#Charlie Dempsey
samijey · 3 months
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'That's your father' chants intensify
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sydsaint · 3 months
Baby Regal you and your curls are very special to me. <3
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Summary: William Regal introduces his son to his NXT managerial protégée.
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It's a usual humid afternoon in Florida when you arrive at the Performance Center. Three taping of NXT are scheduled for the day, so it's safe to say that you'll be busy.
You swipe your keycard at the security gate and head right for your office. Wrestlemania season has come around, so things are hectic around the office. You settle into your office and barely have time to pull up your schedule for the day when a knock sounds at the door.
"Come in!" You give a brief shout while pulling up the schedule for the night. "Yes? Oh! Mr. Regal!" You falter a bit when your mentor comes striding into the room with his usual calm and collected demeanor.
"YN, my dear. It's good to see you again." Regal smiles as he makes his way around to your desk. "It's been much too long since we've last spoke "
You pop to your feet as Regal comes around the corner and open your arms for a hug. You are granted a short but sweet embrace by the man that taught you damn near everything you know about being an administrator for WWE.
"Gosh, you're right. It has been too long, old friend. How are you? Are you back in NXT for your old position?" You ask while offering the old Legend a chair.
"Heavens no." Regal chuckles and takes a seat opposite of you. "By all accounts, you've been doing well at your new position as GM of NXT." He smiles at you. "I always knew you'd excel if only they'd give you a chance to shine, my dear."
You blush at your mentor's kind words. "Well, I did learn from the best." You grin. "So. If you're not here for my job? Then what can I do for you, Mr. Regal?" You ask him.
"My eldest son." Regal replies. "He's one of Shawn's newest higher." He explains. "So I've come by to see him off."
"Really?" You reply and begin searching for the list of Shawn's newest additions to NXT. "He must be wrestling under a different name then, yeah?" You find the list and begin glancing through the names.
Regal watches you read down the list in amusement before getting to his feet. "Charlie Dempsey is the name you're searching for, my dear. He's waiting outside as we speak." He nods to the door.
"He is?" You look up from your phone. "Oh, well please, let him in!" You insist. "I'd love to meet him. Which I'm sure was your intention, right, Regal?" You smile at the old man playfully.
"You know me so well, YN." Regal nods with a cheeky grin and walks over to the door.
You pop to your feet and wait for Regal to usher his son inside the room. You got a brief look at the new higher a few days ago when Shawn was showing them around the PC. So you're curious as to which one is your mentor's son.
"You can come in now, son." Regal swings the door open. "I do believe that I've softened her up for you." He jokes.
Your eyes fall on the door as a tall brunette steps inside and past Regal who shuts the door. You recognize him as one of the newbies that caught your eye a few days ago due to his curly hair and charming looks. But now that you're seeing him next to his dad. Well, he's the spitting image of Regal.
"Hello." Charlie approaches you as Regal shuts the door behind him. "It's a pleasure to finally get to meet the woman my father won't ever shut up about." He jokes lightheartedly and goes in for a handshake.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Dempsey." You shake his hand firmly.
Charlie chuffs and shakes his head. "Please, Charlie will do just fine, Miss LN." He corrects you.
"Right." You nod. "And please, YN will work better for me. Miss LN is my mother." You correct him as well.
Regal walks over to the two of you and sets a hand on his son's shoulder. "Well, I'll let you two kids chat. I've still got to pay Shawn a visit before filming starts." He explains. "It was such a pleasure seeing you again, YN. And I have no doubt that you'll thrive in your position here. And son, good luck tonight."
"Thanks, Dad." Charlie nods.
"I'll be seeing you around, Regal." You wave your mentor off. "And you are welcome back anytime." You add.
Regal disappears through the door and leaves you alone with his son. You wait for a moment before turning to him.
"You know, I always forget that he had sons. I have to admit, he doesn't talk about his personal life much." You confess.
"That's my father, alright." Charlie chuckle. "He's talked about you a ton." He adds. "One of the sharpest minds he's ever had the pleasure working with, he's said."
You turn your head to the side, but it does little to hide the flush of your face at Charlie's kind words. "I had a wonderful teacher." You insist. "How are you feeling about tonight? You're working towards the Heritage Cup, right?"
