#Chrissy Cunninham
khaleesa · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
It’s been a minute since I updated Guidance Counseling, but here’s a little teaser from Chapter 15, which is about 1/2-2/3 of the way finished, depending on how long the next scene ends up being, and should be up early next week!
"I didn't think you were the school dance type, Munson," Jonathan said.
"You see, Byers, I don't like anyone to be able to pigeonhole me, you know? If I want to go to a school dance, I go to a school dance. Or host one."
"Are you going to be pigeonholed into a tux?"
"Hell yeah!" Eddie's enthusiastic response seemed to surprise--and disappoint--Jonathan. Nancy looked smugly up at her boyfriend. "Actually, Nance…I wanna do all this right, for Chrissy, but…" He reached up and scrunched his hair in back. "Do you think I can not wear one of those cucumber bun things?"
"You mean a cummerbund?" Nancy corrected.
Eddie pointed. "Yep." He popped the p. "That's what I mean."
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter Six - Warning
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: As Eddie tries to focus on things like Hellfire club, Kat is still dealing with headaches. Chrissy seeks her out, needing to talk. This leads Kat to unblock more of her memories. 
Warnings: stress, anxiety, mention of death
Word count: 3.7k
Chapter song: Warning by Queensrÿche
Tag list: @madaboutmunson2 @munchabunch @prettyboyeddiemunson @mickkmaiden333 @michele131 @riffcrusader @idiot-parade​ (As always I’m so appreciative of everyone who interacts with and takes the time to read my stories. I see you guys and it really does make my day. Please feel free to leave a comment or send a message if you’d like to be added to my tag list!)
At school the following Monday, everyone was buzzing about spring break next week. After this, the seniors were pretty much in the clear. It wouldn’t be long until graduation. To distract himself from Kat’s situation, Eddie was focused on passing the torch to the next leader of Hellfire. This would be his final session as Dungeon Master before he would set his sights on California, so he was determined to make it one they would never forget. 
He spent study hall keeping to himself as he drew up character sheets and outlined the story. During class, he would draw the game’s villain. He immersed himself in the fantasy world he had total control over. Here, he was the one that called the shots. Here, he had the power and the bravery to finish any quest that was set before him. 
In between classes, he stood outside smoking a cigarette. A younger boy, probably a sophomore, stood near him. He kept looking over at him awkwardly as if he was going to approach Eddie, but then decided against it. “You, uh, need something, man?” he asked.
“Um, maybe. I heard you were the one–”
“How much do you need?” He cut the kid off, sparing him from the fearful look in his eye.
“A half.”
“That’ll be $20,” he said as he opened the lunchbox under his arm. The kid scooted over to him, digging in his pocket for the money. Eddie looked around, making sure none of the teachers or staff were in view. Seamlessly, he went in for a handshake where he put the half ounce of weed in the boy’s hand while taking the twenty dollar bill in his own. “You might want to put that in your lunch bag or something so it doesn’t smell,” he advised.
“Oh, good idea. Uh, thanks,” he mumbled before rushing away.
He shook his head as he finished his cigarette. First timers were always scared of him. He had to laugh at how ridiculous it all was. Everyone talked so much shit, yet he was always their go to guy for a fix. Sheer irony. 
As he went back inside someone in a letterman jacket bumped into him. “Watch where you’re going, Satan Spawn!”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I was, Bench Warmer,” he retorted before he slipped through the crowd of students and out of the oaf's reach. There were days, much like today, that just exhausted him as insults were hurled at him randomly. In no time at all, this would be a thing of the distant past. That’s what he kept reminding himself. 
On his way to the cafeteria he passed Ms. Kelley’s office. He was surprised to see Chrissy Cunningham rushing out of there, wiping something off her cheek. ‘Maybe Hawkins royalty isn’t as perfect as they appear…’ he thought to himself. Someone of her status would never be caught dead being involved with the school’s shrink. He wasn’t one to judge, but he always thought she had it in her to be different. At least, that’s what he hoped after he spent brief time with her at their middle school talent show. He knew better than to hold onto that though. She was always destined to be a cheerleader.
All thoughts of the social chain of command in Hawkins left him, when he felt a slender arm link around his and faintly heard The Cure blaring from the owner’s walkman. “Care to escort a lady to lunch?” Kat asked, smiling up at him.
“T’would be an honor, m’lady,” he said gallantly in a voice that made her giggle.
“How’s your day been?”
“Got called Satan spawn today. That’s a new one.”
“Ooh, bonus points for creativity!” she laughed.
“What about you? How’re you holding up?” As much as he wanted to, he could never hide the concern from his voice.
“Raging headache,” she sighed. “But I’ll live. Stop worrying about me! I know that look. You have Hellfire to worry about,” Kat tried to reassure him. 
When they were all seated, the fourth member of Corroded Coffin spoke up. “Um, Eddie… I have some bad news. My, uh, family is…” He spoke slowly at first, but when Eddie gave him a look he rushed his words to lay everything out in the open. “My family is going away for spring break and we are leaving right after school so I won’t be at–”
“You. Are. Missing. The final session?!” Eddie shrieked.
“I tried. I really tried. You know how my mom is! She didn’t care!”
“Who am I going to get to fill your place?!” he spat.
“I’ll do it?” Kat volunteered, causing the whole table to look at her in disbelief. “What! It’s the final one. Dustin will help me level up my character. Right, Dustin?”
Eddie looked at her like she just sincerely asked him if the sky was blue.
“I– I– yup! I can do that. Sure, sure, sure.” Dustin agreed immediately hoping it wouldn’t send Eddie into a rant. Instead, he just rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Kat I have been trying to get you to play this, for the whole year. And now? Now you volunteer?”
“I mean, I can go support Robin doing her thing in band, if you don’t need me,” she said slyly as she inspected her nails.
“No. No. If we lose one more player, the game won’t work. Dustin, she needs to be at least at level five. Do not let me down!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it!” he said nervously.
