#Chicago meda
beardedmrbean · 2 months
A postal worker was shot dead on Friday while working on her route in Chicago, according to officials.
Octavia Redmond, 48, of Chicago, was shot at around 11.40pm local time by an unknown shooter, who then jumped in a vehicle and sped away, according to police.
Redmond suffered several gunshot wounds, including to her chest, and was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn in critical condition. She was later pronounced dead at 12.20pm, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.
According to Fox 32, the killer may have trailed Redmond before attacking her. The attacker’s white Dodge Durango was discovered torched on Saturday.
Redmond had delivered mail along the block where she was shot for around two years.
Witness Meda Robinson, 68, was in her house when she heard about 10 shots. She said she often stopped to chat with Redmond.
“She was a really nice person, she was a beautiful person,” Robinson told the Chicago Sun-Times. “I can’t understand who would come at her like that.”
The motive for the attack has not been established and no arrests have yet been made.
US Postal inspectors are investigating alongside police, according to spokesperson Michael Martel, and a $250,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the attacker.
The US Rep Jonathan Jackson made a statement on Saturday, calling for a summit with law enforcement agencies to address the “crisis” of postal workers killed or assaulted on the job.
Redmond was a “wife, mother, grandmother, and citizen who was simply going about her normal day on the job to contribute to what makes our city work for all of us,” said Jackson.
“We must embrace the Redmond family and take immediate action to assure Chicago postal workers that we will do what it takes to make their jobs safer,” Jackson wrote.
There has been growing concern about an increase in crimes against postal workers. The number of postal carriers robbed in 2023 rose on the previous year and the number of injuries nearly doubled, despite USPS pledging a crackdown.
The number of postal workers who were injured nearly doubled.
An armed robbery of a postal worker was caught on CCTV in California in May, and last month a Pennsylvania postal worker needed 16 stitches after a dog attack.
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thefatgirloffashion · 6 years
Tips For Plus Size Online Dating
Tips For Plus Size Online Dating
Have you ever thought about online dating?  I’m going to dip my toe into the dating pool again.  I’ve been so focused on my blog and working 9-5pm dating has been the last thing on my mind.  I created this blog post on Tips For Plus Size Online Dating as a refresher for myself and a push for another looking to join me.  Maybe I could start us new daters a Facebook group?
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brokcnbutunbowcd · 4 years
she laughs like god (her mind's like a diamond)
Alright, so here’s the first part of the Meda Wayne story I was talking about writing! I had so much fun with this, and I really want to know what you all think so please do let me know, and feel free to reblog this if you like it! Just some notes about this story:
1. For the purposes of this story, I've aged James Gordon, Jr. from an infant to about eight years old. I have a very firm timeline for this story, and this is something that just made it work better.
2. In this story, Barbara Gordon is James Gordon's biological daughter.
3. I got the math wrong, so I'm just pretending that Anastasia came out in 1998 because I really like that theme for this story. Meda was born in 1993, which would've made her five in 1998.
4. Right now, the story contains elements from Batman: Year One, as well as Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper and Batman Annual 13: Waiting in the Wings, if you want to read along.
I also cross-posted this to AO3, which I’ll link at the bottom if you want to check it out there!
It was a chilly December day before the night that Meda Wayne’s life was set on the course that would define it. Only, she wasn’t Meda Wayne back then, you see, Gotham’s beloved daughter and heiress to the Wayne family fortune. No, she was just a little girl named Meda Carter, and although she knew she didn’t have very much, she was happy. Her mother and father were the kindest, best people in the world in her eyes, and even though they lived in a small apartment in the Narrows, (which even at five, Meda could understand meant a not-very-nice part of Gotham) she knew herself to be very lucky.
On the particular morning our story starts, Meda was sitting on the couch in what could charitably be called her living room, bouncing up and down in anticipation. It was the first day of Christmas break, and her father had brought in enough money from his odd jobs around the city to take the little family out to the movies. The little girl had been wanting to see this particular film for weeks now, and she couldn’t believe she had to wait all day before they could leave. Her mother had suggested she distract herself by turning on the television, and so there Meda was, flipping through the channels when she stopped on something curious.
