#Chlorine Dioxide Solution Protocol
marutifinechemicals · 7 months
Unraveling the Power of Chlorosulfonic Acid - Maruti Fine Chemicals
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In the vast landscape of chemical compounds, few hold as much intrigue and significance as Chlorosulfonic acid. With its potent reactivity and diverse applications, this compound has carved out a niche in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and dyes. Today, we embark on a journey to explore the realm of chlorosulfonic acid, shining a spotlight on Maruti Fine Chemicals, a pioneering entity in the production and utilization of this powerful substance.
Unveiling Chlorosulfonic Acid:
Chlorosulfonic acid, often referred to as Chlorosulphonic Acid, is a chemical compound with the formula HSO3Cl. It is synthesized through the reaction of sulfur trioxide (SO3) with chlorine gas (Cl2), yielding chlorosulfonic acid and sulfur dioxide (SO2). This process requires precise control and specialized equipment, underscoring the technical expertise needed in its production.
Properties and Characteristics:
Chlorosulfonic acid manifests as a highly reactive, colorless to yellowish liquid with a pungent odor. Its solubility in polar solvents like water and sulfuric acid, along with organic solvents such as dichloromethane and chloroform, underscores its versatility in various reaction environments. However, its corrosive nature demands meticulous handling and storage protocols to prevent accidents and ensure workplace safety.
Applications in Industry:
The significance of chlorosulfonic acid lies in its role as a key reagent in organic synthesis. Maruti Fine Chemicals leverages the compound's sulfonation properties to produce a wide array of sulfonic acids, vital intermediates in the manufacturing of dyes, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, and agrochemicals. Additionally, chlorosulfonic acid serves as a catalyst in certain chemical processes, further expanding its utility in industrial applications.
Maruti Fine Chemicals: A Leader in Chlorosulfonic Acid Production:
Established as a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty chemicals, Maruti Fine Chemicals has cemented its reputation in the chemical industry. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to quality and innovation, the company plays a pivotal role in meeting the demand for chlorosulfonic acid and its derivatives.
Research and Development:
At Maruti Fine Chemicals, research and development serve as cornerstones of innovation. The company's dedicated R&D team continually explores new synthetic methodologies and applications for chlorosulfonic acid, driving advancements in process efficiency, product quality, and environmental sustainability.
Safety Measures and Environmental Stewardship:
Recognizing the inherent hazards associated with chlorosulfonic acid, Maruti Fine Chemicals prioritizes safety in all aspects of its operations. Rigorous safety protocols, comprehensive employee training, and adherence to regulatory standards ensure a secure working environment. Furthermore, the company remains committed to environmental stewardship, implementing measures to minimize waste generation and mitigate environmental impact.
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Collaborative Partnerships and Customer Satisfaction:
Maruti Fine Chemicals fosters collaborative partnerships with customers, tailoring solutions to meet their specific needs. Through open communication, technical expertise, and a customer-centric approach, the company ensures unparalleled service and satisfaction.
Chlorosulfonic acid stands as a testament to the ingenuity and innovation driving the chemical industry forward. With Maruti Fine Chemicals at the helm, this potent compound finds application across diverse sectors, fueling progress and enabling the creation of groundbreaking products. As we continue to unravel the complexities of chlorosulfonic acid, one thing remains clear: its potential knows no bounds, and with visionary leaders like Maruti Fine Chemicals guiding the way, the future of chemical synthesis shines brighter than ever before.
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safraxinc · 7 months
Safrax Inc. Shares Top Chlorine Dioxide Products You Need for Effective Disinfection
In the ever-evolving landscape of disinfection solutions, Chlorine Dioxide emerges as a powerful contender, offering efficacy and safety in equal measure. As the world grapples with the importance of maintaining hygiene standards, Safrax Inc. brings to light its top Chlorine Dioxide products, revolutionizing the way we approach disinfection protocols.
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blackwoolncrown · 3 years
For the past few days, a heatwave has glowered over the Pacific Northwest, forcing temperatures in the region to a record-breaking 118ºF. Few people in the region—neither Americans nor Canadians—have air-conditioning. Stores sold out of new AC units in hours as a panicked public sought a reasonable solution to the emergency. Unfortunately, air-conditioning is part of what’s causing the unusual heatwave in the first place.
We came close to destroying all life on Earth during the Cold War, with the threat of nuclear annihilation. But we may have come even closer during the cooling war, when the rising number of Americans with air conditioners—and a refrigerant industry that fought regulation—nearly obliterated the ozone layer. We avoided that environmental catastrophe, but the fundamental problem of air conditioning has never really been resolved.
Mechanical cooling appeared in the early 1900s not for comfort but for business. In manufacturing, the regulation of temperature—“process cooling”—controlled the quality of commodities like cotton, tobacco, and chewing gum. In 1903, Alfred Wolff installed the first cooling system for people at the New York Stock Exchange because comfortable traders yielded considerably higher stock returns. Only in the ’20s did “commercial cooling” appear. On Memorial Day weekend 1925, Willis Carrier debuted the first centrifugal air-conditioning system at the Rivoli Theater in Midtown Manhattan. Previously, theaters had shut down in the summer. With air-conditioning, the Rivoli became “the talk of Broadway” and inaugurated the summer blockbuster.
-another direct tie to capitalism. Everything born out of colonio-capitalism carries its toxic mark. Article totally not under the cut for those who can’t pay for Time. It honestly paints a really clear picture of the situation. Bolding mine.-
“It’s time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it.“
Before World War II, almost no one had air-conditioning at home. Besides being financially impractical and culturally odd, it was also dangerous. Chemical refrigerants like sulfur dioxide and methyl chloride filled most fridges and coolers, and leaks could kill a child, poison a hospital floor, even blow up a basement. Everything changed with the invention of Freon in 1928. Non-toxic and non-explosive, Freon was hailed as a “miracle.” It made the modernist skyscraper—with its sealed windows and heat-absorbing materials—possible. It made living in the desert possible. The small, winter resort of Phoenix, Arizona, became a year-round attraction. Architecture could now ignore the local climate. Anywhere could be 65ºF with 55% humidity. Cheap materials made boxy, suburban tract housing affordable to most Americans, but the sealed-up, stifling design of these homes required air-conditioning to keep the heat at bay. Quickly, air-conditioning transitioned from a luxury to a necessity. By 1980, more than half of all U.S. homes were air-conditioned. And despite millions of Black Americans fleeing the violence of Jim Crow, the South saw greater in-migration than out-migration for the first time—a direct result of AC. The American car was similarly transformed. In 1955, only 10 percent of American cars had air-conditioning. Thirty years later, it came standard.
The cooling boom also altered the way we work. Now, Americans could work anywhere at any hour of the day. Early ads for air-conditioning promised not health or comfort but productivity. The workday could proceed no matter the season or the climate. Even in the home, A/C brought comfort as a means to rest up before the next work day.
The use of air-conditioning was as symbolic as it was material. It conveyed class status. Who did and didn’t have air-conditioning often fell starkly along the color line, too, especially in the South. It conquered the weather and, with it, the need to sweat or squirm or lie down in the summer swelter. In that sense, air-conditioning allowed Americans to transcend their physical bodies, that long-sought fantasy of the Puritan settlers: to be in the world but not of it. Miracle, indeed.
