#Chibs smut
marvelous-slut · 7 months
Call Back - Chibs Telford x Reader
YALL!! I can’t lie, I am a hoe for this troupe if you can’t tell from my other works. Like the close friends daughter? Idk it makes me feral. I swear to god I don’t have daddy issues, like I have the best dad ever so idk why I’m like this but here’s this work that has been stuck in my drafts for weeks.
MINORS DNI. 18+ ONLY! Age gaps & smut.
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You watched the club members make their way into the club house as you puffed on the joint that rested between your fingers. Chucky had kept you company while you waited for them to come back from a run. As much as you wanted to slap the shit out of Chibs when he come through the door, you held back. Knowing you couldn’t risk Clay finding out that one of his most trusted members had been with his daughter right under his nose. Even if through all the rage you felt right now toward him, you’d never want him to get hurt.
While the MC was on a run, you’d realized you’d forgot many of your things at Chibs house the night before they left. He told you were the extra key was through text for you to get them back, a part of you wished you’d never went in. You found your things and as you did, the phone rung. Before you shut the door to leave, you heard a voice mail being recorded and decided to stay and listen. Sure, maybe it was a little bit of an invasion of privacy but you wanted to know who else needed to talk to him besides the club and you.
“It’s Fi. Fillip, I want our family back. Jimmy is gone, hasn’t been here for months. Haven’t heard from him either. There’s no sense in us stayin’ apart now. Let me know when you get this, please.” Family? What family? The only family you’d known Chibs to have was the MC. You cursed yourself for not listening to Clay and Gemma more when they’d talk about the members and their lives. You’d think the feelings you’d had for Chibs through the years of being around the club would have made your ears perk up when they’d chat about him. Maybe it was a detail you’d heard and didn’t care about, as you’d never met or seen him with a woman, thinking it was an old fling. Chucky filled you in once you brought it up, telling you how Chibs had been married before with a daughter. He didn’t know much more besides that.
“You gotta go home, no need for you to be here.” Clay says, throwing his bag on the pool table. “And put that shit out, this place reeks of pot cause of you.” He walks past you, just like you were a stranger in the house. You didn’t know what happened on the run, but it had to be something tough. Clay typically treated you and Gemma both like dirt on his shoes when a run went bad or an issue come up with the club. It didn’t make the coldness he came off with sting any less. The hurt was plastered on your face, you put your joint out in the ash tray and ran out of the club house in tears. Pushing past Chibs as you did. Jax looks at him, confused as to what happened.
“Think it’s somethin’ with Clay. I’ll go make sure she’s okay.” He says, Jax nods his head and follows the rest into the house. Jax cared about you, sometimes both of you thought he cared more about you than Clay but right now he had to fill his role as VP.
“Love,” He begins to say. You turn around, laughing as you did. Between the new found information of him being married and your fathers cold demeanor toward you, something snapped inside of you.
“Shut up!” You yell at him, he’s confused and shocked as you’d never talked to anyone this way before in your whole life. Even if you had Gemma for a step mom you weren’t quick to yell out in anger or use your fists to resolve issues like her, even sometimes being like a dog that keeps getting beat down makes anyone eventually explode. “Don’t you have a fucking wife to get back to?” You ask, Chibs eyes widen. He’s speechless and you take the opportunity to get in your car and drive off from the club. Wanting to be anywhere but here.
You laid on your bed looking up at the ceiling, unable to think of anything other than Chibs. Even your father snapping at you today didn’t hurt like this did. That you were used to, being lied to by someone you trusted deeply wasn’t. It was 12:42AM, not a word from Chibs or Clay. You were shocked that Gemma hadn’t been crawling up your ass to find out where you were. Typically you’d go over to visit before heading to your house but today you just wanted to be alone. Trying to sleep hadn’t worked out in your favor and you’re forced to lay in bed with only your many racing thoughts. Before anything else can cross your mind, you hear a knock at the door. You grab your pistol, not knowing who would be here at this time of night. When you look through the peep hole, you’re somewhat shocked at who you see.
“What do you want?” You ask, opening the door. A part of you was excited that he was here so the two of you could talk, but the anger in you didn’t want to see him at all.
“I want to talk.” He says, pushing past you into the house. You couldn’t lie, it was kind of hot that he asserted himself like this. It was always sexy when he did it, one of the many reasons you liked him. He sits down on the couch and you sit on the other end, looking at him. He was looking at you, almost like he was waiting on an explanation. You chuckled, slapping your hands on your thighs as you did.
“What?” You ask sharply, he leans back into the cushions, placing his hands on the top of his head.
“I listened to the voicemail that you heard, and deleted it as soon as it was done playin’. I married Fi when I was in Ireland and younger, a man named Jimmy O got me kicked out of the IRA and married Fi. Raised my daughter, Kerrianne.” This was a lot to process right now, your head still swimmy from the tears youd shed through the day. “Also, did this to ma face.” He says, pointing at the scars that ran over his cheeks. You sit, listening to everything he’s saying. It sounds like some kind of TV show, how the hell do you get kicked out of a country unless you’re a terrorist?
“Listen lass, I should have told you about Fi and my Kerrianne, but it just wasn’t something I thought about bringin’ up to ya. You make me forget all the bad shit in my life, when I’m with ya I don’t have to think about any of it.” He moves over to sit beside you, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. “Fi hasn’t had a hold on me since the day you decided to spill ya drink on me.” You smiled at him and laughed. It was your first night back in Charming after moving away for college, Chibs only faintly remembered you when you were younger but you’d made an impression on him your first night back. Being drunk out of your mind, staggering everywhere and eventually bumping into him and your drink flying all over him. You sigh deeply, looking away from him as you attempt to hold anymore tears from coming out. He turns your head back to him, resting his forehead onto yours.
“I know it’s wrong and I know Clay would put a bullet in ma head if he knew about this, but I love you lass. I can’t help it.” He says, at this moment you don’t need to hear anything else he has to say. You lay your lips onto his and he returns the favor. You feel his rough and calloused hands run up your leg, shivering as the coldness from his rings hits your skin. You let out a soft whimper as you’d missed this familiar feeling of his hands on your body.
“How I’ve missed that noise.” He breathes out, breaking the kiss. You stand up, adjusting your clothes. You don’t know why you did, sooner rather than later they’d be scattered across the floor anyways. You reach a hand out and he accepts, following you to your bedroom. Once the two of you are in, he sheds his kutte and lays it on the desk that sits in your corner. The familiar scent of whiskey and cigarette smoke takes over your senses as he places his lips to your neck, kissing gently and carefully not to leave a mark on your precious skin. Before you knew it, your shorts and underwear were scattered on the ground along with his clothes. You lay down on the bed as he hovers over you, typically you got things rolling by landing on your knees for him but he felt like he needed to make this about you. The beads that hang from his neck are hanging in-front of your face, a sight you’ll never get tired of seeing. You feel his hand sliding to your dripping cunt, he slides in two fingers and you arch your back in pleasure. He would have started off with one, but he knew you’d immediately tell him to add another just like you always did.
“So beautiful.” He says as he’s kissing the inside of your thighs. “So wet.” The kisses, how his fingers curl inside of you, hitting your spot just right it was all enough to send your head spinning. His fingers are buried deep in you, but he’s moving them at such an agonizing pace. Knowing you were going insane and silently begging him to spend up his movements. He leans down to you, placing his lips onto yours. This time it’s messy, almost sloppy but you don’t mind.
“Always takin’ my fingers so well, can you still take this cock just as good love?” It had been a few weeks since the two of you had sex due to him being on the run and you’d longed for this moment since the day he left with the MC for Tacoma. You nodded your head yes, knowing if you tried to speak you’d just embarrass yourself by stammering around. He slides himself into you, your hands tighten around his arms as you feel yourself stretch around him. Once he’s buried himself into you and sees the pleasure across your face, he starts to thrust into you slowly trying to set his pace.
“Fuck.” You manage to moan out, he moves the hair from your face so he can take in your beauty. To the both of you, the sex you had was like a drug. Once never being enough. The first time it happened, he insisted it would be the last as well. The minute he slid himself inside of you, seeing your face and feeling you clench around him he knew he’d made himself a liar. Every-time was sensual, even when it was a quick fuck it was always meaningful.
“You always take me so well, love. Almost like this pussy was made just for me.” He lets out as the grip on your hips tightens. You feel your stomach begin to tighten, your face burning and you know you’re there. He knows it too, pumping into you steadily but harsher. “Be a good girl and let go all over me aye?” The words sent you over the edge, bucking your hips against him to intensify the experience. It sends him over the edge, watching you like you can’t get enough of him and he releases into you. Not worrying wether there was a condom on or not. He pulls himself out, grabbing a towel to help you clean up and get himself situated. You wrap yourself up in a silk robe as you watch him dress, knowing the worst moment of him leaving was coming.
“You know you can stay right? Dad shouldn’t be down this way anytime soon.” You tried your best, hoping he’d give in. He sighs, tightening his belt. He walks over to you, kissing your forehead.
“I’ll see you tomorrow love. I have some things to take care of tonight.”
Chibs rides home, it’s almost 3AM and he’s feeling it as his eye lids become heavier and heavier. He silently thanks God when he makes it inside that he didn’t crash his bike into a semi on his way here from the fatigue. He sits on the couch, staring at the phone. He listens to the voicemail from Fiona once more, thinking of her and the life they had. How they had a shot of getting that back. His mind then went to you, he loved you and he couldn’t shake the feeling. He hated to lie to you, but at this moment he didn’t know which path to go down. Telling you the voicemail and feelings for his wife were gone was better than saying “I don’t really know what to do”. He couldn’t bare the thought of hurting you as he’d already seen how that went earlier in the day at the club house.
He didn’t fear anyone, but he knew it would be tricky with you due to Clay. He knew he’d never be able to boast or call you his old lady. Things would be a secret till the day Clay died, and Chibs didn’t like keeping those. He picked up the phone and dialed the familiar number, praying he’d get the mailbox before he had anymore time to think.
“Hey Fi. It’s Fillip. Just wanted to see if you still wanted to talk.”
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indifferent-depravity · 11 months
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Minors DNI 18+
CW: age gap
A/N: don't forget requests for everything are open so if you'd like to see anything from me feel free to drop it in my ask box :)
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With Gemma out looking after a sick Abel, you graciously take over all her shifts, not even giving her a chance to object. The office at the club's garage was an easy gig, half of it was just waiting for customers and organizing paperwork, giving you little to do for most of your shift. But you can’t complain as your eyes wander back to the window into the garage where Chibs is working on a car.
Your eyes trail over his body, thighs pressing together at the sight of his bare arms straining as he works. Your eyes lock when he looks up, a smirk growing on his face as you duck your head down, a deep blush crawling across your cheeks. You quickly mess with the paperwork in front of you as the door opens, trying to look busy to hide your embarrassment.
A hand covers the page and your breath hitches, eyes slowly moving up the arm to find Chibs in front of you. Your mouth goes dry at the playful smirk on his face and you swallow, feigning nonchalance as you speak, “Chibs! Did-did you need something?” You ask, nervously tapping your nails on the desk.
Chibs leans closer until you can smell the cigarette smoke lingering, “Was jus’ wondering what you were thinkin’ when you were staring at me just then.”
