let out a small, surprised puff of air as you fell into him. His arms caught you and folded you against his warm, solid chest.
It sounded regretfully like a soft moan. A gravelly groan emanated from his chest and rippled through you and you throbbed. You didn’t know whether you’d undergone some sort of perverse conditioning by way of his repeated rebuffs or whether you’d actually tucked it aside in self preservation, but your body wanted him.
“Changkyun,” you sighed, body stiff in his arms.
“What is this?” you asked, searching his expression.
“I’m not sure,” he answered honestly, “I just…want.”
You nodded once, hands fisting in his shirt. His grip on you tightened.
“Tell me.” He needed to hear you say it. After months of lusting after you, he knew with certainty where he stood. He needed some sort of indication from you too.
You closed your eyes. You almost regretted it because it allowed a hazy image from the past to fill in the blank. The one time you'd run into Changkyun leaving the bathroom shirtless, damp, sweatpants slung pornographically low across his hips. You'd nearly lost it then. Sadly there was nothing to stop you now.
“...need you,” you sighed, tugging on his shirt now.
That was enough for him. You heard him swallow before practically carrying you out. He had no more patience.
“Ah!” you let out a surprised squeak when he deposited you on his kitchen counter. His lips explored the curve of your neck and your head fell back, letting out a thick, wet moan. He growled from the back of his throat. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed to hear that. His hungry lips curled into a grin as he traveled down to the hollow at the base of your neck. His tongue dipped into it before he bit down slightly, pulling another cry from you. Your fingers threaded into his hair and pulled him back slightly.
“Demon,” you laughed. His deep chuckle joined yours. You liked when he laughed.
He picked you up again, this time carrying you to his bedroom. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his arousal pressed against you firmly. You were ready. If you could’ve sank down around him like that, you would have. Your hands made quick work of each others’ clothes and he bent you over the bed, his hands finding their place around your waist just like earlier in the kitchen.
“Please,” you whimpered, pressing back towards him.
Changkyun wished he could tease you, draw out your longing, but he couldn’t. He needed to be inside of you or he would simply combust. Pressing his thumbs into the small of your back, he stroked into you, letting out a low groan peppered with choice curse words.
Your mouth fell open with surprise. He was big. You enveloped him with your warmth and he let out a sigh when he was pressed flush against you. Your name fell from his lips like a prayer before he starting fucking you in earnest. Your cries were ecstatic and you took full advantage of burying your face in the covers to muffle the desperation in your sounds.
“God you look good, taking it all for me. So good for me,” he groaned.
“Yes,” you nodded frantically. You could already feel your orgasm building. This first one would be quick.
“I wish you could see. Looks so good taking me into you,” he sounded strained.
“Kyunnie!” you groaned, clenching around him.
“Fuck!” he cursed. His orgasm threatened to rip through him at any moment.
“Taking it so good for you,” you babbled. It was mostly incoherent, but provocative all the same. You reached back, grabbing his wrist as you spasmed around him, orgasm ripping loudly through you. His followed shortly after, his fingertips pressing into you with a bruising pressure before he fell forward, breath ragged.
You watched him as he recovered. When he looked up at you again, his eyes burned into you intensely. Now that he’d taken the edge off, he could really show you what he was made of. Fuck you in all the ways he'd imagined. Fuck you in all the ways you needed.
“Oh?” you were surprised by his short recovery period. He placed you on your back, hips against the edge of the bed before sinking to his knees before you. Your instinct was to sit up and look at him, but you were promptly halted by his hand at the base of your throat, pressing you down into the mattress. “Oh,” you sighed again, brain mushy.
You couldn’t see, but you felt his press your knees apart. He paused for a moment and you wondered what he was doing. The not knowing set a ripple of goosebumps through you.
Changkyun sat back on his heels for a moment to admire you. His eyes traced the swells and curves of your shape. The line of your inner thigh called to him like a siren song and he moved like a man possessed.
Your lips fell into an ‘o’ shape when you felt him on you again. His lips kissed, nipped, and kneaded their way up your inner thighs and your legs spread for him of their own accord. Your hands busied themselves stroking up and down his arm, roped with muscle. You were sure you were glistening by the time he was even close to your center.
“How are you?” he asked suddenly, head popping up into your field of vision.
“Oh, um, good?” you answered, surprised at the question.
“Let me know if you’re not enjoying yourself. Or if anything is too much,” he informed you before ducking his head back down.
You squirmed. No one had ever really checked in with you like that before.
Changkyun resumed the task at hand diligently. His lips were back at your knee, which made you frown. He'd been further up than this before!
“Changkyun, please,” you whined, shifting down towards him impatiently.
He snickered. Seeing you so insistently needy for him was quite the shot of self esteem. He held you in place with his hand and stayed his course. You could wait.
You sighed and waited impatiently as his lips kneaded their way back up towards your now swollen pussy. Your clit throbbed with inattention and your arousal now glistened. When Changkyun finally brought his lips to yours, you let out a loud cry, equal parts relief and anguish.
“Mmmm,” he hummed into you, the sound emanating from his diaphragm. Your thighs closed around his ears and the intensity increased.
“I-, I need,” you gasped, eyes watering. You needed something more.
“What do you need?” his eyes bored into you.
“Fingers,” you answered without hesitation. You needed to feel something inside of you.
His eyebrows quirked up and he looked you over from head to toe. Your initial instinct was shyness, but the way he looked you up and down actually made you feel confident and powerful. He wanted you bad.
“Changkyun, please?” you cooed sweetly, reaching your fingertips out to caress along his jawline. “Don’t you want to watch your fingers slide into me, stretch me out? I’ll be so good, taking it for you.”
You were shocked when the hand on your chest shot up to grab your jaw and his thumb pressed against your tongue, thick and heavy. He’d hadn’t even thought this action through, he just knew he needed to shut you up somehow before he lost his mind. Your goading dirty talk died in your throat and your lips closed around his thumb, sucking eagerly.
“Fucking hell!” he cursed loudly. He shifted to a more favorable angle and dipped his index and middle finger into your honeypot of a mouth before stroking them through your folds.
“Hnnngh!” you keened, pressing your hips up against his fingertips.
“Want my fingers?” he looked down at you, “Let me warn you, my hands are bigger than Dominic’s.”
“Oh?” you smiled hazily up at him. “Show me.”
A smirk curled onto his lips as he pressed into you. He hadn’t been kidding. His fingers were longer and curled into you in the most satisfying way. You sank into the mattress as he pumped in and out of you, wet gushing sounds filling the room.
“So?” he asked. You were clearly enjoying yourself, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“What?” you asked breathlessly.
His eyes darted down to his fingers, lodged deep inside of you, before looking back up expectantly. With his eyes, he was asking how he compared to your ex.
“...who?” you teased.
You were surprised when he hauled himself over you and pressed a kiss to your jaw. It was almost sweet coming from a man that was usually all frowns and stern looks. His fingers slid out of you and he notched himself between your thighs. You giggled like an idiot.
“Someone’s excited,” he teased, tongue in his cheek.
“Yes,” you smiled up at him genuinely. “In case you’re wondering…you’re a lot bigger than him in this regard too.”
Changkyun laughed. He hadn’t not been wondering, but he really did enjoy hearing you say it. Leaning his forehead down to touch yours, he pulled himself into you, deep and slow. The sound you let out was toe curling and he couldn’t wait to pull more of them out of you.
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
Amour-Haine & Co. | Chapter 17 |
series masterlist
kpop masterlist
warnings – SMUT hehe, cursing, explicit fight scene at the beginning, mentions of blood and death
word count – 13k
A/N: for making you guys wait for way too long, I wanted to give you some more smut FINALLY🫶🏼 ˙ᵕ˙ of course, thank you for the continuous patience while I make my way through uni and tumblr and I hope you enjoy this series as we take it further and further <3
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"We've been here once before, right?"
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With one last huff, Shownu dropped the limp body of the man he had been punching only seconds ago. The white dress shirt now covered in blood, stuck to his body as he adjusted the sleeves. With the hand he had used to cause the damage surrounding him, he wiped his mouth and spat on the floor.
Bodies were scattered all over the club floor, which was usually filled with dancing feet and people drinking and celebrating. Only a few moments ago, music was playing, drinks were being shared, couples were making out, and just within a split second, everything stopped. And it all started with a woman and two men, that suddenly turned into an entire troupe with no trace of her.
The men of Monsta X stood at different points within the room, now looking at the mess they created. Heavy breathing filled the space, coughing coming from each corner. The lights were still dimmed, just like they would be on any other day, the soft red beams striking the walls.
"What the fuck just happened?!" The panicked voice of Changkyun, the newest and youngest member of Seoul's most notorious gang, echoed through the club.
With a low chuckle, the leader lifted his head, his eyes immediately scanning the men in front of him - the other group they had decided to trust merely a few weeks ago. All were breathing harshly, gazing at the ground in almost horror. Shownu's glare fixated on one person in particular.
"Yeah, Jeon." Wonwoo looked up, the cold look meeting his. "What the fuck just happened."
The SVT men's heads shot to the guy they considered their leader. The man that had brought them to where they were then and now. But he just gently shook his head, his palms open as he pointed with them to his surrounding.
"These are your enemies Son, not mine."
Shownu took one step closer, his leg lifting to cross the body ahead of him. "Then explain to me how they got in here. You really think I'd leave my doors open for my own enemies."
Everyone knew what he was indicating. They all knew it from the beginning. 
The whole vision of Monsta X and SVT working together came out of thin air almost. It was Wonwoo's idea. Of course, it was. He wanted to do right what his father did wrong. And number one on the list longer than his lifeline was to fix the relationship between the long-lasting rivalry between the Sons and the Jeons. What started off with a purely business idea had turned into gang work decades ago. Each leader brought their family into it, and if you were the son of said man, you would be the next in line to lead a future team. No questions. 
It had been Wonwoo's biggest nightmare. It had haunted him all throughout his childhood, up until the day he was officially assigned to the position he had been trying to avoid his entire life. But with a new generation came new connections and new leaders in line. Wonwoo had hoped Shownu would accept his offer and attempt to fix their families' rivalry instead of trying to bury each other six feet under.
It all had been going well up until that night because what goes around, comes around and Wonwoo had learned that the hard way.
"Look," he spoke up. "I don't know what you think of me, and I honestly don't care. But I couldn't give less of an interest in these guys when I was just trying to work with you, alright?" He tilted his head in a slightly demeaning way. "So maybe you should start looking for a wolf in sheep's clothing."
If the breathing of each man in the room hadn't been so unbearably loud, you would've felt the immediate change of atmosphere in the shared space. Wonwoo should've regretted the words he had just let fall from his lips, but he didn't. He couldn't. Mingyu dreaded getting closer to his leader, his best friend but knew better and stayed in the back, covering the other members he considered family.
Shownu's hands found their way into his pockets as he casually took a few more forward, his broad shoulders chilling along with with his body. His tongue glided over his teeth. "Are you trying to set me up against my own men?"
"I'm not trying to set you up against anyone. I'm only giving you possibilities." Wonwoo shrugged. He didn't budge. Not with each step the other leader got closer to him. Not even a little bit.
Shownu continued until the two men were nose to nose in front of each other, glaring into their souls. He gave the other man a quick up-and-down look before opening his mouth.
"Vernon." He got the attention of the, back then, youngest that had stayed back in a different room, only joining the other men once he heard the dead silence. "Start cleaning up the mess." Meaning the corpses on the floor. The blood splashes on the tiles would come later.
The youngster gulped, looking around the room, trying to lock eyes with one of his friends, begging for help, but all they did was copy his facial expression. Wonwoo's scoff reached their ear.
"Ehm," Vernon cleared his throat. He started nodding hesitantly, glancing at each body. "Yeah, yeah... I'll... do that." Just as he was about to bend down, his leader's deep voice bounced off the walls.
"Vernon," still staring at Shownu, no blink shared between them. "Don't you dare even lift a finger."
The older guy raised his left eyebrow. "Now, suddenly you're the one giving orders?"
"They listen to me. They're not one of your maids." Wonwoo spat back.
Shownu chuckled, looking around the room, almost finding humour in the situation. "And here I thought we would finally become one, but no, the Jeon ego just always gets in the way." Looking down at the floor, he kicked one of the bodies to give him more space. His arms were crossed in front of his chest. His glare fell back on Wonwoo. "You know, I had my doubts, Jeon. I really did. But here you waltzed in with your cute little entourage of businessmen wannabe gangsters, begging for forgiveness for all the shit your ancestors did, and I almost wanted to believe you. Almost. And then pull this shit here." He opened his arms widely, welcoming the mess around him.
"I said it before, I'll say it again. I have nothing to do with what happened here." SVT's leader pulled his sleeves up higher from where they fell down during his fight with one of the guys that attacked him in the scene that happened only a few minutes ago. "But you know," he took a deep breath, "It's always difficult trusting new people." His eyes fell on the newest and youngest addition of Monsta X. A person he considered a past friend, now long forgotten.
"And here you go doubting my men again." With quick strokes, Shownu was at arm's length of Wonwoo. "I'd better watch my mouth if I were you and want to keep living my life, Jeon. Or imma end it real quick for you."
Wonwoo casually put his hands into his pocket, sighing in boredom. "You can keep your trust issues to yourself, Son. I don't want to have anything to do with that."
Shownu squinted his eyes at the younger man before erupting in laughter, scaring not only the men on the other side but his own as well. Madness wasn't a level the leader had reached yet. But maybe the time had come. 
