#Cilrus xonova
monstersofsilence · 2 years
Exposition | Catalyst: Directory
1. On The Beach
2. Cilrus... My Name is Cilrus
3. A bad idea... very bad idea
4. Unlink
5. Premonition
6. Seeking J1NX (includes Orelia)
7. Possession
8. All things...
9. ... Must...
10. ... Die
11. Back to my life
12. ... J1NX (Cilrus excluded | Orelia and Anyssa included)
13. Enigma
14. To become a lich (Cilrus excluded | includes Cylion)
15. Things that were meant to be discovered
16. Let’s just chat
17. You were not supposed to find that... (includes Orelia and Anyssa)
18. Let’s talk...
19. Almost there
20. The End is Near (includes Cylion)
21. The Hunt (Cilrus’ past 1 of 3)
22. Some R&R (Cilrus’ past 2 of 3)
23. Screwed up... (Cilrus’ past 3 of 3)
24. Where loyalty lies beyond (Cilrus excluded | includes Cylion)
25. Is it over? No... Not yet (Revival part 1 of 2)
26. Discovery (Revival part 2 of 2 | includes Merlee and Alexandra)
27. The second chance
28. The Angel | The Demon (excludes Cilrus | includes Cylion)
29. Give up...?
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
You kinda have a few cinnamon rolls dont you? Most of your gals are cute af :p
oh yes! I don't deny that fact c:
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Galenu Corfee being my smollest and also a baker who will also bake you your favorite dessert or pastry who owns her own bakery!
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Cilrus Xonova being my shyest goth I have uvu
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Lidian Aoliaa being a nice troll overall and wanting to become the best mage. basically being my good mage!
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Denala Fawnox being the nicest photographer but is a bit oblivious and doesn't see the full picture... metaphorically ;w;
and obviously there's Vivily which you know already!
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
Catalyst: Give up...?
It has been a couple days since Cilrus has left the home of a troll by the name of Merlee who found her, retrieving her body, who she was presumed dead but was then revived by unknown means, and was taken care of until she had the energy to go back home. The goth troll appreciated the care she was given despite Merlee insisting for her to stay a bit longer and possibly help with her current situation. Cilrus refused the offer, however though thanked her for wanting to help. Though Cilrus doesn’t know if her predicament is worth helping.
She sits on the edge of her bed, staring off into a mirror that showed off her own reflection, accepting of the inevitable doom of herself and the entire universe. The Singularity has won. Her friend, who is her ex, is killed and she was brought back to life due to it. The goth troll felt like it was unfair for her to be brought back instead of Yevine. Yet, life has a sick sense of humor and continues to mock her in every turn. What can she do? Her ancestor is a powerful being and has two powerful allies by her side. “It’s no use...” She whispered to herself. “There’s no winning this. Might as well just... continue on with my fresh life... until the end eventually comes... but... at least I know it wil happen. And... it will be okay.”
“Will it be okay?”
A voice is heard, startling Cilrus as she looked around her room, trying to spot the source of where it came from. “Wh-who’s there?!” Cilrus called out.
A figure slowly fades in. Ethereal in appearance and glowing, wearing an elegant dress and seems to have a tail with lots of string around it, looking messy. Her eyes were the most catching. Black sclera with grey iris color. “Do not be afraid, my child.”
Cilrus’ expression of worry soon transitions to being calm. “What do you want...?”
“I wish to aid you. To stop The Singularity once and for all.”
“Oh? Well... I don’t think that’s something worth stopping... I’m sorry.” Cilrus merely says
“Cilrus dear...”
“First off... how do you know my name? Secondly... j-just look at me!” She stands up from the bed, walking in front of the ethereal figure. “You think I can face my ancestor? A-A-And how do you even know her?! Why would you want to help me?! Planning to use me until I am unable to be useful... like her?!”
The figure stayed silent, unsure of what else to say considering she has just met the troll. She knew this girl has been through a lot but she is determined to change their mind.
“Answer me!”
The figure took a deep breath. Slowly exhaling and began to explain. “I am known as The Demoness. My name is Kelena Cytone, the ancestor of my descendant Cylion Cytone. I believe you two have met... under... worse circumstances. As for how I know your ancestor... well... it’s a long story... Though I can give a shortened version if that would suffice.”
Cilrus thought for a moment, then finally responded. “Tell me everything.”
“I... lost my lusus at quite a young age. I had no caretaker at the time. I was vulnerable to the world until... a pair of demons took me in. They raised me. I learned many of their ways but also learned of the world I was hatched in, eventually. Soon after, I decided to live off on Alternia but... I grew... sad. Just... the world around me is dangerous. Every day you would see violence around every corner. Made me wish I could change the world. Make Alternia a peaceful world. That’s until I met your ancestor. The Singularity had a speech out in the middle of the city one day and I stopped to listen. Her words sounded genuine. Wanting to make Alternia peaceful. Stop the violence. Stop the over usage of power from the wealthy. Anything she said... it sounded too good to be true.”
“It seemed innocent at first. She had a following that grew and grew... then... it suddenly changed. I... do not know when it happened but I eventually see through her true intentions. I then received visions of multiple futures... Futures that I knew I had to stop. Or else... we wouldn’t be having this conversation. One of the futures was the annihilation of our universe. The other... sacrificing my life... and... yours... to ensure she never achieved her goal.” Kelena stopped, being ready to what’s going to happen.
“Wh-what?!” Cilrus was shocked from what she heard. “What do you mean by that?”
“In order to stop The Singularity... I only had several options... and it was to ensure that it wouldn’t happen in the future... and... to stop my descendant from straying herself to dark magic...” Kelena explained. “I had to stop her myself. Destroying a very powerful object that’s keeping her alive. The Rooted Heart. If that plan failed... I... tipped off the Fleet of her intentions and I knew... they would be afraid of this ever to surface again and therefore... you would have to die for it... to prevent her ultimate goal from ever coming to fruition.”
At that moment, it all began make sense to Cilrus. “You... You sabotaged my life... just... j-just so you can stop my ancestor...?!”
“I don’t expect you to be happy with what I said. I merely-”
“And why should I! Y-You ruined me... You fucking ruined my whole life! And during this whole time, I have been trying to figure out as to why I died, trying to figure out who I really am, and only to found out that it was all YOUR damn fault! I went out searching for answers for fucking nothing! I got my ex, Yevine, killed for fucking nothing!” Cilrus yelled. Anger is not a word she could use to describe her current feelings. She clenched her hands into fists, wanting to punch something but a part of her is holding back. Soon, sadness now overcame her as tears began to flow down her face. “I lost... the one person who I cared for... because of you... and you expect me to let you help me fight my ancestor...”
Kelena didn’t know what else to say. She is right. What the half demon did spiraled their life into what it is now and she can’t change that. What happened is in the past that is now jeopardizing the future. “I don’t expect you to accept the decisions I have made... even I can’t accept them... What I’ve done... I would have never predicted for what you have gone through... I was merely worried for the future of my descendant, the future of Alternia, and the entire universe as a whole. It was selfish of me to make those calls... and I still failed... Now I have to live with that mistake in the after life... but... I want to rewrite those wrongs somehow...”
The goth troll sobbed silently, turning away to not look at The Demoness. Both anger and sadness still overwhelming her.
“I want to fix my mistakes. I know I cannot change them. I wish I could but offering my power to you... you would have a fighting chance to finally stop The Singularity... and... possibly talk some sense to my descendant...” She paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say to convince them until one important piece came to mind. “Do you... know how you were brought back to life?”
The mention of this brought Cilrus’ attention, slowly looking back at The Demoness to fully listen. “N-No... Not really...” It was a mystery she couldn’t figure out. She knew she died. After her ancestor unlinked her soul from Cilrus’, the goth troll died as if it was the day she met her demise but then she came back to life out of nowhere. Why and how? She doesn’t know still.
“I have kept a close eye on you, hidden from view so your ancestor couldn’t detect me. And the day you and Yevine died... I... seen something I didn’t expect to happen. When you died... I thought all hope was lost but... Yevine... had a wonderful gift. Two gifts, to be exact. Her clairvoyance. Able to see the dead but also detect trouble, emotions of others. A very unique gift. The other gift... was giving up her soul to bring you back.”
At that moment, Cilrus’ eyes widened. “... What... she... sh-she...”
“You two were close, correct? Even if you didn’t have the memories from your previous life to fully understand the relationship you two had... she care greatly about you. Even enough to give up her own life... for you continue yours.”
“No... please tell me your lying... p-p-please tell me...”
“I... cannot lie about the truth.”
“She... sh-she gave up her life... F-F-For me...?” Her knees felt weak. Slowly going to her knees, she cried, audibly sobbing while hiding her face behind the palm of her hands. “Y-Yevine...I-I-I’m sorry... I’m sorry I couldn’t save you...!”
Kelena knew the truth wouldn’t be easy to fully accept but she had to bring it up. Cilrus needed to know. She possibly would have the same reaction if she told the same thing, too. The Demoness took a step in front and knelt down to the floor to their level. “Cilrus... she needs to be stopped. Not just for me... or for universe as a whole... but for you. To finally have a fresh life. It’s what your friend Yevine would have wanted, correct? Don’t... don’t let your friends sacrifice be all for not. Please... let me help you stop her once and for all. You can despise me for what I have done to you. I can accept that... but we both know that The Singularity is a major threat. What will it be...?”