You laugh nervously, pushing the chair away from the desk and him. You move to stand in front of the filing cabinet, blindly shuffling through its contents. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I-I wasn’t staring!” Your voice sounds shrill and you squeeze your eyes shut, grimacing inwardly.
“No? Didn’t realize you kids changed the definition of staring.” Chibs murmurs and you can hear him move behind you, swallowing hard as his hands settle on your hips. He spins you around, hovering his lips over yours, “No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart, I never said I didn’t like the attention.”
He leans in and you tilt your chin up with a shaky sigh to meet him, letting your eyes fall shut. Your lips barely brush against each other when someone yells for him in the garage. Chibs curses under his breath, pressing his forehead against yours for a moment and then he’s gone with a gentle squeeze to your hips.
You groan and drop your head against the cabinet, shifting uncomfortably as wetness causes your panties to cling to your cunt. You clear your throat and sit at the desk when you catch Chibs watching you, your face burning as he winks at you.
You weave through the crowd gathered in the clubhouse, letting out a grateful sigh as you push your way out into the cool night air. You lean your back against the wall and light up a cigarette with a satisfied hum, taking a slow drag.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
You choke on the smoke, quickly tipping your head up to exhale. You eye Chibs as he mirrors your position and gestures silently toward your cigarette. You hold it out, breath catching in your throat as he leans forward, eyes holding yours as he takes a drag, his lips just barely brushing your fingers. He gives you a smile as he exhales and you smile back, shakily bringing the cigarette up to your lips to delay responding. Unbeknownst to you, his eyes slide down to your mouth as you wrap your lips around the cigarette, tongue poking out to wet his lips.
“Shouldn’t you be knee-deep in croweaters vying for your attention by now?” You ask in a light tone and look at the dark garage in front of you, passing the cigarette to him without looking.
He snorts and takes a drag, watching the smoke curl in the air. “Some of us know when it’s time to stop fucking everything with two legs and a pair of tits.”
You roll your eyes, turning to give him an amused look when you see him already watching you.
“When they know they found their old lady.”
You stammer and turn back, heat crawling up your neck at the implication. “Y-Yeah I guess they do.” You take the cigarette and finish it off, dropping it onto the concrete and crushing it beneath the toe of your boot. You stand there for a while, a deafening silence growing between the two of you.
“Sweetheart.” At the pet name, you look over at him, heart skipping a beat at the heat in his gaze. Chibs cups your cheek, pressing you against the wall, “I’ve been meaning to ask-”
“Chibs! Aw, man, Clay’s been looking for you! He wants you in the chapel.”
Chibs growls, shooting the prospect a dirty glare, “Get the fuck out of here before I shove my foot up your ass, prospect!” The prospect puts his hands up in surrender, nearly tripping over himself in his haste to go back into the clubhouse.
You giggle, biting your lip in a poor attempt to stifle the noise. Chibs raises an eyebrow, giving you an amused look which causes another giggle to fall from your lips. You stretch onto your toes and press a kiss to his cheek, “Don’t want to keep your president waiting.” Your eyes linger on his for a moment before you slip away, smiling inwardly as you catch him pressing his forehead against the wall with a groan as you rejoin the party inside.
“I don’t know what to tell you, baby. If you had brought her in a couple of weeks ago like I told you, it would’ve been an easier fix.” Gemma gives you an apologetic look as if that makes the knowledge you’ll be out of a car for the rest of the week any easier.
You run your fingers through your hair with a sigh, “I know, Gem, thanks for trying.”
You turn to your car in the garage, trying to figure out how you’ll survive without your car when your eyes wander to Chibs, the sleeves of his coveralls tied around his waist, exposing his arms. Gemma sidles up next to you with a smirk, “You know, it’s a lot easier to just fuck the man instead of pussyfooting around.”
Your face heats up at her teasing words and you splutter, quickly diverting your eyes to the floor, “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She scoffs, “Mhm, sure, sweetheart. Everyone knows you and Chibs have a thing for each other and you’re just too chicken-shit to say something.” She looks you over for a moment before sticking her head into the garage, not giving you a chance to protest as she yells his name over the din of people working, waving him over as he turns around. Gemma nods her head towards you, “They need a ride home, do you mind taking ‘em? I would but I’m going to be here late doing paperwork.”
Your head jolts up and you glare at her, mouthing at her to knock it off. Chibs nods, “S’long as they’re okay riding a motorcycle, I don’t mind.”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of riding behind him on his motorcycle and you shake your head, giving him an apologetic look, “You don’t need to do that, I-I can just walk home.”
“It’s no trouble, what kinda man would I be letting you walk that far?” The look on his face tells you that no arguing would get you out of it and you give him a small smile. “We can go whenever you’re ready.” He says and walks in the direction of his motorcycle, wiping the motor oil off his hands with a grease-stained rag.
Gemma narrows her eyes at you as she hands you your things, pushing you out of the office with a quick kiss on your cheek. You mumble curses at her under your breath as you walk toward him. You stop short, your words dying in your throat at the sight of him on his bike, sending a silent prayer to whoever is listening that you could keep it together long enough to get home.
He smiles when you reach him, holding out his hand to help you onto the bike. Your heart races as you take it, using it to steady yourself as you swing your leg over the bike. He looks back at you with a grin, guiding your arms around his waist, “Hold on tight, sweetheart.” You give him a nod, tightening your arms around him as he starts the bike. A grin forms on your face as he speeds off, closing your eyes as you enjoy the wind whipping through your hair.
You’re almost sad as he slows to a stop in front of your home, your heart still racing from the ride as you loosen your grip on his waist. You climb off the bike, suddenly feeling cold as you shift your feet nervously. Leaning down, you quickly kiss his cheek before stuttering out, “I- uh I wa- th-thanks for the ride, I’ll see you at work.” You close your eyes with a slight grimace, turning on your heel to escape before you make things worse for yourself.
You flinch when his hand catches your wrist, heart stuttering in your chest as you hear him get off the bike. You’re about to give an excuse to leave when he tugs on your wrist, making you stumble into his chest. You let out a shaky breath, your eyes slowly sliding up his chest to find him watching you, his face unreadable. “Chibs?”
Chibs cups your cheeks, his lips hovering over yours as he murmurs, “Call me Filip.” He kisses you passionately, stealing your breath away. It takes you a minute to respond, curling your fingers around his wrists as you stretch onto your toes to kiss back. He lingers close to you when he finally breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours with a sigh, “Baby, I- tell me you want this too, I need you to want this.”
You nod against him, closing your eyes as you whisper, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this. Come inside?” You grin when he agrees and gently tangle your fingers in his, a buzzing excitement replacing your anxiety as you tug him to your front door.
Chibs wraps his arms around your waist when you drop his hand in favor of opening the door. He lightly kisses your neck and your keys nearly slip from your hand as you try to find the right key. He nips at your skin, drawing a soft whine from your throat, “Ch- F-Filip you need to stop distracting me.”
He hums, tugging you back against him, pressing the hard ridge of his cock against your ass, “Say my name again, sweetheart.” You moan and try to blindly get your key in the door, knees growing weak as he ruts against you. You finally get the door open and he urges you inside, pressing you against the door the minute it shuts. “C’mon baby, say it again.”
His hands roam over your body, sneaking underneath your pants to palm your ass. You gasp, arching into him, “Fuck, Filip.” You pull him down into a searing kiss and roughly push his cut off his shoulders, tugging at the bottom of his shirt, “Take your clothes off, now.”
“Bossy today, aren’t ya?” Chibs chuckles and pulls his shirt off, throwing it to the side before tugging your shirt over your head.
You give him a devilish grin and flip your bodies around to press him against the door as you dip your hand into his coveralls, fingers brushing the heated skin of his cock, “You can take your time next time, need you to fuck me right now.” He groans, thumping his head back against the door as you slide your hand over his length. You attack his skin, nipping and sucking marks over his neck and collarbones.
“Fuck- sweetheart it’ll be a bit difficult to do that if you keep touching me like this.” You hum, still moving your hand over his shaft, grinning against his skin as he bucks into your touch. Chibs grabs your arm, swallowing a moan as he forces you to stop. You press a kiss to the underside of his jaw, giving his cock a final squeeze before pulling away.
“Come and get me then,” You say with a smirk, making a show of peeling off the rest of your clothes as you make your way to your bedroom. Your cunt throbs as you hear his boots hit the floor with a heavy thud and you hook your thumbs into the waistband of your panties, slowly teasing them down your thighs. You giggle as Chibs wraps his arms around you, hand sliding between your thighs with a groan.
“God, you’re so fucking wet f’me, aren’t you?” You whine as his fingers find your clit, digging your nails into his arm, “Been thinking about this pretty pussy wrapped around my cock for weeks now.”
You tip your head back against his shoulder with a sigh as he sinks his fingers into your cunt, “Maybe-maybe you should stop lollygagging and fuck me then,” You say with a quiet moan, your knees weakening from his touch.
Chibs growls and pulls his fingers out of you with a light smack to your ass, spinning you around to face him, “You’re going to get in trouble if you keep mouthing off to me, sweetheart,” He grips your thighs, hoisting you into his arms as he moves to sit on the bed. Your breath hitches as his cock slides against your cunt and he grins, delivering another smack to your ass that has you clenching your thighs around his hips.
You let out a breathless laugh, reaching between you to press the head of his cock against your entrance, “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” Before he could answer you sink down on his cock, a whimper bubbling out of you as you stretch around his length. He swears, digging his fingers into the flesh of your ass as he bottoms out inside you.
You shiver as Chibs drags your hips against his, working you over his cock, “Oh, I think you’ll find out, sweetheart.” He growls, surging forward to capture your lips in a deep kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth as you moan into the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and lift your hips, the drag of his cock inside you making your toes curl.
He presses his thumb against your clit and you break the kiss with a gasp, throwing your head back as you shudder against him. “Fuck- ‘m so close, Filip,” You whimper, another shudder running through you as his cock presses against a spot deep inside you, “I want you to cum with me please, I need- I need to feel you.”
Chibs groans, pressing his forehead against yours as your bodies mold together. “It’s alright, sweetheart, let go. Cum for me, cum on my cock.” He coaxes you over the edge, rubbing circles over your clit as you let out a broken cry, clenching tightly around him as you reach your climax. He follows you quickly, letting out a quiet moan as he fills you with his seed.
You poke your head into the garage, “Filip! What’s the status on the gold century? The customer wants an update.” He shouts a reply and you shoot him a smile, turning pink when he returns it with a wink.
“When did you become Filip?”
You can hear their jeers at his reply even through the door and you groan, grimacing when you turn around and see Gemma looking at you with a smug smirk. You glare at her, “Don’t even start.”
“So… he a good lay?”
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kdogreads · 1 year
My Savior
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Chibs Telford x reader (minors DNI)
Warnings: implied kidnapping, injuries described, disassociation due to trauma, death (only the bad guys), nothing too graphic overall but please be gentle to yourself and skip this one if it will make you uncomfortable ❤️
AN: idk why I am so in my feels lately but I just love this man 😭
Check out my masterlist for more Chibs content 😍
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Your head hung low as the fatigue of hunger, exhaustion, and fear weighed on your body. There was commotion outside the bolted door to your back and you prepared for more abuse to ravage your body and mind. You shut your eyes and willed yourself to go somewhere else in your mind, anywhere else.
