#Chief Veterinary Officer
hotchscoffeecup · 2 months
summary: hotch tries to hide a panic attack from the team. you walk him through it.
pairing: hotch x reader (platonic)
tags: panic attacks, recall to foyet attacking hotch, mentions of knife violence, recall to foyet killing haley
words: 2k
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“He kept them alive.” Morgan sighs and throws the file containing photos of the most recent victim in a long string of murders down on the table.
“These stab wounds are precise,” Reid adds. “He must have extensive knowledge in a medical field; a doctor or a medic, maybe.”
“No,” Emily counters. “This man doesn’t have the confidence to match either of those professions. It would be something that allowed him to blend into the background, where he could observe and hone his skills. He might be a Medical Assistant or Vet Tech.”
“I’ll start cross-referencing work records with clinics, hospitals, and veterinary offices in a twenty mile radius.” Penelope ends the video call and disappears from the wide screen in the conference room, leaving the digital photos of the victims and the crime scenes in full view.
You stare at them, bewildered by the cruelty this unsub inflicts on his victims; the psychological torture he inflicted to coincide with the physical. You click your pen absentmindedly as you pour over the evidence left behind. As you tilt your head, squinting at one of the images, you notice Hotch in your peripheral vision. If you’re not mistaken, you see his hand shaking at his side. You blink and it stops; instead, he flexes his hand open and closed.
The others are talking, exchanging ideas and identifying characteristics to further bulk up the profile. You turn in your chair, brow furrowed as you watch Hotch reach up and loosen his tie.
“Hotch, what do you think?” Morgan asks. The team all turns to look at him and he swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Hotch?”
Without looking at anyone in particular Hotch excuses himself, tucking his head and swiftly dipping out of the room.
Morgan arches a brow. “What do you think that’s about?”
“I don’t know,” you say, concern edging into your tone as you push yourself up and out of your chair. “I’m going to go find out.”
As you exit the briefing room, you survey the bullpen and catch a glimpse of his jacket fluttering around a corner. You weave through detectives and uniformed officers, the din of voices, papers shuffling, copiers whirring, and phones ringing echoing throughout the space.
“Excuse me,” you say, maneuvering around three officers chatting by the water cooler.
You turn down the hall you swear you’d seen Hotch disappear into, but all you see is a janitor’s closet at the far end of the corridor.
As you turn around to retrace your steps and search for Hotch, you hear a whoosh of breath. This stops you in your tracks as you strain your ears and turn back towards the closet. Hesitantly, and feeling somewhat foolish, you reach for the handle and open the door.
Your lips part and your heart drops as you identify your Unit Chief braced against a shoddy shelving unit. In the dim light of the single lightbulb illuminating the space, you make out the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he struggles to take in a full breath.
Without hesitation, you slink inside and close the door behind you. Fortunately, the space is wide enough to grant you enough room to be in there without it feeling confining.
“Hotch, what’s wrong?” you ask, inclining your head to look up into his eyes. They’re wild, dilated pupils flickering back and forth across your features as he swallows.
“I can’t—” he starts and stops, closing his eyes and scrubbing a hand across his face. “I don’t know why, I just— I can’t breathe. I can’t—”
“Okay,” you say, voice soft but firm. “Hotch, I think you’re having a panic attack.”
His brow pinches as he wrestles with that observation. “A panic attack? No, I don’t— I’m fine. It’s not—”
His hands shake as he reaches for his tie, fingers fumbling with the knot causing them to shake even more.
“Let me help,” you say and telegraph your next moves clearly; reaching forward to completely undo his tie and first button of his shirt.
He releases a heavy sigh and something of a sob escapes his lips. “I’m the, the Unit Chief. I see this stuff every day. I don’t—I’m not—” He swallows hard and looks up at the ceiling, as if there would be some sort of solace to find in the popcorn ceiling tiles.
“I just…I can feel it,” he rasps. “I can feel it.”
“Feel what, Hotch?”
His breathing quickens; coming in short succinct bursts that leave him panting and unable to catch his breath.
“His knife. I can feel it.” He squeezes his eyes shut and a tear leaks down his cheek.
Realization dawns on you then and your heart fractures for your Unit Chief, the pillar of the team; the one who bears the brunt of responsibility to ensure everyone else on the team is okay and ultimately sacrifices himself in the process.
George Foyet. You’d joined the team after this case, but everyone knew the story. He’d incapacitated Hotch inside his own home and stabbed him repeatedly; slowly, and in places that would inflict significant damage, but not kill him. Foyet later would go on to kill Hotch’s ex-wife, Haley. Hotch had been on the phone at the time of it all and heard his wife die. You can’t imagine the turmoil he must have gone through; physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s no wonder this case would trigger such terrible memories.
“I was alone.” Hotch breathes heavily and clutches an arm around his waist. “I can feel it now. I can—the knife, it was, oh God—” His hand taps rapidly against his leg. When his knees begin to wobble, you’re quick to react when he collapses.
Instinctively, you throw your arms out and thread your arms beneath his as you crash to the floor together, knees slamming into the hardwood as you fall. Hotch sobs into the crook of your neck as he clings to you and you wonder just how long it’s been since anyone has held him. Hesitantly, you shift your weight so you can hold him properly with one arm wrapped around his back while the other cradles his neck. You brush your fingers through his hair and speak grounding words to him.
“You’re safe, Hotch.” You then tell him your exact location and repeat your name to him, reminding him of all that is tangible. You describe the room you’re in, from the arrangement of products on the shelf to the cloying scent of bleach and Windex that lingers in the air. You draw attention to the distant sounds inside the bullpen and instruct him to focus on your voice. “I promise that you’re safe,” you repeat.