"You know, you truly are just like your father. Just... utterly intolerable.-"
"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Wonwoo's facial expression changed within less than a second. His eyes glared holes into the man in front of him, his mouth slightly agape.
A low chuckle shook Shownu's body. "First blind, and now he's also turning deaf," glancing at his members that joined in on the humourous reaction, before turning back to Wonwoo, who still kept his nose up high. "I said, you're exactly like your father. So you better bet-" And that's when the first fist flew. Wonwoo's knuckles clashed against the other man's jaw, a crack coming from the impact, but who got hurt more was unknown.
Shownu couldn't help but to stumbled back slightly, his fingers grazing over the burning bruise forming on his skin. He just had to chuckle.
"Struck a nerve?"
"I don't think I should be the one keeping my mouth shut."
Shownu straightened his back followed by cracking his neck by moving his head from side to side. "You really want to go separate ways like this?"
Wonwoo shrugged. "I think you'd enjoy that."
Monsta X's leader nodded, "Oh, you better I'm gonna enjoy this." Before crossing the floor to let his fist collide with Wonwoo's stomach. He was quick to catch himself from stumbling too much, reaching out to grab the man's collar, pulling him in closer, only to send him crashing against the bar counter.
That's all it took for the other men of the gang to go up against Wonwoo's group, running towards them individually, preparing themselves to follow their leaders into another fight when they had only just won one.
Minhyuk got a hold of Dokyeom, throwing him onto the floor quickly, but the younger man managed to pull him down with him. 
Kihyun didn't see Hoshi, who had snuck up behind him, his arm circling around his throat to cut off the air, causing the Monsta X member to choke loudly before knocking both of them back into the wall, earning a grunt from Hoshi.
Hyungwon got rid of his jacket to wrap it around Seungkwan's wrists skillfully, pulling the younger one closer to him and twisting his arms around to his back, getting a cry out of pain in return.
The grunt reached Mingyu's ear, making him run towards the duo, only to be stopped when Wonho bumped into him as S.Coups had punched his face, involving now also the tallest member even though he just wanted to get the second youngest of the group, who had now managed to free himself and turned the fight around. Changykun was close by when his eyes found his member fighting off the eldest and the tallest members of SVT, alerting him. He snatched a glass off one of the small tables, taking it along with him. Right as he showed up behind Mingyu, he smashed the glass against his head before getting a hold of his dress shirt and dragging him off his fellow member.
Wonwoo and Shownu had gotten their own space behind the bar, earning punch after punch from each other, interrupted by a few bottles being thrown or kicks to the legs.
Huffs, grunts, moans in pain, and cracking bones were the only sounds filling the club that usually only housed music and skin-against-skin slapping during sexual encounters.
If the space didn't already look messy enough from the party before, it now seemed more than just destroyed. Glass pieces decorated the floor and bodies, the suit jackets the men had worn before were scattered on different furniture and sticky fluids covered all possible surfaces.
Shownu managed to get a hold of Wonwoo's thick set of hair, holding his head up against his, his low voice ringing through his ear.
"You're a fucking rat, Jeon. Not a bit better than your father. You're the same asshole he was and will forever be exactly just that." With full force, he pushed the younger man's head against the bar countertop. He kept pressing down while Wonwoo wiggled around, trying to get out of the situation. He was about to kick back, hoping to hit his kneecap when the pressure against the side of his skull lifted. With a quick push, he was back up on his feed, watching what had happened. He found Vernon, standing behind Shownu, a pole in his hand, with which he must've hit the Monsta X leader as he was holding the back of his head, glaring at the youngest.
Wonwoo took the chance to snap off the metal hose that was connected to a beer chug underneath the counter. Just as Shownu was about to connect his fist with Vernon's face, SVT's leader wrapped the house around the older man's neck, pulling him up against his chest. Wonwoo tightened it as much as possible, hoping to knock the other man out when Shownu smacked his head back against Wonwoo's forehead, making him lose the grip on the hose. With a quick move, Shownu got a hold of the younger one's shirt and lifted him slightly, only to throw him over the bar counter. Wonwoo's back hit the floor, making him grunt out loud as he felt the tiniest splinters of glass boring his skin.
He knew he had to get up quickly, no matter how much pain he was in. His head was throbbing, there was a continuous ringing in his ear, and his glasses were God knows where at this point - he cursed whoever was up there for his terrible eyesight. He could feel the blood trickling down his back and hands as he got up, his jaw feeling swollen, and his left eye was almost glued together from the blood that had already started to dry out.
Shownu came around the corner, spitting out a tooth onto the floor as his gaze was back on his rival. He watched the man come back to his feet. The action made him chuckle.
"You better not die on my floor."
Wonwoo glared at him. "You wish. A Jeon's corpse in your club must be like Christmas to you."
His comment made Shownu smirk. "You know me too well." Before running up to the younger man again, raising his fist. Wonwoo was quick to react and duck out of the way, snatching a knife he saw earlier from the countertop, only to jam it into the older one's shoulder. He cried out in pain, stumbling forward as he tried to reach for it, but it was stuck in a place he couldn't reach. He turned around in anger, his face burning red. Shownu was met with a gun pointed directly at him. 
"Who would've thought Jeon Wonwoo carries a gun with him," he choked out, slight amusement concealing his voice.
Wonwoo shook his head, his breathing still harsh as he tried not to fall to the ground. "It's not mine."
That's when Shownu noticed the sudden silence in the room. Ahead of him was Seungkwan laying on the ground, Hyungwon right next to him, his own gun pointed at Wonwoo. Wonho was knocked out on the floor with S.Coups and Mingyu sitting on one of the blood-covered couches, Changkyun right underneath Mingyu's foot, begging for air.
Hoshi was coming closer to the leading duo, Kihyun's gun now in Hoshi's hands as he held it right against his rival's temple with his other arm tight around his throat.
Everything was quiet when a painful cough echoed through the room. Through a door, that was now flat on the floor, came Dokyeom crawling on his knees while Minhyuk pushed him further with his foot. Wonwoo locked eyes with his member, who glanced at his leader in despair and embarrassment. He nodded at the younger member to reassure him before directing his attention back to his rival.
The gun was still pointing directly at Shownu, who had decided to stay still on the floor, but he chuckled with a salty undertone.
"So you want a Son's corpse in this club?"
Wonwoo shook his head, lowering the gun in his hand. "I don't want you dead. I don't need any blood on my hands."
"Look around you. Look at what you did, Jeon." The Monsta X leader tried to trick him.
"These guys are passed out for good, but not dead." His statement earned him a look of confusion from Shownu, so he continued, "I teach my men how to fight. Not how to kill." He dropped the gun and threw it towards the leader on the floor before turning around, only to get stopped when the older man got up. He told the other members to lower their weapons with a quick hand move.
"You're still a rat." Wonwoo turned around one last time at the sudden comment. "I should've listened to my father. Don't trust a Jeon. Never trust a Jeon."
He got a nod from SVT's leader in return, who exchanged glances with his guys, making them stand up as Mingyu rushed over to help Dokyeom up from the floor.
With a quick glance at Shownu, he bid his goodbye. "Well. From now on, you won't have to anymore." And started walking towards the door, the other members in trail close behind him. He couldn't help but to let out the last comment that kept tickling his tongue before exiting through the front door. "You better start cleaning up the mess if you want the club to re-open tomorrow."
Outside, each man was finally able to breathe in the fresh air, sounding like men starved from breathing for a decade as they enjoyed the night breeze that struck their bruised skin. Wonwoo immediately started looking around for the youngest member. He quickly found his silhouette sitting on the side of the pavement, a cigarette dangling between his lips. Right next to him, was the limp body of the security guard that had let them in about two hours ago. The sight made the leader almost chuckle.
"How's the guy?" He asked the youngster, who had turned around, nudging his head towards the buff man on the floor.
Vernon puffed out the last bit of his cigarette. "Knocked out pretty good. He won't remember any of this in a few hours."
Wonwoo nodded, "Good," and patted the shoulder of the younger member, giving him a quick glance. "Well done."
"Thanks, boss."
Not even letting anyone else interrupt, the man, apparently called Shownu, continued right after he brushed off the two women on each side of him, followed by his colleagues doing the same thing. "I see you replaced your little entourage with something much much more beautiful. Hey." His eyes were fixed on your form, noticing how you had tried to hide half of your body behind the CEO's frame.
"I'm more important than her right now, Son," Wonwoo's deep voice sliced the room while you watched the women awkwardly jogging out of the room.
The other man scoffed, exchanging amused glances with his friends before locking eyes with you again. "Well, how dare you say something like that about such a beauty. What's your name, darling?"
"I swear-"
"You should've brought the other guys if you didn't want me to talk to her, Jeon." Shownu cut off Wonwoo right away. His legs were still wide, his back relaxed against the back of the couch, the other men in similar poses.
A low chuckle came from the one on the right. "He knew they wouldn't survive another visit."
"You weren't even here the last time, so shut your fucking mouth, Jooheon," Wonwoo snapped at him. He jumped up from the couch immediately, ready to rush over to the two of you, when his leader stopped him.
"Boys, boys, calm down." He stood up with a grunt, taking two steps forward. His right hand held onto the wrist of his other one, giving a clear stance of power as he gave you another look that ran up and down your body, shooting a cold shiver through your body. "I'm sure Sir Jeon Wonwoo right here is smarter than that, right? Like you said, it would just make a terrible mess, wouldn't it?"
Not getting a verbal answer in return, was enough for him to continue. "Well then." He clapped his hands, rubbing them together. "Let's not play around and cut to the chase, huh?" His eyes met Wonwoo's cold glare. "Why the fuck do I have your feet on my ground again? And more importantly-" Before bending down to the side slightly to find you. "What is a lady like you doing in a hellhouse like this?" 
Uncontrollably, you lifted your hand to touch Wonwoo's back, hooking your fingers into the small belt thing in the back of his suit jacket. Wonwoo knew better than to spit at Shownu again, but he could also feel the fear radiating off your body, making him change his stance just slightly, hoping it would go unnoticed by his rival. Of course, it didn't.
With a bright smile, the other man opposite you took a step to the side, extending his arm to point at the seating arrangement behind him.
"Please." All while keeping his eyes on you. You tried to look away, tried breaking the intense contact he held with you, but it seemed almost impossible.
In the first second, your brain didn't want to understand what he was proposing, but you quickly caught onto it, shaking your head softly in response. Opening your mouth, your voice seemed so much smaller than you had wanted to. It was bound to happen, in a room as big as that, surrounded by men with their physiques.
You gently raised a hand. "I... I'm good."
Shownu stood back straight, raising one eyebrow. "I wasn't asking, darling."
All while Wonwoo was unresponsive. No change in posture, no noticeable uneven breathing. Not even a clenched fist. It seemed as if he almost didn't care about his possible biggest rival inviting the woman behind him to come closer. You let your eyes travel to the side, hoping to catch a glimpse of him looking down at you, letting you know what to do, but the CEO continued to keep his head up high, glaring at the man in front of the two of you.
With each passing second spent in unbearable silence, Shownu got more and more impatient, slowly but surely also rubbing off on the other men of his in the room as they sat forward, their arms resting on their upper thighs.
Deciding that keeping that man waiting any longer couldn't result in anything good, you dared to make your left foot step forward. You didn't even get to finish it before Wonwoo's body was quickly in front of you, hiding your entire frame behind his shoulders.
You heard Shownu sigh. "Move, Jeon."
He shook his head in return as his hand moved behind his back, showing you his palm. You were unsure if it was an act of courtesy or if he wanted you to place yours in his palm, so you just continued standing still. One glance behind you let you know that the security men were just as unamused about you two being there as the owners of the club.
"She has nothing to do with this. I'm here-"
"You know the rules, Won." A different voice suddenly spoke up. The man on the left side of the couch decided to speak up, using a nickname you hadn't even heard coming from Mingyu. Ever.
Noticing his fingertips moving, you looked down and found them extended as if waiting for something to hold onto. You hesitated at first but once you saw him clearly indicating you to place your hand in his, you did as asked. With one swift but surprising move, you were pulled right next to him, almost making you gasp. Looking up to your right, the side profile of the CEO glanced at you. You could see him eyeing you from the corner of his eye as he nodded, hoping to assure you of whatever was to come next. Your head turned to Shownu, who just kept a smug smile on his lips, eyeing you up and down the entire time. As if your outfit wasn't uncomfortable enough for you already, you now wished to rip it off your body and hide your figure in the biggest, longest, and thickest robe the world had ever seen.
With each step you took closer to the bad guy in the situation, your heart let you know just how bad of an idea it actually was. You had already had to let go of Wonwoo's hand, which you noticed only freed you hesitantly, keeping a tight grip on you until the very last second. There was one more step up separating you and the other men. While it did feel like a good and protective barrier, even though it would most definitely be the last thing keeping them away from you, you didn't get to appreciate it for as long as you would've liked to as a hand reached out for you. Looking up, you were once again met with brown eyes radiating anything but comfort. They were just as dark as Wonwoo's but yet so different. You had never been afraid of the man behind you, not even for a second. Intimated, of course, for obvious reasons, but his eyes always wrapped a cloak of comfort and protection around you while the two eyes now in front of you were clearly telling your body to run. Run and hide. Don't get closer. But you were very well aware that that wasn't an option at that moment.
Your shaky hand lifted to meet his palm, helping you up to the podium where you were now alone with the three men. Shownu's rough hands found their way to your hips, freezing your body even though they were much warmer than expected. He turned you around to face the room.