You floated to an unlikely oasis, the Sons’ clubhouse. The smells flooded your senses: booze, cigarettes, weed, even the slight fragrance of sex brought you comfort, silly as it was, because it smelled like safety to you. You tried to place yourself at the bar top, surrounded by the laughter, arguing, chatting of the guys. Next to you and all around you, like a blanket of safety, you felt his arms around your waist, hands pressing into the small of your back in a comforting embrace; Filip.
Baby, you heard in your head, his voice washing over you like a summer breeze.
“Christ, baby. Come back to me, love, please,” A desperate plea caused you to tense your body, “I’m gonna take ya home, lass, come on.” The familiar accent you loved so much sounded like it was right in front of your battered face.
You fluttered your eyes open, daring to leave your dreamscape just for the slim chance your mind wasn’t lying to you.
“There ya are, love, tha’s it,” You shuddered as a calloused, gentle hand brushed against your cheek, “Oh, lass, ‘m so sorry, my love. Come on, I’m gettin’ you outta here.”
You started to believe what you were seeing, close enough for you to touch. He was here.
Your Filip was here, right in front of you, reaching out to hold you, to wrap you in that warm embrace you so desperately willed yourself to imagine.
“Filip?” You croaked, your voice breaking as the realization finally sank in that he found you. He saved you.
“Aye, M'annsachd (my blessing), ‘m here,” He cooed to you, staring deep into your bruised eyes as you reached out to cling to the black cotton of his plain sweatshirt, “Put yer arms around me, lass. Come on.”
You did as he said, not thinking, just giving yourself over wholly to Filip, your savior.
He slid one arm around your back and the other under your bent knees, grasping you as gently as he could as to not cause you any more pain. Like you weighed nothing at all, he lifted you from the cold, hard concrete you’d lived on for god knows how many hours, maybe days. Exhausted and relieved beyond measure, your head fell to his broad shoulder as you slipped back and forth between awareness and unconsciousness.
You felt the heaviness of the room change as Filip carried you through the doorway, into one hallway, and turning down another.
“Oh Christ, sweetheart,” Another familiar voice filled your ears; Tig. “Is she alright?”
“Aye, for now. Let’s go,” Filip answered as you felt Tig’s hand brush over your hair affectionately.
Your eyes fluttered open and shut as Filip carried you through some rooms and up a flight or two of stairs. You caught a glimpse of who you could only assume used to be your captors. Their bodies slumped in an unnatural way, blood dripping down the wall behind them. Filip would tell you what they’d done to them if you asked, but you decided right then that you didn’t care. All that mattered is they found you, and those monsters got what they deserved.
A heavy door swung open and you felt the warmth of the sunshine beaming onto your skin for the first time in days. It washed a relief onto you that was only amplified when you saw the faces of more of the guys fleeting past you. Bobby, Opie, Jax, Happy, and Juice came into your view as Chibs kept walking towards the van, each with a look of despair or sympathy on their faces. Half-Sack sat up in the driver’s seat and turned the engine over as you got closer, his eyes widened.
You knew you must be looking worse for wear, but it must be worse than you thought given the looks each of the men gave you.
Filip settled you into his lap as the guys filed into the van and headed off towards home. Your bones began to ache as the shock wore off and the reality of your condition set in.
“Sleep, lass. We’ll get you home,” Chibs cooed into your ear, his hand brushing over your bloodied hair in the most comforting touch you’d ever felt.
You weren’t sure how long you were in the van, but you heard murmurs here and there as you faded in and out of sleep.
“Aye, she’ll be alrigh’, she’s gonna need all of us to get through it,” Filip spoke quietly during one of your short periods of awareness.
“We’re here both of you, brother,” Jax responded first.
“For anything, bro,” Bobby added warmly.
A chorus of mmhmm’s and yep’s followed the sentiments, undoubtedly accompanied by nods.
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The next several hours went by in a blur. You were vaguely aware of the familiar voices coming and going, offering sweet encouragement and reassurances. You lost count of everyone who was there, but you made a note to thank every one of them for being there for you.
When you finally came to for more than a moment, the comfortable weight of a broad, calloused hand in yours pulled you fully into the waking world.
“Baby?” You croaked as best you could, throat dry from being under for so long.
“There’s my girl,” Filip smiled as he brought your hand to his lips, “Back wi’ the livin’”
“Thanks to you, Filip,” You weakly reached for his face, fingers gliding through the scruff on his chin, “You saved me.”
He leaned into your touch, pressing another sweet kiss to your knuckles, careful not to pressure on the bruises blossoming there.
“Aye, lass, maybe so,” He stood up to wrap you in his arms as best as he could over the rails of the hospital bed, “But you saved me long, long ago just by bein’ you, my angel.”
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
Three: The Magic Number Series Masterlist
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This is a mix of Sons/Mayans boys with reader or occasionally one of my OC's. Purely smut, occasionally minor plot/humor. 18+
Story 1: Chibs xJax
Story 2: Bottles/Guero
Story 3:Angel/EZ
Story 4: Bishop/Chibs
Story 5: Half-Sack/Juice/OC Raven Trager-
Story 6: Happy/Juice
Story 7: Kozik/Tig
Story 8: EZ/Manny
Story 9: Coco/Gilly
Story 10: Opie/Jax
Story 11: Happy/Tig
Story 12: Chibs/JuiceTBA
Story 13: Creeper/Gilly TBA
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redwood-orginals · 15 days
in the process of getting some writing done, would anyone be interested in shooting me a message to help with the process? shoot some ideas at me, or proof read for me? 🤪
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Imagine you find out Chibs is seen with another woman.
"Y/N, they were together."
"We saw them"
"He's moved on!"
.. The old ladies & croweaters- the ones you considered friends, even maybe family now; kept telling you Chibs had moved on. You and Chibs weren't officially a couple, so you had to act like you didn't give a shit, but in reality - you fell in love with the man the first time he spoke to you.
Were they just trying to hurt you? Protect you? Who knew.
All you knew was that it hurt like hell! You had fallen so hard for Filip Telford over the past few months since moving to Charming - you really thought he was the one but you knew everything was too good to be true.
You sat at the bar with the girls in the clubhouse - they told you how much of a piece of shit Chibs was and that I deserved SOO MUCH better... The boys sat in a huddle, keeping out of the way - which seemed out of character for them.
You kept drinking...and drinking. I nodded along but didn't agree with a word they said. To be fair, I never thought Chibs would do this to me but he definitely wasn't a piece of shit & I definitely didn't deserve better. You didn't want better. You wanted him. You want Chibs.
You drank a lot by this point. "Thanks girls, I'm just gonna go out for a smoke."
"But Y/N, you don't smoke." one of them spoke over the others.
"I do now!" grabbing the packet of cigarettes and lighter you head outside.
Leaning against the wall, you lit the cigarette. This was the first one you'd had since quitting 5 years ago. You were ashamed, but you smoked as if it was going to cure everything. Blowing out the cloud of smoke a hand appeared yanking the cigarette from your grip.
"What the fuck are you doing lass?" Chibs face concerned.
"Hey, give me that..." you stumbled. "You don't get to take stuff off of me, like that bitch whore has..."
"What are ya talking about Y/N?" Chibs more confused than concerned now.
"That woman you've been seen with all over town, the girls have already told me, so save it Chibs. I hope she was worth it." Chibs scratched his brow with frustration and realising what was happening.
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By this point the girls and the rest of the Sons had come out to see what was going down. A few of the boys took the girls back inside to talk.
"Y/N, the woman is no bitch whore. I can assure you! It was your sister."
You stare at him, tears leaving your eyes. You waited for more answers.
"I asked your sister, Y/S/N into town for lunch - I wanted to ask for her blessing on behalf of your family. I wanted to seek approval to ask for your hand in marriage.... Goddammit." he began to get angry.
You began to sob, so hard shoving your face into your hands.
"I can't understand why you'd believe them, Y/N. I can't believe you think I'd do that to you! And smoking again after how hard you worked to quit. This has to be a fucking joke." Punching the wall, he storms off out of the Teller Morrow lot.
You fell to the floor in tears. Juice and Tig sat down to comfort you.
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"Hey man, you can't blame her you know what them crow eaters are like, they'll do anything to keep us boys from serious relationships. It'll all be fine man." Jax says before patting Chibs on the back.
"Just the thought of losing her kills me, Jackie Boy." He looked at Chibs with an empathetic look. "I'm in love with her."
A smirk appeared on Jax's face. "Stop fucking about and go get her, she's in love with you man."
Chibs wipes his face and bounds up to wear Y/N sat on the floor in her drunken state.
He reached down and lifted you up. "Y/N, come on. Lets go." You nodded. He swept you up and put you over his shoulder. Taking you to his room and laying you on the bed.
"Asif you got this drunk with worry - I can't believe you think I'd leave someone as amazing as you.
I'm going to kiss the worries away.. all over your body. Ok lass?"
"Okay Chibby.."
"And then tomorrow, I'm gonna ask you to be my wife..."
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Credit to gif/image owners
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
calendar // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC
Warnings: 18+, smut, language, little bit of angst, mentions of pregnancy, jealousy
Word Count: 1,393
A/N: Enjoy some jealous Chibs. Absolutely adore that man.
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"Will you stop fidgeting? I think you're more worked up about this than I am and I'm the one in the pictures." 
"Well, it's not your wife getting photographed nude on your bike, now is it?" 
   It was Juice's idea to create a calendar with all of the old ladies of the Sons in Charming and Chibs had been a nervous wreck ever since I eagerly agreed to do it. It was the day of the shoot and they were going all out for it; lighting, fancy cameras, even a wardrobe department despite none of us actually wearing clothes in the photos. I was covered in a short silk robe but if Chibs had it his way, I would've been in a nun's habit. 
"I asked you if you were okay with it when Juice asked me and you agreed to it. It's a little late for me to drop out, hun." He glares at my use of the pet name but he knows that I'm right. 
"I knew I should've given you that 'Property of Chibs' tattoo when you asked for it when you were drunk," He mumbles under his breath. 
"Do it, and I castrate you, Telford." My sickly sweet smile tells him that it is not an empty threat and he's quick to move on.
"All of the clubs around the country are gonna see this! I'm never gonna hear the end of it," He continues to grumble under his breath. I stand on my tiptoes to speak into his ear.
"Keep up the nagging and I'll make sure that Tig is on that bike with me," I whisper before settling back on the balls of my feet, smiling until he leans down to whisper to me.
"Watch yourself, little girl, or you won't be able to sit for a week."
   The photographer conveniently calls me over then, so I grin up at Chibs before walking into the center of the lights where they've placed Chibs' bike. All of the Sons are in the room as well as some of the old ladies, the rest of them getting ready for their shoot. 
"Alright, Ellie, if you can just take your robe off for me and hand it to my assistant then we'll get you situated on the bike." I wink at my husband before undoing the knot keeping my robe closed to the sound of whistles and hoots from the crowd. 