Cilrus takes a moment to finally relax, controlling her breathing and to wipe away the tears. Everything that happened to her was all Kelena’s fault but she sounds sincere in wanting to correct her mistakes. Perhaps she has a chance. With The Demoness aiding her, she might have a fighting chance. She let out a shaky sigh, looking up at Kelena and nodded to her. “Okay... but I’m doing this to not let my friend’s sacrifice go to waste.”
The Demoness soon smiled, placing a hand on their shoulder. “Good. First, we’ll need to quickly search some artifacts to protect you from her magics.”
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: Discovery (Revival Part 2 of 2)
Sounds of screaming echoed throughout the empty field. It was then followed by one screaming that was a female with another female laughing every now and then. The two happen to be Alexandra and Merlee who are both running from a pack of angry high bloods after Merlee decided to throw some pebbles for fun though Alex was a bit hesitant about it and thus leads them to where they are now; currently running away from them.
“Merlee why did you do that?!” Alexandra yelled out as she continued
“What? You gotta learn to live a little, Alex!” The red blood says with a big smile on her face, running beside her.
“I want to live but since you pissed off a bunch of high bloods the odd of us ‘living a little’ is becoming very, VERY low!”
“You’ll be fine!” Merlee enforced. It wasn’t until she spotted an odd formation on the edge of the forest in front of them. The branches in front of them formed around in a circle. Almost like a gateway and that’s when Merlee knew what it was, grabbing Alexandra’s hand. “Follow my lead!” With her other free hand, she materializes a broom, hopping onto it, as well as bringing Alex on it as well which caught her by surprise.
“You could’ve told me you were doing this!”
“Wrap your hands around my waist and hang on.”
“What?! Wh- AAAAAAH!” Alexandra’s speech was interrupted as the broom they are riding levitated and gained speed immediately.
Merlee flew straight down the field, getting as far away from the high bloods and as soon as they were nearing the of the forest, she muttered a spell and they entered straight through the gateway formed branches.
The high bloods eventually caught up but stopped to search around the gateway branch formation, looking around the forest and becoming confused as to where the two went. “The fuck did they go?!” One high blood said.
“How should I know! They JUST entered through here!” Another said. “Go find those little shits!”
Meanwhile, Merlee stopped the broom once they are deep in the forest with Alexandra holding onto her for dear life. “Alright, we’re good, Alex.” The red blood said.
The human, opened her eyes, having the closed once she got onto a flying broom, letting go of Merlee and getting off the broom. “PLEASE... don’t ever do that again.” Alex retorted. She then looked around, trying to figure out where to hide next. “Okay! where can we hide since they’ll take a while to find us.”
“No need to hide since we’re not on the same plane.”
“Um... can you explain?”
“Something my mate taught me.” Merlee exclaimed. “She is a druid and taught me one thing. In every world, and every universe, there’s multiple planes in each. It’s a different world when entering one plane. The plane we’re on is a beautiful one. Exotic flora and animals that doesn’t exist. Like a spirit realm. The druids on this planet discovered it when they wanted to become more with nature and protecting it. Your planet, Earth, most likely have other planes and possibly some similar to this.”
Alexandra looked around, seeing nothing that was out of the ordinary until the forest finally came to life. Luminescent teal glows on the trees like glowing veins and small animals that she has never seen before began to come out of the ground, wandering about. “Woah...” She looked around, seeing a small bundle of butterflies leaving a trail of sparkles behind as they fly by. Eventually, a large deer, the size of a moose, with glowing white antlers trots along by slowly. “This place is beautiful...”
Merlee smiled as she glanced at Alexandra who is mesmerized by the other worldly environment around her. The two began to walk down a random path together until they stumbled across a large kaleidoscope of butterflies on the ground. It wasn’t until Alexandra noticed something was off about it. A few butterflies fly away and it was then it revealed a body underneath it. “Merlee! Look!” The human pointed.
Merlee turned to the direction she was pointing and sees the body. It is ethereal since they are on a different plane but still existing on the same spot on the real world. “Oh gosh...” The red blood and Alexandra quickly run over to the body, the butterflies dispersing from the body and fully revealed the troll on the ground.
“Is... is she dead?” Alexandra had to ask, looking down at the troll’s body. There is a scar on their throat that stood out.
Thinking for a moment, Merlee stood there until she got an idea. Grabbing the human’s hand, she muttered a spell and returned both of them to the real world. “Grab their other arm and help me carry them.”
“I have an idea but it means taking her back to my place.”
“Um... okay!” Alexandra just follow what she says, picking up the troll’s body and having their arm over them as Merlee does the same on the other side.
“Good. Now, this is gonna be weird at first but... brace yourself.”
“Wait... what-” Before Alexandra could say anything, Merlee muttered a spell and before she knew it, they were gone from the forest and appeared in Merlee’s home. The moment they appeared in the living room, Alexandra let out a gasp, panting heavily. “... That was... VERY unpleasant...”
“Teleportation is something you get used to as a magic user.” Merlee then walked both over to the couch. “Lay her down here while I go and get a book and some stuff.”
The human did as she was told, slowly laying the troll’s body on the couch. “W-Wait what are you gonna do?!”
“Revive her back, obviously!“ Merlee then went off into a different room.
“Wh-what?! What if she tries to kill us when you revive... her...” at that point, Alexandra gave up knowing Merlee is set on this objective, and also that the red blood might not hear her from the other room.
The human kept watch on the body as Merlee eventually came back wit a book, a small vial full or sort of powder, and some red crystals. “Can you excuse me, please?” Merlee asks, Alexandra moving out of the way as the red blood began to prepare the revival process. She placed six crystals around the body and then connects them, forming a circle around the body, with the powder. 
Alexandra looked at the process, filled with concern as the unknown filled her mind. “Are... you sure you should do this?”
“Maybe not... but... if I want to be like my ancestor, wanting to be a helper and teacher of magic, this is possibly the first step to it.” Merlee said with confidence in her voice.
Merlee opened the book and before she could even utter a single word, the troll opened their eyes wide open, taking in a gasp of air as she jolted herself upwards and looked around to seeing Merlee and Alexandra standing before her.
“H-Holy shit!” Alex got startled by the troll waking up out of nowhere. “Merlee, what did you do?!
“I didn’t do anything! She just woke up!” Merlee responded in a panic.
The girl was more confused as to where she is and who these people are than worrying about how she is suddenly. “Who... who are you two...?”
Both Merlee and Alexandra stood there, not knowing how to respond but both noticing that the troll looked like she was out of it, looking as if she hasn’t moved her body for the longest time. “You should take it easy!” Merlee suggested, kneeling down next to her, hovering her hand over the troll’s chest as a bright orange glow illuminates from the red blood’s hand. “Let me help you...”
The troll closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing. “What... are you doing to me?” She questioned
“Healing you. Can... you tell us what your name is, miss?” Merlee asked.
“And can you... ask us... as to why you were in the middle of the forest?” Alexandra added.
The troll’s breathing began to slow down, feeling calm and her energy being reinvigorated. “My name’s Cilrus... Xonova.”
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: Is it over? No... Not yet (Revival Part 1 of 2)
Never-ending. The white void as far as the eye can see. The after life? Or perhaps the in between and awaiting to be judge. Cilrus doesn’t know for sure. All she knows is that she failed. Failed to fulfill her previous self’s promise on stopping her ancestor’s plan and failed to save Yevine. The goth troll sat in the middle of white nothingness, hugging her knees as she just has her own thoughts on her mind to preoccupy her.
There was more she wanted to do. Experience friendship, love possibly, possibly choosing whether to forge her own path or continue on what her previous self was after learning some bits of her memories. That’s what this all was. Learning about herself. Who Cilrus was and whether she wanted to continue that or being someone different, given a fresh start. Never got to fulfill that wish either. Many things just gone in smoke.
“Dying sucks, huh?” A voice is heard which caught Cilrus by surprise, turning to look only to see herself standing behind her. “One of the worst ways to die. slit to the throat is slow and painful. Life’s a bitch, eh?”
Cilrus immidiately crawled back and stood up, shocked from this encounter. “I’m... I’m going crazy...”
“You’re not. Trust me. I am you. Technically the older version before we got kaputt and you had to deal with figuring out who you were.” She explained. “But hey... You don’t gotta worry about that anymore. And don’t ask how this works because I have no idea myself. Shit just happens and I’m along for the ride.”
“Same here...” Cilrus responded. Silence filled the empty air they shared. Either not knowing what to say until Cilrus finally broke out some sad news. “I’m... I-I’m sorry about Yevine...”
Her previous self frowned, as if knowing the outcome by the mention of it. “It wasn’t your fault. Besides... I... I wasn’t the best person overall. I don’t claim to be. Arrogant... envious and protective. Cocky and overall just an asshole. The break up left me... lost... but I knew I screwed but I just... didn’t realize how until everything with my... our... ancestor came to light and when I knew I was close to death’s door, I began to realize just... how much of an asshole I was... So much that I wished I could’ve changed the outcome if I had the chance... I still loved her. With all my heart since the day we met... and I just... fucked it up that day.”
