#Alexandra Pyrite
hostilemuppet · 5 months
Hello, long time regem follower here, I was wondering: Since the non-human characters change their appearances when they go to the overworld, do they also use nicknames or can they just say "Hi, I'm Zircon" and everyone else is cool with it? If they use nicknames, what are they?
it depends on the character! both in terms of their personality (would they care enough to come up with a fake name to hide their real identity?) and whether their real name could pass as a human name
i think zircon still goes by zircon. it feels like itd be a name a cool faux-punk artsy chick would pick for herself, and thats the vibe she wants, she WANTS men to think she can be their manic pixie dream girl so she can pick them off easier
sunstone, she cant exactly go by sunstone if she wants to make it big online and not be laughed off as a run-of-the-mill weirdo, so she instead goes by sunny. moonstone doesnt have a "name"; he tells every girl he pursues a different name, and when sunny mentions her manager she only calls him "luna"
amber is already a human name so theyd have no problems there. aquamarine REALLY wouldnt care but i think amber and maybe cinnabar would get worried about it, so maybe they call her "marina", which she thinks is dumb. cinnabar could probably get away with being called "cinna", or maybe cindy
jade, again is already a name
sapphire i think would go by ms sapphire, with it being her surname. she would not answer when asked for her given name
bloodstone is tricky, bc she doesnt really... interact often with any humans other than isaac, but isaac would still need a name to tell people about his girlfriend, and bloodstone isnt exactly a rock you can easily get a name out of. im thinking something super on-the-nose goth, preferably vampiric sounding bc. yknow. bloodstone and isaac are vampire themed. id want it to be very thematically sound even if it wouldnt be used as much as some of the others, bc shes a very theatrical character! maybe "ambrosia" bc of her goals of immortality. itd also be really funny to just call her shiela though, since she is "australian"
alexandrite can just go by alex / alexandra, except i think the russian version of it is aleksandra? and shes "russian", so maybe itd be cute to have her spell it aleksandra
kyanite wouldnt have to worry about a name bc she already looks fucking weird enough on her own, same with corvid. dragons breath opal is already mostly just called "opal" anyway
rhodizite, they have a stage name, they are rocky rhod. serpentine and obsidian also probably have stage names but i dont know yet. maybe they can also be ice cream flavours or other desserts that reference their actual rocks
ruby and jasper are already human names. pyrite doesnt even bother with a human form (he is never shown wit it ever, he will remain the shlubby little critter forever) so he also wouldnt bother with a name, except for how the humans who discuss the rumours of him in hushed rumours know him only as "fool's gold"
the tourmalines would still just call themselves the names the nicknames they use back home: cherry banana and kiwi. maybe banana goes only by "nana"
and finally, 2ircon goes by bunny, which is the nickname isaac gave her bc he felt bad calling her numbers
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: Discovery (Revival Part 2 of 2)
Sounds of screaming echoed throughout the empty field. It was then followed by one screaming that was a female with another female laughing every now and then. The two happen to be Alexandra and Merlee who are both running from a pack of angry high bloods after Merlee decided to throw some pebbles for fun though Alex was a bit hesitant about it and thus leads them to where they are now; currently running away from them.
“Merlee why did you do that?!” Alexandra yelled out as she continued
“What? You gotta learn to live a little, Alex!” The red blood says with a big smile on her face, running beside her.
“I want to live but since you pissed off a bunch of high bloods the odd of us ‘living a little’ is becoming very, VERY low!”
“You’ll be fine!” Merlee enforced. It wasn’t until she spotted an odd formation on the edge of the forest in front of them. The branches in front of them formed around in a circle. Almost like a gateway and that’s when Merlee knew what it was, grabbing Alexandra’s hand. “Follow my lead!” With her other free hand, she materializes a broom, hopping onto it, as well as bringing Alex on it as well which caught her by surprise.
“You could’ve told me you were doing this!”
“Wrap your hands around my waist and hang on.”
“What?! Wh- AAAAAAH!” Alexandra’s speech was interrupted as the broom they are riding levitated and gained speed immediately.
Merlee flew straight down the field, getting as far away from the high bloods and as soon as they were nearing the of the forest, she muttered a spell and they entered straight through the gateway formed branches.
The high bloods eventually caught up but stopped to search around the gateway branch formation, looking around the forest and becoming confused as to where the two went. “The fuck did they go?!” One high blood said.
“How should I know! They JUST entered through here!” Another said. “Go find those little shits!”
Meanwhile, Merlee stopped the broom once they are deep in the forest with Alexandra holding onto her for dear life. “Alright, we’re good, Alex.” The red blood said.
The human, opened her eyes, having the closed once she got onto a flying broom, letting go of Merlee and getting off the broom. “PLEASE... don’t ever do that again.” Alex retorted. She then looked around, trying to figure out where to hide next. “Okay! where can we hide since they’ll take a while to find us.”
“No need to hide since we’re not on the same plane.”
“Um... can you explain?”
“Something my mate taught me.” Merlee exclaimed. “She is a druid and taught me one thing. In every world, and every universe, there’s multiple planes in each. It’s a different world when entering one plane. The plane we’re on is a beautiful one. Exotic flora and animals that doesn’t exist. Like a spirit realm. The druids on this planet discovered it when they wanted to become more with nature and protecting it. Your planet, Earth, most likely have other planes and possibly some similar to this.”
Alexandra looked around, seeing nothing that was out of the ordinary until the forest finally came to life. Luminescent teal glows on the trees like glowing veins and small animals that she has never seen before began to come out of the ground, wandering about. “Woah...” She looked around, seeing a small bundle of butterflies leaving a trail of sparkles behind as they fly by. Eventually, a large deer, the size of a moose, with glowing white antlers trots along by slowly. “This place is beautiful...”
Merlee smiled as she glanced at Alexandra who is mesmerized by the other worldly environment around her. The two began to walk down a random path together until they stumbled across a large kaleidoscope of butterflies on the ground. It wasn’t until Alexandra noticed something was off about it. A few butterflies fly away and it was then it revealed a body underneath it. “Merlee! Look!” The human pointed.
Merlee turned to the direction she was pointing and sees the body. It is ethereal since they are on a different plane but still existing on the same spot on the real world. “Oh gosh...” The red blood and Alexandra quickly run over to the body, the butterflies dispersing from the body and fully revealed the troll on the ground.
“Is... is she dead?” Alexandra had to ask, looking down at the troll’s body. There is a scar on their throat that stood out.
Thinking for a moment, Merlee stood there until she got an idea. Grabbing the human’s hand, she muttered a spell and returned both of them to the real world. “Grab their other arm and help me carry them.”
“I have an idea but it means taking her back to my place.”
“Um... okay!” Alexandra just follow what she says, picking up the troll’s body and having their arm over them as Merlee does the same on the other side.
“Good. Now, this is gonna be weird at first but... brace yourself.”
“Wait... what-” Before Alexandra could say anything, Merlee muttered a spell and before she knew it, they were gone from the forest and appeared in Merlee’s home. The moment they appeared in the living room, Alexandra let out a gasp, panting heavily. “... That was... VERY unpleasant...”
“Teleportation is something you get used to as a magic user.” Merlee then walked both over to the couch. “Lay her down here while I go and get a book and some stuff.”
The human did as she was told, slowly laying the troll’s body on the couch. “W-Wait what are you gonna do?!”
“Revive her back, obviously!“ Merlee then went off into a different room.
“Wh-what?! What if she tries to kill us when you revive... her...” at that point, Alexandra gave up knowing Merlee is set on this objective, and also that the red blood might not hear her from the other room.
The human kept watch on the body as Merlee eventually came back wit a book, a small vial full or sort of powder, and some red crystals. “Can you excuse me, please?” Merlee asks, Alexandra moving out of the way as the red blood began to prepare the revival process. She placed six crystals around the body and then connects them, forming a circle around the body, with the powder. 
Alexandra looked at the process, filled with concern as the unknown filled her mind. “Are... you sure you should do this?”
“Maybe not... but... if I want to be like my ancestor, wanting to be a helper and teacher of magic, this is possibly the first step to it.” Merlee said with confidence in her voice.
Merlee opened the book and before she could even utter a single word, the troll opened their eyes wide open, taking in a gasp of air as she jolted herself upwards and looked around to seeing Merlee and Alexandra standing before her.
“H-Holy shit!” Alex got startled by the troll waking up out of nowhere. “Merlee, what did you do?!
“I didn’t do anything! She just woke up!” Merlee responded in a panic.
The girl was more confused as to where she is and who these people are than worrying about how she is suddenly. “Who... who are you two...?”
Both Merlee and Alexandra stood there, not knowing how to respond but both noticing that the troll looked like she was out of it, looking as if she hasn’t moved her body for the longest time. “You should take it easy!” Merlee suggested, kneeling down next to her, hovering her hand over the troll’s chest as a bright orange glow illuminates from the red blood’s hand. “Let me help you...”
The troll closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing. “What... are you doing to me?” She questioned
“Healing you. Can... you tell us what your name is, miss?” Merlee asked.
“And can you... ask us... as to why you were in the middle of the forest?” Alexandra added.
The troll’s breathing began to slow down, feeling calm and her energy being reinvigorated. “My name’s Cilrus... Xonova.”