“Alrighty, Dusty. I’m your ride home this week.”
“We’ll start tomorrow! But, uh, do you… even… know what kind of–”
Kat interrupted Dustin with an insulted scoff. “I am an elf sorceress and my name is Kat the Magnificent. Oh and Eddie made me take that quiz that one time. I'm a chaotic neutral.”
“Kat, you can’t be a sorceress at level one. You’re just a magic-user,” Dustin sighed.
“Okay, well,  I’m a chaotic neutral elf…magic person. Thank you very much. Now, start rolling the dice and see what level I am!”
Eddie had a proud twinkle in his eye even if Kat clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Dustin hung his head as he shook it and sighed again. Mike actually reached into his backpack and shook his bag of dice, “We could start now and at least see what spells she has?” he suggested.
“Let’s do it, in case I have to change anything,” Eddie said with a huge grin plastered across his face.
They all spent the rest of lunch teaching Kat about the basics of D&D and rolling the dice to see what level one spells she had. She was even serious enough about it to start writing it down. There was no way she would remember all the details about shocking grasp or protection from evil. She let out a whoop that caused people to stare at them for a moment when she rolled a ten, allowing her to pick whatever miscellaneous spell she wanted. Naturally, she picked find familiar and the die revealed she had a black cat, which, of course she did. Eddie knew she barely had the mental capacity to add this onto her plate, but the effort she was putting in to try made his heart swell, especially watching her just have fun. For her, it was a welcome distraction and escape if only for a moment.
Kat found her mind often drifting to this new character she was creating for the rest of the day. It was especially helpful when her headache really started to act up. Despite all that, her thoughts somehow ended up straying towards Chrissy quite often. In Chemistry, she felt nauseous almost the whole time. It subsided when Chrissy left the class early for whatever reason. The whole situation sent alarm bells ringing for Kat. She made it a point after that to seek her out to check in with her and make sure she was doing okay. It was only a matter of time before something had to give.
At the end of the day, Kat made a quick stop at her locker. Lost in her own world, as she turned the corner to head out the main entrance, she didn’t even notice someone barreling towards her and collided right into someone. When she realized who it was, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Chrissy, we gotta stop meeting like this,” she spoke lightheartedly. 
“Thank god it’s you, Kat. I was actually looking for you,” she said almost breathlessly. Her expression was riddled with anxiety, which Kat noticed immediately. She grabbed Chrissy by the wrist and brought her into the nearest empty classroom. The contact made her stomach lurch and her head throb, but she did her best to ignore this.
“What’s going on? You look a little… Well, you look a bit worse for wear,” her voice was apologetic, but sincere.
“I just… I don’t know who to talk to who will really get it. Ms. Kelley thinks it’s just stress, but…” She shook her head in an attempt to focus. “I’ve been having headaches since Friday and nothing I do helps, really. Then there’s the nosebleeds and– and the nightmares. It’s like every night. They’re just… They’re so horrible. I– I don’t know what to do.” She was almost in tears as she confessed everything to Kat. 
“Alright, this is going to sound completely crazy, but I know exactly what you’re going through. Since the beginning of this month, I’ve had nightmares that have felt real. And they’ve been horrible. My headaches are back again, so I’ve got that too. It feels like…” Kat sighed. She didn’t want to go into full detail knowing that Chrissy was in no way prepared for the truth, but she did the best she could to lightly dance around it while she explained what she could. “It’s like there is something constantly scratching at the back of my mind. I just… I feel like something horrible is going to happen? And I don’t know why both of us are sort of going through the same thing.”
“So it’s not just me? It’s so hard to concentrate on school. I left… I left Chemistry early to see Ms. Kelley. I mean, it feels more than all this stuff I go through at home.”
“Like with your mom?” Chrissy avoided eye contact and stared at the floor, but she nodded. “This is gonna sound weird, but leave the radio on when you go to sleep. It might help. And… Look, weed helped me for a little while. I really think it could help you, Chrissy. I’m never gonna force you to do something you don’t want to do, but depending on how bad it gets… It’s an option. I’ve been dealing with this for…for a long time now. Just if you feel like there’s no other option, it might be worth a shot, okay?” 
Chrissy nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot… There's just the championship game at the end of this week. I just need to make it until then. I can’t– I don’t want to deal with people questioning me about things on top of everything else… They don’t understand.” She was fidgeting with the hem of her jacket as she spoke. Kat’s heart was breaking for her. Chrissy wasn’t someone she was close with, but she knew enough that this was taking an enormous toll on her. If this was connected at all to the lab or to her own past, she almost felt personally responsible. She wanted to take it upon herself to put a stop to this, to her pain. No one deserved to go through this kind of torment. 
“No, most people wouldn’t. But I know exactly what you’re going through. It’s not easy.”
Chrissy gave Kat a sad smile, acknowledging the comradery between the two of them. She quickly glanced at the clock and gasped, “Oh my god, I’m going to be late for practice. I’m so sorry, I gotta go.” She tried to quickly pull herself together and headed towards the door. “Thank you for listening, Kat.”
“Always. Whenever you need anything, just let me know.” She tried her best to appear strong and confident for Chrissy. On the outside she appeared to as Chrissy gave her another half smile before she hurried towards the gym. When she was out of sight, Kat let out a shuddering sigh.
Eddie was still waiting outside of Kat’s car to talk to her before they left school. Immediately he noticed the concerned look on her face. “Hey, what happened?” he wondered as soon as she was close to him.
“Eddie, this is really bad. Chrissy just talked to me about how her headaches won’t go away. She’s had nightmares every night since Friday and now, she’s getting nosebleeds on top of everything else. I just… I don’t know what to do. I need to figure out what to do.” He pulled her in for an embrace which she desperately needed at that point. She needed some form of comfort or reassurance. He was the only one that could give her that. One way or another, he always knew what she needed and she was so grateful for that. “It’s not like I can force her to try weed or carry a walkman around,” she continued, her voice flustered. “That isn’t like her. And she even said she can’t handle people noticing things like that and commenting about it, on top of everything else she’s dealing with.”