   I've always been in pretty good shape, despite having two boys that wrecked my body for a short period of time. My Scottish genes are strong, giving me wide hips, a tiny waist, and tits that are bigger than Chibs' hands can hold, further enlarged by two pregnancies. My dark brown curls hang down almost to my ass, complimenting my bright blue eyes that sparkle under the beaming lights. I have no shame about hiding my body and don't really care that all of Chibs' brothers are seeing it right now because, at the end of the day, I'm going home with my Scotsman. 
   They carefully position me so that my back is arched to display my ass, the side of my arm hiding my nipples where my hands are holding the throttle. The photographer first has me throw my head back so that my hair flies through the air as I bite my lip and she snaps a million pictures. 
"That's it, baby!" I hear Chibs smack Tig upside the head and laugh despite not being able to see the two of them. Next, she has me stare sultrily at the camera, giving my best sex eyes. I glance over at Chibs in between shots and he's biting down on his hand as he focuses on my body, never once shifting his gaze. 
   The next pose that the photographer puts me in actually makes me a little nervous, but I don't hold back. I flip my body over and carefully balance my hands on the seat, my back towards the throttle as I rest my feet clad in four-inch black heels on the seat of the bike. Normally, my husband would be getting onto me for putting my heels on the expensive leather, but all I hear is him choking on his breath as I do the traditional pin-up girl pose completely naked (with the exception of his silver cross necklace) on his $50,000 motorcycle.
"Oh, Jesus," I hear Jax say before Tara smacks him on the arm.
"Jackson Teller, you better not be looking at Ellie like that," Tara scolds as she stands there in a robe similar to the one that I had on.
"You were looking too," He whines and she smacks him again. 
   The final pose that she has me do is squatting down next to the bike, one hand on the seat and the other on my thigh. The bike protects the people on the other side from seeing between my spread legs as I look over my shoulder at the camera. As soon as the photographer says that she's done with me, Chibs races over and throws me over his shoulder like a caveman. I squeal as he bands one of his arms around my thighs, his hand squeezing the muscle there. 
"Don't be too loud! It'll be distracting for the rest of us," Tig calls after us as Chibs carries me into the Chapel of the clubhouse. 
   He slams the door behind us before dropping me onto the table to turn around and place a chair under the handles of the doors to ensure that no one enters. He pounces on me as soon as he's done, already throwing off his kutte and white t-shirt as he assaults my lips. 
"I'm gonna fuck you hard and quick right now, baby, and then later, I'm gonna fuck you nice and slow on my bike to remind you that while you may get to show them your body, you're mine." I moan at his words and get even louder as he abruptly shoves two fingers inside of me, his thumb rubbing quick circles over my clit. I try to clumsily undo his belt as he already brings me on the brink of an orgasm. 
"You almost made me come in my pants like a teenage boy, lass, seducing me on my bike like that. If I had my way, I would be fucking you on it now, but it's best not to let them see you break over and over again on my cock." 
   His words are my undoing and I bare down on his fingers, screaming his name as he continues to fuck me with his hand. When I finally can take a deep breath, I reach into his pants and pull out his cock, come already leaking from the tip of his thickness. I spit on my hand before quickly jerking him a few times until he takes over and thrusts into me. He briskly sinks into me all the way, quickly thrusting back into me. 
    He picks up his pace as I squeal his name over and over again into his neck. My heels dig into the base of his back as he plunges into me again and again, seeming to get deeper every time. I come again as he bites into my neck and massages my ass before slapping the thick flesh. I hold onto his ass and press him into me as much as I can as he shoots into me, repeating my name over and over again into my chest.
   He collapses onto me as we both take deep breaths. I run my hands through his disheveled salt-and-pepper hair, knowing that my hair probably looks even crazier. He stands up and gently pulls out of me as he grabs his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. He snaps a picture of me, the Grim Reaper behind my messy sex hair, bite marks all over my chest and neck, and Chibs' come leaking out of my pussy.
"Now that's what they should've taken a picture of."
   We get a copy of the calendar a couple of months later. They ended up picking the pin-up style picture of me for the month of June. Chibs stands behind me in the kitchen as we look at it, pulling out his phone to order three more from Juice.
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Three Heartbeats
Can be read as part two of Let Us Ease Your Aching Heart or as a standalone. @darqchilddaydreamz here's your part two, hope you enjoy!!! Thank you so much for your faith in my writing and all your support.
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Contains: Smut (Dom Juice, sub Reader, Dom Chibs, consent and kink negotiation, fingering, P in v, Oral sex M and F receiving, praise kink, mirror sex, aftercare.) Time skips, angst with a happy ending but like way more angst than I set out to create.
5,364 words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed
Check my page but drabbles are usually open, not beta read, it's been in my drafts for too fucking long so it's probably full of mistakes.
Months after you and Juice invited Chibs into your bedroom, things have changed for the better.
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"Morning." You rolled over into Chibs' arms, "morning." It had been a whirlwind few months, Chibs joining you once to get his mind off his divorce from Fiona had turned into adding Chibs into the relationship permanently. It was a lot at first, you and Juice had to accommodate the needs and wants of a whole other person but once everyone got into the swing of things, it felt like he had always been there.
To be honest, you were feeling overwhelmed with everything, Juice and Chibs showered you with so much love that it felt like you weren't giving enough back. But you couldn't think about that right now, not with the way Chibs was pressed against you.
"How did you sleep?" You smiled softly, "good, you?" He grunted, his voice rough, "good, Juice went for an early morning ride so we have the bed to ourselves." You huffed, "you two are going to kill me, I'm still sore from last night." Chibs tutted, "oh, I'm sorry lass, let me get you breakfast to make up for it, you want waffles?" You smiled, "yes please my love."
Chibs smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead before getting up and heading to the kitchen. You stretched and spread out on the bed, since everything had gotten serious, you had gotten a huge bed that was big enough for everyone to sleep in comfortably and it was getting to the point where you were all looking for a bigger house.
Just as you got up to shower, you heard Juice come in and talk to Chibs, you were sure that when you were out, they'd have figured something out to make the weekend perfect but for now, you just wanted to wash last's night fun down the drain.
When you walked into the kitchen, Juice and Chibs were waiting for you, "did you enjoy your ride?" Juice nodded, "I found a house for sale, it's nice and big enough for all three of us. We can have a look together another day if you like?" You nodded "sure." When you looked at Chibs, he smiled, "of course, this kitchen is too small for us anyway." You shoved Juice away from the fridge, "see, I can't get to my fancy butter because you're always standing around."
Juice faked offence, "you are rude, I always stand around with purpose." You huffed, "yeah, eye candy." You took your plate of warm waffles from the kitchen counter and walked over to the table, their eyes following your ass the whole way. Breakfast was a fun affair, the tension building as you filled your bellies with waffles, cream and syrup. With your last bite, you swiped a finger through the maple stickiness on your plates and flicked it over Juice's neck before licking it off.
Before he could grab you, you broke out into a run and dodged Chibs' long arms as he went to intercept for Juice. You lasted until you reached the back door then Chibs was wrapping his paws around your upper arms and throwing you over the couch's armrest while Juice pressed himself behind you, "hold her arms." Chibs' grip tightened, "lass says she's still sore from last night." Juice pressed the back of his hand to your clothed centre, "is that true?" You flinched as he pressed harder, "yes."
Juice tutted, "do you think you're going to be able to have fun?" You whimpered as he eased up, "I don't know." Juice smiled softly behind you, "well then, I'm just going to have to take my time and if you decide you can't then we'll have to come up with something else, won't we." Chibs chuckled, "she'll be right brother, she hasn't turned us down yet." Juice's hands were soft on your skin, "for our sake, what do you say if you don't want to keep going?" The tone of the morning had been forgotten for the time being, "no, stop, slow down, that hurts or I want to do something else."
"Good girl." Juice ran his hands up and down your back while Chibs put pressure on your arms. Juice thumbed the hem of your pants, pulling them off with your panties after a nod from you. Juice groaned at the sight of you bent over the armrest, he reached his hand out and ran his fingers up your slit, his thumb searching for your clit.
You sighed as a gentle pleasure filled your core, Juice's fingertips were soft and cautious as he touched you, Chibs' thumb rubbing back and forth over your wrist as he held you down. "You good to keep going?" You nodded, "that's not an answer lass." One of Juice's hands was stroking your thigh as the other one built you up, "yes, I'm good to keep….." You were cut off as Juice slid one of his long fingers inside you.
You gasped as he added another, tutting when you pushed back into his hand. "I'm being nice, don't give me a reason to punish you." Chibs chuckled, playing the good cop as usual, "come on Juicy Boy, we promised we'd be nice." Juice smiled down at you, "we did, didn't we?" Juice added another finger, his thumb speeding up on your clit.
Chibs always the good cop.
When you pushed back this time, Juice gave you what you wanted, adding pressure to your G-spot as his fingers inside you sped up. As you approached the edge, Juice slowed down, "please don't tease." Juice chuckled, "I'm not little girl, I'm just making sure you're all warmed up." You moaned as he returned to his previous pace, "please." Chibs smiled, "don't worry lass, he's going to give you what you need."
You smirked, "if he doesn't, will you?" Chibs gave you a hearty chuckle while Juice pulled back and slapped your ass, "you're in a mood this morning lass." You bit your lip as Juice spanked you again. "you're testing me." You turned your head as best you could, "sorry my love, I'll be good." Juice smiled behind you, "that's all I ask beautiful." When you reached the edge, he slowed down again. This time you didn't protest and relaxed into the couch, Juice rubbing one hand up and down your almost hurting rump.
"There you go, now you're getting the idea." Juice was always the mean one, happy to play the bad guy while Chibs acted like the soft one, and while it might now seem like it from the outside looking in, especially at what was currently taking place, but they doted on you like nothing you've ever felt before.
Juice left you with bruises, your skin tender to the press of a finger, your joints tight from being held in one place as he had his way with you but he held onto you with such reverence like there were times when you were the only thing keeping him glued together. And Chibs, Chibs looked at you like you were the Sun, Moon and Stars strung together by a golden string, there was no wrong you could do, no missed step you could take. There was something about being treated like you were the most precious thing on the planet that made your skin feel too tight, your chest feel too small but with each press of Juice's fingers, the unpleasant buzz was pushed from your mind.
You let out a whimper when he added a third finger, scissoring them open like he was trying to create a pleasant stinging stretch. "More please." Chibs chuckled, "was that you asking to cum or you asking for his cock?" Juice slapped your ass again, softer this time, "well little girl, answer him." You pushed back into his fingers, "whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? You say we're the ones that spoil you. Whatever I want?" He shook his head with a tut and that feeling was back, it was like he was shocked that you were so compliant. He had told you before that he saw this as a privilege, and when you said that being looked after by both of them felt like more of one, Juice made sure you couldn't sit right for a week.
"I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, do you understand me? You are giving far more to us than we could ever give to you and if you ever discount that again, I will make sure you're sorry."Juice had never taken that tone with you before so you took his words to heart.
He looked at Chibs, "isn't she out good girl?" Chibs smiled, "there's no one better." Juice smirked at Chibs and pulled away, ripping his pants off and grabbing his cock before rubbing it up and down your slit. His hand which were gripping your skin with force, turned soft as he spread your legs further apart and slid inside you, groaning as you encompassed him. His pace was slow, the in and out drag making you feel every inch of him.
