#Chin Ka-Lok
abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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W a t c h i n g
看 電 影
I'm not as impressed by it. I know it's seen as a classic, but it took an hour for the real action to start.
I think Jackie and Sammo have better collaborations and individual movies.
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kungfuwushuworld · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Chin Ka-lok🎉🎂
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fuforthought · 5 years
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Fist of Legend (1994)
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thestray · 4 years
Movies I watched Feb 8 - Feb 14
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So I’m still on a huge kung-fu kick (pun intended) since I was working on a spreadsheet of 100 martial arts movies, which I’ll be posting soon. So all but 2 of the movies I watched this week contained martial arts.
Movies I watched this week behind the cut.
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The Prodigal Son
Big fan of Yuen Biao and Sammo Hung and I’ve been meaning to watch this for a long time but just haven’t seen it available anywhere til now, found it on a free streaming channel called TCL on my Roku tv, so I watched it and loved it. My favorite part of this movie is the guy that plays his master Lam Ching-ying, he’s one of those guys that’s ubiquitous in Hong Kong movies but typically in a supporting role. I really thought his performance was really good for what could’ve been (and usually is) a caricature, a lot of the other cares ARE caricatures, intentionally, but Lam Ching-ying plays an effeminate opera troupe leader but he’s nuanced rather than over the top about it. Warning that he is called some homophobic slurs within the movie. Fun movie, great choreography, and a good satisfying story too, will definitely purchase a hard copy of this one.
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Martial Arts Master Wong Fei Hung
Found this while looking for more movies featuring Lam Ching-ying, he plays the bad guy in this, a Japanese swordsman bent on defeating dojo masters to prove he’s the best. Chin Ka-lok plays the hero, Wong Fei Hung, who is a Chinese folk hero that has been played by every major Hong Kong action star; Jackie, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Sammo, Gordon Liu, and so many others. I didn’t know this before but this, Drunken Master, Once Upon a Time in China, Iron Monkey, Rise of the Legend and so many other films are fictionalized stories about Wong Fei Hung in different stages of his life. An interesting thing I’m finding about Chinese culture through film is they treat historical figures really no differently than we treat superheroes. Wong Fei Hung, Ip Man, Huo Yuanjia (portrayed by Jet Li in Fearless among others), and it’s kinda cool and beautiful that after these people have long passed on they have become these epic larger than life characters. Anyway, the movie is cool, has really fun choreography. It kinda ends abruptly, but that’s because it touches on elements of his life that are later explored in other films. Cool movie.
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Unlucky Stars
This stars and is directed by Dennis Ruel, on the left, its an independent martial arts film that is on youtube for free, definitely recommend it. The title and the whole film is an homage to 80′s Hong Kong cinema; there’s a “lucky stars” series of films that star Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao and others. If you’re bout that life you’ll catch references, if you’re not it’s still a fun little beat em up. It’s not going to blow you away with it’s cinematography, story or acting, but I thought it was really good for a low budget affair of essentially a bunch of stunt performers getting together to make a movie together. Had some good laughs, fights and stunts are great, I hope these guys get an opportunity to keep doing bigger and better stuff.
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Undisputed 2
I’ve known about the Undisputed films for a long time and was never too in a rush to watch them, decided to rent the movies on Prime and was not disappointed. When you watch a lot of East Asian action films the choreography in American films, especially straight to video stuff like this, can seem a little slow and boring, but that wasn’t the case with this at all. The fights are fun, the characters are fun, and Scott Adkins kills it. Oh, and by the way Undisputed 1 features Ving Rhames, and I don’t remember else, I saw it eons ago, I don’t think it has any connection to these films other than the concept of fighting in prison.
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Undisputed 3
It was such a smart move to turn the franchise’s focus to the villain of the previous film. Boyka has a real Vegeta story arc in these movies, and his super athletic style is just fun to watch. The highlight of this movie to me is when he faces off against a capoeira expert and they’re both just flipping around during the fight. I think this movie is my favorite of the Undisputed series, it has a satisfying end.