“Kat, you can’t blame yourself for what’s going on with Chrissy. You don’t even know how everything’s connected. It’s awful as shit to have to wait, but she’ll come around when she’s ready,” he tried to reassure her.
“Yeah, no. You’re right,” she sighed. “Maybe I can… Maybe there’s something from one of my memories that I don’t remember. Maybe I can find the connection there.” She pulled away to kiss him goodbye for the day. “It’s worth a shot. I can’t just sit here and wait.”
“Do you want me to be there with you?”
“No, I’ll be okay. You have Hellfire to prepare for. I don’t want to distract you from that.” She gave his hand a squeeze before she opened her car door. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
He nodded as he turned to head back toward his van. She was too stubborn to let him help her with this, he knew that much. He just had to focus on his own stuff. At least for today. Tomorrow was another story.
– – – – – – – – – –
Kat’s mind was reeling. The answer to her connection with Chrissy was right there in front of her. Perhaps she would find it tucked away in her memories. 
She hadn’t worked on figuring out her past since Hank was here last month. Of course there was some huge breakthrough at his job and he had to rush back to Nevada. This was the first time she actually wanted to remember. 
“You need to know what you’re capable of,” Hank’s words echoed in her mind. What could he have meant by that? 
After she got home and changed into her bathing suit, she turned on all the space heaters once she got in the garage. She uncovered the pool and agitated the water. The water was freezing, but Kat was too determined to let that stop her. She pressed play on the recording, picking right back up from where her and Hank had left off. 
She got into the pool and began to float. Focusing all her energy on listening to the surveillance footage, the stinging cold of the water didn’t even register. Instead, she found herself back in a lesson room. 
The whole lab was practically desemated. When there was almost silence, save for some voices talking down the hall it seemed, she moved her still body off the cold tiled floor. She looked around, trying to make sense of what happened. What she found was Dr. Brenner lying on the floor, blood running down his face. 
She was too stunned to rush to his aide. She had felt the energy that caused the door to fly off its hinges. Papa was probably as good as dead. Above her, the lights flickered. Slowly, she got up and her feet started to move her out of the room. There were two other powerful sources of energy nearby. It was all she could feel and she was heading towards it like a moth to a flame. 
As she neared the rainbow room, her stomach lurched. Whose power she was sensing, it was truly immense. Just like she did in the lesson room, she made herself invisible, cloaking herself in her own energetic field. She peered through the crack in the door. 
She recognized Peter, the orderly. The sinister look on his face, the evil in his eyes… It should have made Kat run away right then and there. But she saw 011. 
The lab wasn’t very conducive for making friends. The older kids above her, they had more of a sense about socializing. Kat did too, seeing as how she was raised here. This environment made her want to keep to herself and much as possible. She had shared a room with 011 and as much as two children could in that place, they did form some kind of bond. Kat always looked out for her, putting those who dared to bully her in their place. 
Immediately, she could feel something was off about Peter. She could feel the double-edged sword he used when he spoke. He knew the things he said weren’t always as they seemed. She had warned 011 that there was something dark lurking beneath his words. 
All her suspicions were proved right. When 011 was slammed into the door, she used that as her chance to slip into the room. From the power Peter possessed, she knew this was 001. She watched as he tossed 011 around like a ragdoll. She was frozen in place, not by 001, but from fear. 
Watching was all she could do. She watched in horror as 011 began to float, as 001 had her in his grasp as if she was a balloon. It was when her limbs began to distort, to crack, and bend in ways they shouldn’t, she knew it was then or never to even just try to save the closest thing she had to a friend. 
Throwing her arms out in front of her, she put all her energy into 011. She counteracted 001’s by essentially throwing out her forcefield, the energy that kept her safe, around 011. Of course, in doing so, she wasn’t able to hide herself anymore. 001 didn’t even notice Kat until it was too late. 
011 took control of her body again. After letting out a primal scream, she used every ounce of energy she could to throw 001 back, pinning him against the wall. She landed kneeling on the rainbow floor. 
Kat still had her arms outstretched, also focusing her energy to keep 001 pinned. She began to walk over to 011’s side. The lights dimmed and she rose onto her feet. Kat saw the tears of blood that stained 011’s face. They exchanged a knowing nod. Kat dropped her hands to her side while one hand took hold of 011’s. Together they walked toward 001. They stood in front of the two way mirror that he had broken through. 
Anger courses through Kat. This room, the halls, in other rooms, it was all littered with dead, innocent bodies. 001 had lied to 011, to both of them. She remembered him telling her she wasn’t powerful enough. That he needed to focus on 011. He would still help her escape too so that she could get back to her family, but she would never compare to 011. If it wasn’t for her help, 011 would have been another body to add to the count. And as much as Kat wanted to get back to her family, she knew they were the reason she was here in the first place. They dropped her off and never looked back. Always told she was never enough, always made to feel alone… Kat was done feeling that way. She didn’t have to do this alone and neither did 011. Her rage ignited the energy that coursed through her. 
In synchronicity, the two snapped their gazes toward 001. With a guttural scream, they extended their free arms and sent a surge of unbridled energy toward the monster in front of them. She could hear his muffled cries and struggle as he squirmed under the weight they had on him to hold him in place. 
Their energy shone as a bright light in the center of his chest. It grew brighter and brighter until he began to break down. He let out a scream of pain. The energy burned him. It looked as if he was turning to ash and every particle danced around him as he continued to disintegrate. Kat screamed again as she gave one final push of energy. He faded into this red portal until all that remained were the cracks on the wall from when.he was thrown against it. 
They dropped each other’s hand and stood there breathing heavily, watching the spot where 001 had been. The door opened. Kat turned around to see Dr. Brenner standing there. It was then she felt the blood dripping from her own eyes and also from her nose and ears. 
“What have you done?” The doctor whispered in terror. “What have you done!?” he asked again in a more demanding tone. 