But it came with a price. As it turned out, Freon isn’t exactly non-toxic. Freon is a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), which depletes the ozone layer and also acts as a global warming gas. By 1974, the industrialized world was churning out CFCs, chemicals that had never appeared on the planet in any significant quantities, at a rate of one million metric tons a year—the equivalent mass of more than 500,000 cars. That was the year atmospheric chemists Sherry Rowland and Mario Molina first hypothesized that the chlorine molecules in CFCs might be destroying ozone in the stratosphere by bonding to free oxygen atoms and disrupting the atmosphere’s delicate chemistry. By then, CFCs were used not only as refrigerants but also as spray can propellants, manufacturing degreasers, and foam-blowing agents.
The ozone layer absorbs the worst of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Without stratospheric ozone, life as we know it is impossible. A 1 percent decline in the ozone layer’s thickness results in thousands of new cases of skin cancer. Greater depletion would lead to crop failures, the collapse of oceanic food systems, and, eventually, the destruction of all life on Earth.
In the 1980s, geophysicist Joseph Farman confirmed the Rowland-Molina hypothesis when he detected a near-absence of ozone over Antarctica—the “Ozone Hole.” A fierce battle ensued among industry, scientists, environmentalists, and politicians, but in 1987 the U.S signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which ended Freon production.
The Montreal Protocol remains the world’s only successful international environmental treaty with legally binding emissions targets. Annual conferences to re-assess the goals of the treaty make it a living document, which is revised in light of up-to-date scientific data. For instance, the Montreal Protocol set out only to slow production of CFCs, but, by 1997, industrialized countries had stopped production entirely, far sooner than was thought possible. The world was saved through global cooperation.
The trouble is that the refrigerants replacing CFCs, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), turned out to be terrible for the planet, too. While they have an ozone-depleting potential of zero, they are potent greenhouse gases. They absorb infrared radiation from the sun and Earth and block heat that normally escapes into outer space. Carbon dioxide and methane do this too, but HFCs trap heat at rates thousands of times higher. Although the number of refrigerant molecules in the atmosphere is far fewer than those of other greenhouse gases, their destructive force, molecule for molecule, is far greater.
In three decades, the production of HFCs grew exponentially. Today, HFCs provide the cooling power to almost any air conditioner in the home, in the office, in the supermarket, or in the car. They cool vaccines, blood for transfusions, and temperature-sensitive medications, as well as the data processors and computer servers that make up the internet—everything from the cloud to blockchains. In 2019, annual global warming emissions from HFCs were the equivalent of 175 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.
In May, the EPA signaled it will begin phasing down HFCs and replacing them with more climate-friendly alternatives. Experts agree that a swift end to HFCs could prevent as much as 0.5ºC of warming over the next century—a third of the way to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Yet regardless of the refrigerant used, cooling still requires energy. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, air-conditioning accounts for nearly a fifth of annual U.S. residential electricity use. This is more energy for cooling overall and per capita than in any other nation. Most Americans consider the cost of energy only in terms of their electricity bills. But it’s also costing us the planet. Joe Biden’s announcement to shift toward a renewable energy infrastructure obscures the uncertainty of whether that infrastructure could meet Americans’ outrageously high energy demand—much of it for cooling that doesn’t save lives. Renewable energy infrastructure can take us only so far. The rest of the work is cultural. From Freon to HFCs, we keep replacing chemical refrigerants without taking a hard look at why we’re cooling in the first place.
Comfort cooling began not as a survival strategy but as a business venture. It still carries all those symbolic meanings, though its currency now works globally, cleaving the world into civilized cooling and barbaric heat. Despite what we assume, as a means of weathering a heat wave, individual air-conditioning is terribly ineffective. It works only for those who can afford it. But even then, their use in urban areas only makes the surrounding micro-climate hotter, sometimes by a factor of 10ºF, actively threatening the lives of those who don’t have access to cooling. (The sociologist Eric Klinenberg has brilliantly studied how, in a 1995 Chicago heat wave, about twice as many people died than in a comparable heat wave forty years earlier due to the city’s neglect of certain neighborhoods and social infrastructure.) Ironically, research suggests that exposure to constant air-conditioning can prevent our bodies from acclimatizing to hot weather, so those who subject themselves to “thermal monotony” are, in the end, making themselves more vulnerable to heat-related illness.
And, of course, air-conditioning only works when you have the electricity to power it. During heatwaves, when air-conditioning is needed most, blackouts are frequent. On Sunday, with afternoon temperatures reaching 112ºF around Portland, the power grid failed for more than 6,300 residences under control by Portland General Electrics.
The troubled history of air-conditioning suggests not that we chuck it entirely but that we focus on public cooling, on public comfort, rather than individual cooling, on individual comfort. Ensuring that the most vulnerable among the planet’s human inhabitants can keep cool through better access to public cooling centers, shade-giving trees, safe green spaces, water infrastructure to cool, and smart design will not only enrich our cities overall, it will lower the temperature for everyone. It’s far more efficient this way.
To do so, we’ll have to re-orient ourselves to the meaning of air-conditioning. And to comfort. Privatized air-conditioning survived the ozone crisis, but its power to separate—by class, by race, by nation, by ability—has survived, too. Comfort for some comes at the expense of the life on this planet.
It’s time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it.
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starseedpatriot · 3 years
Remember when Trump told everyone to drink bleach? That was the msm at its finest. In fact, he was pointing us to Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2). See, CLO2 is a cheap, safe and powerful life saving medicine. It’s been around for 100 years. It’s used for water purification. It’s used in the food and beverage industry extensively. [They]cannot ban it, so they are smearing it by calling it bleach.
If you are like me you heard about Chlorine Dioxide before. I was like meh. I don’t love the name, how great can it be? I already have lots of other medicine. Chlorine?
Listen up- Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2) is the med beds!! I’m not joking. It’s a miracle mineral that solves all diseases that has been proven already. It’s all documented and I’ll provide the links you need to see the proof. It is not bleach, it’s actually much closer to table salt by comparison.
Table salt is sodium chloride
CLO2 is made from sodium chlorite
CLO2 is a gas that is created when the sodium chlorite mixes with an acid
CLO2 is a highly selective oxidizer(important)
It’s a gas that remains effective across a wide ph range
CLO2 does not form chlorinated organics like bleach does
After the CLO2 does its job and oxidizes things the left over chloride will bond with minerals to form simple salts(super safe for the body)
CLO2 oxidizes the protein coating (skin)of bacteria and viruses to kill them.
CLO2 is like a laser guided missile system. It locates it’s target by acidity and electric charge. That’s how it purifies water and that’s how it cleans the body of pathogens.
It’s an oxidizer like oxygen, but it’s weaker so it leaves your body alone, it only affects foreign pathogens. It surrounds pathogens and electrically rips them apart by stealing electrons
Cancer and all other diseases cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. Most people know this. The problem is how to get the body super oxygenated. The solution is CLO2. That’s why it’s called the solution to all diseases.
Millions of people have been cured of horrible diseases world wide over the last 25 years. It has successful cure list a mile long with video testimonials. Cancer, Aids, Malaria, Arthritis, Lyme disease, Herpes, Autism, MRSA, and Diabetes to name just a few of the conditions completely healed with the protocols. Suffice to say, you should watch these tutorials, buy some, learn how to use it and become a life saving hero. 1/3
Introduction to MMS in 11 minutes
The Science | The Truth About Chlorine Dioxide
All - MMS Testimonials - Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution
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MMS Documentary Quantum Leap - Full Length
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medblrforlife · 5 years
Current topics in medicine: MMS
TL;DR - MMS is a harmful substance that can cause life-threatening symptoms related to severe dehydration and organ failure. It has seen a resurgence recently and is sold to people for anything from benign daily conditions to permanent, incurable or terminal illnesses. Educate yourself on the dangerous substance and the sales language used by its proponents.
