#Cirrus Virga
fleet-follows · 1 year
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I've never done an October drawing challenge so maybe a pony themed OCtober could be fun! October is gonna be a very busy month for me this year, but the point is to have fun, even if I don't complete it c:
1.) Cirrus Virga is the second in command of Fleet Folly's fleet as well as his wife through arranged marriage. She is a part of the Saddle Arabian royal family, though isn't close to being next in line to rule. Her special talent is diving and flying acrobatics in general. Cirrus is the oldest of the fleet, but that doesn't stop her from jumping into the fray.
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asklostcelestia · 1 year
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askpokeeosin · 1 year
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Made this as a thanks to @asklostcelestia for the lovely art they made of Poke. It's of this scene from their companion blog, @fleet-follows. Also wanted to give a go of drawing it like how horses naturally fight.
Thanks again! Huge fan and loved the art you had made of Poke!
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ask-shutter-ghost · 2 years
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I got another commission from @asklostcelestia​!
This was such a fun project to work on! Flat colors and references below the cut :)
Gold Lettering Creator by Flaming Text
Lightning Background Reference
Sunset Background Reference
Cloud Background Reference
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daily-coloring · 1 year
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gloomverse-theories · 8 months
How Cirrus’ childish behaviour is symptomatic of the problems in stratoversian society
Stratoverse is a foreign country with a culture still clouded in mystery, but we were given snippets into its inner working thanks to Indigo, Virga, Nim and Cirrus. So far, all of the stratoversian with screentime displayed various levels of immaturity, more or less subtly. Before I can dive into those, let’s define something.
What is Maturity?
“Maturity” is a buzzword that gets thrown around, but people would be hard pressed to give it a clear definition. How do you define maturity? It’s the state of being mature, says one dictionary, proving its uselessness. Maturity is being an adult, but Cirrus insisting that “he is an adult so you can’t make him do anything” is ironically a big sign of immaturity.
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Being mature is a list of behaviours, such as:
Managing your own emotions
Recognizing other people’s emotions
Taking responsibility for your actions
Establishing your boundaries and respecting other’s
Being able to apologise
Being able to handle failure, rejection, or being wrong
Being open-minded
Maturity is not only a virtue, but also a skill. It’s one that is expected out of adults and even older teens, but no one is perfect, no one is mature at all times. Being mature is hard work, being responsible is difficult, admitting you were wrong can seem impossible, but it’s still something everyone needs to strive to in order to live in society. It becomes a problem if the moments of immaturity outweigh the moments of maturity. It becomes an even bigger problem when you give someone like that power.
The thing about power is that you can ignore your responsibilities if you have enough (sorry Uncle Ben), and Stratoversian society is built on power.
Let’s take a look at Cirrus, as he is the prime example of an immature Stratoversian
Cirrus’ immaturity
Our first impression of Cirrus is that of a stuck-up jerk who belittles people for something as trivial as wearing shoes. Our second impression of Cirrus is that of a man-child giving himself a headache after throwing the aforementioned tantrum. It is not a brilliant introduction, he is made to be unlikeable, so unlikeable that even the one character he interacts with is glad to see him gone.
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From the get-go, he demonstrates that
1. He is not able to manage his emotions and even hurts himself with how he expresses them
2. He does not recognize he was wrong for getting angry or apologises, instead he “ignores” her “disgrace” for a moment
3. He does not respect the president’s order to stay out of Gloomverse, showing that he does not care for the consequences of his actions and does not take responsibility for them
4. He is very close minded of anything outside of Stratoversian norms
And that’s just from his first appearance! Without even mentioning his catastrophic rapport to Nim!
In his second appearance, Purple aptly remarks that Cirrus “act like a five year old”, and he is right.
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Cirrus insists on coming with Nim to Wallis’ show, claiming interest in the culture. He promised to behave, but forced Nim in a position where she had to accept his demand or risk having him show up without being supervised. Fast-forward to the time of the show, and all of his previous claims fall through. He is still belittling the culture and Nim needs to remind him of the very real consequences for Her in order to get him to settle down. The show starts, Seaweed shows up, and Cirrus gets a teenager crush, and proves once again what little handle he has on his emotions. Cakegirl arrives, and Cirrus does his good action of the day by saving Harold from a fall to the death.
