glitterwolfvi · 4 months
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emotional support pup,,,
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notyourramona · 1 year
The Stages of Me
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This timeline takes place somewhere in between the previous works: Settling with the Stars and Cellar Door.
Our main character is learning to live a life where her past no longer has to burden them as it once did and what that means for them. The challenges of learning to how to exist outside of a cycle you were born into against your will and what it means to really have strength. While also featuring some of the Crimson Fleet storyline.
Word Count: 4,621
Chapter: 1/4
No real tag warnings at the moment but as the chapters update, I will add them.
Please enjoy!
           Ghoul stood on the edge of the launch pad with her hands on her hips in pride. The mammoth size victory that stood in front of her was almost overwhelming and she was just about to jump for joy. A new ship that was referred to as, Longsword, was now officially hers and she could not be happier for the extra space and equipment it was going to hold. The majestic ship had a pointed shape, large thrusters, and painted in a sleek metallic black that was of her choice. Ghoul even had extra credits to request some slight modifications on the damn thing. She heard the footsteps of her two companions walk up behind her and she heard an appraising whistle from Sam.
            “Doesn’t it look great?” Ghoul turned to see their first initial reactions to their new home away from home. They had spent three month all cramped in the Frontier and after all that time it was becoming very difficult not to step on each other’s toes. This was especially true since there was only one bed and four humans who needed sleep at some point or another. There were many times where Ghoul found herself sleeping in her captain chair or if she needed sleep, she had even slept in the cargo hold. She only got to sleep in the quiet cargo hold once because as soon as Sam and Andreja finally found her there neither of them where very pleased with her risky choice.  
            “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong I am more than excited for the extra space but this ship is twice the size of the Frontier. Mobility will be a concern if we get in a tight spot.” Sam furrowed his brows a bit as he tried to pick his words carefully not to spoil the mood.
            “I made sure to upgrade the missile and laser systems from the original model of this ship so we could have at least another advantage. I figured if we weren’t going to be able to practice our sharp twirls in space anymore, I could at least strengthen our offense.” Ghoul had a huge smile on her face nevertheless. It was one of the many smiles she found easily on her face as of lately. Traveling with Sam, Andreja, and even little Corra was probably the best of times she had in a very long time, if at all.
            “I think it is something to celebrate. I, for one, was getting tired of being in a cramped vessel full of other bodies.” Andreja chimed in with her sharp accent and she also looked very pleased. “Plus, the color choices are great for camouflage.”
            “Corra is going to be excited.” Sam added as he held his chin in one hand and eyed down the ship. It seemed Sam was going to need some time to warm up to this new ship but Ghoul was sure it would grow on him. “Should I even ask how you got this?” The question made Ghoul slip a guilty look that she tried to desperately cover up by looking around.
            “Where…where is Corra?” Ghoul made her tone sound concerned even though she knew very well Corra was with Sarah as Sarah prepared to take The Frontier back to New Atlantis. The town they were at was Gagarin Landing and even though there wasn’t much here they had a package they delivered in The Frontier. While the other’s checked out the dull town and got something to eat, Ghoul had set up with the local Ship technician to have their new ship delivered here. Corra had caught Ghoul in the act of setting up this new delivery so it was no longer a secret for the sneaky kid but Ghoul cut a deal that she got to pick her bed first if she didn’t spill the beans to everyone else. Thankfully the tiny Coe agreed but added the fact that she also needed to say her goodbyes to the Frontier and it amused Ghoul how attached Corra got to ships just like her father did.
            “That wasn’t really an answer.” Sam pointed out and his eyebrow raised as he looked at Ghoul suspiciously. Ghoul avoided eye contact with the cowboy because he had a habit of slipping her the same look, he would give Corra when she was in trouble and it always made it her tell on herself. “Andreja?”
            “It is not my story to tell.” Andreja said with amusement as she placed her hand on Ghoul’s shoulder. “All I will say is that perhaps sleeping in that cargo hold was the least risky thing our Captain has done in the last 30 days.” Ghoul shrugged Andreja’s hand off her shoulder and held her own hand to her chest as she gasped in disbelief.
            “I beg to differ. You were the one who decided to break the man’s hand and we both know they could have very well had ordered a firing squad on us after that.” Ghoul contested with Andreja as she tried to play innocent as if she wasn’t the one who sat with Ghoul during that game of cards on The Key.