MMS, or Mineral Miracle Solution, is a liquid that is being touted as a cure for many things - from autism to acne to cancers. It is sold with an activator which must be added to the solution before taking it. Patients are instructed to take the substance orally, as an enema, or both. MMS is a ‘cure all’ that cures nothing, but it’s important for healthcare providers to be aware of MMS for several reasons:
- MMS salespeople target vulnerable, potentially desperate populations. For example, in Brazil, MMS salespersons frequent use WhatsApp to target parents of children with autism spectrum disorder claiming MMS with cure their children (article in Portuguese);
- tactics may be used by MMS salespeople that reduce patient’s or patient families’ trust in the medical system;
- people who turn to MMS may cease appropriate medical treatment, allowing for progression of their disease (if applicable);
- MMS contains a bleach and consuming it (or using it as an enema) poses serious health risks. Known side effects include intestinal lesions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, renal insufficiency, acute liver failure, and more;
- When these symptoms are mentioned to salespersons, they often reply that the side effects are the expelling of toxins within the body, and encourage continued use of MMS despite the side effects. Telling patients this is normal may prevent individuals from seeking healthcare until their symptoms are severe. Side effects of this substance can be life-threatening.
Those who sell MMS will explain that it is not bleach, and that anyone who says it is bleach does not understand what MMS is and therefore is lying. This is a partial truth - MMS is not a bleach until you add the activator, at which point it becomes a chlorine bleach. Note that Clorox is not the only bleach. Some people are told “well this isn’t the same chemical as Clorox, so it’d not bleach” - chemicals that lighten or whiten stains, fabrics, hair, or anything are collectively known as bleaches. Knowing this language is important because it helps you communicate with friends in a way that allows you to explain the truth.
In the USA, news articles on MMS are popular and continue to come out regularly. The FDA issued a warning about MMS earlier this week.
There was an excellent Sawbones episode on MMS earlier this year.
Other terms for MMS: Master Miracle Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, Water Purification Solution (WPS), Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocol.
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drdiandralp · 4 years
In-Car Fire Suppression Systems
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Note: This post was revised and updated on May 6, 2020 from the original. NASCAR has made significant advances in protecting drivers from crashes, but fire is more of a challenge. Let's take a look at how fire suppression systems have evolved.
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A Brief History of Fire Suppression Systems
A loaded NASCAR racecar carries 20 gallons of fuel and more than a gallon of oil. All those combustible materials are in close proximity to hot metal and electrical equipment being pushed to their limits. A broken part can rupture a fuel or oil line, spreading flammable liquid everywhere. Fireball1 Roberts' death after a fiery wreck2 in the 1964 World 600 spawned NASCAR's first fire safety rules. NASCAR mandated fire-resistant driver safety gear. Drivers used to dip street clothes in fire-retardant chemicals. Roberts was an asthmatic and the chemicals used worsened his symptom, so he didn't use the chemicals. Every car had to have an on-board fire-extinguishers within reach of the driverRubber fuel cells replaced steel fuel tanks, which could easily rupture in a crash. But That Wasn't Enough The driver's best protection against fire is getting out of the car; however, that's not always possible. NASCAR firesuits protect against second degree burns for about 10 seconds. If a car bursts into flame at 200 mph, it could take more than ten seconds for the driver to stop the car much less get out of it. A crash may also impair the driver's ability to steer or get out of the car. In Dale Earnhardt, Jr.'s 2014 Texas crash, the car stopped with the driver's side jammed up against the outside wall. Dale had to wriggle out of the car and walk across the car's hood to get away from the vehicle. Ironically, many of the safety improvements for impact make it harder for the driver to get out of the car quickly. Things like wrap-around seats, HANS devices, helmets and gloves complicate driver egress. Do-It-Yourself Fire Suppression The first on-board fire suppression systems were portable extinguishers. In case of fire, the driver had to locate the extinguisher, aim it and pull the pin. Then the car filled with powder in addition to the smoke. The chemical powder used to smother the fire was extremely hard on human lungs. The final weakness of this system is that it didn't address the worst case: a driver unable to get himself out of the car.
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Taking It Out of the Drivers' Hands A.J. Foyt's team debuted the first automatic onboard fire extinguishing system debuted in the 1967 Indy 500. After Foyt had a fiery crash in Milwaukee in  1965, DuPont representatives offered help designing an integral fire extinguisher system. Foyt's team added a temperate-sensitive switch that would automatically deploy in case of fire. (In 1975, Indy 500 competitors accused Foyt of hiding extra fuel in his fire extinguisher.)
Defining the Problem: It's Not Just Fire
The driver's cockpit has a volume of about 100 cubic feet. NASCAR requires a 5-lb manually-activated fire extinguisher in the driver's compartment. The drawing below shows the locations of the nozzle and the switch.
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When Ryan Blaney's crew chief asked if he had activated the fire suppression system, Blaney's response was: "Dude, I was trying to get out of it. I didn't look for the pin. I couldn't see it regardless. --Ryan Blaney" In 2003, NASCAR required a separate, thermally activated fire extinguisher system for the fuel-cell area. This system contains 10 pounds of extinguishing chemical for the 17 cubic foot fuel cell compartment.
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Putting Out Fires Fire requires heat, oxygen and fuel. Once you have these three components, fire continues via a chain reaction. Heated fuel produces gas-phase free radicals -- highly reactive compounds that quickly combine with oxygen from the air. That combustion reaction produces more heat. That heat frees more free radicals from the fuel, which combine with oxygen and produce more heat. It's like a nuclear chair reaction, but at the molecular level.
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You must eliminate (or more) one of the components in the chain reaction to break the chain. How Water Puts Out Fire Water cools a fire, eliminating the 'heat' component. Heat turns water from liquid to steam. Water redirects the fire's heat into vaporizing the water, so there's less heat available to form more free radicals.
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Also, a thin layer of water forms between the fuel and the air around the fuel. That layer separates the fire and the fuel, making it harder to sustain the chain reaction. Gasoline Fires Water extinguishes fires involving Class A Combustibles like paper, wood, and clothing. Grease and oil (Class B combustibles) don't respond to water. Firstly, water cannot form a protective barrier between fuel and air because the fuel floats to the top of the waterA stream of water can cause fuel to spatter, which distributes the fuel over a wider area. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers One way to suppress a gasoline fire is with chemicals that smother the fire by removing or displacing oxygen. Carbon dioxide (aka CO2), is heavier than air, so it works the same way water works on Type A combustibles displaces the air around the fuel. The foam covers the fuel and forms a barrier against oxygen. A pressurized liquid also comes out cold, adding heat mitigation. The major problem with CO2 extinguishers for race cars is that drivers need oxygen, so removing the oxygen causes a problem. Never use carbon dioxide extinguishers in confined spaces. Dry Chemical Fire Suppressors Chemicals like monoammonium phosphate (also used as fertilizer), sodium bicarbonate (yes, baking soda) and potassium bicarbonate also create a barrier between oxygen and fuel. The risks of dry chemicals outweigh the benefits in motorsports because an explosion of powder could keep the driver from seeing (or breathing). They're also really hard to clean up. Halon A.J. Foyt's 1967 system used Halon 1301 (CBrF3). Halon is a chlorofluorocarbon gas. When pressurized, a lot of halon fits in a small container. When deployed, the gas expands to covers the entire volume, providing protection that doesn't requiring any aiming. Halons were first used in World War 2 on aircraft and tanks (which are always good comparators for racecars). They didn't impair the driver's vision and, because Halon doesn't form conductive ions, it doesn't damage electronics. Unfortunately, the heat in the racecar during races warmed the Halon 1311 gas and the cylinders discharged without warning. A variant (Halon 1211) was preferable because it didn't need to be held at such high pressure, so it didn't discharge accidentally.
