#Chiyo just had kids way younger okay
dayeongi · 9 months
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The way I had to edit this family tree to try to avoid spoilers...... i like to think i'm clever
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Lucky Charms {Eijirou Kirishima}
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A/N: So I got this idea earlier this morning for the holiday and wrote it instead of finishing the piece I originally wanted to put out this weekend. I hope you all enjoy because Kirishima as a dad has me weak!
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When he was younger, Kirishima was a night owl through and through. Waking up in the morning to attend classes at UA had been a struggle especially before the dorm system was put in place. An earlier time on the train meant an earlier alarm but on campus he had an explosive best friend to quite literally drag him out of bed.
Now two children, a full-time job as a pro hero, a shared agency, and ten years of marriage later, his body took whatever sleep it could get and refused to let him sleep past seven am. Which was fine because it allowed him to get done what he needed before the rest of his family awoke.
It was definitely fine on Mother’s Day because it gave him the time to wake up his two children in preparation for the holiday. Since they had inherited his late-night tendencies and reluctance for mornings, it was often a challenge.
“Chiyo, its time to get up,” he said softly, nudging his daughter’s shoulder lightly. “We’ve got Mother’s Day to celebrate.”
The teenager grumbled, her comforter pulled tight around her curled up form and scrunching up her already rumpled black braid, every minute of her thirteen years evident in the reluctance.
“Don’t make me send your brother in,” he threatened playfully.
“Dad!” she groaned, blinking up at him with her mother’s eyes. Brows furrowed, she rubbed her pajama sleeve across her face before sitting up. “Why can’t we wait another hour?”
He laughed as he walked towards her bedroom door. “We wake mom up with breakfast, she doesn’t come looking for it. You act like you haven’t done this a dozen times before.”
Ignoring her huffs he told her to meet him in the kitchen as he made his way across the hall to his son’s room. Walking into the smaller room, he chuckled at the sight in front of him.
Kazuma was lying on his stomach, his arms and legs star-fished out in all directions. One foot peeked out from beneath his blankets, the blue sock half off and the elastic clinging desperately to his toes. The closer he got, he could also hear the tiny snores escaping his parted lips.
“Wake up, little Riot, its Mother’s Day,” he laughed, grabbing his foot and shaking it.
The boy snuffled and rolled over slightly, blinking up at his father sleepily.
He grinned. “C’mon, we gotta meet your sister in the kitchen to get started!”
“Oh, okay,” he mumbled as he tossed his comforter aside. Just like his sister, his dark hair stuck up in all directions, though the shorter length made him look more like a black-haired version of his favorite uncle.
The Kirishima boys made their way down to the kitchen where Chiyo was waiting for them on one of the breakfast stools, her thumbs flying across her phone’s screen. Her braid had been taken out and her hair laid in wild waves against her shoulders.
“Alright,” Kirishima started as Kazuma took the seat next to his sister, “I’m gonna start on your mom’s breakfast and you two can go get your gifts from the closet, make sure everything’s ready.”
Chiyo set her phone down and gestured back towards their living area. “I grabbed our gifts and everything looks good. We both signed the card last night. The flower and card from you are with the gifts on the kotatsu.”
“Thanks baby girl,” he smiled. “Then let me get her breakfast ready and we can get this show on the road!”
Kazuma giggled. “Dad, you’re just making cereal!”
“Yeah, but that’s Mother’s Day breakfast!” he replied as he pulled a bowl down from the cupboard. He declined to add that breakfast also included coffee, but that wasn’t always the case. “Chiyo, can you grab the milk please?”
She nodded, moving towards the fridge. “He’s right, though, dad. We don’t do much for Mother’s Day breakfast. The Bakubabies were telling us that Uncle Katsuki wakes up super early and makes a big American breakfast for Auntie, then wakes them up to help carry it and give gifts.”
He grabbed the milk from her, dousing the poured cereal as he chuckled lightly to himself. Bakugo should never have made such a big deal about the little nickname for his children.
“Its just sort of tradition,” he said easily, pouring the coffee into a large Red Riot mug from his first official merch line.
“How did it start?” Kazuma asked curiously, kicking his legs absently.
Kirishima paused as he finished putting the coffee and cereal onto the serving tray. He often thought about the first Mother’s Day they had celebrated after Chiyo was born, especially when the holiday approached, but he didn’t think he’d ever really discussed it with his children.
“Well, your mom and I had been dating in high school and after graduation we moved in together. I was just starting out as a hero, doing sidekick work at Fatgum’s agency with Suneater, and your mom had taken a position at Ryukyu’s agency for management. Chiyo was born about a year after we graduated, and even though we both worked fulltime up until then and even after, money was tight,” he admitted.
He didn’t find it shameful that they had struggled when they were just starting out or that having a baby young had been difficult, but he often worried that his children’s confidence in him would wane if he showed too much of the hardship. Old insecurities always died hard.
“The very first Mother’s Day we celebrated, I… I couldn’t afford much,” he murmured. “I got her a card and a pink carnation, but when I went to make her breakfast I realized we didn’t have anything to make a special meal. All we had was an unopened box of Lucky Charms so I went with it; either I brought it to her in bed or she would walk out to the kitchen to get it, you know? If nothing else I could save her a trip down the hallway.”
Glancing up at them, he saw the eagerness to listen to their parents’ beginnings, no trace of pity in either of their gazes. He briefly marveled at how beautiful their eyes were, thankful that they got their mother’s eyes and his dark hair to become perfect little combinations of them both.
“She didn’t mind the cereal and cried when she opened the card,” he continued, smiling at the memory. “She told me that it was the best first Mother’s Day she could imagine, and that she couldn’t wait until Chiyo was older to help carry in the tray of cereal. So that’s just how it’s happened every year since. Even when I became a hero with Fatgum and when your Uncle Katsuki and I started our agency, she told me I should only ever get her a card and maybe flowers, but no gifts. When you two got older it was easier to get gifts because I could just say they were from you, though.”
They all laughed, the tension that the air had held since he began his story gone.
Chiyo bumped Kazuma’s shoulder with her own. “That’s the kind of husband you better be.”
He puffed out his chest and knocked his little fists together in his father’s signature move. “It’s the manliest way to be a husband!”
Kirishima smiled widely, pride filling him at how truly amazing his kids were. He was blessed in every way possible with his family and he wouldn’t trade them for anything.
“C’mon, kiddos, let’s go surprise your mom,” he said, and they ran to the kotatsu to grab their gifts to her, Kazuma handing him the single flower and dusty pink card he had chosen for his wife.
The trio made their way upstairs, presents held in the children’s grasp and him balancing the tray in one hand and his own presents in the other. He was sure his wife was already awake from their laughter in the kitchen, but tradition said they had to wake her up with breakfast in bed.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” they shouted as they entered the bedroom, Chiyo and Kazuma jumping onto the bed with her to give hugs and kisses.
She looked up at him with a beaming smile as he set the food on her bedside table, mouthing “thank you” as she hugged the children close.
Kirishima nodded, his own smile wide, as his eyes drifted to the three frames on the wall behind her. The bottom two displayed each of their children’s pictures from when they were born, the frames a soft purple color with their names engraved under their respective photo. Above them hung a dusty pink frame that read My First Mother’s Day, an open card and a single, dried pink carnation inside.
The carnation represented endurance, and he knew what the writing in the card said by heart, the words he had written so many years ago still true.
“I grew up with two mothers, and I used to think that taught me what motherhood was all about and, in a way, it did. I’m forever thankful to the women who raised me but when it comes to motherhood I look to you as my source for what it truly is. Growing up I didn’t see them struggle but persevere through the hard times. I never came home to see them swaying a sleeping baby in a sling across their chest while they prepared dinner, a laptop on the counter with a business meeting half over where they presented end of the quarter data. They supported my dreams of being a hero, but not by staying home with a newborn daughter while I took extra hours to grow my name and try to earn just a little more than enough money. I love you endlessly for the sacrifices you’ve made for our little family and the way you mother Chiyo. I can’t imagine anyone else by my side during the good times and the difficult ones, and I say difficult because with you they’re never bad. You’re an amazing mother and I can’t wait to see you teach Chiyo even more as time goes on. I love you so much.
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thegraysquirrel · 4 years
Self-Promotion Sunday
For self-promotion Sunday from @mouseymightymarvellous , I would like to bring the following to your attention:
*scrambles to search for anything useful to promote* 
Oh! There was that one time I was making a promotional speech for Obito in the hypothetical situation of Obito in his prime (no Rinnegan though) fighting Shisui in his prime in hopes of convincing people to vote for Obito instead of Shisui! Below the cut, you will find all 3600 words of it... Because go big or go home.
(If I knew how the hell I would put this on AO3, I so would. But. Tags? Format? okay format would be easy probably I have no idea how to get this on there. Title? I know how to jump literal hurdles but I draw the line at figurative hurdles.)