The goth troll listened, looking down and rubbing her arm nervously and began to speak. “... When I met her, she was obviously still mad at me... well... us. Overtime, she helped me try to figure out the mystery you left for us. There was one moment when we just decided to take a break... she told me that... she actually missed us... missed you. I hope that... made you feel better. Even going as far as to trying to save me... save us.”
The older Cilrus was taken aback from this, chuckling to herself but feeling tears going down her face. “Yup... that’s Yevine.” She wiped away her tears, sniffling a bit. “She was amazing...” Both laughed and then a thought came to older Cilrus’ mind and begins to bring it up. “Listen... you don’t have to worry about trying to be me.”
“I know that you went through a whole thing to wanting to figure out who you really were. What your life was like and all that. That’s history now. You don’t gotta worry about it. That and... you’re better off being whoever you want to be. No need to being a stubborn bitch like me. Just... be whatever.”
“But... but... what-”
“Ah. Ah. Ah. That’s final.” It’s at this point that the older Cilrus began to notice the current Cilrus’ body is beginning to fade out. “Hmm. It looks like you’re not done yet.”
“What do you mean?” The goth was confused until she looked down at herself, seeing her legs is fading and going up her torso. “What does this mean?!”
“You got a second chance.” Her older self said with a grin. “Don’t die from anything stupid this time, alright?” Older Cilrus watched the other slowly fade away until she was alone. “Please be better than me...” The goth troll then felt a presence and knew who it was, smiling. “I figured you had something to do with it.” She turned around and sees Yevine standing in front of her.
“What makes you say that?” Yevine says.
“Because you are always full of surprises.” Cilrus smile until her expression changed to a frown. “... I’m... I’m sorry, Yev.”
“... I’m sorry, too.” Yevine replied back with her own apology. “And don’t be sorry. I forgive you... plus... we’re together now.”
The sentence was enough to bring a small smile on Cilrus’ face as Yevine walks towards her and places a hand on the goth troll’s cheek. “Together...”
“... Until the end of time.” Yevine smiled. They both gently press their foreheads together, smiling at one another until going for a kiss, a bright light shining in the middle as their lips are about to touch.
At that moment, Cilrus opened her eyes wide open, taking it a gasp of air as she jolted herself upwards and looked around to seeing a red blood with a side hair cut and a sea dweller standing before her.
“H-Holy shit!” The sea dweller was startled by the goth troll waking up. “Merlee, what did you do?!
“I didn’t do nothing! She just woke up!” The red blood responded in a panic.
Cilrus was more confused as to where she is and who these people are than worrying about how she is suddenly. “Who... who are you two...?”
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: Screwed up... (Cilrus’ past 3)
It has been quite some time since Cilrus and Yevine have been together though days have passed with their relationship being tested. More so Cilrus’ doing with her getting more and more protective with some jealousy being added. It has caused some heated moments between her and Yevine the few times that it has triggered Cilrus to being “the protector” but also giving some discomfort to Yevine from how Cilrus has been acting.
It has been a while since their last argument on that matter, however. So far things have settled down between the two though it’s becoming clear, to Cilrus, at least, that Yevine is becoming more distant from her. The goth troll have tried to have her talk about what’s going on in her mind but Yevine doesn’t want to budge. Since then, Cilrus has stopped trying to pry on whatever could be going on between she and her.
Cilrus decided to drop on by where Yevine is working at the moment. She’s possibly busy at this current time in the cafe considering many people must’ve finished work and wanting to get a quick, small bite or to re-energize themselves with something sweet. Whatever the case may be. The goth troll stepped inside and went to go sit at the table she always sits at, next to the window and waited for Yevine to notice. Cilrus can see Yevine from where she’s at, seeing the smile on her face made Cil happy, knowing that she loved her job. It didn’t take long for Yevine to spot Cilrus and waved at her direction. The goth troll waved back with a small smile of her own as her mate made her way to their table. “Cil! Hi! I wasn’t expecting you at this time!” Yevine said, leaning down and giving the goth troll a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“I just got done with my last job...” Cilrus said, Yevine stepping back and sat down next to Cilrus. “I’ll be honest... had to take a quick shower because of the smell from the monster I dealt with. You wouldn’t like it.”
“Well, I’m glad you did otherwise I wouldn’t have allowed you inside or you’d stink up the place.” Yevine joked around and chuckled a bit. “What was the monster?”
“Some... squid-looking thing with...- I... don’t know how to explain it? It was gross to look at. That’s all I can say.”
“At least it was dealt with... and that you smell nice and clean after~” Her mate gave a smile.
“How have you been? It’s been a bit since I saw you. I... came in to see how you were doing.” Cilrus nervously asked, already feeling like this is her first time talking to her.
Already Cilrus can tell that Yevine looked slightly annoyed by the question but tried her best to hide it. Though Cilrus can see through it. “I’ve been... doing fine. Work has been busy the last couple of days but it’s good for me! It may be exhausting at times but I enjoy this job so much... and I can’t thank you enough for getting me this job. You know that, right?”
“I know... I’m glad. I could tell that you are happy from over here.” Cilrus smiled a little. “A lot better than that library, huh?”
“Oh no! Don’t bring that up!” Cilrus chuckled to herself as a voice called out to Yevine. One of her co-workers asking for help taking orders. “I gotta get back to work. You want your usual?”
“Iced latte. Yup.” Cilrus quickly responded. Yevine nodded and walked off to get back to work, taking out a pen and her small notebook to take orders. One-by-one Cilrus sees as Yevine takes orders from everyone, admiring from afar as they worked. Despite the slight hint of wanting to hide something from Cilrus, Yevine does seem happy to see her after what felt like days since they “sorted out” the argument they both had.
Cilrus watched from her table and noticed that Yevine stopped at one customer that they decided to chat quite a bit. Already, the goth troll was thinking up of all sorts of things they might be talking about which was causing her some concern. Cilrus wanted to give them a benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they wanted to make some small talk. She didn’t want her jealousy to get the best out of her.
In the end, however, it eventually got the best of her as Cilrus sees the customer Yevine was talking to pulled out a present and they both hugged. Getting angry from the sight of this, Cilrus got up from her chair, causing it to move back, making a very loud screech on the floor that alerted everyone in the cafe, along with Yevine. She sees Cilrus coming towards their direction and before she knew it, Cilrus grabbed the random customer by the collar, lifting them up. “Listen here, fucker, don’t you dare getting all lovey dovey with Yevine!”
“Cilrus! Stop!” Yevine pleaded, trying to pull Cilrus away from the customer as they struggled.
“I-I wasn’t flirting with her!” The stranger said.
“What was the present for? Huh? Trying to win her over?”
“Cilrus! Enough! Just...” Eventually, Yevine separated them, pushing Cilrus away from the stranger. “... Stop... Go outside... NOW!” 
Cilrus was pulled away and was surprised by this side she hadn’t seen from Yevine. The goth troll looked around, seeing all the patrons in the cafe looking at the scene. Some even recording what had just transpired. Without nothing to say, Cilrus stepped outside with Yevine following along, angry. “Yevine listen I-”
“Cilrus... you are not allowed back here... EVER.” Yevine interrupted.
“Wh-... What?!”
“Cilrus... there’s a reason we didn’t see each other... I was... I hoped you changed. You have a jealousy problem and you won’t freakin’ admit it!”
“Yevine... I... I just thought...”
“He was just a friend! WE worked together back at the library! He wanted to see what I was doing! There’s no fucking thing going on between me and anyone else! I don’t understand why YOU can’t see that!” Cilrus had nothing to say. They both stayed silent until Yevine finally spoke out after a minute. “Cilrus... I think... it’s best for us to... separate.”
“If you can’t change... then... I’m sorry. I thought about this for a while... and... I think it’s for the best. Just... just leave now. Never come see again ever again.” Cilrus was stunned by this. Yevine went back inside to get back to work.
The goth troll was brought into tears, frozen, feeling a tight knot on her chest as if something was torn in half. Her heart? No. Not actually torn. Though it sure does feel like it as she sees the love of her life going away from her point of view. The rest of the day was a blur, not even remembering how she got back home in her hive as sits on her bed, looking at the picture of her and Yevine.
“... I screwed up...”
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: The End is Near
- - - Warning: Death mention | Violence | Blood mention - - -
Hours passed and soon, Morita, possessing Cilrus’ body, finally arrived to meet Cylion once more. The dark witch knew she was coming back. Behind them was her girlfriend, the demon succubus, Tyranix, who has been skeptical of the spirit and their promises but more so worried about Cylion than anything. “Came back with that lousy girl again.” Cylion commented.
“How do you expect a spirit to pick up a regular object with limited powers?” Morita replied. “Now... here it is.” Going into the satchel she had on, she takes out the rooted heart, showing it the dark witch.
Cylion’s eyes widened. She read the stories of such a magical relic but to really see it with her own eyes was a sight to behold. “That... that’s...”
