#Charlie (OC)
emmettland · 2 months
Nahl AU | Origin Post
The Nahl AU was created in 2022, and was inspired by me doodling an idea for a mouth gag. This was the initial concept art.
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Since then, this AU has mostly stayed the same, except that most of the Nahls now have their legs amputated to deter them from escaping. This AU takes place in industrial America, sometime during the 50s. Nahls were discovered to be an immortal species whose saliva can extend the lifespan of humans when ingested. Though the first generation of Nahls looked like humans, each generation to follow became less human and more monstrous. By the tenth generation, Nahl breeding was outlawed, and the once dignified Nahl Homes have been replaced with Nahl Farms.
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I actually have the original taglist for this AU, thanks to @the-crystal-w1tch! Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed. Thank you!
(Nahl AU) Taglist:
@skittles-the-whumpee @cryptidwritings @oddsconvert
@canislycaon24 @sparrowsage @whump-queen
@emcscared-whumps @wolfeyedwitch @interdimensional-chaos
@pikanyachu @sukoshimikan @expressionless-fr
@carosbee Nahl AU Nahl AU (art) Nahl AU (writing) (It will take me some time to add reposts to the tags.)
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
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[I.D. Two panel digital comic using characters from ROTTMNT. In the first panel, Mikey is in front of a doorway wearing a hoodie. He leans forward with one hand against the wall and raises a leg so he can take his shoe off. He smiles and says "Hey Barry! How was your day-" In the second panel, Mikey is shown from about shoulder up in profile with an angry expression. He yells "Draxum who is that", the words in bold. Draxum is seated at a table wearing his blue and white robe, across from a human in a ski mask. He leans one arm over the back of the chair and rests the other on the table, while the human has both hands on the table and sweats nervously. Draxum says "Oh, this is Charlie. He broke in and tried to rob me about half an hour ago." In smaller font it says "Don't worry I haven't broken any of his limbs for it" End I.D.]
I had a dream where a robber broke into Draxum's house but it was when Draxum was at home, and then he wouldn't let the guy leave. So of course I drew it lol
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
Pass The Salt (Scenario) Yandere Alastor X Charlie OC Marie (Hazbin Hotel)
(No One's POV)
Marie Morningstar got a call from her dad last night, he was coming for dinner! Tonight! She ran to Alastor for help. Knocking on his door as Vaggie is manning the staff. Alastor's door opens and Marie walks in. He is sitting there eating a dear.
"Alastor, Oh Satan's ball I need your help!" She cries out.
"Mmmm? And what for my dear?" He asks.
"My dad is coming for Dinner and the hotel is not ready! He has not met my girlfriend yet! He wants to see how the hotel is doing! HELP!" She cries and Alastor seems to be thinking about it.
He was familiar with Lucifer, but also, he could finally make his intention clear.
"All right, first we need to get the hotel in order and some fresh foo-" Suddenly he stopped as she wrapped her around him and buried her face into his chest.
"THANK YOU!" She almost sobs.
Her daddy issues were strong. He can use them to his advantage. He also did not hate her touching him as much as others when they did it.
(The daddy issues are strong with this one)
(XD Unstable daddy issues I fear, Daddy issues are now the force XD)
She suddenly pulled away and gave a nervous laugh. “Right- personal space- sorry, it’s in my head.” She pointed to her head as she gave a nervous laugh.
“I just got so excited- oh Alastor, thank you, thank you, thank you.” She said as she clapped and beamed, barely standing in one place for more than a few seconds.
"Well let's get to it little one~" He says. "We got to make your father a nine-course meal and get this hotel into shape!"
She blushed when he called her little one and walked her down the steps to the hotel where Vaggie was in charge of the guests and staff.
He snaps his fingers and suddenly dozen voodoo dolls appear. He gave them instructions and they got to work.
"Me and Marie will be in the kitchen, do not disturb us!" Alastor called and led Marie away.
Vaggie suddenly however stopped the two.
“Uh- excuse me, what’s going on- Marie, are you seriously having Alastor cook dinner tonight?” Vaggie asked as Alastor’s smile widened and his eye twitched slightly.
This month was far too involved...
“Alastor is a, really, really good cook Vaggie, he’s the perfect person to ask for help!”