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Triad Wars
This is a mob movie with Sammo as the boss and Wu-Jing, pictured above as his enforcer. It’s more of a crime movie than an action movie, but the action scenes are crazy, it’s like if you’re watching the Departed than all of a sudden someone starts flipping around and cutting off everybody’s arms. There are some brutal kills in this. I honestly don’t know if I was following the story that well, the weird thing about movies where different crime factions go to war is it’s like... these people are all evil, and we watch them do fucked up shit, and they all have the same motivation; money, so it’s like I’m not really emotionally invested in what happens, I’m just here to enjoy a guy in all white landing on top of  car and then proceeding to kill everyone with a sword.
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Fighter in the Wind
I had been looking for this movie for a while but forgot what it was called, and it’s hard to search for martial arts movies because what are you going to search “the movie where a guy fights a lot of people”? Anyway I finally found it and it’s a cool movie, another film that’s based on a true historical figure, I don’t know how faithful this movie is but it was enjoyable. This coward who is always being humiliated in fights decides to train himself to become stronger and then challenges every dojo owner in Japan to a fight. It’s a karate movie, so the choreography is not as flash as kung-fu films, and he essentially wins his fights not because he has better technique but because he can take more punishment and hit harder. SIde note: THe lead actor looks so much like Stephen Chow it was distracting.
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Judas and the Black Messiah
The hype is real. This was a good ass movie. The performances are all perfect. I knew that Fred Hampton was assassinated, but to see the whole story and how it went down and to get to know him really gave you the full impact of just how fucked up it was on so many levels. 
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Undisputed 4
Back to Undisputed! Boyka’s back baby! Cool movie, and furthers his character development. I still think I like the previous movie a little better but this was fun too.
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Brigsby Bear
Kyle Mooney is the current best member of SNL, he wrote this film and it’s funny and weird and endearing. I guess after watching people fight in prison, the true story of a black radical being assassinated by the government, and countless people dismembered and impaled, I wanted to watch something a little more lighthearted and fun. Kyle Mooney is an awkward manchild who wants to recreate a show he grew up with. I don’t want to say anymore than that, but I enjoyed it.
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A Kid From Tibet
Yuen Biao with some Golden Child style mystical action adventure. It’s not mind-blowing in terms of action, but I liked this, it has some precursor to Naruto type stuff in it, doing hand jutsus to initiate powers and stuff like that. My favorite thing about the movie is the main henchwoman played by Nina Li Chi, who I’m not retroactively deciding is one of 80′s crushes. I actually went ahead and bought this on DVD just because it’s such an obscure movie I wanted to have it my physical collection.
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Nina Li Chi 
That’s all for this week!
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vintagegeekculture · 6 years
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“The Avenging Quartet” (1992). 
With Michiko Nishiwaki, Moon Lee, Cynthia Khan, and Chin Ka Lok. 
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david558me · 4 years
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852recordstores · 5 years
A group of former mercenaries reunite to plan an epic heist: boosting a truck full of medicine held by a foreign intelligence agency to supply a refugee camp in need. But when they find the truck is actually filled with stolen gold, the band of brothers realize they've been double-crossed by one of their own - and putting the situation right will be all out war.
Director: Chin Ka Lok Cast: Chin Ka Lok, Ekin Cheung, Jordan Chan, Lam Hiu Fung Language: CantoneseSubtitles: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified ChineseRegion Code: ARelease Date: 21 Dec 2018
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la-panda · 7 years
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olivierdemangeon · 5 years
  Le département de la police de Hong Kong est en pleine crise, un groupe de terroristes à enlevé cinq officiers et demande une rançon. Les premières investigations laissent entrevoir qu’il y aurait une taupe dans les hauts gradés des forces de l’ordre. Rapidement, des tensions apparaissent entre les commissaires adjoints…
    “Hon Zin” (寒戰), ou “Cold War’ est un thriller policier hongkongais datant de 2012, écrit et réalisé par Longman Leung et Sunny Luk, à qui l’on doit également “Helios” (2015). Les acteurs principaux sont Aaron Kwok, qu’on a pu voir dans “Port of Call” (2015), Tony Leung Ka-fai, qu’on a pu voir dans “Our Time Will Come” (2017), Charlie Yeung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Kung Fu Jungle” (2014), Gordon Lam, qu’on a pu voir dans “Firestorm” (2013), Chin Ka-lok, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Bullet Vanishes” (2012), Aarif Rahman, qu’on a pu voir dans “Tales of Mystery” (2015), Eddie Peng, qu’on a pu voir dans “Operation Mekong” (2016), et Andy Lau, qu’on a pu voir dans “Shock Wave” (2017). À noter également la participation d’Andy On, qu’on a pu voir dans “Special ID” (2013). Une suite, intitulée “Cold War 2”, a été réalisée en 2016.
