#Clara Bernthal
Widow and the Widower
Sam Rossi x Black Reader
What happens when the reader is stood up on a blind date?
No request from anyone at this time for this one. Just something that popped into my head and I'm giving it a try.
Warnings: Sam Rossi type Fluff,Language and a bit of Smut.
This is my first Jon Bernthal scribble so honest feedback and comments with reblogs and likes is very much appreciated.
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"I swear I just got stood up", you whisper to yourself as you look out the window of the diner for the millionth time.
You look at your watch again noticing that you've been there for over an hour.
"Honey you been sitting here for a mighty long spell", says Beatrice the head waitress of the diner.
"I'm sure he's just running late ma'am. I'll just wait a little while longer", as you plant your best and bright smile towards the waitress as she smiles walking away.
"Oh that poor child been sitting there for an awful long time", goes Clara who is Beatrice's sister whispering to her as she walks back behind the counter.
"Its a shame that lovely dress of hers is going to waste", says Beatrice as she's complimenting your outfit you chose.
You notice the sun is now setting as you decide to call it quits as you gather your things to leave. You were too focused on grabbing your personal items, you didn't notice the headlights of a pickup truck pulling into the diner.
"Awww, honey are you leaving now?", asks Clara.
"Yes ma'am. I'm tired and I'm going to head on home. Thank you so much", as you tip them both before heading towards the door.
You bump into a solid wall of flesh as you repel towards the floor.
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am I didn't see you there", says the man with a deep voice.
"No, I wasn't watching where I was going sir", you speak as you catch a glimpse of his face.
A full dark colored beard with a touch of gray which heightened his looks, tousled hair and the most beautiful chestnut eyes you've ever seen.
"Are you okay Miss? Are you hurt?", he asks as he helps you up off the floor walking to one of the dining booths.
"Are you okay darling?", asks Beatrice with Clara in tow right on her heels checking on you.
"Is she okay Sam?", asks another waitress as it finally hits you.
"Rossi? Sam Rossi?", you ask as he gives you a good look over finally realizing who you are.
"Y/L/N? Y/F/N, Y/L/N?", he asks giving you a sexy smile as your face heats up.
You pull each other into a hug as you both feel and smell one another. You haven't felt a warm body since your husband passed away almost 7 years prior. Sam on the other hand hasn't felt the softness and closeness of a woman to him since the loss of both his wife and child.
"You sure do smell nice Y/N. Beautiful dress too by the way", goes Sam as he sits down across from you in a booth.
"Ahhh, this old thing", you gloat knowing damn well you purchased it two days prior.
"Have you eaten anything?".
"No, I was leaving because I got stood up on a blind date", you say as you drop your head down from embarrassment while playing with a paper napkin.
"How long have you been waiting for him to meet you?".
"The sun was up when I got here earlier".
"Ouch", says Sam as you laugh to ease the blow.
"Well join me for dinner Y/N. On me", says Sam giving you an offer you couldn't refuse.
"No, I appreciate it Sam but, I'm just gonna call it a night and go ho- (grooooooooooooowl)", goes your stomach silencing you both.
You both break out in laughter as Sam waves over Clara for 2 menus with a huge smile plastered on her face. You could've sworn those old birds were bursting on the inside because you stayed to enjoy dinner with Sam. As the next couple of hours went by you two laughed over dinner with stimulating conversation. Sam Rossi was a book you'd never thought you'd never get to read in your life. He even mentions that he runs a quaint little motel off Highway 81 called "Sweet Virginia" there in Fairvale. He even felt the need to offer you a room free of charge which warmed your insides a bit from his generous offer. Things took a somber turn when you both mentioned the deaths of your significant others. You even mentioned how you couldn't have children with your late husband which eventually put a strain on your marriage before he died. Then Sam says something only your mother told you after the doctor said to you about not being able to bear children.
"Who knows Y/N, maybe God meant for you to not carry children for your late husband. It might be meant for another man", says Sam as you choke on your beverage as other patrons in the diner look towards your direction. Beatrice comes over patting you on the back and rubbing it in circles.
"Is Sam over here catching you off guard with words of wisdom?", boasts Clara.
"Looks that way. I mean look at her face she practically loss for words", laughs Beatrice as Sam offers an apology to you as the old hens walk away cackling with laughter.
Sam asks for the check as he pays for you both to leave. He offers you a ride home as you turned it down due to the fact you didn't want to seem too eager or desperate. So he waited with you until the Uber came. The driver knows Sam as they chatted for a second. You thank him for a lovely ending to what was a terrible start. He brings you in for a tight hug and out of the clear blue you kiss him on the lips by accident. It seemed to catch you off guard more than him as he helps you into the car.
"Make sure this beautiful lady gets home safe", says Sam to the driver as he slips him an extra tip.
"Sure thing. No problem", as the driver pulls away you catch a glimpse of Sam waving goodbye as you return the favor.
"Hey Sam where's Y/N?", asks Clara as she comes running out of the diner.
"She just left. Why?", asks Sam.
"Oh that Sweet Pea left her wallet in the booth. I was hoping to catch her before she left", says Clara.
"Will you take it to her son?", asks Clara.
"Sure no problem", as he takes the wallet heading out the diner parking lot.
Half an hour later Sam is sitting outside your house as he watches you draw all your curtains closed except for the living room window. As he can hear the music on the record player filling out into the night air. You head towards your kitchen as there's a knock at your door. You pause wondering who could it be at that time of night. You look through the peep hole as you see Sam on the other side of the door. Butterflies flutter and you're suddenly nervous as you take a couple of deep cleansing breaths before opening your door.
"Sam. What are you doing here?".
"Clara at the diner told me you left this in the booth", as he hands it to you.
"Thank you so much Sam. How can I repay you for your generosity".
"You already did. You had dinner with me already", as he smiles turning away to leave.
"Off to work for the night?", you ask with curiosity.
"No actually im on vacation for the next two weeks. So I have all the time in the world right now", as he heads toward his truck.
"Sam wait. Don't go", you shout as he stops in his tracks turning towards you.
"I have some Dark Chocolate Cake that I made yesterday. Would you like a slice?", you ask.
"Sure sweetheart. Anything for you", as he follows you into your home.
You two eat in comfortable silence. The sizzling heat is crackling in the air as Sam can feel your nervousness.
"Uh, Wwould you like some more coffee?", you ask Sam as he raises his cup for you to fill.
"Thank you", says Sam as he takes a sip after finishing his slice.
"You're welcome", you whisper as you take his plate along with yours as you load them into the dishwasher as you start it.
Sam rises from the kitchen table as he's behind you. Grabs you by the waist turning you around to look him in his face. At that point sultry notes of Duke Ellington and John Coltrane fill your ears.
"Nice song", whispers Sam as he picks you up setting you down onto the kitchen table drowning you into a kiss.
It wasn't fast or desperate it was slow and soft as he ran his rough calloused fingers down your skin drawing goosebumps. You dive your fingers into his soft locks pulling him all the way between your legs. Suddenly you hear scratching at your front door as you two stop.
"Shit, I forgot to let Cab in", you whisper to Sam catching your breath.
"Cab? As in Cab Calloway", says Sam snickering at the cute name as he goes to let your dog in.
Cab greets Sam and then you as he runs off to his bed for sleep.
