#Clifford Strong
ilostyou · 10 months
michael clifford i LOVE YOU
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
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I have nothing to say.
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
newbrokenscene entering (our collective) 30s 🥹🥺
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todaysdocument · 2 months
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The Belligerent Peace Advocate
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. SenateSeries: Berryman Political Cartoon Collection
This illustration entitled, "The Belligerent Peace Advocate", by cartoonist Clifford Berryman, which appeared in the Washington Evening Star on August 9, 1914, shows Andrew Carnegie, a strong peace advocate, as he watches the British Navy prepare for war.
Carnegie appears as a large man in a plaid suit standing on a rocky cliff.  He appears to be happily watching the British Navy prepare for war.  In one hand he raises plaid cap and with the other he waves a handkerchief at the ships.  On the ground next to him, lying as though discarded and forgotten, is a fake dove labeled “Andy’s Peace Dove.”
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brandycranby · 2 months
Surprise blurb bomb!
You’re at the pet store, looking for something small to keep you company in your first apartment. You just need some company! Maybe a fish, or a bird, or a bunny will help. Perhaps a hamster? As you’re walking up and down the aisles, you’re not even paying attention to what’s going on around you. Someone had spilled a bag of dog food and you slipped on the kibble bits! You brace yourself for the hard fall, but it never comes. A set of strong arms wrap around you and beautiful eyes are all you see when you open yours that we’re squeezed shut. Who’s your hero babe?
oh oh it'd be ex-marine!curtis ofc 🥺 with his service dog
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to be very honest, nothing was going well today for curtis today. first he missed his alarm, then he threw up from his hangover, and then clifford threw up from eating too much grass.
so clearly the universe was telling him to hunker down on the couch and- what was it the kids call it? oh, rot.
he might've if it was him three years ago, freshly back stateside and more terrified of the mundane world than urban combat. the outside was simultaneously too overwhelming, too unpredictable and also too harmless compared to the bloody skills he'd acquired.
better to lock away a beast, right?
get out of your head, man. think about the seasons, spring always comes again. you can learn, you can grow. work past it.
it had taken a full year of the VA counselors to pound that into his head and another year with clifford by his side to make him start to believe it.
progress, right?
and progress means reluctantly dragging himself into the car with cliff, who really deserves a pet store trip for putting up with him, and mustering up the energy to get inside while it's still quiet hours.
deep breathing and staying positive.
it's that same positivity that gets cliff a new squeaky ball for his off hours and him an armful of you as it turns out.
bonus clifford pov
person close to daddo? cliffy protects and does his best to get between there, yes, very good, step away from daddo please
daddo doesnt want cliffy to do that? cliffy bad? 🥺
new person makes good noises, very sorry noises, and more good noises for cliffy. cliffy likes but cliffy work >:00
cliffy doesnt even nibble on floor foods
daddo spendin' lotta time here, cliffy sits then hmm
daddo makes shy noises, cliffy notices, and he's still holding paws with persom 👀
cliffy understands
cliffy so smart
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kimoralov3 · 3 months
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mornings in the harrington household had become synonymous with chaos.
"willow dear, would you please sit down so mommy can give you your breakfast?" steve pleaded with your 7 year old as he wrestled your 1 year old daughter into her highchair. you would think by now he would learn how strong babies can be.
willow, always wanting to be helpful, ignored steve's plea. instead, she was busy trying to convince her 4 year old brother asher to leave his toys behind and join the five of you at the table. she wasn't having much luck either.
"willow, sweetie?" you call as you help steve get sage into her highchair. willow turns to you and smiles sweetly.
"yes, mommy?" she asks as she drops her brother's hand.
"you know what would be really helpful? if you sat down at the table first. asher will surely follow the lead of his big sister, hm?" you say as you continue trying to get sage into her highchair. you let out a triumphant laugh as you finally manage to get her in, steve buckling her up.
willow thinks about it for a minute, seemingly considering her options. she eventually decides that you're right, climbing up into her assigned seat beside steve. you mumble a thank you and press a quick kiss on her head, smiling as you see asher climbing up in his seat beside you.
you quickly tear up their waffles, making sure they've cooled down enough before setting their plates and forks in front of them. willow had basically achieved mastery when it came to using utensils, but asher still had a few accidents every once in a while. you just have to keep an eye on him.
"god damn it." you hear steve mumble as sage hits her bowl, causing the contents to spill over. you quickly hand him the wet wipes, picking up the bowl and placing it by the kitchen sink. "guess she's not hungry." he jokes as he unbuckles sage and hands her off to you.
you laugh as you settle sage on your hip, grabbing a wipe to clean off her face. she whines softly as it touches her face, yanking her head back. "c'mon sweetie, we have to get all the oats off your face." you say as you gently bounce her on your hip. after a few more failed attempts, you finally manage to calm her and wipe the breakfast from her chubby cheeks.
the rest of the morning goes on without a hitch, you and steve helping willow and aj get ready for school.
"dad, where's my project?" aj asks as steve helps buckle him into his car seat. the both of you freeze, giving each other a subtle look.
"what project are you talking about, bud?" steve asks as he straightens up.