When the world conference rolls around, Cirrus spent three weeks in jail, and it did not teach him anything. He finally crosses the line with Nim and gets an overdue call out on his behaviour. She establishes some very clear boundaries here. She’s tired of babysitting him! Unfortunately, this does not stick, because Cirrus follows her back to the ruins. He literally has no valid reason for doing this. What’s more, we have yet to hear a single apology from this guy.
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Then, the Beach Episode comes. Cirrus does not miss the opportunity to show off his wonderful temper. But we get a little more this time, we get a crack. For the first time, he manages to keep a straight face as he recites a law of Stratoverse. This happens once again in A Day on the Town when cirrus talks about his fathers’ ranch. You can tell it’s a sore topic because he remains emotionless.  After all his exuberant display of outrage, this is the one topic where he doesn’t allow himself to feel anything.
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And we will unpack that later!
Indigo as a parallel
Indigo doesn’t get revealed as Stratoversian right away. He’s a working DJ, he’s the president’s personal hitman, he’s a delusional playboy… He is a lot of things, depending on what he needs! Overall, Indigo is selfish. He does not care what others are going through, or the consequences of his actions on them as long as he comes out unscathed.
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Contrarily to Cirrus, Indigo has his emotions in check. He does not care about what other people do if it doesn’t affect him, while Cirrus gets introduced by yelling at Nim for touching the ground. Indigo is smiling most times and even if he is an “open book”, his emotions are not the burden of others. That is, unless you press a sensitive point, like his sense of self. On the other hand, Cirrus’ temper is something everyone else has to deal with and tip toe around. The only time when he can keep it together is when it’s something he’s sensitive about.
Where Cirrus shuts down, Indigo flares up, and so they make for interesting parallels.
Indigo’s immaturity is different from Cirrus, because they had different lives, but the root of the problem is once again Stratoverse. Thanks to Indigo, we got context for Stratoversian childhood and expectations. And it’s pretty terrible.
Let’s talk about it!
Cirrus’ childhood
Stratoverse has some kind of incentive to make every citizen gain weather magic. The reason why is still a mystery and worthy of plenty of theories, but it is not today’s focus.
Indigo explains pretty well how this happens. Children are separated from their families, given to caretakers and taught about the weather cycle. Nim mentions that she got “floated” a lot as a kid, so it’s not a full no-contact situation - at least not for everyone - but it’s still rather isolating. Indigo tells us that he “wanted to live in the sky with [his] parents”, and so did most other kids.
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Cirrus is an exception though, because his fathers live on the mainland in a ranch. They do not have magic and they can’t live in the cloud city. There’s no one waiting for Cirrus in the clouds. When other children finally regroup with their family upon getting magic, Cirrus would be leaving his behind forever. As he loves to remind people, it’s shameful to touch the ground. He still holds them dear in his heart, as shown when he punched the president for badmouthing magicless people, or when he almost cracked after Rylie’s question. Nevertheless, it still got ingrained in him that he should be ashamed of his origins, from how meek he was when talking about his dads’ ranch. Stratoversian propaganda is very effective if it can convince a country kid that a leaf is actually disgusting and touching the ground a disgrace.
Cirrus is powerful, he probably got magic early on. Let’s say 12 years old. From that age on, he grew up with no parents, no guardians, no caretakers. It’s during teenage years that people learn to be mature, to manage their emotions, to handle conflict and to respect others. They can either learn it in school, from teachers or peers, or from their family. Cirrus had neither. He can’t go to his family and he doesn’t have any friends if his attachment to Nim is anything to go by.
Speaking of, let’s focus on Nim and Cirrus for a little bit now.
Cirrus’ attachment to Nim
Cirrus and Nim are both grown adult, and they’re both royalties. They’re not siblings however, and don’t know much about each other. For all due purposes, they are colleagues. Cirrus seems to have some years of anteriority over Nim, but other than that they’re equals. They have no need to interact, and Nim would even prefer if they didn’t. Despite that, Cirrus clings to her with force. We know from Virga that the trip back and forth to Gloomverse takes a full day. Cirrus come visit her multiple times, and his first visit (that we know of) lasted less than an hour. He clearly doesn’t approve of what Nim is doing, but that doesn’t stop him from checking up on her.
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Because he is a fucking desperate for a human connection, except he has no clue how to go about it, so he clings to the only proper relationship he has in his life: his royal colleague!