“Foyet is dead.”
His grip tightens around you and his tears soak into your blouse.
“He can’t hurt you or anyone else.” You fight to keep your own voice from cracking as you bear witness to your friend’s pain.
“I need you to breathe, Aaron.” His first name feels strange on your tongue, but you need to bring him back. “In for four,” you say and breathe deeply through your nose for four counts, patting Hotch four times on the back to offer a different type of stimulation for him to try and ground himself with through physical touch. “Out for your four,” you say as you release the air in your lungs and pat him four more times on the back.
You continue to model this pattern until you feel him start to relax under you. His breathing continues to shudder, but he’s trying to self-regulate.
“Good, Hotch,” you encourage as he works to regain control. “Keep breathing. You’re safe.”
You continue to pat your hand against his back, acting as a metronome for him to keep time. You find yourself rocking him gently as you do this and eventually he shifts beneath you.
Tentatively, you begin to pull away. You don’t let go of him though, not yet. You want to make sure he has a tether to reality and physical touch can help him remain grounded.
Hotch sniffs and wipes at his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. He keeps his eyes downcast and shakes his head. “I’m so sorry,” he says.
Your brow knits together as a wave of utter confusion washes over you. “Hotch,” you say, almost sternly. His eyes flick up to meet yours and you look at him straight on. “Don’t ever apologize for that. In fact, I’m sorry, actually.”
Now it’s his turn to look puzzled. “For what?”
“That you felt like this was something you had to do in private. That you felt like you couldn’t tell one of us.”
Hotch rubs at his eyes. “It’s not that,” he begins. “I’m not supposed to break. I’m the Chief of this Unit. I’m supposed to—”
“That’s bullshit, Hotch.” An exasperated sort of smile crosses your lips then as you realize you never use that kind of language, especially around your boss. “Apologies, Sir, but you know as well as I do that you don’t have to save face for any of us. We’ve all been to hell and back in one way or another. That case out there; the precise stab wounds, keeping the victims alive…it’s exactly what Foyet did to you.”
Hotch bristles, but you continue on.
“The body remembers, Hotch.” You drop your hands to his wrists and squeeze. “You survived the improbable. Your wounds healed and you did the mandated counseling, yes, but you’re still allowed to break down. You’re allowed to have bad days.” You incline your head to meet his gaze head on. “But you can’t shut everyone out. You don’t deserve to suffer alone.”
Hotch nods slowly and takes a full deep breath before meeting your eye. “You’re right.”
“I know I’m right,” you say and you smile when his lips twitch up at the corners. “I know because you taught me that.”
“I remember,” he says, though he doesn’t bring up the unsub that could’ve killed you. It had only been your third week on the team and the case had brought you out to Boise, Idaho. When you’d located the unsub, he’d engaged you in a physical altercation where he’d successfully disarmed you and put you in a chokehold. Oxygen had been effectively cut off from your airway and you were so close to losing consciousness that you’d be dead right now if JJ and Emily hadn’t incapacitated him when they had.
“I was going to quit the team,” you say. “After that case, I didn’t think I had what it takes to be a member of the BAU.”
Hotch’s brow twitches as he relaxes back against the wall. “You never told me that.”
You shrug, “I didn’t have to. When you found me in the break room after hours when I thought everyone else had gone home and talked me down from my own panic attack, I tore up my resignation letter.” You smile then. “The minute we stop feeling, that’s when we can no longer do this job. That empathy is what gives the families hope and keeps our victims alive. When we lose that, we lose our humanity. Never stop feeling. Feel everything, and then feel it again. Talk about it. You’re never alone. We’re a team. We’ll always have one another’s backs.”
“I said all of that?” Hotch asks, both amused and in disbelief.
“It’s what I tell myself every time I feel the strain of this job is getting to be too much, and it helps keep me grounded.”
He tilts his head and laughs to himself. “I should probably write that down.”
You laugh in turn, “You probably should.”
Hotch moves to stand up then, scooping his tie off the ground and offering you a hand as he does so. You take it and allow him to pull you to your feet.
“Thank you,” he says and offers you a genuine smile. “I just hope that these bags under my eyes don’t look puffier than they usually do now.”
You roll your eyes and open your arms to hug him. He chuckles as he embraces you and thanks you once more.
“Don’t ever change, sir.” You rub your hand up and down his back and feel that the tension has completely relaxed out of his posture. “Don't ever change.”
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Jobs I think descendants characters have in a real world AU:
Mal: Either a tattoo artist or a street artist that became very successful and opened her own gallery showcasing underprivileged artists work.
Evie: Fashion designer, either eventually owns her own brand or is the editor in chief at a fashion magazine.
Carlos DeVil: He’d most definitely be a vet. Specially he’d own his own veterinary office and give free services to those who need it.
Jay: Professional athlete, probably in lacrosse, rugby, or football but also maybe hockey. Probably retired early and became a coach for a university team.
Ben: Owns a bookstore, or could very well be a social worker. (Possibly a politician of sorts or maybe a writer but the other two seem more possible)
Audrey: Possibly a principal of a school, although I do see her as a ballet teacher or professional cheerleader.
Chad: Finance bro who doesn’t exactly know how or why he got the job. Or a highschool football coach.
Jane: Highschool english teacher or guidance counselor. Or alternatively runs a daycare centre.
Lonnie: Professional athlete who advocates for woman’s rights. Or a high ranking official in the military or a private bodyguard.
Doug: Accountant, no other option it’s this or nothing.
Uma: Politician, will either be the head elected official one day or head the opposition party.
Harry: He’d be in sailing or be a bartender, there is no in between it doesn’t exist.