"That's right." Charlie nods. "Pretty sure that my father would disown me if I didn't go after it." He jokes. "Noam Dar, he's the one that's got it at the moment right?"
"Yep." You nod. "Noam's had it for a while now. Which is good for you." You explain. "Means that creative won't make you wake long before they decide to make Noam drop it." You nudge his shoulder playfully.
Charlie grins and goes to say something but your phone buzzes on your desk before he can get it out. You put a finger up to silence him and quickly answer your call.
"Shawn? Yeah? I'm in my office, sir." You answer the phone. "Mhm. He does? Alright. Yeah, I can meet him in 10 minutes. Mhm. Yep. I'll be sure to ask him, sir. Okay, thanks you." You hang up the phone after a terribly one-sided conversation. "Well then, duty calls."
"Of course Charlie nods and steps out of your way. "It was a pleasure to finally meet you, YN." He goes in for a handshake again.
You glance down at Charlie's outstretched hand and smile to yourself. "Pleasure was all mine, Charlie. But I think that we've graduated past a simple handshake, don't you?" You tease him. "I'm technically not your boss until the show starts taping after all."
"Right." Charlie chuckles and goes in for a friendly hug instead. "Dad mentioned that you were a hugger." He adds.
"Good luck tonight, Charlie." You install one last vode of confidence in your new hire. "Feel free to stop by after the show if you're in the mood to chat." You add before heading for the door. "My door is always open for a friend."
Charlie nods and walks to the door with you. "I'll keep that in mind." He assures you.
You both step out into the hall and go your separate ways. You head for the backstage area to take care of Shawn's problem he mentioned on the phone and Charlie lingers in the hallway for a moment, watching you walk off.
Dempsey's heart flutters in his chest for a second as he watches you walk off. For years he's been hearing Regal talk up the infamous YN LN to him. He's been hearing stories of his dad's brilliant and beautiful protegee for years now. But Regal's stories do little to live up to the hype now that Charlie's actually met you. It's safe to say Charlie's got a crush. And a bad one at that.
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mith-gifs-wrestling · 7 months
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I love Eddie Thorpe basically saying "I've been tortured by Minoru Suzuki, you hold no fear for me."
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mrawkweird · 3 months
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More than one royal family.
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No Quarter Catch Crew with multiple matches and appearances this week. Loved it!
NXT - 3/19/2024
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frentique · 2 months
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regalityandcoffee · 5 months
So proud of you, you beautiful bendy boy
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nokneepadsnoproblem · 3 months
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Charlie wins the Heritage Cup with two very impressive pinning combinations, and Daddy Drew cannot be prouder!
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plentyoffandoms · 5 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
Better Together
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @mith-gifs-wrestling 2nd gif @leakees
Requested by @hooks-martin
WC: 1212
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"Oh my fucking God, Bailey. You are infuriating." She crossed her arms across her chest, and all I could was smirk and hold my hands up in mock surrender.
"I didn't do anything, sweetheart." I could see the fire in her eyes when I called her sweetheart.
She took a few steps towards me, but I didn't move.
Not even when she poked my chest with her finger. "Do not call me sweetheart, you arrogant bastard."
"Will you two cut it out and act like you like each other for just two seconds." I didn't even look to see who said that. My gaze just focused on her.
"Truce?" I held my hand out, waiting for her to take it or slap it away. She looked between my hand and my eyes.
"Fine, but I will not shake your hand. I have no idea who you have touched with it." She spun on her heels and walked down the hall, away from me.
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"Tough break, Bailey." Drew said to me as he clasped my shoulder.
I shrugged him off, muttering that I had no idea what he was talking about.
But he knew I liked her. I have ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her, but for some reason, she just doesn't like me.
She never gave me a chance, and now we can't go one minute without arguing, and we can argue about anything.
One time, we actually argued about which ice cream flavour was best. We now are not allowed to discuss any type of food without someone there to make us stop arguing.
I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach. One minute, she was standing in the corner of the ring, her hand stretched out waiting to be tagged in by her partner.
Once she was tagged in, she hoped over the ropes, doing what she did best. She is a flyer and one of the best, in my opinion. Her opponent rolled out of the ring and stood on the outside, walking around taunting her and teasing her.
