#Chuck and Blair wedding
andthatscanon · 2 months
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dair parallels (136/?)
Gossip Girl 5x13 // Gossip Girl 6x10
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raeflora · 5 months
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blair waldorf outfits 6x10 new york, I love you xoxo
outfit 5
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renegadesstuff · 18 days
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GOSSIP GIRL (2007 - 2012)
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romancemedia · 2 years
Chuck and Blair get married (6x10)
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nineteenthmay · 2 years
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Favourite Gossip Girl music moments: 17: “Road To Nowhere” by Release the Sunbird (Season 6, Episode 10)
Well, we know where we're goin' But we don't know where we've been And we know what we're knowin' But we can't say what we've seen
And we're not little children And we know what we want And the future is certain Give us time to work it out
We're on a road to nowhere Come on inside Takin' that ride to nowhere We'll take that ride
I'm feelin' okay this mornin' And you know We're on a road to paradise Here we go, here we go
Maybe you wonder where you are I don't care Here is where time is on our side Take you there, take you there
There's a city in my mind Come along and take that ride And it's all right, baby it's all right
And it's very far away But it's growing day by day And it's all right, baby it's all right
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talkfastcal · 11 months
Guess who’s watching the last episode of gossip girl again
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acidinduceddaydreams · 3 months
Speak Now 。𖦹°‧
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Bang Chan x reader
Synopsis: in which he's waiting for you to speak now, and you're willing to forever hold your peace.
Warnings: angst, lots of it.
a/n: this piece is loosely based off of speak now by taylor swift as well as the scene between blair and chuck at blair and louis' wedding in gossip girl. Also if you dont have a sister, pretend you do for the sake of the first part of this fic.
Not proofread, sorry for errors!
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You still sucking on your third sour patch kid of the morning are surprised yet annoyed at the knock on your apartment door, not wanting anyone to see you in the isolated, dragged down state you were currently in. Your ex was getting married today. You were invited but opted out of going.“Ugh, I’m coming.” "Well hurry!" said a thick, deep Australian accent. "Yeah, hurry!" you heard your sisters voice.
“What the hell?” What are you two doing here. Felix don’t you have somewhere obvious to be? “I do, but so do you” Seeing the visible confusion on your face your sister decides to step in. “Look, Y/n I know you won’t want to do this and you have every right to feel that way but you need to talk to Chris.” Felix nods looking at your puzzled expression. “She’s right. We all know that you’re the one Chris is meant to end up with. This other girl is great and all but you’re his genuine soulmate. Don’t lose what you guys had.” “Are you guys crazy? I’m not doing that. I don’t even have any idea what to say.” “We broke up two years ago. That chapter is done in both our lives.” Your sister stops your ranting by looking in your eyes and it made you believe what they were saying was true. Sighing somewhat alarmingly Y/n said, “where is he?”
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Y/n had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, pacing back and forth in the dimly lit hallway. Her heart thumped against her ribcage, each beat seeming to echo through the empty space. She glanced at the door leading into the dressing room, her eyes narrowing as she stared at the key that dangled in her hand given to her by Felix. Minho had already gotten everyone out of the room much to Chan’s dismay. It was to “leave Chan alone with his thoughts.” though Chan didn’t buy it. With one final deep breath, Y/n reached out and twisted the key, the click of the lock turning sending a shiver down her spine. She pushed the door open slowly, revealing Chan standing in front of a full length mirror fixing his tie. His back was to her, his attention fixed on the tie he was carefully adjusting. The air in the room was thick with anticipation and the faint scent of his cologne. Y/n took a tentative step forward, her heart hammering against her ribcage. "Chan?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own racing pulse.
He spun around, startled, his eyes widening when he saw her standing there. "Y/n?" he breathed, looking her up and down. "What are you doing here?"
She took another step forward, her eyes filling with tears. "I came to ask you not to go through with this," she said, her voice breaking. "I came to tell you that I love you and I can't bear the thought of losing you, not again."
Chan looked torn, his expression pained. "Y/n, I don't know what to say," he started, his gaze flickering between her and the door."I know, but…Please, Chris," she pleaded, her hands trembling. "Don't do this. We can work things out. We can be happy together."