Gil: Childrens entertainer, thinks the wiggles but slightly different.
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Future Career Headcannons for the Characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena, after they escape Ohtori
Anthy Himemiya: Work in/ own a flower shop. Utena suggests this to Anthy herself in the show after Anthy tells her that she only wishes for a future where she can keep tending to her flowers. Anthy smiles at the suggestion.... IF not that... well I got the idea for this after reading a fanfic where Anthy is a veterinary. That would make a good second option for Anthy since animals, like flowers, where her comforts during her imprisonment as the Rose Bride. Also of course she would find Utena, and they could be together without Akio and the games getting in their way,
Utena Tenjô: A Securtiy Gaurd. So in the show Utena is very Chivalrous and wants to protect people "to be like a Noble Prince". Her intentions come from a good place and are not necessarily bad in of themselves. An active job, where she could protect/help people would be good for her. But she also has difficulty sometimes understanding the complexity of others problems, and is prone to being manipulated. I decided against suggesting "Police Officer" because then she could be manipulated again, by a more corrupted Chief/Head of Squadron. I think a security guard would be a better job for her because there is more structure and a clearer (necessary) objective. Observing a surrounding putting a stop to any fight/trouble that break out suits Utena more than investigative questioning or arresting bad guys does.
Touga Kiryuu: I believe Touga is alive in the Anime and head cannon that he grew up into a: Hairstylist. He was a bit of a hard one because I could only really think of one time in the show where he seemed like he genuinely liked or was happy doing something; and that was when he was playing with the kitten. Now he can foster stray cats on the side as a hobby/volunteer work (probably the only volunteer work he would ever do) but it won't pay his bills. So I had to think harder. Now apparently his abusive relationship with his adoptive father is cannon across the board (shudders because no one deserves that). That man is the one who made Touga grow his hair long, and one thing the fandom seems to universally agree Touga should do for himself if/when he is finally able to get away from the bad people in his life is to cut his hair short. Well I actually think that once he is free learning about all different ways to cut and style hair would be something he would really enjoy. It might also be theraputic to be in an enviroment where he gets to exsursize this knowledge/activity regualrly. Lastly hair stylists at shops can sometimes be flirty and chatty to customers, and some will act flamboyant too. I imagine Touga's chair would be pretty popular. Don't date your customers Touga
Kyouichi Saionji: A cook. Saionji might be the most unstable character in the duels. He actually got kicked out of the duels and the school,saw the world outside...came back to Ohtori on his own. Met a girl he could have a happy and healthy relationship with. Decided that was wrong/to much for him, and left her to rejoin a system he knew just wanted to abuse and manipulate him. He is both the dumbest character show and the most aware: From the upside down castle, to the more dangerous parts of loving someone, to Touga's BS, to Akio... Saionji knows it is all fake but always clings to it... except for one breif episode where he took a break and did some pretty positive things for himself... In episode 27 "Nanami's egg" Saionji decides the moon and weather are "beautiful" tonight and that he will leave school grounds on his own and go camping. He also decided to cook (a traditionally feminine role... made all the more feminine by him dawning a frilly apron) his own food. He is out of school, he unconcerned with appearing all powerful and completely masculine. He is relaxed and smiling. Nanami came up to him and tried to instigate a fight, which Saionji responded to by remaing calm and trying to gently talk her down. You have this one moment where Saionji is being completely non-toxic and its peaceful. He is still far from perfect (At least one, and possibly all, of his eggs he found on the forest floor. Not very hygienic). But still, teach the man what a grocery store is and let him cook more meals (and wear more frilly aprons). Maybe he can camp more when he has time off
.... On that note I do ship TougaxSaionji in season 3, and post show. So if they go camping together they will need a pet-sitter for Touga's foster cats. Maybe Nanami can do it? That would be a nice way for her to make up for and show growth after killing Touga's kitten from their childhood.
Nanami Kiryuu: I just mentioned Nanami so I might as well do her next. This girl is gonna want to be a T.V. Reporter. Possibly a weather girl at first, but most likely her goal would be to be a event "gossip" reporter. She is one of the most difficult ones to for groups/people to impress. and many of her questions an comments are super random and outlandish and their is no way to be prepared for what she might say/do. Her viewers though it eat it all up and consider her to be the funniest personnel on T.V. Working as the shows Lead Producer Nanami's long time, platonic, childhood friend: Mitsuru Tsuwabuki. Yeah I don't really ship these two as anything more than good friends..Their show ages aside, I notice that their relationship mostly becomes unhealthy when one tries to make it romantic. But do show genuine care for each other in a platonic sense and are kind enough that you hope their friendship lasts. So yeah instead of them becoming husband and wife with 2.5 kids, make them partners in "crime" (a.k.a buisness) with Nanami being the face and Tsuwabuki being the brains, just as it was between them in the show (as opposed to Nanami's relationship with her cronies where it was flipped).
Miki Kaoru: A math teacher/professor. I very much do not want Miki to grow up to become a concert pianist. The piano is a beautiful instrument and playing it is a wonderful skill. Since teachers do not make that much, Miki can always have a secondary side job tutoring kids in playing it on the weekends. But do not let the piano continue to be the center of his life when it is also such a symbol of his own nativity, and how he has been manipulated into serving others. Both Touga and Akio use the Piano to get Miki to do what they want in the duels. But we also learn that his father used to exploit him and Kozue as publicity tools (which sadly broke them apart). Notice that "The Sunlight Garden" is such a famous piece that even Utena has heard of it, but no one has heard that Miki is the one who originally composed it. He got no credit. He also admits that he kept playign as he started to grow up mostly out of nostalgia for when he and Kozue were younger and had an easier time getting along. Miki's academic success has always felt "just his" in a way that the piano did not, and it has more to do with his present and future than his past. Math seems like it's his best subject, and he is able to be both an effective teacher and develop a positive relationship with Utena and Anthy, when he agree's to tutor them in it. (Up until Anthy has to go and start playing that piano song.) So in adulthood I hope Miki can, not necessarily give up the piano (forget his early childhood), but give his other talents (other stages of his life) some more focus. Math Teacher/Professor Miki, who maybe tutors in music on the side.