One last thing! You might be asking, “Why?!” and I would shrug. In reality, I don’t like that Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami is regarded as unbeatable in the Naruto ‘verse. Everything should have a weakness and I just exploited my love for Obito as a character to throw him at Shisui and it worked remarkably well.
I will title this: 
Why Obito (who fell through literal cracks and out of reality as he knew it while regarded as dead last and then dead first) Would Beat Shisui (the legend, the martyr, the Uchiha genius that seemed to have it all in terms of skills and abilities)
Okay so I have thoughts and I have to live up to my “commenting disaster” name so here goes. If you ever wanted to know how authors could feel when they got a comment from me, then buckle in. (wow this turned out to be about 2 full AO3 comments, yes, this is exactly how writers will feel upon seeing my comments in their inbox!)
I think it’s a wild guess that Shisui would have been able to manipulate the complete Uchiha clan through Fugaku.
SHISUI’S LIMITATIONS AND LACK OF EXPERIENCE WITH KOTOAMATSUKAMI I don’t think Shisui’s ability has ever been countered or met his match in the short time he spent on the pages of the manga. Shisui doesn’t know how to tell if someone is fighting the manipulation, and he CAN’T know for sure that no one could. Considering he could use it once every ten years and he is younger than Genma, he hasn’t even got a lot of practise with it. He’ll have used it, what, once? So let’s say he used it twice, since he’s got two eyes. 
That’s TWO instances in which he used it—are you honestly telling me that his technique is unstoppable because he used it twice with no one countering? I’m not buying this. We don’t know the limits, and Shisui sure as hell doesn’t either. 
(I’ll admit, maybe it’s 10 years because the crow does not share the Uchiha blood. We can say Shisui could not use it for 2 years for the sake of Shisui, y’know… being able to build a reputation with it. I think Shisui had his Kotoamatsukami when Itachi was 5 years old, so he had it for about 8 years = 8 or 16 attempts, IF he spams his technique the second it comes off cooldown like us gamers do. Otherwise, he used it TWICE at most)
PEOPLE SAY “THIS JUTSU IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT/THIS DEFENSE IS MORE SOLID THAN A ROCK” AND WERE PROVEN WRONG Do I think everyone has the potential to beat Shisui’s genjutsu? Hell no. But we CAN’T just buy the people’s words for it when we have so little data and they actually have little data too. The people Shisui used it on probably weren’t even a challenge in the genjutsu department. Here’s my thoughts about when people say something about a jutsu being *waves hand* without weakness. 
Gaara was said to have Absolute Defence and Sasuke managed to penetrate it when he was a Genin and everyone was like “Whaaaat he got through the Absolute Defence how is that possible??”
In chapter 257, Kakashi says “There is no cancelling the effects of [Itachi’s Tsukuyomi],” but Sasuke still managed to do so later with an ordinary sharingan. Kakashi’s sharingan prowess in dealing with Itachi’s mangekyou sharingan were inferior to that of this particular Uchiha. Sasuke did it by putting a genjutsu on himself to break free of the former genjutsu.
I’m sure there are more instances when jutsus are called “impossible to defeat” only for someone to go in and say, “bitch, watch me prove you wrong.” Naruto did it with the 3rd Raikage, in a way. “Impossible to defeat” means nothing. 
The only thing we have for Shisui’s eye-technique to be unstoppable is his and everyone’s beliefs that it’s flawless. But really, if Itachi’s powerful Tsukuyomi could be broken by an individual Uchiha, then why can’t Shisui’s have flaws that can be exploited (by another Uchiha)? When fighting an Uchiha and it’s one on one, flee, is Chiyo’s advice—unless you are also an Uchiha, I amend, even if your eyes are still basic instead of the premium version. 
CLOSER LOOK ON SHISUI’S VICTIMS Follow me on this wild speculation. (If you’re still reading, you rock!) It was said that a different person would need to question the one under the genjutsu for them to even consider the possibility of being manipulated. Let’s also list off the people we know or assume have been under Shisui’s eye’s manipulation:
Bloody Mist ninjas
More Bloody Mist ninjas
Probably ninjas from other villages they were at war with (I honestly don’t know)
Probably the Elders via Danzo (I’m vague on the details, but very likely right?)
The Daimyo via Danzo (wow that was really a challenge to influence him. Someone without ninja skills.)
Mifune via Danzo
Edo Tensei Itachi via crow instructed by Itachi (well, the eye was instructed by Itachi)
If I look at the list, I’m not seeing anyone who would give Shisui (or the holder of Shisui’s eye) a challenge, especially as Itachi got under control willingly. Just like Kakashi had no trouble fighting Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto in the first bell test, Shisui is on a level most people will never be able to reach.
The last one is the only one we know used on an Uchiha. We can’t actually conclude much or anything from it because Itachi orchestrated the Kotoamatsukami, but it was Itachi himself to make note of the manipulation. He was aware of the genjutsu. So the manipulation was noted.
MY CONCLUSION ON SHISUI He’s got the greatest genjutsu, but here’s the thing—he doesn’t know how to fight against other geniuses of genjutsu. It’s the same with eSports, when you are the best by far, you don’t get the experience against the people who match your skill, and that means you get rusty (YES I stole these words right from of a player in the LCS of League of Legends, be happy that I didn’t throw KICK a soccer metaphor at you) and since this tournament I’m arguing for is a knock-out, any mistake can cost you the tournament. His genjutsu is revered as the best, that it can’t be broken, but other jutsus that have been called flawless have been shown to have flaws that could be exploited. Shisui doesn’t have enough experience to have found them out himself. Shisui will win if his Kotoamatsukami works 100% on the enemy, but it’s less sure if the enemy breaks (partly) free.
But who could possibly have a chance of breaking free from it?
*RECORD SCRATCH* (In my document I had the following in a very big font. I miss my big font. ;-;)
GENJUTSU AND MANIPULATION Obito is not just passing with genjutsu, he’s GOOD, because he was able to even control Yagura—a perfect Jinchuriki, someone who has a built-in pacemaker, but then a pacemaker for when the brain zones out of reality and needs to come back. He managed to somehow convince everyone that he was Uchiha Madara and he double-crossed the actual Madara too—this dude knows how manipulation works, even if that alone obviously won’t help him against a genjutsu of manipulation (it’s a good thing he’s got his own mangekyou sharingan, otherwise he’d definitely be toast). Still thought it worth mentioning. 
I hear you say, “Madara manipulated him!”
Actually, no, I don’t think he did?
Hot take: (I don’t know enough of the general consensus to know if it is a hot take) Obito was NOT manipulated by Madara.
Madara manipulated the situations, but Obito remained true to himself in reacting to them. Whether it would have been Madara’s super evil plan to kill Rin or if it had been The Leaf’s own incompetence at sending kids into dangerous territory (resulting in the deaths of said kids because the system is SHIT), Obito would have reacted the same. 
Yes, Madara is evil for playing with people’s lives like a kid does with blocks to build a structure, but Madara’s involvement isn’t important to the outcome. I think that Madara was unable to “genjutsu bullshit” his way into Obito’s mind, otherwise Madara would have hella secured Obito’s actions already. If Obito could have been influenced by “genjutsu suggestions”, no way in hell would Madara have simply kept asking Obito angrily, “Bring me to life, Obito, I hate being dead. I can’t become the Juubi’s jinchuuriki like this, Obito. Bring. Me. To. Life. (Wake me up.)”
Madara, feared by the world, didn’t use genjutsu on Obito from what we saw. He fell back on manipulating the circumstances for Obito, and the only reason I can think of that is because Obito isn’t susceptible to Madara’s suggestive genjutsu. 
Every time I watch the Obito and Madara episode, I just see Madara spouting words and Obito indulging the old man until he can get out of here. In my interpretation, the words have nothing to latch onto. When Obito returns, it’s his own choice. Madara’s and Obito’s interests aren’t aligning as much as Madara would like, and as such, Obito remains more than just Madara’s pawn.
OBITO IS HELLA STUBBORN (OOPS AND MANIPULATION AGAIN) ANYWAY, if ANYONE would be able to find a flaw in Shisui’s eye technique, Obito would. HECK, he even managed to keep his mind sound when the Juubi was driving him crazy. Like, that anime sequence when his limbs were torn apart? That thing. This dude got willpower and a stubbornness to follow the path he wants to take even if it’s really a dumb path. I might be easily swayed and manipulated, but Obito is not. Shisui wouldn’t even need his eyes to sway me, but on Obito he would need to give his 100% and, again, I’m not sure Shisui has ever been pushed to his limit, and he ALSO thinks that he’s impossible to beat so he’s not even going to give it his 100% (he might think he is, but you’ll only know how fast you can run when you’re chased by something you really don’t want catching up to you or if your alarm went off too late and you really need to be on time). Against Obito, it’s a flaw for Shisui’s ability that it’s about manipulating his decision, because Obito is a master of manipulation himself. He knows what Madara did to him. He fought the Juubi. Obito would walk into a tree rather than change his mind about what path he should walk.
