#Child of Aura (Isaiah)
misfitxofxfriends · 1 year
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Both teens look into the kitchen and see zera with a smile, but fear was on both of them. they wanted to do a prank on Dark for all the times he got them. They only to realize one of the pies baked was for everyone and not the one dark made
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"boys come here right now" this smile was not a happy one this one had anger behind it.
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"yes ma'am" they answered in union as punishment will me dished
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sugaredge · 3 years
I miss Frances and Isaiah, they were so cute.
i have conflicted emotions. i was never fond of him when they were together quite honestly, when the news broke they got married i knew it would end how it did, though i hoped it wouldn't. he started dating her when she was underage and he had a whole child. a one year old baby. plus he says frances was the one who proposed and being older (especially with a baby at home) he should've known better. it seemed like he got his in, plus frances was 19 when they were engaged, she was far too young to be a step mother, and after they were married she tweeted she wasnt having kids for many years as she still felt one herself. when they divorced he demanded so much in spousal support and when he didn't get that or the house he kept her dad's guitar to auction off. he caused the family hell.
it's unusual, he dyed his hair the same exact colours as kurt (bright red and light purple) and kept his hair and outfits similar to his. it's much more unsettling looking back. plus ever single tour he was on was through frances' connections (gerard way, frank iero, smashing pumpkins, the used). on his old facebook he admitted his clothes were stolen from goodwill or frances. though he was said to have surprised frances with all these wonderful gifts, it's clear he paid for them all with her trust fund, then claimed she spent too much (though she kinda did, but he also did). everything seemed opportunistic.
however i was on the eeries twitter the other day (it's still up), and isaiah tweeted on there. it's a rare glimpse into his personality, a little goofy with social commentary on misogyny and violence in media. he seemed like a well likeable guy. moreover it's clear he and frances had a lot in common in terms of music, movies, books, comics, tv shows and art. and her friends liked him (though i guess they had too, with the exception of courtney, who despite trying to have a relationship with him was always weary of him). he supported her education, art and music. and photos of them are very sweet. she was very clearly in love. but he turned very bitter with the divorce. if he truly respected her, and if he actually loved her he wouldn't have tried milking her for money. i know he has a child to support but he also has another parent to raise her with, as well as his family, ultimately his kid is his responsibility. he never needed money from her. he never needed to paint her as a crazy rich kid drug addict hoarder that he did everything he could to save. however his attempts to slander her name was shortlived as his refusal to return kurt's guitar made him the most hated guy in america, the eeries twitter was flooded with comments under every post telling him how horrible he is and to return the guitar. i dont think he could go many places without being harrassed by a nirvana fan anymore. he totally screwed himself all for money.
looking back at pics, old facebook exchanges, if you're in the moment it's very cute lovebirds sharing their life together. my old laptop died and i cannot anywhere find the pics of isaiah and frances making forts in their room to stay and read in, things like that are so cute (sometimes i do wonder who was thirdwheeling taking all these pics of them kissing, or in their house or at family gatherings together). but adding any kind of context, rationality or hindsight, it seems totally predatory to me. he didnt even wait for her to be of age he got his talons in right away. it's creepy. eerie is a fitting band name. if he was smart (and if his band was any good) he should've committed to growing his band and having a quiet divorce when frances filed, then maybe he wouldn't be so disliked.
i also often think of how different frances was with him. though she's a very goofy and affectionate person, her twitter made her seem rather misanthropic, then she had a transitional period of indulging in herself, her own interests and building a life outside of him, before dating matt and becoming much more 'wholesome', approachable and having this aura of bubbly, loving energy, she seemed so much more youthful. she's since closed her life off, disabled tagging, disabled comments, deleted social media accounts, no longer opening herself up to the world, which i do respect, though it means i have to post a lot of old content to keep this blog afloat.
isaiah being older perhaps she had to appear much more wiser, mature and standoffish, though it's partially youthful angst, there was this need to prove herself, and she isolated herself so much from everyone else. it seemed to hinder her growth. i also think being a teenager around older couples in their 30s who met their 'soulmate' and had these great romantic stories, of which frances had even tweeted about (gerard and lindsey and the al columbia comic), added to this fantasy that this guy she met at 17 was the love of her life and she had to marry him. i think her friends were good people and trusted her decisions but perhaps they should've told her to slowdown a little.
i think photos of isaiah and frances were cute, and frances gushing over someone she loved was cute. wanting to share that love with the world was cute. i think the situation and how it started and ended, wasn't. it was a naive love. and i'm sorry she has been so troubled because of it. her music seems to be about him. i wonder if those older tracks make the album or if she completely chooses to leave him in the past.
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lanegrooms · 4 years
Mystery Babylon Revisited 03: Notes from “Egyptian Magic”
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Part 3 of Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon series:
These are not the beliefs of Bill Cooper or myself. These are the beliefs of the mysteries schools that make up what is known as, “Mystery Babylon” or the Babylonian religions.
Notes Below:
Mystery Babylon: Hour 03, Egyptian Magic [Bill Cooper’s “The Hour of the Time” Radio Broadcast]
“These are historic broadcasts, and by making these broadcasts, I have sealed my fate.”
Intro: More on the Sun
The sun enter each house of the zodiac at the 30th degree, and leaves in the 33rd.
A Freemason is not told the truth about the object of his worship until he obtains the 30th degree.
Thus Gods Sun is said to enter into his ministry at 30 and dies at 33.
