sasster · 2 months
I give Aelium, Thanat, and Termia each a littol vase with a pretty flower in it
>Thanat, of course, does not accept the vase from your hands and indicates where on the table in front of him you can set it. He thanks you with a smile!
>Termia takes the vase with enthusiasm and pulls it close to his mask in order to investigate not just the flower, but the vase it sits in as well. After he is satisfied with his inspection, he disappears somewhere into his loft to set it down.
>Aelium thanks you and takes the vase to set right on his desk. He gives it a fond look for a brief second, thanks you again, and gets back to the paperwork he was looking through.
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memurfevur · 16 days
First Date // closed RP w/ @ase-trollplays
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Persef smoothed out her dress as she stood near the location that had been agreed upon by her and Cacoph. Her heart fluttered in her chest at the thought of seeing him, though she couldn't quite put her finger on why. This was just them casually hanging out, right? Well, casually might not be true-- she got prettied up in her dress, after all.
It was a pretty place to be, a little harbor lined with restaurants and shops. Small boats were docked, and others explored the waters rocking back and forth. A small tent was being set up nearby and people were bustling around it and moving equipment. From where she stood she couldn't quite make out what it was for.
And with the weather this nice, all-in-all it should be a perfect setting for a data between friends. She couldn't wait to see him.
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goddesstrolls · 8 months
"Hi Corali!!"
One of the two trolls on camera gives a cheerful wave. She wears a loose black hoodie with the hood pulled up, and a surgical mask covering the lower half of her face.
The other troll- Thiomi- Is gagged and tied to a metal folding chair.
"You know, both of us really expected better of you." The disguised troll leans down to place both hands on Thiomi's shoulders- Thiomi flinching at the touch. "Sitting around drinking yourself stupid for nights on end instead of looking for your dear moirail! I bet hearing that would break poor Thiomi's heart. Oh wait-!" The disguised troll looked to Thiomi to gauge her reaction, smiling behind her mask.
The disguised troll straightens, pulling a bowie knife out of the front pocket of her hoodie. She flicks it open and tilts it, light catching off the blade. "I'm not here to stand around criticizing you, though. I have a point to make!"
The disguised troll sidles up to Thiomi's side, leaning down to press the edge of the blade to her cheek. Thiomi squirmed, and the disguised troll grabs one of her horns to keep her steady.
"I thought I'd share with you how it feels to watch one of your quadrants be hurt, while you just stand there, helpless. Just like I had to watch while you hurt my quadrant! Apparently you do this so often that you couldn't even trace it back to who it was. I figured it's high time someone taught you a little lesson."
The disguised troll presses down on Thiomi's cheek with the knife, leaving a deep, but clean gash. Thiomi choked with a sob through the gag, olive tears running down her cheeks and mixing with the blood.
The disguised troll slashes through her other cheek, mirroring the first cut. Then the disguised troll grabbs Thiomi's shoulder and gouges from the top of her arm, down the back of it, all the way down to her wrists where the bindings were. She dances around the chair to do the same on the other side while Thiomi struggled and cried.
The disguised troll straightens to toy with the now-bloody knife in her hands. "Just remember, I know where all your quads and friends live! And I won't hesitate to do this aaaaalll over again if I see your fucking face again, Corali. Did you know there are trolls who specialize in hunting purplebloods? Do you know how cheap it is to hire trolls like that?" The disguised troll giggles, toying further with the knife.
"But none of that has to happen if you be a good little lowblood and keep your head down! Neither you nor your pretty little quads are as invincible as you think they are."
"Anyway~! I've taken up enough of your time. Bye~!"
The video cuts off. It was taken with Thiomi's phone, and sent to Corali as a text from Thiomi.
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taxi-trolls · 5 months
Junnie, how great is it to have Brandy for a boyfriend?
(O) Oh its like a dream! Its nice having someone who just gets you in a quad, especially with how so called "normal" people treat me. I adore him so much and I'd do anything for him! (O)
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shenktrolls · 3 months
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Ooo cake :0
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nihils-trolls · 6 months
Quilis that outfit is EVERYTHING. I wanna look like you! 🤩✨
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"Aw, thanks. You're really sweet."
