#Clamp Down
katabay · 1 month
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WOW this has been ROUGH in the Life Events category of things, but. slowly crawling out of that. hopefully
this was the opening scene for a something I started writing after watching the Manben inverview with Nishi Keiko and thinking back to all the classic shoujo manga I stayed up reading back in the day, like damn that's so true Urasawa Naoki
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it's partially a love letter to all the greats of the genre that I read, and also to the late night teleseryses that captivated me over the years lmao. it'd be nice to find the time to tackle it properly as a comic, but I'm having fun working on it recreationally :)
✨but since it's recreational, some character info✨
the first character seen is lawrence 'law' valenciano (late 30s), the one with the glasses is cris volante (mid-later 20s). law works at a karinderya, cris is an extremely broke university student.
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / insta / tip jar!
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qqchurch · 8 months
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sidsinning · 6 months
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Spent the last hour making these gifs instead of homework
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hoshinochikara · 3 months
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alluralater · 3 months
i don’t play dnd but people have told me i’d be a really good gm. here’s the thing though, i wanna do it like in a hot way. your fantasy character is about to get stretched around a ghost dick. roll 7 or higher to cum. is that dnd?? obviously i’d have an amazing adventure set up with good stakes and awesome reward but i’d be unfortunately super sexual about it. would i still be respected if i made the ghost woman creampie the player? what if they lost and the other players could roll to join?? sexy lesbian dnd nerds please respond and tell me if this is disrespectful to your culture okay thanks
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cheerscafe · 1 month
I love taking ancient beloved memes that people have long forgotten and updating them
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My version^
nightcore version in case you haven’t heard it lmao
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scary-tingz · 11 months
Yeah but like what if there was comfort and safety in the jaws of the beast tho
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omo-my-gosh · 10 months
girl who's used to subtly peeing outside while wearing a skirt with no panties, realizing that she forgot she's wearing leggings underneath today as she soaks her thighs and gasps (and now she's stuck with a wet patch underneath her short skirt that she's panicking about)
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blithesharem · 7 months
“Go away.”
Satan doesn’t even glance over his shoulder to see who opened his bedroom door. It doesn’t matter. He’s in the middle of an important chapter and he doesn’t intend to be interrupted. Even so, he continues to listen as he finishes his paragraph: footsteps shuffling, hesitant, the soft click of the door and movement toward his bed. He huffed with annoyance.
“I said-“ he begins, stopping when he feels the body push to press against his back, soft hands slipping around his chest. He squirms instinctively, a proper scowl breaking now as he prepares to shove his lustful brother off his bed.
“Asmo! I told you, I’m not-“
Satan cuts of his hiss, as the sound of a hitching breath in Asmo’s voice stops him. He stills, listening, before tilting his head to try and catch a glimpse of Asmodeus’s face. He can’t – its pressed too tightly against his shoulder blades, and Satan can only see the edge of Asmo’s shoulders as they give a shudder.
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking. Asmo sniffles, rubbing his nose against Satan’s back.
‘You’re going to get snot all over my shirt,’ he thinks. Aloud he says, “What happened?”
“…nothing…I just…” Asmo swallows, trying to find a way to express what he’s feeling. Nothing happened and everything happened: how does he explain that? Sometimes, the despair just gets too much. Sometimes he feels crushed by the work he does to try and keep everyone together. To keep everyone a family. He hates the thought of anyone seeing his most important acting role slip, certainly he can’t allow anyone to see his face so red and puffy.
“Can I just…stay? Please?” he whispers, too weary to even add a drop of simpering to his request.
Satan stares over his book at his bedroom wall, feeling how tightly Asmo’s hands cling to the front of his shirt. ‘Why me?’ he wonders silently. The newest of the brothers, the most unpredictable, certainly the one least likely to allow such an invasion into his space.
Though, Satan supposed, he was certainly the most familiar with being swept up in one’s emotions.
“Okay,” he finally says simply, shifting to lay over Asmo’s arm more comfortably. He hears Asmo give an exhale and another sniffle, feels him melt with relief. Satan can’t quite relax himself, unused to being so close to another body. It’s alien, the feeling of Asmo’s heart racing against his back.
Alien. But not so bad.
Resting his cheek back on his pillow, Satan returns his gaze back to his book, and starts his paragraph over.
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microwave-core · 7 months
DLC Girlie Headcanons
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Happy Valentine’s day. Happy early birthday to me. Happy late first anniversary of this blog. Don’t expect this to be as profound or long as the first scarvio post, but it is a post, so have fun with it.