Juri Arisugawa: Own a bowling Ally. Juri's three main extra curricular in the anime are fencing, modeling, and bowling. Fencing is her main one. She is acting head of the fencing team. My reasons for not making "Champion Fencer" her career are similar to the ones I gave for not making "Concert Pianist" Miki's. It was an talent and hobby of Juri's that was exploited by both the games and others, and is surround by so much negativity. She took up her sword to prove that miracles do not exist, even though she wishes she believed in them. Also Miki was her only friendly relationship on that Team. All her other subordinates feared her, and she was terrified of Ruka, who was known to be stronger than her. I also rejected Modeling because then Juri would work for an agent and model products that a designer or company wants to make money selling. I definitely think Juri should be her own boss, just in a less hostile environment than Ohrito's fencing team. I like what she said about bowling in "Nanami's Egg": how she does it just because she "thinks it feels good". In what I think was episode 37 Juri states "I used to only think about myself... now I cannot stop think about myself". To me her statment implies that she wants to start thinking more about things that make her happy rather than sad. Juri has got to have some money saved from modeling gigs and Fencing tournaments. Let Juri use that as Seed money to open up a bowling ally, that she can make into a play where she and other can go, and play, and just feel good/happy doing so. Make that Juri's miracle to believe in.
Kozue Kaoru: A School Guidance Counselor. For her I am going the route of "be the person you needed growing up". Kozue is protective of people. You see that in her pushing down the teacher she thought was groping Miki.... except that the teacher was not groping Miki, they were just talking. He had his arm around Miki elbow, not his backside like Kozue thought; and Miki was laughing because of a joke, not because he was being flirted with. (Has Kozue ever seen her brother try to flirt/react to flirting? Miki is a panicked, shaking, mess). Both Miki and Kozue were used in a way by adults when they kids, and then again in the duels as teens. Kozue seems to understand that they were used where Miki did not. But, she also continuously seeks out relationships where she will still be used and craves, yet rejects, more emotional ones. Examples being how she is mentioned to have several boyfriends that she is physical with but does not have any kind of emotion attachment to them. She yells that she does not need her parents, and then goes out with an adult man, the night she learns her dad is getting married again. Lastly she refuses the homemade milkshake her brother makes her saying "I cannot have anything that sweet", does she mean the milkshake or the gesture? Since she does ask for one later on I am going to wager that Kozue does not have any special dietary needs. The PoBaW line "We accept the love we think we deserve" really fits Kozue and how she allows other to love her. But she has moments of stepping away from this "I only deserve to be loved as a tool" mindset, Like when she let Miki take care of her at home after "fainting from anemia". Or the couple times she goofs off at the piano; when it is just her and trusted friends, who do not care if she is plays the key sloppy. She is making baby steps towards a healthier mindset on relationships in the show. If she can build on that, post Akio and Anthy, then maybe, like Utena, she could use what she went through to keep protecting the "Inocent children" she relates her past too.
Also Maybe she and Miki could work in the same school (NOT Ohtori, but a good school) ,and that way they could still have time together, while also doing their own thing.
Shiori Takatsuki: Well the first thing I want her to be is as far away from Juri as possible. Sorry to people who ship them, but give me one healthy or not toxic moment between them? One moment after their early childhood where one makes the other happy? One moment were being around the other doesn't make them remember just how miserable and angry they are? Pretty much every relationship in the show has some kind of skill/wealth/power imbalance between them, and some kind of love and hate balance too. Utena and Anthy are the main ones, but all the secondary characters were meant to have relationships that mirror certain aspects of UtenaxAnthy. If Touga and Saionji (who at least have some moments of working through their issues together) are a parallel to Utena and Anthy, than I always saw Juri and Shori as a warning sign to them... that if you are not careful and do not work on things then hate, jealousy, and toxicity can destroy once loving relationships. So for these reasons I do not want her to be Juri's business partner, or even run a similar business as Juri's Bowling Ally. Shori would always see Juri's establishment as better, because she saw everything Juri did as better than her, and would never be able to enjoy her own work. Instead maybe she could find some enjoyment in a completely different field. One that maybe doesn't really suit Juri in the long run. Shori is just as pretty as Juri, a little more girly, very social, and she likes being part of a team and relying on others. I think she would be a good model period, not just in comparison to her old rivial.
Wakaba Shinohara: A Nurse. Do I really need to explain this one? Wakaba is like the most caring soul imaginable. She has wonderful optimism, great bedside manner, and is not afraid to call people out on not taking proper care of themselves. Plus I could see her having romantic fantasy's about some rich and successful man coming to stay at the hospital while he was sick, and falling in love with her due to the excellent care she took of him. Let her have her day dreams. The girl would be a fantastic nurse either way.
Keiko Sonoda: It is late and I so not want to pretend Keiko was that deep or complex of of a character. She was a lackey to the queen bee. She hated being a lackey but liked being a bully, because she kept doing that even after Nanami lost her crown. Underneath all that she falls really hard for her crushes, and likes to dress up... So either she can be a housewife to a (hopefully) nice man, or maybe she can go into clothing design.
