#Chicago Fire FanFic
callsign-dexter · 2 months
Sweet Treats and Teasing
Request: Hi can i request a kelly severide x reader where kelly Severide introduces yn as his his girlfriend she brings cookies/ brownies to firehouse 51 and his co works they tease her a bit
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: thank you @maximeseveridecasey for requesting and I'm so sorry it took forever to get out!
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Your life was great. You had an amazing boyfriend who was a firefighter and looked great in uniform. He would drop anything for you and you for him. You couldn't ask for anything better and you didn't want anything better. You were happy with your hunk of handsome firefighter. His name is Kelly Severide. 
You run a pretty big bakery/deli/cafe, Station Sweets Cafe and Deli, close to the firehouse and it was sometimes a blessing and a curse. Big as in three stories tall upstairs for lounging and eating, main floor for food, kitchen, lounging and eating, and a basement for storage, inventory, appliances, and maintenance equipment. You get a lot of college kids studying for exams or just need a place to hang out. You also get a lot of your customers who are first responders and medical care personnel. You knew almost everyone, though you hadn't met Kelly's crew or not that you know of. They may have come in when you weren't there. 
It was a blessing because you weren't too far from your boyfriend and a curse because each time, they got called out they drove past your bakery and it made you a nervous wreck. Even though you were the boss you also worked at the bakery/deli and loved it, you have the best staff you could ask for and it was perfect. 
You and Kelly met when he walked into your bakery needing something for a last-minute pick up for a first responders get together. When you both laid eyes on each other the both of you melted and fell in love. Now it's been 4 years of nothing but bliss. You could see a future with him and what you didn't know was that Kelly was thinking the same thing. Sure, he has had his fair share of flings and girlfriends but when he met you, he didn't want anybody else, he just wanted you. Some people could say you changed him for the better. 
Currently you are snuggled up with Kelly and enjoying his heat that he always puts off on the chilly Chicago morning. If it were up to you and him you both wouldn't leave but sadly reality came rearing its head, well at least for Kelly it was your day off, by the sound of his alarm going off. You groaned and he did too and was quick to turn off. “Do you have to go?” You asked as you rolled over to look at him and he chuckled while smiling and kissing your forehead. 
“Yes. You know how much I would love to stay in bed with you all morning but people need saving.” He said, you sighed frowning just a little.
“Can't they take a break from doing anything idiotic for one day?” You asked and he chuckled.
“I so wish, Baby. Now come on, I have to take a shower.” He said 
“Can I join?” You asked and smiled.
“Always, you know I would never say no to you joining me in the shower.” He said as he started to get out of bed and you followed him. 
After your nice hot steamy shower, you both were now in the kitchen. He had one his uniform and you had your hair up in a wet bun and just a shirt hanging on your body. He admired you from the doorway of the kitchen as you moved around easily getting things out for the day. He moved to where he was behind you and took you in his arms making you squeal. “KELS!” You shrieked out and he chuckled as he kissed your neck, you leaned your head giving him better access. “You're gonna be late.” You said as you turned in his arms and threw your arms around his neck. 
“Hmmmm they'll understand.” He said and you smiled and shook your head. 
“No, you need to get going. You have lives to save, remember?” You asked 
“Yea I remember.” He said and you kissed him.
“I'll see you in three days.” You said and groaned and pulled a face.
“Three days is too long.” He replied and you nodded in agreement.
“But it's what you signed up for and you love it.” You reminded him.
“Yes, I know. I do love it but I love you more.” He said and you chuckled and pushed his chest.
“Get going you big sap. I may or may not bring some treats down to you later.” You said
“If you do, the entire firehouse will love you for it.” He said and you smiled.
“Oh, don't I know.” You replied, you had sent some goodies down to them via one of your workers but they never knew you were the one to make them. Most of your workers knew how to make the food and that's because you had the recipes in a book and they were very simple and easy to follow. 
“You know you should stop by and I can introduce you to the team. Let them know you're the one making the treats that they can't seem to get enough of.” He said as he got ready to leave. Half of the time when you were off you sent Kelly with some goodies that you had left over from baking at home for the bakery or just in general and he always comes back with requests for more. Now Kelly can cook and bake but his baking doesn't live up to yours and you can cook really good, some say even better than Kelly and you take pride in that and sometimes tease him about it. 
“I just might have to do that. Can't have you taking all the credit for the sweets I bring and send.” You said and he laughed a very continuous laugh.
“Hey, I can bake.” He said and you smiled and nodded.
“That you can but I'm just a little bit better at it.” You said and he nodded and cocked an eyebrow.
“You got that right.” He said and then looked down at his watch “I gotta go. I love you.” He said as he planted another kiss on your forehead.
“I love you too.” You said and he started to walk out “Be safe!” You yelled out to him and he turned around, body out the door and hand on the door knob. 
“Always.” He said and then winked and he was off leaving you smiling and shaking your head. Now you were left to sort out what you wanted to make. You thought about making some s'mores treats for them and to be honest you wanted some too. So that's what you set out on doing. First you needed to go to the grocery for in general food and supplies for home and the bakery, yes you had a truck coming but one of your workers texted you that they needed something before the truck got there tomorrow morning and you being the best boss told them you would be there soon. You figured you would get those supplies and then go back to finish shopping for home supplies.
As you arrived at the grocery store you checked your phone one more time for what you needed for your store and quickly went to that section. “Alright, let’s see where is it?” You asked yourself and began to look through the shelves.
“What can I help you with?” Someone asked but you knew that voice and smiled and turned around and saw your boyfriend.
“Hi there, handsome. I’m looking for some ground cinnamon.” You said and he smiled.
“Don’t you have a truck coming in with those supplies?” Kelly asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I do but they won’t be in until tomorrow morning and we are out out.” You explained 
“I see. I see.” He said and then you turned back around and started to look for it once again. “Here it is.” He said and grabbed it and gave it to you.
“You’re a lifesaver.” You said and turned around and kissed him and he gladly kissed back.
“That’s my job, Babe.” He said and you laughed. “Still coming to the station?” He asked.
“Yup! Just have to deliver this to the shop and then go back here to grab supplies and groceries for home.” You said and he hummed.
“You be careful out there.” He said 
“Always.” You said and winked using the move he used on you that morning and he laughed as you began to walk away. You were checking out and heading to your shop. It wasn’t that far of a drive and you arrived pretty quickly. You parked and grabbed your bag and walked into the building. 
“Good morning, Y/N/N.” Will Halstead, one of your regulars and best friends, said and you smiled at him.
“Hey, Will.” You said 
“Isn’t it supposed to be your day off?” He asked and you chuckled and nodded.
“Yes, but we ran out of ground cinnamon.” You said and he chuckled.
“I see. I will let you get to it. Have a nice day!” He said and you smiled.
“You too.” You said and then quickly walked to the back where Leslie, the one who texted you, was there. “Here is your ground cinnamon.” You said and she looked relieved.
“Thank you so much! I’m so sorry you had to be here on your day off but I couldn’t wait until the morning to make these. We have a large order for a party tonight.” She said and you smiled at her.
“Not a problem. I was on my way to the grocery store so it was not a problem.” You said and she smiled.
“Is there a way I can make it up to you?” She asked and you shook your head.
“No, you do enough around here.” You said
“Thank you again.” She said and you smiled and then got back to work and then you were heading back to the store to grab supplies for the s’mores treats and supplies for home. It was a very quick trip and the next thing you knew you were back at home bringing in the groceries and started on the treats. 
You put on music and began your baking. You enjoyed backing anything that you could, some you have recipes for and others you didn’t. Occasionally you would get a text from Kelly and in response you would send him a picture of what you were doing and he always responded that you were teasing him but you reminded him that he was going to get some and he had full access to the sweets when he was at home. 
After 4 fours of baking, you had enough for the entire station for the three days that they would be on shift. You packed them up and then put them in a bag and headed off to the station. It wasn’t a very far drive and you were thankful for that. When you parked next to Kelly’s truck you got out and grabbed the sweets and walked into the station all vehicles were there which meant that they were all still there. As you walked in you spotted Kelly. “Hey, Kels.” You said and he was quick to turn around and a smile appeared on his face.
“Hey, Baby.” He said and walked over to you. “Wasn’t expecting you so soon.” He said and you huffed.
“Bull shit yes you were.” You said and he chuckled.
“Ok, yes, I was. So, what did you bring us?” He asked 
“Oh, just some s’mores cookies and brownies.” You said
“I heard s’mores.” A woman’s voice came through and you looked around Kelly and smiled.
“You heard correctly.” You said as she came closer and then everyone was coming out. 
“Guy’s this is Y/n, my girlfriend.” Kelly said “Y/N this is Christopher Herrmann, Stella Kidd, Harold Capp, Joe Cruz, Gabriela Dawson, Sylvie Brett, Wallace Boden, Matthew Casey, Blake Gallo, and Brian Zvonecek aka Otis.” He said and introduced each and every one of them.
“It’s nice to finally meet all of you.” You said a little bit nervously. 
“We finally get to meet the girl that made Kelly actually settle down.” Otis said and you chuckled.
“It wasn’t easy but hey I like a challenge.” You said “Please feel free to eat the sweets, they're s’more cookies and brownies.” You said and everyone. 
“Let’s get these inside and where it is warmer.” Kelly said 
“Oh man our man Kelly is down bad.” Casey said “You know ever since you had become a couple he has changed for the good. It must be the food.” He said as he picked up a container and started to walk into the station and into the kitchen/ break room. 
“Oh my gosh. These are so good!” Gabriela said “Wait… do you own Station Sweets Cafe and Deli?” She asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I do.” You said
“I knew you looked so familiar. I love that place.” She said and you smiled.
“Thank you.” You said
“I knew Kelly couldn’t have cooked all those delicious sweets.” Joe said
“Hey! I can bake.” He said 
“That is very true. He can.” You said
“You keep feeding us these treats and we’ll have to start working out more.” Blake said and you laughed.
“I think you all will be just fine considering your jobs are a work out. I could never.” You said. The longer you stayed the more you got comfortable around them and the more the teasing you got but you gave it back to them.  
“So, Y/N, how did Kelly convince you to give him your number?” Stella asked
“She made me work for it.” Kelly said and you nodded.
“He kept coming into the store but I was never there or I was busy but I noticed him. He finally got to talk to me when he needed something for the first responder’s cookout and the rest was history. So, there really was no convincing.” You said. More questions were fired at you but you answered them with ease and Kelly just sat back as you handled his team with ease. He knew you were the right one for him and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. 
You could’ve stayed all day but the bell rang and they had to go to work. Kelly turned to you as everyone ran out to get their gear on. “I’m sorry for all the teasing.” He said and you shook your head and waved him off.
“Nonsense. They are great. I’m just glad I was the one to settle you down.” You said 
“I’m glad it was you too.” He said
“You need to go.” You said and started to push him out.
“Alright, I love you.” He said and kissed you and you kissed him back.
“I love you too. Be safe.” You said
“Always.” He said and winked at you and smirked and then he was pulling on his gear and they were speeding off. As you watched them go off you smiled to yourself, you were so glad you were the one he decided to settle down with. You couldn’t imagine your life without him and you didn’t want to. Everything was perfect.
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deanstead · 3 months
Safe Space
Pairing: Matt Casey x Reader
Requested: no
Summary: After a bad day, Y/N returns home to her very own safe space.
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Word Count: 800+
Tags/Warnings: fluff
A/N: Written for my best girl @seatsbythepit, I hope you like this!
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Days like these were the worst.
It was bad enough you’d had to cover for people who weren’t pulling their own weight in the team. But of course, like they said, bad things came in threes. At least it was never just one thing.
Everything that seemed to go wrong, did. Then, there came the finger pointing, the backstabbing, and your boss’ yelling.
You were practically drained by the time the office was emptying out.
Yet, the universe didn’t seem to be ready to let you off for the day.
You’d passed a cafe on your way back, grabbing an ice cream on a whim, hoping that your mood would have improved by the time you saw Matt that evening. You weren’t crazy about ending the day on a less than happy note, and you hated making Matt feel down with you as well.
You’d just taken two steps down the street with the ice cream in your hand when a guy had rushed past, practically crashing into you.
The force sent you stumbling at least three steps backward, and you’d barely managed to stay upright but your ice cream had ended up top down on the street.
“Would you at least watch where you’re going!” The guy yelled.
On any other day you might have ignored him, but you’d had more than enough unreasonable people in your face for the day.
“You bumped into me.” You responded, keeping your voice as even as you could. “And that’s my ice cream you knocked out of my hand.”
The man glared at you, flashing a rude sign at you and muttering about how you were lucky he was in a rush before he continued his way down the street.
That only served to worsen your mood but you headed home anyway, feeling the fatigue of the day start to hit you.
You stood outside the door of the apartment you shared with Matt for just a minute. You weren’t sure if Matt was already home. He wasn’t on shift today but he’d been working on a construction project and hadn’t been sure of his timing.
Just in case, you steadied your emotions as best as you could before you opened the door.
Matt was indeed home, and he heard you the moment the door opened.
“Hey babe!” You heard his voice first, before he appeared before you, leaning in to give you a welcome home kiss. “You’re a little later than usual.”
You smiled back at Matt, feeling your emotions stabilize a little just by seeing him standing in front of you. “Yeah, I just took a little detour to pick up some things.”
Your words sounded lame as you heard them, but even so, you thought you’d handled it pretty well, considering.
Matt, however, seemed to pick up on everything. The look in your eyes, the tone in your voice, or the smile that didn’t fully reach your eyes.
Matt's brows furrowed, just a little. “Y/N?”
You weren’t sure what it was that caused the prick of tears. Maybe it was the soft tone of Matt’s voice, or just the fact that Matt was standing right in front of you.
“Yeah, I’m…” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Matt pulled you into his arms, your face fitting snugly into his shoulder.
That was all it took before you were a mess, the frustrations of the day seeming to flow out with each tear that soaked into Matt’s shirt.
Matt didn’t ask you anything, merely holding you tight against him.
When your shoulders stopped shaking, Matt spoke, “We’ve got pasta and I can pop out the wine that Kelly brought the last time he was here.”
You smiled through the residual tears. “Sounds perfect.”
That’s how you and Matt ended up on the couch after the meal, the plates forgotten in the dishwasher as you cuddled into his side. The television was on, but you weren’t really paying attention, your head laying on Matt’s chest, close enough that you could hear the regular thump of his heart.
“You want to talk about it?” Matt asked quietly, adjusting the quilt he’d draped over you earlier.
You shrugged but told him anyway, starting to feel a little stupid about your mini meltdown.
“It’s not really a big deal, I don’t know why…”
“Hey.” Matt interrupted you. “If it's a big deal to you, it's a big deal."
You didn’t say anything, merely scooting closer.
Matt’s arm tightened around you. “But I’m glad you know I’m here. No matter what.”
That’s when it hit you, the realization of what had caused the onslaught of tears. The only place you could let go, be yourself and allow your emotions to take over was your safe place.
“Thank you Matt.” You whispered quietly, almost to yourself.
Matt pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “I love you too.” He responded.
This was indeed your very own safe place - Matthew Casey.
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uptondixon · 4 months
"You can hear it in the silence" - Sam Carver x Intelligence Officer!Reader
I noticed there's a surprisingly small amount of Sam Carver fanfics out here so this was born!
Reader is an officer from the Intelligence unit, she and Carver have been dating in secret for a couple of months. After a tough call involving both Truck and Intelligence, Carver can't help but demonstrate his love for you.
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One robbery in progress, a bomb, and a bunch of civilians hurt. That is not how anyone imagined a Sunday morning to go. 
After the mess was contained, two out of four offenders were dead after a shooting with CPD. The other two, however, disappeared among the crowd of civilians. Paramedics were handling the wounded in triage while the firefighters were dealing with the remains of the explosion. 
“Y/n?” Voight said, calling your attention to him. “What about the guard you talked with?”
“He seemed nervous Sarge, even scared, and it wasn’t because of the robbery,” you said, checking the information you wrote about the guard. “The story he told, it looked rehearsed to me.”
Voight nodded, “Okay, you talk to him again and see if you can get more info, meanwhile Kev and Adam can search his proprieties so we can try and make a connection—”
“Y/n!” a shout was heard from a distance, directing your attention towards the sound.
Sam’s figure came into view. He was dressed with his coat and helmet, his face carrying a mix of worry and relief. You couldn’t help but leave a small gasp, your face morphing into pure and genuine surprise.
“Carver! I—” you started but the words vanished when he hugged you. Your arms wrapped around him, instinctively hugging him back. The embrace was so strong it lifted you a little off the ground, making you smile.
“Sam,” you said, a smile still on your face. Breaking the hug was hard since he was holding you so tight, but he started to let go when you said his name. Your feet met the ground again. 