"Do not worry there will be no demon meat!" Alastor says. "I would never do such a thing to the King or Queen of Hell!"
Marie nodded her head.
(I like how he did not add princess XD)
(XD Bad Alastor
“Yeah Vaggie, remember, our trust lesson earlier this year at the beginning? We have to true everyone here, even Alastor.” Marie said as she smiled and held her girlfriend’s hand.
“Uh, he didn’t mention you..or any of us,” Vaggie said as she looked at her girlfriend and then narrowed her eyes on Alastor.
"I am sure he never fed us it!" She says with a smile. "We got a few hours, I need you to get the guests and staff ready, they need to be ready not to act out in front of my dad. This is the first time he took interest and I want to show him what we are doing here is good."
Vaggie nods her head and kisses her cheek, Alastor almost growls and then they go to cook.
Alastor kept his eye on Vaggie until she was gone before looking at Marie who was waiting excitedly for his direction. That is one thing she knew, the kitchen was Alastor’s territory, at least when it came to cooking. It was hers in terms of baking.
“So what are we going to make, what do we need, what can I do to help?” She asked.
(God she’s adorable lmao)
He instructed her and helped her do everything and then she turned to him. "I need your help making candy apples, they're my dad's favorite dessert." She tells him and he nods his head.
They got everything done and the food was being monitored by Alastor Voodoo to stay perfect.
"OH I got to get dre-" Alastor snapped her fingers and she was washed and dressed perfectly.
They rush out and see Vaggie in a dress. "Oh, Vaggie you look great!" Marie gushes.
"Angel Dust and Husk decided to go out for dinner and I got nifty and sir pentious to leave as well, she would have been all over him. They will come back but they agreed to get the business stuff out first so they do not ruin the dinner."
Marie nodded. "That was a good idea," Marie says a more intimate dinner and then have coffee and drinks introducing the guests.
That is when the door is knocked on and Marie walks to it opening it and there is Lucifer Morningstar.
Marie smiled, going to hug her father before stopping and holding her hand out to shake his instead,
“Hi, Dad.” “Marie. I see the hotel isn’t in shambles.” He said as Marie gave a nervous laugh.
“Oh, yeah- yeah it’s going great Dad, you’re going to love dinner, I’ve got a surprise for you too,” Marie said as she was going to say she was dating Vaggie
Alastor smiled and led them to the table. "Let's eat dinner or it will get cold! Your Majesty, might I just say that you have the most amazing daughter in all of hell?"
(Alastor buttering up Lucifer XD)
(Gotta get daddy’s blessing before you steal his daughter)
(mmmmmm hmmmmm XD)
Vaggie stopped as she looked up at Alastor. She didn’t like when he’d compliment Marie, or felt..weird. Fucking Weird.
However, Marie seemed happy at Alastor’s words, Lucifer, why he was proud.
The food came out as Marie realized when she passed around the salt, she forgot to salt her food as it sat between Alastor and Lucifer, but closer to her father.
So she spoke up.
“Daddy, can you pass the salt please?”
suddenly both Alastor and Lucifer's hands were on the salt and the room went dead silent except for Alastor's Radio static. Marie's face was bright red and Lucifer looked shocked.
"Marie, are you sleeping with the Radio Demon?!" He asks
Marie blushed even more. "I-I-"
"Not yet, but she will be~," Alastor says and passes the salt to Marie. Who gave a weak and flustered thank you.
Vaggie was doing her best not to stab Alastor, but she could not do anything while Lucifer was here. She looked ready to kill Alastor who cut into his food. Vaggie knew this meant war. Lucifer was thinking how proud he was of his daughter for dating a respectable overlord like Alastor!