Now you understood where his confidence came from. Standing up there, you clearly felt more elevated than everyone else in the room. Better than anybody that even dared to enter this hole of a hell.
With a deep breath, you hoped to shake off the frightening feeling of the unknown as you glanced at Wonwoo, hoping to find some form of stability through him. He had hidden his hands in his pocket, carefully analyzing each man on the left and right, quickly regretting not coming up with a secret code between the two of you. He should've seen this coming. He knew the moment you'd step foot into that club, he was gonna lose the hold on you at some point, but he had prayed it wouldn't actually happen.
"Are you ready to listen to me now?" His voice was laced with slight annoyance. Shownu's hands left your hips, giving you time to breathe freely, but only for a second before you felt his hot breath against your ear. 
He extended one finger in Wonwoo's direction. "Let me enjoy this here first." 
You wanted to lock eyes with the man standing only a few feet away from you, but he didn't even dare. He had broken a promise he made to himself, and he couldn't even look at you. As annoyed as you wanted to be, the lips by the side of your head were too distracting, followed by the calloused fingertips running over your collarbone.
"Now onto you, beautiful," he whispered, making you close your eyes as you prayed to whoever was up there to just make it stop. "What's your name?"
"Y/N." You shot out. Of course, you could've lied. You should've lied. You noticed it quickly by Wonwoo's reaction, but in a fight-or-flight situation, lying wasn't going to be your strength.
He hummed into your ear, that almost sounded like a groan. His fingers danced around your shoulders, coming to a halt at the straps of your outfit. You wanted to call it a dress, but it was barely that. With one move, Shownu was suddenly behind you, his lips now close to your neck.
"You know, you're wearing quite the outfit here." His fingers hooked underneath your strap, to which your body immediately reacted by straightening and lifting your shoulders to stop him from what you thought would probably come next. "A bit too much for my liking." Without a warning and unfazed by your reaction, he pulled the right strap down.
"Son, I swear to-" Wonwoo's harsh voice hit your ear. You saw him take one step forward but he was quickly stopped by your sudden gasp echoing through the room once you felt cold metal meeting your lower back. Before anyone could react, you heard guns reloading and quickly realised what was being held against your skin. You closed your eyes.
"You swear to God what, Jeon? Huh? Be smart now." Shownu didn't show any sign of remorse. He wasn't going to be the one the back down from this.
Wonwoo raised his hands in defence, eyeing the other men who had raised their guns to point them at him. "I came here to talk to you. I don't wanna start anything."
"Who is she?" The older man nodded at you. "To you."
A sigh came from the CEO. "My partner." His comment made you look at him.
Shownu suddenly laughing out loud caught you off guard. "Yeah, right." His rough fingers graced your jaw and down your neck. "You really think I'd believe you bringing your own bitch here?" He chuckled again and took back the metal against your back as he rounded you to stand to your right again. "I mean, I must give it to you. You played the part of protective boyfriend pretty fucking well, but I know you better than that, Jeon. You can't fool me." And just when you thought you were out of the line of fire, he raised the gun again, close, yet not touching, to your temple. Your breathing cut off immediately. Something in your body stopped you from crying because God, you just wanted to start weeping.
"Business partner," Wonwoo quickly told him. "We work together."
Shownu raised one eyebrow as he chuckled. "No shit." He lowered the gun again, letting you let out the breath you were holding. "What kind of business?"
"Not the business you're thinking of. I told you I'm out of that." The CEO explained. "I bought a company."
"I know that. You don't think I watch the news, idiot?" His question made Wonwoo almost roll his eyes, but he knew to hold himself back.
"She used to work there, now she's COO."
A silence fell over the room. Glancing to the side, you found Shownu, looking straight ahead, his eyebrows slightly scrunched as he turned to glare at you, a smirk forming on his lips as soon as your eyes met.
"Yoon Y/N." Hearing your name fall from his lips made you gulp.
"Wow," he laughed and directed his attention back to Wonwoo. "You took Sungho's company and his little princess? You are cold-hearted, Jeon." After a look up and down your body, he licked his lips. "He used to keep her so hidden, and you're out here, showing her off like the price that she is. I taught you well." Listening to them speak as if you weren't even in the room with them made you want to accept the offer of squeezing out the eyes of every man in the room.
"You didn't teach me shit." Wonwoo gained back the confidence he usually holds himself up with once no gun in the room was pointed at him or you again. He knew very well what he could and could not do in each situation, having studied the rival group for years. When no snarky remark came in response, he continued with a sigh. "Now are you finally ready to listen to me?"
By now, you had brought the strap of your outfit back up on your shoulder, hiding your body behind your crossed arms once again, hoping and praying to escape from this place as quickly as possible.
Shownu let a small laugh tumble from his lips. "You must be pretty damn desperate to come to me."
He didn't need an answer. It seemed like everyone in the room already knew. No one in their right mind would even dare to set foot in this building if not desperately needed.
Yet, Wonwoo gave in with a nod.
"That Park fucker, I swear to God," Shownu leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, his fingers running through his hair.
After shooing every single person out of the room, he got situated back onto the couch, Wonwoo taking a seat to his right at the corner, where another member of Shownu's group had been sitting merely a few minutes ago. He brought you along to sit down next to him after making sure you were somewhat doing alright. Good to know he still cared after pretending a little too well that he didn't.
"You know him?" The CEO wondered, saying out loud what went through your mind as well.
After sharing the entire story of the break-in, and the lawsuit, followed by the evidence brought in by Sehun and finishing off with Jihoon expertly recommending the two of you to pay Monsta X a visit, Shownu seemed to know a little more than you expected.
The rival nodded. "The last time you were here-"
"We went over this-"
"Those were his men."
Wonwoo stopped. He wasn't expecting that to come out. "What? His men?" Getting a nod in return. With a loud sigh, he stood up. "And you thought it was us?! When it was him all along?! What the fuck was the interrogation for then?!"
"Sit back down before I put a bullet through your head," Shownu told him. The low calmness in his voice a little sending a wave of fright through your body.
But Wonwoo didn't budge. "Why didn't you say anything?" Lowering his voice as well.
"You could be working with him for all I know. You really wanna fight about that now?!"
"Just admit that you were in the wrong."
"You better shut your fucking mouth. I'm the only one that can help you right now." Now both men were standing, facing each other with heavy breaths. It made Wonwoo chuckle as he shook his head.
"You're pathetic." Walking around the seating space as Shownu sat back down.
"So, what do you need from me?"
"The security camera videos," the CEO answered him. "Give me that, and we're out."
The rival straightened his back. "You want to have security camera footage to bring it to court and reveal what's going on in my club. I think the fuck not. You can see yourself out." He got up and was quick on his feet as he stepped down from the slightly elevated part of the room, walking towards the door.
You had finally had enough, and just as Wonwoo was about to open his mouth, you beat him to it. "They won't know it's from here." Shownu stopped in his tracks, only to turn around with a smug smirk plastered on his face.
He raised an eyebrow. "So she can actually talk." Commenting on your choice to stay quiet for the night. While he seemed amused by your outburst, Wonwoo was anything but that and quickly took in his position from before, covering half of your frame with his.
"Your watermark on the cameras isn't your fucking logo, and we won't tell them where we got the footage from." 
The rival redirected his attention, leaving you in the back once again. "And you expect me to believe you?" The older man crossed his arms in front of his chest, his feet wider apart to show dominance in the situation.
Wonwoo copied him, only hiding his hands in his pockets. "You want to watch him go down just as much as we do."
Shownu sighed out loud in clear annoyance, running a hand through his hair. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You're taking that stupid saying a bit too seriously, Jeon."
"Trust me, you're anything but my friend."
You were advised to wait outside of the security man's room at the very back of the hallway, suggesting that what they would find on each of those videos was anything but pleasant. What you thought of the way Wonwoo was handling bringing you into this scene was still undecided by you. On one hand, you were definitely thankful you were able to stay clear of witnessing anything you'd prefer to keep unseen, but on the other hand, you were in this shithole just as much as Wonwoo and him treating you like some fragile dove was almost humiliating. Yes, of course, you weren't all that big and strong as him and whatnot, and yes, you were definitely more scared of whoever these men here were than you'd like to admit, but being a little damsel in distress would feel a bit different, you thought. 
Question after question kept running through your head as you walked along the walls of the cold hallway. The stones on the side made everything just look more and more like a dungeon, sending yet another chill down your spine. This used to be a place Wonwoo would visit frequently... most of his friends along with him... How much of this timeline in Wonwoo's life did you actually want to know about? He seemed to have put it behind him, but that's when you remembered one of your dad's sayings.
"Your past will forever be a part of you."
You were too young to understand what he meant and to this very day, you couldn't recall what the context of the moment was. But it stuck with you. And now it made you think. Every single thing that had happened with Wonwoo in the past 48 hours... what were you getting yourself into? Did you want to just let yourself fall into the arms of another man when you swore to yourself you wouldn't be doing that exact thing? And what man were you even trusting here? Back in the day, he was just the stupid douchebag, a rich kid of a CEO, then he became your boss, and now... now he was a man you found comfort in. A man you could trust... you... you tried to trust. But... he had secrets. Secrets that only now are making an appearance and God only knows, if everything with Chanyeol had never happened, how would your relationship with Wonwoo even have turned out? Would you still think of him as the annoying bachelor turned CEO or would be able to see the caring man he was behind this facade? The man who despised his father's wrongs and tried to do everything right again. You saw the way he acted around his mother, and it almost made your knees give in. It was a gentleness you had never seen before. It was so foreign to you, but it made you oh that much more jealous... why did it make you jealous? You hated to admit it, and Binna would slap you and tell you 'I told you so' but in your head, you were finally able to admit it. Jealous of a soft man's touch. Jealous of someone caring for you. Worrying about you. No gang member would act like that, right? You almost chuckled at the thought of Shownu treating a woman with respect. That was not a man with the possibility of having respect for anyone but himself. But Wonwoo... no, he wasn't like that. Maybe he had changed. Potentially, he had been similar to Shownu in the past... The mere thought of it made you want to throw up... But no, he told you himself, that he had promised himself to become everything his father hadn't been growing up. But after all, this kind of life had still been a part of him at some point. The dark side. The side where men would spend hours in clubs just like the Monbebe, touching, pulling, and groping women. The image of seeing him or any other of his friends in either one of these rooms behind those doors or upstairs, enjoying a drink by the bar, eyeing women up and down as they passed them, touching them, kissing them, taking th-
The door the two men had disappeared behind a few minutes ago opened, revealing the man that had been occupying your brain for the entirety of the time you had spent alone. The smoke from your brain overworking finally stopped, letting you take in a deep breath you didn't remember holding in. Too many thoughts for one night...
"You're okay?" Where the first words coming from him as he noticed the clear distance you had out between yourself and the door.
You nodded with a shaky smile in return. Before you could say anything, Shownu made an appearance behind the CEO, closing the door before you could even try to get a look inside.
"Are you ready to leave my club now?" He snapped at Wonwoo. Clearly, the two hadn't magically just become best friends behind closed doors.
Wonwoo turned around with a nod. "You won't see me here again."
"I'm counting on it." He leaned to the side slightly, sending a smirk your way. "You on the other hand, I would love to invite you someday again."
You couldn't even react as the CEO placed a hand on the older man's bigger chest. Their cold eyes met. "Over my dead body."
"I can make that happen." Shownu smiled, smacking the hand off of him.
Without another word, Wonwoo turned to you, taking a few steps forward to step in line with you, his hand finding a comforting place on your lower back.
"Come on, let's go," he whispered. "Let's get out of here."
"You got everything?" You wondered, surprising yourself with the steadiness of your voice after keeping quiet for so long.
He nodded. "Everything we need."
Before you could run up the stairs again, the sound of the older man's voice echoed through the hallway. "You better take Park down, Jeon."
Wonwoo said goodbye with a raised hand in return, before both of you finally made your way out.
After getting out of the club, the CEO had given you his jacket once again before you found Hongseok already waiting for you. With you not knowing what to do or say, and Wonwoo unsure of what was going on in your head, the car ride was spent in complete silence. Neither one of you wanted to even dare interrupt the quietness you shared, even though it was anything but comfortable. Good for you, that you were too lost in thought to notice him moving around in his seat almost nervously. You didn't even realise that Hongseok was driving you back to Wonwoo's place. At least not until you felt a tap on your shoulder, making you turn to the side, only to find Wonwoo waiting by the open door. His extended hand was waiting for you to reach out for it to help you out. You quietly thanked the driver before letting the CEO guide you into the building, into the elevator, and right into his apartment.
It was only then he dared to speak. "You want something to drink?" 
You snapped back into reality. "Hm?"
He turned back around as he was just about to enter the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?"
You shook your head slightly, "No, no, I'm good. I had enough wine last night."
Wonwoo couldn't help but hold back a chuckle. "I meant like water... or tea?"
"Oh. Ehm... yeah, okay," you nodded this time. Remembering, you still had your shoes on, you followed him into the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the barstools. That man had way too many places to sit and eat for a one-bedroom apartment.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Your head snapped up to look at him standing by the sink. You nodded. "Yeah..." Before bending down to release your feet from the confinement of those terrible high heels. Wonwoo watched your slight struggle, leaving the cups on the countertop as he rounded the kitchen island to bend down in front of you. You let your hands drop, already knowing where this was going. Your eyes analysed his fingers playing with the clasp on the leather strap.