Also, I didn’t include Briar here because I wasn’t satisfied with what I wrote for her and just ended up scrapping it. Might come back to her one day. And yes I know the Carmine gif is big but I liked it and couldn't find one I liked more.
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Carmine, my love. I know I already made a whole post for her not too long ago, but I can still add more (and there are also only three others on the list sooo). This time, though, things can take place post Kieran joker arc.
Of course, she’s still Carmine. She’s a bit overprotective and jealous and kind of a bitch, especially when at the academy because a certain Drayton will lazily and jokingly flirt with you just to get on her nerves. Don’t play into his flirtations, or else she’ll be mad at both of you (temporarily at you, permanently at toothpaste hair). She won’t stop you from hanging out with other people, though. That is, of course, unless it’s Drayton, who she will literally drag you away from.
 She doesn’t really boss you around like she does her brother, but she will often ask you to help her with whatever she’s working on. It’s totally because she needs you to lend a hand and not because she likes having you plastered to her side. Sometimes she’ll ask you to come help her with a task and the task in question is just hanging out with Amarys.
Carmine does actually take her studies fairly seriously, especially when she’s helping Briar. Spends a good deal of time studying, and might pressure you to join her if you are falling behind. Surprisingly, she’s a pretty good study-buddy. If you’re really struggling with a subject, she can probably explain it in pretty understandable terms, as long as you can brush aside her occasional insults, of course. Might reward you with a kiss or two if you do really well.
You’re allowed to be a little mean to Kieran, as a treat, but know your place. She loves you, yeah, but she’d probably side with her baby brother over you if push comes to shove. You can tease him a bit and slide in some snide comments here and there, but if you take things too far she will be upset. I know I said you could be a little mean, but don’t be, like, mean mean to him. He’s been through enough.
Speaking of, Kieran thinks you’re pretty cool. Little guy doesn’t really have friends, and being a recovering joker acr victim doesn’t help that fact. He knows you, you’ve been in his life’s peripheral vision for a good deal of time, being attached to Carmine and whatnot, and he thinks you’re wicked cool. No matter how much time passes, he will always watch on with stars in his eyes when you are showing off your skills. He’d love nothing more than to have a match with you sometime.
I wouldn’t say Kieran’s like Hop is for Sonia, where he would go out of his way to play matchmaker, but he does silently lay in hope that you two stay together, and their grandparents feel the same. They might partake in some light teasing whenever they see you together, which is often, but they aren’t really pushy with it. Not the kind of people to press Carmine about when you’ll get married or give them great grandchildren or anything.
When Kieran is in his villain arc, Carmine will ask you to help keep an eye on him. She’s worried out of her mind with how odd he was acting, and really wanted to find the root cause. Once the whole Terapagos ordeal blows over, expect the two to come find you and tackle you into a group hug, both blabbering on about how they almost died and how much they care for you. A similar thing probably happens after the Pecharunt situation ends, as well.
You know… a lot of scarvio characters could totally be melded into yanderes if you just exaggerated their traits a wee bit. Not saying that any of them are, we’re not doing the whole “Nemona’s a yandere” bit, but Carmine could easily fit the bill. She’s bitchy, a bit overprotective, and can easily become violent. Nothing more to add here, it's just a passing thought.
Following my original scarvio post, I am morally obligated to include a point of slander for each girl. Carmine has said at least a few slurs in her life. In, like, a Lana del Rey way, specifically with that one kid who was in Stranger Things (why did she do that it was just completely unprompted). Would casually drop a slur in someone’s general direction for literally no reason. Hater energy.
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Perrin’s pretty cool. I don’t like her as much as her supposed great great great grandmother, but I’m not here to pin two bad bitches against each other. Regardless of her ancestors, she’s still cute and artsy, and we love that for her.
She’s kind of funny to me more than anything. She would just go up to you one day, saying shit like “Hey babe, I’m feeling really unmotivated right now :{ so I’m gonna take a trip to a small, distant island to take pictures of a fucked up beast”. Don’t try to talk her out of it, she’ll already be on the plane.
When she’s feeling low, she likes to take pictures of you. They aren’t used for anything, not making their way into her portfolio, just her little personal collection to look back on and smile at gently. She’ll start by mopily taking half-assed pictures with her phone, but steadily gets more and more into things, setting up her shots and having you pose, eventually pulling out her camera.