"Stay with me tonight Sam Rossi?", you ask extending your hand to him as you bite your bottom lip.
"Your wish is my command sweetness", as Sam obliges you with his answer as you pull him towards your master bedroom.
He closes your door behind you as the music continued to flow freely. You sit on the bed watching him undress in front of you as your eyes remain glued to him. Removes his shirt as you see his hard torso, chisled chest and hard stomach as your eyes bug out at how amazing his upper body is. He pulls you to the edge of the bed as he slowly removes all your clothes. You try to cover your upper body because your vulnerable all of a sudden as Sam take notice.
"Don't do that Beautiful. No denying me this lovely body sweetness.. I want to see and feel all of you. And don't hold back either. Because I know I won't be able to", as you sit yourself right in the middle of your bed watching him.
"That's one of my favorite songs", says Sam to the one that begins to play.
Sam removes his shoes and socks along with his jeans and underwear. A soft gasp escapes from you as you notice the size of him. You figured he had that limping walk only because of the devastating bull riding injury he suffered which ended his career. There was definitely another reason to add as he fisted his semi hard girthyness that wasn't even hard all the way yet. He climbs into the bed grabbing your legs pulling you towards him. He kisses you again slowly as you pull him on top of you.
"This is going to be good", he whispers into your ear as he lines himself with your center.
Slowly Sam enter you as the air escapes from your lungs as you arch from the bed savoring his delicious curved erection. A long moaning salacious groan escapes your lips as he fills you to the hilt.
"Am I hurting you sweetheart?", he pleads.
"No Sam, I just need to adjust to your size", you grunt as he gives you a crooked smile of approval.
Despite the size of him his pleasurable pain disappears as he begins to move inside you. He feels so good, so perfect and just right. You pray to the heavens he doesn't stop as you crave more of him. Off top he's bigger than your late husband. His dick feels better than your late husband. Fisting your bedsheets as he digs deeper into your core as your long moans grind down into short grunts. You loss count of orgasm after orgasm that falls from your body with cries and tears that your late husband could never seem to reach.
"You sound beautifully to my ears when you cry for me sweetheart. Don't stop. Keep begging for me sweetness", as he ques for you to give him an elongated moan crying for him again.
Its not often that you have a feeling neighbors are aware that you cried and shouted Sam's name time and time again and he put you down to exasperation. He brings you a glass of water because he swore that you lost your voice and also you needed the hydration as well. He climbs back into bed as his back is resting against you as he rests your leg over his shoulder. You play with his soft hair down to the very roots of his scalp.
"Should I get it cut sweetness?", he asks as he kisses your leg.
"What? Hell no!!! Whoever told you that should get 20 lashes in the town square", as he laughs loudly.
"I love the hair and your beard. It gives me something to hold onto. I love keeping it wet too", as you kiss his forehead.
The next morning he brings you breakfast in bed before he leaves for the day to check up on things at his motel. Just to make sure they're still running smoothly without him around. That evening he's over at your place eating your home cooked meal and making endless love to you throughout the night. This goes on for the next 5 months. But of course at that time your belly is swollen with his child unexpectedly and he proposes to you as a surprise at the dinner. But, what really surprises is that those two old hens Beatrice and Clara keep it a secret which surprised the hell out of you. Four months later Sam Rossi Jr. was born at a healthy 10 lbs. 12 oz. and 25 inches. Which was the very same day of your wedding as your son decided to make his entrance into the world right after you both said "I DO".
4 years later you were sitting on the front porch on a nice sunny day. You're looking at your sexy husband who is shirtless working on the truck. He turns around as he sees you giving you a sexy wink. He whistles loudly as Sam Jr. bringing his father his tool box with Cab running behind him. Soft locks like his daddy with those matching beautiful eyes is another trait your son snatched from his father. At times you thought Sam himself gave birth to your child rather than you. Sam Jr. has your deep dimples, dazzling smile and attitude traits to go with his cocoa powder skin.
"Here you go daddy", says Sam Jr.
"Thanks Champ. Did you say hello?", asks Sam Sr.
"Oh shoot. Be right back daddy", as Sam Jr. hightails it toward the front porch.
"Hi mama. Hi baby sister", says Sam Jr. as he kisses you on the cheek and then your stomach giving it a gentle rub as you smile at your son's sweet gesture before heading back to help your husband.
You slowly rise from your seat as you pour your boys some lemonade as you take it to them.
"Sweetness, didn't I tell you I can get that for me and Jr.", says Sam as he playfully reprimands you. Just then Sam places his large hand on your stomach giving you a kiss as the baby moves as you gasp in surprise.
"That's my babygirl. Knowing her daddy is close by", goes Sam as you roll your eyes knowing that he's right. Especially at night in bed you swear that child is in your womb working on being a gymnast. Sam already told you he's gonna sign her up for lessons when she's big enough.
"Okay, im gonna make dinner and remember Clara and Beatrice is coming over", you shout to Sam.
"Yayyy", shouts your son with glee.
Ever since Sam Jr. was born Clara and Beatrice have been there from the start. They've been so loving and doting to him like he's their own. You were so thankful and blessed to have met two lovely people in your entire life. To be honest you were thankful that Clara asked you if you were leaving the diner that awful night you were stood up. If you had left at that time you wouldn't have met you man who is now your husband and father of your son with a beautiful daughter on the way. Also, Sam did tell you that night about God having plans for you to have another man's children. Who would've guessed it would be Sam Rossi.
The End
Thank you for reading. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I wrote.
@angelreyesgirl @cydhouseofgryffindor @darlingshane @kteague @nxxstybrat @sesamepancakes @chaneajoyyy
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magterrific · 3 years
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@gwendolinechristie ❤️ tagged me to post nine celebrity crushes, and i finally don't have cringe taste:
l -> r: jon bernthal, rachel blakely, fran drescher (i'm allowed one m*lf)
chizi duru, alex hwang, sally kang
jamali maddix, clara paget, jessica parker kennedy
since this includes alex hwang and sally kang, i have to plug run river north. casina is a very good song, and everyone should love my favorite band
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crystalcove-hq · 4 years
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¡Griff, que seas bienvenido a Crystal Cove! Tu lugar de preferencia desde 1725. Nos complace mucho que hayas decidido unirte a nuestra comunidad y esperemos que encuentres la felicidad y todo lo que buscas aquí. A partir de ahora tienes 24 horas para mandar la cuenta de Scott Buchanan pero por favor, no dudes en pedir más tiempo si es que lo necesitas. La ciudad te espera.
Apodo: Griff
País: España
Nivel de actividad (1-10): 7
Comentario extra: Me encanta todo
Nombre: Scott Colin Buchanan.
Edad: 40 años.
Faceclaim: Jon Bernthal.
Cupo: jefe de médicos.
Profesión: traumatólogo, ex marine.
Fecha de nacimiento: 31 de enero de 1980.
Nacionalidad: estadounidense.
Tiempo que lleva en Crystal Cove: 1 año y medio.
Menciona como mínimo tres (ya que eres libre de anotar cuantos deses) rasgos positivos y tres rasgos negativos de su personalidad:
Positvos: sensato, dedicado, tranquilo.
Negativos: descarado, impulsivo, enamoradizo.
Datos extra sobre tu personaje: Aquí puedes incluir tantos como deses y creas necesarios para conocer a tu personaje.
