#Chris Jericho smut
dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Heels Get The Most Recognition - Chris Jericho (18+)
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Chris Jericho x Simon
Commission For: @thesimonkshow
Summary: Simon tries to get Jericho's attention so he can be placed in the Inner Circle. Lucky for Simon, Jericho has a soft spot for rookies.
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, Yaoi, Smut, Cussing, NSFW.
Word Count: 5,721 
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The chair screeched against the floor as I pulled it out from underneath the table. I placed the plate down a large pile of food stacked upon each other. Sitting down, I licked my lips as I looked over the mountain of food, not knowing what to eat first. Scooping a spoonful of potato salad I stopped as I heard a bunch of girls giggling down the table. 
Placing the spoon in my mouth, I slowly chewed as I watched the women giggle and laugh at whatever was on Britt’s phone. “God if he was my boyfriend I’d break up with him for posting these.” Penelope Ford laughed. 
Britt looked up from her phone, we both made eye contact. Swallowing my food, I looked away down at my plate. “Hey Simon, come here. Check this out.” 
“Oh, no I’m good.” I waved them off, not really caring who they were laughing about. I just wanted to try and finish this large lunch so I could burn it off later at the gym. Hearing the girls whisper and agree upon whatever they were talking about, they all scooted their chairs back making a loud screeching sound as they all made their way towards me. Great. I had few friends in this business. I did my work and left, nothing more, nothing less. I especially didn’t want to make friends with the females since they liked to make fun of people online. Like what they’re doing now. 
“Look what Jericho posted.” Britt brought up the Instagram post and showed me. “I can’t believe he thinks he’s still young.” Britt laughed. 
“Hmm.” I hummed, not agreeing or disagreeing with her. I scooped another spoonful of potato salad in my mouth, my eyes skimmed over the photo. Jericho held the camera with one hand and was flexing with a sweater over his body so the only thing we saw was his abs. His face smoldered with the pose. My eyes widened at the exposed photo, nearly spitting out my food, I swallowed. Coughing as it went down the wrong pipe.
The girls laughed at my reaction, thinking it was a negative response. It wasn’t. Jericho looked so good with those sweatpants hung so low. “Wait, let me see again.” I slightly coughed, hitting my chest as I tried to clear my throat. Britt showed me her phone again as my eyes skimmed over the sexy photo. ‘I wish the sweatpants was gone’ I said in my head. 
“Oh and get this one.” Britt swiped her finger to the next photo. My eyes widened at the sight. My wish was granted. I nearly snatched the phone from her hand to get a better look. Jericho’s free hand was slightly pushing down his pants, showing his v-line and nothing more even though fans and myself wanted to see a little more. He was shirtless, flexing his muscles and abs for the camera. I licked my lips at the sight. Jericho’s long blonde hair flowed over his shoulder. My cock stirred at the sexy poses he did for Instagram. 
This should be illegal for a man this fine to post something so erotic. “Why-” I cleared my throat. “Why did he post this?” I asked, looking up at Britt. 
She pulled back her phone, scrolling through it some more. “He posted it on Instagram for his fiftieth birthday.” 
Jericho aged like fine wine, he looked good for his age and I bet tasted even better. My cock strained against my jeans at the thought of getting a taste of Jericho. I quickly stood up, scaring the women around me from my quick action. “Sorry ladies. But uh.” My brain isn't thinking correctly. “I forgot there's something I need to do…” Walking out of the catering room, leaving the plate full of, I rushed to the nearest restroom. Going to the farthest stall, I pushed open the door and locked it. My cock has never been this hard before. Pulling my phone out I quickly went to Instagram and went to Jericho’s page. Scrolling down a few photos I stopped on his fiftieth birthday post. Tugging my pants down along with my boxers, I wrapped my fist around my cock. Examining the photos while I stroked my cock, I slowly slipped into a daydream.
“Such a good boy, taking my cock so well.” Jericho gave my ass a rough slap while his cock was buried deep. Whimpers left my lips as I was enjoying the pain and pleasure. A tight ring wrapped around my cock prevented me from coming. Jericho’s hand ran through my hair, giving it a rough tug, pulling my head back. 
“Ah!” Hissing from the slight pain Jericho caused.
“Hmm, I have so much more stored for you rookie.” Jericho whispered against my ear.
My climax was close, my eyes fluttered shut as I kept fisting my cock. A stifled moan escaped my lips but was quickly cut off hearing the bathroom door slam open. The loud commotion nearly made me drop my phone. Gripping my phone tightly in my hand so it wouldn’t shatter on the tile floor, my heart raced as I listened to the men that entered. 
“I can’t believe Sammy’s dumb ass did that.” Jericho growled, hands coming down on the porcelain sink, the sound echoing throughout the bathroom.
“Yeah, it was pretty stupid of him saying those jokes.” Jake responded.
I swallowed thickly knowing exactly what they were talking about. A few years ago Sammy made a joke about raping WWE wrestler Sasha Banks. Unfortunately for Sammy, that video came back to the surface and of course AEW gave him a punishment on a suspension with no pay for a few months.
“We need a fifth member.” Jericho huffed.
“Really? Sammy is only gone for a few months, I think we’ll be okay without him.” Santana spoke. “I think us four will be fine without him.” 
Jericho slammed his fist down onto the sink, making it creak loudly. I flinched in the stall, nearly slipping. My cock still in my hand, too scared to even move. I didn’t dare make a sound.
“We’re going to look weak with one member missing, is that what you want Santana?” Jericho snarled. “We need someone strong, fast-” 
“And good looking.” Ortiz butted in. The three other men stared at him. “I mean, Sammy was the god looking one, we need someone young and fierce. Just saying.” Ortiz shied away. 
“No, no you’re right. We need a young strong kid to join us.” Jericho agreed. “But who the hell will join us four?” Jericho wasn’t going to say that they were old, he was the oldest out of the group but what damn kid would hang out with them and show off their strength and run AEW Wednesday nights? “We’ll worry about it later, let's go, we have a show to put on.” Jericho huffed and exited out first.
Hearing their feet patter out of the bathroom one by one and the door shut I exhaled slowly. Staying still just in case one of the members was still in here. I quickly started to pull my pants up, shoving my phone in my back pocket. I made my way out of the stall and to the sink. Catching how the sink was slightly crooked from Jericho’s fist colliding with it. 
I quickly washed my hands, looking at myself in the mirror. I knew I had what it takes to be a part of The Inner Circle. Drying off my hands, I threw the towel away in the bin and exited out of the rest room. How in the hell was I supposed to show Jericho and the boys that I was worthy enough to join?
Looking down the hall I saw a group of women. I could show them how much of a ‘ladies man’ I am. I shook my head, I couldn’t see myself messing with women’s emotions if I didn't find them attractive. Plus most of the women backstage I was good friends with. Trying to get into The Inner Circle will also show the men around how manly and tough I was. They wouldn’t dare attack or insult me if I was walking around with The Inner Circle. 
Looking down at the other side of the hallway I saw Joey Janela about to start an interview with Dasha Gonzalez. I smirked, this would be a perfect way to show Jericho and the boys how bad I was. 
“Good evening All Elite Wrestling Fans, I’m here with The Bad Boy Joey Janela who is about to face Jungle Boy later tonight. How are you feeling about this match, Joey?” She pulled the mic away from her lips and held it to Joey. 
“Well, I-”
“Well look who it is.” I stepped into the camera view. Joey and Dasha exchange confused looks to each other. “Fat Boy Jelly Nutella” I laughed, quickly noticing how Joey’s plush face became red with anger. 
“We’re in the middle of an interview here, Simon.” Joey hissed.
“Yeah? Well I caught you in the middle of a donut not so long ago.” I laughed. “How about you take a seat before you lose your breath, alright?” I turned to Dasha. “Dasha, baby.” I gave her a bright smile. “Why are you interviewing losers? When you can have a handsome stud like myself that you could be interviewing?” I gave her a wink. Showing that I can be a bully and yet a cocky gentleman towards the ladies. “I know how young you like them.” I teased, licking my lips. 
“Hey man.” Joey gave me a hard shove from behind. “How about you take your corny comments and leave.” He snarled. 
I straightened up, tilting my head to the side, popping my neck. I turned around to face Joey. “You’re gonna regret that.” I sneered, showing teeth. I raised my fist, clocking him in the jaw. Joey stumbled backwards into some stage crates. I followed after him, striking repeatedly, one blow after another. 
“Hey! Hey! Hey! Simon that’s enough!” Refs and other wrestlers rushed over, pulling me off of Joey. “That’s enough, Simon!” Someone else shouted. 
“Have fun wrestling tonight, Jelly Nutella.” I laughed, letting the people push me away so they could check on Joey. My gaze went across the hall to see Jericho and The Inner Circle. Good they saw everything. It’s just a matter of seconds that they’ll walk over to talk to me about joining the team. 
A small frown appeared on my lips as I watched the four of them walk away in the opposite direction. Huffing out a sigh, I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair. “Simon, what the fuck was that all about?” Joey asked, rubbing his jaw.
“Sorry.” I mumbled. “I’m trying to get tight with The Inner Circle.” 
“Well, next time tell me the plan before punching me.” Joey moved his jaw around. 
The night went on, I waited for Jericho or anyone in the Inner Circle to approach me. No one did. Huffing I knew I wouldn’t stop getting their attention.
A week went by and it was Wednesday All Elite Wrestling once more. I knew I needed to do something crazier than beating up Joey Janela during an interview. I needed to pick the baddest, meanest wrestler on AEW and beat them down, that’ll show Jericho and the boys how strong I really am. 
“Kenny, you know damn well I deserve a shot at that title. That’s my title, you and everybody else knows it.” Moxley snarled into the mic. Standing in the middle of the ring, the crowd cheered as Moxley was getting heated up about Kenny being the asshole champion he was. “So what do you say, Omega? Are you going to come out here and face me like a man or do I have to go back there and hunt you down?” 
Moxley and the crowd waited. I swallowed thickly, knowing this was probably going to get me killed but anything to get Jericho to notice me. My theme song hit, I walked out and onto the ramp. Seeing Moxley’s confusion slowly turn to anger. “Woah, woah, woah. Moxley, you really think you deserve a title shot?” I smirked, my heart was hammering in my chest. Jon Moxley was going to kill me for interrupting his television time. 
“Jon, how about we have a little match? I win. I get to have a title shot with Kenny and a date with your hot wife.” I teased, winking into the camera. “Hi Renee.” I waved. I saw Jon walking towards the ropes, about to hope out and beat me. “Woah, wait big fella. I’ll be in the ring soon. If you win you get to have Kenny for the title, deal?”
I saw Jon’s lip twitch into a devilish smirk. “Deal.” 
I limped out of the trainers room, ice pack in hand. Jon Moxley didn’t take lightly that I joked about his wife or took his spotlight time. Moxley didn’t go easy on me in the ring. Purposely giving me a black eye, bruised ribs and I swore he tore a muscle in my shoulder. Losing to Moxley wasn’t going to have the Inner Circle be interested in me now. 
It was a quick match, lasting no longer than ten minutes. Note to self, don’t piss off Jon Moxley before a match. I grunted as I rested against a crate, sitting on top of the surface I grunted out lowly as my body ached. Resting the ice back over my shoulder I groaned as it stung. “I’ll never get to be in the circle.” I grumbled to myself in defeat. 
Ignoring everyone I didn’t even notice some crew members were starting to set up lights and cameras near me. Looking up, I winced as my neck ached. “What are you guys doing? I want to be alone.” I huffed, annoyed that they were carrying wires and turning on bright lights facing me. I squinted with a low growl as it blinded me. 
“We’re doing a segment right now.” One coworker said, headset wrapped around his neck.
“Can’t you do it somewhere else?” I wasn’t planning on moving.
“Well, we need you Simon for the segment we’re only setting up where you’re staying. Would you like us to follow you to a better place?” The man tilted his head.
I blinked. “Segment? I don’t have a segment.” 
“Oh, Mr. Jericho told us to grab the lights and cameras for your segment with him. He told us to tell you ‘just sit there and look pretty’.” He repeated Jericho’s words. 
I blinked once more, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was I finally joining The Inner Circle? “And we’re live in three… two…” the camera man held up one digit signaling that we’re on the air. 