Although, it is a bit embarrassing for her after the fact. When she gets really into her shots, she gets super enthusiastic and constantly makes cheesy remarks. Please don’t point this out while she’s working, she’ll get super flustered and totally thrown off her game. She might be able to recover, laughing her comments off sheepishly, or she might be too far gone to continue, dramatically laying down her camera in defeat, hoping you'll give her some affection and out of pity.
However, her love for you, and love for looking at you, isn’t always enough to get her out of a slump, hence why she goes to Kitakami to look for a fucked up beast in hopes of finding her spark again. Getting out and searching for something interesting can help her get back into her groove, and she’ll keep you posted the entire time if you aren’t by her side.
Speaking of, she loves to send you pictures. Constantly. She’ll send breathtaking scenery shots, gorgeous skylines, diverse and adorable wildlife, and Growlithe. It’s mostly just Growlithe if we're being honest. Usually paired with a caption like “he misses you” or “stinky little bastard man has committed a heinous crime (he rolled in the mud).”Particularly loves to send glamor shots of him.
And said stinky little bastard man loves you so much. He likes to follow you around when nearby, trotting on your heels, curious as to where you’re both going. He’ll sit patiently at your feet whenever you have food, and curl up in your lap when you’re sitting down. Perrin’s his favorite still, but you’re a close second. But if you pass him enough scraps under the table and give him good enough scratches, you might be able to sway his opinion.
I don’t remember if the game ever states where Perrin is specifically from, but she gives off country girl energy to me. Maybe it’s just the song that plays when you talk to her, now that I think about it. I don’t know. I think in general she’s also pretty laid back, the kind to go with the flow. Unless she’s in a rut, where it seems like her entire world is falling apart.
She’s not super into PDA, but she doesn’t really get embarrassed with excessive affection, either. She’d prefer to just hold your hand when around other people, maybe rest her arm over your shoulder, but she wouldn’t argue if you wanted more affection than that. Not to say that she doesn’t have any limits, she’s just pretty lax.
However, I also think she’s suave. Not afraid to surprise you by pressing a sudden kiss to somewhere on your face-forehead, cheek, lips-when you lean in close, like if you lean over her shoulder or something along those lines. She does like to see you flustered, but she doesn’t do it too often. After all, if she does this all the time, you would expect it, and then you wouldn’t get flustered at all.
Slander devil emoji. Perrin feels like she’d own a shit ton of shoes. Mainly tennis shoes, methinks. Most of her funds are funneled into her camera and lenses, since she’s a photographer obviously, but her second biggest money sink is her shoe collection. Is kind of protective of them, too, because Growlithe will chew on them if given the opportunity.
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Lacey’s just cute. Which makes sense, because being cute is, like, her whole thing. To her, most everything has some cuteness in it. Nothing can be spared from her cute-detecting gaze.
What more should I really say for her? She’s just a super sweet and kind person and I would kill for her. Actually, I wouldn’t do that, because if I did she would look at me sadly and tell me what I did just wasn’t right. She might be incredibly nice, but she ain’t a pushover. Daddy didn’t raise no bitch.
She’s super touchy feely. Always touching you in some way. Prefers to drape herself over you whenever possible, usually by wrapping herself around one of your arms to lean in close. If she can’t, then she’ll gladly link pinkies with you, as she believes that’s way cuter than just holding hands.
Massive cuddlebug. Whenever you are sitting or laying down, she’ll immediately jump into the spot next to you and hold you close. She’s practically nodding off by the time she gets comfortable, too warm and comfy to want to get up. Her pokemon, especially her Granbull, tend to pile up around you as well. Will complain and beg you to stay if you try to get up before she’s ready (she will never be ready). She’s also guilty of baby talk. Take that as you will.
Her pokemon in general are pretty cuddly, as well, but some are better snugglers than others. Like, Excadrill is a real sweetheart, but she’s also got massive claws and hard noggin made of steel, which aren’t the most um pleasant. And Slowbro is a little bit toxic, so be careful. Omg I forgot she had a Primarina. I love Primarina, that's my favorite starter. I’m gonna end this point here before I ramble into infinity, sorry.
Feels very into arts and crafts. She’d break out the macaroni and Elmer's glue unprompted in the league club room and everyone flocks to her, watching her and her art supplies like impoverished children about to receive their daily rations. Everyone joins in, even if they don’t want to or don’t see the point in it. Drayton loves the crafts more than anyone else, barring Lacey herself, but he usually tries to get other people to do the work for him.