He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Y/n," he began, "I care about you too, but I have to think about my future. I have responsibilities."
She took another step closer, her eyes never leaving his. "But our future is together," she insisted. "We can face anything together. Don’t you remember? Those were your words."
Y/n felt a surge of desperation rise within her. "Chris, please," she begged, her voice breaking. "It should be us up there and you know it. Don't give your life to someone else when you and I and everyone else in that room knows you belong with me."
He looked away, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed heavily. "I can't just abandon her like that," he said, his voice strained. "She doesn't deserve that."
Tears streamed down her face as she took one final step forward, reaching out to touch his cheek. "But I do?" she whispered. "Please, Chris?”
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The room was filled with a warm, golden glow, the sunlight streaming through the stained-glass windows and casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the aisle. You stood in the back, watching as the crowd of people slowly filled the pews, their faces a blur of anticipation and excitement.Maybe you had known him for so long. Maybe it was because you had always felt like a person Chan just dated because he pitied you. Or maybe it was just because you wanted to see the most handsome man you've ever met and had the privilege of dating, that’s what you tell yourself when the question arises inside of you “why’d you stay?”
The music changed, and the organist began to play the wedding march. The doors at the end of the aisle swung open, and there she was, walking toward him, her face beaming with happiness. When they meet the love in her eyes are evident. His, however, hurts you more because you know that his love, his heart, his soul, his being, was once yours and you let it go and now you are going to be stuck with that truth forever.
The ceremony is passing and every second you feel a piece of your heart being chipped away. You know you deserve this but the pain in your heart just won’t subside. As the preacher starts his next sentence you feel your whole body go cold and numb. "If anyone has any objections to these two being wedded in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." Your idea to stand at the back of the church and not sit in the pews was to both yours and Chan's detriment. You both have a clear almost humorously mocking view of one another, seeing the hurt on your face breaks Chan and seeing his eyes wonder if you'll object hurts you.
This is wrong. Chris shouldn’t want you to step in and object to him marrying someone he loves, infront of the people he loves. So why does he deep down try to plead with you to do just that?
You can't do it. You can't ruin his and her wedding, you had your chance so why do you feel as though not objecting and ruining this wedding and not giving into your own desire is the worst mistake you'll ever make? You felt a lump form in your throat as you heard the pastor’s words . This wasn't meant to be easy but suddenly it felt like the hardest thing you'd ever have to do.
"You may now kiss the bride!" Amongst all the cheers and applause Chris still wished that it was you up there with him. And you wished for it too.
Chan was meant to happy, his smile was meant to be real. He was meant to forget about you the instant he said I do. Why was he still thinking about you? Goodness! Could you just leave his head for one second? Truth is you never did, not even when you both broke each other's hearts.
As the ceremony came to an end, the guests filed out of the church, congratulating the newlyweds and offering their well-wishes. You lingered at the back of the church outside not wanting to intrude on their special moment. "Hi" you hear someone talking to you but truly nothing was registering anymore. "Oh, hi" "You look like you wanna get out of here. I don't blame you, so do I." "Really, does my face betray me that bad?" you say almost jokingly but both know that you're not joking. “I’m Daniel by the way. It’s very nice to meet you.” “I’m Y/n and likewise.” You said giving him the first genuine smile you’ve given in a while. “So I’ll get the car?” “I don’t think it’s safe to get in a car with some guy I don’t know.” “Well I clearly can’t be worst than the guy who made you cry.” He said hinting at Chan standing behind you. “I’ll bring the car around.” And with that he left.
"Well," Chan said, turning to face you, his expression a mix of regret and pain, "thank you for coming."
You hesitated, searching for the right words to say. After a moment, you took a deep breath and began, "Chan, you shouldn’t be here. I think it’s best I go but I know we could have been good together, I guess you were just always meant to wake up to her every morning, to be giddy as your eyes light up when you call her your wife, not me."
His teary eyes never left your own. Speaking softly. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. For everything." The silence that fell between you two was deafening, but you didn't want to leave just yet. There was still so much you wanted to say, but you knew that this was probably your last chance. You took a step closer to him, your heart racing as you reached out and took his hand.