“I saw you in the middle of the shooting, I thought you were going to be shot!” Carver said, his hands holding yours. 
“I'm fine, I ducked in time,” you smiled at him again, trying to soothe his worries. “We all did,” you looked at your team behind you, Sam’s eyes following yours.
He suddenly went quiet, his eyes staring at your intertwined hands. Realization hit him that you two were in public. 
You smiled at him sheepishly, arching your eyebrows and holding his hands tighter for reassurance. You knew he was feeling shy, it was so cute the way his eyes shifted back and forth between your eyes and the ground. You were not any different, looking between him and your team. You both sure did not expect your relationship to be out like this, but there was no coming back now. 
Your team held both confused and smiley faces. Hailey and Jay were smiling so big you could count every tooth in their mouth. They have been suspecting about your relationship with said firefighter after catching you messaging him during a boring lookout late at night. Another one who had suspicions was Voight, he heard from Mouch one night over dinner at his and Trudy's house that he saw you and Carver talking at Molly's. On the other hand, Adam, Kim, and Kevin looked absolutely shocked. They appeared to be the only ones who missed any signs about this.
“Is everything okay guys?” Stella's voice brought you back to reality. She was more discreet with her reaction than the others, but you could spot a small smile forming in her mouth.
“Of course, Lieutenant,” Carver said, regaining his composure. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” he smiled that smile you love so much. Staring into his blue eyes, you smiled back. 
“See you around, Y/n,” Stella said, leaving with Carver following behind.
You nodded with a smile, walking back to your team. 
“Don't look at me like that, Adam,” you said pointing a finger at him. Adam was staring at you as if you had grown another head.
“Well forgive my shock, but is that the reason why you rejected all the guys I told you about?”
“Bro, I rejected them because they suck.”
“They do not suck, Y/N, they’re nice guys.”
“Well, would you date them?”
“Enough you two,” Voight said with a ghost of a smile. “Let’s get back to the case.”
After listening to the rest of Voight’s instructions you all left in the direction of the cars.
“Now, I’m your partner, how come I’m one of the last people to know about this?” Kevin said, getting into the passenger seat of your car. 
“Y’all need to share when stuff like this happens!” Kevin said through the window when Jay and Hailey passed beside your car to get to their truck.
All you could do now was laugh and get ready for the teasing coming your way in the next few weeks.
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Distraction - Matt Casey | 18+
requested: yes
word count: 2,204
warnings: smut [unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk, lowkey think some of it counts as a breeding kink? I don't actually know???]
a/n: ... jesus christ
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[“You’re the worst type of distraction, you know?” ]
Matt was probably the most supportive boyfriend you had ever had. He’s had your back since your first day at 51. He wasn’t a lieutenant yet but he still had enough pull at the house that he was able to get some asshole off your back in the first hour.
And since then he’s been at your side. You were a paramedic, so it wasn’t like the crush that had grown between you two was against the rules. And you didn’t even get together for… a while. For lack of a better word. But once you guys were, it was the strongest bond anyone had seen.
Nothing but loyalty, trust and support. Especially now. You’d had enough of being a paramedic. Not knowing what happened to patients after you brought them in. Not being able to use the copious amount of medical knowledge you had in the field. All of it was so frustrating.
So you decided to go to actual medical school. Which was going well. No you weren’t the top of your class but you were pretty high in the ranks. Half of the younger students ignored the embarrassment they put on themselves to ask for your help, knowing that as a paramedic you must have known a fair amount of stuff.
Which you did. But that wasn’t without the excessive cramming you did in between shifts. Like right now. Matt had been asleep for a few hours by now, expecting you to join him by the time it hit midnight.
It was 2:30 in the morning now.
And even though you knew you should go to bed, you couldn’t. Not when you still didn’t know what the hell to look for on an MRI. “Baby, why are you still awake?” Matt’s groggy voice was followed by the scuffle of his feet across the floor, making their way down the hallway.
You glanced over at him, a pen tucked behind your ear and hair tied up loosely. It was neat before but strands were slowly falling out of it the more you tilted and turned your head. His voice made you jump slightly, eyes too focused on some highlighted words in your textbook.
“Huh?” He sat on the couch behind you, gesturing to the skewed papers. “Oh, studying. Go back to sleep,” You gave him a soft smile, feeling his arms go around your shoulders, pulling you towards him.
Matt placed a kiss to the top of your head, “Come to bed with me,” He muttered, his hands sliding down your arms to push a different pen from your hand, grabbing it in his. You laughed softly, feeling him kiss from your cheek to your jaw.
Lightly you hummed, giving way to him, “You are the worst type of distraction you know that?” You muttered, twisting your hand to hold his. Matt nodded faintly, leaning more to kiss your shoulder.
“I know, so let me distract you more, in bed, and you can pick this back up tomorrow. When you’re more rested, and relaxed,” He slid his other hand over your shoulder, squeezing softly. It was damn near impossible to say no to him. Actually, completely impossible.
Matt was addicting. His touch, his words. Everything. He always has been. The first kiss you ever had sparked something deep inside you and since then it was like you were insatiable when it came to him.
Being at work was hard enough to control yourself, and his office only went uninterrupted for so long before someone knocked on his door so quickies were nearly off the table. Nearly. But at home, and when he was lazily kissing at your neck like he was now?
How could you even imagine declining his sweet offer?
You shifted onto your knees, turning to face him, pressing your lips to his. Matt’s hands abandoned yours, instead swooping around your waist, gently holding onto you. “That a yes?” He questioned smugly, already knowing the answer. He was well aware of the pull he had over you.
It was balanced perfectly, your presence having the same effect on the lieutenant as he on you. You hummed softly, pushing yourself up and off the floor, not without leaning forward to give him another firm kiss.
Moments like this made you thankful he was the type to only sleep in pajama pants, his chest bare for you to run your hands over. “Mhm,” Now impatient, you grabbed his hand, pulling him up, feeling him bump into your back as he followed you back into your bedroom, textbook and studies at the back of your mind.
You turned back to him the second you heard the door click behind you, hands finding the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. Any sleepiness that was in his body when he woke up was now gone, completely replaced with you, your lips and your body.
“You can’t just,” You firmly kissed him, “Come out there,” Another kiss. “And distract me.” And another. Slipping words in between them. Matt’s hands on your hips pulling you closer.
He reciprocated each kiss, his tongue fighting to slip into your mouth each time, slowly he pulled away, not caring about the line of spit that connected your mouths. “Seems I can though, doesn’t it?” His cocky words driven by the horniness that was clouding his mind, the ever growing bulge in his pants pushing the sarcastic side out of him.
Usually you were able to wrangle him in, get things done but when he started talking back? That’s when you knew to just let him do his thing. Cause damn was he good at it. “Is that so Lieutenant Casey?” You ticked an eyebrow up, overly softly gazing up at the blonde man.
Matt nodded, your tone catching his breath, “Mhm,” He nudged you back, slowly getting you to the end of the bed. “Cause look where you are,” His lips pressed to the bottom of your neck, “With,” Matt nipped right below your ear, “Me.” His breath sent a chill down your spine.
You closed your eyes, tilting your head to the side, letting the man kiss back down your neck. His hands slid up your sides, under your shirt and pulled it off. Matt turned you, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap.
Slowly your hands went over his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his waist. His arms wrapped around you, leaning up to catch your lips again, pulling you into a deep kiss. It was slow but heated, all of the lust and passion wrapped into each twist of your lips together.
Each brush of your tongue against his made him grow more and more, grinding his hips up into yours. “You can take my clothes off you know,” You muttered into the break he took to catch his breath. Matt’s eyes found yours, loosening the grip on you to lean back onto his palms.
“Or you can do it for me,” He mumbled, eyes dragging across your bare chest and the pajama pants you had put on hours ago. Your cheeks burned as you lifted from his lap, making a show of pushing them off, going to return to your spot when he held his hand out in expectancy.
You tilted your head slightly, Matt raising his eyebrows at the floral underwear you still wore. Oh. With a slight smirk you pulled them off, tossing them to the side, accepting Matt’s grasp as he brought you back towards him.
“That’s my baby girl,” He muttered, his hand going to your hair while his other gripped your hip, rocking up against you. Lightly you moaned, head leaning back as he did it again. His bulge rubbed right against your clit, making you pull your lip between your teeth.
Matt wanted you to beg. You knew that and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of it. So instead, you leaned forward, kissing along his collarbone. Aka his hot spot that always, always did the job in getting you what you want.
And it did. As you sucked a mark into the spot just above his collarbone he stood, his arms tightly around you before he gently placed you on the bed, standing back up to pull the rest of his clothes off. In seconds he was back over you, his hand on your cheek.
“You want me to get you ready or do you think you can handle it?” Matt asked softly, his other palm pressing over your chest sensibly, just lightly running his thumb over your nipple as he spoke. You couldn’t wait any longer than you already were so, even though you weren’t sure you could, you nodded.
“I can handle it,” You put a hand on the side of his neck, holding onto him as he nodded, slotting himself between your legs.
Even when you’d done this million times, the warmth of Matt’s skin always made you twist and turn, the anticipation of feeling him grew like a hot air balloon in your stomach. “Okay, tell me to stop if it hurts too much.” Even in his lust filled mindset his first thought was always you.
No matter what, Matt did what he could to make sure you were having as good of a time as he was. So his eyes trained on your face as he pushed in, soothingly running his thumb across your cheek as your face screwed up.
Matt wasn’t big by most means but he was big enough to stretch you out, sending a burning sensation through your thighs every time he entered you. The pain never lasted long, usually subsiding within the first few seconds. But that was also after he’d already fingered you.
This was probably the first time he went in without the foreplay and honestly, you might have regretted it a smidge but the second the pain subsided the doubt went out the window and a moan left your lips.
“You alright?” He asked softly, yet to move his hips.
“Mhm,” As soon as you nodded Matt pulled back, slowly rolling his hips back into you. Your eyes were still squeezed shut but as your body loosened, he continued to move. With Matt it was always, well, at least usually, sensual. He liked taking his time.
Liked moving that one way that had your toes curling as you tightened your legs around him. And this was no different. Strategically he thrust into you. His hands grabbed your hips, pulling them as close as he could get as he leaned down to kiss you.
His lips always felt amazing, even more so when he was deep in you and hitting every spot perfectly. It was like his kisses could coax an orgasm out of you the same way his tongue around your clit could.
Something about Matthew Casey was just so perfect that he molded perfectly to you every time, every night. Your hands grasping his face tightly pushed his movements to grow faster, losing himself in the heat of your body, wet skin slapping together roughly as each moan went right to where you two were connected.
“God I love you,” He muttered roughly into your ear before biting at your lobe, his eyes fluttering shut. Matt was trying his hardest not to cum yet, making sure you were first was also something he always did. Very gentlemanly, of course.
Your head went back as he spoke, your eyes darting across his blissed out face. “I love you,” All of your emotions managed to come out when you were together, and this was no different. The serotonin or dopamine or whatever it was that spilled into your brain was always met with Matt’s touch and love.
Matt’s hand slid between your legs, slowly rubbing at your clit the opposite of his thrusts, relishing in the way his name slid off your tongue at the newly added sensation. “I love you so much. My girl,” He spoke, knowing his loving words and tone always made your stomach pull into knots. “Gonna be with me forever, hm? Always with me. Gonna get married,” His fingers sped up slightly as you gazed up at him, eyes locking.
“Gonna have my babies. Have a family. Always going to be mine, huh princess?” His last couple of thrusts sent you overboard, eyes failing to stay on his as they squeezed shut, backing lifting off the bed as you saw stars.
Matt took the opportunity to wrap his other arm around you, fingers slowing until they stopped, allowing himself to focus on working you through your own high and finally releasing inside of you. His chest rose and fell quickly, gently pulling himself out and off of you as your hand trailed up his arm and to his face.
“You better make good on those promises.” You muttered, stroking a thumb across his face. Matt tilted his head slightly, mind clouded by his orgasm, all he could think about was you.
Softly he hummed and you smiled softly, keeping your eyes on him. “Marrying me.” He leaned down, catching your lips in his once more, slowly moving against them.
"I plan to."
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Wanna join Matt's tag list?
tags: @winchesterszvonecek
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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Down the aisle | Leslie Shay x Firefighter!Reader
Where you and Shay go from girlfriend's to wives
Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1.6k
“Kelly Severide, stop laughing at me.” Shay said in frustration. “Why? It’s funny that you have something bad to say about every beautiful ring you see.” Her best friend had been with her in the jewellery store for the past hour, not to mention that it was the fourth jewellery store they had visited in the past week. 
“The ring has to be perfect, Kelly.” He shook his head, “I know, but at this pace there aren’t going to be any rings left in the world. That girl is head over heels for you, and will say yes no matter what ring you pick. “Still I want it to be perfect.” 
They kept looking around at the ring collection this store had until Shay’s eyes fell on the one. “Oh my god, that’s it. That is the ring!” Kelly celebrated quietly behind Shay’s back. He loved his best friend dearly, but was also glad that he would finally be spending his days off somewhere other than in a jewellery store.
For Shay it had been easy to keep her thoughts of wanting to ask for your hand in marriage, but now that she had something physical to do it with, she was anxious you would find out. She had given Kelly the ring for safekeeping, but still she knew that she wouldn’t be able to keep the plan a secret for much longer. So, she changed her original plan a little bit, and decided she was going to ask you on your next date night.
Since you both worked 24 hour shifts at the firehouse, you made sure that you made time for each other on your hours off. One of the things you did to reassure you would have some time set aside was a set date night. It really didn’t matter what you did, the only thing that mattered is that you did it together. 
Today’s date night, you went to the Field Museum of Natural History. They had a dinosaur section, which is exactly why Shay wanted to bring you here. You loved dinosaurs and learning more about them. You thought the museum was amazing, and were running around showing her things like an excited little kid.
When you got back home, you were still talking about the dinosaurs. So much so that you didn’t realise the set up of your living room. Shay looked around, very happy with how her idea had played out. She had asked Kelly and Dawson to set up the “Will you marry me?” sign surrounded by a rose petal heart. It looked absolutely perfect, now you just had to look around. 
The moment that you did, time stood still. You looked at the setup in front of you with your jaw dropped, and eyes widened in surprise. When you turn to look at your girlfriend, she is down on one knee and holds out an open ring box towards you. “Yes, yes, yes!” You say with tears in your eyes. 
“You're not even going to let me ask the question?” She giggles with tears in her own eyes from your excitement. “Oops?” You laugh back. “Please ask me, darling.” 
With a big smile on her face, Shay holds your hand. “You are my best friend, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?” 
You're now both full on crying, but in the best way. “Yes, I will definitely marry you!” You fall into her arms and sob happy tears into each other's shoulders. 
The rest of the evening was spent in the comfort of your home and each other's arms. It wasn't until the next day that you told people about your engagement. Shay sent Severide a picture with the text “She said yes!” He congratulated the both of you and invited you for a drink at Molly's.
Of course, you should have expected the whole team to be waiting for you inside of Molly’s as you arrived. All of them yelling out “Surprise!” When you walked through the door. It was nice celebrating this step in your relationship with the people closest to you, the people that had become your family over the years.
The next day where the team was back at work, the room buzzed with energy. Everyone was excited about the engagement, and was asking all kinds of questions about your plans for the wedding. Above all else, they were thrilled that the couple they had seen grow over the years, was taking the next step together.
Your day started off calm, but as soon as that first bell rang, you knew it wouldn’t be stopping any time soon. As you expected, the calls began to pile up, and the intensity grew. A handful of car accidents, a heart attack victim, and a kitchen fire kept you busy in just the morning.
There was just enough time to have some lunch, before the bells rang again. All units were called to respond to the scene, so you knew this was going to be a serious one. 
A multi-story building had caught fire, and people were still trapped inside. You rushed into truck 81 and your team raced to the scene. When you got there you realised just how far gone the building was. Flames were shooting out the windows, and thick dark clouds of smoke hung around the tall frame of the building. 
Without hesitation, you all sprang into action. “Y/l/n, you’re going up with me. The rest help Squad.” You put on your mask and ran inside, following close behind Casey. When you got up to the fire floor, there was no time for second-guessing, you had to go before the building would collapse. 
The heat and the thick smoke combined, made it hard to see anything at all. Yet you kept yelling out, until finally you heard voices respond. A family of four was hiding in the bathroom, as most of the room was engulfed in flames. 
You and Casey worked together to get the trapped family into the hall. You stood in the middle of the room, helping them over the flames, while Casey got them into the hallway. The moment that the family was out in the hallway, the ceiling about you gave way. 
One of the beams came crashing down, and pinned you to the floor. “Go, get downstairs!” Casey shouted to the family. The safest for them was to head down and meet another firefighter there, he didn’t want more of the ceiling to collapse while the family was still there.
