#Changkyun oneshot
gor3rri · 4 months
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❕PAIR❕: (! husband!) Im Changkyun X Reader (!wife!)
❕GENRE❕: Realistic, Romantic, deep, Fluff-smut, !unprotected sex!raw!cum eating, grabbing!
❕SUMMARY❕: You find yourself in the pov of your husband, Im Changkyun. He’s good just like a normal husband material but thinks deeply of everything he does. Serious but a sweetheart. He fulfils all your wishes. He’s completely opposite to you. You’re an ambivert.
❕AUTHOR’S NOTE❕: This Context contains kissing , touchiness and etc. It’s a realistic way of looking through scenarios which might look real in future i.e it’s how he might behave if you were married to him in real life. It’s a little smutty which makes it appropriate for ages 18+.
❕DISCLAIMER ❕: English is not my first language so if you witness anything off while reading of spelling of punctuation, just know ㅠㅠThe context is just scripted and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just for fun - ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
❕CONTEXT❕: MONSTA X members also mentioned (some areas) and y/n(you)- darling or often by her real name ; Im Changkyun - Kyun, Love, I.M, Danny etc.
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“Are you awake yet?”you asked your husband as you turn to his side of the bed, in a sleepy tone. You were restless because of yesterday. You’re a housewife but you spent most of the time helping Changkyun’s father in the Lab. His father is a famous known professor in Pohang-si , Postech University of Science and Technology. As a kid you did well in science and wanted to pursue it but unfortunately couldn’t get enough in finals and you gave up and made ur hobby ur job. You were a Science teacher in a school in Gwangju. So in your free time, you would help his father in research. You were more than qualified but only you couldn’t get in a good college and ended up as a teacher instead.
“Changkyun..? You said again in a sleepy tone while still in bed. You couldn’t find him at his side of the bed so you woke up and went to look for him. It was your day off today. Sunday of course. You were searching for him as you wanted to tell him something. You went downstairs to check. You couldn’t find him there so you also went ground floor. You guys had a ground floor pool and a small living room so basically the house was like 5 floors with a basement. You were at fourth floor which was a ground floor. You finally found him.
“Kyun-ssi?”you said slowly. As you say, he turned to you slowly. He had a book in his hand which he put down as he saw you. “Oh your awake?” He said while approaching you slowly. “You never rush. Is there something you want me to know?” He asked as he came close. “Kyun, good morning” you said. “Don’t tell me you just rushed downstairs to wish me morning. You were tired. Yesterday dad called me to tell you that you don’t need to rush in the work anymore. He’s thankful to you that you stayed the night in the lab, testing the samples. And so I didn’t wake you up.” He said as he looked into your eyes. “It’s my job. If I know stuff I can offer help. My family is more to me hence I don’t think I’ll be tired but he don’t need to thank me :)” you said while smiling and looking down. He went to the table to put the book back in the shelf. “I miss my parents so helping him made me happy. I can say I have two parents now.” You said while helping him. He then stopped what he was doing and look at you. “Do you miss your parents hm?” He asked you ,worrying about you. “I do”. you said while putting the last book in the shelf. “It’s decided, I’ll be taking you to Busan.” He said holding your hand. “Kyun, you’re busy and so am I? It’s okay you don’t need to. I just missed them. I can always call th-“ you were about to finish your sentence but he cut you up by saying “Y/N your stressed and you need relaxation, taking a week leave from work won’t be a problem plus, I hired a person who can do the work when I’m not at work, it’s all fine.” He said while holding your other hand.
You were once upset with your parents cause they didn’t let you think about your marriage. And they made the decision themselves without even considering your opinion. But seemed like you were married to a good person. Im Changkyun was a Biomedical engineer, owned three big Research Companies. He was qualified, rich and stable. He won’t let you pay for anything. He’s caring and loving. You never thought your arrange marriage would lead you two to fall for each other. For now you’re just caring towards each other. Love each other as well. You guys have known each other 70% out of 100% in these 1 year. Since you were upset, you forgot about their caring nature too. Why would a parent want their child to marry someone unknown. Changkyun’s parents and your parents knew each other well but you didn’t so that’s why you found it to be difficult for you to adjust in an arranged way. Hence you forgot about them. You accepted and realised your mistakes and decided to apologise to them.
“Y/N, get ready in some time. We’re leaving soon”said Changkyun. “Kyun..” you said slowly. “Hm?” He said while turning to your side. “What about you..? Us..? I don’t even spend my time with you..it’s been a year, we haven’t progressed..and mom (in law) was expecting us to be paren-“ he again cut you off. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll be as well. I don’t want you to worry about anyone anymore. As you say there’s a right time for everything to happen. It’s okay Y/N” he said while holding your hands “just get ready.” You nodded and went upstairs.
He made you breakfast this time. You didn’t knew that he already made breakfast. You were in a hurry to make breakfast so you bathed quickly but it turned out that he already did everything for you. Watered the plants, gave the food to the fishes in the pond and yes you two owned an aquarium since fishes made you feel happy and calm, cooked breakfast and put the clothes in laundry, almost everything. “Kyun..thank you” you said to him while he was plating the dishes. “If a wife can do things like taking care of everyone and being as grateful to us, a small gesture everyday and some help from my side wouldn’t cause harm right?” He said while smiling and looking at you. You kept looking at his eyes. “You came here to live the rest of your life with me at 22 years, and you thought I never felt you? We all love you and care for you okay? Just the way you do for all of us, in fact I can say that you work more than what all of us here do. I respect you, Y/N. He said while coming closer to you. “You’re talented and admirable, I do know that getting married to someone you don’t know properly could be hard but you made it smooth in just a year, darling.”
“Darling” you thought in your mind. How can someone be so good? Charming in both the ways- by nature and by looks as well. Usually people with good looks turn out to be cruel but him, his just so caring. He spoke less but his eyes says a lot about me. He called me by my name always but the way he used the word “darling” for me is just so.. I’m not flattered but it isn’t the word. It’s more than what I thought. He said he respects me. Men these days lose their temper and respect for women even when they do hard work but it seems like today’s the day __th[day]_____[month] and _____[year] , my perspective towards my husband changed. Getting to know that he loves me so much would always be my favourite feeling.
You hugged him and couldn’t say anything but it all was so self explanatory to him. “The food tastes amazing, Kyun.” You say while taking a bite out of the steak he made for you. “This is just what I could serve to you. We’re not late okay? Just chew your food properly.” He said wiping your lips with a tissue. “Oh oops” you say while holding the tissue he used. “Let me take care of you since you’re leaving your husband for a week cause I won’t be there” he said. “Your not staying?oh I forgot.” you say while taking a bite out of your food. “Mhm. I have to check on the companies whether they have shown any new information.” he said while taking his plate to the counter. “Im done, when you’re done, just keep the dishes on the counter. I’ll ask Ms. Shin to clean them because the dishwasher isn’t working due to some technical issues.” he said leaving the kitchen.
You put the dishes on the counter and waited for him downstairs with your bags. “Im here!” Said Changkyun. “Ready?” He said holding your bags. “Kyun it’s okay I can carry them since you did a lot for me already.” you say grabbing the bags. “Let me do my job, Im Y/N” he said taking them bags to the car. “Im Y/N, I love the way you call me by my full name, Im Changkyun!” You said in a little teasing tone. “Mmhm, my lady”
These little gestures he shows you is his best charm. Not too physical not too touchy. The words he uses are magical to you. Even the simplest word becomes as expensive as gold. “The car smells good” you said after getting in the passager’s seat. “It was the perfume I used haha” he said while taking the car keys. “Mason Margiella- burnt wood and whiskey 🥃 is what it smells like” you say while looking at him. “You seem to know what your husband smells like hm? Soo keeping everything aside, where’s your destination Mrs. Im?” He asked you teasingly. You chuckled and answered “oh please take your passanger to her Parents house.” “Of course, of course, fasten your seat belt, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said while fastening the seat belt for you. “Thank you.” You said smiling at him.
AUTHOR : You guys then reach to the desired destination.
“Oh my my!” Said your mother you look so much healthy my baby! “Yea mom and I missed you guys, Im staying here for a week so that I can spend some time with you guys after I left in sorrow.” You say while hugging both of your parent. Changkyun saw the tears of happiness in your eyes and in your parents and he thought - “how much loving and caring could a person be? She’s the one for me, mature and perfect by nature and pretty by looks as well.” He was all in the thoughts 💭 then suddenly your dad say “Changkyun-ssi, I’m glad to hear that my daughter is in good hands, I’ll always be thankful to your parents for treating her as their own.” Said your father as he hugged Changkyun. “Oh no no, as we agreed to take the responsibility as promised we’re also doing our job, keeping Y/N happy and healthy, worry free.” He said while hugging back. “Oh dear, you guys are staying here, this makes my heart so much full.” As your mother said this, Changkyun replied “Im sorry to you Mr and Mrs. Yoo that I won’t be staying as I need to check on progress of my companies :), instead Y/N would fulfil my emptiness(presence) here” he said while holding your mother’s hand. “It’s okay dear, next time I want both of you to stay with us. That would make us more happy. But you’re a busy man and taking your time to drop my girl here, thank you.” Said your mother smiling to Changkyun. “No no it’s my job to see your daughter happy, my wife in fact.” He say while looking at your mom and then at you. “Come in for a while Changkyun.” Said your father. “Oh as I’m not staying here, I can at-least come in for coffee or tea.” Said Changkyun.
Your house was just like a normal big house. A little Japanese style, the structure with an open yard for meet up with guests. “Kyun?” You called him. “What do you want? Coffee or tea?” u asked him when suddenly your father interrupted “Whiskey! Haha my young man should try the Glenfiddich, a classic 12 year old” your dad said with a little laugh. “Dad it’s not the right time i-“ you said while looking at them and at Changkyun after. “Ohh I have had that one mhm” he said look at the bottle. “Kyun-“ you looked at him with an expression that stated - “it’s not right time kyun for whiskey 😭” he understood what you wanted to say then suddenly put the bottle aside. As he put that aside, he received an important call. “Dad maybe kyun’s busy so he might have to leave at the moment.” You say to your father and your father understands you. He said “mhm I have no problem, we still have time” he said patting you. “Thanks dad” you said whole hugging him. “I have to leave now Mr and Mrs. Yoo but I’m sure the next time I visit it’ll all be the whiskey 🥃” he said while holding your father’s hands. “Of course son! Let me help you out” he said and you all bid him a bye.
“Kyun!” You called him as he was gonna sit inside “wait-“ He stood there while holding the car door and you kiss him on his lips. He felt so good. He won’t describe it at the moment but surely will when you guys would be all alone together. He kissed you back and said in a low tone while holding your hands “I’ll be back soon, I miss you already..” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Take care, I’ll miss you, kyun” you said as he got in the car breaking the kiss.
AUTHOR : The time passed by and you were missing him so much to the extent that you almost teared up at times cause you felt that you left him alone at the house and how much he would miss you. He would call-text you when he was free but it wasn’t much like his actual presence. A week ended and it was finally when the time when he could kidnap you back lol. Im gonna skip the car part.
You arrived your home after a long time and seeing everything back again just made you happy. The scent of your own home just felt so good. Then you heard doorbell ring. You rush towards it cause you knew it might be your husband. “Y/N!” You said nothing but hug him. “Im sorry I couldn’t pick you up and you had to come here by yourself and even the driver wasn’t here today due to some personal reasons..” you said nothing still but just hug him. His scent was something you missed. Fresh roses and whiskey with burnt wood. That’s what he smelled like. Even after working too much, his scent never changed, it felt natural on him, his scent. Then you slowly let go the hug. “Changkyun Im” you said while looking close to his face. After what you just called him, he came closer to you as well while slowly throwing his blazer. “Keep looking at me like that and-“ you cut him off “didn’t you miss me?” You said after putting him in the MOOD and you backed up. “Miss dare to change the topic hm.” He said as he went to the couch and rested there. You turn back at him. “Now you kept me waiting like that you know how much I missed you?” He said while looking at you. “You called me by what earlier ?hm?” He then stood up and started walking towards you again. “Im actually glad someone else took you here or else I don’t know what would happen, I won’t even let us reach here by this time” he said teasingly. You became all red and nervous. It was all your fault that you set him in the mood and now you’re wanting to back up. It would be a big loss not to kiss a man who’s in the best mood. You knew he was not drunk but just sipped whiskey at work because he smelled like Ballentines and it secretly drove you crazy seeing him like that. Loose tie, white shirt and long silky hair with scent of Margiella was enough for you to surrender yourself.
You couldn’t believe you guys had an arrange marriage almost a year ago. “Y/N? Darling? You slept alone these days?” he said while going upstairs. “There was none to warm my side up.” You say while following him upstairs. “Aw” he said after reaching to the room door, he turned back to you. “Wash up, you might be tired from that travelling” he said while patting your head. He went to his office after saying but you had a feeling that you needed him so bad but he still seemed busy so you just interrupted him “Kyun~?”You called him, he turned back “hm?” he said starting at you. “Are you busy even in that kind of mood?” You asked him confidently. “What mood??” He said with a slight smirk and then continued walking towards his office room. Gosh it drived you crazy when your husband acted like that. You pouted and then went towards bathroom for a warm shower. You took 20 minutes for it and then came back out with a robe. When you entered your room, you saw your husband, arranging his clothes in the closet properly. You couldn’t help but stare at him. He caught you off guard. “Hm~? What’s something that Y/N is staring at?” He asked you while still putting his clothes back in the closet. “Im looking at Im Changkyun.” You say while moving to your closet. “Call me by my name again and I’ll show you what happens, darling” he said while looking at your eyes. You stopped and so did your heartbeat. “I wanted you so bad. Ever since I was there at my parents house. Couldn’t wait honestly but I saw your busy even after you came home from work. I’m not in a playful mood but I’m very serious about what im talking about.” You turned back at him and went towards his direction and you added on “Love, when you call me with nicknames, it drives me crazy. That I want you with me. Near me.” You said looking at his eyes. Not even realising how honest you were, you stopped. “Is that what my darling thinks about me? Just want me? What else?? I’m curious” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Kyun, are you really okay with me behaving like this all of a sudden.” You said and then he added “didn’t you notice me earlier? I behaved the same and you didn’t seem to have a problem as well. Even if I wasn’t like that and you asked me the same question, I wouldn’t hate it.” He said, then you added “I missed you besides me during night time”. This time as you spoke, he just said nothing but stare at your lips. Your lips, bare lips drove him crazy, he couldn’t resist your behaviour and lips of course so the next step he did, lead to a whole new scenario. To be completely honest, you and him were just awkward as you guys barely knew each other back then but as you guys got closer and got to know each other, man, it’s like complete opposite, now your totally lovers and I don’t think someone would actually think that this might be the arranged marriage. Not at all.
“As I said I missed you besides me at night, it’s cause the first word you would ever speak in the beginning of a new day is my name and I couldn’t hear it ever since, like a week and-“ you heard him say everything but then suddenly your lips meet his, you cut him off. It was your first ever kiss with your husband. Shocking but yes. All the year passed, you guys were just arranged but now it seems like your arranged to lovers. You could feel his lips taking the same feel as yours. Oh you loved him too much at this point. Your windows were all open which led to a cold air breeze moving inside your room and the white transparent curtains of your room just waving, the moon shined through as well. You had your left hand on his shoulders, and the other on the back of his head, grabbing his medium mullets lightly, black hairs, silky and smooth, his chest was almost exposed because he was wearing a simple white shirt with just three top buttons open. His shoulders were broad, broad enough to just trap you in there. Then slowly the kiss became insane, deep and more passionate and your right hand moved slowly back on his almost bare chest. Then after a few minutes you guys stopped, then his gaze went towards your eyes. “It’s would be a shame and disappointing decision on not marrying you, Y/N” he said looking at you. You’re all red, even though you have been this much close to him before but it still made you damn nervous. “Mmm look at you” he said in a teasy loving low tone. You looked away as you heard him say that, hiding yourself. “Wouldn’t you wanna say anything to your husband? I mean I wanna listen it from you, Y/N. Your bold I know mm, since you kissed me.” He said while leaning onto the couch in your bedroom. Then you turned back and said “anything for my husband but he’s too charming, my eyes couldn’t take the view.” You said and then ran back to the bathroom since you needed to change clothes (you were still in a robe). “Im waiting” said Changkyun while letting out a small chuckle.
AUTHOR : You took your time and then you came outside wearing a usual night gown, wasn’t too fancy but it made your body shape look SO GOOD.
Then you came in the room, you saw Changkyun laying down on his side of the bed while closing his eyes. You were confused and pouty. You thought to yourself that “he just asked me to wait and just did everything so hurriedly ://“ as you thought this, you went towards your side of the bed and laid down facing him. He’s so pretty and of course charming as usual but you became restless as you thought that meeting after a week long period, he just slept like that? You meant that you wanted to get lovey-dovey with him but here he just told you to come out as he was waiting. You were all restless, little angry. Then you turn to your side, facing away from him. You were little pissed 😭 cause he got u in the mood but then he dozed off. You mumbled in a little aggression “mmmhmm, tricked, cheatedㅠㅠ”
AUTHOR : You really thought he would let you go that way haha, he wasn’t asleep tho he was just wanting to see what and how you react. And it seemed like you waited for him to wake up. I mean you wanted to see if he was actually asleep or no but he didn’t react until he found out that he had enough play with you(lol) so he woke up and then he (smartass) took his actions when you were on the verge of sleeping ㅠㅠ. He just slowly moved his hand in your hair and whispered—-
“Mmm..sorry about playing like that, darling” he said and then he trapped you. You were in between his hands and his chest towards your face almost. He was on top of you. You were tricked again 😭. He just wanted you to be restless so he waited till u reached limits. “!!!!huh,oh??” you were all sweaty and nervous. “Kyun. You-“ you didn’t get time to say anything. He kissed you. He slowly lifted you up and now your position was like you on his laps facing him eye to eye. You become nervous and try to look away but also intrigued looking at him. You didn’t know what to do but you weren’t awkward. It drove you crazy since he took you on his lap. You were happy knowing that you can now officially act personal and however you wanted in front of him. He pulled you even closer, he was still wearing the white shirt and his hairs slicked back. His bare face is what you loved, those eyes, dark brown pupils which shone throughout the moonlight, as it entered through the open window. “Oh..kyun, it’s a shame not being able to love you..” you said looking all innocent (but he knows you aren’t😏) “mm? Love or fuck? You didn’t know me yet, Y/N, I never got time to show my real avatar..” he whispered in your ears which made you even want him more. You were all okay with what he was gonna do because he asked you many times that in future if there would be a time like this, would you be all ready? And you guys had enough time to find out until today as you both were out of limits. You loved loved loooovveedd his scent. You sniffed him and kissed him on his lips. He got excited to the extent that he took off his shirt and now was on his trousers and you? “Darling, it would be a shame not to appreciate your bare body, he said and asked you “Can you..remo-“ as he was about to say the whole sentence you just didn’t take seconds and took off your pretty floral nightdress which was almost translucent from the top and bottom as well. You wore tights. It was in his favourite colour- purple. The light shined on your body and highlighted his favourite parts, the chest and the collar. Changkyun didn’t have an ideal type cause he’s into someone’s personality but now looking at you, he felt like girls who look good in bikinis would work. But don’t worry, it’s just only gonna be you whom he’ll admire in that attire. You looked perfect. A normal body, not too skinny nor too over. He kissed you all over your neck and then slowly moved to your chest. You had big boobs, he started licking you as he moved down. You let out a moan. “Already moaning hm..?” He said while licking your neck and tummy back and forth. “Mmm~~kyun it tickles” you said being all crawled up. As you said, he just stopped to look at you. “Nuh uh.. you need to be rewarded but also punished for leaving me like this alone for week.” Said Changkyun then he started biting your neck and collarbones, you collar and neck was all his of course, it drove him crazy. You looked at him, he was all over you, looked like a hungry alpha. Whatever he just spoke, made you realised that he’s not gonna let you sleep tonight and you didn’t care about it because you wanted it. You indeed has a sex drive throughout the day, a high sex drive. “I don’t know, I mean you, you don’t know how much I missed you, I drank an entire bottle just because I was missing you. This was yesterday night.” He said kissing you all over. “Kyun~ punish me? Let it all out on me, it’s my fault for making you impatient.” You say whining over as you felt his saliva all over your chest. Plus it was all cold so that little wetness on your body because of sweat and saliva made you whinny. “Punish? You want me to do what I just said earlier ?? Hmm?” He said. He kept asking you which made you say it even louder because in between he would keep making you wet. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~ your too good, I’m gonna be so wet if you keep doi-“ he cut you off “Princess? I almost forgot that you’re messy down there already? Let me check” he said. He ripped your panties, it was too wet and it was shocking to him cause it was your first time as well.
“Next time I’ll bring you a lingerie, it would just look so alluring on you baby” he said in a deep husky voice. You reached too high to your limits that you wanted to be more pleasured so you started acting all slutty (😏). “Next time I’ll make you wait more kyun” you said as you kissed him shutting him up. That thought of buying you your first pair of lingerie drove you insane. He then pulled away the kiss as he heard you. “Mmh? Naughty much? So suddenly huh~?” He said then he slowly put his finger inside your clit. I thrusted it inside whenever you made a statement that he didn’t like. “Oh goddamn, you make my cock swell like..your asking me not to stop huh?Thrusting again, you moaned loudly, and your pussy clenching onto his cock so hard. “You’re totally in mood, huh?” As he said, the tone you couldn’t handle it put hop on his lap fully. “I’m always gonna be in the mood as long as your with me, husband~” you said while kissing his neck. He let out a relaxing moan. “Idk why but I want you so messed up right now~” he said while grabbing your ass and lifting u up to the wall and started biting you, all those love marks meant that you won’t dare to look at someone else but your husband. He’s passionately would be jealous of anyone getting too close to you. You were a science teacher married to a biomedical engineer who owned three big laboratories and companies, what else did you even need in your life? Nothing more nor less. Every touch of his would just make you crave for him even more. More than what a horny feeling contains. You didn’t have words to describe how good he’s in person but on the bed as well. “Kyun, don’t..don- go in too- harsh-“ you said as you were into him. His whole body just on you. He slowly slide in his dick inside you. He knew you wanted to relax, and just making you work too much for him, might not be good, he was a little too rough indeed but he did slow down at the BEST MOMENTS. The room was filled with warmth and just scent of wetness of sweat and his perfume. Gosh that Margiella scent, you felt like a pure heaven and that too after so many days, a week. He wanted to have sex, it was obvious. It felt like the first night of the honeymoon. If it was you, he wouldn’t control he knew this as well, he stripped down your already ripped panties and then went in and out as you felt good, too good. He does have a beautiful dick, you trembled a little so he held on you tight, you could feel that you already have his finger marks on your ass, those marks are of possessiveness. It was 12:00am sharp and the moon was shining bright onto your sweaty body. He then took you to the bathroom but on your way you guys were busy kissing that you missed the couch and fell on it, the couch was a leather couch, brown coloured and it was wide enough to let him have you all night, just laying on it.
He sucked over you. “Such a damn big..prett..y..nose, daddy~” you complimented while being on top of him, riding through out on his dick. He just kept staring at how good you looked riding on him, all the way down you were dripin’ so hard that he turned you over and glide inside the hole of yours, it was small but you just had your first time and that too all raw, “the best thing about us-..Is that I get it.. all raw~” Changkyun said as he licked your hole, he bit your inner thighs and just marked you. He just trusts you and loves you so much. He’s a kind of husband who just knows when your wrong and help you correct it. His sensation reached to your inner walls, just locked it all in. It was like him thrusting into you too much. My goodness it felt so goood, and he forgot about punishing you. He pulled you on him, too much passionate sex and that too no protection, all raw. You moaned too well. “Mm Ahh~” you sounded too good for him but you were all not in your state. “Daddy~” you said “Princess or Slut? Pick one” he asked as he kept on letting you ride him like an actual cowgirl. You were too busy enjoying for yourself. “I ask one more time~” he said then as he got no answer from you, he grabbed your ass, holding you in that position and threw you to the bed again. He threw you on the bed and he climbed on you. “I wanted MOREEE~~” you said to him cause he interrupted you. “So much fun for the living, now let me.” He said. “Now do as your daddy says mm?” He said as he looked at you. You looks so damn good even when your doing nothing but just lying on the damn bed all wet. “No~~” you said while biting your lips and all restless. “Whatever you wanna do but now it’s time for taking the remote control back~” he said while looking down your hole which of course was closed right now “I can’t see it Y/N so open your legs for your daddy~” he said while rubbing your inner thighs. You couldn’t open even if you wanted to because he already had you riding him for some time straight. “Let me then~” he hold your knees and opened your legs, in between all that condensed milk looking consistency oozing out like a river. “Too bad if I couldn’t have it” he said and he licked and sucked you down there. “Mmmmmmmm~” you led out a cry. Too much guilty pleasure for the living. He then turned you over to your chest side facing the bed and ass towards him. “Your pussy and ass both are who’s??” He asked you as he leaned towards you on the position. It was the most penetrative position ever, doggy style in lying position. He thrusted you in your small hole. Your clit was swollen as he turned you back over and kept going as restlessly as you were. You couldn’t even dare to move your legs as they got folded and twisted and things like that many times, it hurt because as he became more passionate, he became more rough. He then in the standing position took you to the bathroom.
“Your getting all this for being selfish earlier, hmm? Get it baby~?” He said. He put you on the bathroom counter besides sink and the mirror. Then you looked at him with tired af eyes and it immediately reminded you of what he might wanna do next. “Shit” you thought. Of course you didn’t want to see yourself like that in the mirror while your partner is doing you. It’s Changkyun, he’s too strong, even if you escape where else would you even hide? “You know why? You didn’t answer my question earlier~” he said while grabbing you back down from the counter and now he grabbed your waist from behind and made you look at the mirror, you refused. “Never mind it’s gonna be slut for now~” he said grabbing your boobs and squeezing them. “Aauah…mmmm, Kyun~~” you let out a moan. “Nuh uh.. what’s my name~???” He asked. “Kyun~” as he heard you say, he put his finger back down in your already too much swollen clit and rubbed it hard. He asked you five times, but didn’t get his desired answer. In between them wrong answers, he kept squeezing, rubbing and penetrating you hard. When I meant hard, it’s on the most passionate but insane level. You were tired, too much tired than you couldn’t stand up. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~!” You moaned and you let out a cry. “Good girls don’t answer late. But seemed like you’re a bad girl now hmm~? For answering late~”. He thrust his dick into you even harder, you dripping down too bad, it needed to be cleaned up. “Damn, that looks so~” he said kissing your back. You wanted to turn towards him as you couldn’t see the mirror. But he didn’t allow you. “Not until I make you see how beautiful you look this way Mrs. Im~” he said biting your shoulders which made you look up and moan. “Mm aah~~” you say as he finally made you see the mirror on his 7th attempt. Yes you just had 7 rounds of having intercourse with your husband. After then finally he let you turn back, facing towards him. You looked at him with tears and anger, not too much angry. “What hm? My Princess just needed..to see..her pretty body and how much more you look..in my eyes” he said kissing you all over your face and then neck. You hugged him at the position and those bites and kisses made you grab his back, muscular and stiff back with your long nails. As he kissed you, his kisses went down till your chest to the tummy and he got on his knees, kissing your cute belly. “A belly piercing ~? You didn’t know how much your making me want you more my darling~” he said to you as he licked your belly. You let out a small chuckle as it tickled you there. “I got it..~ for you.. Danny~” you moaned as he hold your waist and started biting your tummy as well. Gosh this man just likes being all possessive, not a single place on your body was left unmarked. All filled with cherry red marks. “You got the..piercing for daddy~?” He asked you while lifting you up and taking you back to your bed. “I knew you liked piercings..~” you said to him as he carried you, you facing towards him. “Jooheon told me once that you like.. girls who look good in bikinis and piercings~~” so I did them days after our wedding without letting you notice. I kept the moment for today~” you said to him. He heard you and threw you on the bed again. Having just sex and that too raw too, still seemed incomplete for him. He again caged you up. “I want to plant us a seed.” He said while kissing your chest. “And what does that mean~” you asked him even though you knew. “Baby~ idk if you’re ready for our mini version.” He asked you sucking through your tits. You said nothing but moaned. “Do I stop~?” He asked you. You shook your head restlessly. “While you sucking the second most sensitive part of mine~? No, Mr. Im~” you said while ruffling his hairs back. He chuckled and kissed your chest and went down to your belly again. “Knock ✊ knock~” as he knocked your belly. “There’s got to be someone in there soon~” he said while putting his dick inside you. Thrusting again but this time slow and steady, it all oozed out, the cum. It filled your walls and at the Highest time, your walls sucked all of that.