Su padre y su hermano mayor fueron militares, una gran razón por la que Scott terminó alistándose a los marines a los 18 años, sirviéndole esto para pagarse sus estudios de medicina en Harvard. Tras servir durante doce años decidió retirarse para poder vivir una vida más tranquila lejos de las guerras. A pesar de esto, ocasionalmente extraña el entorno por pensar que era más útil atendiendo a los soldados en la primera línea que atendiendo casos más sencillos.
Tiene dos hijos, Asher, de 24 años; y Zoe de 6. No conoció a su hijo hasta hace bastante poco ya que su ex novia del instituto (la madre de este) nunca llegó a decirle nada sobre él hasta que él empezó el proceso de divorcio de la madre de su hija menor. A pesar de esto, hace un gran esfuerzo para recuperar el tiempo perdido con su hijo mayor, quien vive con él en la actualidad. Respecto a su hija menor, tiene la custodia compartida al 50/50 con su madre, quien también reside en Crystal Cove con su nueva pareja.
Le gusta mucho hacer deporte, practica boxeo y atletismo en cuanto tiene ocasión. En los fines de semana sale a patinar con su hija y su perro Balto (un pitsky de 3 años). También disfruta de ver los deportes en la tele, siendo un gran fanático de los Bruins, los Celtics, los Red Soxs y los Patriots, todos equipos de su ciudad natal, Boston.
Su padre murió cuando él tenía diez años, su madre no dudó en volver a casarse trayendo al mundo a su hermana menor, con quien tiene una relación bastante estrecha. A pesar de esto, no todo fue sencillo entre ellos, ya que su madre llegó a echarle de casa durante su adolescencia enviándole a Santa Fe con su tío Mike.
Recientemente perdió a su pareja, con quien mantuvo una relación durante casi un año. Las circunstancias de su muerte no están claras, aunque no quiere investigar demasiado al respecto por miedo a que algo malo suceda a sus hijos como consecuencia.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 6 years
Faves I've met:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Tom Payne, Pollyanna McIntosh, Matthew Mercer, Jason Momoa, Troy Baker, Nolan North, Steven Ogg, Luke Arnold, Hannah New, Tom Hopper, Clara Paget, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Norman Reedus, Michael Rooker, Jon Bernthal, Lauren Cohan, Kristian Nairn (Hodor), Nathan Fillion, John DiMaggio, Sean Patrick Flanery, David Della Rocco, Chandler Riggs, Tom Kenny, Greg Nicotero, Steven Yeun, Daniel Portman (Pod from Game of Thrones), Criss Angel, Khary Payton, Sonequa Martin Green, James Arnold Taylor, Tom Mison, Graham McTavish.
Faves I have yet to meet:
Greg Bryk and Roger Clark
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El método Williams: Ficha técnica, estreno, todo sobre de la película completa y dónde ver por Internet
“El método Williams película completa”, Regreso de Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy), el astuto periodista y reportero que, después de quedar infectado, experimentará radicales cambios en su cuerpo y adquirirá los poderes del simbionte El método Williams, que usa a Brock como huésped y le convertirá en un despiadado y peligroso súpervillano. En esta ocasión, El método Williams se reencontrará con Cletus Cassady, más conocido como Carnage, el enemigo más sangriento de la historia de Spider-Man.
Esta secuela sobre el simbionte de Marvel es la continuación de El método Williams (2021), el spin-off del universo de Spider-Man sobre el personaje de El método Williams, creado a principios de los años 80 por los autores de cómics David Michelinie y Todd McFarlane.
Ficha técnica de la película completa “El método Williams”
Título : El método Williams
Titulo Original : King Richard
Títulos Alternativos : 킹 리처드
Dirigida por : Wynn Thomas
Reparto : Will Smith, Demi Singleton, Saniyya Sidney, Aunjanue Ellis, Jon Bernthal, Tony Goldwyn
Géneros : Drama
Países : United States of America
Compañías de Producción : Star Thrower Entertainment
Fecha de Estreno : 2021-11-18
Tiempo de Ejecución : 138 min.
¿Cuándo se estrena El método Williams en España?
Sinopsis de película completa “El método Williams”
Biopic sobre Richard Williams, un padre inasequible al desaliento que ayudó a criar a dos de las deportistas más extraordinarias de todos los tiempos, dos atletas que acabarían cambiando para siempre el deporte del tenis. Richard tenía una visión muy clara del futuro de sus hijas y sirviéndose de métodos poco convencionales, elaboró un plan que llevaría a Venus y Serena Williams de las calles de Compton, California, al olimpo de deporte convirtiéndolas en iconos legendarios.
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kastlenetwork · 7 years
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Thank you so to everyone who participated in secret santa for kastle christmas this year! every time an event takes place in our group, i’m always completely blown away by the effort that takes place out of everyone involved. there were a lot of really wonderful things this year; beautiful edits and gifs and art and fic. i always feel like a really old proud grandma during these and all events and how much everyone does to put their all into it! and also a big thank you to everyone who decided to not sign up for still enjoying and showing that you enjoyed all of their work, with reblogs and likes and comments and kudos  ♡❄♡❄♡
if you haven’t gotten your gift yet, i’m doing my best to find out why and to get that to you -- and i’m so sorry that it’s late and hasn’t been posted. until then, [under the cut, so i can add in the pieces that came in afterwards] here is a list of every posted gift this year! and again, thank you all for participating ♡❄♡❄♡
@allmyfuckingobsessions for @carry-the-sky Road Trip aesthetic: “Things you said while we were driving”
@benmendelsohns for @ejunkiet something entirely different [ao3] | rated: general audiences nothing could be seen outside the window either, just blinding whiteness that shook the very foundations of -. The blizzard began in the afternoon, continued all day and well into the night.
@benmendelsohns for @kenobios “frank and karen, when i ain’t got you”
@bisexualmicro for @hot-pink-mess “(maybe) this tired world can change” a kastle playlist [playmoss]
@carry-the-sky for @itsybitsylemonsqueezy my head is filled with ruins (most of them, i built with you) [ao3] | rated: general audiences She keeps the roses. They brighten up her room and sometimes, without thinking, she finds herself running a hand over them, the petals soft and smooth between her fingers. She plucks one from its stem, tucks it under her pillow and sleeps without dreaming. There’s a petal hidden between the pages of the book she’s reading, another slipped down into the pocket of her coat. It’s not enough, it’s not enough but it’s something.
@chelseamischief for @punisherpage “you always have a home, frank.”
@clarkebellamy for @nxtyourfirstrodeo put me on trial
@cllairetemples for @granpawesley heaven’s got a plan for you, child
@eklixio for @thevampirecat “for the window”
@favrielle for @whentheskylequakes the winter king [ao3] | rated: not rated Karen Page is tired of being hurt and threatened. When Wilson Fisk threatens to claw his way back into civilisation, Frank Castle steps in to offer her a safe escape.
@fioredi for @benmendelsohns and so we touched, and maybe our breathing together was some kind of heavenly conversation in God’s delicate and magnifying language, the one we don’t dare speak out loud, not yet. -mary oliver
@frankcastle for @wasleichtes Kastle + making each other smile/laugh. Kastle + talking about each other when the other’s not there.