"I know that we're not meant to be alone together right now or even be talking but I want you to know that," you began, your voice wavering slightly, “you'll always be the one in my heart and I'm sorry for the part I played in the end of us."
His grip on your hand tightened for a moment, and then he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. "Don't be sorry because you," he whispered, "will always be the one I love."
Your face betrayed your words. You were both hurt and you both made decisions that ended up screwing over the both of you. "Well you should be getting to your wife, I have to go now."
"Y/n" you heard your name being called and as you turned around you saw Daniel. "Goodbye Chris." and with that you walked towards the car door that Daniel was opening for you.
As you enter the car you feel the fabric of your almost floor length gown rip and you hear a tear as the door of the car closed because of the caught fabric.
And with the rip of your dress, so too did the sheer cover you were using to keep it all together rip. Tears erupting as though they came from a broken faucet.
He really was the one that got away and now driving in this car with the memories clouding your head, you became his too.
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strideofpride · 6 months
Something something Louis and Chuck both wearing white at their weddings to Blair something something they were the center of those relationships something something Blair can’t even be the focus for a single day
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 months
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Dair + 9
Dair + 9…in public.
I wrote this as a sequel to this flash fiction I wrote for the last time I did a tumblr prompts meme. what can I say, I was inspired. and I could have written a wayyyyyy better breakup arc than the show. there I said it.
it got long (typical) so continue reading the whole bit under the cut <3
The party is already in full swing by the time Dan and his group get there. The subway would have been faster, but someone insisted that the lowest she would stoop to get to Bushwick was a cab. 
“Why did we agree to this again?” Dan asks out of the side of his mouth. 
“Not like she gave us much of a choice,” Vanessa mutters back. “Maybe we can get her to do something really low brow, like drink PBR or sing karaoke.”
Dan snorts, watching as the third member of their reluctant trio stomps into the crowd, clad in the tunic and pleather leggings Vanessa loaned her. 
A lot has happened since Dorota and Vanya’s wedding: Serena skipped town and came back with her dad, Eric hasn’t spoken to Serena since she came back with her dad (or their dad, but only in the biological sense). Vanessa got into Tisch, Dan didn’t. They evaluated their relationship at the three-month mark and decided that it just wasn’t working.
And, strangest of all, in the wake of her breakup—and Dan decking her ex across the face in public—Blair has seemingly attached herself to Dan and Vanessa and NYU as a whole, like she’s using the whole of Greenwich Village as a shield against the reach of Chuck Bass. 
“Hey, by the way,” Vanessa adds under her breath, “Willa is probably gonna make a move on you tonight.”
Dan blinks slowly, unsure how to answer. Breaking up was the right choice, he knows that. He spent most of his time as Vanessa’s boyfriend missing his best friend, Vanessa. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel weird about how she’s been pushing him into the path of other girls ever since. Like he’s a loose end she needs to square away before she starts at Tisch. 
“I’ll try to stick to a minimum six feet distance then.”
“Better make it ten,” Vanessa advises as they approach the bar, “she seemed pretty determined.”
Dan inwardly cringes, then orders two shots of tequila. Tequila and Vanessa have been somewhat of a dangerous combination for him these past six months, but if he’s going to endure the awkward ordeal this party is turning out to be, he cannot be sober for it. 
Vanessa’s pulled into a conversation with other Tisch people soon after, and Dan lets her go and tries not to feel too bitter about it. 
He’d really wanted it, but honestly, he can’t really explain why. He guesses that if he had to, then he’d have to admit it was because if he could break into the prestige of the Tisch name, it would make losing out on Yale sting a little less. Which is just fucking embarrassing—that was a year ago. What is it with Dan’s inability to move on anyway?
“Humphrey,” Waldorf greets him with a cursory nod, “holding the wall up all by yourself?”
He tips his beer bottle towards her. “Tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.”
She gives him a withering look. Fair, not his best material. 
“This has been a bust so far,” Waldorf declares, unprompted, slumping against the wall next to him. “The so-called art here is terrible, and there isn’t a single guy in this room I would even think about kissing.”