"Oh my God." Juice chuckled, "Juice is fine." You shifted your foot and tapped him, "oh, so funny." Chibs' eyes moved to Juice, "the lass wants to be funny, you're not doing a good job if she can make jokes." Juice pressed your back down into the couch for more leverage then started moving his hips with speed.
Juice's fingers made their way down to your core and onto your clit, rubbing in tight, fast circles, a choked off gasp from you causing Chibs to move your wrists into one hand while the other went into his jeans. The sight mixed with the sensations Juice was causing was rocketing you towards your peak. "Juice, I'm close." Juice smiled, "I know, I can feel you twitching." Juice kept his fingers going and then you were flung over the edge with a whimper.
Juice didn't falter, his pace stayed a steady push until he was following you into bliss. Juice pulled out with another slap to your ass, looking at Chibs with a satisfied grin, "you want in brother?" Chibs gave a friendly head shake, "I'd rather her mouth." You shook off the cotton in your brain while Chibs found a couch cousin to put under your knees. When that was done, you dropped to the ground as Chibs removed his pants and stood in front of you, cock hard and leaking.
"Be a good lassie and open your mouth." You smiled at him through your eyelashes and leaned in, licking him from head to base. You placed your hands on his thighs as you sucked the head into your mouth, Chibs looking down at you with fire in his eyes and a chew of his lips. He grunted as you sucked him down your throat, his hands moving to the back of your head to hold you to him.
"That's it, you're so good at that." You moaned a thanks on his skin and Chibs' hands squeezed your skull. "My good girl, you like it when I tell you how good you are, don't you?" You nodded as best you could with his cock in your mouth, "yeah, I know you do." Juice was watching from the chair in the corner, close enough to you to almost touch your skin. "if she doesn't know what a good girl she is then we have a problem to correct." Chibs' hands became soft.
"Do you know how good you are?" He pulled you off him so you could answer, "yes, you tell me all the time." Juice's eyebrows shot up, "oh really, then let us what you're good at?" You swallowed, this was soon becoming a bit too much, "I'd rather go back to sucking your dick." Chibs smiled softly, "alright, but this isn't finshed." You put your mouth back on his with a sultry smile, wrapping your hand around what your mouth couldn't reach.
You swallowed him like he was the last thing you would ever touch, his head falling back while Juice moved to the floor behind you to rub your shoulders. You reached one hand up to roll his balls in your hand, his grunting telling you he was close as you lifted his balls closer to his body. With one last grunt, he was coming down your throat.
He pulled away and you leaned back into Juice's chest while he brushed your baby hairs off your sweaty forehead, "our good girl, let's us ran you a bath then you can have a nap." You smiled, a pleasant haze fogging your skull, "ok, I'd like that."
Juice and Chibs cleaned you up, but the time you were done, it was late morning. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" You nodded, "of course, you two can decide between yourselves who's bike I'm riding there on." Chibs smiled, "it's my turn lass." Juice shook his head, "you got her last time, it's my turn this time." Chibs tutted, "nope, three days ago you went with y/n to the store."
"That doesn't count, you took her to the last Club party." Before you could speak up, a call from work pulled you away. When you returned, they knew something was wrong, "I need to go into work, I'll take a change of clothes and go to the party right after." Juice made a genuinely sad face, "but we were going to spend the day together." You shrugged, "and if we all want to buy a house together, we need the income."
You were beyond tired, not only did your boss grind you into the ground but you had the deal with the snide comments from some of your colleagues about your love life. It's not like you bragged about having two men but when you've been seen kissing both in public, people talk.
You threw on a nice outfit, a simple white top with seethrough sleeves and a pair of well fitting jeans. It was only a Saturday night party and old ladies didn't really need to dress to the nines like the other women who were still looking for a man. When you got there, Juice and Chibs were already waiting, they greeted you with smiles and kisses, seemingly a little too intoxicated to realise you didn't feel like partying. The visiting charter roving around the compound didn't help either.
"How was work?" You shrugged, "the usual." You hadn't shared with them what your coworkers had been saying about you, there was no point. "How was your day?" Juice and Chibs gave the same response, "it wasn't any fun without you." You smiled, "let's hope I can stay home tomorrow, although, one of you will probably be nursing a hangover."
"You really don't need to work so much, we earn plenty of money to cover all of us." You took a deep breath, trying not to snap, "I'm not interested in being looked after." Juice blinked at your tone, something was clearly wrong. "You earn more than us anyway." The others didn't seem to like that, one of the visiting members making a nasty face.
"Well, it's not about money, it's about being responsible for myself and my shit." That seemed to quiet things down, "I'm going to get myself a drink, anyone want anything?" Chibs ran a hand over your back, "just a beer please lass." You returned with two, and a glass of water, handing one to Juice, "thank you gorgeous." You smiled, "I know you'd ask where your one was so I took the incentive."
Juice pressed his lips to your neck, "you spoil us." You shook your head, "Juice, we are in public, behave." Juice chuckled, "I don't think the Clubhouse really counts." You raised your eyebrows, "yes it does, now keep it in your pants." The night went on, and on and on, it wasn't even close to midnight and it felt like you had been at the party for years. You headed to the bathroom for a moment of quiet only to be followed by a visiting Son.
"What's the deal with you, Juice and Chibs?" The tone of his voice didn't bode well, "you should ask them." The man huffed, "I'm asking you." You nodded, "and I don't owe you an explanation." He stepped closer, "does that mean you're still up for grabs, it's not like you belong to them or you'd have at least one crow. You're clearly a slut." You stepped closer to him, clenching your jaw so you didn't put your fist through his face, "if you have a problem with me, take it up with Jax, he's the only one who can say anything." You smiled a nasty smile, "oh that's right, his kids love me and I do far more for the Club than you do. Now fuck off."
The man left in a huff and you stopped by the bathroom for a few seconds of peace, it wasn't like you hadn't heard all of it before but after the last few days, it was getting to you. When you got back outside, Chibs and Juice were locked in a friendly conversation with another chapter, the man who had just insulted you laughing along with them.
You were done, you hadn't had anything but water tonight and you were heading home, there was no way you were going to let Chibs and Juice know, not with everyone around so you walked to you car, unable to hold back the upset any longer. Just when you thought you were free, Happy spotted you walking away rubbing your face, you managed to make it to your car before he caught you.
"What's wrong little girl? You look so sad." You shrugged, "it's just been a long day Hap, I want to go home." He looked around, "where are your boyfriends?" You pointed to the picnic tables, "enjoying their night. Please, drop it Happy, I'm not in the mood." He nodded, "alright, text me when you get home safe so Juice doesn't start to worry when he can't fine you."
"Sure Hap, thanks for not poking."
Happy was fuming, he noticed you were upset the second you got out of your car but Juice and Chibs seemed to be obvious, he waited until they were alone to say something. "Where's your girl?" They looked around, "last I saw her, she was heading to the bathroom, she's probably talking to one of the other women." Happy shook his head, "no, she went home in tears twenty minutes ago." Juice's eye went wide, "what?" Happy took out his phone, "don't worry, she's home safe. How did you not notice something was wrong?"
Chibs swallowed, "she's been off but work's been rough." Before Happy could say more, the man was back, "where's your woman?" It made sense now, "did you say something to her?" The man shrugged, unaware of the rage in Juice's voice, "I just asked her some questions, I don't see anyone's crow so I figure she's up from anything." Happy huffed, "you two are fucking up."
The man crossed his arms over his chest, "are you fucking her too." Happy took a deep breath, his hands shaking, "fuck no, she's my friend and unlike these two idiots, I don't want to spend the rest of my life sharing a bed with her." Happy walked away without another word, leaving Juice and Chibs to deal with the pig.
When they got back, their knuckles were bruised and their blood was pumping until they found you on the couch eating ice cream and watching cute animal videos, "you right lass?" You nodded, "I'm fine, it's just been a long day." Juice sat down next to you, "we ain't buying that, tell us what's really going on." You put the ice cream down, "what do you think, I'm living and fucking two men and everyone knows it. Half the people at work think I'm a whore and when other charters are visiting I spend most of the night running away from assholes."
They were taken aback, "you never said anything." That was the wrong thing to say, "because the Club and other Sons come first, everyone knows that. If I start causing problems, I'll be gone in the blink of an eye." Juice put a hand on your leg, "how could you think that?" You shrugged, "because that's how people treat women in this life." Chibs shook his head, "we've never done anything to make you think that, have we?" You shook your head, "no, but all this talk about moving into a bigger house feels like this is heading somewhere and yet most people still think I'm just your whore."
Juice blinked, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have let it get to this point. From now on we'll make sure everyone knows you're ours and they can't say a thing about you." Chibs smiled, "that asshole tonight knows, we're sorry it took us so long to realise what was wrong." You smiled softly, "it's alright, I should have told you sooner." Juice shook his head, "no, we should have picked up on something being wrong."
"Come on lass, I'll run you a shower and Juice can order some twenty four hour pizza and we can finish this party in bed."
Things improved in leap and bounds over the following days, they stopped making comments about how much you were working and put all their efforts into looking for a bigger house. Jax gave them permission to deal with any bullshit with as much violence as they wanted and you worked up the courage to record the nasty comments from your co-workers and take them to HR.
You were enjoying a quiet afternoon at the Clubhouse, sipping on a fruit cocktail while Juice and Chibs sat by you talking to Chucky. You were called away by Gemma, unaware of Happy watching from afar. When you were out of eyeline, he walked up to Juice and Chibs and sat down, "things seem better." Juice nodded, "you were right Hap, we were fucking things up." Happy nodded, "yeah, she doesn't exactly complain when things are wrong."
Chibs nodded, "we see that now." Happy shook his head, "you two really are clueless." Juice's eyebrows wrinkled, "what do you mean?" Happy huffed, "because there's a line of men down the block waiting to take your place and she doesn't have a crow on her skin. You've been dating her for more than a year Juice, she should have been wearing yours before you brought Chibs in." Juice sighed, "you're right, again. I just didn't want to jump the gun, especially with bringing Chibs in, it just felt like a lot."
"Yeah, after Fiona, I never thought I feel this way again, I guess I was just scared of getting hurt again." Happy huffed, "well, you're hurting her by not asking. I'd hurry up before she moves on to someone who's more serious."
"Why did I agree to this." You slapped the healing tattoo, the itch madding. "Because you love us?" Juice's tone was filled with humour, "it's itches so much, I'm going to punch Happy the next time I see him." Chibs chuckled, "careful lass, he might like that." You shook your head, "I need to go to work, please remember to pick up the paint from the hardware store, it hasn't been in stock for months and that colour will go great in the bedroom."
"Of course, enjoy your paperwork."
"You know what today is?" You shook your head, "keep your hand to yourself, just because it's healed doesn't mean you can touch it all the time." Chibs smirked, "no, but we're leaving for the cabin tonight and we have all week to enjoy looking at it." You shook your head, "the only reason we're going is that Juice has an allergy to uncured epoxy and we can't go near our new house."
Juice tutted, "and it's not our fault that you can't stay away." You huffed, "I don't know about you, but I want to get out of that fucking rental, the sooner the house is done the sooner we can leave that shithole." Chibs made a face, "we've been living there for months, you and Juice have been living there for two years, it's not that bad."
