#Climate Envoy
higherentity · 8 months
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winterbirb · 2 years
I know I'm months late to the party but what the fuck even is Russia's personal sanctions list
Like we have.
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Guy who's definitely a war criminal of the actual war criminal variety, not the "I don't like politician x" kind
Random fucking NYU/CNN guy
Rando DEA guy who doesn't even have his own page
Lady running the US olympic committee, for some reason?
Vice President of Airplanes
What did these people even do 😭
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dailyworldecho · 5 months
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she-is-ovarit · 7 months
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By EDITH M. LEDERER Updated 9:11 PM PST, March 8, 2024 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Legal equality for women could take centuries as the fight for gender equality is becoming an uphill struggle against widespread discrimination and gross human human rights abuses, the United Nations chief said on International Women’s Day. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a packed U.N. commemoration Friday that “a global backlash against women’s rights is threatening, and in some cases reversing, progress in developing and developed countries alike.” The most egregious example is in Afghanistan, he said, where the ruling Taliban have barred girls from education beyond sixth grade, from employment outside the home, and from most public spaces, including parks and hair salons. At the current rate of change, legal equality for women could take 300 years to achieve and so could ending child marriage, he said. Guterres pointed to “a persistent epidemic of gender-based violence,” a gender pay gap of at least 20%, and the underrepresentation of women in politics. He cited September’s annual gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, where just 12% of the speakers were women. “And the global crises we face are hitting women and girls hardest — from poverty and hunger to climate disasters, war and terror,” the secretary-general said. In the past year, Guterres said, there have been testimonies of rape and trafficking in Sudan, and in Gaza women women and children account for a majority of the more than 30,000 Palestinians reported killed in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. He cited a report Monday by the U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict that concluded there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7. He also pointed to reports of sexual violence against Palestinians detained by Israel. International Women’s Day grew out of labor movements in North America and across Europe at the turn of the 20th century and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977. This year’s theme is investing in women and girls to accelerate progress toward equality. Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the U.N. political mission in Afghanistan, told the Security Council on Wednesday that what is happening in that country “is precisely the opposite” of investing in women and girls. There is “a deliberate disinvestment that is both harsh and unsustainable,” she said, saying the Taliban’s crackdown on women and girls has caused “immense harm to mental and physical health, and livelihoods.” Recent detentions of women and girls for alleged violations of the Islamic dress code “were a further violation of human rights, and carry enormous stigma for women and girls,” she said. It has had “a chilling effect among the wider female population, many of whom are now afraid to move in public,” she said. Otunbayeva again called on the Taliban to reverse the restrictions, warning that the longer they remain, “the more damage will be done.” Sima Bahous, the head of UN Women, the agency promoting gender equality and women’s rights, told the commemoration that International Women’s Day “sees a world hobbled by confrontation, fragmentation, fear and most of all inequality.” “Poverty has a female face,” she said. “One in every 10 women in the world lives in extreme poverty.” Men not only dominate the halls of power but they “own $105 trillion more wealth than women,” she said. Bahous said well-resourced and powerful opponents of gender equality are pushing back against progress. The opposition is being fueled by anti-gender movements, foes of democracy, restricted civic space and “a breakdown of trust between people and state, and regressive policies and legislation,” she said. [Click on the link to continue reading]
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The United States will not pay reparations to developing countries hit by climate-fueled disasters, John Kerry, the U.S. special envoy on climate change, told a congressional hearing on Thursday.[...] "No, under no circumstances,' Kerry said in response to a query from U.S. Representative Brian Mast, the Republican chair of the subcommittee. [...] The United States has backed the creation of a funding mechanism to address the "loss and damage" incurred by vulnerable countries as result of major or recurring disasters that was secured at the COP27 conference in Egypt last November, but the deal did not spell out who would pay into the fund or how money would be disbursed. However, the U.S. and other developed nations had pushed for the inclusion of a footnote to exclude the idea of liability for historic emitters or compensation for countries harmed by disasters.