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bloomeuphoria · 3 years
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Top: Metallic Draped Top by Halston Heritage (Fall 2016)
Skirt: Ramona Skirt by ELIE TAHARI (Fall 2016)
Shoes: Julie Lace Tall by Frye (Fall 2016)
Hosiery: Hexagonal Net Tights by Emilio Cavallini (Fall 2016)
Harness: Abyss Harness by Alexandra Abraham (Spring 2016)
Earrings: Portafortuna Studs by Dalla Nonna (Fall 2016)
Bracelet: Pyrite Bracelet by NEST Jewelry (Fall 2016)
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Just Saw My New Doctor (My MtF~H.R.T. Journey)
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     So, today is the day I have been waiting for, for about one month when I finally got the nerve to call Virginia Mason and enroll into their care. Finding a doctor who is willing to help you throughout your transition is as easy as panning for gold. You might strike in rich and get lucky, but you also might only find pyrite! I got lucky, as Dr. Worth wasn’t accepting any more patients (except transgender patients) and I had a crazy early morning appointment at her clinic
     I arrived about 40 minutes too early and relaxed in my car as I read through my Facebook pages. When the moment came, I went inside, clueless as to where I am going. I would soon learn that Virginia Mason is not like any doctors office I’ve ever been in. You check-in at the front counter and they give you a clipboard with paperwork and a GPS tracker. You are given a room number to go find and there you wait for your appointment.
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     I met with the CNA as she took my vitals and input my health history into the computer. I wasn’t sure how she would take to me being transgender. Due to having seen the worst of people (when it comes to being trans-female), I now always expect to be attacked and most of the time I just wish to hide. But my promise to my family was that I would no longer hide. Surprisingly, she didn’t even seem phased at my trans-nature and just went along with the enrollment. If anything caught her attention, it would have been my end-stage lung disease due to cystic fibrosis.
     I was blessed to have no the need to worry and was free to be myself. I wasn’t certain if I was going to adapt here quite well. It had its shares of negatives and positives. I was just blessed to be a patient...almost did not happen as my medical card was written for my previous provider, Dr. Leverett; however, I am almost certain he would not be entertained in learning I was transgender.
     When Dr. Worth came in, I held forth my judgment as she introduced herself and immediately went into a quick review of my history. “I was reading that you have cystic fibrosis and are transgender...which proper pronouns do you prefer?”
     “Either, I don’t mind either one at this moment.” I answer.
     “So your fluid? Or primarily female?” she asked, curious.
     Luckily I have had time to figure this all out as I smile, “Gender fluid, but leaning towards primarily female.” I state as I personally can not believe how far I have come on my journey.
     “Are you thinking of surgery?”
     I nod my head, “Oh, yes. I would like to have facial feminization done first and then surgery to properly correct my organs.” I bluntly state.
     “How soon would you like to do this?” she asks “As soon as possibly, a year?”
     “I am fully aware that my facial features certain cause much stress for me. Possibly the root of my dysphoria. Having it done as soon as possible might be for the best.” I state as I had plans to have it done in 2020 or 2021; wont hurt to get the ball rolling.
     “I will send a referral for you to see doctor Alexandra Schmidek; she has done a few of my patients facial surgeries in the past; and-or I can have you see Dr. Nuara; but Dr. Schmidek might be best as she can also do your implants later down the line if you like.” I wasn’t much for implants, but if it was covered by my medical and helps me fit in, then it would be necessary. “Also, we have laser hair removal...it is slowly being phased into being medically necessary; but if we write the referral with enough detail, we might be able to get in covered.” “By the way, how has your hormone levels been?”
     “About equal.” I state as I explain. “The testosterone is about 140 and the estrogen is about 130...been difficult getting the testosterone down.”
     “Well, with your metabolic condition, you might not be absorbing the estradiol properly, have you ever been placed on patches?” Dr. Worth wonders.
     “At the beginning, however, the physician considered it a costly direction. They never considered the metabolic disorder...and neither have I...” as I wonder if my CF could be limiting my intake of estradiol.
     “Well, I’ll send you down to lab for a blood draw to see what level your hormones are at and if the T is still to high, I might switch you over to the patches for awhile or increase your oral dose.” I nod as it sounds like a good idea. “As for the referral, I’ll send it over today,” I was shocked...I wasn’t expecting facial surgery in my future, this quick! Hell, I don’t even know if I could even afford it! You see, facial surgery isn’t exactly covered by insurance. But I have a plan to cover the cost. “Probably expect a call from them before our next appointment.” she looks at the computer and continues. “I am curious, why Mira?” as she lets me explain.
     “It best matches my personality!” I say, so happy to finally go by the name Mira. “It means happiness, wonder, ocean, depths, limits, sea...” I say, knowing there are many more definitions...I just have not remembered them. “I have been going by the name Mira since I was 7!”
     “Can you spell it please?” Dr. Worth asks as I see the spelling: Mirah on the paper; thinking, ‘Well, that is a new one!’
     “M.I.R.A.” I spell, letter for letter.
     “Mira...that is very pretty! I like it.” Dr. Worth says as she looks back at me.
     “It is, I plan to legally change to it in July...”
     “Oh!” Dr. Worth says with a smile. “Make it all official. Well, when we see one another again in July, well work on switching the name in our records and help you with changing your gender markers.” She repossessions as it is apparent that she is comfortable, whereas I am still anxious. “So, typically, with the majority of transgender individuals; we see them on a yearly or so basis, but I prefer my patients not to see me as their transgender doctor, but their primary doctor...I know how important it is to look at the transgender body as a whole, from the equipment you already possess to the changes you are to endure. Personally, as a mother to a transgender son, I think it is important...mostly in your case with your current health conditions.”
     “That was what I was going for...someone who can manage my transgender care and my overall care...glad to hear we are on the same page.” I comment, cheerfully.
     “Okay, so we’ll plan to see you back in July and every three months as I want to get to know you better and talk about what Dr. Schmidek considered. We will consult and follow-up after your surgeries here. And try to bring down that T to the 50s.” she remarks as she makes some final notes and we shake hands.
     Although hard to admit...I think Dr. Leverett just got out-bid for my continuing health as she is willing to help me with my transformation...already having a consult going out. The very idea that I might have a whole new face by Fall of this year is surreal! However, like anything, I doubt it is ever that easy!
     When I got home (prior to writing this), I decided to call my insurance company and have them change my local doctor that I seen since 2010 to Dr. Worth’s clinic almost 55 miles away! With a new life, and a new direction...I think she will make a terrific physician for Mira Carleen!
     I look forward to sharing more insight over the years!
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Not a great apology... but it’ll do
It was high time Alexandra finally apologizes to Merlee. The human knows that the last thing the troll would want to see is her, but in order to take back everything she said, she needs to do this. With the GPS tracker that Jaisnt made for her, Alex walked over to Merlee's hive. It took a few hours as it turned night time once she finally got there. From the outside, the hive seemed empty albeit the one room at the second floor. She can see some light despite it being very dim from outside through the window.
Taking a deep breath, walking over to the front door, she knocked on the door. "Merlee... hi." Hesitating, she tried to think of a way to form the apology. "Listen... I know that I have said some things... things that literally got under your skin and you have every reason to be mad at me... even from what I said the last time we met." She waited a moment to detect any kind of response, a noise from the inside or whatever that may happen considering she's dealing with Merlee. "I know you can hear me! I just...! I came here to take back everything I said!"
Still silent on the inside. Alexandra just collapsed to her knees and bangs on the door a couple more times. "God damn it! I believe everything! There! I finally believe it! My science can't prove all the crazy, weird things that can occure on this planet or whatever! I'm an ignorant, egotistical asshole! There!" Alex screamed at the top of her lungs, waiting for another response. Nothing. She believes that her apology was all for nothing. She feels guilty thinking she is unable to make amends now. Standing back up, she prepared to walk away until she hears the door opening and she sees Merlee at the front door.
"Is that was supposed to be your way of saying sorry?" The red blood questioned. Alexandra was quite surprised as she merely just nods to her. Merlee only chuckled. "You need to work on actually saying 'sorry' first rather making confusing." Merlee snapped her fingers as the first floor of her hive lit up as she moved aside from the doorway. "Come in."
Alexandra stood there for a moment, not being able to say anything and obliging the offer on instinct. She followed her inside, sitting down on the couch as Merlee comes back with two tea cups and kettle of tea, filling each one and placing the kettle in the middle of the coffee table. The human sat there, hands flat on her lap as she just stared at the tea cup in front of her and then at Merlee who sat across from the human. Alex turned her head away and spoke. "I'm... sorry."
"Hmm. That's much better. Does it feel better now that you let it out now?"
"I... I-I guess." Alexandra blushed, turning her head back to face Merlee only to see her smiling. "What's with this mood? I thought you would be pissed off to see me."
"I sensed your energy mere moments before you got here. Trust me. I was angry for a moment... but during the time you were arriving here, I thought for a moment. During the time you have been here on this planet, and the few times we have met, I always try to force you to believe in magic. I never tried a civil approach considering you are from a different planet and you have done most of your life everything involving science. I knew that me showing you would make you believe unless I just... took my time with it." Merlee took her cup of tea, taking a sip from it and setting it back on the coffee table. "I should also apologize for being harsh on you instead of just... taking my time. Though during that time I had a lot on my mind that my emotions got the best of me... and I'm sorry for nearly killing you the previous time we met... I... shouldn't have done that..."