            “He was obviously cheating and someone had to stop him.” Andreja’s accent came out a little thicker followed by a hearty chuckle and Ghoul saw her cheeks flush a little. Sam was standing there trying to keep up and put the pieces together to get the answer to his question but he was getting just as frustrated with how Ghoul was dancing around it.
            “What the hell are the two of you talking about?” Sam asked with a strained voice and it was becoming clear in his body language that his patience was coming to an end. Ghoul nervously laughed and pushed her hand through her crimson bangs to push them out of her face. At her recent trip to Enhance she dyed her hair an extremely bright red and it complemented her golden eyes. Ghoul noticed when she played with her hair like that it was like a nervous tick of hers.
            “You have to promise not to get mad.” Ghoul gave him a semi pleading look because she knew how much he hated when she agreed to do Crimson Fleet errands for the UC SysDef. The first time she got cornered by SysDef Marines Sam was with her and he was absolutely not on board with helping the UC with a job ‘they obviously have the man power for already’. However, they did catch Ghoul after she had stolen a very expensive item from a Trade Authority ship, she was invited on so she didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter. Sam’s arms were crossed and he was already tapping his foot in anticipation. He knew whenever Ghoul asked for him not to be mad it was normally something extremely asinine and dangerous.
            “So, remember Corra’s birthday a couple weeks ago? And I got you guy’s tickets to see that movie and a room at the Stoneroot Inn to spend the weekend celebrating? Cause that’s where that book shop in Akila is that she really likes?” Ghoul was starting to ramble a bit at this point to stall. Andreja already had waved goodbye to leave her alone to explain the situation to Sam, mostly because Andreja never felt the need to explain her actions to anyone.
            “Yes.” He stood there patiently waiting for Ghoul to get to the point.
            “So, I had an errand to run that Andreja said she would help me with. We ended up spending one of the nights on The Key.” Ghoul said the location very softly trying to judge his reaction but Sam just continued to wait patiently to hear the rest. “They have grown to like me there so I was asked to join a round of poker with Delgado…and Andreja is very good at cards, surprisingly. So good in fact we both won enough to get a new ship and Andreja may or may not have broken one of his Captain’s hands because she caught him cheating. I’ll admit Delgado was ready to kill us on spot but we were a few bottles of Bayu’s Private Reserve in and well he laughed it off. It was really easy to distract him and win even more credits plus it was nice seeing Andreja of all people let lose. So yeah, I won some credits and now we got a new ship!” Ghoul ended her quickly spoken rant with spreading her leg stance and raising her arms in the direction of the ship to emphasize how awesome the new ship was. She was hoping her positive and laugh it off attitude would soothe over the fact that she had spent time with someone who was the opposite of her friend’s moral beliefs. Sam covered his hand with his face for a moment and let out a big breath of frustration before he focused his blue stern eyes back on Ghoul.
            “I thought you said you weren’t going to associate with them unless it was for the UC SysDef? What was going on to make you want to play cards with…him of all people?” Sam had taken a step toward Ghoul so he could connect with her more as he spoke. He was not happy and it showed but it wasn’t rage on his face. It was disappointment and the stern tone he gave her made her stomach tighten into a ball. “I understand wanting to enjoy yourself but you got to look out for yourself. We didn’t need a new ship if it meant you were putting yourself in danger again.”
            “I had it under control.” Ghoul said getting defensive and crossing her arms. She even took a step back so Sam was no longer within her reach and made a point to not look him in the eyes. This was one of the reasons she didn’t even want him to know what she did that night and she originally planned to not even tell him.
            “You may think you have had it under control but you don’t.” Sam’s voice was gravelly at the end of his statement. “What would have happened if Andreja and you had gotten a bounty on your heads from the Crimson Fleet after that? I can’t have that kind of behavior around Corra it’s-.”
            “It’s what? You and Corra weren’t even around when it happened!” Ghoul interrupted his lecture with throwing her hands in the air. “I would never put Corra in danger and you of all people should know that by now.” She pointed her finger at him offended at where this conversation was going. Ghoul was now trying to keep herself composed but the way he looked at her with those eyes made her burn inside with growing rage.
            “I’m not saying you are putting her in danger. I am saying that I understand that…lifestyle. It’s hard to break but it’s possible and if you need help, I am always...”