"You know, it's okay if... you're a bit... unsure," he softly spoke, not losing focus on his task.
"Unsure?" You wondered.
"Does scarred sound better?" He looked up. The sight almost made you gasp. Just like all the other times when you had been in similar situations. Him... on his knees... in front of you... looking up at you with those dark eyes that looked so cold yet made you feel so warm.
You shook your head. "I'm not scared."
"Okay," he simply answered before letting both of your shoes fall to the floor. A soft moan of freedom tumbled from your lips.
His fingers running up your feet slightly didn't go unnoticed by you, even though you think it should've gone by the way Wonwoo just simply stood back up and got back to making you your cup of tea.
"I'm not scared," you repeated, knowing that you mostly said it, trying to reassure yourself of the truth of the statement. "Maybe a little weirded out... but not scared."
He nodded again. "I understand. And I get it."
An important question was tickling the top of your tongue. One that you had been asking yourself ever since he disappeared with Shownu, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the hallway. They gave you too much time to think and now you were starting the question too many things you shouldn't even be thinking about. But you couldn't help it. You had to know.
"How-" As soon as the first word fell from your lips, you stopped yourself. Wonwoo's head shot in your direction, leaving the water to boil in the back. Seeing his eyes trained on you just made you forget about every worry you had before. This man couldn't possibly...
"Ask," he assured you, leaning on the counter as he watched you debate with yourself. He wanted you to ask. He almost needed you to.
You stuttered. "I... I don't know if I want to know." Your voice was suddenly quieter than before as you looked down at your hands that had started a thumb war.
"You deserve to know," he simply let you know. 
"But..." you sighed out loud, almost in annoyance. Who were you annoyed at though? "Jesus... I just." You tried collecting your thoughts as well as you possibly could, but there was way too much going on and your brain didn't have nearly the capacity you needed it to have at that very moment. "I don't know what to think. I... It's just weird."
"I understand that." He continued to let you know, nodding along with you as his gentle voice reached you. 
With a desperate sigh, you let your elbows rest on top of the counter, bringing your hands up to cover your face. You had to. "How involved were you in the Monbebe?"
He hummed, pushing himself off to stand straight again. "I wasn't one of those men sitting, drinking and pulling women down into their lap, if that's what you're thinking."
You nodded shyly, whispering almost to yourself. "That is what I was thinking..."
"I hate that club just as much as you do now," he sent you an almost sympathetic smile before turning back again to finish the tea. You noticed two cups next to each other.
"I don't know if that's possible," you chuckled, brushing over your arms that were still covered by his jacket.
He copied you. "You're right. You probably hate it just a little bit more than me, but trust me," he placed the cup for you right under your nose, "I didn't enjoy even a second I had to spend in there. Not back then, not today."
You nodded. Still hesitant about asking more questions, Wonwoo noticed your nervous frame, deciding to continue to avoid another uncomfortable silence washing over the two of you.
"Shownu's grandfather and mine started it all." The beginning of his story made you look up, watching him set down his own mug. "God knows what exactly happened between them but it all started with them. Then, our fathers took over, and the rivalry just continued. It started as a normal business rivalry, you know, just... stupid shit and jealousy over the success of the other one. But then..." He took a deep breath. "My father made some really stupid decisions, and it brought him to the darker side of that business. And before he knew it, Shownu's father lured him into helping him and... it all took a very bad turn from then on. The whole gang shit- I... it's stupid. But if you're born into it, you're born into it. There's not much you can do. So I had I was pretty much forced into continuing whatever my father had started, but... I really wanted to make it right more so. Shownu obviously had his doubts about that, and it wasn't easy to convince him, but somehow, don't ask how, I managed to do so."
"You," you interrupted him, "You don't have to tell me all of this."
"But you deserve to know," he answered. "I shouldn't have brought you there. It was a stupid idea on my side, and now you have to carry that with you for the rest of-"
"Hey," you stopped him gently. "It was my choice to go with you. I could've said no."
"Still," he shook your comment off.
"No." You didn't even let him continue. "We had to go through that and... now we did." You shared a moment of silence, looking into his eyes before opening your mouth again. "But... I gotta be honest... I don't know how much I want to know... about that part of... your past."
Wonwoo sighed, his gaze on the mug on the countertop. "I told you I want to be honest with you, and you deserve to know everything-"
"But I also told you that I trust you," you quickly added before he could take his thoughts much further, making him look up at you. "And I meant that." You shook your head. "I don't have to know everything about that... Jesus, I don't even want to, honestly. Not now, at least." Adding the last statement a bit quieter.
With a deep breath, Wonwoo decided to speak up after watching to stir your tea with the spoon he gave you. He thought carefully about each word he let out. "I think you might see me a bit differently after... what happened that last time there."
"The bloodbath?" You wondered, remembering the comments Shownu and him made within the first seconds of meeting him.
Wonwoo just nodded, taking a big gulp from his drink.
"I don't care," your simple answer surprised him as his eyes fell back on you again. "Don't tell me." You shrugged, "In Jihoon's office, I... I wanted you to tell me what the hell was going on because I was just... confused and... I guess scared. But now..." Another sigh fell from your lips, slightly shakier than before. "I just don't think I want to know." Because you were scared. You might not verbally admit it, but God... you didn't even want to imagine what could've happened back then.
"Okay," Wonwoo understood you. He couldn't have been more thankful to leave that story to tell at some point in the future. "Not today. Another time."
"Another time," you agreed with him, finally bringing up the now lukewarm mug to your lips, letting it trickle down your throat, sending a wash of comfort through your body.
The two of you started talking about the next steps including, getting the videos to Jihoon, him bringing every piece of evidence to the court, and what could further happen. Possible delays, future court dates, and how to deal with the situation at work. It almost felt a little too nice. Too... domestic. You seating on one of the barstools, him in the kitchen, moving around as he got himself a glass of water, getting you one as well even without asking you. All while talking about work.
Before the scene could feel too good for your own good, you snapped back.
"Okay," you sighed, moving around with your hands awkwardly, "I should... probably go home now." After bending down to snatch your shoes into your hands, you made your way over to the door.
Wonwoo straightened his back from his leaning position over the counter. "Yeah, sure," he followed you to the entrance, his right hand suspiciously in the pocket of his pants.
You turned around to say one last thing when the close proximity of his chest surprised you, making you forget what you were about to say as you just stared up into his eyes. He smirked at you before you felt his hand on your free one again, placing something in your palm before taking a small step back to let you look down. That damn key again.
"Won-" you started with a heavy breath, but the show of his palms stopped you.
"You're not taking a cab or public transport. Not in this outfit."
His comment made you look down. The 'dress'... right... But you also were still wearing his jacket, which you decided to shrug off to give back to him, already deciding that fighting about the car wasn't going to get you anywhere. His hands on your shoulders stopped your movements.
"You're also keeping the jacket on."
You sighed, "You're really not gonna let me make any decisions, huh?"
His gentle smile sent somewhat of a tingle to your heart, making you almost grin too. "Not after today, no." It wasn't a one-time thing and didn't have much to do with the events of that day- both of you knew that, neither one of you decided to comment on it.
His voice had suddenly become much lower, or maybe it had always been that low, but the closeness of his body let you register it more.
Understandingly, you nodded along. "Today was... long."
"And weird," he finished your thought, his gaze still down at you while you stood in front of him, feeling smaller than usual. In just a skimpy dress, some almost see-through tights, and his suit jacket, along with your shoes in one hand and his car keys in the other, you could've jumped straight out of the depths of his imagination.
"Yeah," you breathed out. He had definitely come closer. He wasn't THAT close before. Right?... Right?! The grip on your shoes tightened as your heartbeat surprised you by speeding up. God...
You should've already been out the door. Why on earth were you still standing in his apartment, barely ready to actually walk out. Your body knew why. Your heart knew why. But your brain decided to yet decline what was going on. Your breathing and stuttering ratted you out though.
You looked around frantically, running a hand through your hair as you suddenly created a bigger space between the two of you, not noticing the hand Wonwoo just dropped back to be by his side.
"I... I'm gonna go." Without waiting for another remark from his side, you turned around. You didn't get far though.
"Y/N," his voice struck you, immediately making you turn back to him. Your face screamed hope but dropped quickly as he continued. "I'm sorry." Wait. No. No no no. That wasn't supposed to happen. That's not what usually followed the call out of a name.
You scrunched your eyebrows, all hope and desperation gone, now replaced by pure confusion. "For what?"
With two big steps, he caught up with you, not wasting another second as he reached out, placed his hand on your neck and pulled you in, his lips meeting yours instantly. The sudden movement made you jolt in surprise, your full hands coming up to his chest to steady yourself.
You quickly fell into a matching rhythm, your lips moving against each other like butter. His fingers tightened on your neck, truly pulling you in as closely as he possibly could, getting a soft moan of you return. Kissing you wasn't enough, this man wanted to breathe you in. His free hand came up to get a hold of the shoes you were still holding onto. You let go, giving him the freedom to let them drop to the floor behind him. As soon as you could feel his lips distancing from yours, a whine dared to escape from you. He kept your noses close enough to touch.
"Stay," he whispered, his hot breath tickling your lips. Wonwoo didn't give you time to respond, smashing his lips back on yours. You continued to enjoy this moment, just moving along with him, breathing heavily as you felt his left hand come to your hips, travelling to your lower back. You had to let go.
"Please." He didn't let you finish. Pleading against your lips as you were close to distancing yourself from him. You let your eyes meet. Your eyebrows raised, scrunched in desperation, his just as usual low and unsaying of any of his emotions. But you could hear it in his voice. The slight shake. He wanted this. He needed this. Just as much as you did. Your breaths were already becoming one, your mouths begging to touch.
Fuck it.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down onto you. He let go of your neck, both of his hands immediately working on getting rid of the jacket that was still covering your body. And you let him. He undressed you hastily, throwing the anorak somewhere onto the floor - neither of you could care less. Before you could intertwine your hands behind his neck again, his hand found yours, taking back the key, only to make it join the jacket. A chuckle left your lips at his eagerness. Everything happened while your lips were still dancing with each other. Not fighting. Not moving. Dancing, as they fit like they were made for each other. You didn't want it to stop, convinced that it would have the same effect as holding your breath forever.
Wonwoo's hands travelled lower until they reached your ass and he crouched down before whispering into your mouth, "Jump." Letting you hop into his arms, his hands firmly on your behind to steady you. Your legs wrapped tightly around his hips, hoping to be as close to him as you possibly could. You let your fingers start to play with the hair on the back of his neck, tugging slightly, making him chuckle as he leaned back. 
"Careful," he whispered before lowering you down onto his bed, his much wider frame covering yours, engulfing you in comfort as he just hovered above you. 
Wonwoo didn't give you enough time to enjoy his lips on yours with the softness of his bed underneath before he moved onto your neck. His mouth started following your jawline, down to the side of your neck while your hands found a good place on his shoulders. You moaned out loud, not even caring about holding it back.
"We've been here once before, right?" His voice vibrated on your skin. He travelled back up to kiss your cheek, keeping his face at a distance to look you in the eyes as his fingers petted some strands of hairs out of your face. "But I'm planning on finishing it this time. Okay?" 
In desperation, you nodded, hoping to get further and get his body back fully onto yours. "Please do," you whined, his hands exploring your still-covered body.
Wonwoo smirked down at you, "I got you, baby," giving you a quick peck, which you had hoped would turn into a continuation of before, but were let down when he let go again. "Let's get you out of this first." Rubbing the material of your dress. He stood back up on his two feet, getting a hold of your hand to pull you up with him. Before you had enough time to gaze at his face, taking in every inch of his perfectly sculpted facial structure, he turned you around softly. His lips immediately went back to his neck as his fingers looked for the zip he had closed up a few hours ago, getting a soft moan from you in return.
"You look so beautiful in this," he whispered against your skin, sending a chill down your spine. "But you have no idea how fucking hard it was to keep my hands off you the entire evening." With each word he spoke, the butterflies in your stomach grew wilder and wilder. You just wanted him to never stop.
Once the zip was all the way down, he let the fabric drop down your arms, and you let him. Why should you stop at this moment? As soon as the dress fell to the floor, you stepped out of it and were turned back to face Wonwoo. His hand came up to cradle your face.
"Do you remember how I said I wanted to do this right?" You only trusted yourself to nod, scared of what sound might leave your mouth if you dared to speak. He grinned, "Good." And his lips were back on yours. Swiftly, he also got rid of your bra before his hands went down on the side of your thighs, pulling you in and making you wrap your legs around him once again. He took the opportunity to kneel down onto the bed, getting both of you onto the mattress and making sure your head met a pillow. Just like before, his lips left yours yet again to trace a line down your neck, only now also following the natural line of your collarbone before going further down and down. He didn't stop until he reached your breasts, kissing the right side first, getting closer and closer to your nipple, waiting for your moans to get higher. That's when you started to feel his tongue just on the outline of your nipple, going around it in circles, making you lift your body up automatically. His grip on your hips tightened, pushing you down to lay you flat, making you unable to move, no matter how much your body was begging for friction.
Wonwoo moved onto your left side, his mouth leaving wet kisses all over your tits as his tongue tickled your skin. You had let your hands move on their own. They found Wonwoo's grasp as they tried to loosen his grasp to give you some more freedom to move around. No chance. That man wasn't gonna let go of you any time soon.