“What needed to be done. What you wouldn’t do.” Kat spat back. 
Kat became present in her own body again as she gasped once the tape had ended. She splashed around in the water trying to regain her bearings and sit upright. Panting she got out of the small pool and tied a nearby towel around her. 
The orderly, the man she saw, the person she and 011 obliterated or sent somewhere… That was who she saw in her nightmare. The first horrific one since she had returned to Hawkins. The man who morphed into the monster that continued to haunt her while she slept. 
The only thing this did for her was leave her with more questions than answers.
previous chapter | next chapter 
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Tbh I feel bad for chrissy and what happened to her but what I truly feel sorry for is her riding in that damn van with eddie while he's driving like a maniac with his metal music blasting poor thing was already on edge
The thing is, she wasn't on edge. She was super chill when they got out of the van and she was smiling! 😁
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As careful as Eddie was in the woods to set her at ease, he wouldn't have driven like a maniac and with his music blaring if she'd been on edge in the car.
My personal headcanon is that she's so chill about Eddie's driving style because she's regular been thrown into the air as a cheerleader, that stuff toughens you up 😂
Btw I'm the absolutely wrong person to judge another person's driving style because I'm the Eddie of my friend group and nobody ever wants to drive with me. It's always "KIKI THIS ISN'T BUMPER CARS" and never "I like that it takes us half the time to get there" 🙄😂 I'm regularly being sent that gif of Max saying "he always drives like a maniac" when I offer to drive the others 😂
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sofiiel · 1 year
Helping Chrissy with her hair
like putting soft curls and waves in it for her. Being her little personal stylist. Applying her make up and telling her that the tinted lip gloss will bring out her smile.
Or that the eyeshadow shows the sparkle in her eyes.
Just letting her know of all the lovely things about her beyond standard body image. There's nothing you can do for the way her mind sees certain aspects of herself. But you can remind her that she carries beauty in her eyes, smile, hands, ears, and so on.
Things beyond her body shape.
She giggles as you two do each other's nails and you mention she's got cute hands that suit her pink polish well.
Compliment her new earrings.
And she gives you that wide bright smile that curves up to her eyes as you let her know you like what she did with her hair today. It's the same smile she gives every time because you go deeper than the usual "omg Chrissy you're so pretty!"
Now when she gets new nail polish or make up she rushes to you to flaunt it. She goes to the nail salon and after finds you happily twinkling her fingers to show her nails off.
Also compliments like you're so sweet, talented, and strong goes a long way with her.
You two exchange small accessories and you're the first one she goes to when she's found one she's extra happy with.
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sparklyslug · 6 months
wager all the hazards of love • @strangerthingsreversebigbang
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Read on ao3 here
Words: 15,500 Archive Warnings: none apply Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunninham, Beemer the Dog, Vecna Tags: Tam Lin inspired AU, folklore AU, fae AU
“I’ve been bringing my flock over these hills for years,” Steve offers. “It’s nice, this close to Hallow’s Eve, around here. The apples,” he gestures towards the stranger with one of them, and takes a big bite. “The leaves changing color,” he says, spitting bits of apple inelegantly into the fire. They pop and sizzle when they hit the flames, briefly filling the air with a spiced, earthy smell. 
“This close?” The stranger looks at him, eyebrows raised. He’s got such an expressive face, Steve almost wants to seize him by the cheeks and see how he can stretch it, press it, what shapes it might make in his hands. “How close?”
“To Hallow’s Eve?” Steve loses track of days out here, so he has to retrace the last few sunsets, how many of them have passed since he last waved goodbye to Robin as he brought out the flock. “I don’t know… a week? Little less?”
“That soon,” the man says quietly. Stares into the fire, expressive face gone still. “Almost out of time.”
Art here by @hereforanepilogue Fic here by @sparklyslug Beta Reader: @greenlikethesea For @strangerthingsreversebigbang
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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Wager All The Hazards of Love by @sparklyslug | Art by @hereforanepilogue
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunninham, Beemer the Dog, Vecna
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
“I’ve been bringing my flock over these hills for years,” Steve offers. “It’s nice, this close to Hallow’s Eve, around here. The apples,” he gestures towards the stranger with one of them, and takes a big bite. “The leaves changing color,” he says, spitting bits of apple inelegantly into the fire. They pop and sizzle when they hit the flames, briefly filling the air with a spiced, earthy smell.
“This close?” The stranger looks at him, eyebrows raised. He’s got such an expressive face, Steve almost wants to seize him by the cheeks and see how he can stretch it, press it, what shapes it might make in his hands. “How close?”
“To Hallow’s Eve?” Steve loses track of days out here, so he has to retrace the last few sunsets, how many of them have passed since he last waved goodbye to Robin as he brought out the flock. “I don’t know… a week? Little less?”
“That soon,” the man says quietly. Stares into the fire, expressive face gone still. “Almost out of time.”
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Starting From Zero by @scoupsahoy | Art by @anaccidentwaitingtohappen
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): steve harrington and robin buckley
Relationship(s): steve harrington & robin buckley
Summary: When Robin suggests that she and Steve skip town, he assumes she’s joking.
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The Way You Taste by @steddiehands86 | Art by @feralsteddie
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Werewolf Alpha Steve Harrington has been Master Vampire Kas’ bonded mate for centuries and yet still is a slave to the moon…and his carnal urges. Beloved and spoiled, he skirts far too close on the fringes of his mate’s boundaries at a most inopportune time and must suffer the consequences. Or Steddie monsterfucking.
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Thursday Blends by @statickids | Art by @justtoomuch
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning(s): No Warnings Apply
Character(s): Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper. Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, The Party (Stranger Things)
Relationship(s): Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington
“He has no reason to be this flustered over a wink. Over a pair of stupidly pretty magazine cover eyes staring at him, specifically at him.
Nope. None at all.”
(Or: The Byers-Hopper family runs a coffee shop, and Jonathan is the one manning the counter when a storm rolls in— said storm being Steve bringing the Party over for some post-game pastries.)