            “No, no.” Ghoul interrupted him again this time her voice raising in pitch and volume. “You of all people don’t give me that shit. I didn’t go on a fucking aurora binge and stay up all weekend fucking who knows what.” As soon the words came out, she immediately regretted it but her pride just had her pursed her lips instead of taking it back immediately. Sam’s face flushed red with anger and his blue eyes grew dark but his tone remained the same calm gravelly tone.
            “That’s not fair and I know you know that. I don’t think I can talk to you right now. Not like this.” He turned his way towards the new ship and Ghoul could see the tension in his shoulders as he huffed silently away. Ghoul was still angry herself and immaturely decided to get the last word in.
            “Good thing I got us a bigger ship so you don’t even have to when we leave this fucking planet!” She yelled at him but he continued to saunter off without turning. Ghoul turned the opposite direction and walked towards the metal made town. She was frustrated with herself and with him for always feeling the need to address how she lived her life. She wasn’t the one chained down with a kid in fact quite the opposite. The Constellation had fixed the bounty originally on her head by Ryujin Industries and for the first time in her life she was free to do whatever the fuck she wanted without worrying about looking back. ‘That kind of behavior’ his voice repeated in her head as Ghoul continued the opposite direction. She wasn’t paying attention to where she was going till, she heard Sarah Morgan in the distance.
            “Ghoul! Where are you going?” Sarah was standing there in a baby blue dress and her red leather jacket. Corra was with her in some cargo pants and a purple shirt that had Corra’s favorite animated character on it. Ghoul took a deep breath in through her mouth and then let it slowly fade out her nose to calm herself down so neither of them would notice her shift in mood. There was no reason for them to get involved with Sam’s and Ghoul’s silly squabble.
            “I was looking for you two!” Ghoul smiled at them as big as she could and in a subtle motion rolled her shoulder blades to release any lingering tension as she approached them. “The ship is here and ready for the most part. Did you get to say your personal farewell, kiddo?”
            “Yes, and I left one of my favorite books there so it will keep it safe.” Corra said excitedly and Ghoul ruffled her hair.
            “I will fly The Frontier back to New Atlantis. Are you all coming back to the Lodge or do you still have tasks to do?” Sarah led them forward as they all headed towards the ship. Ghoul hesitated for a short moment because a part of her wanted more time to cool down but she followed them anyway.
            “There is still much to do. In the past three months we’ve only retrieved two out of the five Artifacts we need to gather. I also have been pulled in several directions the past month so it has slowed us down a bit.” Ghoul reported to the Chair of Constellation. They were not always on the best of terms but they were both at a point now where they could appreciate each other’s directness.
            “Go on ahead Corra. I am sure your father is missing you already.” Sarah said now that they were within eyeshot of the new space traveling vessel Ghoul owned. Corra nodded and gave Sarah a hug before running with all her might to the ship. The one thing Ghoul could never wrap her head around was the amount of energy that child always had. They both watched Corra run off before Sarah’s voice broke the silence. “How have you been as of late? I heard the UC SysDef has had you undercover.”
            “I’m assuming Sam told you that.” Ghoul said under her breath a bit sounding irate.
            “No, actually Commander John Tuala an old friend of mine, did when I spoke to him the other day.” Sarah looked at Ghoul with a puzzled look. She could see on Sarah’s face that there were other questions she now wanted to ask but decided it was for the best to not meddle. “I am only asking because being undercover can be high stakes pressure and with having to gather these Artifacts across the universe I am worried you aren’t allowing yourself any rest.”
            “I’m fine, promise.” Ghoul tried to reassure Sarah but she didn’t look very convinced.
            “Don’t stress yourself too thin, allow time for rest and recuperation. It will help you go a long way.” Sarah said softly and she leaned in to give Ghoul a hug. Ghoul was stiff for a moment but ultimately leaned into it as well to not come off as rude.
            “I will make sure to rest.”
            “Good cause you look like absolute shit.” Sarah laughed and Ghoul gave her a look of surprise in jest before laughing as well.
            “I am going to report you to the HR department if you keep insulting me like that.” Ghoul laughed again with Sarah and then she found herself looking at her new ship, the Longsword with a twinge of regret but pride too.
            “I told you the day you joined our little family that it did not matter what you did or how you got here as long as you didn’t have the UC knocking on our front door.” Sarah said softly and her eyes looked fiercely at Ghoul. “Don’t lose yourself out there, Ghoul. Remember at the end of the day no matter where you are, you carry the honor of the Constellation with you wherever you go.”