This is why the 33rd degree is the highest, because no man can be higher than the Sun.
background lore
When viewing the Sun’s reflection on the water at dawn or sunset, you are witnessing the Sun walking on water.
Ancient man believed the Sun controlled the weather.
God’s Sun did this as he crossed the sky in his boat.
The boat of Isis.
Ra the sun god a.k.a. Osiris, wears a sun disk on his head.
symbolizing his power in the heavens
the boat is made of a serpent and bears his eye
seated on a pedestal representing Maet, or divine order.
Every king, prince, lord, dictator, national flag, coat of arms, citation, etc... uses the sun as a primary symbol.
Thus God’s Sun is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
They see Christianity as a perversion of these mysteries.
in ancient times, months followed the phases of the moon.
The scorpion betrays the Sun in autumn
The original October surprise.
Thirty moons of silver.
Scorpion: Judas
1307, Oct 13th in France, more on this later
Earth is considered the Mother
Rain is the fertilizing agent from the Father in Heaven
Intercourse between Earth and Heaven
The Canaan fertility rite: The Marriage Feast of Canaan.
over 5,000 years old
Egyptian Magic Background
Reiteration of Sun mythology
The child Horus was called the Logos: the Word
The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
The only begotten of the Father
The Word was lost.
The symbol of the Word today is the Obelisk.
The stone
The lost word of Freemasonry (more later)
Horus was later in Egyptian history was given another name: Isos/Isis: Jesus
If you want to follow the life of God’s Sun
You must follow the Sun/ face to the east
You must be born again
A former president did not directly claim to be a Christian, but to have been born again.
Life is symbolized by coming out of the water.
They hate Christians
and you are in danger
Old Testament:
Malaki: God is the Sun with healing in his wings.
Mathew and Luke: God’s Sun wanting to gather all under his wings
In ancient Egypt pictured the sun with wings
Jeremiah: God the Potter
Isaiah: You are the Potter, we are the clay
The images of “winged craft” depict the Sun
Ancient alien theory and UFO theories is compromised by masonic forces.
Man is considered sheep/flock
Kings: sheperds
blindly follow
born to be fleeced
lead to the slaughter
the skin is worn about the Freemason’s waist
the 23rd Psalm: go to sleep
Rod and Staff
Pharaohs wore the symbol of the rod and the staff on their chest.
The rod to beat with
The staff to lead
Note: Bill Cooper’s informants have infiltrated the lodge.
The god Nimu fashioned man from clay.
in some depiction Thoth is pictured also, marking the length of man’s life on a staff.
Morning Sun: Horus; At high noon: Aman-Ra
Called in 2 Corr, and other places, God is still called Amen.
Amon was said at the end of their prayers.
Reminder: We have only just begun to uncover the worship of Ba’al or Baal or B’el
Ba: the Sun
al/el: god
Reminder: Wake Up Now.
Bill states his allegiances
If you stand for nothing, you are already dead.
Egyptian Magic Continued
The use of magic is expressed in the Osirian Cycle
The redemption of the human soul
Isis was the patroness of the arts of Egyptian Magic
Applies the most potent charm when she resurrected Osiris
The gods of Egypt were part of a magical system
A cerimonial Kaballah
an elaborate metaphysical system
Egyptologist have no clue
Call them superstition
The Curse of Aman-Ra
The opening of King Tut’s Tomb
All but one who entered the cursed tomb died within a year
7 french authors and journalists died within 2 years of the visit.
A mark was found on the mummies face
a similar mark appeared on one of the tomb’s openers
Over the entrance of the Tomb was a magical tablet: The Stella of Malediction
O ye beings from Above;
O ye beings from Below;
Phantoms riding the breaths of men;
Ye of the crossroads and of the great highways;
Wanders beneath the shade of Night;
And ye from the abysses of the West on the fringes of the twilight;
Dwellers in the caverns of obscurity who rouse terrors and shuttering;
And ye walkers by night whom I will not name, friends of the moon;
and ye intangible inhabitants of the world of Night;
O people, O denizens of the tombs, all of you approach and be my witnesses and respondents,
Let the hand raised against my form be withered;
Let them be destroyed who attack my name, my foundation, my effigies, the images like unto me.
If Egypt’s magic gave them power over nature’s laws can we take them lightly?
Also look into the Cleopatra Tomb Curse.
After news of the curse, collectors of Egyptian artifacts began to send them into the British museums.
Few articles received had a return address or name.
“Scare gifts”
The priestess of Aman-Ra
Pictures taken of the Casket placed in a cabinet
the glass turned to dust
They found what was assumed to be a poisonous dust.
Although it defies analysis
Later it was blamed on a virus
Egyptians inherited the religion of Babylon.
Mystery Babylon
The Ancient Mystery Schools claim to have brought some of this forward
The Bible speaks of Pharaoh’s priest turning staves into snakes
Magic is to old to be explained away by tricks
highly educated scientific men
psychological impression
sent spirits forth from the body
read the secrets of the soul
employed music
perfected embalming the dead
Priests said to possess these power
walk the air
handle fire
live under water
read the past
see the future
harmlessly suffer mutilation
make themselves invisible
cure disease
Compare to Mystics of Tibet
tree withered by a pointed finger
dead raised to life
man surrounded by a blue aura
man lifted into the air by pure mental effort
Plato and Pythagorus were initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries
They said that the initiated priest was able to manipulate the seen and unseen to his will
the highest form of magic was the worship of the gods
able to ascend to a higher state and understanding in which high feats of magic were possible
Alister Crowley said the same thing.
