dvrtrblhr · 4 months
spreading the love for Claude and M!Byleth bc it has so few votes but I think it is SUCH a good ship 😭
yeah, i didn't think it'd be sooo rare (even with f!byleth it's not that popular huh...)
anyway, here is something i drew super fast! i hope it makes you feel better!
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alovelystrawberryy · 11 months
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I’m on vacation so I don’t have time to finish these buuuut happy birthday to my husband Claude!
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Byleth: So Claude asked me to be his fake date to his cousin's wedding so he could avoid the usual "Are you seeing someone?" questions.
Hilda: I've read enough novels to know this will end with you two declaring your undying love for each other.
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knivesama · 2 years
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I can’t believe I'm just now drawing these two!!!!
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nightshadedawn · 2 months
Claude and the professor take a trip to the Goddess Tower, where Claude is a bit more truthful than he ever was in game. They share their concerns, and the professor has a worrying premonition.
Song: Stars - Les Misérables
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squeaky-potat · 11 months
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So Claude’s birthday completely blindsided me and uhhh I don’t have anything new prepared SO I will share some old Claude centered art from last year that I haven’t shared here!
This was drawn right after I finished Verdant Wind before I played the BL route and started down my DimiClaude rabbit hole.
“Preparing for Fódland’s new Dawn”
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anime-ships-all-good · 9 months
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Claude von Riegan x M! Byleth Eisner
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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inthelittlegenny · 2 years
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"..yet we have the strength to scale the walls between us, to reach out our hands in friendship, so we can open our true hearts to one another,"
"If I agree you can say that to Nemisis, can you not put me in charge of an entire country to unify and reform a religion by myself please?"
"Ha..ha.. sure.."
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branchofcinnamon · 1 year
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✨ Claudeth rights ✨
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mindy-mindy · 2 years
Claude S support
It suddenly occurred to me that what really bothered me about Claudes s-support is how little agency Byleth has in the conversation. So i edited it. Its still written like a support convo I just wanted to improve it a bit *shrug*
End of Game Scene
Claude: Sorry for calling you out here like this. I wanted to talk, just the two of us. First of all, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. It seems like our long struggle may finally be coming to an end.
+ Byleth: Do you think it's really the end?
Claude: The way forward will certainly be rough. Right now, Fódlan is like a newborn. Frail and easily upset. If we don't create a new ruling system soon, the Empire and Kingdom will descend into chaos. The coronation ceremony is the first step. Only then will Fódlan truly be a single, united land. I'm sorry that I won't be by your side at such an important event, but I'm certain you'll do great.
Byleth: You won't be there?!
Claude: I must return to my homeland. As for ruling this new, unified land... Well, I'll leave that to you.
Byleth: I thought you would continue your work here. 
Claude: The Fódlan blood that flows in my veins... I've made use of it as best I could. Now I've got to use my other bloodline to change my homeland for the better. I have royal connections there too, insignificant as they may be. It's time for me to struggle all over again and see what good I can do. If I don't change things in both Fódlan and the lands beyond, I'll never set eyes on the kind of world I've dreamed of creating.
+ Byleth: I can't be a ruler. I have no idea how to do that. 
Claude: You're the successor Rhea appointed, aren't you? And now you're also the hero who saved Fódlan. All those weak people who have nothing to cling to but their goddess... They'll rely on you just like they used to rely on Rhea. You'll be a leader all who are struggling to survive in war-torn lands can look up to. And I... I want a ruler who can lay down a new set of values for the people. Values that don't exclude anyone for being different. 
I know it's a lot to ask. But you're the only one who can do it.
+Byleth: Alright… I’ll do my best. *
+Claude: Thank you, My Friend. I know you can do this. I know the others will support you in any way they can. And even if I’m not here with you, I’ll always believe in you. At any rate, I should get going, I’ll see you again though Teach. On the other side of the new world we’ve created. **
*Claude S-support starts here. 
** other s-supports start here. 
Claude: *clears throat* I - I have something else to ask. Please... I hope you'll accept this. 
*gives ring*
Claude: When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your power to my advantage. I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true. But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world... with you by my side.
+Byleth: Claude… 
Claude: I still feel that way, you know. I always will. That's why I have to leave. But nothing will stop me from coming back. There's no way I'm gonna let you go. You do know that… don’t you?