            “Yes.” Ghoul agreed with her. “I try to remind myself that every day.”  
            “Good.” Sarah then in a loving gesture patted Ghoul’s back. “Check in sometimes. I worry about the four of you being out there for so long.” Ghoul nodded her head and watched the blonde bombshell walk off to her side of the space port to head back to the Lodge. Ghoul took a large and deep breath to fill her lungs to the brim of the planet’s oxygen and then slowly released it and focused on grounding her body to the now.
            The inside of the ship was absolutely brilliant looking and Ghoul tried very hard to keep her jaw from falling in shock. There was a whole crew station with four beds, a kitchenette, plenty of storage and even more space to add more furniture if she wanted. The table in the crew station was also rather long like the table at the Lodge and had about five chairs. The cargo hold was bigger than the other ships and even had more shelving for organizing and straps to lock the cargo in better. There was an entire room full of workbenches, research labs, and a couple desks to mange projects on. Ghoul really couldn’t believe it was nicer than she thought it was going to be. Everyone was already settling in with there personal and items and in the workspace room Ghoul caught Corra stacking some of her books on a free shelf. Corra was extremely focused on her task and it brought a smile to Ghoul’s face to see that she was finally getting to have her own little library. Ghoul walked towards the cockpit to go to the captain’s locker. She had planned to put some of her own personal items inside of there for safe keeping along with slates that stated the whereabouts and information of some of the Crimson Fleet members. Last thing Ghoul wanted was for Corra to find out someone she looked up to was working for pirates even if it was undercover. It was the one thing Sam had requested of Ghoul that she agreed with. When she arrived to the locker, she saw Sam was sitting in the captain’s chair analyzing where the different engage switches and console control buttons were situated. Ghoul was finally feeling comfortable flying a Class B ship and she knew he was well aware on how to fly up to Class C.
            “Do the controls look like they are in comfortable positions?” She asked him not fully expecting an answer but was at least attempting to be civil. Ghoul heard a faint grunt under his breath and she looked at him from her peripheral to see if he was in one of his sassy moods. She couldn’t blame him for what she said to him but he also needed to learn when to draw the line with telling her how to act or live her life. She was fine and she knew she had things under control because it was rare now in days that she didn’t.
            “It won’t be hard to adjust too.” He finally responded to her after a few moments of silence but he didn’t dare look at her just yet. His body language was still a little rigid but by his tone she could tell he was at least not as angry as he was before.
            “Good.” She huffed a bit as she shoved the last object into the captain’s locker. It was a Galacticcat that she did not like to advertise and always did her best to keep out of sight because it was an embarrassing object she held onto dearly. She never had anything like it as a child and for some reason now as an adult she couldn’t get rid of it after finding it in an abandoned lab station. Once she stuffed it into the locker it made its little galactic noises and she quickly closed the locker, locking it immediately. Ghoul turned to make sure Sam wasn’t looking but there were his blue eyes staring at her in curiosity and she could see a faint curl in his lips.
“No, you may not ask and no I am not going to tell you.” Ghoul said drastically and he gave no motion on whether he was going to press or not. She was ready to change the nonexistent subject.
“Put coordinates in for Cydonia.” She commanded with a bit of aggression, still slightly annoyed with his face but then she paused herself. “Please.”
“Can I ask why we are going there at least?” His voice was unamused and the question sounded rhetorical.
“I got orders to meet a man there for an item.” Ghoul kept it vague because she didn’t want to have the same argument they had been having on and off for a month now about her agreeing to be undercover.
“Orders? So, another task for the Crimson Fleet.” Sam gritted his teeth as he turned back to the console board and begun to flip the engage switches to power the engines with a passiveness that was extremely obvious to anyone who watched him.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answer’s too.” Ghoul muttered with the same annoyance she had towards him earlier. She was tired of them butting heads so much and it took a lot of effort for her not to let Corra or Andreja notice. A part of her felt extremely guilty for the quarrels because it would just remind her of the arguments, she had heard him have on the phone with Cora’s mom and that was the last person she wanted to ever be compared to.
