#Mms Chlorine Dioxide Buy
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starseedpatriot · 3 years
Remember when Trump told everyone to drink bleach? That was the msm at its finest. In fact, he was pointing us to Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2). See, CLO2 is a cheap, safe and powerful life saving medicine. It’s been around for 100 years. It’s used for water purification. It’s used in the food and beverage industry extensively. [They]cannot ban it, so they are smearing it by calling it bleach.
If you are like me you heard about Chlorine Dioxide before. I was like meh. I don’t love the name, how great can it be? I already have lots of other medicine. Chlorine?
Listen up- Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2) is the med beds!! I’m not joking. It’s a miracle mineral that solves all diseases that has been proven already. It’s all documented and I’ll provide the links you need to see the proof. It is not bleach, it’s actually much closer to table salt by comparison.
Table salt is sodium chloride
CLO2 is made from sodium chlorite
CLO2 is a gas that is created when the sodium chlorite mixes with an acid
CLO2 is a highly selective oxidizer(important)
It’s a gas that remains effective across a wide ph range
CLO2 does not form chlorinated organics like bleach does
After the CLO2 does its job and oxidizes things the left over chloride will bond with minerals to form simple salts(super safe for the body)
CLO2 oxidizes the protein coating (skin)of bacteria and viruses to kill them.
CLO2 is like a laser guided missile system. It locates it’s target by acidity and electric charge. That’s how it purifies water and that’s how it cleans the body of pathogens.
It’s an oxidizer like oxygen, but it’s weaker so it leaves your body alone, it only affects foreign pathogens. It surrounds pathogens and electrically rips them apart by stealing electrons
Cancer and all other diseases cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. Most people know this. The problem is how to get the body super oxygenated. The solution is CLO2. That’s why it’s called the solution to all diseases.
Millions of people have been cured of horrible diseases world wide over the last 25 years. It has successful cure list a mile long with video testimonials. Cancer, Aids, Malaria, Arthritis, Lyme disease, Herpes, Autism, MRSA, and Diabetes to name just a few of the conditions completely healed with the protocols. Suffice to say, you should watch these tutorials, buy some, learn how to use it and become a life saving hero. 1/3
Introduction to MMS in 11 minutes
The Science | The Truth About Chlorine Dioxide
All - MMS Testimonials - Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution
Home - Jim Humble | MMS | Master Mineral Solution | Miracle Mineral Solution | JIMHUMBLE.CO
MMS Documentary Quantum Leap - Full Length
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feminist-space · 4 years
"The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.
In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.
A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”
He went on to say: “Is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.”
Trump did not specify where the idea of using disinfectant as a possible remedy for Covid-19 came from, and the source for his notion remains obscure. But the Guardian has learned that peddlers of chlorine dioxide – industrial bleach – have been making direct approaches to the White House in recent days.
Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism.
Since the start of the pandemic, Genesis II has been marketing MMS as a cure to coronavirus. It advises users, including children, to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it.
In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.”
Grenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.
On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”
Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.
Last week the US Food and Drug Administration obtained a federal court order barring Genesis II from selling what was described as “an unproven and potentially harmful treatment for Covid-19”. The FDA also ordered a disciple of Genesis II, Kerri Rivera, to remove claims that MMS cured coronavirus from her website.
Last August the FDA issued an urgent warning urging Americans not to buy or drink MMS, which it said was a “dangerous bleach which has caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects”. Drinking MMS can cause nausea, diarrhea and severe dehydration that can lead to death, the federal agency said.
The Guardian contacted the White House asking whether Grenon’s letter had influenced Trump’s comments on disinfectant, but did not immediately receive a response.
Another advocate of bleach as a miracle cure who has been seeking to interest Trump in the treatment is Alan Keyes. He is a former ambassador and adviser to Ronald Reagan who ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for the US Senate and on three occasions for the US presidency.
Keyes has featured Genesis II bleach products as a miracle cure on his online conservative TV show, Let’s Talk America.
It is not known whether Keyes has discussed MMS with Trump. But the two men have overlapping interests.
Not only have they both featured in Republican party and presidential politics, but they were both leading proponents of the Birther conspiracy theory that wrongfully suggested Barack Obama was born outside America.
Keyes’s TV show is hosted on IAMtv, a rightwing web-based channel. IAMtv’s other leading anchor is Bob Sisson, who has also advertised Genesis II bleach products on air.
In one of his shows, first reported by the Daily Beast, Sisson held up two bottles of Genesis II MMS and said: “Gonna meet Trump, it’s only a matter of time. President Trump’s gonna invite us up there, when he finds out about this stuff.”
On Friday Trump claimed he was being “sarcastic” in his remarks but there is no evidence to back up that claim and he appeared entirely serious as he made them."
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phroyd · 4 years
It’s because of shit like this that we have Regulations of one kind or another, because when we don’t, we have THIS!  And, it’s that people are not only buying this shit, they are defending buying it, that it’s clear, Trump will probably win and civilization is in serious decline. - Phroyd
Industrial bleach is being sold on Amazon through its product pages which consumers are buying under the mistaken belief that it is a “miracle cure” for Covid-19, despite health warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration that drinking the fluid can kill.
The chlorine dioxide solutions are being sold on the Amazon platform under the brand name CD Kit and NatriChlor. Third-party sellers signal the bleach as a “water treatment” and include legal disclaimers that the liquid is “not marketed for internal use”.
But comments from Amazon customers under the review section of the pages tell a different story. Users discuss how many drops of bleach they are imbibing and explain they are drinking the chemical which they call MMS to “disinfect ourselves”, a phrase that echoes Donald Trump’s controversial remarks in April that injections of disinfectant could cure Covid-19.
One purchaser, writing in Spanish, said his family had started taking bleach soon after the coronavirus pandemic hit the US. “Many people still don’t believe in it, but I am sure that it has helped us a lot,” he said.
Another Amazon customer wrote: “My mom who is 77 got Corona, Covid, and had a whole body-ache stomach upset, very extreme headache, fatigue … Well, she started taking MMS and NOT KIDDING you, she was practically half better the NEXT day and the day after she was totally good!!”
The bleach that is being sold on the Amazon marketplace is typically used in industrial processes including textile manufacturing and bleaching of pulp and paper. In small doses it can be used to disinfect water, but the concentrations being advocated by pushers of MMS – “miracle mineral solution” – are well above safety levels.