+Byleth: Yes of course. Actually…
*gives ring*
+Claude: … Heh…Honestly, I didn’t really expect a proposal in the midst of saying goodbye to go well. I knew it was a lot to ask you with no immediate return… and I’ve already asked so much. But once again you’ve trusted me; You understand.
Claude: Thank you... For everything. I'll be back before you know it. We'll only be apart for a short while. And now... I'm off to cross Fódlan's Throat.
Claude: I love you. With everything I am. And the next time we see each other... it will be at the dawn of a whole new world. A peaceful, happy world.
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dvrtrblhr · 2 years
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Something super quick for today's birthday boy. It's inspired by a similar drawing of mine with Dimitri cause I'm not feeling very creative or ambitious.
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minipandabuns · 2 years
I'm playing through the Black Eagles route after playing through the Golden Deer and Blue Lions, and my angst from having to turn against them was made tangible in this fic haha.
Also, I wanted to practice writing angst, lots of conflicting/moving/emotional dialogue for characters with conflicting ideals, and character studies, so any feedback is appreciated!! :> I'm not sure I accomplished the feelings I wanted to convey, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!
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Byleth: Claude, what do IDK, LY and TTYL mean?
Claude: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later.
Byleth: Okay, I love you too, I’ll just go ask Hilda.
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nightshadedawn · 8 months
Three Houses Bingo
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I'm back on my bullshit with another bingo card. This time, Fire Emblem: Three Houses! How this works: Send me a character/ship for one of the bingo spots. You can go into as much detail as you like regarding the prompt as you'd like (will go into more detail myself in a minute). If we get a bingo, I have to write a fic using all five prompts. The same will go if we get a blackout! I will try to use as many prompts as I can in one fic. 😂
Let's clarify a couple of the prompts.
Crest Swap: I'll leave it up to your discretion who gets what Crest. Go ahead and give the Crestless Crests as well, or take Crests away.
Role Swap: For example, Hilda might be the crown princess of Leister after her family was killed on a diplomatic mission to Almyra. Claude ended up saving her life, so she in turn saved him by brining him back home with her. Go Crazy with it.
Game Change: Instead of being in the world of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, it could be set in the world of Persona 5 and use those mechanics. Use any game, but I will veto games I'm unfamiliar with, unless you're willing to discuss plot with me.
New Traitor: Instead of Edelgard going against the church, maybe Dimitri is tired of Rhea's interference in Fhearghus as well as the church's role in Duscar and decides it's time for the Kingdom to remove the "Holy" part of its title.
Tragedy: Bad things happen! Angst. This one won't have a happy ending.
Random: I will roll a die to see which prompt gets used.
Student AU: Byleth is not a teacher, but instead a student.
Some of those might be self explanatory, but just wanted to clear those up.
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squeaky-potat · 2 years
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Byleth’s Visitors
A digital recolor of an older drawing.
Head-cannon for this piece under the cut
Claude and Dimitri, rulers of Almyra and Fódlan respectively, are lovers and need an heir (or 2). Who do they turn to for help? Their trusted old professor and archbishop Byleth, (who’s also essentially God). However Dimitri and Claude cannot stand the thought of their partner being alone with Byleth, so they engage in their activities together.
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lady-byleth · 2 years
Fire Emblem for the fandom ask?
Oooh coming right for the jugular eh? XD these will be very Three Houses centric so fair warning
Favorite Male Character: Hmmm, either Dimitri or Claude, depending on what mood I'm in
Favorite Female Character: Byleth, hands down
Least Favorite Character: Solon. Fuck that guy. Even Kronya is more fun than him...
Favorite Ship: Dimileth/Claudeth
Favorite Friendship: Hmmm I'll have to say Byleth and Sothis, I just love the way they influence each other so subtly
Favorite Quote: "Pick a God and pray" literally the rawest shit I've ever seen
Worst Character Death: Dimitri in Verdant Wind. Completely off screen, supremely brutal and we don't even get a cutscene or anything
This made me so happy you have no idea moment: the Dimileth and Claudeth S Supports are so good, I still squeal ever time
Saddest Moment: Jeralt's death and Robin disappearing
Favorite Location: Derdriu
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