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But You'll Have This Place to Call Home, Always by @imfinereallyy | Art by @sunflowerharrington
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, The Party, Chief Hopper.
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: In the City of Hawkins lies a small cafe on the corner of 4th street that Steve Harrington owns with his best friend. Far from the broken life he once knew, Steve has become compliant in a comfortable but lonely life. He's happy to work every day in the city he's grown to love, with nothing more than a pillow to greet him at home. Steve should have known, though, that trouble follows him wherever he goes. And with a new face in town, Steve will have to reevaluate everything he knows, including his view on love. **** Steve glanced at Eddie, who was now reading his cup in amusement. As he saw Steve’s curious glance, he turned the coffee around, putting Steve’s handwriting into view. Steve almost died on the spot. Right there, in Steve’s loopy handwriting, was the word ‘trouble.’ Eddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Guess I’ll make sure to bring trouble back around.” Steve knew at that moment he had stirred up more than sugar in Eddie’s cup.
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Carry Home, My Little Soldier by @miserablekingsteve | Art by @artgroves
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Wayne Munson & Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Summary: 'I love you man.' Were the last words Eddie Munson whispered. Well that's what he thought before he awoke red bolts of lightning striking across the dark clouds of the Upsuide Down. Vecna was dead which was a good thing, but that also meant, no gates. How was he going to get out? And would the screeches in the distance become a problem? or the one where; Eddie gets left behind then writes goodbye letters to his loved ones in their favorite books. And maybe, just maybe there was a sliver of hope he of getting out.
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All Green and Gold by @waldos-art | Art by @arimakes
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Tommy Hagan, Jonathan Byers, Original Characters, Jim "Chief" Hopper
Relationship(s): Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers & Steve Harrington, Tommy Hagan & Steve Harrington
Summary: The first time Steve has ever been on a cattle run for his father, traveling all the way to Texas, he soon learned what Billy Hargrove was all about. And he was hooked. Even through the sweltering heat, being with Billy made sense. But the Harrington names draws attention, and soon enough Steve finds himself at the mercy of an outlaw and his gang, cattle rustlers with a penchant for ropes. Can Steve escape Eddie Munson and his gang? More importantly, as they get closer, does he even want to?
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Picture a Life by @bifuriouswaterbender | Art by @lady-lostmind
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham
Relationship(s): Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: If Dustin refused to accept that Steve and Robin weren't dating, perhaps they'd play up the moments that drove him nuts. Of course, such things occasionally escalate.
Stay tuned for more incredible works from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
I feel weird about it but I'll rec my own fic for slow burn weekend 🫣😅
Cause there's no better love (that beckons above me) by citrusmuppet -
Cause there's no better love (that beckons above me) by citrusmuppet
Rating: Mature
108,689 words, 19/30 chapters
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Tags: References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Steddie but if they were cursed by the gods, Hurt/Comfort, Eddie Munson in the Upside Down, Eddie Munson awakens an old god with his music, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Vampire Eddie Munson, Dungeons & Dragons References, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Soulmates, Apollo Being an Asshole (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Vikings, Slow Burn, Eddie Munson as Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, druid Steve Harrington, Blood Drinking, Fix-It of Sorts, Virgin Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunninham had an eating disorder, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Undeath, Minor Character Death, POV Alternating, Bisexual Carol Perkins, Bisexual Nancy Wheeler
Her gaze caught Steve’s, “Apollo visited you already.” Every muscle in Steve’s body grew taut, “How-” He began, only to be cut off by a shriek of laughter from Eddie. “Apollo? The Greek God of the Sun?” Why would Eddie know about Apollo? “It wasn’t a dream, Steven. It was a memory. Apollo always offers you the same deal.” She intoned, and Steve’s mind was in a whirlwind of chaos at her statement. Because if that wasn’t a dream, if it was a memory then that would make…he swung his head around to look at Eddie and this time…this time he really looked because that would make him- Steve’s soulmate. Eddie should be dead right now. By all accounts, this was the end of the road for them. The kaleidoscopic feelings and memories began to fill in Steve’s mind and he knew. Knew that under other circumstances that what they’d had up to this point was all they usually got. OR Eddie awakens a sleeping goddess with his guitar in the Upside Down and changes the course of their fight with Vecna and the Mindflayer.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Slow Burn.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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val-from-lawrence · 3 months
Cause there's no better love (that beckons above me)
by citrusmuppet
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Carol Perkins/Nancy Wheeler
Character: The Party (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Wayne Munson, Mielikki (Dungeons & Dragons), Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Chrissy Cunningham, Patrick McKinney, Fred Benson, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Death (OC), Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Susan Hargrove, Carol Perkins, Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons)
Additional Tags:
References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Steddie but if they were cursed by the gods, Hurt/Comfort, Eddie Munson in the Upside Down, Eddie Munson awakens an old god with his music, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Vampire Eddie Munson, Dungeons & Dragons References, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Soulmates, Apollo Being an Asshole (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Vikings, Slow Burn, Eddie Munson as Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, druid Steve Harrington, Blood Drinking, Fix-It of Sorts, Virgin Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunninham had an eating disorder, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Undeath, Minor Character Death, POV Alternating, Bisexual Carol Perkins, Bisexual Nancy Wheeler
Words: 108,689
Chapters: 19/30
Her gaze caught Steve’s, “Apollo visited you already.” Every muscle in Steve’s body grew taut, “How-” He began, only to be cut off by a shriek of laughter from Eddie. “Apollo? The Greek God of the Sun?” Why would Eddie know about Apollo? “It wasn’t a dream, Steven. It was a memory. Apollo always offers you the same deal.” She intoned, and Steve’s mind was in a whirlwind of chaos at her statement. Because if that wasn’t a dream, if it was a memory then that would make…he swung his head around to look at Eddie and this time…this time he really looked because that would make him- Steve’s soulmate. Eddie should be dead right now. By all accounts, this was the end of the road for them. The kaleidoscopic feelings and memories began to fill in Steve’s mind and he knew. Knew that under other circumstances that what they’d had up to this point was all they usually got. OR Eddie awakens a sleeping goddess with his guitar in the Upside Down and changes the course of their fight with Vecna and the Mindflayer.