Gen. Pike: the absolute science of nature and it’s laws
from this knowledge arises occult science
from this knowledge arises the theurgic arts
(more on Albert Pike later)
Men like Crowley have proven that the Mysteries have been passed down through the ages.
These arts are kept by those who call themselves the Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages.
“Just Wake Up”
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khaosfm · 5 years
          ‘sup  my  dudes   !  it’s  ya  boy  yves  sliding  into  the  group  after  eyeing  this  bad  boy  for  quite  some  time  ,  and  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  .  i’m  not  even  gonna  lie  to  ya’ll  ...  this  intro  is  headass  as  fuck  and  my  son  is  hell  in  a  hand  basket  (  maybe  that’s  why  his  name  is  khaos   ?   lmao  ) .  anyways  ,  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  and  to  introduce  ya’ll  to  my  son  ,  and  i’ll  be  sharing  my  discord  𝐝𝐨𝐣𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝑐𝑎𝑡 .#4437 just  in  case  anyone  would  prefer  to  plot  there  .  uhhh  ,  ya’ll  should  be  warned  that  this  intro  is  pretty  long  and  also  kinda  link  heavy  ,  but  you  don’t  have  to  click  them  if  you  don’t  want  to  !  it’s  mainly  because  i’m  an  extra  bitch  and  wasn’t  to  provide  ya’ll  with  VISUALS  .  
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           chicago’s  very  own  khaos  banks  has  been  spotted  on  madison  avenue  driving  a  frozen  blue  metallic  2020  porsche  taycan  ,  welcome  !  your  resemblance  to  keith  powers  is  unreal  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty - fourth  birthday  bash  . your  chance  of  surviving  new  york  is  uncertain  because  you’re  austere  ,  but  being  debonair  might  help  you  .  i  think  being  a  virgo  explains  that  .  3  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  diamond  encrusted  grills  glistening  underneath  the  glow  of  club  lights ,  back  to  back  shots  of  patrón  with  pineapple  juice  chasers ,  and  the  swipe  of  an  american  express  centurian  card  out  of�� boredom  .  (  his  parents  had  his  criminal  record  expunged  to  protect  the  family  name   .  ) 
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  .
NAME :  khaos  maurice  banks  .
NICKNAME(s) :  kai  ,  or  nothing  . he’ll  gut  you  like  a  fish  if  you  try and  come  up  with  anything  different  . 
BIRTHDAY / AGE  :  september  17th  ,  1995  /  twenty - four  .
ZODIAC  :  virgo  .
GENDER  :  cismale  .
PRONOUNS :  he / him / his  .
NATIONALITY  :  american  .
ETHNICITY :  african - american  .
HEIGHT :  6′2″ ( six  foot  ,  two  inches ) .
LABEL(s)  :  the  lothario  ,  the  trust  fund  baby  ,  the  connard  ,  the  black  sheep  ,  and  the  sybarite  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .
FAMILY  NET  WORTH  :  $3.67  billion  .
LANGUAGES  SPOKEN  :  english  and  portuguese  .
CHARACTER  TROPES  :  the  quarterback  ,  spoiled  brat  ,  millionaire  playboy  ,  socialite  ,  and  the  casanova  .
CHARACTER  INSPO :  ambrose  spellman  ,  daniel  king  ,  spencer  james  ,  aaron  jackson  ,  and  chris  mckay  .
𝐢. 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 .
          born  in  a  moderately  comfortable  home  in  chicago  ,  il  ,  marcus  banks  never  really  knew  what  he  wanted  to  do  .  he  could  have  been  the  first  in  his  family  to  go  to  college  ,  especially  since  his  father  went  into  the  army  right  after  high  school  and  his  mom  worked  at  a  mac  counter  in  the  mall  to  give  herself  something  to  do  instead  of  being  a  stay  at  home  mom  .  when  he  was  in  high  school  ,  marcus  was  the  quarterback  for  his  school’s  team  ,  but  he  had  no  interest  in  playing  football  in  college  .  he  does  end  up  going  ,  and  manages  to  get  himself  into  prestigious  hbcu  morehouse  college  in  atlanta  ,  georgia  .  marcus  discovered  that  he  was  unhappy  at  morehouse  and  dropped  out  ,  so  like  most  twenty  year  olds  with  nothing  to  his  name  and  a  single  ticket  to  new  york  ,  marcus  somehow  managed  to  get  a  position  as  an  intern  at  uptown  records  .
          marcus  worked  his  way  up  from  intern  and  eventually  became  a  talent  director  ,  and  this  is  when  he  discovered  his  own  passion  for  music  as  well  as  how  exciting  it  was  to  help  develop  talent  .  while  at  uptown  records  ,  marcus  had  a  hand  in  developing  a  lot  of  the  talent  from  the  90s  ,  such  as  jodeci  and  mary  j .  blige  .  marcus’s  time  at  uptown  came  to  an  end  when  he  decided  that  he  wanted  to  start  his  own  label  ,  which  he  called  kingdom  records  .  through  those  years  ,  he  helped  to  manage  and  produce  tons  of  popular  artists  from  the  late  90s  and  early  2000s  .  although  marcus  enjoyed  his  time  as  a  producer  and  he  watched  as  his  wealth  grew  ,  he  also  knew  that  he  wanted  to  have  a  wife  and  children  .