Le scénario concocté par Longman Leung et Sunny Luk, qui endossent tous deux la double casquette de scénariste et de réalisateur, nous plongent pleinement dans l’univers du thriller policier, avec un super travail d’écriture. Dans ce métrage, on va œuvrer dans les arcanes de la police de Hong Kong. Une force d’une unité d’urgence, transportant des équipements de pointe et cinq policiers disparaissent. Rapidement, les enquêteurs découvrent que les terroristes qui se cachent derrière cet enlèvement, possèdent une excellente connaissance de leurs procédures. Le chef de la police de Hong Kong est en voyage professionnel à l’étranger et son adjoint, M.B. Lee (Tony Leung Ka-fai) dirige les opérations de sauvetage auxquelles il a donné le nom de code “Cold War” et place toute la police en état d’urgence.
Sean Lau (Aaron Kwok), un autre adjoint du chef de la police de Hong Kong pense que Lee agi de façon disproportionnée car l’un des cinq policiers enlevés étant son propre fils, Joe Lee (Eddie Peng). Après avoir consulté le surintendant Vincent Tsui (Chin Kar-lok) et Albert Kwang (Gordon Lam), qui croient également tous les deux que Lee prend des mesures trop extrêmes, Lau relève Lee de son commandement et prend la direction de l’opération Cold War. Bien que les otages soient libérés, la remise de la rançon est un fiasco. L’inspection générale des services débute une enquête afin de découvrir les raisons du dysfonctionnement, et pour savoir à qui profite vraiment le crime…
Les personnages sont assez nombreux, et ils sont tous policiers. Bien que le récit soit articulé autour de Sean Lau (Aaron Kwok), le personnage incarné par Tony Leung Ka-fai, soit le commissaire de l’unité des opérations spéciales, Waise M.B. Lee, est nettement plus intéressant. Ce dernier est un dur à cuire, un homme direct, percutant, qui n’aime pas perdre de temps en palabres inutiles, et qui souhaite installer, en toutes circonstances, des actions concrètes et efficaces. La scène où il est interrogé par le jeune Billy K.B. Cheung (Aarif Rahman), officier d’ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption), commission indépendante contre la corruption, est tout simplement délectable.
Le développement de “Cold War” nous conduit à un métrage de 102 minutes avec plusieurs rebondissements et une intrigue captivante. L’action représente environ 40 % de la durée du film. La photographie assurée par un binôme composé de Jason Kwan et de Kenny Tse offre de très beaux plans de Hong Kong avec différents lieux, le bâtiment principal de la police, le port de la ville, l’autoroute et les alentours proches de cette mégapole. Les scènes d’action sont bien orchestrées et tranchent avec le calme relatif du reste du métrage. Les effets spéciaux sont maîtrisés et restent cohérents avec le récit.
La distribution offre de très bonnes prestations. Le focus est essentiellement positionné sur Aaron Kwok dans le rôle d’un haut dirigeant de la police de Hong Kong. Ce dernier a une vision très académique du travail de la police. Il s’avère parfois hésitant, réfléchit beaucoup, tout en ayant une approche humaine et respectueuse de son métier. Toutefois, les cinéastes ont su créer une forme d’ambiguïté autour de son personnage, de manière à ce que le spectateur s’interroge sur sa véritable nature, son intégrité, jusqu’au point de douter de sa sincérité. On retiendra que ce sont essentiellement les personnages incarnés par Eddie Peng et Andy On qui amènent les scènes d’action les plus percutantes. La séquence sur le toit d’un immeuble où l’unité d’intervention doit batailler avec des artificiers venus installer des feux d’artifice est assez spectaculaire.