"Wonwoo," your breathy voice made him come up to your lips again, teasing you by hovering above you, only coming close enough that your lips could potentially touch if you just moved up less than an inch. He hummed, giving you the notice to continue talking. Easier said than done when he started to place kisses all over your face again until he reached your neck.
"Please," you continued to beg for more. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"Why the rush, gorgeous?" If only he knew what all of those nicknames were doing to you. Well, he was about to find out.
Not giving you time to respond, he moved himself down your body, making sure to resume his trail of kisses down your entire body. As if it was his goal to have touched every bit of your skin with his lips - if only you knew that was his exact goal. Maybe not for just tonight, but as a life goal.
His skilled finger quickly made their way into the seam of your tights, pulling them down. Slowly. Gently. Painfully.
You groaned.
"Let me take my time with you," he whispered. You shuffled yourself up, your elbows steadying you as you looked down at him now pulling off the thin piece of clothing and throwing it onto the floor.
Your heavy breathing didn't stop. "You're teasing." It wasn't a question or a cry of desperation. Maybe just a bit... but it was also a simple fact.
Wonwoo smirked proudly, getting closer to you again, stopping right in front of your face. "Good." He gave you a quick peck. "Now you know what it's like having to stand next to you every goddamn day and not be able to touch you."
"Who says you can't?" Where the sudden boost in confidence came from, was a question to everyone involved.
His low chuckle sent a warm rush right down where you were begging for him the most. "Well, I am a gentleman after all." He got slightly closer, his breath now tickling your lips, continuing his tease. You were too focused on his mouth just barely touching yours, not noticing the hand he had let travel lower, diving right into your underwear. The tip of his finger grazed your clit, getting a quick shutter and deep moan in return. To silence you, Wonwoo was quick to break the tension, covering your mouth with his once again, his tongue brushing over your lips immediately too. 
As if his kisses alone didn't already make you moan enough, his fingers that had started moving in circles on your clit made it hard for you to even concentrate on moving your lips along with his.
He pushed your body down again to lay flat on the mattress before diverting his attention back onto your skin. His free hand had gotten rid of your panties swiftly, giving him more freedom to pleasure you with his fingers alone.
God... his fucking fingers... so skillfully moving over your bundle of nerves before slowly daring to go even just a bit lower. You felt him smile against your neck as soon as he came in contact with the wetness of your hole already waiting for him. His finger tickled your entrance for a quick second before diving in, making you bite your lip, not letting the high-pitched moan escape fully. It was just that Wonwoo was having none of that. 
Within a split of a second, his was right in front of you again, his fingers that had just been inside of you, now on your chin as his thumb pulled your lower lip free from your teeth. He lowered himself down to whisper into your ear.
"Don't you dare even try holding back a moan tonight."
With no warning, he slowly pushed his two fingers, still covered in your wetness up to your mouth. You opened up wide enough for them to fit, already knowing what he wanted.
"Let me hear you, beautiful," he encouraged you, kissing the side of your neck to get a reaction from you as you moaned on his fingers, licking them clean of your taste. Only a second later, he pulled them out again, drawing a line down your torso until he reached your tits, engulfing one in his grip as his upper body disappeared from your sight again.
It was only when you started to feel his mouth on your upper thighs that you knew where he was going. His free hand was already tapping your legs to open up, giving him access to your inner thigh. Even though this wasn't the first time you had Wonwoo in this position, it felt just like it did back then. Perfectly intoxicating. You couldn't get enough of his touch, his lips, or... just him.
Wonwoo was everything you told yourself to never fall for ever again. But here you were, underneath the man in question, letting your body react freely against his touch.
Even though you expected it, you couldn't help the loud moan to fall from your lips as soon as his mouth came into contact with your core. His tongue didn't waste a moment, immediately giving your clit all of the attention. He started circling it before using his entire mouth to suck, getting a follow-up of multiple heavy moans from you in return. Your fingers had started holding onto his hair desperately, almost pulling too hard, yet Wonwoo didn't budge. With one hand, he made sure to keep your hips as still as possible while his other one had joined his mouth by your pussy, his fingers teasing your entrance yet again. His lips occupied with sucking your soul out of your clit, and his fingers pushing inside of you made you jolt your hips up, only to get pushed down harshly again, not even a second later.
As much as you would've wanted to form words, letting him know just how good he was making you feel, you couldn't. No understandable word from the dictionary was able to form in your mouth. You were communicating in moans, groans and heavy breathing. And Wonwoo understood every single loud you were making. He was able to read you like his favourite book, remember you like his favourite lyrics and play you like an instrument he had been playing forever. Everything just fit... too perfectly.
The squelching sounds of his fingers moving in and out of you filled the room, entertaining the two of you like a song in the background. Mixed with your moans, Wonwoo's cock was already reacting to it. From the moment he had thrown you onto the bed, to be completely honest, if not as soon as he had seen you in that pathetic excuse of a dress. 
He couldn't hide a smirk once he felt your walls starting to tighten around his fingers, only letting him know to keep on going. He had switched to tickling your clit with his tongue again, the tip of it going up and down, circling the bud before pressing flat against it. Anything to make you come undone right under his touch - his biggest accomplishment. The harsh tugging on his hair got a deep groan from him, vibrating against your pussy, sending the last wave of pleasure you needed to finally release on his fingers with a loud moan. You fought against his grip, lifting your hips into his mouth as your orgasm hit you. It didn't stop him from continuing, still moving his fingers, only slightly slower now, making sure that his lips were also gently sucking on your clit, focusing more on kissing it, making you jolt with each touch. You whined out loud, your legs tightening around his head. This was heaven. No need to question it. This must be it. No other possibilities.
"Fuck," your uneven breathing filled the room, your fingers still tangled in his hair as he kept his head down, working you through your high as you tried to push him back. "Wonwoo-" you cried out. "Please- God..."
With a smug grin on his lips, he raised his head, looking up at you still trying to catch your breath.
"You call that teasing?"
You had to chuckle, covering your face with one hand.
Wonwoo pushed himself up, coming back to face you, taking your hand in his to look you in the eyes.
"You did so well for me," he whispered against your lips. You didn't know how to react, so you just pulled him in closer by his collar. A kiss was answer enough. That's when you noticed something.
You pulled back. "How come you're still in your clothes while I'm naked underneath you?"
He smiled. "Well, ladies' first." His comment made your eyes roll. He chuckled. "But I'd be happy to change that." Diving back to continue kissing you with just as much passion as he did when he pulled you in back by the entrance door. 
Your fingers got to work on the buttons of his dress shirt while he was occupied with getting his pants open and off. You got rid of his shirt, letting it drop onto the floor by your side. To get out of his pants, Wonwoo sat back, letting his underwear go as well. Before you went further, you let your eyes travel over his torso, taking in every single piece of art decorating his skin. His shoulder was covered in black and grey ink, going down his right arm, hugging his biceps. Oh, to run you tongue over each piece… You snapped back and quickly joined him, hopping onto his lap, before he even had the time to get on top of you again. You had been waiting way too long for this. Way longer than you'd like to admit.
He made sure to keep his hands on your ass, placing you comfortably on his lap, his erection high, slapped against his abdomen. You didn't need to look down to know how big he was. You knew. You remembered. Hell, you even dreamt of it after the times he had already fucked you. Don't tell Binna that.
With his lips back on yours, much more eager than before, you let one hand rest on his chest while the other had gone down, swiping over your still glistening cunt, wetting your palm before you grasped his cock. An immediate moan came from Wonwoo, his breath heavy in your mouth, groaning against each other as you felt him nudge his hips into your touch. You kept your hand on the upper half of his dick, your thumb brushing over the top, spreading the pre-cum all over the burning red tip. The chill going through his body didn't go unnoticed by you, making you smirk against his lips as his fingers dug deeper into your ass, making you throw your head back in pleasure. Your hand had started running up and down his entire erection, making him hide his face in your neck as he kissed it again, sucking harshly on one specific spot he remembered you reacting to the hardest. As if it was a competition, your hand movements became harder and sloppier while his kisses became much harsher. Both of you had forgotten about moaning, turning to groaning as it relieved much more of the pleasure.
Without a warning, Wonwoo slapped your hand away and lowered you closer to the mattress, his arm on your lower back to hold you up. His free hand grabbed the base of his cock, directing it towards your entrance as you held yourself up with your elbows. He teased you by circling your hole with the tip of his dick, just waiting to fill you up.
You threw your head back in desperation. "GOD, Wonwoo just put your cock inside of me, please." With a low chuckle, he followed your plead. You couldn't hold yourself up and let your back hit the mattress as both of his hands had found their way to your hips, holding onto them as he backed out and went straight in again. Just like with his fingers - painfully slow. The roughness of each vein that decorated his erection grazed your walls, only intensifying each thrust.
"Fuck," you heard him curse under his breath as he lowered his body, his mouth back on your right breast as his right hand played with your left nipple.
You moaned out loud. "Fuck, Wonwoo," trying to move your hips along with his rhythm.
He came back up, his hand now on your neck as he groaned right into your ear. "Jesus, you feel so good." His thumb was brushing against your cheek.
"Won-" your moan was interrupted by an uncontrollable whine you had to let out as he was suddenly going deeper, making you realise he hadn't put his full length inside of you up until you. "Please," you stuttered with heavy breaths, "Please make me come."
His hand left your neck, immediately going down to your clit, after dipping into your wetness, putting pressure on your little bundle of nerves.
You nudged your hips up, "FUck, yes." Crying out loud as he kissed your jawline. Listening to his moans so close to your ear, feeling his thrusts becoming more and more irregular, almost sloppy, made you all that more aroused, knowing how close he must be getting.
With another hit at your G-spot, you almost couldn't hold back anymore.
"Wonwoo, I'm gonna cum," you whined, getting his attention as he kissed you deeply.
"Come on, baby. I'm close too. Come on. Just like that," he encouraged you, keeping his rhythm as steady as he possibly could, which wasn't much. "Good girl." Sending a heavy rush of arousal right to your pussy.
With his fingers right on your clit, his breathing against your ear and just feeling his chest move against you, his cock hitting all the right places inside of you, you didn't dare to hold back, letting go right as it hit you. A loud cry tumbled from your lips, your head digging into the blanket and mattress underneath you. The tightness of your walls almost pushing his cock out of you as the pleasure rushed through your body.
Wonwoo pushed himself up, and with three last hard thrusts into you, you felt him fill you up just as you would have begged him to. The warmth of his seamen made another moan come from you. Your hands were quickly trying to find his that were once again on your hips - seemed like they had found their favourite place.
His movements had slowed down, now making sure to work you through your uneven breathing as you came down from your second orgasm.
For a good few minutes, he continued to rock the both of you back and forth comfortably, lowering himself down to cover your frame with his wide shoulders, kissing you deeply without having to ask him to. His fingers tangled in your hair to make sure he'd pull you in as close as possible while his hips stopped moving, only one last time as he pulled out, leaving you cold and empty on the bed.
With one last kiss on your cheek, and a quick whisper of, "Stay here," he disappeared into the bathroom. You laid still. You put your right hand right under your boobs, still trying to even out your breathing.
That's what's supposed to happen when someone calls your name out in such desperation.
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Taglist: @nctxtrash @leicy0756 @hoe4wonwoo @jeonwonhi @nothingbutadeadesceane @smileywoo @angelarin @onewoowonderboy @goodforgyu @kavvs @sugarmilkchan @sweetheart-gs @wonforgyu @lilactangerine @meltinghershey @wonw00t @soonchanshua @jayswifeuwu @allorysayshi @shaurenlaw @drama-1998-girl @yoonren07 @malakasae @sseuyeon @venusprada @jeminiepabo @billboard-singer @safsaf1980 @monmarguerite @ji-jii-visha @renjunphile @haogyuslut @destinyg237 @taestrwbrry @renkkuri @travelleratheart101 @love-svt @sunshinein17 @morklee02 @wonuziex @pwwarkjisung @hokuuuu @clvudisan @awyunh @restlesswritings @woohaosworld @caratlove10 @woo8hao @misssugarlips @heednpy
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206 notes · View notes
miabebe · 2 months
I Am What I Am (VIII)
A man of the shadows and a woman who belonged in the skies - fate could not have brought two more different people together. But was this fate or was this a choice?
Pairing - Im Changkyun x OC, Kim Mingyu x OC
Word Count - 8.1 K
Warnings - Mentions of death, murder, mafia, guns, bullets, violence, drugs, toxic parents, sad parent backstory
Chapter summary - Trust lost, trust gained - the underworld was always questionable when it came to loyalty. But the real question was, who's trust was Na bi going to break?
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“Min-ah I told you I was right-” 
The moment Na bi stepped into Seokmin’s office, she found herself being cut off by a pair of lips on hers, pressing hard and unrelenting. Even though her eyes were not shut by the suddenness and the grip of his hands on her hips were telltale, it took a minute before she realized it was Mingyu. 
Slightly pulling back, lips hovering over hers, he whispered. “Jihoon is here, don’t mention Seokmin.” 
Placing a chaste kiss on her cheek, Mingyu grinned at her. “Hi babe.” 
Na bi tried not make her smile seem forceful looking up at him, but that was until she meet Jihoon’s eye over the bigger man’s shoulder - now she could no longer keep up the facade. 
“Hi babe.” Jihoon echoed mockingly, as Na bi rolled her eyes, walking into the room. 
“Jihoon.” She threw her bag on the couch. “I would’ve said it's nice to see you but it's really not.” 
“Can’t help it babe,” He leaned back against the window. “Duty calls.” 