I also feel like she would try to turn the league club into a band at least twice. Imagine Lemonade Mouth (aka the best disney channel original movie), but with the BB elite four. No matter how hard she tries, it always devolves into absolute chaos. Maybe one day she will get to live her band kid dreams to their fullest.
ASMR Clay kills you via excruciatingly intense eye contact because you’re dating his baby girl.mp4. He is prime overprotective dad material, and he is so stubborn at first. He acts all big and tough in front of you when you first meet, mainly because that’s just how he is, but eventually warms up to you. Don’t expect to be too close, though. “Warming up” just means that he tolerates you.
Anyways, thinking of Clay makes me think of “Heartwarming: Watch this dad totally accept his gay daughter coming out then eat 12 tacos”. He’s very accepting of anything she does, even if he’s hard on her when it comes to actually dating. He’s just hesitant to let her grow up, is all. Also, he radiates massive divorced single-dad energy.
Lacey doesn’t like to complain that much, but she does on occasion. In particular, she tends to complain when a certain school director dumps his duties onto her. It’s usually not very heated, just a brief vent about how it totally wasn’t right, hand gestures and all. 
When venting, she usually prefaces that what she says might be a little mean or too much, but then she says something very reasonable and tame. Also seems like the type to apologize when she rambles on about something or other, no matter how many times you tell her that she’s fine.
Lacey slander is that she absolutely uses Texan slang. What in tarnation is the one she uses the most, but do not doubt her ability to spout country slang out of nowhere. Also owns at least one cowboy hat. And a pair of cowboy boots. She’s got the whole cowboy ensemble, actually.
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Amarys, while not outwardly emotional, is also a very sweet and caring person. Facial emoting just isn’t her thing. I’m struggling to put my thoughts into words with her, because my mind is just automatically defaulting to “Amarys my beloved” instead of forming actual, tangible ideas.
I don’t think Amarys is terrible with emotions, she just isn’t good at showing them. Particularly on her face. She prefers to express her feelings through words and actions, even if they come off as robotic and stringent. They’re coming from the heart, honest. She does like to make fun little gestures with her hands, as well, like making hearts.
Despite being relatively fine at navigating her own emotions, there are certain concepts that stump her, mainly concepts that are more abstract, one’s that lack clearly defined definitions. For instance, she asks Lacey in the league room what constitutes being cute. Sometimes, she’ll approach you and ask questions about these concepts, just to gauge your expert opinion on such topics.
I feel like she has a hefty pocket watch collection. I don’t have much more to add, mainly because I don’t know much about pocket watches outside of them existing. I don’t think she’s an avid collector per say, I feel like she’s just accumulated them over time, mainly from getting them as gifts over the years.
She comes off as someone who’s a little hard to shop for, so most people tend to just get her a watch when gift giving because it’s something useful and she clearly likes them. She doesn’t mind receiving them, even if many of them don’t get used because she just has too many. At the very least, she has plenty of backup replacements if the one she uses breaks, and is also willing to share if you ever wanted to borrow one.
Lowkey a worrywart. If you mention feeling wrong or down or just have issues in general, she’ll keep checking in with you until she’s certain you are doing better. Not in, like, an overbearing way, though. She’s not hounding you constantly, just bringing it up when she sees you, or texting if you haven’t seen each other in a bit. It’s a good way to see how much she cares for you. It’s part of her love language, if you will.
Amarys is a very good person to confide in, regardless if you’re dating her or not. She’s a great listener and is always level-headed. She doesn’t have advice for every given situation, but her calm nature can help keep you grounded when venting, which really helps on top of the effect that venting generally has.
I’m split between thinking Amarys spends at least an hour in the morning styling her hair or believing that’s just how she always looks. I would assume that she takes her hair down every night, because her hairstyle doesn’t seem very comfortable to sleep in, and also seems like it would be messed up pretty easily. But the idea that she just always exists with this very specific hairstyle is kind of funny to me.
On that note, she is pretty good at styling hair in general. You don’t get that hair without having dexterous and skillful hands. Show her a picture of the style you want and she can probably get pretty damn close. Also good with hair dye jobs, as I assume she dyes some of her hair gray. Actually, maybe she doesn’t, because her eyebrows are gray. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
Gets dragged into Carmine’s antics a lot. She usually plays the straight man in comparison to Carmine’s… Carmine-ness. She can talk her friend out of her more ludicrous ideas, but she joins in on Carmine’s antics every now and then. Has had to talk Carmine out of chopping off Drayton’s massive hair tuft on multiple occasions.