Tatsuya Kazami: A therapist/Life Coach. The Blackrose tried to manipulate his unresolved feelings for another into making him duel. Something they have sucessfully done to more than 100 others before. But despite Tatsuya's pain over learing his crush loved someone else, and Mikage (a.k.a Akio and Anthy) doing everything that has worked numerous times before, Tatsuya is able to calm himself down. He changes his persepctive and decides "You know what? I don't need to be this upset. My crush liking someone else right now isn't the worst thing in the world. They probably will not date forever. I care about her enough to stay friends and wait for her to decide to give me a chance." Tatsuya did not need a sword. He beat Mikage, depression, despair, and anger all down, with just a few minutes and a handful of sentences.
Mamiya, Mikage, Kanae, and Ruka:.... Well they all die, so they will not grow up to be anything. Very tragic. I suppose not everyone was going to be able to leave that school alive.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
"These pre-trial depositions do not necessarily reflect the evidence given by the witnesses at trial, nor is it safe to assume that they reflect the entirety of the evidence ultimately presented by the prosecution at trial. Many of them contain all manner of hearsay, character, and reputation evidence concerning accused and complainants alike, some of which may or may not have been admitted into evidence at trial.
Some historians express ambivalence regarding the probative value of depositions. Mindful of Carolyn Strange’s injunction against seeing court files as “textual productions of truth,” these depositions may be described as textual productions of allegations. As Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero have opined, however, “not just any lie will do in testifying about a crime. Usually lies must have the ring of credibility.” The depositions do represent a form of first-person account by informants and witnesses of events that gave rise to the matters in the criminal courts. Indeed, John Beattie has characterized the depositions of victims and witnesses and the examinations of accused persons as “among the most useful” supplements to the indictments he was studying in his landmark study of crime and courts in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England. And, for all their frailty, the depositions and the Statements of the Accused tend to be the only words in the file that tell us anything about what gave rise to the criminal prosecution before the court.
The information in these records is sketchy, but there can be no doubt that these texts are anything but disembodied legal discourse. Many voices in the court files are lay voices, the voices of ordinary people coming or being brought to law, as well as those of the NWMP , men of standing, such as Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) men, other merchants, govern-ment men, and, of course, other lay witnesses, some of them less reluctant than others. The only professional experts to be found are the medical officers in the NWMP who, on occasion, offered opinion evidence as experts on Indian medicines and potions. Peter Hourie (who was allowed by Richardson to be qualified as an expert on the interpretation of certain Cree and Saulteaux words in Tom Lemac’s 1902 murder trial) and latterly veterinary surgeons, midwives, and medical doctors began to appear in the court records as well.
When they appeared in court, Aboriginal deponents and witnesses, as recently as 1902 in Tom Lemac’s murder trial, were also called upon to give forms of expert evidence (for example, on the entry and exit of bullets in the wounds on a dead body, or on the effect of alcohol on Indians), or to act as cultural interpreters of the ways and meanings of Indian gestures and forms of courtesy. The nature of the evidence in the court files suggests the mediated nature of law and law’s construction of experience. The mediation is multi-layered: complaints appear to have been made to a chief or husband, who then complained to the police or to a justice of the peace or stipendiary magistrate, after which an Information was taken and sworn. As to what is revealed about Aboriginal voices in the criminal law, it may be best to eschew the metaphors of a window or a camera in favour of a prism, which by definition contemplates a partial and refracted image of the experiences caught by the records. The images are partial, the stories fragmentary and incomplete; nevertheless, we can begin to draw some conclusions."
- Shelley A. M. Gavigan, Hunger, Horses, and Government Men: Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains, 1870-1905. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press for the Osgoode Society, 2012. p. 93-94.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A former Portland lawyer was sentenced to more than eight years in federal prison Monday after defrauding over 100 clients out of millions of dollars in insurance proceeds, according to the U.S. District Attorney’s Office.
Lori E. Deveny, 57, was also ordered to pay over $4.5 million in restitution to her victims.
“It’s hard to overstate the extraordinary impact Ms. Deveny’s crimes had on the many innocent and vulnerable victims who trusted her. As a former attorney, she had a special responsibility to her clients and to the public, but she repeatedly abused this trust and prioritized her own needs. This is a just sentence for serious crimes,” said Ethan Knight, Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
“The cruelest thing of all is knowingly providing false hope. Having already suffered losses, Ms. Deveny’s clients deserved an attorney who represented their best interests. What they got instead was someone who inflicted more loss,” added Special Agent in Charge Bret Kressin, IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), Seattle Field Office. “Today, Ms. Deveny is receiving what she never provided her clients: a picture of reality that those who choose to defraud will face the consequences of their actions.”
Court documents say that between April 2011 and May 2019, Deveny defrauded at least 135 of her clients out of over $3.8 million in insurance proceeds by stealing clients’ identities, forging insurance checks, depositing client funds into her personal bank account and deceiving clients continually by telling them they would eventually receive compensation for their injuries. Many of her victims were particularly vulnerable due to their severe brain and bodily injuries, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
Deveny’s scheme also cost Oregon State Bar Client Security Fund, Wells Fargo and the IRS, according to investigators. Due to the state bar making partial restitution payments to some of Deveny’s clients, their security fund lost $1.2 million, one of the largest losses in the organization’s history. Wells Fargo reportedly lost $52,000 due to a forged check and the IRS lost over $621,000 when Deveny didn’t report the money she stole on her tax returns.