Proponents of MMS falsely claim that it is a cure-all for almost all diseases, including malaria, HIV/Aids, cancer and now Covid-19. They also market it untruthfully as a cure for the condition autism.
Since the start of the pandemic, the FDA has been trying to clamp down on fraudulent dealers of quack remedies claiming to protect against the virus. Last August the agency issued a strong health warning that MMS bleach products could be life-threatening.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers has recorded more than 16,000 cases of chlorine dioxide poisoning, including 2,500 cases of children under 12. Many of those individuals suffered serious side effects, the group noted, including a six-year-old autistic girl who three years ago required hospital treatment for liver failure.
Several deaths of people drinking bleach marketed as a “miracle cure” have been reported across South America, including in Argentina where a five-year-old boy was reported to have died in August having been given chlorine dioxide as a Covid cure.
In the past, Amazon has removed from its platform several pro-MMS books, including those by the founder of the movement, Jim Humble. He claimed to have discovered that chlorine dioxide cures malaria while on a gold mining expedition in the Guyana jungle in 1996.
Amazon in March promised to crack down on product listings that cash-in on false remedies for Covid-19. But third-party sellers are still finding ways to peddle potentially dangerous products on the site.
Amazon did not immediately respond to Guardian questions about the sale of the bleach on its platform.
Fiona O’Leary, a campaigner against MMS based in Ireland, said she was “shocked and heartbroken that Amazon is still selling this product. The FDA is prosecuting producers of bleach, but now we have Amazon selling it. How can this be happening?”
The CD Kit and Natrichlor bleach products currently on sale through Amazon are made by KVLAB, which is linked to Keavy’s Corner, an online shop based in Lake Placid, Florida. In a business listing, Keavy’s Corner describes itself as specializing in “chlorine dioxide products for consumer use”.
In an email to the Guardian, the owner of Keavy’s Corner, Steve Pardee, said that he began selling the product for cleaning dog kennels and equine use. He denied ever having claimed that chlorine dioxide is a cure, and stressed that he had nothing to do with the third-party sellers touting his wares on Amazon.
“I have never advocated human consumption. My listings for all these items have included links to FDA warnings since 2013,” he said.
Documents show that Pardee was active on the “MMS Forum”, an online community of advocates of bleach as a miracle cure, as recently as last year. In 2012 he was involved in preparing an approved list of MMS suppliers, and said in one post: “I started making MMS in 2008.”
Pardee told the Guardian that back in 2012 he had “offered safety and technical advice” to a forum run by Genesis II, a one-time leading provider of bleach miracle cures in the US run by the Grenon family. Mark Grenon, the head of the family, and his son Joseph were arrested and charged by the FDA last month in Columbia and are awaiting extradition to the US, while two other sons are also in jail facing similar charges in Florida.
Pardee said he had cut ties with Genesis back in 2013 or 2014 and had nothing to do with them. But he did join a discussion on the MMS Forum in March 2019 in which members discussed changing the name from Miracle Mineral Solution to WPS, an acronym for Water Purification Solution.
The name change would help them “hide from the wolves and hyenas targeting MMS,” as one user put it.
Pardee contributed to that conversation with the comment that “people who deal in any alternative health items need to be very careful of the language they choose. It all boils down to words. If you simply sell a chemical, and let people be educated elsewhere, they will find you when they know what they are looking for.”
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foxxp46 · 3 years
Sodium Chlorine
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Sodium Chloride Formula
Sodium Chlorine Formula
Sodium Chloride Ionic Bonds
Sodium Plus Chlorine
Sodium + Chlorine = Sodium Chloride
Sodium, a very reactive metal which reacts with chlorine gas and produces sodium chloride, the neutral salt. https://foxxp46.tumblr.com/post/653771676997287936/drum-roll-sound. Sodium is oxidized to sodium cation (Na+) and chlorine gas is reduced to chloride anions (Cl-).
Uses & Benefits. Sodium chloride is essential to maintain the electrolyte balance of fluids in a person’s body. If levels of electrolytes become too low or too high, a person can become dehydrated or over hydrated, according to U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sodium chloride has been used to flavor and preserve foods for thousands of years. Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses. A second major application of sodium chloride is de-icing of roadways in sub-freezing weather. Sodium Chloride is a metal halide composed of sodium and chloride with sodium and chloride replacement capabilities. When depleted in the body, sodium must be replaced in order to maintain intracellular osmolarity, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and normal renal function. Great buy if you want to make chlorine dioxide MMS solution. You will end up with 3 four ounce bottles of 30% sodium chlorite solution. You need the acid based activator, citric acid at 50% solution works great. Better than paying the same price for 1 bottle from MMS sellers. Sodium Hypochlorite replaces many other forms of chlorine because of the ease of use and relatively safe handling and storage requirements. There is a trend by many municipalities to convert gas chlorine systems to liquid systems because of the hazards associated with gas chlorine use. Sodium Hypochlo.
Mechanism of the reaction
We know sodium is a very active metal and chlorine is also a very reactive non-metal. Usually, metals like to eliminate electrons and non-metals such as halogens like to accept electrons.
Sodium readily eliminate its last shell electrons become Na+ cation and chlorine accepts that electron to form Cl- anion.
Balanced chemical equation of Na + Cl2 reaction
Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl
Two moles of chlorine gas reacts with one mole of sodium to produce two moles of sodium chloride.
It is easy to balance this reaction by inspection method than redox method. Redox method will take much time. But it is useful in balancing large redox equations.
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How to balance the reaction from redox method?
This is a so easy redox reaction to balance and if you are beginner to balancing equations, this is also an good example to start your redox reaction balancing.
Sodium is oxidized from 0 oxidation state and to +1 oxidation state. Chlorine is reduced to -1 oxidation state from 0 oxidation state. Write oxidation numbers if each atom close to the atoms.
Check the number of atoms of oxidized and reduced in the reaction (left and right side) and balance them if they are not balance, as the next step. In left side, there are two chlorine atoms. To balance them, make two sodium chloride in the right side. Then there are two sodium atoms in the right side of the reaction, but only one in the left side. Therefore, make two sodium atoms in the left.
Next, find oxidation number differences of oxidized atoms (sodium to sodium ion) and reduced atoms (chlorine to chloride). Oxidation number difference of sodium is two and for chlorine it is two. So they are same and cancel out each other.