“I forgot to ask you~ would you be able to take our baby if you get pregnant~?” He asked you while stopping. “It’ll be our first little baby, kyun” you cried as you shared. “With you taking care of it? I’ll be so happy to give birth” you said while hugging him. You were all wet. “So should I plant?” He asked you and you replied “get in already~!”. As mentioned, he slit in this time not taking his dick out, instead, he filled you up with his seed. “Now if I let you let all that out..—“ you cut him off “too late, you fertilised me already~” you said as you kiss him on his lips very passionately.
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AUTHOR : After that moment, he tucked you in the blanket and pat your head and massaged your legs. He realised he was too cruel and rough earlier so he helped you relief pain you had in your legs. They were sore and they pained since you kept them open😳😖. He helped you throughout until you fell asleep. He kissed you and lay besides you, hugging you and cuddling you with you burring your face onto his chest and then falling asleep. You guys were sooo cozy to look at.
(The next morning)
You woke up the next morning and found out that your husband was asleep on your tummy i.e his head on your tummy. His hand was on your legs which made you think that he might have fallen asleep while massaging your legs. You just stared at him for some minutes then you ran your hands through his hair, cat like big man. “🐈‍⬛” as you stroked his hair again and again he just woke up. “Oh darling, it’s too early why are you awake?” As he said this, you replied “I was gonna say that to you~” you kissed him saying that. “Mm~?” He said. “You slept late I know, rest up cmon!” You say while slowly getting up the bed. You still had pain in there, you slowly trumbled upon. “Haha~ says the one who’s still tired~” he said and then teasingly grabbing your hand. You looked at him “😭”. “Aww my baby, cmere” he grabbed you on his lap. “How can I see you like that hm? Let me massage your body.” He said as he grabbed your waist and then massaging your back. “Mm not the backkk I want the legs!!” You ordered him. He turned on your side on his knees as he turn towards you and then sit in front of you and take one of your legs on his lap and pulls you. “You remember something~mm?” He said teasingly. You hit his lap and said “yah husband~!!”. He enjoyed you being getting teased. He just massages you till an hour. You felt so good. You slept again while he was massaging, it was clear that you did need extra sleep and so did your husband but he received a phone call from his work so he had to leave in a hurry. But the way he left, you didn’t even got disturbed from your sleep. At the end he put a note besides your bed’s side tables which went like-
“In the end, I think that taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and if you can’t then I’ll do it, I’ll be there for you always until- I’ll be home soon my love~”
(The above quoting is taken from an interview of MONSTA X spoken by Changkyun himself, not the same as the above but I moderated it to fit with the context. Also idk which interview he said so cause they didn’t really state the name.)
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The end 💜
📑 writer : @gor3rri
📑 I post new context weekly so stay tuned 📑
102 notes · View notes
heottokes · 1 year
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𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.
“i’ll love you the way you deserved to be loved.” to my dear changkyun, you were my first friend, my first love, and now my first goodbye. these are my letters to you.
word count: 16k
꒰ m.list ➭ before ꒱
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Since I’ve said my peace, I can finally walk down this aisle and promise myself a new beginning; a new fate; a new life without you. I’m finally moving on. So, tell me, why after all these years am I seeing your face again?
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Falling in love with your best friend and writing handwritten letters made you feel like your life is a cliché B-rated rom-com movie. You had been writing your letters to Changkyun for the past couple of months. Every now and then you would dedicate your time to release your feelings on pen and paper. It was exhausting to say the least. First, you had to understand your feelings into words besides pterodactyl screams, ugly crying and cuss words. Second, your hand needed to function long enough to get everything out in one go – which doesn’t happen, so you’ve resorted on taking notes on your phone and then transferring them on paper when you get the chance. And lastly, you had to keep this a secret from your nosy roommate who had free access to visit your room at any time. You managed to survive and here you were, the letters neatly sealed in an envelope with no address to send it to. Maybe you didn’t think this through. Maybe it was for the best that you didn’t know. You didn’t write these letters for a response or answers. He doesn’t need to know how you feel. You just wanted closure. You just wanted a proper goodbye. Besides, you had no idea where Changkyun was much less where he lived.
As you held the letters in your hands, Jooheon messaged you. You almost shiver at the timing. Jooheon never brought Changkyun up since he held you for days that summer but if anyone were to be in contact with Changkyun, it would be him. Oh well, it couldn’t hurt to ask. You sent Jooheon a text asking him to come over.
You opened your first letter to read over again. Although he brought you a great amount of pain, you can’t help but smile as you reminisced. It was bittersweet. The memories you had with Changkyun were only good ones; the fact that he became a memory wasn’t. You were deep in your thoughts you didn’t hear Jaebum’s knock until you saw your door crack open. In a hurry, you scramble to hide your letters. You spread your arms across the papers to cover as many words as possible you can from Jaebum. He raises his eyebrow at you. “Bad timing?” His eyes are already calculating your form.
“No!” Not suspicious at all. “I mean, no – what’s up?” He glances at the papers on your desk. You stand up stuffing the papers in their envelopes as quickly as you can. You put the envelopes in the filing tray by your desk facing down – a detail you hope Jaebum doesn’t recognise. “I was just cleaning up.” You give him a smile. “What’s up?”
“I was just letting you know I was heading out.” Jaebum gave you a meaningful look – one, you both made to let the other know that you were not coming home tonight. You nodded not one bit phased and started tidying up your desk. Jaebum doesn’t say a word and closes your door once again. You sigh in relief and fix up the letters in the envelope.
Half an hour later you hear Jaebum get the door as you get up from the couch to make room for Jooheon. The two exchange pleasantries. “I brought Chinese.” Jooheon showed off once he saw you. “It’s only for two though, sorry Jae.” Jooheon says over his shoulder.
“All good. I was about to head out anyway.” Jaebum shrugs as he puts his leather jacket on. “Don’t wait up.” He says to you, and you mumble a ‘see you’ not even looking his way as you sit back down on the couch to watch your current favourite series.
Jooheon watches the two of you until Jaebum closes the door behind him. You tore your eyes away from the TV at the sound of Jooheon’s sigh. “I don’t know how you can have such a relationship with him.”
You smile as he joins you on the couch and you open the container. “Not my fault you’re too possessive to share Honey.” You teased him with a wink.
“Call me old-fashioned or a prude but a casual open relationship is not my style.” Jooheon turns his nose up at the idea.
You poke his dimple making him smile which made his dimple deeper. “I don’t think you’re either. You’re just a romantic. It’s good, there’s few out there nowadays. Too many scarred and broken to want to love like that anymore.” You said without any real meaning behind your words. It was just an observation of how society became.
Jooheon wasn’t as observant as Jaebum or Changkyun but that doesn’t change the fact that Jooheon knows you very well. He is your oldest friend after all. He understands there could be a meaning behind your words, and he didn’t like it one bit. “You’re not too scarred or broken to love, y/n.”
You give him a light smile brushing off the idea. “I wasn’t talking about me, Honey.” He frowns not believing you but lets the subject go anyway.
It had been a couple of hours since Jooheon came over when you decided to rip the band-aid off. You two had an old drama that was popular when you were younger playing in the background while you two talk. The opening song for the next episode started to play when you decided to ask, “Have you kept in contact with Changkyun?”
Jooheon’s eyes bulge out of its sockets at your question. If he was drinking water, he would have choked on it. You would have laughed if it wasn’t for the weight on your chest from the question. Jooheon stopped gaping at your sudden question trying to regain composure. He clears his throat. “Yeah, I have.” He answers in a whisper almost like he was ashamed to tell you.
You didn’t know why you wanted to cry. You didn’t feel betrayed by Jooheon – Changkyun was his friend as much as he was yours. Maybe even more of his friend than yours. He has every right to continue to be friends with him. But you had mixed feelings and a lot more questions now. “Can you do me a favour? Can you send him something for me? I’ll pay for postage.”
“Y/n,” You can hear the disapproval and sadness in his voice.
“I don’t want to talk to him. I’m not ready for that just yet. I don’t know if I’ll ever be, but I need to do this for me.” For the second time of the night, Jooheon shuts his mouth knowing there was no point in convincing you otherwise. If this was what you needed to heal and he could help with that, then that’s what he’ll do. He wraps his arm around you as you both turn your attention to the TV, but you couldn’t focus on anything else after that.
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Today was the day. You had no idea the day would come so soon but it has, and you are excited for it. It has been a long time coming. You can see everyone waiting in their seats for the bride to walk in. “Are you nervous?” Jooheon whispers to you.
“No, there’s nothing to be nervous about.” You reassure yourself and him. He smiles giving your hand a squeeze before walking down the aisle with his paired bridesmaid. You let out a heavy breath to steel your nerves as you wait for your turn.
When did time move so fast? You swore you could still remember the feeling of the steel benches you had to sit on in your high school cafeteria. You can still remember the faint ringing of team spirit for the football team when you close your eyes. You can still remember the sound of the clock ticking a little too loudly when the class was boring and dragging for way too long. But that time is long past, that is made apparent by this new milestone. You started walking down the aisle feeling nostalgic. Your eyes meet familiar faces, and you share a smile. Everyone is sharing the same warmth and glee as you. It was a day filled with happiness. You look ahead to finally see the groom in question. He is someone you treasured and adored for years. He is the person that deserves this love and happiness the most. He should be the happiest one standing at the altar at this moment. So why is he looking at you with what looks like apprehension? Is he worried about you? There wasn’t any reason to worry anymore. Since you said your peace and had your closure, you can finally walk down this aisle and promise yourself a new beginning; a new fate; a new life without him. You felt elated at your new resolution. You held your head high as you reached the end of the altar. You stand in your place facing the guests. You were finally moving on.
So, why is it after all these years are you seeing his face when you search the crowd? Why when you're finally moving on, is he right in front you making all your emotions flood right back? You felt your throat close as your eyes landed on the second row at the groom’s side. There was no mistaking it; you knew those deep watchful eyes from anywhere. Changkyun was right before your eyes after all these years, and he was looking straight at you. Your heart felt heavy with pain at his presence, but you feel butterflies in your stomach from his stare. This was not supposed to happen. Today marked your fresh start. Why was he here? Is that why Hoseok is looking at you like that? Someone’s head overshadows Changkyun breaking your eye contact. It was Chansoo trying to get your attention waving at you and smiling widely. You found yourself giving him a small smile and wave to not distract the rest of the guests. You watch Chansoo beam and whisper to Changkyun who didn’t tear his gaze away from you. It seemed to all fall in place. It wasn’t that surprising if Hoseok had invited Chansoo to his wedding given the two were classmates and close friends in high school but that didn’t explain why Changkyun was with him. You turn your attention to Hoseok who was watching you the entire time. You watch him mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ while he sported his infamous puppy-dog eyes. You give a smile to ease him. Today wasn’t about you or Changkyun, you needed to remind yourself and Hoseok of that fact.
As happy as you are for Hoseok, you couldn’t focus on the ceremony at all. How could you when Changkyun is only a couple of feet away? You were stiff the entire time. You had to strain yourself to focus on the couple in front of you because you knew you would start crying if you were to look at him one more time. Changkyun, however, was the opposite. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you. He was taking notice of what had changed since he last saw you. It was the first time he had seen you with coloured hair – he thinks it suits you. You looked more mature, which made sense, but you had a different air around you which he couldn’t quite put his finger on. As he watched you walk down the aisle so confidently, he had the wind knock out of him. A flood of emotions went through him; regret that he couldn’t watch you become the woman you are now, melancholy as he is reminded of the memories he shared with you, and trepidation at the thought of what he would say to you and what you would say to him.
“I, now, pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The infamous line breaks you out of your daze just as Hoseok kisses his wife. You joined everyone in cheering for the two – finally feeling a sense of happiness since you’ve seen Changkyun. You dare to look at him as the couple walk down the aisle to see he’s still looking at you. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t even find it in you to give him a small smile and he couldn’t either. It was painfully awkward. Luckily, it wasn't long until it was your turn to walk down the aisle.
Jooheon meets you in the middle of the aisle confusing your partners, but he links arms with you without hesitating. “You saw him, right?” Jooheon whispers as you pass the man in question.
His eyes never leave your form as you continue to look ahead. “How could I not?” You answered with gritted teeth. “Did he receive my letters?”
Jooheon nodded which made you swear under your breath. “Didn’t you want him to read it?”
“Of course, but that’s because I thought I would never see him again in my life.” You sigh as you wait in the lobby for the photographer to call you back to take photos.
“Isn’t this good though? You guys can talk about what happened.”
You turn towards Jooheon to make sure no one can hear your conversation. “I’m not interested in talking about what happened Honey. I just wanted to say everything I didn’t get to say and be done with it.”
Jooheon’s eyebrows furrows in confusion. He understood where you were coming from, but he couldn’t help but think you were being selfish. “How is that fair on Changkyun, y/n?”
“How was it fair on me, Jooheon?!” You snapped before you could stop yourself. The people close to you look your way. You turn to Jooheon in a quieter voice. “Let’s just drop it. Just not today, okay?”
“You always want to drop it, y/n. Not today, not ever.” Jooheon rolls his eyes finally letting out the truth.
You frowned. “It’s Seokie’s wedding Jooheon. There’s a time and a place.”
“Really? Because in these past five years there didn’t seem to be such a thing?” You are shocked at Jooheon’s sudden frustration about the subject. During the past years, he had done nothing but avoid the topic. Clearly it wasn’t because that’s what he thought was the best but because he knew he couldn’t talk to you about it. “You’re not the only one that had a lot to say, y/n.” Jooheon says.
You gritted your teeth. “He was the one that left without a word. Not me.” Before Jooheon could argue further the photographer called the wedding party up.
Of course, the photographer wanted a photo of Hoseok and the bride with their high school classmates. You cling to Hyungwon and Jooheon to protect either side. You notice Changkyun stands a couple of meters behind you with Chansoo and Hyunwoo. “Can we have the tall one switch with you?” The photographer points to Hyungwon and someone from behind. Hyungwon gives you a smile before switching with the said person. You let Hyungwon go and look over at who he was switching with. Your heart stops as you watch Changkyun make his way over to you. He had changed a lot. He looked thinner but he was still as fit as ever. His jawline was as prominent as his nose and his shoulders looked broader than you remember – if that was possible. For once, he didn’t meet your eyes as he walked over to you and that gave you the confidence to stare at him. You couldn’t really see him all the way from the altar. He had pierced his ears and long dark hair that framed his forehead. You hated just how good he looked without you. Jooheon and the rest of the student council watched the two of you. You turn to look ahead once Changkyun reached you. “Perfect!” The photographer says giving everyone a ‘thumbs up’. Your body heated up at the feeling of his arm brushing against your shoulder. It was sheer torture. It was the longest three minutes of your life. Thankfully, the photographer requested everyone who wasn’t a part of the wedding party to step down, which made sure there wasn’t any room for either of you to say anything.
Due to the photographer being so efficient, the photoshoot was no nonsense and very professional. You couldn’t even have the time to pick up where you and Jooheon had left off because right when the photoshoot ended you were being swept away to head to the reception. It looked like the world wasn’t entirely against you since you weren’t “coincidentally” made to sit at the same table as Changkyun like in the movies. You sat with the newlyweds along with their parents and the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. You momentarily forgot about your predicament while listening to everyone’s heartfelt speeches. You laughed and held back your tears. It was a truly magnificent experience – one you really wanted for yourself someday.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry I had no idea that Chansoo would have brought him as his plus one.” Hoseok apologises the second he could. After the events finished, the bride and groom started making their rounds of greeting and thanking their guests.
You smiled at the wonderful man. Even at his own wedding, he still looks after everyone else. “Seokie, don’t worry about it. It’s your wedding, act like it.” You lectured lovingly.
He kisses your hand in appreciation. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” You chuckle and send him away to his lovely bride to continue greeting their guests. Jooheon had left your side to socialise with his coworkers – as if he doesn’t see them daily. He was clearly avoiding you which made you roll your eyes.
“It’s been a while, little one.” A warm familiar voice catches your attention. You turn towards the voice to see Chansoo hovering over you with a smile.
You stood up to greet your childhood friend. “Chansoo, it’s so good to see you.” You both hugged each other naturally. “You haven’t changed one bit.” You laughed taking in his appearance.
“Wish I can say the same about you. You’re not so little anymore.” He replies getting his hand swatted away when he tried to rub your head like he used to. He laughs seeing that you haven’t forgotten his little habit towards you. “Do you wanna dance?” He asks extending his hand out for you. You give him a smile despite the ominous feeling in the pit of your stomach. You took his hand and let him lead you to the dance floor. Your eyes tried searching the room for any sign of Changkyun, but you couldn’t find him. It was the first time that night you looked for him. “What have you been up to?” He asks as he places his free hand on your waist.
“The usual; managed to graduate for my bachelor's and I’m a fashion designer now. What about you?”
“Fashion designer? Who would have thought?” You smile in agreement. “After my service, I decided to become a policeman. I finished my training two years ago.”
He spun you around making you laugh. “That’s really good.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Chansoo asks as he pulls you to his chest.
“Not really,”
“Not really?” He repeats amused raising an eyebrow at your answer.
Before you could explain you hear someone clear their throat from behind you. You both turn to the interrupter, and your knees went weak. “Can I cut in?” No.
“Be my guest,” Chansoo answers for you. No. You wanted to scream. “I hope to see you more from now on, y/n. I’ve missed you.” Chansoo gives you a kiss on the cheek before handing you over to his brother.
He transfers your hand to Changkyun’s not giving you time to run away or refuse. Your hand tingles at the feeling of his calloused hand on yours. You felt like you had been frozen in time unable to function. The feeling of his hand on your waist was a different feeling compared to Chansoo’s; it ignited a fire inside you that you didn’t want to exist. You placed your hand on his firm shoulder and began to follow his movements. “It’s been a while.” You flinched from his touch upon hearing his voice. You stepped back and stared at his face; the two of you no longer dancing. It's been a while? That's all you have to say after all these years? Tears filled your eyes just as quickly as he appeared back in your life. You ran out of the room not wanting him or anyone see you cry. You ran into the garden sobbing. “Y/n,” He called after you. Just like old times, always chasing after you when you were upset. The thought felt bittersweet. He pulled you into his chest and cradled your head. “I’m sorry,” He whispers into your hair making you choke. “I shouldn’t have come; I knew I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, I’ll leave.” You squeezed your eyes feeling a sense of déjà vu. You couldn’t believe that the boy who only brought you happiness and love now only caused you pain and heartbreak. “I just needed to let you know; I love you, I always have, I always will. I’m so sorry.” You were processing his confession when he kisses your forehead and lets you go for the second time. You felt numb as he placed an envelope into your hand and turned to leave. You watched his figure walk away from your vision before dropping on the stone bench next to you. Your mind was reeling, and you were sure your makeup was just as much of a mess as your heart was. You turn your attention to the envelope in your hand. It was the same envelope you had used to send your letters, but it had been worn out from the travel across countries, and it was thicker than you remembered. You pull out the letters you had written to see he had written ones himself. You gasp and start sobbing once again. Why did it turn out like this? It wasn't meant to be like this. Not when it came to him. You cried as you began reading his letters.
Y/n, the first thing I wanted to say after all these years is, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving, I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you, and most of all I’m sorry for not being strong enough. In truth, I’m not the amazing person you wrote about in your letters. In truth, I’m cynical and judgmental, I’m selfish and harsh. In truth, I never believed that I deserved to be in your life. I know you have several questions and I know that’s because I never chose to share my feelings or thoughts with you.
I never seem to do anything right when it came to you. When I first met you, I feared you. You were something so bright and innocent unlike myself who was so shy and gloomy, so I hurt your feelings and pushed you away. But after the first day we met, and I saw how upset you were by my words, I didn’t want to see you upset ever again. You were something foreign to me – kind of like an alien. For days, I watched you play by yourself talking to the sky and smiling as if it said something back. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I knew you were different than the rest. When my parents told me, your parents were rarely home I felt the need to protect you just like I protected the idea of dinosaurs existing. As I got to know you, I found you fascinating. You were so fierce yet so pure. You were something so unknown to me, and I wanted to figure you out.
I liked you from the start. At first, I excused it as brotherly-affection and the need to protect you. But I knew it was more when my blood boiled, and I saw red when I found out about the people who were bullying you. You had no idea how much I had to restrain myself from not beating them up from where they stood but I knew it might change the way you thought of me. You might become scared of me and that was the last thing I wanted. I did as much as I could without you knowing. I didn’t know what I would do if something were to happen to you.
I knew it was more when I felt a tinge of jealousy when you liked Jooheon. I thought, what was so great about him and not me? I was confused when that thought crossed my mind when I noticed your infatuation. I didn't understand why I cared so much to the point I resented Jooheon for a while. Everything I liked about him as a friend, I suddenly couldn't stand. I would compare myself against him and wonder what did he do to make you look at him like that? I knew it was more when I felt relief when you didn’t like him anymore. Everything with Jooheon went back to normal once you got over your crush on him. I didn't overthink everything I did in contrast to him. I didn't tense at every single interaction you had with him anymore. Even though I didn’t understand why I felt that way, all I knew was that it was because of you. It's always you.
It doesn’t excuse the pain I have put you through. But I thought you should know why I left without a word or warning. I was in love with you, y/n. I was head over heels in love with you. I would have done anything for you. I took care of you and loved you with my whole heart. And no, I did not expect anything back in return nor did I want anything back. I was completely satisfied being your best friend for the rest of my life. I swear on my life, everything I did for you was from my heart with nothing but pure intentions. I was content with being able to be in your life. All I wanted was to be there for you and make sure you were okay. I didn't love you because I wanted you to reciprocate my feelings, I loved you because of who you are, because of everything that you are.
When I accepted my place in your life, I knew that meant I would have to see you love and be loved by someone else. When Hoseok came to the picture, I could see it happening. I watched as you fell for him just like I had fallen for you. It was painful to know that you would never look at me with a light in your eyes like I hung the stars up in the sky for you. But I promised myself I would be okay with it, I told myself I was willing to go through that pain and I held on for so long. I swear to you I was going to stick by you with everything I have. I swear I was going to.
But then I did something stupid. For once, I let myself be selfish with you and it ruined my resolution. When I watched your heartbreak when you saw him kiss another girl, I felt like I was staring at my own reflection. It was like I was watching myself cry over you while you love someone else. I was filled with a lot of emotions; anger that someone made you feel heartbroken and sadness that you couldn’t spare me a look. With all the chaos that was going on in my head, I opened pandora’s box by kissing you. That kiss ruined me. It gave me a glimpse of what could have been. How can I stand by your side as your friend when I know how you taste? How can I be your best friend when all I wanted was to make you mine? It's insincere. I can't look you in the eyes and lie to you. I tried, trust me y/n, I really tried. Fuck, I was even your “friend”-date for prom, y/n. I held you in my arms multiple times, but you were never mine to hold. This doesn’t excuse a thing and it was selfish on my part I know that. But I couldn’t handle the idea of not being able to love you with all of me. I couldn’t handle the idea of someone else loving you in my place. I wanted to be that person for you. I wanted to be your person.
I watched you become an independent and strong woman and it made me fall in love with you even more. You were always the strong one between us, y/n. I watched as you became someone that didn’t need me in your life – maybe you didn’t need me in the first place, but I fooled myself to believe that you did. Because I watched you grow into the person you are, I thought you would be better off without me. I felt guilty to be by your side while thinking of you in ways you never thought of me. I began to doubt our friendship. Were we only friends because I was in love with you? Was everything I had done for you was because I wanted you to look at me as a man? I didn’t know what to believe anymore. But I felt like I was taking advantage of your friendship. Everything you had done for me came from pure intentions, out of the goodness of your heart. At the beginning, when I didn’t realise my feelings for you, I can guarantee it was the same for me. But when I realised how I felt, how can I say for sure? The lines blurred. I didn’t know what was what anymore.
I wanted to distance myself from you, y/n. Even though you had moved on from Hoseok just like you did with Jooheon, I knew there was just going to be another one. I knew that I would never be the one for you. I was really frustrated at the time. I wished I could go back to the days where I thought nothing more about the way my stomach fluttered when you took my hand in yours or the way my heart swelled in pride and adoration when you fell asleep next to me. I really wished I had never figured out the way I felt about you because once I knew, I knew I wouldn’t be able to be in your life anymore. The idea of never being able to have you haunted me for years. The feeling of your warmth suffocated me at night and our first kiss consumed all my senses.
That was the reason why I left. It doesn’t excuse a single thing, but I wanted to give you, my reason. There wasn’t a day that went by where I don’t think about your face that day – your heartbroken expression, the trembling in your voice when you begged me to stay, and the feeling of what could have been promised by your kiss. I wanted to give you the world, y/n – as a friend and as someone who loved you. Regretfully, I failed to keep the promises I made to you and myself. I promised myself to never hurt you, but I ended up hurting you the most. I promised myself to take care of you like no other, but I ended up pushing you away. I promised myself not to ruin our friendship, but I did. I am so sorry for the way everything turned out between us. I am the only one to blame. I am sorry for being a coward. I am sorry for not being able to love you in this life. If you still mean what you said, I hope to meet you in another life as well and I promise, I will love you with no reservation, with no fear, and with all of me. You will always be my person, y/n.
Changkyun walked to the reception to grab his things and leave. He congratulates Hoseok on the way before making his way to the exit. “Kyun!” He hears Jooheon call for him. “Where are you going? Did you talk to y/n?” Jooheon asks once he reached him.
“Yeah,” He answered somberly. “You were wrong Joo; it was a mistake coming here.” He watched his friend’s expression fall. “I should go.” Jooheon watches Changkyun leave to hail a cab before going to find you.
Changkyun gets in the backseat of the cab with a sigh. He presses his head on the side of the window as he recalls your face. He squeezed his eyes as your pained expression lingers in his head. He can’t ever do anything right. Why did he think it was going to be a good idea? You weren’t living in a fairytale. There is no happy ending. He ruined any chances of that a long time ago. It was naïve to believe there was any hope. He didn't deserve it; he didn't deserve you. Changkyun sinks himself further into the seat as he reminisces about the simpler days.
