#Charivari SP
facelessxchurch · 2 years
You know what would be hilariously funny? Imagine if this book reveals that back in the day, Mevolent was actually a normal height, but he later somehow changed his height (Nye? Elemental self-manipulation?) just to mog people
Hmm, in SP it seems more like there is a correlation between size and power. I mean all sorcerers are taller than they should be given the time period they are born in and even by today's standards they are above average.
And the warlock leader, Charivari, was even taller than Mev. Perhaps courtesy of being quite powerful at wielding a more untamed version of magic?
Though my fav theory is still that Mev got so tall bc the Unnamed's training gave him a power boost and a side effect of that was growing quite tall. This is not to say that Mevolent hadn't been gifted from the beginning, if he wasn't naturally skilled, the Unnamed wouldn't have bothered with him. But the training pushed Mev beyond what he would have been able to accomplish otherwise.
And after he had killed the Unnamed he was trying to fill his knowledge gaps (aka the things his master hadn't taught him on purpose) by raiding his library. Imagine some of the most powerful spells and techniques were written in a long-dead language and when Mev couldn't find anyone who could read it he desperately tried to teach it to himself via those old tomes. Imagine the angst potential of Mev trying one of the ancient spells but having made a translation error- .3.
Mev also tried to gain abilities he didn't have via sigils. I think it was your headcanon that Mev let Nye carve a sigil that gives him limited sensitive abilities into the inside of his skull. I still ADORE that headcanon.
He also learned some of the spells Nef uses tho he doesn't rely as heavily on them as Nef bc while he is trying to turn himself into a jack of all trades (like his master was), Elemental magic is still his discipline and thus the strongest magic he has. The other magic he uses is sigils, spells and potions (aka things EVERY mage can use) to cheat himself some extra power. Mevolent absolutely is the type with an insatiable hunger for knowledge and the power that it grants, which is how he became so powerful and why he gets along so well with Nef, who is driven by the same hunger.
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lassieposting · 2 years
Extremely random note, but I Really Really Really Like your little piece of worldbuilding that the Warlocks in SP are so devastatingly powerful (and more physically imposing) because they're immortal, surviving/partial Neanderthals. That is awesome. It lines up in so many ways.
I don't have warlocks as immortal! They just have a very long lifespan, like sorcerers.
Neanderthals, in general, were already a pretty hardy bunch. They were considerably stockier than Homo sapiens, with barrel chests and broad shoulders and considerable muscle mass. Their bodies were specialized for in a brutal cold-weather environment, where they fractured bones with a frequency comparable to modern day rodeo riders.
But in Handbook canon, warlocks share their preferred habitat - remote, frigid mountainous places - with several members of the Ogroid family, specifically giants, ogres and trolls. And they've also been interbreeding for tens of thousands of years.
Ogroid species are Big and Hulking and notoriously tough. Their hide isn't tough enough to stop a bullet, but for thousands of years it rendered the arrow useless. They're also resistant to certain types of magic, which isn't great when one decides your village is inside its new territory, and you're all trespassing. Like, seriously, you do not want to fuck with these things. They're the hippos of the magic world.
And virtually all modern warlocks have a close relative from one of these species - a parent, grandparent or great-grandparent. Charivari, at ten feet tall, probably had a giant as either his father or mother. Those are some very, very intimidating and resilient genes these mfs are inheriting.
No wonder a small group were able to massacre Mantis' army, huh?
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lilboppaloola · 6 years
What we know of SP 11: Midnight from that vid of Derek's cat
(obvs, kind of spoilers)
- Skulduggery has an effing sniper rifle???!?!?!?!?
- Val's got a fur-lined coat with a hood.
- Val's either having cognitive dissonance or she's back with the self-destructive tendencies (gonna say both)
- Wretchlings are around again (remember those creepy fuckers from Charivari's team in LSODM?)
- But, we don't know whose they are or why that one's dead, or what they're doing in this location. (Skul and Val seem to be hunting them here or something, because they say they just got the last of them)
- Someone is definitely doing something with something that's been "designed" to "dismantle" and not "destroy". Likely means the wretchlings since we know they're *made* like an army (like hollow men), and not an independent force.
- "Are you sure you don't want to try this alone?" : I don't know what this is referring to but I am all here for Skul giving her room to grow and redefine her limits after coming back.
- Can we just go back to Skulduggery with a sniper rifle??? I'm not over that yet.
- Skulduggery has entered his emo phase (he's wearing all black, including shirt and tie).
- He's still a gentleman, "taking her hand and pulling her to her feet"
- They're in some pretty mountains, real high up (probably the most informative part and I completely forgot that...)
Feel free to add if I missed anything!!!
EDIT: He had a sniper rifle in LSODM at the wall, euthanising the captured pow burning to death. Getting the vibe that we're going back to dark places, guys...
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littlelittlesimmies · 7 years
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Charivari Shops
CC free. Requires M&G SP.
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ffaprofessor · 5 years
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MEDEIROS, Maria Beatriz. Performance, Charivari e Política. Rev. Bras. Estud. Presença, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 1, p. 47-59, Apr. 2014.