@goddamnitkastle for @robbieamell It involves Karen’s relationship with her brother Kevin [one, two, three, four, five]
@harrumphandhuzzah for @c-sand color me winter [version two]
@hot-pink-mess for @showerdownbonanza merry christmas kastle art
@itsybitsylemonsqueezy for @harrumphandhuzzah a frank discussion [ao3] | rated: general audiences Karen hasn't seen Frank since the elevator. When he finally comes round to her place, she doesn't know whether to scream, cry, or kiss him. Probably all three.
@karen-pagee for @mm8fic “stay” a kastle secret santa playlist [8 tracks]
@kastleandcoffee for @goddamnitkastle desiderata [ao3] | rated: mature She hasn’t seen Frank since the elevator, since that damned day when she stumbled home, bruised and bloodied and bone-Fucking-tired. She dreamt about him, about that moment, him looking at her like that, like his entire world was there in that elevator; her breath stuttering in her lungs, her leaning in, lips parted. His forehead against hers.
@kastlenetwork for @mapleymood shades of grey: a kastle playlist [playmoss] a kastle christmas outtake edit.
@kastlequill for @thefudge merry christmas appetizer 
@kenobios for @fioderi  I really can’t stay. But baby, it’s cold outside.
@mapleymood for @favrielle you know i just can’t let you be [ao3] | rated: teen and up “Lie still,” he growls.“I’m doing my best here,” Karen grits out. “But you’re no Clara Barton.”[Or, Frank and Karen have an old argument that, this time, turns into something new.]
@mm8fic for @j0n-bernthal unspoken, a kastle network christmas 2017 fanmix [spotify]
@nxtyourfirstrodeo for @sincerelydayyy Me Without You is Like a Present Without a Bow [ao3] | rated: teen and up Frank makes plans for his first Christmas as a 'free' man and they involve Karen. But he can't do it alone so he recruits some help from people.
@obeyyourheart for @sail-not-drift warm me up [ao3] | rated: explicit Frank warms Karen up on a cold winter evening.
@ohmypreciousgirl for @ughhhlarryshippers when our lips touch I can taste the next sixty years of my life [ao3] | rated: mature Karen finds it hysterically ironic that it’s Frank Castle who taught her to appreciate romance. Frank manages to pull off quiet intimacy that feels genuine. Probably because Frank believes that actions show he cares and proves he wants her, instead of doing it for the sake of a social expectation. So, Karen learns she loves being romanced, but only if it’s by Frank. He’s just ridiculously good at it.--- (Or five things Karen wasn't expecting from a relationship with Frank)
@porpentinygoldstein for @allmyfuckingobsessions wishful thinking [ao3] | rated: general audiences Another Christmas Eve where Karen Page is all alone, but for some reason, hopes for Frank Castle to show up.
@sail-not-drift for @devilbunnyking being again [ao3] | rated: teen and up Weeks after Frank left her shaken and devastated in a hotel elevator, Karen finds herself in need of a friend. What follows could mean a new beginning for both of them.
@shipsabound for @spacefoxen  i can hear your gentle call [ao3] | rated: teen and up Karen just catches the elevator before the doors close, someone from marketing and two of the writers from the political section nodding in greeting to her, when her phone chirps again. The last thing she expects Frank to send is a picture. A giggle bursts forth before she can clasp a hand over her mouth.A tiny gray pit bull pup, no bigger than five pounds if she had to guess, stares with a line of sight directed just above the camera with bright eyes and a blurry, half-open mouth. Caught mid-yawn or mid-yap, she can't be sure. Not that it matters, though, since the dog is the most adorable thing she's seen in weeks. Maybe months.
@sincerelydayyy for @porpentinygoldstein and a spot of mistletoe [ao3] | rated: teen and up On the 24th of December Karen Page receives a note, not sure what she's expecting from Frank Castle she follows the address and ends up spilling truths featuring a spot of mistletoe.
@spacefoxen for @clarkebellamy “you have it. You have everything. So hold on to it. Use two hands and never let go. You got it?”
@thefudge for @eklixio  your hands are cold, your hands are warm [ao3] | rated: teen and up There’s also nothing to do in the summer, no momentum, no purpose. She feels adrift in this tiny apartment, typing words into a document that very few will actually read. Fighting the good fight is long and arduous and thankless.
@queensofthekastle for @karen-pagee after all not so alone [ao3] | rated: general audiences Frank and Karen find each other on Christmas Eve, following the events of The Punisher. 
@thevampirecat for @frankcastle what we find in the shadows [second tumblr post] [ao3] | rated: mature He doesn't know what he did to deserve her; what she sees in him that makes her love him almost as fiercely as he does her. There are times that it doesn't feel real and then there are other times when it feels like it's the only true thing in the world, and the thought of losing her is too much for him to bear. But she said she'd stay. She said she'd stay forever. And that has to be enough. It has to.
@wasleichtes/ @wasleichtesdraws for @obeyyourheart  two dead men
@whentheyskyequakes for @ntasharomanvs where I can sing you to sleep all night [two] [ao3] | rated: not rated "Don't bother with the sheets," she calls out, gaze not leaving the porcelain of her sink. "We can just . . . share the bed, huh? Just one night. I don't want you being uncomfortable." — Or, it all sort of happened and now Karen can’t really get rid of Frank even if she wanted to. Spoiler: she doesn’t.
@ejunkiet for @uncledefender wide-eyed (and so damn caught in the middle) “We’re going to take these, yeah, and I’m going to show you how to use ‘em. All of ‘em.”
@kastlenetwork for @queensofthekastle Go tell that long tongue liar Go and tell that midnight rider Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter Tell ‘em that God’s gonna cut 'em down Tell 'em that God’s gonna cut 'em down
@sarma for @bisexualmicro “How far down this road of violence, of revenge, do you go before you’re ripped apart?” 
@raquel-draws for @chelseamischief Frank’s after consists of visits to his family, a puppy named max and coffee dates with Karen.
@tacosdecanasta for @kastleplease I try to hide it but I’m only lying to myself.
@kastlenetwork for @ohmypreciousgirl and I know that I feel better about myself when you look at me like I’m pure gold and I know that I believe in myself when you say that I’ve inspired you because I, I inspire you?
@sarma for @kastlequill she’s got the sun in her eyes
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clonecaptains · 6 years
Hi Taylor, it's Clara. :) You probably saw, but since I get socially insecure like the rest of us I want you to know that instead of sending you another couple asks that run the risk of being eaten by Tumblr, I ramblingly replied seven or so times to your answer of my second ask and (not really??) summed up my first and third asks (the ones that got eaten). Hope that was okay! No pressure to reply. I'm going to sleep now, but hope we can talk more soon!
Oh lord sometimes I hate Tumblr of course it ate my firstand probably third messages too I basically just rambled for the allottedcharacters about how I’ve found myself in the midst of this Frank and Jon loveand like I don’t know….when it started??? 
Like I was watching DD season two allhappily lost in Charlie Cox’s cuteness and then at some point along the way Isaw a couple other things with Jon in it. I was kinda minding my own business,lost in my Charlie and Matt Murdock love while definitely not hating Frank/Jonbut then I happened to watch a couple things with Jon in them and I keptlike…being so affected by his face, and his acting y'know? And his face, itwould just stick in my head for a little while and i’d think “he’s reallyattractive in a really interesting way that I think has a lot to do with hisacting.” 