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Halon 1211 is the brand name for bromochlorodifluoromethane , or CF2ClBr. The rule requiring 5 lbs of of an approved extinguishing gas in the cockpit comes from testing on this compound. Halon does cool the fuel, but its primary fire suppression mechanism is attaching to the free radicals before the free radicals can combust with oxygen. This breaks up the chain reaction.
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Because Halon doesn't displace oxygen, it works well in confined spaces. It's stable and easily recyclable. It was the fire suppressant of choice until we realized how badly chlorofluorocarbons damage the ozone layer. (Another name for Halon is Freon 12B1.) The Montreal Protocol banned CFC production in 1994.
Today's Fire Suppressors
The need for an alternative to Halon wasn't just a motorsports problem. Halons were the global industry standard for fire protection. DuPont took the lead to find alternatives. As with any critical application, you end up with a long list of requirements. Effective at suppressing fireAcceptable human inhalation toxicityDoes not impair or obstruct the driver or rescue teamAbility to suppress a fire shielded behind somethingEasy to useEasy to clean upNo residue that would affect subsequent track gripElectrically nonconductiveSmall and lightShelf stable FE-36
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DuPont's FE-36 is a hydrofluorocarbon: 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropane or CF3CH2CF3. Hydrofluorocarbons are similar to chlorofluorocarbons, but since hydrofluorocarbons have neither bromine nor chlorine atoms, they are not damaging to the ozone layer. They aren't quite as effective as the Halons, but they do the job and don't have the cardiac sensitization issues of the chlorofluorocarbons. FE-36 quickly became the prime ingredient in motorsports fire suppression systems.
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Although they don't attack the ozone layer, hydrofluorocarbons are still greenhouse gases. FE-36 has an atmospheric lifetime of 220 years. That means that if a FE-36 fire protection unit goes off during a race, those FE-36 molecules will be hanging around our atmosphere until 2238. A similar chemical, FM-200 is a little better because its atmospheric lifetime is only 33 years, but that's still a pretty long time. Because of these concerns, legislation to regulate and eventually phase-out the use of these chemicals is being considered (mostly in the European Union at present).  Chemical manufacturers have gone back to the drawing board.
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NOVEC 1230 In 2012, Greg Biffle's #16 car debuted a NOVEC-1230 fire suppression system created by 3M, then Biffle's sponsor. "NOVEC" is the trade name for CF3CF2C(O)CF(CF3)2 – aka dodecafluoro-2-methylpentane-3-one. Novec 1230 absorbs heat, just like water. The mechanism is a little more complicated. Novec 1230 combines with air to form a gas capable of absorbing a lot of heat. It also evaporates 50 times faster than water. Novec 1230 offers similar no-ozone-depletion, but creates much less of a greenhouse gas load. The positive is that Novec 1230's atmospheric lifetime is only five days. Novec 1230 shows a lot of promise for the biggest fire-suppression issue these days: protecting data centers where huge numbers of hot-running servers store people's critical data.
No Solution is Perfect
A series of pit-road accidents lead F1 to prohibit cars from refueling during races in 2010. While it adds an interesting strategic element (the car's handling changes greatly as the fuel load goes from 100 pounds toward zero), I don't see it happening in NASCAR. As we've said here before: There is no way to make racing entirely safe.
Fireball Roberts got his nickname from his baseball career, not as a result of the accident that ultimately led to his death.Roberts emerged from the crash with burns over 80% of his body and miraculously survived for several weeks, but ultimately contracted pneumonia and sepsis. Read the full article
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lewdleaks · 5 years
FDA Warns Drinking Bleach Will Not Cure Cancer Or Autism
FDA Warns Drinking Bleach Will Not Cure Cancer Or Autism
Federal regulators issued a warning Monday urging people not to drink a chlorine dioxide solution that is often promoted online as a remedy for autism, HIV/AIDS, cancer and other conditions.
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The products — known as Miracle Mineral Solution, MMS and Chlorine Dioxide Protocol among other monikers — have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and can have life-threatening side…
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safraxinc · 11 months
Safrax Inc. Shares Top Trends in Chlorine Dioxide Cleaning Products
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In the dynamic landscape of cleaning products, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. For Safrax Inc., a leading player in the cleaning industry, keeping pace with the latest trends isn’t just a strategy; it's a commitment. In this insightful blog post, we explore the cutting-edge trends in Chlorine Dioxide cleaning products shared by Safrax Inc., shedding light on the innovations revolutionizing the way we maintain cleanliness and hygiene in various environments.
Chlorine Dioxide: A Brief Overview
Before delving into the trends, let's understand why Chlorine Dioxide has gained such prominence. Chlorine Dioxide is a powerful, versatile, and environmentally friendly disinfectant. Its ability to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens swiftly and effectively has made it a staple in cleaning products.
Safrax Inc.’s Commitment to Innovation
At Safrax Inc., innovation is more than just a buzzword; it’s a core value. The company has been at the forefront of developing advanced cleaning solutions, harnessing the potential of Chlorine Dioxide to create products that not only clean but also ensure safety and sustainability.
Top Trends Shared by Safrax Inc.
1. Smart Disinfection Protocols: 
Safrax Inc. recognizes the need for intelligent cleaning systems. Smart disinfection protocols, which include automated dispensing and real-time monitoring, ensure precise and efficient use of Chlorine Dioxide, minimizing wastage and maximizing effectiveness.
2. Eco-Friendly Formulations: 
Environmental responsibility is a key trend in the cleaning industry. Safrax Inc. has been actively developing eco-friendly Chlorine Dioxide formulations. These formulations are biodegradable and environmentally sustainable, aligning with the global push for greener cleaning practices.
3. Rapid Disinfection Technologies: 
Time is of the essence, especially in high-traffic areas. Safrax Inc.’s Chlorine Dioxide products incorporate rapid disinfection technologies. These innovations guarantee quick disinfection without compromising efficacy, making them ideal for busy public spaces.
4. Customized Cleaning Solutions: 
Every environment has unique cleaning needs. Safrax Inc. understands this diversity and offers customized Chlorine Dioxide cleaning solutions. Tailored products ensure that specific industries, from healthcare to hospitality, benefit from targeted disinfection strategies.
5. Continuous Research and Development: 
Safrax Inc.’s commitment to research and development is unwavering. By investing in cutting-edge R&D, the company ensures that its Chlorine Dioxide products are always ahead of the curve. This dedication results in products that not only meet but exceed industry standards.