OBITO HAS EXPERIENCE Obito at his prime also has a lot more experience with his ability, he knows his own limitations and how to use it as a part of himself. He can use it multiple times, he can use it in ways Shisui would not expect... Shisui would need to figure it out fast, and I think Obito at his prime (TWO Kamui sharingan) just has too many tricks up his sleeve for even Shisui of the Body Flicker to keep up with. 
MY SLEEP DEPRIVED CONCLUSION ON OBITO What I think Obito has: he got the stubbornness + sharingan skillz for weakening Shisui’s genjutsu on himself enough or maybe even completely repel it so Obito can actually still do things + Obito’s own mad skillzzz with Kamui. Shisui loses. 
I’ve got a lot of fanon thoughts (or maybe just my personal fix-it for canon) on Obito that I won’t unpack here (it’s that Obito is actually a genius himself even if it never showed clearly in his years pre-sharingan) because, hey, people don’t like reading 1k of random shizzle when they just want to vote for their boy Shisui! But please give Obito a chance because I feel he actually has a chance!
Shisui has never been challenged in his abilities (especially not by an Uchiha). He won’t know what his all-out is for this, so he won’t go all-out 
Abilities have been called flawless before only for someone to be “hold my beer” and fuck them up. Case in point: Sasuke practically made Gaara cry
There’s been precedent of an Uchiha with normal sharingan getting out of what is hailed as one of the best genjutsus whereas no one without     sharingan would be able to do that alone (or at all)
Unlike Sasuke at that point, Obito has been a master of genjutsu and has a mangekyou sharingan at the point of fighting 
Obito knows what manipulation is and has even kept to his sanity* when the Juubi was tearing him apart. He has manipulated practically everyone, including a perfect jinchuuriki. He will be able to find a flaw in Shisui’s jutsu because he’s too stubborn to change his mind enough about yeeting (parts of) himself to his Kamui dimension when there’s danger
Obito knows his own ability like the back of his hand, including limitations, so Shisui will have a hard time fighting Obito if his own Kotoamatsukami isn’t winning the fight for him. 
*Okay, so maybe Obito isn’t completely sane, but Sakura wasn’t either when she fought off a jutsu working on the mind. I think Obito’s instability even gives him a cookie point
(Counterarguments with my own reply I put in that document)
Honestly Great Argumenter for Shisui: my counter argument: Shisui is known as the ultimate uchiha genjutsu master. And hes also the best looking. ;)
         Me: In reply to greatest genjutsu master-- Would you say that Itachi was a greater genjutsu master than Sasuke? Because Sasuke broke free from ITACHI'S genjutsu. I'm not saying that Obito would put Shisui under a genjutsu--it's just that Shisui's genjutsu wouldn't hold as well as it normally would, and that might be enough already.
         HGAS: Shisui would still be faster than obito if we take genjutsu out of the equation completely Minato was able to almost kill obito due to speed so that can't be discounted. Obito had to retreat from his fight with minato.          Me: How old was Obito? 14? (Kakashi and Obito are both 31 at the end of Shippuuden, and Naruto’s birthday is in October, so Obito would have turned 32 in the following February of the war, and THIS means that Obito was 14 during the fight against Minato too, because Kakashi was 14 at the time of Naruto’s birth but Naruto timelines are terrible) I hardly call that his prime! And against Shisui, Obito will have two Kamui, whereas against Minato, he only had one. The fight would be different, I feel.
YO BECAUSE I STILL GOT TIME HERE I WILL ADD TO THIS. I warned you, if you feel confused where this is all coming from, you’re probably feeling the exact same things Mumma does at some of my Konoha Files comments. This is how I roll. AND PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO TALK KONOHA FILES HIT ME UP because I’ve got a lot more thoughts on that than on Obito vs Shisui!
EXPERIENCE Shisui graduated any age between 6 and 12, but we know that about two years later, he met Itachi who was 5, and 8 years later he died (I think he died when Itachi was 13 because there was more time between Shisui’s death and the other Uchihas’ deaths). Shisui died when he was between 16 and 22. (I am not familiar with the book canon!)
This means Shisui had at most 10-11 years of experience as a ninja. Yes, one year after graduating he got the Kotoamatsukami, so he got 10 years TOPS with his Mangekyou Sharingan which had a freaking long timer of usage in between, regardless of how many years we put it as; 10 years, 2 years, Shisui would have kept that ace up his sleeve so he would not spam the ability the second it came off cooldown.
Obito graduated when he was 9. At his prime he was 31 years old. That’s 22-23 years of experience for Obito as a ninja! He got his mangekyou sharingan when he was, what, 14 (at the end of shippuuden he is 31, and Kakashi is 31 too, so they might have been the same age—and then the Kyuubi summoning was when he was 14)? That’s 17 years of experience with his Mangekyou sharingan. 
Obito will have had way more battles with his ability than Shisui, way more opponents that would challenge his way of using his ability so Obito KNOWS what his flaws are. He knows what it will be like to fight against someone with kamui! He fought Minato and knows how the Flying Thunder God/teleportation can be used against him (and that was when he had his Mangekyou sharingan for less than a year!). In his battles, even when he was mostly forced to stay in the normal dimension because he needed to get his hands on someone, he has shown that he can slip body parts into his dimension even when he is attacked from all sides. His reaction time is solid (even if he is not because... dimension stuff).
Conclusion: Obito has more years of experience than Shisui at fighting with his mangekyou and more moments of figuring out his own limits and flaws and adjust his fighting style to minimize them. Obito has also had more momentous fights to test out his own abilities, including The 3rd Mizukage, The Fourth Hokage, Copy Ninja Kakashi with Kamui himself, other Uchihas during the Uchiha massacre (they count), Konan, Naruto and Killer B. Seriously, he’s more well-rounded than Shisui!
THE MIST Shisui fought ninjas, soldiers of the Mist and was feared by them. Obito won from the strongest ninja of the Mist, the Mizukage who was also a FREAKING PERFECT JINCHUURIKI and kept him under his control for YEARS. I know which feat I think is more admirable. 
SPEED Shisui is hailed for his speed, but the Body Flicker is said “To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds.” Obito has FOUGHT Minato, who actually is able to teleport. This was 17 years ago!!! Obito has improved because he was just a fledgling who even had to figure out how his new arm worked!!! Yes, Shisui is faster than Obito, but Shisui will not be fast enough to pulverize Obito. Don’t forget, the kamui sharingan has the added benefits of being able to predict the opponent’s movements, see chakra, so Shisui’s speed advantage is diminished against any Uchiha.
OBITO’S TECHNIQUE Shisui has no idea what Obito’s technique could be and honestly, passing through him mid-fight is already a scary thought, just think how disappearing from sight and appearing could be. Heck, Obito could probably even be in his own dimension, spit fire, and then long-range Kamui it back to the dimension where Shisui is. The precision of it can be worth speculating, but if Obito can appear on a branch of a tree, then he sure as hell can know where exactly he’d send his fireball jutsu. He just does. He’s got the spatial awareness of the overlap between his own dimension and the one Shisui recedes in. And how would Shisui counteract this attack, huh? He can’t body flicker to Obito’s dimension.
Even if Obito stays in the dimension Shisui is in, Shisui won’t be able to exploit the weaknesses. It took Konan a long time to know what the timer for Obito’s ability was, and Konan had her own ability to exploit that weakness. From what we know of Uchihas fight styles, I am having a hard time figuring out what Shisui could do to exploit Obito’s timer—and that’s only if he can figure it out, which he won’t. No one but Konan has found out about that particular tid bit, to my knowledge.
Let’s say Shisui got a hit on Obito. A hit means contact and he gets sucked to the other dimension. Afterwards, Obito would return to the dimension with food and eat while Shisui starves. Win. I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but the people who have managed to get a hit on Obito when Obito could use kamui (Remember! Obito could not use kamui when he was the Juubi jinchuuriki!):
Minato with his Flying Thunder God move when Obito was new to kamui, to his arm, and only had his right eye kamui and not his left
Kakashi but that was when he was in the other dimension while Obito was still fighting Naruto. Since Obito vs Shisui is a 1v1, this won’t happen
Kakashi because he used his OWN kamui to get a kunai to Obito. Uhuh, Kakashi got a lot of hits mostly because Kakashi had kamui.
Kakashi again, but that was because it would be hella stupid to phase out to the dimension that had a war going on.
Konan (she was so badass)
I honestly don’t remember more, do you?