And then, AND THEN, then I watch The Punisher Series, rewatchingnow,and it’s like OKAY ALL OF A SUDDEN I’M HAVING A PROBLEM. A Whoops I’m Falling In Love With Frank Castle™ problem. And with Mr. Bernthal. And now he’sreally attractive for more than just his acting. HIS WHOLE…S E L F. But hisacting too. He embodies roles in this really like…haunting way that just…itgets to me, Taylor, y'know? Frank is the one who clenched it for me but when I watchedSicario (a movie I didn’t really love in and of itself but MMM he was…he was….BernthalBeauty™ in that) and Wind River, he just….a;lsdkjfaa;sld words are failingme??? Esp Wind River. Like what a soft big-brown-eyed muscley s w e e t h e a rt whose fate made and makes me so so s a d. Where even was i going with this??*laughs for days*
So yeah that’s basically what I said. That hi I’m Clara,*waves shyly* I am having a Frank Castle and Jon Bernthal crisis which doesn’tseem to be going away and I need somebody to….help? Pull me in deeper? Tell meto let go of my inhibitions (jk i have no inhibitions I’m in it all the way)with whom to share my feelings? All of the above. I’m gonna stop rambling nowso I don’t scare you away. ^u^
SADFGHJKELDSXZRIWU;SJOFDK FIRST OF ALL THIS IS FANTASTIC and like one of the most relatable things i’ve ever read in my entire life. Hiii Clara, it’s nice to meet you. and no worries!! i wanted to reply to this on my blog because i need it on here. this entirely too wonderful to not have documented. i’m gonna break it down by paragraph because there’s so much to unpack. 
first paragraph: ok that’s a mood because i was in the same boat?? i watched dd and was happy in my little matt/charlie world and then frank walked down that hallway in the hospital and there was no hope for me. i gave in to frank right then. my love for jon followed not too long after but i remember just being like WHO AM I????? 
second: SO MUCH SAME. GOODNESS it’s like you’re writing out the thoughts i had when i first became a fan of his a couple years ago. this makes me happy it’s bringing back good memories. 
third: YTUIWSKLD GRWSDK “WHOOPS I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH FRANK CASTLE PROBLEM” DGFHJWKLEDSGHJFED I’M DYING I LOVE IT. same. i can’t even express. SAME. omg im jealous you got to go from dds2 straight to tps. i had to wait over almost two years for it. AND BELIEVE ME I GET IT. frank castle is my favorite fictional character. ever. so i really do feel you. he’s deep in my heart and he won’t go away. and i don’t want him to. 
SICARIO AND WIND RIVER OMGGG those are excellent ones to watch!!! small roles but he’s so gorgeous in both and he does such a fantastic job.
Hiiii Clara i’m glad you stopped by!! and girll ive been having a frank castle/jon bernthal crisis for two years now. speaking from experience it WON’T GO AWAY. just let go and accept it that you’re gone. you have no choice. and PLEASE please come share your feelings anytime!!!! i have a billion to share and i’m happy to talk to anyone about him
i’m gonna make a separate post, but be on the look out for it. i’m gonna do a movie/tv show rec. been meaning to make one. 
come back anytime ok? just wait til you hear my jon choking story ;) 
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nanofregonese · 7 years
The Punisher: a melhor e mais ousada série da Marvel
Texto publicado no Update Or Die.
Embora a série traga como título o codinome do anti-herói, ela poderia muito bem se chamar Frank Castle, já que, embora a gente veja o Justiceiro em ação em diversos momentos, essa éuma produção muito mais focada no homem por trás da caveira. E isso é uma coisa boa.
Para quem não conhece nada do personagem, dá pra simplificar assim: Castle é um veterano de guerra que tem a família toda assassinada e parte em busca de retalliação.
Teria sido muito fácil criar uma narrativa simples de vingança na qual Castle persegue os responsáveis pela morte de seus entes queridos. Bastaria inserir algumas boas cenas de ação e sanguinolência e pronto, sucesso garantido.
Por causa disso é que eu fiquei tão espantado com a sequência inicial do primeiro episódio, com essa trama toda sendo resolvida em poucos minutos e Castle se desfazendo do colete estampado com a caveira. Aquilo já mostrava que a série não se contentaria com o básico. Que ela iria além da figura do Justiceiro e jogaria uma luz sobre a personalidade complicada (e opiniões complicadas)  daquele homem que tomava a justiça nas próprias mãos.
Isso faz com que The Punisher seja o seriado mais difícil, ousado e – na minha opinião -, o melhor da parceria Marvel-Netflix até aqui.
Mas vale o aviso: a série não vai agradar a todos. Sério mesmo. Consigo ver muita gente detestando a produção (e tudo bem… cada um com as suas referências e pontos de vista). Seus temas não são leves, as cenas são extremamente violentas e o tom é completamente diferente daquele usado em suas séries-irmãs. Na verdade, o restante do universo Marvel mal é visto por aqui… e não faz falta nenhuma.
O que vou dizer pode soar meio estranho, mas a série não traz o Justiceiro como os fãs de HQs conhecem. Ao menos ainda não. É claro que temos vislumbres dele, principalmente nos últimos capítulos, mas o anti-herói que sai por aí caçando criminosos não está totalmente formado ainda.
Sim, ele mata bandidos. Ele mata bandidos pra cacete. Mas esses bandidos são os que se colocam em seu caminho. Os que aparecem como obstáculos em sua missão ou que deram o azar de esbarrar com um animal ferido que precisa matar para aplacar a raiva que o consome um pouco mais a cada dia.
Não vemos o Justiceiro conferindo as notícias ou pegando informações no submundo para sair matando mafiosos e assassinos. O foco dele aqui está em pegar algumas pessoas específicas, por alguns motivos bem específicos também.
E isso abre espaço para vermos mais de Frank Castle e do trabalho perfeito de Jon Bernthal (o cara nasceu para o papel). Para entendermos a dor da existência miserável a qual ele foi amaldiçoado.
Castle é uma máquina de matar que teve a única coisa que o tornava um ser-humano de verdade arrancada de si da pior maneira possível. Além disso, ele ainda descobre que teve culpa nisso. O que sobra então não é mais um homem, mas a sombra de um homem, uma carcaça que ele recusa a preencher com qualquer outra coisa que não seja violência.
Frank Castle, como é dito em alguns pontos da série, tem a oportunidade de reconstruir a sua vida. Afinal, ele ainda tem metade dela pela frente. Ele pode se permitir as alegrias da amizade e de um novo amor. Mas ele não quer. Ele quer matar… com facadas, marretadas e murros que rasgam a pele, deformam a carne e moem os ossos… mas também com armas, o que nos leva ao próximo ponto.
É difícil para nós, brasileiros, entendermos de verdade algumas questões abordadas no seriado do Justiceiro. Embora a gente tenha um monte de problemas como país, a relação com armas e guerra nunca fez parte da nossa alma como nação.
Sim, temos violência todos os dias, mas essa violência vem da desigualdade social, da corrupção e da falta de oportunidade. Nós não sabemos o que é ver um cara de vida aparentemente normal (e até mesmo abastada em termos financeiros), que serviu ao seu país, de repente comprar um monte de armas e abrir fogo contra outras pessoas simplesmente porque passou a enxergá-las como inimigas.
Esse problema a gente não tem.