“Mayday mayday, firefighter down on the sixth floor.” He radio’s in while he makes his way to you. Seconds after Shay’s voice is heard over the radio. “Casey, is y/n okay?” He doesn’t answer, as he doesn’t know the answer himself yet. 
“Casey, come in.” Boden requested as the line was still quiet from your end. “Getting to her now. The ceiling collapsed and she’s trapped under a beam. She’s conscious, but I need help getting it off of her.”
You were conscious and talking to Casey while he was trying to pull the beam off himself, without any luck. Luckily more people arrived to aid him, very quickly. With many hands, cribbing, and the right tools, they were able to get you out from underneath the weight of the beam quickly. 
When you got outside, one arm over Casey’s shoulders and the other over Severides, you finally felt like you could breathe again. Shay ran into your arms. “Are you okay? Let me check you out, please, I need to make sure that you’re okay.” You lift your arms from the boys and hold onto your fianceé. “I’m okay, just going to be really sore tomorrow.”
“I thought I lost you.” You shake your head. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” You joke, but you were well aware of how the situation could have ended. “Life is too short. I don’t want to waste any time.” Shay was quick to chime in, “You don’t have to convince me, let’s get married as fast as we can.”
After a long and exhausting shift, the team got together for a small firehouse wedding. It was just quickly thrown together, but you had all you needed. Your bride and your family surrounding you. 
Severide walked Shay down the makeshift aisle, while you were standing in the doors of the apparatus floor with Casey by your side. He was like a brother to you, so there was not even a question on your mind when Shay asked you who you would want to walk you down the aisle. “Are you ready?” He says as he watches your eyes meet Shay’s. “I’ve never been more ready for something in my life.”
You met Shay between Truck 81 and Ambulance 61, a small touch to give even more meaning to this day. Boden stood between you, who better to officiate your wedding than the man that had been like a father figure to the both of you.
The ceremony, while simple, was perfect. It was a day neither one of you would ever forget. After you had said your I do’s and sealed your marriage with a kiss, you carried Shay inside bridal style. 
While the day may be over, your shift was not. But for now the team would rest, and hope to be recharged enough when the next bell rang. For you the day was perfect, just because you had Shay by your side for the rest of your life.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! 💗
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: So I’ve had this idea for a dad!Matt fic in my head for a while now and just had to get write it out ASAP… dedicated to the wonderful @deanstead - potentially could do a part two to this…
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There was a soft breeze in the air as Matthew Casey walked along the familiar path to Firehouse 51.
He could see the four vehicles all parked. His old Truck 81 sat alongside the trucks of Engine 51 and Squad 3. Ambulance 61 sat on the far left, standing out against the red trucks and Matt couldn’t help the broad smile that instantly appeared upon his handsome face.
Even with the slight wind, not unusual for February in Chicago, he wasn’t bothered in the slightest as Matt was just happy to be back. Seeing the trucks and the ambulance all there made Matt wonder if it was a slow shift, even though he cursed himself internally for potentially jinxing the firefighters and paramedics. His old friends were family, not mere coworkers.
However, things were different now. He wasn’t Captain Casey of Truck 81 in the Chicago Fire Department anymore. Now he was Captain Casey with the Portland Fire Department out in Oregon. But the change was a good one in Matt’s eyes.
Now he wasn’t just a firefighter and Captain, now he was a husband. He was the foster father to Griffin and Ben Darden and the biological father to his own children, who were miracles in Matt’s eyes. It was one such miracle that pulled softly at his hand.
“Daddy?” asked Matt’s daughter Eleanor, her blue eyes looking up at him. His wife, her mother, always said that Matt and Elly, as she was known, had the same bright blue eyes. Everything else about Elly was her mother, in Matt’s opinion.
Looking down at his five-year-old daughter, Matt smiled warmly. “What’s up kiddo?” he asked softly. Elly smiled back widely, the little gap showing in her teeth, she was already growing up so fast. It was a double-edged sword to Matt as a father.
“When Auntie Sylvie marries Uncle Will, can we get ice cream?” asked Elly innocently. Matt chuckled. Like any other little kid, Elly Casey loved ice cream. Her current favorite was strawberry, which fit in with her obsession with everything pink.
“Well, we’ll need to see, buttercup, weddings can be busy,” replied Matt. “You’ll be a big part of the day, being a junior bridesmaid!”
Elly nodded excitedly. The near six-year-old had jumped up and down excitedly when her godmother had asked her to be in her bridal party. “I get flowers, Daddy!” she giggled, jiggling Matt’s arm around. She was a bundle of nonstop energy, not unlike her two brothers.
Matt noticed Elly looking around, and he couldn’t help the smile on his face. He couldn’t help but be so happy now, with everything he had ever wanted in life. “What are you up to, buttercup?” he asked, putting on what his wife called his dad tone.
“Nothing, Daddy! Will Emmy get flowers too?” asked Elly, looking up at him as she rubbed her cheek. Emmy was Elly’s younger sister, and the little three-year-old was currently snoozing softly in Matt’s arms. Emma Casey was his youngest child, and as he took each step as he walked, he could hear her soft breath against his ear and feel her soft blonde hair against his neck.
Matt nodded. “Yeah, Emmy will be getting some flowers too,” he replied to Elly. “Auntie Sylvie picked you both especially!” Elly smiled even wider.
“Mama says I have a pretty dress too, Daddy,” said Elly excitedly as she skipped alongside Matt, who smiled down at her. She was so innocent, so full of life and positive spirit.
“You will, that’s why we’re here early, Auntie Sylvie wants you and Emmy to get your dresses fitted nicely,” replied Matt as he shuffled Emmy a bit in his arms and up on his hip. His three-year-old grumbled a bit in her napping slumber, and Matt couldn’t help but smile warmly at her.
Elly hummed loudly. “Is it pink, Daddy?” she asked as Matt placed a kiss on Emmy’s head.
“I don’t think so, buttercup,” said Matt. He was pretty sure his wife had said Sylvie had chosen ivory bridesmaid dresses with silver ribbons for the two little girls.
Ella sighed dramatically. “Pink is much better, Daddy!” she exclaimed as Matt continued on his walk up the path into the firehouse. Matt was surprised to see the Squad table empty, and he saw that Elly also looked surprised.
Matt knew right away, as his daughter’s head looked all around, that she was looking for her godfather, Kelly. “Why don’t you find everyone for Daddy and Emmy?” He asked Elly, smiling as she nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes, Daddy!” replied Elly, and just like that the five-year-old was running off to the rec room. Matt made sure to follow close behind her. She could be a real hurricane at times.
With Emmy in his arms, Matt followed Elly, making sure not to jostle Emmy awake or lose sight of Elly. “Eleanor Casey, don’t run!” called Matt. But she didn’t heed his warning as she ran right into the legs of one Wallace Boden.
“Little Eleanor Casey, my have you gotten big,” said Boden to Elly, who suddenly got shy and ran to grasp Matt’s hand again. The two men chuckled at her.
Looking down at Elly, Matt smiled. “Hey, you’re not a shy little girl are you, kiddo? Go give Uncle Boden a big hug,” he told her. Elly nodded shyly before she wandered back over to Boden, who picked her up as if she was nothing but air. Matt smiled as Elly started to come back out of her shell.
“Emmy is a little one now,” said Elly to Boden, who nodded before looking over Emmy, who was starting to wake up in Matt’s arms.
The battalion chief smiled. He was overjoyed that his old captain had found such happiness in life after everything he had gone through. “That she is, Elly,” replied Boden. “It’s very nice to see you both and your Daddy.”
“We live in Ogeon, not here,” commented Elly to Boden, facing him as she came more and more out of her shell. “I like it here!” she added, before asking to get down as she saw Emmy was now standing alongside their dad.
Boden chuckled a deep laugh at her words. “You’re a Chicagoan through and through, just like your old man,” he told Elly as she stood between him and Matt, who chucked to himself.
“I like Bears,” piped up Emmy, looking up at Matt and over at Boden and Elly. “Daddy watch them!” Matt smiled warmly, she was such a little sweetheart of a girl, his little Emma.
“That I do, sweetpea,” he said encouragingly, as she smiled. “We like to watch the game with Ben, Griffin and your big brothers, don’t we?”
Boden smiled as Emmy nodded before reaching up to be picked up again. Matt did so without question and held his little girl on his hip again.
“It’s good to see you, Casey,” he said to Matt.
“Good to see you too, Chief.”
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whump-imagines · 9 months
Missed Call
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Kelly Severide x reader
745 words
Written for @whumpcember, no warnings.
She woke from a dead sleep to an obnoxious alarm. Blindly smacking the top of her night stand, she searched for her clock. After two hits, the sound droned on. She finally realized that was not her alarm clock.
That was the fire alarm.
Suddenly, she registered the smell of smoke in the air. She was out of bed seconds later. Grabbing her phone and robe, she opened her bedroom door and was greeted with even more smoke.
She was thankful she didn't see any flames. She moved to the apartment door and felt the door with the back of her hand. When it was cool to the touch, she yanked it open and looked out into the hallway.
There were huge flames engulfing the hallway between her doorway and the stairs. She was trapped.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried not to panic. She closed the door and went back toward her room, away from the smoke. SItting on the floor at the foot of the bed, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it with shaky fingers.
She pulled up Kelly’s contact and pressed the call button. As it rang, it occurred to her that she probably should have called 9-1-1 first. The call rolled over to his voicemail and she prayed that it was because he was on his way here. She hung up and called 9-1-1 then explained that there was a fire and the apartment number she was trapped in.
As she waited, more and more smoke crawled under the door. Her eyes burned and she started to cough harshly.
Just as she started to feel lightheaded and short of breath the bedroom door swung open. “Y/N!”
“K-Kelly,” she coughed again. “You're here.”
He knelt down beside her. “Of course I'm here. I gotcha. Can you walk?”
She nodded and allowed him to help pull her to her feet. She coughed yet again and swayed on her feet. “Whoa. Maybe not.”
Kelly picked her up easily. He quickly made his way out of the building with her and then set her on the stretcher. She grabbed Kelly’s hand and squeezed.
Sylvie placed an oxygen mask over her face as Violet pushed her towards the ambo. Kelly walked beside them as the loaded her up.
As Kelly started to climb into the back of the ambo, he looked back and spotted Boden. Boden only nodded his acknowledgment that Kelly was riding along to the hospital.
She maintained her death grip on Kelly’s hand all the way there and on the way into the ED. He tried to let go as they pushed her into the treatment room. “No. Stay with me. Please.” Her momentary panic sent her into a coughing fit.
He ran a hand over her head. “Okay, I'm right here. Just breathe.”
Crockett came in a moment later. “How’re we doing this evening?”
She rolled her eyes as he pulled out his stethoscope. “Peachy. Just peachy.”
“Can you try to take a deep breath for me?” Crockett asked.
She obliged, managing two before a cough.
Crockett turned to April. “Can you get a chest x-ray, CBC, and a carboxyhemoglobin. Then start a neb treatment with albuterol.” She nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright, guys,” he turned back to her and Kelly, “I'm going to run some tests and I'll be back shortly.”
“Thanks,” said Kelly.
Half an hour later, she had finished the breathing treatment and was starting to feel a bit better. Crockett came back and repeated his exam.
“Everything looks okay but we are going to keep you at least until tomorrow just to make sure. Sound like a plan?”
“I mean, I would rather sleep in my own bed,” she joked. “But I think I can survive one night.”
A short while later, they had her settled into her own room and Kelly had settled into the seat beside her bed. He pulled his phone out to check messages and let everyone know how she was doing.
“I missed a call from you.”
Glancing over at him, she nodded. “Uh, yeah. I might have called you before 9-1-1. I panicked and I just wanted you to come. I'm so glad you found me.”
“I will always find you.” He kissed her forehead. “I'm just glad you're okay. I swear I about had a heart attack when I heard that address over the intercom.”
“Let's never do this again.” She laughed.
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blondie20000 · 1 year
Work and Play - Kelly Severide x Reader
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"I got a present for you."
You look up and smile as Kelly handed you the parcel.
"You shouldn't have." You grinned. "Thank you Kel."
Kelly grins.
"Anything for you honey." He leans forward and kisses you on the cheek. "Go on." His eyes go on the parcel. "Open it."
You eagerly rip off the wrapping shredding it to bits. You then remove the lid.
You pause the lid still in your hand. Your smile turns into a frown. Your brows furrow as you put the lid down and scoop out of your present.
He smiles.
"You like it?"
You raise the present.
"It's your jacket?"
"Turnout coat." He corrected you.
Your face screws up as you examine the item of clothing in your hands.
"But why?" You asked.
"The Chief ordered us a new batch he thought we all needed a freshen up." He shrugs. "I have to admit it's had it's days." He gestures at the worn out uniform. He then sighs. "We been to Hell and back." He rubs the coat with an affectionate manner. "This can tell some stories." A fond expression went across his face. "I wanted to share those stories with you."
"What like have it on display?"
He smiles.
"You are on the right track."
Your frown deepens as he takes the coat from you.
"But you will be the one who will display it."
He gives you a smirk. Your eyes widen with you realized what he meant.
"Oh." He huffed a laugh. "That's all you can say?"
"Speechless huh?" He again laughed. "I'm glad I can still surprise you after all this time."
"You certainly have surprised me." Your eyes go on the coat. "You want me to wear that while we..."
"Make love to both my girl and my job." He again smirked. His face turned serious when you continued to frown. "But we don't have to." He quickly says. "It's entirely up to you I just...well I thought..."
His cheeks turned pink. You found yourself laughing at his reaction. He is cute when he is embarrassed.
"Babe." You reach out and wrap your arms around his. "Yes...Yes! Let's do it."
Excitement immediately appears on his face.
"Well then..." He nods to the other room. "You better get ready."
"And what will you be doing?"
"I'll be right here. Waiting for you."
You roll your eyes.
"Of course it's me who has to put the extra effort in."
"Oh don't worry." His eyes sparkle with mischief. "I'll be working just as hard." His hand rests on your thigh. "Trust me."
Your breath picks up as he looks at you with an intense gaze. That smirk of his remained on his face. Not wanting to wait any longer you grab the coat and run into the bathroom.
Kelly sat on the bed and waited for you.
Five minutes later you step out. You heard a sharp intake of breath as you closed the door behind you. You turn round and face your boyfriend.
Kelly slowly stands up from the bed. He walks towards you. He stops and eyes you up and down studying every part of you. He then reaches out and places his hand on your chest.
"It suits you." He says his voice awe.
"Do you think I have the potential?" You asked as Kelly ran his hands down to your body.
"To be a firefighter?" He shrugs. "I don't know."
"You just said this suits me."
"Very true." His hands stop at your waist. "But can you withstand the heat?"
You look up at him and give him a devilish smirk.
"I guess we'll have to find out."
Matching your smirk Kelly suddenly picks you up. You let out a squeal as he raised you into the air. He then places you over his shoulders.
"This is a fireman's carry." He explained.
As he starts walking you gasp.
"Gotta learn the basics sweetheart." He paused at the bed. "Now next part you gotta be extra gentle." Kelly carefully lies you down on the bed. "Like that."
You wriggle on the bed to get yourself comfortable. You then froze when his hand went on your leg.
"Yeah about that. I'm gonna need you to turn over."
You raised a questioning brow at him.
"I wanna see my name on your back." He replied his voice getting husky. When you continued to stare at him he then sighed. "Pretty please."
You smile.
You turn on to your stomach. You then became tense as you felt him climb on to the bed. He sits inbetween your legs and starts to run his fingers along the letters. You felt his fingers trailing each letter on your back.
"You know what this says?" He asks.
"Your name." You answered.
"And what is my name?" He asked his voice barely above a whisper.
"And surname?"
He nods and moves closer.
"That will be your name one day."
You gasp as those words hit you. You and Kelly have never really spoken about marriage before. What he said was that a hint on what was to come? An insight into their future together?
Mrs Y/N Severide.
You repeated the name over and over in your head.
It sounds perfect.
Judging from the smile on Kelly's lips and the wishful look in his eyes you knew he was thinking the same.
You turn your head round when you heard him coming towards you. You lock your lips with his and kiss him. The kiss started out soft at first then it became more heated and passionate. He poured his love for you into that kiss.
"God Y/N." He mumbled into the kiss.
He pushes against you. His hand goes into the coat and grasps your breasts. He fondled your breast. He squeezed your already hard nipples causing you to moan.
Kelly kissed you and nibbled at your earlope. You giggled as he sent a trail of kisses down your collarbone.
The giggling soon vanished when you felt him caressing your ass. He leans towards your ear.
"I wanna fuck you with my name on full display." He growled.
His voice sent a wave of goosebumps through you.
"So you know what that means." He added.
You nod.
"I do."
"If you want me to stop I will stop okay?"
"I know."
"You remember the password?"
You again nod.
He smiles.
"That's right."