Shisui is amazing with his body flicker, really, but Obito can dodge left and right. Shisui won’t get a hit on him unless Obito allows it, because Obito got the damn experience!
With two kamui’s, Obito’s transportation (himself and of others he holds on to) is faster, as we’ve seen when Obito and Kakashi worked together to move Obito to his own dimension. Obito’s speed has increased with two kamui’s. 
SHISUI’S TECHNIQUE Shisui is a softy. I’m sorry, but he is. Aoba lived to tell the tale because Shisui wanted to scare them off with his genjutsu instead of killing them. Danzo was put under a genjutsu by Shisui and Shisui thought it was enough even when the genjutsu was done (and then Danzo managed to take an eye of BODY FLICKER SHISUI, so hey, his speed ain’t gonna be the end of it all). Shisui relies on his genjutsu deterring people—that’s obviously going to be his go-to move, and it means he can be caught off-guard when it’s not as effective.
He’s good at Taijutsu (or at least, he would win every spar against Itachi but Itachi was 3-9 years younger, so…), but even Taijutsu master Gai didn’t manage to land a hit on Obito when he used his nunchucks--would Shisui really be able to do what Taijutsu master Gai could not? 
Another TL;DR
Shisui simply doesn’t have the tools against an Uchiha as experienced as Obito. Obito’s ability is a different kind of OP than Shisui’s because Obito knows how to use it as a part of him, whereas Shisui’s ability is something he has relied on very heavily because no one has countered it yet. Obito will find the weakness in Shisui’s “strongest” genjutsu and be able to win from Shisui because of all the battle experience against talented individuals Obito has had. Obito managed to unite the five nations all on his own, he was THAT powerful.
We’ve said before that Shisui is on a different level from practically everyone, but honestly?
Obito stares down on Shisui from his god tier level 
*mic drop*
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soraegeeks · 5 years
Review: Happenstance
Happenstance by Merrywetherweather AU: Royalty, Omegaverse Main relationship: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku Status: Ongoing, 13 chapters currently
Official summary:
When Katsuki was just a child, his mother, the King of Lucia, took him to enact diplomacy with the Midoriya's, the royal family of the neighboring country of Tayloria. After that day, his fate was sealed, his marriage arranged to the Midoriya's elusive omegan child.
At the age of twenty, he leaves for Tayloria again, this time, to finally wed his fiance and cement the allyship of the two kingdoms indefinitely. Only, his fiance turns out to be the child he had met on his very first visit, a naive, idealistic young prince who wants nothing to do with marrying the prince of Lucia.
Good thing he just assumed Katsuki was only part of his fiance's entourage.
An arranged marriage between two princes aob au where Katsuki tries to abide by Izuku's desire for a natural romance to develop without letting Izuku know his true identity.
A review of this story is LONG overdue. (Halfway through writing my original thoughts I decided to scrap it. I didn’t like the way it was flowing so let’s try this again.) Happenstance is a take on the classic prince disguises his identity to get his partner to see him for him. Izuku is a hopeless romantic who hates arranged marriages and Katsuki just wants to fulfill his duty as a proper heir.
In the beginning, we meet a young Katsuki who wants nothing to do with some LONG trip that his mother, the King of Lucia, has brought him on. He’s precocious as expected and doesn’t understand why the kingdom of Tayloria is so different than his. I love this telling of Hisashi as a gentle spoken man who doesn’t talk down to kids. He leaves a big impression on Katsuki but sadly this is the only time we hear of his character while he’s alive. Katsuki gets to leave the pomp and circumstance of the diplomacy meeting, all of the monarchs discussing the arranged marriage, and explores the grounds. It was so cute to see how fascinated Katsuki was with the greenhouse and his struggle to get to it. And his description of little Izuku was so adorable comparing his face to twinkling stars and constellations.
Years pass and we’re introduced to a 20-year-old Katsuki returning to Tayloria ahead of his wedding. He’s still jaded and wants to get the whole situation done with. We meet his best friend and right-hand man Eijirou, a hopeless romantic who thinks this may work out favorably for Katsuki. Eijirou hoped that Katsuki would fall in love with his betrothed but yeah we’ll see about that. He tries to use Katsuki’s parents an example of an arranged marriage that turned to love and I cackled when Katsuki described them as “two chucklefucks.” It’s been a while since I’ve heard that word. Enter an adult Izuku who is NOT going to take this arrangement lying down. Evidently, he has a history of literally RUNNING from suitors and everyone in the kingdom. I laughed so hard when Izuku came barreling down the hill running from the guards. Like a rabbit being chased at a greyhound race. But in this case the guards were more like slow dachshunds. LOL “That’s right. The prince is escaping again.” AGAIN?! GUFFAW! Oh yeah, at this point Katsuki realizes that the little boy he met years ago was the prince AND his fiancé. He had no idea that he was engaged to a man and not a woman. Well, that’s an interesting revelation. HA! After Katsuki tracked him down I enjoyed the canon reference of him threatening to burn Izuku’s notebook.
Not knowing who he is, Izuku confesses to Katsuki that he doesn’t want to be forced to marry. He wants it to be left to fate that he falls in love with someone. Katsuki thinks he’s ridiculous but decides to keep his identity a secret after Izuku pretty much talks trash about him to his face. He pretends to be “Kacchan the aide.” Izuku was being bratty and that wasn’t really necessary but hiding? Eijirou tried to warn him that it was a bad idea but Katsuki knows all, right? Yeah, ok.
Throughout the story Izuku bad mouths Katsuki based on the rumors he’s heard and assumptions not realizing that he’s badmouthing him to his face. Katsuki is not the type of prince Izuku expects and Izuku DOES make a lot of assumptions. That’s definitely a trait of an over thinker. *raises hand* I like how Katsuki slowly uses his position as fiancé to ease some of the restrictions the Queen has placed. Izuku had really never been out of the castle gates until he was 14 and then not again afterward because a mishap. This really stunted Izuku’s worldview and makes him feel like he’s a captive in his own home. Poor thing runs to feel some sort of control.
Izuku is a ball of foolishness from pretending to be a heavy drinker and causing the kitchen staff to lose “their collective shit” at the lie to falling from his second floor room during one of his escapades. Katsuki is injured in a fight against road bandits (League of Villains sighting) so when they visited the healer Chiyo she assumed that Izuku was the one injured. And the guards even had a bet on who would get injured first, Izuku or Katsuki?!  BWAAAAAAA “You make it sound like I’m some harbinger of misfortune!” *snort*
At this point in the story Izuku has no idea that he met his betrothed when he was younger and that he left a lingering impression on him. The trick of rolling up his sleeves to hide his dirty sleeves and putting the word “fate” into his vocabulary.
The brotherly pack love between Katsuki and Eijirou runs parallel in the story. Eijirou constantly teases him telling him that he is sweet on Izuku. And he scented Katsuki after his injuries were treated. So brotherly, so manly.
Speaking of family, it’s is a big thing for Izuku. I found it interesting that both Izuku and his father smelled like lilacs. I wonder in what other ways is he like his father. After his father’s death he avoids his mother in fear that his scent will remind her. Depriving both of them of the connection that they need. The description of the castle’s third floor seems so familial. I could see Izuku spending a lot of time there hiding away from kingdom duties.
Slowly, Izuku comes to form a friendship and a sense of trust with “Kacchan the aide.” They go into town together and Katsuki helps him through a panic attack. Katsuki escorts him to see his swordmaster Toshinori and spars with him to help him with his sword work.
A repercussion of Izuku being cooped up is that he knows very little about his secondary gender. He doesn’t realize that is his inner Omega is falling for “Kacchan’s” inner Alpha. In the aftermath of Katuki’s injury, Izuku didn’t understand that his Omegan urges were telling him that he wanted to comfort Katsuki. And he wasn’t okay until they scented each other. He had no idea that he was going into heat while sparring with Katsuki or that Katsuki had triggered a nesting response after giving him a book. It was adorable when Izuku took over Katsuki’s bed and buried himself in his comforter because his scent was soothing.
The two of them start to have feelings for each other and EVERYONE can see it. Flirting during dancing lessons, Katsuki finishing a borrowed book to prove to Izuku that he cares, scenting Izuku and kissing his knuckles, and the seduction and ALMOST kiss in the greenhouse scene was beautifully done.  As much trash as Katsuki talked about Izuku, Katsuki was really bored out of his mind while they were both on house arrest. Toshinori even noticed that Katsuki was a bit sweet on Izuku. The old gardener, who is my new best friend, poked fun at Katsuki about love at first sight. I wondered if he had been around years ago and witnessed when Katsuki and Izuku first saw each other. Eijirou was on the money when he said “I think you and your fiance really are well suited. Like two batshit crazy peas in a pod.” *snort* I loved that the two of them snuck out into town to go dancing. Izuku had an opportunity to just be FREE and in love.