Physical changes of the reaction
The solid reactant, sodium reacts with green-yellow gaseous chlorine and produce solid sodium chloride which is a white crystalline solid.
Reaction rate
This reaction occurs in a rapid rate because both reactants are very reactive. Sodium is a group 1 metal which likes to remove its outer electrons and chlorine desired to take electrons from outside.
Enthalpy of sodium and chlorine reaction
Reaction of sodium and chlorine is an exothermic one (heat is released from the reaction). Enthalpy of the reaction is taken as enthalpy of formation of two moles sodium chloride.
Standard enthalpy of reaction = -411.12 kJ
Entropy of the reaction (2980C) = 72.10 J/(K mol)
Let's do a simple calculation.
You are going to mix 4 mol of sodium and 2 mol of chlorine gas. How much energy is released from the reaction? Standard enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride = -411.120 kJ/mol
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Definition of Standard enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride: When 1 mol of sodium chloride is formed, 411.120 kJ is released to the outside. If 2 mol of sodium chloride is formed, 411.120 * 2 kJ is released to the outside.
Now you know, released heat depends on the formed sodium chloride amount. Now you now we have to find out how much sodium chloride is produced in this question.
According to the stoichiometry, to react with 1 mol of chlorine gas, 2 mol of sodium is required. Because of this, to react with 2 mol of chlorine gas, 4 mol of sodium is required and there is 4 mol at the beginning of the reaction.
Released heat = 411.120 kJ/mol* 4 mol
Released heat = 1644.480 kJ
How to know, reaction was occurred?
If you mix considerable amount of chlorine gas and sodium, you can see the reaction is being occurred beacause reaction beaker will be red colour due to emission of large heat. If amount of reactants is low, perform qualitative analysis testings for sodium ion and chloride ion.
the product metal sodium reacts with clorine gas in a composition reaction
When sodium reacts with clorine gas, sodium chloride (NaCl) is given as the product. Yes. This is a composition reaction because two compounds combine together and produce one compound as product.
I want to prepare sodium chloride by a reaction. I have studied several reactions possible for sodium chloride production. One way is reaction of sodium and chlorine gas. Other way is reaction of hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide reaction. I want to know, what is the best method to prepare sodium chloride from these two methods?
First thing is, in which phase sodium chloride want? Solid or aqueous or liquid NaCl? You have to plan your method according to the physical state of sodium chloride.
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Reaction of sodium and chlorine is the direct way to prepare sodium chloride if you need solid NaCl. But, this reaction is too dangerous because it emitts large amount of energy and chlorine is a deathly toxic gas.
In the second method, you can prepare sodium chloride in aqueous state. So you need to remove water by a separation method, if you need solid sodium chloride. If you need aqueous sodium chloride, this is the best way to do.
What's about potassium and chlorine? Is it similar to sodium and chlorine reaction?
Yes. Potassium reacts with chlorine and produce potassium chloride.
2K + Cl2 → 2KCl
sodium and chlorine word equation?
Sodium + Chlorine gas → Sodium chloride
lithium metal reaction with chlorine gas equation
Lithium reacts with chlorine gas as sodium does. So equation is very similar to sodium and chlorine gas reaction.
2Li + Cl2 → 2LiCl
solid sodium reacts with chlorine gas to produce solid sodium chloride, is this true?
Yes. reaction happens.
what is the reaction equation for sodium metal and chlorine gas
Na + Cl2 → NaCl , this is not the balaced equation. This equation denotes only reactants and products.
na cl2 which is toxic?
Chlorine (Cl2) is very toxic and should be worked very carefully to avoid any injuries to people?
burning sodium metal in chlorine gas to form sodium chloride is what type of reaction
It is a combining reaction. Two reactants combine together to produce one product. Sodium and chlorine are the two reactants and sodium chloride is the only product.
word equation for sodium and chlorine
Solid sodium metal+ Chlorine gas → Solid sodium chloride
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Lewis structures
P2O5 lewis structureOH- lewis structureAmmonium ion (NH4+) lewis structureH2CO3 lewis structure
(redirected from Sodium chlorine) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia.
a chemical element, atomic number 11, atomic weight 22.990, symbol Na. (See Appendix 6.) Sodium is the major cation of the extracellular fluid, constituting 90 to 95 per cent of all cations in the blood plasma and interstitial fluid; it thus determines the osmolality of the extracellular fluid. The serum sodium concentration is normally about 140 mEq/L. If the sodium level and osmolality fall, osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus are stimulated and cause the release of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This hormone increases the absorption of water in the collecting ducts of the kidneys so that water is conserved while sodium and other electrolytes are excreted in the urine. If the sodium level and osmolality rise, neurons in the thirst center of the hypothalamus are stimulated. The thirsty person then drinks enough water to restore the osmolality of the extracellular fluid to the normal level. A decrease in the serum sodium concentration (hyponatremia) can occur in a variety of conditions. It is often associated with deficient fluid volume due to diarrhea or vomiting when water is replaced faster than sodium. It can also occur in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, in the late stages of congestive heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver, in acute or chronic renal failure, and in diuretic therapy. An increase in the serum sodium concentration (hypernatremia) occurs when insensible water loss is not replaced by drinking, as in a comatose patient with diabetes insipidus.
sodium acetate a source of sodium ions for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, as well as a systemic and urinary alkalizer.
sodium ascorbate an antiscorbutic vitamin and nutritional supplement for parenteral administration. It is also used as an aid to deferoxamine therapy in the treatment of chronic iron toxicity.
sodium benzoate an antifungal agent also used in a test of liver function.
sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3, a white powder commonly found in households. It has a wide variety of uses in chemistry, in pharmaceuticals, and in consumer products. It is sometimes taken in water as a remedy for acid indigestion but should not be used regularly since when taken in excess it tends to cause alkalosis. It can be mixed with water and applied as a paste for relief of pain in treatment of minor burns and insect bites and stings. A cupful in the bath water may help relieve itching caused by an allergic reaction. Called also baking soda and bicarbonate of soda.
sodium carbonate a compound now used primarily as an alkalizing agent in pharmaceuticals; it has been used as a lotion or bath in the treatment of scaly skin, and as a detergent.