───────── ☾ • ☽ ──────────
“Pwetty pwease.” You begged executing the most puppy dog of eyes you could. Changkyun watched your expression in amusement, half wanting to make fun of you and the other half wanting to give in. “It’ll be fun, I promise!” You bargained with an empty promise.
It didn’t fool him at all. “What will I get if it’s no fun though?”
“Whatever you want!” You exclaimed desperate to get Changkyun to play pretend with you. Your answer made Changkyun smile and finally accept your request. He always puts up a fight whenever you asked him to play pretend, but he always ends up agreeing. “Yay! Okay let’s play a wedding game!”
Changkyun nearly choked on air at your suggestion. “What? Why would we play something like that?!”
It was your turn to be amused. “Why not? You’re not scared of cooties, are you?”
“Cooties are for babies.” He rolls his eyes.
“Great, let’s get ready for our wedding then.” You say before running off to grab your props. Changkyun stands there stunned and flushed. He already regrets agreeing to play pretend with you. He watched as you pull your grandmother towards Changkyun’s direction. “She will be the person that says the things. I don’t know what they’re called.”
“A wedding officiant.” Your grandmother advised you, but you didn’t care as you ran back into the house. “Are you excited to marry my granddaughter, Kyun?” Changkyun groans in embarrassment at your grandmother’s teasing.
“Chansoo! Just do it, for once.” You pulled Chansoo into the backyard with you. If Changkyun was embarrassed by your grandmother being a witness to this play pretend, he wanted to die now that Chansoo is involved.
Chansoo sees Changkyun’s expression and smirks. “It would be my pleasure to walk you down the aisle, y/n.” Yeah, he is never going to hear the end of this.
Your grandmother announces the bride’s arrival. Changkyun watches you walk with Chansoo towards him. Despite him dreading this, he found himself giving you a shy smile when you beamed at him. The “wedding” itself was boring in his opinion. Your grandmother was talking about how weddings work, and he didn’t really pay attention to that. Why would he anyway? “Now for the vows,”
‘Vows? What are vows?’ Changkyun thought. Luckily you decided to go first taking the lead as usual. “I promise that you will always be my number one person and that you can always count on me!” You promised to Changkyun making him smile.
You and your grandmother look at Changkyun for his turn. “Do I make a promise now?” You nod your head excitedly. “I promise that I will be your protector from anything and that you can always count on me too.”
“You can’t copy my promise, Kyun!” You pouted.
“I don’t know what else to promise.” Changkyun shrugs.
“That’s fine, Changkyun. I, now, pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Your grandmother continues with the ceremony.
Changkyun refuses with indignation making you roll your eyes. “I knew it, you’re scared of cooties.”
“I am not!” He shouts.
“Then kiss me!” You were only teasing him. It was fun to make the stoic “mature” boy flustered. He began to sputter excuses making you laugh. “Fine, fine. Let’s just pinky promise to seal our promises.” Changkyun agrees and you lock pinkies. You close your eyes and smile. “I promise our friendship will never go extinct like the dinosaurs!”
Changkyun smiles at that and closes his eyes in turn. “I promise I’ll never leave your side.” That was the first promise you had made to each other, and you both intended to keep your promises. But that’s not how life goes, and promises are made to be broken.
“Stop staring at your girlfriend and concentrate!” His club mate scolded him since he was watching you walk away from dropping him off his clubroom.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” He grumbles in discontent but looks away, so he doesn’t get in trouble.
She rolls her eyes and smirks. “Yeah right, none of my friends would drop me off every single day at my club whether they’re a girl or boy. If you two aren’t together, you must like each other.”
“You must have shitty friends then.” Changkyun retorts earning a shove from her. He was used to this banter. Ever since you two were in kindergarten, your friends would find it weird how close the two of you were. Both of your families found it endearing so you never really cared. Chansoo gives Changkyun a hard time every now and then by teasing him about you and your “marriage”, but it never really phased him. If anything, the only reason why it annoyed Changkyun was he didn’t understand why there was a need to romanticise your relationship.
Because of your closeness, he knew you like the back of his hand. So, when you came into class the next morning sporting a plain band-aid on your knee, alarm bells went off in his head. You told him everything but instead of heading his way to tell him your “embarrassing” story of how you hurt yourself, you gave him a wave before sitting on your seat. “Trouble in paradise?” One of your classmates teased Changkyun making him roll his eyes.
You were unusually quiet for the rest of the day. Changkyun doesn’t know why he doesn’t just ask but he never had to before. You would always tell him anything and everything with no reservation. You were an open book, at least with him. Whatever was bothering you must have been something serious so he shouldn’t pry. You would tell him if you wanted him to know. That’s what he told himself but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t try to make you feel better. “What’s this for?” You asked Changkyun as he hands you an unopened orange juice box after you drop him off to his club.
Changkyun’s heart felt lighter at your smile. “Compensation for dropping me off all the time.”
You laughed for the first time today. “No need, I’m more than happy to drop you off. It’s our time together after all.” That was the last thing you said before you stopped dropping him off at his club.
You gave him excuses upon excuses as to why you had to leave school as soon as possible but he saw right through it. He knew something was up when he ran into your grandmother on his way home dressed to the nines when she was supposed to be “bed-ridden with the cold” as you said. Changkyun had devised a plan to get you to spill your guts but that failed when you decided to lie once again but this time it was about your grades. You were failing Mathematics? He knows you average eighty-five at least. “You guys go ahead. I’ll wait for y/n.” Changkyun tells your friends as they reached the school gate. They didn’t even question it. They left him fake kissing each other before Eunkyung hit the back of their heads to knock it off. Changkyun chuckles and waits till they’re out of his vision before he retraces your steps.
He was rounding a corner when he saw your figure being crowded by a few familiar faces. He hid behind the wall out of instinct. “Didn’t your mother teach you some manners and say please?” He hears a girl crudely speak to you.
He was about to intervene when he heard your voice. “Didn’t yours?” It was the first time he ever heard you speak like that. As he continued to listen, he learns that they were giving you a hard time because of him. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. Is that why you didn’t tell him? Because he’s the reason why you’re going through hardship?
Changkyun hears footsteps fading away before he hears your voice. You were on the verge of tears and at moments like this, Changkyun was always there for you. He wants to be there for you, but he can’t. “Stop being pathetic, y/n. Changkyun can’t be there for you every single time.” He hears you scold yourself. “Grow up.” You said to yourself bitterly. You were right and you both knew it. So, Changkyun didn’t help you for the very first time in your friendship.
Changkyun noticed you wore your old school shoes the next day. He didn’t see what happened yesterday, but he assumed it had something to do with that. You had been wearing it for a week without any complaint. Whenever anyone brought it up you brushed it off with a lie. “Hey, Eunkyung.” Changkyun greets your mutual friend. “Give this to y/n, say it was yours.” He hands her second-hand school shoes. It was used but it was still in good condition.
Eunkyung looks at him confused. “First of all, where did you get this? And second, you give it to her.”
“I bought it from the shop, and she’ll find it weird if I give her girl shoes.” Changkyun shrugs.
Eunkyung looks at him with a smirk. “And they say romance is dead. Did you spend your allowance on these just because she’s been wearing her old shoes?” Changkyun mumbles a ‘yes’ avoiding her eyes. “It’s not that romantic if she thinks it’s from me. She won’t fall in love with you if she doesn’t know about the things you do for her.”
“Shut up and give it to her.” That made Eunkyung laugh and accept his request.
It was eating him alive watching you go through this. He didn’t know whether what he was doing was right or wrong. It started getting worse. Changkyun walked into school to see you sitting in front of an old desk filled with graffiti. You didn’t even look at him. Do you hate him now? Are you blaming him for this? Your eyes never left the front of the classroom for the entire morning. After the first period ended, he chased after your homeroom teacher in the hallway. “I need a new desk.” He pants as he enters the teacher’s lounge.
“Hello to you too, Changkyun.” Your homeroom teacher greets him. “There’s nothing wrong with your desk. Y/n’s desk on the other hand.”
“Are you going to fix it?” Changkyun cuts him off by stepping in front of him.
He looks at him with a smile. “Of course, I’ll have it fixed by lunch.”
“If you’re busy I can look for one.”
Mr. Lee raises his hand to stop his student. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it. If this happens again though, I’d have to get y/n’s parents involved.” Mr. Lee watches Changkyun scrunch his face in confusion making him chuckle. “If y/n is getting bullied then her parents should know so we can take the necessary steps.”
“And what would that be?”
“Well, it depends on the parents. They might want to confront the kids and if so, they might get suspended but that could make matters worse, or they might want to transfer schools.” Changkyun’s stomach dropped. At his expression, Mr. Lee reassures. “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be okay. Y/n’s a good kid.” Changkyun nods agreeing before bidding him goodbye.
Like Mr. Lee had promised, your desk had been replaced. Changkyun watches your face relax for the first time that day. He didn’t know what to do. Should he step forward and admit that you were getting bullied and risk the chance of you moving away or does he continue what he’s doing and try as best as he can to minimise the damage? He sighs resting his head on his desk.
Changkyun decides to be your guardian angel as best as he can. He was the one that placed your gym shoes back after they had been stolen and hung up to mock you. He started sneaking in extra snacks once he noticed your lunch was getting stolen. It was all worth it if it meant that he made your days a little less crappy. He still questioned everyday if he should confront you or go behind your back and put an end to it, but he didn’t want to upset you any further. He contemplates what he should do usually at the break of dawn as he walks to school. The streets were quiet. He had overheard your bullies talk about doing something to your desk after school, so he decided to go to school early to assess the damage. He ate a granola bar on the way not wanting to have breakfast at home and wake his parents up. He entered the classroom and head straight towards your desk. It was stained with juice. He sighed before making his way to the janitor’s closet. He started scrubbing the desk as best as he could. If all else fails, then he’ll swap your desk with his and clean it throughout the day. This went on for a week or two before you caught him. He had woken up later than he was supposed to, so he was frantically trying to get everything cleaned when you came in. You ran into his arms and broke into tears. That’s when he knew he had made the wrong decision. He shouldn’t have kept his mouth shut. He shouldn’t have been satisfied with helping you in the background. He shouldn’t have been selfish or a coward. He’ll take care of you as he promised.
“Hyung, I need your help.” Changkyun begs as he enters his brother’s room.
Chansoo was laying on his bed tossing a football up in the air when he came in. “What do you want?”
“Y/n’s being bullied, and I don’t know how to deal with them.”
Chansoo sits up properly taking the subject seriously. “And why are you asking me of all people?”
“Well, you’re my biggest bully so who’s better to deal with a bully than someone who is one themselves.” Changkyun retorts sarcastically.
His answer doesn’t please his brother as he goes back to lie down again. “Alright, you’re on your own.”
“I’ll do whatever you want.” Changkyun negotiates.
Chansoo raises an eyebrow interested. “Really? Even join the football team with me?” Changkyun groans. He’s hated football since he was young when Chansoo constantly threw the ball at his face. It was also unnecessarily tiring. Why would anyone enjoy something that drains them? He doesn’t like sports; he hates any form of exercise, and he wouldn’t ever be caught dead engaging in any form whatsoever, but this was you they were talking about.
“Fine,” Chansoo beams. “What are you going to do?”
Chansoo gets up and ruffles his little brother’s hair. “Don’t you worry your dumb little head bro. Just worry about getting the girl.”
“Ayo, I’m Joohoney onehunnid.” The new kid introduces himself, making the entire class laugh. Changkyun smirks amused while your face scrunches up in annoyance. “I’m kidding, I’m Jooheon. Nice to meet you.” He goes to his seat greeting his fellow classmates with confidence.
As he passes the two of you, he meets your gaze and salutes you. You scoff finding him obnoxious. “I already hate him.” You whisper to Changkyun.
“He seems fun. Do you hate fun, y/n?” Changkyun teases.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m friends with you.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
Jooheon became a hit in your year. Whether or not you like him, you knew him – was a common line whenever Jooheon was brought up and it was true. Most of the girls shared the same opinion as you and steered clear of him but the boys loved him. They found him funny and cool. Unfortunately for you, Changkyun was one of those people. As time went on, Jooheon had become the closest person to him – excluding you, of course. It was nice for him to finally have a close male friend that wasn’t older than him or related to him. However, due to their closeness, Jooheon was constantly in his ears about you.
“Yo, tell your girlfriend to stop glaring at me whenever I open my mouth.” Jooheon nudges Changkyun as they look your way. Sure enough, you were glaring at him, but your eyes softened when they shifted to Changkyun.
“Don’t say something that’ll make her glare at you then.” Changkyun chuckles giving you a dimpled smile. “And I already told you, she’s not girlfriend.”
Jooheon looks at Changkyun like he had just told him his cat died. “Bro, when I say ‘hi’ she just gives me that look.” Changkyun chuckles knowing it’s true. “And I guess she’s more like your crush then since you two aren’t officially together – you guys might as well be though.”
He has heard this so many times, if he had a penny for every single time he heard it, he would be rich. But when there’s smoke there must be fire, right? He’s not oblivious. He noticed that you two are closer than normal friends. He knows that you both would go the extra mile for each other and treat the other like no other. But you've known each other since you were little and at this point you are like family to each other and that explains your closeness. That’s what you always told people so what would compel Changkyun to entertain the idea, in the first place? Changkyun never really thought about you in any other way. He understands where everyone is coming from; he can see where they’re coming from.
Even when he did try to test the waters to see what it would be like; you wouldn’t give him anything to go by or he couldn’t bring himself to see you that way. You simply brushed it off like it was nothing because to you it was. Changkyun watches as you don’t even bat an eye at his “confession”. He thinks he could like like you, but you wave it off as nothing clearly shows you don’t entertain the idea. You’re unwavering when he looks you in the eyes and tells you, you're the prettiest girl in the world knowing he genuinely means it, clearly shows that you don’t hold meaning to his words. You being able to look him in the eye and tease him for it clearly shows that to you, it’s not even a possibility. He was fine with that; again, he didn’t see why he had to think of you any other way.
He swears he never thought about you that way. He always thought of the world of you; you were a delicate flower growing despite the harsh environments surrounding it. He admired your strength and heart. That was all it was. He swears as he watches you in your peaceful slumber. Your head on his shoulder causing your hair to fall over your face. He lightly brushes it away and you twitch in your sleep. He pauses, his hand hovering over your cheek. You hum and nestle your cheek against his hand prompting them open. A small smile plays on your lips as if you know his touch even in your sleep. He swears he never thought about you that way. But how can he not think about the way you searched for his touch? How can he not think about the way your hand squeezed his searching for his presence? How can he not think about the happiness evident on your face once you find him? How can he stop thinking about you that way once he started? Every single smile, every single touch, every single look was no longer the same for him.
You were the same. The same unwavering spirit he always admired. You looked, smiled, and treated him the same. It was only different for him. He swears he’s okay with that. If you are in his life, as long as he’s in your presence, he’s happy. He’s happy he gets to hear your thoughts, he’s satisfied to hear you laugh at his jokes, he’s complete if he gets to be there for you when you need him. He swears he’s okay with it. Ignoring the ominous feeling in the back of his mind when he saw you kept Hoseok a secret. Ignoring the way his stomach dropped when you finally told him you liked Hoseok. The feeling he had when you liked Jooheon resurfaced but this time he understood why.
“It’s scary liking someone, you know?” You asked rhetorically, Changkyun knew that. He knows you didn’t think he would be capable of knowing. But he does. He knows all too well. The despair of watching someone you like fawn over someone else. The helplessness you feel when the person doesn’t seem to catch the hints you’re giving. The ugliness brewing inside you in jealousy and contempt. He tries to feign disinterest as much as he can.
But sometimes, it was hard to not let jealousy rear its ugly head; especially when he sees you and Hoseok talking dangerously close about a presumptuous topic that could lead to it. He hated himself for it. The look on your face was enough for him to want to run the other way to give you your privacy back. He didn’t like that side of himself. That’s why he stupidly does nothing after you told him you were going to confess your feelings. What could he do? He couldn’t be selfish with you; he had no right. That’s what he told himself. That’s what he promised himself.
All of his resolve went out the window upon seeing your heartbreak. It was like looking at himself in the mirror. He just wanted to take the pain away for the both of you. He had played it safe for all his life and, for once, he took the risk. He leans forward and meets your lips. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. Anger washed through him as he felt your tears fall against his cheeks. He wanted to pull away, realising he had made a terrible mistake. This was not the right time. As he thinks to move away, your hands reach for his collar grasping it tightly as you kiss him back. His heart soared at the feeling of your kiss. His mind filtering through millions of questions at what this could mean for the two of you. His words left him before he could stop and think about the repercussions of what he was saying. “A kiss may just be a kiss, y/n. But your first should be special; it should be with someone who loves you and cares about you. It shouldn’t just be some guy. If it has to be anyone, it should be me.” He finally lets his selfishness get the better of him as he confesses his feelings to you.
He was a fool. The kiss meant nothing. It changed nothing. When you finally parted, you ran off excusing it as “student council duties”. You avoided him for a couple of days, making him regret his greediness. He had ruined your friendship for a moment of what if. Eventually, you couldn’t avoid each other, and it was awkward. You were visibly uncomfortable, and it broke his heart. So, he pretended it was nothing. He forced a joke and you laughed; genuinely laughed. He watches your face brighten and your shoulders relax. That was the day he accepted his fate. If he had known there was no possibility of you two happening, he wouldn’t have kissed you. If this was all he could be for you; a best friend, a jokester, a confidant, a supporter; then that’s all he will be.
Changkyun had to find a new strength, he didn’t know he had. The love he has for you to be pushed to the back of his mind; replaced with being the best friend you deserved. He ignores the flutters in his stomach as you smile up at him. He distances himself when the thoughts of you suffocate him, which was often since you were always on his mind. Everything about you consumed all of his senses. The way you light up every room you walked into. The way you softly say his name to catch his attention. The way you touch him; light as a feather as if you didn't want to leave a mark on him. But it did. It left trails of sparks from where you had touch him. So much so, he insists that he can feel the ghost of your touch just by looking at it. Every day was a battle to not cross the line again; to not answer his what ifs; to not risk losing you. The days felt long but once they passed, they blurred into one.
It was your senior year, the final chapter of high school. Changkyun helped you run for president; not that he needed to. You won by a landslide. You had cemented the position even before you started your campaign. Gaining respect, admiration, and popularity throughout the years as treasurer. “What do you think of an ‘under the sea’ theme?” Changkyun scrunches his face causing you to laugh. “Yeah, I thought so too.” You sigh running your hand through your hair. Changkyun watches you unwillingly. A wave of adoration floods through him as he takes in the way your hair fell perfectly to frame your face. How can you look so beautiful even when you're visibly tired? It wasn't fair on anyone.
“Shouldn't the social committee be doing this?” Changkyun points out as he rocks your desk chair back and forth.
“The student council needs to approve it. I'm just going through their ideas.” You show the papers in your hand. You were sitting cross-legged on your bed with a sea of paperwork surrounding you.
“The more important question is, who’s going to be your date for the dance?” Jooheon asks walking into to your room after helping himself to your homemade chocolate chips cookies.
Your attention was back to the paperwork in front of you. “Changkyun and I are obviously going together.” You answer offhandedly.
Changkyun’s emotion betrays him as a look of shock flashes through his normally stoic façade. Jooheon takes notice and chuckles, “Does Changkyun know about that?” You raise your head to look across the room at Changkyun.
Your eyes innocent as you analyse his expression. Embarrassment washed over you as you realise your brazenness. “I'm sorry, I don't know why I just assumed that.” You tuck the loose hair behind your ear. “You must have wanted to ask someone else. Don't worry about what I said.”
Changkyun gets up and takes a cookie from Jooheon’s hand. “Hey!”
He walks up to you and offers you the cookie. “There's no one else I would think about but you.” He looks down at you analysing your expression. The sheepish smile on your face as you take the cookie. Did his words get through to you? Is the idea of going together to a dance mean anything more to you? Or is it just second nature to you? A logical assumption based on previous statistics.
Changkyun shifts from one foot to another. He has been to your house more times than he can count. It was a second home to him. But as he stood by the front door in a suit he’s never worn before, he felt like a stranger. You shared everything with him but in the weeks leading up to the dance, you kept him in the dark. He thought you would take him dress shopping like you normally do but you went with your girl friends instead. Only telling him what coloured dress you got so he could match if he wanted. “Time has flown by so fast.” Your grandmother sighs dreamily. “I still remember when you two were just this tall.” She holds her hand out by her hip. “I still remember the two of hating each other.” Changkyun and your grandmother chuckles fondly at the memory. “But now, you’re thick as thieves; partners in crime.” That was the perfect description of yours and his relationship. Two sides of the same coin. Each other’s confidant and right-hand man. Not the love interest; not even star-crossed lovers. The sound of heels clicking on the hardwood floors cuts his conversation short. You appear at your grandmother’s line of vision first. Her gasp causing Changkyun’s heart to race. She places her hand over her heart and her eyes glossing over with happiness. He clasps his hand in front of himself to ground himself. Your grandmother starts recording through her camcorder when you finally appear in Changkyun’s site.
He inhales sharply like he had the wind knocked out of him. You smile down at him softly. Your eyes bright and sparkling complimented by the makeup you put on. Your hair parted on one side; perfectly framed and flowing. One hand uses the handrail to descend the steps gracefully and the other lifting the front of the dress enough for your matching heels to peek through. You reach him letting go off your dress. “What do you think?” You ask giving him a slow twirl. Changkyun feels his knees buckle. His mind imagining the beautiful midnight blue dress into white. You look at him expectantly; none the wiser of what he truly thinks of you.
“Beautiful,” He breathes. He hears your grandmother chuckle causing his ears to turn red. “You look beautiful.”
You smile widens. “I think you look beautiful too.” It was his turn to chuckle. He rolls his eyes making you reach out and give him a light shove. “I mean it.”
“Let's take a photo before you two head out.” Your grandmother breaks the silence. You move naturally to Changkyun’s side. He instinctively placed a light hand on your back. “Okay, you two, big smiles!” You grinned from ear to ear while he offered a small smile. The flash goes off and your smile relaxes. “One more! Be closer, you guys aren't strangers.” You wrapped your arms around Changkyun waist. His arm around you moved to your shoulder wrapping you in a hug. You nuzzle your head into your chest which breaks his cool nature. His smile growing wider as your giddiness rubs off on him. Feeling his happiness, you look up at him. He takes notices and looks back at you. He sees affection in your eyes. Changkyun won't fool himself to think it’s love in your eyes. You look up at him sentimentally; of adoration; reminiscent of who the kid he used to be. A flash breaks Changkyun out of his thoughts. “Beautiful!” Your grandmother commented looking at the photo. “You two should go or you'll be late.” At her reminder, you pick up your dress and give her a hug. Your already at the door when Changkyun gives her a hug before leaving as well. “Enjoy yourselves, okay?”
He smiles. “I'll get her home safe.” Changkyun opens the door for you and offers his hand to help you out. You take it naturally waving goodbye to your grandmother as he ignores the warmth flooding through him from your touch. He opens the car door for you and helps you in before getting in the driver's seat. “You excited?” He asks turning on the engine.
You hum patting your dress down. You think you look ridiculous. Your dress too big and flashy for a student council president. But your grandmother insisted – this would be your last dance in high school after all. “Yeah, I am. I can't wait to see everyone’s reaction to the auditorium.” He chuckles. Of course, you weren't thinking about yourself. “What about you?”
He ponders for a second before shrugging. “This isn't really my type of thing. But if you're happy, I'm happy.” You smile and reach for his hand to hold. Changkyun’s smile falters as he lifts his hand to grip the steering wheel. He stops himself from looking at you when he sees you keep your hand to yourself and visibly shift away. He clenches his jaw knowing he hurt you. But the alternative hurts too much. He's constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he loses himself in you, it only serves as a painful reminder of what he could never have. If he pulls away and sets a clear line between you, he sees your heart breaking. Your happiness is his happiness. Your pain is his pain. There's no winning. The drive to school was in silence; only the songs on the radio occupying the space. Changkyun gets out of the car and opens the door for you. He offers his hand to help you out, but you don't take it. You give him a tight-lipped smile and avoid his eyes. That's fair. You used the car door to step out.
Once your feet touch the ground, committee members rush to you. “Pres, there's an issue with the audio.” Your smile drops from the bad news.
“You look amazing, by the way!” Another member offers before hurrying you.
You pick up your dress about to leave when you remember Changkyun. “I’m sorry!” He waves you off with a smile. “I’ll see you in there!” Once the gym doors shut, Changkyun sighs. It's going to be a long night; he thinks as he rests his head against his car.
As he was about to get out of his car after parking it in the parking lot, his phone rings. He stops and stares at the unfamiliar number on his screen. “Hello?” He answers hesitantly.
“There you are!” Changkyun flinches at Jooheon showing up at his side out of nowhere. “We’ve been wondering where you are.” He taps on the car window, but Changkyun gets out instead. “We thought you decided you were too cool for this and bailed.”
“Y/n,” Changkyun nods numbly as he realises the sun has set. He didn't realise how long it had been since he took that call; too many things he needed to think about to care. “You, okay?” Jooheon grips his shoulder to snap him out of it.
“Yeah,” Changkyun answers dazedly. Jooheon can clearly see he was lying but he knew better than to push. Changkyun is never the type to succumb to peer pressure and will only revert further in his shell when pushed. The two walk back to the auditorium in silence.
As they neared, music thumped against the walls. The dance was informal – the door was open, and some students were outside the building having their own private conversations. Jooheon leaves Changkyun’s side the second they enter the room. Changkyun didn’t mind and made his way to the food and beverage table. He helped himself as he contemplated the offer – as if he hadn’t been doing that the past couple of hours. He feels hands on his waist before he hears your honeyed voice. “There you are!” Changkyun had a sense of déjà vu as he turned around to your playful grin. Your cheeks were flushed, and your hair was messier than when he last saw you. He was relieved his disappearance didn’t ruin your night. But the ugly side of him was disheartened at the same time. “Where were you?”
“My dad called.” He lied knowing you knew his dad was overseas and couldn’t reach out often. You believed him easily. “How much did I miss?”
“Not much, we’ve just been dancing. You came just in time, they’re about to announce the homecoming royals.” Changkyun groans as you take his hand and lead him towards the crowded dance floor. The music soon cuts off as the social committee president appears on the little makeshift stage. Changkyun doesn’t listen to the president harp on until he hears your name. A spotlight shines on your figure effectively casting him in your shadow. He watches your figure as you make your way to the stage. Your beautiful gown sparkling under the light; your smile outshining everything else. His jaw clenches when he sees Rowoon offers his hand; a sash and crown adorned on him. You take it graciously and stand on stage for the social committee members to place a tiara on your head and a bouquet of flowers in your arms.
The host asks Rowoon to say a few words before you. As he steps up to the microphone, squeals echo through the room. “I am so touched you all voted for me; it’s a big honour. I usually wouldn’t be able to accept this but with the very own Council President by my side, I feel relieved.” Changkyun rolls his eyes at the corniness. The two shared a smile before he continued. Were the two of you close? When did that happen?
“Be careful,” Jooheon warns out of nowhere causing Changkyun to flinch. “Don’t let his fans see your distaste.”
“When did they get so close?” Changkyun asks as you make your own speech mentioning Rowoon as well.
