sakuramoti0903 · 1 month
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🎤House of Mouse🎞
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 5 months
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Jan 2024 (can’t lie this is 90% Scapegrace)
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
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The final farewell, a ship to freedom at the cost of being apart.
For the best, of course... of course.
(lyrics from Beautiful Crime by Tamer)
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squidcave · 9 days
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Kenspeckle and Clarabelle for @spaceonaut :D
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skully p characters as stock photos part ???
the council of elders:
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the monster fuckers hunters:
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cassandra pharos:
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skulduggery's fucking disguise:
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incorrectspquotes · 6 months
Clarabelle: It’s really frustrating how you have to wait, like, two weeks before you can drink the milk after you buy it. You gotta wait for the day to be the same as it is on the bottle, I know, but why don’t stores just sell the milk when it’s ready? Kenspeckle: Clarabelle, I need to speak with you immediately.
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enderose · 14 days
So I wanted to get back into drawing Skulduggery Pleasant content again, and so to start things off, I drew some characters I haven’t tried my hand at drawing yet! In this instance, the characters are China, Valkyrie, Serpine, and the best trio of Thrasher, Scapegrace, and Clarabelle! I’m not 100% fully on some of the designs, but this was great practice for returning back to the series!
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Individual crops of each design - save for the trio - will be under the cut! 👍
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fizzfizzypop · 19 days
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MarBelle fans eat up
they’re….they kiss
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monstermonsterman · 16 days
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when your friends in a jar he can't escape your antics!
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nicstylus · 9 months
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What I actually did a mostly wholesome one?? Merry Christmas fools :]
Phase 1 Most of the Main Cast- China is behind the camera
No dead men in this one sorry :(
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billygaysanguine · 4 months
ok my turn my turn my turn!!
[spin the wheel for a character]
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correctmickeyquotes · 1 month
Donald: Who just assaulted me with a chalupa?!
Clarabelle: You don't have a husband!
Donald: Yeah. That's why I FUCK YOURS
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 19 days
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
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Finished drawing my character designs/ line up of the Light Fingers Crew to formalize my drawing of them
Overview/ Design talk under the cut if anyone is interested in that sort of thing
For all the designs I used the art given for them in the game as a starting point and then went from there. For all but Hephaesta of course that means using a non character specific art. I also wanted all the colors to sort of fit together so where i would have done more vibrant stuff and i strayed away from that.
Clara and Her Sister
Putting the discussion for these two together, as their designs recieved similar thoughts because they are identical twins. ('She is wearing the Fading Music-Hall Singer's face, which seems rude.')
The basic art of the bohemian faction is used to depict the sisters.
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So this was my basic starting point for the visual design. I ended up diving further into research into bohemian fashion, which of course lead to me reading up on the history of the term and the connection to the Romani people. According to wikipedia, the word comes from the french term 'bohémien', which was the word for the Romani people.
This of course put a complex spin when i looked into the clothing used in the time, as theres a question between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, and one I don't have the full understanding for.
Nevertheless i did take some inspirtation for the clothing here, Clara with having her hair loose and down and looser clothing, the singer with the hair scarf and the necklace among some inspirations.
Inbetween the two I imagine the singers appearance to be more reserved then Clarabelle's. For one, my interpretation of the singer is as someone who uses her singing as a backdrop for sneaking and gathering information (per her role as a 'contact' of the player). The other being that we are told Clara's title is the 'eccentric opera singer' to me implies a grander sense of creatativity and wilder clothing. In less stressful times I imagine her wearing brighter clashing colours and skirts with patterns on them and jewlery (which i intend to draw at a later time when i get better at adding patterns to clothes lol).
We also know the two of them are 'not young' so i attempted to not make them appear so.
Heph is of course the one character of the group with a personalized art, which i used as the base for my design.
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Hephaesta is supposed to be a large figure, as she is a strongwoman, and is described as towering over even jasper and frank. So of course I had to make her tall compared to the others of the group.
And of course i can't go without bringing up Katie Sandwina (again), a real strongwomen of the time who serves as a great inspiration both in body type and height.
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What a woman huh.
Dr Vaughan
The Campaigner template art was the one used to depict her when you first speak to her and was a starting point here.
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To me i always pictured her as a fairly older women given her experience and amount of time she's been researching. Clearly someone with a lot of exprience. And also i just vibe with it.
I kept her outfit simple, as i dont figure her as someone to put too much into the latest fashion given her focus on her work. I took the green from the art to use as her skirt to tie in that colour. I also looked up some photos of female doctors of the time and that partially influenced my art direction here.
Obliging Silverer
I debated including him or not given that you only have him as part of the team if you use the light fingers exclusive option to access the parabolan basecamp. But given the fact that he literaly dies defending the camp, I think its only fair that he gets included.
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i just had a bit of fun with the design as there wasnt too much to restrict off. I dont draw a lot of characters with mustaches depsite them being a thing of the time, so I figured this was a good excuse as any. I kept with some orange colours within his colour scheme for further callbacks to parabola and his work.
Also hey did you know that people of an ashkenazi background can also have red hair? Fun fact heh.
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skullsemi · 2 years
Beauty and The Beast
Belle and The Goof(?)
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Ultimate Polyship Tournament:Round 12|Side A
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Propaganda under the cut:
Iron Triangle
Triangle is the strongest shape
Power throuple
my god they're everything. they're the strangest found family of all time. they are literally each other's only friends. they are comprised of two dead guys and a schizotypal girl and they are all their own unique brand of transgender. thrasher has literally died for scapegrace (he is fine now). scapegrace gave up being king of the underworld for clarabelle. clarabelle is the only person who has ever properly stood up for thrasher. scapegrace cried over thrasher's dead body even though (as a dead guy) he shouldn't be able to cry. thrasher got a new huge muscular body and he used it to hug clarabelle. when scapegrace saw clarabelle crying his heart BROKE. they all live together. AND they're queerplatonic - @billygaysanguine
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