sodium chloride common table salt, a necessary constituent of the body and therefore of the diet, involved in maintaining osmotic tension of blood and tissues; uses include replenishment of electrolytes in the body, irrigation of wounds and body cavities, enema, inhaled mucolytic, topical osmotic ophthalmic agent, and preparation of pharmaceuticals. Called also salt.
sodium citrate a sodium salt of citric acid, used as an anticoagulant for blood or plasma that is to be fractionated or for blood that is to be stored. It is also administered orally as a urinary alkalizer.
dibasic sodium phosphate a salt of phosphoric acid; used alone or in combination with other phosphate compounds, it is given intravenously as an electrolyte replenisher, orally or rectally as a laxative, and orally as a urinary acidifier and for prevention of kidney stones.
sodium ferric gluconate a hematinic used especially in treatment of hemodialysis patients with iron deficiency anemia who are also receiving erythropoietin therapy. Administered by intravenous injection.
sodium fluoride a dental caries preventative used in fluoridation of drinking water or applied topically to teeth. Topical preparations include gels (sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid gel, also called APF gel) and solutions (sodium fluoride and acidulated phosphate topical solution, also called APF solution).
sodium hydroxide NaOH, a strongly alkaline and caustic compound; used as an alkalizing agent in pharmaceuticals.
sodium hypochlorite a compound having germicidal, deodorizing, and bleaching properties; used in solution to disinfect utensils, and in diluted form (Dakin's solution) as a local antibacterial.
sodium iodide a compound used as a source of iodine.
sodium lactate a compound used in solution to replenish body fluids and electrolytes.
monobasic sodium phosphate
1. a monosodium salt of phosphoric acid; used in buffer solutions, as a urinary acidifier, as a laxative, and as a source of phosphorus in hypophosphatemia, often in combination with potassium phosphate.
2. a monosodium salt of phosphoric acid; used in buffer solutions. Used alone or in combination with other phosphate compounds, it is given intravenously as an electrolyte replenisher, orally or rectally as a laxative, and orally as a urinary acidifier and for prevention of kidney stones.
sodium monofluorophosphate a dental caries preventative applied topically to the teeth.
sodium nitrite an antidote for cyanide poisoning; also used as a preservative in cured meats and other foods.
sodium nitroprusside an antihypertensive agent used in the treatment of acute congestive heart failure and of hypertensive crisis and to produce controlled hypotension during surgery; also used as a reagent.
sodium phenylbutyrate an agent used as adjunctive treatment to control the hyperammonemia of pediatric urea cycle enzyme disorders.
sodium phosphate any of various compounds of sodium and phosphoric acid; usually specifically dibasic sodium phosphate.
sodium polystyrene sulfonate an ion-exchange resin used for removal of potassium ions in hyperkalemia, administered orally or rectally.
sodium propionate a salt used as an antifungal preservative in foods and pharmaceuticals and as a topical antifungal agent.
sodium sulfate a cathartic and laxative.
sodium thiosulfate a compound used intravenously as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, in foot baths for prophylaxis of ringworm, and as a topical antifungal agent for tinea versicolor. Also used in measuring the volume of extracellular body fluid and the renal glomerular filtration rate.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
sodium chloride
Minims Sodium Chloride (CA), Slo-Salt, Slow Sodium
Pharmacologic class: Electrolyte supplement
Therapeutic class: Sodium replacement
Pregnancy risk category C
Replaces deficiencies of sodium and chloride and maintains these electrolytes at adequate levels
Injection: 0.45% sodium chloride-25 ml, 50 ml, 150 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml; 0.9% sodium chloride-2 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 25 ml, 30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml; 3% sodium chloride-500 ml; 5% sodium chloride-500 ml; 14.6% sodium chloride-20 ml, 40 ml, 200 ml; 23.4% sodium chloride-30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml
Tablets: 650 mg, 1 g, 2.25 g
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Tablets (slow-release): 600 mg
Indications and dosages
➣ Water and sodium chloride replacement; metabolic alkalosis; to dilute or dissolve drugs for I.V., I.M., or subcutaneous use; to flush I.V. catheter; as a priming solution in hemodialysis; to initiate or end blood transfusions
Adults: 0.9% sodium chloride (isotonic solution) with dosage individualized
➣ Hydrating solution; hyperosmolar diabetes
Adults: 0.45% sodium chloride (hypotonic solution) with dosage individualized
➣ Rapid fluid and electrolyte replacement in hyponatremia and hypochloremia; severe sodium depletion; drastic body water dilution after excessive water intake
Adults: 3% or 5% sodium chloride (hypertonic solution) with dosage individualized, given by slow I.V. infusion with close monitoring of electrolyte levels
➣ Heat cramps caused by excessive perspiration
Adults: See product label.
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• Normal or elevated electrolyte levels (with 3% and 5% solutions)
• Fluid retention
Sodium Chloride Formula
Use cautiously in:
• renal impairment, heart failure, edema or sodium retention, hypoproteinemia
• surgical patients.
☞ Be aware that sodium chloride injection is a high-alert drug.
• Dilute I.V. dose per product label. Infuse slow I.V. to minimize risk of pulmonary edema.
☞ Don't confuse normal saline solution for injection with concentrates meant for use in total parenteral nutrition.
• Avoid salt tablets for heat cramps; they may pass through GI tract undigested, causing vomiting and potassium loss.
Adverse reactions
CV: edema (when given too rapidly or in excess), thrombophlebitis, heart failure exacerbation
Metabolic: fluid and electrolyte disturbances (such as hypernatremia and hyperphosphatemia), aggravation of existing metabolic acidosis (with excessive infusion)
Respiratory: pulmonary edema
Other: pain, swelling, local tenderness, abscess, or tissue necrosis at I.V. site
Drug-diagnostic tests.Phosphate, potassium, sodium: increased levels
Patient monitoring
• Monitor electrolyte levels and blood chemistry results.
☞ Watch for signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema or worsening heart failure.
• Carefully monitor vital signs, fluid balance, weight, and cardiovascular status.
• Assess injection site closely to help prevent tissue necrosis and thrombophlebitis.
Patient teaching
☞ Teach patient to recognize and immediately report serious adverse reactions, such as breathing problems or swelling.
• Instruct patient to report pain, tenderness, or swelling at injection site.
• As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the tests mentioned above.