Deveny used the proceeds to pay more than $150,000 on foreign and domestic airline tickets, more than $173,000 on African safari and big game hunting trips, $35,000 on taxidermy expenses, $125,000 on home renovations, $195,000 in mortgage payments, more than $220,000 in cigars and related expenses, $58,000 on pet boarding and veterinary costs, $41,000 on recreational vehicle expenses, $50,000 for a Cadillac vehicle, and $60,000 on stays at a luxury nudist resort in Palm Springs, Calif.
“While serving as an attorney, Ms. Deveny brazenly stole money that should have gone to pay for health care for her clients for serious injuries and ailments. Instead, that money funded things like big game hunting trips to Africa and home remodeling. She took advantage of people who were physically and emotionally hurting by forging insurance checks, stealing the funds and lying to her clients about the payouts,” said Kieran L. Ramsey, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Portland Field Office. “These actions not only got her disbarred but are now putting her behind bars. The FBI applauds our partners at IRS-CI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, as we continue to bring to justice those who commit this kind of unconscionable financial fraud that harms the people in our shared community.”
A grand jury returned a 24-count indictment on Deveny on May 7, 2019, charging her with mail, bank, and wire fraud, as well as aggravated identity theft, money laundering and filing a false tax return. She pled guilty to one count each of mail, wire, and bank fraud, and also plead guilty to money laundering, filing a false tax return and two counts of aggravated identity theft on June 27, 2022.
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master-john-uk · 1 year
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Some clucking good new for a change!
There may well be a party at my Dorset farm on Tuesday when chicken lockdown comes to an end.
Mandatory housing measures for poultry and captive birds, which were introduced across England and Wales to help stop the spread of bird flu, will be lifted from 00:01 on Tuesday 18 April 2023, the Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed today following a latest assessment of the risk level.
The number of cases of Avian Infuenza remains high across the UK, and very strict bio-security measures must still be adhered to. We have had these measures in place since 2020, thanks mainly to former Houseboy Tomas... or, I should say Farm Ops. Manager Tomas.
Eggs produced by hens with access to outdoor areas can once again be labelled as "Free Range". While egg production has never been a big income producer for my farm, thanks to Tomas's forward thinking our brood has increased in size by nearly 300% since 2020. We supply several local shops and restaurants with eggs.
Bird Flu' still remains a risk. If you encounter dead, or obviously sick wild birds do not touch them. Report it immediately to DEFRA on 03459 33 55 77.
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kennak · 1 year
ポーランドのネコ、H5N1高病原性鳥インフルエンザに罹患死亡 ポーランドの獣医当局Polish Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO)はネコ由来16検体からインフルエンザ A(H5N1) を検出したと発表した。(ポーランド語の報道発表資料、欧州疾病予防管理センター(ECDC)の26週週報英語) 6月23日以降、ポーランドの広い地域から70体以上のネコの死骸が報告されていて、ペットの飼い主は吐物や便の扱いなども含めて、個人防護具を含めた標準予防策をとる事を奨めている。現在の所、ネコからネコへの感染や、ネコからヒトへの感染は確認されていない。過去の例ではタイの動物園で餌として与えたニワトリがH5N1を保因していて、441頭中147頭が死亡または安楽死処分となった例もあるという(Avian Flu Diaryの記事)。ネコはイヌよりもインフルエンザに罹患しやすいらしい。日本では斃死したカラスを食べて罹患したと考えられるキタキツネの遺体が回収されている(環境省の報道発表資料、北海道大学の 記事)。
ポーランドでネコが高病原性鳥インフルエンザに罹患 | スラド サイエンス
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beerbhadrasingh · 1 year
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ledenews · 3 days
Oglebay Good Zoo Receives AZA Accreditation
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Oglebay Good Zoo is excited to announce its recent accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) during this year’s Annual Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The AZA’s independent Accreditation Commission reviews applications twice a year from top zoos, aquariums, and related facilities worldwide. This year, 33 facilities received this prestigious accreditation. “Our team is dedicated to providing the best environment for the animals in our care while creating memorable experiences for families. We are incredibly proud of achieving AZA accreditation and maintaining this status for nearly 38 years now. Thanks to our community’s continued support, Wheeling is among the smallest cities in the United States to host an AZA-accredited institution,” said Good Zoo Director, Dr. Joe Greathouse. The AZA accreditation process involves a thorough application and an extensive multi-day on-site evaluation by an independent team of zoological experts. The inspecting team analyzes various aspects of the facility’s operation, including animal care and wellbeing; veterinary care; staff training; safety for visitors, staff, and animals; educational programs; conservation efforts; financial stability; risk management; governance; and guest services. Detailed reports from the inspection team and the facility alike are then thoroughly evaluated by the Commission. Finally, the Commission conducts formal interviews with key officials before granting accreditation, provisional status for one year, or denial. “Congratulations to Oglebay Good Zoo for meeting our rigorous standards and achieving Association of Zoos and Aquariums accreditation,” said Dan Ashe, president and chief executive officer at AZA. “Earning accreditation is a mark of excellence and a testament to Oglebay Good Zoo’s unwavering commitment to the highest standards of animal care and conservation. Your dedication not only enhances the lives of the animals you care for but also sets a precedent for excellence in the zoological community.” Currently, there are 252 AZA-accredited facilities throughout the United States and 12 other countries. To learn more about Oglebay Good Zoo or to plan your visit, go to oglebay.com/good-zoo About Oglebay Good Zoo – Oglebay Good Zoo is the only institution in West Virginia that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).  The Good Zoo provides conservation education programming to over 13,000 students annually and participates in AZA breeding programs for over 20 rare or endangered species.  The Good Zoo also collaborates with the West Virginia Division of Wildlife to conduct conservation research associated with the rare Eastern hellbender salamander and to rehabilitate nearly 50 ill or injured wild eagles, hawks and owls in the Upper Ohio River Valley annually. Learn more at oglebay.com/good-zoo. Read the full article
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harpianews · 23 days
Bluetongue virus restriction zones come into force in Norfolk and Suffolk
BBC The movement of sheep and cattle has been restricted in two counties after more animals were found to have symptoms of the bluetongue virus. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said Restricted zone now imposed around Norfolk and Suffolk, Britain's chief veterinary officer, Christine Middlemiss, said authorities were trying to strike a balance between preventing the…
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adalidda · 1 month
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Our LinkedIn group has officially surpassed the milestone of 50,000 members
Dear Members,
I am delighted to share a momentous achievement with all of you today, Sunday, August 18, 2024. Our LinkedIn group has officially surpassed the milestone of 50,000 members. This is more than just a number; it is a testament to the vibrant community we have built together—a community driven by a shared passion for Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agrifood, AgriTech, FoodTech, Climate Change, and the vital role these sectors play in the development of local communities.