“The Rooted Heart.” Morita grins, tossing it to Cylion in which they caught it. “It’s powers were mysteries in many books mostly because such a thing was talked about but never seen in person. Though they don’t know it’s true potential besides... me.”
At that moment, Cylion knows of the spirit’s true form from before. “What does it do?”
“Give eternal life!” Morita exclaimed with joy. “That, and my ticket of ridding myself off of this body and retaining my original form.”
“Then... what happens with... them?” Cylion questioned.
Morita groaned, though she should at least try. “Right... start the ritual and let me handle that issue.” Cylion didn’t question it and walked away beginning the process. Meanwhile, Morita walks off a good distance away and exits out of Cilrus’ body as the goth troll collapses to the ground, breathing heavily as if they were submerged in water for hours.
“Wh-what the hell?!” She screamed.
“Calm down, will ya?”
“C-Calm down?! What are you doing?! What is your plan?!”
“I’m getting to that.” Morita says, floating around Cil. “Now, I’m giving you an option and maybe one of these you won’t even like.”
“Why should I listen to you?” Cilrus says.
“Because if you want stay alive, I suggest you take my fucking offer.” The goth troll stayed silent. “Now... I want you to join me. I’m giving you this option of not perishing with the rest when I create a new world. You deserve that, don’t you? A fresh start. That’s what you want... right?”
“Wh-what do you mean YOU create the new world? Wasn’t that The Singularity’s plan? Aren’t you just doing it for her?”
Morita merely chuckles and slowly gives an insidious grin at Cilrus. “Perhaps... you don’t see the full picture still.”
“Who the hell are you?! Is your name really Morita?!”
“Maybe... I can show you.” Extending her hand out, she touches Cilrus’ head and once again possesses her. “Just... watch.” Morita walks back to Cylion who was already in the process of the ritual. Morita began helping, muttering spells to speed it up.
Wasn’t long until a familiar voice called out a name. “Cilrus!” They screamed out. Both Morita and Cylion turned to the direction of the voice and see Yevine. “Cilrus!“ The girl ran, wanting to stop this but then stopped, seeing what she thinks is Cilrus but because of her clairevoiyance, she sees the spirit using Cilrus’ body. “You... What have you done to her?!”
“Wh-what do you mean by that?” Morita says, trying to play it off.
“You are not Cilrus... You’re that spirit she talked about. Get out of her body! Stop whatever this is!”
Not wanting to make anymore excuses, she lets Cylion continue with the ritual, leaving the sigil and going up to Yevine. “How did you figure out to find us here? Hm?” Morita questioned.
“I-I’m a clairevoyant. I felt something was wrong... and I just... went to this direction. I care about Cilrus... memory or no memory... she and I shared something together.” Yevine explained but stepped back a little. “And I’m not letting you use her in this damn ritual!”
Morita merely grins. “How cute...” In one hand, a blade materializes, shadow-stepping towards the girl and stabs them with it. “I’m not going to be interrupted anymore.”
Yevine felt the pain but speechless as to what has happened as she slowly looks down, seeing the blade embedded into her. Morita slowly takes the knife out of them as Yevine stumbled a bit, bright red blood coming out as the girl places her hand over it and looks at the blood on her hands. “Cilrus... I-I’m... sorry...” Cilrus’ ex collapsed to her knees, trying to crawl, reaching out with one hand to grab onto Cilrus but soon her whole body just falls to the ground, being still.
Morita only smiled deviously but this was enough for Cilrus gain control, screaming as the spirit was forced out and the goth troll went to Yevine’s body. “Yevine!” Cilrus screamed, kneeling down and carried her body, shaking her gently. “P-Please... wake up... Don’t die... please...” Her voice already shaky, desperately wanting Yevine to still be alive. “Please... I-I can’t do this... I c-c-can’t do this alone...”
“You don’t need to, you know?” Morita added.
Cilrus quickly looks up, angry, tears going down her face. “Why would I trust you?! You killed her!”
“Just... watch.” At that moment, the ritual was done. A beam light shot out into the sky from the sigil, the ground vibrated as the spirit went into the large source of light. Soon, it all stopped and beam fades. In the middle, of where the sigil used to be, is a large, black crystal that started to crack and crumble away. Piece-by-piece, the crystal broke apart which was enough to leave both Cilrus, Cylion, and Tyranix in awe from this spectacle. Wasn’t until that a body was exposed from within, the crystal continuing to crumble away until the whole form was revealed. They let out a single breath, inhaling, and slowly exhaling. “It’s been so long...” They said, opening their eyes and turning towards Cilrus.
At that moment, Cilrus noticed the horns being similar to hers along with her symbol on their outfit. “You... Y-You’re...”
“I am your ancestor, Cilrus.” They responded. “But I am more so known as The Singularity... in the flesh.”
“You... A-All this time you...”
“I have been stuck on that plane of existence for too long. Long ago, I had a following, not large enough to be an army, but to them, they were loyal to me and they were willing to join me in the new world I wanted to create... including... your ancestor, Cylion.” The Singularity then glanced to the dark witch.
It was hard enough to believe what she heard. Cylion was shocked, not knowing what to even say. “You... knew my ancestor?”
“Yes. The Demoness. Perhaps there’s a reason why you took into the life of learning the dark arts after all but nonetheless, she was good friend of mine... tragic what happened to her. The Fleet knew of my plans and wanted to end it. I had made a back-up plan if I were to die... obviously... I did. The Demoness suffered a tragic fate. She tried everything she can to stop them... but... I... don’t wish to talk about it.”
“My ancestor...” Cylion began speaking to herself until she finally pieced it together. “Is that why you came to me? Because you knew that The Demoness would have a descendant?”
“You are quite observant.” The Singularity smiles to Cylion “And yes. Thanks to you, I have regained my original form and I continue where I left off all those sweeps ago... which now brings me to you...” She then turn towards Cilrus, still carrying Yevine’s body but was then lifted off the ground by an unknown force.
“L-Let go of me!” Cilrus screamed.
“I’m giving you an option, my descendant.” She begins explaining. “You can join me. I break our ties together because I no longer need you to keep myself alive but... you will gain a bit of my powers to regain your own life. You can live. No fear of dying. And you can live your life in my new world. A peaceful world without any violence. Without any hate. You. Me. Cylion. And many others that are worthy across the universe to join this world and live in peace. There, you can officially start a new life. Start fresh and leave the worries of what or who you really are behind.”
“What if I refuse?” Cilrus asks.
It was enough to annoy The Singularity. “Then I break my ties with you. And you die right here.”
“Then I won’t join you. Fuck you.”
With that, Cilrus’ ancestor merely let out a sigh seeing as she failed to persuade her own descendant to join her. “Then so be it.” The Singularity cuts the spiritual link between them and Cilrus’ throat slit began to form, blood began spilling out as the goth troll struggles to stay alive, choking on her own blood and fell to the ground. Eventually, she stopped struggling and her body has gone still. The Singularity lets a deep sigh and turn towards Cylion, walking pass her and opening a portal. “Follow me.” She says to them, walking into the portal.
“You go in, Ty.” Her demon girlfriend was cautious but went inside and Cylion was about to do the same but stopped, looking over at CIlrus’ body and then at Yevine’s. She feels a bit of guilt. Why would she? Two people she doesn’t know at all but she feels this whole confrontation felt wrong. Either way, the dark witch wants to help The Singularity and more so after knowing the relations of them and her own ancestor. She leaves her home, entering the portal.
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: The Hunt (Cilrus’ past 1)
The air is cold; the forest clouded in deep mist. Sounds of trampling of multiple beasts, closer to a stampede as werewolf-like creatures ran. Gun shots then rung out, echoing all across the woodland area and caused the birds, that were perched on the branches above the canopy, to flee. A troll kept pace with the beasts, having a rifle on hand and took a shot on the run when she spotted one of the beasts.
Avoiding any roots that are popping from the ground, she took aim at one, pulling the trigger and another shot rang out. The beast fell, dying instantly, slowly petrifying and crumbled into pieces. She kept up with the rest, taking them out one-by-one until there was one left. The troll stopped in a clearing, thick brush all around her as she scanned the area around her.
Hearing rustling from behind, she quickly turned to face the direction of the noise, taking aim with her rifle. She was blind-sided, the beast dashing in and knocked the rifle out of her hands until it was just her and werewolf. “You are the hunter?” The beast began speaking, its voice being audible despite the slight growl behind it. Seems to be the alpha of the pack she was hunting if it’s intelligent enough to being vocal “You?! A single fleshling took out the entire pack?!”
“Hey buddy. I’m just getting paid to kill you guys since you’re harassing a small village.” She spoke up. “Though you were once a troll yourself judging by the horns. Why terrorize people who you were once like before? Huh?
“They are poison! My previous life had nothing but misfortune! I ended up having to steal to live another day.” The beast then smiled deviously. “Then one day... I broke into a lab that was hidden under the village. A scientist was developing a serum and it turned into what I am now.”
“A scientist, huh? Well, this is a bit of a shit show.” She groaned in annoyance after learning of this information. A lab under a village with a serum that can turn trolls into monsters. Sounds like something off of a video game or movie. If it turns out to be true, then the work she did would be for nothing if said scientist continues on developing more serums. And if it then goes into testing it on living trolls, then the village would still be in danger. She’s going to need to take a visit to this scientist once she’s done here. Reaching behind her, she unsheathes a kukri blade, getting to her battle stance as the beast circled around her, growling.