McGraw-Hill Nurse's Drug Handbook, 7th Ed. Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
so·di·um chlo·ride
the chief ionic component of blood and other bodily fluids, and urine; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, in the treatment of salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
so·di·um chlo·ride
(sōdē-ŭm klōrīd)
Major ionic component of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, to treat salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions. Synonym(s): common salt.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Sodium Chlorine Formula
sodium chloride
Common salt. A compound ubiquitous in the body. Used in the preparation of SALINE. The drug is on the WHO official list.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
saline, physiological
A 0.9% sterile solution of sodium chloride in water. This concentration of sodium chloride is considered approximately isotonic with the tears. It is used to store and rinse soft contact lenses, to irrigate the eye, etc. Syn. normal saline; NaCl 0.9%. Seeeyewash; irrigation; isotonic solution.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann
so·di·um chlo·ride
Sodium Chloride Ionic Bonds
(sōdē-ŭm klōrīd)
Chief ionic component of blood, urine, and other body fluids; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, in the treatment of salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions. Synonym(s): common salt.
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Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
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Sodium Plus Chlorine
<a href='https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Sodium+chlorine'>sodium chloride</a>
Sodium + Chlorine = Sodium Chloride
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wpspurewater · 3 years
Defeating Disease and Living Longer With Wonder Mineral Arrangement
Most senior passings are brought about by an invulnerable framework disappointment. It's a disastrous and preventable cycle that begins with a solitary sickness, similar to seasonal influenza, at that point tumbles into persistent ailment after some time, generally because of maturing and drug results. 
A normal decrease happens this way; Grandmother catches influenza. Her family specialist recommends anti-microbials. Even though anti-infection agents don't chip away at infections like seasonal influenza, he recommends it in any case. Grandmother loyally takes her prescriptions, which has unwittingly undermined the foundation of her safe framework; the anti-microbials have cleared out the entirety of her agreeable microscopic organisms, which were formerly populating her colon, fending off awful microorganisms that are continually attempting to dominate. 
Half a month later she catches bronchitis, because no valuable microorganisms, similar to lactobacillus acidophilus, are alive in her to balance terrible microbes and different microbes. Once more, she is endorsed a much more grounded anti-infection, further trading off her invulnerable framework. She's presently helpless to each bacterium and infection in her current circumstance, in addition to she's fostering an over-burden of yeast or Candida Albicans, causing her to feel drained, irritable, gassy, or downright dreadful. So she goes to her PCP again...guess what he does? Endlessly it goes until she's meeting St. Peter and the magnificent doors saying "What the hell occurred there?" 
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Supernatural occurrence Mineral Arrangement is fundamentally sodium chlorite joined with refined water. When actuated with a gentle 10% citrus extract arrangement, vinegar, lemon, or lime, the sodium chlorite changes into chlorine dioxide. That is the thing that so intensely improves your safe framework, that would then be able to beat any known microorganism. 
Mr. Jim V. Humble the creator of MMS brought the initiated part of 28% sodium chlorite to the table, and afterward changes this arrangement into chlorine dioxide. Presently we have an inside cleaning agent or biocide that is cited as "the most impressive enemy of microorganisms known to man"; MMS. 
A microorganism is anything viral, bacterial, parasite, or contagious. This covers pretty much all the main drivers of our illnesses. When those are tidied up, you can go onto have a long and solid life. 
Individuals on the Web are discussing the wide range of various applications being found with this new to the market item. Consumers are being treated with extraordinary accomplishment with their nearby capacity to ease torment. Bug nibbles to yeasts are by and large effectively managed. 
From ulcers and toe growth, teeth to hepatitis, all acidic microbes fall in the line of the soluble fire of MMS. It has additionally been connected to calming sadness. 
Jim Humble says that this isn't a fix. MMS is not intended to treat sickness or infection; "it can support the resistant framework so high it can take on whatever's tossed at it." 
This does require a proactive way to deal with medical care and wellbeing upkeep. This is not normal for any enhancement available. It's additionally savvy; keeping a decent sound invulnerable framework for just pennies daily.
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mongoose232323 · 5 years
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Feb. 24, 2016
I Love The Poorly Educated.
We're The Smartest People,
We're The Most Loyal People.
~ Donald J. Trump ~
I Don’t Exactly Understand What The Hell’s
Going On Here, But I Say GO FOR IT!
The Right-Wing Conspiracy Group
QAnon Is Telling Their Supporters
To Drink Lethal MMS Bleach To Ward Off
The Deadly Coronavirus.
From Article
As coronavirus spreads across the globe — with Chinese authorities confirming nearly 6,000 cases and 132 people dead as of Wednesday — the reaction on social media in particular has largely been marked by fear and panic. For some conspiracy theorists, however, it has also served as a prime opportunity to spread misinformation and baseless rumors about the disease — some of which are potentially extremely dangerous.
One terrifying example? QAnon supporters are encouraging people to drink MMS — or Miracle Mineral Solution, a bleaching agent that has been touted as a “miracle cure” by anti-vaxxers and other fringe groups — to ward off coronavirus. And despite restrictions on such content on platforms like YouTube, it is nonetheless fairly easy to find.
According to the Daily Beast, proponents of QAnon — the elaborate conspiracy theory purporting that President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against a ring of Democratic child sexual abusers — have been promoting MMS as a “cure” for coronavirus on Twitter, particularly the MMS-branded “20-20-20 spray,” with one account alleging it “kills viruses instantly.” Another prominent conspiracy theorist tweeted, “#coronavirus is a depopulation program,” recommending colloidal silver (a supplement that, if taken in large amounts, can result in discoloration of the skin and nails, or kidney damage) and MMS to ward off the disease.
These plugs for MMS usually go hand-in-hand with general theories alleging that coronavirus was manufactured in a lab, usually by conspiracy-theorist favorite Bill Gates, for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. As Rolling Stone reported last week, prominent QAnon supporter and YouTuber Jordan Sather bears much responsibility for perpetuating such claims.
Since the spread of the disease was initially reported, he has devoted his Twitter account to fomenting misinformation about the disease, (inaccurately) claiming that the virus was the product of a 2015 patent for avian coronavirus and implying that it was created in a Chinese lab.
He has (incorrectly) claimed there is “evidence” that MMS can cure coronavirus and recorded a video in which he advocated for “MMS[ing] the whole state, MMS the shit out of everything.” In response to criticism that he was spreading dangerous medical misinformation, he doubled down on such claims, tweeting, “ChLoRiNe DiOxiDe is so DeAdLy that…. … you can buy tablets of it for $10 on Amazon to make water potable. And by their logic, we better get rid of the Sun too because it can ‘bleach.’ CD can be helpful if used right. Mainstream media can’t science.”