“Hm, I don’t know. I guess through her student council duties and since he’s the president of the theater club they talk through there.” Jooheon shrugs. Of course, he wouldn’t pay attention to such details. “I’ve seen them together sometimes; having lunch, running errands, walking around. You were off somewhere else every time, so I didn’t get to ask you about it.” Oh. That’s right. Changkyun realises the true weight of the distance he placed between you two. Since he is no longer by your side twenty-four-seven, he misses out on things about you; trivial or not.
The crowd parts to make a circle in the middle of the dance floor. He watches you hand-in-hand with Rowoon as he takes you out on the dance floor. He sees you whispering to each other with coy smiles on your face as you face each other. “I hate to admit it, they look good together.” Changkyun hears a girl comment behind him.
“What do you expect? They’re both good-looking, popular, and cheerful people.” Her friend agrees bitterly. Changkyun watches you dance around the room like he was in a trance. All he could see was your smile lighting up the entire room but he’s still in darkness. All he could hear was yours and everyone’s laughing at a joke he didn’t hear about. He is the one that placed the wall between you. He cannot be angry or upset if you’re no longer standing on the other side of it. This was what he wanted after all.
The boys watched you key a song in when a classmate approached you. Everyone knew Soonyoung as he is a close friend of Jooheon. The boys watch you laugh at what the boy was saying. “She’s changed a lot.” Hyungwon says turning his attention back to his cold fries.
“Yeah, she has.” Changkyun says with a melancholic smile.
Everyone at the table noticed Changkyun’s mood. He has always been quiet and standoffish, but this was different. They could see the longing in his eyes whenever he looked at you. He always looked at you softly and affectionately but this time there was sadness in it too. “What’s going on Changkyun?” Hoseok asked the question everyone was thinking.
“I’m going to the U.S. for university.” The air in the room shifted, at least only to the guys at the table.
“Well, congratulations!” Kihyun offers. They’re happy for him of course but it is a shock. Their first thought automatically goes to you. They would never expect Changkyun to move overseas especially since it’s been established that you’re staying in Seoul.
“When did this happen?” Jooheon asks trying to piece together Changkyun’s train of thought.
“During the formal, I got a call – an offer to study in the U.S. from my dad. I had a lot of time to think about it and I’ve decided to go.”
After knowing he has thought it through, Hyunwoo breaks into a smile. “Well, that’s awesome.” He pats him in the back. “It will be a cool adventure.”
“And challenge.” Minhyuk points out getting a kick in the shin from Hoseok from under the table. “Ow!” He jumps. “What? It is?”
“Y/n’s always said she wanted to visit New York. Now she has a good excuse to.” Hyungwon offers to lighten up the mood.
“Y/n doesn’t know.” He answers their unspoken question. “I don’t want her to know.” He says with conviction. The air heavies as conflict and worry looms over the table.
“Changkyun –” Jooheon starts to argue but you walk over. Everyone stiffens at your presence.
Your smile only darkens their thoughts further. “Come on, let’s dance.” You take Changkyun’s hand without any answer and lead him to the dance floor. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes as he allows you to use his hands to wave around. “I regret not letting go like this with you at our formal.” You giggled and he could offer a nod in response. As the song ends, a slow piano begins to play. The melody light but the mood is more romantic. Everyone slows their pace and pairs up. You look up at him bashfully. How could you still be shy with him even after thirteen years? He offers his hand, and you take it as the singer starts to sing.
Time after time, I tell myself that I'm so lucky to be loving you.
“I regret not dancing with you at our formal.” You confessed. His heart ached at the missed opportunity. His ugly side getting the better of him once again as he left not be able to withstand watching you dance with someone else. But that night, he accepted his feelings. He could no longer ignore the fact that he was not a person deserving to be by your side. That night, he accepted the reality. No more false pretenses. He could no longer be in your life.
I only know what I know. The passing years will show, you've kept my love so young; so new.
“I’m sorry, Kyun.” He hears Hoseok’s sadness on the other line. “I couldn’t not tell her. She loves you more than anyone in the world.” He wanted to scoff. He wanted to deny it and argue but the words didn’t come out. Changkyun tells him it’s okay even though they both know it wasn’t. “Have a safe flight, keep in touch.” Changkyun bids him goodbye as he hears his name being shouted from across the room.
He turns and sees your angry expression first. He hated how beautiful he thought you looked even in your disheveled state. He hated how endearing he found you in your fluffy heart pajamas. As you make your way towards him, he sensed his impending doom. You pushed him with all your might, and he lets you. “You idiot!” You screamed with tears building. Changkyun doesn’t care about the stares. All he could think about is you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His heart ached. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to go through with it. “Why did you act like nothing was happening?” If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to hold back anymore. “Why did you make me think you were only going to be a couple of hours away?” If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be okay. “Why?” Your last cry shot straight through his heart.
He grabbed your arms, and your tears fell as if you were waiting for your anchor to let go. He’s known you all his life. He always had the idea that he had to take care of you; that he couldn’t leave you on your own, that you needed him. But that wasn’t true. You are just fine without him. He was the one that needed you, but he knows he shouldn’t. He is the one that couldn’t be without you, but he knows that he has to. “I’m sorry.” Is all he could give you without weakening his already broken resolve. Overwhelmed with emotions, you kissed him. It was your last plead. He wished he pulled you closer, searing the memory of you into his mind. But he didn’t and your memory faded.
───────── ☾ • ☽ ──────────
It had been a week since you last saw Changkyun. It had been a week since you last spoke to anyone. It had been a week since you left your bed. You gave up rejecting calls from Jooheon; opting to let your phone die. You locked yourself in your room; ignoring Minhyuk and Hyungwon even when they came to visit you. Only ever leaving your room when you hear the door shut after Jaebum tells you he’s leaving. You already felt awful, but you felt worse for ignoring everyone. But you knew what they would say, more like what they would ask. What happened with Changkyun? What does it mean? Has this changed anything? You don’t have answers to their questions and the ones you do have, you weren’t ready to share. Your head turns towards the stack of paper by your bedside. The ink faded through time, the paper crinkled through the handling, blotches of tears stained across the letters. You have read his letters over and over since he gave them to you. It was all too much to get your head around. What were supposed to do with this new information? What did you want to do with it?
Your head turns towards your door, and you hear your knob rattle. A shadow cast against the crack beneath the door. Their whispers muffled as they argued with each other. It must be Minhyuk and Hyungwon again. You sigh and turn over, bringing your blanket to cover you. They will leave soon. That’s what you thought when you suddenly heard your door bust open. “It worked!” Minhyuk’s cheery voice boomed through your quiet room. You cringe not wanting to face them. “It smells!” You roll your eyes at Minhyuk’s teasing.
“Then, get out.” You retort flatly.
“She’s alive.” Hyungwon says calmly with a hint of sarcasm. You feel your bed dip behind you. “How long are you going to be like this for?”
“Hyungwon, she deserves to feel the way she does.” You hear Kihyun’s voice in front of you before you see light from your window shine through your blanket. Of course, he would open your blinds.
“Yes, of course but maybe she should at least move on to the next stage of dealing with it.” Hyunwoo’s deep and logical voice reasons by your feet.
Your curiosity gets the better of you and you peak your head outside your blanket. “Jesus, how many of you are in my room?” You see five pairs of eyes already looking at you. Kihyun was leaning on your desk which was against the window of your room. Hyunwoo was at the foot of your bed with his arms crossed and Jooheon stood next to him with bags under his eyes. Your heart tugs at the sight. Were you the cause for that? Hyungwon was lying on top of your blankets while Minhyuk stands next to him by your bedside drawer. You shot up and reached for the letters opened for anyone to see. Minhyuk had surely seen some of it, but you still held the letters close to your chest. Tears pricked your eyes as you felt pathetic with their pitiful eyes looking down at you.
Jooheon gets on your bed and hugs your head. “It’s okay, you can cry. I’m here.” A tear falls from his comfort. You see the light go darker as Kihyun and Hyunwoo join the hug. “We’re here for you.” You thought you had already cried to last a lifetime, but the flood gates broke through like it was a dam. You feel their hug become heavier when Hyungwon and Minhyuk join. Your crying turns into sobbing as you feel their love and care. The guilt you felt only amplifying.
You cried for what felt like hours; wrapped up in Jooheon’s arms while Hyunwoo rubs your back and Kihyun hands you tissue to blow your nose. Hyungwon holds the bin for you to throw away your used tissues and Minhyuk offers comments to make you crack a smile. “I don’t know what to do.” You sigh sitting up. The boys give you their undivided attention prompting you to confide in them. You tell them what happened at the wedding and how seeing him and speaking to him felt like a shot in the heart. How the hurt you felt throughout the years hit you at once. “He loved me?” You cried exasperatedly. “All this time?” It wasn’t a shock that tears flooded back as you recounted the moment. The silence around you piques your attention. You wipe the tears away and see their body language change. Hyunwoo gave you a tight-lipped smile, Minhyuk avoided your eyes, and Jooheon was clenching his jaw. “What?” They share a look between themselves as if you couldn’t see it. You roll your eyes. “Just tell me.”
“Y/n, the only one who didn’t know he was in love with you was you.” Hyungwon carefully explained.
You tilt your head in confusion, so Kihyun adds. “Y/n, everyone saw the way he looked at you.”
“And everyone saw that you didn’t look at him the same way.” Minhyuk tells you the truth you asked for. “And that’s perfectly fine!” He adds to reassure you. “No one expects you to feel the same way or give him a chance; that’s your right to feel however you feel but…” Minhyuk looks over at the others for back up.
“But we also understood, how painful it would be on his end; to love someone wholeheartedly and never ask for anything in return.” Jooheon lands the final blow. The boys sit in silence as they watch you process this newfound information. Tears prickled your eyes in frustration. How could everyone know but not you? How come no one said anything? Well, that's not true. Everyone always assumed you two were a couple; that had to count for something. Upset by the what ifs flooding through your eyes, you squeezed your eyes and wipe your face. “I'm sorry, y/n. We should have told you.”
“No, it's not your fault. It's mine; I should have said something.”
“Well, Changkyun didn't say anything either.” Minhyuk assures you.
You give him a weak smile. He's right. You both were the only ones responsible for the hurt the other experienced. “So, what happens now?” Hyunwoo asked.
“I don't know.”
“What were you trying to achieve sending him those letters?” Kihyun frames the question differently hoping to unlock clarity in you.
You sigh. “I wanted closure; to move on. I didn't expect him to reply. I definitely didn't expect him to say he felt the same way.”
“So, what are you doing to do about it?” Hyungwon asks causing you to stifle a laugh.
“What is there to do? That was in the past; he had feelings for me. I am just grieving what could have been – which is useless I know, but I need to feel all of this.”
“What if it wasn't?” You furrow your brows at Jooheon’s question. “In the past, I mean.”
You finally let out a laugh. “How could he have feelings for me? We haven't seen or spoken in years.”
“You really don't understand how much he loves you.” You become irritated at their constant highlight of how much he feels for you and how ignorant you are of it.
You get up out of bed for the first time of the day feeling suffocated. “Of course, I don’t know! He chose not to tell me anything. He was the one that decided to leave without a word. I may have been a fool for not seeing what you all see but he was the one that also decided not to tell me. You all decided to not tell me.”
Jooheon gets up and rubs your arms to calm you down. “You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it as a jab or anything. I just mean maybe you will know what to do if you talk to him; honestly and without holding anything back?”
Jooheon was right. The boys knew that. You knew that. But you were not in the right frame of mind to do the right thing. Of course not. That's why you're pumping your arms aimlessly as you lose yourself in the music and alcohol. The boys were against the idea but promised to support you in any way you needed. Of course. That's why they're standing aside watching you with barely any alcohol in their system. It was the first time you left your house, the first time you dressed up, the first time you smiled in a long time. It was a baseless happiness; temporary and shallow. But that's what you needed right now.
At least, that's what you thought. You weren't ready for a conversation; to face the music; to experience another heartbreak. So why are you standing in front of a door you haven’t stood in front of since senior year of high school? Of course, you kept in touch with his parents. Checking in on each other on birthdays and holidays via online messages and the annual call. You haven't been home since you left for college – your parents didn't care enough to have you visit and since your grandmother passed away there was no reason for you to. His parents invited you multiple times for the holidays and you always gave them an excuse; plans with your friends, interning for the summer – they were all true, but you could work in a visit if you really wanted. But how could you go and be reminded of the memories you shared with him and his family? How could sit at the table and talk to his parents without any underlying tension on what happened between you and his son? And you were sure they would tell you what he has been up to in America. Living the high life easily without you. Or worse, run the risk of seeing him after years of radio silence.
All of your worries and hesitations quashed thanks to the influence of the alcohol in your system. How many did you have to drink? The night was a blur. You were too determined to forget the night, you completely lost yourself. All you could remember is the burning of your throat as you force down the shots at the start of the night and the multiple incidents of throwing up on your way to his house. You remember flashes of you dancing despite the soreness in your arms and neck. Laughing and talking to people you can't even picture. Everything was going well. You were forgetting your troubles and dancing the night away. You were doing well to numb everything when a familiar tune starts playing. Your movement stops as nostalgia hits you. It was a song you were obsessed with at one point in time. It was the first song Changkyun had played through his window to drown out the fight your parents were having. It was the song you had danced with him more times you could count. Your thoughts drift back to the bar. The alcohol in your system wearing off from the flood of emotions. You were stumbling on your way to the bar when you looked back at the boys. It was only one second; a moment of distraction before their attention falls back on you; an opportunity to slip away. Despite your fogginess, you maneuver yourself to hide in the crowd as you make your way to the exit. You hurry to hail a cab before they can stop you.
It was a forty-five-minute drive. Forty-five minutes to change your mind. Forty-five minutes to regain clarity. The purging of the alcohol in your system helped you sober up quicker but by the fifth request to pullover, the driver didn’t want to take you any further. It was a fifteen-minute walk. By that point, you were completely sober. The alcohol flushed out of your system. The night breeze refreshing your sweaty skin. Your legs were on autopilot as you walked the streets you’ve walked for the most part of your life. The houses looked smaller than you remember, the street shorter. Fifteen minutes flew by and here you stood. All of the houses dark; the streets quiet given the time of night. What were you doing? Tears pricked your eyes as it finally sinks in. How could you bring yourself to confront him after all this time? You move to step back when the door rips open. Changkyun in the middle of putting his jacket on when he sees you. His hair sticking up in the same peculiar ways it used to when he wakes up from slumber. Like always, Changkyun shows up right in front of you right when you need him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Your voice soft and broken as the tears slip down your face. Like always, he reaches for you. But this time, he stops himself. His hands hovering over your skin unsure and hesitating. “How could you have not known? How could I have not known?” Your question hurts the both of you; acknowledges the blame is on the both of you.
“I’m sorry,” Your tears stop at the sound of Changkyun’s voice breaking. In your years of knowing him, you had never seen him cry or lose his temper. The unwavering land to your swirling ocean. For the first time, you see distress on his face. You notice the eye bags under his eyes. His unkempt hair sticking out not like he was rolling around in his bed but from pulling it with his fingers. “I wish I did things differently. I wish I did everything differently.” He doesn’t answer your question; he doesn’t need to. The questions you both had for each other were answered in your own respective letters. You were both young, naïve, and insecure. You both placed each other on pedestals; believing one didn’t deserve the other. You both convinced yourself it was one-sided instead of confirming the truth for the fear of permanently losing the other. You both knew if the feeling wasn’t reciprocated, you would have to let them go and move on with your life without them in your heart.
“What would you do now?” Fear seeps into your heart as you asked the question you didn’t have the courage to ask when you were younger.
“Y/n,” He says softly.
He reaches out to touch you. Your stomach drops as you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Of course, time changes things. Distance doesn’t let the heart grow fonder. His love for you was years ago. Before, he separated himself from you. Before, he met different people. Before, he became a completely new person that you didn't know anything about. Everyone else had moved on. Hoseok got married. Jooheon has a growing social circle. Changkyun is not the same boy you knew. You were the only fool living in the past. You pull away from his touch like he burned you. “No, it’s okay. That’s a stupid question. Forget it. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m here.”
You turn to leave; to run away but Changkyun spins you around. He cages you in between his arms. His warmth enveloping you. His touch littering goosebumps across your exposed skin. You look up wide-eyed into his sharp eyes. “Even without loving you, you are and will always be my greatest love, y/n.” Your bottom lip quivers overwhelmed with the rush of emotions you’re going through. He takes the hand on his chest and rubs his thumb across your palm; a habit he used to do to soothe you. “I could never lose the love I have for you in my heart. Believe me, I tried. I thought time apart from you would help me move on and forget about you. But there was not a single day where my feelings for you weakened.” You blink to let your tears fall so you can see him clearly; take all of him in. It has been too long since you’ve gone without seeing his face; hearing his voice; feeling his touch. “When I got your letters; when I read how you felt about me, I foolishly thought I might have a chance to right my wrongs. I thought there was a possibility for us to be together. If you tell me, you’re willing to give us a chance despite the hurt I caused you; I would take it in a heartbeat.”
When you wrote the letters to Changkyun, you did it to move on with your life; to close that chapter of your life. Not once did you ever consider that he felt the same way – that he still feels the same way. When you showed up to his door, you hadn’t thought about what you wanted to get out of it. You wanted to yell at him and tell him just how much he hurt you again. You wanted to cry into his arms and beg for answers you already knew the answer to. Your intentions weren’t to love and be loved. Not once did you consider reconciliation – much less a relationship. But maybe things between you two were meant to fall apart in order for the pieces to fall exactly where they needed to be. “Promise me something.”
“Anything and everything.”
“Promise me, you won’t hold anything back this time.”
“I promise.” Changkyun kisses your knuckle endearingly. Your heart starts beating hard in your chest you could feel it vibrating your entire body.
“Promise me, we’ll make up for the lost time.”
“I promise. We’ll take it slow. We’ll start fresh.” He kisses your tear-stained cheek making you smile.
“Promise me, you won’t break my heart again.”
“I promise.” It was your turn to initiate a kiss. You lean forward brushing noses before you meet his lips. He reciprocates your kisses slowly and gently. His hands cup your cheeks and your fingers run through his long dark hair. You felt like you were fifteen years old again. Standing by the bonfire and kissing your best friend for the first time. This is your second chance; a second beginning. This time you won’t run away. This time you will take a chance on love. This time you will love him without any reservation.
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[a/n] the epilogue is finally out! only took fifty years - i'm sorry to anyone who anticipated this when the series first came out. i hope you enjoy the final instalment of this series. thank you for reading my work, i really appreciate it <3
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dreamwithlost · 15 days
"Não era fácil o relacionamento com uma estrela, mas tudo era recompensado quando tinham um tempo só entre vocês... E o piloto do jatinho."
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ChangKyun (I.M) × Fem!Reader
Gênero: Smut
W.C: 3.6K (Essa rendeu)
Avisos: fingering (f), sexo desprotegido (não faça hein), Male!Dom, penetração, linguagem imprópria, creampie
ᏪNotas: Normalmente eu gosto de escrever sobre mulheres dominadoras... Mas hoje meus amigos, fiz uma cadelinha, não deu, au au
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Você se deitou de bruços na cama king size do hotel, o lençol macio roçando suavemente contra sua pele exposta. Seus pés, ainda quentes do banho recente, balançavam no ar de forma quase inocente. Os dedos deslizaram pelo controle remoto até encontrar o canal certo. E então o ambiente ao seu redor pareceu dissolver-se, deixando apenas você e a expectativa palpitante de ver o rosto que tanto desejava. Quando a imagem de seu namorado finalmente apareceu, seu corpo reagiu automaticamente — um arrepio elétrico percorreu sua espinha, e seus lábios se curvaram em um sorriso que misturava saudade e desejo.
ChangKyun estava deslumbrante, como sempre, mas havia algo de especial naquela noite. A câmera capturava cada detalhe com uma precisão quase cruel, aproximando-se do rosto dele, revelando os óculos que ele ajustava com um toque. Você conhecia aquele gesto — era o sinal de que ele estava totalmente imerso na conversa. Quando ele ria, um riso baixo e melodioso, você quase podia sentir o calor daquele som tocando sua pele.
A distância entre vocês era insuportável, uma barreira invisível que você queria desesperadamente atravessar. Imaginava-se ao lado dele, puxando-o para si, sentindo o tecido do terno sob suas mãos enquanto o arrancava com uma urgência incontrolável. Queria sentir o corpo dele contra o seu, quente, firme, sua respiração acelerada misturando-se à sua.
Mas tudo o que tinha era aquela imagem distante, intocável, que apenas aumentava a sua necessidade. Viajar até ali para vê-lo, apenas para acabar sozinha em um quarto de hotel, começava a parecer um erro. Não que ele te ignorasse, longe disso, mas a carreira de ator de ChangKyun estava em ascensão, e ele estava cada vez mais distante, mesmo quando estava perto. Por mais que você soubesse que ele também sentia sua falta, isso não era o suficiente, e vez ou outra acabava por discutir com o mesmo. Você queria mais, queria ele ao menos naquela noite contigo.
— E agora? Quais são os próximos passos da nossa estrela? — A voz do entrevistador era um ruído distante, quase irrelevante, até que ChangKyun respondeu.
— Hm, ainda estou decidindo — Ele disse, umedecendo os lábios de uma forma que fez seu coração saltar. A maneira como ele olhou diretamente para a câmera, como se pudesse ver você, enviou um choque de desejo diretamente ao seu centro. — Mas tenho planos. Planos ótimos. Antes de mais nada, vou aproveitar minha semana livre para viajar com a minha mulher.
Minha mulher.
Aquelas palavras ecoaram em sua mente, cada sílaba carregada de um peso que você não estava preparada para suportar. O corpo reagiu instantaneamente, o calor subindo para suas bochechas enquanto o choque se misturava ao desejo que já borbulhava dentro de você. Era a primeira vez que ele se referia a você assim, e a sensação era avassaladora, como se cada parte do seu ser tivesse sido marcada por aquela declaração.
Mas então, a realidade bateu com força. Viajar? Desde quando vocês iriam viajar? Por que ele não mencionou nada? A confusão tomou conta, substituindo o calor inicial por uma onda de ansiedade que fez seu coração disparar. Você se levantou da cama, o tecido do lençol caindo lentamente de seu corpo, enquanto uma sensação de urgência e incerteza a dominava.
O que exatamente ChangKyun estava planejando?
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O jatinho particular cortava o céu com suavidade, o ronronar baixo dos motores preenchendo o silêncio confortável entre você e seu namorado. Você estava recostada na poltrona de couro macio, os dedos deslizavam pelos braços do assento, enquanto observava ChangKyun à sua frente. Ele parecia completamente tranquilo, a revista nas mãos mal recebendo sua atenção, e, mesmo assim, você sabia que ele sentia seu olhar queimando sobre ele. Seu corpo estava envolto no vestido leve que escolheu, um tecido fluido que parecia acariciar sua pele cada vez que você se mexia agoniada naquele acento, apesar de adorar observar as nuvens normalmente.
A tensão no ar era palpável, quase sufocante. Você estava animada, claro, mas a curiosidade em saber para onde ele estava te levando fazia tudo pulsar dentro de você, seja bom ou ruim.
— Kyun, vamos lá... — Você começou, fazendo uma carinha de quem estava prestes a perder a paciência. — Você realmente não vai me contar para onde estamos indo?
Ele ergueu os olhos da revista, a expressão tranquila não deixando escapar nada. O sorriso no canto dos lábios dele só te deixava mais impaciente.
— É uma surpresa, meu amor — Ele repetiu pela enésima vez, aquela voz baixa e carregada de segurança.
Você bufou, cruzando os braços e afundando na poltrona, fingindo estar emburrada, mas o olhar fixo nele te traía. Ele era irresistível, sentado ali com aquele ar de quem sabia exatamente o que estava fazendo, no fundo amava isso. O terno escuro se ajustava perfeitamente ao corpo dele, destacando seus ombros largos e a postura impecável. Seus olhos seguiram o caminho do pescoço até a mandíbula marcada, e, por um segundo, você sentiu o calor subir pelo seu corpo, e até mesmo se esqueceu o que estava pensando anteriormente, talvez no fim, nem estivesse tão curiosa assim, apenas gostaria de descobrir logo quanto tempo levaria para poder finalmente estar grudada em seu namorado, coisa que pretendia fazer antes de todas essas surpresas.
Necessitava dele.
Seus olhos o seguiam de forma indiscreta, e você mordeu o lábio, reprimindo um sorriso. Mesmo fingindo que estava emburrada com tanto segredo, era impossível resistir ao desejo que borbulhava dentro de você. Cada detalhe da presença dele ali, tão perto, mas ainda inatingível, fazia sua mente criar cenários que a faziam se contorcer no assento.
ChangKyun fechou a revista devagar, os olhos agora totalmente focados em você. Ele se levantou, caminhando em direção à cabine do piloto, o som suave dos seus passos ecoando no pequeno espaço. Você o observava, cada movimento dele parecia desenhado para te provocar, para fazer o calor em você aumentar. Quando ele chegou à porta, a fechou e trancou com um clique que pareceu ressoar pelo jatinho.
Ele se virou para você, os olhos escuros cravados nos seus, e um sorriso que era metade diversão, metade perigo brincava em seus lábios, como se estivesse lendo os seus pensamentos.
— Não adianta fazer essa carinha de birra — Ele provocou, a voz baixa e envolvente. — Sabe o que acontece quando você insiste, não sabe?
Seu coração disparou, o ar parecia ter ficado mais denso. Ele se aproximou devagar, a confiança em cada passo, enquanto o olhar dele parecia despir você. Quando chegou junto a ti, a mão forte dele alcançou sua cintura, puxando seu corpo contra o dele com firmeza ao te retirar do acento. Você sentiu o calor dele contra o seu corpo, e um arrepio percorreu sua espinha.
— Nós podemos começar a nos divertir agora, se você quiser... — Ele sussurrou, a boca roçando de leve sua orelha, a voz carregada de um tom que te fazia estremecer.
Antes que você pudesse responder, ele te puxou de uma vez, colocando você em seu colo ao se sentar. Seus braços se agarraram aos ombros dele instintivamente, e o som surdo da palma dele batendo na sua bunda ecoou pelo pequeno espaço. Um gemido escapou de sua boca antes que você pudesse controlar, o som alto e inesperado fez seu corpo tremer.
— Shhh — ele murmurou, a boca próxima ao seu ouvido, o tom autoritário. — Não queremos que o piloto ouça, certo?
O calor subiu ao seu rosto, mas o desejo que pulsava dentro de você não te deixou envergonhada. Ao invés disso, aquela ordem fez seu corpo vibrar, e você se viu entregue àquele momento. Ele sabia como te controlar, como te tirar daquela pose de resistência que você tanto gostava de fingir. E você adorava cada segundo disso.
ChangKyun deslizou a mão lentamente por sua perna, subindo o vestido até suas coxas, os dedos firmes e decididos. Seu corpo inteiro estava em alerta, e quando ele alcançou sua intimidade, você arfou, sentindo o primeiro toque suave por cima da calcinha. Os dedos dele deslizaram entre suas pernas, levando o pequeno tecido para o lado, e quando dois deles entraram em você, seu corpo se curvou contra o dele, o prazer te invadindo rapidamente, chegava a ser estúpido.
— Viu? Já está bem mais dócil agora... — Ele provocou, os dedos se movendo dentro de você de forma lenta e torturante.