She recognized one of the news programs from the blue ribbon wrapped around the bottom of the screen, but instead of the usual flashing lights and crime scene tape that she’d come to associate with the news, the camera was focused on a man, walking through what appeared to be an airport. He was young and handsome, with dark hair and striking blue eyes. He was surrounded by reporters and cameramen, and a curious Meda turned up the volume on the television to hear what the reporter was saying about him.
“The twenty-five year old heir to the Wayne billions declined to comment on the rumors of romance in his life, or on his plans on his return to Gotham after twelve years abroad,” a woman with a short brown bob was saying.
“Who’s that, mommy?” Meda asked as her mother entered the room from the bedroom.
Eliza Carter glanced at the TV and blinked in surprise. “That’s Bruce Wayne.” She took a seat next to her daughter on the couch and stared at the screen intently. “Wonder what brought him back to town.”
“Probably got bored of running through his trust fund in Europe,” James Carter said as he came into the room. He leaned down to give his wife a kiss on the cheek and his daughter one on the forehead. “Morning, girls.”
“What’s a trust fund?” Meda asked curiously.
“It’s a big bank account that rich people have,” her father explained, lifting her up and settling her on his lap. “You know the big tower in the middle of the city?” Meda nodded, “That’s his family’s company. He owns it. And he lives in a big house on the outskirts of Gotham City that our apartment could fit in over a hundred times.”
“No way!” Meda exclaimed.
“Way!” Her father confirmed, then sighed. “And it all belongs to that one lucky S.O.B.”
“What’s an S.O.B?” Meda asked, confused.
“James,” her mother chided, with a glance in her daughter’s direction. “Be nice.You know what the poor man’s been through.”
“Bad things happen to people every day in this town,” her father countered. “The rest of us don’t have a mansion and a billion-dollar fortune to fall back on.”
“What bad thing happened to him?” Meda asked, pointing at the screen.
“Don’t you go giving a thought to people like Bruce Wayne, sweetheart,” her father said dismissively. “Lord knows he doesn’t give a thought to people like us.”
Meda Carter had no way of knowing, but this day was significant for more than just Bruce Wayne’s return to town. It also marked the arrival of one Lieutenant James Gordon to Gotham City. He was met with far less fanfare than Bruce Wayne was, taking the train into the city and being joined by only one detective, Flass, before his meeting with Commissioner Loeb.
He’d had a bad feeling about the department from the moment he met Flass, and now he knew his first judgement to have been the correct one. After watching the detective brutalize a teenager for no reason other than standing in his line of sight, Jim knew this shouldn’t be the place he was raising his family. Still, he reminded himself that this was his best shot. After what had happened in Chicago, he needed it. His family needed it. And if all this fresh start required of him was that he keep his mouth shut, then he could do that.
He hoped.
He was called out to his first crime scene that night. Double homicide, the Narrows. Typrical, according to Flass as they drove their way to the scene.
Getting out of the car nearly before the car had even stopped, Jim approached the responding officer and asked, “What’ve we got?”
The officer looked young, and a little green. The violence that was so prevalent in Gotham must not have jaded him yet. Jim felt sorry for the poor kid. “We’ve got a double, sir, husband and wife shot in what we think was a botched robbery. James and Eliza Carter, both twenty-four. Husband worked as a handy-man around the city, wife was a store clerk.”
“Who called 9-1-1?”
“The neighbor, sir. She’s a hooker, was with a john when it happened. Didn’t see the guy before or after. She called the police when she heard the witness screaming.”
“Witness?” Jim was surprised. That hadn’t come through over the radio. He turned to look at Flass, who shrugged in a what-can-you-do type manner. “What witness?”
“Couple’s daughter.” The officer pointed to the crowd of vehicles with flashing lights surrounding the scene. There, in the center, was an ambulance. A small child was sitting in the back, shivering, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. “Looks like the family interrupted the perp when they came home. Place is ransacked.”
Jim cursed. “How old is she?”
“Five, sir.”
Jim sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. “Want me to take her statement, Jimmy?” Flass asked.