In the competitive world of cleaning products, Safrax Inc. stands out as an industry leader, thanks to its unwavering commitment to innovation and quality. By sharing these top trends in Chlorine Dioxide cleaning products, Safrax Inc. not only showcases its expertise but also contributes significantly to the evolution of the cleaning industry.
As we move forward, Safrax Inc. continues to inspire with its forward-thinking approach, setting new benchmarks and shaping the future of Chlorine Dioxide cleaning products. Stay tuned for more updates from Safrax Inc. as they continue to redefine the standards of cleanliness in our everyday lives.
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iwatcheditbegin · 5 years
I just read the most disturbing thing. The way some so called parents treat their autistic children makes me so mad. What’s even worst is that parents are proudly talking about subjecting their children to dangerous treatments.
I don’t know you guys have heard of MMS , but it’s an abbreviation for “miracle mineral solution" a solution first promoted by a man named Jim Humble. MMS is bleach, specifically chlorine dioxide (ClO2) as a cure all for everything. This “ treatment” was then picked up by A$ supporters and promoted by antivaccine autism biomed quackfest known as Autism One , they host talks by a woman named Kerri Rivera, who advocated using MMS to “bleach autism away,” .
What’s even more horrifying is that Kerri Rivera advocates the use of MMS enemas to treat autism. Kerri Rivera advocated subjecting autistic children to bleach enemas and has even made videos touting this as a biomedical treatment for autism. And if that’s not bad enough, Rivera also advocated “fever therapy” and characterized fevers after bleach enemas to be a good thing, a sign that the treatment is “working,” much as Jim Humble gives MMS to treat adults in increasing doses until they start to feel ill. I’m not a physician but , but I would be very concerned at a child becoming febrile after having ingested bleach or had it shot up his rectum. Not these quacks tho. They think it’s a sign that the treatment is working. Rivera even mentions about how much she loves “fever therapy” and how it “wakes up the immune system.” In addition to the bleach enemas, she recommends a “72-2″ protocol that involves making children drink dilute bleach every two hours for 72 hours. And has somehow convinced parents that tissues ( the lining of the large intestine intestine ) and blood expelled are parasites.
How are these people not in jail? How are their clinics still open. They are seriously endangering children.
All children have challenges. Some require a bit more time, and it’s okay to admit that it’s difficult. But STOP trying to cure your child of their developmental differences , this is who they are. And absolutely do not force your child to ingest industrial chemicals to cure them. if you’re not going to love and accept your child for who they are , don’t be a parent
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fierceautie · 4 years
Who is Andreas Kalcker? Andreas Kalcker is a "German biophysicist who lived in Switzerland who has been researching for more than 13 years with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use." In German speaking countries, Kalcker is one of the most well known promoters of MMS. He promotes it as a health cure. He follows Jim Humble, an American that founded the Genesis II church. He pushes the MMS protocol in Latin countries in South America. He is cited in numerous groups in videos. What about his education?Kalcker received his "Doctor of Philosophy in Alternative and Natural Biophysics" from a company called Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc. It is based in Barcelona. It has a branch in Florida. The company has no campus, offers degrees for sale. A doctorate costs 1,500 euros. The location of this "University"Kalcker's Degree Vs A real degreeKalcker's Mail order degreeAnd compare it to a real degree from an institution of higher learning:My bachelors degree of Applied Science in Veterinary TechnologyThe Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc is not accredited and is considered a degree mill. On the landing page of the Open University of Advance Science, inc there is this disclaimer:The Open University of Advanced Sciences clarifies that it does not maintain any type of link with the Genesis II Church, nor does it advocate for the medical or therapeutic use of MMS. On the other hand, the relationship with the so-called Chair of Naturism, in Madrid, is part of the old structure of our entity and the honorary titles that our previous Director, Pedro Carrasco (RIP) granted them, currently have only a symbolic value, not being part of the management staff. The purpose of this information is to provide you with the possibility of accessing higher education through the "Distance Learning" system , developed by the Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. (External Degree of Campus). The Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. was established mainly for the development, dissemination and teaching of study programs of all those subjects that have in common advanced aspects of science in any of the areas of knowledge. In this sense, it maintains relationships with leading universities, foundations, research centers and educational institutions around the world. The non-traditional teaching system that we propose is designed to provide, on an ongoing basis, updated training that enhances professional qualification, through personalized distance learning that establishes programs that are appropriate to the needs of each student and in which they are taken into account. All the knowledge you have is counted and valued, as well as the professional experience you have accumulated in your work practice. In the event that such training has already been provided by your center, it is possible to operate through direct validation in accordance with the applied study programs. This educational innovation is developed and implemented if necessary in a way that ensures the quality and integrity of the accreditations, while providing students with the possibility of enriching their curricular characteristics and therefore greater competitiveness in the workplace. We remain at your disposal for any clarification in this regard that you need, and in the meantime we greet you very kindly."How to Spot a Degree Mill:A degree mill is a fake university that sells college degrees and transcripts instead of the college experience. They are scam colleges that make fake diplomas to anyone who pays the requested "tuition." They often promise fast college degrees based on "life experience."The institution is not accreditedDegree mills love to use official sounding terms to impress potential students. The terms they use sound good but mean very little. The terms to look out for are "authenticated, verifiable, licensed, internationally approved, notarized, recognized by the Pope and accredited by UNESCOThe institution is accredited but not by an agency recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation or the US department of educationAdmission criteria is solely based on the possession of a credit card. When academic recored, grade point average and test scores are irrelevant, it is not a real institution of higher learning. The potential student is offered a degree based on a "review" of work experience and a faxed resume. Most degree mills offer what is called experience degrees. This is credit for career experience is valid option at many universities for adult students. The process of evaluating work experience for college credit is complicated. No valid distance learning college int eh US will award a graduate degree solely based on work experience. The applicant is promised a degree in exchange of a lump sum. For an undergraduate degree it is 300-2,000. For a graduate degree it is up to 3.000. Colleges normally charge per credit hour. The applicant is promised a degree within 30 days of application, regardless of status. The university has multiple complaints on file. Your online "admission counselor" assures the student that international online universities can't be accredited in the United States by CHEA recognized agencies. This is false. The school's website either lists no faculty or lists faculty who have attended schools accredited by fake agencies. The university offers online degrees for only US citizens but is located in a different country. Pseudoscience ActivitiesHe previously worked at a research institute in Switzerland until it closed down in February 2020, according to Psiram, an internet encyclopedia that documents pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. The institution's website had been deleted. Its business registration had its mission: "Research and development of biophysical, pharmaceutical and diagnostic products and new technologies."Kalcker was involved with a Swiss non profit association called Swiss Association for Natural Scientific Biophysics that states on its website that it "seeks to appeal to people who are interested in the topic of biophysical medicine and who would like to take the responsibility for their health into their own hands." A large portion of blog posts on the website are written by Kalcker and promote his work. The membership section of Kalcker's website links to the association's signup page. Kalcker has written two books. "Forbidden Health - Incurable was Yesterday" and "CDS/MMS Healing is Possible."He has three patents. One is for an invention of "solution of chlorine dioxide adapted as a solution for rectal intestinal lavage" as an internal rinse. No Longer on Research GateAs of March of 2019, Andreas Kalcker's Research Gate Account has been deleted. The wayback machine link to his bogus studies is here. screen shot of Kalcker's Research Gate section of his website. It was deleted. Pseudoscience ClaimsThis section shows exactly what Kalcker promotes as fact, but it is not. Keep that in mind when reading this section.  