Você se agarrou aos ombros dele, o rosto enterrado no pescoço enquanto o calor subia rapidamente pelo seu corpo. Cada movimento dos dedos dele era calculado, preciso, arrancando gemidos baixos de você, que tentava manter o controle, mas era impossível.
— Kyun... — Você murmurou, sua voz já embargada pelo prazer crescente. — Eu preciso de você... Por favor...
Ele riu baixinho, um som grave que ressoou contra a sua pele. Seus dedos ainda se moviam dentro de você, mantendo o controle absoluto, enquanto você estava à beira de implorar por mais.
— Precisa, né? — Ele murmurou, a boca roçando sua orelha. — Então por que você não mostra o quanto precisa?
Suas mãos foram para o cinto dele, trêmulas de antecipação, mas determinadas. Você desfez o fecho com rapidez, puxando a calça dele para baixo o suficiente para liberar o que você tanto queria. Quando finalmente sentiu seu pau, o corpo dele quente e rígido contra você, um pigarreio de pura necessidade escapou de sua garganta.
Você se posicionou sobre ele, a respiração acelerada, enquanto ele te segurava firmemente pelos quadris. Quando você começou a descer lentamente, sentindo-o te preencher, o mundo ao seu redor desapareceu. A sensação de tê-lo dentro de você era esmagadora, e cada centímetro que você descia fazia seu corpo queimar de desejo.
ChangKyun soltou um gemido baixo quando você finalmente se encaixou completamente nele, sua vagina era tão perfeitamente projetada para recebelo, apertadinha da forma certa. As mãos firmes em sua cintura começaram a guiar seus movimentos enquanto ele tomava o controle de tudo. Você começou a se mover naquela sincronia, lenta e provocativamente, sentindo cada pulsação, cada estremecimento.
— Mais rápido... — Ele ordenou, a voz rouca de desejo, os olhos escuros fixos nos seus.
E você obedeceu, movendo-se mais rápido, mais fundo, a tensão sexual entre vocês explodindo a cada segundo, enquanto os corpos se chocavam em um ritmo que te deixava sem fôlego, completamente entregue a ele, e ao prazer que só ele sabia te proporcionar.
A mão dele deslizou pelas suas costas enquanto você sentia o calor de capa parte daquele corpo firme contra o seu. O vestido que você usava parecia ser uma barreira fina demais para a quantidade de desejo que corria entre vocês. Seus olhos se encontraram com os dele, a respiração presa no ar enquanto um sorriso malicioso surgia em seus lábios.
ChangKyun sabia exatamente o que estava fazendo. O modo como ele te olhava, como se cada detalhe do seu corpo fosse uma provocação a mais, te deixava à beira da loucura. Quando ele falou, a voz foi baixa, um sussurro que arrepiou sua pele.
— Eu disse para não ficarmos fazendo barulho… mas você adora me testar, não é? — Ele puxou você para mais perto, e antes que pudesse responder, a mão dele deslizou para baixo, apertando sua coxa e subindo ainda mais o vestido. O toque era suave, mas o efeito era devastador. Você sentia cada movimento dele, cada centímetro de pele que era exposta te incendiava mais.
Sua respiração acelerou, o ar ficando pesado, enquanto ele finalmente alcançava seu objetivo, os dedos traçando um caminho que te deixou à mercê dele. Ele não tinha pressa, sabia exatamente como fazer você pedir mais, como controlar o ritmo. E foi exatamente isso que fez.
Um tapa firme e repentino na sua bunda fez você gemer alto, a dor e o prazer se misturando de forma avassaladora. Seus olhos se arregalaram, e antes que pudesse sequer processar, ele sussurrou de novo, a voz rouca:
— Eu disse… Sem barulho. — A advertência tinha um toque de diversão, mas também de controle — Se não vamos ter que parar.
Suas pernas tremiam quando ele segurou firme em sua coxa, cessando um pouco os movimentos. Você tentou manter a expressão desafiadora, normalmente era você que controlova aquela reação, em um tratamento de princesa, mas era impossível com o prazer invadindo seu corpo, era impossível tomar qualquer decisão toda vez que queria tanto dar para ChangKyun.
— Você quer mais, não quer? — A voz dele era uma provocação, e você só conseguiu assentir, mordendo o lábio inferior enquanto tentava se libertar de seu toque e voltar a subir e descer naquele colo, estava tão gostoso, da forma como andou fantasiando enquanto ele esteve longe.
Satisfeito com a sua expressao, ele aliviou o toque em seu quadril, guiando você devagar novamente, provocando com cada movimento. A verdade é que seria impossível até mesmo para ele impedir aquilo, necessitava tanto de você que estava quase enlouquecendo, mas gostava de te ver clamar por ele, gostava de se deliciar com sua carinha manhosa.
Então, ChangKyun, com aquele olhar dominador que sempre fazia você se derreter, mudou o ritmo de seus movimentos. Seus dedos, já hábeis em explorar cada centímetro do seu corpo, deslizaram para o seu clitóris, começando a brincar com ele de maneira provocativa, lenta e torturante, enquanto você quicava para ele. Um suspiro desesperado escapou dos seus lábios, e seu corpo tremeu involuntariamente.
Você mordeu o lábio e puxou as madeixas negras do rapaz com força, tentando conter o som que ameaçava escapar, mas ele sabia exatamente como te tirar do controle. O prazer que começou a pulsar através de você era tão intenso que, num reflexo, seus braços se apertaram ao redor dele, e seu rosto se escondeu no pescoço de ChangKyun, buscando qualquer forma de controle. Seu gemido abafado encontrou refúgio na curva de seu ombro, mas ele sentiu tudo — cada tremor, cada suspiro contido.
— Shhh — Ele murmurou, o tom da voz baixo e rouco, com um toque de diversão.
O toque dele no seu clitóris intensificou-se, aumentando a pressão a cada segundo, e seus quadris começaram a se mover involuntariamente, seguindo o ritmo que ele ditava.
O som de sua respiração ofegante preenchia o pequeno espaço entre vocês, e por mais que tentasse se conter, era quase impossível. A sensação era intensa demais, e cada provocação o deixava mais decidido a te levar à beira do prazer, sem pressa.
— Sua bucetinha é tão gostosa, amor — Ele murmurou contra seu ouvido, sua voz como uma corrente elétrica passando por sua espinha seguido de um gemido baixo e meticulosamente calculado.
Suas unhas cravaram nos ombros dele enquanto o prazer aumentava, o calor em seu ventre crescendo com cada movimento dos dedos dele sobre seu ponto tão sensível.
O ritmo entre vocês mudou quando você decidiu tomar o controle, entregue aquelas provocações. Em um movimento lento, você se encaixou perfeitamente nele, parando de subir e descer, apenas movendo os quadris de maneira provocativa, sentindo cada centímetro dele dentro de você. O prazer crescia a cada ondulação do seu corpo, enquanto você rebolava, pressionando-o profundamente, sem apressar os movimentos, como se quisesse aproveitar cada segundo daquela sensação.
ChangKyun ficou tenso de imediato, um gemido baixo escapando de seus lábios enquanto seus dedos cravavam em sua cintura, e os olhos dele ficaram mais escuros, dominados pelo desejo. Ele estava tentando manter o controle, mas o modo como você rebolava, devagar e sensual, o estava levando à loucura.
Sem aviso, ele agarrou seus cabelos, puxando-os de forma possessiva, fazendo sua cabeça inclinar para trás, expondo seu pescoço. O gesto arrancou de você um gemido rouco, e a dor prazerosa misturou-se ao prazer avassalador que crescia dentro de você.
— Isso…— Ele murmurou, a voz cheia de desejo, os olhos fixos nos seus, admirando cada movimento.
— Quer que eu robole assim, gatinho? — Foi sua vez de provocá-lo, surrando em seu ouvido de forma entrecortada pelos gemidos. A maneira como ele te puxava pelos cabelos era tanto uma súplica quanto uma ordem, e você sentiu seu corpo responder a cada pequena ação.
Quando ele lhe respondeu com um murmurio, rebolou mais intensamente, sentindo o corpo dele vibrar debaixo do seu, enquanto ele respirava pesadamente. O atrito entre vocês, o jeito que o corpo dele se encaixava perfeitamente no seu, fazia o prazer explodir de forma lenta, controlada, e ao mesmo tempo irresistível. Seus movimentos se tornaram mais fluidos, como se você estivesse desenhando cada onda de prazer que passava pelo seu corpo, se esfregando nele de maneira tão íntima que era impossível saber onde um começava e o outro terminava.
ChangKyun puxava seu cabelo com mais firmeza agora, os olhos fechados por um instante, saboreando cada vai e vem, e você sentia como o corpo dele reagia a cada provocação sua, se perdendo junto com você.
— Você vai me deixar louco — Ele sussurrou, a voz grave, enquanto seu aperto no seu cabelo se intensificava, seu corpo já não mais resistindo ao controle que ele tanto tentava manter.
ChangKyun estava perdendo até seu raciocínio, e você podia sentir isso em cada movimento, em cada puxão mais fraco nos seus cabelos. Os gemidos baixos que escapavam dele se tornavam mais roucos, mais intensos, enquanto você rebolava, sendo você agora a exigir silêncio.
— Porra, você sabe exatamente o que está fazendo, não sabe? — Ele xingou, a voz grave, repleta de desejo e frustração. — Rebola mais pra mim... Isso, me faz gozar em você.
Os palavrões saíam dele com uma intensidade crua, o que só aumentava o fogo dentro de você. Você estava tão próxima do ápice que seus gemidos ficaram mais altos, mais desesperados, sendo abafados quando uma das mãos de seu namorado tampou sua boca, lhe fazendo mordendo levemente seus dedos. Tudo o que conseguia pensar era no prazer insuportável que se aproximava.
— Kyun… por favor… — Você arfou, os quadris ainda movendo-se com fervor, mas já sem qualquer controle. — Eu…
Ele percebeu que você estava à beira do orgasmo, seus olhos faiscando com aquela familiaridade dominadora. Num movimento rápido, ele tomou o controle de volta, as mãos firmes segurando sua cintura e, sem aviso, começou a estocar em você com rapidez e precisão. Seus movimentos eram fortes, e você quase perdeu o fôlego com a intensidade dele, cada impulso fazendo o prazer se acumular de maneira avassaladora.
Você cravou os dentes no pescoço dele para abafar o grito que estava prestes a escapar, seu corpo tremendo violentamente enquanto o orgasmo te arrebatava. As ondas de prazer te invadiram de uma só vez, e você se apertou contra ele, sentindo cada centímetro dele pulsar dentro de você. Sua respiração era rápida, descontrolada, e você não conseguia pensar em mais nada além de como o seu corpo estava sendo levado ao limite.
ChangKyun, por sua vez, continuou, aumentando o ritmo conforme sentia você gozar, o que só o deixou ainda mais perto de explodir. E então, com um último impulso profundo e forte, ele gozou dentro de você, o calor do líquido dele se espalhando pelo seu interior. A sensação de seu orgasmo, quente e intenso, fez seu corpo estremecer mais uma vez, enquanto ele gemia seu nome baixo, a respiração dele ofegante contra sua pele.
Você sentiu cada gota se derramar dentro de você, preenchendo-o de uma maneira que só ele conseguia, e seu corpo relaxou contra o dele, ainda tremendo, enquanto ambos tentavam recuperar o fôlego.
A respiração pesada de ChangKyun misturava-se à sua, enquanto seus corpos permaneciam colados, ofegantes. Você ainda sentia as pernas trêmulas, o calor do orgasmo fluindo em ondas suaves pelo seu corpo. O líquido quente dele se espalhava dentro de você, uma lembrança íntima e profunda do prazer que acabaram de compartilhar.
Ele acariciava sua pele, deslizando os dedos suavemente pelas suas costas, enquanto você permanecia aninhada em seu colo, a cabeça descansando em seu ombro. O silêncio entre vocês era preenchido apenas pelo som de suas respirações, o toque dele era lento, quase reverente, como se estivesse saboreando cada segundo após o êxtase.
Com um sorriso satisfeito, você levantou a cabeça e encontrou o olhar dele, que te observava com uma mistura de encanto e ternura. Ele deslizou a mão pelos seus cabelos, os olhos fixos nos seus, enquanto um sorriso de canto se formava em seus lábios.
— Você é tão linda, de todas as formas, e principalmente com essa carinha — Ele murmurou, a voz baixa, rouca de desejo ainda não totalmente saciado, vocês possuíam energia para dar em vender.
Você sorriu de volta, o corpo ainda colado ao dele, e se inclinou para depositar um beijo suave no pescoço, onde havia marcado sua pele momentos antes. Sentiu os músculos dele se contraírem levemente sob seus lábios, e isso te fez sorrir ainda mais.
ChangKyun envolveu sua cintura com os braços, segurando-a com firmeza, e sussurrou ao seu ouvido, a voz carregada de promessas:
— Da próxima vez, vamos fazer isso direito, sem ninguém por perto pra nos interromper. Vamos ter muito tempo agora.
Enquanto ele acariciava sua pele, com aquela expressão satisfeita e dominadora, você não conseguia conter o sorriso que surgia em seus lábios. Todo o mistério sobre o destino, a surpresa, o lugar onde iriam... tudo isso havia se tornado irrelevante.
No fundo, não importava mais para onde estavam indo, contanto que fosse com ele. Contando que tivesse seu homem apenas para você.
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imaginidol · 2 years
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POV: he keeps purple on him in one way or another because it’s your favorite color…
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clariannahoney · 2 months
Forbidden Ecstasy
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Changkyun's eyes fluttered open, the room dimly lit by the city lights filtering through the curtains. The soft hum of the air conditioner was the only sound breaking the silence. He shifted slightly, feeling a warm hand already stroking him gently under the covers. You leaned in closer, your breath hot against his ear as you whispered, "You woke up just in time."
His body responded instantly, a low groan escaping his lips despite his efforts to stay quiet. You pressed a finger to his mouth, silencing him, your eyes darting towards the door that connected their room to Jooheon's. "Shh, we don't want to wake him," you murmured, your voice barely a whisper.
You returned your attention to Changkyun, your hand moving with practiced ease. He bit back a moan, his hips instinctively thrusting into your grasp. The tension in his body was palpable, and you knew he needed more. With a sly smile, you moved down, your lips ghosting over his sensitive skin before you took him into your mouth.
Changkyun's hands clenched the sheets, his eyes shut tight as he fought to keep his noises contained. The sensation was overwhelming, each stroke of your tongue sending waves of pleasure through him. Just when he thought he couldn't take any more, he opened his eyes and saw Jooheon standing at the door, his gaze fixed on the scene before him.
Surprise flashed across Changkyun's face, but it was quickly replaced by a mischievous grin. He nodded subtly towards Jooheon, silently inviting him to join. Jooheon hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering between you and Changkyun, then stepped forward, closing the door softly behind him.
"I thought I heard something," Jooheon whispered, his voice thick with arousal. He knelt beside the bed, his eyes never leaving Changkyun's flushed face. "Mind if I...?" he trailed off, looking at you for permission.
You glanced up at him, your mouth still wrapped around Changkyun, and nodded slowly. Jooheon's presence added an electric charge to the already tense atmosphere. He moved closer, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek briefly before trailing down to your neck, then further down, his fingers finding the curve of your waist.
Changkyun watched the interaction, his breathing growing heavier. "Touch her," he urged Jooheon, his voice raspy. "Make her feel good."
Jooheon's fingers danced over your skin, his touch light yet insistent. You moaned around Changkyun, the sound muffled but undeniably erotic. The vibrations sent a jolt straight through Changkyun, making him shudder.
"Fuck, that feels good," Changkyun muttered, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure. You pulled off him for a moment, your lips glistening, and looked at Jooheon. "Keep going," you breathed, your voice husky with desire.
Jooheon obliged, his hand now sliding lower, finding the heat between your legs. You gasped, your body arching towards his touch. Changkyun watched, his own need growing unbearable. "Switch places with me," he said to Jooheon, his voice commanding.
Jooheon moved without question, positioning himself where you had been. You crawled up the bed, straddling Changkyun, your eyes locking with his. "Ready for me?" you asked, your tone teasing.
"Always," he replied, his hands gripping your hips firmly. You lowered yourself onto him, the sensation intense as you took him deep inside. Your bodies moved together in sync, the rhythm building steadily.
Jooheon watched, his hand working faster now, matching the pace of your movements. You could feel the climax approaching, your breaths coming shorter and quicker. "Changkyun," you cried out, your voice breaking the silence.
"Let go," he encouraged, his hands guiding your hips. "Feel everything with us."
Your orgasm hit like a wave, crashing over you, your body trembling uncontrollably. Changkyun followed soon after, his release powerful, his groans merging with yours.
As the intensity subsided, you collapsed onto Changkyun, your breaths mingling. Jooheon moved closer, his eyes dark with unfulfilled desire. "My turn now?" he asked, his voice low and urgent.
Changkyun grinned, pulling you closer to him. "Absolutely," he agreed, his eyes gleaming with shared excitement. "Let's show him how it's done."
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winter-dayz · 9 months
Moments of Christmas
Pairing: Im Changkyun x Reader First Christmas Together Genre: Fluff Words: 1073 Warnings: strong language
Masterlist | 12 Days of Ficmas Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Changkyun, did you remember to get the cinnamon?” You shouted from the kitchen. The man stopped his task of decorating the tree and blinked owlishly. A fond expression overcame your face, and it only took another moment before a chuckle forced its way past your lips. “I can’t even be mad when you look so upset about it.”
“I swear I put it in the basket… But now that you mention it, I don’t remember checking any out.” He said with a pout. You wiped your hands on a towel and entered your small living area. “Do you want me to go back to the store?”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning up to peck his lips. He reciprocated, though a little confused, and wrapped his own arms around your form.
“It’s okay, the cookies will just be normal instead of spiced.” The tree looked to be coming along nicely. He had spaced the lights out well, and it wasn’t looking cramped or overwhelming. “Did you end up picking out colored lights or the white twinkly ones?” You asked, still eyeing the half-decorated tree.
“Twinkly ones. You liked those better; your eyes lit up when we passed the display.” His answer came so nonchalantly that it shocked you. Changkyun had always been decently observant but never had someone so easily been able to understand you like he could.
“Hey babe,” you called over with a cheeky smile, pointing above you. He looked up from his phone to see you standing under a bundle of holly. He tried to hold back a smile at your antics, but he could feel how quickly he was failing by the quivering of his lips. “Better hurry up or someone else might beat ya’ to it.”
Despite no one else being in your shared home, he instantly stood and moved over to you. His hands rested warmly on your hips, and he stared down at you with tender fondness and something dark swimming behind his eyes. He dipped down slowly until his lips just barely ghosted over your lips, breath gently falling against your skin.
“That’s holly, love, not mistletoe.” But his lips melted against your own anyway. His tongue gently swiped over your bottom lip before he pulled away. Then he moved back over to the couch and sat down, resuming his scrolling like nothing had happened.
You stood there for a moment longer, simply staring at him in a lovestruck shock. Your eyes glanced up to the plant hanging above your head. You decided you much preferred holly to mistletoe anyway.
“Ready to go?” He asked from the doorway. You were double-checking your skates. You hadn’t pulled them out in a few years and knew they would still fit, but you wanted to be sure they were in okay condition. Breaking your ankle or busting your ass was not on your Christmas bucket list.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The ice-skating rink was about an hour drive from where you lived, but boy was it worth it. Changkyun wasn’t the worst skater you’d seen, but he certainly wasn’t good. Despite the gap in time from the last time you’d skated, you’d picked it back up quickly—much like they say about riding a bike.
Changkyun managed not to fall, but you couldn’t say the same for flailing. Arms were everywhere except for beside him. Eventually, you offered to help him, taking his hands and showing off a bit as you skate backwards, guiding him.
“Easy– just think of it like dancing… you’re good at that, you just need to center yourself. Find your balance.” That seemed to click in his head a bit, and he didn’t wobble nearly as often after that. He never let go, though, finding much more joy in clinging to you and using his poor skating as a perfect excuse.
Then when you were done skating, heading back to the car, he was content with using the cold as his new excuse. His hand held tightly to yours, fingers intertwined, and stuffed inside the warmth of his coat pocket.
Your other hands each held paper cups of hot chocolate from a stand you passed on the way to the car. It was not the tastiest but worked great as a hand-warmer, and the company made it all the more bearable.
Shiny red and green wrapped boxes sat off to the side. You were working on wrapping the final present. It was more a monstrosity than present in your opinion. All the other presents had come out so neat, tidy, and pretty. But you’d underestimated the amount of paper you needed and had to settle for wrapping this one in a frankenstein fashion of half-red, half-green horror. Every side of the present had ugly tape, the folds were not even, and you’d ripped part of it with your fingernail on accident.
You were tempted to unwrap it and get more paper, or just give it to him now and save yourself the trouble. But when you saw the pile of poorly wrapped, but obviously thoughtfully tried, presents nestled under the tree addressed to you, you couldn’t find it in you to care what any of the presents looked like.
He had tried his best and that was all you could ask for, so surely he wouldn’t give a shit if one of his presents looked like it’d survived war.
Even cuter, the presents were wrapped in a glittery version of your favorite color. You knew you should’ve warned him about all the videos you’d seen about how that paper was actually quite impossible to wrap.
You organized your presents with his, arranging them under the tree prettily. It was endearing to see them all intermingled together, just like both of your lives had come to be over the past year. Your heart swole at the thought, and you smiled down at the presents like a fool in love—which you were.
Arms wrapped around your waist from behind, and a chin settled comfortably on your shoulder, nose nuzzling into the side of your neck. A ginger peck was placed and then a pleased hum sounded from your boyfriend.
“Merry Christmas Eve.” You reached up to run your hand through his hair, your other hand resting on his hands on your stomach. “Merry Christmas Eve.” You responded softly, turning in his arms to face him with a bright smile.
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biffhofosho · 2 years
The Heat of the Night
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Fandom: Monsta X
Genre: Smut, natch.
Word Count: 9.4k
Pairing: I.M x OC
Trope: Rivals to lovers
Synopsis: When the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah clashes with the Hellion of Hades, the bedroom becomes a battlefield where only one can come out on top.
The Vibe: Incubus meets succubus, sex demons who think too highly of themselves, an unforgettable showdown in the Middle Ages leads to a highly anticipated reunion, demons being demons but also experiencing things they’re not supposed to feel, banter and baiting, loads of overt sexuality, basically the whole thing is sex lmao, seduction, sexual favors for trade, chains, paralytic venom because demon, various other demon anatomy heh, battles for dominance, multiple supernatural orgasms lol, rough sex morphs into something else, false confidence and existential crises, a demon love story???
A/N: Well, uh, this… This did not go as I had planned, but I was feeling feelings I guess. Inspired by Jackson Wang’s most excellent video, “Cruel,” because that shit changed my life. Happy Halloween, little demons!
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Changkyun leans over the foot of tonight’s bed. The feet beneath the thin sheets are already writhing in some unseen dance. The soft shifting sets a backing track to the refrain of ragged gasps echoing up from the pillow.
His eyes are red, filled with a ring of fire the same way his limbs are. He feels powerful. He feels energized. He’s ready for anything.
Except the clawed hands that encircle his neck from behind.
“Well, well, well,” says a raspy voice in his ear, “if it isn’t the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah. I haven’t seen you since the Black Plague.”
It might have been 700 years, but Changkyun hasn’t forgotten that voice. He stiffens in the grip of those claws.
“Not long enough,” he rasps in return, though his own voice is shaped not by his natural tone but by the pressure on his windpipe.
One hand releases his throat to thump his chest, which echoes hollowly in the bedroom. “I see absence hasn’t made the heart grow fonder then.”
“What heart?” he mocks.
Slowly, the other hand around his neck unwinds and air rushes back into his lungs. It wouldn’t have killed him of course, but it also wouldn’t have stopped her from trying.
“What are you doing here, Changkyun?” the interloper asks in a familiar tone, as deep and textured as velour.
“Same as you, I expect. Dinner.”
He rubs his throat and turns around, eying the creature behind him. She is sex incarnate, but that should come as no surprise for a succubus since she was made to be irresistible. Still, Changkyun has been around enough of them to know that this one is different—special; she’d have to be to have earned the Hellion of Hades moniker.
She’s got an hourglass figure, textbook perfect proportions with voluptuous tits and thick hips, where her chestnut hair tumbles in glossy waves. It is wild just as she is wild, voluminous and commanding somehow, and strangely, Changkyun envisions it like a curtain shrouding him as she looms above him, encapsulating them in their own private room.
Her skin is a luscious caramel color, no doubt tanned by all the hellfire, same as his own. Of course, she doesn’t bother wearing very much to cover it, just as he doesn’t, because there isn’t a point to it. Her black bodycon looks painted on, clinging for dear life just under the swell of her ass. The wrap-around halter exposes a large triangle of taut stomach and the underside of those delicious tits, where so much as a finger to the fabric will expose her nipples. They are already jutting in anticipation of her feed, and he doesn’t bother trying to hide his stare.
But none of this is what makes her special.
It’s her eyes.
Changkyun imagines what it is like to wait in dreams for those eyes to appear on the horizon. They’re big and bold, shaped like sunflower petals and the same golden color, too, though there is nothing soft or gentle about them. They chart and dissect and unnerve, missing nothing as they size up their prey. When they do still, it’s like the sun itself has trained on him, and he feels far too seen, like they have burned through the illusion of his human skin to the shimmering scales beneath.
“You've lost your edge,” she remarks with a smirk.
“Never,” he asserts, but the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah feels an odd tickle at the back of his neck like maybe, just maybe, he might have.
She tuts. “Didn’t even hear me coming, and I brought my chains…”
She fingers the belly chain at her waist, and Changkyun hates how she manipulates him into looking at it. Now, he’s fixated on her hips and how well they would open to accommodate him if he had an ounce less knowledge about the hellcat his fellow demon is.
He may have followed her exploits inadvertently over the years. It’s not his fault if the word hellion has become a more frequent word in his vocabulary and happens to come out a little more often when he encounters other demons, and he’s certainly not responsible when one of them spills a tale of a run-in with the Hellion of Hades.
“You’ve never been worth my notice, Andromeda,” he says.
The succubus’s face falls, and Changkyun feels like he finally has the upper hand. They don’t call him a bastard for nothing.
“Oh, fuck off,” she snaps now that their games have unceremoniously ended in his favor. “I’ve had my eye on this one for over a week.”
“Nice try. There are no dibs in the Underworld. If there were, we wouldn’t have had our little showdown in the Middle Ages, would we?”
“You ruined that for everyone, you little shit.”
Changkyun quirks a brow along with the corner of his lips. “And I’m not above doing that again.”
His nail elongates on his finger into a thin, wicked claw like a dragon tooth begging to sink into flesh. He brings it to the foot of the woman in the bed and drags it up her sensitive arch. She jerks and grunts in her sleep. Her eyelids flutter, and he knows another pass will coax her awake and out of their reach.
“Stop!” Andromeda commands. “Little fucker.”
“Leave then.”
“You know how hard it is to find a soul-sack still holding out for marriage these days. I’d say this one has at least a full decade of sexual frustration ready to be released.”
Andromeda sounds a little whiny and even more desperate, and Changkyun figures the succubus hasn’t properly fed in a few days. Whatever the reason, her neediness is making him needy, and it’s turning him on far more than it should considering how, after more than half an eon, he still hasn’t forgotten Rome or the way her wrists felt thrashing beneath him, nor has he forgotten how his cock had pressed against her like a traitorous conspirator, begging against his better judgment to bury itself in her tight little hole.