“You may have killed my pack... but once you’re dead, I will rebuild. And everyone in that village will pay for what they done to me!”
“Enough with the sob story! You sound like a comic book villain who turned evil because some jackass stole their crayon as a kid.” She mocked. “Perhaps maybe you should’ve thought positively, moved to a different place. Not everyone are the same. The people there might’ve treated you poorly but perhaps people in another village or town could’ve welcomed you with open arms. Have you even thought of that?”
“Do not think you can persuade me!” The beast yelled. “I’m continuing on my path... as I leave a trail of blood from your corpse!” The werewolf quickly went for a pounce. The troll almost didn’t expect but dodged out of the way to the left, rolling onto the ground and standing back up as the beast lunged forward, swing its claws as she ducked down. She took a swing herself but they stepped back as they went for an overhead, bringing their claws down onto her as she didn’t react fast enough, getting pinned to the ground. The beast kept the troll pinned with one claw, bring the other over their head and swung down onto her, aiming for her head. The troll moved her head to the side, dodging the attack and makes a small cut on the arm that was holding her down, causing them to let go. She rolled away and stood up, lunging forward and stabbed them on their stomach. The beast merely let out a chuckle, grabbing her by the throat and began squeezing. “No blade can harm me, fleshling.” The werewolf said.
The troll gasped for air but was able to say some words. “Y-You’re... right...” She replied. “It’s... a silver blade...”
That was when the beast felt fear, forced to let go of her as she twisted the blade and steps back from them. The werewolf growled and groaned in agony, bleeding from the wound and now slowly being petrified. “You... f-f-fleshling! How dare you!” The petrification process slowly went up to its head, silencing them and then began to crumble away into pieces.
Surprisingly, the petrified head stayed intact. The girl panted, walking over and grabbed the stone-like head, putting it in her bag and carried it over her shoulder. She looked for her rifle, picking it off from the ground and headed back to the village. As she arrived, the troll in charge of the small village waited at the entrance, an older woman with a sun hat on. Spotting the monster hunter she hired, who she was afraid might’ve been sent to die, come back alive, they approached the other with concern. “Miss Xonova!” She formerly called them out. “You’re safe and sound.”
“Yup.” Cilrus replied.
“And... what of the beasts? Are they killed?”
Not bothering to answer, Cilrus reached into her own bag, pulling out the severed, petrified head of a werewolf she killed. “They are all done for. They won’t be a bother.” She smiled confidently to the village leader.
“Oh thank goodness! I will gather payment that was promised for you for a job well done, miss Xonova.”
“Not yet...” Cilrus paused them. She thought for moment, and then gets an idea. “Do you have a doctor in your village, ma’am?”
“Why... of course.” She answered. “Doctor Ovultn lives down the road.”
“Can you take me to them? And I want you to be there with me.” Cilrus asked. The village leader nodded, leading the troll straight to the doctor’s home who does their profession there. Cilrus became subtle loading up some bullets into her rifle just in case anything happens.
They both arrived, the leader knocking on the door as the doctor opened it and was surprised to seeing the bounty hunter he’s heard all about. “Oh! Cilrus Xonova, is it? What a surprise to see you here!” Doctor Ovultn says. “Did you kill off those monsters?”
“Yeah, I did.” Cilrus replied with a slight grin. “They were a bit tough to track down and the alpha leader was a bit of a pain in the ass but they’re gone now.”
“That’s great news! You have no idea how much you have helped me. Stitching up large gashes from claws is very difficult, you know?”
“Now... why is it you’re here?”
“O-Oh!” The village leader chimed in. “She wishes to speak to you, right, miss Xonova?” She turned to her.
“Yeah. I do. May we come in?” Cilrus suggested.
“Not at all! Please! Come inside.” The doctor moved out of the way and both the leader and Cilrus stepped inside. Right away, Cilrus scanned the inside of the home, spotting anything that looks out of the ordinary from the shelves or even the multiple coffee tables that are around. “What is it you wish to speak to me about?”
“Well... I’m gonna keep it blunt here.” Cilrus began speaking but takes out the petrified, severed werewolf head and placed it on top of his counter. “This guy... he’s the alpha leader.”
“An... alpha leader?” The doctor sounded surprised, staring in awe at the stone head.
“Mmhmm. He was able to speak. Verbally. And he told me something that I now need confirmation for... This village... has an underground lab. And beneath all this dirt there’s a serum that’s being made and it turned people into those things who I just killed... That guy...” Cilrus pointed to the head, continuing to walk around the room and trying to find anything out of place. “... told me that he broke into the lab and injected himself with the serum. Possibly took more of it and created his own pack. Now...” She then turned to the doctor. “I want to know if you are not hiding something.”
The doctor was speechless, not knowing what to say but hearing these accusations was causing him to get angry. “What?! Are you accusing me? Me?!” The doctor talked back.
“Miss Xonova!” The leader spoke out. “What on Alternia is with with accusation?”
“It only makes sense for the one doctor in this village to be skilled enough to be doing these kinds of experiments. A scientist, if you will.” Cilrus simply answered. “I just need to know if it’s true.”
“O-Of course it’s not true! I’m a doctor! A healer! I have been taking care of my fellow neighbors for sweeps when I arrived here!” The doctor explained.
It was then that Cilrus looked at a wall light, seeing what seems to be scratched marks on it but curved up to the left. Almost as if it is turned slightly clockwise. She walked over to it, turning it slightly clockwise and that was when the bookshelf next to it slowly moved forward, stopped and slides to the left to reveal an elevator door. Like from a movie, she knew there was some secret door. Cilrus turned to the doctor along with the leader, looking shocked from this discovery. She aimed her gun at the doctor. “I’m gonna ask you to take me and her down there...” Cilrus demanded.
“L-Listen... I can explain-”
“Now, doc!”
Without any way of escaping around this, he submit and leads them to the elevator. The doors slides open and all three of them stepped inside, heading straight down while Cilrus puts her rifle to the side and pulls out her kukri blade on them, keeping watch on them if they make any kind of move to attack, she’ll be ready. It felt like an eternity being cooped up in a small, square space, going down deep underground to the unknown. Eventually, they made it down and as the doors opened, it revealed the lab the beast talked about. The village leader was shocked from the reveal, not wanting to believe this was all hidden behind her back all this time. The doctor was scared but was ordered by Cilrus to walk inside. A typical lab full of microscopes, beakers of colored liquid which could be god knows what. The one thing that stood out the most was large tubes that had werewolves inside. Three tubes and each of them containing the same beasts Cilrus had just hunted down. All of them seem to be asleep and floating in some kind of liquid. “Wanna explain around this, doc? Though I don’t think you can get out of this even if you try.” Cilrus says.
“You... have no idea how many sweeps of research this has gone through!” The doctor finally just lets it all out. “I was on a breakthrough to assist the Fleet on providing them with super soldiers! This! This was the answer!”
“And those... three?” The village leader spoke up. “They’re the three missing people that were reported gone six sweeps ago...?”
“I needed live subjects in order to test the serum and making sure it worked properly... I-I had no choice but to kidnap them!”
“And you became careless to leave out the serum in the middle of the open in which a troll broke into your home, discovered your lab, and injected itself, along with their buddies, to being werewolves and were killing off people in this village.” Cilrus chimed in. “And this going to stop because I could give two shits if you’re working for the Fleet. What if you can’t control them? Even then, they are a danger to everyone else and if continued, you’d be continuing with these experiments and putting others in danger... Much worse since you kidnapped people for this damn experiment of yours.”
“No! You cannot destroy my life’s work!” The doctor pleaded.
“Watch me.” Cilrus aimed her rifle, shooting all three tubes containing a beast, hitting them. The glass breaks as the liquid pours out and the dormant beasts falls to the floor and they all petrify. Holding her rifle by the barrel, she swung it around like a bat, breaking all the beakers and kicked around any science equipment until it was all broken all the while the doctor tried to stop her but it was too late. The doctor grabbed a scalpel that fell to the floor but looked up only to be looking down the barrel of Cilrus’ rifle. “You’re done...”
“Doctor Ovultn...” The village leader spoke. “You will be put on trial. The council will see to it you be put into a holding cell for this horrible crime you have committed.”
The doctor was done for. He gave up, letting go of the scalpel and just stayed on the floor in defeat. Eventually, Cilrus was about ready to head out, walking towards the entrance but was stopped by the village leader. “Miss Xonova!” She called Cilrus out.
Cilrus stopped, turning to them. “Hey! What do you need, ma’am?”
“I... cannot thank you enough for what you did today... even exposing what was hidden right beneath our feet. I... I would have never known this existed... if you hadn’t come to speak to him... I feel he would’ve continued putting our village in danger... such a horrible man.”
“Ah it’s no big deal! Crazy shit happens and this was a first for me.” Cilrus tried lightening up the mood. “What matters is that your village is safe and sound. You won’t have to worry about freaky werewolves or... whatever else!”