I swallowed hard, quickly looking away from the camera and down at the floor. “There he is! There’s the strong man that fought Jon Moxley!” Jericho yelled, him and the rest of the crew approaching me. “Or should I say a moron man.” Jericho laughed.
I gulped, my smile slowly turning into a frown. My heart raced, my eyes darted towards the director and back at Jericho. “Well, someone had to show Moxley some sort of punishment.” I cockily said, but of course not accepting that I lost. 
“Ha! See, I told you this kid has it. Even getting his ass kicked he still thinks he’s number one! Kid has spunk!” Jericho complemented. 
I tried to control my reddening cheeks. Never have I gotten a compliment from the goat himself, Chris Jericho. “Well someone has to be number one around here.” I smirked. 
“I like you kid, how about you team up with us, The Inner Circle. What do you say, wanna hang out with the coolest, baddest dudes in AEW?” Jericho asked. His blue eyes looked deep into my eyes. 
“Chris, I would love nothing more than to join you.” 
“You made the right choice kid, I knew I liked you for a reason!” His large hand came down onto my back. I muffled out a small grunt as pain shot up my spine. “Hagar! Give the kid his shirt.” 
Jake pulled an Inner Circle shirt from his pocket and tossed it to me. “You’re one of us kid, better start getting used to being top dog.” With that Jericho and the gang walked away. I couldn’t help but to smile large, looking down at the fabric in my hands. The camera slowly looked away from me and to my Inner Circle shirt. 
“Cut.” The coworker said. “Great job Simon, congrats on being a part of the team.” 
I couldn’t speak, too excited from what just happened. I smiled big and nodded towards him. 
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Weeks go by, I couldn’t imagine anything better. Finally being one of the boys in The Inner Circle, I walked tall when I was with the rest of the guys. We’d make a mess backstage, antagonize people and make fun of them during a match. But I knew I was changing while I was with the group. I saw myself become something I wasn’t. A bully. These people here at AEW were my friends, my family. Some wrestlers even went the extra mile to get me a match some Wednesday nights and here I was, treating them like dirt. 
Once the night came to an end, we all made our way back to the hotel. “Hey, we’re going to drink, do you want to come?” Jake asked, mentioning himself, Ortiz and Santana. 
Shaking my head, I politely decline. “No, I’m going to my room and sleep, tonight was pretty long.” 
Jake shrugged and walked to the hotel bar. I held the strap to my bag tightly seeing Jericho walking to the elevator. “Hey, Chris. Wait up!” I rushed to the elevator. Jericho quickly placed his hand between the sliding doors, forcing them open.
“Well, isn’t it my favorite troublemaker in the group?” Jericho teased, a smirk on his lips. 
A light blush appeared on my cheeks as I entered the lift. “Thanks, speaking of the group, I need to talk to you about it.” I gulped.
“Oh yeah? What’s up?” Chris arched his eyebrow, his blue orbs looking into mine. 
“I uh, well.” Having trouble speaking, I stopped when there was a ding, notifying us that we were on our floor. 
Jericho couldn’t help but to laugh at me tripping over my words. “Come on kid, I’ll take you to my room. We’ll talk it out.” Jericho grabbed his luggage and walked out of the lift. Exhaling a breath, I followed suit, knowing this wasn’t going to be easy. 
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“So, what do you want to talk about?” Jericho asked.
My eyes were everywhere in the room. It was the suite room, large bed, balcony to look over the city and the bathroom was twice the size of mine a few floors down. Jericho went to the mini bar designed for his room. A flatscreen television pinned to the wall and besides the dresser was a mini fridge I could only imagine was full of snacks and alcohol. 
Jericho walked back towards me, handing me a cup of alcohol. “Oh no.” I waved my hand, not going to accept it.
“Come on kid, you’re of age aren’t you?”
I nodded my head yes.
“Then drink.” Jericho smiled, pushing the glass more into my grip. Taking the clear crystal glass I examined the brown liquid. It smelled strong, burning my nose but made my mouth water. “Come, sit.” Jericho sat at the foot of his bed. 
Following, I sat down next to him. Bringing the cup to my lips, I took a small sip of the liquor. Coughing slightly as the bitterness went down my throat. Jericho laughed at my reaction. “This’ll put hair on your balls.” He joked, placing the rim of the glass to his lips. He downed the whole drink in one gulp. 
I exhaled. “I wanted to talk about being in The Inner Circle.” 
“Yes! You were the best choice I’ve made, you have a potential kid, really caught my eye.” I could have sworn I saw his eyes sparkle as he spoke. 
“Uh, thanks Chris.” I swallowed, really wanting to get out what I wanted to say. “But I don’t think-”
“You know, don’t tell anyone but I have a soft spot for rookies.” Chris hummed. 
“You- You do?” I questioned.
“Hmm- hmm.” He nodded. You really caught my eye when I saw you try out, I knew I had to have you.” Chris paused for a brief moment, making my heart skip a beat as he darted his tongue out, licking his lips ever so slightly. “In the Inner Circle of course.”
I cleared my throat. “Oh, of course.” I quickly agreed. Was he flirting with me and quickly covering it up?
 “Why do you think I let Sammy join right when he joined AEW, he was a sweet kid trying to find his place in the business and I took him under my wing just like how I’m doing with you.”
“Well, thank you for that.” I chewed the inside of my cheek. “How can I ever repay you?” I asked, I knew I needed to give the vet something in return for the kind actions he’s had towards me.
Chris’ blue eyes became darker as he looked at me over. “I can think of a few things.” 
“And what’s the number one thing?” I leaned closer to him, licking my lips. 
“I think I’d like to have those nice plump lips of yours wrapped around my cock.” 
My lips twisted into a smirk. “I think I can do that.” Standing up, I got in between Jericho’s legs and kneel down. I rub his already growing cock through his pants. Pre come already staining his jeans. My mouth watered at the sight, undoing the button. I quickly tugged his pants down as if he was a meal and I haven’t eaten in days.
“Easy, I’m not going anywhere.” Chris laughed, seeing how eager I was to have him in my mouth.
Blushing, I slowed down my pace. Tugging the zipper down and helping him out of his pants along with his boxers. His cock was what I imagined, large, long and ready to pound. I looked up at him as he watched in. He reached at me, running his fingers through my hair. My eyes fluttered shut at the soft touches. I grunted as he gave my locks a tough tug, making my cock twitch at the roughness. 
“No teasing, make me come and I’ll reward you with my cock and much more.” Chris let go of my hair, making me nod. 
I looked over his cock once more, admiring it. He was clean shaved. I wrapped my hand around his member, watching Chris suck in a breath only to exhale slowly as I moved my hand up and down on him. “Hmm, that’s it.” Chris tilted his head back, eyes shut. Leaning down, I gave soft kitten licks to his smooth balls. Swirling my tongue slowly and gently. 
“Fuck, keep going.” Jericho moaned, his hips jerking slightly. My free hand rubbing the inside of Chris’ thigh. Once I paid enough attention to his balls, I stopped jerking his cock. Jericho snapped his head up, watching my every move. 
Grabbing the base of his cock, I slowly inserted the tip of his cock into my mouth, softly suckling it. “Oh god, Simon.” Jericho grunted through his teeth, pushing his hips upwards. 
I smirked, using both my hands to pin his hips down on the bed. “Oh you little shit, you think you can control me.” Jericho growled. Chris gripped my hair, pulling me off of his cock. My lips swollen and red from sucking. 
“Should’ve let me fucked that sweet mouth of yours, now I have to teach you a lesson.” Jericho stood up as I stayed on my knees. “Little rookie thinks he can control me.” Swallowing hard as I heard Jericho mumbled to himself. He went to his duffle bag, I heard him unzip it only to zip it back up. 
A soft yelp escaped my lips as Chris unexpectedly gripped both of my wrists, putting my hands behind my back. Cool metal clasped over both of my wrists, restraining me. I tugged, trying to get out only to realize he placed hand cuffs on me. “W- Wait, I’m sorry. I only wanted to touch you.”
“Oh you little liar. You were trying to take control so I couldn’t fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” Chris growled, being in front of me once more. His hard cock in my face. 
“I’m sorry.” I said once more, wanting to be forgiven. 
Jericho gripped my hair once more. “Open.” 
Biting the inside of my cheek I soon opened my mouth. Nearly gagging as Chris shoved his cock down my throat. Saliva soon collected in my mouth as I grunted. I latched my jaw tight, wrapping my lips around his cock as he thrust faster. “Good boy.” 
My wrists slowly started to hurt as the metal cut deeper into my skin. Drool started to drip out the corner of my mouth, my eyes started to water as I could hardly breathe. Chris tightened his grip on my hair as his thrust became longer and harder. His cock thickened in my mouth, I knew he was about to come soon.
His hand rested on the back of my head, forcing his cock deeper down my throat, I tried to pull away and catch a breath of air. “Ah, ah.” Chris grunted, his cock not moving. He pumped his hips a few times, his come flooding down my throat as my face became red. I jerked at the cuffs, trying to break them so I could push Chris off. 
“Hmm, now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He slowly started to pull his cock out. Come and drool collected at my lips as his cock exited out of my mouth. I gasped for air. “Ah.” Chris, clamped my mouth shut. “Swallow it.” 
I didn’t even realize I had so much come in the back of my throat until I swallowed it all, making me finally breathe. He gave me a lazy smirk, watching me become teary eyed. “I’m not finished with you just yet.” Jericho gripped my arm and stood me up. He shoved me to the foot of the bed, bending me over. 
Jericho’s large hand roughly slapped my ass, once, twice and a third time. I whimpered as my skin stung from the pain, slowly turning red. “Can’t wait to be deep inside of you, rookie.” I heard a bottle open and liquid pouring out. Soft sloshing sounds were made from behind me, Jericho stroking his cock with his lubed up hand. 
“You did so well taking my cock in that pretty little mouth, now let's see how you take my thick cock up your ass.” I could hear Jericho smirk in his words. I tugged at the restrains, trying to get loose but they were too tight. I moved my head to the side, breathing as my face was pushed up against the soft covers of the bed. 
My heart beat quickly against my chest as I felt Chris’ smooth hand rub against my back. “Relax.” He purred. Chris’ kept stroking his cock, his hand on my back went to my ass to spread my cheeks. His tip pushed against my entrance making me bite my bottom lip. 
“Shit, you’re squeezing my cock so perfectly.” Chris moaned as he slowly pushed his dick inch by inch. 
Tears threaten to spill from the corner of my eyes as Chris’ cock stretches me wider than I’ve ever been stretched. “Shh, there we go. Good boy, you’re doing so well. Almost there.” Once fully in, Chris paused for a moment so I could adjust to his size. “Fuck you look so good stuffed full of my fucking cock.” Chris landed another rough smack to my ass which made me yelp loudly. “Fuck, so sexy.” He moaned. 
Exhaling softly, I rolled my hips against his, wanting more. “Oh, someone is being greedy.” 
“Please, your cock feels so good in me.” I whined, being full with Chris’ cock in my ass and my dick rubbing up against the soft fabric of the covers was nearly making me want to come. 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” Chris snickered, gripping the chain in between the cuffs that were digging into my skin, I hissed loudly as he pulled my arms back. He pulled his cock out and thrust back into me, he started to do it repeatedly. His pace started to pick up, sloppy wet sounds and skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the hotel room.
“Fuck!” I roared out, arching my back and meeting up with Chris’ thrust. I pushed my ass back, matching with his pace, his cock drilling deeper into me.
“Oh little rookie likes it when I pound his ass?” Chris smirked. I couldn’t help but to moan. A few harsh strikes landed on my ass. “I asked you a question, use your words.” He growled.
“Yes! Yes I fucking love when your cock is so deep in me.” I desperately said. My cock throbbed for attention, my balls full of come. “Please, touch me, please let me come.” I panted. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I worked on Chris’ cock. 
“You want me to touch your hard aching cock?” Jericho’s voice was nearly mocking.
I wanted to cry as Jericho was teasing me with his words. “Yes, yes please!” 