His claims are not credible and unsubstantiated. He claims MMS is a cure for numerous diseases by ingesting the dangerous bleach substance. He misrepresents findings of published studies. MMS or CDKalcker does not like to call chlorine dioxide MMS because he says that he uses 4% hydrochloric acid instead of 50% citric acid that the Genesis II church uses. Claims about MMS:1. It is extremely water soluble without creating further chemical bonds. It is a gas which dissolves completely in water. The molecule structure is similar to the water molecule. This is true. 2. Chlorine dioxide is one of the most well known disinfectants known to man because it is able to eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses and small sized parasites across a wide pH range. It has been used for over 80 years to disinfect drinking water, and has not caused any problems all these years. It is widely used in industry, including food processing industry, for disinfecting purposes. It is used to bleac paper and silk as it does not attack the material, but in extremely high concentration levels, a concentration that had nothing to do with the typical ingested dose of taking a few milligrams orally. 3. CDS is only pure water-guided gas, which pH neutral and has many advantages. Its main advantage is the even in high doses it usually does not have side effects of MMS and is explained in detail in his book. The molecule is similar to water but not the same. Hydrogen peroxide is similar to water too. Water is h20 and hydrogen peroxide is h202. No one is buying hydrogen peroxide to drink instead of water. This follows the same logic that Kalcker is trying to pull over on people. Claim about using MMS as treatments:"Please note, our results are only assessments of experimental research. They do not constitute any form of advice or prescription. It is not a recommendation to anyone …. for any specific condition or disease.Right now ClO² is evaluated many treatments for different types of disease because sickness is commonly based on the lack of energy . The simple fact that chlorine dioxide provides molecular Bio available oxygen  in the interstitial fluid and blood, induces better combustion of nutrients enhancing overall energy, which have been demonstrated in venous blood gases scientifically.If you are interested in knowing the results of experimental treatments please access the members section."AutismKalcker quotes Wikipedia:"Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive  behavior . . . While autism is highly heritable, researchers suspect both environmental and genetic factors as causes. Controversies surround other proposed environmental cause. For example, the vaccine hypotheses, which has been disproven .  . . there is no cure. "As most of this information is true, Wikipedia is not a quality source. Each article can be edited by anyone. Because of this simple fact, no one should be using Wikipedia as a source for any research. "AS THE TRUTH IS ANOTHER,1. It does not have its origin in the brain but in the enteric system usually induced by VACCINES (click here to see Video in English)2. I could not be of genetic cause, genetics does not change in 40 years from 1:10,000 to 1:50!3. The theory of oxidative stress is false and therefore everything based on it. (Mitohormesis) (Oxidative shielding)4. Normal “intestinal mucosa” does not produce eggs, ammonia or amphetamines, more research is needed.5. Vaccine Immunosuppression facilitates proliferation of toxin-producing parasites and disbiosis.6. more than 235 children cured ,including severe autism with my anthelmintic protocol and CDAutism is not permanent at all."This list of "truths" only supports the belief that autism is caused by parasites. Kalcker developed a protocol with Miriam Carrasco Maceda for "deworming." He says it deworms, reduces inflammation and detoxifies with the same protocols as Kerri Rivera. Kerri Rivera had her clinic in Mexico. Each case was evaluated with the ATEC score, which was developed by Autism Research Institute. VaccinesThis page on his website he has the quote "Is Wikipedia becoming CNN?"He also has a Youtube Video that has been removed due to quackery. Kalcker also has a video with Andrew Wakefield on this page. This should say all it needs to say. "Vaccinated die less . . . . so its better to be vaccinated?"There is not one coherent thought on this page at all. Autism Recovery Evidence. There is not any evidence on this page. There are many photos with Kalcker holding up a poster with photos of kids. No clear evidence at all. "Here is some evidence of recovery with incredible results thanks To Kerri Rivera.To date are more than 235 children recovered with previous and subsequent analysis of ATECThe 2 women who are with me are the mothers of children in each poster.I’m not saying here that all children recovering from this illness, even if autism is considered unrecoverable,  I can state that virtually all kids improve through specific treatment with Diet; classic antiparasitic drugs, plants and chlorine dioxide for enemas.I am aware that some critics try again seek lie or my personal benefit. Has anyone noticed that critics insist only economic benefit?  For my personal benefit is personal satisfaction of having done the right thing because I did not charge anything in autism till now it costed me a lot of money. When science becomes an almost religious belief is not allowed to change or the more compelling arguments. Some irrational critics do not realize that their actions can prevent children recover and are responsible , though they do not feel that way because they believe in his learned doctrine book without experiencing anything, using all means of defamation and even lies to achieve your goal. This is not science, this is sad … so I put here some photos with the children concerned and their numbers ATEC clearly showing recovery."Important Universal Laws according to KalckerThe law of causes and effects (always plural)Love=Resonance, being the biggest force existingEvery living being is opportunisticThe only constant in the universe is changeAll force creates a counter force (duh, that called inertia.)Every order is disrupts itself and every disorder organize itself Natural BiophysicsKalcker, the man who has a fake doctoral degree, is explaining Natural biophysics:"As much as we distinguish in allopathic medicine  medicine and natural medicine, I would also like to define it in the field of biophysics, a field little explored in reality, there is not only the common cell biophysics, but also the “natural biophysics” which is the search for the intrinsic logic of nature and mechanisms of it specifically in the field of health.This is opening up new horizons for developing treatment of degenerative and chronic diseases, which to date have no solution except pharmaceutical palliatives that lead to long term intoxication of the patient. Natural biophysics always tries to explain through pure logic since nature always is. An inconsistency or anomaly is usually the result of previous erroneous axioms, because nature uses the same building blocks and with the same formula in all its natural process.The basic principles should always be simple and science is increasingly difficult getting lost in details without knowing irrefutably the bases. There are many doctorates in physics but none can explain even the most basic things like why gravity  or a magnet works. There are many professors and doctorates in medicine but no one knows why a body gets sick with certain pathogens and other not,  in the official dictionary of diseases, the renowned Merck Manual®, most chronical diseases are of “unknown origin.” We must seriously ask ourselves what kind of mainstream medicine is this…?In order to advance we have to do the right question. The key question therefore is: What is the lowest common denominator of all diseases?"What is the opposite of natural biophysics? Unnatural biophysics? If it was unnatural, it would not have the prefix bio-. He says that chlorine dioxide in all forms provides oxygen to the intestinal tissue and to all the body fluids, activating the mitocondria, which turn generate more energy. This energy allows the body to recover and heal from most diseases. Oxygen is essential and the free radical concept, as it has been promoted in the past, is erroneous. The human body is not a petri dish in the lab. Everything interacts with everything else. THIS IS SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE!!!The immune system is much more complicated. Look here for a full explanation:https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/immune.htmlStructured WaterKalcker claims:"Regular tap water’s composition is H2O, while the fourth phase’s is in fact H3O2. The latter has more viscosity, is more organized and more alkaline than regular water. Besides, its optical properties are different since structured water’s refraction index is at least 10% higher than that of common water increasing flow of Biophotons.This fourth phase structured water is also known as EZ, which stands for Exclusion Zone. What this water is able to exclude are small molecules, such as toxins and pathogens and this occurs in nature in rainwater or deep sourced water and in all living cells.This water has a negative charge and therefore, all cellular water has a negative charge."Science says: What Kalcker is saying is misrepresenting a valid research study. The fourth phase of water is the boiling point. This EZ water is actually ionized water. Nothing more, nothing less. A water ionizer, requires electricity. The ionizer increases the pH of the water.The ionizer does not work with deionized or distilled water!The ionizer does not produce measurable oxygen gas (a smoldering splint will not relight in the vicinity)The device contains an electrolysis cell and an ion exchange resin. Kalcker puts up a front of being scientific but investigating in his claims, he is not scientific at all. He can dupe the average uneducated person about healthcare. He is very dangerous and needs to be stopped. Sources:https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ENG-AndreasKalcker.com-UPDATED.pdfhttps://www.geteducated.com/college-degree-mills/161-college-degree-or-diploma-mill/https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/5925/ez-water-fraud-or-breakthroughhttps://observers.france24.com/en/20200721-business-fake-miracle-covid-19-remedies-booms-latin-americahttps://andreaskalcker.com/
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Chlorine Dioxide Solution
If you want to improve your immunity so you must take some extra supplements Chlorine Dioxide Solution Protocol as an antimicrobial agent to boost the immune system
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Global endoscopy reprocessor market is set to witness a substantial CAGR of 8.76% in the forecast period of 2019- 2026
Global endoscopy reprocessor market is set to witness a substantial CAGR of 8.76% in the forecast period of 2019- 2026. The report contains data of the base year 2018 and historic year 2017. This rise in market value can be attributed to increasing demand for Endoscopes.