The happy times could only last so long. In courting the flighty prince, it became obvious that Izuku was becoming endeared to “Kacchan.” And therein lies the problem because Katsuki let it go on for too long. He let many chances to tell Izuku the truth slip and when Izuku found out of course he’s absolutely heartbroken and felt betrayed.
We’re a week away from the wedding and left at a cliffhanger. How will Katsuki fix what he broke? I’m excited to read how the story continues.
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glassmaker04 · 7 years
[Fic] Fragments of Memories
Title: Fragments of Memories
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Pairing: Erasermight l Allmight x Eraserhead / Yagi Toshinori x Aizawa Shouta
Warning: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Notes: Still waiting for AO3′s invitation T^T. Sorry for the delay, many things came up this week and I didn’t have enough time to sit down and write (even sleep...) but here it is! Please enjoy!
Thank you everyone who’s reading. I’m appreciated.
Ps. I’m not a English speaker. I’m sorry in advance for wrong grammars.
Part 3: Old routine, New routine
Toshinori’s Memories
Yagi Toshinori had a very simple routine. Woke up at 6, showered, dressed, ate at 7, went to work at a local cafe. His shift was 9am-5pm, ate lunch with coworkers, did his duties, went to supermarket before going home, made dinner, ate alone, read a bit or watched the news and went to bed. These had repeated 2 years now, he didn’t complain about his life. He was contented.
But deep down, he was lonely...truly lonely.
But after he met Aizawa 3 weeks ago, his routine had completely changed. He woke up at 6, fed Maru (Aizawa insisted keeping Maru, no handing to the Adoption center like he planned to.), showered, dressed, cooked for 2 and packed a lunch for Aizawa (Aizawa still couldn’t move around much), ate with Aizawa while they had small conversation, went to work, ate lunch with coworkers before checking on Aizawa by phoned, did his duties, went to supermarket, made dinner (with sounds of the news Aizawa’s watching), ate with Aizawa and Maru, talked to Aizawa or read a book while Aizawa’s working on his computer (very confusing with codes) and slept (Aizawa insisted slept on the sofa).
Everything he did now had Aizawa in it. He’s not alone like he used to.
Even Though he was well aware of Aizawa’s past. He could tell by his guts that Aizawa would bring bad news to him but he didn’t care. He liked talking to the young man. He was smart, quick-wit, had a strange sense of humor and a soft heart under his cold appearance.
He felt complete when Aizawa’s around him.
After the despaired accident, finally he was happy...truly happy.
“Umm, is that my coffee?” a lady customer asked when Toshinori held her cup too long. Toshinori blinked couple times, realizing he just lost in his thoughts.
“Oh sorry! here you are.” the barista gave a fake smile, felt embarrassed.
“Oi Toshinori, what’s on your mind? You’ve been distracted many times lately.” his coworker, Nishiya Shinji, used his elbow teasing him a bit.
“Nothing.” Toshinori felt his face was warmer, tried to keep himself busy as best as he could. He automatically mixed a next order.
“Ahh~ Have you been dating with someone?” another woman, Takeyama Yu, glared at the older man with her watchful eyes.
“No! absolutely not.” Toshinori surely felt the rushing warm both on his cheeks and chest. It was hard to hide his face.
“Don’t lie to me! I’ve seen you calling and talking very sweet to someone after lunch, Aiko or something.” Yu blurted out, almost spilled the drink she’s making.
“I didn’t do that! His name’s Aizawa-kun and he’s staying with me. I just wanted to check on him if he eats on time.” Toshinori’s trying so hard to keep compose even though he wasn’t good at it.
“By calling everyday? Is he your...son?” Shinji asked this time, eyes still locked at his older coworker, never knew that the man was married.
“No, I don’t have one. He’s...he’s my cousin.” Toshinori lied. The first time in so many years.
“Oh? I thought you don’t have any relatives.” Yu said, handed the drink to the customer.
“He just moved in.” Toshinori finished his drink and handed to customer as well. He hurried to the counter.
“Next, please.” He said quickly the to next customer in the line. His other two coworkers knew immediately that this conversation had ended.
“Okay, I’m not gonna buy that Toshinori-san. I know it when you’re lying.” Shinji said while Yu made a small laugh. Toshinori pretended he didn’t hear that.
As usual, Toshinori did call Aizawa between lunch break. He hid himself in the back of the cafe, made sure that no one saw him this time. His long thump dialed to the younger man at his home quickly, never knew he had a smile on his lips.
“Hello Aizawa-kun, how are you doing?”
/Same...bored and sleepy./ a mumble sound answering at the end of the line made Toshinori smiled wider.
“Did you eat lunch yet?”
/Not yet but soon, don’t worry. What about you? Have you coughed? I heard you coughed last night though, didn’t want to ask in the morning while you seemed to enjoy humming in the kitchen./
“I’m fine! Haven’t co-” didn’t even finish the sentence. The older man bloody cough through the phone.
/Ah, I should talk to Chiyo-san tonight. She’s coming, isn’t she?/ Toshinori cleared his throat before saying.
“Yes, she’s coming to see your wound though, not mine.”
/I still want to talk to her./  
“Haha, thank you Aizawa-kun. You’re kind.” the younger man was quiet a couple minutes before answering.
/...No, I just want my beauty sleep. You’ve kept me waking up at night./ a soft voice sounded cold, but Toshinori still felt warm in his chest.
Aizawa-kun, you’re really carring inside.
“Don’t forget to eat lunch then. It’s your favorite salmon.”
/I will, Yagi-san./
“Oh, I’ll stopped by a mall before heading home. Do you need more clothes? Or anything else?”
/No, thank you. I bought me too many things I need including this mobile phone./
“Really? I thought it too few.” there was a beat from the end of the line, then Aizawa said.
/Just come home quickly, so I’m not bored and hungry./ somehow that cold tone made Toshinori smiling wider than before. He unconsciously play with his bangs hair.   
“Hahaha, I will Aizawa-kun. I will.”
/See you then, bye./ with that, Aizawa hung up. Toshinori looked at his phone and already felt the drum sound pounding inside.
Come home…
“You’re really nice, Aizawa-kun.” He muttered to himself, a small smile still on his lips.
After his shift ended, Toshinori hurried to the mall and bought things from supermarket. There were enough for two people, beef, vegetables, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and oh! cats food. Of course, he had to paid double but he didn’t care. He actually felt good about it.
When Toshinori walked back, humming along the way, he saw his apartment from afar. The light from his room was on. The tall man had stopped both of walking and humming, stunned. He just blinked hard before looked at that light for a long long time as if he never saw his own apartment before. A warm and longing feeling swirled inside his body, rushing through his spine like the electricity. Suddenly he felt whole and complete like he truly belonged here for the first time.
So this is what it’s like, when you had someone’s waiting for you.
“I’m home.” Toshinori opened the front door, greeted by a purr sound from Maru who already tangled his legs.
“You’re late!” Aizawa shouted from the living room. Toshinori let out a laugh before apologising to the young man. His heart’s full of warmness while listening a long complaint from the younger man. It was the best thing ever happened in his life.
“Why you’re laughing!? There’s nothing funny!”
“You’re funny, Aizawa-kun.” Toshinori smiled wider, dodged a pillow from Aizawa and finally put a pink arporn on, began to prepare their dinner.
If his life’s going to be like this everyday, he could live with it.
He could live with Aizawa-kun like this.
He couldn’t think of something or someone else...
Shouta’s Memories
The black hair man was running fast on a road, almost spilled his coffee. He looked down at his watch every 2 minutes, checking if he could make it in time. Aizawa Shouta was never ever late and he was proud of that fact. There was no way that today could ruin his reputation. He gasped hard when he reached the school’s gate before walking in with other students.
Some students greeted him, a bit of scared. He only nodded his head back to them, eyes blinked blanky while wondered what classes he taught them (maths or physic?). Shouta’s still working on memorizing his students even though he mostly forgot at the end of the day. This was a part of his job now. He was alright with it.
When thinking back, Shouta’s old life was like a dream. Working at a software company almost 24 hours a day, he barely ate or slept. Even on the weekend, he opened his computer and worked, worked, worked. He was fine with it, got a good salary and OT. He liked being busy anyway.
Yet he was lonely...very lonely.
Something was missing...
“That’s it for today, I would like you all to do the exercises from page 45 to 50. Hand me next class.” Shouta said quickly while gathering all his notes and exercise sheets, pretended not to hear cry voice from the students.
“Sensei! Let me help you carry these.” a green hair boy spoke up, beside him was a boy worn glasses. Shouta glared at them, thinking hard.
Red shoes...Midoriya Izuku
Glasses boy...Iida Tenya
“Thanks...Mi...Midoriya...Ii...Iida.” He almost whispered the boys name which just made both of them looked at him with wider eyes.