Alexandra was surprised by how calm Merlee is. Even so that she felt bad for her. "No, no... you had every right to be angry at me back then... what I said... got too personal... I shouldn't have said that." The two of them were quiet for a while. Alex leaned over to pick up the tea cup and took a sip of her tea and held the cup gently against her lap. Finally, she spoke. "Merlee... what is... magic?"
The question caught Merlee's attention right away as she thinks for a moment, trying to figure out how to properly word it. "Well, magic is both everything... and nothing. Magic is something that was created by those that wished to bend the laws of physics, space, and time itself. There is science where there's only one theory on things and nothing. But some weren't satisfied with what was given to them and decided to create infinite theories and probabilities."
"So... it's basically like science but on a grander scale?"
"You could say that. Some magic is harmless and people discovered that magic can be used for a variety of things and therefore people all throughout the sweeps have made all kinds of spells and miracles! There's restoration magic, involved in the remedies of the body. Defensive and offensive magic that are used to protect and attack. All sorts of magic. All of it are spells that, some, are derived of different languages that only those that have studied magic can know to speak in order to conjure up said spell. There's good magic... and then there's magic that is pure darkness. Too much of it can warp one's mind unless they are prepared both mentally and physically."
"How did you first learn of magic?"
"When I was still a grub-"
"Grub? You mean like... a baby?"
"Uh... yeah? I guess you could say that. My lusus, polar bear mom, made our hive back in the tundra. Making it habitable for me and her as she raised me. She also collected books for me to read whenever I was able to. Quite a collection, actually. I practically had a library in my hive. Some of the books happen to be magic tomes which I taught myself every night and day. I had a lot of free time in the snowy fields. Growing up, I always thought that all of Alternia was literally just a snowy planet. How naive I was..."
"I don't think so. I mean, us humans sometimes have thoughts like that, too. We often have a belief in something that we just follow blindly until we see it for ourselves that it sometimes turns not what we expect. Your species aren't all that different from us."
Merlee let out a small chuckle. She then looked at Alexandra with a serious look in her eyes. "What do you believe in?"
Alexandra was caught off guard by the question. "Huh?"
"Me being a mage, I can sometimes sense a lot more things than just the energy of beings... sometimes I can sense that there's more on one's mind. You apologizing isn't the only thing you came here for. So tell me right now."
The human was shocked by how Merlee figured her out. Alexandra didn't know how to properly explain it, but there's no need to be technical. Just say it. Say it. "I... I want you to help me get back to Earth!"
Surprised by this, Merlee didn't know what to say. A minute felt like an eternity. The red blood was quiet until she finally spoke. "That's quite a thing to ask for."
"I know... but knowing how skilled your are in magic, I figured you would be the best chance for me to get back home. Jaisnt's friend, Linith, has been inventing a teleportation gate but it has been... a very slow process and few set backs have made it slower."
"I see..." Merlee thought for a moment until made an expression as if an idea just popped in her head. She got up from the couch she was sitting, walking over to Alexandra. "I want you to relax. This might seem strange to you, but you must trust me on this." Merlee placed her hand on Alex's head, her thumb resting on the human's forehead. Merlee closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.
Alexandra was confused by what was going on until she blinked and she was in a black abyss only to see flashes of light rushing behind her and going in front of her as if she's going backwards. "Wh-what the hell?! What's going on?!"
"Calm down." Merlee suddenly appeared, walking in front of her as if the troll just came from behind an imaginary wall. "We are in the realm of your mind. Every being has a mind realm, holding in their thoughts and memories. Some of them can be different. Some can be a maze, at least for highly skilled magic users that don't wish their minds to be pierced into afraid that potential secrets that they want to hide from the world might see the light."
"This... is my mind?" Alexandra was shocked by what she's seeing. "What are the flashes of light that are passing by?"
"Each light that is is flashing is a piece of your memory. Some of them being emotional, important, some bad, some good."
"So... what do you need to look into my mind for?"
"In order for me to get you back home, I need to see through some bits of your memories in order for me to get an idea of where your planet is. Teleportation from place to place is easier for me to do on planet. Galactic teleportation, however, is difficult. I have never done such a thing like that and that will time for me to prepare such a spell."
"I see..."
"Now... let's see what we got here." Merlee looked over at all the flashing lights that pass by in front of her, reaching her hand out and grabbed one that seem to pulse in her touch like a beacon. "Let's see what this one is." Using both her hands, she spread them out, expanding the light as it shows a couple of moments of Alexandra's time on Earth. "Amazing... the outside of your planet is... incredible. What is this that I'm seeing?"
"That's... that's my first time walking outside. My mom and dad tried to teach to walk when I was still a baby. I was a late learner... they took me outside through a meadow one time, I think we all had a picnic and they set me down. I think I was two and half years old at the time... I saw a butterfly and I just... stood up and walked."
Merlee smiled. "Amazing." The memory faded into a flash of light as Merlee gets another, viewing another and another. "Your planet is similar to ours, fields of plant and wild life but you humans also have cities, industrial, and everything. What's this memory right here?"
"Me at school."
"School? What's that?"
"It's a place where we learn all sorts of things. Math, science, history, and all that stuff. Basically you taught yourself magic... imagine if others were teaching you that in a building along side other people that are being taught."
"Huh... just like how my ancestor... she had a school. But for magic."
"What's that?"
"Oh nothing!" Merlee skims through some more memories getting an idea of what the planet is like until she comes across one involving a man with a mustache. "Who's he?"
"That's my dad... I guess you could say he's one of my guardians. He is a scientist and still is especially during the time he met my mother. After having me, all he cared about was making me his prodigy. He cared nothing more than just his work... he rubbed that on me... now that I think about it. It got to the point that my mom left him but he took custody over me."
"Custody? What's that?"
"Basically he gets to keep me. Not like... a slave or something. It's just something when divorces happen and a child is involved. Basically which parent gets to raise the kid. My mom tried her best, but he won because he wanted me to be the best scientist like him."
"Interesting..." Merlee thought for moment as she looks back at the few memories they have seen.
"What do you mean?"
Merlee expanded another memory and Alexandra was shocked by the memory that Merlee picked. "This women. I have seen her a few times I have skimmed through these, but I was confused by why her face is blurred."
"That's... because I forgotten what she looked like..." Alexandra was silent after that, watching the memory of the last Christmas she had with her mother.
Merlee didn't know what to say. She closed the memory and walked over to Alexandra, a cloud forming in her hand as it forms a sphere, color forming on the grey cloud that turned out to be Earth. "Earth... quite fascinating." The red blood looks up at Alexandra to see her still quiet. "Have you been looking for her?"
"Huh?" The comment got her back to reality as she looks at Merlee.
"Your mother. Have you been searching for her?"
"Y-... Yes... for so long..."
Merlee was quiet for a second until speaking again. "I can help with that, too."
"What?! You can?!"
"It will be difficult, but, then again, this whole thing will be, though that's not going to stop me from letting you see your mother's face again."
Alexandra teared up, sniffling a little, as she embraced Merlee into a hug that caught the troll by surprise. Merlee didn't what to do, but pat the human's back and then seeing a flash of light that was a different color instead of the normal white. The red blood took a peek on it and seen the memories of Alexandra's time with Jaisnt especially the time on Quadrant's Day. Merlee even saw a moment where the human wrote something down. A love letter to Jaisnt but then see it burned. Merlee only smirked a little, closing the memory.
Alexandra opening her eyes only to see Merlee in front of her and noticing that she's back in her physical form, back in the real world but she feels tears down her face. The red blood merely smiled as she leans down a little and hugged the human. "I promise I will get you back home. Home and for you to see your mother once more."
Alex cried, raising her arms up and clung onto Merlee as she buring her face onto the troll's shoulder. She was only able to mutter two coherent words as she tried to speak, but her speech wasn't comprehensible through the sobbing and her voice being muffled. "Thank you..."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
On that day...
It was that day. Alexandra came back to Jaisnt's hive, turning off her disguise as she looks around for Jaisnt. The human comes across Zenira who was making another bow. "Zeny! Where's Jai?" She asked, Zenira pointing to the living room and made a gesture that he has fallen asleep. "Thanks!" Heading to the living room, he sees the blue blood asleep on the couch with his scarf covering the lower half of his face. It also appears to be that he is also wearing glasses despite them being crooked. Possibly because he fell asleep suddenly.
Alexandra pokes at Jaisnt as he moves a bit. Rolling her eyes impatiently, she poked at his face as he suddenly jolts up with eyes widened. "What?! I'm awake!" He says suddenly. "What did Zenira do this time?"
"Calm down! Zenira didn't do anything and you fell asleep."
"Oh... yeah. I did." He fixes his glasses and pulls down his scarf.
"I didn't know you wore glasses?"
"Huh? These? I do. My eye sight isn't terrible, but sometimes it gets blurry randomly so I wear glasses when I do."
"Hmm. They look nice on you." Alexandra smiled as Jaisnt smiles as well.