“No!” Jim said too quickly. Clearing his throat, he said more softly this time, “No. I’ll do it.”
“Suit yourself.”
He let out one more sigh before steadying himself and making his way over to the ambulance. As he approached, he got a better look at the girl. Her hair was plaited down the back in two neat, black braids, and her green eyes were filled with tears. Her jeans were covered in blood. She looked up as he approached, still shaking. Nodding to the paramedics, he took a seat on the back of the ambulance next to her, careful to leave enough room so as not to frighten her. Scared children were a bit like scared animals, he’d discovered. You had to work to earn their trust.
“Hi there,” he said gently. She said nothing. “Can you tell me your name, sweetheart?” She mumbled something that he couldn’t entirely make out. “What was that?”
“My name is Meda Carter,” she said, a little louder, with the pride that only little children could show for their own names.
“Meda,” he repeated it to himself. “That’s a beautiful name.” She murmured her thanks, and he had to smile a bit. Even after what she’d seen, she hadn’t forgotten her manners. She must’ve been raised well. “Can you tell me what happened tonight, Meda?”
She was quiet for so long that Jim wondered if she would speak at all, when finally she said, “We were coming home from the movies.”
He waited for more. When none came, he asked, “What movie did you see?”
“Was it good?”
She nodded. “It was sad, but it had a happy ending.”
He hummed in acknowledgment, then lowered his voice. “What happened when you came home?”
Tears flooded her eyes anew and she started to sob. Jim instinctively put an arm around her and pulled her into his side, making soothing motions on her back the way he had with Barbara and James when they were very young. She wept into his chest for a long time, until she seemed to be all cried out and pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I got tears all over your shirt.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” he told her. “Don’t you worry about a thing. If you’re not ready to talk tonight, we can wait. We can-”
“No,” she said, surprisingly firmly. “You need my help, right? To find the man who hurt my parents?” Her voice quivered, but she met his eyes steadily.
Jim hesitated. “Yes, we do.”
Nodding, she took a deep breath before beginning. “We were coming home from the movies,” she said again. “When we got home, there was a man standing in our living room. He had a gun in his hand. My daddy went to stand in front of us, and then there was a really loud bang, and he fell to the floor, and then mommy screamed, and she fell to the floor, and he just looked at me and ran out of the room.” She said all this in a rush, as if to get it all out before she dissolved into tears again.
“That’s great, you’re doing real great, sweetheart.” Jim encouraged her. “Can you tell me what he looked like.”
She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. “He was young. Younger than my daddy, I think.” That was promising. Jim made a mental note of it before turning his attention back to Meda. “He had brown hair, and eyes too I think. I don’t really remember that well.”
“That’s okay. Just tell me what you can remember.”
“He was tall,” she continued. “And real skinny.”
“How tall? Taller than me?” Jim stood to his full height.
Meda nodded. “And skinnier than you, too.”
Jim laughed. Meda didn’t seem to know what it was she’d said that was funny, but she gave a watery smile nonetheless. “Lots of people are. Tell me, was he taller than Detective Flass over there?” He pointed to the tall blonde detective, still speaking with the responding officer.
She thought about it, before shaking her head. “About the same height, I think.”
“Good. That’s perfect, Meda, you did a wonderful job.” The adrenaline seemed to have drained out of her, and she slumped against his side.
“Lieutenant Gordon?”
Jim looked up to see a dark-haired woman looking at him expectantly. “I’m with Social Services. If you’re finished with Meda, we’d like to take her for the night, now.”
Meda started shaking again at the woman’s words, and Jim held up a hand to give him a moment. “Meda,” he said softly. “I’m going to go talk to this woman for a minute, and then we’re going to take care of you, alright? I promise.”
She still looked petrified, but she nodded bravely, and Jim gave her shoulder one last squeeze before getting up and leading the woman a short distance away. Lowering his voice to make sure the little girl couldn’t hear, he asked, “You’re taking her to a group home?” The woman nodded. “She’s just been through a massive trauma. She should be with family.”