"the family tree! you and mommy helped me with it last night." he says as he looks between the two of you. steve looks at you once more, silently begging for help.
you falter for a moment, trying to remember what your son could possibly be talking about. last night, after you made dinner the kids all took a bath, then you all watched an episode of clifford before putting all the kids to bed. once they were settled, you and steve enjoyed a nice glass of wine before-
"oh shit." you mutter as you close your eyes.
"that's a bad word mommy!" willow says quickly.
"sorry sweetheart, mommy'll put a dollar in the swear jar." you apologize as you give your eldest a sweet smile before turning to aj. "i'll go grab your project right now, okay sweetie?"
steve watches as you scurry off back into the house, confused and concerned. when you come back a few minutes later with a mess of blue and green construction paper, it all clicks for steve.
aj had gotten out of bed last night while the two of you were on the couch, telling you (for the first time, to steve's irritation) about a family tree project he had for school. the two of you were slightly drunk, so the resulting project was a half assed cutout of a blue tree with green leaves to represent every member of your little family.
"what would i do without you?" steve mutters as you pass by him. you chuckle, handing aj the project before turning to face your husband.
"be stuck with three crying children." you joke before getting in the passenger seat. steve rolls his eyes, although he has to admit that there is some truth to your statement.
a/n: shout out to jess (@arkofblake) she helped me create this world lol
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kindsummer · 4 months
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you'll never leave clincho alive - kindsummer
Carwood is in the witness protection program, and Ron is the federal marshal assigned to him. “Lipton. Carwood, Clifford Carwood Lipton, if you’re askin’ for my legal name.” The man, Carwood, replied, tone far gentler than Ron expected from someone with such a strong build. Carwood seemed wired, dark eyes glistening with unshed tears, foot bouncing against the carpet. “Whatever you want me to call you. Carwood, then. I’m sure whoever picked you up notated your legal name for our records.” Ron flipped through the files he’d been handed by Eddie, skimming to get the gist of the situation. He’d been called into the office in the middle of the night, it was now two in the morning, as it was an “all hands on deck” call. Ron hated interruptions in his routine, which happened far too much for his liking since he’d joined the marshals’ service. “So. Carwood. I have my fellow marshal’s rendition of events, but I’m here to take down your view of what went down tonight. Do you mind telling me what happened?”
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Didnt you have a guy with a fishy reader (who belonged to his brother at first)? I could’ve sworn that I read about him, but I can’t find anything
Their* Brother. Auryn is NB and took in Goldfish Reader after their brother abandoned them. Goldfish grew big a strong Clifford style and brother got jealous. I added both fics to the goldfish reader tag for ease
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Marie de France
Marie de France (wrote c. 1160-1215 CE) was a multilingual poet and translator, the first female poet of France, and a highly influential literary voice of 12th-century CE Europe. She is credited with establishing the literary genre of chivalric literature (though this is contested), contributing to the development of the Arthurian Legend, and developing the Breton lais (a short poem) as an art form. Marie's published works include:
Lais (including the Arthurian works Chevrefueil and Lanval)
Aesop's Fables (a translation from Middle English to French) and other fables
St. Patrick's Purgatory (also known as The Legend of the Purgatory of St. Patrick)
She was trilingual, writing in the Francien (Parisian) dialect with a command of Latin and Middle English. Her lais were developed from the earlier Breton lais poetic form and so she must have also known Celtic Breton and been acquainted with Brittany. Her works influenced later poets, notably Geoffrey Chaucer, and her imagery in St. Patrick's Purgatory would be used by later writers in depictions of the Christian afterlife.
Marie's works were popular in aristocratic circles but frequently featured lower-class characters as more worthy and noble than their supposed social superiors and always cast women as strong central characters. Her vision of female equality has led to her designation as a proto-feminist in the modern day, and her works remain as popular as they were in her lifetime.
Her actual name is unknown – `Marie de France' is a pen name given her only in the 16th century CE. All that is known of her comes from her work in which she identifies herself as Marie from France. Based on details in her work including knowledge of place names and geography, and the sources she drew from, scholars have determined that Marie spent a significant amount of time in England at the court of Henry II (r. 1154-1189 CE) and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine (l. c. 1122-1204 CE).
Scholars suggest Marie may have been Henry's half-sister who perhaps followed him from Normandy to England when he was crowned king in 1154 CE. The Lais of Marie de France are dedicated to “a noble king” who is most likely Henry II but precisely how Marie meant this dedication is unclear. Marie's poetry often features women imprisoned or otherwise poorly treated by men and this theme mirrors Henry's relationship with Eleanor.
Throughout their marriage, Henry was unfaithful to his wife numerous times and carried on an open affair with the noblewoman Rosamund Clifford. When Henry's sons rebelled in 1173-1174 CE with Eleanor's support, the king had her imprisoned for the next 16 years. This same sort of relationship, often with similar details, appears in a number of Marie's works. Further, Henry does not seem to have been as fond of poetry and poets as his wife was and so an interpretation of Marie's dedication as sarcastic is probable.
In modern-day scholarship, Marie is almost always credited with establishing the genre of chivalric literature, but this seems unlikely as her works clearly draw on a pre-existing tradition of courtly love literature whose central motifs she inverts. In courtly love poetry, the knight is seen rescuing the damsel in distress; in Marie's works, the knight is often the one who has imprisoned her in the first place or, sometimes, the one in need of rescue.