"So... what did you wake me for?"
"... Oh! Right!" The human looks through her satchel she had on and pulled out a box of chocolates shaped like a heart. "Happy Valentines Day!"
Jaisnt just raised his brow, confused by this. "What day? Wait... what's today?"
"Well, on Earth is the fourteenth of February."
"Oh... Quadrants Day."
"Quadrants Day? I'm just gonna guess it's pretty much exactly what it sounds."
"Pretty much." Jaisnt takes the box of chocolates handed to him. "Thank you, though. That means... a lot."
"Just a thank you from me. You've been... very nice to me and without you teaching me a lot of what your species are and overall just... I don't know. I'd probably be somewhere else. Possibly dead if I met anyone else. That and you dealing with my... well... you know. My ego every now and then."
"You're not the first person I have met that thought they were better than everyone else." Jaisnt gives a small smile, looking down at the box shaped heart and then frowns. He was then surprised by a kiss on the cheek.
Alexandra lifted his head up with her finger and just smiles. "I know that you're thinking about it. Don't beat yourself over it like you do. Just... move on, you know? We have a dumb daying back on Earth. You may lost that one fish, but just know that there's a lot more fish out there to be caught... or something stupid like that."
"You're kidding me?" Jaisnt chuckles.
"I'm serious! A saying like that actually exist! I don't know who invented it, but, eh." Alex let out a small laugh herself as she shrugs. She then embraced him in a hug for a quick moment before letting go and heads to the stairs. "Anyway, happy 'Quadrants Day' and if you need me, I'll be up in the guest bedroom." Jaisnt nodded as Alexandra walks up the stairs and into the room that was made for her, closing and locking the door behind her.
She lets her body slide against the door down to the floor as she just let out a disappointed sigh. "God... fucking... why?! Why couldn't I just..." Alexandra stared at the floor before pulling out a letter she had on herself. A love letter that could've been for Jaisnt, but she was too afraid that it could've been too forward or weird, considering she's a human and he's a different species all together. "I don't know what the hell to think... he's just... god fucking damn it! Fucking... love!"
Alexandra gets herself off the floor and pulled out a lighter, igniting the letter and watches it burn. "This was stupid... I don't know how to approach to him like this... I'm a fucking scientist! And I can't even tell him that I'm in love with him?! What a joke..."
Sighing heavily, she grabs a piece of cloth and patted down on the now burnt paper, extinguishing the small fire.
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Catalyst: The second chance
Cilrus explained all that has happened to her to the new strangers she has met, Merlee and Alexandra, and finally getting to the end of her story. “-And so... I died but I was revived back to life... somehow.” Cilrus finished.
“The Singularity...” Merlee muttered, having a hand under her chin as she tried to remember the name. “It sounds... familiar.”
“So... your ancestor is a... magic user?” Alexandra asked in which Cilrus nodded her head to confirm it. “And she wants to create a... ‘perfect world’?” Once again, Cilrus nodded. “But... destroying an entire universe... leaving those to perish except for the few she deems deserve the peace she’s trying to bring... that’s literally genocide on a grand scale!”
“People do things in which they believe, themselves, is the right thing.” Merlee commented. “Even if it means sacrificing many for few. And with magic, it can change people’s thoughts and they would begin to develop a god complex, believing they can change things for the good but also sacrificing many to get to that goal. The Singularity doesn’t seem to care about that. She just wants her own ‘perfect world’ where she governs it, and her lure is bringing peace.”
“That sounds about right...” Cilrus added.
“And what of the other two?” Alexandra asked curiously.
“Both are also quite powerful, from what Cilrus has told us. One has dealt with magic while the other is...”
“I... believe she also deals in magic. Maybe... but I know the... Cylion person deals in magic.” The goth troll replied. Cilrus got up from the floor, stumbling a bit until she regained her balance with the two being concerned with her.
“Hey, take it easy!” Merlee says with concern in her voice. “You don’t know how long you’ve been out.”
“Yeah...” Alexandra added.
Cilrus fixed her clothes, patting them down as she headed towards the door until one called her out.
“You can stay to rest, you know?” Merlee offers. “I insist.”
“I... I don’t want to be trouble. And I already said enough that’s mainly my problem.”
“Come on! Just stay... for your own sake.” Alexandra says.
Cilrus hesitated, having her hand on the doorknob for quite a while until she eventually budged and lets go, walking away from the door and goes to sit on a couch. “We just don’t want you to strain yourself.” Merlee commented. “Being revived from the dead is not a great feeling. Trust me... I have... I have ben through that once before. It’s like trying to get used to your body that you have not moved in what feels like sweeps.”
“I’ll go make some tea for us.” Alexandra went to the kitchen, leaving the two in the living room.
“Do you... have any loved ones or friends to call? Letting them know you’re alive?” Merlee questioned.
“No...” The goth troll merely answered, looking down at the floor. “I don’t have... anyone... Not anymore...”
Merlee didn’t know what to say. From the story that was told to her, it seemed her friend, Yevine, was her only friend. Losing someone that close must’ve taken a toll on her. The red blood couldn’t imagine losing someone so dear to her. “I’m... I’m sorry to hear that...” She placed a hand on Cilrus’ shoulder, hoping to give some comfort to them. Cilrus began to feel a bit comfortable, slowly leaning her head onto the red blood’s shoulder which caught Merlee off guard by this but accepted this, embracing them into a hug. “You’re okay now... You at least have us.”
Cilrus’ eyes widened from the comment, tearing up a little as she closed them, appreciating the embrace. “Thank you...” She merely says. “Thank you...”
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
All for science (open rp)
"Wear a disguise. Put on some make up and fake horns." Alexandra said to herself as she just puts on a hoodie. "Yeah right. As if I'll do that." She walked through the city, writing down some things on her notepad as she looked around. The suggestion from Jaisnt was in the back of her mind though she doesn't want to do such things. Putting on a disguise? A hood is fine for her to hide her face. Why go through the effort of putting on a disguise?
Walking through the streets, she finally got to a part of the city that looked shady. Keeping her hood covering her face, she kept walking through the shady part of the city hoping to just get out quickly.
The shady part of town looked almost empty with some trolls that looked like they're all staring at her. Walk more faster. Walk fast. Alex power walked as she feels all the eyes getting closer and she quickly glanced back to seeing some trolls following behind her. Run. Now it's time to run. The things she does for science.
Alexandra ran as fast she could until she found an alley and ran to it, hoping the trolls that were following her lost her or gave up. Peeking around the corner, she sees no one and just stood against the wall, letting out a sigh of relief. "What the fuck is up with this planet?" She whispered to herself.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Risky exploring (open rp)
Exploring time! Or hopefully not get killed in a planet that is unknown to her. Alexandra walked around the forest and plains area, admiring her surroundings and taking notes every once and a while. Alternia is alien to her, but it seems like they have the same holidays as Earth. 12th Perigees Eve is closing in, or Christmas in her home planet, and after sneaking her way into the city, she can see it going into full effect.
Wearing a hood to cover her face, she tries to not draw too much attention. Alex is being very risky actually going into a public town that is filled with species she doesn’t know and said species that can possibly kill her.
Though she wants some freedom. Staying over at Jaisnt’s has started to become boring. She wants to see the world she’s in in its fullest. Taking risks is her specialty especially for science! Odd how the city is pretty much like the ones back on Earth. Usual stores to buy necessities like clothes or food and also furniture and tools. There’s even parks. Walking through the park, she felt like she was back on Earth and all of that changed when a piece of paper flew right into her face.
“Crap!” Alexandra cried out and took the paper off her face and then examined it. The paper is a flyer for enlisting into the Imperial Fleet. She remembers what Jaisnt told her about the fleet and how some are usually cruel to the lower caste of trolls. Much worse to mutants overall. She sighs in disappointment and throws the paper away, letting it fly through the wind and sat on a bench, taking notes to what she’s seeing around her.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Attacking the keep
"Jaisnt, I got your message!" Alexandra came into the cellar as Jaisnt began to prep some weapons together. Zenira and Amorra were there helping him as they chose certain firearms to take. "Are we really going to do this?!"
"Yup." The blue blood answered and quickly cleaned out the inside of chamber of his rifle. "We're gonna hit Morrin's fancy mansion."
"Oh shit... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I don't know if I'm prepared for this! You have so many weapons that I don't know which ones I'll be goo-"
"Have you ever used a gun before?" Jaisnt interrupted.
Alexandra quickly thought for a moment. "Well... I never used a gun before. Only thing, I guess would count as one, was a prototype weapon I was making. It was almost like a gun, but-"
"Then you get to use a gun." Jaisnt interrupted once more.
"Woah, wait! Hey! I wasn't done!"
"Alex, you're in Alternia." Amorra began to speak. "On this planet, it's either live or die, and you don't get enough time to learn the ropes of whatever is being handed down to you. What we deal with, we learn from mistakes. We learn from the many cuts and bruises we get. So you're either going to be a helping hand or someone that will be a damsel. And hey, whenever you get back to your human planet, you'll learn some things to keep you safe."
"Um... right." The human said. She has forgotten that the species inhabiting this planet is different from Earth. On Earth,  you have to prepare for things though many parts of Earth have different views and values on certain matters. War is always a big topic among them. On Alternia, it's a fight for survival and other times for certain beliefs and it seems the whole planet is divided because of it. "So... what gun should I use?"
