#Claudia says stuff
lightwoodsdaddario · 9 months
Rewatched the first 2 eps of tw out of boredom and the way stiles hardcarried the whole show is insane
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freckleslikestars · 8 months
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JohnAeryn moments of physical contact {4/5}
FARSCAPE | Season Four
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kazz-brekker · 6 days
thinking about how claudia has been a vampire longer than santiago but everyone at the theater still treats her like a kid
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aidenwaites · 1 year
iwtv + the succession opening
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winepresswrath · 6 days
genuinely don't understand how lestat nation is mad about that last episode. we have established.
Louis still thinks of Lestat as the one he trusts, is violently guilty and also horny about him
the final thing that makes him stop circling armand and go for it is confirmation that lestat and armand fucked. like they are clearly attracted to each other on their own merits but they are also appropriating lesbian culture.
lestat has the most magical dick in paris. probably europe. possibly the world. everyone who looks at him falls in love with him a little and no one who fucks him ever gets over it.
armand specifically isn't over it. 200 years later louis by his side he's still like that.
there is a 0% chance there isn't more to the nicki stuff. armand didn't even mention gabrielle and hannah moscovitch has already said gabby is what she's most looking forward to in season three (hard same). also if lestat did tell his creepy boyfriend kidnapping stalker he loved him as a distraction so he could run away the only thing he did wrong was not taking the boyfriend with him. he owes armand less than nothing! i love armand but if lestat wanted to slit his throat and leave him in a swamp he'd be justified in that. he doesn't, which is great for me, but that is the one person besides his dad and i guess the ghost of magnus where he can do whatever he wants forever and it's fine. unholy trinitity of bad men who were bad to him when he was vulnerable and couldn't fight back. if claudia hated him less they could talk about it. however, speaking of bad men who are bad to people. oops.
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kradogsrats · 27 days
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and TODAY there was finally time to work on the drawing that Ethari butted in and interrupted, like what the hell man?? rude
anyway I'm pleased with where it's headed
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incandesang · 8 months
iwtv episode seven
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My iwtv s2e1 livethoughts (spoilers under the cut)
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fayevalcntine · 1 year
While I'm on the subject of this, I feel like this fandom really doesn't know how to talk about how one of Louis' ongoing issues, even in Dubai in the present, is that he does lash out if someone (specifically Daniel) pushes more than Louis likes, but in between these particular moments you get the sense that Louis tries doubly hard to not show ANY emotion or reaction to what Daniel tells him. It just feels like an ongoing pattern with him: he pushes any feeling he has (love, lust, anger, hunger) down until he can't anymore. And that as a particular trait becomes more interesting when you consider how controlled his environment is in the present: he doesn't hunt, his blood and meals are served to him, he doesn't seem to go out, he seems to only sleep at night/early morning and then is awake during the day, which means that he can't really go out in at least half the time he's awake during the day. And if he's possibly doing this because he thinks it's the best way to deal with how he lives, if his history shows him making these sudden decisions because of his then-agitated state that then have negative effects on himself and other people around him.
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lightwoodsdaddario · 2 years
Any KCers have any fic recs where Caroline brings Klaus back to life? Fighting back tears bc I miss them tysm in advance
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thelioncourts · 1 year
#with all the s2 news coming out there's a lot of speculation about the trial and whatnot going on#and this morning when i logged on i saw - and i'm not exaggeration - a solid 6 or 7 tweets saying things like#'louis is going to get to experience what he put lestat through'#or 'ha karma!' re: louis' fate#and all these things along the lines of louis deserving losing claudia and the other vampires hunting him down#and like#all i did was tweet that it was CRAZY#especially after everything that happened to louis with lestat#that he deserves any of this#and my god i might as well have just said that i think lestat should be carved open and hung in front of all the vampires by his intestines#i might as well have just said that lestat is fully satanic and evil and has no possibility of redemption#like people are so angry with me#and tweeting at me about how we don't even know what really happened and stuff and like#how louis is unreliable or whatever#and it's literally insane#people don't know what an unreliable narrator is#they think everything louis has said is a lie#and then people are like 'where's your proof of people saying this?' when i purposefully didn't quote tweet#or screenshot it trying to avoid any kind of crazy hunting people down or whatever#but instead i've put a target on my own back and people are just#being awful???#idk i don't know why i'm typing all of this out but it's been a long time since i've not wanted to be included in a fandom for a while#like i've read these books for years upon years upon years#followed production of the tv show from the single second anne sold the rights in 2016#and i don't even want to talk to people#also don't get me started on how it's all so very rooted in racism#like lestat is played by sam and sam is this gorgeous white man that the fandom has (rightfully) lost their minds over#(me too like i'm unhinged about that man)#but they can't separate actor and character and are so whatever about him#also a lot of people know lestat has had a hard past and are like 'but poor baby'
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kazz-brekker · 10 months
wait what do you mean i’m TWO seasons behind on the dragon prince now?!?!
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queernarchy · 10 months
okay fine watched episode 8 i like the dragon prince again
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It's always the same thing isn't it. And somehow I'm never ready. "Oh they're so cute" "oh this is so romantic" "oh look they're such a happy couple" "they're such a happy family" "i love them" and then BAM. the horrors
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
If we can all gather enough of our energy we can make the Armand killed and ate Marius and that's why he's insanely powerful theory come true
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butchybats · 11 months
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