Continue reading...
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batrachised · 10 months
Buckle up, kids, and settle in, for I'm about to share the tale of what went down in the batrachised household last night. There were battles...bonding...bloodshed (well, not really)...batrachised has been forever changed. Exaggeration? Yes, but let me have this.
My roommates and I live quite contentedly in a Patty's Place-esque arrangement: young women, striking out on their own, cozied up in a little residence we all love quite a bit. It's a darling place, full of nooks, crannies, bookshelves! (of very high importance). It has green spaces; airy rooms; bright kitchens; crocheted frogs; what more could we ask for?
Despite our idyllic situation, there has been one slight mar, only one, on our little hobbithole ideal. Wasps. During the summer, we had to battle wasp nests outside with frequency. To give you a sense of how bad it got, the brave savior deserving of a martyr's crown who normally helped us remove them (roommate's dad) took a look at one giant nest and shook his head with a whistle. We had to hire professional help to get them removed - which, not too bad, just pest control in the end. But still, the wasps were fruitful and multiplying in a biblical fashion.
Enter fall. Enter cold. Most importantly, enter death. Death for wasps, as bugs, to quote calvin and hobbes, died by the bucketful. We were free - or so we thought. Oh, how naive those who have never walked paths of treachery and pain are.
One fine fall day, we found a wasp in the living. Horrible, but manageable. It was dying. I finished the job with glasses, a mask, a jacket, shoes, a broom, and significantly, lots of poison, looking like Don Quixote of the broom closet. Finished. Done deal. I patted myself on the back for being a brave household savior. Really, this was the proof that I was a strong independent woman. Good on you, batrachised, I thought.
Then, a second wasp appeared.
Horrible, and less manageable. One wasp is an accident - a door left open too long, a window with a ripped screen. Two wasps is a pattern. Two wasps means more wasps.
However, this wasp was very dead from the get go. I pondered. What to do? Then as so many other fools have done throughout history, I chose to blind myself to the truth. Two wasps - what a freak incident! A pattern, to be sure. But how could there be more? We never saw any buzzing around. Odd. Horrible, But still manageable.
I'm sure you can guess what happened next. Another one appeared, this one alive and angry. Clifford roommate got home at 1AM and had to fend off an angry wasp with a broom and poison, until it disappeared and she decided to throw up her hands and go to bed as was necessary, right, and just. We could no longer ignore the reality in front of us. I called pest control.
The pest control man arrived. He was a cheerful, gregarious man who smelt strongly of cigarette smoke. I decided he was a man to be trusted, most especially when he chipperly let us know that no, we shouldn't pay pest control at all! What a waste of money! The wasps, you see, are in the chimneys. He could remove them for several hundred dollars and the inability to access our house for several hours, or...we could just start a fire. It would get hot in the chimney, they'd get uncomfortable, and they'd leave. Smoke theory and all that.
Great. Fantastic, even. We save several hundred dollars, and get to have a cozy fire! Win win. Maybe we could even make hot chocolate and put on Christmas music! Perfect for the Christmas season. We decided tonight was the night. A half hour of our time, then done.
We received two warnings though.
First, the gregarious pest control man had let us know to be careful when opening the flue, as wasps can fall. "Just jerk your hand out quickly," was what he sagely said in so many words. I repeat, we decided this made sense. After all, we could close the metal curtains. That would keep those ol' darn wasps away. Still, we approached the flue carefully.
Second, my little sister. She listened to our plan skeptically. She gravely said (paraphrasing), somber as a small child, "But these are southern wasps." I laughed. Why shouldn't I? We had heard from our dear friendly expert. She finished with a (paraphased again) line of "What if the wasps go down instead of up?"
Well, there's a fire, little sister! Surely they wouldn't!
Flashforward to us in front of the fireplace. My roommate reaches and opens the flue. There's a thud. The sound of something falling. But nothing swarms out. We release a breath.
Neither of us have lit a gas fire before, so we don't know how and have to look it up--and then, in the meantime, my roommate notices:
A wasp.
In the (unlit) fireplace. Nestled in the fake logs. Looking cozy as a demon thorn with wings can.
We decide worriedly to tape the metal curtains shut. They would protect us, remember? These curtains of chain metal (you might be familiar with chain metal as the one full of holes). Tape them shut. I run to get tape. My roommate watches the wasp. The curtains are taped shut. Ah, another sigh of relief. We continue our research into gas fireplaces.
When we look back, the wasp is on the outside of the curtains.
Reader, here I will be honest: if you're expecting a giant nest to fall down, and us to have to run for our lives, this does not happen. Or at least, it has not happened yet. But in that moment, that trembling, unsteady moment, we knew that anything was possible. We didn't know that a giant nest wouldn't fall. But we did know that we had committed. We had opened the flue. We had woken the beast.
Fear strings through the air tensely, but we continue. Roommate bravely lights the fire. Half an hour. Half an hour, then we're safe.
My memory of the next few minutes is shaky, but I remember one clear, bright detail gleaming out among the rest:
We saw more wasps.
One flew through the air. Slow, lazy. Unhurried. But assuredly directly headed for us.
Both of us scurried out of the room like we'd seen the girl from the ring.