At a loss for how to reply, Dan just asks, “What?”
Waldorf heaves out a sigh. “To get around Chuck’s fatwa? That was the whole point of this exercise, Humphrey!”
He shakes his head, like Waldorf’s obstinance is something that’s possible to shake off. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“Whatever,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. “The point is, no matter what I do, or where I go, he’s just –” she gestures wildly, “there.”
Dan follows the direction of her wave, and nearly spits out his drink when he sees Chuck Bass lurking in the corner. There could only be one reason for Chuck to come to Bushwick, and it’s certainly not to see Willa Weinstein’s performance art on corporate coffee chains.
“That’s…” he trails off, searching for an apt descriptor, “fucked up.”
Waldorf snorts at his eloquence, hands tightening around her elbows. “Yeah. It just – makes it impossible to move on. Him being around all the time.”
Dan looks at her carefully, holding herself in that defeated-yet-determined way she had been at Dorota and Vanya’s game night, and feels that same impulse to reach out, to try and make it better somehow, even though he hasn’t a fucking clue where to start. 
“It’s hard having an ex that’s always around,” he offers, eyes finding Vanessa in the crowd, laughing with the theatrical writing majors they met at the cabaret. “It’s not even that you want them back, you just…could do without your history popping out around any corner.” 
Blair looks at him curiously, her hard protective gaze softening into something more contemplative. Dan gets a sudden flash of deja vu, to a different year, a different heartbreak, a different warehouse wall. 
“For what it’s worth, Blair, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes cast down at the floor, at her boots that are disproportionately expensive to the rest of her outfit. She hasn’t said any more about why she and Chuck broke up, but Dan’s seen enough to know that it must have been really bad. 
“And – you know –” he stammers, “if there’s anything I can do –”
Blair’s eyes shoot back up, questioning. “Kiss me.”
“Yes. Yes that would do it,” she continues, as if that explains anything. “Come on, Humphrey, hop to.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to write a sonnet or whatever it is you do. This is just a favor.”
He arches an eyebrow. “A favor would imply that we’re friends. Are we?”
She blinks at him, nonplussed. “Does it matter?”
He shrugs. He doesn’t really care about the answer, it’s just that it’s easier to debate Blair on semantics. It’s a dynamic that makes sense to him. 
“Fine,” Blair huffs, “if it helps you sleep at night, then yes.” She pushes away from the wall, turning to face him. “So?”
Dan blinks. “Like – now?”
“That would be the idea, yes.”
“Okay,” Dan lets out a breath, and turns to face her, eyes dropping to her lips. She is pretty—it’s not like he’s never noticed—and there’s something about seeing her outside her typical Edith Head dress code that heightens it, or shines a light on her from a different angle. Or maybe he’s just drunk. 
He’s apparently stalled too long, because Blair mutters. “Oh, for crying out loud, Humphrey,” and yanks him in by the collar. 
A shock runs through him, then another, then another. First from: oh, she’s kissing him now, then from: oh, he’s kissing Blair Waldorf, then finally: this is actually a really good kiss. 
He opens his mouth on instinct, her lips moving with his. She tastes like cheap booze and expensive lip gloss, like every contradiction and complexity that makes his life interesting, that’s ever made him want to pick up a pen or sit at a keyboard. 
They break away to breathe at the same time, inhaling in tandem. It’s hard to tell in this lighting, but Dan’s sure Blair’s face is ruddier than when he was last looking at her. 
“Thank you,” she says bluntly, stunned.
“You’re welcome,” Dan automatically replies, blinking dumbly as Blair turns tail and disappears into the party. 
He’s going to need another drink. 
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jonismitchell · 1 month
chuck poisoning the man who’s gonna ruin blair’s wedding because he just wants her to be happy. wow
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chrissdollie · 6 months
blair: "i had sex with him in the back of a limo" nate: "i had sex with you at a wedding while i was her date" .... chuck: "im chuck bass."
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romancemedia · 2 years
You know there is nothing quite like it when a TV show ends with a wedding. It’s actually the perfect send off to the characters and everyone always gets a happy ending at weddings. Below are some of my personal favourites.