“And I am thankful. Here...” She handed Cilrus the payment, smiling to them. “Thank you... Thank you again!”
Cilrus nodded, began walking down into the forest towards the direction to where her home is. “Secret lab making werewolves... What a fucking day this was!”
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Catalyst: Almost there
- - Long ago - -
She knew. She knew that The Singularity’s plan was crazy. To think she trusted her all this time. The Demoness snuck her way through the sanctuary unnoticed, wanting to stop their plans from succeeding. The Singularity is planning on using an object to gain eternal life and to think she helped her get to that point. If Cytone destroys it now, The Singularity’s plans will be all for naught. At least she hopes.
The Demoness makes her way through a long corridor, having an illumination spell on hand, floating above her head, to light the way through the dark. She made it to the artifact room, containing ancient relics and some that she gathered herself for The Singularity. She’s after one object in particular. Going into another corridor at the end of the room, The Demoness comes across a magical barrier. Stepping through would mean instant evaporation. “Kresh ‘atosh. Nu’ mel thuh!” She whispered and waved her hand over the barrier and it dissipates.
She slowly steps through and sees the one artifact in its own pedestal. An ancient root which, ironically, is shaped into a heart. The Demoness can sense the immense energy that it’s radiating. It’s a powerful relic and one that has to be destroyed. Cytone pulled out a ritualistic knife, imbued with magic that is enough to destroy the relic.
As she swings the knife over her head, aiming at the relic to strike it with one blow, it barely made contact as the blade went down, stopping just inches above it which left her confused until realizing that an unknown force has stopped her. Slowly, The Demoness turned her head to glance behind her only to see her. “I am ashamed of you, Qinala.” The Singularity says, giving a disappointing expression.
“Y-You don’t know what you’re doing!” The Demoness objected until she felt the unknown force jerk her hand forward to her head, the hilt of the blade hitting her which caused her to fall to her knees. “Your plan... it’s insane! For what!?”
“To give you and the chosen few a better world. A safer world.”
“But... killing off the entire planet! The entire galaxy! The entire universe!? Just to... create new worlds?! For people you deem worthy to live in?! You’re... you’re no better than The Empress!”
With those words, it hit a nerve and The Singularity retaliated with using a spell of her own, having a force hold The Demoness by the throat as she struggled to gain air and to break free, holding her throat or reaching anywhere near her. Meanwhile, The Singularity slowly walked up to her, looking her dead in the eyes as The Demoness continued struggling. “Don’t you dare compare me to that who sits on her throne of lies and bloodshed. What I’m doing... is saving everyone from her. Saving everyone from the violence that goes on. Not in our world... but... in many. You believed in that idea once... and now you have become a traitor. To me. And to the rest of your brothers and sisters.”
The Demoness continued to struggle to breathe but was able to let out a sentence. “You damn wretch!”
“And for your heresy sabotaging our journey to the Great Beyond... we will put you forth through trial.”
- - Present - -
“How long til we get there...?” Cilrus says, walking through a forest that felt like an eternity, feeling tired already. There wasn’t much she can do to persuade her way out of this. If she continued to refuse, then she would get possessed by Morita and at this point, she doesn’t know what they were going to do. So far she hasn’t received an answer from the spirit who has been quiet ever since she was forced to go to a certain direction. Only time Morita spoke is giving directions and that’s mainly it.
She finally broke her silence, giving another direction. “Turn slightly right over here.” Morita said. Cilrus did just that
Cilrus walked for another hour or so until she finally sees a structure come into view. “What the...” A stone structure which seems to be falling apart. Possibly due to erosion over the sweeps. “Where... where are we?”
“Head inside.” Morita ordered.
Cilrus didn’t want to argue by wanting to know more but did what she was ordered to do, walking to the structure and heading inside. She entered what appeared to be a grand hall. It all is falling apart with a skylight peering through due to the ceiling that crumbled down. The end of the grand hall is a throne, seemed intricately engraved from stone but has seen better days.
“This is the great temple of The Singularity.” Morita began to speak. “It’s the main place where all her followers gather and worship her, making offerings, hoping to be chosen of their worth to be sent into the Great Beyond. There’s six more small temples but mainly used for when she travels and ever decides to stay in one to rest and where most of the artifacts, that her followers gather for her as gifts, are stored. But... this temple... holds one particular artifact.”
“And... what is that exactly?”
“You’ll see.” Morita says ominously. “Head to the right doorway.”
Cilrus continued to follow Morita’s command, for now, going over the rubble and making her way down a hall, with some stone windows looking out to the outside of the forest and a river not too far off from the temple. She eventually makes her way through a courtyard, a structure in the middle which seemed to have a statue in the middle. A walk way going towards the middle structure with the rest of area being the plain grass which appeared to have had flowers but have all but died off. Nothing but dried up roots. The place is massive and with some of it in disarray, Cilrus wondered what it could’ve been like living in a place like this. It felt like living in royalty even if it’s all made of stone. There’s many rooms and hallways that lead to areas but unfortunately they are all blocked off by rubble or she’s unable to look through them all besides going on one mission demanded by Morita. Eventually, she makes her way through a corridor, candles on the walls which she can imagine lit this dark corridor at one point in time. The walls were chipping away, enough that even Cilrus placing her hand on the wall to help herself guide her way through, she feels it falling apart, hearing bits and pieces of stone falling to the ground.
She makes her way to the end of the corridor, seeing a pedestal in the middle of the room. On the pedestal, a root which is shaped like a literal heart. “The Eternal Heart...” Morita says.
“It’s an ancient root that was morphed into a heart, imbued with magic by grand mages... and one... I’ll be taking personally.”
“Wh-What?!” Cilrus gasped.
Before she knew, Morita took possession of Cilrus’ body, the girl struggling  as she thrashed her body against the walls, screaming and cursing Morita until finally the spirit gain full control. Letting out a satisfied sigh, she tilts her head, letting out a few cracks from the neck until walking up to the object, gently grabbing it by her hand as it glows through the gaps of the roots from her touch. Morita grinned. “One more step.”
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Catalyst: Let‘s talk...
“Cil, I’m gonna head out to see if I can find anymore information on that cult thing.” Yevine says as she grabs a satchel, putting the strap over her shoulder. “Hopefully I’ll be able to get more information as to why your symbol is on that old photo of a stone tablet which is apparently involved with said cult.”
“Okay... be safe.” Cilrus says. Yevine was surprised to hear it but merely gives a smile as she heads out the door, leaving Cilrus by herself.
The goth troll was about ready to search for books in her own home, perhaps hoping to find something that she might’ve put away for the future. Wasn’t until she hears a familiar voice which startled her. “So who’s she~?” A voice said, making Cilrus jump as she turned to seeing Morita. “Who’s that girl?”
“You!” Cilrus screamed. “Where were you?!”
“Jeez, calm down. I know you missed me and all that-”
“No! I didn’t miss you. I wanted to speak with you! Where were you?! Why did you disappear?!”
“God whatever happened to the overly confused and shy Cilrus that I revived from the dead.”
“I’m not playing around, Morita. I have questions and you are going to answer them. Right. Now!”
“Fine. Fine. If it helps you to not pop a blood vessel.” The spirit merely crosses her arms as she awaits the questions though she expects what they could be after seeing what Cilrus already found. “Fire away.”
Cilrus was quiet for a moment, not knowing where to start but decides to just go for it with the very first question. “Did you know my ancestor?”
“Did you know my ancestor?! Yes? Or no?” Cilrus intently asked. “There’s an old photo of a stone tablet with my symbol on it and that could only mean that my ancestor was a part of the cult you used to worship! Did you know my ancestor?!”
Morita was silent. She expected this question but she didn’t think that there was would be some evidence of the group she used to be in. The Fleet didn’t do such a great job trying to keep that a secret. “I knew your ancestor. Yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because you’re so damn worried about trying to get your memories back that if I didn’t tell you, then maybe you’d given up on it or whatever!”
“I just want to know who the hell I fucking was!” Cilrus yelled which caught Morita by surprised. The spirit didn’t expect this from them. “I just... need to know who I was before... that’s all I care about. I only know so little and my memories are slowly coming back to me... that’s all.”
Morita stayed quiet. She has to give to them for being very persistent. Her plan is gonna be thwarted if the girl keeps this up but it seems they’re very determined to finding out the truth. “Heleta was her name.”
“H-Huh...? Her name?”
“Heleta. I knew her but I never spoke to her. We all worshiped The Singularity all the same though. Nothing changes that.”
“Who is The Singularity? Maybe there’s a reason as to why I was killed... perhaps something to deal with your cult.”
“The Singularity wasn’t well known... at first. She knew magic and was powerful enough to, possibly, destroy the entire universe. Though her goals are simple. Create a new world for those that deserve it. If her words are to be trusted, she would destroy everything, saving those she sees deserve a better life, and then recreating worlds. No violence. No poverty. No dictators. Just a world of peace.”
“Then the Fleet must’ve caught wind of that... killed The Singularity and then their followers so no one could ever try to continue where they left off.” Cilrus says as she paces back and forth in the living room. “Which would mean my ancestor was killed for that... and that means that someone knew me by my symbol and knows of my ancestor and the cult she was in and deemed me a threat. Therefore leads to me making videos for anyone to find, hoping to clear my name but getting killed by the Fleet, maybe!”