MOREIRA, Alberto da Silva. Religião na Mídia e a Mídia na Religião. Goiânia. Gráfica e Editora América, 2012.
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ZUMTHOR, Paul. Performance, recepção. Leitura. Trad. Jerusa Pires Ferreira e Suely Fenerich. 2ª. ed. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2007.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
The main reason I volunteered Valkyrie like that is so you could skip straight over her to other characters tbh. How about the YT activities of Scarab, Billy-Ray, evil/fun-Tanith, Tome, Charivari and other shitbirds like that? It's honestly quite difficult to remember other characters you might be interested in answering this about because SP basically revolves around the psychotic mongoloids who are Landy's pets, there is little middle ground between them and our lads.
I don't want to talk or read about Valkyrie at all. Characters I hate aren't worth my time. I said a million times that I only care about the nasty boys. And if you keep bothering me about characters I don't care about it will just make me hate them.
I don't care about SP lore either or all the new deities that showed up BC phase 2 has turned the world building into an unfixable mess. Trying to make sense of that is only gonna kill my braincells.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
You have to draw Charivari making excessively tall love to Mev. Terrible things happen to those who break rule 34, it angers the spirits
This is the best ya gonna get on this good Christian website called Tumblr lmao. Mev and Charivari meeting for the first time:
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I slapped together a scar tattoo design for his head and you can't even fucking see it bc of the head ankles hnfjhvvngb so here it is:
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
Mevolent/Charivari as crack ship tho
this is solely based on Charivari being a 10 ft tall mountain of muscle and thus being the only one that could look at a 8 ft tall but lean (young!)Mev and be like "what a cute twink".
Charivari killing all followers Mev sent to him during the war is the warlord version of ghosting their ex.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
I looked up what Charivari's names even means, and:
Charivari [...] was a European and North American folk custom in which a mock parade was staged through a community accompanied by a discordant mock serenade.
[...] Parades were of three types. In the first, and generally most violent form, a wrongdoer or wrongdoers might be dragged from their home or place of work and paraded by force through a community. In the process they were subject to the derision of the crowd, they might be pelted and frequently a victim or victims were dunked at the end of the proceedings. A safer form involved a neighbour of the wrongdoer impersonating the victim whilst being carried through the streets. [...]
[It was used] to express their disapproval of different types of violation of community norms. [...] It was also used as a form of shaming [...] Charivari is the original French word, and in Canada it is used by both English and French speakers. [...]
As species of popular justice rituals Charivaric events were carefully planned and they were often staged at times of traditional festivity thereby blending delivering justice and celebration.
His name pretty much just describes what he did to Wolfsong, doesn't it?? Just that the way he did it is more fucked up than the mortal version.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
It would be very cool if Charivari was actually an adversary of the Unnamed, someone the Unnamed tried to kill many times but failed every single one. Charivari might have been even more powerful than he was in LSoDM before, maybe he ate a lot of very powerful souls in the centuries before that book and they gave him a long-term boost that was only starting to wear off in the 21st century, so that back then he was strong enough to handle even the Unnamed. And eventually they just called quits.
The Unnamed-Era is so vague and the power-scaling so inconsistent that I have no idea if that would work out or not tbh.
In the present the warlocks/witches seem to be the leave-us-the-fuck-alone types that don't bother anyone as long as you don't attack them first. But their retaliation if someone wrongs them is tenfold. The Unnamed could very well be the reason they behave like that now. Perhaps they were less secluded and had higher numbers before fighting against the Unnamed, but the battling left them at a weakened state by the end from it from which they never really recovered.
I could see some tribes(?) liking the Unnamed tho bc he didn't care if they feasted on the souls of mortals or enemy mages and once Mev took over, he'd have them executed if they ate a mage soul, enemy or not and once the Sanctuaries took over they couldn't even eat mortal souls anymore.
That would give Mev's warning at the end of their relationship not only the meaning of 'don't interferer with my plans' but also 'don't run wild and eat mage souls like the w&w's that joined the Unnamed'.
Also if Charivari was an old (former) adversary of the Unnamed then it would make sending Mev there even more dangerous for Mev. Imagine the Unnamed half expecting Mev to not return at all only for him to instead return in a great mood, not a scratch on him (that the Unnamed can see), with the mission having been a full success.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
I have the same shitty sense of humor and now I want to know more about the MevxCharivari crack ship. Mevivari? Charivolent?
I've heard somewhere that that the dominant one in the ship is named first, so Mevivari it is then (bc apparently Mevari is actually a word that already exists).
They met when Mev was still a student of the Unnamed and was send there by him on a diplomatic mission along with a few men. It's not mentioned what the Unnamed views on warlocks and witches were but for the sake of this ship let's just assume it was an uneasy form of peace with the warlocks/witches just wanting to be left alone and the Unnamed leaving them be so he can concentrate on destroying the opposition among other sorcerers first.