Not that they’d ever fucked, of course. Over the years, when Andromeda had crossed his mind against his will, Changkyun had convinced himself that his massive hard-on had been an unfortunate consequence of their battle. Nothing a demon likes better than a good fight, he told himself, and theirs had been the best he’d ever had, filled with teeth and claws and catastrophic damage, so all his subsequent erections over her through the years must have spawned from its mere memory.
But here she is again, the Hellion of Hades and the scourge of his subconscious, flouting a bondage enthusiast’s dream instead of the silk and velvet gown that had concealed her many assets the last time they’d met. Changkyun resents how effortlessly his body responds to her. He must work harder to assert his dominance.
“Which is why I’m here,” he informs as he turns back to the once-again immobile human in the bed. “First come, first serve.”
Andromeda slithers closer, her bare arm brushing his forearm. It stings as much as a bite, and the way his skin tingles is just as toxic. Her voice undulates like a snake through water as she says, “Let me have this one, Changkyun. Come on, you owe me after Rome. We demons may not honor dibs, but we do love to call in debts.”
“Your tongue’s still dipped in silver, I see.”
“Mm, still forked, too,” she replies, but if that’s true, she doesn’t let him see it, and his mind is in overdrive.
His only way out of this madness is through it. He has to get her out of his veins one way or another. Seven hundred years is far too long to think about anyone but himself, especially a cunning but enchanting succubus he’s only squared off with once.
“What if I don’t acknowledge a debt?” he challenges.
“And what if I plague you worse than our beloved Black Death, hm?”
Their eyes blaze when they meet, neither one capable of backing down. It’s starting to look like another Rome where they both leave unsatisfied, but Changkyun’s not sure he’s got the mettle to endure a full eon of unprecedented blue balls. Fate has gifted him a chance to settle an old score the way he’d wished he had in the first place, all while getting everything he wants, if he plays his cards right.
He runs a hand through his long black hair and savors the way Andromeda’s eyes break to follow it.
“What if,” he begins in his oiliest voice, “I propose a deal instead? We love our deals, too, don’t we?”
She’s silent as she considers and then: “I’m listening.”
“I have something you want, and you have something I want. The way I see it, you really want this full-course buffet—in fact, you look like your really, really need it—and maybe now my appetite’s changed. I could be persuaded for something a little… off-menu.”
Changkyun shoots a pointed look at Andromeda’s body and feels the first serious twitchings in his cock. Like it or not, his body’s been reacting to her since the second her siren voice coiled in his ear, or, more truthfully, since Rome.
The succubus glowers at him. “I don’t fuck incubi.”
“Why not? Afraid I’ll know all your tricks or just afraid I’ll ruin you to all other sex?”
“Because you’re cocky as hell, but you’ll never deliver, at least not for a creature you can’t manipulate into thinking you did.”
Flares blossom in Changkyun’s eyes. “And humans deliver?”
“I have total control there, don’t I? I make sure they fill me up just right,” she adds with a coy smile that absolutely infuriates him. “And you, Changkyun, you’re a bastard and proud of it. I’m not in the mood to be used.”
“But you are in the mood to feed. How hungry are you?”
Andromeda doesn’t move, so he does. The incubus reaches for her, his fingers grazing the side of her breast as he slips his arm around her back to tug her closer.
“Are you seriously going to lie to me?” he questions. “I haven’t forgotten the way you moaned when I pinned you face-down over that dresser.”
She scoffs but it’s weak. “That was in surprise.”
“You moan when you’re surprised, huh? And what sound do you make when you cum?”
Andromeda bites her lip. She’s moved closer to him, even if she doesn’t know it. The hellfire in her eyes flashes, and she seems to swell in his arms. Breathily, she says, “Changkyun…”
“Do we have a deal?” he prods, as much with his words as his fingertip along the underside of one of her tits.
“Fine, but the human is mine. Swear it.”
She lifts her hand, pricks her fingertip with one of her claws, and waits for the dark blood to bead before she offers it to Changkyun. He’s supposed to do the same, but instead, he brings her finger to his lips and suckles. Andromeda hisses, and he catches a glimpse of that forked tongue after all.
Fuck, he’s excited.
When he pulls her finger back, he returns to her gaze and says, “I swear.”
Those sunflower petal eyes have drooped with lust now as she waves her hand in an oval, and a black portal with swirling purple edges materializes.
“Step through,” she orders.
Changkyun hesitates. This could be a trick. She’s a demon, too, impossible to read, and she hungers as badly as he hungers, even if it’s for different things. He doesn’t know where the portal leads, and he has no insurance that she won’t close it behind him, but he supposes she’s thinking the same thing. In the end though, they’ve sealed a pact, and if it’s not fulfilled, whoever breaks it will be forced to repay it tenfold, so it’s enough security for him to step through.
It's dark here and warm, too. Feels just like home.
“Where are we?” he asks.
“My chamber,” she replies as she brushes past him toward the center of the room.
Changkyun wonders how many humans have filtered through here over the eons, assuming this is where she takes them in what they naively believe are simple dreams.
He looks around. It’s surprisingly personal for a demon’s room, well, he thinks anyway considering he’s never been in another’s. His own chamber is filled only with his bed, but Andromeda has pegs in the walls with amulets dangling from them and a table with bottles of colorful liquids. There are shelves, too, populated by all sorts of oddities, things he thinks he’s seen on Earth but never in their realm.
Maybe she doesn’t bring humans here. The thought excites him.
Andromeda catches him scoping her collection out, and she shrugs.
“My trophies,” she says.
She leaves it at that, and even if Changkyun wants to know more, he’s sure she won’t tell him.
She slips off her heels and lines them along the wall in a gesture that is so intimate, it stirs an ache somewhere deep in the hollow of his chest.
In an effort to underscore how unfazed he is by all this, Changkyun takes a seat on the bed since that is what this is all about, but instead of joining him, Andromeda surprises him again. Though they are never more comfortable than they are in darkness, the succubus lights candles around the room—and not with a snap of her fingers, as she easily could, but with a match. When she lights the last one near the headboard, she brings the match to her lips and, with a swift puff, snuffs the flame.
Every time he’s sure he knows where this is going, she reminds him that this is something more significant.
Changkyun is vibrating with anticipation.
“What?” she asks when she catches him appraising her with a cocked head.
He thinks about keeping it to himself, but he’s done enough of that over the years. Instead, he wets his lips before he confesses, “I’m curious about something.”
Andromeda scoffs. “Demons can’t be curious.”
“Hm, that’s true, or was anyway. Seems we’re both breaking our molds tonight…” he muses as he looks around her unusual room.
“What are you curious about?” she asks, and he laughs at his same emotion mirrored on her face.
“How do you entrance your humans?”
At this, her ample chest lifts a little. “You want to see?”
Andromeda raises her eyebrows as a smile curls her lips. It’s unreasonably hot, and Changkyun feels the tip of his cock weep a little seed into his pants. It’s unexpected, and he shifts back on the bed to make his hunger a little less obvious in case this creature thinks she has any more control over him than he’s willing to give.
She brings a finger to her lips, and he watches the nail lengthen into a proper talon. The edge catches the candlelight and winks just before she licks it, and at last, Changkyun gets a full view of that forked tongue. It’s wider than a snake’s and just as agile, yet he can already feel it wrapping around his dick to taste every ridge.
When she’s ready, Andromeda approaches, her hips swinging like a bell, and Changkyun swears there’s music in his ears. She’s calling to him and his body answers.
He sits up ramrod straight, any hopes of tempering his eagerness long-forgotten. She stops just before his knees and looks down at him. Their eyes meet, and a little growl escapes his chest.
Her poor excuse for a dress has ridden so far up her bitable thighs that he can almost make out his prize nestled in the shadows at her apex. Normally, he would help himself, but he tries to put himself in the mind of a hapless human who would be too dumbfounded by her aura to do anything other than ogle shamelessly at her sexuality, and he thinks he’s doing a commendable job of playing lovestruck…
Slowly, the succubus descends, the apple of her ass settling side-saddle in Changkyun’s lap. His hands snake around her waist before he can tell himself to stop, and he holds her close to him.
He realizes in that moment that, demon or not, he is entranced, too.
For a second, Andromeda’s brow knits as she looks down at his arms around her, but when she looks back up, her sensual persona is back in full force. Her thumb pries at his bottom lip, and it puffs up in kind.
“Stick out your tongue,” she orders.
“Why?” he protests, “You can't feed off of me.”
“Don't be ridiculous. I don't want to feed from you. I want to use you.”
Changkyun simultaneously hates and loves this idea. He is used to using everyone and everything, but the way her petal eyes flutter warps the selfish streak within him momentarily. Besides, he tells himself, she may call this off if she doesn’t think she’s about to get what she wants out of it, and he hates that idea far more.
Andromeda takes his face between her hands and stares into his eyes until it feels like she’s wandering around inside him. Changkyun shivers for the first time in his eternal life.
“This is the part where I uncover all your darkest desires,” she says as the blackness in her eyes swirls.
The incubus falls into her gaze with the feeling that he is moving though he knows he’s not. Still, his arms tighten around her waist as dizziness overtakes him. He can feel her roving about in his head, but it isn’t long before she gives up with a hiss.
Changkyun smiles and then chuckles. “You can't find mine, can you, bright eyes? That’s because I’m nothing but dark desires.”
He trusts he sounds cocky and alluring, but he knows the truth is more than that. She can’t find any of his desires because he wants to explore all of them with her. Even he knows his brain’s a fucked-up mess over her.
Changkyun fans his hands over the keyholes of skin at the back of her dress and revels in the way she burns him. Demons naturally run hot, but she’s like fire incarnate. Fuck, what will she feel like when he’s inside her?
Andromeda pulls back and shakes it off though she doesn’t remove his hands, thank fuck.
“It doesn't matter,” she says after she clears her throat. “In a moment, you will have to do what I want anyway.”
“That so?”
“Yes, baby, it is so.”
The succubus bites her lip before she squeezes his cheeks between her fingers, and slowly, he parts his lips for her.
“Good little demon,” she says with a crooked grin.
Out lolls his tongue, and on the widest, flattest part, Andromeda presses the tip of her nail. Changkyun feels a prick that passes in an instant for a warm tingling that spreads quickly through his limbs. He feels heavy all over, too heavy to lift his arms or legs, too heavy to sit upright anymore. He falls back onto her bed, and she lays him out in an X shape, his hands to opposing corners.
At first, he is resentful. There was something about her sitting sweetly on his lap and in his arms, and even though she was above him, it felt like she was his and he held all the power over her. He wishes he was still holding her, but then that resentment fades as his other senses open up.
The sheets smell like her—a little fire, a little brimstone, and something less familiar that he can’t pinpoint, maybe animalic. Whatever it is, it stiffens his cock to unprecedented levels.
“Don’t worry,” says Andromeda as she stands beside the bed, “you’ll still feel everything. I’ll see to it.”
Her long fingers work at her waist to undo the belly chain there, and once it’s loose, she snaps it like a whip, and it lengthens with magic. In the candlelight, it glimmers as it puddles at her feet. With another flick of her hand, the chain encircles Changkyun’s wrists and threads itself through two heavy iron rings anchored in the wall. This sours his mood, less about the reinforcement and more about the fact that the rings are there at all because what other reason would there be to have them if someone wasn’t meant to be tied up to them in the first place?
“Aw, baby,” she coos, “don’t frown. I like it when you smile for me.”
His scowl deepens because now he thinks that’s a thing she says to everyone. Changkyun liked it better when he thought he was special. His jaw juts as he complains, “If I already can’t move, what’s the point of the chains?”
Andromeda shrugs. “Insurance. You’re a demon after all, so I don’t know how long you’ll be under my control, and I have big plans for you.”
At this, he raises an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
“Mm, yes. I’m going to suck what’s left of your soul right out of you.”
Changkyun can’t control much below his face, but he still feels everything acutely, and he definitely feels his insides quiver at the thought.
With her ensorcelled chain secured, Andromeda straightens. Her hands come to the back of her neck and lift the halter over her head. Her waterfall of hair slinks through the loop like thread through a needle’s eye, and it’s borderline hypnotic. His cat eyes narrow, transfixed to her breasts now as he waits for their reveal. He isn’t disappointed.
As the tight fabric is peeled away, her tits bounce out wild and free. They’re the most marvelous shape he’s ever seen, perfectly round with an enticing jiggle made even more tantalizing by the way her nails scrape along her sensitive flesh. Even from his pillow, he can see her nipples pucker so hard, they’re ringed by little pebbled haloes. Changkyun’s mouth is already watering.
For a moment, Andromeda takes them in her hands and lifts and squeezes before she lets go to give them a fresh, perky bounce that draws a little groan from the creature tethered to her bed. Smiling in self-satisfaction, she turns her back to him, which teases a frustrated sigh from him until she returns her hands to what’s left of the rumpled dress still suctioned to her waist. Changkyun knows what will happen next, and he finds himself straining what bits of him he can still control toward her.
Andromeda rolls the dress over her hips, slow and low so he can appreciate the swell of her firm ass until the fabric is taut over her most voluptuous curve, and then she bends over and does the cutest little shimmy to shake the garment to her pretty ankles. Changkyun realizes it’s silly to think her ankles are pretty, much less any part of her is pretty because “pretty” isn’t a word a demon uses, but he thinks it all the same until he discovers he’s still staring at her ankles instead of the lush cunt she is presenting.
He's only too happy to direct his attention to her damp lips which shimmer in the low light.
“Hm,” he muses. “For someone who didn’t want to fuck me, you sure are wet, little hellion.”
“Who says that’s because of you?” she challenges as she turns around. “I am a succubus.”
Andromeda presents her perfect form to him, and it’s clear her arousal has leaked down the crease of her thighs, too. She takes a finger and swipes it up her slit, twisting it this way and that so her wetness is unmistakable to him, and then she sucks her fingertip clean.
Breathlessly, Changkyun asks, “What do you taste like?”
Her smile is as wicked as she is. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He does. More than anything, he does.
One knee at a time, Andromeda sinks onto the bed, and his anticipation mounts. The leather of his pants is unbearably restrictive, and his cock is straining mightily against its repression, but with her blade-sharp nail, she cuts a line from collar to navel through his black tank and parts it instead. Her hands fan over his taut abs and defined chest, more appreciative than lustful honestly. He swells with pride, which only reminds him of his damn leather prison again.
Changkyun expects her to free him, but still, she does not. Instead, she swings a leg over his waist, her ass facing him, and takes a seat, her cunt pressed in a hot, wet kiss against his stomach. It’s all he can think about—her blazing heat throbbing against his muscles and making a mess of him—until the palm of her hand comes scorching across the tent in his pants.
Changkyun hisses. He would have bucked into her grip, too, if he could have, but for now, it’s the best he can do to show his succubus how much he appreciates her attention. Clearly, Andromeda gets the gist because her hand conforms around his tip, and he feels the extra pressure of her thumb against his sensitive cockhead in a blood-boiling way.
“You want me to play with you, Changkyun?” she asks sweetly over her shoulder.
“I want you to suck me off,” he demands and is infuriated to hear how quickly he’s lost his composure at just the hope. The rattle of his demonic growl darkens the edge of his words while it illuminates his impatience.
Even worse, Andromeda laughs lightly, a bit like a wind chime tinkling in a breeze. It’s too innocent for a sex demon, and it has his head doing funny, swimming things.
Despite her laugh though, she undoes the button at his pants and unzips the rest. He can feel both her hands at his waist, parting the leather gates, and something about that is unbearably sexy. Fuck, he’d give anything to see her face the moment she pulls his dick out because just the betrayal of her hitching breath is enough to make him blow.
Changkyun is an incubus. He was made to fuck—there’s no debating that—but he knows he’s got a special cock. He gets hard and stays hard for as long as he wants, and his cock, like her tits, is without compare. He’s thick, long, and adorned with a series of ridges along his shaft to coax delicious orgasm after delicious orgasm out of his partners, and he can’t wait until this creature falls apart for him.
If only she would stop teasing him!
Andromeda has both hands wrapped around Changkyun’s shaft, marveling at his girth and hardness in agonizingly slow strokes.
“It’s better than I imagined,” she murmurs, and just like that, new beads of milky cum seep from his mushroomed tip.
She’s imagined his cock in her hands…
Her thumb smears his early gift, and as she looks over her shoulder at him, she pops it into her mouth. If Changkyun could pull his chains, he’d have already broken out of them.
“So bad,” he whispers.
“I want you to be badder,” he eggs on, and Andromeda smiles.
“What sort of bad things do you want from me, baby? I'm not short on sin.”
She’s sure as shit not. Now it’s just a matter of selecting the order.
Changkyun muses. “Swallow my cock. Choke on it.”
There’s that devilish grin, and he can’t believe his luck. He’s the one tied up, but he’s still calling all the shots. It’s exactly what he—
But instead of doing as instructed, Andromeda slides her pussy up his stomach, then his chest, leaving a sopping wet trail until Changkyun can feel the cloying heat off her seam colliding with his chin.
“Earn it,” the succubus says, and his arrogance evaporates.
At first, Changkyun is irritated. He wants what he wants when he wants it, and right now, he wants his dick buried down her throat, but he is also an opportunist, and this is an opportunity to show her that no puny human entrée will ever please her again the way he will. He’s going to relish making Andromeda an unexpected slave to his cock.
Her tongue may be forked, but his is long and skilled, especially trespassing into forbidden velvet walls, and it never fails to send his human partners spiraling into orgasms so violent that he almost fills up on their first one. His succubus may have him dead to rights for the moment, but it doesn’t matter if he’s frozen in chains—Changkyun’s going to have her quaking for him.
He wets his lips in anticipation as Andromeda sinks back. Her scent is most intense here, musky and raw and demanding his full attention. Her puffy lips eclipse his view, and he is face-to-face at last with the secret she can no longer hide.
She craves him as much as he craves her, demon or not.
Every human tastes different—Changkyun should know; he’s fed on countless numbers of them. Some are tangy, others sweet or even sour, while still others may taste fresh or filthy, but there’s also a distinctly human quality to all of them, an inadequacy. He has never put his finger on what that is, but all he knows is that when his tongue darts out to take his first taste of succubus, he understands that nothing will ever taste as delicious ever again. It is indefinable, but it is also unforgettable.
Andromeda is demon heroin. With one lick, he knows he will never be able to stop searching for the next one, and he realizes in one fell swoop that she has done to him exactly what he has planned to do to her. To stop tasting her feels unconscionable. She must be devoured until she begs him to stop. No wonder so many humans go mad after being with a succubus. A person couldn’t move on from this. Changkyun can’t move on from this. Maybe this is the reason demons don’t fuck demons. What a fool he’s been.
At least if he’s going to be ruined, he’ll see to it that she is, too.
He showers his attention along her seam first. He likes to prime his meals this way, get them all worked up and squirming and hoping against hope that he’ll suddenly change his mind and fuck them on his tongue like they need, but he won’t. It’s not until they’ve given up that hope that he will plunge his tongue inside to send them into an unparalleled climax.
But as has been the case all night, things have not gone the way he expected. He's barely had a chance to savor Andromeda’s exquisite moans before he’s eager to show her what else he can do. It would be easier if he had use of his hands, but Changkyun is determined to prove his prowess to her regardless. His tongue slides between her folds and teases an intense groan from her.
Andromeda rocks her hips back onto his chin, and his tongue delves a little deeper into her richness. As much as he wants to go to town devouring her, he knows the true payoff comes with the foreplay. He spends time roving about her soft shadows, tasting her desire and circling her entrance without ever penetrating her.
He’s purposefully neglecting her clit, and it’s clearly infuriating her. She keeps grinding back, trying to force him where she needs him, but he’s enjoying the game too much.
Until she starts playing one of her own.
Like a kitten, she licks his tip. Pleasure skyrockets through Changkyun’s body. If he could move, he would be writhing head to toe.
“Shit!” he shouts, his head thumping back to the bed.
“I thought I told you, don’t be a bastard,” Andromeda adds far too gently for her meaning.
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to rush with you.”
Changkyun wishes he hadn’t said anything. The way she stares back at him makes him feel like something other than what he’s supposed to be—a mindless sex demon.
She opens her mouth to respond, but he doesn’t want to hear it, so instead, he does as she asks and dives into her. He works double-time between her swollen lips, lapping at her obscenity and pressing experimentally into her warm cavern. Her nails dig into his thighs, and whatever cutting thing she might have said is traded for a whiny moan.
He’s still ignoring her clit for now, but it’s hard for her to complain with his incubus tongue now deep inside her. He plunges the thick, serpentine muscle into her shivering walls, and she keens long and low into her room.
Changkyun withdraws, her body slumping instantly at the loss, just long enough to say smugly, “Can your human playthings do that?”
Andromeda doesn’t even have a chance to answer before he invades her core again and undulates the thick appendage as only an incubus can. He knows just by texture where her most sensitive recesses are, and the tip of his tongue targets them with wicked precision.
She howls as her hand squeezes his base. Changkyun might have protested about how hard she was gripping him, but, frankly, it’s keeping him from blowing his load at the feeling of her pussy constricting his tongue.
It’s time at last.
Changkyun draws his tongue back into his mouth to savor her sumptuous taste, but it isn’t just his succubus’s ample wetness that revs him up to unprecedented levels; it’s how hard her clit is. With one flick of his tongue, Andromeda’s thighs shake around his ears. She makes a sound he’s never heard before, high and sweet and innocent like a dove’s coo. Something like that shouldn’t come out of a sex demon either, so it only makes him madder with lust.
She stifles herself by engulfing his cock, and even though that was what Changkyun had wanted all along, he’s a little disappointed. He didn’t realize how much pleasure he was getting from her sexy, desperate noises until she’s taken them away from him.
At least he can enjoy the way Andromeda chokes around his thick member. Her mouth is far deeper and lacks the pitiful gag reflex of a human, but that doesn’t lessen the sweet, filthy symphony of his cock drenched in her saliva. It’s messy and depraved, just the way Changkyun likes. The fork in her tongue cradles his shaft so nicely, especially when she gets to his tip and massages it until it leaks more precum. He just wishes he could see those petal eyes go wide as he splits apart those flushed lips.
“Tastes good, doesn’t it, little hellion?” he teases, and she mumbles an “mm-hm” around his shaft.
Changkyun smiles and returns to that cute caramel button throbbing for his attention. His tongue wraps around her clit and tugs it between his lips so he can suck properly. In no time at all, Andromeda is gagging her scream around his length as a rush of her cum drenches his lips and chin. Her thighs box his ears so hard they ring, and she collapses on him, his dick still twitching between her limp lips.
She doesn’t need to tell him it’s the best orgasm she’s ever had; he knows. But Changkyun still wants to hear it.
“See?” he prompts. “I can be generous when motivated.”
Andromeda rolls off of him with a groan and says, “I suppose you’ll be wanting your half of the bargain then?”
Her hand is pumping his base now, and the electricity gathering there has Changkyun’s toes curling.
“Is that what you’d do with a human?” he asks.
“Then do something else.”
“You don’t like it?” she pouts. She’s between his legs now, crouched like a submissive little lamb with his cock cradled between both of her hands, and even though he knows that’s the furthest thing from the truth, if Changkyun had a heart, it would be pounding at the sight.
He wets his bottom lip and stares at her. “Do something just for me.”
Andromeda’s mouth falls open. Something changes in her. It’s subtle, but he sees it. Maybe that’s because she’s been imprinted on his brain for 700 years, so he notices when she looks like anything other than the Queen of Hell, but she’s definitely different. Her eyes turn downward as her full brows pinch in the middle. Her hands fall away from his cock so she is on all fours while her gaze stays fixed to his.
She crawls up his body this time, her skin gliding along his oiled with their sweat. She stops when they are face to face. Her knees are pinned on either side of his hips, and her cunt presses on his shaft, dripping shamelessly with intention.
Changkyun waits. He’s not sure what the succubus will do with his request, but the way she is looking at him has his blood pumping. She must feel it throbbing through his cock, too, because she grinds herself along him with a purr. The chains creak as his fingers flex.
“Something just for you…” Andromeda whispers, leaning down so he can feel her words ghosting along his lips.
She kisses him then, and color bursts behind his eyes. In another seven centuries, Changkyun would have never guessed that this is what she would do, but the touch of her lips is euphoric. He’s never kissed nor has he ever been kissed—that’s not in the incubus playbook.
Neither of them really seem to know how to move their lips across each other’s, yet as the initial shock wears off and they grow more confident, they find a rhythm that has his chest tightening in unexpected ways. When Andromeda’s tongue pushes between his lips, he arches underneath her and bucks, his cock sliding between her folds almost as deliciously as his tongue slides along hers.
Through heavy panting, she lifts from his mouth. Her eyes dart around his face, and her flushed lips purse beneath her pinched brow. “Did that please you?”
Changkyun unleashes his demon growl, and with one good yank, he rips the chains free from the hooks. Her eyes go wide, but before she can respond, he has her cheeks between his hands, and he’s kissing her again.
Now that Andromeda is distracted, he rolls her underneath him and ruts against her the way he wants—recklessly, wildly, hungrily—until his dick is soaked and ready to fuck like it’s never fucked before. She whimpers into his mouth, her forked tongue tangling with his dexterous one in ways that saturate his mind with white hot desire.
She barely notices when he reverses the chain around his wrists and loops it around hers in a fresh demonic bond, but she stills once she hears the metal loop through the wall hooks and pull her arms taut.
Andromeda stares up at him in shock.
“You were right to worry,” the incubus says with a sly grin. “Your venom wore off.”
“What happens now?” she asks breathlessly.
Changkyun pretends to think, but he’s been thinking about this forever. He smiles. “I fuck you until you beg me to stop.”
He smirks as he devours Andromeda’s manacled, squirming form. This little minx has no idea what’s in store for her.
“But first things first,” he says, and he enjoys the way her face falls. “I’ve got a messy cock, and you have such immaculate tits. Let’s fix that.”
Changkyun wastes no more time before sucking one of her nipples between his teeth. His canines are sharp, but he stays gentle except for the few experimental nibbles that spur her pussy into frenzied buckings against his shaft. After all the teasing, he’s close to release, but he has bigger plans for his first load of cum.
He lavishes attention on her second tit now and, much to his infinite delight, receives a no-less greedy response. With both nipples as high and proud as they can go, Changkyun sits back and straddles Andromeda’s stomach.
She’s confused. From the frenzy between her thighs, she had thought she was about to be railed through her bed, but now she’s staring down the barrel of his red-hot cock. The head is glistening with his and her cum, and she licks her lips.
“Tongue out,” he demands. “Keep it out.”
The long, rouged muscle unfurls, the fork curling like beckoning fingers. Damn her.
Furious at the shiver of weakness that heaves through him, Changkyun manhandles her tits together to create a supple crease that’s all too welcoming. He pushes his dick forward, and softness surrounds him. It feels too sinful, and he moans, which only intensifies when he realizes her tongue can reach his tip.
Andromeda greets his every thrust like this, and in an embarrassingly short amount of time, Changkyun cums. His release splatters the crest of her tits, all the way up her throat, and spurts onto her jaw and chin.
The succubus grins in victory, but he has to wait until his toes uncurl before he can be pissed about it. A tremor of passing ecstasy moves through him before he crashes against the wall to watch her lick up what seed she can reach.