           he  married  his  wife  ,  jada  long  ,  after  they  met  when  she  came  in  with  her  girl - group  to  become  the  next  big  trio  .  while  the  trio’s  career  didn’t  take  off  ,  jada  managed  to  find  love  with  marcus  and  they  married  after  six  months  of  dating  .  after  being  married  for  three  years  ,  they  welcomed  their  first  child  ,  a  son  named  isaiah  born  in  1993  .  in  1995  ,  jada  and  marcus  were  originally  expecting  twins  ,  but  one  of  them  absorbed  the  other  ,  so  that  explains  why  the  couple  decided  to  name  their  second  son  khaos  .  the  couple  had  one  more  child  ,  a  daughter  they  named  mariah  ,  in  1999  .  marcus  and  jada  settled  with  their  family  in  los  angeles  ,  where  their  company  expanded  and  marcus  started  his  own  music  career  .
          originally  ,  critics  were  skeptical  because  he  was  known  for  managing  and  producing  ,  not  rapping  ,  but  he  released  his  debut  album  in  2001  and  let’s  just  say  that  critics  were  floored  .  the  album  debuted  at  number  one  and  went  2x  platinum  ,  earning  him  his  first  grammy  nomination  .  marcus  continuously  released  music  throughout  the  2000s  and  even  into  the  2010s  ,  which  has  earned  him  18  grammy  wins  and  received  the  commemorative  ‘ salute  to  industry  icons  ’  in  2017  .  marcus  has  since  retired  from  music  after  touring  a  few  times  ,  and  now  mainly  cites  himself  as  a  businessman  .  he  is  the  head  of  banks  enterprises  ,  which  is  the  umbrella  com[any  for  his  restaurants  ,  fashion  line  ,  liquor  brand  ,  and  he  eventually  went  into  television  production  as  well  .
          as  for  their  son  khaos  ,  he’s  got  a  sick  case  of  middle  child  syndrome  .  while  growing  up  ,  he  always  felt  overshadowed  by  his  brother  who  went  into  the  music  industry  and  even  by  his  younger  sister  as  she  had  a  natural  talent  for  gymnastics  .  when  he  was  in  high  school  ,  khaos  played  football  because  it  made  sense  ,  but  he  wasn’t  as  passionate  about  it  as  his  father  .  football  was  never  an  interest  to  khaos  ,  and  he  never  had  an  interest  in  attending  college  for  it  either  (  sound  familiar  ?  )  he  wanted  time  to  figure  out  who  he  was  and  things  of  the  sort  ,  but  his  dad  was  a  stubborn  man  who  barely  let  him  decide  what  he  wanted  despite  the  fact  that  he  allowed  it  for  his  other  children  .  khaos  never  really  knew  how  to  tell  his  dad  that  he  didn’t  want  a  life  as  some  pro - baller  ,  so  he  started  hanging  around  the  wrong  people  .
          when  it  started  , khaos  primarily  hot - boxed  in  his  car  with  his  friends  ,  stayed  out  for  far  too  long  ,  and  occasionally  got  busted  in  the  mansions  that  were  up  for  sale  in  their  neighborhoods  .  to  him  ,  it  was  all  fun  and  games  ,  but  the  laughs  came  to  a  halt  when  his  father  picked  him  up  fueled  with  rage  and  his  mother  had  tears  in  her  eyes  because  he  was  ‘  headed  down  a  dark  path  ’  .  of  course  ,  khaos  never  took  heed  to  what  his  parents  had  to  say  about  anything  ,  so  he  continued  to  act  up  (  you  can  get  snatched  up  )  and  when  he  was  eighteen  his  parents  had  had  enough  when  he  was  placed  on  probation  for  two  and  a  half  years  for  reckless  driving  and  drag  racing  .
           the  heads  of  the  banks  household  decided  that  they  would  have  khaos  complete  his  probation  in  chicago  ,  and  was  made  to  stay  with  his  grandmother  for  the  duration  .  of  course  ,  khaos  was  mad  about  it  ,  but  he  decided  that  he  wouldn’t  stay  in  chicago  once  it  was  over  .  he  was  supposed  to  return  to  california  ,  but  somehow  managed  to  convince  his  parents  that  he’d  be  better  off  moving  to  new  york  ,  and  so  they  let  him  . 
𝐢𝐢. 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 .
now  ,  he  lives  in  new  york  and  pretends  like  he’s  the  ‘ changed ’  son  that  his  parents  want  .  in  reality  he’s  just  doing  whatever  the  hell  he  wants  because  his  parents  made  sure  that  the  media  didn’t  discover  that  he  was  going  in  and  out  of  jail  and  on  probation  for  a  period  of  time  .  he  mainly  lives  the  life  of  a  socialite  ,  taking  random  excursions  around  the  world  when  he  feels  like  it  and  popping  up  in  the  tabloids  because  he’s  having  another  club  night  escapade  .  