Surprising that was all it took, Jericho reached his arm around my waist and gripped my cock with his soft hand. Tugging my cock synced to his hips pushing into me. “Oh fuck yes, thank you.” I moaned, jerking my hips into his touch.
 “Are you ready for me to fill you up?” Jericho moaned into my ear. 
Nodding my head, “Please, I need it.” I moaned. 
“Then you shall have it.” He hissed as I squeezed tighter around his cock.
Jericho’s thrust started to pick up along with his hand on my cock, not missing a beat. My body vibrated with his magical touch. My eyes fluttered shut as my mouth slightly dropped open. “Oh fuck, please I’m going to come.” 
Jericho squeezed the base of my cock, teasing me away from my orgasm. “You’re mine isn’t that right, rookie?” 
Gulping, I didn’t say anything, only nodded. That wasn’t good enough for him. “Say you belong to me or else I won’t let you come.” He threatened, the hand that gripped the chain in between the cuffs slapped my other ass cheek.
“I’m yours! I’ll always belong to you!” I cried out, nearly screaming.
“And don’t you fucking forget it.” He grunted. “You may come.” He kept jerking my cock. Arching my back, moaning loudly. Buckling my hips into his touch I bit my lip. My cock twitched in his touch. 
“Fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming.” I moaned. My hot come spurted out of my cock, hitting the clean hotel covers and Jericho’s hand. Jericho let go of my lip cock, gripping my waist as he started to pound faster into me. Jericho pumped his cock a few more times in me, his come soon exploding inside of me. “Fuck, yes take my come.” Jericho moaned. 
I balled my hands into fist, becoming limp on the bed. Breathing heavily as I laid there. “Fuck, Simon.” Chris sighed out, pulling his dick out of my ass slowly. He watched as his seeds spilled out of my fucked hole. “Hmm.” Jericho admired the sight for a few seconds. Hearing him walk away and come back I heard a click and another click. The cuffs falling off of my wrists, I instantly brought them up to my chest and rubbed them. 
“You took my cock so well.” Jericho laid down on the bed, pulling me close to him.
“Thank you.” I blushed, hiding my face in his neck. We both laid there, naked and slowly fell asleep.
A few hours later I woke up. Getting out of bed, I walked towards the sliding mirror, glad that we were a few stories up so no one could see me looking over the city, naked. The sun barely hits the horizon, the sky still dark, stars sparkling and the city still lit up with lights. 
“You’re up early.” Jericho hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I jumped slightly, startled by his touch. “I couldn’t sleep.”
I felt Chris’ frown press against my lips. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
“I… I actually came to you last night to talk to you about the Inner Circle. I didn’t plan on getting fucked.”
“Oh, I planned on fucking you.” Jericho chuckled.
“I’m being serious.” I laughed.
“I am too. What is it that you wanted to talk about?”
“I don’t think I belong in the group. I’m becoming a bully to my old friends and that’s just not me.”
“So you want out?” He asked, his chin resting on top of my head.
I didn’t say anything, I watched the traffic down below us. I also felt Jericho’s bare cock against my ass.
“Listen, you’re a sweet kid. The only illegal thing you’ve done was jerk it in a public bathroom.” 
“You heard me?” I squeaked.
“Heard you moaning right when I entered. You’re lucky I entered first. I also recognized your shoes.” Chris nuzzled against me. “But I agree, you’re not a bully type, but that doesn't mean I want you out of the group. Sammy is coming back and he’s more of the snobby kid of the group. How about you can be the sweetheart of the group? We can do backstage segments where you try to show me and The Circle how to be kind. I think people would find that hilarious and see us fail at being kind and nice to people.” 
I chuckled at the thought. “I suppose that can work.”
“Sounds good to me, now let's get back to bed.” Jericho kissed my neck, nibbling slightly.
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16 notes · View notes
ur-local-wrestler · 5 months
"Fuck around, find out.."
We are RUNNING out of kenny omega smut so imma step up :3
Tw: spanking, daddy kink, slight dacryphilia, dumbification
You and Kenny were at a party for the AEW wrestlers. He was dressed up, in a nice suit and you were in a skimpy red dress he had picked for you. "You'll look great love."
You weren't getting any attention all night, and it didn't help that that suit looked GOOD on him. Back to present time, You,Kenny,Chris Jericho, and Adam Copeland all sat at a table, the three in a conversation about god knows what. The aching between your thighs was growing every second. You put your hand on his thigh, slowly tracing it up and up till he gave you THE look. You didn't pay attention and started rubbing his, now, semi hard cock. Kenny then stated,"We are gonna head out for the night. Have a good night." Grabs you, and storms out to the car, slamming the door. Kenny started driving to the hotel, knuckles turning white from how hard he was grabbing the steering wheel. Once you were in the hotel room, Kenny immediately told you to undress and bend over his lap. "You've been a bad girl tonight, haven't you baby?" "Yes daddy" you whimper out as he caresses your thighs. "Ten spankings, count them or I will start over." All of a sudden 3 hard slaps came down across your bottom. "1,2,3!" You moan in pain and pleasure. At the count of 7 tears were dripping down your face and you messed up. "Aw, dumb little slut forget how to count, I bet that counts just a drippin isn't it?" You moan as he rubs your slit, collecting your juices and moaning at the taste. " Daddy needs that little pussy, face down ass up." As you did that, Kenny lubed his dick and put it in. As many times you've taken him, it's never gotten easier. His pace started slow, but it got to the point he was pounding you. " who's slut are you?" He barked, lifting you up to where your back is on his chest. You could only moan in response. "Answer or your not cumming tonight." "Y-ou daddy!" You squeal as he pounds with no stopping. "Gonna cum daddy" "cum for me, now" as soon as he says that you gush over him, his pace never faltering. "Gonna cum baby, where at?" "Inside!" A few thrusts later, his warm load fills your pussy up. The two of you clean up, and fall asleep contently.
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visionarystoryteller · 2 months
Executives Love Masterlist
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EVP Matthew Jackson — Matthew Massie
Valerie — Noa Kennedy (OC)
Angelo Parker — Jeffrey Parker
EVP Nicholas Jackson — Nicholas Massie
Ruby Soho — Dori Prange
Anna Jay — Anna Jernigan
Daddy Magic — Matt Menard
Chris Jericho — Chris Irvine
TK — Tony Kahn
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Warnings: Minors DNI, miscarriage, depressing thoughts, cheating, grief, smut
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
*This is simply a work of fanfiction*
After returning from personal leave due to a miscarriage with Jeff’s baby, Noa is finally back. While on leave, Jeff aka Angelo, had started a storyline with Dori aka Ruby. The pair quickly fell into routine but broke the one thing Jeff thought he’d never do. Struggling with the thought of losing his and Noas baby, he turned to Dori and the two began a dance of feelings, leading to Jeff cheating on Noa while she was away. The couple continued their rendezvous throughout their storyline, the world not fully picking up that he was cheating on his dear Noa aka Valerie.
The night of Noas return, Dori announced she was pregnant. At first Noa thought it was for the storyline, which hurt a little but then she saw the look on Jeff’s face and it was the exact one he gave her when she announced to him she was pregnant. All chaos broke loose when Jeff and Dori returned backstage hand in hand, looking at each other with love and adoration.
All the hurt was permanently written on Noas face and her heart. She walked away before things could get worse, hating real life confrontations, despite being a professional wrestler who was always in confrontations.
Upon her return to the wrestling world, rumors and speculation started about the nature of Noa, Jeff and Dori. If she had still been with WWE she had no doubt they would make her work with both of them to continue a highly emotional storyline, but with TK being like a brother to Noa, Jericho, a producer, being like a father to her and her close friends the EVPs Matt and Nick Jackson, they had decided it was to personal for their friend, their family.
Heartbreak, love, adventure awaits in Noas world as she returns. Read along and find out if Noa will ever be the same or if she’ll ever find that love again.
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1 — HERE
2 — HERE
3 — HERE
4 — HERE
5 — HERE
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Boom Goes The Dynamite
Pairing:  Eddie Kingston x Fem Reader 
Summary: With the reader in being BCC, she is having a high point in her career and gets along with all of her fellow members, but one thing that worries her is that her lover, Eddie Kingston, has a bad past with the newest member, Claudio and she learns just how jealous he can get when he sees them interacting, but comes to know that they truly want each other...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) (a bit of Angst, swearing)
Word Count: k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks @lilaviolet @eddie-kingstons-wifey
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Being in the Blackpool Combat Club was a great career decision. I was learning so much, bettering myself, and kicking ass with great friends of mine.
Seeing Claudio Castagnoli join was a surprise at first but I see why William chose him. There was no denying how phenomenal he was in that ring. Only one thing that was negative about this?
I wasn’t dating Eddie Kingston just yet, but we were very intimate and had a strong relationship already. It worried me because I had already seen how protective Eddie was of me and everyone knew how much he disliked Claudio.
Faith prevailed though. Having to partner up in blood and guts, they worked together and even hugged each other in the end.
It felt good in my soul and gave me hope that all could all get along and enjoy our time in AEW together.
We all had to stick together too with Chris Jericho still dragging this drama along, I got into a fight with Tay Conti and it was just a mess.
But one thing we all loved? Violence. We kicked ass like we always did and on Dynamite, we wrapped up our fun after Jon won his match against Brody King.
In the back, we went to go take photos and it went to show just how much heart was in BCC.
At first, they wanted to be all serious, then Yuta influenced us to take a photo of us in a line, hugging each other like we were going to prom.
I had no issues with it, being first in line with Claudio behind me.
“Smile bright,” Claudio wrapped his arms around me, his chest in my back then leaned back a little to follow the guys.
It made me laugh, smiling brightly for the camera and that was our last shot, pulling them all for a big hug:
“I know you all like to act all tough, but I love you guys.”
“Just don’t tell anybody,” Mox joked, having us all in a big laugh, but I noticed Mox’s eyes drifting away at something.
I really didn’t think anything of it, parting ways for the night and the only person on my mind at that time was Eddie.
Skipping my way down to his locker room, I was ready to give him the biggest, best hug because I knew how much Chris has been getting to him.
“Hey, Eddie!” I poked my head in the door, the smile on my face disappearing.
His anger could change the entire atmosphere in a room and in his locker room, the bad feeling was so strong and scary.
“Did something happen?” I wondered, stepping in to see him in his chair, angrily packing his bag.
“Why don’t you go and ask Claudio Hm?” He was throwing his boots into his bag, refusing to look at me, but the redness growing in his face was so visible, “Since you let him just hug all of you and sweet talk you.”
“Really, Eddie?” I scoffed; now I realized what Mox was staring at, “You know that it is NOTHING like that!”
“Sure didn’t look like it!” He snapped back, about staring a hole through me, “I saw how he was smiling and holding you! And you love him?!”
“Okay, now you’re just assuming shit!” I was getting just as angry as him, “I meant it as a whole. You know how good the combat club has been for me. We are a family!”
“I have never liked him and you know that,” He glares, “I was going to be the bigger man and set it aside. But nope! He crossed the line!”
“If he crossed the line, then why are you over here bitching at me?!” I was near tears, I knew that he was a hot head, but God it was frustrating, “You trust me, don’t you?”
It was rare for him not to respond and when he didn’t? It just made me even angrier, done with the situation.
“You know what, I’m not gonna entertain this. I’m gonna go hang with the guys tonight since you don’t want me anymore over something stupid! “
Since he liked to assume things, I did the same and fling the door open just for it to close.
Turning around, his kiss pushed my back into the door, pressing his body against mine and it calmed the both of us, leaving us panting when he picked his head up.
Staring into his eyes, I could tell it was his insecurities that were speaking for him and as hard as it was for him to admit, he said softly:
"I know it wasn't you alright? I just-"
"Eddie, look at me," I held his head up straight so I could say into his eyes, "If I didn't want you. I wouldn't be here right now. I'm not a liar."
"I know you're not and neither am I," He stared back, getting off his chest, "And I know what to do."
I just gave him a look, curious as to what he meant and his next kiss said it all, especially when he pulled me into a deep, strong embrace, bringing me away from the door and pressing against my lips:
"Every man in this world will know to back off when they know that you're my girl. You are my girl, Y/N."
"Don't want to be anyone else's, Eddie," I meant wholeheartedly, holding his face and kisses, going off like dynamite and seeing something new.