“I agree,” the woman said, not unkindly. “But she has no family. We checked. Both parents were only children. Her last grandparent died last year. The Carter’s were very young, and seemed to have lost touch with a lot of their friends. There’s simply no one to take her in.”
“Lieutenant Gordon?”
Jim turned to see an older woman with graying hair and a warm smile standing behind him. “Yes?”
“I’m Dr. Leslie Thompkins. I run the clinic down the street. The Carter’s and their daughter were patients of mine.” When he nodded, she continued on, “I couldn’t help but overhear your discussion, and, well…”
“You’d be willing to take her in?” Jim asked hopefully. “Just for now, until we figure something out?”
“Not me, no,” Dr. Thompkins said. She smiled. “I think I know someone even better.”
It was clear to even the most sheltered passerby that Bruce Wayne did not belong there. Everything from his salon-styled hair to his designer boots was stood out in this run-down, hopeless place. As he strode through the people in uniform and the paramedics, each one, without fail, stopped to stare. It was a good thing he’d driven his own car. He expected being chauffeured by your butler would’ve made him look even more spoiled and pampered.
He sighed. Another complication.
If he was going to go forward with his crusade, (and he was going forward with it, no matter what scheme Leslie had cooked up to dissuade him), he needed to be someone other than Gotham’s young prince. Too bad he couldn’t figure out what that was.
He pasted the careless smile on his face that he’d been honing to perfection as he made his way past the flashing lights and sirens to the ambulance where the little girl still waited. He turned to one of the officers posted on the street and asked, “Is that her?”
The man gawked at him. “Uh, yes, sir.”
“Great.” Bruce flashed a grin and strolled off towards the child, his careful mask slipping when he caught sight of her knees, painted red. And suddenly he was transported to another night, another street, another child kneeling in a pool of his parents’ blood.
The memories. He couldn’t escape them.
At his approach, the child looked up and stared at him with wide eyes. Whether she was frightened or in awe of him, he couldn’t tell.
“Meda?” he asked gently, getting down on his knees so he could be at her level when talking to her. “I’m-”
“I know who you are,” she cut him off. So she did recognize him, then. “I saw you on the news this morning.”
He gave her a small smile that she didn’t return. “I just got back into town. I heard…I heard that something really bad might’ve happened to you tonight.” She looked down at her feet and didn’t reply. “You know, when I was about your age, just a little bit older, something really bad happened to me, too.” She looked up at him then, head tilted in curiosity. “You see, a very bad man hurt both of my parents, too.” Her eyes widened.
“Did they die, too?” she whispered.
“Yes,” he said, ignoring the stab of pain he felt at talking about it. “Dr. Thompkins is a friend of mine. You remember her, right?” She nodded. “She thought…that is, she felt it might be good if you came to stay with me for a while. With someone who understands.” She continued to look at him, face impassive. “You don’t have to, of course. But is that something that might be okay with you?”
“Yes,” she said, surprisingly quickly.
“Are you sure,” he asked, startled by the rapid response and her quick trust in a stranger after what had happened to her. “Because-”
She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. “I don’t have anywhere else to go, do I?”
Biting his lip, he shook his head. Meda let out one final sob, and looked up at him, her gaze suddenly steady.
“Then yes.”
AN: Next up is Meda's first introduction to Alfred and the Manor, so stay tuned for that! AO3 link is https://archiveofourown.org/works/29648013
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Zerfall - 14/14
Pairing: Bucky x named!Reader (Agent Andromeda) Summary: After Hydra drops virus bombs in 7 major American cities in the height of summer, the team is locked in their emergency bunker for weeks. The virus commonly called the Summer Poison successfully brought the infrastructure to a halt in all big cities. When the virus slowly starts burning itself out SHIELD Agents and Avengers are sent out to bring back order into the cities and the international relationships. Not without hurdles. Warnings for this chapter: 18+, smut, oral female receiving, plain old missionary, flirting, fluff. A/N: Not proofread. Don’t forget that there is still a little Epilogue coming!