When we first started this group, our vision was to create a platform where professionals, enthusiasts, and experts from diverse backgrounds could come together to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on the challenges and opportunities within our fields. The journey to this point has been marked by countless insightful discussions, innovative ideas, and a commitment to advancing the knowledge and practices that underpin our industries.
Reaching 50,000 members is not just a milestone; it’s a reflection of the value each of you brings to this group. Your contributions—whether through sharing articles, participating in discussions, offering advice, or simply engaging with the content—have been instrumental in making this group a go-to resource for anyone interested in our areas of focus. For this, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your participation has made our community richer and more impactful.
As we continue to grow, it’s important that we remain true to the principles that have guided us thus far. Our group is a space for professional dialogue and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. We encourage you to continue sharing your insights and expertise on the following topics:
Agriculture: From sustainable farming practices to the latest in crop science.
Livestock: Covering everything from animal husbandry to advances in veterinary medicine.
Aquaculture: Exploring the growing field of fish farming and aquatic food production.
Agrifood: Discussing the entire food production chain, from farm to table.
AgriTech: The cutting-edge technologies that are revolutionizing the way we produce and distribute food.
FoodTech: Innovations in food science, including new food products and processes.
Climate Change: Understanding its impact on our industries and exploring sustainable solutions.
Local Community Development: How agriculture and agribusiness can drive economic growth and improve livelihoods in local communities.
While we embrace and encourage open and diverse discussions on these topics, I would like to remind everyone that our group maintains a strict policy against advertising and market research promotions. We aim to keep our discussions focused on genuine knowledge sharing and professional growth.
As we look to the future, I am confident that our group will continue to be a beacon of information, collaboration, and innovation in our respective fields. Together, we can push the boundaries of what’s possible in agriculture and related industries, contributing not just to our own success, but to the well-being of communities around the world.
Thank you once again for your continued support and participation. Let’s continue to learn from each other, grow together, and make a positive impact.
Warm regards,
Kosona Chriv
Founder, LinkedIn Group: Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agrifood, AgriTech, FoodTech, and Climate Change https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6789045/ Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Deko Group Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Sahel Agri-Sol Group
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ear-worthy · 2 months
Getting Personal With Plant Medicine: A Podcast That Nurtures Plants For Health
In the first episode of the Getting Personal With Plant Medicine (GPPM) podcast, creator/host Diana-Ashley Krach talks with her life and podcasting partner, JR Krach, about the inherent flaws in Western modern medicine. While there are copious flaws in our healthcare system, the Krachs rightfully focus on the indiscriminate prescribing of medications to solve every physical problem. Soon, the couple rightfully asserts that people’s health suffers because of dangerous interactions between medications and medication side effects.
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While today’s pharmaceutical industry appears lab-based and high-tech, thousands of prescription medications are plant-based. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 11 percent of prescription drugs are derived from flowering plants. The use of traditional Chinese medicine dates back thousands of years.
For example, childhood Leukemia is treated with drugs derived from Madagascar periwinkle. Atropine, derived from belladonna, is an anticholinergic that can treat conditions from dizziness to psychosis.
Since November 2022, Krach has produced and hosted the podcast, advocating for plant medicine.
Krach explains: “I began GPPM because my other podcast only covered the cannabis industry (and the plant), and I wanted something that covered all types of plant and earth medicine. The plant medicine journey can be lonely, so I wanted to create something that would foster a community as well as provide some informative content.”
Krach continues: “Additionally, GPPM is about demystifying and destigmatizing the conversations we have about plant and earth medicine. That’s why we have the Talking to Kids series inside the show- because the only way to really change the way we talk is to start with children.”
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As a host, Diana-Ashley Krach excels because of her encyclopedic knowledge of the topic, her no-nonsense interview skills, and the uniqueness of her laugh — unabashed and thunderous. In her episodes, Krach doesn’t delay and dives into the topic at hand.
What topics does GPPM cover?
In the most recent episode, Krach engaged in a captivating conversation with Dr. Silver, the Chief Veterinary Officer of Real Mushrooms. Dr. Silver shared his fascinating journey from traditional veterinary practice to becoming a leading advocate for herbal and nutraceutical medicines in pet care. He also recounted how his initial frustration with conventional treatments led him to explore the health benefits of mushrooms such as lion’s mane and oyster mushrooms for dogs.
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In my favorite episode from June 2023, Krach spoke with Dr. Peter Grinspoon about the importance of discussing plant medicine use with your doctor. Dr. Grinspoon, a primary care physician and medical cannabis expert, shared his experiences treating patients who use plant medicine and provided valuable insights into how to talk to your doctor about it.