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someforeignband · 5 days
WIP Word Game
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your WIP(s) that start with each letter of that word.
thank you to the always lovely @sageclipse for the tag! i appreciate you so so so so much!!
my word is GHOST! so, here we go! (there's a couple slightly nsfw tidbits ,,, minors shoo!)
G — from 'And You Were Going In (For The Kill)' — Steddie
“Good, Eddie?” Steve asks, eyes wide and shiny, lips swollen, chin covered in saliva and Eddie. The summer heat left his cheeks flushed, his neck was red, blush following down to the center of his chest. Who knew Steve Harrington was a blusher? Eddie sure didn’t, not until now at least. 
H — from 'Tie 'Em In A Knot (Like a Hangman's Noose)'— Steddie
He motions over all of Eddie before continuing. “But, my dad’ll be back any second and he doesn’t want any vis—”
“Well, lucky for you,” Eddie’s tongue darts out and licks at his bottom lip. He’s looking at Steve with this glint in his eye that makes the hairs on the back of Steve’s neck stand up.
He’s popping his hip out, grinning and whispering, “I don’t care.” The side of Eddie’s mouth twitches, dimple in his cheek threatening to make itself visible, and Steve’s stomach goes warm. 
Oh shit. 
O — from 'If I Could Be Anybody (I'd Be The One)'— Steddie
“Oh yeah,” Chrissy shrugs. “The Buckley-Harringtons, plus the Johnsons, plus the Cunninhams all contained in a restaurant covered in Gold Leaf! What could go wrong!” 
Stevie groans, falling back against her mattress, hands over her eyes. “This is my fucking nightmare.” 
“Gotta give it to Dick, though,” Chrissy hums, tugging at the ends of her comforter so that it lays on her bed straighter. “Can’t wait for him to take care of our bottomless mimosas.” 
S — from 'Sympathy for the Devil' — Steddie
Steve breathes out through his nose. The guy’s other vitals were fine. Even a concussion would see some pupil movement. The realization hits him like a truck. 
He’s blind. 
T — from 'I Can't Let Go (When Something's Broken)' — Destiel
The gag is that there isn’t some kind of man behind the curtain. There’s no invisible man. There’s no thing that goes bump in the night. It was all a lie. A delusion. 
It’s all that sad sort of twisted thing that makes the heap of dirty clothes piled up on your desk chair in the corner of your bedroom look like a burglar. 
But, the sun rose. And now, Dean had to deal with the reality that it was just a pile of laundry on a desk chair. 
The burglar doesn’t exist. 
It’s just a fucking pile of clothes on a chair. 
Yay that was so fun i loved playing along!! the word i'm proposing is CRISP :)
no pressure tags, feel free to join in on the game if you'd like!! xoxoxox @yours-etc @pearynice @riality-check @stevespookington
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hellcheer-prompts · 1 year
Brooklyn Nine-Nine AU: Follows a team of detectives in 1980s Brooklyn headed by the gruff and observant Captain Jim "Hop" Hopper. Detectives and members of the precinct include: knowledgeable and sweet Chrissy Cunninham, who's often underestimated by everyone but her partner Eddie Munson, a wild card with a kind heart and a smart mouth; Steve Harrington, a confident and charming detective with a protective side; Nancy Wheeler, nicknamed Nancy Drew, the most intelligent and talented detective of the precinct; Robin Buckley, the talkative and easygoing assistant to Captain Hopper; and the quiet, level-headed forensic photographer Jonathan Byers.
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April 30th, 1986
Indiana State Police make an arrest in Hawkins’s killer copycat case!
Grigori Ivchenko has been detained for the murder of two men and a woman in a series of strange and gruesome murders that took place in Hawkins. He was located and taken into police custody near Indianapolis, Indiana on April 29th.
Grigori Ivchenko has been identified as the sole murder of Chrissy Cunningham, Patrick McKinney and Fred Benson.
He was arrested on Tuesday as he attempted to drive out of the state, armed with a hunting knife and a handgun, possibly searching for another victim, according to the police.
Police said Ivchenko, 37, has a criminal history, is known to the police and is believed to have also lived in several cities near Hawkins before the crime.
Investigators began looking for a suspect after receiving a tip from a concerned neighbor on March 21st. The first victim, Chrissy Cunninham was found in Forest Hill Trailer Park.
Ivchenko earned the sobriquet of "The Copycat Killer" for his ability to mimic the modus operandi of Victor Creel, the notorious killer who murdered his family back on March 13th, 1959.
In the beginning, it wasn’t immediately clear that Ivchenko was the culprit of the crime. At the time, the police had another suspect, a man named Edward Munson, who has since been declared innocent despite public outrage.
Edward Munson, 20, was in Indianapolis at the time of the murders. He was gravely injured upon his return, the night of March 27th during the now famous Hawkins’s earthquake(...)
Ivchenko's trial is set to start on May (...)
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celestialseph · 2 years
september fic recs!
hi hi hi! this is my first fic rec list, and i am so excited to share it with you all! here's my little collection of my favorite fics/imagines/things that won't leave my head at the moment, enjoy!