Zerfall Masterlist || M a s t e r l i s t
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“While you were busy saving the big cities we finally finished the cure. The vaccine is ready but still needs to go through a test phase.” Bruce smiled proudly and Helen clapped her hands in excitement. “I’m doing better. Still need a couple of days but Wanda has been working so great that we have 75% of Queens occupied again.” Magnolia grinned sleepily. “New York is on a good way up but DTF is a big threat in the distance that will need more work as soon as the other cities are more secure.” You looked at all the people in the call. “Atlanta is almost done. Will probably be back in a week to bring them some stuff from New York.” Tony answered immediately. “We are mostly done but have the whole government situation, so this will take a while.” Nat said sitting at the desk in the oval office. Honestly a sight you could get used to. “LA is done too, thanks to the other agents here. Gonna help out until you come and get me.” Sam grinned his usual grin. “Chicago will be a little more work.” Clint answered a bit stressed out. “Well, at least Pepper was able to get back some balance with Germany, China and Canada. That’ll make it a little easier in the coming months.” You smiled at Mrs. Potts hologram. “Let’s get the electricity back up and a few of Tony’s nice inventions and get the streets of New York clear again and have this state function again.” You clapped before saying your goodbyes. “Victory pizza?” Bucky asked and you nodded exhausted. “I’ll make it, go shower. You look awful.” He grinned at you. “Thank you, you look absolutely horrible too, asshole.” You rolled your eyes and got a chuckled back. The second you came back into the kitchen you attacked him with a washcloth. “Meda!” He yelled out and tried to get you to stop. “James Barnes, you’re dirty and I don’t want that in my food.” You laughed. “I’m dirty?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Shut up and go shower while I make the rest of the pizza, Buckaroo.” You giggled and shushed him away.
“You know...I really appreciate how protective you are with me,” you mumbled between two bites of the pizza. “Really? I just kinda...do it.” He shrugged with a shy smirk. “It’s very sweet, even though you concern me sometimes with how intense you get.” You giggled. “Everything or nothing!” He said pinching your waist. “Alright. Alright! Stop!” You giggled with warm fingers pinching you over and over. “You know, I’ve never protected someone like this. I let Steve run into shit and feel the consequences, hell, I still do that today.” He grinned. “And what does that tell you?” You said scooting closer to his side. “Well, uuh, um.” He scratched his head, figuring out how to form sentences again. “I didn’t make you this nervous when we danced earlier.” You chuckled and put your legs over his lap. “Um, I guess, you’re...wait, no, let me say this the right way.” He went silent for a moment. “You’re the most talented, sassy and beautiful person I know...and I guess I kinda have a tiny crush on you, maybe.” He was fully blushing by now and god was it adorable. “You sure? I always think I’d be a bad person to date.” You looked down. “Don’t know who made you feel that way but I sure as hell love to be around you,” he said crystal clear and pulled you a little closer. “Really?” You looked up into loving, calming eyes. “Really.” His cold fingers were running over your hair. “I’d love to at least give it a try, James.” The corners of your mouth were not sure where to go. “Can I?” He asked caressing your face with one brow up and your mouth finally formed a smile. Warm lips captured yours and a cozy feeling started to surround you together with the security of his arms around you. You climbed fully onto his lap, not interrupting what you were doing one second and deepened the kiss, getting a low groan back. Tongues started to dance with one another while hands grabbed into hair. Not that you didn’t feel his safety before but now you were bathing in it. When there finally was a moment you needed air the two of you went apart with shy smiles. “I guess I should finally tell you this. My real name is…” you got closer to his ear telling him your secret, making him blush and smirk simultaneously. “Fuck, I’m suddenly unable to keep my hands off you.” He winked with a dorky smile shortly after. “I suddenly don’t mind you touching me.” You winked back, a little more serious than him and got blushed cheeks back. “You know exactly what you’re doing.” He whispered in awe but also starting to squint. “And you can’t say that you hate it.” You grinned while drawing circles on his neck. “No, I love it.” He closed his eyes leaning into the touch. “I think we both need a little relaxation after all of this bullshit,” you whispered, now with your lips right by his ear. A grumble was not a clear answer but a good enough one for you to continue. Your lips landed on the opposite side of where you were drawing circles. You didn’t think he’d reveal his weak points that easily, but you guessed it was the female charm. He grabbed into your hips with a, “I think I died back there and went to heaven.” “Glad you can finally admit that it’s where you’d go.” You chuckled before planting another kiss. “You make me forget,” he whispered barely audible before pulling you