MMS is primarily sold by the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, a Mexican church led by a man known as Archbishop Jim Humble, a former aerospace research engineer, health food store manager, and gold prospector who claims to have discovered MMS while mining for gold in South Africa.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(COCHABAMBA, Bolivia) — Long lines form every morning in one of the Bolivian cities hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic as desperate people wait to buy small bottles of chlorine dioxide, a toxic bleaching agent that has been falsely touted as a cure for COVID-19 and a myriad of other diseases.
The rush in the city of Cochabamba to buy a disinfectant known to cause harm to those who ingest it comes even after the Bolivian Health Ministry warned of its dangers and said at least five people were poisoned after taking chlorine dioxide in La Paz, the capital.
Dr. Antonio Viruez, who is treating the five at a hospital, said one incorrectly believed he had COVID-19 and developed pneumonitis, an inflammation of lung tissue, after taking chlorine dioxide and a medication used to treat parasite infestations. The other patients are improving, he said.
“The Health Ministry cannot risk recommending something that doesn’t have a scientific basis,” said Miguel Ángel Delgado, a senior ministry official.
However, Bolivia’s opposition-controlled congress is promoting the use of chlorine dioxide. Last week, the Senate approved a bill authorizing the emergency “manufacture, marketing, supply and use of chlorine dioxide solution for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus.”
Read more: Mapping the Spread of the Coronavirus Outbreak Around the U.S. and the World
The bill would require the approval of interim President Jeanine Áñez, who is in quarantine after testing positive for the new coronavirus. She has sparred with opposition lawmakers loyal to Evo Morales, the former leader who was forced to resign last year after an election marred by irregularities.
Many fearful residents in Cochabamba, where opposition support is strong, are giving chlorine dioxide a try. Cochabamba has reported about 440 deaths from COVID-19, or one-quarter of the total number of reported deaths in Bolivia. The real toll is believed to be higher.
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Dico Solis—APHealth workers carry a coffin with the remains of an elderly person who died at the San Jose nursing home in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on July 16, 2020. According to city authorities, 10 elderly people with suspected COVID-19 symptoms have died in the last two weeks at the nursing home.
“I am afraid. I have to try it,” said Andrés Poma, a 34-year-old teacher who is skeptical that beleaguered health services can help him if he gets sick. “What am I going to do? Wait to die at the door of the hospital or at the door of my house?”
Federico Anza, who sells chlorine dioxide at his Cochabamba store, said thousands of people have bought it, consuming it in drops. “My wife and I took it and nothing happened to us,” he said.
He said his clients had not fallen ill after taking the agent, though provincial health authorities reported 10 cases of poisoning from chlorine dioxide in the past week.
The governor of Cochabamba state, Esther Soria, said she supports a plan for a state law authorizing the use of chlorine dioxide and traditional medicine to treat COVID-19. Cochabamba’s mayor, José María Leyes, said he favors the free distribution of the bleaching agent to treat patients.
But Fernando Rengel, president of the Cochabamba’s scientific association, said there are old beliefs that the toxic substance is “miraculous” and cures cancer, AIDS, malaria and other diseases, “but there is no scientific study that proves that it cures any disease.”
Chlorine dioxide is one of a number of fake cures that have been promoted, often by fringe groups online, since the pandemic began.
In April, a federal judge in South Florida ordered a Colombia-based group, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, to stop selling a related product, Miracle Mineral Solution, in the U.S. Prosecutors said Genesis marketed the solution as a treatment for COVID-19, autism and other ailments.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has previously issued public warnings that MMS can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and severe dehydration.
In April, U.S. President Donald Trump mused about whether disinfectants could be injected or ingested to fight COVID-19, prompting intense blowback from doctors and other health officials.
Flores reported from La Paz, Bolivia.
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timesofautism · 7 years
The interviewee is an active member of many Facebook groups that aggressively promote Chlorine Dioxide Protocol (commonly termed CD Protocol).
Parents are often advised their children’s conditions are caused by parasites. These children, more often than not, are autistic.
Once a new member joins the group or gets in touch, the leading members of the group start promoting CD with claims of the solution having cured down syndromes, cerebral palsy and cystic fibrosis.
Emma Dalmayne, the interviewer, expresses anguish at Kerri Rivera; a woman who is seen to be actively involved in promoting CD Cures.
Note: The Interviewee is an Autistic Individual and an Ex-User (First Hand User) of Chlorine Dioxide
The interviewee has expressed his desire to remain anonymous
Emma says; Kerri works through falsifying facts through her book ‘The Symptoms Known as Autism.’
Kerri Rivera advises parents to have chlorine rectally and orally administered to their children, should they wish to have their children autism free!
Chlorine Dioxide: It is a water purification agent that is used to sterile the water. A drop of CD is good enough to have a liter of water sterilized.
The cleaning acid has multiple uses such as being used in swimming pools to have it disinfected.
In other words, chlorine dioxide is bleach.
Emma recalls an incident involving an autistic man, aged 21 years from Germany.
The man was seen to be desperately seeking help to have him cured of autism when touts were actively pressing him to use CD.
Emma says, “Miraculously the man in question let me explain him the adverse effects and he was aghast after knowing the real effects of CD.”
An excerpt of conversation between Emma and the German Interviewee
Q: Could you please let me know about your diagnosis?
A: I have been diagnosed with autism and I am an autistic
Q: Where did you get to know about CD?
A: The internet throws several MMS groups upon search
Q: Did you buy it?
A: Yes. I bought it from an online shop
Q: Could you please help us understand its content?
A: HCL 4% and Sodium Chlorite 25%
Q: Did anyone advise you on its benefits?
A: Yes. Autism advocates in German MMS group said the protocol helps cure autism.
Q: Did it have any positive effect?
A: No, in fact, I threw-up myself twice just at the thought of having to it.
Q: What was your usage frequency?
A: Earlier, I used to take 1 drop: 3 times a day. Gradually I moved to taking 8 drops, 3 times a day. I followed the interval of having once, every day in the morning and twice at night.
Q: What would be your advice to others?
A: It is disgusting stuff and has no positive effects. Please do not take it.