The episode begins by discussing the stigma that still surrounds plant medicine use and how this can make it difficult for patients to talk to their doctors about it. The conversation then turns to the potential benefits and risks of plant medicine use and how these can vary depending on the individual and the specific plant medicine. Dr. Grinspoon provided tips for preparing for a conversation with your doctor, including doing your own research, bringing a list of questions, and being open to discussing alternative treatments.
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Check out Getting Personal With Plant Medicine. Diana-Ashley Krach is an excellent host. She is sensible, passionate about plant-based medicine, and concerned about her listeners’ health.
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buckiegotit · 2 months
Published 15 July 2024 St Kitts, Basseterre, Buckie Got It Media Source Job Advertisement: Chief Veterinary Officer Are you a seasoned and dedicated professional in the field of veterinary medicine? TheMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Marine Resources is seeking a highly qualified andexperienced individual to join our team as the Chief Veterinary Officer. Position: Chief Veterinary…
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joackanimalclinic · 3 months
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Meet Eliasi Kandonga Veterinary Doctor (Officer) and Chief incharge at JOACK Animal Clinic - HQ.
JOACK Company Limited hii ni kampuni iliyosailiwa Tanzania, kwa lengo la kutoa huduma mbalili mbalili zinazohusiana na maswala ya kilimo na mifugo.
Call/Text/WhatsApp: +255 714 63 63 75
@joackcompany @kilimo_tz @mifugo_tz @afyakiganjani @joackagrovet
Muda wetu wa kazi ni saa 1 Asubuhi hadi saa 5 Usiku (7:00am - 11:00pm)
Kwenye mifugo (@mifugo_tz) kampuni inajihusisha na uuzaji wa bidhaa za mifugo lakini pia kutoa huduma mbalili za mifugo.
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2. Chanjo na matibabu ya mifugo aina zote.
3. Kutembelea mashamba ya mifugo (farm visit)
4. Usimamizi wa mashamba ya mifugo
5. Kutafuta masoko ya bidhaa za mifugo.
6. Uadaaji wa bajeti za ufugaji
7. Furmigation service
Bidhaa patiakana JOACK
1. Vifaa vya ufugaji (vipo vya aina nyingi)
2. Mashine, mf: mashine za kuaguliavifaranga, mashine za kuchakata majani, nk
3. Vifaa vya incubator
4. Chanjo na madawa ya mifugo.
5. Vifaranga
6. Wanyama hai, mf: mbwa, paka, ng'ombe, nk
Kampuni pia inajihusisha na maswala ya kilimo, kama unapenda kufahamu zaidi kuhusu kilimo tembelea hii page @kilimo_tz
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Office zetu zipo @TegetaWazohill -Barabara ya kwenda kiwanda cha twigacement, opposite na kota za kiwanda - Dar es salaam, Kwa wanaohitaji bidhaa zetu au huduma yoyote fika ofisini au wasilina nasi kwa
+255 714 63 63 75 (WhatsApp)
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YouTube: https://youtu.be/Yd1kfmho0ac
Website link: https://joackcompany.business.site/
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petnews2day · 3 months
Bird flu detected at eighth Victorian farm
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/tXP32
Bird flu detected at eighth Victorian farm
Bird flu has been confirmed at an eighth Victorian farm, with chickens at the property to be euthanised. Tests have confirmed the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain at the small commercial egg farm, which was already in quarantine and in the Golden Plains Shire where movement restrictions were already in place. Chief Veterinary Officer Graeme Cooke […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/tXP32 #BirdNews
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novumtimes · 4 months
Bird flu: Tens of thousands of hens to be euthanised after fifth case
Tens of thousands of hens will be culled after a fifth Victorian poultry farm was plunged into lockdown due to an avian influenza detection. Tests confirmed the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of bird flu had been detected on the Lethbridge farm owned by Farm Pride in the state’s southwest, Agriculture Victoria said on Friday. It is the company’s second farm to test positive for bird flu and houses about 40,000 birds, accounting for roughly four per cent of total production capacity. “The company will seek compensation from the Emergency Animal Disease Compensation Scheme arising from the disposal of these birds,” Farm Price said in a financial update. The farm is situated within an area where movement had already been restricted, covering properties at Meredith and Lethbridge. Another Lethbridge farm, also operated by Farm Pride, was confirmed to have the virus on Tuesday, leading to about 80,000 hens being culled — about eight per cent of the company’s total production capacity. Two farms operated by Avgo and Surf Coast Eggs Farms in Meredith and Terang euthanised about 500,000 birds after testing for two different strains on May 22. A fourth farm within the Meredith and Lethbridge area was confirmed to have avian influenza on Wednesday. A control area buffer zone is in place, bound by Bacchus Marsh Road in the east and Colac-Ballarat Road on the western boundary. Victoria’s chief veterinary officer Graeme Cooke said the newest detection was not unexpected. “It’s why our reasonable and risk-based restricted and control areas are in place and shows that Agriculture Victoria’s comprehensive and ongoing surveillance activities are working well to date,” he said. Agriculture Victoria would continue to work with affected producers and the wider industry to support business continuity while minimising the risk of the spread of the disease, Dr Cooke said. Eggs and poultry products from supermarkets do not pose a risk and are safe to consume. Dr Cooke said the current outbreak was yet to significantly impact supplies, as Victoria has a secure supply chain that includes the importation of eggs from interstate. Avian influenza is a viral disease of birds and is found across the globe. If poultry contract the disease it can spread between birds or when contaminated poultry products, feed, equipment or other items are moved between sites. The avian influenza virus can survive for long periods in droppings, respiratory secretions, water, feathers, eggs and meat. Source link via The Novum Times
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