I know these two actually don't get along. They never have, so the moment her opponent stuck up her middle finger at her, she ran and jumped through the ropes, just like she had done hundreds, if not thousands of times.
But this time, something happened.
Something that had the whole damn backstage, crew and fans gasping.
Her head, shoulder, and arm hit the barrie, and she hit the ground.
Not moving.
Before I knew what the hell I was doing, I was running down the ramp from backstage towards her. Beating the medical staff.
I didn't touch her as I kneeled next to her, but I could tell that her arm was broken.
Her eyes were fluttering, but not in a way that would have waking up.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla
Fuck, she has a concussion. I must have said that part out loud because the fans closest to us, started to mutter.
The medical staff took her to the back to look her over. I followed right behind, worried out of my damn mind.
"She needs to be taken to the local hospital. She will need to get tests done on her head and her arm." I heard from the side. I was standing with Drew, Bobby, and David.
I was going to be sick. Watching her get loaded into the back of the ambulance.
I actually turned around and walked away from everyone, worried about them seeing me break down. I found a spare garbage can and emptied the contents of my stomach.
I waited, each day to see if I should go and see her. We were told she would be leaving the hospital tomorrow but will be out for a long time.
Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself standing outside her hospital room, only three days after everything that happened.
I knocked on the door, waiting to see if I could come on.
"Come in." Came her soft voice.
I opened the room, excepting for her to throw something at me when she saw who it was.
"Hi Bailey." She gave me a small smile.
"Hi." I softly said, returning the small smile.
"Is that for me?" She pointed with her good arm and the stuffed dragon I had in my arms.
"Yes. I figured you have got enough flowers from everyone and bears that this is just something a bit different." I put the stuffed dragon down with the rest of the gifts.
I turned back and looked at her, and she was looking at me, like she had never seen me before. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. I guess I'll leave now." It was a mistake coming here. I went to leave the room when her voice stopped me.
"Thank you for being there, Bailey." I turned around and looked at her, wondering what she remembers.
"I thought I saw you, leaning down next to me, but I wasn't sure. April told me."
"It was nothing." I tried to play it off as I took the empty seat next to her bed.
"It was something. Here I was, thinking you hate me." I cut her off. "I don't hate you. I never have."
"I know that now. You see me as a friend."
I was shaking my head no. I'm done with hiding how I feel. I could have lost her.
"I don't see you as a friend, love. I never have." I didn't realise I called her love.
"Then what so you see me as?"
"You know I am not good with my feelings."
"Well, thank you for the dragon, Bailey. Have a good afternoon." She went cold. I could hear it in her voice.
"You want me to say it? Fine, I will. I care about you. You, the woman who drives me up the wall. The woman who makes me want to rip out my hair." Our eyes locked, and I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding.
"The woman who I have fallen for. The woman who I believe has stolen my heart."
"Bailey," She stuttered my name.
"You don't have to like me back, but let us put our differences aside and be friends."
"Will you let me talk! I fucking love you too."
I was for once in my life, too stunned to speak.
"Yes. I just heard you got around, and I didn't want my heart broken."
I grabbed her good hand and squeezed it. "If you will have me, I am yours, and yours alone, love."
"How about a date, at least?" She questioned.
"I'll take you home tomorrow, okay? I'll pick you up here, and we will grab food and take it to your place. Movies, TV Shows. Anything." Not my idea of a first date, but I now do not want to spend a second without her.
"Sounds good."
I leaned over the hospital bed and kissed her lips gently. I know her head is still sore. I felt her smile into the kiss, making my heart feel like it was going to beat out of my chest, like I am some teen having their first kiss.
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lianrra · 2 days
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charlie dempsey – reality of wrestling, ep. 378
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sydsaint · 2 months
Baby Regal my boy!!!!!!!! <3
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Summary: NXT!GM!Reader congratulates Charlie on winning the prestigious NXT Heritage Cup.
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It's a busy afternoon in the arena for NXT. The show is about to go on the road, so a large batch of episodes are being recorded for NXT's weekly airing. You're sitting in your office going over the road schedule for the next month. You've still got to come up with about 10 more house show cards before you're done.
A sharp knock sounds at the door making you look up from your laptop. "Come in." You chirp, glancing back down at the screen briefly.