"Depends on what you think. I suggest taking three since you want to be light when maneuvering around. In fire fights, you have to be a harder target for those that want to have you on their sights." Jaisnt explained and pulled out an M16 assault rifle. "Take this. Modified it with a laser sight along with an EOTec holographic sight. The trigger is also a hair trigger so be careful with that when squeezing it. Very easy to set off, so be sure to have the safety on while we're heading to the mansion."
"Okay... other two?"
"A sub machine gun would do nicely. The Chopper, as I would like to call it. A modified version of the usual MP7 SMG. As for why I call it the Chopper, well because it's an ammo hose. Spits out bullets like a CZ, but that's why having a drum mag for it helps. And for a side arm, a Glock 17. I'd give you the G18 version, but since you already have two weapons that are automatics, the G17 should do nicely. Has an extended mag and a suppressor."
"Jeez... this is serious, huh?" Alexandra stated as she wraps the straps of the weapons over her shoulder and hid the handgun behind her back on the top hem of her shorts.
"You have no idea." He says and walks out of the cellar as Zenira, Amorra, and eventually the human followed behind him.
The plan is simple, get to the mansion and capture Morrin Luccan. Though, after the stunt that Jaisnt, Zenira, and his ancestor did during one of Morrin's parties, it's more than likely that the security is going be increased. As for knowing if any of Morrin's men might have firearms of their own is unknown to Jaisnt and everyone else. Being prepared is a good thing with ranged weaponry.
As the four finally got to the location of Morrin's mansion, they were surprised to the sight they were seeing. A lot of men seems to be pulling out a lot of things from furniture to stacks of papers. The papers they're burning, more than likely to not leave anything for anyone to see. "Huh... looks like they're cleaning hive." Jaisnt said as the four of them stayed at a farther distance and overlooked the place.
"But why?" Amorra questioned. "Does that mean he's not here anymore? Did your infiltrating really stirred him up that badly?"
"I don't think it was that..." Alexandra says as she looks over at all the men moving things out of the mansion.
"What do you mean?" Jaisnt wondered.
"Some of those things look like body bags... a whole lot of them, too. Jai, you said that infiltration mission you did went bad towards the end, right?"
"Yeah... but me and Zenira mainly had tranquilizer guns. Nothing that shouldn't cause fatal wounds or to kill." He answered. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that something must've happened after that mission you did. It seems like someone stirred up this Morrin guy and left a lot of bodies for him to clean out. After that, I'm pretty sure he found his place compromised and decided to move to a new location, but that also means to move out or destroy whatever is left behind." Alexandra explained as Jaisnt was surprised by the analysis.
"Huh... never thought of it that way." He says. "Good shit. Alright... well, I guess capturing this guy is out of the question. Our new plan of action is to stop those guys from destroying anything that could be important. Files, documents, dossiers, anything that could be helpful and anything that would know his new whereabouts is essential. Zenira, you provide sniper support. Shoot if we're getting overwhelmed."
Zenira nodded as she began to climb up a tree and takes her position as Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra moved closer to the mansion. It wasn't long where everything amped up as soon as Jaisnt threw a couple of modified grenades. It wasn't to blow up the men at the mansion but to make holes for the three to take cover in. As the explosions erupted, and the dust settled, Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra jumped into their holes as they heard gunshots being fired at their direction. It seemed the men were outfitted with firearms after all, Jaisnt quickly thought.
Jaisnt stayed in his hole as he pulled up his rifle, beginning to fire at Morrin's men while Amorra quickly activated her camouflage and quickly ran up to fight the enemy head on. Alexandra, on the other hand, covered her ears as she flinched with every bullet hitting near her position. Shakingly holding the rifle that was given to her, she peeked out to see what was going on. To her, everything felt like those movies. Everything is in slow motion, bullets flying by around her. Amorra uses her cybernetic legs to increase her speed as she keeps knocking down the enemies and shooting them with her SMG while they're on the ground to ensure they stay dead.
Looking back behind her, she could see Zenira taking shots, being patient, finding the right moment and firing. She's accurate. Very good. Jaisnt as well as she turned to look over at him. He was calm. He has been in fights before, she can see it in his eyes. Her? She feels helpless. Alexandra is a scientist. Not a fighter. Closing her eyes, she takes all of this in and it felt like sound finally back around her. Opening her eyes, she knows that she had to do something. Taking the rifle in her hands, she turned towards the enemy, taking the safety off, and fired. Timing her shots well to not try and shoot Amorra accidentally as the teal blood moved around. In that moment, she felt like she was fighting for her life and the lives of others. Something she never had to do before back on Earth.
From the other hole, Jaisnt glanced over to see Alexandra. He grinned. That girl found her fighting spirit, he quickly thought. Like that, he went on back to the offensive and soon enough, it was over. "Cease fire!" Jaisnt yelled and Alexandra, including Zenira, pulled their finger away from the triggers. Alexandra breathed in heavily, planting her head on the dirt as she exhaled, relieved that she's alive.
"Hey! We got a guy here! He surrendered!" Amorra yelled as she dragged a random troll out in the front. The troll frantically tried to run away as soon he was let go, but was stopped by the teal blood as dark mist spewed out from her hands. Her expression was a look of anger, intimidation. "I thought you surrendered..." She quietly said to him.
"Don't do anything rash, Amorra." Jaisnt said as he and Alexandra, along with Zenira catching up, walked over to the teal blood and the troll. Jaisnt looked over at the troll. Lesser muscle. Possibly got him signed up to just watch over things but never expected anything like a gun fight would happen.
"P-Please don't hurt me! I-I-I'll tell ya anything!" The troll begged. "Just... d-d-don't kill me..."
"Then tell us this, what's with those body bags?" Alexandra demanded. "Did something happened here?"
"Y-Yeah... a girl! Yeah! Red blood. She came here, tried fightin' Morrin, mah boss. She used some kinda crazy ass spell. It literally turned all the high bloods into zombies or whateva. All the buyas were literally undead and Morrin's right hand men took care of 'em, meaning they had to kill 'em. The low bloods and mutants took off. They were left alive..." The troll explained.
"Merlee..." Jaisnt muttered. "Merlee told me, Alex, and Zenira that she went to face Morrin, but she got injured and escaped."
"What does this Merlee girl had to do with him?" Amorra questioned.
"Ah! Oh! Mah boss wanted her because of how powerful she is. The red blood girl is the descendant to the most powerful mage in all of Alternia. The Exiled... she sure showed it during that rainy night. Like something off of a movie! The boss is obsessed over her, wanting her as a weapon. The Exiled was used like a tool of war. Morrin wants to do the same."
"That's basically the whole story." Jaisnt stated. "Looks like Morrin knew that if Merlee were to come back, she'd be coming for him again since she knew where he lived. That's why he decided to move."
"Tell us where he is!" Amorra demanded. "Or else you'll be sent into your own worst nightmares that you'll be spending the rest of your life driven insane until you die from them."
"A-A-Ah!! I-I don't know where he is!I was just told to get rid of the stuff from his old place! I know nothin' about where he is now! Us lesser guys never know what the hell is happenin' most of the time! We're practically expendable!"
"He's telling the truth." Alexandra says as Amorra and Jaisnt turned to look at her. "If he actually knew where this Morrin guy is, he would've  told us the moment you caught him. But... that doesn't leave the fact that maybe there's any kind of document that can hold the location of where he is?"
"As far as I can tell, none of that here. All the files we're burning are regarding trolls that we got stowed away and waiting to be put into auction for the slave trade. He literally didn't want no one to know of anything. He's that strict!"
"Shit..." Jaisnt whispered. "Well, there goes that... I'll have to go back to trying to search for Morrin's new location."
"What do we do with this guy, then?" Alexandra asked. Both Jaisnt, Amorra, and the human looked at each other, shrugging.
"Well... ya could let me go and I'll run off free and not tell anyone about ya all?" The troll said nervously only to get knocked out from behind. Zenira came up behind the troll and hit him directly on top of his head with the butt of her rifle. Looking down at the troll, she turned to everyone and gives a smile and a thumbs up.
"Well... that's one way." Jaisnt said. "Let's leave him here."
"Wh-what?!" Amorra cried out, shocked from what she heard. "This guy will wake up and tell him about us!"
"True..." He crouched down, taking out a grenade, pouring some glue-like substance and had the guys hand wrapped around it, Jaisnt pulled the pin, letting the troll deal with an active grenade. Let go of it, that means letting go the activation for it to set off. "Let's head back." Getting back up, he began walking back to the direction of his hive as the others followed while Amorra took one last look at the guy who is knocked out and then begin to follow the others.
As they walked, Jaisnt turned to look at Alexandra who was quiet, very unlike her. Normally she would be a bit chatty, but not this time. "Hey, Alex."
The girl got back to reality as she turned to look at him. "Uh... yeah?"
"You did great for your first time. You surprisingly were better than me." He praised her as she only smiled slightly from the compliment.
"Honestly... it was only at the end that I did something... I was so scared when they started firing at us. I never been in a situation like that before. Back at Earth, I'd always hear stuff like that on the news. Robbers having a gun fight against police officers, or our troops telling the world their stories of their gun fights. I always thought that stuff like that would never happen to me... I guess I was wrong."