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Okay so I had a night thinking about the episode. There are rumors going around that there are like 6 more minutes that where not in the leak but I don't wanna get my hopes up.
So the thing is that I think that whole episode constantly felt like things where cut. For example daemons breakdown at the beach felt like there was more of it but it was not shown, just these 30 seconds and dammit why would you cut this?
And the choking scene as well felt like there possibly was more. I had the feeling of daemon maybe kissing her angrily and when I think about it I'm pretty sure rhaenyra had some kind of smile on her lips when he let go of her but for me that was just not enough to make this scene okay.
Like there was the decision made to put this scene the way it is in the final cut and I'm a little tired of finding reasons how this could be interpreted as a a toxic but still loving moment.
Of course I can imagine this scene going differently and yes I can see them just being a toxic and overwhelmed and shutting down and daemon losing his temper, them both having blood of the dragon and liking it rough in the bedroom from time to time but fact is that all of this is just us trying to find something positive in this scene while the writers didn't give a shit about it.
This scene would have felt more real if they just fucked after this ngl but still they do not show it.
There where so many possibilities to make this whole episode different, to give the audience a fight between them but still show love and affection at the same time, but the truth is they made the episode this way because they wanted to. And the change the made with ageon accidently killing luke gives us a another taste on how they want to tell this war.
Going back to the beginning of the episode, where rhaenyra clearly is in pain and realizes something is wrong with her child and daemon not even once touching her arm or something.
Yes I know that he is in pain and in shock about viserys death but still he could just once check on her, just a little touch, a concerned look, god damn it just something. This is rhaenyra, his nyra heavy with his child and she is obviously in pain and he just stands there and that just makes me mad.
With a few little changes the whole episode and especially the choking scene would not feel so off but here we are.
And what is even more frustrating is that this was the last episode for like minimum 2 years and this is what we are left with.
The last scene where he comes to tell her about Luke's death felt more real and right then the rest, they way he takes her hand and walks with her towards the fire but even that felt like there where things cut and I don't think that even if it's right that there are some minutes missing I don't see how they will fix this.
I shipped toxic ships. I loved chuck and Blair and I love hannibal and will or daemon and elena and if this whole choking scene was done a little differently maybe I would be fine with it that's what we got and I'm disappointed.
Daemon was angry with viserys so often and not once did he get physically violent with him. And at the wedding party he grabbed rhaenyras face and the choking scene in some way had a glimpse off it but not enough to make it feel in character for me.
I'm not over this ship and I think that there is still hope but I'm still pretty done and frustrated right now.
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sea-dukes-assistant · 9 months
The Crown Season 6 Thoughts
I didn't watch all of it because tbh I don't care about people not Sir and or Ma'am (also lol I lived this part I know how it went)
Ah yes, the "Sir is a bad father" trope, of course *yawn*
SEASON 1 MA'AM AND SIR YAAASSSS *aggressively nests in bae* LOOKIT MY WIFE
Conflicted because TV Sea Duke berating the accuracy of Harry's Nazi costume is on brand but also HIS MA HID JEWS AND HE ACTUALLY STACKED BODIES IN THE ROYAL NAVY AND THIS IS THE HILL YOU'RE WRITING HIM TO DIE ON???!!! GET FUCKED.
Camilla did not twerk at her wedding reception wtf
Ma'am and Sir's "old married couple" moments <3
But also why is his only dialogue "you wanna talk about it?/bruh I'm excited about dying it's finna be lit?" To be fair his actual funeral was entirely On Brand™ and I find a weird comfort in that.
Ma'am's speech at Chuck's wedding is single handedly the best moment of this entire season, nay, 5 & 6 combined (except that award winning performance by that birb)
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
all the kids are depressed by trashfordair
Fandom: Gossip Girl
jenny humphrey is learning to be happy
Jenny Humphrey, <50k words, Angst and feels, post Chuck x Blair wedding
Thoughts: Jenny Humphrey deserved better. And I love that this fic tackles the very real problems Jenny would have been dealing with at the end of season 3 and throughout the remainder of the show timeline
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