Reader, the wasps had come down instead of up.
Three wasps, to be specific. Even as I sitting here writing this, it's possible we missed more. There was a fire roaring that would hopefully prevent more. But that did little to assuage our fears. I now understand what it's like to live in a horror movie. Around every corner, danger lurks. Danger lurks behind the curtains. Danger lurks in the lights. Danger lurks in the blankets. Nowhere is safe. Anything can happen at anytime. There are creatures in your house, waiting to attack for no reason. It's not your house at all, in fact: it's theirs. The house is on their side. It hides them, cloaks them, shelters them, and in doing so, destroys you (well my mental stability anyway).
Half an hour, and then we're safe. The problem was, that whole half an hour factoid didn't seem to ring quite true anymore. What I was realizing with a cold, gripping understanding, was that there might not have just been one wasp nest in that chimney - there might have been many. If not a downright giant hive. And we had lit a fire, right under their home.
It was time to discuss backup plans. We came up with an escape route on the off chance it was a big swarm. We grimly got out the wasp spray. And most horribly of all, we waited. Waited sturdily. Waited fearfully. My roommate made soup, then froze. "Did you hear that buzzing?" No, I hadn't. Did she hear a distant buzzing in the chimney?? No, she hadn't.
We scoped out the enemy's territory. There was a scout on the ceiling, still except for the occasional shift. Another lazily flew through the room. We had been invaded.
All throughout, that waiting for the worst, something was edging through the back of my mind, snaking through
We were going to have to turn the fireplace off and close the flue. Or, in other words (1) enter the wasp territory (2) turn off the wasp deterrent, and (3) stick our hand up the wasp-infested chimney. It was very much the moment in the horror movie when they realize the only way out is through. We had our velociraptor in the kitchen, except it was a ton of wasps in the chimney. What's more, we had our chosen weapon of poison, but our chosen weapon couldn't be used because the wasps were coming from the lit fireplace, unless we wanted to start a chemical fire.
Half an hour passes. We decide to wait longer. Better to be safe than sorry.
Finally, after an hour, we glance at each other. We have a somber discussion, akin to tributes from the same district about to enter the hunger games arena. How long to run the fireplace? Would more time matter at this point? Who would close the flue?
I decide if I go down, I'm not going down without a fight. Much like a few weeks earlier, I grab a jacket. I make sure I have my glasses on. I grab a mask to cover my face. I have shoes on my feet. I get an extra shoe to put on my hand. I have a potholder on the other hand to close the flue. Don Quixote (Don Avispa?) has returned.
We march into the enemy territory. The enemy watches from above. Bravely, we steadfastly ignore it. I ask my roommate to watch my back and cover me as I turn towards the side of the room. First step: close the windows. Visions of thousands of wasps hiding behind the curtains dance through my head (at this point you should have realized i have no common sense about wasps and would die immediately in a zombie apocalypse). I ripple the curtain gently. Nothing. One window down. Next window: again, nothing. Another window down.
Now, time for the fireplace.
Wizard Hat roommate insists on sacrificing herself to the flue. She's done before; she has the muscle memory. Both of us are concerned that closing the flue will jostle the wasps and cause more to fall down - wasps that if still living, have to be very angry. I hand her the potholder.
The flue closes without incident.
We wait, holding our breath.
No more wasps.
With not a little relief, although still edgy, we make our way to the other room. We still have wasps in the house, but for now, the risk of having a torrent of wasps come down the chimney seems to have abated. I will never forget, though, that time period of waiting.
We decide to stay up a little longer. Just in case. The fireplace is cooling down now, so in a way there's more risk of wasps.
We go to the other room and sit, making conversation quietly. It's not unlike the ending scene in Jurassic park where they're in the helicopter, bruised, worn, but still alive.
It's then I look up. And heading straight for me, straight and low, is a wasp.
We leap up. I hear its buzzing in the room, and I grab the poison. Enough is enough. This wasp is dying tonight.
It feebly lands on the fireplace, and we see that it seems to already be dying. The Lord is merciful when he wants to be. Unfortunately, its proximity to the fireplace means that I can't spray it safely. We talk, waiting for it to move, but then we lose sight of it. My roommate briskly goes to cover her chicken soup. "I don't want a wasp to fall in it." Wise words, and wiser priorities.
It's when she finishes that she notices it on the floor, still somewhat feebly dying.
I have to admit, I'm not the coolest head under pressure. We could have just waited it out. But I had had enough. Wasps? Wasps in my house?? Wasps that had tried to divebomb me??
I went a little berserk, even trigger happy, and sprayed the ever living bejeesus out of that wasp. The spray said it killed on contact, which did not turn out to be true because that wasp was KICKIN'. On the floor, but still kickin'. I sprayed it again. And again. And again.
Finally, it stilled. RIP, wasp. (Rest in Poison).
However, we then faced the fact that I had created a giant puddle of poison smack in the middle of the floor that we now had to clean up. We got out rubber gloves (I noted them for future use of fighting wasps, more armor), and paper toweled away. Once done, we had to face the issue of where to soak the poison-coated gloves, and decided in a plastic tub on the counter.
And so this tale comes to end (for now). We decided wearily to go to bed. We were done with the day. More wasps may come, but we'd shut the door.