"YN, my dear! I hope that I'm not interrupting." William Regal comes striding through the door with his usual refined swagger.
"Mr. Regal!" You greet your mentor with a smile. "Not at all! Please, come in." You gesture to the empty chair siting in front of your desk. "What can I do for you?" You ask him.
Regal shuts the door behind him and makes his way over to your desk. You watch him take a seat in your empty chair and smile at him.
"Of course." You nod. "I'm just making up plans for the house shows that we've got coming up." You explain and turn your laptop screen so Regal can see it.
"Oh I was simply reminiscing about my youth with Shawn and a few other old timers when Mr. Michael's informed me that you were working." Regal explains. "So I figured that I'd come by and see how you were fairing, my dear."
Regal leans forward in his chair and retrieves his reading glasses from the front pocket of his jacket. "May I" He asks you.
"Sure. Go ahead." You nod and push your laptop closer to him.
You lean back in your seat and observe Regal as he looks over your schedule and notes. It makes you feel like a kid again, carefully waiting for Regal to critique your latest attempt at paperwork and other stuff.
"Well?" You eagerly prompt your mentor after a few minutes.
"An excellent job, as always my dear." Regal smiles at you and pushes the laptop back your way. "I doubt that I could have done a better job myself."
You smile to yourself and turn your laptop back around. "Thank you, sir. And how is your son? He's scheduled for a Heritage Cup match against Noam Dar tonight, isn't he?" You ask.
"He is, yes." Regal nods. "Charlie's quite excited about it as well." He informs you. "I can't thank you enough for giving him the chance to challenge for it. Makes me prouder than you know."
"Oh well, your son is an excellent competitor, Regal. It wasn't a hard decision picking him for Noam's next challenger." You shrug.
You and Regal chat for a bit longer and he suggests a few more match idea's before taking his leave.
"Well, it was a delight talking with you, as always, my dear." Regal rises from his seat and holds out a hand for you to shake. "I hope that I was able to help take some of the pressure off of you to come up with some exciting house show match-ups." He adds as you shake his hand firmly.
"You were a big help, Regal. Thank you." You smile at him. "Tell Dempsey good luck for me if you see him before his match." You add.
Regal nods again and heads out of your office. The door clicks shut with a small thud and you sit back down to get back to work.
Around an hour or so later you finally finish up getting the house-show schedule made and decide to take a small break. You head out of the office and down to the backstage are to see how things are fairing with the multiple tapings going on.
You get backstage and chat with a few of the staff about how things are moving along. And by the sounds of it, everything is going smoothly so far.
"That's great. And what match is up next on the schedule?" You ask the staff member that you've been chatting with.
"That'd be Dempsey and Dar for the Heritage Cup, ma'am." The staffer answers you. "They should both be headed down to the curtain any moment." He adds and nods to the curtain entrance on the other side of the room.
You nod just as Noam enters the room from the hallway with the rest of Meta Four at his side. Dar spots you and walks over with a confident smile.
"Boss! I wasn't expecting to see you down here. Everything alright?" Noam asks you.
"No trouble, Noam." You assure him with a smile. "I'm just checking up on the show before I get back to doing paperwork is all." You explain. "Good luck out there, by the way."
Noam nods, clutching his beloved trophy to his chest. "Thank you." He smiles at you.
Noam heads over to the curtain as his entrance music hits and you watch him disappear through the curtain. Seconds later, you hear the familiar sound of Regal giving someone one of his coveted pep-talks. You turn around and find him talking with Charlie as the pair come into the room.
"And you know that I'll be proud of you either way, son." Regal clasps a hand on Charlie's shoulder.
"I know, dad." Charlie nods.
You smile at the pair and keep your distance out of respect for the father-son bonding moment. That is until Regal spots you loitering nearby and beckons you over to them.
"Regal." You nod at the older man with a friendly smile. "Good to see you again, old man." You joke with him. "And, Charlie! Good luck out there with Noam." You turn to Dempsey with an encouraging smile.
"Thank you." Charlie matches your smile. "I hope that here in about half an hour you'll be handing me that trophy." His grins widens a bit as he winks at you slyly.
A laugh escapes your lips and you shake your head. "We'll just have to see who the better man is, I guess." You tease him right back.