"Well, you didn't expect that you'd be at some random ass planet where the species are violent as hell. That's the biggest thing."
"Yeah... I guess."
"What is a normal life like back your planet then. Tell me." Jaisnt asked.
"Well, like every day to me, normal as it can be." Alexandra answered. "When I was young, I'd get up, eat breakfast, and head to school. Now, I pretty much get up, work on new science experiments or projects and hoping that some of them would be approved by the head scientists, hoping to have my name out there. Though getting to that point was hard..."
"How so?"
"Well... my parents never saw eye-to-eye. My mom and dad would fight all the time. My mom didn't like that my dad was too focus on his work than the family. He was known in the world of science... which didn't make it easier for me in school... meaning I was the kid that has to strive to be the best than everyone else. I'd be the only kid that would have straight As. Nobody would talk to me... there was one time that some of the girls messed with me... they took my stuff and I kept begging them to give them back to me. They were assholes... I didn't know what to do but beg... I wanted to retaliate, but I was afraid of the what would happen if I did... during that fight a couple of minutes ago, it felt like that. I felt like I was ten years old all over again and I was being picked on, not knowing what to do. Whether to just hope until it was all over with... or fight."
"Jeez... that must've been rough. And whatever happened to your... mom and dad? Your guardians, I presume?"
"My mom separated from my dad when I turned fourteen. During that time, I skipped up a few grades and I was practically in college because of my intelligence, that and also my dad helped me get there... and... to be honest... I never liked my dad and how much he pressured me over the years. He literally drove my mom away from me. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together because of how busy my dad made me with constant readings and extra work he had me do... I practically didn't have a normal childhood."
Jaisnt stayed quiet. The human's life is so much different than his. Everyone's lives are different depending on how they are brought into the world with what's told to them, but hers seems like it was forced upon. the planet that she's from is a strange place to him and their customs are odd at best. Though he can see how they're similar. "Alexandra... one day, you have to tell me everything there is to know, and to do, at your homeworld. I know that life, like yours, was not the greatest, but just know that you don't have to do the things that were brought upon you. You're a scientist, right? Are you a scientist because that's your passion? That's something you want to do and succeed in? Or is it because the shadow of your dad still looms over you and you feel like you're still doing everything for him?"
The sudden question from Jaisnt was very sudden that she didn't know how to even answer it. Thinking over it, it literally made her question everything that she has been doing the last couple of years. Was Alexandra doing it for herself? Or for her dad? Taking a moment to reflect on it, she turned to him and responded to him. "I'm doing it for myself."
That was the answer he wanted to hear. Jaisnt smiled, nodding to her. "Good. Do it for you. Not for anyone else. You have been shown the ways to do what you're doing, but after that, you think about yourself. What's important is your own well being. I'm sure your mom would be happy knowing that if you were to meet her one day."
"Thanks..." Alexandra smiled. The rest of the walk is pure silence, but during that time, she thought over what he told her. Ever since her parents separated, she hasn't heard from her mother in so long. Alex assumed that her mother cut all ties to her and her father or maybe her dad is preventing her from speaking to her mother. Whenever she gets back to Earth, she's going to try and look for her and visit her. Catch up on all the years they missed out spending time together.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Have you ever heard of any other species harnessing magic?
I’m not quite sure|| Only species I have come across is a human|| Alexandra Pyrite|| She became... someone who was hard to approach due to her once believing that magic wasn’t real|| She’s a scientist but I try my best to get her to understand until she finally did... not in a good way...||
Still, she has told me about her planet, her people, the beliefs and religions that exist there|| Not so much different with subjuglators believing in the Messiahs|| Even told how there’s some that believe some things happen because of a higher power or signs from the great beyond|| It’s quite interesting, actually!||
She also mentioned that there are witches or people that practice witchcraft, dark magic, satanic rituals and all of that|| She thinks it’s all hog wash... her wording|| I want to believe that there are other magic users!|| Perhaps her planet isn’t fully open to the other world that is magic|| I want to think that long ago, her species practiced magic but overtime became rare and overall done in secret||
And even if supposed magic, or other weird phenomena, I think it won’t be seen clearly unless someone who is sensitive to the other world|| That and I think not enough magic has been done on her world that it isn’t able to be seen but if it happens it only occurs on a different plane||
I would like to learn more!|| Her planet, and her people, are quite interesting with how much is similar to life in Alternia|| Albeit, lots of trolls mistaken magic for psionic powers|| Even if my planet is well attuned to the magic world, it is still lost to history and part of the reason why I want to teach and educate people on the world of magic!||
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
JAISNT: I... never did.
ALEX: Why didn’t you tell me?!
JAISNT: When did this happen?
ALEX: I eavesdrop through your door as you were playing Hallelujah AS WELL AS playing it on a guitar!
ALEX: No! No, no, no don’t feel ashamed! I really love your singing! And you’re quite good at guitar!
JAISNT: I’m... decent at best.
ALEX: Why hide your talent?
JAISNT: I don’t know, honestly. I don’t really know why I try my best to hide it.
ALEX: I think it’s a good talent to always share every now and then~ Don’t hide your talents, hun!
JASNT: Heh, I’ll try next time. I love you.
ALEX: Love you, too, Jai~
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
The human
It has been a long time since Alexandra has visited the strange planet and seeing the species that inhabited it. She has been adapting to the strange world but slowly she’s learning and being careful around other trolls whenever she goes out in public. Having to be introduced to Jaisnt was possibly the best thing that happened to her otherwise she’d be lost in almost everything.
Still, she can’t shake the feeling of wanting to go back to Earth but most importantly, finding her mother. She knows it will soon happen and she just wants to spend every moment with Jaisnt for as long as she has. She looks over at her clipboard, writing down certain things from her experience on this planet hoping this would help her along her career in science.
“Alex? Where are you?” A voice is heard, Jaisnt yelling within the home.
“I’m here in my room!” She responded back. Soon, Jaisnt knocked on the open door and walked up to her, gently wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Hiya! How’s it been at the shop?” Alexandra says and nuzzles against his arms.
“It’s been alright.” Jaisnt replied. “A bit busier than usual. I see that you’re busy.” He leans down and give her a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled and chuckled a little. “You can say that.” Alexandra thought for a moment, finally flipping over the clipboard and turned to face him. “Jai... I wanna spend time with you.”
“Well, we can do that. I don’t plan on doing anything for the rest of the day.”
“That’s good...” Her smile then disappears as she goes to the bed, leading him to it as he sat next to her.
“Are you alright?”
“I’ve... just been thinking. I just... I don’t know how you will feel once I go back home... leaving you...”
Jaisnt then went silent, thinking over on this until opening his arm, offering her to be embraced as Alexandra slowly nuzzled up to him as he wrapped his arm around her. “I... thought about it. I went through a lot... up to this point. Lots of things that I often wonder that if I deserve these kinds of things or just... something that is destined to happen. I met many people and I’ve been in many relationships. Meeting you... it’s different. I... don’t know how to explain it but I know that I’ll be okay. I know there will be sadness. That’s something I can’t escape but I’m finally at the point where... I shouldn’t be stuck in the hole I created for so long. You helped me climb out of it and I... can’t thank you enough.”
“Oh god... don’t make me cry.” Alexandra merely chuckled as she takes off her glasses, feeling herself tearing up a bit listening to him.
“I’m not lying. I don’t know how... but meeting people like you always seem to happen. Always hard to deal with in the beginning.”
“Oh please! I wasn’t that bad!”
“Alex, trust me. The last one I was with was pretty much like you... minus the science stuff. But... somehow I have some kind of thing where you eventually get soft.”
“Maybe because of your charm~”
“God no! I don’t got any charm for shit. I’m very pokerfaced when talking to women or just anyone.”
“Hmm... then maybe because you’re nice.” She said, looking up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. “You seem to have that affect with people despite telling me that you’re a violent species.”
“I’m just... nice.” Jaisnt smiled a little. “I used to not be so nice... but... I guess I changed. Being open minded for everything and just learning from my mistakes. I just... try to treat others with respect and kindness.”
“Well... I think you turned out to be a great man.” Alexandra leaned up, giving him a peck on his lips. “Just need to learn to not overwork yourself to death.”
“Uh... yeah.” He chuckled a little. “Still something I have to learn...”
“That’s something you have to promise me then. Taking care of yourself for me when I go back home.”
“I promise.”
“Good.” She hugs him, burying her face onto his shoulder. “I love you, Jai.”
“I love you, too, Alex.”
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
That night...
Alexandra is walking back to Jaisnt's home after spending some time with Merlee for the last couple of days. She's actually glad to finally become friends with her even though it took a while for the human to fully understand the whole magic thing. With positive vibes surrounding her, she finally got to Jaisnt's home, unlocking and opening the door only to be met by darkness. "What the? Why is it so dark?" She muttered to herself, feeling at the walls as she tries to find a light switch of some kind only to be surprised by the lights turning on and to suddenly be cornered by a large group of people. "What?!"
"Happy wriggling day, Alex!" Everyone said, including Jaisnt.
Alexandra raised her brow. "What's that?"