“Shit, yes,” he groans as his head thunks against the lava rock.
“Feel better?” she asks.
“Are we done then?”
Changkyun looks at her with one eyebrow raised. Andromeda smiles, and he imagines he sees a bit of relief there.
“Fine,” she says, “but remember what I said.”
How could he forget?
You’ll never deliver.
This is the opening he’s been waiting centuries for. With her body pliant and her eyes defiant, Changkyun is reinvigorated. She’s sexy and taunting and red-blood demon through and through. His determination galvanizes.
“I’m going to teach you how to properly fuck my cock,” he says as he slaps her thighs apart and gets an eyeful of her waiting cunt.
Andromeda bares her teeth at him. “I’m a succubus. I think I know what I’m doing.”
“No, not one of those meager human excuses for dicks. My cock, little hellion. If you don’t fuck incubi, then you don’t know how to take it.”
“Oh, and your humans can?”
Changkyun pinches her chin between his fingers and ensures her eyes meet his before his voice drops perilously low. “I don’t give them everything. You? You’re going to get it all, absolutely every last bit I can bury in you.”
Andromeda rattles her chains, and her tits bounce so invitingly that he’s hard as diamonds.
He looks at the last pennants of pearl festooning her clavicle just out of reach of that naughty tongue, and the strangeness he’s felt building all night in his chest loosens its grip a little. This is demon fucking, and it comforts Changkyun. This is what this was always supposed to be about, not that strangely sensual shit they’d been doing for no discernible reason. Just a good, old-fashioned feral fuckfest. He looks forward to wrecking that tight pussy the same way.
Only that’s not what happens.
For reasons he can’t understand, once he has primed himself anew with his hand at the visual of his succubus fidgeting beneath him, he slips between her legs and lines his member with her pulsing entrance, but he doesn’t plunge in to the hilt and relentlessly fuck her.
Instead, Changkyun nestles his cockhead just inside her, savoring the way she whimpers with delight. There she goes, making those unprecedented sounds again. It empowers him as much as it weakens him. Her slit strangles the neck of his cock, and it’s so mesmerizing, he spends a few long minutes just fucking her hole.
In. Out. In. Out. A little faster but no deeper.
Andromeda never put her tongue away. It’s lolling in the corner of her mouth as her lids lower like blinds. She’s drunk on his cock, and Changkyun wants to howl with triumph.
“Where’s the mighty Hellion of Hades now?” he taunts, but her answer surprises him.
Her eyes dim and her body slackens as she babbles, “Yours. Yours. Just do what you want to me. Yours, Changkyun.”
He freezes inside her.
Changkyun is just like any other demon—selfish, self-absorbed, and possessive—but he’s never actually owned anything. Even his room is a mere waystation between his last feeding and his next round of chaos. But now the only other creature he’s thought about in ages has given herself to him. He doesn’t know what to do with that.
So he pushes all the way in. Slowly. And then he stays, engulfed by her relentless heat and her scent.
Andromeda arches underneath him and cries. “So full of you! So full…”
He leans over her, his body casting gauzy shadows on her in the flimsy candlelight. He brushes her hair from her face. He tells himself it’s so he can better watch the way his cock ruins her, but that’s a lie. He just wants to watch her.
Changkyun withdraws slowly, savoring the way her cunt makes needy, squelching sounds as it begs to keep him, and then he drives back in. He keeps his pace rhythmic: emphatic thrusts followed by languorous retreats. He savors her—too much…
His mouth descends to hers, and now he’s fucking and kissing like some sort of… human.
It’s wrong. It’s not supposed to happen, not for a creature like him, but he can’t stop himself, and he’s certainly not going to stop her when her tongue glosses against his in a way that makes him a little disoriented.
Changkyun flops on top of her, and she makes a little “oompf” into his mouth before her legs lock above his ass. She may be trapped, but so now is he. Instantly, it spurs his cock faster.
Between their frenzied panting and their sticky bodies, it’s getting noisier by the second. He pushes up again so he can truly appreciate how shamelessly she responds to him. He watches his demon cock spread her wide and stir her hips up with voracious little lunges as her body yearns to take him all every thrust.
“Changkyun…” she moans, and it’s so heady that he forgets himself.
His hand cups her jaw, his thumb pressing lightly on her throat. She’s staring up at him with eyes of fire, her mouth open and her lips swollen to the point of vulgarity.
“Andromeda…” he echoes.
She’s so pretty, but he’s missing something. It’s a thing he can’t pinpoint, but all the same, he knows he needs it. He heeds to his usual impulsiveness and offers, “I’ll remove the chains under one condition.”
“Fuck, name it,” she whines.
“You ride me until I cum.”
She smiles lopsidedly paired with heavy lidded eyes. “Yes, yes, yes.”
Changkyun releases the enchantment on the chains, and they fall limp to the bed like the innocent accessory they’d once been. Andromeda’s hands are on him in an instant, wrapping around his neck and crushing his body to hers.
They kiss so hard that he may not have noticed her rolling him onto his back again if it isn’t for the fact that his dick is unexpectedly cold now that he’s slipped out of her. But when they break free, he sees her above him as he’d always hoped. Dark waves of hair rush over her shoulders and tickle his stomach in a way that stirs something foreign and fluttery inside. Maybe he’s got some kind of demonic parasite—who the fuck knows? But Changkyun doesn’t have time to care about that now because Andromeda moves back and wraps her hand around his cock to hold him in place as she sinks back down.
“Oh, fuck,” he moans.
This is different. He’s enveloped in tight, hot velvet. It’s all-consuming. With her controlling her descent, Changkyun can appreciate how much he opens her up. No human could take him like this—at least, not as he truly is. He scales back for them, but not for his succubus. Her walls hug his every inch, and she whines gratefully for it all.
When their sexes meet, she rocks back in his saddle, and he catches the ripple through her taut stomach. It’s too much. He’s ready to blow before their next round of fun has even started. That won’t do.
Changkyun has to distract himself, and lucky for him, her lean-back has presented him with easy access to her pretty, arousal-studded clit. His thumb finds a home there, pressing at first to garner her full attention and, once he has it, rubbing it to its full perky height while Andromeda shakes around him.
She savors his thumb for a minute before she lifts up, and he gets a slow-motion pornographic shot of his drenched cock splitting her wide before she sits back down with force. Shockwaves tear through the both of them.
“Do it again,” Changkyun orders, but he knows it sounds like begging instead.
But Andromeda complies, not once or twice but over and over again. It’s mesmerizing the way she fucks him, and it feels even more divine, which is another word a demon doesn’t use, but fuck if it isn’t true about her perfect cunt.
At last, she sits full against him and switches to a grind, and Changkyun can feel the way he stirs her walls, especially one spot just inside her belly that, when she gyrates just right, ensures she spouts a string of curse words every time. He pockets that knowledge for later and lets her finish working them both into a frenzy. The closer she gets to cumming again, the tighter she squeezes him, and it’s hot as fuck.
They’re feeding off each other, but not in the way either of them are used to. In fact, Changkyun can’t explain what he’s getting out of this at all. It’s fucking, but normally, when he fucks, he fills up, like a human stuffing its face at a buffet. With Andromeda, he feels like he’s being emptied, and what is left is raw and confusing. It reminds him he’s naked though he’s never cared whether he’s naked or not before because that’s just part of what an incubus is. But he cares that he’s naked with her. He cares how he looks to her eyes. He cares that she wants to see him—clothed or not.
He cares.
Demons don’t care.
“Fuck, Changkyun, I don’t want to stop,” she calls from his lap. “I don’t want to ever stop.”
Her hands have hiked up her hair in a gossamer fountain as she rides him, each bounce resonating in her tits. Her mouth hangs open to accommodate her ceaseless cries and moans. There’s a sheen of sweat dappling her body that magnifies the hybrid of iridescent little scales woven in with her skin.
“Not yet!” she begs, but it’s all over for her.
Andromeda gushes around his cock with a tremendous climax that ripples through him. Her cunt is strangling the life out of him, and Changkyun cannot get enough. He punches his dick deeper into her, which sends a wail from her lips. She pitches forward, hands crashing to his shoulders and digging in until they break the skin.
“More,” he grunts through the suffocating pillow of her tits in his face. “Give me more.”
He’s fucking her at ultrasonic speed, his hips jackhammering up into her and crashing against her swollen clit. His ridges stimulate every nerve in her greedy walls as they continue to seize around him.
Her eyes roll back in that cock-drunk face of hers as she babbles out senseless noises and a reedy “Not again…”
But Changkyun’s fucked her straight through one release into another, and this time she screams at the top of her lungs. Her body goes limp atop him, a beautiful doll for him to use for his own end at long last.
His hands stay on her hips to hold her down, but just as he regained his mobility faster than she expected, so does Andromeda. She perks up on his chest and sits back in his lap. It’s pure bliss, being inexorably swallowed by her dripping pussy with no chance of escape. This is exactly how he wants to unload inside her, with her cunt—his, now—milking him for every drop of his demon seed.
Changkyun scoops his hands under her ass to lift her up so his can piston into her. It won’t take much. He’s had a hair trigger all night anyway, and she’s still convulsing with aftershocks of her release. But right as he’s about to blow, he feels her pull up, and he knows what she’s trying to do, especially because she’s smirking.
“We had a deal, hellion!”
Before Andromeda can respond, her chain encircles her waist with whip-like speed, both ends in Changkyun’s fists as he secures her in his lap.
“Take my cum,” he snarls just before he floods her pussy.
This is different than his first climax. This means something. There’s no pretending anymore. He’s…
It feels like there’s something lodged in his throat as he stares up at her. Her eyes are closed, her face relaxed, and her hands are pressed on the softest part of her belly where he shelters.
She whispers his name, and the chain slackens in his hands as Andromeda falls on top of him. Instinctively, his arms go around her, and he holds her little ball-shaped form tightly against him.
They pant together as they come down from their highs, and once he’s cleared his throat enough to talk again, Changkyun grumbles, “You were going to leave me?”
“I was going to suck you off,” she assures, but Changkyun doesn’t like the weird feeling lingering in his question. Still, he forgets it when she adds, “But this was better.”
“This was better,” he agrees and presses his softening shaft a little deeper into their mess.
After a while, Andromeda rolls beside him, her hands on her belly again as she stares at the ceiling. “I wonder if all incubi are like this.”
“Don't even think about it,” he snaps, and his words carry the full breadth of his demonic bite. “All of them would disappoint you. The only one you want is me.”
Changkyun doesn’t like the insinuation that she might try others. He comforts himself by reminding himself that demons, by nature, are possessive, but this doesn’t feel like possession. It feels like fear.
Andromeda raises an eyebrow at his jutting chin and taut lips, but says, “Okay. Just you.”
His shoulders relax though he finds his hand has wandered over to join hers on her stomach.
“I don’t even remember what started this,” she muses.
“We were trying to feed from the same human.”
“Oh,” she laughs. “Yeah, now I remember. I forgot I was hungry.”
Changkyun doesn’t reply except with a rhythmic stroke of his thumb over hers.
“You know what?” she says. “I think I worked up a fresh appetite though, and I’m in an unusually generous mood. Why don’t we just share her?”
The word is foreign, but he likes it because it means he’s not the only one here thinking things he shouldn’t.
“Only if you want to,” she adds softly.
“Yeah, okay.”
Andromeda props up onto her arm, a smile on her face. “Okay?”
Changkyun nods. He’s smiling, too.
It’s going to be hard to focus on the human with his succubus in the same room, but it’s in that moment that he realizes he’ll try anything Andromeda asks of him as long as it means she’ll keep him around a little longer.
The succubus hops off the bed and bothers only with her chain around her waist before she creates a portal back into the human’s bedroom. She steps through the glowing oval and offers her hand back to him.
Changkyun thinks this is what a human might call a date, but he’s not human, so he calls it what it should be: an unholy alliance. But as he slips his hand into hers and she pulls him through to her giddy kiss, he realizes maybe when it comes to her, there’s room for a few more words in his lexicon.
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truthofself · 2 years
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Title: lie to me Pairing(s): Hyungwon & Changkyun (Monsta X) Word Count: 1,494 Warning(s): N/A Original Date: 19 May 2018
Likes & Reblogs Appreciated <3 my ko-fi link
University wasn't anything like Im Changkyun expected. The only thing that was what he expected were the stupid parties thrown at the frats and his liking of being buzzed. What he wasn't expecting was go meet a model and instantly kind of like having him around. What he wasn't expecting was trying to play it cool around that boy. And when it ultimately failed, he wasn't expecting to pretend to start hating him to fix the issue of people figuring out he liked the tall model boy named Chae Hyungwon.
He spent a quarter of a semester playing it cool, looking cool and trying to impress Chae Hyungwon. But it never worked. The model was never impressed or even interested in the activities Changkyun had done. Not interested in him toying with his normal fashion sense or taking a stupid amount of selfies. Never interested when he asked if he wanted coffee, Hyungwon always spoke the same exhausted and bored tone asking for the same boring Americano everytime. It was annoying, frustrating and irked Changkyuns very being. Maybe that's why one week he finally snapped. No matter how much he adored and loved that model. He couldn't just sit around anymore and watch him or listen to him.
They weren't agreeing anymore. Changkyun openly went out of his way to disagree and bother Hyungwon. He openly showed disdain and anger towards the other male. Even if Chae Hyungwon was still able to make his heart flutter or even stop. Im Changkyun did everything to ignore those feelings and remind the model how much he apparently hated him. And he did, for weeks, for months.
Until the end of the semester. The last place Changkyun expected to see the model was the end of the semester frat Party. Which vexed him more than anything about Hyungwon. Changkyun attempted to get him to attend a frat party with him when they were friends. But he never wanted to. He always was studying or needed to sleep for an upcoming shoot and didn't want to risk having bags under his eyes. But here he stood, in the kitchen doorway. Red solo cup in hand laughing. Changkyun just stares for a few moments, taking a few drinks from his own cup.
What did he do to deserve seeing that boy here.
But yet, his heart still fluttered and raced. Changkyun was unsure if it was just the ridiculous amount of vodka he had already out into his system in the few hours he was there dancing or if it was because he still loved the model. He figured the latter because he would have happily gone over and flirted or asked to dance. He spent months away from and avoiding Chae Hyungwon, he hated the fact he pretended to hate him. He hated the fact he drove him Away. It was times like this were he was staring that made it obvious he was still in love. It was these times they his friends would notice and still tease him about the model.
It was times like this that sparked the idea of truth or dare in Changkyuns best friends head. She happily giggled, obviously gone on her own cups of vodka.
She happily whisked him away by the wrist taking him to an empty room away from the world up stairs. Slurred versions of stay here and wait fell from her lips as she vanished from the room. It took a bit, but she kept bringing in more people. One by one, she brought mutual friends, and one sided friends. Until a group of about 13 sat in that lonely room. Everyone held a cup, and after a few final moments passed as she emerged again through the door with the boy Changkyun wished she hadn't brought hooked around her arm. Chae Hyungwon seemed to be the same stoic man he always was. Besides for the small smile that was obviously tugging at the edges of his lips, and the pink that laid on his skin. Maybe if Changkyun was sober he would've left, upset at the sight but pleased that his best friend still understood him. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to be livid at the action done by the female. But he just grinned slightly, pleased.
“Binnie, what did you bring us here for” Changkyun spoke the girls name, with slurs in his words.
“Well Changkyunnie” she spoke taking a seat next to him. “Since it's the end of the sem, truth or dare” A grin was apparent on her lips  as she pulled a bottle out of the small bag that was pressed against her.
Always depend on Huang Binnie to be carrying more bottles of alcohol whenever it's needed. Keeping people tipsy when needed. Plus, she was just someone who loved vodka. She said it got her through all her problems and even school.
But here they are as they play Truth or Dare. Who knew it was still so captivating to University students. But everyone seemed to focused in each other. Seemed so focused on truths spoken that everyone is going to forget by morning. So focused on the stupid dares spoken, through lisped words and stutters and it was fine, until Hyungwon got to chose another person.
“Changkyun-ssi” He spoke, he seemed to focused on Changkyun, as if he'd slil away if he stopped looking at him.
Changkyun hummed in reply, focusing on making eye contact with the model and trying to hold back a smile knowing Hyungwon was only paying attention to him.
“Truth or Dare”
“Truth” And time stood still as Hyungwon paused, thinking obviously shocked that Changkyun choose truth over dare until the other time he was picked by someone.
“Have you ever lied to me, and what was it”
“I hate you Chae Hyungwon, more than anything” Was flowing from his mouth before he even had a chance to think about it. “I actually really like you” He didn't feel shameful or embarrassed. He just held his head high.
There was no reply at first. Just simple stares, a suffocating silence. Here Changkyun felt frustration fall into his mood again again Hyungwon opened his mouth.
“Believe me I like you too Changkyun-ssi” Hyungwon with a smile.
How long had they been together a year? A glorious year that made Changkyun the happiest. Even Hyungwon seemed pleased at the start before falling back into his normal Stoic persona. But it didn't bother Changkyun anymore like it once had. It made him happy now. Spending days with hands interlocked with the model. Spending days at photoshoots with him, or going out to dinners. They were happy.
And here they were at a similar frat party to mark the end of yet another semester. Go mark the end of the year. Together the two boys arrived together arms hooked. Changkyun was just grinning, and sometimes a similar grin flashed across Hyungwons face.
And even after a year, they found themselves in the same situation that got them together. The same boring empty room. Similar people, similar words spoken.
Expect the roles reversed.
“Hyungwon? Babe?”
“Truth or dare”
“Tell me a lie you've been telling me all this time, and be honest”
Time stopped with the words that Hyungwon said. A head hung low, his voice wavered. Stuttered filled the words. “Believe me, I love you.”
Changkyun could have choked on the air he was breathing. Tears quickly formed at the edge of his eyes. He quickly found his way to his feet and stumbled out of the room, water falling from his eyes. He gulped down on the saliva that filled his mouth as he fell into a bathroom. Hyungwon followed him, closing the bathroom door behind him. Giving a few moments of silence.
“Go away” Changkyun spoke.
“Let me explain”
“There's nothing to explain”
“Yes there is.”
Changkyun glared at Hyungwon, begging that he were to leave but he didn't. He stood his ground at the door. But finally he spoke and explained himself.
“I did love you. The first time we met. I adored you Changkyun. And then you left me. Hated me. But then we got drunk at the last end semester party, and you said you liked me.”
“shut up”
“No. I'm going to explain myself. I was glad you confessed. And I did love you. I loved you last year. And this last year dating you was fantastic. I was happy. Even if I stopped loving you. I was glad you were happy.”
“I hate you”
But Hyungwons words felt on deaf ears as the younger got up and pushed his out of his away and hastily made an exit. His love and adoration for Chae Hyungwon had died there and festered into the hatred he had pretended to have for the male last year. But now it was true, and stronger than his love once was for him.
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kwanisms · 1 year
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for monsta x and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in the archive have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— drabbles
»» Drunken Confessions ♡ s. hyunwoo
➥ 891; after her roommate, Hyunwoo, calls her drunk from the bar, Y/N goes to pick him up and bring him home only to realize she has to babysit him before he falls asleep.
»» Don't Listen to Them ♡ l. minhyuk
➥ 577; when Y/N visit her boyfriend and realize he's down in the dumps over what some so called fans have been saying about his newest piece of ink, she decides to tell him that she doesn't think that way and how much she loves all of him, including his tattoos.
»» Stay ♡ y. kihyun
➥ 694; Y/N has hidden Kihyun's pants in hopes of making him stay at her place instead of leaving for practice like he's supposed to.
»» the Interview ♡ l. jooheon
➥ 1.3k; Jooheon is just ready to get this interview over with so the group can finally get some food and rest, until his eyes land on the person conducting the interview… Y/N.
»» My Girl ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 698; Changkyun sticks up for his S/O when he overhears some stylists mocking their Korean speaking capability.
»» Rainy Days ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 786; when her plans with Changkyun go awry due to a thunderstorm, he shows Y/N that a day spent inside is just as good as a day spent outside.
— oneshots
»» Anniversary Gift ♧ s. hyunwoo
➥ 7.1k ; Y/N's boyfriend Hyunwoo takes her on a trip for their anniversary ― to a private island just south of Jeju.
»» Makeup Sex ♧ l. jooheon
➥ 4.3k; Jooheon has been ignoring Y/N recently and she finds herself missing him more than usual.
»» Give it a Chance ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 8.2k; after weeks of flirting with her, the infamous 'fuckboy' that has been invading Y/N's workspace has a chance to sweep her off her feet at another bar and after seeing him in a new light, she's tempted to let him.
»» Time for a Change ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 2k; Changkyun is known on campus as being a huge flirt and a bit of a fuckboy. Little does he know, his next target, Y/N is not the sweet and innocent girl everyone paints her as. After hooking up with her on several occasions, Changkyun realizes he has feelings for her but does she return the sentiment?
»» Jealousy ♤♧ i. changkyun
➥ 5k; Changkyun is Y/N's best friend and she notice how distant he’s become since she befriended the rest of his members, especially his hyung, Kihyun.
— miniseries
»» the Bet: 01 | 02 | 03 ♧ ⊝ s.hyunwoo
➥ --; after learning the man she thought loved her only started seeing her as the result of a bet with his friends, Y/N's life is put in jeopardy when his boss, and her father’s rival, learns about the relationship.
— series
»» Give it to You ♧✓ ot7
➥ 25k; after making a secret pact, Y/N is tasked with bringing seven souls to her boss in exchange for her freedom. will she be able to follow through and end their lives or will she disobey her orders and pay with her life?
— oneshots
»» Personal Trainer ♧
➥ oneshot; 7.6k; when her best friend begs her to go to the gym with her, Y/N is convinced she's trying to set her up with her personal trainer and after seeing him, Y/N might just be okay with that.
»» Dancing in the Dark ♧
➥ oneshot; 5.5k; it's always been just friends between Y/N and Hoseok but for Y/N, she's always wanted more. After watching her performance during a dance competition, Hoseok realizes that maybe he wants more as well…
»» Secrets ♤
➥ oneshot hybrid; 7.5k; after ending a secret 2 year relationship with Hoseok, Y/N realizes how much she really loved him and just maybe, he feels the same?
»» Noisy Neighbor ♧
➥ 6.3k; Y/N loves everything about her apartment - except her annoying and loud neighbor, Hoseok.
— drabbles
»» Lab Partners ♧
➥ drabble; 576; Y/N gets up to some shenanigans when she's supposed to be finishing a project with her lab partner, Hoseok.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 10 months
Silly One
Summary: Making a late-night ingredient grocery trip together, leads to a snowball fight.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 1,848 
Changkyun (I.M) X Reader
[Mentions: Kihyun]
Requested: heya! how does prompt 11 with monsta x changkyun sound? —--- im thinking maybe he starts a spontaneous snowball fight because reader did or said something astronomically dumb, or vice versa, or something else along those lines. up to you! happy writing~ looking forward to it ^_^
Prompt: 11. "Snowball fight!"
[A/n: Thank you @zedwards for helping me further envision what you wanted to read! It was a lot sweeter and softer with your ideas! I hope you enjoy this!]
You’re sitting on the couch, starting to grow bored of the TV series you're watching. You look over to see Changkyun take off his headphones, taking a break from his game, and he says, “The boys are tired of gaming.” You nod, looking at the clock. It’s seven at night, and you smile as you see his eyes light up, “You know what we’ve never done?” You tilt your head at him, waiting for him to continue, and he smiles, “What do you say to us making cookies and fudge together, tonight?” You gasp, “We’ve never done that!” He stands up from his chair, and you get off the couch, pausing your show that was boring you to tears. You follow him into the kitchen and find the cookbooks. “What kind?” “Let’s go with two that are easy.” You nod, and both of you look through the recipes, “Oh, what about chocolate chip cookies?” He nods and shows you a recipe for chocolate fudge. You grin, “Oh, this is only five ingredients. It will be quick!” He nods, and you flip another page in yours. 
While he starts pulling everything out for it, he gasps, “We don’t have two.” You pout as you look up from your cookbook, “What do we have right now?” He shows you the nearly full containers of sugar and vanilla he pulled out. You move past him to search for other ingredients and find you have enough flour for the cookies. You check the fridge, “Oh, I guess we're going on a grocery trip first.” He hums, and you write down a list of everything that the two of you would need to bake. You follow him out the door, and he goes, “Do you think we need the car?” You shake your head, “It’s just going to be cans and some boxes.” You both walk to the store hand in hand. And he pulls you close to him every time a cold gust of snowy wind hits you. 
You both walk the isles and sigh, “You’d think it’d say baking goods on the signs.” You look down, not even scanning them, and he giggles as he goes, “It does.” You quickly look up to see the aisle you were about to pass, says, “Baking goods, oil, sugar, and coffee.” You shake your head, “Well, at least you saw it.” He laughs and leads you down the aisle, and he gets the cocoa from the top shelf as you find the correct chocolate chips. He asks, “Semi-sweet, right?” You nod and see it in the middle, “Big bag or little?” “Big bag, the best part of chocolate chip cookies is the chocolate chips.” You laugh as you agree, and he grabs two cans of sweetened condensed milk. While you get the baking powder and soda. 
You head to the refrigerated aisle and grab some butter and eggs, “Nothing else, right?” He shakes his head, “We have enough salt in our shakers.” You agree, and you take it to the cashier, and they ring you up, and you pay for the total. And then you both begin the walk home, “Oh, the snow stopped coming down, that’s nice.” He agrees, “But there’s more snow on the ground.” 
As you pass by the park, covered in blankets of snow. He goes, “You know how I grabbed sweetened condensed milk?” You nod, “Yeah.” He laughs as he tells you, “It was maybe a year ago now, but I used to think it was just solid milk in a can… Like the consistency of like pudding or jello or something like that.” You stop walking, confused, “What?” He shrugs, “What?” You ask, “You’ve never heard of people using it in their coffee or something like that?” He shakes his head, stopping in his tracks, too, “I drink my coffee black, and I’ve never watched a baking show.” You laugh, “Oh yeah, I forgot you’re weird like that. No sweetener, just coffee.” He pouts and says, “I am not weird. Almost everyone likes it like that!” You shake your head, “Uh, no? Have you ever heard of a frappuccino?” He rolls his eyes, and you gasp, “You rolled your eyes!” He sticks his nose up in the air, acting all high and mighty, “You’re just jealous 'cause you can’t drink it straight.” You set the groceries down while he’s still looking up, form a snowball, and pelt him with it. 
He gasps, looking down at the snow still on his jacket before locking eyes with you and dropping his bags down. You smirk and toss another ball in your hands, ready to throw before hitting his arm this time. “Oh, it’s on!” And he makes a snowball with ease and throws one back. You cackle as you yell, “Snowball fight!” The more you throw, the further you get from the groceries. You scream as he hits you with another snowball before throwing one back at him and missing. He cackles, and you scowl before grabbing another wad of snow and forming it before throwing it, this time landing and hitting his shoulder. He doesn’t miss with either of his snowballs, hitting you near the collar and on the side of the jacket. For every snowball you throw, he throws one back. 
Your fingers start feeling numb, so you give up after throwing another snowball at him. You sit down as the snowball lands in front of his shoes. He throws one back at you as you sit down and misses you completely. You giggle at the failed attempt before calling for a truce. He says it back as he walks towards you. And he leans down in front of you. You go, “Huh?” And he lifts your chin up and kisses you. If your cheeks weren’t rosy from the cold weather, they certainly were now. When he pulls away, he tells you, “That was fun.” You agree, and he goes, “Doesn’t it make sense for condensed milk to be solid?” You laugh, “It kind of does.” 