(XD Well Daddy Gave his blessing XD)
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azierumart · 6 months
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more oc stuff!! another redesign and also put some notes about him down (: i have a lot of lore about the creatures of my universe and stuff especially warlocks (they’re my favourite)
also if you’re viewing this on a phone or smth i’m sorry the colours get fucked up you literally can’t see anything
anyway!! here are some ramblings about warlocks
warlocks are probably one of the most powerful creatures. they can do all kinds of conventional magic, pretty much all exceptionally well. their magic is very instinctual and VERY ruled by their emotions (im a sucker for strong emotion bursts of accidental magic), and it also occasionally has a mind of its own. they can still specialise in a certain type of magic ofc and tend to be better at one or two types, but they also have their own sort of unconventional magic thing or combine conventional magics in ‘odd’ ways. their unconventional magic doesn’t fit with any specific type of magic and it’s the kind no other magic users can do. they are humanoid usually but basically can look like anything, have any sort of features/non human attributes, wings, tails, horns, what have you. most have non human looking eyes, non human eye colours and ‘weird’ irises. their eyes also glow when doing magic, and when doing very powerful magic completely cloud over whilst also glowing. every warlock is autistic/adhd/audhd (judged by human standards). every warlocks brain has a more similar structure to an autistic/adhd/audhd human brain than a human allistic/non adhd brain. theyre also immortal and live long long long lives…. some powerful ones can’t actually die, or at least haven’t found a way to yet (even if they want to… which most of them do. yes that’s cruel but i love to torture my ocs). they’re exceptionally rare, there’s probably only about several hundred/thousand?? being that old obviously leaves way for a lottttt of trauma. people liked to hunt them a lot in the past, take the things that make them look inhuman as trophies meaning many of them are without/have damaged parts of their inhuman characteristics. and ofc any other trauma, lots have childhood trauma from parents being freaked out about them, many are abandoned, they’ve lost many many people, etc etc. they are born or seem to be born from human parents at random so they tend to be very unexpected. many of them have ptsd or c-ptsd and have been depressed/are depressed. obvs being autistic/adhd/audhd that leaves them with higher chance of that anyways. their magic is their whole being basically, it’s so intrinsically them and natural to them. overexerting themselves with magic can have dire consequences like with any kind of overexertion. they’ll be ill for a while after, very weak and usually with a fever or something, maybe unconscious. it could physically damage them too. at a certain point they stop ageing (and they tend to physically age slower than humans, how slow varies) and stay looking that same age forever (this age also varies). no one knows where they come from and there’s no real pattern to how and why and when they’re born. many people think they’re children of demons and don’t like them, think they’re dangerous etc. some use wands or staffs but they don’t really have need for them and they’re usually just for the aesthetic
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turboweenie · 2 months
OCs as Obscure References
I was tagged by @rakofelo for this! I wasn't certain if I should do Sahil or René but I have a little moodboard for René here, so! Thanks for the tag. Tagging with no pressure, @mootmuse @spaceaceathena @nightgnome @notyouraveragecullenite and double tagging @vexatious-anamnesis and @orlesianapologist (so some pressure)
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ANIMAL: swan
COLORS: cornflower ; blush ; champagne ; geranium ; flax ; teal ; lilac ; celadon
MONTH: may
SONGS: family line, conan gray ; cherry wine, hozier ; moins joli, iliona
PLANTS: datura ; foxglove ; bluebell ; azalea ; baby's breath ; sunflower; basil
SMELLS: coffee ; linen ; oil paint ; orange blossom ; herbs de provence
TIME OF DAY: afternoon
SEASON: spring
PLACES: saint-cirq-lapopie
FOOD: chantilly ; tiramisu ; plum ; almond
DRINKS: amaretto ; espresso
ELEMENT: water
SEASONINGS: marjoram ; nutmeg
SKY: blue ; light cloud
WEATHER: temperate sun
MAGICAL POWER: manipulation 
WEAPONS: tears
SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram
MAKEUP PRODUCT: lip tint ; bb cream 
CANDY: ginger lemon gummy
ART STYLE: claude monet
FEAR: true scrutiny
PIECE OF STATIONARY: charcoal pencil
THREE EMOJIS: i don't know how to do emojis on desktop
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rakofelo · 2 months
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It's ya boy, René Faro! Been hyperfixating on this bardic menace and his big, beautiful, wet eyes ever since he had the Absolute heh misfortune of finding Finchvaer on the Nautiloid.
René is @turboweenie's OC. He has some of the most detailed and well-written lore I've ever seen. Plus he's super cute to boot. Thanks for letting me borrow his smooshable face!
These were pulled from a comic strip I'm working on - more to come!
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dragonduck-art · 1 month
Charlie :D
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(click on image for better quality)
reblogs > likes
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the-husbando · 1 year
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Charlie: D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F?
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apollon-ian-art · 2 years
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im really sorry if I seem like an ass but.. I sorta had a panic attack recently and I was wondering if I could have some comfort?
just some cuddles will do.. I'm.. sorry.