The final cherry on top of the sundae though, was the fact that Clifford Roommate was not home during all of this. This means that she got a series of increasingly frantic texts that looked something like this (I invite you to consider the fact that these wouldn't be out of place in a doctor who episode):
We lit the fire and wasps came out be careful!!
keep the doors shut! we have to keep the wasps out!!
don't turn off the light in the living room...the light distracts them
we've closed the flues. the fire is off.
there's one in the room with us now
we're trying to kill it!!
DO NOT touch the gloves in the kitchen, they're covered in poison
Drums, drums in the deep.
All this to say, if ever you decide to light a fire to chase away wasps, be prepared. They might just come down instead of up.
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abeautifulblog · 8 months
Hi! You said you could help talk me through feudal worldbuilding, and I’d love to pick your brain!
Absolutely! Probably easiest to hit me up over discord (I'm _gremble) and then I would be happy to talk your ear off. 🤣 My wheelhouse is very narrowly focused on mid 9th century England (re: what Anglo Saxon society/military/governance looked like when the vikings rolled up), and iirc, some of the features you mentioned being interested in are more the product of later medieval political structures. I cannot help you with those, but I can probably help with some of the overall mental shifts, because a lot of the things we take for granted in the modern era were just............ not the way things worked back then.
In particular, the word "general" in your initial ask jumped out at me, because it brought up one of the exact issues that I'd run into. The character I was working with had been presented in canon as "the king's top general" -- not those words, but definitely those vibes -- that he was The Guy In Charge Of The Army. Except as soon as I started researching military structures in that period, I found out that that's not how armies worked. When the king needed to go to war, he would call on all his top landholding nobles to round up a bunch of their dudes -- which would be a large number of armed peasants, and a smaller number of fulltime warriors -- and bring their portion of the army to bear.
But these various segments of the army remained under the command of their various lords, marching under separate banners. The lords, in essence, were the generals -- there's not one guy commanding the entire army as a single unit (except for the king, sort of), and there's certainly not any non-noble who doesn't own any dudes getting to call the shots and dictate strategy. Talented and successful warriors might well get rewarded for their service, and given land grants that would generate tons of money for them and put a large number of conscriptable peasants under their control -- and might have the ear of the king if they're known to be good at tactics -- but they don't have authority over anyone else's forces.
The politically neutral, career military guy that we think of when we hear the word "general," who has no independent power of his own but receives a paycheck from his higher-ups to command their men for them, didn't exist yet.
It's a bit of a paradigm shift, because we're used to the military as something separate, that's subordinate to civilian leadership and works in service to it, not for those to be one and the same. We're also used to a norm of strong nation-states with one centralized army, which was very much not the case throughout feudalism/manorialism -- at least in the Anglo Saxon period, power was decentralized and delegated, and being king involved a lot of herding cats wrangling your nobles, not exercising direct control. The king was the guy who could get the most other guys to back him up.
(In the same vein, early kingdoms also tended to be a patchwork of other, smaller kingdoms that retained a great deal of their own autonomy and identity. The modern nation-state that we're so used to, with a single national identity, is an astonishingly recent invention.)
Anyway, hands-down the most useful and eye-opening book I've read on the subject is Clifford J. Rogers' Soldiers Lives Throughout History: The Middle Ages. It's like $80 to buy (😭) but the pdf is on Anna's Archive, and it's invaluable. It is, essentially, a social history of medieval warfare -- most military histories focus on the politics of a particular conflict, or the technology and tactics involved, but this book is all about what life on the ground looked like. A+++ resource for anyone writing war and military logistics in a medieval (or medieval-flavored) setting.
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heartfiliaccc · 1 month
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 6: thoughts + opinions
to be completely honest, I've actually never heard of Lucy's Lament (aka Troubled Lucy in the English dub) omake prior to watching this episode, but nonetheless, I'm happy it got animated!
ah yes, classic Natsu and Happy making themselves at home at Lucy's apartment (I'm not saying it won't be their home in the future, but iykyk🤞🏻🤞🏻)
I love how Natsu is being supportive in his own special way lmao
L: ''I'm already on a one week extension and I can't ask my editor for more time!'' N: ''Editor? Want me to blast 'em and get you a longer extension?'' L: ''DON'T YOU DARE!''
Lucy my beloved // SHE'S JUST SO PRETTY!
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aww, Natsu and his job offer is probably the biggest reason for Lucy getting a sudden surge of inspiration and potentially overcoming her writer's block🫶🏻
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I'll say it once again: Lucy looks soooo freaking beautiful in her Sagittarius Star Dress
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the animation excellence in this episode has been off the charts so far!!
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okay, but why does Ignia low-key look hot??
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I CANNOT FIND ANY INFORMATION ABOUT WHO VOICES IGNIA IN THE ENGLISH DUB??? (I was hoping it would be Clifford Chapin, but this honestly sounds more like Zeno Robinson aka Hawks from MHA)
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L: ''Oh yeah, if you eat these flames you can power up!'' N: ''NO WAY I'M SCARFING DOWN THAT NASTY GUY'S FIRE!''