His eyes, hands, and motives all screamed possessiveness, but it was all from the heart. Every touch of our lips was like an explosion, let alone how quickly our clothes disappeared and scattered around the room, needing a moment while laying back and giving myself to him.
I never expected our first time to be like this, but it was still as magical as I thought of it in my head. For a man who didn't like his body, I loved him from head to toe, fixed on the size of his cock when his chest collided with mine.
"Something wrong?" He looked down then up into my eyes and I quickly shook my head, pushing the gas pedal with another kiss:
"I just want you, Eddie."
"Like that?" I let him have his moment to be cocky and confident as he rightfully earned it, having me moaning his name already with the stretch his cock gave in me, already holding on to him tightly:
"All of you. If I'm your girl, you're my man."
"Damn right, baby," He kissed, helping ease the feeling of his cock burying into me, grinding his hips against mine, smiling at every noise I made.
Not needing the talk, I needed to feel how good he was and how good he was making me feel. Having to savor it as I longed for it for quite some time. He lived up to my every expectation, better than anything I ever could have thought of.
"See that?" He rose up for a moment, seeing how much length of his cock was left despite feeling so full, two fingers slapping my clit and having me squeal, gasping at how even fuller I felt, his hips slamming back into mine, fingers still rubbing my clit and about making me stupid along with his thrust, watching him, "That pussy's mine."
"God, yes" I whined, squeezing my eyes shut tight, rattling down to the bone, moisture audible and growing, pulling some dirty thoughts out of me too, "Keep beating it, Eddie!"
"You like the way I beat it, huh?" His laugh was so bad but sexy, seeing me this way putting him in a world of his own and taking me right along with it, "All that squeezing already told me, baby."
"You're just so damn good," My nerves burned so hot that it had my body curling, beginning to sit up from it, till he took my wrists and pinned me down, bodies sticking together and hips rocking together, growing faster in tempo.
Even though it was our first time, he just knew, kissing along my chin and jaw, rising our hips out so he could pound even deeper and giving it harder, dying to have this feeling for the first time:
"Gonna let me feel you cum? Gonna cum all over my dick?"
"All over it," I knew how the talk made him work harder and it gosh, it drove me wild, taking me to a place I was positive that only he could take me, the snap in my core having me grow frantic though, leaning my hands down to interlock with his, squeezing for dear life as my legs latched around his hips, crying out, "I'm cuming, Eddie!"
He took my hands in his and squeezed back just as hard, thrusts slowing but kept fucking me right through my massive orgasm, slicking both our thighs and having his cock soaked, pressing his forehead to mine and kissing against my moaning mouth:
"Fuck, Y/N. That's fucking amazing."
"Amen to that," I tried to kiss back, having him laughing a little at how my head dropped, finally managing to breathe with his thrusts slowing down.
Pulling me into his arms, letting our bodies rest and feel, I was never in a better place, proud to be his girl and reminding him once again, but more playfully:
"Definitely don't want another man after that."
"Won't get it good like I give it, baby," He smiled against my cheek and laughed at me again:
"Amen, Eddie. Amen." 
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cowboywritersworld · 5 months
Fan fiction requests
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• I write for All Elite Wrestling and WWE. Can add wrestlers from NJPW as well.
• I DO NOT write for: Cm Punk, The Miz, Matt Riddle, Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Brock Lesnar.
• Don't want to write only smut, so other type of prompts are welcomed as well.
• If I write smut, only 18+ are allowed to read it
• Might take a bit to post a request, but don't lose hope.
• The fics will be all xreader!
Credits for the dividers to @hitobaby
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Request Guidelines
Wrestlers I won’t write for: Matt Riddle, Velveteen Dream, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Jake Hager Sammy Guevara, & Dominick Mysterio (sorry just not comfortable writing for them or not personally a fan of them)
I’ll write for almost anyone in AEW or WWE (I’ll slowly start incorporating other wrestling promotions soon)
Dialogue Prompts
- Fluff and Angst only (Not comfortable writing smut yet)
- Choose up to 3 dialogue prompts
- One wrestler per request
- Give me time to get to your request (please don’t spam me 🖤)
- You can request the same dialogue prompts even if someone else has already asked for it.
- No limits to how times you can request!!
Regular Requests
- Fluff or angst
- Give me a situation/idea of what you’re thinking
-Relationship (Example: Roman Reigns/Reader or Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns)
-If you want something within The Pure Brat Chronicles AU, that’s welcomed too!!
- Again give me time to get to your requests
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ao3feed-gav900 · 10 months
(Don't) Get Out Of My Head
https://ift.tt/wVcFZAr by anonymusacc180 Connor discovers android alcohol, and that he is a lightweight. Since he replaced North as the "2nd most influential figure in the android revolution", it's only fair that he fills in the position as a lover for a broken-up Markus. Meanwhile, Gavin Reed from the DPD is in denial of his raging attraction to his new android partner Nines. [Chapters 1, 3, 5… center around RK1K/RK1000/Connor x Markus] [Chapters 2, 4, 6… center around REED900/Gavin x Nines] Words: 997, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed's Cat, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Jericho Members (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson Relationships: Connor/Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Luther & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson & Connor, Tina Chen/Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen & Gavin Reed, Josh/North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & Markus & North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Porn, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Gay Disaster Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed is a Brat, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, Gavin Reed is a Mess, Nines teases gavin a lot, Hurt/Comfort, Hank is a dad to Connor, silly goofy chapter names, pirates cove is reopened 👍, Adorable Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Top Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), DPD but everyone except Hank is horny, RK900 is aggressive, Carl Manfred Dies, SPLIT TIMELINES FOR BOTH COUPLES, somehow i gave both mark and con a thing for approval and affirmations, hank is fed up with everyone's horny bullshit, omfl stop getting drunk, gavin's cat fails at cockblocking, gavin is down fucking bad for rk900, sumo and hank are wholesome beans, kara's family gets 1 fluff chapter with the jerries, tagged non-con bc bitches be in denial, 55.69 percent smut, connor gets traumatized, markus gets into painting ❤🎨
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Chris Jericho - Masterlist
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💦 = Smut, 💖= Fluff, 🌩 = Angst
One Shots:
Heels Get The Most Recognition -💦
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Hello and welcome to my blog.
Here are some guidelines for requesting a story.
Please do not request a story to be more than one part.
I have hardly ever turned down a request, but if I am not comfortable writing your request, I will let you know.
Requests come out when they come out. I can only work on them on the weekends & even those days my time can be taken up by my own personal life.
I will not write for a character and have them aged up. I do not feel comfortable doing that.
Please be 18 and older to request smut.
If a wrestler has left a company, ie AEW, WWE, they will still be listed under that company as I am not changing the links for them.
My WIPs get updated as I see fit. Sometimes, I have to push them aside as I have no energy or inspiration to write for that story.
For Wrestlers now, I will no longer write for Chris Jericho, Jake Hager , Sammy Guevara, & Brian Pillman Jr.
If you wish for me to write for a fandom I have never written for, do not be afraid to ask. I may say yes, as I have hardly ever turned down a request.
If a wrestler has passed away, I will not write for them.
And finally, please send all requests to my ASK box. Just helps me keep track of them all.
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moondust-imagines · 2 years
Moondust Imagines Masterlist
This includes my work from my old blog
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Christian Cage
News - Reader has some news for Christian (Fluff)
Friendzoned? - Christian doesn’t know where he stands with reader (Fluff)  
Secrets - The youngest Hardy has a secret (Fluff)   Part 2   Part 3
Pancakes - Christian comes home (Fluff)
Christian coming home late (Fluff)
Having a baby with Christian (Fluff)
Being Christian’s Spouse (Fluff)
Princess - Max meets someone important (Fluff)
Dinner - Dinner with your parents and Max (Fluff)
Dating McMahon!Reader headcannons (Fluff)
Bruise - Adam and reader have an arguement (Angst)
Bad Timing - Reader has to tell Adam something (Fluff)
Forever is.... a long time - The story of Adam and Christian’s little sister (Smut) part 2
Dating 90s Edge (Fluff)
Having kids with Edge (Fluff)
Poly!Edge and Christian
Cuddling headcannons (Fluff)
Attitude era dating headcannons (Fluff)
Headshot (Fluff)
We didn’t kill anyone (Brood!E&C) (Fluff)
Dating older E&C  (fluff)
Jeff Hardy
Nightmare (Fluff)
Pumpkin (Fluff)
Missed you (Fluff)
More than friends
Always come back
Good luck
Lilith (Angst)
Dating H/C (Fluff)
Kenny Omega
Dating McMahon reader (Fluff)
Hornylovesickmess (Fluff)
William Regal
Dating Headcannons (Fluff)
Chris Jericho
Take what you want and leave (Angst)
Family (Fluff)
Dating headcannons (Fluff)
Triple H
Support (Fluff)
Idiot (Fluff)
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heelbucks · 3 years
don't know if you have done this already but kenny omega's and/or chris jericho's kinks👀 thanks :))
honestly, not the biggest fan of kenny but i’ll do my best!
kenny omega
i’m gonna make the bold assumption that this man is a switch, he just gives me those kinda vibes
hair pulling: i feel like when you have hair like kenny, you’re gonna have a thing for having it pulled. if you’re in control he loves you forcing him closer
i’m not saying he’s a furry, but he is a massive weeb so he probably would get excited by you wearing a maid outfit w kitten ears
cosplay: if you ever cosplayed someone, especially from final fantasy, he’s ready to take you there and now
praise: when kenny’s submitting to you all he wants is to make you proud. loves hearing you talk about how good he’s making you feel, doesn’t matter how he’s doing it.
chris jericho
sugaring : idk if this counts as a kink, but you’d absolutely be jericho’s sugar baby. since there is most definitely a large age gap, and he loves living lavishly there’s no question
daddy kink: it goes with sugaring, but tell me i’m wrong
bondage: i can totally see chris restraining you, tying your wrists down and tying a vibrator against you if you break his rules
degradation & praise: in the same sentence he’ll say you’re beautiful and not worthy of cumming.
sadist : i feel like chris would lowkey like slapping you around (with your consent ofc). just as hes fucking you, slapping you in the face, “you like that don’t you? my sweet innocent princess is a dirty whore for her daddy?”
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Pairing: Wheeler Yuta x Fem Reader
Summary: The reader and Yuta's friendship takes a hard fall whenever he joined BCC and she joined JAS. Despite all the conflict, they stay civil, Yuta making the reader question if she really belongs in the place that she's currently in. Learning her true place after taking his words into deep thought, their friendship reaches an ultimate strength and to make up for the conflict between the BCC and JAS feud, she lets him take control while clicking like never before…
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) (Swearing, Oral M receiving, hairpulling, spanking, rough sex, creampie)
Word Count: 2.5k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks @rubyred1980 
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I always admired people who were brave enough to make decisions for themselves. It’s your life and I know I always did as I wished. So, when Yuta got angry at me for joining JAS, it made me angry.
We all knew that things were going to end up in a state like we were in now. I thought we could still be friends, but the opposite happened.
Sometimes, I hated that he still had a special place in my heart, interesting to see him stepping up to Chris Jericho, positive that he could beat him in a match.
There was no way I couldn’t respect his confidence and bravery, he was a champion after all, accepting a match against Chris, but he should’ve known that it wasn’t as easy as it sounded.
“You’re going to have your hands full Wednesday.”
Leaning against the corner of the wall in the hallway, I took a moment to talk to him myself, stopping dead in his tracks when he heard my voice.
“What? You scared that I’m going to mess up your boy, Chris?” He was still on his high horse, smiling at me when he faced me.
If anything, I was trying to warn him, but returning the sass:
“You think you can win, but it’s Chris. He wants Mox and he gets what he wants. You should know that by now.”
“Y/N,” He sighed, shoulders dropping with disappointment, “What happened to you?”
“Just because I chose a different path than you doesn’t mean you can belittle me,” Standing up straight, his words began to awaken some anger.
“You’re nothing like them,” His words made that anger stop, having me think deeply, “You’re better than them because you’re not a ‘sports entertainer’. You’re a wrestler and I know that.”
Yuta and I became close because we learned how to wrestle together. His words kept me silent for a moment and I didn’t want that.