You blinked, "there's mold over everything, that house has outstayed its welcome." There was a pause then every burst out in laughter, "come on, we better get there and turn on the power so we can have hot water tonight."
When you got to the cabin, Juice went around back and switched in the power while you and Chibs unpacked and opened up. The place had been redone since everything went down with Clay, but there was still a strange feeling to the air, the man was long dead and yet his ghost still lingered. You could only think what he would say about you, Juice and Chibs.
"Stop thinking lass, he ain't here anymore and Jax and Opie are good." You took a deep breath, "yeah, it's just taking some adjusting." Chibs nodded, "I know, but we'll get there together." Juice came in with a smile, "I did it, and I braved the huge spider that was in the power box." You shook your head, "that's Larry, he's been there for years." Juice chuckled, "well then, maybe Larry can be our new pet."
You sighed, "that reminds me, Happy won't get off my back about going to the shelter, his new lady friend has a kitten he thinks we'd like." Chibs chuckled, "trust Hap to end up with a vet." You rubbed your face, "I think it will be fun, by the time the kitten is old enough to come home, the house will be ready, Happy said he's always chatting." Juice smiled, "I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere."
You waved your arms, "there will be no pun, we all remember what happened the last time there were puns." Chibs laughed with a grimace, the pun incident as Juice had taken to calling it was Chibs cracking a rib after coming off his bike, it was the cash that did it, it was the laugh he gave when you made a pun afterwards.
"Lass is right, wordplay kills." You fluffed the pillows, "well if you two are alright to get diner, I'll fix up the bed and do some cleaning, this place smells like dead dust mites."
It was late by the time the movie had finished, Juice in all his wisdom had put on a horror movie hoping to get you to cling to him only for the three of you to get into a heated debate on who was the stupidest character, "it's clearly Cindy, she ran when she could have taken the car and gotten help." Chibs shook his head, "bullshit, Devin didn't double tap the killer, you always double tap."
"You're both wrong, it was the killer for not offing them all sooner because they're all dumb." You sighed, "I think it's time we hit the hay before one of us tries our hand at serial killing." Juice smiled, "you mean hit the hay or we all go back there and fuck?" You rolled your eyes, "what do you think Mr Smarty Pants?" Juice inhaled like he was offended, "you better run little girl, because when we catch you, you're going to be in for it."
You made it two steps before Chibs yanked you towards the bedroom, "that was a poor effort." You huffed, "I wasn't trying." Juice cocked his head in disbelief, "sure you weren't" You giggled and pulled out of Chibs' grasp stepping back and removing your top slowly, "well then, I'm waiting. You walked to the bedroom, dropping your clothes as you went.
When you were all in the bedroom, the heat in their eyes could have burnt the sun. "You're not being fair lass." You smiled, "why is that Chibby?" He stepped closer, running his hand up your arm, "because you deprived us of being able to remove your clothes." Juice took your other side, "yeah, he's right. What are we going to do about that?" You smirked, "I don't know, what are you going to do about it?"
Juice's face became soft, "we're going to do whatever you want, so, what is that?" You smiled, "I want you to kiss me, both of you." Juice took your next while Chibs took your lips and then you were falling onto the bed. Their clothes came off in the brushes of hand and the pressing of lips and before long, you were all naked, pressing your bodies together. "Isn't she the mos beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Juice smiled, "yeah, she is."
Juice's hand made it's way down your belly and to your slit, his finger rubbing your wetness till his fingertips hit your clit and you gasped, "that's my good girl always so responsive." When you went to grab Chibs' cock, he batted your hand away, "no, not tonight lass. Tonight is all about you." You tilted your head and Juice bit your neck, "not another word about it little girl."
The fingers on your clit made you forget any protest as Chibs kissed down your body, when he reached your core, Juice moved his fingers and slid two inside you so his tongue could take their place. Working in tandem, they brought you to the edge in no time, Juice holding you up as you came so you didn't fall onto Chibs, then you were being shifted to face to the mirror above the dresser, "see, don't you just look amazing." Your hair was stuck to your face and your skin was damp with sweat, "I look like I just got done running a mile."
Chibs tutted, "none of that lass." He came up behind you rubbing his cock through your slit while Juice stroked his as he watched, "watch yourself while I fuck you lass and maybe, if you're good, you can have Juicy Boy too." Your head fell back against his chest as he slid home, the warmth you felt with Juice's eyes on you and Chibs at your back was indescribable.
"That's it lass, you're such a good girl." Chibs' hips moved perfectly, a wonderful mix of slow and forceful that had you gripping onto Juice for dear life, when you closed your eyes, he stopped, "nope, keep your eyes on the mirror or we stop." Your eyes shot back open as you looked at your expression, you body half hidden by Juice's as he pressed himself to your skin. His thumb found your clit as Chibs sped up, "there you go, be good for us and let go." You were powerless to deny them, slumping over in Juice's arms as Chibs chased his own high.
A sigh and the feeling of emptiness told you that he was done as they swapped places, Chibs coming to the font, "I love this view." Juice nodded, his voice full of affection, "yeah, me too." Juice didn't waste any time sliding inside you, pausing as your eyes closed on reflex, "what did we say." You opened your eyes, "sorry, it just felt so good." Juice chuckled, "I bet it did."
You watched yourself as he fucked you, going between the muscles of Chibs' back to your face then Juice's and before too long, the sight had you clenching around Juice's cock, "good girl, taking without even asking, you deserve it." Juice gave one last grunt and followed suit, nibbling on your shoulder as he came down and pulled out.
Juice helped you lay down while Chibs headed to the bathroom to get something to clean you up, returning soon after and wiping you down with a damp cloth. "You good lass?" You nodded sleepily, "I'm good, a nap would be nice." Juice smiled softly, "have something to eat and drink first and then we can sleep for all night." You sat up slowly, "alright, you both good?"
They nodded as Juice's hand drifted over the crow, "never better."
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marvelous-slut · 2 years
Leather & Lace - Chibs Telford x reader
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI!!!, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex
Y’all Leather & Lace by Stevie Nicks & Don Henley?? fits someone with the Sons men SO WELL!!! So you know I had to write a little something for my man Chibs and the rest of y’all that love this man. It should literally be a crime for him to be so fine
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Chibs felt his heart break into a million pieces tonight at the clubhouse. You had took over his every thought, when he was on runs with the MC he used to think strictly of the task at hand, but now he only thought of coming home to you. He knew you didn’t need to be in this life, you didn’t need to be “an old lady”. Too much risk followed with something like that, he would never be able to live with himself if you were hurt. He often pondered how someone so sweet could love someone so cold, but you did it anyways.
“Chibs, will you come to the dorm with me?” You ask softly, your voice was angelic to him. He followed with no other questions involved. Once the two of you reached his room, you turned to lock his door. Turning back around you kiss him softly, when you pull away you run your hand over his scars.
“I missed you, a lot.” You whispered, placing your lips on his neck. “I wanna show you how much.” You spoke softly, he helps you pull your dress off and tosses it to the side. He couldn’t help but stare for a moment at the matching black lace bra and thong you wore. You let out a soft laugh and he felt like his heart stopped.
“Do you like what you see?” You ask, you take his kutte, sliding it off him slowly and placing it on the chair near his bed. The one piece of clothing in this room that had to be taken care of. “As much as I love the leather, I’d rather see it off.” He doesn’t need to hear anymore, he discards the rest of his clothing with your help, you motion him to the bed and he sits down. He watches as you drop to your knees slowly. You wrap a hand around his hardened cock, licking slowly to tease him. He wraps a hand in your hair, begging you to take him into your mouth. You do so, wanting nothing more than to please him.
“Darlin’ I missed you so much.” He hoped you knew he meant that and not just cause you were sucking his cock. You continue bobbing your head up and down, slowly wanting this moment to last. Wanting him to know how much you missed him. He grips your hair tighter, but making sure he didn’t hurt you. He thinks of how if anyone knew such an sweet girl like you loved sucking cock, they’d probably have a heart attack on the spot. He was glad no one else knew, he wanted you to himself. You slowly come up off his cock, you stand up, taking off your bra and panties slowly for him, teasing him.
“You drive me crazy lass.” He lets out, pulling you close to him. You gently push him back onto the bed, straddling him. You grasp his cock with one hand, lining it up with you dripping cunt, sinking down on him slowly, moving your hand so you could feel every inch of him inside you. You let out a soft moan, he throws his head back in pleasure but still keeping his eyes on this sight. He loved seeing his cock disappear into you. Once he is completely inside of you, you start slowly rocking your hips back and forth. He places his hands on your hips, tightly gripping you. You wished he would do it harder, but knew he wouldn’t want to leave any bruises on your delicate body.
“Jesus Christ. You’re so tight darlin.” He lets out, you lean down to kiss him, still rocking slowly on top of him. He places both hands on your face and leans you down farther to place his lips on yours. He decides to flip you over during this moment, once on your back he realigns himself and slides back into you. You let out a moan, arching your back from pleasure. His thrusts are slow, passionate. You dig your nails into his back, assuring him how wonderful it felt having him inside of you. He picks up the pace just a bit, wanting this moment to be slow and last for years.
“I love you.” You whisper out, running a hand through his hair. “I want this forever.” He continues his thrusts, running his hands down your body to your clit, playing with it while he thrusts into you slowly.
“I love you dear. I want you to always know that.” He whispers. You feel the heat gathering in your stomach, knowing you’re close to the edge of an orgasm. He can tell, he can see it in your face. “I want you to let go.” He meant two things by this, one of which you knew. The other, he wanted you to let go of him, he knew someone like you couldn’t stay with someone like him. These words are enough for you, you arch your back feeling every bit of pleasure go through your body. Seeing you come undone sends him over the edge, releasing inside of you. Once he’s done, he stays for a moment inside of you to place a kiss on your lips. You smile when he pulls away, his heart starts pumping faster seeing that smile.
“I wish this moment could last forever.” You breathe out softly, running your hand down his face. He smiles, resting his forehead on yours. If only you knew how much he wanted the same thing, but knew it could never happen.
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thesmilingchibs · 2 years
Anyone up for some late night roleplaying?
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kdogreads · 1 year
Imagine being Chibs’ old lady
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As ruthless as he can be, he is an absolutely softie just for you
Kisses your fingers one-by-one; your hands; your thighs; your calves; your stomach
Rubs your feet after a long day without you asking; he just slides your legs over his and works out all the tension
Tells you how pretty you are alllll the time: “My beautiful lass” & “Prettiest girl I’ve ever laid me eyes on” & “How d’ye manage lookin’ better everyday?” & “Sorry for starin’ at ya, love, I just cannae believe how goddamn gorgeous you are”
Would literally drop to his knees and worship you happily if you asked, of course you’d never, but he’d do it without a moment’s thought
Talks about you as if you’re a goddess, an angel walking the earth, and not giving a damn if the guys make fun of him for it (though they never would, they think so, too)
If you find a spider in the house
and you ask him to take it outside instead of killing it, he’ll look at you like this…
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… and then take it outside. Same goes for any little task you ask for his help on, even if it’s just because you want to see his biceps flex when he lifts something heavy, or his belly peak out from his shirt when he reaches for something high. He pretends to be annoyed by your constant asking, but he loves taking care of you so damn much. He’d do anything you asked with a smile on his face.