While writing this I came across the idea of Amarys being the child of Lenora, the black and white normal gym leader, which I like. Mainly because I like Lenora a lot and she does canonically have a husband, so it would check out pretty well. I have nothing else to add to this, just wanted to mention it because why not.
Amarys slander? Amarys slander tonight queen? I’d say she’s the type of person to correct people’s grammar whenever they make a mistake, in both writing and conversation. This does include using it to “win” pointless arguments online, although she’s also the type to write lengthy responses in those types of arguments, so she already has all of her bases covered, but that doesn’t change her grammar correcting ways.
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batsplat · 2 months
OT3: casey stoner/his neuroses/the concept of valentino rossi that mostly exists in casey’s head
y'know I have this casey stoner... idk what it is. thematic mind map (literal), let's say, that I like fiddling with and adding things to when the mood hits me. and it does always strike me just how many of his struggles during his careers and issues with the sport can in some way be linked back to the valentino rivalry
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casey's sense of isolation? super valentino related. casey's feelings of cultural alienation in a paddock dominated by europeans? even when it's not really related to valentino, casey is the one linking those two things together. casey's issues with other riders not being respectful enough on track? very obviously repeatedly about valentino. casey's discomfort with the performance and entertainment-related aspects of the sport? more valentino. casey feeling treated unfairly by the manufacturers, the media, the marshals, the fans.... keeps coming back to valentino. casey's mystery illness really shouldn't be as relevant to the rivalry as it is, but somehow through this combination of public discourse and whatever comparisons casey's brain is cooking up at any moment in time... there valentino is again
one of the most charming things about valentino's feuds is that in each and every single one, both participants end up being deeply weird about each other? just keep knocking off these banger quotes about the other where you read them and go. hm. what's going on there then. I don't want to make it sound like I think casey is the worst offender with this (not when marc and valentino have their whole thing going on, bidirectionally)... but I do think he's the most susceptible to conflating his valentino issues with like... everything else that was going on in his career. to the extent where his alienation with the sport as a whole, his extreme disillusionment from everything related to motogp, really cannot be meaningfully disentangled from the valentino rivalry. at times it feels like, to casey, valentino literally is the sport. and that's the thing casey dedicated his whole life to!! which means you do inevitably end up regularly going 'wow there's a lot to unpack'. add in a dash of neuroticism...
and yeah you're so right anon!! the neuroses are what end up creating the version of valentino that mostly exists in casey's head, a version that casey is just a touch obsessed with. I always think it's interesting how aware casey is that he doesn't know valentino as a person - and to the extent casey does know him, he gets on pretty well with him... but valentino the person isn't all that relevant to him. it's valentino the character who matters - and can you even really know a character? in the end, all casey can do is rely on his own understanding of that character, as imperfect as it is. and, well, in a way casey is trapped with that character forevermore. if one man comes to embody a sport to such an extent and if that sport has been your life's work, how can you not be a little bit trapped? as he tries to make his peace with the sport and his experiences within it, so too has casey settled on a narrative of valentino that helps him make sense of it all... a very specific understanding of his rival that casey has shaped in his mind and still trots out now when he sells his own version of events to the media. casey learned from valentino, casey learned to be a little more like valentino, casey learned to fight valentino with his own tools, casey tells himself a story of that fight. he still continues to do so - and in the end he will never be entirely free of valentino
#'do you ever talk to valentino' 'i don't talk to europeans' casey buddy what's going on there#'everybody's going on like he's a crippled hero' *pinches bridge of nose*#//#brr brr#batsplat responds#heretic tag#'x fell first but y fell harder' but make it about feud escalation#it is. interesting. how little the two of them engage in laguna '08 discourse for about two years and then rediscover it in mid 2010#casey's very similar to valentino in that regard in that he doesn't necessarily lash out immediately#but he remembers. and he resents. and he seethes. and then eventually lets it all out and you go 'huh'. very valentino#like it is SO important to remember that after initially losing his temper at laguna... *most* of the laguna quotes are from YEARS later#(apart from that one early 2009 interview with an italian paper where he was clearly just in a FOUL mood like it's dreadful)#I genuinely think casey's mystery illness contributed more to the change in tone of that rivalry than laguna did#laguna laid the groundwork in terms of resentment but you needed something for casey actually to be willing to go ALL in#idk in a way it's the only rivalry where valentino is the one on the receiving end of Remember That Thing You Did Thirty Years Ago#like they ARE similar!! they're ridiculously adept at holding grudges!! they relish twisting the knife!!#I think it's interesting jorge was talking about how valentino is better at him at knowing when to choose his moments to lash out#because you can say casey did the exact same thing. he'd learned to clamp down on his immediate irritable reactions#and instead get himself to a place where he could attack valentino from a position of strength#basically they're the two aliens i'd get to go on a revenge quest for me. like i think they'd be good at revenge quests#conspiracy theories and revenge quests. that's what i think they're good at
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sometimes i think about how the general populace really does expect women to be these smooth hairless baby doll things instead of human beings & i feel like rending flesh
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ratwithhands · 7 days
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Team Supernova's Admins!