*my blog is 18+, and so are most of these stories, minors, shoo*
eddie munson
worlds apart by @munsons-maiden - a heartbreaking, yet still fluffy au where you're a victim of the mind flayer, and it's sole survivor during starcourt. eddie's path crosses with yours, and you fall head over heels, but vecna has other plans. you have to put your fears aside to save eddie from jason and his crew, all while trying to fight vecna's grip on you. (i cannot recommend this series enough. it had me crying, laughing, and kicking my feet like a kid in love. a must-read eddie fic!)
days of the week by @munson-trashcan - a series where you and eddie are enemies.... who like to take to take your hate out on each other.... by fucking each other. (this series is phenomenal! the twists may have broken me, but i would pay anything to be able to read it all again for the first time.)
pile of polaroids by @creme-bruhlee - series summary: eddie gets a great idea to take pictures while he fucks you, and you can't say no to an offer like that. (i've read this upwards of ten times and i am not ashamed, it's that good.)
encore, ring, and star by @mypoisonedvine - a trilogy where you're a rockstar, eddie's a groupie, and (sexual) chaos ensues. (this is one of my favorites aus of all time, and i ate this shit up like i hadn't eaten in ten years. highly, highly recommend.)
love letters by @creme-bruhlee - series summary: after you receive a series of anonymous love letters, eddie has a confession to make that might make or break your whole friendship. (SO cute. i want to squeeze eddie's cheeks in this and kiss him until he can't breathe.)
you made me hate this city by @marvelsswansong - series summary: It was just a stupid bet. A way to prove Jason and his asshole friends wrong, to finally get under the blonde’s skin. It was never supposed to end with Eddie falling in love, nor with him laying on your doorstep with bruised knees, begging for your forgiveness. (adorable, heartbreaking, funny, everything you could want. it'll break your heart, but put it right back together in the end.)
the price of a kiss by @spiderrrling - summary: You start trading Eddie little nick knacks for kisses. (the definition of tooth-rotting fluff if i've ever seen it. seriously the cutest thing ever.)
dealer's choice and double down by @ohcaptains - your dealer’s always been a bit sweet on you – giving you deals and letting you try out new shit. he even lets you make house calls! and pick the music, and sit on his lap…and… 
angel face by @sunflowergirl522 - summary: Eddie takes Dustin to pick up his sister from the airport and is surprised with seeing his long ago best friend.Eddie takes Dustin to pick up his sister from the airport and is surprised with seeing his long ago best friend. (i cried over how fucking precious this story is. i also now call my cat "angel face" because of it.)
what are friends for by @munson-trashcan - summary: Eddie has always come to you, his best friend, with all of his problems, but his latest one might just wreck your friendship
can i borrow your bed? 1 and 2 by @hard-candy-writing - you just got your first vibrator and are eager to try it out, but your house has thin walls and no privacy. luckily, your best friend eddie has graciously offered his room to you.
made for lovin' you by @xechowritesx - summary: after years of silently pining for your best friend, you finally accept a date at your favorite dive bar. but things never go as planned, do they? alternatively, jealous eddie, too many whiskey shots, and a friendship shattering, almost confession that leads to some delicious smut.
masterlist from @peterthepark - this one's a masterlist link because i don't want to make this post a decade long by listing all of the eddie fics from them! so damn into you and little witch are my top two, but i cannot express enough how good everything is.
masterlist by @indouloureux - same as the last! everything is brilliant and you should read it all.
catholic!reader x eddie munson by @prettyboyeddiemunson - another masterlist link because i can't get enough of these ideas.
steve harrington
sweet peach by @s-brant - summary: An inside joke started by Eddie turns into torment for Steve when his girlfriend, Y/N, joins in on it. On a night out with their friends, his long-buried frustration comes to a head.
curiosity is killing me by @thefreak-thebanished - summary: When sleepovers with your best friend become a ruse for her sneaking her own boyfriends in, it's not your fault that the only other distraction is her brother...
meddle about by @peterthepark - summary: back home from school, you recount about your time away in college with steve and eddie, leading to a sexual proposition that you never would’ve expected.
no i in threesome 1, 2, 3, and 4 by @corrodedhawkins - a game of truth or dare leads to a secret about you wanting steve too to come out.
wild parts 1, 2, and 3 by @xdirtyx - summary: You and Steve dated before Eddie asked you out and Eddie couldn't help but feel like there was potential for some fun on the horizon. Shenanigans ensue.
perfect penmanship by @carol-munson - prompt: 'What if reader accidentally found eddies book and saw all of the things he wants to do to her and planned for her when steve was gone for that weekend. She would be on edge every time he was near her and she would get a funny feeling in her tummy anytime he so much looked at her. Eddie probably takes notice and does little things to get her reaction.'
steve and eddie fucking you at steve's summer house on spring break 1 and 2 by @sunflowersteves
eddie x chrissy x reader by @poppy-metal
nancy having a pretty pussy by @poppy-metal
love will tear us apart by @unfortunate-brat
scream au by @poppy-metal
chrissy x reader experimenting, perv eddie by @indouloureux
chrissy being a curious best friend by @lovewheeler
perv eddie 1 and 2 by @mypoisonedvine
steve having a massive cock by @eddiebaghetti
eddie x inexperienced reader by @indouloureux
eddie and anal by @mysticmunson
steve being rough for the first time by @indouloureux
dom nancy by @indouloureux
squirting with eddie by @corrodedhawkins
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Okay idk if you've answered this before bit what did chrissy mean when she said "it's not that" when eddie was ready to leave?
She reitereates it herself: "No, it's not that. I don't want you to go." She tells him the reason for her behavior is not that she wants him to go. It's her way of saying "I'm scared but not of you and I want you to stay" 🥺
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metalheadcowboy · 2 years
Based on this post, specifically this comment brought to us by the most brilliant @rascheln, thank you again for allowing me to take your lovely idea and turn it into brain rot soup <3
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Eddie and Wayne had been living in the same confined space for so long that Eddie barely even noticed when his uncle entered the room. But he sure noticed when a familiar callused hand, less than gracefully, tossed a light blue pack of condoms nearly into his breakfast.
He choked on his cereal, spoon falling back into the bowl with a 'clink!' as he coughed, scrunching his face when he felt the burn of milk coming out of his nose.
"Christ, son," Wayne mused with a furrowed brow, half reaching over the counter like he was going to try to pat him on the back before Eddie waved his hand away, other palm banging on his chest almost comedically in a lame attempt to dislodge the liquid from his throat. The older man couldn't help but roll his eyes at his nephew's regular dramatics. He was figured if anything was going to kill that boy, the last thing would be a bowl of Honeycomb.