Him calling you when the club needs your help
Medical, serving beers, hosting other charters, whatever they need. He’d call you and say:
“Hey baby”
“Hiya, love. Need yer help at the clubhouse. Tigger got bit by a damn doped-up Doberman or some shite. Hell if I know”
“Jesus Christ. Alright, keep him stable. I’ll be there as soon as I can, love”
“Wha’ would we do without ya, my angel?”
“Crash and burn, probably”
“Damn right. Love you, M'annsachd (my blessing)”
“Love you back, my Scotsman”
The club counts on your for so much, and you’re happy to help. That means you get to spend more time with your man and see him in his element. The other guys love you, too, and respect the hell out of you, knowing Chibs wouldn’t think think before chopping their dick off if they ever made a move on you. They tell you how much they appreciate you every chance they get.
Lassie, sweetheart, hen, angel, darling, love; bonnie lass, baby, girlie, lover, sugar
Bonus: Scots Gaelic pet names
M'annsachd (my blessing), mo ghràdh (my love), mo chridhe (my heart), mo leannan (my darling/sweetheart)
After the explosion, you’re by his side every minute
When he comes to here and there during the first few hours, the only thing he mumbles is your name, like he’s desperately searching for your face in an unfamiliar crowd. You squeeze his hands and tell him you’re there, even if he slips back under just after, he knows you’re there. Even when the recovery is hard on him, you’re there to support him in every way you can. The club knows you won’t leave his side and helps fill in the gaps you usually occupy without a second thought. He credits you with his recovery, even though he did it all: “Yer my savior, mo chridhe. Cannae imagine my life wi’out you here, takin’ care o’ me, bringin’ me back ta life. You’ve given me everything. I owe you everything, my angel.”
He is the absolute sweetest with kids, your own or other members’
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After Donna, Opie went off the rails and no one else had the means and patience to take care of Ellie and Kenny, so you two took them in.
He would try his best to explain to them where their mom is and that they’ll never be alone.
“Tha’s right, yer ma is heaven, in God’s golden castle, dancin’ ‘n’ singin’ wi’ the angels. You can weep, mo leannan, s’alright. Jus’ means you’ve plenty o’ love left ta give. You’ve a home wi’ us, yer da, yer granddaddy always, loves, ya understand?”
When Abel and Thomas come along, you’re always first to volunteer to watch them. You love seeing your man with the small children, always eager to play silly little games or offer a strong, warm embrace when they take a tumble on the playground.
If you have your own kids together, god, the way he loves them so fiercely but so gently just melts you. He loves to wake up with them in the night, just so he can spend a moment with them in his arms, those big brown eyes staring up at him. You’d give him 10 babies just to see that sparkle in his eye when he holds your child.
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He’s never shy to show the world how much he loves you.
Kisses on your temple as he passes by, smack on your ass while you stand at the bar, an arm snaking around your waist as you talk to some crow eaters, whistling at you as you walk towards him in the clubhouse (and you put on a little show for him, of course). He’s always finding new ways to show you how much he loves you and your body.
You become a mother figure for the girls
Crow eaters are all there with the hopes of becoming an old lady some day, and they could look at your marriage with Chibs with jealousy, but instead, they admire you. They see the way you have the freedom to do whatever you please and be exactly who you are, while still having a man who worships you just as much as you worship him, and they want that.
You tell them:
“I just got lucky, baby. I couldn’t stop loving him if I tried. You’ll find yours, too, don’t you worry.”
When it comes to the crow eaters, you’ve always known that what happens on the road stays on the road, but Chibs doesn’t even take a second look at any of the girls. He’s loyal to you in every way, even when you’ve told him it’s okay to satisfy his needs with a blowjob here or a handy there. He’d never touch anyone else that way, not without you involved, anyway. 😏
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This man knows how to give you everything you need and more. So much more.
You’ve been together long enough that jealousy or feelings of not being good enough have long gone out the window. You both just want to make each other feel mind-blowing, brain-fogging pleasure. Whether that is with just your two bodies, toys, bringing in thirds (or fourths, fifths…), experimenting with new kinks and locations, Chibs is willing to try anything once as long as you are into it. He’s given you pleasure like you’ve never known and you send him just as high above the earth when it’s your turn to return the favor.
You’re his comfort and his peace
After a long day with the MC, sometimes he just needs you in his arms to remember who he is and why he does it all. He tells you everything you need to know, and you’re smart enough to fill in the gaps. You know he’s done some things that he thinks are irredeemable, but you’re there to remind him he’s a good man. That’s why you love him so much.
Check out My Dove for a sweet, smutty night when he needs some comfort from you (minors please DNI).
Overall, Chibby is just the best partner you could have ever ended up with and he spends every minute of his life reminding you just how loved you are
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
13 and 16 with Chibs finding your SH scars and you bond because he would totally understand, and he's a sweetheart. Could stay sweet, could get smutty. Surprise me!
I totally agree Chibs is the perfect guy for this request. The way he is just so tough but also gentle soothes my soul!
Prompt 13: I promise. Prompt 16: Your scars are beautiful. 18+ TW: Talk of Self-Harm.
Pretty Lines
You had met Chibs a few months ago when you set up a small bakery in Charming. You had been that this quaint , sunny Californian town would help finish the healing process for you. A fresh start you had told yourself was what you needed. It would have been that too if you had been able to have a fresh body. Every day the raised lines drawn by your own hands haunted you. They taunted you twenty-four seven as your clothes ran along them. Chibs though made you forget even if temporarily about your past. You had never imagined finding love again or letting someone else in. Things had been picture perfect until tonight when the usual kissing between the two of you had heated up and his hands had slid under your shirt. You had freaked out and now didn't know what to do.
"Love?" inquired Chibs interrupting your train wreck of thoughts as he took your hand in his. Your eyes met his and the worry reflected in them melted your heart. "Talk to me" he whispered as he used his thumb to caress your hand in small soothing circles. You bit your lip nervously as you averted your gaze. "I promise you can tell me anything and I won't judge ye" stated Chibs gently but firmly as he reached up and moved your face back to face him.
You simply nodded as a tear slid down your cheek. "I'll show you" your voice barely loud enough for him to register before stepping back and pulling off your sweater. Chibs watched in silence as you stood in front of him, showing him why you were always in long sleeves of some sort. Your arms and stomach were covered in scars . Some so faint he could barely see them but others still angry and raised telling him you were either still holding onto pain or had finally recently laid it to rest. There's more" you murmured as you shimmied out of your leggings bringing Chibs attention to the x scars dotting your inner thighs and hips.
You moved from leg to leg feeling nervous under his unwavering gaze as he looked over your half naked body. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met" stated Chibs as he reached out and pulled you back to him as he kissed one of the scars on your inner wrist. "No I'm" you started quietly before Chibs cut you off. "I promise I am telling you the truth. You and your scars are so beautiful to me. " he stated more sternly as he kissed your other wrist. The sensation of his tongue on the raised flesh had you tingling and letting out a sigh of contentment as he trailed more kisses and light nips onto your abdomen as his hands made a path gently across the scars on your hips and thighs.
After a couple minutes Chibs pulled you down onto him before flipping the both of you over so he could hover over you. "Let me worship you tonight love" he murmured into your ear as you closed your eyes as his fingers continued their dance across your skin and his mouth captured yours.
Want more Chibs? Click Here
Want to see how to request? Click Here
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a whiskey with jax teller pleaseeee just him being a little shit during a hot sex bc hes jax ofc theres so little writing about him and yours is fuckin phenomenal <33
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warnings - smut. cursing. jax and his filthy mouth.
you're so lovely - thank you!! this man's middle name is mischief. I just know he'd be a fuckin menace in bed.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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"Shhh darlin'. You don't want them to hear, do you?"
You wish he'd thought about that before he'd linked his fingers with yours and led you through the clubhouse, whispering something about having to have you now.
"This was- fuck- your idea, Jax," you pant, gripping the sheets beneath you.
He's got you practically folded in half, his body cloaking yours, weight pressing you down. He keeps tilting your chin up to look at him, slapping your cheek gently when you close your eyes. He wants to be your sole focus.
Little does he know, he always is.
"Oh, come on. Like you didn't want it as bad as I did."
He has this tone, when he's fucking you. It's low and it's menacing and it's rough around the edges. It's lethal.
He punctuates his words with a particularly deep thrust of his hips, a surprised moan leaving your lips before you can stop it.
"You wanna get us caught? Huh?"
He thinks he feels you tighten around him, so he tests his theory.
"Or maybe that is what you want. I see the way you look at Chibs, honey. Do you want him to hear? Come and see what all the noise is about? Join in, maybe?"
You clench down, back arching at his dirty stream of thoughts. He chuckles, getting the exact reaction he wanted.
"Filthy fuckin' girl. You want your president and your vice president to fuck you together? At the same time? Talk about club bonding, huh?"
Jax grips your chin in between his fingers, forcing you to look at him. His hips never cease their relentless rhythm, stars floating in your vision. You open your mouth, and he spits right into it, winking when you swallow.
His other hand moves to your throat, gripping lightly. The man knows how to play you like an instrument.
"Come on, baby. I wanna hear them, all the dirty little fantasies in that pretty little head of yours. Or maybe it's not Chibs? Who is it then, hmm? Juice? Happy?"
You choke out a whine, and he laughs, dark and mischievous.
"Fuck, you're squeezin' me so tight. It's one of them, isn't it? Which one, honey?"
You shake your head, tears forming at your lash line.
"Oh, I know. How about all of them? All four of us, passing you around, taking turns. How's that sound? Is that what you want, dirty girl?"
The thought sends you right over the edge, gasping for air as the heat licks up your spine. Your end is Jax's too, the low groan he releases vibrating both of your bones. He collapses on top of you, the two of you panting.
"You're relentless," you laugh, catching your breath.
"It's one of the reasons you love me so much," he chuckles, kissing you softly. "That, and the fact I have hot brothers."
"You're right about one of those things," you tease, squealing when he pinches your sides.
A knock on the door startles you both.
"Jackie boy, we have some business we need to attend to. That is, if you're not... preoccupied."
The familiar Scottish accent sends heat rushing to your skin. Jax notices.
"Be there in a minute, VP!"
You hear Chibs' footsteps as he leaves, breathing a sigh of relief.
"So it was Chibs, huh?"
"Like I said," you chide jokingly, smacking him on the shoulder. "Fucking relentless."
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redwood-orginals · 3 months
Hi! ^.^ taking any requests? I'm currently on a run hunting good Juice fanfics, I would love to read more 😭
i am indeed taking requests!! fill my inbox up!!
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tumbleweed-writes · 2 months
100 Smut Prompts
Send me some prompts and I'll write something using them.
18+ Duh
“I’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that guys name”
“So good, and all just for me.”
"What would they think if they saw you right now?"
“Show me how much you missed me.”
“suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me”
“you’re so sweet for me, such a sweetheart”
“That’s my baby girl/baby boy.”
"You're sexy when you're angry."
“I can’t believe you’re this innocent…”
“Did that make you feel good?”