Just a while until the year anniversary, so I finally got around to sketching/writing down more about the different sectors in the team and what they do. This might be a bit of a long read so you can just scroll through the photos since they sum it up ^^
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Elesa is the Civil Admin, her job mainly revolves around managing the people living in the tunnels directly under Nimbasa. She was originally asked to do this work because she was well known and well liked in Nimbasa and would have an easier time talking to and organizing them. Generally she does well with the work, and often assists people with tasks where possible.
The identifying colour for this sector is yellow. The armbands created by the team use a strip of fabric dyed with onion skins and connected with a diagonal stitch.
Position overview:
Mess Cooking - A large number of people need to be fed due to the size of the team. Mealtimes are fixed, with groups of members being called down at a time to prevent overcrowding. Generally rations are not very large or diverse due to the limitations of what food can be found/grown in the ice Pantry - Whenever meats, certain plants, or other high nutrient/long lasting foods are brought in, a portion is served fresh during the day before being smoked, dried, or preserved for the future. Pantry stocking also includes checking what recovered canned goods are safe to eat and store
Material Textiles - Clothing, blankets, cords, ropes, tarps, and other fiber based goods are necessary to survive the new environment. A formal uniform does not exist for Team Supernova, however there are specific clothing articles made and used by the team (scarves, coat linings, sweaters, armbands, bags, etc). The fabric made in-house is cotton from the team's herd of whimsicott or mareep, but it's common for members to use clothing and materials scavenged from upstairs Tools - Similar to clothing, many tools are scavenged from the surface. This group works mainly to maintain and repair tools for the team, though they can sometimes craft their own given enough time and materials. They are also responsible for the care and maintenance of weapons Furnishing - The base is sparse in terms of furniture, however there are a number of beds, shelves, low tables, and other furnishings that are made or repaired by the team. They are also responsible for building carry crates and sturdy boxes for Shipment and Supply. They most commonly work in wood that is either cut or scavenged
Custodial Bunks - The bunk custodians are responsible for keeping the members' quarters clean and organized. Their work extends to cleaning certain work rooms as well, mainly kitchens herd spaces Halls - Hall custodians are tunnel custodians, they are sent to keep the entrance gates to the tunnels clear and to clean the aftermath of any attacks that occur within them. Security members commonly assist them in cleaning, and some even switch to working as custodians if/when they can't work on the field anymore
Structural Building Repair - Team Supernova's base is not prone to damage, since it's meant to run trains and all, but in cases where an attack occurs, the building repair team will deal with it. Usually they patch up floors and walls, however they also make temporary structures for the team (curtain rooms, sheds, tents, etc) Reinforcement - Where building repair seeks to make the base more liveable, reinforcement specializes in barricades and perimeter walls/fencing. Most of their construction happens outside the base, where they seal up certain areas/buildings that that the team has interest in, is using, or needs to keep from Team Plasma
Repair Machines - When complex items are salvaged, they are brought to the mechanics to make use of them. These are also the people who work with the more complicated weapons the Team uses. When Team Supernova begins developing its own weapons to counter Team Plasma, these are the members who make it possible Scrap and Recycling - If an item is too damaged to repair, or is deemed not significant enough to repair, it is broken down into its components to be utilized elsewhere. This is most common with scavenged furniture and tools, where they are broken into their metal, wood, textile, padding, and other extra pieces
Part timers/trainees - New members of Team Supernova often need a little time to settle into a particular job. These people are considered trainees and rotate between a few work stations until they find one that they can work well in. Some members do not have a fixed job at all, and are instead considered extra hands. They are sent to assist with any particular department that needs more manpower. Children do not work, however they can assist with some work if they would like, and those over the age of 14 are welcome to become apprentices and join a certain job
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Skyla is the Shipment Admin, her job involves tracking, organizing, and accompanying members during the transportation of items around and beyond the base. She was asked to do this work due to her experience handling the influx and efflux of planes at her airport (though she also requested to do this as she wanted connections between Supernova's homebase in Nimbasa and nearby settlements). She mostly handles organization, however she will always assist for transporting vital goods and for moving fast.