"Tell you what, I could try and make something similar for you if you wanted. Me being a seamstress and all."
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trolloled · 11 months
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(###) I_don't_know_how_you_got_past_the_minefield. (###)
(###) But_evading_the_turrets_on_top_of_that_is_especially_impressive. (###)
(###) Here_is_your_reward_soldier. (###)
=> He hands you several Empress sized candy bars. And an apple. He suggests you avoid too much sugar even if it's THE candy night.
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ketchfantrolls · 11 months
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gives you this entire thing happy halowee :D
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cadavertrolls · 11 months
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"/nterest/ng att/re... / don't know what you're supposed to be. A s\oth?"
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>You get a couple of these and then the door is shut in your face promptly. Sorry.
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asks-n-trolls · 1 year
Charon, what's your opinion (if any) on kids? What would you do if you had a smol fan? c:
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"They are cute I suppose, but at the end of the day, kids don't have any money. So, a bit of a waste of time.
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zillyeh · 1 year
"Many sweeps ago" for Spiral
Docs version
Assisting her old professor with hands-on demonstrations had been nothing new for Spiral. She had deft hands and impeccable precision. Interested minds were able to attend this one, in the fleet campus' operation amphitheater. Her intimate knowledge of the nervous system- the psionic nervous system in particular- was… more groundbreaking than one would expect from such an advanced Alternia. And from a clown- one who'd not once wavered in wearing her paint. Even after putting distance between the rest of them for medical pursuits. 
The exploratory procedure net her much positive attention after: questions of her methods, whether her own powers contributed to her understanding, when Dr. Cerayn would be doing lectures on her own. It was all very charming- until the last one.
The unpainted purple wasn’t one Spiral had seen before- she made a disdainful mental note of all the ones she passed. His tight spiral horns complimented the curls around his shoulders and down his back nicely. He barely came up to her chin, but something about his grin made her skin crawl.
“You put on quite the show, doctor,” he said with an overdone flourish. “I am more than impressed by your expertise around the nerves. Astonished that your talents are bound to this fleet hospital.” 
“As are most, Mr…”
“Dohiir,” he said, holding out a sharp and darkly manicured hand, “Jeltik Dohiir. Jeltik is fine. Might you allow me to run a proposition by you, Dr. Cerayn?”
“Perhaps,” she hummed, sensing… something in him. It wasn’t the regular sort of fear her powers picked up on. He wasn’t afraid of her- at least not that much. No. It was something else… like a cloud that surrounded him. Guarded, she followed him down the hall as he spoke.
"You are incredibly bright and curious, that much is very obvious, my dear,” he said wandering down a hall Spiral had never bothered with before.
“Stick to doctor,” she said airily, some looming threat behind that suggestion. He smiled, offering a small tilt of his head in apology.
“Of course. Tell me, does that curiosity not ever… push you further than what you are allowed to get away with here?” Some look of disdain passed over his face. “With the… batteries?”
“Do you mean to catch me out on malpractice, Jeltik?”
“Heavens no, Dr. Cerayn. I only suggest you may have a higher calling than this. The line through curve of your paint sugges- hrk!”
Her hand closed around his throat faster than he could intercept. His head bounced off the wall she slammed him into painfully.
“Do not speak to me of the Messiahs’ plans for me, bare-face,” she snarled, “Interpretations of my face are for my Highblood to interpret, not any suspicious character who decides he’d like to.”
“Seen her recently, have you?” He chuckled through her grip on his skinny neck. “Ooh, there go the eyes all big-” He was cut off by a cough before he could continue as she smacked him against the wall again like a ragdoll.
“I am known for my temper,” Spiral threatened evenly, “I would suggest you make your point before I pop the head off of your shoulders.” He let out an astonishingly loud laugh.