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  .
khaos  is  pretty  much  the  epitome  of  a  spoiled  rich  boy  .  he’s  really  arrogant  ,  and  thinks  highly  of  himself  but  he’s  not  really  in  your  face  about  it  .  it  mostly  can  be  seen  in  his  aura  /  his  energy  as  he’s  not  much  of  a  talker  in  the  first  place  .  he  doesn’t  brag  or  boast  about  himself  or  his  family’s  wealth  because  well  ...  there’s  no  need  for  that  .  as  soon  as  people  hear  the  ‘ banks ’  last  name  ,  they  automatically  know  who  he  is  .
he’s  the  most  charming  man  !  he’s  really  chill  and  he  really  likes  conversation  ,  so  watch  as  he  fills  it  with  compliments  but  mainly  to  get  what  he  wants  .  if  he’d  being  honest  ,  he  gets  his  charm  from  his  father  ,  even  though  he  doesn’t  really  want  to  admit  it  ,  and  he  gets  his  incredible  sense  of  humor  from  his  mother  so  chances  are  ,  he’s  gonna  get  what  he  wants  .  
uh  ,  he’s  an  asshole  ,  too  ?  like  he  tends  to  think  he’s  not  ,  but  he  doesn’t  really  care  for  his  dad  and  borderline  would  beat  his  ass  if  he  had  the  chance  to  .  he’s  not  an  asshole  outright  where  he’s  a  standoffish  dick  face  ,  but  khaos  does  have  his  moments  where  his  temper  won’t  be  as  mellow  as  it  usually  is  .
𝐢𝐯. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬  .
his  family  owns  a  few  houses  around  the  united  states  .  they  have  their  main  house  in  hidden  hills  ,  their  house  in  chicago  ,  two  vacation  homes  in  aspen  and  southampton  ,  and  a  more  ‘ modest ’  home  in  beverly  hills  .  khaos  lives  in  a  loft - style  duplex  condo  in  greenwich  village  .
it’s  my  dream  car (  rip  to  tesla  ig  lol )  ,  but  khaos  drives  primarily  a  porsche  taycan  .  it’s  the  main  car  he  drives  in  nyc  ,  but  back  home  in  california  he  has  a  fleet  of  cars  ranging  from  a  range  rover  ,  bentley  bentayga  ,  rolls - royce  phantom  ,  a  ferrari  548  italian  spider  ,  and  the  beautiful  bugatti  chiron  .
his  fashion  sense  is  primarily  streetwear  .  he  likes  to  dabble  into  luxury  sportswear  as  well  ,  but  mainly  sticks  to  brands  like  supreme  ,  commes  des  garcones  ,  balenciaga  ,  vetements  ,  supreme  ,  off - white  ,  alexander  wang  ,  etc  .  
this  is  so  headass  and  it  fits  his  aesthetic  lmao  ,  but  khaos  wears  a  an  eight  tooth  grill  (  both  top  and  bottom  )  every  single  day  .  ofc  he  takes  them  out  to  be  cleaned  /  brush  his  teeth  ,  but  he  never  leaves  the  house  without  them  and  they’re  valued  at  $45k  each  .
mostly  because  he’s  annoying  ,  his  favorite  thing  to  eat  is  cronuts  and  he’d  literally  fly  back  to  los  angeles  for  the  vegan  cronuts  at  donut  farm  .  that  being  said  ,  he  is  vegan  but  not  annoying  about  it  ...  at  least  i  don’t  think  he  is  lmao  .
a  feminist  !  specifically  ,  an  intersectional  feminist  and  he's  gone  to  the  women’s  march  in  nyc  every  year  since  he  made  the  official  move  ,  and  uh  ,  probably  got  arrested  during  a  peaceful  protest  when  the  ab*rtion  bill  became  a  thing  .
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jackson-jemson · 5 years
I am officially quarantined. And I am figuratively or hypothetically alone mentally. As mentioned earlier (I think) this virus has disrupted everything. To add to the list of things it’s disrupted my therapist got laid off and I’m probably not gonna get another one, because I don’t feel like re-explaining my whole life story. Re-explaining and discovering all the ways my parents messed me up, how I messed myself up, because while all of that is helpful and has helped me grow, I do feel that if I re-discuss all of that it’ll just make me get all in my head about it. Like with Angela we had gotten pretty far but the last time we spoke she implied I was being narcissistic because I could easily list positive things about myself and in her doing that I literally doubted every positive thing I had to say and now every time I make a decision that I feel would be best for me I think I’m being selfish, and me accepting that I’m not as sacrificial as my parents was like a week one issue that she helped me work through. She’s a good therapist though and I really hate she’s not gonna be mine anymore. She’ll be great to the kids that need her more. I was a bit too old to be seeing her. Maybe this means I need an adult therapist?
Speaking of my parents though, it is 6:30 am and I am at my boyfriends house who I have been at for the last 3 going 4 days. This relates to my parents because 1) my mom, rest her soul, is not here to make me feel safe and keep my anxiety at bay (slight aside: mom for all that you may have not done well, you did your best and you loved me. You made me feel safe and loved and spent time with me and even during the times when you made me anxious you were always there to make the feeling go away, so much to the point where I didn’t know it was an issue until you were gone. Thanks 💙) 2) My dad, bless his soul, has his hands full with two other family members that require his attention more. And let’s face it I’m 21. I need to deal with *gesters to self* this on my own. My mom was my primary caretaker and my dad was there when I needed him thereby disproving any idea or thought I had in my mind that he didn’t love me. I now know I can lean on him if need be. I had a point, and it was that.. because my parents are dead or over worked and I need to be in an environment where I gotta figure shit out on my own I am here at my boyfriends which is like ultimate survival mode. I am scavenging for food (delivery), literally living off the land in terms of clothing (I wear his shirts) I have to venture into the unknown for supplies (target is down the street and it’s cold). I’m so focused on surviving I don’t think about the fact that my dad’s house literally causes me to have mini panic attacks and the thought of returning also gives me mini panic attacks. Well being stuck there does. Like I recognize that neither Tyler or Isaiah leaves their homes, and I would happily stay at either of their places indefinitely (if they are there) and that’s because they are very comforting people whose smiles and auras bring me peace and make me feel that everything will be ok. Also they have windows and natural light. Like it’s mainly the windows. Like this is an apocalyptic situation. The entire world has shut down due too this crisis, and yes it is fun to think “let’s all just live in a bunker we will be safe” but no Chad it’s not fun and sure Cassidy we will be safe physically, but no living thing outside of maybe bats can survive mentally without sunlight. They will go insane. Literally warmth is a primal need for all life and you know what’s a reliable source of warmth. The sun. And you know who we exprience the sun as well as nature overall when we’re unable to go outside, a fucking window Cassandra! Now sure I could just ask hey open the curtains or hey turn up the heat past 68 so I can shake this cold hallow loneliness I feel, but that would be rearranging their entire way of living. Something that I’m just not ok with doing entirely especially considering doing so would just be for my benefit, and would start some petty thing that will blow out of proportion.