Trying to play cool, I leaned against the wall, rolling my eyes, “You think you know everything, but you don’t, Yoots.”
“I know more than you think,” He smiled, swatting his hand, “Don’t even stress about it. I know you’re still in there.”
“What makes you say that?” Even I was willing to admit that I have changed some since joining JAS, I wanted to hear his answer, silenced yet again by his smile:
“Because you called me, Yoots.”
That made my heart race. It’s what I would always call him and I had a smile on my face every time I said it. Was I smiling while I said it just then?
He had me and he knew that, still smiling when he turned and walked away.
Those next few days, every word he said was on my mind and it made me question everything going on in my life right now, especially my alliance with JAS.
Of course, when Chris and Yuta’s match came around, Chris wanted Anna and I to run out there if Yuta had a strong advantage. It was clear that Chris underestimated him at times and at the climax of their match, Yuta was hitting his finisher and that’s when Anna ran out there with me following.
The first thing she did was jump on the apron, distracting the referee while Yuta was going for the pin.
As the referee's back was turned and yelling at Anna, Daniel came out of the crowd, ready to run in and go after Yuta, who was down and worn out.
But what no one expected was me jumping in the ring and super kicking Daniel’s head off. The crowd lost their shit, Chris was coming to and very confused by their reactions. Yuta was in the corner, jaw dropped while watching me, and Anna got into the ring to face me:
“What are you doing?!”
She started yelling and screaming, and I wasn’t having it. They took more things away from me rather than excelling me. This was a phony faction and I had enough.
One punch was all it took to knock her down, but I didn’t stop. Even when she started pulling my hair, I was still swinging, rolling out of the ring, and leading our fight out to the floor.
It was absolute chaos. Claudio and Bryan ended up coming out when Angelo and Matt came out to try and break up me and Anna.
“Y/N!” Chris was on his feet, leaning over the ropes and wanting an answer, but he made the fatal mistake of not watching Yuta while the match was still going.
I got a good super kick in on Anna, just to show him exactly what I was doing and taking her out, smiling when Yuta whipped him around, smacking him like a bitch, strike after fatal strike leading up to his finisher, getting the pin and winning the match.
My actions were quite obvious, but everyone wanted to hear it from me. Rolling back into the ring, Yuta kicked Chris’s body out of the ring and I stood by his side.
“Y/N, what the hell?!”
Every single one of them was yelling, demanding an answer that I was happy to give, smiling at Yuta then standing on the ropes, yelling at Chris:
“I’m not a sports entertainer. I’m a pro wrestler, got damn it!”
The adrenaline rush had me out of the atmosphere, still wanting to fight and the crowds roaring didn’t help die it down. One thing that did help?
When I got off of the ropes, Yuta pulled me in for one of his hugs that I longed for.
“I’m sorr-“ I was going to apologize for everything, for how I almost ruined our friendship to where there was no return, but he quickly shushed me:
“You don’t have to say sorry. You just made my night.”
Staring deep into those big brown eyes, his pure smile? I was done with JAS. Yuta was right, I was nothing like them. In fact, I was better and I knew my place was right where I was at that moment.
Under Yuta’s arm, two pro wrestlers, ready to handle anything that they threw at us.
Looking back for a moment, Claudio, Bryan, and William Regal we’re standing behind us, hiding their smiles more a moment. This kinda felt awkward, but I was kind, turning around with Yuta, offering my hand:
“No hard feelings?”
“No hard feelings,” Claudio was the first to smile at me, all of them coming and hugging me.
I should’ve never joined JAS in the first place, but I learned from my mistake, just grateful that I was with the one special person in my own little world, and some new great friends along with him.
Heading into the back, I still had something that I wanted to get off my chest, getting Yuta alone and his curiosity when I smiled:
"If you're not going to let me apologize, can I at least thank you?"
"Thank me?" Shutting the door, he stayed in place, letting me have the time to say:
"You were right about what you said last Friday. I let them change me into something I'm not, took a lot more things away from me rather than helping me, and you helped me realize that. So, thank you."
He looked away and held his face because he was smiling so much and I only added to it, wrapping my arms around his neck and smiling:
"Hope your boys don't get jealous of me stealing you. I'm so happy that I got my Yoots back."
At the end of my sentence, I blew a kiss and the lust in his eyes was visible, blowing one back and this time, I leaned in close, both of our eyes closing when our noses nuzzled softly, lips kissing softly and just one touch screamed passion, parting for a moment just reconnect like magnets.
"You wrestled hard out there, want to get out of these?" My head was in pink clouds, thumb at the waistband of his tights, pulling them out softly and leading, "I can make up for everything too."
"Just how do you want to do that?" Feeling his smile against my lips get bigger, I slipped my hand into his tights, being gentle while I stroked his cock softly, going a bit faster as it grew harder and harder.
"Take these tights off and find out," I kept my lips pressed against his hard as he did so, and once they were gone, I dropped to my knees, looking up at him and kissing the tip of his cock before taking it into my mouth.
Starting out with slight bobs, my hand stroking the length I hadn't taken just yet, he already had a hand on my head, fingernails at my scalp, tugging my roots when my head dropped in one motion, downing all of his cock, earning a thrust of his hips.
"I earned the special treatment tonight, huh?" He smirked at me, biting his lip and groans rumbled in his chest, still thrusting his hips while my head bobbed quicker, keeping his cock deep down my throat.
Increasing his speed every time, I just smiled and closed my eyes, some tears in my eyes from the air that was stuck in my chest, my throat squeezing his cock some from the slight gags that I was fighting, saliva starting to fall down to my chin.
Holding my head still by my hair with a tight grip, he held my head still, taking in the feeling of his cock in my throat one more time before he pulled my head back softly, the look in his eyes giving away that he wanted more and so did I.
"You earned it," I smiled to show that I wasn't out, letting a tone and sexy feeling set in my gaze, "And you have been so hot out there. It gets me worked up seeing you go hard like you do, now."
"Go hard, huh?" That made him bite his lip again, pulling me up by yanking my hair upward before letting go, "I'd be getting naked if I were you."
"That right?" I had no rebuttals, still wanting to work him up though, beginning to strip out of my clothes, and when I giggled at him, he took my hair again, bending me over the couch, whispering in my ear:
"Now, I know we had a sweet moment earlier, but you want to see me go hard, right?"
I jumped and gasped at the spank he whipped on my ass, the sting making my whole body tingle and when I didn't respond, my legs locked up from another loud spank, harder than the first and it was as if I could feel his handprint on my ass, his voice playfully stern:
"That's right," I needed a deep breath, but had a dirty smile on my face, "You should know that you don't have to take it easy on me."
"I didn't plan on it," He spanked one last time, flipping me over and keeping my legs spread wide, hand latching around my throat and commanding, "Hold your legs up."
Able to hold onto my ankles, I kept them as far back as I could and up high, giving him some encouragement, "Go ahead and fuck me up, baby."
"No need to tell me," His lips blew a devilish kiss, hand squeezing my throat and throwing his hips, cock slamming into me, voice strained from the gasps, "You like seeing me go hard, remember? I'm gonna fuck it up, alright."
He was so sexy when he was like this, every pound so hard that it became a struggle to hold my legs right, shaking from the ache in my legs, how hollow I felt already every time he pulled back, knees coming toward my face from the impact sending me forward.
My legs started to curl and I held them at my thighs rather than my ankles, just to get another hard spank, listening and fixing myself at his command:
"Keep your legs up."
There was a swirl in my head, a whirlpool of heat storming in my core, only sparking him more when I cooed, "Yes, sir."
"Sir?" He repeated, adding to the stimulation with two fingers at my clit, the pace of his swirls matching his thrusts, making me whine so hard:
"Yes! You're just so fucking amazing, Yuta!"
Letting go of my throat, he shooed my hands away from my ankles, letting them hook over his arm, leaning down to me and kissing all over my neck, leaving hickeys and bites across every inch of skin, noticing how he was dragging out his thrusts without his fingers at my clit, still keeping me wild:
"You like me fucking you like that?"
"I love it!" I cried, hands above my head and holding onto whatever part of the couch I could, his hand taking my hair and pulling my head back to bite my neck some more, loving what I said too because I could feel the animalistic shift.
"If you love it," Pulling my hips off the couch, it was hard to stop my body from dropping, but was so close to the high that I needed, "Then be my good baby girl and cum."
"I am, Yuta!" I was nearly shooting off the couch, tears in my eyes and holding onto his shoulders with sinking nails, his hips pinned against mine and drilling to keep the tip of his cock pounding my sweet spot, actually crying a bit at the burn at our hips, walls pulsating and getting the wind knocked out of me when slick gushed out around his cock, "Yuta-ah!"
It was like it was nothing to him at first, only making him thrust harder, having my breast bouncing and entire body rocking the couch, walls aching from the tight squeeze that let me feel every inch of his cock, especially when he began to throb, one last slam taking me out and earning another strong gush, having me cum again so quickly that I didn't realize it at first, my body went into outer space it felt like, dots of lights flashing in my rolling eyes.
"I know I told you to fuck me up, but oh my god," I wheezed out, hard to breathe and trembling at the sudden shoots of warmth, still some left in him and fucking his seed deep into me, "Oh my god, Yuta!"
"Wasn't too rough, was I?" He came to a slow stop, keeping our hips pinned, kissing softly when I shook my head, kissing back:
"I already told you that I love it. You a pro porn star too or something?"
I wouldn't be surprised if he said yes, but only saying it for a small laugh that we shared, shaking his head, kissing with a smile:
"No. I'm just that damn good." 
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balorclubbabe · 7 years
Good Girl
Chris Jericho/OC (smut): It seems that whenever he gets the chance, Chris is always teasing you about pretty much anything. Sometimes it’s flirty, other times it’s just plain annoying. You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine when you’re out at a party, and he doesn’t appreciate it one bit. (Includes some spanking, and a lil’ bit of sweetness at the end!).
Tagging: @1dluver13xx and @gamer705 !
Thank you all for being so patient with me! I hope you enjoy!
A few days from now officially marked my one-year anniversary of working in the makeup department for Smackdown Live. I absolutely adored my job, and getting to see the looks on the faces of both the male and female superstars when I was done made it all worth it. Plus as a part of the makeup department, this meant no public spotlight, no nerve-wracking interviews on live television, just getting to do what I loved the most. Though I was closer with some more than others, pretty much all of the superstars that I worked on were nothing but nice.
But of course like any workplace, sometimes you don’t get along with everyone. It can be for a number of reasons; conflicting personalities, different ideas, or just simply that someone just likes to do everything within their power to get under your skin whenever they got the chance.
For me, this person was none other than Chris Jericho.
I don’t know what I had said or done to become the target of the tall Canadian, because it all started fairly politely. He’d swing by and make small talk with whoever was in my chair, sometimes including me in the conversation. Then gradually it became constant teasing, sometimes flirtatious, and almost always obnoxious.
Despite all of this, I always tried my hardest to not let him see that he could really get on my nerves. Besides, just because he could be annoying didn’t mean he’s a bad guy, right? And it certainly didn’t mean that I wasn’t allowed to secretly be attracted to him. How could you not be? I knew not to take his words as actual flirting though; it was pretty clear to me that he had no interest in me in that kind of way. Besides, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one that he bothered constantly. Even though it did sometimes feel that way.
“You just have to ignore him, girl. If you show that it bothers you, he’ll just keep doing it.” Charlotte quipped from her spot in my chair.
I huffed, “I know. He’s just so obnoxious sometimes I can’t help it.” I lightly swept some glitter over her eyelids, light blue to match her peacock-feathered robe.
“Or because ya secretly enjoy havin’ him around to bother ya.” Becky added slyly, stifling a laugh.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, “Just because he’s handsome doesn’t give him an excuse to be such a pain in the ass all the time, Becks.”
Before Charlotte could presumably giggle like a schoolgirl, I began to apply the baby pink gloss to her lips, effectively shutting her up for the time being. “And I’m allowed to think someone’s good-looking, even if they’re insufferable sometimes.”
When I first started this job, I found myself clicking almost immediately with both Becky and Charlotte. The three of us spent countless nights in each other’s hotel rooms after long days, staying up late, watching shitty movies and eating junk food. You know, typical girly sleepover nonsense.