He smiles as he helps you up, and you ask, “You want to walk back home now?” He nods, and you both walk back to the grocery bags, “It didn’t seem like we were that far from them.” He laughs, “I didn’t think so either.” You trudge through the snow, and he goes, “You don’t think I’m weird for drinking black coffee, do you?” you shake your head, “No, I was just teasing. I think it’s cool that you do. I like my coffee with sweetener. And one of the sweeteners I’ve used around you is condensed milk. That’s why I was shocked that you’ve never seen me do so.” He laughs, “Oh! I thought that was canned milk.” You shake your head in disbelief, “While that may exist somewhere, I definitely get it from the jug.” He laughs, and as you pick up your groceries, you go, “You’re so silly. I love you so much.” He grins, “You are too! I love you so much, (Y/n).” You smile and kiss him before you both walk back to your apartment. 
As you set the groceries down and measure everything out, he asks, “Have you ever made cookies or fudge by yourself?” You shake your head ‘no’, “Do you mind if I call Ki?” You sigh in relief, “I was hoping you’d ask.” He laughs, which makes you laugh as he calls him up. He puts Kihyun on speaker after saying their hellos, “Yeah, Ki, we’re going to make cookies and fudge. Anything we should know?” He goes, “I don’t bake much, but please watch the pot and don’t turn the heat on high for the fudge.” You agree, and he continues, “And please, check that you’ve cooked the cookies before you turn off the oven.” “How do we do that?” He sighs, “You have to stick a knife into one of the cookies and make sure nothing gooey sticks to it. And if they’re golden brown, take them out.” You agree and make mental notes before thanking him, “Be careful, you two.” You hum, and he goes, “We will. I’ll see you on the weekend?” He goes, “Yeah, I’ll see you then! Take care!” You both tell him you will before he hangs up. 
You follow the other instructions to a T, adding in Kihyun’s instructions like they were sprinkles as you make the fudge and chocolate chip cookies. He pours more than half of the bag of chocolate chips into the batter and stirs it in as you plop them onto the tray. It sounds like rocks hitting metal, not like cookie dough landing on foil. You laugh, “How many did you put in?” He grins, “Enough to have one in every microbite.” You cackle, and he puts the first tray in. 
You make the fudge while you both wait, and he butters the pan as you stir it continuously for a minute. When it comes to a boil, you turn off the heat and pour it into the pan. You put it into the fridge, “We have to wait fifteen minutes to cut it, then we get to eat it in thirty.” He pouts, “That’s so long…” You agree, and a few minutes later, the first tray of cookies comes out perfect, just as Kihyun said, except for the chocolate coating the knife. You trade out the trays and sit down while you wait. “Are you excited for our first homemade desserts together?” He smiles, “More than.” 
You come back in when the bell rings, and you cut the fudge up as he places the small tray of chocolate chip cookies in. You put the fudge back in the fridge, and he pulls off a cookie for each of you off the first tray. You bite into it, and it tastes like a chocolatey heaven, with subtle hints of cookie. “Oh, these are so good.” He grins, and you both tap your cookies together, “We have to make these again!” He nods, and you both eat off the warm tray, waiting for the last round of cookies to finish and for the fudge to set.
When the fudge and cookies are done, he puts all the cookies into a jar, saving the hottest cookies for the two of you to eat. You put a few pieces of fudge for the both of you on a plate and hand him one to try after he gets the last cookie in the jar. You both try it at the same time. You gasp, and he exclaims, “Ohh, sweetened condensed milk for the win!” You cackle as you finish your fudge, he plates the hot cookies. And the two of you head into the living room to eat more of the treats you made. He cheers, “I’m proud of us!” You grin, “I am too! Our first baking session together was a success!” He taps his fudge to your chocolate chip cookie, and you both eat the two happily. You lean your head on his shoulder, “Let’s do this again.” He agrees, “Absolutely.” 
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
kinktober 2022 masterlist~
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one nsfw oneshot per day, for the month of october 🎃😈
day 1: marking - 🐹 minatozaki sana day 2: [removed] day 3: aftercare - 🐺 bang chan day 4: overstimulation - 🐼 jeon jiwoo day 5: size kink - 🐱 johnny suh day 6: dollification - 🐝 lee jooheon day 7: degradation - 🐺 im changkyun day 8: masturbation - 🐹 han jisung day 9: collaring - 🐱 ten lee day 10: dilf - 🐻 qian kun day 11: mommy kink - 🐰 kim yongsun day 12: breathplay - 🦙 hwang hyunjin day 13: uniform - 🐰 lee hoseok day 14: body worship - 🐸 yoo jeongyeon day 15: pregnancy - 🐇 seo changbin day 16: hate sex - 🐰 kim doyoung day 17: cockwarming - 🐆 mark lee day 18: public sex - 🐻 son hyunwoo day 19: praise kink - 🦕 xiao dejun day 20: daddy kink - 👑 matthew kim day 21: virginity - 🐰 choi soobin day 22: face sitting -  👑 park jihyo day 23: striptease - 🐥 lee felix day 24: orgasm control - 🍑 jung jaehyun day 25: restraining - 🐱 lee minho day 26: exhibitionism - 🐙 nakamoto yuta day 27: gags - 🦊 choi yeonjun day 28: edging - 🐥 dong sicheng day 29: pet play - 🐰 im nayeon day 30: gangbang - 💚 nct 127 day 31: breeding kink - 🐶 kim jungwoo
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sotteoks · 2 years
Playing with the Prince | 🔞
──★ ˙pairing: I.M x Fem!Reader ──★ ˙warnings/contents: SMUT, p*rn with a literal crumb of plot, fantasy!au kinda, prince!Changkyun, mean dom Changkyun, lowkey bratty sub reader, power imbalances, fingering, oral (f receiving), mention of pet play, infidelity (brief mention of prince kyun being in an arranged marriage to someone else), sir kink, kyun spits in reader's mouth, unprotected sex please let me know if i missed anything ! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ ──★ ˙word count: 3.8k ──★ ˙summary: you’re a mischievous maid who’s a fiend for the prince’s attention. ──★ ˙ a/n: this is literally so late for kyun's birthday bc i rlly tried to condense a fifty chapter webtoon into a oneshot oopsies why did i do that. ──★ ˙ heavily inspired by: 매도당하고 싶은 엘프님 by 사육실장.
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Celebrating one more rotation around the sun meant one more year of knowledge gained. One more year of knowledge meant more responsibilities being bestowed upon him as he prepared for the role of king that was awaiting him in the stages of later adulthood. But for now, Changkyun would enjoy being the Prince of Seonjo. Compared to the princes from the other royal families, his personal life was fairly clandestine; the most that the public knew about Prince Im was that he was a polite young man promised to Lady Yebin of Maruhan, his longtime friend was Lord Jooheon of Maruhan, and he spent most of his days aiding his father’s magic research. 
So no one would have guessed that Changkyun would be the type to not only have an intimate relationship with one of the maids around the palace; they also wouldn’t have assumed that’d he have no problem disappearing from the social event for a bit when he had caught said maid acting out of line. 
The prince had decided to drag you away to a corridor that was blocked off for guests, away from the noisy hustle and bustle of the extravagant party being held in his honor on the main floor of the palace after you had began to speak candidly about the lewd sexual escapades you’ve been embarking on with him. 
Every. Single. Detail of the sexual relationship between you and the prince had been discussed. 
With the other princes and lords that he considered good friends. 
And worst of all, with his fiancée.
By the time Changkyun had caught wind of what you were speaking about with his colleagues, it was too late; they had all gotten explicit recounts of events such as you being spanked for an hour in the palace’s study for making the prince lose his place in a book, the time you wore nothing but a leash and collar while being walked around the palace courtyard like a dog, and so much more. 
When Changkyun came over to see how his friends were fairing, they were all guffawing and bantering about how they didn’t expect the well mannered Crown Prince of Seonjo to be such a deviant in private. His bride to be, on the other hand was silently fuming and had swiftly excused herself. Before the prince could even ask what they were talking about or where they heard that information, he spotted you trying to blend in amongst Lord Jooheon of Maruhan and Prince Minhyuk of Felgaron.  
And thus, landing you in your current situation. 
“Am I some kind of joke to you? Do you think I won’t punish you right now?” Changkyun seethes as he backs you up against a wall. The bumps and ridges from the intricate rose designs etched into the moulding of the wall dig into your back but as the prince cages you in with his arms, there’s nowhere for you to go except into his body. You shrivel in intimidation as Changkyun’s face nears yours, his gaze full of malice that burns so white hot you could have sworn it was making you melt on the spot; why else would you have sweat beading on the back of your neck and your thighs sticking together in this situation? 
It’s not like you had been looking for ways to get the prince’s attention at his birthday party all night and trying to conjure up a plan for him to punish you. 
“You’re really gonna punish me here? What if someone sees?” You ask demurely, fluttering your eyelashes up at him while placing your hands on his chest.
Changkyun rolls his eyes at you trying to feign innocence and modesty; you were good at acting, he would always give you that. But he knew better. You lived to push his buttons and see the limits of his patience all in the name of getting some blasphemous, degrading sex. He had read all about it in your diary when you accidentally left it in his room by some mistake. Though it was more than likely that you had intentionally left the small leather journal there on purpose so he could see it. 
This time, he felt like you went too far because even if you were just conversing with the tight knit group of nobles he saw as friends, the chance of someone else overhearing what he did behind closed doors could tarnish the pristine public image he worked so hard on maintaining. Being able to manage such a favorable reputation was the sole reason he had surpassed his older brother in succession of the throne. 
Palace guards had been stationed to block off the areas that guests weren’t allowed to wander through; but that didn’t eliminate all possibilities of someone happening to come across the two of you and perhaps that was what excited you the most. 
“Don’t play coy with me,” Changkyun warns as his hand sneaks under the skimpy dress and frilly apron you donned, causing you to widen your stance to allow room for him between your thighs. Before even coming in contact with the sullied fabric of your panties, Changkyun felt just how much heat was emitting from your core. “Just the thought of being fucked where someone could see excites you, doesn’t it?”
His question barely registers in your mind as he finally gives you the long awaited attention you had been craving all night; the rough pads of his fingers rubbing your panty clad pussy and feeling the way your arousal had dampened the fabric. A light flush starts to spread across your cheeks and your hips buck toward his touch, shamelessly craving more of it. Feeling just as impatient as you, Changkyun’s hands go to hastily yank your panties off of you, tearing the delicate lace in the process and leaving the tattered fabric on the floor; but you’re in no place to complain because you knew the prince would just gift you another, nicer pair.  
Changkyun’s middle and ring finger run up and down your folds, gathering your wetness before abruptly sinking into you and enjoying the feeling of how your walls clung on to his fingers; desperate for any type of friction. You moan out loud at the intrusion and instinctively pull Changkyun in for a kiss to quiet yourself. The action catches the prince off guard but he wasn’t going to complain; feeling your lips on him in any and every way was one the sweetest treats to him. He kisses you back with an unexpected amount of desire as his fingers plunge in and out of your slick heat and inevitably you’re the one who breaks the kiss as you pull away from him, crying out when his digits graze a sensitive spot within you.
Biting back some noise that was a cross between another loud moan and a sob, your hands reach to grab his shoulders to prevent yourself from crumbling under his touch. 
 “Is it good when I touch you here?” He asks, digits rubbing up against your gummy walls and intentionally pressing against that special spot within you to make you see stars.  “Or maybe here?” A surprised gasp slips out of you when the palm of his hand intentionally bumps against your  sensitive, swollen clit.
You claw at his shoulders as your brain tries to find the words to convey how you’re feeling, but it seems like the task is far too difficult when your mind is hyper focused on the pleasant sensation between your legs. The pace of his fingers increases and you can feel your climax just lingering around the corner.
“You like that, don’t you?” He teases as his fingers continue to move quickly, deliberately rubbing up against that spot with more vigor, making your legs quiver beneath you. Your teeth sink into your lower lip to suppress your moans and Changkyun does not like that at all. Knowing exactly how to bend and break you after spending so many long nights with you, he knows the remedy to your silence. Changing the angle of his fingers ever so slightly, he continues to rub against your g-spot but now with the addition of his palm consistently slapping against your clit as he thrusts his fingers in and out of your sopping hole. 
“Please sir,” You pant out, helplessly clenching around his digits as you try to stave off the rapidly building climax. “Please fuck me.” 
“Fucking is a reward, do you really think you deserve a reward right now?” He chides, his fingers unrelenting on your spasming walls. “I’m missing my own birthday party because you’re such an attention whore, you seriously don’t know how to act unless I have you on a leash.”
The wet noise of Changkyun’s digits fucking you echo throughout the corridor and he doesn’t doubt for a second that the guards who just around the corner could hear it. The salacious sounds of your dripping cunt mixed in with the little moans and whimpers you let out was accented by the faint sound of the orchestra playing in the main room just meters away.  It was the epitome of an erotic soundtrack that the prince wished he could save to play over and over. 
Being no stranger to your body, Changkyun can feel you on the brink of cumming. He knows exactly what to do to send you tumbling headfirst into bliss. What it takes to make you scream so loud that the partygoers on the other side of the main floor hear you over the live music and chatter. 
But you’ve been misbehaving, so you don’t get to experience an orgasm. Not yet, at least. 
You whine when Changkyun removes his fingers from your hole, only to receive a firm slap against your dripping cunt that makes you whimper. Your eyes widen in shock as Changkyun goes to kneel between your legs before tossing your calf over his shoulder and you watch his head disappear under the fabric of your dress; preventing you from seeing what he was doing. 
Only through your sense of touch, you’re able to feel Changkyun’s warm breath fan across your thighs before his lips line a trail of kisses up along your inner thigh until you sense him lingering right around where you want him. But not quite touching you there. As you were in no place to complain and tell him to hurry up without being reprimanded for it, you could only eagerly anticipate feeling his tongue on you. 
Changkyun had always been one to pray before eating a good meal; you were no exception to that rule as your dripping pussy looked absolutely delectable to him and made him think about all the ways he could break you. But the visual presentation was only half of the good part. 
The smell was enough to fuel him with this feral kind of lust. His eyes fall closed as he licks a thick stripe up and down your pussy, slurping up the juices that leaked from your hole. You gasped at the initial contact of his tongue on your intimate parts; hands flying to his hair to get a grip because you knew you were in for a ride. He’s no prude and has no problem immediately going back in for seconds; his tongue was ravenous and tasting every part of you. When his nose ever so slightly nudges your clit, your walls clench around nothing and the action doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
The tip of his tongue licks a trail to your clit and you can’t help but buck your hips against his face as you finally get direct stimulation on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Changkyun’s tongue flickers at your clit lewdly before he takes the sensitive bundle of nerves between his soft lips and suckles gently while humming in delight. Your hips start needily rolling against his face, hungry to feel more of him. 
“Please, sir, will you let me cum this time?” You plead between desperate mewls, your legs already trembling as his mouth occupied your clit. 
You feel Changkyun hum against your skin once more as he contemplates his response. On one hand, you were supposed to be getting punished; while on the other, he was in a bit of a time crunch and needed to get back to his party before someone came looking for him. Perhaps it would be in his best interest to let you cum now then just continue your punishment after the guests cleared the palace. You probably wouldn’t even expect it which just made things even more appealing to him. 
With just a few more languid strokes of his tongue against the swollen pearl to keep you on edge before the pink muscle slips inside of your sopping hole, Changkyun leaves no part of your cunt untouched. Lapping up the nectar straight from the source, the prince swears that being between your legs was far more intoxicating than any of the fine wines he had sipped on earlier this evening. Idle hands are the Devil’s playthings so naturally, one of his hands moves to occupy your clit, massaging small circles over it to work along with the actions of his tongue.  
Each flick of his tongue brings you closer and closer to climaxing, causing you to let out more frequent whimpers as your legs involuntarily tremble; but Changkyun was so focused on devouring you, he didn’t even pay any mind to the way your walls fluttered around his tongue.
“Oh, fuck! Sir, ngh—” A bunch of garbled nonsense leaves your mouth before you hastily bite down on your own finger to silence the scream that nearly escaped you as you finally get your sweet release.
Without your usual loud telltale sign, it was only when the flavor of your cum hits his taste buds and soaks the lower half of his face, Changkyun is snapped out of the mini trance he was under and realizes he made you climax.
If it wasn’t for the leg you had dangling over Changkyun’s shoulder, you probably would have sunk to the floor. Slumped against the wall with half lidded eyes as you try to collect your thoughts, your body is so limp and sapped of energy you don’t even react when you see the prince’s head emerging from under your dress in an almost cute manner. 
“You make a scene to get my attention, only to get tired after I make you cum once.” He scoffs, wiping away the glossy remains of your orgasm off of his face with the back of his hand. “Fucking pathetic.”
Slowly rising from his kneeling position, he stands up straight which forces your leg that was tossed over his shoulder to stretch; the slight sting of your hamstrings working more than they’re used to seems to bring you back to your senses. Much like a wilted flower who just needed some water, you perk up when you realize Changkyun wasn’t quite done with you yet. Silently watching the prince undo his belt, then his pants before tugging them down with his underwear and letting the fabric pool around his ankles, you can’t help but giggle.
“I thought you said fucking was a reward—” You began to taunt only to be cut off by Changkyun ramming his thick, hard cock into your hole that was still pulsing from the aftermath of your previous orgasm. With how slick your pussy was, he slid in with barely any resistance but every time the two of you had sex, your pussy struggled to stretch around his fat cock.  
“Just shut up.” He growls lowly, his head falling back in bliss as he sheathes in the warmth of your walls. 
You think Changkyun is giving you a few moments to adjust to the stretch of his girth while his hands explore your body. But really, he was trying to figure out the best place to grab onto you for the most leverage before he absolutely wrecked you. One hand grips your waist while the other holds on to the meaty underside of your thigh; both hands get a bruisingly tight grasp on you. Bracing yourself for what was to come, you looped your arms around his neck for some sense of security. 
There’s no build up and no teasing exchanges before Changkyun starts thrusting into you animalistically, his full balls slapping against your ass. At this point, the only thing he has in mind is releasing his frustrations on to you as he continues to fuck you rapidly, causing you to moan incessantly with no regard for who could hear you. Each sound you make fuels Changkyun to piston into you harder and deeper, causing the little intricate wall designs in the moulding to dig into your back due to the force. The dull pain that bloomed across your back was a nice contrast to the bliss happening just a few more inches down.
“You feel so good, my love.” You moan out, solely to see what kind reaction it would elicit from the prince in his already angry state. Much to your surprise, you feel his cock throb inside of your sensitive pussy and your walls can’t help but cling on to him after the fact. “Aw, does the prince have a soft spot for me?” You coo in admiration as your hands affectionately twiddle with his hair that reaches the nape of his neck. 
“Don’t start with that,” He warns, digging his fingertips into your thigh. 
Though your words have some truth to them, hearing you speak like that when the reason he was upset with you was for divulging details of your intimate relationship agitated Changkyun and his actions become rougher and deeper; the tip of his cock kissing your cervix and you start feeling tears prick your eyes.
“It’s too deep.” You whimper, trying to squirm away from his hold to no avail. 
“Is it too deep for you, baby?” He echoes mockingly; the pet name makes you clench around him in excitement. “Too fucking bad, you’re being punished, remember?.” 
You’re only able to let out a breathless whine in response, enduring his hips snapping against your ass aggressively and filling the corridor with an erotic orchestra of your own composed of skin slapping against skin and obscene squelches made by Changkyun’s cock filling your soaked cunt accented by the animalistic growls that came from him. 
“Open your mouth.” The familiar three word command is followed without much thought on your end. Obediently parting your lips and sticking your tongue out, you feel this ache within you as you wait for what you already know is coming. He takes hold of your chin between his fingers as he gathers his saliva before messily spitting straight on to your tongue; stringy bits of his spit dripping from his mouth. He doesn’t even need to tell you to swallow because it’s practically second nature to you at this point. It pleased Changkyun to watch you eagerly gulp down his pit, but it was exhilarating for him to feel the way your pussy pulsed around his throbbing cock while you accepted his saliva.  
His eyes happen to venture down below to your point of connection and he sees the white ring of cream you’ve oh so adoringly left around the base of his cock. He can’t help but feel satisfaction wash over him upon seeing the mess you’ve made. And he’s even more pleased when he feels your walls pulsing around him, signifying you’re about to have another orgasm.
Rather than deny you of that pleasure like he normally would when punishing you, he works hard to bring you to that finish; adjusting your position ever so slightly to get better access to your sweet spot. The tight knot that had been coiled in the pit of your stomach was threatening to come undone as Changkyun kept filling you with every inch of his thick length. 
“May I cum again?” You manage to squeak out, feeling your body about to fall apart under his touch all over again. His eyes meet yours and you’re met with that steely gaze that he gave you earlier right before scolding you. Normally, that expression would make you equal parts aroused and scared but currently, you were more scared he was going to deny your request. You’re practically already at your end, you just need some sort of confirmation it’s okay.
The desperation on your face as you await a response from him is amusing to Changkyun and you don’t expect him to pull you in for a sloppy, open mouth kiss before the waves of your climax start to wash over you and you cum all over his cock. You moan into his mouth as he continues to pound into you, prolonging your orgasm. 
“Tch, I’m too nice to you. You didn’t even deserve to cum that hard.” Changkyun mutters against your lips as he now focuses on his own desires. 
With your walls already so sensitive from your previous climax, the only thing you were able to do while Changkyun used your hole until he got his was to whine and moan whenever the tip would overstimulate that special spot within you. 
Luckily for you, he hadn’t been too far behind.  As he messily fucks into you, his hips begin to stutter while your walls squeezed him tightly. With a melodic groan, he shoves himself in deep before his seed disperses within you and your pussy is flooded with his cum. 
Even as fucked out as you were, you don’t miss the way he lets out little gasps of your name mixed in with strings of curses as he continues to shallowly rut into you to ride out the rest of his climax and ensure he gave you every last bit of his seed. 
Carefully pulling out of you, Changkyun finally sets down your leg and you briefly wonder how you were able to go so long supporting most of your weight on one side; but the more important matter at hand was making sure the prince looked presentable enough to send back to his party. As your underwear was torn, there wasn’t anything for you to put back on so you were able to focus on redressing Changkyun’s lower half and checking for anything out of place.
But of course, when one is as perfect as Prince Changkyun, there isn’t much that has to be fixed. 
With his frustrations now quelled and your sexual desire now satiated, there wasn’t much to say to each other it seemed so you pick up the tattered remains of your underwear and shove them in the pocket of your apron.
Before the prince strolls off to resume pretending to enjoy mingling with the guests of his birthday party, he gives you one last command.
“Go wait for me in my bedchamber. And don’t make me have to go looking for you.” 
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
keep in mind, this may not be what comes out first...but i like to know opinions 😊 (and if you wanna let me know what you voted for feel free!!)
links to explain each option if you're confused on anything:
the oneshots (yunho and kyun)
under the radar
college bf au
as always my inbox is open for any questions/requests!
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t3kandson · 9 months
Fan Fiction I’m working on
* If you want to be Tagged in any or all of these let me know 💜*
As previously mentioned here, how i work at my fan-fictions have changed to my health as have been in and out of hospital a lot recently. Please check back here regularly as I won’t be posting monthly updates no more. Just editing this page as I go along.
I know some tags in my Masterlist aren't working I’ve written so many so it’s a big task sorting them out.
I know a lot of the links are broken please bear with me. All one shots (Though the Masterlink tag links I don't think are) are updated and I'm working on a lot of the series link updates.
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imaginidol · 2 years
POV: flustered because the lyrics he keeps writing are still about you…
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clariannahoney · 2 months
Forbidden Ecstasy Part 2
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As the afterglow of their shared climax began to fade, Jooheon's eyes burned with a fiery intensity, his desire unquenched. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, "Now it's my turn." His voice was a low growl, filled with anticipation and need.
Changkyun, still nestled beneath you, nodded in agreement, his hands gently caressing your back. "Let him have his fun," he murmured, his tone encouraging. You turned to face Jooheon, your lips curling into a sultry smile. The room was thick with arousal, each breath heavy with the promise of more pleasure.
You shifted off Changkyun, your body moving with languid grace, and straddled Jooheon instead. His hands were instantly on you, rough yet tender, exploring every inch of your skin. You gasped as his fingers found your most sensitive spots, his touch electrifying.
"You like that?" Jooheon asked, his voice husky with desire. You could only nod, your words lost in the whirlwind of sensation. He smiled, pleased, and continued his ministrations, his pace increasing as your moans grew louder.
Changkyun watched, his eyes dark with a mix of amusement and arousal. He reached out, his hand joining Jooheon's, guiding your movements. "Together," he suggested, his voice a soft command. Jooheon glanced at him, a grin spreading across his face, and they synchronized their efforts, their hands working in tandem to bring you to the brink.
The room filled with the sound of your cries, each one more desperate than the last. Your body arched, seeking more, craving the release that hovered just out of reach. "So close," you breathed, your voice trembling with need.
Jooheon leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. "Let go," he whispered, his breath mingling with yours. The sensation was too much, the world around you blurring into a haze of pleasure. Your orgasm crashed over you, wave after wave of intense bliss, your body shuddering uncontrollably.
As you came down from the high, Jooheon pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace. Changkyun watched, his expression soft, his own needs momentarily forgotten in the aftermath of your shared ecstasy.
"Your turn now," you said to Jooheon, your voice weak but determined. You wanted to give him the same intense pleasure he had bestowed upon you. He nodded, his eyes gleaming with gratitude and excitement.
You moved aside, allowing Changkyun to take your place. Their bodies collided, a symphony of flesh and desire, each movement deliberate, each touch building towards a crescendo. You watched, mesmerized, your own desires reigniting as you witnessed their passion unfold.
Jooheon's groans filled the room, each one a testament to his mounting pleasure. Changkyun worked him expertly, his hands and mouth skilled instruments of delight. "Faster," Jooheon begged, his voice breaking with urgency. Changkyun obliged, his pace quickening, his movements sure and precise.
The air was charged with electricity, the tension palpable. Jooheon's body tensed, his breaths coming in short gasps. "I'm close," he warned, his voice thick with impending release. Changkyun grinned, his own desire mirrored in Jooheon's eyes.
With a final thrust, Jooheon let go, his body convulsing with the force of his orgasm. His cries mingled with Changkyun's groans, the symphony of their pleasure echoing through the room. As the waves subsided, they collapsed onto each other, spent yet satisfied.
You watched, your heart full of warmth and affection. This was what they needed, what they craved—each other, and you. The bond between them was undeniable, forged in the fires of their shared desires.
As they caught their breaths, you moved closer, your hand reaching out to stroke their sweat-slicked skin. "More?" you asked, your voice teasing. They both laughed, a sound filled with contentment and joy.
"Always," Changkyun replied, his eyes meeting yours. Jooheon nodded, his gaze equally fervent. "Forever," he added, his voice a vow.
You smiled, your heart swelling with love and lust. "Then let's make it unforgettable," you suggested, your tone inviting. They agreed, their bodies already responding to your call.
Together, you explored new heights of pleasure, each moment more intense than the last. The night was long, the possibilities endless, and in each other's arms, you found the solace and satisfaction you all sought.
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