Like that, everyone was silent muttering to each other as one of Jaisnt's friends became more audible. "You forgot to tell her?!"
"Um... uh... shit. To us, it's basically when we're born? Which is your... uh..." Jaisnt tried to explain.
It took a moment for Alexandra to think about, piecing it together. "Born... my birthday... OH! My birthday!"
Everyone agreed as they all clapped, the human now feeling a bit overwhelmed from this but ecstatic nonetheless. Alexandra walked up to Jaisnt, hugging him as he was not prepared from this and just accepted it, wrapping his arms around her to return the favor.
The human pulled away from him, smiling. "You remembered!"
"Well, I have a shit memory overall. But... yeah. I remembered." He responded.
"So... you told everyone who I am?"
"And they're all... okay with-"
"Alex. It's fine. Trust me. They're my friends. I trust them and they trust me. We've all known each other for a long time. Happy wriggling day... or birthday... whatever you humans call it."
Both laughed as everyone cheered, the rest of the night has been chatter, everyone catching up and introducing one another to Zenira and Varani. Alexandra was surprised by the amount of people that Jaisnt is friends with. All of them unique in their own way as she walked around the living as she eavesdropped on conversations. "So what did you do, next, Nex?" Linith says as both she and Serena became intrigued by the story Nexono was talking about.
"So this guy, big guy. Muscular or some shite, came up to me and was like oy! What the hell ya doin causin a ruckus in me bar. Or some crap like that. I just wailed on him, not a single punch even flinched him until I backed him up enough that he slipped on a bottle that was on the floor and fell, breaking his back. Everyone laughed and... oh shite it was damn funny!" Nexono finished as the two girls just let out a sigh of disappointment.
Alexandra then came across Jaisnt speaking with his friends Claire and Taline, seems to be talking about others that hasn't shown up. "So what about Verrex and Protes? Heard from them?" Jaisnt asked.
"Sorry, Jai." Claire answered. "They couldn't make it."
"Yeah. Protes said that he had some important tournament he needed to attend and Verrex... uh... fuck. I don't know. He's mysterious but he said he couldn't make it either. Didn't say why." Taline added.
"What about Ulyino?"
"Jai, you know how he is." Claire began to explain. "Ever since he opened a restaurant, he's been focusing on that. It's his business."
"Right... sorry."
"Hey, Jai, don't feel bad. We know that you wanted to have everyone together again for this moment." Claire says as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We missed you and the time we all have together. Especially meeting your new friends."
Jaisnt smiled a little, slightly nodding as Alexandra began to turn to Janyse speaking with Varani and Zenira.
"So... you can't see?" Janyse asked Varani.
"That is correct though, weirdly enough, I am able to make out outlines of people's auras." Varani explained. "It is the only way I am able to "see" so to speak. It's quite complicated but I am unable to make out detailed features."
"Hmm..." Janyse then turned towards Zenira. "And you're a mute?"
Zenira nodded but then hesitated a bit, putting her hand out flat and twist it back and forth as a "sort of" and then pulled out a piece of paper, writing on it and showed it to her. "I am able to talk but I just choose not to because of my accent."
"Hmm... fair enough." Janyse finished.
Alexandra couldn't help but chuckle from the conversation. She's surprised by the amount of friends Jaisnt has that are girls. Apparently there seems to be only a few male friends he has excluding one, which he has talked about, that used to be his friend but complication ensued that terminated their trust. The human was about to walk to Jaisnt to speak with him but heard a couple of knocks at his door. "I'll get it!" Alex called out, walking to the door and opening it to be surprised by both Merlee and Amorra. "Merlee!"
"Hey. Jaisnt called me." The red blood shyly waved.
"And also me!" Amorra added, hugging the human.
Alexandra smiled, greeting both of them and brought them inside until she sees another troll standing in front of the doorway. "Oh hello."
"Uh... hi... name's Lensee." She answered, rubbing her left arm with her right hand nervously. "I'm... Jaisnt's friend." The brown blood stood there awkwardly.
"Oh, well come in! A friend of Jaisnt's is a friend of mine!" Alexandra smiled as the brown blood hesitated but slowly walked inside as the human closed the door behind her.
Throughout the rest of the night, everyone was having fun, talking, laughing, something that Alexandra hasn't experienced for as long as she can remember. She felt like a normal person, not surrounding herself with tubes, beakers, lab equipment, and worrying about becoming the next scientist on some magazine cover for some discovery she has made. This was something she needed. Not long that Merlee lured the human off to the side and began to speak with her.
"Hey, so I have made progress on the spell." Merlee began to explain the plan they have started to set in motion.
"You have?!" Alexandra was excited for this news.
"Yes. I have practiced immensely with the spell and have also gathered the necessary items that will help aid me to bring you back." Merlee says. "I never done a spell like this, bringing someone across galaxies. The more stuff to help build up my energy, the better your chances of going back home... and seeing your mother."
Alexandra wanted to cry but held back the tears and instead hugged the red blood. "Thank you so much, Merlee! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Merlee merely smiled, hugging her back and pulled away. "Go enjoy your party. You deserve it."
Alexandra nodded, going back to chat with everyone else. A couple hours later, she finally went to Jaisnt, taking him outside of his home to escape the immense amount of people for a while, get some fresh air and some space. "This was really nice what you did for me." She said to the blue blood.
"Well... it's the least I can do." He responded. "You've been... a good friend to me for the time being that you've been here on Alternia. Even helped me get out of the funky mood I was in for a good while."
"It's the least I can do." Alexandra then looked up at the sky, seeing the two moons and the stars shining brightly. "They're great people."
"Your friends. They're good people. I can tell."
"Thanks... it wasn't me that formed the group. I don't remember who did it, but since then, we've all just stuck together growing up. Except for Nexono. He can be a bit... eh... every once and a while. He gets in a shit ton of fights now but, hey, it's his life style."
Alexandra laughed as they both became silent. For a moment, she wondered if this was the best time to finally admit it until she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to look at Jaisnt. "What is it?"
"There's been... something I have been wanting to ask you... but first I want to give you this." He went through his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace with ruby gems on it, handing it to her.
"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" She puts it around her neck, smiling widely. "You shouldn't have bought it..."
"I... I didn't. I made it."
"What?! You make jewelry?!"
"Every once and a while. Some of the gems I find aren't always used to power the weapons I make or whatever. Sometimes I use them for jewelry I make when I have some left over scrap."
"It's lovely! Thank you so much!"
"Yeah... and... this may sound weird, coming from someone that is basically an alien to you... but... uh... I... I-I love you."
The news came to a shock to her, not fully expecting something like this. Alexandra was speechless, standing there quietly as Jaisnt looked nervous, wondering what he said was done poorly. He began rambling, trying to take back what he said, figuring it wasn't the right time or maybe he should not have said it at all considering she and her are entirely different in species. Alexandra just placed a finger on her lip, gesturing him to quiet down as he did so. She then slowly leaned close to him that her face was a good inch away from his as he was confused by this until the human suddenly kissed him, lasting what felt like an eternity. She then pulled away, smiling. "I don't care if you and I aren't the same species or whatever. Love is love, right? How do you say it... matespritship... right?"
Jaisnt was still shocked by the sudden kiss until finally answering. "Um... yeah!"
Alexandra shook her head but laughed from his response. "You have not done this in a while, huh?"
"It's... been a while."
"Then it's good to have a fresh start." She pecked him on the lips, hugging him. "I love you, Jai. Thank you so much this day."
"I love you too and you're welcome." Jaisnt smiled, both hugging under the starry night sky
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
"So... your planet doesn't have magic?" Merlee says to Alexandra as the both of them sat on her bed, talking to each other all night after the small favor Merlee did for the human.
"No. Not really... at least I don't think... so?" The human said but unsure about it. "I mean... maybe? I always read some stories about certain things which doesn't make sense, scientifically."
"Huh. So you have read up on some things like that." The red blood says with a hint of smugness.
"Well, when you're doing research, and trying to back up your work, you often come across interesting articles." Alexandra just shrugged but chuckled a little. "There's a story I have read where there's a group of people that seem to make dead bodies come to life. Apparently it's some sort of ceremony, or something... I can't really remember. Then there's this one story I read where a group of people were under terror by an illness and apparently a vampire caused it. So they killed him and, all of a sudden, the people were all better."
"Hmm... that is strange." Merlee taps her chin, thinking for a moment.
"However, some people on my planet believe in this stuff. The native americans heavily believe this stuff. A lot of spiritual stuff involving them with some tribes. Curses, burial grounds, which is bad to disturb because it might be cursed or whatever, even all powerful beings the natives believe in. A lot, from what I can remember."
"Interesting... I might know what you're gonna tell me."
"If people believe in this stuff, see or experience it, like ghosts and such, then how come we don't actually see it with our own eyes in my planet?"
"Hmm... well, think of it this way. You know that feeling you sometimes get when you sense that you're being watched? Someone is around you, watching you and you don't know where they might be, but you can sense it?"
"Uh... yeah?"