“How is he here?” Na bi turned to Mingyu, annoyed. “Only authorized personnel are allowed in staff areas.” 
“Anything can be bought if you quote the price right.” Jihoon smiled, a smug expression dancing on his face. “I get my way when I want it.” 
“Who knew disregard for rules was something you indulged in officer Lee.” Na bi scoffed. “Not much difference between you and the ones you're chasing then huh?”
“Watch your mouth Doctor.” Jihoon walked up to her glaring and Mingyu immediately put himself between the two of them, sensing the tension rising. 
“Jihoon, Na bi has been doing some groundbreaking work with I.M!” His eyes flickered between the two of them. “I think she has information to give us today?”
Na bi stared at the older man with enough intensity to bore holes into his soul. 
“No?” Mingyu looked at her rather shocked. “I thought you might have-”
“I do have information,” Na bi crossed her arms. “But I won’t be giving it.” 
Jihoon narrowed his eyes at her, anger evidently coursing through his body. “And why is that?” 
“If I do your dirty work, you have to do mine. My one and only reason for agreeing to this mission was to find Ana’s perpetrator and get her justice. For that, I want access to her forensic records.” 
“How will that help you exactly?” Jihoon cocked his head at her. “Unless you believe something about her death does not make sense to you.” 
“I have my doubts.” 
“What is there to doubt? She had a slit on each wrist - that’s a signature killing, there’s no doubt about it.” 
“And what about the fact that she was also shot?” Na bi raised a questioning eyebrow. “Neither of you mentioned that.” 
Mingyu and Jihoon exchanged looks before Mingyu cleared his throat. “I mean… yeah she was shot, there were injuries on her back but the telltale sign was the wrists…. I did not think it was necessary to tell.” 
“How can you expect me to tell you everything if you don’t share anything with me Mingyu?” 
“Na bi, I’m sorry, I really didn’t think-”
“You’re not the problem Mingyu.” Jihoon moved him aside, eyes piercing into hers. “Dr. Baek here doesn’t seem to trust us anymore. She doesn’t think I.M could be responsible for her friend’s death…. Has your affinity towards that man grown Doctor?” His voice dropped to a low whisper. “You think I can’t see and tell how into a kiss a woman is?” 
Na bi glanced at Mingyu who looked at her concerned. Hurt. 
She couldn’t deal with his broken heart right now. 
“I don’t care if you doubt my loyalty Jihoon - I know when and how to show it.” She stepped closer to him, refusing to back down. “But I don’t like people doubting my capabilities. I am a doctor and I’ve dealt with these cases in the ER before - perhaps there’s something in that report that others have overlooked. Something I can piece together with my knowledge of him and my given expertise.” 
“Roping you in this mission was already frowned upon, doctor. Giving you access to classified files, I’m afraid, is beyond my jurisdiction.” 
“You’re denying me of my incentive Jihoon.” Na bi clicked her tongue mockingly. “It shouldn’t be so hard for you. I thought you got your way if you wanted it.” 
Chuckling, the older man pulled a chair, sitting on it with one leg thrown over the other. “Incentives are so mainstream Doctor, can I offer you a threat instead?” He pulled out his phone, flashing the familiar photo of the bullets they found in her kitchen drawer. “It would actually be much easier for me to pin the crime on you with fabricated evidence if you don’t bring the real one.” 
Na bi could feel the blood boiling in her veins. How dare he? 
“Sorry Jihoon.” Before a triumphant expression overtook his face, Na bi shook her head. “You’re wrong if you think I’m the kind to sit back and take whatever is thrown at me. If there’s one thing I learnt in the last month, it’s that the man you so desperately seek is incredibly protective of me. You think my mouth which opens here cannot open there? With the kind of network he has and given how you are still clueless about him, it won’t take long for me to turn the tables. So don’t push my buttons. I don’t appreciate being threatened.” 
Mingyu froze at her words, utterly shocked, but Jihoon continued to look impassive. Something told Na bi she hadn’t won yet. 
“Incentives I can’t give and threats you can’t take so let’s try again, shall we?” He leaned back into the chair. “How about a trade Doctor? You give me I.M and I’ll give you your sister.” 
Na bi’s eyes widened as her lips parted in shock, clearly declaring Jihoon the winner. Realizing that, he smirked at her, “Did you think we would involve you in this mission without doing a background check? Mingyu had thoroughly gone through every detail of your past before it all began.” 
She looked at the bigger man, the disgust of betrayal flashing in her eyes. Mingyu immediately stepped forward, “Na bi I-” 
“All this while, you knew about my sister?” 
“You mentioned her when you were drunk, you said you missed her but I didn’t know she was such a sensitive topic for you-” 
“Neither did I.” Jihoon confessed. “I took a shot in the dark and it looks like I hit the target Dr. Baek.” He got up, hands tucked into his pocket. “In case you didn’t hear me loud and clear the first time, give me I.M and take your sister. You have three days.” 
With that he left, basking in his coup, but Mingyu didn’t follow, reaching to hold Na bi instead. She immediately took a step back. 
“How many more times will you break my trust Mingyu?” She spat, the words bitter in her mouth. “You drugged me, you lied to me about Ana’s death, now this?” 
“Na bi I swear, you have to believe me, I just did what was protocol.” He insisted, desperately looking for her conviction. “I didn’t think Jihoon would use it to blackmail you like this-” 
“But he has!” Her voice raised, anger uncontained. “I… I didn’t even know if she was alive or not, now you’re telling me that she’s somewhere out there and if I don’t manage to deliver what Jihoon wants then the NIS might…..What if he does something to her??” 
“We only found out that your adoptive family had another child who absconded. Jihoon has no idea who she is or where she is so I’m sure that’s what he will put me up to next - to find her.” 
Na bi sat on the chair holding her head in her hands. Everything was spiraling out of control again. 
“But I promise you.” Mingyu crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. “The minute I get the slightest clue about her, I will tell you. Not in exchange for I.M, not as a part of a deal. I don’t care if I have to go against Jihoon, I will do it, just for you - to prove to you that you can trust me.” 
Na bi looked at him, wordlessly. What was she to say to this man anymore? How could he possibly fix this? Faith already lost, she pulled her hands free and got up, walking away from the man who continued to look at her with hope. 
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Yet again, like it was a bad habit she could not leave behind, Na bi found herself in front of Changkyun’s door. 
This time though, she knocked, making sure to display the etiquette he so often hinted she didn’t have. When he didn’t answer after 3 times and 3 minutes, losing her patience, she slowly opened the door and stepped in. The room was dark as usual, lit dimly by a few candles but bright enough for Na bi to notice something she had never seen before. Or she wasn’t meant to see. 
The bookshelf was slightly crooked, moved in front with a conspicuous tilt tempting Na bi to walk in and push it further. To her surprise, yet oddly meeting her expectations, was a dark passage with stairs leading of course to a basement. Classic mansion layout. Grabbing a nearby candle, Na bi made her way down the spiral stairs, taking each step cautiously, further and further into the darkness. As she got off the last step, her eyes fell on Changkyun in the middle of a large empty room, facing her but blindfolded. 
Na bi frowned confused, looking around the space that was absolutely empty except for a few fire torches burning around. Her eyes returned to Changkyun as she set the candle down, walking soundlessly towards him, trying to not be too affected by the fact that he was wearing a tank top that covered barely anything and a pair of sweats hanging low on his waist. As she approached him, hand reaching out to tap his shoulder, he grabbed it with a suddenness she did not expect given her silence and his sightlessness. 
“How did you know?” She asked as he let her hand go. 
“I spent much of my life in darkness, Ms. Baek.” He smiled. “I know my way around it.” 
Na bi took a step closer to him, fingers stroking the soft material of his blindfold.
“Don’t you get tired of the dark?” She looked at him sadly. “Do you ever wish to run away from it?” 
“We don’t get to choose certain things in life, Ms. Baek. I’ve made peace with where I am.” 
“I admire that.” Na bi sighed. “I can never seem to accept things. I’m always running. Away from something, towards something - I can never seem to just sit and take what life gives me.” 
“And I admire that.” 
Na bi stared at him in the dim light of the fires around her. He always seemed to say the words she had given up on hearing. 
“What are you doing here? What is this place?” 
“A sanctuary of sorts.” He looked around though he could see nothing. “I come here to fight battles that are personal to me. Conflicting thoughts, emotions, muddled perspectives.” 
“And being blind helps with that?” 
“Darkness doesn’t make a man blind Ms. Baek. Many can’t see reality even in the light.” Na bi wondered what he meant as he stepped back, cracking his knuckles. “If there’s anything you want to fight, you’re always welcome here.” 
Na bi felt a small smirk dancing on her lips as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. “How about I start with you? See how skillful in the dark you really are.” 
Changkyun’s features molded into amusement as he cocked his head at her. “You love picking battles you can’t win.” 
“Try me.” 
Na bi lunged at him with a swift movement but Changkyun quickly moved to the side, narrowly avoiding her. Not bad. She looked at him through her fringes, mildly impressed by how quickly he caught on. Na bi might not have seemed like it but she was a trained boxer, studying the sport for some 10 odd years now. Admittedly her skills had gotten a little rusty after she got busy in her residency but one on one, she was sure she could take him. 
Shuffling around to confuse his sense of sound, Na bi tried to land another punch but Changkyun immediately played defense. And that went on - her attacking with the moves he would least expect and him getting back at her in a way that was more unpredictable. Attempting one last move Na bi threw her jab at him with full force only for Changkyun to catch her wrist, and pull her towards him, wrapping their arms around her shoulders. Na bi’s chest heaved with the length of her back pressed against him, tapping on the arm he had trapped her with. 
“Okay fine, let me go, you win.” 
Changyun did not let her go. 
“Want to know why you lost Ms. Baek?” 
“I haven’t been in the ring in a while, I couldn’t-” 
“It’s because you assume your opponent will not be able to anticipate your moves.” Chankgun whispered, his breath by the shell of her ear. “But I have never once underestimated you.” 
Na bi smiled at that. Something about this loss felt like a victory. 
Changkyun let her go and she stumbled forward, turning to him as she massaged her wrist. He slowly untied his blindfold before tucking it in his pockets. Na bi watched him as he grabbed a bottle of water from the floor and crouched, gulping it down. Sweat ran down his face and bobbing adam's apple down to his tank top. Changkyun looked at her staring and chuckled. 
“You’re quite the fighter.” 
“Boxing helped me release a lot of anger when I was younger.” She sat down next to him, taking the bottle from his hands, chugging the remaining liquid. Changkyun settled on the floor next to her. Something about this scenario was oddly familiar - Changkyun and her sitting side by side, shoulders almost touching. The last time they were in this position, she poured her heart out to him and nuzzled in his arms for just a bit. Na bi wondered how this time would end. 
“You’re not too bad yourself.” 
“My dad used to train me when I was younger.” Chankgyun stared at the wall ahead. “It was one of the things we did to spend time with each other as a sort of bonding time. My sisters used to get so jealous,” He smiled at a memory. “Well one of them, the other was happy to just sit and giggle away with my mother.” 
“You must miss them.” 
He let out a soft breath. “I’m not sure. Is this feeling, this emptiness I feel called missing? Feels like too small a word.” He glanced at her. “Do you miss your sister?” 
“You only miss someone when they are gone. I’m not sure I’ve let her go yet.” She smiled sadly. “Sometimes I feel like when I open a door she’ll be right behind it. But for you…” Na bi hesitated but then remembered what he said. All she had to do was ask. “Changkyun, what happened to your family?” 
He blinked, staring at the cold, grey floor.
“We used to live in Seoul when I was young.” He began, picking on the skin of his fingernails, a habit oddly similar to hers. “It was a nice house, much like this one, tucked away deep inside the woods. We were isolated but it was never lonely; my parents did all they could to give us the best home.” 
Na bi let out a deep inaudible breath trying not to let the slight envy rise in her chest.
“One night my father came home and urgently moved us all to Jeju.” Changkyun continued. “I never asked him why but I knew he had a lot of enemies, that sometimes we had to lay low, go off radar. I remember the many days we were in Jeju. He was constantly worried, pacing around the room, scared, barely leaving the house, barely letting us out of sight. Then one day, my sisters and I were out in the backyard of the house. It was this large area we loved playing in, you could see the whole sea from there. I was just standing there, watching the waves and..…” His eyes shook as he swallowed on nothing. “The first bullet went right through my sister’s chest.” 
Na bi’s eyes widened. 
“About 20 men in black gear stormed into the woods. My mother immediately grabbed both my sisters and ran to get help. My father took me and ran into the house to hide. He hid me in a secret safe area under a table and made me promise not to make a sound. So I didn’t. And I watched soundlessly as my father was gunned down right in front of my eyes.” 
The picture of a 15 year old Changkyun watching his father die, flashed before Na bi’s eyes making her heart clench painfully. 
“Those men tried searching but they couldn’t find me. It was my father’s friends who discovered me hours later and brought me out of there. They told me it was all over, that I was the only one who made it. That I was the only one left to take over.” 
Na bi frowned. “Take over what?” 
“The empire my father tried his best to keep us all away from. I don't think he realized that in the end it didn't matter - those closest to us always end up paying for our sins.” He looked at her, sadness etched in his features. “My mother and sisters paid the price but I got handed a legacy - Tartarus.” 
And then suddenly so many pieces fit so fast, Na bi felt her mind reeling in shock. 
“You mean…. Your father was the original leader of Tartarus, the BlackJack?” 
Changkyun nodded. 