En conclusion, “Cold War” est un très bon thriller policier disposant d’une histoire originale, d’une intrigue captivante et d’un développement enthousiasmant. Le rythme est modéré, le récit est fluide et la narration est linéaire. La photographie est plaisante, la bande originale est discrète, et l’édition est agréable. La distribution offre de bonnes prestations, avec un petit plus pour Tony Leung Ka-fai, au service de personnages peut être un petit peu trop nombreux. L’ensemble est prenant et offre un agréable moment de divertissement. À découvrir…
    COLD WAR (2012) ★★★★☆ Le département de la police de Hong Kong est en pleine crise, un groupe de terroristes à enlevé cinq officiers et demande une rançon.
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inanews-blog1 · 5 years
Kejuaraan Asia 2019, 15 Wakil Indonesia Berlaga pada Babak Pertama
Inanews - Wakil Indonesia dari empat nomor akan berlaga pada babak pertama Kejuaraan Asia 2019 di Wuhan, China, Empat nomor tersebut adalah tunggal putra, tunggal putri, ganda putra, dan ganda putri. Dari empat pasangan ganda campuran yang bertanding pada hari Selasa, tiga di antaranya sudah memastikan lolos ke babak kedua Kejuaraan Asia 2019. Pada laga babak pertama hari ini, pasangan ganda putri Yulfira Barkah/Jauza Fadhila Sugiarto akan menjadi wakil Indonesia yang pertama bermain. Yulfira/Barkah akan berhadapan dengan wakil asal Malaysia, Anna Chin Yik Cheong/Lim Chiew Sien, pada pukul 10.00 waktu setempat atau 09.00 WIB. Setelah laga Yulfira/Barkah, wakil Indonesia berikutnya yang akan main secara berurutan ialah Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pangkaryanira/Ade Yusuf Santoso (ganda putra), Anthony Sinisuka Ginting (tunggal putra), dan Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan (ganda putra). Diikuti laga dari wakil tunggal putri, yakni Choirunnisa dan Ruselli Hartawan. Selanjutnya, pebulu tangkis tunggal putra, Jonatan Christie, akan bermain melawan wakil Jepang, Kenta Nishimoto. Berikut jadwal para wakil Indonesia pada hari kedua Kejuaraan Asia 2019 yang akan dimulai pada pukul 10.00 waktu setempat atau 09.00 WIB*. 09.00 WIB - WD: Anna Ching Yik Cheong/Lim Chiew Sien (MAS) vs Yulfira Barkah/Jauza Fadhila Sugiarto 09.40 WIB - MD: Wahyu Nayaka Arya Pangkaryanira/Ade Yusuf Santoso vs Dinuka Karunaratna/Niluka Karunaratne (SRI) 10.20 WIB - MS: Ng Ka Long Angus (HKG) vs Anthony Sinisuka Ginting (6) 10.20 WIB - MD: Liao Min Chun/Su Ching Heng (TPE) vs Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan (4) 11.00 WIB - WS: Lee Ying Ying (MAS) vs Choirunnisa 11.00 WIB - WS: Kim Ga-eun (KOR) vs Ruselli Hartawan 11.40 WIB - MS: Kenta Nishimoto (JPN) vs Jonatan Christie (8) 11.40 WIB - WS: Soniia Cheah (MAS) vs Fitriani 11.40 WIB - WS: Cheung Ying Mei (HKG) vs Gregoria Mariska Tunjung 12.20 WIB - MD: Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto (7) vs Lam Wai Lok/Li Kuen Hon (HKG) 13.40 WIB - MS: Tommy Sugiarto (7) vs Hu Yun (HKG) 14.20 WIB - WD: Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu vs Li Wenmei/Zheng Yu (CHN) 15.40 WIB - MD: Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (1) vs Danny Bawa Chrisnanta/Hee Yong Kai Terry (SIN) 16.20 WIB - MS: Kidambi Srikanth (5/IND) vs Shesar Hiren Rhustavito 17.00 WIB - WD: Puttita Supajirakul/Sapsiree Taerattanachai (THA) vs Agatha Imanuela/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti (Diya Farida Purnawangsuni) Read the full article