He gives you a quick peck on the lips and grins at you. Then he goes back and positions himself in front of your entrance.
A loud gasp escapes your lips as you felt him go inside you. He completely stretched you and touched places you didn't even know existed from this angle.
"You okay Y/N?" Kelly asked.
"Never felt better." You replied your voice shaky with both nerves and excitement.
He chuckled at your response.
Then he went further inside you.
At first Kelly started off slow but eventually he picks up the pace and starts to thrust you hard.
"Fuck!" You cursed out loud.
Another chuckle came from him.
You didn't have to see his face to know he is being smug right now.
Kelly continued to pound into you. His cock pushed into you hard and fast making you cry and groan with pleasure. You begged him to keep going to keep making you have these sensations that currently went through your body. The sudden adrenaline made you feel alive.
It was exhilarating!
Kelly's lips are back on your ear. He sucked on the earlope and pulled hard at it. A whine escapes you as he bites down on your neck. Seeing you in his coat has made him possessive all of a sudden. He wanted to claim you here and now in his coat. Make you his.
He increased his hold on you and moaned your name. He is hungry for you. Feral.
You found that so fucking hot.
"Fuck Y/N." He cursed.
That made you weak to your knees.
You grip the sheets tight until your knuckles started to turn white. You start to feel that familiar fire at the bottom of your belly. You knew you are close.
"Kel...Kel..." You panted his name. "I'm close I'm...Ahhh!"
You pushed your ass against him. The need to let go started to consume you.
Kelly brushes his lips against the back of your neck and nods.
"Do it."
You didn't need to be told twice.
A shudder went through your body as you let it all out. Once it was all out you then collapse on to the bed.
Kelly grits his teeth as he too let it all out. He clenched his jaw as the cum spilled all over the sheets. He again cursed then he drops down beside you and sighs heavily.
"Ah man." He said his voice breathless.
You turn on to your back and stare at the ceiling. Your mind is in a blissful daze. You felt yourself coming back to reality when his hand goes on yours. You hold his hand.
"Damm." You spoke after several minutes. "Just wow."
"Tell me about it." He replied.
You sit up and shrug off his coat. You saw the stains of cum on the material. You then look at your boyfriend.
"Well that's another story to add to the list."
He laughs and takes the coat.
"You really been through it huh?"
He waits almost like he expected the coat to respond but of course it didn't.
Your hands land back on his. Both of you are now touching the coat. You then nod.
"Work and play a perfect balance. "
He raises an eyebrow.
"Work and play?"
"Uniform representing the work, play representing us. Together it works well."
"Too well by the look of it." He said with amusement.
You both give each other a knowing look.
"I do like man in uniform." You suddenly say.
Both of his eyebrows shoot up at that.
"I like it very much." You added with a smirk.
He huffed an amused smile.
"I guess that means I'm wearing the coat next time."
"Always take turns they say." You again smirked.
He laughs. After a minute he said.
"So taking turns it is?"
He then nods.
"Work and play?"
You respond with a grin.
"Work and play."
You both then sealed the deal with a kiss.
The End
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matt x fem - “god, you feel so fucking good baby.” from the ‘yeah just like that’ prompt list
and this is going to sound so bad, and i do not condone this behaviour at all, but could you maybe make it so that the reader is maybe giving Matt head under a desk and Gabby, who is his fiancee, walks in? she doesn’t have to catch them but i just find it kinda hot lol
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Under the Desk - [ Matt Casey ] 18+
Prompt: “God, you feel so fucking good baby.”
Word Count: 1062
Warnings: female!reader, cheating, smut - [ male receiving oral, dirty talk, brief vaginal fingering ]
A/N: i do not condone cheating either but this is fictional! do not cheat on your partner!
Masterlist | Matt Masterlist
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Moving into the blue office was an easy decision to make for Matt, not only because it gave him some peace and quiet from the rowdiness of the others, but because it made it that much easier for you and him to continue sneaking around behind everyone’s back. And it didn’t take you long into today's shift to start playing the dangerous game you two had been playing for God knows how long.
“You look so hot in your Captain's shirt…” You murmured, trailing your arms down the front of his chest and running your fingertips over the leather of his belt before you placed your hand firmly on the hardening bulge beneath his pants. The one you could always make spring up with a simple look. “Would you look at that… Getting so hard for me already, guess I better do something about that.”
You dropped swiftly to your knees, undoing his belt and pants with such speed that Matt didn’t get a second to say anything in return before a low groan left his lips as you wrapped your hand firmly around his cock, the tip already swelling and dripping with pre-cum. He glanced down at you, just in time to see you lick the salty drop from his end, the mere hotness of your tongue almost flooring him as he fell backwards into his chair, which rolled briefly across the room.
“You’re playing a dangerous game.” He whispered, eyelids fluttering when you crawled towards him and ran your tongue painfully slow down the underside of his shaft. “Anyone could walk in here and see you.”
“I guess I better hide then.” You breathed out, placing a sloppy kiss on the tip of his cock before you shuffled backwards, fitting nicely in the space beneath his desk before you rolled him closer to you, the chair barely coming to a stop before you had your mouth around him, taking his full length and gagging when he hit the back of your throat.
Matt’s fist clenched tightly atop the desk, his other hand making its way under it to thread his fingers through your hair, his hips gently bucking as he fucked his throbbing cock into your mouth. You always took him so well, so perfectly that he couldn’t help but think you were made just for him.
“God, you feel so fucking good.” He moaned, your lips tightening around his length as you continued to work your magic against him. He was already about to burst, to drip down your throat as you sucked every last drop out of him, that was, until his office door opened and someone who made this moment all the more arousing for you walked in. Gabby. His fiancée.
“Hey, Matt…” Gabby said with a smile, not noticing the way Matt tensed as he brought his hand out from under the table, straining against the urge to moan your name as you continued to suck his cock, even more now that the woman he was engaged to had just walked in. Talk about risky. And an aphrodisiac.
“Gabby…” Matt exhaled, clenching his fist tighter when you slowly grazed your teeth along his length, pulling back until only the tip remained in your mouth. You always did make a hell of a noise when you sucked him off which is why he wasn’t surprised to soon feel your hand wrap around him, nowhere near gentle as you began to pump him. “You need something?”
“Yeah… But are you… okay? You look like you’re in pain.” Gabby asked with a brief chuckle, Matt’s tense posture unlike anything she’d seen before.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Matt replied, forcing a smile as he swallowed back a groan that had rattled up his chest and almost escaped. There'd be no explaining that, that’s for sure, especially when said groan tasted like your name. “Just a little stomach pain… Must have been those tacos Cruz made for lunch.” He added humorously, almost letting a high pitched whine escape his lips when he felt yours wrap around his tip again, silently telling him to hurry the conversation along as you wanted to absolutely devour him.
And as hot as it would be to have him come in your mouth when the woman he was supposed to marry was in the room, you knew it wasn’t right, but that didn’t mean you weren’t holding back on giving him exactly what he wanted.
Thankfully, Gabby left soon, having interrupted to ask stupid questions that you weren’t paying attention to as you were more focused on Matt’s hardened cock that was between your lips, and the second the door closed, he wheeled himself back a little and allowed you to give it your all.
“Did that turn you on?” He breathed out, both his hands making their way to your hair which he gripped tightly, bucking his hips hard as he throat fucked you, your eyes watering as you held back your gags. “Sucking my dick with my fiancée in the room?”
“So fucking much.” You moaned, your tongue flattening against the very tip of his cock before you wrapped your lips back around it again.
“Then stand up… Lock the door… And let me finish in that tight, little pussy of yours instead.” Matt practically demanded, making you clench your legs as he turned on a tap between them, the wetness gushing out of you as you did what you were told.
The second you were close enough to him, he pulled you forward, kissing you hard enough that you felt your teeth knock against his. The two of you weren’t in love, not by a long shot, but you’d been sleeping together long before he got together with Gabby, and with the way things were going, you’d be continuing to do so long after he married her too. And honestly, the idea of getting caught, only turned you on that much more. And Matt knew that.
“Fuck me, Matt.” You whimpered, his fingers tracing over your slick slit after he’d eagerly undressed your lower half.
“You want me to fuck you?” He teased, pushing one digit briefly into your soaking pussy before pulling back out, using his foot to spread your legs and stop you from clenching them around him.
“I want you to fuck me… Want you to fuck me real good.” You panted, grinding yourself down against the palm of his hand, making him chuckle deeply before he pulled away, turning you round and forcing your chest down onto his now messy desk.
“Oh, I’m gonna fuck you real good.” He whispered into your ear, watching as you bit down hard on your lip when he bottomed out in one quick motion, filling you up completely yet remaining still. “And you better pray that Gabby doesn’t come knocking again cause I don’t think I’d be able to stop if she did.”
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Prompt List
Like this? Apply to my Matt tag list here!
tagging: @pensfan5871 @alexxavicry @babyyoda89 @wandamaxim0f
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poisonedjoinery · 2 years
Filthy Secrets
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Hank Voight / Reader (F)
Authors note: I like the thought of Voight being super protective, he's a good man.
Summary: When a building explodes, you and Voight end up trapped in the rubble for 18 hours. However, you neglact to mention the wounds you sustained sending Voight into a panic. The only issue? The rest of 51 can't grasp why Voight cares so much about you. You're just a firefighter... right?
Warnings: Mention of serious injuries, explosions, being trapped in a collapsed building. Mention of dying but being revived. Angst, If you think there needs to be other warnings, please do let me know.
Gif by: @smaoineamhsalach
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"I NEED A MEDIC NOW!" Voight came limping out from the collapsed building carrying your unconscious body. Brett was the first to get to him, then chief Boden, Ruzek, Atwater, Casey and a multitude of other people. Boden helped shift your body onto a backboard, Ruzek helping to hold up Voight.
"She... she took a load of shrapnel to the stomach. She passed out about ten minutes ago." Brett nodded, ushering Boden and the others to move you onto the ambo. Ruzek gripped Voight tighter,
"Come on boss, we need to get you seen to as well." Voight didn't want to move at first, watching as the ambo holding you sped off away from the scene.
"Boss come on, we got this." Finally agreeing, Voight let Ruzek walk him to his car.
"Keep up with that ambo." Frowning Ruzek nodded, peeling away from the chaos behind him. Voight kept quiet the whole ride to Med, he let Ruzek update him on everything that had happened between the time he went into the building, till the time he came clambering out. A huge fire had started in a building the intelligence team were watching. They had a gang under surveillance who were meant to be the newest suppliers of heroine. It seems, they were so new they didn't know how to balance the chemicals properly, causing the whole building to go up in flames. FireHouse 51 had showed up, and got to work battling the fire. It didn't take long for the fire to be put out, or it's occupants to be escorted out. Once it was clear, Voight asked Boden to be shown where it had started to see if any of their gang members were part of the new burnt features. Boden had grabbed the first person that passed, you. Of course it had been you, of all the firefighters on this job it had to be you that came past at that moment.
"(Y/N), would you be so kind to show Sergeant Voight where the fire started please?"
"Sure thing Chief." Nodding his thanks, Voight followed you into the building. You'd only been in there for a short while when something blew up, causing most of the building to come down around you, and that is where you had both become stuck for eighteen hours. EIGHTEEN! Voight had ended up with a piece of metal impaling his thigh, and you had taken shrapnel to the torso. But you hadn't told him at first, you'd wanted to help Voight and anyone else you could find.
"I'm a firefighter Hank, it's my job to help others." He could still hear your voice ringing through his head. He'd only realised something was wrong, when your face became pale. Wrenching open your fire coat, a wave of horror spread over him. You had multiple entry points in your stomach and side, and blood was slowly oozing out of all of them.
"God damnit (Y/N)!" He stripped off his outer layer, tying it around your stomach trying to stop the blood flow. He'd spent hours digging away rubble, trying to find a way out. The last time he had felt this panicked, Camille had become terminally ill. You were both lucky that you hadn't gone too far into the building when it had blown, he managed to make a gap that he could pull you both through.
"WHAT!" Ruzek frowned at Voights outburst.
"I know you're angry, and injured but we're gonna get this son of a bitch okay?"
"Mmm." Nodding he turned to look back out the window, letting Ruzek's words wash over him.
Voight came down to the waiting room to find the whole of 51 in there. Boden stood up, extending his hand. Shaking it, Voight nodded at everyone in the room.
"How is she doin'?" Boden gave a frown, keeping his voice low.
"We don't know yet, they took (Y/N) in for surgery about three hours ago." Clenching his jaw, Voight put his hands in his pocket. Hermann came over, giving an appreciative smile to Voight.
"Hey uh... thanks for pulling (Y/N) out. I uh... she's on my rig and I appreciate you looking out for her."
"Don't mention it, she's a good woman. You should both be proud of her, she spent most of her time looking for any casualties and trying to get us out of there." Smiling, Hermann looked at Boden both of them showing pride. Doors swinging open behind them all, a surgeon walked out smiling half heartedly at the crowd of firefighters.
"I managed to remove all of the shrapnel, there was a lot of internal bleeding. So much so that she coded twice on the table... I..." Voight stepped forward quickly, anger rolling off him in waves.
"You mean died... she died on the table." Looking uneasy the surgeon nodded.
"Yes... but I have managed stop all of the bleeding and she is in the recovery room." Boden looked between both men, a frown forming on his face.
"Uh... thank you Doctor. Are we able to see her yet?"
"Yes, she is still asleep but feel free." Most of 51 got up and quietly made their way into your room, Boden, Hermann, Voight, Severide and Kidd all remained in the waiting room.
"You know you didn't have to get all rude to the Doctor?" Kidd said, eyeing Voight with a pissed off look. Turning, Voight watched Kidd for a moment then looked around at the rest of them.
"I just spent eighteen hours trapped under a collapsed building with her, so please excuse me for feeling a little concerned for her wellbeing." Boden stepped forward, wanting to calm everyone down.
"We're all concerned here Hank, but you don't need to get angry at the people trying to save her life or my team." Smirking Voight turned on his heel, Hermann piped up feeling his temper rise.
"Hey you know we care about (Y/N) a lot! We were just as scared when you brought her out, so don't act like you're the only one who cares for her. She is part of our team.. OUR family okay and.." Voight whipped round quickly, his temper at breaking point, not noticing Ruzek, Burgess and Atwater stepping in behind him. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, knew if he did he would have a whole damn house of firefighters come down on his ass.
"Uh... Sarge? We um... think we've found the guys. We're going to bust them now. Do you want in or..." Rubbing his face in frustration, Voight turned on his heel.
"Let's go." Shoving past Atwater, Voight headed out fire burning his blood.
Prying your eyes open, you found yourself laying in a dark room with the quiet beep of machines around you. Glancing round, you realised you was in Med.
"Hey... how you feeling?" Looking to your left you found Brett sitting in a big arm chair. Smiling you sat yourself up wincing at the pain in your stomach.
"I feel like I've been used as a sieve for bomb fragments. But other than that, I'm fine." Reaching for your hand she squeezed it,
"We were all here, we're taking it in shifts to check on you." Frowning you looked over at where your uniform had been set aside.
"The explosion... what happened? Did anyone else get hurt?"
"It's okay, we were all out of the explosion zone enough to just get a few cuts and scrapes. It was only you and Sergeant Voight that got the brunt of it." You felt your face grow hot at the thought of Voight.
"Christ... was he okay?" You tried to sound casual but it clearly wasn't enough. Brett smiled softly,
"Voight... he's fine. The last I heard he was out with his team hunting the gang responsible."
"But...?" It was Brett's turn to flush this time.
"Well um... see while we was waiting to hear about your surgery, he came and waited with us. The surgeon finally came out and told us how you was doing, but Voight... he seemed angry at how injured you had been." Your heart was racing now, every thought going through your mind.
"He didn't say why he was angry... but... when we spoke to Burgess she said that he gets a bit over protective. He thinks it's his job to save everyone you know?" Nodding, you felt your eyes water slightly as you dropped your gaze.
"He was angry I didn't tell him about my injuries, that's probably why he was so angry." Glancing up at Sylvie, you gave a half smile.
"I kept my mouth shut about the shrapnel I had taken, I knew if I didn't try to get us out of there, I'd have lost my mind. I just..."
"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me (Y/N), I get it. It's part of our job." You wiped at your face. She leant in and gave you a hug,
"Tell you what, I'll come back and see you tomorrow. You get some rest okay?"
"Thanks Sylvie, you're amazing." You watched her quietly leave your room, smiling to yourself as you shut your eyes feeling the sweet lull of sleep pulling at you.
You'd finally gotten out of the hospital and was now resting in your own home. Most of 51 had called in to see you, bring you food and check you was okay. You hadn't seen Voight, he'd been pulled into another case which was taking up all of his time. You didn't mind, usually you were both pretty busy with work. Looking around your home, you felt boredom set in pretty quickly. You'd been resting for over a week, you needed to get out take in the night air.