(welp, little did they know about the chaos that would ensue not that long after)
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''Those flames can boil the sea and can probably evaporate the sky, scorch the earth. For the very first time ever, I felt afraid of Natsu's fire.'' // LOOK AT LUCY BEING ALL WORRIED AND SCARED FOR THE LOVE OF HER LIFE. 😭😭😭
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SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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L: ''Come on Natsu, it's okay. It's over now, and I'm right here with you.''
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sticostudios · 6 months
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An crossover show idea i did a while back
The shows like a mix between scooby doo and sam and max, about an independent freelance dog police force who deal with more outlandish and dangerous criminals in the city.
the character bios Dog police bios by dragonboy
Clifford: The head of the force. Tall, strong and imposing, yet a bit airheaded with a kind heart. Cares for the team like a family.
Martha: The team's communications officer and second-in-command, fluent in over a dozen languages. Firm yet caring. Isn't afraid to speak her mind. She makes sure everyone stays focused and not get into too much shenanigans.
Chase: An accomplished police puppy from Toronto, Canada. Leader of the world-famous Paw Patrol rescue team, working with the Dog Police is his "side project". Treats it with the same dedication as his main profession. Often accompanies Bluey and Rockruff so they stay out of trouble
Bluey: A puppy from Brisbane, Australia, and the youngest member of the Dog Police. Kind, innocent and playful. Loves thinking of inventive ways to solve a crime, especially if it can be made into a game. The team needs to be extra careful with her if things get dangerous.
Zoe: Expert detective with a sassy streak. Mastermind at figuring out mysteries and whodunits. Very fashion-concious. Don't mess with her hair!
Snoopy: A dog of little words, but one with a brilliant and analytic mind. Writer in his down-time. Always has his nose in a true crime book.
Aleu: A wolf-dog from Alaska. Zoe's best friend. One of the most hands-on members of the force. Not afraid to get her paws dirty. Ready for a fight even before she knows who shes fighting, though sometimes this approach gets her into trouble.
Courage: Ironically, a big coward, but a lovable one at that. Acts as the team's psychogical consultant. Trying to get over his phobias of a myriad of things. Skilled in cimputer tech and works with Dawkins to locate criminals
Elsa: The team's medic. Often seen training new recruits. Will always help out a fellow teammate or anyone injured at a crime scene. Can be egotistical at times, especially loves playing the leader when Martha or Clifford isn’t around, but always means well.
Dawkins: A Dalmatian from London, England, and just one member of a large family. The team's chief scientific advisor and tech support. Filled with knowledge despite his young age. Hes made several useful gadgets for the team at their disposal
Brian: an average joe-turned-sniffer dog from Quahog, Rhode Island. A ladies' man with a great singing voice and an expansive drinks cabinet. Can sniff out any form of contraband from blocks away. He does get annoyed with some of his teams dumb antics but does get along well with the others
Rockruff: The second-youngest of the team. A fireball of energy who brings a chaotic, upbeat energy to the team. Snarky at times, but in good means and being playful. Though he always has the feeling he's being controlled by someone.
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louisrarepairfest · 6 months
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— Prompts —
[Submit a prompt you'd like to read or write here!]
🫐 The prompt can specify a particular pairing or can use Louis/Character B as the pairing.
🫐 Writers can sign up with one of these prompts or sign up with their own prompt not on this list.
🫐 Prompts will be crossed off as they are chosen during sign ups.
⬇️ Possible prompts below ⬇️
(A) Louis/Character B are uni roommates
(B) Louis/Greg James - Louis takes Clifford to a secluded park and lets him run free for a few hours. A few weeks into going to a park, a friendly dog (Barney) Louis assumes is a stray comes over by him with a stick in his mouth and Louis plays fetch. This becomes a Thing every time. Louis notices Clifford has been gaining weight and can’t figure out why. One day, Clifford doesn’t come back like he usually does. Louis goes looking for him with (Barney) trailing on his heels. He’s just about to give up when (Barney) sprints away and Louis can’t stand the thought of losing two dogs in one day so he runs after him. Cut to…Louis finding a very tall, very handsome man, very excitedly welcoming Barney back with Clifford barely looking up from the almost gone bucket of dog food said very (very) handsome man clearly brought to the park. Confusion ensues since each thinks the other’s dog was a stray. Wild accusations from Louis about Greg making Clifford fat, jokes from Greg about how Barney has taken up finding perfect sticks and running away with his best one. They fall in love and become one big happy family.
( C ) Louis/Character B are musicians vying for the role of band leader at their former high school. They went there at the same time and were rivals then too, though for a totally different reason: they both had secret crushes on one another. When I've of them learns this, it changes everything.
(D) Girl direction! Louis/Character B are star athletes on the college (you choose the) sport team. They're both on the butch side, and it takes them a while to figure out that they're into one another and don't need to femme it up to get the other to like them.
(E) Omegaverse: Alpha Louis has never questioned who he is, a strong Alpha loving Alpha who defies stereotypes. When he meets character B, a beta, he certainly doesn't expect to fall for him (and hard)
(F) Famous Louis returns to his home town for his sister's wedding. When he sees his non-famous ex-boyfriend at the first wedding event of the weekend, sparks fly. Cue a whirlwind romance and a lot of big decisions about what they're both willing to do for love.