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biriyaa · 6 years
دانلود فیلم Bong Gaa Ding Ding Don 2016
دانلود فیلم Bong Gaa Ding Ding Don 2016
دانلود فیلم Bong Gaa Ding Ding Don 2016 با لینک مستقیم
دانلود فیلم کمدی – کیفیت ۷۲۰ بلوری – زیرنویس فارسی
فیلمستان مرجع دانلود فیلم خارجی و جدید
منتشرکننده : فیلمستان
ژانر: کمدی
سال تولید: ۲۰۱۶
کیفیت: ۷۲۰p Blu-Ray
حجم: ۷۰۰ MB
فرمت: MKV
زمان: ۹۷ دقیقه
کشور: هنگ کنگ
زبان: کانتونی
دانلود فیلم بزرگسالان
کارگردان: Wilson Chin
نویسنده: Chimmey Ka-Lok Chan, Wilson Chin
ستارگان: Alycia Yuen-Hang…
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fuforthought · 4 years
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Chin Ka Lok in Martial Arts Master Wong Fei Hung (1991)
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yesasia · 6 years
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GOLDEN JOB OST includes theme song sung by the YOUNG & DANGEROUS gang of Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Chin Ka Lok, Michael Tse and Jerry Lam
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sportsflu · 6 years
The Thomas and Uber Cup 2018  also known as the 2018 BWF Thomas & Uber Cup will be the 30th edition of the Thomas Cup and the 27th edition of the Uber Cup, This event is a Team event contested by the men and women’s national teams of the member associations     Badminton World Federation (BWF). The tournament will be hosted by Bangkok, Thailand at IMPACT Arena
This will be the first time that Thailand will be hosting this prestigious tournament from 20 to 27th may 2018, where Denmark and china will be defending Men’s championship and Women’s championship crown respectively.
  Thomas and Uber cup finals 2018 draws:
  Thomas and Uber cup 2018 Schedule:
  Thomas and Uber cup 2018 team level details:
Thomas cup: 
Algeria: Abderrahim Bouksani, Balahoune Majed Yacine, Belarbi Mohamed Abderrahime, Hamek Adel, Khaldi Samy, Larbaoui Sifeddine, Mammeri Koceila, Meddah Adel, Medel Youcef Sabri, Ouchefoun Mohamed Abdelaziz
Australia: Chau Matthew, Gobinathan Ashwant, Joe Anthony, Leung Simon Wing Hang, Schueler Jacob, Serasinghe Sawan, Tam Raymond, Teoh Kai Chen, Vuong Eric, Yan Peter
Canada: Dostie-Guindon Paul-Antoine, Ho-Shue Jason Anthony, Lai Jonathan Bing Tsan, Li Antonio, Lindeman Ty Alexander, Yakura Nyl, Yang Brian, Yao Duncan
China: Chen Long, Li Junhui, Lin Dan, Liu Cheng, Liu Yuchen, Qiao Bin, Shi Yuqi, Wang Yilyu, Zhang Nan, Zheng Siwei
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hung Ling, Chou Tien Chen, Hsu Jen Hao, Lee Jhe-Huei, Lee Yang, Lu Ching Yao, Wang Chi-Lin, Wang Tzu Wei, Yang Chih Chieh, Yang Po Han
Denmark: Antonsen Anders, Astrup Kim, Axelsen Viktor, Boe Mathias, Christiansen Mathias, Conrad-Petersen Mads, Jorgensen Jan O, Kolding Mads Pieler, Rasmussen Anders Skaarup, Vittinghus Hans-Kristian Solberg
France: Corvee Jordan, Corvee Lucas, Gicquel Thom, Kersaudy Bastian, Labar Ronan, Leverdez Brice, Maio Julien, Merkle Arnaud, Popov Toma Junior, Rossi Leo