“Your welcome Sensei!” two students suddenly shouted. Shouta felt his face was warmer, then he rushed to the door.   
Shouta didn’t expect to see the happy face from his students. While he’d worked at the software company, he didn’t care much about his coworkers. He only talked to them about works, nothing else. He didn’t care how their life was nor their faces. But here in UA, he somehow felt that it was very important to get to know all the kids to, of course, improve their calculating foundations.
“You did care for them, Shouta!” his friend, Mic or Yamada Hizashi had said to him on the third day of his teaching when he saw Shouta read through all the names list in teacher lounge.
“I don’t, just don’t want to see them fail the final exam.” he answered with cold voice.
“Ahhh~ Finally done of the day~” as soon as Shouta walked in the teacher room, he heard his friend whined.
“Thank you, you two.” Shouta said as the kids put down his papers on the desk. The boys said goodbye before left the room. Mic grinned after saw that little scene.
“You’re improving! Nice to see that.” Shouta glared, hated that face.
“Shut it.”
Yamada Hizashi, aka Mic, was Shouta’s friend from University. They incidentally had the same English class in his first year and this man had never left him alone since then.
“You’re done? Wanna get a drink?”
“No, I’m going to grade these papers and then I’ll go home.”
“Ahhh~ home, you say?” Mic just gave that stupid grinned which Shouta hated.
“Shut it!”     
Shouta didn’t know how his life was like this. Woke up at 6.30, showered and dressed, bought coffee and some pastries on a way to school. Be at his desk at 8am sharp, ate breakfast while memorizing all the teachers from his notebook before read through his schedule and teaching plan, prepared his lesson and went to class, had lunch with Mic and Nemuri, had afternoon class, graded papers and went home.
Well, he didn’t exactly head home, he dropped by a homey restaurant ‘Allmight Alright!’ at 7pm sharp. He’d done this 3 weeks now, just to order his favorite grilled salmon set. Shouta’s somehow familiar with the test and he loved it.
And that man was there…
Before Shouta knew what’s happening around him, he was already in front of Allmight Alright!. He stood there, looked at the sign and wondered what kept him coming back.
Yagi-san was here.
Shouta saw the older man’s speaking with his student, Midoriya, seriously instructing something to the boy. The teacher’s looking at them with awe, still wondering if he could talk to man. He didn’t want to admit that he liked talking to the older man...very much. Yagi was nice, warm heart and very caring to others. Sometimes, Shouta felt nostalgic being around with Yagi even though the older man said they knew each other very briefly 10 years ago.
“Welcome sensei!” a girl greeted him by surprised made him jumped a bit.
“You can call me Aizawa-san when we’re out of school...U...Uraraka, right?”
“Yes! Aizawa-sensei!” Ochako eagerly answered with smile. Shouta let out a soft sigh when he heard ‘Sensei’ word. Ochako turned around and saw that his usual seat was taken.
“Umm…do you mind sitting a differ-” suddenly a new voice cut the girl, made the teacher turned his head.
“I’ll take care of it, Uraraka-kun” suddenly a new low voice spoke from behind.
Shouta’s stunned, froze when saw a man with a warm smile on his face. He somehow forgot how to breath near the owner of Allmight Alright! He didn’t know why and he didn’t intend to get the answer, not yet.
“Yes owner!” Ochako gave a bow before left the two.
“Welcome back Aizawa-kun”
“Hello, Yagi-san.”
“Looks like it’s crowded today. You can go eating in my office if you like.” Yagi-san pointed at the back, already knew what Shouta would prefer.
“Is that okay?”
“Of course! I offer and the salmon is ready!”
Shouta hid his face and said thank you softly, a little bit embarrassed. He followed the taller man to his little office in the back. Yagi’s office was just like what Shouta had thought. Inside the small room, there was a long table in the corner, pile of papers and a computer on it. Beside that was a window and a long vest of sunflowers. In the center was a square table and chairs, assuming they had to be for staff taking breaks. Overall, the room felt welcome and humble with pictures of natures and staff on the wall along with a schedule board.
Unlike his room, minimum and bare, almost nothing in it.
“Sorry for the mess.”
“Don’t be. It’s nice in here.” Shouta settled down at the square table while Yagi sat at his spot near by computer.
Midoriya came in with a tray, putting down in front of the teacher. Shouta said thank you softly which made the boy almost shouted ‘You’re welcome!’ back. After the boy left, Yagi laughed a bit.
“I don’t see it funny Yagi-san.”
“Sorry, Midoriya-boy couldn’t stop talking about you since he’s been here. He almost bumped into customers earlier.”
“What do you mean?” Shouta looked up from his dinner, chopsticks in his hand.
“You remember his name, right? He told me today.” Yagi smiled from his corner lips.
“I...I remember his shoes...and his name popped up later.” Shouta knew he was stared by the older man, so he tried to hide his face by his messy hair.
“Well, I can see it’s working, whatever methods you’re using right now.”
Shouta just hummed back as ended this conversation. Yagi might took a hint and he turned back to work on his computer while Shouta’s pretending eating. The younger man peeked a bit from corner of his eyes. Yagi was typing something very fast, stopped at some point and typed again.
The room was quiet, only typing sound on the background. No one started making a conversation, just relaxed being with one another in a comfortable silent and that. That made Shouta realized...hard. His eyes widen a bit while holding chopsticks.
This...this was the wholeness and serenity swirling around him.     
His heart beated faster once he felt the warmness flushing inside his chest. It was a nostalgic feeling like he was in this atmosphere before, only him and Yagi sat together in one room doing something in completely silent.
He felt complete when Yagi was near.
“Yagi-san.” Shouta suddenly spoke softly.
“Hmm?” Yagi stopped typing and turned around. The teacher put down his chopsticks, only finished half of a meal.
“Do you mind if I’ll eat here again?” the younger man asked, black pupils directly looked at the blue ones.
“No, I don’t. Feel free to be here anytime Aizawa-kun.” Yagi answered immediately without thinking.  
“Thank you.”
With that, they continued doing their task in silent again. Shouta was eating while Yagi was typing. The teacher closed his eyes and realized that it was the first time in many years that he smiled to himself, enjoying eating and listening the typing sound. He felt truly relaxed, his brain didn’t think about work anymore, only focus on the soothing typing sound and Yagi’s presence.
So this is what it’s like, when you had someone near you.
Shouta didn’t know how much time had passed until Midoriya and Uraraka came back into the room with their snacks, taking their break. They sat opposite Shouta and began to talk to him. It was strange for him yet he’s okay with that. He didn’t flinch or hesitate to talk back. He even curved up his lips a bit when saw the two talked seriously about the upcoming math test.
When Shouta turned his head, he saw Yagi smiled at him. That blue eyes sparkled so bright melting his heart with the owner’s kindness. Shouta only shrugged, tried to ignore what his students had said how scared the test would be. After awhile, Shouta finished his meal and paid in the front before leaving.
“See you tomorrow, Aizawa-kun” Yagi said to him in front of the restaurant.
“See you, Yagi-san.” Shouta nodded.
“See you at school, Sensei!” Midoriya and Uraraka shouted together from the back.
“Don’t forget to do homework.” The teacher shouted back, turning to leave. His hand did wave in the air after turning to leave.  
If his life’s going to be like this everyday, he could live with it.
Yes...He could live with his students, his friends and Yagi-san like this.
He couldn’t think of something or someone else.
To be continue...
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kirishimahinami · 7 years
love is bitter
summary: no matter what, the ending will be the same. everyone always disappear. hinami reflecting on her experiences from age 13 to 17. word count: 2187 pairing: hinted ayahina notes: hinami centric fic. loosely based on girl’s generation - love is bitter . only hinted ayahina this time, but she interacts with ayato for the most part in this fic. includes a lot characters so i’m only tagging hina. its a bit depressing until its end, lol. this is my last fic until i can return to writing on my computer next month. love you all.
Hinami had figured it long ago, that she shouldn’t trust life to be kind. Reflecting on her past was never her favorite pastime, but she now has subordinates and partners with her, people who are key to successful missions, and she could not bear losing them, whether if she only knew them as a fellow Aogiri Tree member or if they already managed to become somewhat friends of hers.
The first death she had seen as a commander was by far the worst. One of the older women she had supervised got into an ambush by herself while Hinami was making sure everything was going well on another bunch of troops. That particular woman was one of the more respectful of the bunch, and while she worked for Aogiri Tree, she was soft spoken and treated Hinami well, not holding grudges over the fact she was younger yet the commander.
That woman reminded Hinami of her mother. She had dark brown hair and used to wear long skirts, her hands were calloused but would still pat Hinami’s head when they were out of the higher ups sight. It was even more so fitting that she died while the rain poured on her, the hot air of the summer washing away and leaving Hinami out in the cold. The three first days after the death were the worst. Eto’s words echoed in her mind, reminding her of her weak state.