“I’d affix it right back,” he said with a grin. Before she could react, he fell through her fingers. The mass of troll in her hand became a black smear on the wall, then the floor underneath her before pooling up behind her. With a disgusting squelch, he was back again- this time painted more elaborately than Spiral had ever seen. She swore in her northern tongue, instinctively reaching out with her powers to find his fear center. Something blocked her though- a maze with a thousand dead ends that she could only just find the exit to. He laughed again, pressing his blackened fingertips together.
 “I do prefer my associates less feisty,” Jeltik tutted, twirling one of his curls around his head. “Though you would make an excellent guard, were I to need it… But that is not what I am here for, hm? I would like you to join me in my path laid forth by the Messiahs.”
Whatever he was, it was either divine or unholy to the highest degree. Spiral couldn’t decide which, but his sickening air made her lean towards the latter. And yet… her insatiable curiosity made her wonder what this thing could want her for.
“There are less feisty than me in this very building,” she suggested, wishing she’d brought her clubs with her to the operating room, “Why seek me?”
“You have something I sorely lack… both knowledge and extra hands… I can only do so much myself. I wouldn’t ever entrust my divine purpose to someone who lacks devotion either, doctor. My divine, elaborate pattern seeks your stability, just as the sun seeks to snuff the night again and again.”
Spiral hummed, intrigued.
“Mm. What use would my hands be to you, then?”
“Would you believe that I could imbue the powers of our gods into the mortal?” He asked excitedly, gripping one of her hands between his. “That I have, as arduous as the process is? You could make it easier, faster, to elevate more to this level?” She felt a pulse in her hands, a tingle, then a burn up her arms and into her temples as something inside her unlocked. Fearful patient’s internal cries from floors above and below, doctors doubts, regrets, and anxiety all in her mind and in her ears. The man in front of her’s grin widened unnaturally, and that is when she heard what was so muddied before.
Spirits, blackened dozens of them that clung to the surface of his aura, attached to him, afraid of him, in anguish. Souls that resided within him, like the superior of their Messiahs, as if he were-
She pulled her hand back, and immediately all extra noise ceased. His heavy curls no longer seemed to be bound by gravity, swirling around his shoulders like a cloud. Spiral stared at him for a good minute, saying nothing. Something divine indeed. 
“Alright Jeltik,” she said, popping her knuckles. “What exactly do you have in mind?”
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sasster · 2 months
Noooo I'm trapped talking with cool people 😱
So anyway! Aelium! Do you and Archie talk much or hang out? I think it'd be neat if you had a "sensible friend chaos friend" dynamic going on
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~) Ah |
~) Well f)x(r as l)x(ng as I have been making these visits t)x( the H)x(use )x(f Rest)x(rati)x(n, which is still quite a recent devel)x(pment, the R)x(atuses have been busy with s)x(me stress )x(f their )x(wn |
~) I w)x(uld n)x(t mind getting t)x( kn)x(w them all better when their seas have settled th)x(ugh |
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memurfevur · 1 month
Cacoph shyly walks up to Persef, blushing.
👏 Hi Persef. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out together. 👏
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She startles a bit, as she hadn't expected to see him when she turned around. She stutters her answer and struggles to get it out as a deep warmth colors her face. Soon she hides her face in her sleeves to collect herself, then very excitedly signs:
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goddesstrolls · 8 months
Cat and Mouse
Kairos stood against the wall, arms folded.
If they could avoid going underground ever again, they’d gladly take it. This rambling cave was a pain to navigate, even with a light and a map. It took them twenty minutes of stumbling over stones and cursing under their breath to reach their target’s cavern hive.
They had replaced the boulder over the entrance precisely how they had found it. If the lights left on in the hive were any indication, the inhabitant would be back before long.
They had already searched the place- The owner’s lusus apparently not present, which was just as well, because Kairos was not told what to do with the beast. Their client had requested a scarf belonging to the target, and her phone. Both of which Kairos had located- The phone left sitting on the table was another indication that their target was sure to be back soon.
Kairos’ fin flicked as they heard something outside- A small shuffle carrying through a gap between the boulder and the entrance. Something else was out there. They readied themselves, pressing their back to the wall.