He can’t turn to Virga because she’s already proven herself to be unsafe by punching him and making fun of his ideas, and he can’t be around the king because everyone expects him to dethrone (and kill) him, so Nim is the only one he has left. She’s also polite and nice enough to tolerate him, and he takes it as the greenlight to be even more clingy. He’s unconsciously forcing her to mom him, and she has to be responsible for the two of them.
Nim is stuck trying to appease him and maintain a cordial relationship because her own situation is unprecedented and precarious, and there’s a high chance he could jeopardize her passports and permits if she actually spoke her mind! At the world conference, she finally speak up because she literally has nothing to lose. She spent three weeks in jail because of her association with Cirrus, and her passports and permits to study have been thrown out the window. So when he belittles her and her interests, she snaps, because she can.
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Their relationship is not a balanced one, but it’s progressively becoming better. Now that nothing is at stakes, she can be honest and actually tell him off, which she does!
Royal Responsibilities
You may have already read a few pieces about it (like this rant), but the prince and princess titles doesn’t seem to come with a lot of responsibilities. It seems that only the king and queen can make any meaningful decisions, and the prince and princess’ role is to support those decisions.
Cirrus is interested in making life better for the magicless. He has family at stake even. Yet he is shown running away from any responsibilities he might have in Stratoverse to follow Nim, and aggravating the tense relationship between Gloomverse and Stratoverse by punching the president. It’s not really his fault though, because that’s the way Stratoverse’s society is built: the most powerful have the most power, and the ones with power can do what they want because they’re powerful. You don’t agree with a political decision? Duke it out with the politician. Someone made a mistake? Punch them to teach them a lesson. That’s what he learned, that’s what he does.
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And what he does is selfish and immature, because that’s what the system thrives on. People are encouraged to remain immature, to act on instinct, to punch the people they don’t like, to be selfish and not think of others. The system relies on Stratoversian being too busy fighting to survive, too selfish and immature to give a damn what others are going through. It keeps people from organizing and rebelling. It keeps the system going.
This went in a different direction than what I thought it would. Here’s a summary:
Stratoversians, especially Cirrus, have been regularly characterised by their immaturity – especially when it comes to handling their emotions. They resort to show of force, they establish dominance with their magic, their bodies, their voice. Even Indigo resort to it when pushed to the brink. The way children are raised in Stratoverse often leads to immature adults because of a lack of appropriate education and doing the equivalent of giving a teenager a gun. Stratoverse culture is one of power, where rationality is dismissed in favour of strength. This keep people from trying to change the system: the people in power benefits from it, and if someone were to try and change things, a punch in the face will put a stop to it.
Cirrus is a product of that society: immature, impulsive, careless, and full of prejudice. So were Nim and Indigo, and they’re all on a journey to unlearn those things, albeit at different speeds.
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kkmcshouty · 1 year
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Another piece from the Gloomverse Artfight! This time using the ever classic Draw The Squad pose and featuring the World Leaders (plus Indigo cause I could only think of one person who could get The Judge to act like that haha)
Timelapse and alternate ink where Indigo was the one who died under the cut!
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Yellow, calling a royalty meeting: We are here to learn to treat each other with respect and dignity.
Nim, Cirrus and Virga, mumbling to each other:
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badgloomverse · 5 months
tell me your propaganda (propaganja)
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blueoctobass · 7 months
If Virga wins the bracket, I’ll draw the canon event of her punching Cirrus as an applogy. Pitting the strongest against the weakest and all that jazz
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fleet-follows · 10 months
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Drawing made by my husband during our watch through of pokemon :'D
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prompt-verse · 6 months
Bonus Round: Old men edition
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Alto is the king of stratoverse and fought his way there.
Virga mentions that fighting Cirrus might kill him because of how old he is.
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asklostcelestia · 2 years
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So close to the point where I start posting all the rude and creepy asks/comments I get with this image in response, I swear! Next update is almost done, it will be an animation.