This endoscopy reprocessor market research report comprises of fundamental, secondary and advanced information related to the global status and trend, market size, sales volume, market share, growth, future trends analysis, segment and forecasts from 2019 – 2026. Market drivers, market restraints, opportunities and challenges are studied under the topic of market overview, which gives valuable insights to businesses for taking right moves. Additionally, this endoscopy reprocessor market report presents a profound overview of product specification, technology, product type and production analysis by taking into account most important factors such as revenue, cost, gross and gross margin.
Get Exclusive Sample Copy Of This Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-endoscopy-reprocessor-market
Competitive Analysis:
Global endoscopy reprocessor market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of endoscopy reprocessor market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
Key Market Competitors:
Few of the major competitors currently working in global endoscopy reprocessor market are Advanced Sterilization Products Division Ethicon US, LLC., Cantel Medical, Laboratoires Anios, Olympus America, Wassenburg Medical, customultrasonics.com, STERIS plc, Steelco S.p.A, Getinge AB, ENDO-TECHNIK W. Griesat GmbH, ARC Group of Companies Inc., Metrex Research, LLC., Metall Zug AG, SciCan Inc., SHINVA MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD., MATACHANA GROUP, MMM Medical Equipment UK Limited, Medonica Co. LTD, MEDIVATORS Inc. among others.
Key Developments in the Market:
In October 2018, Olympus Corporation launched OER-Mini Endoscope Reprocessor for ENT. The product is a tabletop endoscope reprocessor which is designed to provide better and efficient reprocessing through removing few manual steps of reprocessing endoscopes. The product launch will help company to increase market presence as the new product is providing various advantages over manual reprocessing
In April 2018, Cantel Medical has received 510 (k) clearance from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ADVANTAGE PLUS Pass-Thru an automated endoscope reprocessor (AER). The ADVANTAGE PLUSPass-Thru AER is designed to guarantee highest quality in infection prevention via decreasing the risk of distraction, human error and unintended lapses in cleaning protocols. The product approval will help company to further expands endoscopy portfolio to safeguard to the world from infections with innovative, market leading technologies
Market Drivers
Higher threat of infections associated with inappropriate sterilization of endoscopes is expected to drive the growth of the market
Growing number of grants, investments and funds by government authorities is expected to enhance this market growth
Increasing number of hospitals and rising hospital investments in endoscopy instruments will also boost the market
Growing prevalence of diseases in which endoscopy procedures acts as a market driver
Market Restraints
Higher price of endoscopy procedures & reprocessing equipment and controlled reimbursements in developing countries are expected to restrict the market growth
Concerns regarding the safety of reprocessed instruments is also hampering the market growth
Speak To Industry Experts, Request For Details Report At:  https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-endoscopy-reprocessor-market
Segmentation: Global Endoscopy Reprocessor Market By Type
Manual Cleaning Solutions
Automated Cleaning Disinfectants (Solutions)
By Product Type
Automated Endoscope Reprocessors
High-Level Disinfectants & Test Strips
Detergents & Wipes
Endoscope Drying, Storage, & Transport Systems
Endoscope Tracking Systems
Other Products
Single-Basin Automated Endoscope Reprocessors
Double-Basin Automated Endoscope Reprocessors
By Solution Type
Phtharal (Phthalaldehyde)
Peracetic Acid
Highly-Acidic Electrolyzed Water (EOW)
Aldehyde-Based Disinfectants
Hypochlorous Acid (Superoxidised Water)
Chlorine Dioxide
By End User
Ambiguity Centers
By Geography
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Get Detailed TOC @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-endoscopy-reprocessor-market
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engineercity · 5 years
Новости сайта #ENGINEERING - 工程
New Post has been published on http://engineer.city/tips-for-specifying-uv-systems-in-food-beverage/
Tips For Specifying UV Systems In Food & Beverage
The continued growth in the market for mineral waters, bottled waters and flavoured waters is good news for the food and beverage sector.
To ensure that products have a long shelf life, disinfection of both water and flavour concentrates is critical, and traditional water disinfection processes have used oxidising biocides such as sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide or ozone.
Chlorine-based chemicals can produce a range of potentially carcinogenic by-products, whilst ozone can generate bromates from bromide in the raw water. All of these by-products will pass through reverse osmosis membranes into the product water.
Why Use UV Irradiation?
With consumers wanting the products they buy to be free from chemicals and as natural as possible, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has become the technology of choice for liquid disinfection in the food and beverage sector. Unlike chemical disinfectants, UV treatment does not introduce any residual agents or by-products into the liquid nor does it change the chemical or organoleptic properties of a product.
Electromagnetic Waves
UV disinfection uses electromagnetic waves in the UV-C band – a natural component of sunlight – to inactivate bacteria and a variety of other microbes. It is a broad-spectrum technique that inactivates a wide range of micro-organisms and is chemical-free with no health and safety or environmental issues. All it needs is an electricity supply.
5 Key Items Of Information From UV Systems
However, to get the best out a UV system it has to be properly designed, and that means providing the UV supplier with five key items of information to be able not only to select the right size of reactor but also to consider what other features will need to be included.
1. The first thing to define is the flow rate of the liquid to be treated. That means not only the maximum, average and minimum flows but also the pattern of use.
2. Secondly is whether the flow is continuous or intermittent. If it stops, it may be necessary to switch the reactor off, but then, when it restarts it will need a warm-up time before it can guarantee to deliver the full germicidal dose and this may necessitate a run to waste or a recycle line.