Though it would be for someone else’s benefit that of my brother. Lil Theo. Now Theo poses a bit of a moral conundrum for me, because just like I don’t wanna be in that house I don’t think he does either like his entire life I have made jokes and somewhat empty threats that I will remove this boy from his home given the opportunity. The threats are somewhat empty because I’m not equipped to take care of Theo. his life with though being filled with love and care would be less structured and chaotic and to remove him from a place just because I don’t like it wouldn’t be fair to him, that being said let me see one sign of abuse and I will not hesitate. I will take him in he will live with me and Isaiah will just have to figure something out. Though my dad got it if something ever goes down I can see it in his eyes. My dad will die for his kids shit he kinda already is. Point: he’s a moral conundrum because though I know ultimately Theo is safer where he is and our dad loves him an amount that exceeds the typical amount children feel who have both parents (his mom’s alive she’s just questionable in my eyes), I know theo would prefer if I was there forever. Which isn’t possible for a multitude of reasons that I am unable to explain to a child, and one of my character flaws is that if I can’t explain something to you odds are I’m not gonna try. Which is something I could work on during these trying times. I just want theo to know I love him.
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prju77 · 5 years
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In these prophetic words, Zion refers to the Church, for it is God’s dwelling place. It’s revealed in God’s Word as the perfection of beauty, from where God shines forth. But King James Version and a few other translations didn’t quite render the scripture above correctly. In the original Hebrew, the latter part of the scripture gives a connotation of continuity. It’s rendered thus, “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth”; His glory goes forth. In Psalm 90:17, we see the passionate cry of Moses, the man of God, as he prays: “…let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us….” What a prayer! He was talking about that divine aura on you as a child of God that produces excellence; a special beauty. But thanks be unto God! That prayer has been answered in us. We’re His crowning beauty (James 1:18). There’s something about your life; you carry the glory of God everywhere you go, and that beauty brings pleasantness, favours, promotion and increase to your life. Always be mindful that you’re dressed with the ornament of God’s beauty; drenched in the rains of the Spirit. He sent the prophet Isaiah to tell the children of Israel He’d give them beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3); ornaments of beauty. Instead of allowing circumstances cause you to question the presence of God in your life, learn to see God’s beauty. Thank Him for your beautiful life. Never allow circumstances change who you really are. You’re God’s beauty, His icon, His express image, and the outshining of His glory. You radiate His splendour. Hallelujah! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hgk06F_Cr/?igshid=1ia8t2gkm7r4u
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spiteweaver · 7 years
Feldspar: Behind the Scenes
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Sornieth’s Newest Magical Malady
Research continues into Opal and its practical applications, both medical and non. The current task force consists of Crucis, Betelgeuse, Aberdeen, and Xerxes. Xerxes is a recent addition, who chose to join despite his decidedly negative view of the project. Dreamweaver oversees.
The first Opal Scrolls are set to be tested following the close of Flameforger’s. Trustworthy volunteers from all across Sornieth have been handpicked by Dreamweaver to undergo what they hope will be the harmless and entirely reversible transformation.
Meanwhile, newcomers to the territory bearing Opal are screened especially harshly, with Mergo present as a precaution. Given Opal’s high-risk nature, it is considered an inherent threat, as are dragons afflicted with it.
The Child With No Element
Jorah’s explosive arrival in the clan has caused an uproar among its citizens. While Dreamweaver has assured their people that the boy is harmless, some continue to doubt.
“They’ve promised us such things before,” said one resident of the village, who wishes to remain anonymous. “Look at what happened with Seaglass, and Xerxes, and Atsushi, and even Dreamweaver themself--and let’s not forget that whole mess with Aphaster. After all that’s gone on these past several eons, how can we trust their word?”
Dreamweaver’s response when informed of the unease in their ranks was barbed and concise. “Do they think the clan’s magical theorists have been playing house all this time? It isn’t about trusting my word. It’s about trusting the facts.”
Jorah is currently in the custody of resident darling, Shard Junior. When asked to comment on the situation, Junior had this to say: “I can’t tell people not to be worried, because magic is a deeply worrying thing--but I can say, with confidence, that Jorah’s condition is not currently a threat to the clan, and it most likely never will be, once he’s undergone treatment. I hope they can all come to accept and love him as I have.”