The boulder vanished, and a small figure hurried into the hive. In such a hurry, in fact, that Kairos had to dart forward in order to reach her. By her curved horns and small stature, they knew her to be their target.
They threw a bag over her head and cinched the drawstring around her neck, ignoring her shriek of surprise and fear. They grabbed her arms and forced her hands behind her back, and slammed a knee in between her shoulder blades to both stun her, and knock her to the ground.
Kneeling there to pin her with their body weight like an insect through a needle, Kairos pulled a pair of solid handcuffs off their belt and clipped them onto the oliveblood’s wrists. They snaked their hand under the bag enough to put an anti-psionic collar around her neck.
Entirely unnecessary, as far as Kairos could tell. Their client claimed the oliveblood was a pacifist and had no psionics. She screamed and fought against the cuffs and they straightened with an annoyed huff, considering giving her a kick to shut her up.
Movement outside the hive caught their attention. A giant mouse the size of a car was barrelling towards them.
Ah, the resident’s lusus.
Kairos lifted their head and glared at the animal, their destructive magical energy heightening enough to hum off the walls of the hive. A silent warning: Cross that threshold, and I will slaughter you without even lifting a finger.
The animal froze outside the entrance- Seeming distraught but not daring to enter. She could sense their energy, and as badly as she wanted to aide her charge, she knew she didn't stand a chance against Kairos.
They scoffed faintly and doubled over to grab their still screaming, crying, begging target off the ground.
“Shut up.” Kairos snarled in her ear. Her screaming immediately died away into a sob, and they dragged her through the hive to a clear area they had picked.
A teleportation circle had been drawn on the floor. They disappeared through it with their target- And the circle destroyed itself behind them, leaving no trace.
Kairos and their victim reappeared in a vast expanse of ice and snow. The temperature here was easily twenty below zero, and their victim gasped with the sudden change. She continued to shake with sobs and, now, the cold. Kairos slung her onto their shoulder like a sack of potatoes, careful that the bag on her head didn’t fall off, and walked up to a stone cairn stacked in the frigid haze.
They sunk a fang into their thumb to draw blood, and pressed it to a rune drawn on one of the stones. With a rumble, a hidden door in the ice at their feet slid open.
Kairos brushed a hand against the bloodied runes, destroying all trace of their blood, and walked down the steps. Another graze against a rune on the wall shut the door behind them.
They carried their sobbing victim through the hive, past various traps. As they dumped her on the ground of an empty room, they felt their phone buzzing in their pocket.
Heaving an exasperated sigh, Kairos pulled their phone out and glanced at the caller ID as they left the room.
They returned a few moments later, growling under their breath. They walked up to the shivering oliveblood and knelt next to her.
“Do you know why you are here?” They asked.
"... S-someone is trying to hurt a good friend of mine. They want her to be s-scared." Stammered the oliveblood.
“Your moirail, to be specific.” Kairos replied. “Yes, this is in fact, entirely her fault. She hurt the wrong troll, and now she reaps the rewards. You are simply collateral damage.”
"Are... are they a yellowblood? Or a violet?"
“You’re lucky I wasn’t told not to answer questions.” Kairos drawled, sounding mildly amused. “Neither. A jadeblood. But apparently she is acting on behalf of her matesprit.”
"I'm s-sure I already know your answer, but... who hired you?" The oliveblood squeaked, surprisingly bold considering Kairos kidnapped her easily and could be planning on killing her, for all she knew. "How long will you keep me here?"
“Her name is Joclyn. That is all I know.” Kairos straightened, their boots scuffing on the ice. “You’re to stay here until I am told to free you, or kill you.”
Kairos headed for the door.
“I’ll warm up this room, so you don’t freeze to death before then.”
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taxi-trolls · 1 year
Do the thing or I'll tell Karell that you're the one putting ants in his kitchen
Ok ok ill do the thing
Im still putting more ants in his kitchen tho
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
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@ase-trollplays Tantor needs to have some fun with it
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