"It's sorta like that. That and possibly your world is in an entirely different plane, one that isn't capable of seeing the spiritual plane as it is. Though that doesn't mean that half of what you said can be disproved. Some, maybe, but maybe some aren't meant to be seen, only felt. Take instance, the power or magic of telekinesis." Merlee extended her arm, a music box on her desk slowly hover upwards in mid-air and went over to the red blood, resting it on the bed in front of her. "It's something that's pretty much self explanatory. Doesn't need anything flashy to show that it's a real thing."
"I guess that makes sense. It's just... it's weird learning a lot about this! There's a whole lot I need to understand."
"Heh, well, it took me a while to fully understand it when I was learning magic. Trust me. First spell I tried to learn was an advance spell that literally tired me out, I used up my whole energy."
"What's that, also? Is it like... something off of a video game?"
"You can say that. It's pretty much similar to when you use up energy to run, doing any kind of physical activity and then you tire yourself out. It's similar to magic users, or those that do ghost hunting videos and all that. We all use energy every day. But for us magic magic users, it's our way to conjure spells and sometimes the most complex and powerful of spells can literally use up most of our energy which would leave us weak. That's why we train every day, and take good care of ourselves, so the next time it won't use up all of it. It's pretty much like a mana meter in a fantasy video game, in short."
"Interesting..." Alexandra then noticed what the box was as she looked down at the bed. "What's that?"
"Huh? Oh this?" Merlee pats the top of the box and then opened it. "It's a music box. It was given to me by my mate."
The human looked at Merlee's expression, seeing a small smile but her eyes looking upsetting. "Uh... where is your mate? I know this is weird for me to ask, especially from what I said a while back... I'm sorry about that, by the way..."
Merlee let out a sigh and let the music box play. "I... I really don't know, honestly."
"I said I don't know. A lot of things happened which kept us apart. I thought we would be together forever. I was a fool to think that..."
Alexandra wanted to reach out and pat her shoulder, wanting to comfort her in some way. "Listen, Merlee, not all love can be forever and you shouldn't-"
"What do you mean?" The red blood instantly looked up at the human, a smile on her face. "I'm perfectly fine! I have been meditating every day to not let myself get overcome by sadness. Trust me! I'm fine! Perfectly fine emotionally and mentally!"
"Uh... okay?" Alexandra stayed quiet as she tried to think of a way to change the subject. "Um... you think I can borrow some of your magic books?"
"What for?"
"I want to learn more. And I think wasted enough of your time as it is. It's pretty late now."
"Sure thing!" The red blood got off her bed, grabbing a stack of books and handing it to her. "Here's pretty much what you need to know. Should all be here from beginners to... well... pretty much where I'm at and then some."
"Thanks, Merlee." She was about ready to head out of the room but stopped. "And... thank you for the favor. It means a lot. I'm glad we're friends now."
Merlee only smiled, nodding as the human left. Waiting, she hears the front door closed and the music box finally ended its song. Closing it, she carried it in her hands and walked over to the room across from hers, opening it and placing it on the bed as the living deer plushie climbed on top of it. "Hey there little guy. I'm sorry I haven't seen you." The red blood pats the top of the deer plushies head as she smiled. She then stopped and walked out of the room, locking it and putting a spell on it. The door vanishes as it becomes nothing but a wall. "... I need to start working again..."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Alexandra walked through the city, admiring the structures despite getting some stares here and there. All of them being from low bloods, which would make sense considering she's disguised as a sea dweller. She should choose a different blood color instead of something that would draw eyes. Wanting to leave the crowded eyes, she quickly went over to a park, going over to a bench and sitting down, getting a breather.
In the distance in front of her, she sees a couple of kids playing. It is nicer than usual, not too cold. The human couldn't help but smile seeing them. She's been told that trolls are a violent species but nothing can change a child's innocence. To buy some time, she pulls out her phone, hoping to catch any updates from Jaisnt's friend, Linith.
She didn't notice, but some sat next to her and then she heard them calling her out. "Hey? I know you..."
"Huh?" Alexandra turned to see who is next to her to be surprised by Amorra's face, the cyborg troll she met long ago. "Amorra?"
"It is you! You're that... oh yeah, I shouldn't say it aloud." She chuckled. "It's been a while since I last saw you."
"Same here. How are you?"
"Same shit, different day. But I finally got rid of Morrin and I can finally be at ease for the rest of my life now. If I were to ever die at some point, I'd be happy since I don't have that bastard looming over my thoughts if I ever think about my life through my dying death."
"Really? Why didn't you ask Jaisnt to help you out? He was wanting to take him out from what I can remember."
"I had some help. Some mafia gang I went to that were willing to help me and also Merlee, for bringing him to me."
Alexandra made a disgusted expression from the mention of Merlee's name. "Ugh... her."
"What?" Amorra was confused by this. "Is there something you don't like about her?"
"Her delusions that magic exists when, scientifically, it does NOT exist. Everything can be proven with science because that's the only way we can solve most of the unexplained answers."
"Really? That's it?"
"What? You make it seem like I shouldn't like her for that reason."
"Well, I don't know how it is on Earth, but magic exists here."
"Oh no, not you, too!"
The teal blood chuckles. "You have a lot learn, but it's right in front of you. You just refuse to believe it. I used to not believe in magic or that super power stuff at some point in my life. I always thought it was just some bogus bullshit that was made up by subjugglators in the Dark Carnival. That was when I discovered I have some abilities of myself. It didn't come from my cybernetics, surprisingly. I checked numerous times when I got my AI, Gamma."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let me just give an example. I want you to focus on me. Right here, where I am. Okay?" Alexandra nodded, waiting for a second until Amorra just vanished, leaving a trail of black mist behind. Startled by this, she looked around to try and find where she might be only to see that she was a yard away from her. Confused by how she got there that quickly, the human blinked once and Amorra was gone, leaving behind that same black mist and then she suddenly appeared right in front Alex which scared her. "Ta da!"
"How the fuck?!" Alexandra was speechless. There was no way she could have disappeared and be at the other side of the park that quickly. "No... no, no, no, no. There... th-there has to be something you-"
"Alex, just accept it! Trust me, I have checked, like I said. Magic and all sorts of powers, some trolls have, exist on this planet. Either that, or I have to do something that would mess you up in the end to make you believe it." Amorra merely puts her hand on her waist.
The human just stayed silent, letting out a sigh and rubbed her temples with her fingers, accepting it considering there's no other explanation she can give. "Jesus Christ... so... I guess I have been kind of a dick to Merlee..."
Amorra laughed, sitting back down and pats the human's back gently. "Well, I guess I'll take that as a way of just saying 'I finally accept it.'"
"I didn't want to believe it... there has been a few instances that made me question it. Magic and all that. When it happens, I just think about it for hours on end, thinking of what it could be scientifically, but only to come across no way of explaining what I saw or experience... though... I guess that time when I... incidentally pissed Merlee off and I felt a tightness around my throat. I made her mad enough that, her being thirty feet away from me, was literally choking me to death. When she finally stopped, I was both scared and unsure how that could happen. That was the first time I didn't have an explanation for straight away."
"Wow. You pissed Merlee off that much that she almost killed you? Probably not the best to have done that." Amorra looks up at the sky as the two of them were silent for a moment. She then thought back to Merlee helping her out by capturing Morrin for her. "Merlee is a good person. If it wasn't for her, I don't know how else I would catch Morrin. Besides, she and him also had something going which is why she offered to help me. From what I've been told by a subjug that helped her, she used some magic spell, making a barrier for herself to take a bullet that was meant for her head."
Alexandra listened until the mention of what had happened to Merlee caught her attention that she turned to Amorra.
"She survived the first bullet. The barrier did what was intended, absorbing the impact but it also broke it... then he fired a second shot. She fell down that quickly. She was killed."
"But... how could she have died when... she's alive right now?"
"An entity living inside her used its whole life force to revive her back from the dead. Though she still has the scar of where the bullet hit somewhere on her forehead, at least that's what was told to me. At least the first part. I saw the scar for myself when I saw her along with Morrin."
"Fuck..." Alexandra looked down at the ground, now feeling bad for getting under Merlee's skin for as long as she did every time she comes across her.
"She's a good person. Possibly the luckiest girl, too, for coming back from the dead like that and to continue on kicking like nothing happened." Amorra looked over at the human, seeing that she's possibly feeling guilt. Amorra smirked, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I heard that you have been trying to find a way back home on Earth?"
"Uh... yeah?"
"Ask Merlee. She possibly knows how to get you there. Some how or some way, I'm sure she knows of something to get you back."
"Huh... I never thought of that."
"Well, that's because you had your ass so far up your head that you thought everything can be solved with numbers, equations, and chemicals rather than believing it." Amorra pats the human's shoulder a few times and got off the bench, walking off.
Alexandra sat down in silence until she called out to Amorra, making her stop as she turned around. "How did you find out about your... powers or abilities that you possess?"
"Hmm... let me try to remember... oh!" The teal blood snapped her fingers. "Funnily enough, I found out about them a day later when I read up on my ancestor."
"Your ancestor?"
"Yup. From what I have read, she had similar abilities like mine and she was also a goddess of her own religion she created. It's a long story that maybe would be saved for another time when we cross paths again. Anyways, see ya." Amorra waved and walked off.
Alexandra is left alone, but gained some knowledge of Amorra. Though one thing that now crawls all over her mind now. Apologizing to Merlee.
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