(G) Louis is a werewolf who's gotten good at hiding his nature in order to make a quiet life for himself in a small town. Character B is the vampire whose arrival coincides with a couple of murders that threaten his peaceful existence. When it becomes clear that B isn't behind the murders, he and Louis team up to find the real culprit (and maybe accidently fall in love along the way).
(H) Louis/Liam - Bros who get married for insurance purposes and then decide divorce isn’t worth the hassle.
(i) Louis/Charlie Lightening…no plot but sex on the ping pong table. Obviously. 
(J) Louis and his bandmates/opening band let off some steam by having a circle jerk. It might turn into more for some of them.
(K) Ever since Character A was a kid they wanted to climb on a fire truck and one day they decide to just walk over to the fire station and ask if they can get on the truck. Character B is one of the firefighters.
(L) M/M Louis and Taylor Swift are rival quarterbacks for their town's 2 high school teams. Nobody knows that they've been secretly dating since sharing a NYE kiss. 
(M) Louis/Liam - everyone thinks Louis and Harry are together but it’s actually Louis and Liam
(N) Lilo hot water maintenance au based on this tumblr post
(O) Lilo Robin Hood AU
(P) Lilo Howl’s Moving Castle au
(Q) Louis and either Charlie or Nick from Heartstopper (the Netflixshow), friendship fic. Would love Louis either helping Nick through his sexuality crisis or Louis being there for Charlie through the events of the first season
(R) Omegaverse: Louis is about to turn 25 without having presented. As he debates undergoing the risky process to force a presentation, he meets Character B who helps him realize he doesn't necessarily have to "present" to be the alpha he know he is. (Omegaverse but make it trans and powerful!!)
(S) Bread van fic reimagined with all the guys in Louis' band
(T) Louis plays on the uni football team and Liam is on the athletics team. they pass each other to and from training all the time. cue attraction. they are or become friends and are secretly pining for a while before they eventually start dating
(U) Edwardian era Lilo au where they’re both working class. maybe one is a servant and one is a shop assistant, or both servants.
(V) Louis and David Dawson bond over their time with Harry
(W) Louis/Oscar Isaac- edwardian AU where Oscar is a poet and Louis is his muse
(X) Louis/Pedro Pascal AU where Louis is exploring in the arctic and needs a guide
(Y) Louis/Pedro Pascal Gladiator AU
(Z) Michael B. Jordan as a boxer and nurse Louis
(AA) Louis/Sebastian Stan arranged marriage royalty AU. Louis is betrothed to King Sebastian Stan, a widower with two kids who aren't to keen of the King's fiancé.
(BB) Louis/Sam Claflin - something based on the interview where Sam says Louis follows him on Twitter and that they've had a conversation but he doesn't want to get into it.
(CC) 27 dresses take off where Niall is always the best man, never the husband, and Louis is the snarky reporter.
(DD) Zouiam, uni AU - Zayn meets Liam at the library and falls halfway in love during a single conversation. It’s a fairy tale, only back home is Louis - his FWB, the most important person in Zayn’s life, and someone who doesn’t take well to losing out on attention. Louis' a bit put out when he meets Liam at football practice and this annoying, bossy, fit as all hell guy slides right in under all his defences. It could be the start of a beautiful term of fighting and fucking, only back home is Zayn. Zayn not only needs Louis - he’d become a full-time hermit otherwise - but it’s damn convenient having sex on tap right there in his own flat. And, oh yeah, Zayn’s like, his reflection or his shadow or his other half or something. Liam’s quite confused by having two drop dead gorgeous guys alternately sending him go signals, then just as quickly, stop. He figures if either of them settle on go, he’ll be batting a thousand. Then he realises they know each other. Biblically.
(EE) Louis is an actor in a murder mystery troupe. Character B (maybe Nick Grimshaw...?) is the audience member who’s clearly too cool for all this but giving joining in his best shot anyway. Louis is distracted by him all night, and then after the denouement they meet in the bar.
(FF) Louis/Greg James - Louis won’t stop whanging on about not getting to do the breakfast show with his new album, and character X (maybe Niall, or Oli?) eventually realises it's less career-related jealousy and more about who sits behind the mic. He hatches a matchmaking plan.
(GG) Character A does embarrassing things when interacting with Character B because of their massive crush. Like Character B reaches out to do a fist bump and Character A thinks it's supposed to be a microphone and says hello into their fist.
(HH) Character B joins local amateur dramatics society and suddenly Louis is no longer a shoo-in for every lead role. Cue the drama!
(ii) AU. Preschool teacher Louis / Boxer Sebastian Stan
(JJ) Yellowjackets AU! Girl direction, any pairing from the show, cutting from 1996 to present.
(KK) Louis/Cillian Murphy - 1970s criminal au (preferably with Louis as the criminal), based on this photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvyDkCnWAAk1UwS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
(LL) Louis/Isaac: Louis and his band Rogue Direction are doing their first tour in their beat-up van at questionable bars across the country. One night, Isaac is hurled into his life, fleeing from an abusive boyfriend in parking lot of the band’s gig. Louis can’t help but feel..protective of the scrappy tagalong who’ll do anything to earn his keep.
(MM) Louis/Isaac: Louis fucks Isaac’s gauged ears.