Both women had their own matches tonight; Charlotte’s being against Naomi and Becky squaring up against Natalya. I had finished Becky’s make-up already, bright reds and oranges for her whole steampunk “straight fire” look.
After a few more small touches here and there, I held up the hand mirror in front of Charlotte’s face, showing her the look. “All set.”
She grinned, “I seriously don’t know how you do it. You’re like a magician or something.” And turned her head side-to-side, admiring my finished work.
“I could say the same about the two of you. You guys are gonna kick some serious ass tonight.” Some of the moves I’d watch them-hell, any of the superstars do always left me awestruck no matter how many times I witnessed them. Charlotte’s moonsault, for example? I’d surely end up in a full body cast if I even attempted anything close to a stunt like that.
“Yer comin’ with us to Dolph’s party later, right?” Becky questioned, a hint of playfulness in her accented words.
Usually if a show or event was happening where someone lived, they’d show everyone else the best restaurants or bars in their town. Dolph Ziggler, of course always having to outdo everyone, instead opted to throw a huge party and invite the entire roster and then some.
She probably figured I’d try to come up with some sort of excuse to escape having to go, but unfortunately Charlotte was my last job of the night and I knew that she knew that I had no other plans. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
Charlotte let out a laugh, “Somehow I doubt that. Seriously though, it’ll be fun. We both know you could use a drink. Then after we can come back to the hotel, watch some crappy T.V. and raid the minibar.”
The pair turned to leave and as I finished cleaning off the last of my makeup brushes, Becky leaning over and whispered in my ear, “I think ya have a visitor.”
It was then that I noticed Chris had been lingering outside the door, scribbling on his list, probably writing some poor stupid idiot’s name on it because they bumped into him or some other petty offense. I let out a small groan; I’d literally never hear the end of it if he knew that I thought he was handsome, so I could only hope that he either hadn’t heard it or had just gotten there. He was usually the type to make his presence known in a room, so I was hoping for the latter.
Charlotte gave me a knowing smile before disappearing down the hallway, following Becky, leaving me alone with my favorite pain in the ass.
I gave myself a brief mental pep talk before opening my mouth. “Can I help you?”
His eyes flitted up and met mine, a smirk painted on his face. “Just seeing how you’re doing. Or am I not allowed to swing by and say hello?”
I shrugged, turning back around so I could begin cleaning my workstation and packing my things away. Thankfully all I had was my purse and my rolling trunk with my makeup supplies instead of the copious amounts of gear that some of the superstars had to lug around city to city. I was relieved that I had the foresight to drop my luggage off at the hotel earlier. “You are. Just figured you wanted something.”
He entered the room behind me, idly watching my movements. “So you’re really going to Ziggler’s tonight huh?”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t sound so surprised, Chris.”
Chris now had his list tucked underneath his arm, “Sorry. You just don’t really strike me as the partying type, princess. No offense.”
“Oh no of course, how could I be offended by that?” I continued, zipping away my make-up brushes, the sarcasm evident in my tone. There was his stupid nickname for me again. I had asked him about it the first time he had called me that and he responded with a shrug, and an, “It suits you”. Protesting would just egg him on, so I usually just let him get away with it. And I’d never admit to anyone that I secretly thought it was kind of cute.
Chris chuckled, “Well I’ve never seen you at any gatherings outside of work-related ones. I just assumed they weren’t really your thing.”
With my trunk packed away, I turned towards him. He was blocking my only exit out of the room, meaning he likely wasn’t just going to let me walk away without pushing my buttons a little more.
I brushed some hair out of my face, “They usually aren’t. But Dolph was rather persistent so I’d at least like to make an appearance. Besides, just because I don’t love parties, doesn’t mean I’m some antisocial hermit.” With a huff, I managed to squeeze past the scarf-wearing, list-making jerk, making my way down the hall and towards the parking lot.
I thought he’d leave me alone after that but I heard his voice and footsteps following close behind me. “Didn’t say you were antisocial. Just having a hard time picturing you drunk, dancing in a short, tight, little dress. You know, considering what a good girl you are.”
I had to stop myself from physically freezing and my face from heating up at his singsong tone. “And what makes you think I’m such a ‘good girl’, Chris? If I’m being honest, I don’t think you know all that much about me.” I decided not to touch on the idea that he had perhaps pictured me in the short, tight little dress he spoke of.
I wasn’t looking at him, but I could practically hear the shit-eating grin that must have been plastered on his stupid, handsome face. “I’ve been in the business a long time, princess. I don’t have to know you; I have a sense for these kinds of things. And I know a good girl like you when I see one.”
I knew any insults or comebacks would just add fuel to the fire so I continued walking, thankful my car was just a few short strides away. He continued to go on, clearly unbothered by the fact that I wasn’t acknowledging him as I began to load my belongings into my vehicle.
“Or maybe I have you pegged all wrong. Maybe you’re a cute, modest make-up artist by day, and a sexy, dancing on tables, wild party girl by night.” I think he realized how ridiculous he sounded, but just couldn’t help but continue on with his elaborate scenario.
I rolled my eyes, shutting my trunk, “You think I’m cute? Or sexy, was it? I’m flattered. And sorry to disappoint, but I don’t have a crazy, partying alter-ego.”
“Well I guess I should be flattered too, princess. Considering how good-looking you seem to think I am. Or did I hear that wrong, was it handsome?” he said slyly, causing my heart to sink a little. Fuck, he had heard me.
I spun around to face him, mainly to give him a firm goodbye, while trying not to let him see how much he had rattled me. I certainly didn’t expect him to be directly in front of me, so that all I saw when I turned to face him was his broad, muscular chest. (Because of course he wasn’t wearing a stupid shirt underneath that stupid light up jacket).
He had a smug look on his face, and I thought he’d sneak one last comment in, always having to have the last word. But all I got was a, “See you tonight,” before he turned around and strolled back into the venue.
I let out a frustrated groan, climbing into my car and slamming the door shut, making my way to the hotel for the night. Normally I’d stay around to talk to Becky and Charlotte after their respective matches, but that ran me the risk of encountering Chris again, which required patience I did not have in the slightest.
After almost an hour had passed, I received a text from Charlotte informing me that she and Becky were heading back to the hotel soon. I decided to call her, giving her the rundown of my encounter with Chris, mainly just so I could vent to someone.
“God he is just so fucking insufferable! I have no idea how one man manages to be that aggravating!” I angrily paced at the end of my bed, still fuming slightly. I wish I had been able to say something, anything to him. Admittedly, him standing so close to me had rendered me speechless, making me want to kick myself.
“Calm down, honey. You know what you have to do now, right?” I couldn’t help but detect the faintest hint of mischief in her voice.
“I know, Char. I just have to ignore him.” I huffed, plopping down onto the bed.
She giggled, “At first, yes.”
“At first? And then…?” I trailed off. Where the hell could she be going with this? Unless her next words were something along the lines of “burn all of his scarves” or “rip up his stupid list” I wasn’t too sure what she was going to say.
“You ignoring him will drive him crazy after he sees how good you’re gonna look tonight.” She sang.
Tonight? Oh yeah. I had gotten so annoyed with Chris that I had completely forgotten about Dolph’s shindig tonight. Charlotte promised to be at my room as soon as she could, having just pulled into the hotel parking lot. After hanging up the phone I learned that “as soon as she could” was less than 10 minutes, with Becky in tow for assistance. Turns out, they happened to be right down the hall.
Charlotte did most of the scheming if I’m being honest, but I’d be lying if I said Becky didn’t seem like she was fully enjoying herself as well.
After much debate and trying one dress on after the other, the pair managed to decide on a dress that they (and, admittedly I) thought was perfect for tonight.
Dolph enjoyed throwing overly lavish gatherings and would usually (unless it was a pool party) instruct his guests to dress up for the occasion. That’s how I wound up in a sleeveless maroon cocktail dress with a neckline that dipped low enough to generously show off my cleavage and a simple pair of black stiletto heels.
The three of us called a cab after getting ready and made the short ride over to Dolph’s home. My nerves were all over the place, but thankfully Charlotte and Becky were with me to ease my worries and made sure I didn’t get cold feet at the last second.
“Don’t sweat it, yeah? He ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em.” Becky grinned at me with a wink.
I wasn’t used to dressing up so formally around my co-workers, which was evident by several pairs of eyes that found me as we walked into the party. I was grateful again for not being alone, because normally I’d be considering running in the other direction back out to the cab.
Charlotte whispered, “You look fantastic, I promise. Now remember, act like he’s not even here. If he comes up to you, pretend you didn’t even notice him. Like you’re surprised he’s here.”
Dolph approached the three of us, donned in his finest attire as well. “Ladies, glad you could make it! Food and drinks are in the kitchen.”
Charlotte gave my arm a small squeeze before going to mingle, while Becky assured me she’d be back with drinks for the both of us. Dolph and I hadn’t really talked much aside from casual conversation, so I was hoping this wouldn’t be too awkward.
Dolph ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, grinning at me, “You look great.”
I smiled, “Thanks. You’re lookin’ pretty good yourself.”
Initially, I wanted to make it pretty clear to Dolph, considering that he had a reputation as being a huge flirt, that I wasn’t really interested. Nothing against the guy, I just wanted to make sure he didn’t get the wrong idea. That was until I spotted Chris from the corner of my eye, staring directly at us while engaged in conversation with AJ Styles and Sami Zayn.
Surely this is what Charlotte meant when she said to drive him crazy, right? Chris Jericho had done nothing but get under my skin since I’d known him and now it was time for me to return the favor. Not only would I be ignoring him, I’d be diverting my attention to someone else; more specifically, another man. And again, I had no intentions of doing anything with Dolph, but Chris didn’t have to know that right now.
“You really do have a beautiful home, Dolph. Feel like giving me the grand tour?” I nudged his arm playfully.
Dolph smirked, placing his hand on my lower back and lead me down the hallway that was to our left. “But of course. Right this way.”
To my surprise, Dolph was pretty into the whole “home décor” thing, droning on about cabinets that were made of cherry wood and tiles that he had imported from who knows where. I wasn’t really paying too much attention if I’m being honest, because every time Dolph and I would move through the main foyer, I felt a certain pair of blue eyes on me.
By the time my tour had come to an end, I’m not sure how much I had smiled and nodded, but Dolph didn’t seem to pay any mind. He was probably just happy that someone was able to listen to his whole spiel without dying of boredom.
“I have to go and greet some more guests. I’ll see you later though.” Dolph, ever the gentleman, kissed the back of my hand, shooting me a wink before disappearing to go play host some more.
Considering I hadn’t seen Becky with my drink since before the tour, I made my way into the kitchen to fetch my own. Dolph had an array of expensive looking liquor bottles lined up on the counter along with pristine crystal glasses.
“Enjoy your tour?” I had to stop myself grinning like a mad woman as the voice behind me spoke. Of course he’d come and find me the second I was alone. Maybe because every time Dolph said something that was supposed to be remotely funny, I’d burst into over-the-top laughter, making sure others could hear. Or how my hand would linger on his arm for a few seconds while I spoke to him.
“I did. I didn’t realize Dolph was such a connoisseur of interior design.” I didn’t turn around as my eyes danced over the various bottles. So many choices, and half of these brands were pretty much foreign to me.
To keep it simple I just grabbed the first open bottle of white wine I saw and poured myself a glass. As I turned to make my leave, Chris was, much like earlier, blocking my exit, his own drink in hand. Probably bourbon or whiskey, I guessed, judging by the amber-colored liquid.
I hated to admit it, but he looked especially handsome tonight. He wore a crisp white button down shirt underneath the open black suit jacket, matching his pants. Even in my heels, he still towered over me. Instead of the grin that I was accustomed to, his facial expression was hard to read; not anger, but definitely a hint of annoyance.
He smirked slightly however, when he noticed me looking at him for maybe a little longer than I should have been. “See something you like, princess? Something good-looking and handsome, maybe?”
I took a sip of my drink, moving past him nonchalantly, making sure to deliberately brush against him as I did so. “Just surprised you’re not wearing a scarf.” And made my way over to the corner where I had been able to spot Becky, (Let’s face it; her hair is pretty hard to miss in a crowd) who was chatting away with Tyler Breeze and Fandango.