Freshening up, you pulled on clothes that didn't make you look like a college bum, grabbed your keys, and headed out to Molly's.
"(Y/N)!" Hermann's voice rang out over the crowd, causing the rest of second shift to turn and grin. Smiling, you waved. You had a lot of people come and hug you, pat you on the back. Taking a seat at the bar, Hermann handed you a drink, squeezing your hand.
"It's good to see you kiddo." Taking a swig of your drink, you smiled.
"Thanks Hermann. I'm glad to see you too." You sat quietly, watching everyone come and go from the bar. Kidd had joined you at some point and you'd had a few drinks before you heard a bit of a commotion at the door. Both of you turning, you saw Voight standing in the doorway, looking straight at you his face full of thunder.
"Oh girl I think you're in trouble." Spinning back round you saw Kidd's eyes widen as she got out of her chair swiftly moving away. Before you could call her back, you felt a heavy presence behind you. Slowly turning, you found Voight looking down at you.
"I've been looking everywhere for you... you weren't at the hospital... or home... I thought you'd... I thought." His voice was low and dark. Fear and frustration was rolling off of him.
"I just wanted some fresh air, and decided to come here." Hermann was standing close by, listening in. Voight leant closer, reaching out a hand to gently touch your cheek.
"I was worried about you." Hermann shook his head and stepped closer.
"Hey Voight, I know you care but you're being a bit much aren't you?" Voights eyes lit up with a fire as some of the others of 51 had started to listen in.
'It's okay Hermann." You could see both men getting more angry by the second.
"What... no he's being a jerk. You aren't the only one who cares about her... she..."
"We're dating Hermann!" You felt the whole bar go silent. Hermann's eyes went wide, his mouth half open. Voight looked down at you, a smile playing on his face.
"You're...you and... and and Voight?" Hermann seemed to be struggling with what you'd just told him, slowly looking behind you and saw the rest of 51 had obviously heard you too. Keeping your voice quiet, you leant into Voight a little.
"Yes... me and Voight. That's why he was angry at the hospital." Sighing you looked up at Voight.
"For how long?" Hermann sounded confused and curious all at the same time. Voight answered before you could, never taking his eyes off of you.
"Mmm... about a year and a half."
Hermann seemed to go pale, kicking himself that no one at 51 had figured it out. Sighing, you gently placed your hand on Voights side.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the shrapnel, and... and I'm sorry you were worried about..." Before you could finish, Voight leant down and kissed you softly his big hand gently tilting your head back. Pressing his head to yours he smiled,
"You don't have to apologise. It's who you are, putting others before yourself. It's how you're built, it's why I fell in love with you." He enjoyed watching the surprise light up your face. Reaching up, you ran your hand over his cheek.
"Want to get out of here?" Grinning, he hummed in agreement. Helping you off your bar stool, he placed his arm around your waist, walking you slowly to the door. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, heard Kidd and Brett whistle at you. Tilting your head up to him, you waited for him to lean in closer so you could kiss his cheek.
"Huh... what was that for?"
"I love you too Hank." Smirking, Voight reached out for the door guiding you both out into the warm Summer night.
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callsign-dexter · 23 days
Snowy Embrace 18+
Request: We were having a weekend off at a little lake cabin and it was just us. Lots of cuddles (and other things hehe) in front of a fireplace.. long walks in the snow outside and then having him us warming up with more cuddles and hot chocolate 😭
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Wife!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut (right out of the gate), cursing, tiny bit of angst
A/N: Thank you @talesofreading for requesting this and you and @imagine-all-the-fandoms better prepare yourselves its gonna be a steamy one.
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“You know what I think we should do?” Your husband of 6 years, Kelly Severide, said as he looked up from his spot at the table looking at you at your spot at the counter making lunches for the day. You two had gotten up earlier before your two little ones, 10-year-old twins, one boy and one girl, Zoey Severide and Chase Severide, wanting to spend some time together before the chaos erupted. 
“What would that be?” You answered with a question.
“I think we should leave the kids with your mom and dad and we head up to the cabin for a little get away. We both have a few days off. We need to use up by the end of the year and its already December. Maybe work on baby number 3 and maybe 4, if it’s twins again. It's also our anniversary.” He said and as he talked you thought about it and the more, he talked about it the more it sounded delightful. You were an accountant at a huge accounting firm.
“Ok. Why do we have to work on baby number 3 or 4, if it is twins?  It'll be nice to get away for our anniversary.” You said looking into his stunning blue eyes that you watched light up.
“Yea?” He asked 
“Yea.” You replied and nodded. He smiled and got up and turned you around to where you were pressed against the counter and kissed you. 
“We need to apply for vacation 2 weeks in advance.” He said kissing your neck as his hands roamed your body. 
“Mmmm true but I want to take it with you now.” You moaned quietly especially when his hand came in contact with your clothed core. 
“Then put your 2 weeks notice for vacation today and I'll put mine in.” He said nipping at your neck as his hand traveled up and slid into your sleep shorts and underwear. You always ran hot so it wasn't rare to find you in a tank top and shorts in the dead of winter. He ran his fingers through your slick folds. 
“Kels the kids could walk in at any minute.” You moaned and gripped the counter behind you. You had your eyes closed and head thrown back and wasn't expecting to find him close to your ear and jumped which made his thick digit sink into you.
“We have plenty of time. We have another hour before they have to be up. So, you better be quiet.” He said as he fingered you curling his finger to hit your g-spot. 
“Fuck, Baby.” You moaned out quietly and whimpered when he pulled out but you didn't have to wait long because he was getting on his knees and pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs to where they were at your ankles and you stepped out of on pant leg. He spread your legs and suddenly his mouth was on your heated slick core. It made you jump and you had to throw a hand over your mouth to keep quiet. He tongued fucked you and licked you up and down with an occasional nip at your clit. Your legs were shaking. “Baby, I'm going to cum.” You moaned quietly having taken your hand away and you could feel him smirk and pick up his effort and after one gentle bite to your clit you were coming down and cumming on your husband's face. He didn't stop until you were a shaking flustered mess. He stood up and you looked at him, your juices shining in the light on his lips. 
“You taste great, Baby.” He said and you couldn't speak still coming down finally catching your breath you spoke.
“I think you need some attention.” You said and looked down at his erection. He smirked as you got down on your knees grabbing a hold of his shorts and underwear and pulling them down enough to where his raging erection came up and hit his clothed abs. You knew you had plenty of time and you knew your kids were heavy sleepers so you took your husband in your mouth and got to work. His hand immediately went to the back of your head and he threw his head back. Whatever part of the shaft wasn't in your mouth you had your hand wrapped around. He was thick and girthy. 
“Fuck, Honey. Your mouth was made for me.” He said quietly and so you relaxed your throat and took him further. “Oh, fuck you're taking me so deep. Keep going.” He said as you bobbed your head up and down and jerked him off. Tongue licking and circling his tip every now and then. Then your other hand went to his heavy balls and he jumped. You knew he was close because his cock started jumping and his balls tightened. “I'm close. I wanna finish inside of you.” He said as he withdrew and you stood up. He swiped everything over and you squealed and chuckled when he picked you up and laid you down. His cock went straight to your entrance. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
“Please.” You moaned and he smirked and slid in you bottoming out all in go. You threw your head back in pleasure. “That’s right baby fill me up.” You moaned and then he settled letting you adjust. After a minute you nodded and he started to move. At first it was slow and the stretch felt wonderful his head went into your neck and he kissed you and nibbled on your neck as he slowly fucked into you. “Faster, Babe.” You moaned and he smiled.
“You’re in charge.” He said and started to speed up each thrust made you moan out in pleasure to the point where he had to cover your mouth with his hand. “What did I say about being quiet?” He said in a playful warning tone. You clenched around him and he moaned.
“Sorry, but you make me feel so good.” You moaned behind his hand. His rhythm started to become sporadic; he moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Finally, he stilled and painted your walls white then you were cumming behind him and he stayed there for a minute until you started to hear Chase stir by flushing the toilet. He quickly but slowly pulled out of you and was quickly hurrying to pull his underwear and shorts up as he was quickly helping you pull yours up. Both giggling as you both tried to hurry. 
“Wait.” He said and grabbed some of this sperm that leaked out and put it back in which had you moaning. You heard Chase's footsteps on the stairs.
“Hurry.” You said and he did. He pulled your pants up and helped you down as he pulled them over your hips. You quickly fixed your hair and turned back to the food on the counter getting it back in order and Kelly was beside you helping. You could feel his cum running down your legs but knew the counter would hide it but you looked at Kelly and he looked at you smirking. “I can feel your cum running down my leg.” You whispered and his smirk got bigger and you nudged him but he didn’t say anything because Chase was appearing in front of the counter. “Good morning, Baby Boy.” You said.
“Good morning, Sunshine.” Kelly said at the same time and he looked at you both.
“Morning.” He grumbled and you laughed. He was always the first one up out of your kids even if he was never a morning person just like his father but just like his father, he had an internal alarm clock that made him get up at the time he was supposed to
“Alright, Kelly Jr. what would you like for breakfast?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I don’t know. Waffles?” He asked, now awake a little more.
“Sounds good, Bud. I’ll get them started while your mother goes and gets your sister.” He said and that is what you did. Your daughter was a lot like you wanting to sleep in as much as possible and stay up as late as possible. It really is funny how you both had kids that ended up being the same as you both. You went over and kissed your son’s head and he grunted but you knew he secretly loved you cuddles and kisses. As you started to walk up the stairs you felt more cum escape and you glared and shook your head. 
“Damn you, Kelly.” You whispered as you reached your daughter’s room and you knocked slightly before you were opening the door. “Zoey, honey. It is time to get up.” You said as you walked further into her room.
“No, 5 more minutes.” She groaned and you smiled as you sat on the edge of her bed. 
“Don’t you want waffles? Dad is cooking them.” You said and that perked her up. Both you and Kelly could cook but his waffles were the best and you couldn’t argue with that.
“Yea.” She said as she started to get up out of the bed. You smiled and ran a hand through her hair as she rubbed her eyes as she made her way downstairs. 
“Hey, tell Dad that I’ll be down there in a minute. I’m going to shower and get ready.” You said and she nodded.
“I will.” She said and she disappeared and you sat there for a minute and then you were getting up and heading to your and Kelly’s room to start getting ready for the day. You turned on the shower to the temperature you wanted and then you stripped out of your clothing a glob of cum ran out and onto your underwear and you smiled thinking of the activities that you and your husband were up to before the kids started to get up. Once your clothing was off you stepped in the warm water cascaded down your back and you sighed and titled your head back letting the warm water run down your head. Your hand traveled to your stomach and it stayed there you and Kelly always talked about having more kids but never had the time but now this would be the perfect opportunity and who knows your little rendezvous in the kitchen might’ve just been it but you weren’t ovulating so it might’ve not happened but if your schedule is right, you would be when you and Kelly were at the cabin. You smiled at the thought of being pregnant as you started your shower routine. When you were done you turned off the shower and dried off and then wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out. You brushed your teeth and put on deodorant then got dressed in the clothes for the day which consisted of jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and then one of Kelly’s sweatshirts. You grabbed socks and sat on the bed to put them on and once they were you walked down the stairs to be greeted with laughter from your husband and kids. You walked into the kitchen and smiled and then your son saw you and smiled at you.
“Hey, Mom.” He said and that caused the other two to look at you and smile.
“Hi, Momma.” Zoey said as she took a bite of her waffle. Kelly got up and grabbed a plate with fresh waffles and walked over to you and kissed you as he handed the plate to you.
“Hi, Baby.” He said 
“Thank you.” He said and then he was turning around and putting his hand on the small of your back leading you to the table.
“Have you told them?” You asked as you drowned your waffle in syrup.
“Told us what?” Zoey and Chase said at the same time.
“I was waiting for you and now that you’re here we can tell them together. Your mom and I are going to be heading up to the cabin in two weeks for our anniversary.” He said 
“Ugh lucky, you two get to go away while we still have to go to school.” Chase said and you both laughed and smiled as you took a bite of your waffle.
“I think that is a wonderful idea. You two deserve some time off.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Thank you, Z. Also you both will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa while we are gone. I know you both love them.” Kelly said and they both nodded. Your parents were extremely helpful during your pregnancy and when the twins were born. You had a great relationship with them and they loved Kelly and Kelly loved them. 
“Ok that makes it better.” Chase said and everyone chuckled. Kelly reached over and ruffled his hair which he groaned playfully and tried to get away. The rest of breakfast was spent laughing and eating until it was time for the kids to start getting ready for school and you finished putting lunches in lunch boxes. As the kids were getting ready Kelly came up behind you and kissed your neck. 
“What time do you go in?” You asked
“9 AM.” He said kissing your neck and you titled it to the side and before you got too far into the pleasure you stopped him because you knew what he was doing.
“Oh no. We don’t have time for this again. Our kids are awake.” You said and he groaned but stopped pouting and you turned your head and kissed his pouty lips. “I love you.” You added and smiled which made him smile.
“I love you too.” He said and then Chase and Zoey were coming down the stairs. They grabbed their winter jackets and backpacks and Kelly departed from you. 
“I’ll be late at work so the two of you will have to get a ride to the station and wait with your dad until I get off work.” You said as you turned, handing them their lunches and they put them in their bags.
“Ok.” They both said at the same time a trait that came with being twins. Every time it happened you laughed and smiled and Kelly did the same. 
“Alright, we have to get going or we’ll be late.” You said and they both turned to hug their father and he hugged them back and kissed their heads and told them that he loved them. You walked over and kissed him and hugged him. “I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.” He replied and then you and the two kids were out the door and heading to your Jeep. They argued about getting the front seat and you quickly put an end to that and made them sit in the back of course they both pouted but did as they were told not wanting to get on your bad side. 
It was a quick drive to their school and you were pulling up in the front and saying bye to them and you were heading off to work. When you got there, you sighed and parked your Jeep then got out while grabbing your stuff and heading in after locking your Jeep it was actually not blistering cold but still cold but you knew that could change. As you were walking your friend, coworker, and boss April Jepp “Hey.” She said and you turned to her as you both entered the heated building.
“Hey.” You said smiling at her finally thawing you.
“So, your anniversary is coming up. Any plans?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows and you smiled at her and laughed.
“We were planning to go up to the cabin for a few days.” You said “Which means I need to take a few days off.” You said and she smiled and nodded.
“Of course you can. You’re my best accountant. You both deserve some time together on your special day.” She said as you both walked into her office. She was a really cool boss and everyone loved her and loved working with her. “So which days are you thinking about?” She asked as she sat down at her desk pulling up the scheduling. 
“I’m thinking about the week of the 15th.” You said and she nodded and then smiled. 
“Done. Also thank you for coming to me two weeks in advance.” She said and you smiled.
“Not a problem.” You said and then you were heading out of her office and started your long day of working but smiled at the thought of your time off with your husband.
At the station Kelly had been tied up with calls all day until it was time for the kids to arrive at the station so he hadn’t been able to ask until now. He had just taken his gear off when Chief Wallace Boden walked by. “Hey, Chief! I have a question for you.” He said and Boden stopped and turned to him.
“What’s up?” He asked
“Y/N and I’s wedding anniversary is coming up and we were planning on going to the cabin to spend some time together. I wanted to take off the week of the 15th for it.” He said and Boden smiled.
“Of course you can. I’ll go and schedule you off.” Boden said and Kelly smiled.
“Thank you so much.” He said and Boden patted him on the shoulder and then he was off. Kelly was about to go and do something when Chase and Zoey’s voice caught his attention.
“Dad!” They said at the same time and he turned and smiled as they ran up to him.
“Hey you two.” He said and he hugged them both.
“I will never get used to you having kids.” Stella Kidd said and everyone that was in the garage nodded and agreed.
“Get used to it.” He said “We’re planning for a third one.” He added.
“What?” Chase said 
“You and mom are trying for another kid?” Zoey asked 
“We are. Do you not want that?” He asked 
“We want it!” They yelled and he chuckled and kissed their heads.
“Good. Now go and do your homework before your mom gets here.” He said and ushered them to the kitchen.
“So, you and the wife want more kids?” Matt Casey said coming over to him and Stella.
“We do. We loved raising the twins into the kids they are today and we’re ready for the baby phase again. Also, the kids would be pretty far enough apart in age. We’re just ready.” Kelly answered him and they all smiled. 
“You’re a great dad.” Matt said
“Thank you.” Kelly said and then they got busy with doing things around the firehouse until you came into it around 6 PM and spotted your husband right away.
“Sorry, I had a project that I needed to finish up.” You said as you got to him and kissed him.
“Nonsense. You have to do what you need. The kids finished their homework up and we fed them. There is plenty if you want something.” He said 
“Please.” You said and he was ushering you into the kitchen and you went to your kids, who were sitting on the couch in front of the TV. “Hey you two.” You said as you touched their heads and they turned around with smiles on their faces.