Já para os americanos, a coisa é diferente.
Lá, nos EUA, o militarismo e o amor às armas é um estilo de vida. Eles enxergam essas coisas como garantias de sua liberdade, já que, se alguém tentar tomar essa mesma liberdade, eles podem se defender com as próprias mãos. E, dado o histórico que possuem como país, faz todo o sentido, como mostra o poema de Ralph Waldo Emerson sobre os primeiros tiros disparados por patriotas na revolução que se tornaria a independência americana.
Foi um tiro o que foi ouvido por todo o mundo. Não um discurso. Não um brado retumbante. Um tiro.
Essa compreensão é fundamental para entender The Punisher, já que a série aborda a questão do controle de armas em diversos momentos, sem dar uma resposta definitiva. Dá até pra dizer que existe uma certa defesa às armas – não invalidando os argumentos dos desarmamentistas, mas escancarando algumas de suas ilusões, como se dissessem que o discurso é bonito, mas a realidade é outra.
Vive-se, hoje, um momento em que a ideia de um controle maior ao acesso a armas por parte do povo americano está bastante em voga e acredito que o fato desse seriado não ter erguido a bandeira do politicamente correto pode ter contribuído para algumas das críticas negativas – o que também explica o fato de a crítica e o público não estarem em consenso (a série está com nota de 94% no voto popular contra 65% da crítica especializada, no Rotten Tomatoes).
Outra questão importante abordada é a dos militares abandonados. Treinam-se jovens ainda com caráter em formação para que matem e morram por seu país, porém, depois de terminadas as guerras, esses jovens voltam para casa e se vêem esquecidos. É um tema já tratado em obras como Rambo, Nascido em 4 de Julho, Taxi Driver e muitas outras. Todos os filmes citados, aliás, foram usados como claras referências dentro de determinado arco de história da série.
The Punisher levanta perguntas incômodas:
Como ter uma vida normal depois que o assassinato vira algo instintivo? Como dar carinho aos filhos se a sua agressividade é levada ao extremo? Como ganhar a vida se as suas principais habilidades são todas ligadas à morte? De quem é a culpa?
Não são perguntas fáceis e as respostas são ainda mais difíceis. Não é à toa que um personagem diz a um grupo de ex-combatentes em recuperação que ele não possui as respostas.
A série também não possui as respostas, mas é importante fazer as perguntas mesmo assim.
Com 13 episódios no total, é possível que algumas pessoas se incomodem com o ritmo mais lento que alguns episódios impõem à narrativa geral. Subtramas e foco em personagens secundários tiram um pouco da agilidade da história e, com toda a certeza, a produção teria um ritmo mais acelerado se tivesse optado por apenas 8 episódios (como em Stranger Things).
Por outro lado, eu acredito que esse destaque a outros personagens e linhas narrativas são importantes para entendermos melhor Frank Castle e sua relação com essas pessoas. Eu gostei daquelas pessoas. Eu tive vontade de saber mais sobre elas. Talvez por isso eu tenha assistido a série em pouco mais do que 24 horas, quando tinha me programado para fazê-lo ao longo de uma semana.
O ritmo por vezes lento não me incomodou porque me ajudou a ver mais sobre a história. Ver, não ouvir a respeito. Show, don´t tell, lembra?
De qualquer forma, os capítulos finais erguem a temperatura a ponto de fazer você suar no sofá, sentir dor a cada murro e gritar em celebração em um momento da mais pura violência catártica.
Aliás, se você se incomoda com sangue e violência, essa série definitivamente não é uma boa pedida. É o Justiceiro, no fim das contas, então pode esquecer aquela coisa asséptica, engraçadinha e colorida que a Marvel acostumou a fazer nos últimos anos. Muito embora eu seja fã da Casa das Ideias, preciso admitir que aquela mesmice já estava começando a cansar. Felizmente Frank Castle apareceu para jogar um sopro de ar fresco e salvar o dia.
Frank Castle. Não um demônio sem medo e de sentidos aguçados. Não um gênio com uma armadura da mais avançada tecnologia. Não um super soldado.
Frank Castle. Um homem quebrado com uma arma na mão.
The Punisher: a melhor e mais ousada série da Marvel was originally published on NaNo
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Walking Dead: How Many Characters Died Between Seasons 1 and 6?
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It's a show well known for its high bodycount but how many The Walking Dead characters have died between seasons 1 and 6? The Walking Dead is based on the Robert Kirkman graphic novel of the same name, with its creator intent on showing how it's characters would be shaped by a world overrun with zombies. Rick Grimes, the protagonist of the series, started The Walking Dead as a very different character to the man who ended it.
The Walking Dead comic came to a surprise ending with issue #193, which served as something of an epilogue to the story. The Walking Dead TV series debuted in 2010 with Andrew Lincoln cast as Rick. While the show drew inspiration from the comics, it often forged it's own path, with TV characters outliving their comic counterparts and visa versa. The TV show propelled The Walking Dead franchise into a global success, and it's spawned spinoffs like Fear The Walking Dead, video games and other merchandise.
Related: What To Expect From The Walking Dead Season 10
Andrew Lincoln departed The Walking Dead during season 9 but is set to return for an upcoming theatrical movie. A part of what made the show successful was its line-up of great characters, but like the walkers themselves, the series has proven to be very bloodthirsty. There are few survivors from the very first season to present day, and some fan favorites have died horrible deaths over the years. In total, 119 people died on The Walking Dead who died between season 1 and 6. Here's a collected bodycount of every major or minor character (and how they died).