against himself abruptly. Your lips kissed a soft line up to his ear, “Then make me forget the shit that happened today.” He pushed your head to be able to look you into the eyes with slight concern. “I promised to protect you, would’ve killed them myself if Wanda wouldn’t have been there. Nobody hurts my badass nerd.” He caressed your face. “I know, but I need my mind off those things, so please…” You said almost whiny before rolling your hips against his. A sharp inhale and a groan where audible followed by hot lips landing on yours again, tongues exploring further. With another roll of your hips and another, even deeper growl, a cold hand wandered under the soft fabric of your jumper. A gasp of pleasure made him pause for a second, probably in fear of hurting you, you knew his quirks by now. The jumper was taken off painfully slow before his head dove down to your throat. “Such a beautiful sight,” he whispered against you, hot breath hitting your skin. Your hands went from his neck to grabbing into his damp hair and ended up fumbling with the hem of his t-shirt. “James, please,” you whined out and got a grumble back before he took it off with your eyes on him. An unsure smile was directed at you and your fingers went over his scars, “You’re the strongest person I know.” “Then you haven’t met yourself.” He grinned and grabbed your thighs to pick you up and make the two of you comfortable on the couch behind you. Having him towering over you wasn’t an entirely new experience thanks to the accident injuring Magnolia but with the uniform removed...you were biting your lip while your fingers wandered over his chest towards his sweatpants. You looked back up to his face, seeing a weird mix of awe and lust reflecting back. “Sorry, I just...that bra is…” He tried but his pupils widened and he attacked you with another passionate kiss. “It’s just a normal black bra.” You chuckled panting. “Babe, I’m like 100 years old. I’m not used to...well, I guess a little, but not on you.” He grinned. You rolled your eyes, “Casanova.” “Hell no,” he laughed, “you’re my third. First that I can actually say I’m absolutely crazy for.” “I know, we want to...but tell me more.” you eyed him and then stared back at him. “Well, first was in the war. Didn’t wanna die without knowing what it’s like and the nurse at our camp was rather, uh, you know…” “Attractive.” You grinned up at him and he nodded, “And the second?” “That’s...after I was in Wakanda I learned the new standards are way more relaxed and...well, I wanted to be prepared in case I fall in love with someone, so Sam kinda made it his mission to-” “Sam made it his mission to get you laid!? That’s a true friend.” You laughed. “You?” He smiled down at you. “Manipulative dude in high school that I had my first time with, then a long relationship with another agent who turned out to be Hydra, that’s it. You can probably tell where my trust issues come from.” You huff. “Want me to make you forget that too?” He raised an eyebrow and you bit your lip as an answer. “You could make me forget my own name,” you whispered and triggered a series of fumbling with each others clothes. He was taking his sweet time to explore every inch of you with his hands and lips. “James.” You groaned. “Yeah, darlin’?” He smirked up at you from your belly. “Please.” You whined. “I need more context, babe.” He grinned. “I don’t care what you do, just do it.” Your body was on fire, you needed him. “Of course, don’t wanna make you frustrated.” He chuckled, thinking about his own frustration throughout this entire mission. Cold fingers touched you softly with a deep hum, “Tell me if you don’t li-” “James, I know, please, just…” You whimpered and got a hectic nod back. His head dove down to your sweet spot, inspecting every inch of you there, before feeling you out for your weakest spot. Your hand landed in his hair and guided him, a loud moan signaling him he was in the right place. “Fuck, right there.” You arched your back and he felt you getting more aroused. You tucked on his hair, making him look up, “I know you’re dying.” Now that you said it he felt himself throbbing and let you guide him with your hand in his hair. “Don’t give me that questioning look, you know the answer.” You chuckled while panting heavily. With closed eyes and while biting your lips you felt him enter you and moaned out. The moment you were completely one you opened your eyes again, seeing almost black eyes and primal instincts kicking in completely. “Mine.” He growled possessively and started moving, making you groan. Fingers were intertwined and hips jerking against each other. “Don’t stop!” You called out after a while of sweet rhythms and heard him moan back. “C’mon, darling!” He said grunting, getting faster, feeling you closer. “Make a mess for me, darling.” He panted before getting sloppier, groaning out and feeling you squeeze around him in bliss. “That was amazing.” You panted and got a smile back. “Could do that to you all day,” he mumbled against your lips before capturing them again. “With that foreplay? Anytime.” You grinned before parting ways. “New York is back on track. I have a badass agent as my girlfriend now. Life’s pretty good.” Bucky mumbled on the deck that night, stargazing with you. “Yeah, life’s pretty amazing right now,” you said grabbing his hand. There were only up’s from here.