If she looks back on it, she remembers feeling starved. She didn’t eat for almost a week and a half after the woman passed. She wonders if back then her refusal to eat was really out of grief, or if she was just actually looking for excuses to be weak. Even at that point, she just wanted to leave Aogiri, go back to the people she knew. She even remembers considering leaving.
Her older brother, as far as she knew, was not an option anymore. As much as it pained her to admit. But maybe, maybe if she could track flowerman. He had always been kind to her, even if everyone else were iffy about him.  And if she could find Banjou, he’s sure to not turn her away… or maybe even older sis-
She felt bad for even thinking about her, as she watched Ayato entering the room, a package in his hand and solemn look worn on his face. She only knew him only for a short while, but every clue pointed to the fact he wanted to see Touka much more than she ever will.
“Your squad have been whispering about you not eating.” He said as he sat down on the floor, the same way she had been sitting for the last three hours. He threw the package at her lightly and it fell right next to her feet. Her reddish eyes spared a glance at it, but when she could only think about Chiyo’s dead body in the rain. She hugged her legs then, head buried in her ankles.
She was sure Ayato frowned, even if she didn’t look. She could also hear the quiet groan that came out of his mouth. “Look, you spoilt shitty kid. It’s a suicide victim, just like you like. From the same damn place your happy go lucky café liked to get them, too. You either eat this now and live on, or keep starving and get to talk with Tatara. And I’m pretty sure that woman would have not wanted you to handle Tatara because of her, either.” He said, stood up and left the room.
Hinami didn’t move until she couldn’t hear his steps anymore. She reached for the meat with one shaking hand, bringing it near her face. He was right. It would be unfair to others, for her to leave, or kill herself like this.
Life is bitter, she thought as she bit into her food, and a few tears fell from her eyes. But she will get stronger, and at the very least will do her best to make sure that others would not have to feel like she does.
The ending is always the same, in this world, just as it was in Eto’s books. Happiness always seemed to be a passing theme, no matter who the story focused on. Eto even used to joke of making another short stories book, all inspired by different Aogiri members. Most of said members in the room stiffened until she waved her hand, reminding them she’s not that stupid. “That’s just handing out the CCG clues, isn’t it?”
It was true, Eto would never give away those kind of handouts to the CCG willingly, but the meeting remained tense until the end anyway. They all always tried to forget and move on, it was what ghouls were best at, but pushing the weak spots never made anyone feel better.
She was making coffee at the moment, under Ayato’s request. He never asked her directly but if he had she had no doubt he very much needed it. She didn’t mind it if she was to be honest – it was already a routine to make him and other Aogiri members coffee, and while he was not the type to radiate warmness to others, his presence was soothing to her.
Hinami always grew attached to easily, but regrets were not a part of the process when their friendship grew. To some level, he understood her. They were both just kids without a family, even if he was already adjusted to the loneliness. She could only hope that she won’t lose him later on.
Steam became visible as she heard the kettle boiling, and she rushed towards it. She quickly poured them as she remembered the workers in Anteiku had. The heat burnt her slightly, but she didn’t care for it. The scent of the coffee always visibly relaxed Ayato, and she did not want the smell to dissipate since the coffee had cooled.  
When it was ready, she handed him the coffee carefully. Ayato wasn’t really looking, or at least she didn’t think so, considering his bangs were covering his eyes, but he grabbed the cup, his fingers brushing hers that held the handle. She let go, and within second the cup was right in front of his mouth.
He chugged the coffee down quickly, four sips and it was gone. He sighed.
“…Would you like some more?” Hinami asked. He did many things for her during the last two years, it’s the least she can do, she thought to herself.
He stared into the now empty cup and shook his head. “It’s enough. Thanks.” He answered and ran a hand through his hair, and Hinami could finally see all of his face clearly.
His eyes were tired and wistful.
Love is always bitter, she thought to herself. He missed his sister just like she had and it was clear on his face. Even if the wounds have healed, and they’ve already moved on, the heavy feeling of longing stays lingering.
Even days later, Hinami kept wondering if their ending would be the same.
Hinami doesn’t know how much time has passed since she entered Cochlea.
All that she does know is that very soon there will be a disposal and she’s a part of. Time has passed by and the longer Hinami had stayed in the prison, she became less and less relevant to the CCG. She hadn’t seen her big brother in a long while, even though she asked to, and finally had come to terms with the fact that she will die soon.
Her hands rose to her neck. She didn’t know how they would kill her, but she remembers a scene from Eto’s books where a person get their head cut off. She tries not to think about it, but her throat is dry from lack of food and feels as if the area is wounded anyway. The image of a stitched neck comes to mind, the thread slowly unraveling. Fully unraveled, a head rolls around across her cell. Is that mom?
She wonders if she went insane from being alone so long. She can still discern reality and dreams, something many people in Cochlea apparently can’t, if the shouts she hears from others cells are any indicator. But she’s having a hallucinations, hallucinations she does not want to see.
She is reminded of Anteiku, where she had an official eating day set for her. Her imagination willed it that she sees the food right in front of her, her mother and Touka at her sides and Kaneki, still wearing his medical eyepatch with his back to her, still slightly uncomfortable with the idea of humans as food, but urging her it’s okay and she has to eat.
Another day she saw the television they had at the base after Kaneki’s hair turned white. Tsukiyama is putting and sunflower in his hair, blowing a kiss to the air after saying something does not understand. She can see he’s happy, though. She could see Banjou watching a horror film, very much uncomfortable, asking her if she could switch the channel.
Today, she saw Ayato at the Aogiri base, the one with the flowers. He was forcing her to eat again. She never liked eating days in Aogiri. They always meant there are combat missions in the near future. ‘Come on, I don’t want you to disappear. Just eat already.’ She could hear Naki and Miza calling them in for a meeting, and even though she knew nothing was actually in front of her, she ate quickly as the hallucination told her.
Tears once again welled up in her eyes. I’m sorry. Even though I’m eating, I’m going to disappear anyway.
The bitterness she felt in her mouth then was worse than any human food she had ever had the fortune to eat.
She couldn’t comprehend what was going on when she saw the door to her cell opening. There were many ghouls up to disposal in her level, so it wouldn’t make any sense to go straight to her room. She wasn’t even the most dangerous one on her level – in fact, most doves she knew agreed she was the most peaceful and cooperative.
She had not counted on her big brother to suddenly appear.
“Hinami chan.”
“…Onii chan?”
“I’m so sorry I’m late. Let’s get out of here.”
She stood up, slightly unbalanced, but slapped him on the face right on.
“Why?... Why did you come? You’re an investigator, aren’t you?” This will only get him into trouble. Even if she’s happy he came here for her, what is it worth if he’s going to disappear again?
“This is my last job.”
It’s always the same.
Minutes pass, and Hinami is sitting next to a wall, clutching her legs. Kaneki disappeared to go fight, and she doesn’t know if he’ll return. He said to continue forward, but Hinami doesn’t want to leave him behind.
She hears footsteps. Out of the corner of her already red, glassy eye she sees three people approaching. The one in the front stands out immediately. Ayato.
“Hinami..” he starts.
“Ayato…” She’s still a bit shocked.
“I’m sorry I took so long. Let’s go home.” He finishes. His hand patting her shoulder gently. She almost wants to lean in, but she’s reminded of the other two people in the hall.
She’s was already overwhelmed when she saw Ayato, but then she looks up and sees Yomo and Touka.
“Mr. Yomo…” She inched closer as she said the name, and Touka who stood still so far, came closer as well. “S-sis….” She said, and Touka pinched her cheeks.
“Silly Hinami.” Is the only thing she says, but that alone is more than enough to make Hinami feel as if her home returned to her.
“I’m sorry, s-sis…” she answers.
…But what if it isn’t?
Even Banjou came to save her, she realizes as she runs right into his bear hug.
“Hina! I’m so glad you’re okay… Really, thank heavens….”
…Is everything really so bitter?
A month later, Hinami has found the answer to her question.
With the formation of Goat almost everyone she had knew from Anteiku have returned to her life. Ayato, Miza, Naki and many other people who are associated to Aogiri Tree have joined as well. There are a few people she doesn’t really know, and one in particular she doesn’t really know how to feel about, but they were important to Kaneki, so she knew she would just have to put her trust in him. He didn’t give her a reason not to.
Now, she was surrounded by the people she cared for. It was a blessing she could never dream of while she was in Aogiri. She sighed happily as she laid on her bed. Her home has returned to her and she will do everything she can in order to keep it this time. For herself, for Ayato, and for everyone else.
The ending doesn’t have to be bitter. The ending is what you make of it.
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cyb-by-lang · 7 years
OSF AU - All the Little Children (6/?)
Part 6: Wherein alliances are forged out of shared experiences and the Hero departs.