Germany: Jansen Jones Ralfy, Kaesbauer Peter, Lamsfuss Mark, Roovers Alexander, Roth Fabian, Schaefer Kai, Schaenzler Lars, Seidel Marvin Emil, Zurwonne Josche, Zwiebler Marc
Hong Kong: Ho Wai Lun, Hu Yun, Lee Cheuk Yiu, Lee Chun Hei Reginald, Mak Hee Chun, Ng Ka Long Angus, Or Chin Chung, Tang Chun Man, Wong Wing Ki Vincent, Yeung Shing Choi
Indonesia: Ahsan Mohammad, Alfian Fajar, Ardianto Muhammad Rian, Christie Jonatan, Gideon Marcus Fernaldi, Ginting Anthony Sinisuka, Kholik Firman Abdul, Mustofa Ihsan Maulana, Setiawan Hendra, Sukamuljo Kevin Sanjaya
India: Attri Manu, George Arun, M.R. Arjun, Prannoy H. S., Reddy B. Sumeeth, Sai Praneeth B., Sen Lakshya, Shlok Ramchandran, Shukla Sanyam, Verma Sameer
Japan: Endo Hiroyuki, Inoue Takuto, Kamura Takeshi, Kaneko Yuki, Momota Kento, Nishimoto Kenta, Sakai Kazumasa, Sonoda Keigo, Tsuneyama Kanta, Watanabe Yuta
Korea: Choi Solgyu, Chung Eui Seok, Ha Young Woong, Heo Kwang Hee, Jeon Hyeok Jin, Kang Min Hyuk, Kim Dukyoung, Kim Won Ho, Seo Seung Jae, Son Wan Ho
Malaysia: Arif Mohamad Arif Ab Latif, Chia Aaron, Goh V Shem, Lee Chong Wei, Lee Zii Jia, Leong Jun Hao, Soh Wooi Yik, Tan Wee Kiong, Teo Ee Yi, Zulkarnain Iskandar
Russia: Alimov Rodion, Dremin Evgenij, Grachev Denis, Gulomzoda Shokhzod, Ivanov Vladimir, Karpov Georgii, Lemeshko Nikita, Malkov Vladimir, Sirant Sergey, Sozonov Ivan
Thailand: Avihingsanon Suppanyu, Isriyanet Tinn, Kedren Kittinupong, Namdash Kittisak, Phetpradab Khosit, Phuangphuapet Nipitphon, Puavaranukroh Dechapol, Thongnuam Pannawit, Viriyangkura Tanupat, Wangcharoen Kantaphon
Uber Cups: 
Australia: Chen Hsuan-Yu Wendy, Fung Zecily, Khoo Lee Yen, Lim Lauren, Ma Louisa, Mapasa Setyana, Slee Ann-Louise, Somerville Gronya, Tam Jennifer, Veeran Renuga
Canada: Beaulieu Anne-Julie, Choi Catherine, Honderich Rachel, Li Michelle, Pakenham Stephanie, Tam Brittney, Tong Michelle, Tsai Kristen, Wu Josephine
China: Chen Qingchen, Chen Yufei, Gao Fangjie, He Bingjiao, Huang Dongping, Huang Yaqiong, Jia Yifan, Li Xuerui, Tang Jinhua, Yu Zheng
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hsiao Huan, Chiang Mei Hui, Hsu Ya Ching, Hu Ling Fang, Kuo Yu Wen, Lin Wan Ching, Lin Ying Chun, Pai Yu Po, Tai Tzu Ying, Wu Ti Jung
Denmark: Blichfeldt Mia, Bøje Alexandra, Christophersen Line, Finne-Ipsen Julie, Fruergaard Maiken, Kjaersfeldt Line Højmark, Rohde Natalia Koch, Søby Rikke, Thygesen Sara
France: Batomene Marie, Delrue Delphine, Desmons Ainoa, Heriau Vimala, Hoyaux Yaelle, Lambert Margot, Lefel Emilie, Normand Katia, Palermo Lea, Tran Anne
Germany: Deprez Fabienne, Efler Linda, Goliszewski Johanna, Heim Luise, Herttrich Isabel, Kaepplein Lara, Konon Olga, Li Yvonne, Nelte Carla, Wilson Miranda
Hong Kong: Cheung Ngan Yi, Cheung Ying Mei, Ng Tsz Yau, Ng Wing Yung, Poon Lok Yan, Wu Yi Ting, Yeung Nga Ting, Yeung Sum Yee, Yip Pui Yin, Yuen Sin Ying
Indonesia: Ayustine Dinar Dyah, Fitriani Fitriani, Haris Della Destiara, Hartawan Ruselli, Istarani Ni Ketut Mahadewi, Maheswari Nitya Krishinda, Polii Greysia, Pradipta Rizki Amelia, Rahayu Apriyani, Tunjung Gregoria Mariska
India: Bhale Vaishnavi, Ghorpade Sanyogita, Jakka Vaishnavi Reddy, Jakkampudi Meghana, Kudaravalli Sri Krishna Priya, Nehwal Saina, Prabhudesai Anura, S Ram Poorvisha, Sawant Prajakta