“Show me how you do it when you touch yourself.”
"I'm trying so hard not to fuck you senseless right now."
"Are you not wearing any underwear?"
“Look how pretty you are, taking all of me.”
“God, you love it like this, don’t you?”
"Look at yourself, all fucked out. Pathetic."
“i’m going to fuck you against the windows, i want everyone to see how good you are for me”
“you look amazing, really, but i think i prefer the dress on the floor”
“Imagine how good I’d feel inside of you.”
"go on, baby. ride my thigh."
"you look so pretty when you're cumming for me."
"Did you just call me Daddy?"
"Could he/she/they do it like this?"
"I’m going to jerk you off until I get every last drop out of you."
"I just want you to know I’m dripping wet."
"I keep fantasizing about what I’m going to do to you later."
"Would it be rude of me to start sucking your dick right now?"
"If you don’t stop looking at me like that, we’re going to to have to go somewhere private."
"I want your cock in my mouth."
"I keep thinking about your body against mine."
"Look how well you take me."
"Good Girl/Boy."
"I'm all yours, baby"
"How badly do you want it?"
“I’m going to crawl into bed and pleasure myself. Do you have any interest in dirty talking with me while I do?”
"I need you inside of me."
"I would love to bend you over the counter."
"You like it when I spank you, don't you?"
"I love how your tongue feels on my clit."
"I've been waiting for this all day."
"God, you're so hot."
"Don't you DARE pull out!"
“I could come just by looking at you right now”
"I'm addicted to you. You're mine"
"God I hate the fact that I can't even look at your fingers without wishing they were inside of me."
“You’re either gonna cum inside me, or not at all.”
"It feels so good when you stretch me out"
"You better not stop fucking me"
“Please fuck me, Sir.”
"I've been horny all day, and I need you fix it"
"Your dick was made for this pussy."
"I need you right now, couch, kitchen floor, anywhere, just take me now."
“This dick needs to be inside me.”
“I want to fuck you for the rest of my life”
"How the FUCK do you make me cum so much?"
“I like it when you use me”
"You fill me up so good, you're perfect" 
"Shut up, you're gonna get us caught."
"Fuck me like you hate me”
"Will you suck my tits?"
"Look in my eyes when you fuck me"
“I’m yours, completely and utterly yours”
"Oh god, you're so deep"
“I am going to do what I want with you and you’re going to lay there and take it, understood?”
“I love hearing you moan. Go ahead and get louder.”
"I can't get enough of your body."
"Gonna leave that ass of yours red."
"You feel so good."
"I love you so much, can you feel it?"
"Come here and ride me hard."
“You’ve really never touched yourself?”
“I’ve wanted this for such a long time”
"You sound so pretty."
"I miss you in between my legs"
"I'm going to ruin your sheets."
"Once I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to walk tomorrow"
Baby, I could do this all day."
“What did you say to me? Do you want to try that again?”
"You are such a pretty little thing on your knees for me. I'm so proud of you."
“You’re so beautiful all spread out like this... just for me”
“It’s not scary at all. Let me show you.”
"I wore this for you."
"I want your cum."
"You smell good enough to eat."
"I want to feel those sweet lips all over me."
"You can have me any way you want."
"You have no idea the absolute mess you've made of me."
"Shut up and bend over."
“Is this how you need to get fucked?”
“Fuck, you just take it so well”
"Look at me while I cum in you!".
"Take it, it's yours."
“Take your panties off and sit on my face.”
"The whole time you've been here, I just wanted to rip your clothes off and fuck you on the floor."
"I can't believe you're in my bed, I'm so lucky."
"You are such a filthy slut."
"You're such a good girl. You're gonna make daddy cum."
"If you keep that up, I'm going to make you suck my cock again."
“I’m going to fuck that little attitude out of you."
"Let me take care of you."
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
bad girl // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC (Ellie Drysdale/Telford)
Warnings: 18+, smut, language
Word Count: 1,757
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 The sounds of keys clanking into the lock wakes me up and I sit up slowly to avoid puking. The couple of bottles of liquor that I drank last night do not agree with me, and I would probably feel at least a little bit bad if Unser had to clean up my puke. I slap Gemma's leg a couple of times and she startles awake. Once we're both standing up, we finally realize who has bailed us out this time.
"Ha! I told you mine would come first this time," I tease her and she rolls her eyes.
"I'll pay you once Wayne gives me my purse back. You cheated somehow and I'm gonna figure out how you did it so that I win next time," She retorts as we walk out of our shared cell towards my very ticked-off boyfriend. 
"Hi, baby," I say and grip the leather of his kutte to attempt to peck his lips but he turns his face at the last second so that my lips land on his cheek. 
"Don't 'hi, baby' me, darling. You're in trouble this time," Chibs replies, still attempting to look annoyed with me.
"Oh, is the big bad biker gonna spank me? Maybe you should be the one in the cell, sir," I mock him which just seems to piss him off more.
"No, you'll enjoy it too much. But I do plan on not fucking you for a couple of days until you learn your lesson." 
   My face drops and that seems to bring a smile to his lips. He kisses the top of my head before leading me out to his bike where Clay is arguing with Gemma once again. Chibs pulls my helmet over my tangled curls and ensures that it's on properly before finally pulling me against him and molding our lips together, his tongue pillaging my mouth until we're both breathless. 
"I'm taking you to my house and then we're going to talk about this, Ellie. I can't keep getting calls from Unser telling me that you've been arrested again," He says firmly when we finally separate, his hands holding my face and his thumb stroking my cheek. 
"I'm sorry," I whisper and I know that it won't be enough, but it'll be a start. 
   He climbs on the bike first and I follow, pressing my cheek against his patch and winding my arms around his waist. I let the breeze distract me as he drives us to his house, most likely because he knows that if we go back to Gemma's where I'm still living, we'll have to overhear her and Clay either fighting or fucking. Once we're inside, I push off my ridiculous heels and head towards Chibs' room to change into some of his clothes. As I'm buttoning one of his button-downs, he enters the room and sits on the edge of the bed, running his hands through his hair. I step between his legs and play with his hair while he rests his head against my stomach, his hands rubbing up and down the back of my thighs.
"You ready to tell me what happened?" I sigh deeply and launch into the story.
"Gem and I went out for a couple of drinks and got a little rowdy. The bartender didn't like that we were being loud, so he tried to kick us out. Gemma threw her drink in his face and when he grabbed her arm roughly, I punched him in the face. He called Unser and he picked us up and took us back to the jail. I guess he didn't call you and Clay until this morning."
"Oh, no. He called us last night before he even went and picked you two up," He replies and I push his head back to look at me. "Ellie, that's the third time this month that I've had to see you asleep in a jail cell. If it happens again, I'm not bailing you out. You'll sit in there until Unser releases you or someone else comes to pay your bail, but I'm not going to do it again." 
"It won't happen again, but it's also not that big of a deal, Chibs," I mutter and that gets his attention.
"Not that big of a deal? Ellie, if you two fuck with the wrong guy just one time, I'll be picking you up from the morgue. You're not careful. You put yourself at risk and it scares the fuck out of me. Either you get it together, or we're done." I shove him away at that and he stands up and fixes me with a glare.
"I'm not careful? I put myself at risk? Jesus fuck, Chibs, your entire job is you not being careful and putting yourself at risk." He shakes his head at that and I step closer to him, pushing my finger into his chest. "Every morning, I wake up and pray that I'm not gonna get a call from one of your brothers telling me you're dead. So until you stop constantly being in danger, I'll continue to do the same." 
"What I do is to protect you! It's to protect anyone connected to the club. Fuck, if I didn't love you, Eleanor, I wouldn't do what I have to do. I would be going about my life, fucking random chicks, and drinking myself away. But, I do love you so I put myself in danger because it means that I get to see you breathing just one more day."
   He's so angry that he's almost panting when he finishes his rant, but I'm just in shock. We've never said that we love each other before, and of course, it would come out in the middle of an argument, like a bad cliche. 
"You love me?" 
"Shut up," He says before grabbing my face and kissing me. 
   I wrap myself around him and he's quick to pick me up and lead us to his bed. He throws me down and leans back to rip open my shirt, buttons flying everywhere, and I pull him back down to me. I nip at his lip before sliding my tongue into his mouth. Of course, he has to be the dominant one, so he takes over, pulling gasps and moans from my lips as he massages my bare tits and grinds himself against me. He moves down my neck, leaving his mark on me like a caveman. 
"I love you," I gasp out as he wraps his lips around my nipple, and his hand slides into the front of my panties. He teases my entrance before dragging the moisture there up to my clit while his lips continue their assault all over my tits and neck. 
"You're my pretty little slut, aren't you? Mine to fuck and to love and to yell at until I'm blue in the face to keep you safe. My little lamb, always so ready for me," He says into my ear as he pushes his fingers inside of me and continues to apply pressure to my clit with his thumb. 
"Always, baby. You fuck me so good that I don't know how I ever lived without your cock inside of me. Please, fuck me. Fuck me like you hate me and kiss me like you love me." 
   My words send him into a frenzy and he literally rips my panties off of me before throwing the torn fabric over his shoulder. He unbuckles his belt and pulls his dick out, just barely applying pressure at my entrance before thrusting all the way in. He's so deep in me that I see the bulge in my belly before he pushes down on it, sending pleasure through my body. I let out a loud moan as he pushes one of my knees up by my chest and snaps his hips into me so roughly that I know that there'll be bruises on my hips and thighs tomorrow. 
"You love when I'm rough with you, don't you, darlin'? It reminds you that you're just a hole for me to stick my dick in until I spray you with my come. You love to be degraded so much that you're dripping all over my cock, lamb."  He reaches between us to make tight circles on my clit with his thumb, pulling me closer to the edge with every rotation. 
"I'm just a dirty little slut who loves to be fucked," I moan out as his thrusts get even rougher. "Fuck, baby, I'm gonna come."
"Come all over my cock, baby, and then I'm fucking you from behind so that I can see that ass bounce while I remind you who you belong to." 
   I scream out his name as my pussy squeezes him before I come, my walls spasming around him. He barely gives me a second to recover before he's pulling out of me and flipping me over. I've just put my ass in the air when he slams into me and chases his own release. At this moment, I really am just a hole for him to fuck and I love it. His dick hits my g-spot with every thrust and he slaps my ass so hard that there'll be red handprints on there for at least a couple of hours. I chant his name over and over again as I come again and he presses his front to my back as he finally comes inside of me. 
   The only sounds in the room are our pants as come down. Chibs pushes my hair out of the way before pressing kisses down my spine and on the handprints that cover my bottom. I collapse onto the mattress and he gets a warm washcloth from the bathroom before kneeling by the side of the bed and wiping my pussy. He flips me over and peppers kisses all over my face, my favorite form of aftercare. 
"I wasn't too rough with you, was I, lamb?" I shake my head and he gently kisses my lips one time before pulling both of us underneath the covers.
"I love you, Chibby," I whisper to him as he presses his front to my back with his hand rubbing circles on my stomach. 
"I love you, my little Ellie." 
"By the way, if that's the way that you fuck me when I get into trouble, expect to be getting a lot of phone calls." I feel him shake his head before dragging me closer to him. We fall asleep like that and soak up our love for one another. 
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