Content Warnings: Blood, mention of injuries, Garp, shitty parenting, and shitty grandparenting as demonstrated by Garp.
“Let me see that, brat,” said the old man who had introduced himself as Monkey D. Garp.
Eventually. After running the gauntlet every trap Naruto, Fū, and Gaara could construct, after punching Gaara through a tree so hard that his own sand broke his nose, and after chasing Fū and Naruto’s clones all over the mountain like a bear on an IV drip of Elder Chiyo’s most dangerous combat steroids. The old man had finally settled down. Worst of all, he barely looked scuffed-up by some of the strongest attacks any of them could use without destroying the forest.
Gaara stared flatly back at the old man, though he couldn’t breathe through his nose and needing to keep his mouth open was sort of ruining the mystique.
“Gaara, have you ever had a broken nose before?” Naruto asked, after turning his head and spitting something that was at least partly blood into the fire.
Gaara shook his head. Before today, he’d only been injured—only seen his own blood as opposed to someone else’s—twice in his entire life. And those were both after leaving Sunagakure and the Land of Wind for the first time.
“Yeah, me neither. But I used to hang out with Aunt Rin a lot, so I think I know how to fix it.” Naruto slapped the old man’s hand away as he sat right in front of Gaara, leaning forward. “Just hang on a sec.”
Gaara blinked slowly as Naruto’s hand gingerly—ow!
Gaara jerked back as his sand shield flared, nearly bowling Naruto over. He blinked tears away as he stared at Naruto in shock.
“Sorry, Gaara. Had to straighten it out before your healing kicked in,” Naruto said with a grimace, before turning to Garp. “Hey, old guy, got any bandages?”
“Call me ‘Grandpa,’ brat,” Garp said, but he handed over a roll of linen first.
“Like hell,” Naruto replied under his breath, before carefully treating Gaara’s wounds. “You don’t even know my name, so why should I?”
Garp almost immediately seized Naruto’s ear and pulled on it, eliciting a yelp of pain. “Quit mumbling!”
Naruto snarled, his eyes turning red for a split second as he fought out of the old man’s grip. “I already have a grandpa, you old coot! You’re just some power-tripping asshole who hits kids and calls it ‘training!’”
“You do?” Gaara asked, though his voice still sounded off to his own ears. Luckily, the statement seemed to have given Garp pause, which let Naruto finish patching his face back together.
“Yeah. Dad and Mom’s birth parents are dead, so my ssiter and me don’t have any by blood, but I’ve got kinda like…” Naruto trailed off, his hands stilling for a second. “You’d know him as Toad Sage Jiraiya, and then there’s Granny Tsunade and Aunt Mikoto and…” Naruto sighed as he got back to work.. “I miss ‘em, is all.”
With a sidelong glance at Garp, who had turned away and started poking the campfire again, Gaara said, “I don’t quite feel the same way, but… I’m sorry you’re stuck here with us instead of at home. It sounds nice.”
“It’s not all bad,” Naruto said, clearly putting on a brave face. “This way I got to meet you and become friends. That’s good, right?”
“It is,” Gaara admitted, and Naruto clapped a hand onto his shoulder with a wide, not-completely-fake grin. If they hadn’t vanished from home and ended up in this strange, unpredictable world, Naruto would have been a fellow jinchūriki, yes. A penpal, in some ways. But their first meeting would have been in the Chūnin Exams instead of waking up on the same beach, with a common need to survive.
“Hey, we’re back!” Fū's voice called out, and both Naruto and Gaara turned toward her.
She had all three of the younger boys with her. In the hours since the disastrous morning fight, she’d managed to get everyone in her group covered in bandages and to change their clothes. With Chōmei in their group, too, Gaara wondered if any of those bandages were silk instead of linen, then decided it didn’t matter. Somehow, their two gangs of three children each seemed to have turned into a single gang of six.
Huh. Common enemies did make uncommon alliances, Gaara thought. He was nearly certain he was getting the exact phrasing wrong, but that had been somewhere in his studies, once upon a time.
And they were now sitting down to dinner with the aforementioned common enemy.
Fū and the three boys sat around the fire alongside everyone else, though only the two dark-haired boys trusted Garp anywhere near them. The blond one trusted his friends, sort of, but Gaara personally didn’t want anyone near the old man if he had a choice. But so far, forcing the issue hadn’t worked.
“Good, you’re all here now,” said the old man, crossing his arms and looming over them even while sitting.
Gaara blew his nose and sprayed bloody snot onto his sand. Naruto wordlessly handed him a handkerchief, which he accepted. Fū looked slightly ill, but the other three boys didn’t even look surprised.
“Quit ruining the moment, brat!” Garp shouted.
Gaara ignored him and took the handkerchief.
“Just get it over with,” Fū said in about the most serious tone Gaara had ever heard from her. While she wasn’t above yelling to get her way—as much as that didn’t work when Naruto was around and willing to shout right back—Fū was generally an upbeat person. The only things that really made her mad were evil and indifference to it.
Gaara waited.
“You three should become my grandchildren!”
“No,” Gaara said immediately, and Naruto and Fū's voices joined his in perfect unison.
“I didn’t ask for your opinions!”
“I told you before—I have a grandpa, and I don’t need a punch-happy replacement!” Naruto snapped.
“I don’t need a parent at all,” Fū said, crossing her arms to match the old man.
Gaara thought about it. Then, “…What worries me is that this is still less dangerous than spending time around my father.” Sure, these were some of the first injuries he’d ever experienced, but the Fourth Kazekage was much more upfront about occasional murder attempts.
Fū whipped her head around. “What?”
Gaara shrugged.
“That’s horrible,” Fū said, almost teleporting to Gaara’s side. “Your dad’s horrible.”
“I know,” said Gaara, because it was hard not to know by now.
Then Naruto and Fū squished Gaara between them in a pair of bear hugs. They pinned Gaara’s arms to his sides, so all he could do was sigh and rest his cheek against the top of Naruto’s blond head.
The old man, thankfully, didn’t say anything else to make Gaara hate him more. He produced a giant boar from basically nowhere and cooked it for the sake of both the old and new child acquaintances he had, of which Gaara only considered himself vaguely involved. Garp’s two already-grandsons fell on the food with about as much restraint as a pack of hyenas, quickly joined by the blond whose name Gaara still didn’t know.
Naruto and Fū joined in more slowly, with Gaara joining in last of all.
But it wasn’t until the old man left, meal completed and check-in with borderline-feral grandchildren accomplished, that any of them spoke to each other.
“Hey,” Naruto said, once the entire experience was over, “I don’t think we’ve introduced ourselves to you, not really.”
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy! You’re Naru, right?” said the smallest of the other kids. “You sound like Sabo, but act like Ace!”
“Should I be insulted or not...?” Naruto wondered aloud, nonplussed. He shrugged to himself. “Anyway, no, my name’s Naruto. Think of a whirlpool…” Naruto paused. “Or a fishcake.”
“Like on ramen?!” Luffy chirped.
“Like on ramen,” Naruto said, though his smile was a bit strained. Gaara wondered briefly if he was taking the time to remind himself that Luffy was a really tiny kid, but he supposed it didn’t matter.
“And I already know Fairy—”
“Fū,” the kunoichi corrected.
“—from before.” Luffy grinned. “I’m really happy we’re friends now.”
“Are we?” asked the blond. He managed a half-hearted wave. “I’m Sabo, by the way.”
“And he’s Gaara,” Naruto concluded, patting Gaara’s shoulder.
All eyes turned to the holdout.
“Portgas D. Ace,” growled the last kid, full of resentment. “None of you had to go interfering like that. We’ve had worse from the shitty old man.”
Fū's fists clenched. “That’s the whole problem.”
“Whatever,” Ace grunted, looking away from them. “…But I guess… I guess you’re not totally hopeless.”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean, Freckles?” Naruto demanded.
“I meant exactly what I said! And quit calling me Freckles!”
“Take it back!”
“Hell no!”
Gaara shook his head slowly. While Ace and Naruto wrestled with each other and probably ended up throwing a few unfair elbows or bites, everyone else at this campfire seemed content enough just to get to know one another. Fū and Luffy seemed to get along all too well already.
To that end, Gaara said to Sabo, “I’m sorry for scaring you before.”
“Oh, that? Well, the sand part was scary, but I’ve lived in Gray Terminal all my life. I’ve fought tough guys before,” Sabo said, rubbing the back of his neck. “As long as you’re not gonna do it again, it’s okay!”
Gaara could tell instantly that at least part of the first thing he’d said was a lie, but didn’t call him on it. “I won’t,” Gaara promised.
“Yay, we’re all friends now!” Fū and Luffy said together.
That seemed to be the end of it.
“OW! He bit me!” Naruto yelped.
For a few seconds, anyway.
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