Morita tried her best to gather the information the girl just said. ‘This girl could be some detective but god damn that’s an overload of information.’ She thought to herself. “Okay...”
“Don’t you get it?! I was killed as to not continue what The Singularity started! At least that’s what the Fleet believes in. Otherwise I was killed for no reason but that HAS to be the reason. There wouldn’t be a reason why there’s no information about my ancestor or the group she was in. That has to be it!”
“Hmm... you found out way too much.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I wanted to speak with you. Hoping to convince you to let all this shit go but... I can see... there’s no way of getting to talk you out of it.”
“Let it go?! I was never going to let this go!”
“Exactly... which I guess I have to do things my own way.” Morita merely grins, placing her hand around Cilrus’ throat and starts squeezing while Cilrus tries to gain air. “I could possess you... but that’s too easy. Nothing is gonna stop me from completing what my Singularity had started! It’s either that... or I could use you... and finish off your girlfriend.”
“N-No! N-N-No no no no!” Cilrus begged. Feeling herself nearing to black out until she was let go, getting to her hands and knees and gasping for air. “Who... the hell are you!?”
“You’ll find out... soon. For now, you will follow every instruction. You do not, I will not hesitate to slit your friend’s throat... only for you to watch as I possess your body to commit the deed.” Morita said, her tone being much different than how it was. “Now get up. There’s a place I want you to go.”
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Seeking comfort (open rp)
“Morita?” Cilrus whispers as she walked around town. No answer. Not even a response. Ever since the “incident” Morita seemed to have disappeared or gone invisible? Possible for a ghost to go invisible? Something she just thought about. Whatever the case may be, she has been wondering what’s going on with Morita.
The spirit is still linked to the troll since she’s still alive and kicking. It seems strange but it’s a good time to looking into her own past, piece together her memories. Cilrus came upon a library, hoping to find something on herself but nothing. Then there’s the hard drive full of something that’s carefully encrypted and she already has Orelia trying to find a hacker to help her with that. So much things that are just within her reach but only to be caught up by a chain that can be opened by a complicated lock.
It has been making her upset. The unknown of herself. Taking a break from search, she stopped by a cafe, sitting down and looking off at a window next to her as she gets lost in her own thoughts. Why the mystery? What had she done in her past life that everything had to be hidden? What the hell even was she in her previous life? Dying and coming back to life but at the cost of losing her memories is not making this situation easy for her mentally.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Catalyst: Let’s just chat
Cilrus idly bounced her leg repeatedly as she sat on a bench in the middle of a park. She is currently waiting for Yevine to return though she was nervous. For one, she still haven’t heard anything from Morita since the “incident” and it’s scaring her not knowing what it going on especially knowing she’s still alive therefore figuring that the link between them is not severed.
The second is knowing, fully well, that Yevine is literally her ex and she can’t help but feel both nervous and awkward around her. She doesn’t remember anything about their relationship though Yevine knows everything. Cilrus doesn’t know what to say when something from her past comes up. A lot of these things going through her mind and on top of it all, figuring out her past. Who she is. What her lineage is like. Why did she die? Why is her whole life being kept a secret? It’s practically driving her mad.
“Hey! Cil!” A voice startled her as Cilrus quickly looks up to see Yevine. “Oh! Sorry! Did I scare you?”
“N-No... I was just...” Cilrus stuttered her words a little. “I-I’m okay. I was just... thinking.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes... I’m sure...” Quickly, Cilrus changed the subject. “U-Uh... where did you go?”
Yevine pulled out a bag, reaching in and taking out a triangle box. “Lunch! Got us some slices of pizza.” She hands one to Cilrus as the goth troll opened it to see a pepperoni pizza slice. “I figured we take a break from this whole mystery thing!”
“O-Oh...” Cilrus rests the box on her lap as Yevine sat next to her. She takes the pizza out of the box, taking a bite out of it, and instantly liking the taste as she chewed on it. “Oh wow! This is... really good!”
“I figured you like it.” Yevine smiled as she takes a bite out of hers. “It’s actually your favorite!”
“Oh... I see.” Cilrus quickly frowned from the mention of this as Yevine noticed and already regretting ever saying anything about it.
“Sorry...” Trying to think of what else she can say, she then thought of a topic. “Hey... how about we just chat. Nothing related to you. It’s already a touchy subject as it is, at the moment. Ask me anything!”
“... Well... I guess how long have you been working at that cafe?”
“Quite a while. Obviously, since I told you, I used to work at a library. It was... a bit odd at first considering I was the one girl there that used to party a lot and just... always open? Forward and a bit rowdy? Don’t how to explain it. But I was like that! I’d be the one to break the silent rule in libraries. Sometimes it’s a fun time when it was just me.” Yevine let out a chuckle as Cilrus did the same. “I made a lot of random friends who were regulars at the library. After that, I got fired because I uh... accidentally got caught... uh...”
Cilrus waited to hear a response only to notice them blushing in thought. “Got caught... doing what?”
“U-Uh... I shouldn’t say! It’s... embarrassing...”
“Come on! Tell me. I won’t laugh or anything.” Cilrus pleaded with a smile.
“Well...” Yevine quickly looked around to see if there was anyone around to listen in. Still, she leaned in to Cilrus’ ear and whispered to her. “I... got caught masturbating...”
Instantly, Cilrus blushed heavily from the mention of it as her eyes widened. “O-Oh.... um... that’s something...”
“Yeah... I got fired and that’s when I went to search for another job... it was... hard actually. I was desperately going to any place where they were hiring but it was either I was not up to their standards... or because of my blood color...”
“It... must have been hard...”
“It was... and that was when I met you.” Cilrus’ eyes beamed from the mention and turned to look at her. “I know... I didn’t want to get into a topic about you but... this was important to me, if I’m being honest. If I hadn’t met you... I don’t know where I’d be. I went to the cafe... just... trying to figure out what to do and then you came up to me, telling me that you are in good relations with the owner... and... you got me a job there. I was a stranger and you helped me out of pure random.... it’s pretty funny if you think about it.”
“... I wonder if I was always like that...”
“Maybe... even then... you I knew was always... mysterious, always acting tough. It was hard reading you before. That’s why... when I saw you a couple weeks ago, it was hard for me to figure out if you were pulling a stunt or something. But I eventually knew... just from your demeanor, the look in your eyes, you weren’t the Cilrus I knew.”
Cilrus frowned until feeling a hand on her shoulder and then pulled into a hug.
“I know you’re not the Cilrus I know... but I’m happy to see you again and spending time with you... I... missed you.” She pulled away. “I know you don’t have a say about anything I’m telling you since you don’t remember me or anything about your past... and that’s okay. I just... wanted to tell you that... but most importantly, even though you’re not the Cilrus I know, I am willing to help you to figure out your past, to figure out how you died, and so you can figure out who you should be.”
Cilrus looks over at Yevine as she smiled at the goth troll. She returns a smile of her own. “Thank you, Yevine...” Cilrsu then felt something vibrate in her pocket, quickly reaching into her pocket to pull out a phone and seeing a text from the troll, Orelia, that she met before.
ORELIA: It’s time. Get a disposable phone and come to these coordinates.
“What is it?” Yevine asked.
“... A friend of mine... she got someone to hack into some flash drives past me hid...”
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Catalyst: Back to my life...
It has been a couple of weeks, or maybe months? Cilrus doesn’t know at this point. Morita is still “dormant” and hasn’t show herself in any kind of way. Why? What changed? It’s concerning her ever since the incident that happened. It’s stressing her out always thinking about it. Walking through the city, she stopped at a cafe and sat down at a table.
She needs to relax. Take a moment to just recollect her thoughts. She still needs to figure out her own past. Taking out her notepad, Cilrus looks over at the list of places that might have some information on herself, or anything. Looking up from her notepad, she notices a girl intently looking at her direction. It’s actually concerning her. Cilrus looks back down at her notepad, not wanting to pay attention and hoping the person stops looking. Slowly glancing back up, the girl just left her spot and started walking over to Cilrus’ table.
Cilrus is already starting to panic as the girl makes her way. She went back to looking at the notepad, hoping that maybe the girl won’t come by. Unfortunately, she came by. “What the hell are you doing here?!” She says. “I told you to never come see me again!”
The goth troll froze but then heard “again.” What does she mean? “Again...?” Cilrus replied.
“Yes! I don’t want to see you!”
“I... do... do I know you?”
The girl looked confused but got angry, grabbing Cilrus’ leather jacket and dragged her outside against her own will. “What you are you trying to do? Are you trying to play dumb?” She questioned frustratingly.
Cilrus stood where she is, trying to figure out how to explain this. “Miss... I will be honest with you, I... I-I don’t remember who you are. I don’t know how to explain this... and even then, I don’t know how to comprehend it myself. I died... and I was brought back to life but with no memory of how I died... or just... anything about myself or the people I may have known...”
The girl listened, looking annoyed and possibly not believing it. “Right. You died and got brought back to life. And your ‘excuse’ is you lost your memories. Seriously? You expect me to believe that crap?”