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thecloudidentifier · 1 year
‼️ this blog is kind of inactive sorry guys ‼️ (if u send me stuff ill identify it tho and im trying to use this more often!)
hey guys its me The cloud identifier also known as kittifer from world famous tumblr blog @kittif3r
i will identify any cloud with genus, species, and any relevant supplementary features or accessory clouds!
this blog functions as great practice for me to get better at identifying clouds yayyyy!!!
please send me posts with clouds in them also feel free to ask abt any cloud qs u may have (i will 100% respond quickly even if i havent posted in a while)
clouds 101 & tagging system below:
clouds 101!!!
theres 10 main types, these are known as “genera” (plural of genus)
cirrostratus (cs), cirrus (ci), cirrocumulus (cc) , altostratus (as), altocumulus (ac), nimbostratus (ns), cumulonimbus (cb), cumulus (cu), stratus (st), and stratocumulus (sc).
theres also lots of different “species” of clouds, but too many to list here.
each of the 10 genera have a distinct shape to them:
any cloud with “cirrus” or “cirro” in the name will be thin, wispy, and high altitude.
any cloud with “stratus” or “strato” in the name will be flat, featureless and layered.
any cloud with “cumulus” or “cumulo” in the name will be heaped and puffy.
any cloud with “nimbus” or “nimbo” in the name just means the cloud is probably raining.
theres also a bunch of different other stuff that can be on clouds but thats awfully complicated for my intro post.
tagging system:
i will tag each type of cloud by genus, and genus + species. for example if there was a Cirrus spissatus cloud in a post, i would tag it as #ci and #ci spi
i will also tag additional features of clouds, for example #virga (this is precipitation that evaporates before it reaches the ground), or #contrail (the line an aeroplane makes)
original posts will be tagged as #kittipost, asks will be tagged as #cloud ask (clask), if i ever do more explaining of clouds itll be tagged as #clouds 101… i think thats it!! welcome 2 my beautiful blog
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proteckd · 4 months
🌥️ Interesting Facts About Clouds! 🌥️
Did you know that clouds can weigh millions of pounds yet float effortlessly in the sky? These natural wonders are full of surprises. Here are some mind-blowing facts about clouds that you might not know:
Learn more:
Heavyweights in the Sky: A typical cumulus cloud can weigh as much as a million pounds! Despite their massive weight, the tiny water droplets and ice crystals are spread out enough to stay afloat.
High Altitude Marvels: While most clouds form in the troposphere, some, like cirrus clouds, form at altitudes up to 60,000 feet. These ice crystal clouds often indicate fair weather.
Nighttime Glow: Noctilucent clouds glow at twilight, reflecting sunlight from beyond the horizon. These rare, high-altitude clouds are a stunning sight.
UFO Lookalikes: Lenticular clouds are lens-shaped and often mistaken for UFOs. They form over mountains and ridges, creating a dramatic and otherworldly appearance.
Colorful Skies: Clouds scatter and reflect sunlight at sunrise and sunset, creating stunning hues of red, orange, and pink. The angle of the sun and particles in the atmosphere enhance these vibrant colors.
Mammatus Marvels: Mammatus clouds look like bubble wrap hanging from the sky. They often form during severe thunderstorms and signal turbulent weather.
Contrail Creation: Those streaks left by airplanes are actually man-made clouds called contrails, formed when jet exhaust mixes with cold air, creating ice crystals.
Foggy Facts: Did you know fog is just a cloud at ground level? It forms when the air near the surface cools to the dew point, causing water vapor to condense.
Virga Visuals: Some clouds produce rain or snow that evaporates before reaching the ground, creating a stunning effect known as virga.
Next time you look up, remember there's more to those fluffy formations than meets the eye! 🌈☁️
Whether you're a weather enthusiast or simply a lover of nature, there's always something new to learn about these ever-changing sky formations.
#CloudFacts #WeatherWonder #DidYouKnow #Clouds #interestingfacts
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gloomverse-theories · 10 months
How old is Indigo?
Yep, we're doing this.
So what do we know about Indigo's life? Well actually quite a lot! Thanks to Ylil, we got to learn a lot about this guy's life.
Firstly, Indigo is definitely over 18, I think we can all agree the manchild is indeed an adult. I'm not going to need proof to convince you all of that fact, hopefully.
Indigo spent his childhood in Stratoverse, specifically on the land of awareness. There, he was taught all about clouds and weather, until he eventually got magic.
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He left right after getting magic, or at least it's implied that he did, as turning Indigo drove him over the edge and really affected his self worth, possibly due to increased bullying. He even says it outright that being Indigo was a reason for "being laughed out of [his] own country"
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So he left after getting magic! Which should be around 12 years old, probably ranging from 10 to 15. Stratoversian being more powerful in general, and Indigo not being shown as weaker than average, we can deduce that he got his magic at around that age, and not later. He may just have left without magic and died at sea if he hadn't got his magic at the same time as his peers.