“Hi, Mom.” They said at the same time and you leaned down. 
“What are you watching?” You asked them.
“Parks and Recreation.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Good show. You two can continue watching while I eat and talk with your dad.” You said and they nodded and again you smiled and turned to your husband who was sitting a plate down for you. 
“They know we are trying for another kid.” Kelly said as you took your first bite.
“Oh?” You asked and he nodded.
“It went well and they want a sibling. Stella mentioned something about not getting used to me being a dad and I told her to get used to it because we are trying for another.” He said 
“I’m glad they are excited.” You said as you ate and he nodded. You two continued to talk for a while before he was being called away and that is when you decided to leave you and the kids said goodbye and gave him hugs and kisses and all three of you were off.
The time for you and Kelly to go up to the cabin had finally come. The good news was that you had your period last week and knew you were ovulating so it would be perfect. You and Kelly had agreed not to drink this week because you were trying to get pregnant. You both dropped the kids off to your parents the night before and went to the store and grabbed the necessities and the stuff that needed to be in the fridge and freezer went into coolers and then the two of you started to head up right after. The ride up there was filled with talking, laughter, music, and some good and bad singing. Then you saw something white fall. “Is it snowing?” You asked leaning forward to get a better view and as more fell you confirmed it but so did Kelly.
“Looks like that.” He said and turned on the windshield wipers. You started to grin wider as you set back; you loved the snow and he knew that. It just made this all the more special. Thankfully his Jeep had all wheel drive and weather prepared. The lake started to come into view and then your cabin came into view and you smiled. Kelly saw you in the corner of his eye and he smiled. He loved it when you were happy. Kelly turned the Jeep and backed it up until he was close to the porch and parked and turned the key off. You got out and walked a little bit to where your favorite tree was. You weren’t standing there long before your felt arms around your waist. 
“Isn't it beautiful?” You asked 
“It sure is.” He said smiling though he wasn’t talking about the view but you didn’t know that.
“I can’t wait to get this week started.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“Me either so let us get to it.” He said and you smiled and nodded and so you both started to unpack the Jeep and you went and unlocked the cabin and turned some lights on. Once the Jeep was unpacked and everything was sitting on the counter and suitcases by the stairs you went over and turned on the heat. “So, what do you want to start with first?” He asked as he started to put food away. 
“Hmmmm first we need to let everyone know we are here safely.” You said and he chuckled and you pulled out your phone to do so, you were glad you had service up here. “Then I think we should get a fire going and a movie queued. Just have a relaxing night in.” You said and he smiled as you walked over to him and leaned on the counter.
“That sounds wonderful, my beautiful wife.” He said and you blushed no matter how long you were with him he knew how to make you blush. 
“I also want you to know that my period was last week and I’m ovulating.” You said smirking as his lips started to turn into a smile.
“Oh really?” He asked
“Really.” You said
“We can get started on the 3rd kid now.” He said and you chuckled.
“First you’re going to build that fire.” You said and he groaned and sighed.
“Fine.” He said and sulked off but you just laughed and followed him grabbing the remote and turning on the TV and once it was on you turned it to Amazon Prime Video. 
“What do you want to watch?” You asked as he stacked the logs and lit them on fire.
“That new Twisters movie is out. How about that?” He asked
“Any chance to look at Glen Powell in a white T-Shirt with rain coming down and him in a cowboy hat I’ll take.” You said and he rolled his eyes but smiled.
“When did you see it?” He asked
“When the kids were in bed and you were at work.” You said and he laughed as he got up and came over and sat down and you snuggled into him. He grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over you as you started the movie. You sat through the movie grinning like an idiot and slightly drooling and when it was over 2 hrs. later you were pouting and Kelly laughed but just kissed you. It was now dark and your stomach was growling. 
“Hungry?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, did the frozen pizza get put up?” You asked
“It did but it won’t take long to thaw and the oven preheats pretty fast.” He said “Is that what you want?” He asked.
“Yes. Did the ranch and hot sauce make it into the food?” You asked
“Of course. I know you can’t live without those two.” He said 
“Awww you really do love me.” You said as he started to get up to start getting the food ready.
“You know I do.” He said and turned to kiss you then he was walking into the kitchen as you started to get the next movie or show ready. You heard the freezer door open and close and the oven start. Soon Kelly was joining you back on the couch.
“What are we watching now?” He asked
“Leverage.” You said as you opened the blanket and he scooted in. You snuggled into his arms. You got 30 minutes into the movie when the oven preheated and he got up and put in the pizza and came back to the couch with drinks, ranch, and hot sauce. 
“20 minutes and we’ll have food ready.” He said and you smiled.
“Perfect.” You said “What do you say about going on a hike tomorrow?” You asked
“That sounds like a perfect plan then we can come in and warm up with activities.” He said wiggling his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes but you weren’t going to say no.
“Perfect.” You said and then he was getting up for the last time but this time he was bringing plates and pizza. He had set the pizza down and put a slice on the plate for you and handed it to you along with your sauce of choice. You spent the rest of the evening cuddled together eating pizza and watching a Leverage marathon. That’s what you ended up doing all night because the next morning you were waking up on the couch wrapped in your husband's arms laying on top of him, he must’ve moved to laying down. The fire had gone out and the warm sun was hitting your face. 
“Good morning.” He said and you looked down at him he still had his eyes closed. 
“You’re awake?” You asked and he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Been awake for about 20 minutes, you just looked too peaceful to wake up.” He said and you smiled and kissed him and he kissed back. “When do you want to start that hike?” He asked.
“As soon as we get changed and have breakfast.” You said and he smiled and kissed you again.
“Perfect just like you.” He said and you blushed and then you were getting up and he was too. You both took your bag upstairs and got ready for the hike and the day. Once you were ready you helped make breakfast and you both ate while you both talked about anything or everything but mostly crazy calls he had gone on. You really didn’t have any crazy or funny stories so you left all that to him. When you were done you both put on your snow boots and winter coats along with hats and then you ventured out into the chilly air.
“Kels look!” You said looking out at the snow in amazement and all he could look at was the excitement on your face.
“It’s wonderful.” He said, he continued to stare at you until you looked at him.
“Ready?” You asked and he nodded.
“Always.” He said and so you both started to walk. It was wonderful you were huddled up against your husband and gloved hands holding each other. You must’ve walked for a few hours until you got to your favorite place by the lake, the place where your husband proposed and you had pictures of it thanks to Leslie Shay having come up with you. You two stood there and looked over the lake that now had a light layer of ice over it. 
“Remember when you proposed to me up here?” You asked, looking over at him as he looked out over the lake.
“I do. I remember like it was yesterday.” He said looking over at you and you were smiling. “If I could I would do it over again.” He said and you smiled and blushed but you couldn’t tell because your cheeks were pink from the cold and so was your nose. “Ready to head back?” He asked, looking at your rosy nose and cheeks. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I am. Also ready for those warming up activities that you have planned.” You said smirking and he smirked back.
“So am I.” He said and then you both shared a kiss and then you were heading back to the cabin. An hour later you were back and stepping into the warm cabin. 
“Warmth.” You moaned and he chuckled “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me.” You said smirking and winking as you shed your jacket and boots and headed upstairs and he was quickly shedding his boots and jacket and hurrying behind you. When he finally reached you, the shower was already running and there was a pile of your clothes and his quickly joined. He stepped into the bathroom naked and pulled the glass shower door back. You turned to look at him smirking as he stepped in behind you. The shower was plenty big and it was perfect. His hands went to your breasts and massaged them as he kissed your neck and nipped at it your head turned to give him better access. You could feel his erection standing attention against your lower back. You turned around in his arms and threw your arms around his neck and his hands left your breasts and went to your hips.
“Hi.” He said in a whisper.
“Hi.” You replied in the same tone. You then leaned in and kissed him and he squeezed your hips and that was a signal for you to jump and you did. He backed you up into the wall under the water. He held onto you as one hand went to his cock and slowly slid it into you and you moaned in his mouth. You thrusted in you nice and slow taking his time with you and since there was no need to worry about hurrying or any kids possibly interrupting you. 
“Always so tight for me.” He moaned as he broke the kiss.
“That’s because I was made for you.” You moaned and he thrusted up into you.
“Damn right.” He said kissing the side of your neck. 
“You always know how to hit all the right spots.” You moaned and you tightened around him. 
“Keep doing that and I won’t last long.” He moaned and you smirked and did it again. “Oh, fuck I’m close.” He moaned.
“So am I baby. So am I.” You moaned and just about that time his thrusts became erratic and you both came hard. He stayed in you until you both came down and he was putting you down on shaky legs. You two eventually did get cleaned and he turned the shower off and then grabbed the towels. First, he dried you off and wrapped it around your body and then dried off and wrapped his towel around his waist. He helped you out of the shower and then followed right behind you. You put on your bra and underwear and then his Chicago Fire Department long sleeved shirt that you might’ve stolen from him. Your hair was wet and down and to him you looked sexy as hell. He pulled on his underwear and threw a shirt on and then the both of you were heading down the stairs. 
“Want some hot chocolate, Babe?” He asked as he reached the kitchen and turned to you as you tended to the fire. You turned and smiled at him and nodded.
“With-” You began
“With whip cream and extra marshmallows.” He said and you smiled.
“You get me so well.” You said 
“Of course I do, Baby.” He said and brought over two mugs as you took a seat on the couch. He waited until you got settled before giving you your hot chocolate and then he sat down and you settled into him. 
“If we do end up pregnant, what are you hoping for?” You asked as you took a sip of your hot chocolate.
“Another girl would be nice but also another boy.” He said and you chuckled.
“What if it is twins again?” You asked and he smiled.
“That would be even more perfect.” He said and you smiled and snuggled further into him. Whatever you had or how many you had they would be equally loved and given attention. As the week came to an end and you were packing up and feeling refreshed during your stay you both had several more intimate moments and each time it was sweet and not rushed. 
The next week was Christmas and you were excited for Kelly to open his present. When you had gotten back into town Sunday you dropped Kelly off at home and made a quick trip to the store before going to get the kids. You got a pregnancy test and some baby clothes, two sets. If you knew your body then it would be throwing twins, you just had a feeling. The baby clothes were all firefighter themed and you were thankful for keeping the baby clothes from the twins. Then you picked the twins up and headed home. They talked nonstop about what they did with their grandparents and you smiled as you listened glad, they always had a good time with them. By the time you got into the house they were already rushing off to tackle their father and you laughed.
When you had gone back to work for the one day before Christmas Eve you were greeted back with open arms and everyone said you were glowing which you blushed but thanked them. You went through work happy and ready to be back home. The time for you to go home came quickly and you were saying bye to your coworkers and heading home. When you got there Kelly’s Jeep was gone still which meant that he was picking up the kids after his 24-hr. shift which meant that you had 20 minutes to take the test. You parked and then got out grabbing your stuff and rushing in. You quickly threw your jacket off and shoes and rushed to the bathroom. You went into the bathroom and grabbed the test which was hidden in your tampons. You pulled your pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet and took the test then capped it you set your timer for 5 minutes, you wiped and pulled up your underwear and pants. You were nervous but excited as you washed your hands. The timer went off and you took a breath and looked at it and melted in relief and excitement. Two pink lines. You were pregnant. 
You exited the bathroom and grabbed the gift bag and gift box. You quickly put the test in the box and the baby clothes in the bag. You went downstairs and put them under the tree just as soon as the door opened. The tree and decorations were put up and set up before you had left for your little vacation. “Honey, we’re home!” Kelly shouted and you chuckled.
“In the living room!” You shouted and they all came rushing in.
“Mom!” Zoey and Chase shouted and came and almost tackled you.
“Easy.” Kelly said and they listened and they hugged you and then sat down beside you. You smiled as they talked about their day and the gifts that were exchanged. You were invested in what they were saying and listened to them happily and so did Kelly. Soon it was time for dinner and then they were heading off to bed leaving you and Kelly alone cuddled up on the couch looking at the multi-colored lights on the Christmas tree. Neither of you spoke and as his hand rested on your stomach you smiled you couldn’t wait to share the news with him.
Christmas Eve came and went and family dinners were eaten and now it was Christmas. You both were woken up early and being ushered downstairs to the tree as your parents knocked on the door and Kelly went and opened the door. Everyone was gathered, gifts were open and thank you’s and I love you’s along with hugs were passed around. Finally, you decided to give Kelly his gift. “I have one last gift for you.” You told him as you reached over and grabbed the bag and box. You gave him the bag first and he opened it. He read it and things started to click and it seemed like everyone had gotten it already and they were smiling and squealing. 
“Are you?” He asked and you gestured to the box.
“Open it.” You said and he did and there sat the test with the two pink lines.
“Holy shit. Really?” He asked and you smiled and nodded tears coming to his eyes.
“Really.” You said and he practically lunged at you and hugged you and kissed you as everyone cheered and your parents congratulated you.
“We’re going to be grandparents again!” Your father cheered.
“Oh, I can’t wait to spoil them.” Your mother said. 
“Finally, another sibling!” Zoey and Chase said and you chuckled and nodded. Everything was great. 
9 months later you were welcoming your twins. Yup twins. One boy, Sam Severide, and one girl, Olivia Severide. The numbers were even and Kelly was excited that they were and so were you. Both healthy and strong just like their daddy and you if you asked Kelly and others. Twins just meant twice the love that went around. 
Everything was perfect.
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deanstead · 2 years
Bad Feeling
Pairing: Matt Casey x Reader
Requested: yes by anon
Summary: Matt gets an uneasy feeling, which intensifies when he spots Y/N's car at the scene of a multi-vehicle accident.
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Square Filled: Hurt/Comfort for #resa.3kfiestabingo
Word Count: 1,324
Warnings: canon-typical mentions of car accidents, injuries
A/N: Some hurt/comfort that has been sitting in my drafts for too long! Also, I'm gonna start tagging my oc (child) characters!
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Matt glanced at his phone, the lack of response to his message concerning him just a little. "Get a grip, Matt, maybe she’s driving.” He muttered at himself, just as the bells went off.
All units, Multi-vehicle accident.
With no other time to let his mind wander, Matt hurried towards the truck, nodding at Stella as the sirens sounded and the trucks hurried towards the address that dispatch had given them. But it wasn’t until Stella pulled the truck over at a distance away from the crash that Matt felt an irrational bad feeling blossom in his chest.
Matt pushed the feeling aside as he got out of the truck, wondering what the hell was wrong with him today. But he didn’t have long to be distracted as they immediately got to work.
He’d just sent most of them off in pairs when he spotted it - the flash of color, the partial license plate that sent his heart down to his stomach, the realization that the bad feeling was no longer irrational, while there was a crashing in his ears.
Stella spotted the car almost at the same time that Matt did, her head swiveling back to look at her Captain, but Matt was already on the move, gripping the tool he had in his hand tighter as he avoided people and vehicles alike, before he got there.
The car was lying on its side and Matt got on his knees to peer in, his heart thumping hard against his chest even though he’d done this a million times before.
His four year old blinked back at him, looking alert and Matt’s eyes left Alex just for a second to glance at where you were motionless in the driver's seat up front.
“Hey buddy, you okay?” Matt said, peering in at his son.
Matt nodded back at Alex. “Listen, I need you to stay still alright?”
“You get me?” Alex asked, although he didn’t move as his father had instructed, continuing to lie on his stomach.
“Yes, I’m coming to get you, alright? Does anything hurt?"
Alex shook his head slowly and Matt nodded again. “Will you be a brave boy?”
He nodded quietly and Matt turned his attention towards you with a nod at Kelly.
Matt could hear Kelly talking to Alex, so he headed towards the front of the car. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
Matt glanced at Sylvie when you didn’t respond, the unease written all over his face.
“Casey, we got this.” Stella assured him, as the rest of the team worked even faster now, the loud sounds of their tools seeming to overwhelm the sounds of the other truck sirens that were coming to help.
As Cruz pulled off the back door, Kelly reached in for Alex, who was more than happy to wriggle his way towards his favorite uncle.
Kelly pulled Alex into his arms, his eyes raking the little boy for any sign of injuries before Violet reached them to check him out, Violet then bringing Alex straight to Matt.
“Hey buddy.” Matt said, keeping his voice low even as his eyes darted towards where Stella and Mouch were working on getting you out.
Matt felt the fear spread throughout his body even as he propped Alex into his arms. “He just has a few scratches and he’s fine but we should still go to Med.” Violet told Matt, as if she knew he needed a distraction.
Matt smiled. “Thanks, Violet.”
He offered Alex a reassuring smile, turning his body at an angle so that Alex couldn’t see them lift you out of the car.
Stella looked up with a small shake of her head.
You still weren’t responsive.