3.Third is the liquid characteristics – most UV systems are used to disinfect water, but UV is also effective for the syrups, juices, flavourings and concentrates that are key ingredients in flavoured waters, soft drinks and fruit juices. For disinfection to occur the radiation has to pass through the liquid and the critical parameter here is the UV transmittance (UVT), measured in percentage. A UVT of 80% means that 20% of the UV lamp intensity will be lost in a 1cm path through the liquid. Due to the high viscosities encountered in sugar solutions up to 66°Bx, UVT can be as low as 10-15%. For these applications, a specialist UV chamber, using a ‘thin-film’ design ensures the syrup is evenly exposed to the UV radiation.
4.Fourth is the UV dose (or fluence). Inactivation of most bacteria requires a relatively low dose whilst protozoans, moulds and yeasts need higher doses but, typically, a single pass through a UV system generating a dose of 40mJ/cm2 will achieve a 4 log to 5 log (99.99% to 99.999%) reduction of most microorganisms.   5.Fifth is the hydraulic design of the reaction chamber, which should ensure that all the water is exposed to equal intensity of radiation with no short circuiting. This should always be validated by a third party to a recognised test protocol, and reputable suppliers will have validation certificates.
Collating all this information before talking to a UV supplier will pay dividends in ensuring that the UV system meets all the requirements and provides years of trouble-free operation.
Diane White is with ATG UV Technology
[10] Materials Handling
Source: engineerlive.com
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Better thanks to bleach? Lenexa mom says chemical mix significantly improved son’s autism
LENEXA, Kan. — What if we told you there’s a product on the market that people claim can significantly improve health ailments — simply by drinking it?
Now what if we told you it’s a form of bleach?
A Lenexa mother is accused of giving a solution, known as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, to two of her autistic sons and is now coming under fire for it.
Laruel Austin
“He’ll scream for no reason. He’ll bite his arms unprovoked,” said dad Brad Austin, describing a video where his son Jeremy can be seen screaming and biting himself.
The video shows then 25-year-old Jeremy Austin on a typical day. Jeremy, who is now 28, has severe autism.
Aggressive outbursts were part of normal life.
“When you have someone who tears up their arms and screams all the time and can’t speak and they’re trapped in their own body — that’s not normal, and that’s not something they were born with,” said his mother, Laurel Austin.
“That’s tortuous, and he deserves relief from that.”
Laurel said Jeremy and three of her other children are vaccine-injured.
All four of them have autism. Two are fully functioning, and Jeremy is the most severe.
“He used to speak. He had up to 25 words,” Laurel said.
Jeremy Austin as a little boy
At 18 months, she noticed concerning changes in Jeremy.
His mom saw facial ticks, grand mal seizures and self-inflicting biting. By 3 years old, Jeremy stopped speaking.
Laurel said she tried everything from specialized diets to medication — with little to no success. Then she learned about MMS.
‘It’s corrosive and toxic’ 
“This thing claims to cure everything,” Brad said. “It’s such a ludicrous idea.”
When FOX4 asked Brad if he believed his children with Laurel were vaccine-injured, he said, “no.”
When asked if he thinks something in particular caused the children’s autism, he said, “genetics.”
Brad, who declined “standby guardianship” rights in 2008, said his ex-wife is poisoning their children.
“She’s giving Joshua and Jeremy bleach to try to cure their autism,” Brad said. “It is akin to child abuse in my opinion.”
MMS is touted as bleach pretty much anywhere you look on the internet — but what is it really?
We asked Dr. David Van Horn, a chemist, to find out.
The short answer: It’s sodium chlorite mixed with hydrochloric acid. Van Horn said it’s not household bleach, but it’s in the family of bleach.
Miracle Mineral Solution
“It’s not recommended at all to drink either of these alone or combined,” Van Horn said.
He said the solution is dangerous to drink, but just how dangerous depends on how dilute it is.
The MMS protocol Laurel uses follows the directive of Karri Rivera, author of “Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism.” The protocol includes mixing equal parts from each bottle, starting with one drop and working up to 30 drops over time.
The solution is then mixed into 8 ounces of water to dilute and is consumed 1 ounce at a time over the course of a day.
Van Horn said the diluted final product makes a fairly benign solution — but he still doesn’t recommend drinking it.
“It’s corrosive and toxic,” Van Horn said.
Dr. David Van Horn
That’s according to the safety data sheet provided by the maker of sodium chlorite. Chemical producers are mandated by law to produce such materials for all products.
“I fear for their health, their safety,” Brad said. “It’s not medically approved treatment. The FDA has warned against it.”
Brad is referring to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration news release, citing “potentially life-threatening side effects of Miracle Mineral Solution.”
But some doctors seem to be on the fence as to how dangerous MMS really is.
Even the experts disagree
“I took the information to my expert, which was our regular family practice doctor. It wasn’t even an alternative medicine doctor,” Laurel said. “She signed off on it.”
She also pointed FOX4 to a 1982 study that says there was no “obvious undesirable clinical” consequences that resulted from the daily ingestion of chlorine dioxide. Of course, the study notes it can’t rule out clinical consequences beyond its 12-week period.
Laurel said her former doctor signed off on the use of MMS as a former of chelation therapy, which is a medical procedure that removes heavy metals from the body.
FOX4 also spoke with other medical doctors across the state and country. The majority warn against this practice, but a handful agree with the protocol.
“We could not have started the protocol without a doctor’s signature because day service had to administer,” Laurel said.
One quick search on the internet shows how easy it is to find and purchase MMS.
Brad Austin
“That’s snake oil. That’s snake oil,” Brad said.
A lot of people would agree with Brad, but quite a few others say the results speak for themselves.
Look at him now
Some would call Laurel crazy, but instead, she said she would call herself “researched.”
“We’ve had amazing health improvements, amazing behavior improvements,” Laurel said.
Laurel started two of her boys on the MMS protocol in June 2018 and said she stopped June 2019.
“This has changed everything,” she said.
She told FOX4 that Jeremy’s last seizure was nearly a year ago. Prior to starting the protocol, she said he had up to five a month.
Now she said his aggression is gone, too.
“My children have had improved health,” she said. “If I was poisoning them with bleach, wouldn’t their health be getting worse instead of better?”
She pointed to a video recorded just a few years ago and said, look at him now.
“He’s a lot calmer,” Laurel said. “He’s also started saying, ‘Mom,’ which I haven’t heard since he was three. My heart just almost jumped our of my chest because it’s what I’ve been praying for since he was little.”
Laurel Austin, right, and her son Jeremy
When asked what her hope is for her boys, Laurel said: “For them to just heal as much as they possibly can and live as independently as they can. I have never gone into this thinking I’m going to get 100% recovery.”
Not everyone believes in miracles, however.
Brad filed reports with Kansas Adult Protective Services and the Lenexa Police Department.
It resulted in a mandated trip to the emergency room for blood work on their son, Joshua. The lab results came back clean, and the case was dropped.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/09/25/better-thanks-to-bleach-lenexa-mom-says-form-of-chemical-significantly-improved-her-sons-severe-autism/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/09/26/better-thanks-to-bleach-lenexa-mom-says-chemical-mix-significantly-improved-sons-autism/
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clothinglennyco · 5 years
Stop using 'Miracle' solution as a cure for autism or cancer, FDA says
Stop using ‘Miracle’ solution as a cure for autism or cancer, FDA says
The products — known by various names, including Miracle or Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Chlorine Dioxide Protocol and Water Purification Solution or WPS — are sold from various websites as cures for a range of both severe and minor ailments.
“Miracle Mineral Solution and similar products are not FDA-approved, and ingesting these products is the same as…
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