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Alright, that's great and all, but for now all I've established is that Indigo left Stratoverse as a young teen and is now older than 18 in gloomverse. How is that theorizing about his age?? Is what you may ask.
Worry not, dear reader, for I have just the thing:
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Queen Virga of Stratoverse, current strongest magician in the world.
How does she relate to Indigo you ask? Well...
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Indigo doesn't recognize her.
That's pretty telling actually. And given Indigo's track record, it seems improbable that he is feinging ignorance to seems inconspicuous. Possible, but not probable. So the rest of that theory lays on Indigo being too dumb to pretend to be dumb.
Why is it important that Indigo doesn't recognize her? Well as a stratoversian, Indigo was given classes about Stratoverse and weather. Since the country relies on brainwashing the kids to love their country and clouds, knowing WHO the (current) queen is and what she looks like sounds important. I know Indigo right now isn't a model student, but in the past he just might have been! He tried hard to belong, and the stuff you learn as a kid isn't so easily washed away.
Hence this: Virga wasn't the queen at the time that Indigo lived in Stratoverse.
That's cool and all, but now we have the same problem as with Indigo: How old is Virga???
Well, she's actually easier to figure out.
I'm going to assume Stratoverse/Yellow is reasonable enough not to let children be in charge, and that a person needs to be 18 or older to fight for the royalty's titles.
I mean, the last time they did, bad things happened...
Prisma was considered to all, as a respectable, and beautiful magician, and she took the job at a surprisingly young age. The exact age is unknown, except that she was 'nearly an adult' when she came into power.
So, Virga is older than 18. yay
But she has been in office for quite some time now! At the very least three years if the world leaders' meeting is every year. More if it's espaced of two, three, etc, years. Since the conference takes a couple of weeks, it would make sense if it wasn't yearly.
Cirrus, having no reason to be present unless it's a former meeting, punched prez during a conference. Virga mentions it was forever ago, which could be just smack talk, or hint that it wasn't even during the last conference. Nim is a "better choice than the last", so she wasn't there at the previous conference, and the last princess was 'chosen' by Virga, aka came into the position while Virga was already queen.
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She's at least 21 if the conference is every year and she became queen at 18. That's the lowest age possible for her.
But Virga has very strong mommy energy, as seen here:
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I'm not saying those children are her own, but she definitely watched them grow up, so we can add a +10 years to her counter. 28 years old as a bare minimum.
Alright! It's safe to say Virga is at least 28 years old, in the best case scenario. In a more realistic one, she would have took the princess title at 20 and the queen title a bit later, she seems to be quite experienced too, so let's say she's in her middle-end thirties.
However there's a very important piece of information I haven't considered yet...
Stratoversian can live older than average, and look fresh even in old age (just look at the king who's supposedly at least 80 years old!!). So despite looking rather young, Virga could actually be in her 60s and we would have no idea.
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Back to Indigo! Comparing him to Virga leaves us a couple options!
Indigo is the same age as Virga
I'll consider "same age" with a 2 years margin.
While it adds Angst to think Virga was one of his bullies, I think it's more likely that they never met each other. Stratoverse is still a big country, it's unlikely everyone knows everyone (Nim and Cirrus didn't know each other as children for example). Being the same age as Virga, Indigo's age is ranging from 26 to 40.
Indigo is older than Virga
Oh man, he's old in that case... Older than 30 at the VERY LEAST! Because Virga being 28 is the best possible scenario.
Indigo is younger than Virga
This one is actually very interesting... Because it means Virga wasn't queen when Indigo was still in stratoverse. If she took the throne at 18 and Indigo left at 12.... Then their age gap can only be 6 years. Otherwise, Virga would be queen before Indigo leaves. Of course, the later Virga takes the throne, the larger the age gap can be. Taking the throne at 24 means Indigo can be 12 years younger, and so and so....
So in this scenario, Indigo's age remain unclear.... Yet this is the most likely scenario.
It really all depends on Virga's age tho... The best guess for her age being late thirties, I think it's safe to assume — after everything I've presented you — that Indigo himself is in his early thirties.
TL;DR: Indigo is at least 30 yo and this post has been in my drafts for almost 2 years now.
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