“Dully noted.” He said with temporary surrender. Ghoul no longer wanted to be within close proximity of him anymore and just left the cockpit without saying anything else. There was currently not enough space on this ship for the both of their stubborn attitudes. She found her way to the back where the crew living quarters were and enjoyed to see that everyone had already claimed their preferred shelves, beds, and storage crates. Corra had already gone around and labeled things with the label gun that had glittery print that Ghoul had got her for her birthday. It was heart warming to see it was put to good use. The last bed available was below Andreja’s which was no surprise to Ghoul. She threw herself onto the bed feeling the weight of her stress crush her further into the soft bed.
“I am assuming it went as well as you thought it would.” Andreja had come into the room and was leaning over Ghoul with her arm resting on the top bunk. Her stature was relaxed and her thick thighs held her in place along with the arm that rested on the bunk above her. Andreja was a site to behold sometimes and Ghoul always wondered how she managed to keep her build like that. She was like an Old Earth’s Amazon warrior, they were described in a history book Corra had lent her once and it was interesting to read of whole cities who were led by a matriarchy.
“Bingo.” Ghoul said as she put her arms behind her head and looking solemnly at the bottom of the bunk above her. “I am getting exhausted repeating myself and I don’t know what to say at this point.”
“Some things require time. We have been cramped on top of each other for several months now.” Andreja said with disdain and Ghoul understood why. Andreja had confided in her in the past about her anxiety of being in cramped small spaces and she knew it was probably a living hell for the first couple weeks getting use to them all being together on The Frontier.
“Yeah, well now we are on top of each other with some extra space.” Ghoul said sarcastically.
“Carmilla, you are always so quick to deflect things when you know you should be honest with your feelings.” Andreja said softly and she leaned in when she said it so only the two of them would hear. Andreja was crouched in front of Ghoul and her hand was placed softly in Ghoul’s hand. Ghoul’s cheeks flushed from the intimacy of hearing her parent given name come out of Andreja’s lips. It was something she shared with Andreja months ago when Andreja told her about her family’s past. Ghoul thought it was only fair after she had shared that part of herself with her that Andreja would know a part of her no one else knew as well.
“It is not that easy.” Ghoul spoke softly back carrying on the closeness of the conversation. Their relationship had grown closer along their travels and it seemed like Sam and Ghoul’s were growing apart the further they traveled. It hurt to an extent but ultimately, she knew it was her fault for not pursuing him after that night at the Lodge.
“We of all people know life isn’t easy but that hasn’t stopped either of us beforehand. You need to talk to him because the tension is starting to become more obvious.” Andreja sounded soothing at first but her encouragement looked like a command towards the end and the transition made Ghoul laugh.
“I will eventually.” She sat up and her face was now very close to Andreja’s. “I have to grab information on Cydonia for Delgado. Will you come with me?”
“Is it going to be anything like the last time?”
“Are you going to go breaking people’s hands?”
“I cannot promise-.”
“You do not have to, not if you enjoyed yourself y’know.” Ghoul wasn’t sure why they continued to whisper but something told her it was better to keep it this way. This conversation was just for the both of them anyway. Andreja laughed at Ghoul’s bold statement.
“Are you telling me I can go around breaking bones as long as I find it ‘fun’? That doesn’t sound ethical.”
“You know what I meant. Miss, I never have fun. Why else do you think I insist you try to do risky things?” Ghoul teased her with a light punch in the shoulder. “I will admit it has been nice to have a friend to enjoy myself with.”
“Perhaps you just wanted to have an excuse to let go from the burdens of your past.” Andreja said with her other worldly wisdom but then her brown eyes darted to the hallway. She spoke her next sentence louder than they had been talking as she stood up. “I think that course of action is the safest.” Ghoul was looking at her puzzled till she heard and then saw the leather boots come down the hall.
“Sound’s good, Andreja.” She mirrored the volume Andreja spoke at to make it sound like they were carrying on a normal conversation that wasn’t whispered. “Wake me up when we arrive. Sarah ordered me to rest.”
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fictionalfoodpolls · 15 days
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18 notes · View notes
oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Dad’s Chunx.
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radiophd · 1 year
quinoline yellow -- in chunx we trust
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makefartnotwar · 1 year
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My first doodles on procreate and the first iteration of the (iconic) Chunx tag
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thetunesclub · 2 years
Verses and Music in Upcoming Rapper Chunx’s Track ‘Habitat’ Maintains the Perfect Balance
0 notes
trapangeles · 3 years
Swifty Blue ft. Chunx - BANDITO (Music Video)
trapLAXradio On The Air Now!