Please feel free to share this informative article across your circles. There are many autistic adults and children being abused.
A strong legislation in the UK and rest of Europe is the need of the hour to help fight against these fake cures.
The post [SHOCK EXPOSE]: Chlorine Dioxide Being Promoted as a Natural Cure: It’s Adverse Effects appeared first on Times of Autism.
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Miracle Mineral Solution
Jim Humble discovered the Miracle Mineral Solution this is the most effective and powerful germicide which is helpful to increase your immunity. 
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wpspurewater · 3 years
MMS and Conceivable Momentary Results
As incredible as Jim Humble's Wonder Mineral Enhancement has demonstrated itself to be throughout the most recent couple of years, it pays to know precisely what's in store while drawing in the Marvel Mineral Enhancement convention. Besides just ingesting MMS and expecting a 'marvel', there are various proactive exercises that can be carried out to encourage longer enduring outcomes while making it less unpleasant upon your body.
  As numerous MMS members are currently mindful that sickness is regularly capable, it's critical to talk further concerning why this is the situation, and what conditions may block you from utilizing this substance. This can be particularly an issue with individuals who experience the ill effects of cutting-edge malignancy and other long-haul pathologies. Given this, it is, for the most part, suggested that an individual finishes a pre-scrub utilizing a milder purifying specialist than MMS to clean and eliminate the organism stacking from the gut before starting the utilization of chlorine dioxide. Assuming an individual has a constant long-haul pathology when it comes time to utilize Jim Humble's convention with MMS the experience will be substantially less horrible.
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  It's regularly seen that people with cutting-edge long-haul degenerative conditions frequently become stunningly frail because of pathogenic cease to exist. Think about what, it is turning out to be more clear that this weariness and weakness is frequently because of intense inadequacies driven by the mechanics of the actual MMS! For instance, since chlorine dioxide is an amazing oxidizer, this compound effectively devours cell reinforcements inside the body. One of the significant cancer prevention agents inside the body is glutathione, and a low level of this will leave somebody feeling exceptionally exhausted and run down - think about what, solid oxidizers will strip the assortment of glutathione. Therefore, it is shrewd to enhance with at any rate 1 - 2 grams of N-Acetyl Cysteine every day to invigorate the creation of the, especially required glutathione atom.
  Nearly no matter what, an individual will typically encounter either spewing, looseness of the bowels, or sickness - with queasiness being the most widely recognized side effect. It's vital to stay on the MMS program until such time that the full course of the convention is finished. There are various stunts that one can utilize to at any rate diminish a portion of the side effects that may introduce en route. A definite fire method of extinguishing intense episodes of sickness is to devour 1 - 2 grams of ascorbic corrosive, yet be cautious with this as it is an incredible adversary to the activity of chlorine dioxide compound. Taking ginger root or the nutrient B6 frequently helps, while likewise squeezing upon a point 20 - 30 millimeters under the wrist along the focal point of the lower arm is something that functions admirably.
  Another perception dependent on numerous who have attempted this convention is to discover a strategy for cleaning or clearing the entrails after queasiness is capable. There are various manners by which to accomplish this, and a colonic or purification is normally the gentlest method to accomplish this. If by chance the individual might be experiencing an inside pathology like malignancy or maybe an IBS condition, it has additionally been discovered that including a weakened blend of enacted MMS into the answer for being controlled into the gut can be an incredible detoxifying aide to the MMS purge.
  With cardiovascular infection, for example, arteriosclerosis and certain CHD pathologies it has been discovered that if the MMS convention is clung to as set out by Jim Humble, cholesterol stores and plaque blockage can be stripped out of the vascular framework excessively fast. This can turn into a risky circumstance inside the body, as plaque stores can block imperative veins. To keep this from occurring, or possibly diminishing the chance, Dr. Mathias Rath informs taking about 10 grams regarding nutrient C every day for a decent two months preceding starting the MMS treatment. Ascorbic corrosive is perhaps the most impressive substance known to fortify and build up veins, making them more grounded and more versatile. Different types of nourishing help incorporate copper salicylate, MSM, N-Acetyglucosamine, Green juices, and lemon juice, as these folks improve flexibility.
  As you can see from the data illustrated inside this article, the re-visitation of wellbeing is an interaction that requires collaboration from all quarters, and however the Wonder Mineral Enhancement is a useful asset, it isn't the one and only one. Exercise good judgment, supplement suitably and take it gradually.
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fierceautie · 4 years
It took moms to hack the COVID quacksDate: September 1, 2020 Author: Anne Borden King “I am a Bishop of the Genesis II Church and you are harassing me. This is a sovereign church right here. … We’ve written the President. Jesus Christ is Lord and he is going to come back and he is going to save us from this evil empire!” So shouted Jonathan Grenon to the U.S. federal agents serving papers demanding his company cease and desist from selling MMS, a bleach product that Genesis II had been promoting as a phony COVID-19 treatment. Operation Quack Hack, a project of U.S. government regulators and law enforcement, continues to crack down on Genesis II and others selling phony COVID-19 treatments. The raids on the Grenon compound were the first major U.S. federal action against the Genesis II Church that has for years been peddling bleach as a cure for everything from autism to cancer. The pandemic accelerated the church’s profits; while the Grenon family earned $500,000 in all of 2019, it earned $123,000 in March 2020 alone. As the coronavirus pandemic spread, so grew the hubris of the scammers that profit from pseudoscience. The Grenons’ ongoing defiance of court orders and the entire premise of their “church” may seem shocking and bizarre. But none of it is a surprise to the group of mothers who have been fighting tirelessly to stop Genesis II and other MMS sellers for years. The only surprise to them was why it took so long to arrest the Grenons. The Genesis II Church and Kerri Rivera, among others, have been selling chlorine dioxide (marketed as “Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS) for more than a decade, with claims it can cure autism, cancer, diabetes and more. They not only profit from selling MMS but from seminars that they conduct worldwide. As Melissa Eaton, who has been closely monitoring Genesis II for years, notes: “It only takes 30 people to attend a seminar and that’s $15,000 in the Grenons’ pockets.” Genesis II sometimes refers to the bleach as “sacraments,” selling $600 church memberships and promoting MMS directly within 139 countries. In July, the Bolivian Senate designated MMS as a treatment for COVID-19, authorizing its sale in pharmacies. This market penetration fits with the Grenons’ marketing goals as for