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priyakale · 5 years
New Approach of Respiratory Humidifying Equipment   Market 2019: To Business Applications with Top Key Players like  Zytron Control Products, Fogmaster Corp., Air Liquide  Medical Systems
Respiratory humidification is a method of artificial warming and humidifying of respiratory gas for mechanically ventilated patients. The term respiratory gas conditioning stands for warming and humidification as well as purification of respiratory gas.
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gsuandrewtruong · 3 years
Lesbian Home Video Project
The Lesbian Home Project is an initiative started by a group of woman with the intent of preserving as many old films made by lesbians as possible. It started when filmmaker Sheila McLaughlin inherited a cabin where she found film reels made by Ruth Huntington Storm of her life at the cabin with her partner Almeda “Meda” Benoit. McLaughlin shared the films with her friends who were amazed that these reels even existed considering the taboo nature of lesbian relationships at the time. The three women who started the project, Sheila McLaughlin, B. Ruby Rich, and Kate Horsfield, all agreed that the secret films being produced by lesbians in their homes needed to be documented and preserved as much as possible as a way to show that lesbians have always lived and existed. They started a non-profit called the Lesbian Home Movie Project to begin archiving the amateur films and tapes. I watched two films in the archive, one labeled The Brothel, The Temple & Art by Jere Van Syoc and Chicken & Dumplings: A Home Documentary by Judith Jerome. Van Syoc’s film is about her life in Chicago as an art student while she was living in a house filled with gays that they lovingly dubbed the brothel. She graduates as an art student and falls in love with a girl named Meg and gets a job teaching at a school that she works at. Meg and Van Syoc eventually buy a 20 room house that they invite other lesbians to live in and host parties. They name the house The Temple. A couple years later, Van Syoc moves to California where she starts doing art exhibitions called Death Toys where she rolls them around in her van as a “gang”. She hosted the exhibits for other lesbians and connected with many of the women in LA. By 1995, the wildfires and riots pushed Van Syoc out of LA and back to Chicago where she retired and continued to make art. Jerome’s home movie is much more amateur compared to Van Syoc’s. It simply documents her life together with her partner and her friends as they make and enjoy a meal of chicken and dumplings for Valentines day in 1989. This is the one that is the most enduring to me because of how home video it feels. There isn’t anything super interesting that happens but that's why I like it so much. It’s just a group of friends filming themselves having fun on valentines day. It really shows that lesbians just lived normal lives and weren’t deviants like some paint them at.