“Matt, you can come with us. We should get Alex checked out too.” Sylvie said. With a silent nod from Boden, Matt climbed in after you, reaching forward for your hand quietly, Alex sitting in his lap.
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The hardest part for Matt was juggling a toddler and being worried for you, like Matt had to choose between being a father or a husband, when he was both.
You’d been wheeled straight into a treatment room with Connor and Ethan assuring that you were in good hands, while Maggie directed him into a room with Dylan.
“Hey. I’m Dylan. You must be Alex.”
Alex glanced up at Matt who gave him an encouraging nod and Alex smiled back at Dylan.
As Dylan spoke to Alex and checked him out, Matt found his eyes wandering towards the treatment you were in, the hurried movements from across the ED not comforting at all. But he couldn’t leave his son here to go check on you.
Matt heard his best friend’s voice first before he registered his presence.
“Why don’t you go check on her?” Kelly said, reading his thoughts immediately, recalling the time Stella had been brought in. “Alex and I can hang out. What do you say?”
“Yeah!” Alex’s excitement when it came to Kelly had never come more in handy.
“Thanks, Sev.” Matt said, Kelly patting him on the shoulder.
Before he left, Matt pressed a quick kiss on his son's head. "I'll be right back." But Alex didn't seem too bothered, distracted by Kelly and Dylan.
Matt hurried across the ED, just as Connor came out from the treatment room. “Casey, good. I need to bring her up to surgery, alright? There’s some broken bones and she’s bleeding internally. I need to go in and stop the bleeding. Can I do that?”
Matt nodded quickly. “Whatever you have to do, Connor. I…”
Connor nodded back. “Casey, I got her.”
Matt leaned over to give your hand a squeeze, even though you still didn’t seem to be conscious. “Alex and I will be right here, baby.” He whispered, before they quickly wheeled you off.
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When you become conscious of your surroundings once again, you were confused at first. Your vision swam for a bit before the ceiling became clearer and your brain registered the smell that could mean you were only in one place - the hospital.
You blinked, angling your head to the side as Matt shot out of the chair he was in. You could feel the warmth of his hand and you smiled, your fingers closing around his until the memory of how you got here hit you like it had just happened.
You exhaled sharply and Matt stiffened, frowning.
“Alex. Matt, Alex he… he was in the backseat. He…”
“Shh.” Matt squeezed your hand tighter. “It’s okay. Alex is fine, alright? Kelly just brought him out to get a snack. But he’s fine. Dr Scott looked him over. He had a few scratches but that was it. Breathe.”
Relief flooded your system now as your body relaxed, only the pain left throbbing through your system.
But at least Alex was safe. That was something.
Matt sighed, his hand going to the top of your head as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Thank god.” He whispered.
The whisper brought with it the unease and fear he’d been holding on to ever since he’d spotted your car lying on its side in the middle of the road.
“Sorry.” You whispered back, as Matt looked back down at you, as if he was afraid to take his eyes off you.
Matt shook his head with a small smile. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
He looked like he wanted to say something more before he was interrupted by Kelly and Alex coming back in. “Mama!”
You smiled, as Matt took Alex from Kelly’s arms.
“Hey you.” Kelly said, leaning in for a gentle hug.
“Thanks Uncle Kelly.” You answered, smiling as Kelly gave you an affectionate tap.
Matt lowered Alex onto your bed where he gently cuddled into your side and Matt just smiled, before he leaned in to put the both of you into his embrace.
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persage · 2 years
'Cause my boy Otis deserves better
Summary:When you spend your time at 51, you draw Otis on the sly. Everyone notices it, except him. Until fate gets in the way
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Word Count: 2.5 k
Maybe it's the way he moves his hands. Maybe it's how he moves the dark curls from his face. Maybe it's the way he wrinkles his nose when he's tired after the shift and starts working at Molly's, tirelessly.
Or it's the way he writes, with his head slightly tilted to the left.
It could be just the way the light fits between his features and makes him pure, bringing out his light skin stained by many small moles. Perhaps it's his dark eyes.
You really don't know. You just can't help but drawing him.
You'd like to draw his eyes after you've seen them even closer and realized how deep they really are, because you're sure they are, more than anything else in the world. Or, again, maybe it's the way he curls his lips as he smiles.
It's probably all together and he doesn't even realize it while a few meters away you're crouched on a chair, in a corner of the 51, almost invisible and your hand moves over a sheet and captures his image, without mistakes or smudges. You could be drawing Brian with your eyes closed by now.
"Are you still here?" Your half-sister, Leslie, asks, noticing you. You've been spending a lot of time at the 51 lately (and equally at the Molly's) officially because you're soon to be Boden's new secretary, secondly to spend time with Lesley. What you didn't expect was to find yourself spending most of your free time observing Brian, scribbling his face here and there, forcing yourself from time to time to portray other colleagues as well so as not to arouse suspicion. "Let me work Lesl" You reply, letting the pen run across the paper noisily. "Our Little Artist" Kelly teases you, ruffling your hair.
"When will you set up an exhibition with our portraits?" Herman asks, chuckling. "That wouldn't be a bad idea you know" Mills replies, winking. "Think about it y/n" You smile uneasily.
"I should find better models" You reply as Cruz and Otis - Brian - shake their heads. "Listen to the nonsense" Your eyes meet and you smile at him and he reciprocates before the siren of the imminent call forces him to leave. You sigh.
He fascinates you just like he torments you, you long for him and at the same time you are afraid to get to know him better. There's something sweet, genuine about him and you admire his courage and his work, but at the same time you're terrified because deep down what do you have to offer? What can make you interesting to him? You're just a failed student who needs to work here to make some money, a failed artist who has lost her inspiration, who can't help her sister in a difficult moment, who didn't get a degree, who can't control the emotions.
"You never color it" Boden has noticed one day, admiring your drawings. "I think it would ruin it" You have replied. The truth is that you are convinced that to do this, especially when it comes to Brian, you should need to see the color gradations of his skin, his face, his freckles or his eyes. It is incorrect to portray a subject and complete it inaccurately. You will use color on his drawings when and if you can see him at very close range. Closer than the Molly's counter or the 51. For now you settle for pencil or pen.
Sometimes you dwell too much on his well-defined lips. It's one of the parts you like to draw the most, after the eyes. Then you look at the finished drawing and wonder if you are experiencing something that will never happen, or not experiencing it at all. And with every call they come back with wounded expressions from a difficult intervention and some new scar on the body or the soul ans you wonder if it really makes sense to waste all this time.
It must be said : fate works in a curious way at times.
You're -again- drawing Brian, he's wearing his uniform and he's approaching the truck laughing with Mouch. The 51 is quieter than usual today and there are few calls, an unusual thing but you don't mind. You smile when Brian turns to face you and pretend to be focusing on someone else, momentarily terrified that he will think you're crazy. You place your pen on the table in front of you, tie your hair into a spooky ponytail, then start over with the care you reserve for important things. Brian  sighs, turning back in your direction, Mouch's hand on his shoulder as he shakes his head repeatedly. You wonder what they're talking about, you get the distinct feeling that it's you, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Stupid little girl.
" Someone has a crush" it's a voice behind you. The worst voice you could hear in this situation: Joe Cruz. Brian's best friend, roommate, his other half.
"Of all of us Otis? Why?" Cruz sits across from you, a hand under his chin and an inquisitive expression on his face that does not hide his happy grin. And you're terrified, now there's no way Brian won't know about it now. "I don't have a crush. I draw all of you Cruz" you reply, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"Yeah sure. You draw me once in a while, once of Herman, maybe three times of Kelly because it's particularly handsome, but I'm sure most of them are about Otis." You shake your head.
"What makes you think that?"
"I've been watching you Little Shay. You know, it's pretty obvious. You're not as good as you think at hiding." You open your eyes suddenly and feel your face get hot with embarrassment. Brian's eyes are still fixed on you and this with Cruz's words short-circuit you.
"If I were you I'd make a move" You need some fresh air. You get up and head for the exit, forgetting the notebook with your drawings on the table in a hurry.
When you come back for it, an hour and two cigarettes later, it's gone.
Two days, seven hours and a new notebook later, your half-sister has abandoned you at Molly's, a beer in front of you to finish and the light chatter of the last remaining customers. Someone sits next to you and lets their chair clatter to the floor. You don't turn around and stay focused on the beer because you know all too well who's next to you. Your senses alert, your heart furious. Brian.
"It's amazing" the voice is warm, but slightly high in pitch and secretly insecure. You shrug. "Thank you" you reply. Your brain is so muddy that you don't even wonder what it's referring to
"This is yours" now you look up and you see it. Brian's hand just reaching out to give you back the notebook. You stare at him dumbfounded. You admire the way the light falls on his face, how he smiled lightly and the lips you've always drawn so carefully, even more beautiful at that non-distance. For several seconds you don't say anything, but you stay still to study him, to study his colors, his embarrassed, sweet expression. Everything seems to stop to you.
"Otis, can you close?" Question Herman before leaving the pub, making you awaken and ashamed at the same time, realizing what you're getting into. You take the notebook without saying a word and start to get up and leave, but the boy's hand stops you, gently grabbing you by the wrist. It is soft, despite the hard work his skin is not rough. His warm skin seems to burn yours, leaving invisible marks.
You look at his fingers wrapped around your wrist, then at him, his dark eyes still fixed on you. He lets you go slowly, almost reluctant to break the contactn and you realize that he has the power to make you sit back, without saying a word.
"Sorry," you say sheepishly, looking away and letting your hair fall in front of your face to cover the blush on your cheeks.
"You shouldn't apologize" He replies, continuing to observe you. You feel his hand approaching your face, his fingers lingering near your hair, and you know what he's about to do, and you wish he would. You would like to him slowly pull your hair back, put it behind your ear, to let his big fingers slide against your skin and you would like to tilt your head to one side, to let yourself go to that contact. But he doesn't.
After a few moments he pulls his hand away, thinking maybe he's going too far.
Sure, your notebook is filled with portraits of him, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"You're good" He whispers. "You're really good little Shay, you shouldn't waste such a talent." You just smile, let a sheepish chuckle leave your lips. Brian doesn't say it, but he feels like he's never heard a better sound in his life. He wonders how he didn't notice it before. Of course, as soon as you arrived at 51 he immediately set his sights on you, but he never really did it with an intention: partly because you are Shay's little sister, partly because he never thought he had any chance despite what Cruz said.
In short, Cruz doesn't always have brilliant intuitions when it comes to women.
Maybe Dawson's jokes could have enlightened him, sure, but anyway...Brian has never been a phenomenon with girls, in a barracks full of men like Kelly Severide why would you have to look at him? And instead you looked at him all the time, drew him so much that it filled entire pages, tracing his features with a pen and making him look much more handsome, bold, courageous, appreciable than he probably was. Because you see him this way.
"At first I didn't know whether to come to you or keep the notebook," he admits. "Then I thought it was a good excuse to talk to you."
"You don't need an excuse to talk to me Brian" you answers automatically, without thinking. He smiles, feels his heart melt in his chest. Hardly anyone calls him Brian, especially at the station.
"I needed to find the courage" he murmurs, clearing his throat. "It's easy in the barracks, between one joke and another but talking... I mean for real... It is different. Especially with someone like you"
"Someone like me?" you raise an eyebrow as he smiles. He is impossibly beautiful as his cheeks turn pink.
"An interesting girl, a curious one. An artist y/n"
"You're the only one who thinks of me like that. Artist."
He shakes his head. "That's not true, we all think so and if you start showing your drawings the whole world would do it" You shyly grab his hand which is still on the table.
"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." He hold yours back and intertwines his fingers with yours. He seems made to hold your hand, he seems born to grab you, to keep you close. And you wonder if hugging him gives the same effect, if even his lips are made to kiss yours.
"Listen, y / n ...." he takes on a serious tone of voice and you almost worry.
"Why have you never colored me? I mean, do you see me in black and white somehow? Does my aura tell you something? I'm not an artist, so I don't really know how these things work, but it scared me to death. Do you see me in any strange way?" he looks nervous
"Is that what worries you?"
"What else should?"
"I mean you find the notebook of someone who drew you too many times to count and you're worried about the fact that I don't color you?" you use a hint of sarcasm, realizing this confuses you.
Part of you feared there would be a different reaction, not anger knowing Otis, but at least a detachment, a rebuke. Anyone else would have been upset, but not him, he seems happy. He studies you carefully.
"You think I haven't seen you?" Your eyes widen and total silence envelops you. "What?" You're the one who doesn't understand now.
"Do you really think I haven't noticed that you spent your time looking at me and drawing me?" he shakes his head, amused by your shocked expression  "You've been going on like this for months, aren't you going to pretend that you don't believe me?"
"I..." You can't say more. He laughs and you look at him, and then start laughing , because Brian has written "liar" on his forehead. "No, you didn't understand a damn thing my dear Brian" You retort.
"Oh I don't, but Cruz does. It was just hard to believe"
"And why?"
Brian doesn't answer, he caresses his goatee thoughtfully and you understand that you won't get the truth. Not yet. "Because you're beautiful y/n, people like you fly too many meters higher then me. In short..."
"I've looked at you from the start, Brian." You confess, this time without shame, your will to make him happy is stronger than any embarrassment. You know he needs to know it, to realize his value, for once to be the protagonist, the hero of your story, of your drawings, of your life. Him and no one else.
When silence returns, he turns to you again.
"So? Why didn't you color me?"
"I've never colored you because... I had to see you up close, really close, to be able to color you the way I want" you simply reply and he opens his mouth to say something, but he can't formulate anything, not when you continue. "Modigliani painted empty eyes, without pupils, because he couldn't paint what he didn't know: the souls of the people he was portraying. He only painted those of his partner Jeanne. I suppose it's the same for me. I can't color you without knowing the your true colors, without knowing what undertone your skin is or the paths that the veins form on your body."
Without realizing it, you've started to run your fingertip along his wrist, where the vein pulsates under the skin.
"Do you think." His voice is hoarse, scratched with emotion and excitement. "Do you think you'll give me the chance to let you find out?" He asks shyly. You nod with a slight smile.
"Are you asking me out Brian?"
"I'm asking you for dinner, then let's see what happens."
"Only one?"
"Maybe more than one"
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kiddbegins · 9 months
All Day - Brian Zvonecek | 18+
Requested: yes
Word count: 2,788
Warnings: smut [dirty talk, dry humping, fingering, unprotected sex (womp womp), creampie?], aftercare <3
A/n: yeah idk hi
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“Imagine how I good I’d feel inside you.” + “I didn’t know you were like this.”
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Being with Brian was probably the easiest thing you’d ever done. Easily. He was kind, and gentle, and loving. Just overall a sweet charmer. Working together meant a lot of your time together was spent on calls. 
And today had been intense, a helicopter crashing because of a couple of boys flying a drone was not something either of you expected from the shift but regardless of working on different companies, you and Brian saved a lady’s life. 
And god did he look good doing it. No seriously, seriously, if it wasn’t the life or death situation of a lady you would have been ogling over him the entire time, but you know, professionalism and all. Regardless, the way he took control over all of it? Knew what he was doing? 
Hot. Just so extremely, extremely hot. And it had been on your mind all day. Especially now as you were in the passenger seat of his car on your way to his place. It was difficult keeping your thoughts to yourself, but part of you worried that he’d be, weirded out? That you were turned on by him just doing his job.
So you sat, legs pressed together and your hand innocently in his. Even now as he drove your eyes shifted up from where you two were connected, over his arm, his partially covered bicep that now out of his uniform was only covered by the short sleeve of his button up, and over his face.
“I can feel you staring.” Brian spoke suddenly, glancing over without as much as a turn of his head. Instantly your cheeks went red, turning away from him with a shake of the head.
“I- No, I was just, admiring.” You blubbered out, shifting slightly. Getting caught looking was one thing but getting caught looking because you were having a million and one thoughts of him on top of you was embarrassing to say the least.
Brian turned his head to you briefly, “Mhm, well stop doing that. Hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Tickles,” He chuckled faintly, squeezing your hand. He was very obviously kidding but still, you turned your eyes to look out the window
If you didn’t look at him then maybe you’d be able to control yourself. Except when you got home and he instantly fell onto the couch with his shoes kicked off, you couldn’t help looking over him. 
This time your lingering gaze was not ignored, Brian twisting to look right back at you, “If you’re gonna stare, at least do so over here so I can hold onto you while you do,” He muttered, his hand stretching out lazily.
You sucked in a deep breath before walking over to him. “Maybe I want to admire you from afar.” You teased, grabbing onto his hand. The warmth of his palm made you sigh, instantly being drawn towards him.
“You could but,” Brian yanked your arm just slightly, pulling you onto his lap. “I couldn’t do this,” He smiled, eyes sliding over your face. With your legs around him, you bit your lip, shrugging just slightly.