The night went on as I spent the rest of it in the company of Charlotte and Becky for the most part. Chris hadn’t attempted to speak to me again after our brief conversation, and a small part of me was a little disappointed. On the other hand though, it was rather satisfying to finally give him a taste of his own medicine.
Over the course of the few hours that I was there, I only had two glasses of wine yet I still felt exhausted. I had to admit though, it wasn’t as awful of a night as I thought it would be. Going to a party as large as this one with two of my closest friends definitely helped ease the usual nervousness I’d be experiencing.  
The three of us took a cab back to our hotel after bidding goodbye to Dolph and the other guests that remained. I didn’t see Chris as we made our rounds to say goodbye, and I assumed he had already left. Even if he hadn’t, I certainly wasn’t going to go hunt him down.
I was too exhausted for the usual late night sleepover, so I bid Charlotte and Becky a ‘goodnight’ before making my way to my own room for the night. I couldn’t wait to kick off my heels, get into something comfortable and pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
That was until I saw him, leaning against the wall right across from my room. His jacket was gone, probably in his own room, his white sleeves rolled up to his elbows with a few buttons of his shirt undone.
I felt his eyes practically burning a hole into the back of my head as I swiped the key to unlock my door and pushed it open, allowing it to close behind me. I turned around when the door didn’t click shut, and I saw the blue-eyed blonde standing in the doorway, holding it open. “You need something, Chris?” I asked innocently.
He brows knitted together in anger, “What the hell was all that?”
I didn’t answer, instead tossing my heels off in the corner, flopping down onto the queen-sized bed with a sigh. I lucked out this time around and somehow ended up with my own room instead of having to share.
“Well?” he demanded, arms crossed over his chest. Clearly he wasn’t planning on leaving without an answer.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I finally made eye contact with him, and he did not look happy.
“Bullshit, you know exactly what you were doing tonight.” He walked into the room further, allowing the door to swing shut behind him. “Ignoring me when you walked in, hanging all over fucking Ziggler of all people,” he scoffed. “And, when you finally do talk to me, it’s barely even five fucking words.”
I laughed, “Ohhh I see how it is. You tease me all the fucking time and it’s fine, but when I do it back it’s suddenly not. What’s that old saying again? Don’t dish it if you can’t take it?”
His eyes narrowed, voice dangerously low as he moved further into the room, now only a few feet away from me. “Is that what all this was really about? To purposefully annoy me? To make me jealous?”
I shrugged, a coy smile on my face. “Didn’t realize I made you jealous.”
He suddenly chuckled, “Well congratulations,” he paused, gently taking me by the arm and pulling me so that I was standing up. “I was jealous.”
The only sound I could make was a small squeak of surprise as Chris slammed his lips onto mine, one of his hands entangling itself in my hair. He took my being caught off-guard as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.
I eagerly reciprocated his actions, pulling him closer to me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his free hand settling on my lower back right above the curve of my ass.
“Do you have any fucking idea how hard it was for me to not bend you over his kitchen counter and fuck you?” he murmured against my lips. “To make you scream for me so that he knew-so that everyone knew that you’re mine?”
All I could do was whine in response as I feverishly returned his kisses, squeezing my thighs together to provide myself some relief.
“I thought you were a good girl, huh?” he whispered huskily as his mouth came against my neck, lavishing it with kisses. “Good girls don’t dress like this for everyone to see.”
“It wasn’t for everyone, it was for you.“ I was feeling suddenly brave, my head spinning from the sensation of his lips on me.
“Yeah? Just for me huh?” his hot breath washed over my neck as he spoke. “No one else? You sure, princess?” His hand that wasn’t in my hair crept down to squeeze my ass through the fabric of my dress.
I nodded, “Yes. Fuck, Chris, yes. Only you, I promise.” I managed to whimper the words out as his teeth scraped against my collarbone.
“You gonna show me what a good girl you are, baby?” his stubble grazed against my cheek as he came up to kiss me again.
Again I nodded, my arousal and want for him was almost palpable at this point, my hair messed and my lips kiss-swollen.
“Get on your knees for me then, princess.” He sure as hell didn’t have to tell me twice. I hurriedly dropped down to my knees, undoing his belt without taking my eyes off of him.
His hardened cock sprung free before me after I undid the zipper, and I immediately gripped it with one hand, running my tongue over the entire length, eliciting a groan out of him.
I took him into my mouth, almost gagging as he lightly pushed the back of my head to take more of him. I kept my rhythm slow, teasing his head with my tongue after taking him almost all the way out of my mouth. I repeated this a few times, tailoring my movements based on how loud his moans were.
Just when I thought I’d have to make him stop pushing the back of my head, he pulled me off of him, allowing the air to flow back into my lungs.
He yanked me back up to his level, while his free hand crept up my thigh, coming into contact with my soaked panties. “Don’t want the fun to end yet. My turn to take care of you, princess.”
He pulled the flimsy fabric of my thong to the side, easily sliding a finger into my wetness. “Fuck baby, how long have you wanted this?”
I could feel his smirk against my neck as his fingers continued to work. “Have you thought about this before? Letting me fuck you?”
His words were barely registering in my mind through the haze of pleasure that was slowly creeping over me. I let out a satisfied sigh as his thumb began to gently rub my clit. Just as he had built up a steady pace, he stopped, causing me to cry out in frustration.
“Answer me, princess.”
At that, I found the strength to speak, “Y-yes! I have. More than once.” The idea of him stopping what he was doing was too much right now.
“You gonna cum for me already?” he sounded almost impressed as he picked up where he left off.
Before allowing me to answer, Chris shoved me onto the bed, climbing in between my spread legs and dipping his head down.
I almost leapt off the mattress the second his tongue touched my slit, his fingers working their way inside me again. “C-chris fuck, please!” I whined, gripping his blonde locks for dear life.
He pumped his fingers in and out of me at a steady pace as his tongue traced zigzagging patterns over my clit. The sensation of his mouth and fingers, combined with the sandpaper-like roughness of his beard rubbing against my thighs sent me over the edge. I let out a cry as my orgasm rolled through my body, my hips grinding against his face, desperate for friction.
He rose back up to where I laid panting and sloppily pressed his lips to mine. I felt his hand traveling under my dress again only to rip my soaked panties down my legs, causing them to tear slightly on the way.
I groaned in protest, but his lips continued to devour mine. “I’ll buy you new ones,” He promised as he helped rid me of my dress and bra as well.
I felt my cheeks redden as his eyes lingered over my naked form, “You’re so beautiful,” His hands were now on either side of my cheeks, punctuating each of his next words with a kiss, “I’m so fucking lucky.”
My mouth opened slightly in surprise, unsure of what to say, because I swore in that moment I’d see a flock of pigs flying outside my hotel window. Chris Jericho had sincerely complimented me in the most intimate of ways. Not the usual, “Nice dress baby, but it’d look better on my hotel room floor” type lines he’d always be running by me.
Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, I hastily unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way, desperate to feel more of him, considering he was still almost completely dressed. As I pushed the fabric off his shoulders, I ran my fingers over his muscled chest, his skin warm to the touch. “I don’t know, I think I’m pretty lucky here too.” I mumbled, pressing a kiss to torso.
He didn’t answer but let out a low chuckle, assisting me in pulling his pants the rest of the way down and off of him. I heard the two soft thuds of his shoes being kicked off and hitting the carpet.
He turned and adjusted so that he was seated against the wooden headboard, bringing me up with him.
I felt a blush stain my cheeks again as I climbed to settle myself over him, planting small kisses all over his face and neck as I lowered myself onto his cock. Instantly, my eyes squeezed shut as he filled me inch by inch until I sunk down completely.
“Shit you’re so damn tight, princess.” He exhaled a deep breath, not moving for a few seconds and instead just kept still inside of me, allowing me to adjust. “You alright?”
I slowly rolled my hips against his, giggling when I heard him grunt. “Does that answer your question?”
He growled as I continued to ride him at a pace so agonizingly slow that even I felt like it was torture. “Fucking shit, you’re still teasing me, aren’t you?”
I didn’t answer, instead I rose up, circling my hips excruciatingly slowly, biting my bottom lip.
Suddenly his hands were at my waist as he picked me up and slammed me back down onto his cock, smirking when I cried out his name. “It takes two to tango, princess. You didn’t think I’d let you get away with teasing me like that, did you?”
My brief period of control had ended as Chris thrust into me at brutally a harsh pace, coming forward to shower my neck in more kisses and the occasional bite. “Chris, please, please more,” I tried to keep up with his motions as he would lift me almost all the way up off of his length, just to slam me back down again.
“Such a good girl,” he hummed in approval. “You look so beautiful riding my cock like that,”
I let out a sharp gasp when I felt his right hand remove itself from my waist, only to draw back before coming down hard on my ass.
Chris’ eyes widened slightly, “Oh fuck princess you alright? Sorry, sorry I got a little carried away there.”
Before he could slow his motions, I moved against him, whining desperately. “Again. Please, do it again,”
The look that came over his face was something I had never seen as he spanked me again, causing me to cry out. He did this a few more times, alternating each cheek until I was practically sobbing out his name. “Guess you’re not such a good girl after all.”
The slight sting against my skin as Chris fucked me was a feeling that I had never experienced before. I only had a handful of sexual partners, and none of them had ever even attempted to spank me. Then again, I had never asked for it. 
“I think next time you tease me, I’ll just have to drag you into my dressing room and spank you to teach you a lesson,” he seemed thrilled at the idea, his hands now lightly squeezing my ass. “Fuck princess, don’t stop riding me like that. You feel so fucking good,” His thrusts became more shallow and desperate, indicating that he was also nearing his climax.
His words only helped draw my orgasm closer as I felt myself begin to tighten around him. “Please Chris, I’m so fucking close! I want to cum so badly. Baby, please let me cum,”
“I want you to cum for me, princess.” He commanded. “I want you to fucking soak my cock. Want to see the look on that beautiful face when you come undone because of me,” I could see the light sheen of sweat that had formed on his forehead as he grunted with each pump into me.
With one more powerful thrust, I felt myself tip over the edge as I began to spasm and writhe against him, my fingers gripping his shoulders so hard that for a split second I thought I’d bruise him as I chanted his name over and over again.
I felt his hips stutter slightly as he gave one last hard thrust, his eyes squeezing shut as he spilled himself inside of me, his grip on my waist finally loosening. “Jesus Christ, princess…” he sighed.
Reluctantly, he scooted downward so that he was lying on his back, with me still draped over him. Our bodies sticking to one another, I laid my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat gradually slowing down back to a normal rate. I smiled when I felt his hand lightly playing with my hair, smoothing it down and running his fingers through it.
I finally broke the silence, “I should tease you more often if this is what I get out of it.”
“You should,” he paused, running his hand down to my ass and giving it a light tap. “If this is what I get to do every time.” He frowned when I yelped in surprise at the small sting of pain. “Still sore?”
I nodded, “Still sore.”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, “Sorry princess.”
“Don’t apologize. In case you couldn’t tell, I kinda liked it.” I nuzzled his neck.
He chuckled, “Not just for that. Sorry if I get on your nerves sometimes,” he shot me a joking glare when I did an exaggerated clearing of the throat. “Alright a lot of times, not just sometimes. Guess I’m not great at making it clear when I’m…interested in someone.”
“Chris Jericho, are you saying you like me?” I gasped playfully, leaning my chin in my hands. “Because if so, not for nothing, that’s sort of like telling a little girl a boy is mean to her because he likes her.”
I saw him frown, “I’m kidding, relax,” Before he could open his mouth, I brushed my lips against his, a laugh bubbling up in my throat. “And I’m interested in you too. Why do you think I let you mess with me so much? I just always assumed you were like this with everyone.”
The faint sound of my phone buzzing in my purse reached my ears, and I shook my head, burying my face into his chest with a yawn. “Leave it. Probably someone from the party drunk-dialing me or something,”
Chris glanced at the source of the noise, then shrugged, wrapping his arms around me and stifling his own yawn, “Sleep well, princess.
Meanwhile a couple of rooms down, Becky peered over at Charlotte from her bed, “Did she answer ya?”