Eddie's lips pursed into a straight line, clearing his throat a few times before exhaling, long and strong, wiping away milk remnants with the back of his hand before wiping said hand on the thigh of his pajama pants, "Jesus," he croaked, scrubbing a hand over his face, eyes widened like he'd just been traumatized. Because he had, "Maybe a little more direct next time," he suggested sarcastically, whipping his head around to glare at Wayne, "I don't think throwing condoms at me made enough of a point!"
Wayne just shrugged and took a sip of his black coffee, styled by none other than a goofy Garfield mug, "Hey," he swallowed, making a point to throw his index finger in Eddie's direction, "Safe sex ain't no joke, kid."
At this Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes earning him a particularly sharp stare from his uncle. He went back to eating his cereal, or rather playing with it, not all so hungry anymore, "Yeah, yeah," he droned, making a sour looking face as he muttered things under his breath that Wayne couldn't quite decipher, eyes focused on the floating honeycombs. That kid always had been something else.
"Listen, Eddie, you're gettin' older-" Wayne attempted, earning a loud him a loud groan from the metalhead, throwing his head back towards the ceiling in distain, spoon once again falling loudly back into his bowl. The aged man was really starting to think his nephew was too immature and he was far too old for this.
"Just because I'm getting older Wayne, doesn't mean any more people are gonna start throwing themselves at the town freak than before," Eddie spoke with dramatics, hands flying everywhere as he spoke, usually a sign that he was worked up, nervous, or uncomfortable. In this situation it would definitely have to be the latter, "And just in case you were wondering, that would make my total somewhere in the ballpark of, oh, I don't know," the younger man tapped a finger repeatedly on his stubbled chin as he pretended to think, "zero and negative four."
Wayne's eyebrows shot up, but only for a moment as he set his mug back on the counter, leaning a hip up against the old topaz, "Really?" He inquired, " 'Cause I been washing your sheets for years 'n-"
"No," Eddie was quick to shut whatever his uncle had to say next down, "Nope, nu-uh, remind me to lock my bedroom door from now on, Jesus H. Christ." He shook his head, resting his face into his palms supported by his elbows in embarrassment.
A small grin cracked Waynes weathered features as he huffed a laugh at his nephews mortification. He let the kid roll in it for a moment before he carried on, "Seriously, son, what about that girl, the blonde one with the-" he cut himself off, waiting for Eddie to look up at him before making pom-pom motions with his hands, the same motion Eddie made when they met in the woods for the first time.
Eddie cracked a smile of his own at his uncle's goofiness, "I mean, yeah, Chrissy Cunningham," he replied almost longingly, "She's sweet and all, but we're just friends," he shook off, "Anyways, she's dating that asshole religion nut, Jason Carver." Wayne hummed, crossing his arms, he understood the type, having known of the Carver family for years.
"Well," he continued, deciding if he was bold enough to state his next suggestion. There was a beat of silence, filled with uncertainty and nerves as Eddie looked up at Wayne, waiting for him to say whatever he had to say next, "Y'know, that red headed girl 'cross the road, she's got a brother 'round 'yer age."
The young man's eyebrows shot up suddenly, eyes brightened with a mix of surprise and acceptance. And if Wayne didn't know any better he'd have sworn he saw a slight blush rise to his nephews cheeks, "Billy?" he questioned, like he hadn't known the guys name since he moved into town.
"He's definitely..." Brief memories of a scared, trembling shell of the facade Billy put on showing up to his trailer while Wayne wasn't home flashed through his head. Bruises and cuts, just overall damage caused to him by his father that reminded Eddie all too much of his own father now it jail, "Something else."
"Dunno, you two jus' seem to got a lot in common 's all," Wayne justified, having seen the boy around, heard the music blaring from his car late at night when Eddie's own wasn't disrupting what little sleep he got. And maybe it was just wishful thinking and the want to see his nephew happy that drove those similarities, but was that such a crime?
Eddie chuckled, "Yeah, you could say that," Finally deciding breakfast was a bust, the metalhead pushed his bowl away, muttering out a quick "thanks" when Wayne moved to put it in the sink, "He's pretty much spoken for too, anyways," he quickly added, "Got it bad for Steve fucking Harrington, go figure."
Wayne was about to scold the boy for his language, but stopped when he turned the see the look of anguish on Eddie's face, "I can't blame him, really," the brunette mumbled, chewing on the skin around his thumbnail anxiously, "Guess Steve just kinda has that... effect on people," he sighed, letting his hands fall back to his flannel clad thighs in a sort of defeat.
Wayne smirked, bingo, "Now, don't count your chickens before they hatch, Eds," he pointed out, "You never know." Eddie scoffed, picking at a loose string on the hem of his sleep shirt.
"Trust me, I think I know," the young man remarked, "I think the day Steve Harrington turns queer is the day hell freezes over, Wayne. Besides, he'd never pick me over Hargrove, the guy's built like a damn brick wall!" There he went, talking with his hands again, worked up, "And me? Shit, I look like Bambi and a wet dog had a baby! There's no competition there, really."
And with that Eddie stood up from his bar stool, feeling at though he'd been vulnerable enough for one day. Wayne was quick to stop him though, grabbing the condoms from where he first tossed them only to try to hand them to his nephew again when he rounded the attached bar, "Just in case," he added with an almost soft smile, as if to let Eddie know he was rooting for him in an odd, roundabout way.
Eddie just sighed, plucking the container from his uncle with two fingers, "I'll keep you updated," he assured with a forced, over exaggerated smile.
"Don't," Wayne added as Eddie started to walk away, "For both of our sakes, son, don't!" And all Eddie could do was laugh, his manic hyena-like down right maniacal laugh and Wayne knew he was in for it.
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backseatloversz · 2 years
chrissy cunninham circa spring 1986 this is my girlfriend eddie munson and his girlfriend steve harrington & yes they smoke weed 😌
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