years they have applied a missionary style to their salesmanship. The Grenons even claimed to have reached out to U.S. President Donald Trump, who enigmatically announced at an April press conference that an “injection“ of disinfectant into the human body may be the answer to COVID-19. Although Trump walked back his comments in the following days, COVID-19 pseudoscience had penetrated public life in a new way. Poison control centres received hundreds of calls about using bleach as a COVID-19 treatment. Public Health officials scrambled to clear up communications. “I can’t believe I have to say this,” tweeted former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden “but please don’t drink bleach.” The Grenons and other MMS sellers also have had prime promotional space on Facebook and other social media. For years, they have sold and promoted their products on public Facebook pages, in advertisements and in private social media “support groups” as well as YouTube channels. They also have cross-promotion with others such as Joseph Mercola’s “Natural News” website. As Eaton notes, “A lot of their success is also from their multi-level marketing style: moms pulling other moms in. Some of these moms even run autism support group pages (on Facebook) and companies then give them a discount code for free product or income. So, they heavily promote these products with testimonies of ‘great’ results because they are generating an income from these followers. And there is a huge intersection of anti-vax pages where we see grifters … who have a huge following from promoting anti-vax misinformation. They are able to market the products that they sell as their pages grow, their followers grow and so do their customers.” For pseudoscience sellers, Facebook support groups are a form of stealth marketing, designed to encourage people to buy more and more of the product through a comfortable in-group environment. “It’s an unchallenged echo chamber,” says Eaton, who has worked with other advocates to infiltrate “MMS for autism” support groups. “It’s like a cult,” agrees Amanda Seigler, another mom who has been monitoring and reporting the groups for years. Health Canada was a leader in early action against MMS peddlers, issuing warnings for years prior to a series of legal actions that resulted in the arrests of Sarah Nowak of Alberta and Stanley Nowak of British Columbia on charges related to marketing and selling MMS bleach as a tonic for a broad range of health conditions. In the U.S., efforts to combat MMS were scattershot. In 2010, the FDA issued a warning letter on its website. Then in 2015, Daniel Smith was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison after a woman died from consuming MMS. Three years later, however, the FDA warning was inexplicably removed. Autistic activist Robert Gehrman organized a campaign to get the warning re-instated, which it was in August 2019. “The MMS problem hadn’t gone away in that time,” says Eaton. “It had grown.” In Europe, while Genesis II and other sellers were being identified by activist moms Emma Dalmayne (United Kingdom) and Fiona O’Leary (Ireland) in 2014, few in the media or regulatory communities focused on the need for action. Dalmayne faced disbelief when she reported to regulators and the media in 2015: “It was terrible,” says Dalmayne. “I’d phone newspapers up (about MMS) and they’d laugh, like ‘What?’ They didn’t believe it. It was too unbelievable. I actually got hung up on.” Dalmayne created a petition to make phony autism cures illegal in the U.K. It garnered more than 60,000 signatures. Her early advocacy on autism pseudoscience established the groundwork for the government to work toward regulation and enforcement. The Westminster Commission on Autism’s report established that weakness in regulatory enforcement meant there was little recourse against MMS marketing: “Healthcare fraud is big business and autism is one of its many targets,” the report concluded. Dalmayne’s campaign built on a broader movement in the autistic rights community and caught the attention of American moms Seigler and Eaton. The three organized and volunteered with other advocates, mainly from the autistic community, to document and report activities to local law enforcement agencies. (Disclosure: I have been involved in flagging and reporting in Canada since 2018). Advocates volunteered their time and kept watch on other social media sites, convincing eBay and Amazon to ban MMS sales and encouraging PayPal to close the accounts of MMS sellers (PayPal cancelled MMS seller Rivera’s account, for example). But new sellers would reappear on eBay, requiring renewed efforts. YouTube took action to remove MMS from its site in 2019 with an explicit ban on MMS-related content. In April 2020, the FDA issued warning letter against MMS sellers, including Rivera and the Grenons, as well as letters regarding off-label chelation, camels’ milk and other phony autism treatments. But moving beyond warning letters to enforcement was a big challenge. Regulatory frameworks can be confusing to an expert, let alone to a layperson. In Canada, individuals can make complaints about “natural health products” such as supplements directly to Health Canada regulators through an online form. However, as Ryan Armstrong of Bad Science Watch notes: “Health Canada does not appear to have the capacity to monitor” as much as it needs to. The agency is also challenged by the saturation of the market with health misinformation and false product claims. As Eaton says, “The dietary supplement industry is so big. Many of the products are not in stores. They’re promoted in places (regulators do) not expect.” Unlike radio and television that have significant oversight into content and advertising claims, social media remains a largely self-regulating platform. As one study noted: “Each social media platform is effectively its own universe … a commercially independent entity (that) can at best only control content in its universe.” One platform may have a commitment to reviewing and removing content (e.g., YouTube), another may arguably be a complete free-for-all (e.g., Brighteon). Research conducted by Press Gazette in July 2020 found that 4,094 of 7,295 misleading claims about the coronavirus originated on Facebook. In comparison, 1,066 false claims were traced to Twitter, 999 on WhatsApp, 265 on YouTube and 90 on Instagram. Relying on self-regulation means we are relying on the good intentions of the platforms themselves. Brighteon, Telegram and other platforms have made clear they have no intention of censoring content — and despite its promises, Facebook is not adequately filtering out misinformation. The other choice is to push for legislation to regulate social media in ways similar to radio and television marketing and advertising. In that, we will need political will from our policymakers. Weeks after he screamed at federal agents, Jonathan Grenon was jailed and charged with conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and distribute mislabelled drugs. Then on Aug. 11, Mark and Joseph Grenon were apprehended by military police while in hiding in Colombia. They are being extradited to the U.S. to face a host of conspiracy-related charges. “Now that we have some action against Genesis II,” says Eaton, “what we need to move toward is getting legislative and systemic change in place.” It’s going to take time, resources and immense creativity to combat this problem. But it’s not too late. Advocates like Eaton and her community, the original quack hacks, exemplify why it’s important to have many hands on deck when identifying and confronting pseudoscience.https://healthydebate.ca/2020/09/topic/moms-hack-the-covid-quacks?fbclid=IwAR2H84tuZONiHDAyXqcNRNkOhr1XkHPbSxWKrn7yjNfjo8SI5dn14abp8KM
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