(NN) Omega Louis / Male Alpha / Female Alpha polyamorous relationship
(OO) Louis/Patrick Dempsey. AU Patrick is Louis’ dad’s best friend. Possible tags: age difference, secret relationship, feminine Louis, hung Patrick
(PP) Louis Tomlinson/Alex Turner AU. Is basically based in the Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino where Louis and Alex are imprisoned together; so they must find a way to escape. But while they try to escape they begin to fall in love with each other however it will be difficult for both of them to escape.
(QQ) Louis and Rob Pattinson are in a secret relationship during the 1d days (around 2014 or 2015) unknown to everyone but then louis gets pregnant.
(RR) Beta Louis with alpha whomever, not established relationship.
(SS) Louis and Michael are secretly dating and navigating the resurgence of the Larry rumor mill. Larry was once real, Louis has insecurities about secretly dating another band mate, and Michael has some insecurities over Harry being Louis ex. Maybe an awkward run in or two with Harry trying to get him back but Michael and Louis being endgame.
(TT) Louis tomlinson/Dev Patel- second chance romance
(UU) louis/charles Leclerc, could title the fic as -my good luck charm- (or some such since charles won the race when louis was there etc) and or u could have charles say that to louis and louis getting smug and or bashful & giggly!
(VV) Charles Leclerc at one of Louis gigs? Or him joining the band onstage?
(WW) Louis had to wear multiple badges to have F1 access, so Louis makes Charles wear multiple badges to have VIP access to his concerts. All’s fair…
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Song of the Day - “September In The Rain”
Today is Dinah Washington’s 100th Birthday…. August 29th, 1924
From her childhood in Alabama, she sang… first gospel… but by 17, she was singing with Fats Waller… She’d moved to Chicago and after Waller, she sang for several years with Lionel Hampton’s band…They made a handful of records…Her unique voice could do any genre… she did R&B, jazz, and even country. She covered Hank Williams’ “Cold, Cold Heart”… but she called herself the queen of the blues, and her voice was perfect for blues..
She recorded with Clifford Brown, Clark Terry, Cannonball Adderley, and Ben Webster…
At some point, Dinah sang with everybody…. Ellington, Basie, everybody…
Her signature hit, “What a Difference A Day Makes” came out in 1959 and was a smash… that recorded had her backed by Panama Francis on drums, Joe Zawinul on piano, and Kenny Burrell on guitar…
She owns that tune… no question…
And she did some of the best versions of “Unforgettable” and “Teach Me Tonight”…
But for me, her best is the standard “September In The Rain”… to me, nobody ever did this song better…
Dinah was married seven times… some say there were even two more, but seven is plenty… She also died very young… of an overdose…
I always loved her nasally voice… an incredibly strong distinctive voice… like no other…
And this song, by Harry Warren and Al Dubin, has been recorded by dozens of artists… but it’s Dinah’s… the rest aren’t even close… perfect effortless phrasing…
Happy Hundredth Dinah!
[Mary Elaine LeBey]
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kbandtrash · 7 months
Okay lol let’s get some fluffy day6 thoughts going because for the 25th valentine’s day in a row I am single :D quarter of a century strong let’s go
Going in age reverse order because I love park sungjin too much to put him first. Best for last baby
Dowoon turns into Clifford the big red dog when you present him with your valentine’s confession treat of choice. Blushing incoherent mess like there are words coming out of his mouth but he’s so happy they’re unintelligible. He asks “this is really for me?” (there is no one else around) and all you hear after that is his excited giggles and that Busan satoori bobbing up and down, and you’re pretty sure he’s telling you he’s liked you for a long time and he can’t believe this is real life, but then out of nowhere he has your gift in one hand and your hand in the other, barely meeting your eyes, and he’s asking you in the sincerest deepest shiest voice possible if that means this is day one
Wonpil takes a minute to form his response but while he does it he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, hiding his smile behind his hands, finding it hard to even look at you because you just look so dang cute. He finally breaks his silence to tell you exactly that with a grin so wide his cheeks are hurting and he’s afraid his face will freeze like that. He asks if he can hug you and it’s impossible to tell him no and then he holds you so tight you can hardly breathe but he’s just so excited to find out that his crush isn’t one sided that he can’t hold back his affection
Younghyun is floored. He doesn’t even realize he’s coming off as if he doesn’t like you and doesn’t know how to say it—he’s genuinely just surprised because how could he, a master of love songs, not have seen this coming? He meets your eyes, his mouth still hanging open as you awkwardly let your arms drop from offering him your gift, and as he sees you become flustered, he realizes that you think he’s rejecting you. So he stops you by grabbing your hands and asks if you mean it, this isn’t a prank? And the way his smile lights up his entire countenance makes up for his awkward initial reaction
Park Sungjin this silly man. He thinks you’re being friendly. Because he’s just a guy like how could he be the object of your affections? Even when you explain to him that no, you mean it, you like him, you would like to date him, even, he has to sit down for a moment and just say “oh wow!” because he’s not quite used to being Perceived like that. He likes going through life and making connections with people and more than once he’s thought he might like to experience life by your side, and now that the idea of holding your hand could become a reality, well, it’s just a little strange to him. He needs a little more time to think, but it’s not because he’s not sure his answer won’t be yes. He knows it’s yes already, and from the way he looks at you when he tells you this, you know it is too
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