The Latest Music, Videos, Ent……
0 notes
poetryss-suicide · 2 years
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Final de semana com meu Mozão, vivendo nossos 8 meses de amor e muitas brigas kkk, te amo branqueloh💜♀️♂️💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChUNX-1Ocq1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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glitterwolfvi · 5 months
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TADC oc,,,,
I'm probably gonna draw more of him later,,
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fishylife · 3 years
Thoughts up to Nothing Gold Can Stay Ep 51
- Is it bad that I don’t want Zhou Ying and Shen Xingyi to get married? It isn’t that I don’t want Zhou Ying to find new love. It’s just that Xingyi has been extremely persistent about pursuing a woman who has rejected him multiple times and I’d hate for the message to be “persistence always wins when pursuing a woman.” I know that Xingyi has grown a lot since the beginning of the show, and Zhou Ying legitimately doesn’t hate him anymore. But currently, Xingyi has still shown that he can’t take no for an answer, even though he and his family had backed Zhou Ying into a corner. He’s still sending letters against everybody’s wishes but his own. His family doesn’t want him going after the widow of their supposed enemies, the entire Wu family don’t like that he’s trying to poach her away, and Zhou Ying was troubled because the Wu family didn’t like him. The only person who has outwardly expressed wanting them to get together was Zhou Laosi, who enabled Shen Xingyi’s romcom male lead behaviour to begin with >.> Shen Xingyi has “joked” about Zhou Ying being his or being his maid, etc. And frankly I don’t really find it endearing because it’s a reference to how their relationship started, which at best was messy and at worst was traumatic.
- Most people in Zhou Ying’s life have encouraged her to move on (most of them hinting towards Shen Xingyi). Zhou Laosi, Chunxing, Qianhong, and even her mother-in-law have okayed her moving ahead and finding someone else. I think the biggest one here was her mother-in-law. If Zhou Ying married someone else, she would no longer be the daughter-in-law of the Wu household. However, now that her mother-in-law says she treats her like a daughter, I guess that’s supposed to tie her to the Wu family not through marriage but as a kind of daughter. Honestly, this feels like a plot device that allows her to marry someone else, but still remain part of the Wu family :/
- I have seen a spoiler about this show and I’m kind of hoping that it supports my hope that they won’t get married. I’m all for Shen Xingyi becoming a better man, I just don’t want him to marry Zhou Ying. I think him understanding that he can’t always have what he wants would be a good lesson in him learning to be a better man, rather than wanting to be a better man just so that Zhou Ying would have him.
- Earlier in the series, there was a part when Zhou Ying was leaving Zhao Baishi’s office after a short conversation and he was like “you’re leaving already?” That moment gave me vibes that Zhao Baishi had romantic feelings for Zhou Ying, but I chose to ignore them at the time. But when Zhou Ying swore that she would never take another husband, he was clearly in anguish and I was like “...really?” I was a little annoyed because I admired Zhao Baishi for his no-nonsense attitude and now I’m thinking back and wondering if he’d ever shown bias.
- So yeah, as you can see, I’m not loving the romantic story lines here. This show is from 2017 so I’m not sure if it counts as an “older” show, but I would consider having many different characters interested in the main character (Wu Pin, Shen Xingyi, Tu’erdan, Zhao Baishi) as Mary Sue behaviour. I don’t consider Zhou Ying the worst Mary Sue, but this is one of the Mary Sue attributes of this show. Earlier in the show, I had also suspected Wang Shijun of having a crush on Zhou Ying, but at this point, I’m going to very cautiously assume that he’s just loyal to her and sees her as a friend.
- I just think that the story could have been awesome if we showed that Zhou Ying could have deep friendship with other men. She has very different relationships with Wu Pin, Shen Xingyi, Tu’erdan, and Zhao Baishi, and the fact that all of them have a romantic angle is just so eye-rolly to me. Men can like Zhou Ying without wanting to marry her!!!