The exact nature of Jorah’s “condition” remains a mystery.
The Heir and His Guard
A stranger arrived in the square the day following the eclipse. Even under the guise of his glamour, he towered above the clan’s tallest residents, and, according to eye witnesses, gave off an unapproachable aura.
In short, there was something distinctly off about him.
No one was surprised, therefore, when it was revealed that he had some relation to Dreamweaver. They tore out of their home in a rage, their eyes glowing with the eerie golden light that many of us here in Clan Feldspar have become intimately familiar with, and set upon the newcomer with such fervor that their mate was eventually forced to intervene.
It was the hottest anyone had seen them in a long while, made even worse when their son, Phantasos, timidly stepped forward and admitted that he had invited the stranger into the territory.
Phantasos was immediately relegated to his room without supper, but we at the paper caught up with him later in the evening for a brief interview.
“I knew dede would be teed off,” he said, “but I’d rather be grounded than dead, y’know? Sornieth’s taken a turn for the worse, and we need to start thinking about how we can protect our clan. Ozymandias can do that. He’s probably the only one who can, short of the Weaver Herself.”
The stranger, Ozymandias, declined to be interviewed. He doesn’t appear to be particularly interested in the lives (or well-beings, for that matter) of Feldspar’s residents, but sticks to Phantasos like glue, suggesting a deeper bond between the two than perhaps even our young heir is aware of. Unsociable and cold, he makes for poor company, but an undeniably imposing guardian.
Understandably, opinions of him are split.
The Nightmare: What Happens Now?
Dreamweaver was uncharacteristically frank with us all following the events of this year’s Brightshine Jubilee. The part they played was minor in some residents’ opinions, major in others’, but the fact remains that they have a monster living inside of them.
So where do we go from here?
It’s a touchy subject for Dreamweaver. They told us here at the paper that, as much as they want to encourage transparency, they aren’t so sure they’re ready to talk about it in-depth just yet.
“The nightmare is an intimate part of who I am,” they elaborated, “and the darkest part of my long history here in Sornieth. It’s difficult to talk about without being overwhelmed.
“Rest assured, however,” they went on, “that neither I nor the Lightweaver believe it will cause any issues for Feldspar residents. Whatever problems that may arise from its return to my heart will be personal, and will affect only myself. I pray that will put your minds at ease.”
We aren’t likely to ever receive a more technical explanation from the founder, but, at least for now, we can all rest easy knowing the nightmare is at its end.
Foreign Relations on the Rise
As promised, Dreamweaver and their ambassadors have thrown everything they’ve got into improving foreign relations and strengthening alliances with clans from across the Continent--when they aren’t reabsorbing living nightmares and dismantling oppressive autocracies, that is.
A number of clans have joined Feldspar in its efforts to defend Sornieth against encroaching dangers. In recent months, Feldspar has allied with no less than six separate clans--most notably Clan Asclepius, our Acolight cousins to the north, who specialize in the fields of fertility and transgenderism.
Feldspar’s alliance with Asclepius marks the beginning of a leap forward in medical advancement. Isaiah, the clan’s general practitioner and head of the local hospital, is rumored to have been seen in talks with Asclepius’ founders, Overseers Eleanor and Itzal.
“It’s only a matter of time before we surpass other local clans in medical technology and methodology,” he informed. “Asclepius is the most medically advanced clan in the Sunbeam Ruins, but we’ll be happy to settle for second place.”
Lightning Has Struck!
Although the local hospital has made use of Lightning technology since its inception, outside of the medical field, it is unusually rare for a clan situated so near the border. A popular theory is that the clan’s mages are resistant toward it, fearing that it may render them obsolete, but the general consensus is that the founders have simply been too busy to properly implement it.
That’s all about to change. This coming eon, Feldspar’s Lightning Representative, Dr. Volskaya Sokolov, will begin outfitting the clan’s border outposts with what he refers to as “two-way radios.” Two-way radios allow for speedy communication across sizable distances, without the use of complex, time-consuming spells, and can be powered easily with lightning magic, provided by the clan’s Lightning Sprites, Electric Nymphs, and other Lightning-attuned familiars.
“Dreamweaver focuses too much on goings-on outside of the territory,” Volskaya told the paper. “I believe it is time we focus instead on expansion and advancement within our own borders. Lightning technology will aid us in this venture. Under my supervision, we will soon put the great cities of my homeland to shame.”
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misfitxofxfriends · 1 year
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This was intense more than his usual training Zero made this a test, a test of survival. Zero had taught him the basics of living in the wild but this had a twist to it. Isaiah had to survive for 5 days with Someone hunting him. Who it was is unknown to the neko. a friend? a co-worker? whoever it is he has to be ready.
Now why was he panting? He was found by the sudden hunter on day 3. two days of calm before this. now the fight begins. 
“okay where did that arrow come from?” Isaiah hid behind a tree, He ran as fast as he could away from the assailant’s attack. Taking a quick peek from behind the tree he saw nothing. no one coming after him or any sense of danger.
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Isaiah wanted to relax for a moment, but that would be bad if the hunter has come now he must always be on guard. while hunting, forging and other stuff “that arrow...it missed me on purpose. was that the way they wanted to tell me they are here or..?” He shook his head, now is not the time to be thinking about this. What he should be doing is staying hidden and plan his next moves.