Charivari was less than impressed by the surprise visit from the Unnamed's underlings. Until he realised how tall their leader is up close. It's rare for him to meet someone who is is almost as tall as him, so that's sure to catch his attention. Even more so when Mev took off the hood. Charivari had expected the sneering bully typ and instead he was met with someone calm and collected, his face betraying no emotion. Only when he looked up to the warlock his face came alive, a pleasant smile on his lips and his grey eyes gleaming with youthful curiosity as this was his first time meeting a warlock. The young man is clearly not even over 100 years yet.
This got too long, so the rest is under he cut:
Dressed in form fitting leather armour, a cloak draped from his shoulder and a handsome face to top it all of, Mev carried himself more like a prince than like the Unnamed's glorified lapdog. He had always been a man that's easy to admire, but hard to read. And Charivari was intrigued by that.
During his stay they discussed the matter at hand of course. But Charivari also invited him to a private drink outside of work matters since Mev seemed more interested in learning about the warlocks themselves than furthering his master's political goals.
Of course Mev did notice the way Charivari looked at him and it's a completely new experience for him. For one he had never met someone tall and muscular enough to tower over him like that. Second, usually 'mainly men' had very little interest in him thanks to his size and resting bitch face and he disliked body hair which most of them have plenty of. It's women and twinks that pursue him, and he does prefers feminine partners. But Charivari is a well-kept man of status despite the savage nature of his way of life, plus new is interesting, so Mev plays along, curious to see where it ends.
So he leans back and let's Charivari court him while he was enjoying his drink. He returned the flirting and allowed those lingering touches and, eventually, the kisses pressed on his warm skin-
I headcanon that since warlocks and witches are separated by gender, same-sex relationships are pretty normal. Meanwhile the Unnamed's crowd, Mev among them, are more like the Ancient Greek/Romans. Being gay is fine as long as you're not the bottom/submissive.
So screwing Mev is a constant power struggle over who gets to top and even when Mev bottoms he's a power bottom.
Both of them are thrilled that they don't have to hold back with each other since they for once don't have to worry about accidentally injuring or even killing their partner in the heat of the moment.
Unfortunately Mev went completely feral and suddenly Charivari knew why Mev was always so controlled. He's not as bad as the Unnamed, but he was a monster in his own right. He was a monster that wanted to rip, tear and break, that wanted to hurt, to dominate, to destroy. But that realization came too late for his ear, he's never getting the piece Mev bit off back.
This was one of the rare occasions that Mev actually apologized, but Charivari rightfully felt like it wasn't sincerer. Especially since Mev swallowed. And he also seemed rather pleased with himself for having marked the warlock as his.
Their relationship only lasted for a few days but in that time Mev was showing so many red flags. Manipulating, lying, possessive behaviour, showing sadistic tendencies not only when punishing his men but also in bed, being a control freak and so on.
Suddenly Charivari feels like Mev's inquiries about warlocks was less curiosity and more an attempt to find their weaknesses.
Mev wanted to extend his stay, Charivari insisted he shouldn't, remarking his master surely would not be pleased if Mev took too long to deliver his results.
The worst thing about Mev was that Charivari still liked him despite knowing he's a monster so he didn't want to fight him, but Mev still needed to go and stay away.
Ultimately the mission was a success as Charivari gave Mev what he wanted. Not sure what that was, could have been ensuring their neutrality, securing save passage for the Unnamed's forces or maybe even questioning them about what they know about the Obsidian Blade. It doesn't matter. The Unnamed would be pleased and Mev had his fun.
Before they left Mev pulled Charivari into a brotherly hug, just to softly whisper into his ear to keep his neutrality and never ever side with the Unnamed no matter what he hears. Stay away if you know what's good for you. Mev was the only man who could ever send a cold shiver down Charivari's spine and something about Mev's smile was off when he pulled away to leave. He clearly knows something the warlock doesn't.
Yeah, Mev is that abusive, crazy ex, even if his lover is physically bigger and stronger than him.
A few years later Charivari got the message that the Unnamed is dead and Mevolent had taken his place.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
It shows, the comic is pretty glorious (Mev's expression in the last panel) but the headshot looks pretty much exactly how I imagine Charivari, except I imagine Charivari with scary intense icy blue shark eyes, not amber
Young!Mev has no idea why baldy is looking at him like that lmao usually people ain't that happy to see him, especially if he's there on professional business-
Tbh I've made Charivari's eyes amber to keep in line with the bear theme, plus making them blue would make people even more likely to mistake him for Mr Bliss.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
Your Charivari has Azog the Defiler vibes (except human) which is good because in my mind Charivari has always been a human Azog the Defiler
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Oh damn, I've completely forgotten this guy existed. 'The Hobbit' movies were so forgettable apart from Thranduil/Lee Pace O_O
I saw someone else draw Charivari with scars but I kinda pictured him more with (tribal) tattoos so I combined those two and gave him some sick ass scar tattoo >:D The scars on Azog seem like decoration too, so that's a funny coincidence I totally messed up drawing him buff tho (he needs to be buffer with broader shoulders than I drew), but oh well, it was just a quick silly thing and I so enjoyed drawing his expressions!
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