“I don’t expect you to believe anything!” Cilrus snapped back which surprised the girl. “I don’t know who you are but you don’t know what I’m going through! I am trying to figure out who I am! I’m trying to figure out why I died! I can’t find out anything! I can’t figure out who I am! I don’t expect you to believe me... at this point... I’m far beyond that and the only thing that matters to me is to try to figure out my past... figure out what I am. Why I died... I’m... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put my anger on you, miss. I shouldn’t have done that since I don’t know you... I mean, I do know you? You know me, in which I know you... god damn it! This is confusing...”
The girl listened and the more she hears Cilrus out, she now realized that the troll standing before her is not the Cilrus she knew. Seeing her demeanor was also not what she remembered Cilrus by. “So... you don’t remember me?” The girl says.
Cilrus merely shook her head and even replied. “No... sorry.”
The girl stood where she is, looking at Cilrus and tapped her shoulder. “Go back inside. Let’s talk...”
The goth troll was surprised, looking up at the girl as she gives a small nod, heading back inside and sitting back down at her table she sat in the first time she came in.
The girl followed and sat across from her. “My name... is Yevine Kolike.”
“Hi... miss, Kolike.”
“It’s okay. You can call me Yevine... I’m sorry about earlier... you and I... previous you... and I have history.”
“Oh... sorry... what did I do to you?”
Yevine smiled. “Just... split apart. We were both together, in some way.”
Cilrus’ eyes widened from this information. “What...?”
“Don’t get any ideas!” Yevine quickly added. “You and I were close. But you were really... over protective and it got to the point that I needed time to myself to not have you worry... but it never stopped you to always coming by to where I work just to see me. That’s why I reacted the way I did. After the fifth time, I just couldn’t stand it and told you to never come back to see me.”
“O-Oh...” Cilrus was actually surprised by this information but more so surprised by how she is in relationships. At least it’s one thing she now knows about herself but she wished she hadn’t known.
“Hey... it’s not your fault. You’re not the Cilrus I know... but... in a way I’m sort of glad to see you again. I was actually thinking about you... but not to expect to see you the way you are.”
“Yeah... I didn’t want this to happen... meeting someone that might know me knowing I’d disappoint them by not remembering them...”
“How long have you been alive since you died?”
“A couple months now.”
“A couple months?! And you haven’t found out anything about your past?”
“Surprisingly. As if I don’t exist since I died.”
“Hmm...” Yevine thought for moment, snapping her fingers as she came up with an idea. “Tell you what, stick around and we’ll both head out after the end of my shift. Alright?”
“Um... okay.” Cilrus answered. She was about ready to ask why but Yevine got up and left to go back to work. “Well... that was something.”
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
“Silent Scream” Cilrus
CILRUS: Let out everything going through my mind? I think I have... imagine it... you died one day and then the next day you come back to life. But you lost your memory to trade for it. It's torture...
Every day I hope that it's a nightmare but it's not. It's real. Trying to find out who I am is difficult when apparently there's some sort of conspiracy going on with my life. How am I supposed to act? Should I be myself? Should I try to be someone who I'm not?
It's frustrating and upsetting... and the worst of it is the people that know me, that have seen me before or have hung out with me in the past... and I don't know them. I can't remember them no matter how hard I try to peel through the layers of my mind to find the memories hidden away from me. I can never know what to say but lie... it's sad... they might've seen me as a friend but I have no clue who they are or what kind of relationship we might've had...
My life... is just torture...
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
▶▶️ for Cilrus
"You do not know the severity of why you exist.
You exist for me to exist.
For me to bring us in a new era.
The chosen few shall be spared.
The rest perish as I bring us in a new world.
World of peace and tranquility.
And I thank you, Cilrus, for making this all happen.
Your sacrifice will usher in a peaceful universe."
not gonna reveal too much =u=
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Catalyst: ... DIE
It has been a week since Morita met the dark witch known as Cylion. The preparations are almost complete though it will take a while considering there’s still some other things needed for the ritual she needs to commence. Surprisingly, she hasn’t had any sudden headaches. Perhaps Cilrus finally accepted the position.
Morita was about ready to head to a certain to gather some items for the ritual but she then felt the worse headache she’s ever had, enough for her to collapse to her knees, screaming in pain as her spirit was eventually rejected from the body of Cilrus. Like that, Cilrus breathed in heavily and panted, looking up at Morita, enraged. “What the fuck!? How many days?! How many?! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
“That’s none of your damn business.” Morita merely responded.
“No! Cut that bullshit! I’m able to see what the hell is going on now what the hell is that crystal is for? Who the fuck was that girl you met?! What are you fucking planning?!” Cilrus yelled.
Silence loomed in the air as both of them just looked at each other in the middle of an alley. Finally, Morita spoke. “Cilrus, I’m trying to bring in a new era. Exactly what I... the Singularity would’ve wanted. No more lies. No more violence. No more criminals and the sinful. Peace. Everyone of them will vanish, disappear from existence, leaving only those that are pure for a new world... across the universe.”
“That is fucking insane!”
“Is it? Look at this fucking world, Cil. It’s charged by just pure violence and discrimination to low bloods and mutants alike! There’s never a day that goes by that you don’t see those stupid ass flyers for the Fleet which is just propaganda. And what the fuck do they do? They set out to take, kill, and destroy. Those kinds of people should be obliterated from this world, never to be seen again so everyone don’t have to check their damn backs hoping there isn’t some fucking spy ready to tackle them to the dirt.”
“No... no. Fuck that.” Cilrus got up, glaring at Morita. “Not anymore, you got that? This is my body. Not yours.”
“But Cil!” No response as the troll just walked passed the spirit as she obviously follows her, considering she is connected with the living troll.
Cilrus walked through the alleyway, angry but wanting to just keep to herself now until she felt eyes staring at her. Not Morita but a group of eyes. She continued walking but came to a dead end, turning around to see a large group of trolls turning the corner. “Oh no...” She whispered to herself.
Soon enough the trolls all blocked her only way out, all of them having the same tattoo on the right side of their neck. A gang, more than likely. Soon enough, one of them approached her, towering over her. “What’s a lady like you doing in our turf?” The gang leader said.
“I’m sorry... I made a wrong turn.” Cilrus merely answered.
“That you did.” He said, letting out a chuckle. “Do you know about the Abyss Vipers?”
“Um... no?”
“Oh well, that’s good.” He smiled but that expression changed as he slaps Cilrus across the face, knocking her down to the ground. “You don’t fucking lie to me! You don’t fucking lie to the Iron Kings!” Soon everyone that were with him cheered.
Cilrus slowly got up, a bit dazed as her final option now was to fight back. As soon as the leader had his guard down, she landed a punch which sparked everyone with him to swarm her. She wasn’t going to give up. No. Every person that came up to her, she fought her way through them but they all kept coming.
“Let me help you.” Morita says in the background.
“Stay out of my business!” Cilrus screamed, quickly dodging a jab and kicked a troll on the leg to cause them to fall until she felt a punch on the left side of her face, knocking her down. Soon enough, everyone swarmed her as she just closes her eyes shut, not wanting to experience what will happen to her.
Morita let out a sigh in the background and eventually took possession of Cilrus once more. Soon enough, she opened her eyes as one of the trolls noticed the change of her expression and then felt their hand get twisted and broken, screaming in pain. She got herself free from the gang’s hold, as she quickly grabs a pipe that was on the ground. “Now... let’s fucking dance.” Already, the whole gang were cautious as they noticed a different look in the troll’s eyes. It wasn’t long for Morita to dash towards the trolls and bashed away at them. Eventually the pipe got bent to the point that it was useless as she sees a large piece of glass. Ripping off one of the sleeves of her shirt, she wraps it around the bottom end to hold it like a knife.
A sinister grin grew on her face as she runs towards those that still stand, slashing as deep as she can go as she gets covered in all the colors of blood. By the end of it, she stood in the middle of bodies around her, covered in blood as she looks over to seeing one more person still alive. The gang leader. It wasn’t long before Morita was kicked out again as Cilrus gained control and screamed from seeing the dead bodies around her. Even looking at her hands seeing blood splatters on them as they trembled. The gang leader was afraid, slowly crawling away. “Are you going to let him get away?” Morita whispered.
“Y-Yes! I... I-I-I didn’t want this!” Cilrus yelled.
“Who the fuck you talking to?!” The gang leader yelled through sobs.
Growing impatient, Morita decided to slightly possess Cilrus’ body, making her walk towards the troll with the makeshift shiv still in hand as Cilrus kept pleading until she towered over the scared gang leader. Kneeling down, her hand motioned to the back of their head to hold it as the other, wielding the shiv, stabs the troll on the throat as Cilrus’ eyes widened in shock and fear.
“It’s okay. Let it happen.” Morita whispered. “This is how the world works. And I’m going to tell you something... you’re stuck with me. Your mind is weak enough for me to gain full control of you. This is what I’m trying to fix. What the Singularity want to rid of. So even if you say to stop... it’s never gonna stop. All. Things. Must. Die.”
Morita finally got Cilrus to get full control of her body once more as she was still speechless of what happened, on her knees as she looks down at her blood stained hands.
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