It took nearly everything inside of you to not grind down against him, instead putting your arms over his shoulders, one hand slipping into his hair. “Hm, you’re right. I like this,” You grinned, feeling his hands sliding up your thighs. “Yeah, like this a lot.” 
Slowly you leaned forward, pressing your lips to him, giving up on whatever control you had over yourself. Brian was just too damn intoxicating and you couldn’t ignore it anymore. Apparently he was on the same page though, his grip going to your hips just tightly enough to push you down against him.
A soft groan rumbled through you, repeating the motion, this time without any outside force needed. As soon as you pulled back his lips were on your neck – hot open mouthed kisses going across your skin. “God I’ve wanted this all day,” You muttered out, tugging just slightly at his hair.
The tickle of his mustache always made you squirmy, that on top of the annoyance in your pants made you rock down against him steadily, not caring how needy it made you look. “All day?” Brian muttered, pushing your shirt off your shoulder.
“Well, since,” A moan cut you off as he sucked a mark onto your collarbone. “Since that helicopter call.” You weren’t going to say anything but as soon as it came out, his hands slid up your sides, one staying splayed out on your back.
Brian’s eyebrow lifted, confused on how you decided you wanted him like this on a call of all places. “The helicopter call?” He questioned, tucking stray strands of hair off of your face. Softly you hummed in response, scratching just slightly at his scalp.
“Mhm, watching you take everything apart, and lifting it. I don’t really know. Did something to me.” You burned red as you admitted it to him. He instantly shifted to grab the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up and off of you.
The sudden coldness of the room made you suck in a breath, his lips immediately connecting to your chest. You held him to your chest, the growing bulge in his jeans giving you more friction, his hands grabbing wherever they could.
Your sides, hips, thighs, ass. Everywhere. If he could touch you everywhere all at once he would. “You know,” You breathed out, looking down at him. “When I first met you, I didn’t know you were like this.” 
Honestly, meeting young Brian Zvonecek his first year on truck was crazy. He was a goofy guy. His hair was still unruly, he’d gotten better at styling it now but you liked it before either way. He’d filled out his uniform nicely, again, not that you weren’t infatuated from first sight but it was more so the growing together that got you. And you were thankful for that daily.
Brian’s hands went back up your thighs, squeezing as they did. “Yeah, and I didn’t know I was like this, either. And I thought you were shy when I first met you... Now look at you, huh?” He always did manage to have a sort of cocky attitude when he had you like this. Which, lucky for him, was pretty often.
You left out a soft whimper at his tone, biting your lip. Brian reached up more, moving to unbutton your jeans, looking up at you. Easily you shifted enough to get them off, not caring that you were just in your underwear and bra, not when his eyes hungrily grazed over you.
Your fingers found the clasp of his belt and button of his jeans, looking over his face, “You’re overdressed for the occasion.” You leaned forward into his ear, whispering softly. Without any hesitation, he shifted you off of him, standing to shove off his pants, the buckle hitting the floor with a clang.
No matter how many times you saw his body it alway, always made you want him more than you originally did. Though, watching the button up hit the floor was always a bit upsetting, you always loved them. Especially this one, red, birds all over it. He was wearing it the first time he fingered you so it always brought back memories to say the least.
As soon as he was sat back on the couch, the only thing covering him being his boxers, he reached his hand out again. Easily you crawled back onto his lap, lips crushed together the second you could. 
Every movement together made him groan, his hands reaching around to finally unclasp the bra that covered your chest. As soon as it joined the other clothes on the floor, he slid his hands up your chest, cupping each breast in his hands.
Your back involuntarily arched towards him, his fingers tweaking your nipples as you did. A low groan bubbled in the back of your throat, bucking your hips down against him. “God Bri, you feel so good.” Each word was mumbled but he understood each of them, his mouth coming up to your ear.
He pressed a kiss right under it, still feeling you up, “Imagine how good I’d feel inside of you.” The words came out before he could even think them over, the pure lust and horniness front and foremost in his mind.
Neither of you were even sure what to say, you out of pure shock at his confidence and how much that turned you on and him out of slight embarrassment. Regardless it went away within seconds, you shifting onto your back and pulling him on top of you.
“Say that again.” You muttered, craning your head up to kiss his neck. He shook his head slightly, going to decline. “Brian, that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. Say it again.” 
That was enough to spark something inside of him, his fingers walking up the inside of your thigh, “Well in that case, I said, imagine how good I’d feel inside of you.” His index finger danced along the top of your underwear, agonizingly slow over the exact spot you actually wanted him, your eyes hooded as he looked over you.
Impatiently you tried to lift into him, his touch pulling away as you did. He kneeled back onto his knees, fingers racing up to loop over the band. As always, he hesitated, waiting for a sure nod and yes before doing anything. “Go ahead,” You spoke firmly with a nod, already lifting your hips up for him to remove the last layer of your clothing.
Brian pulled them off, his hands going right back to the upper most part of your thighs. Gently he nudged one of your legs around him, propped up under one of the pillows on the couch. “I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” He muttered, trailing a finger through your folds, collecting as much of your arousal as he could.
You nodded quickly, your hands balled into fists to try and keep yourself still for him. Not that he was much of a tease, not on days like this. He was always the type to give you just what you wanted, it was in his blood. He was a pleaser. And boy did he please.
So it was no surprise how quickly and easily he pressed his middle finger into you, curling it up like he had done this a million times. Your eyes glazed over his body, trickling down to where he moved his digit inside of you. “Fuck, Brian,” His name practically dripped the same way you were out of you.
He watched how you reacted to each movement, slipping his ring finger in as soon as your hips bucked up, unable to stay still anymore. Every pump made a disgusting squelch but he was hitting the exact spot, your hand coming up to grab onto his arm.
“Just- just like that,” You groaned out, nodding tightly. There was an attempt to keep your eyes on him. Really, but as soon as you started to clench around him and the outer edge of your vision went white, you scrunched your eyes closed. 
Brian slowly slowed inside of you, making sure to ride you out of the high entirely before he leaned over you, making a show of licking over his fingers. “For someone so gorgeous, you taste just as good.” He spoke, leaning down to kiss you before you could even say anything back.
Granted no words were even coming to your mind, just overwhelmed with the pulsing in between your legs. That and the bulge that was still hidden away. You reached between the two of you, palming at him. 
“I think these should come off.” You sighed out, him kissing your cheek, and then jaw before sitting back like he had before, this time discarding his boxers. Instantly you felt yourself clench around nothing, always a mess for him. “God, please fuck me.” You muttered, more so under your breath and to yourself but not unheard to the man above you.
“Trust me. I plan to,” He hummed, sliding his fingers through your mess, using the wetness to get himself ready, not that he wasn’t already completely swollen and dripping his own precum. You whined faintly, sensitive to the touch as you tried to push closer to him.
He leaned down, kissing your lower stomach before gently sliding inside of you. Your mouth gaped open as he did, your hand once again found his arm, wrapping around his forearm. Slowly he started to thrust into you, planting himself on either side of your head.
Your gaze would have stayed on his face if you weren’t distracted by the way his bicep tightened as he held himself up. And you were sure if you could see the way his back muscles looked right now, you’d be a complete and utter mess. Well, more so than you already were.
“This what you wanted from me all day?” Brian noted the way your eyes were locked on his arm. “For me to be on top of you like this?” His hips snapped up, the usually gentle man unable to help how turned on he was.
Having someone be so attracted to him that they were thinking about him at work? When they weren’t being all coupley at home? When he was just, being Otis? Just being Brian? It worked its way into his mind and each hit into you was enough proof you needed of that.
Your eyes went back up to his face, eyebrows pulled together as you nodded, “Yes, god, yes it was.” You moaned out, the way your mouth hung open the perfect chance for Brian to run his thumb over your bottom lip.
“How bad?” You didn’t answer right away, making him lean closer to you. “How badly did you want me to fuck you while we were at work?” He repeated, his palm pushed to the side of your face, holding you there.
The knot in your stomach was already tightening, everything about how he was acting simply sent you over. “So bad baby,” You whined, “So so bad.” A breath caught in your throat as you dug your nails into his skin.
Before you could give warning, your back lifted, electricity running throughout your entire body as you tightly clenched around him. “Bri-” His name didn’t even come out louder than a squeak as he kept his pace up, chasing his own release.
It wasn’t far behind yours, the man only stilling with a groan as he came, filling all of you up. Your eyes locked on one another, his thumb lightly gracing your cheek. Once you’d both pulled yourselves together he leaned down to grab his boxers, putting them underneath you before pulling out.
That was the only thing that kept your mess from getting onto the furniture but he leaned down, peppering soft kisses over your face, the hair above his lip making your nose scrunch up. He waited a couple moments before pressing a long and firm kiss to your lips. “You alright?” Brian made sure to question, taking your soft nod as a good enough answer.
Slowly he stood, grabbing onto your hands to help you up and into the bathroom. “Here, go to the bathroom, I’ll start a bath for you and go clean up okay?” His voice was soft, planting a gentle kiss to your forehead as you sat on the toilet.
Without another word he turned the water on to get warm before disappearing from the room, reappearing a couple minutes later with a new set of clothes for both of you nicely folded. “You want help getting in?” Brian offered, gingerly taking your hand to help you stand and step into the bathtub. 
The two of you sat there for a bit, Brian washing your hair for you while leaving more and more kisses over your shoulders and the back of your neck. Once you were out, dry and clothed, the two of you moved to his bed, his arms wrapped around you.
Slightly you shifted to face him, placing your hand on the side of his face, “Can I tell you a secret?” You asked, a smile fighting to grow on your face. He nodded instantly, mumbling an ‘always’ under his breath. “I love you.”
A blush crossed his cheeks as he thought for a second. “Can I tell you a secret?” He countered, raising his eyebrows together. With a giggle you nodded, already knowing what was going to be said. 
“I love you too.”
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Tags: @winchesterszvonecek
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Right in front of you | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Reader pronouns used: she/her Prompt: "Is that a hickey?" Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1k
You loved to cook at the firehouse around the corner, on your days off from the family owned restaurant you worked at. Besides loving to cook, it was also a way for you to see your girlfriend when she was on shift. The environment at 51 was also not bad, you loved being around the people that Shay called her family, even though most of them didn’t know you and Shay were a thing. The two of you didn’t mind people knowing, you just didn’t want to make telling people such a big deal. Severide and Dawson knew for sure as they were her best friends, and maybe some other people had guessed and just never mentioned it. There were however also a few people that were definitely still clueless, like Cruz and Otis, as they were about to prove to you once again, you realized when you saw them walk in with their eyes focussed on you.
“Good morning boys, how was the call?” You ask as you put some scrambled eggs and bacon on a plate for each of them. Cruz was quick to give you an answer, priding himself on saving the day. “I rescued an old lady from her house before it was engulfed in flames.” Otis quickly chimes in, “Not before I located her and told you where to find her.” It was adorable how hard they were trying.  “Sounds like a great start to the day, then.” You smile. 
You had been coming to prepare food at the station for a few months now. When Shay had breakfast duty one day she asked if you could prepare breakfast for take out at the restaurant, after she relayed the many compliments the team gave to the food, you had suggested coming over to cook breakfast in the firehouse once a week, much to Shay and the team's liking. 
Not a day at the firehouse went by without Cruz and Otis trying to flirt with you. Not responding to their flirts or not showing the same interests back didn't stop them from trying every time, though. You had mentioned it to Shay after the first time it happened, wanting to be open about it. She just laughed at their antics with you, before she pecked your lips and told you, “You just tell them off or tell them about us if it gets annoying, okay?” So far, you had just found it funny, and decided to see how long they were going to keep this up, still not in any way giving them a signal that you were interested in them, of course.
You were still making scrambled eggs when Shay and Dawson got back from their call. They walked right up to you for their food, a cup of coffee, and of course they started a conversation with you. When they sat down with the rest of the team Shay overheard Cruz and Otis whispering amongst themselves. “We should start a bet on who will be able to get y/n to go on a date with them first.” She exchanges a look with Dawson, both of them working hard on keeping their laughter in. Shay, like you, thought their antics were hilarious, so she didn't stop them, unless you would get uncomfortable by it. 
Shay joins the conversation of their other teammates. She gets tired of her hair in her face so she puts her hair up in a quick messy bun. “Wow, Shay, is that a hickey?” Mills gasps. Dawson turns Shay's head her way so she can see for herself. “Sure looks like a hickey, Mills, never seen one before?” The brunette jokes. The rest of the team starts bombarding your girlfriend with questions, you look over to the group as it starts quite the commotion. “Okay, okay, calm down. You all get one question.” Shay says, knowing these people well enough to know they were going to drop it.
Capp starts off the questioning round. “Is she hot?” He immediately gets a shove to the shoulder by Tony, “Was that seriously the best you could do?” After he shrugs, Shay answers, “Yes, she's very hot.” Mills goes next, “One night stand?” She shakes her head, “No.” The team shares a look before Casey asks the next question, “Does Severide know who it is then?” Severide answers that one, letting the team know that he does. Otis decides to ask the next question, “Do we know her?” Shay noticed that you were walking towards the table with your own plate of food. “Yes, you do.” She says. You can see their brains working overtime, and have to try to hold in your laugh, as you sit down besides Shay. 
You share a look with Shay, letting her know that however she wants to handle this, it is okay with you. She smiles and puts her arm over the back of your chair. “It's really not that hard to think of a person that you all know.” She says, pulling their eyes back to her. The arm on your chair makes its way to your side, as she pulls you closer to her. “She's literally sitting right in front of you.” After finishing her sentence she places a kiss on your forehead and keeps holding you close. Most of the reactions to the news were comments along the lines of that’s great, congratulations, or you’ve got to keep this one around followed by Mouch pointing to the food and then giving a thumbs up. Of course, those reactions were all great, however, your favorite reactions were those of Cruz and Otis. Their eyes widened when they realized they had been flirting with Shay’s girlfriend for weeks. 
The newly found information made the team quickly forget about the hickey that started the conversation, as the team was happy to see Shay so happy with you. They continued asking you both questions, how did you meet? and how long have you been together? until the alarm rang and all companies were being called to a scene. Shay kisses you before getting up, “Thank you for breakfast, baby.” 
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: So I did a little something, so here you go Resa @deanstead 😘
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A lone figure rushed into the hospital, as if electrified by a current of intense anxiety. Arriving at the hospital’s emergency department, the individual came to an abrupt halt, dripping wet and their eyes scoured the room with panic and worry.
Luckily, the person was not alone. Another lone figure stood behind a desk, and knew exactly who the person was and why they were in the state they were. “Matt!” called the woman, beckoning him forward. Matt ran towards her, placing both his hands upon the reception desk.
“Maggie! Where is she?” rambled Matt to Maggie. “I just got the call-” he started, but Maggie cut him off and did her best to try and calm him down. She was a nurse, and she needed to calm him down now like she would with any other patient or family member.
“She’s okay, Matt! Fourth floor, room 128,” replied Maggie as she watched Matt slowly start to breathe normally once again. “Take the stairs, it’ll be quicker, and good luck.”
Matt nodded, smiling with nervous anticipation. The day had come. Granted it had arrived on the same day he had been stuck out on the Kennedy Expressway with a multi-vehicle accident and fires everywhere from the crashes due to the awful bad weather. He had been lucky that Boden had finally received notification via his radio.
“Thanks, Maggie,” replied Matt with a quick grin before he proceeded to run off in the direction of the stairwell. The nurse shook her head fondly, making note to go up later on.
Even though he was still in his turnout gear, it did not bother or make him any less determined, with Matt taking at least two steps at a time. He had to get there, he could not miss this moment of a lifetime and one he had been waiting for oh so long.
Skidding out onto the fourth floor, Matt frantically looked around for any signs or directions to Room 128. It was just his luck that Dr. Will Halstead was also on the same floor of Chicago Med and instantly noticed the Fire Captain.
“Hey Matt, go left and its near the end of the hallway,” said Will, grinning at his friend. He was extremely excited for his friend today.
Matt nodded. “Thanks!” he replied loudly as he hurried off in that direction. Nurses and doctors recognised him, and let him get to where he was going. They knew what was happening, they knew how important this was.
It didn’t take long for Matt to find the room, 128, and he quickly burst through the door, and it was only then that he knew that he had not missed anything.
“Matt! Oh god, you’re here,” you exclaimed with a yelp, reaching one arm out towards him. Matt instantly ran over and took grasp of it, holding your hand tight within his own.
Matt grinned, his blue eyes wet with unshed tears as he watched your face, much like his own. This was the moment, here on the fourth floor.
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, sweetheart,” said Matt as he watched your face scrunch up. His heart broke at the sight, and Matt softly brushed the loose hair away from your face.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face, even with the unimaginable pain you were going through. Matt Casey had the ability to make you smile, laugh and feel like everything was going to be okay and feel so utterly loved and empowered.
“Lets have our baby, Matt.”
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