Japan: Fukushima Yuki, Hirota Sayaka, Matsutomo Misaki, Okuhara Nozomi, Sato Sayaka, Takahashi Ayaka, Takahashi Sayaka, Tanaka Shiho, Yamaguchi Akane, Yonemoto Koharu
Korea: An Se Young, Baek Ha Na, Kim Hye Rin, Kim So Yeong, Kong Hee Yong, Lee Jang Mi, Lee Se Yeon, Lee Yu Rim, Shin Seung Chan, Sung Ji Hyun
Malaysia: Cheah Soniia, Chow Mei Kuan, Goh Jin Wei, Goh Yea Ching, Hoo Vivian, Kisona Selvaduray, Lee Meng Yean, Lee Ying Ying, Soong Fie Cho, Tee Jing Yi
Mauritius: Allet Aurelie Marie Elisa, Dookhee Kobita, Foo Kune Kate, Leug For Sang Jemimah, Mungrah Ganesha
Russia: Bolotova Ekaterina, Chervyakova Anastasia, Davletova Alina, Evgenova Ksenia, Komendrovskaja Elena, Kosetskaya Evgeniya, Morozova Olga, Perminova Natalia, Pustinskaia Anastasiia, Vislova Nina
Thailand: Chaladchalam Chayanit, Chochuwong Pornpawee, Intanon Ratchanok, Jindapol Nitchaon, Kititharakul Jongkolphan, Muenwong Phataimas, Ongbamrungphan Busanan, Prajongjai Rawinda, Supajirakul Puttita, Taerattanachai Sapsiree
  Live streaming of Thomas and Uber cup 2018:
In India:
Star Sports 2 and Star Sports HD 2 is official Broadcaster of the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 in India. While Hotstar.com will provide the Live Streaming online through the Internet
Outside India:
If you are outside India then watch BWF youtube channel for the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 Live Telecast, Streaming.
  Follow SportsFlu for all updates on Thomas and Uber cup 2018!
    The post Thomas and Uber cup 2018: Everything you want to know about appeared first on SportsFlu.
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aguslio17g · 7 years
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Cold War | 寒戰 | 寒战 Directed by Longman Leung | Sunny Luk Produced by Bill Kong | Mathew Tang | Ivy Ho Written by Longman Leung | Sunny Luk Cinematography Jason Kwan | Kenny Tse Edited by Kwong Chi-leung | Wong Hoi Production company Irresistible Delta Limited Edko Films Sil-Metropole Organisation Distributor company Edko Films Release date 4 October 2012 (Busan) 8 November 2012 (Hong Kong) Running time 102 minutes Country Hong Kong Language Cantonese Box office HK$42,805,434 Starring Aaron Kwok as Sean K.F. Lau (劉傑輝), Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management) Tony Leung Ka-fai as Waise M.B. Lee (李文彬), Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operation) Charlie Young Phoenix C.M. Leung (梁紫薇), Chief Superintendent, Head of Police Public Relations Branch Gordon Lam as Albert C.L. Kwong (鄺智立), Senior Superintendent Chin Kar-lok as Vincent W.K. Tsui (徐永基), Senior Superintendent Aarif Rahman as Billy K.B. Cheung (張國標), ICAC Principal Investigation Officer Eddie Peng as Joe K.C. Lee (李家俊), Police Constable on EU 71 Andy Lau as Philip M.W. Luk (陸明華), Security Bureau, Secretary for Security source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War_(film)
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oopsreviews · 8 years
Angela Tong Reports Intimate Scenes to Chin Ka-lok https://t.co/Q9N9hE88R6 http://pic.twitter.com/UQN1dkEsq9
— Oops Reviews (@oopsreviews) February 21, 2017
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