The identifying colour for this sector is red. The armbands created by the team use a strip of fabric dyed with various tree materials (chokecherry, slippery elm, black willow) and have two layers, with the outer layer being twisted.
Position overview:
Above Ground Short Distance - Above ground, short distance is anywhere within the range of Nimbasa City itself. This kind of transportation is typically used to carry goods that are otherwise too difficult or too unwieldy for the Supply corps, or for delivering items within the base to dropoff sites on the perimeter. They also carry materials for the reinforcement workers when going onto the surface Long Distance - Above ground, long distance is anywhere within the range of three cities, with the outermost limits being Undella, Mistralton, and Nacrene. Long distance transport is typically reserved for clearing out cities originally claimed by Team Plasma or warehouses used to store resources for Team Plasma Stealth Transport - When ambushes, surprise attacks, or supply interceptions are planned, stealth transport members are sent to carry the spoils following the operation. These workers tend to have no loose openings on their clothes, keeping everything tucked. Their bags tend to cling tighter to their bodies and have padding in the inside to limit the noise of clinking items. They also tend to wear grey or black uniforms to blend into the snow and shadows during the night
Below ground Short Distance - Below ground, short distance is anywhere within the range of neighbouring cities, with the outermost limits being Black City, Driftveil, and Castelia. Because the road is smooth and the transport route is sheltered, short distance missions are able to cover more ground safely. Short transportation is usually for assisting on supply runs, where more resources need to be carried from whatever area they come from Long Distance - Below ground, long distance is anywhere within the range of four cities and the main Single loop, with the outermost limits being Humilau and Accumula. This kind of travel is not commonly utilized until Team Supernova begins opening stations in other cities as they are freed. Certain missions can have distances so long that an entire survival crew must be sent out, and may not return until weeks later. Once there are more members, these workers may carry mail between stations. Fast transport - Fast transport is typically reserved for important or emergency cargo. Members responsible for fast transport usually use a dolly, cart, small wagon, or other unpowered wheeled device to carry items, making them both faster and able to carry greater weight. Like with stealth transport, the uniforms are more fitted and tucked
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Mamoru is the Security Admin, his job mainly involves managing sector members and ensuring that the base and its points of interest are well protected, as well as planning attacks against set Team Plasma bases. He requested the position to lighten Emmet's workload shortly after the team's formation. Though he was previously an assistant/secretary working with Emmet after Ingo's disappearance, he has taken the job with surprising grace and has performed well.
The identifying colour for this sector is blue. The armbands created by the team use a strip of salvaged fabric stitched in a continuous ring. Most, or at least many, security members were originally depot agents who kept both their green coat and blue armband, and new security members simply either wear discarded armbands or replicas. The green coats have been phased out in recent times, being replaced by/turned into either a white or black coat.
Position overview:
Patrol Above Ground - Patrol officers typically carry one communication device to report anything troubling, however each group has every member armed. Above ground, patrol officers wear white and grey, typically sticking to buildings and keeping watch for anything of interest/concern Below Ground - Organization and communication is identical to above ground patrolling, however below ground operators tend to work in pairs as the tunnels are generally safer. They wear black or dark colours to blend into the dull shadows. Some members also have eye covers which they switch out as they patrol, making their eyes more accustomed to seeing in the dark.