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OL Presents: Andy Whittaker [R&S] by OpenLab Radio www.openlab.fm | 106.4FM in Ibiza & Formentera ||OL PRESENTS : ANDY WHITTAKER (R&S)|| In this week’s episode we are joined by Andy Whittaker. Andy heads up R&S Records from their base in London and is responsible for the label operations of R&S, Apollo and Meda Fury. He works closely with the likes of Lone, Djrum, Space Dimension Controller, Talaboman and many more whilst being a keen record collector and selector, having been DJing for over 20 years. He provides us with a deep 1 hour mix full of timeless tracks, in his own words “I had an idea to try and make my OpenLab mix on a theme or make it an ambient mix but in the end just grabbed a bunch of my favourite records from the last 20 years that I never get bored of listening to.” One you really don’t want to miss! Only on OpenLab. Tracklist: Sad City - Unreleased Internal NY Rhythms - Poli Ritmo II - Optimo Music 2019 Henrik Schwarz - Chicago - Moodmusic 2003 Hunee - Rare Happiness - Rush Hour 2015 Tambien - Dois - ESP Institute 2013 Skatebard - Sgnelkab (Mental Overdrive remix) - Digitalo Enterprises 2009 Erot - Song For Annie - Discfunction 1999 Ross From Friends - Thank God I'm a Lizard - Ninja Tune 2018 Murat Tepeli ‎– Forever (Prosumer's Hold Me Touch Me Remix) AVA 2013 Mark Seven - The Fatal Flaw In Disco - World Building 2016 Moloko - Forever More (FKEK Vocal Mix) - Echo 2003 H-Foundation ‎– Tonight (King Britt's Sexy Mix) Soma 2003 Download our App: IOS: https://bit.ly/OLappApple Android: https://bit/ly/OlAppAndroid
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stradarecords · 5 years
DOS ATTACK PRESENTS INTERNATIONAL SPACE MELODIES VOL. 1 / VA - RIVERETTE (12")  スペインはマドリードを拠点とするレーベルRiveretteが設立5周年を迎え、初となるコンピEPをリリース!Jacques Renaultによるフィルタード・ディスコ・チューンのA1、リトアニアのPletnev(Bahnsteig 23/ Meda Fury)によるパーカッシヴでアーシーなA2、Tiger & Woodsによるシカゴ・ハウス調のB1等全4曲を収録!  https://www.stradarecords.com/shop/item/22371/index.php #dosattackpresentsinternationalspacemelodiesvol.1 #riverette #jacquesrenault #pletnev #tiger&woods #disco #chicago #12inch #kobe #motomachi #recordshop #vinyl #vinyljunkies #dj #stradarecords (Strada Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WGCCqAk-r/?igshid=1bhakdlhrmbzm
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Watch Chicago Med: Season 2 episode 23 Chicago MedA new hotshot doctor arrives ... https://watchaly.me/episodes/watch-chicago-med-season-2-episode-23/?feed_id=43168&_unique_id=5be34499f3f27
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
Eloquii Look For Every day Of The Week
Eloquii Look For Every day Of The Week
Hi everyone, I was challenged to create an Eloquii look for every day of the week.  I was able to style 7 looks with 4 Eloquii pieces.
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
Win Friends and Influence People
Win Friends and Influence People
How to win Friends and Influence People?  That’s a question everyone has been faced with.
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
Check On Your "Strong" Friends: We're Not O.K.
Check On Your “Strong” Friends: We’re Not O.K.
Check on your “Strong” Friends: We’re not O.K.  Times are difficult for all of us.  But that one friend that handles everything so well just might be having a tough time.
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
Does Your Seating Chart Include Black People?
Does Your Seating Chart Include Black People?
Some tasks are easier to cross off your list than others. Post a random unity picture.  ✓.  Donate a random amount. ✓.  Send a letter to email list telling them black lives matter.  ✓.  Pats self on back.  ✓.  Make no other changes ✓✓.  Does your seating chart include Black people?
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
It’s been a real adjustment from sitting RSVPing to attending a new product launch to preparing for a zoom meeting with a brand.  Life is very different.  What does defined style mean from a small square on a screen?  Can we talk fashion inspo, pushing boundaries and identity all while being…
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thefatgirloffashion · 4 years
The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel Watch Party & Giveaway
Let’s watch Lifetime’s presentation of The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel together on zoom.
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thefatgirloffashion · 5 years
Essence + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit & Target Holiday Market | Day 3
Essence + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit & Target Holiday Market | Day 3
After an eventful Essence + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit & Target Holiday Market | Day 1 and 2 I didn’t know day if day three could get any better.  The first-ever Essence + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit and Target Holiday Market was very enterprising.  Keep reading to see how I spent day three.
  “Know when to hire an expert in a field you’re not an expert in.”_Growing A Small Business Panel
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