- The only non-familial male relationships that are explored somewhat are those between Zhou Ying and Wang Shijun and Jiang Fuqi, and they too are extremely loyal to Zhou Ying. For Wang Shijun, I guess you could chalk it up to her not punishing him when he’d lied about her because his mother was in danger. I mean, I like Wang Shijun, I’m just saying that he’s one of the many men who are unfailingly loyal to her. As for Jiang Fuqi, when he first agreed to work for Zhou Ying, he said that he’d even work for no money and I was like !!!! don’t agree to be an unpaid intern!!!! I don’t have as big of a problem with Wang Shijun and Jiang Fuqi’s loyalty to her because at least they see that she’s a good boss and they trust her on the basis of that. (But if Wang Shijun shows any romantic interest in Zhou Ying I’m going to flip the goddamn table)
- At first, I didn’t want to call Zhou Ying a Mary Sue, but now that I’m stepping back and thinking about it, there are some parts of the story that are a little off, and are a little too idealistic. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying the story a LOT, but Zhou Ying’s character is a little too idealistic. A lot of the people around her praise her for her kindness and trustworthiness, etc. which feels a little forced because Zhou Ying’s actions can definitely speak for themselves.
- Just wanted to talk about Er Shu (second uncle). He’s a pretty calm and confident character. He’s also the person in the Wu family with the biggest sway. When he supports Zhou Ying, then everybody’s happy, and when he doesn’t support Zhou Ying, it’s the end of the world. I’m just thinking out loud here, but despite his character being relatively calm and willing to analyze, I can’t help but feel that his words and actions are dramatized a bit in the story. When he pulls out his support from Zhou Ying’s business ventures, he’s portrayed like a villain. And then when he supports Zhou Ying, he’ll support her so wholeheartedly that he’ll make a decision on behalf of Si Shu as well. I don’t think it’s out of character for Er Shu to change his mind based on new information, but I just think the story could do with toning his character down a bit. It’s just hard for me to think of him as wise when he changes his mind so dramatically.
- I’m really enjoying the drama, I just wanted to point out some of the flaws that have been bugging me so far. I haven’t binged a show this hard in a long time.
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So Brontez and heather now follow me ... chunx and junx FOLLOW me!! My 14 year old self would be actually gagged to death
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oldshowbiz · 2 years
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Dad’s Chunx
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ladytesla · 5 years
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This is Chunx. He represents Lucio because he's red and he thinks hes the big boss.
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This is Ellie. She represents Nadia because she's dignified and is ACTUALLY the big boss, unlike Chunx.
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Muriel is represented by Duke because he sits off by himself out in the yard more often than not and doesn't like to bother anybody.
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Portia is represented by Emily Elizabeth. She's tiny, has a big attitude, and squares up to literally anybody. This dog has picked fights with horses (as long as theres a fence separating them)
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This is Loki. He represents Asra because he's super soft and fluffy and he loves everyone.
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Wellington represents Julian because he's mostly black and likes to sit off by himself. Also he tries his best to protect me from my goats when I go feed them.
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Episode 11 : the jury is still out for Fan Xiang'er but I definitely do not like her maid (?) Chunxing.
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drawdownbooks · 5 years
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Hardcore Fanzine: Good and Plenty, 1989-1992⁣ Available at www.draw-down.com ⁣⁣ ⁣ Focused on seven issues of Good and Plenty fanzine produced in the late 1980s/early 1990s, Hardcore Fanzine looks at the series through the lens of graphic design and typography, as a project that reflected and embodied technology of the period. Contributions from graphic designers, graphic design educators, and hardcore enthusiasts trace the history of zines and photoduplication; the idea of the body in punk and hardcore; how zine-making created community and alternative social space in a pre-Internet era; key typefaces used in straight edge iconography; and the importance of zines to successive generations of designers. Good and Plenty was published as a labor of love and fandom by Zion, Illinois's Gabe Rodriguez. Originally produced as a collaboration with friend Mike Good, Rodriguez took over editing and production of the zine, assisted by a team of friends and helpers. With their assistance and a network of fans from around the country and the world, Good and Plenty featured original photography documenting shows by Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Bold, and other hardcore bands of the period; band interviews; reviews of shows and record releases; and essays by Rodriguez and friends (including Alyssa “Blowing Chunx” Murray and Kim Nolan) on a range of topics beyond music—from vegetarianism, women's rights, gender relations, and straight edge, to racism, pop culture, and the Iraq War.⁣ ⁣ Hardcore Fanzine includes the full reproduction of all seven issues of Good and Plenty plus reproductions of a selection of the zine's original paste-ups and photography.⁣ ⁣ #straightedge #fanzine #graphicdesign #typography #nyhc #zine #punkhardcore (at Zion, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B39fBMyHFZj/?igshid=130tnue4tygud
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