“That means during the WipeOut, they didn’t capture him, they killed him? The… The cops killed your whole family?” 
Changkyun nodded again. “It was their way of cleaning up loose ends. No one looks to protect those caught in a crossfire.” 
Na bi blinked at him.
“You did…..” She whispered. She had always wondered why Changkyun decided to go to such lengths to protect her all these days. Now, she knew exactly why.  “I was caught in the crossfire and you protected me.” 
“Some people belong in the sky Ms. Baek. It’s not fair to drag them to the shadows of the underworld.” Changkyun tore his eyes away from her and ran his hands through his hair. “My business is limited only to those who belong in this darkness. I do not seek to involve and consequently hurt anyone else.” 
Turning towards him, Na bi took his hands in hers.
“I’m sorry I….” She sighed. There were no doubts left in her mind anymore. “There were a lot of times in the beginning where I didn’t trust you.” 
“I would have thought you a fool if you had.” 
Na bi chuckled, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. 
Getting up swiftly, she pulled him up by his hand, much to his confusion. As he steadied himself, Na bi wrapped her arms around him, feeling the unwavering beating of his heart against her chest. Changkyun didn’t move for a minute and then eventually he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Thank you.” He whispered, holding her tighter and Na bi nodded against his shoulder softly. 
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Na bi looked around her office, breathing a sigh of relief. 
Two more days and she could come back here. Back to her space, back to her world, back where she belonged. 
Arranging her things neatly on the table, wiping the layers of dust settled on it, she began to hum her favorite song when Seokmin knocked on her door. 
“I can’t wait for you to be back at work.” He grinned, handing her a cup of their usual horrible vending machine coffee. Na bi laughed, taking it - it somehow seemed like a treat now. 
“I can’t wait to be back too. I’ve had enough of this clownery the last month.” 
“Speaking of which,” Seokmin whipped out a phone from his pocket. “You left this here last time.” 
Na bi reached for the phone Mingyu had given her, safely slipping it into her pocket, muttering a thanks. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while Baek, what happened?” 
Na bi blinked at Seokmin. So much. So much had happened in the last few days, where was she to start from? Nearly every theory she had about Changkyun and his world had been right and it had been confirmed by the man himself. Not because of the truth serum, just because she asked. She, on the other hand, had spilt her heart to him without him even asking just because she felt like she could trust him. And she was right to. After hearing Changkyun’s past, she was more certain now. He knew what it was like to be collateral damage in a fight - Changkyun could not have killed Ana. She had to find something else for Mingyu to implicate him in. 
Just as she was about to sit to tell Seokmin all the details, her eyes fell on an envelope at the corner of her desk addressed to her. She frowned, reaching for it, turning it over in her hands. 
“Oh yeah,” Seokmin gulped his coffee hurriedly. “That came this morning, just before you got here.” 
Taking her letter opener, she slit it open, pulling out a small piece of paper. Scribbled on it was some kind of address. Confused, Na bi flipped it over and her heart dropped to her stomach. 
He hummed in response. 
“Give me your access card, I need to use the backdoor.” 
“Okay…” He drawled, pulling it out of his pocket. “But what happened-” 
Na bi did not answer. She grabbed the card from his hand and rushed, pushing through the crowd and the door, finally finding herself on the road. Quickly hailing a taxi and reading out the address on the paper with a shaky voice, she sat back into the softness of the leather seats, flipping it again, hands shivering.
Baek Bit Na
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Na bi stood in front of the door, her breaths shallow and fast. 
She was in a quiet neighborhood at the edge of the city, in front of a small two storey house that looked like it came straight out of the sitcoms. There was a large yard around, a little set up for birds, a small dog house in the corner. The other side was filled with plants, flowers of all sorts, creepers crawling up the walls and the roof. Na bi stood there for around 15 odd minutes, looking at it all. 
She had reached out to ring the doorbell and then retracted her hand a dozen times now. When Mingyu had promised he would find her sister, she didn’t think it would be the very next day. The entire cab ride she had been wondering how she was to react when she finally came across Bit Na. Was she supposed to be mad that she forgot her for 12 years? Was she supposed to be happy knowing her sister was fine and doing  well? Or was she supposed to be upset that she spent all these years wondering whether her sister, the one person she cared about more than anyone in this world, was even alive?
Maybe it was best that she didn’t meet her. Na bi had no idea what reason Bit Na was about to give for her disappearance and she didn’t want to hear if there was any fault of her own. Or worse, if she was abandoned for no reason at all. 
Sighing, she turned to walk away, when a tall man walked in from the gate, looking at her quizzically. He opened his mouth, perhaps to ask who she was and she opened hers to make an excuse but before either of them could say anything, the door behind her flung open and a little pair of feet ran across the yard, a small girl jumping to the man’s arms as he lifted her with a happy laugh. Na bi stared at the two of them giggling away, a small smile growing on her face which froze at the voice from behind her.
“Na….Na bi?” 
Na bi slowly turned, heartbeat loud in her ears to see Bit na standing at the door, looking at her with huge, wet eyes. She looked just like she did 12 years ago - well maybe a little older now, eyebags prominent under her eyes, her usual hip fashion traded for a cotton dress with a stained apron over it, her arms caked with batter.
Na bi took a hesitating step forward, hand reaching for the other woman’s cheek, slightly caressing it, just to check if this was real. If she was real. 
Bit na’s tears drenched her fingers before she pulled her into a bone crushing hug, weeping into the crevice of her neck. 
Na bi stood still, finally letting it sink in - she had found her sister. 
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Na bi shook her head as Bit na sank down on the couch next to her, wiping her hands on her apron. 
“Oh, have some. Hendery makes a mean tea.” 
The man at the kitchen entrance shot her a reassuring finger gun. Na bi nodded with a hard smile.
“Let me look at you.” Bit na turned towards her, leaning against the armrest of the couch. “You’ve grown so big…. Did you say you were a doctor?” 
Na bi nodded. 
“But didn’t you want to be a detective? Oh no, was it a cop?” Bit na squinted her eyes trying to remember. “Ah, you wanted to be a detective and marry a cop, so you both could have your little adventures together.” 
Na bi laughed softly. “That was over a decade ago.” 
“True, but why did the dream change?”
Na bi took a deep breath.  
“Do you remember when I told you I was missing the kids at the orphanage, you said the best way to remember the people we love is to take a little something about them and make it ours?" Na bi plucked the skin on her fingers. “I then picked up one friend's fashion sense, another friend’s hobby, another’s eating habits.” 
“Is that why you picked my dream? Because I wanted to be a doctor?” 
Na bi nodded. “I guess a part of me also thought, maybe somewhere, somehow, at least professionally, I’d be able to see you again.” 
“Na bi, I know-”
“Twelve years.” Na bi murmured. “It’s been twelve fucking years-” 
Bit na hissed, looking towards her daughter sitting on the floor amidst her sprawled toys, playing happily. 
“Sorry, she’s at the age where she’s learning too fast.” 
Na bi looked at her niece's tiny hands, stacking the blocks, laughing as they toppled over. 
“How old is she?”
“Four this year.” 
“I don't even know her.” Na bi scoffed. “I should be her cool, favorite aunt but here I am, sitting like a stranger.” 
“She knows you.” Bit na’s voice left her softly. “My kids grew up hearing all about our stories. All the fun we had-”
“But I should have been there! I should have been there when you were married, I should have been there when you were pregnant, when you had your children, for god’s sake Bit na.” Na bi stood up, shaking her head. “I can’t be here. I can’t possibly sit here and see this entire life you’ve made for yourself in twelve years without me. I just-” 
“Na bi,” Bit na held her hand. “I didn’t have a choice, you know I would never have left if there was any other way.”
“What did you leave then?” Na bi sighed, pulling her hands away. “Why couldn’t you even tell me-” 
Hendery walked in with two cups in his hands, glancing at both women, reading the room. Placing them on the tea table, he picked up his daughter with an understanding nod and carried her away to the garden. 
“Do you remember him?” 
Na bi frowned as Hendery disappeared behind the glass. “No?” 
“Try to picture him in a leather jacket with a helmet and on a bike.” 
Na bi tried to form an image in her head, her jaw dropping as she realized. “The guy you were seeing back then?? The one you’d sneak out to meet at night?” 
Bit na nodded. “The one our parents so terribly hated.” 
“Hated is an understatement but….” Na bi glanced at him rolling in the grass outside, lowering her voice just in case he could hear. “Wasn’t he the typical bad boy kinda guy? Selling drugs, smoking joints?” 
Bit na laughed. “He was. Back then, teenager me loved that about him. Now, he’s the best dad my children could ever ask for. And now, I love that about him.” 
Na bi sat down next to her sister.
“I wasn’t with Hendery because I wanted to be rebellious or act out. I truly loved him, the real him - The one the world didn’t see or couldn’t see or didn’t want to see. I saw it and I fell in love with it and there’s not a cell in me that regrets that.” Bit na smiled, looking at her happy family. “Hendery was like you - lonely, adopted, no one to love, no one to love him. I chose to, even though our parents detested the idea and our forbidden love led to..... led to me getting pregnant.” 
“At 16?” Na bi blinked at her sister rapidly, confused. “You were 16 and pregnant??” 
Bit na chuckled. “Well, our parents reacted like this too. Unmarried, school going rebel daughter, pregnant by the motorcycle driving drug dealer - you can imagine the horror. I told them, after the WipeOut, Hendery had cleaned up his act, he had gotten his shit together but they didn’t listen. They said they didn’t want me to have the child. That wasn’t a choice I was willing to make - the child was Hendery’s only way to have a family that was truly and wholly his and I wanted him to have that. They asked me to leave home then and never come back, never contact them or you. They didn’t want my bad influence on their only other child. They said if I ever tried to meet you or tell you what happened, they'd disown you.” 
Na bi’s lips parted in shock. “That’s why you left? Because you were scared they’d leave me, that I’d be homeless? Bit na, that was not my home, you were-” 
“What you are saying is poetry Na bi, not reality. You were not a legal adult by then and neither was I, it wasn’t practical for me to rip you out of a house you were legally placed in.” Bit na sighed. “I did wait till you were 18 and no longer needed a guardian. I went home to get you back but they had moved out of there. I tried really hard and traced them to their new house and asked about you but they said… they said you went overseas to study and that you had forgotten all about me, happily.” 
“Your parents said that?” Na bi looked shocked. They of all people knew how devastated she was by Bit na leaving. Then why..... “Of course they did, this was payback. But how could you believe that-” 
“Payback for what?” Bit na narrowed her eyes. “Na bi, what did you do?” 
“Nobody would tell me anything about you. I screamed, I cried, I begged, I waited, yet neither of them would say a damn thing.” Na bi looked away nervously. “I didn’t mean to, it was an accident but….. I might have burnt down their house.” 
“You what??”
“Again, it was an accident and I even was in reformatory for a day or two. Then your parents claimed the fire was an accident and took me back. I have no idea why.” 
“Most probably to claim insurance.” Bit na shook her head. “I know because I have a friend who’s a lawyer.” 
“I’m assuming their little stunt of telling you I had moved on was payback for that….” 
“To think I could have been with you so much earlier.” Bit na tucked Na bi’s fringe behind her ear. “After that I didn’t try to meet you or find you. I guess a part of me was hurt that you moved on, but more importantly, they said you were happy, that was enough for me.” 
“There wasn’t a day I didn’t think about you.” Na bi sighed, holding her sister's hand. “I too just hoped you were happy wherever you were and looking at your house and Hendrey and your daughter, I’m glad you were fine.” 
Bit na nodded. “But there was always a gaping you shaped hole in my heart. I even named my first born Na bi.” 
Na bi gasped, looking at the little one playing outside. “Her name’s Na bi?” 
“No the older one, she’s-” Bit na glanced at the clock. “-yet to return from school. That’s the second one, Ha neul, and the third one is on the way.” She rubbed her slightly protruding belly, making Na bi break out into a wide smile. “It’s a boy.” 
“I’m afraid I’m gonna spoil this one rotten.” 
“And I’m going to have to reheat the tea.” 
The two girls turned to Hendery who had just walked in looking beat, staring at the two cups he had left which had long gone cold. Bit na laughed, getting up, taking their daughter in her arms. “I’ll do it, give my sister some company till then.” 
Hendery nodded, sinking into the couch across Na bi, looking at her with a sweet smile she did not remember him having. 
“Bit na never stops talking about you.” He pulled his feet up to the couch then immediately shook his head before he put them down again. Na bi smiled knowing her sister hated that. 
“When we were young, she would never stop talking about you too.” 
Hendery’s eyes shone like a young boy in love. “Really? I didn’t know she liked me so much.” 
“She didn’t, she was mostly complaining.” Hendery’s face fell immediately making Na bi feel bad as she laughed. “I’m kidding. She really liked you, enough to leave me.” 
“I hope you forgive her for that Na bi.” He looked at her sadly. “And me. I didn’t know that to protect my feelings she had to hurt yours.” 
“She did the right thing.” Na bi leaned back into the couch. “If she picked me over you and your child, it would have made me feel a whole lot worse. And because I know that you make her happy, consider yourself forgiven.” Hendery smiled at her with a happy nod. “Though I’m going to have to borrow her really often. I have twelve years to catch up on.” 
“Please do.” Hendery joined his hands, begging. “Take the kids also. I can use some time away.” 
“Repeat that.” Bit na walked out of the kitchen, handing Na bi her tea, looking at her man with narrowed eyes. 