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The Walking Dead Season 1 (5)
Ed Peletier (Eaten by walkers)
Amy (Bitten by walker)
Jim (Bitten)
Edwin Jenner (Explosion)
Jacqui (Explosion)
The Walking Dead Season 2 (9)
Otis (Eaten)
Sophia Peletier (Bitten)
Dave (Shot)
Tony (Shot)
Sean (Eaten)
Dale (Mercy kill by Daryl)
Shane Walsh (Stabbed by Rick)
Jimmy (Eaten)
Patricia (Eaten)
The Walking Dead Season 3 (20)
Big Tiny (Head bashed)
Tomas (Stabbed)
T-Dog (Eaten)
Andrew (Shot)
Lori Grimes (Blood loss)
Crowley (Decapitated)
Tim (Shot)
Gargulio (Shot)
Michael Coleman (Cancer)
Warren (Stabbed)
Donna (Bitten)
Oscar (Shot)
Haley (Shot)
Richard Foster (Shot)
Axel (Shot)
Ben (Shot)
Merle Dixon (Shot by Governor)
Milton (Stabbed)
Jody (Shot by Carl)
Andrea (Bitten)
The Walking Dead Season 4 (34)
Zach (Bitten)
Clara (Suicide)
Patrick (Flu)
Greg (Eaten)
Owen (Bitten)
Ryan Samuels (Bitten)
David (Burned by Carol)
Karen (Burned by Carol)
Ana (Eaten)
Mr Jacobson (Flu)
Henry (Flu)
Noris (Bitten)
Caleb (Flu)
David Chambler (Cancer)
Caesar Martinez (Eaten)
Pete Dolgen (Strangled)
Meghan Chambler (Bitten and shot)
Hershel Greene (Decapitated)
Julio (Shot)
Alisha (Shot)
Mitch Dolgen (Shot with arrow)
The Governor (Stabbed and shot)
Christopher (Eaten)
Lilly Chambler (Eaten offscreen)
Lou (Strangled)
Mika Samuel (Stabbed)
Lizzie Samuels (Shot by Carol)
Len (Stabbed)
Joe (Neck ripped out by Rick)
Tony (Shot)
Harley (Shot)
Billy (Curb stomped)
Dan (Disemboweled by Rick)
Alex (Shot)
The Walking Dead Season 5 (22)
Sam (Throat slit)
Mary (Eaten)
Mike (Shot)
Albert (Shot)
Gareth (Hacked to death by Rick)
Theresa (Beaten)
Greg (Beaten)
Martin (Stabbed)
Bob Stookey (Bitten)
Gavin (Stabbed)
Joan (Suicide)
Gorman (Eaten)
Jeffries (Bitten)
Bob Lamson (Shot)
O'Donnell (Pushed down an elevator shaft)
Beth Greene (Shot)
Dawn Lerner (Shot by Daryl)
Tyreese Williams (Bitten)
Aiden (Eaten)
Noah (Eaten)
Reg (Throat slit)
Pete Anderson (Shot by Rick)
The Walking Dead Season 6 (29)
Carter (Stabbed)
Richards (Burned)
Erin (Mercy kill by Carol)
Holly (Stabbed)
Barnes (Bitten and stabbed)
Sturgess (Eaten)
Tommy (Eaten)
Annie (Eaten)
David (Eaten)
Nicholas (Suicide)
Eastman (Bitten and shot)
Betsy (Suicide)
Deanna Monroe (Bitten)
Lead Savior and 7 gang members (Blown up by Daryl)
Sam Anderson (Eaten)
Jessie Anderson (Eaten)
Ron Anderson (Stabbed and eaten)
Owen (Shot)
Ethan (Stabbed)
Gabe (Stabbed)
Donnie (Shot)
Molly (Head bashed by Maggie)
Michelle (Shot)
Paula (Bitten)
Primo (Shot)
Denise (Shot by Dwight)
Miles (Stabbed)
Jiro (Shot)
Roman (Shot by Carol)
Yeah, that's a lot of death. Like Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead quickly became famous for offing characters will little warning. The death of Shane (Jon Bernthal) during season 2 established not even major cast members were safe - though the character's eventual demise was well known to comic fans. The show has only doubled down since then, though it makes sense life in a zombie post-apocalypse would be grim.
Despite the comic coming to an end and Rick Grimes' exit from the series, The Walking Dead is still going strong, with season 9 considered one of the show's strongest in years. Fear The Walking Dead continues to go from strength to strength too, while another spinoff series is in the works.
Next: Walking Dead: Everything We Know About The Helicopter Group That Took Rick
source https://screenrant.com/walking-dead-season-1-6-bodycount/
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bloglivre-blog · 5 years
Cinema: Estreias de 2017
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Cinema: Estreias de 2017
Pôster de Dark Tower, adaptação do dinamarquês Nicolaj Arcel da série livros de Stephen King
Quais serão os melhores filmes de 2017? Prever o futuro é impossível, mas com certeza longas que ninguém espera vão roubar a cena. Uma das primeiras surpresas do ano nos Estados Unidos é Corra! (Get Out), filme que utiliza o preconceito racial como metáfora em sua trama de terror. Após a lista de indicações das dez novas séries que estreiam neste ano, chegou a vez do Cinema Transcendental focar na sétima arte.
As produções baseadas em quadrinhos da Marvel (Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar, Guardiões da Galáxia 2 e Thor: Ragnarok), da DC (Mulher-Maravilha e Liga da Justiça), além de propriedades intelectuais de outras editoras como Kingsman: O Círculo Dourado, não foram incluídas por constituírem um universo próprio que já conquistou seu público. O mesmo critério vale para o esperadíssimo Star Wars: O Último Jedi.   
O novo filme de Christopher Nolan conta a história de um grupo de soldados britânicos, belgas, canadenses e franceses que são cercados pelo exército alemão nas praia de Dunquerque na França, durante a Operação Dínamo de evacuação de soldados aliados em 1940, na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nolan, que também assina o roteiro, filmou sequências de Dunkirk em IMAX, o que contribui para a experiência cinematográfica.
Após  a trilogia do Batman e a ficção científica Interestelar, Christopher Nolan nos traz um épico de sobrevivência na guerra que reúne Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh e Mark Rylance no elenco. Como de costume, o diretor tentou usar o mínimo de CGI em Dunkirk, utilizando-se de maquinários de guerra reais e efeitos visuais práticos. Descrito por Nolan como o filme mais experimental de sua carreira, a narrativa segue três grupos de soldados distintos: os que ficaram em terra e permanecem presos por uma semana, os que batalham por um dia inteiro nas águas e os pilotos de caças que só tinham uma hora de combustível no ar.
Ridley Scott é um diretor de cinema veterano que já passou por diversos altos e baixos em sua carreira. Ele decepcionou os fãs da franquia Alien em 2012 com o filme Prometheus. Porém, depois do êxito recente de Perdido em Marte (2015), Scott investiu seus esforços para a realização de Alien: Covenant, o segundo filme de sua trilogia de prelúdio do original Alien: O Oitavo Passageiro (1979). Para o diretor a única sequência da franquia que vale é Aliens, O Resgate (1986), de James Cameron.
O enredo mostra um grupo de casais que viaja na nave de colonização Covenant para um planeta distante que parece ser um paraíso. James Franco, Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Danny McBride e Guy Pearce são alguns dos atores do filme. A aparição do icônico alienígena Xenomorfo criado pelo artista H.R. Giger, e apresentado no primeiro longa de 1979, está confirmada.
Ridley Scott também é um dos responsáveis por Blade Runner 2049, primeira continuação do clássico Blade Runner: O Caçador de Androides. O primeiro filme, de 1982, que cativou cinéfilos com sua mistura de ficção científica com policial noir. Desta vez Scott atua como produtor executivo enquanto Dennis Villeneuve (A Chegada) dirige o filme. Harrison Ford retorna como o velho Rick Deckard e pelo que tudo indica desvendará um misterioso caso ao lado do caçador de androides K, interpretado por Ryan Gosling.
Blade Runner 2049 tem Michael Green e Hampton Fencher como roteiristas. Vale destacar que o argumento da sequência é de Fencher, que já tinha trabalhado adaptando a obra de Philip K. Dick no filme de 1982. Jared Leto, Robin Wright e Edward James Olmos (que encarna o antigo parceiro de Deckard) também integram o elenco. Pelas imagens do trailler é possível notar o apuro técnico característico da fotografia de Roger Deakins e a trilha sonora de Jóhann Jóhannsson, que emula a atmosfera sonora futurista desenvolvida por Vangelis em Blade Runner: O Caçador de Androides.
Em Ritmo de Fuga é a tradução escolhida no Brasil para Baby Driver, o novo filme de Edgar Wright, que conta a história do jovem Baby (Ansel Elgort) um exímio motorista que participa de assaltos a bancos sempre escutando músicas.  A influência de filmes como Caçada de Morte (1978), de Walter Hill, e Driver (2012), de Nicolas Winding Refn, é notável tanto no visual quanto no texto de Em Ritmo de Fuga. Mas quando Baby conhece a bela Deborah (Lily James) ele decide que é hora de se afastar da vida de crimes, mas justamente em virtude do seu talento como piloto de fugas isso não acontecerá de maneira fácil.