Charlie's entrance music hits and he walks off through the curtain to join Noam in the ring. Regal steps over to your side and the two of you watch the match from the monitors set up backstage.
"You sure as hell taught him well, Regal." You comment on Dempsey's prowess in the ring.
Regal chuckles and nods. "Yes, well, I try." He muses. "You seem quite fond of Charlie, yes? He's told me that you've been graciously helping him make his way into the Heritage Cup contender conversation." He turns toward you.
"Well I wouldn't make anything of it." You shrug and scratch at your arm sheephishly. "You're the one that taught me to never pick favorites, Regal." You remind him.
"I believe that I taught you to never make it obvious that you've got favorites." Regal corrects you. "There's quite the difference between the two, wouldn't you say, my dear?"
You hang your head to hide a sheepish smile and nod. "I suppose so. My mistake, Regal." You shift your weight from one foot to the other.
While you're busy looking at the floor in shame the match out in the ring comes to an end. Your head snaps up and toward the monitor. Out in the ring, Charlie stumbles to his feet as the referee reaches over to raise his hand.
"Well well well, would you look at that." Regal smiles to himself. "It seems like my boy had it in him afterall." He muses.
"It appears so." You agree. "Please excuse me, Regal. But I do believe that I have a trophy to present to a new champion. You're welcome to join me, of course." You offer.
Regal shakes his head and steps away from you. "Go ahead. Let my boy have his moment." He insists. "There will be plenty of time for celebration later."
You nod and head out to the ring. You pass Noam and the rest of Meta Four on your way down the ramp and offer Noam a sypathetic smile. Vic hands you the trophy since it was sitting on the commentary table during the match and you bring it into the ring where Charlie is patiently waiting.
"Congradulations to our new Heritage Cup winner! Charlie Dempsey!" You shake hands with Dempsey before handing over the trophy.
Charlie takes his hard-earned prize and soaks in the cheers from the crowd for a moment. You step out of the ring and let him have his moment before Charlie joins you back on the floor and the two of you head backstage.
"Congradulations on the win, Charlie!" You set a hand on the back of Dempsey's shoulder with a smile. "I knew that you had it in you." You grin at him.
"I couldn't thank you enough for putting faith in me and backing me up to get me here." Charlie replies. "This is as much of a win for you as it is for me." He insists.
You laugh and wave your hand dismissvly. "Oh, all I did was point out the talent that you already had." You assure him. "You did all the hard work, Charlie."
The two of you get backstage and you let Regal talk with his son. While the pair are chatting and sharing hugs you check in with the backstage crew one more time. After you've made sure that things are still running smoothly you intend to head back to your office. But Regal stops you before you leave the backstage area.
"Oh, well I'm sure that our lovely friend YN would be happy to join you in my absense." Regal turns toward after looking at Charlie.
"Pardon?" You come to a stop in front of the pair.
Regal nods to his son before smiling at you eagerly. "I was just reluctantly informing Charlie that I'm going to have to decline his offer for dinner and drinks after the show." He explains. "I've got a prior engagment that I'm afriad I can't miss. Although, I don't suppose you're busy after NXT finishes up taping, are you, YN?" He asks you. "I'd hate to leave Charlie to celebrate such a big win by himseslf."
"Right." You nod, catching onto what Regal's trying to swing here. "No, I'm not busy after the show at all." You turn toward Charlie. "If you'd like to meet me outside my office after the show then I'd love to grab dinner, Charlie." You smile at him.
"Sounds excellent." Charlie agrees. "I guess that I'll see you after the show then, YN. Take care." He matches your smile before walking off back to the locker rooms.
You wait until Charlie is gone before you turn back to your mentor.
"You don't happen to be trying to set me up with your son, are you, Regal?" You ask him with a playful smile.
"I haven't a clue what you're talking about, my dear." Regal smiles right back at you. "Do have fun at dinner, though." He winks before walking off as well.
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Tony D'Angelo wins the NXT Heritage Cup:NXT 5/14/24
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mrawkweird · 4 months
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Charlie found the golden ticket.
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porcelainpumpkin · 10 days
Tony D'Angelo: Why Mafia isn't a fucking aesthetic: a thread-
Charlie Dempsey: I cooka da pizza
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bigbubblebaby · 5 months
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They're really making their own BCC
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frentique · 2 months
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