“I uh… Lime! I was just telling Na bi about the wonderful lime harvest we just had.” 
“Ooh.” Her sister looked at her excitedly. “We really did have the best harvest last week. I’m gonna whip you up some lime pudding. I remember you love it.” 
Before Na bi could protest, Bit na hurried away into the kitchen, leaving behind Hendery sighing in relief. Na bi laughed. “Are you really that terrified of her?” 
“Not all of us have the luxury of Tartarus’s protection, do we?” 
Nearly choking on her drink, Na bi launched into a coughing fit. “What?” 
“I wasn’t born yesterday Na bi. You forget, I was once part of the underworld.” 
“You….you worked for Tartarus?”
Hendery shook his head. “Gods no. Back in the day, Tartarus was a living nightmare. The Blackjack led a small group of a hundred or so assassins and they were unstoppable. They turned murder in Seoul into a casual, daily occurrence. But I heard Tartarus after the Wipeout, IM’s Tartatus, is different - a lot larger in number but more discrete.” 
Na bi swallowed the bile rising in her throat. 
“During the WipeOut I had turned my back on my dealers, tattled some names. I was ready to leave behind the life of crime and settle with your sister so I did what I thought was necessary. I was put in witness protection - they changed our identities, helped us relocate. If there’s anyone who could have found us after all these years, it’s IM’s men. Besides,” He pointed at the window with a tilt of his head. “That black car has been out there ever since you came. There’s not a single black car in this neighborhood and Tartarus are notorious for trailing.” 
Na bi immediately stood up, running over to the window and looked out. 
Standing there leaning against the surface of a familiar car was Changkyun, his arms crossed in front of his chest, his gaze wandering over the house. Spotting her at the window, he gave her a small smile...
It was Changkyun who found her sister. 
Na bi broke into a smile of her own, giving him a small wave. Changkyun nodded in acknowledgement.
Beside him, Wonho opened the door and Changkyun shot her one last look as he got in. When he drove off Na bi's eyes followed him till the end of the street before meeting Wonho's slightly mad expression. Remembering she had bolted from the hospital without letting him know, Na bi took a sheepish step back. 
When she turned, Hendery was looking at her with raised eyebrows. 
“Ah, is our little butterfly in love?” 
Na bi stared at the empty space where Changkyun was just a moment ago. She could feel her heart beat loudly in her ears at Hendery’s question. But….it was so at peace when her eyes fell on Changkyun. Did that mean….
Please don’t fall in love with me Ms. Baek. 
Na bi half shook her head. “My life is a little complicated right now, I can’t indulge in the details but…”
“I’m not judging you Na bi, I would be the last one to.” Hendery assured. 
“He’s…. not as bad as they say he is.” 
“I know.” Hendery sighed. “The first few months after your sister gave birth were hard. She couldn’t go to work so we had to rely on just me for the mortgage and the medical bills and the baby products, it was a struggle. For a brief moment, I gave in to the idea of a life in crime again - it’s easy to fall back on old habits you see. When I reached out to a friend to see if he could get me work in Tartarus, he said the boss refused. They didn’t take men with families and initially, I thought it was because he saw family as a liability, a weakness but a week later, there was a box with a fat wad of cash in it, asking me to find a decent job and never to look for Tartarus again. That was when I realized, for him, family was-” 
“A strength he wanted you to preserve.” Na bi whispered softly.
Hendery nodded. “There’s good in bad and bad in good. He’s no angel, he’s not someone to look up to or anyone to be proud of but he values people. And if he values you, cherish it. There’s not many left in the world who know how to love.” 
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“Ms. Baek.” 
Changkyun knocked on the open door of her room, glancing at the empty premises. Up in the loft, Na bi looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. 
“Looks like tables have turned. How come you’re at my door today?” 
“Because you asked Mrs. Lee to tell me that you were looking for me?” 
Na bi rolled her eyes. “Come in, I’m just getting dressed.” 
Changkyun glanced at the clock, walking in. “It’s 10pm, are you going out somewhere?” 
“Not me, we are.” Na bi threw on a dress, looking at her reflection disappointed. “We’re going to the club.”
“We?” Changkyun raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, unfortunately, I won’t be able to accept your offer-” 
“It wasn’t an offer. I wasn’t asking.” 
“Ms. Baek-” 
“Na bi.” She peered at him from above, looking at the way he stood in the middle of her room, hands tucked in his pocket, expression amused. “Is there a reason you never call me that?” 
“First name basis is for those who are acquainted.” 
“Oh,” Na bi feigned thoughtfulness. “We aren’t acquainted because we aren’t friends or enemies or lovers. But we are two people who bared themselves to each other…....figuratively. Does that not count?” 
“I suppose it can.” Changkyun smiled at her with a tilt of the head. “Na bi.” 
“Changkyun.” She replied, smiling back. “Come on, I’ve got what, another day here before I have to return. Let me show you one fun, Na bi style night before I leave. As a thank you.” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“You didn’t have to find my sister either.” 
“It's not a hard task for a man like me.” Changkyun looked at her pointedly. “Speaking of which, I thought you’d be there tonight.” 
Na bi broke her eye contact with him and dragged herself back to the mirror. “I wanted to but her older daughter had some lessons in the evening and the younger one was getting cranky so I thought I could go back another day.” 
She threw on another dress, looking at herself skeptically. Something more revealing would be better.  
“Do you know an interesting piece of news though? My sister and the father of her children aren’t married. I mean they are, legally, but they didn’t have a proper ceremony for it. My sister didn’t want to do it when I wasn’t around so now that I’m here, I’m undoubtedly going to throw them an intimate wedding, some day.” Na bi looked at herself in the mirror now, finally happy with her pick. “So you have a choice. Come to the wedding as my date or come to the club with me now.” 
“I uh…. weddings aren’t my thing.” 
“So I guess it's decided then.” Na bi walked down the stairs in her blue bralette and ripped jean combo, her hair done pulled up in a tight sleek ponytail, the scent she had sprayed on stronger than usual. Changkyun’s eyes did not leave her till she came down from the last step, neither did any words from his mouth. 
“I didn’t know it was so easy to get you to agree.” She smirked at him playfully. “If you wanted to see me dressed in something slutty, all you had to do was ask.” 
Changkyun leaned close, whispering into the shell of her ear. “Who said I wanted to see you dressed in anything at all?” He gave her a cheeky smile as he took a step back and another. “I’ll see you down in 10.” 
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“You know I’ve been to this club a million times but I don’t ever remember the music being this bad.” Na bi frowned, leaning against the bar, Changkyun right by her side. “Or maybe I need more alcohol in my system.” She turned to the bartender behind, screaming for another order of drinks, before looking at Changkyun expectantly. 
“No thanks.” 
“You’re such a bore.” 
“I prefer a neat glass of whiskey in my room. Diluted shots of tequila are not my poison.” 
Na bi rolled her eyes as she reached for her drink and downed it in one gulp. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she cocked her head at the dance floor. Changkyun shook his head again, making her sigh and walk over all by herself. Stopping at the middle of the floor she turned to him, slowly swaying her hips to the music, eyes fixed on his. Of course she wasn’t expecting him to turn up to the club in a suit but something about his navy blue shirt and black slacks combo was throwing her off her game. Maybe it was the fact that he had the first two buttons undone, or that silver chain shining against his pale skin or the way his hair was falling into his eyes….. He looked hotter than usual and Na bi was drunker than usual. 
He watched, mildly amused as Na bi got bolder with her moves, pulling the hair tie off, letting her waves fall over her shoulder, the way she knew he liked it. Changkyun’s eyes darkened, just a little, but Na bi soon realized the real reason why. 
“You with anyone tonight sweetie?” 
An unknown man pressed himself against her back, slurring into her ear. Na bi looked at Changkyun who didn’t move. 
“I am.” 
“Don’t see him though. He doesn’t seem to be taking good care of you.” His breath smelt like a weird mix of soju and kimchi. “I could look after you much better.” 
“No thanks.” Na bi pushed him away with a soft jerk, but he moved towards her again, his hands on her waist this time. 
“Don’t fight it sweetie. I can show you a real good time.” 
Na bi nearly gagged, feeling his boner press up against her. Holding him by the wrist, she twisted his arm, earning a loud shriek. 
“Learn to take no for an answer dickhead.” 
She let him go, making him stumble, his drunk self easily loosing footing. The man staggered, getting to his feet, trying to charge at her angrily but one look behind her and he froze. Watching the fear creep on his face, Na bi knew that Changkyun was standing inches away from her. 
“Y-you shouldn’t go around leaving your girl alone like that. ” The man stuttered. “L-look after her well.” 
“You should worry about yourself.” Changkyun looked at him pitiably. “My woman is more than capable on her own.” 
Fucking hell. 
Na bi didn’t know if the man left or not. She didn’t even care. Turning around, she grabbed Changkyun by his chain, yanking him forward looking at him with big eyes. 
“Na bi…” 
“Shut up and kiss me.”
And when she pressed her lips on his, he did. For barely a second though. Hands softly on her waist, he pulled her back. 
“Why don’t you ever listen?” He shut his eyes, swallowing hard. “We can’t….” 
“Why not?” Pressing her forehead against his, she sighed. “I want to. I want you. I….” 
From the corner of her eye, she noticed the crowd moving uncomfortably. Na bi gulped, knowing the purpose she had dragged him to the club was finally about to commence. 
“I’m so sorry Changkyun.” 
And then came the gunshots. 
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badbf-cb · 7 months
We’re Back…
“Like hell I’m just going to sit around and let you handle it,” Minji sneered at Jaebeom across the table. Her usual sweet and comforting voice dripped with malice. She threw a crumpled note to her friend and leaned on his desk. “You didn’t handle it then! I can’t this happen again. Not with her.”
Tag Minzy- Youre it.
Im coming for what’s mine -HJ
Jaebeom couldn’t be upset with her. For months she had been getting letters from Hanjae, her living nightmare. JB held his hand to steady Wonho from approaching the angry woman. “I get you’re mad but Min… You have to let me do this. I know he’s working with Choi now. He reached out to my father. We just need-”
Her frustrated cry cut off the older man. “Need to what? He humiliated you last time! Your brother got shot! Hongjoong almost lost his eye! Fuck, Jaebeom- Taeyong almost died on the kitchen table.” She pointed an accusatory finger at each man in the room. “Did you forget what happened to Lisa?” Her eyes searched the room but felt relief knowing her young friend wasn’t around for this meeting.
“ENOUGH!” JB’s voice boomed through the room. Everyone but Minji took a step back and recoiled. “Everyone out, except you, Dr. Gong.” One by one they all left the two alone.
Even after an hour of being locked up alone and Changkyun’s best efforts to listen at the door… No one knew what happened behind the door. All they can agree on is a few windows rattled when Mingi left the office, slamming the door behind her.
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Minji signed a note and folded it quickly before tucking inside Yoona’s little back pack. “Ok, baby. Be good for Auntie Em ok? I promise I’ll see you soon.” She stole a kiss from the little girl as Chanyeol carried her off. Having purposely let the girl skip nap time, Minji knew that she would be sleeping before she arrived. “Bye baby,” she whispered, swiping her tears away.
One down… two to go. With Yoona away, she needed to get the others out of the house. She knew that she couldn’t keep Lisa out of this but at least Mina and Sunmi could be sent out… with a little persuasion.
“I’m not playing doctor with anyone,” Sunmi protested as she looked through the ‘care package’ Mina held. “I don’t care how cute they are!”
Mina laughed and pulled her friend from the house. “Stop! I know you missed him. Maybe he missed us… or you.” She swung the bag to her friend and grabbed the tray of cookies and brownies, making sure to grab the one marked ‘For Jake’. “Min, are you sure you can’t come?”
“No, sorry,” Minji kept the answer short. “They’ve been through a lot and just need an extra hand. Since Lisa has to go… just make sure Kyun is ok while she’s gone. Tell the boys I send my love.” She kissed her friend on the cheek and sent them on their way.
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“What do you mean he isn’t here?” Jaebeom asked looking for Chanyeol. “Where is he?” He didn’t need to ask more when he saw the satisfied look Minji had on her face. “Seriously? You did this didn’t you?” His question only answered with a shrug.
“Is this going to take long? I have more important things to do,” Lisa whined and grabbed Jungkook as she walked from the house and tothe third of the four identical waiting cars.
Wonho sighed heavily as he tried to usher Changkyun out. “Your dad doesn’t pay me to babysit you. Get the fuck out of here,” he barked at the middle sibling. The second car waiting for them.
To everyone’s surprise, Hanse and Gyu were the most cooperative pair. It was almost unsettling. The last car designated for them.
“I’ll be waiting. We need to make this as smooth as possible. I can’t miss this,” Hongjoong warns JB. He kisses Minji on the cheek and leans against the first car patiently.
JB looked around the oddly empty house and faced Minji. “You don’t trust me? Touché. Taeyong will be here soon… you can’t stop that. Hyunjin will stay with you until we get back since you won’t listen to me.”
“I’m counting on it. I just need to see where his loyalty lies. Good luck JB,” Minji hugs him tightly. “It’s been an honor knowing you as a friend and boss.”
“I don’t know what you’re doing Minji… Just be careful. You’re playing with fire and we both know this isn’t going to end well,” JB said from the door. He wasn’t able to look back at his friend.
Minji stood outside with Hyunjin and watched the four cars leave with her friends. She looked up and down the street for the pair of lights that brought Taeyong with them. “Game on,” she whispered as the crumpled note fell from her hands.
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