Guard Watchman - Posted around vantage points where they can see the perimeter and entrances to the tunnels, watchmen generally work solo and use a radio to report anything of interest/concern. They change places for day and night shifts Fixed Position - Guards who are fixed usually protect one area of the base at all time, typically entrance points, high traffic rooms and halls, or rooms storing important resources. A guard can work alone or in a pair depending on what they are looking after Escort - During shipment or supply runs, a group of security operators are sent to protect them during travel. Escort guards are more likely to carry ranged weapons, however many carry melee weapons. They will have at least one radio to update home base on their situation
Response Assault - If a call comes in reporting a Team Plasma attack, a set of security operators are dispatched to reach and resolve the situation as fast as possible. These members nearly always carry a firearm or complex weapon, and work in a group of at least 4. If a team is not readily available, all nearby active members are sent to respond instead Emergency - Emergency security operators are meant to respond to cases of injury or recovering unresponsive members. Generally these responders carry some basic medical supplies and have a partner with a radio and weapon. They work in groups of at least 3
Offense Melee weapons - In the event of a coordinated attack plan, melee weapons operators are sent to deal with threats up close and apprehend any Team Plasma members they can. Stealth - For ambush attacks, stealth operators are to deal with any threats as quickly and quietly as possible. All carry melee weapons, and tend to wear dark clothes to work at night. There are instances where members are disguised as Team Plasma grunts and infiltrate bases from inside as preparation for an upcoming attack Firearms/Heavy Weapons - During coordinated attacks, armed operators begin attacking from further away and begin closing in. They deal with ranged threats and clear the way for melee operators to finish off the rest. Heavy weapons are a similar story, however the kind of cannons they operate are usually reserved only for taking down Plasma bases
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Burgh is the Supply Admin, his job focuses on organizing mission to secure resources from all areas outside the base. He requested the position as he wanted to see what could be recovered from the environment in terms of pokemon and what they could do to sustain them and themselves as long as possible. He often assists with foraging as he can recognize different plants.
The identifying colour for this sector is green. The armbands created by the team use a long strip of fabric dyed with stinging nettles and are tied around the arm twice. Some may be made from repurposed fabric from depot agent uniforms.
Position overview:
Forage Food - As simple as it sounds, members are sent out to look for edible plants to use for rations. This includes any wild fruit, vegetables, roots, or others that can be cooked or preserved Material - Foraging for materials mostly involves looking for wood, plants, soil, stones, and other such materials that can be used to make things such as tools, dyed fabrics, barricades, garden plots, etc.
Scavenge Usable - Scavengers are urban foragers, looking for functional goods within the buildings of Nimbasa. Hauls can be anything from tools, wood panels, metal bars, clothing, canned food, etc. They generally have more carrying space than foragers since they can't compress what they find Scrap - If scavengers find a non functional item that still has some usable parts, scrappers are sent to pick it clean and take all the raw materials back to base. They also take apart sections of structures if they can use the wood/metal
Produce Greenhouse - When Mistralton is taken from Team Plasma's control, sections of the greenhouses are saved to grow crops for rations. These members work off base and tend to the plants, sending back harvests when they happen Grotto - If the area is not overly icy, hidden grottos have gardens built inside them to grow food. Since they're out of the way, a lot of the produced food is grown and hidden in these grottos to keep them from being tampered by Team Plasma
Herd Husbandry - Particularly with whimsicott, mareep, or pokemon that can be raised for food, supply members are set to look after groups of pokemon for the team. They are fed, cleaned, checked, and bred to provide resources for the team Hunting - To supply protein for rations, some members are sent to hunt or fish for different pokemon. As much of the pokemon is used as possible, even if not for food
Whew, ok long review over. Alright any remaining notes:
These are not the only jobs on site but they are jobs that have at least 7-10 people minimum. For example there are medics/doctors, but they are spread thin and usually aren't called unless something goes very wrong
Admins usually add something extra to their uniform so people can easily identify them if they need anything from them. Elesa's stripes are an example of this, as well as Skyla's blue underlayer and Burgh's tassel cloak
A lot of team members will rotate between positions. The Civil sector is basically the only one that doesn't have them; Security operators will switch between guard, respons, patrol, etc every few weeks, Shipment members rotate after 1-3 missions to keep them from getting exhausted on long missions, and Supply members will shift around as missions require. The sector is essentially the only fixed job title, the team needs to be flexible so members will bend as needed
That's as far as I'll type on this one. If you made it this far in reading, thank you! Enjoy Team Leader Emmet on break for your troubles.
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He's getting used to using his defrosted arm again ^^
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reactionimagesdaily · 10 months
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part of the many many bits of heartbreak over the jack arc is just sam and dean replicating their childhood dynamics from different places. jack is now sam. sam is now dean, jack's ally but at the end of the day, that means nothing when john's word is the final rule. and john is now dean, determined to keep his family under control, bc to lose control is to invite further death and despair into your home.
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sweetlytempests · 4 months
i appreciate that the starbreaker fandom (and the jace stans specifically) all looked at the finale and said "well if brennan is gonna let this perfectly good twink go to waste, we'll take him." now he's ours and i think that's beautiful.
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