NONONONONO u are no ass!!! >:[[[[[ *HUGS YOU TIGHTLY*
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Charlie x Reader
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Charlie and you jumped around the kitchen, swaying your hips to the upbeat music, cookie batter splattered and smudged on your aprons and under your nails.
Charlie sung loud and proud as he pushed the last batch of cookies in the the oven, you sung with him.
"Wowie! Look at us go!" Charlie grinned, you laughed.
"We are quiet the pair!" You responded cheerfully.
"And we made so much!" You giggled, noticing the the stacks of cookies that were already cooling on the kitchen bench.
Charlie laughed, shrugging. "Oops!"
"We should chow down on the cookies while we watch cheesy romcoms" Charlie spoke up, tapping his finger on his chin, you gasped, nodding.
"Good idea! Oh, I love that idea"
"I know!"
Cuddling up on the couch, the warm afternoon glow warmed your feet as you and Charlie pressed shoulders while watching the cheesy rom com, chowing down on the freshly made cookies that were in a large wooden bowel.
"Jeeze! Kiss already!" You groaned at the tv, Charlie laughing.
"shhh I like the suspense!" Charlie giggled, pressing his knees to his chest, watching like a child in a candy store.
You roll your eyes, resting your head on his side as you both indulged in the movie.
By the end of the movie, both of your bodies were tangled together, blanket tossed across the floor as you both snuggled up together cookie falling from your mouth.
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beebundt · 4 months
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im busy with an art trade but wanted 2 share some recent scraps of charlie. i haven't posted abt her in years oh my god
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emmettland · 9 days
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working on a clown (Charlie)
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tobimilobi · 5 months
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Raimundo Pedrosa & Jack Spicer, Clay Bailey & Omi & Raimundo Pedrosa & Kimiko Tohomiko, Raimundo Pedrosa & Wuya Characters: Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, Omi (Xiaolin Showdown), Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown), Clay Bailey, Dojo Kanojo Cho, Jack Spicer Additional Tags: Wuya Wins, Heylin Raimundo, Evil Raimundo, Smart Jack Spicer, Jack Spicer is a bro, Ignores Xiaolin Chronicles, Takes place afer Wuya kills Raimundos friends, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Hopeful Ending, Alternative Univers, Enemies to Friends, Unhealthy Relationships, Canonical Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Sad, Ex-Villain, No Sex, Raimundo is just very abusively protective of his friends, Minor Violence, Blood and Injury Series: Part 1 of Hope Summary:
"Nothing, nothing, we're just wondering if it's worth opening the scroll in front of you, Mr. Walking Encyclopedia of Wu." Kimiko smiled slyly.
"Don't joke, I'm not that good." He rolled his eyes. 
"Have you noticed that each new Wu lately is rather medium or low?" Clay said suddenly, and when they looked at him, he added. "For some time now, the only Shen Gong Wu that are activated are medium or low level, and yet two weeks ago there were mainly the most dangerous and strong ones."
"Clay's right." Omi closed the scroll and frowned deeply. "Recently, we have collected Wu that were not very strong or averagely dangerous, as if suddenly there were no stronger ones or something had changed."\
Raimundo glanced at Omi and then back at the scroll. What could have changed so suddenly two weeks ago to...
"It's because of me..." Raimundo swallowed hard. "Before, there was an imbalance because there were no Wind Dragon, so to maintain it, you got stronger weapons, but when I showed up..."
"The balance is back on track!" Kimiko replied loudly. "It makes sense! [...]"
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marcomie12 · 4 months
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Congratulations to Lucifer and Lilith for making me doubt my sexuality 👺
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pansylair · 16 days
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scanned in another sketchbook page to colour 💙
id: A digitally colored sketchbook page of a bust of a black character with a short afro and safety pin earring tenderly looking towards the viewer with a smile. The background is vivid blue and the illustration is coloured in with desaturated yellow-greens. A large star sits to the upper left of their face which is further framed by leafy plants. Wormy, serpent like creatures wind around them and the flora, all eyes staring and further observing the viewer.
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turboweenie · 1 month
just doodling an oc today, @orlesianapologist made a crack at me and i couldn't get it out of my head
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she's absolutely right
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