O filme só estreia em agosto, mas já foi exibido em março no festival South by Southwest, onde recebeu críticas positivas. Kevin Spacey interpreta o chefe da quadrilha, enquanto Jamie Fox, Jon Hamm, Jon Bernthal e Flea (baixista do Red Hot Chilli Peppers) são os assaltantes. Edgar Wright desenvolve o projeto desde 1994 e chegou a adaptar a ideia do filme para outra mídia quando dirigiu o clipe da música Blue Song, em 2003, para o grupo Mint Royale.
Idris Elba e Tom Taylor durante as filmagens de A Torre Negra
Descrito por Stephen King como o seu Senhor dos Anéis, a série de oito livros A Torre Negra ganha sua primeira adaptação para o cinema. Com direção do dinamarquês Nicolaj Arcel, o filme vai seguir um caminho diferente da obra original. A Torre Negra tem o diferencial de se conectar com outras criações do autor, como A Dança da Morte e A Hora do Vampiro, além de desenvolver e expandir a sua própria história e mitologia.
No enredo, o Pistoleiro Roland Deschain (Idris Elba) segue os rastros do vilão Randall Flagg (Matthew McConaughey) e busca a mítica torre do título, que poderia ser a salvação do nosso mundo fadado ao declínio. O menino Tom Taylor interpreta Jake Chambers, que por algum motivo acompanha Roland em suas aventuras. Uma curiosidade é que nos últimos livros da saga um personagem chamado de Stephen King aparece.
Baseado em uma História Real, livro escolhido para adaptação de Roman Polanski
Roman Polanski faz parte de um grupo seleto de diretores que parecem não se deixar abater com a idade e que continuam a produzir filmes inventivos. Após os excelentes Deus da Carnificina (2011) e A Pele de Vênus (2013), Polanski aposta na adaptação do livro Baseado em uma História Real, da escritora francesa Delphine de Vigan, em seu vigésimo primeiro longa-metragem. O drama de uma escritora que após o lançamento de um livro – odiado pelos fãs e pela crítica – é perseguida por uma admiradora obsessiva lembra elementos do livro, que também virou filme, Louca Obsessão, do escritor Stephen King.
A atriz Emmanuelle Seigner vive a escritora que ainda enfrenta um bloqueio criativo e Eva Green interpreta a fã louca. As duas se conhecem durante uma sessão de autógrafos. Baseado em Uma História Real foi filmado na França e está sendo anunciado como um thriller ou suspense, gênero que Roman Polanski domina como poucos. O diretor Olivier Assayas adapta junto com Polanski o romance para as telas.
O cineasta Guillermo Del Toro em seu escritório
The Shape of Water é a sexta colaboração entre o diretor Guillermo Del Toro e o ator Doug Jones e mantém a tradição de caracterizá-lo como um personagem fantástico. Desta vez Jones dá vida a uma criatura humanoide que é estudada pelo exército norte-americano durante o período da Guerra Fria na década de 1960. Del Toro já trabalha nesse projeto há alguns anos e para finalmente realizá-lo teve que abdicar da direção da continuação de Círculo de Fogo.
A atriz Sally Hawkins interpreta Elisa, uma faxineira que se apaixona pelo estranho ser que parece uma homenagem à criatura do filme Monstro da Lagoa Negra (1954). Guillermo Del Toro assina o roteiro na companhia de Vanessa Taylor, baseado no argumento original de Daniel Kraus. Os indicados ao Oscar de Melhor Ator Coadjuvantes deste ano Michael Shannon e Octavia Spencer também atuam no longa-metragem.
Os atores Bryan Cranston, Laurence Fishburne e Steve Carell
Last Flag Flying, assim como Blade Runner 2049, é a sequência de um filme antigo o longa-metragem A Última Missão (1973), dirigido por Hal Ashby e estrelado por Jack Nicholson. Ambos são adaptações de livros do escritor americano Darryl Ponicsan. O cineasta Richard Linklater, que dirige e escreve o roteiro de Last Flag Flying, escolheu os atores Bryan Cranston, Steve Carell e Laurence Fishburne para os papéis principais.
Na trama os oficiais da marinha sacanas Buddusky, Mulhall e Meadows estão na Guerra do Iraque e ajudam um homem a recuperar o corpo do seu filho morto no conflito. A Amazon Studios é responsável pela produção e distribuição do filme, uma combinação de drama e comédia.
A atriz Jennifer Lawrence durante as filmagens de Mother!
Após o épico Noé (2014), o cineasta Darren Aronofsky decidiu escrever e filmar uma história intimista em Mother!. O suspense é centrado no relacionamento de um casal que enfrenta problemas depois que convidados inesperados se hospedam em sua casa. O elenco de Mother! é composto por Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Kristen Wiig, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Harris e Domhnall Gleeson.
A respeito do filme Darren Aronofsky comentou em uma entrevista na Islândia: “Eu acho que todos os meus primeiros filmes eram sobre ideias. Quando chegou em Noé, havia uma clara declaração ambiental no antigo testamento, o que era interessante para seguir adiante. O meu último projeto provavelmente possui intenções políticas similares por trás dele, mas a responsabilidade principal de um cineasta narrativo é fazer algo que é emocional e que possa se conectar com o público”.
Os atores Adam Driver e Daniel Craig e a atriz Riley Keough no set de gravação
A comédia Logan Lucky marca o retorno de Steven Sodenberg ao cinema, que chegou até a anunciar sua aposentadoria das telonas e nos últimos anos havia se ocupado com a direção de todos os episódios da série The Nick. A comédia narra a tentativa de dois irmão de cometerem um assalto durante uma corrida da NASCAR, tema que Sodenberg conhece bem pois, para quem não se recorda, ele foi diretor da trilogia Onze Homens e Um Segredo.
Participam do filme Adam Driver e Channing Tatum como os irmãos, e também Daniel Craig, Katherine Waterson, Sebastian Stan, Seth McFarlane, Katie Homes, Hilary Swank e Riley Keough. Logan Lucky é roteirizado pela estreante Rebbeca Blunt.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 7 years
chupacabra, jersey devil, kraken, mermaid, wendigo, and yeti
Chupacabra: What’s your favourite food?
Jersey Devil: If you had three wishes, what would they be?
To be truly happy, to find true love, and that the video game characters I love were real
Kraken: If you could have any superpower what would you want to have?
I wanna fly
Mermaid: Who is your celebrity crush?
SOOOOOOO many: Troy Baker, Colin O’Donoghue, Paul Amos, Zach McGowan, Luke Arnold, Luke Roberts, Dev Patel, Jason Momoa, Martin Sensmeier, Clara Paget, Anne Hathaway, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan, Jon Bernthal, Idris Elba, Tom Mison, Sam Heughan, Rory McCann, Adam Beach, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, Khary Payton, Matt Ryan, Kit Harington, Richard Madden, Jason Isaacs, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Q’orianka Kilcher, Tom Ellis, Nicole Beharie…I’m stopping now
Wendigo: Do you believe in good and bad luck?
I do…I seem to have more bad than good
Yeti: Where do you go when you want to be alone?
My daydreams lol
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