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anemovictorious · 7 years
Play through 10 saves, each one being the child of the previous. Just pretend Daryl and Marlena are the other parents -Get married and have a kid, and beat the game to get Miracle Worker (New Game Plus) each generation. The farm name MUST remain the same. -Do not marry the previoud generation's parent or sibling. -After a generation has passed, you can marry that person or their sibling. (Ex : Marrying Illuka gen 1 means you cannot marry her or Silluka gen 2, but you can marry either of them gen 3) -After the child is born/grown/whatever, sell everything you own and start a new game+ Risk : hi guys! im keeping my promise and coming out of the underworld more! Grima : it's 1:00 am, go home. Risk : ): Gretchen : all my character development is through crying and i can do 50 cartwheels in a row maybe Grima : i am a dragon who was originally given the name of a fire emblem villian and also am bipolar maybe Yuki : i am a ghost who tries to protect a town Lucii : i am the void master and will save worlds many times but i still cant tie my shoes. Isaiah and Shale : we are literally parodies of izaya and shizuo. Dimensiano : i am litetally a parody of dimentio. Memoria : i am guliable and from another dimension but nobody knows and everything is weird Aura : let me be the fortune teller Anchor : i am not important but technically i am because i signed yuki's grave oh no Ohi : TSUNDERE Tina : my best friend was killed by a demon who posessed my other best friend so now i hate my other best friend and my dad is evil and i am an experiment and highly intellegent oh god help me. Dakota : i like yu-gi-oh Victory : i am literally god Gaius : half original character half gaius from fire emblem Halex : i am god's retainer and you may think it is a good thing but it really, really isnt. Erico : *mermaid man yelling evil* Vian : i ran away from home despite being told to stay with my twin sister because my other sister aka god made me out of her and now i am evil and the vessel of the original seven deadly sin vessels of this world. arc 2 Juliet : i am a sage and die but i am revived because time rifts and sealing volcanos with powers Squiggles : i hate my job
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misfitxofxfriends · 1 year
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“this is the last time i play uno with you two” The demon was pissed it was a tag attack against him
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“look you won to many games and normally your luck is crappy but this time someone gave you some good luck” Isaiah had to respond with that he was the most surprised
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“Isaiah is right so we made a silent agreement to beat you. Isaiah took the fall so I could win as long as one of us win one we don’t care” Spike wondered how this had to happen. who gave Dark luck?
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misfitxofxfriends · 1 year
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A certain cat was sleeping outside under his favorite tree
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as a certain goddess was watching over him
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misfitxofxfriends · 1 year
Spike and Isaiah were having a intense match and this match had a punishment to it. but this was a battle of wits, this game of wits is A GAME OF chess. One look and its easy to see who this winner is
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and with that the neko wipes the sweat from his brows “whew that was a close match and i win spike”
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“HOW HOWWW I had you in check and then you turn it around?! UGHHH okay what do i need to do”
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“i’m sorry spike but this maybe your last and only mission....can you get my game from Dark’s Room”
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“wha.....WHAT BUT ISAIAH...uhhhh okay” he salutes to the neko, as the other salutes back “if i don’t come back tell bro i fell like a hero” with that he leaves to the demons room
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misfitxofxfriends · 2 years
James Files
File access: Isaiah, Sona
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Isaiah one of the two youngest of the group, something on the young neko Personality. Isaiah wears his heart on his sleeve, so its easy to always tell his emotions wither he is happy or sad just by looking at him. its never hard to tell if something is bothering him, this is all because of his shy nature and past.
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Sona the muscle of the group, a something on the female dragon’s Personality. Sona as much as she is a hothead she is easy to get along with and VERY easy to see when she gets pissed off. she is also expressive of her opinions to others so she will not hold back if something is stupid to her.
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misfitxofxfriends · 2 years
What's this? Here comes Pari sliding into the mail box to present.. a tiny and whimsical pumpkin 🎃
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"h-huh m-miss..i mean p-pari thank you for the pumpkin." the neko was defiantly surprised by this but he was happy she brought this to them. it is spooky month so this is very welcomed @the-expatriate
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misfitxofxfriends · 4 years
Now this was a first time for The Cold Heart someone got a hold of him about a problem and info on sudden shadow creatures appearing and taking people. This was something that is exteramely hard to find his number. whoever this peson is they must have looked deep to find it, also connecting him to other cases of this even those are never found out whoever they are he needs to be caitious of them. Riding his motorcycle to the destination, they needed to look as normal as posibly.
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“Sensei are you okay?” the neko with him was on the backseat of his bike back to back normal dangerous but not so much for him. Isaiah’s worry slips asking his teacher noticing Zero’s aura shift in feelings. Zero is a hard one to read even with his abilities.
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Taking a quick look back then to the road in front of him “i’m fine keep focus on anything around don’t want a surprise to attack us on the road. Once we get to the bar stay outside and keep your cat tail and ears hidden” earning a response from the neko.  Zero didn’t know who he was dealing with or if they were even friend or foe. Either way the bar was close to them now. 
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misfitxofxfriends · 2 years
what kind of weather are you?
was tagged by @ssatxr
Muse- Isaiah
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anger is a double-edged sword you know. be careful or you'll cut yourself and everyone you love on it; or have you already? it's okay to be soft, it's not weak to let others see you as you are. you don't have to be strong anymore, let go. you'll never move on from what hurts you until you stop hiding from yourself. you are not who they said you are. tagging @roseicicles, @martyrtsm, @harpyreborn, @nostomannia, @taintedgold, @visiocorx (only if you want too)
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