Charlotte frowned and shook her head, hitting the red ‘End’ button on her touchscreen. “No. I sent her like 4 texts too. So unless they’re still going at it, I think they’re both asleep.” Charlotte penned one last message, simply reading, ‘Details tomorrow over breakfast! Becks and I want to know EVERYTHING ;).’.
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wrestlingbabe · 7 years
Phone Call
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(shout out and credit to @that-lolachick for this gif)
Chris Jericho/OC- Reader wants Chris to help her but he gets a phone call during it.
Warnings: Pure smut not a lot of plot to it, Daddy kink, Choking for like a millisecond.
Note: This is kind of short but I really wanted to write something with Chris so here it is.
Tags: @the-geekgoddes @vebner37 @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @wrestlingnoob @kinkymaminicole @ambrosegirlforever @alexahood21 @alexispoo @ridingmoxley @fioportella
I walked into the living room and smiled as I saw Chris sitting on the couch reading. I huffed and quietly walked up behind him. Chris flipped a page as I ran my hands over his bare shoulders and down to the book.
“Hi baby.” Chris said as I grabbed the book out of his hands. I smiled and walked in front of him.
I laid the book on the table and turned towards Chris. I bit my lip as I laid my hands on his knees and leaned forward, “Hi.” Chris raised one of his eyebrows at me while I talked, making me groan internally, “What are you doing today.” I said as I placed a knee between his legs.
“Wasn’t planning on anything.” Chris gently rubbed circles into my thigh. I let my eyes flutter shut for a second.
“Oh good, because I was hoping that we could do something….Daddy.” I smirked as Chris let out a low growl.
“What were you thinking about baby?” Chris asked as I straddled him and slowly lowered myself onto him. Chris brought his hands to my waist, gripping it tightly. I blushed a little while dropping my head to Chris’s shoulder and grounded down on him. Chris grabbed my chin and brought me eye level to him, “Tell me.” Chris said with a stern voice.
“I-I want you to fuck me please.” I mumbled to Chris who just tsked in response.
“You can do better than that. Tell me what you really want.” Chris gently bucked up towards my core making me moan as I felt how hard he was.
“I want anything, everything just please Daddyyy.” I dragged out my words with a whine as I was getting impatient. I was soaked and just wanted Chris to do something.
Chris ran his hands over the side of my lace panties, “I like these.” He started to move his hands towards my core. I wiggled against him trying to get one of his hands to where I want it most. “Oh what is it baby? You want daddy to touch you?” Chris smirked at me as I groaned. I placed one of my hands on his and pushed it towards my soaking core. I yelped as Chris grabbed both of my hands in one of his and placed them behind my back. 
“Nooooooo.” I tried to break free from Chris’s grip, but he tightened it instead.
“Oh no, you didn’t give me a specific answer so now Daddy is going to do whatever he wants.” Chris whispered into my ear making a shiver roll down my back. “Lift up a little.” I rolled my hips down once before raising my hips. Chris grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted above my head. As the shirt fell to the ground, Chris brought his mouth to one of my hardening nipples and gently bit at it. I moaned as I fought to keep my hands behind my back. “You’re doing such a good job baby. Keeping those hands behind your back. You want me to reward you?”
“Oh please please please.” I quickly nodded my head. “I need it so badly. I’m so wet, do you want to feel?” I asked innocently as I felt Chris smile against my chest.
“Of course I do baby.” Chris ran one of his hands down my ribs and side, towards my core. I let out a soft moan as Chris gently rubbed his finger on my clothed clit. I rolled my hips forward making Chris’s finger slip down towards my entrance, “Hell, you really are soaked.” Chris slipped my panties to the side and gently pushed a finger into me. I moaned and threw my head back. Chris  slowly started to thrust his finger in and out of me.
“Daddy please go faster or add another finger plee-eease.” I pushed down on Chris’s finger trying to get him to go faster. My fingers wiggled behind me as I fought the urge to help Chris.
“There you go, actually telling me what you want.” Chris said into my neck as he gently sucked on my skin, surely causing a hickey. I moaned as Chris slipped another finger into me. I soon started to get louder and louder. I was cut off though when Chris’s phone that was on the table beside him rung. 
“Oh no no no. Please don’t answer it Daddy. I’m so close.” I whined as I saw Chris lean towards the phone. I small gasp fell from my lips as Chris curled his fingers up towards my g-spot. I dropped my head to his shoulder.
“I’m going to answer this, so you are going to have to be quite baby. If you’re good I’ll give you a reward.” Chris answered the phone while he brought his thumb to my clit making me quietly squeal. I wouldn't be able to stay quiet if he kept this up. I finally decided to move my hands, rubbing them everywhere on my body except to where Chris’s hands were.
Chris saw this and started to pick up speed. I bit my lip trying to suppress a moan while Chris nonchalantly talked on the phone. “Daddy Please?” I whispered quietly as I felt my orgasm built. I grabbed the hand that Chris was holding his phone in, making him hold it up with his shoulder. I brought his hand to my throat making Chris widen his eyes in shock. I rocked my hips forward as I felt myself clench around his fingers. “Can I- Can I cum please?” I begged as I felt myself getting closer to my edge.
Chris just shook his head as he tighten his hand on my throat. A silent cry left my mouth as I came on Chris’s fingers. I brought my hand to his thumb that was rubbing my clit, keeping it there. As my orgasm rolled on, my legs started to shake. Chris dropped his hand on my throat as I pulled his hand away from my core. I smirked when Chris brought his two fingers to his mouth, cleaning them while still on the phone.
“Important?” I vaguely asked Chris who in return shook his head no. I grabbed the phone, pressing the end button and throwing it to the other side of the couch. “Fuck.Me.” I looked Chris in the eyes as I brought my hand to his bulge.
Chris groaned while picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. “Anything you want baby.” Chris said as he pushed open the bedroom door. He gently laid me on the bed and started to pull his pants down. I sat up while reaching my hand out towards his dick. Chris caught my hand before it could touch him, “Not right now babe. Some other time, you got me so hard during that phone call.” Chris pushed me back down onto the bed while spreading my legs. His grabbed the top of my panties, ripping them in half and pulling them down my legs.
“CHRIS.” I yelled at Chris as I saw the ripped material in his hand. “Those were my favorite.” I pouted as Chris threw them behind his shoulder and onto the floor.
Chris kneeled between my legs while leaning forward, “You know I always get you new ones. So no need to pout.” Chris brought his finger to my lip rubbing in across it. I quickly brought that finger into my mouth sucking on it hard. Chris moaned as he brought his dick to my entrance. “Though you didn’t really listen to me when I said keep your hands behind your back. So do you really deserve this?” Chris asked as he started to tease me by rubbing his dick over my slit.
I released Chris’s finger as I went to beg for him to fuck me. Before I could get any words out Chris thrusted into me hard making my lose my breath for a moment. “Oh god.” I cried out as Chris set a hard pace. Every thrust he would almost pull all the way out before thrusting his length back into me. My eyes started to flutter shut as Chris tightened his grip on my hips.
“You feel so good baby. So tight around me.” Chris said as he bent down and lightly bit onto my collarbone. I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair. I brought one of my hands down to my clit and started to rub it. Chris looked down my body at my hand and smiled, “There you go baby, get yourself off.” 
I groaned at his words and felt myself slowly approach my orgasm, “Chris please go faster oh please daddy.” I arched my back making my chest press up onto Chris’s chest. Chris brought his arm under my back keeping me there as he picked up his speed. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt myself get closer to my release. 
“You going to cum?” Chris asked as he felt me clench around him. I shook my head and let out a low moan. “Go ahead.” Chris quickened his thrust as my orgasm washed over me. “Fuck.” Chris dropped me back onto the bed as he got closer to his release.
I moaned Chris’s name as I came. I felt warmth spread through my body as he fucked me through my orgasm. I slowed down my fingers, but kept rubbing my clit in small circles. I huffed while looking up at Chris who had a bead of sweat running down his chest. I leaned forward and attached my mouth to his neck, biting on it gently. Chris groaned above me as his thrust stuttered.
“Come on Daddy, cum for me please. Want it so badly.” I moaned as I felt Chris cum inside of me. Chris let out a string of profanities as I purposely clenched around him. I laid back down on the bed and smiled as I saw the small bruise forming on Chris’s neck. Chris didn’t move as he came down from his release. I ran my hand up and down his arm. Chris finally pulled out of me making me gasp at the empty feeling.
Chris laid beside me with an arm resting across his forehead, “Fuck babygirl.” I giggled and rolled over to lay on his chest. “When did you start to like being choked?” Chris asked with a dumbfound expression.
“I don’t know. I just thought it would get you off the phone quicker but damn, it did so much more than that.” I said as Chris slowly got up from the bed. “Hey where are you going?”
“I’m getting another phone call.” Chris said as he walked out of the door. I rolled  my eyes as I heard his phone ringing, but followed him out the door, hoping to start this all over.
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phenomenal-forearm · 7 years
Chris Jericho Sex Headcannons
Okay. I’m Chris Jericho trash, I’m also trash for a lot more wrestlers. But I decided to do headcannons for him. 
I hope you guys enjoy this, and if you want more headcanons, don’t hesitate to ask for more!
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- I feel like he’d be vocal in sex, mostly because he is a rockstar. Nothing too extreme, just the hot moans and groans, maybe a little ‘fuck’ and/or ‘shit’ from him.
-Dirty talk is a must with him. 
- Would on many occasions use his scarves to tie you up so he could have his way with you. Also wouldn’t mind as much if you tied him up too.
- Great at giving head. So whenever you get bored of him talking mindlessly, you know how to put his mouth to a better use. Plus he’s probably great at it. Also, I bet if you pulled his hair, he’d make the sweetest sound ever.
- I feel like he wouldn’t mind being top or bottom. Either way he gets to see your body on show so ‘tis all good to him.
- Has a Daddy kink for days.
- Will fuck you wherever he can.
- I get quite a bi kind of vibe from him, so I feel like if you guys did have a threesome, he wouldn’t mind if it was with a guy or not. 
- I feel like if he found out you had tattoo’s one day, he’d beg to see them. Then he’d fall in love and fuck you. Like bro probably has a huge love for tattoos.
- Because he’s an older guy, he would bring you to orgasm so quickly. So the orgasm ratio would probably be 3:1 to you. I feel like he’d feel the need to give you so much so that you were completely satisfied after.
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ao3feed-gav900 · 2 years
What Is It Like To Breathe
https://ift.tt/qMG1WFA by RadioNoiz Dragons were thought to be mindless beasts. They were easy to manipulate and to control by the humans who used them for everything. But these magical beasts are a lot less mindless than the humans thought, and that starts to cause problems in the kingdom known as Detroit. What really starts the problem on a roll is when the Queen orders her highest ranked knight, Hank Anderson, to take on an apprentice known as Connor. A boy who looks like a dragon but claims to be just a human as everyone else in the kingdom. Then there’s the mysterious group known as Jericho, who hides out in the old castle still in Detroit’s territory, and the dragon who seems to of taken over leadership of them. Somehow. And on top of that, the prisoner being held for war crimes goes missing with Hanks once-apprentice, Gavin Reed, who has been missing for months now. Not to mention the human girl that goes missing in the middle of the night. The dragons are awakening again, but instead of attacking, all they want is a chance to be treated like everyone else, like the humans of Detroit. For Connor it’s finding a place he belongs. For Kara it’s finding love, and protecting it. For Markus it’s their freedom. Words: 21, Chapters: 1/32, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Detroit Become Dragons AU Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Lucy (Detroit: Become Human), Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Rupert Travis, Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred, President Cristina Warren, Elijah Kamski, Original Chloe | RT600, Echo | Blue-Haired Traci, Ripple | Blue-Haired Traci's Girlfriend, Richard Perkins, Jeffrey Fowler, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed's Cat, Zlatko Andronikov, Zlatko Andronikov's Android(s) Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Dragon au became a thing, this is said thing, detroit Become human dragon au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, the androids are dragons now, Fluff, Romance, maybe a little smut later on, but not yet, will be skippable, hank is a knight, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sad Backstory, Anxiety, Paranoia, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Hybrids
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