13 Jul 23
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tempting-seduction · 5 months
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Born on 16 March 1965, Mark Carney is a Canadian economist and banker who was the governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013 and the governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020. He is chairman, and head of impact investing at Brookfield Asset Management since 2020, and was named chairman of Bloomberg Inc., parent company of Bloomberg L.P., in 2023. He was the chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018. Prior to his governorships, Carney worked at Goldman Sachs as well as the Department of Finance Canada. He also serves as the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance.
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reality-detective · 9 months
Pay Attention to who resigns from politics, BIG business and other areas in the coming months. I think we will see a lot more than we have in the past. 🤔
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chadillacboseman · 10 months
Fuck it, I created a new Mortal Kombat race for an OC.
Race: Strakteran
History: The Strakteran were once one and the same with the Kytinn, a race of insectoid hive-mind creatures that hail from the island of Arnyek. At some point in their timeline, after the introduction of outside life forms, the species began to branch and evolve. While Kytinn are winged and form from larvae implanted into hosts, Strakteran take their characteristics from arachnids. It is theorized that many other insectoid races branched off as well, adapting to survive in various climates and against various threats.
Distribution: The Strakteran are a matriarchal society that hails from Ondarak, a rocky and rather inhospitable world comprised of deep cave systems and short daylight hours.
Etymology: Strakteran can have various levels of resemblance to their arachnid counterparts, with some sporting eight eyes, while others have six or four. Occasionally, a Strakteran will be born with only two, but they typically dwell closer to the surface in more well-lit areas or have had inter-breeding with binocular races. Most, if not all, have eight appendages, with four dedicated to movement and four that function as arms.
Strakteran possess mouths equipped with mandibles and venomous fangs; the level of toxicity in their venom is dependent on their subspecies.
Strakteran use many different methods of hunting, much like their arachnid counterparts. Most weave webs, while some prefer to chase prey, and still others use traps.
Strakteran are oviparous, reproducing by laying eggs in large clutches. The highly competitive pursuit of prey and territory often results in eggs being the target of rival clans.
Society: Unlike Kytinn, Strakteran do not have a hive mind, allowing each to act independently, though the matriarchal nature of their society does mean that females hold a higher rank.
Strakteran form "clans", small to midsize pods that center around the most mature female.
Envoys from various realms have attempted to make contact with the Strakteran, but are almost always met with violence. After Shao Kahn's annexation of Arnyek, they became wary of and hostile toward outsiders.
Culture: Though at first glance they may seem barbaric, Strakteran do have some semblance of culture; researchers have observed them vocalizing in what resembles song and have also recorded art on cave walls.
Strakteran young are cared for by the females of the clan in a communal setting, and orphans from other clans have been observed being accepted by former rivals.
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bighermie · 8 months
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mr-clow · 10 months
Ensemble 1: Humanity conveys. Part 1:
I stood as the representatives entered the room. There was an eerie silence as they took in what they were seeing. Several emotions flashed through their faces, while most of them were offended, angered or just incredulous, at first everyone settled with the idea that they were going to lose time and that I was crazy. They slowly took their seats, took data pads or paper notes out or serve themselves some water, until one of them spoke.
Nakamura – General Iceni, we are ready to start, how long do you plan to stand there?
Boudica – The amount of time necessary for all of you to pay respects as expected and introduce yourselves, Chief Nakamura. I did something you should have done and was expected of you all, and that is to at least have the minimum information of whom you will be meeting with. We are not here to drink tea, and none of you are inexperienced in politics.
Nakamura – We are here to talk about your insubordination general Iceni, don’t think for a second about using your position as an excuse for this drama.
Boudica – Chief Nakamura, firstly, you and all the people present here will address me as Boudica. And you are here not to judge anyone but to negotiate what will be our relationship from now on, as you are afraid to touch me given the support I have from humanity. So I will say this again, you will pay the necessary respects and introduce yourself formally, and those that choose not to will not leave this room alive. Did I make myself clear enough, or earth governments sent envoys with cognitive issues?
Nakamura – HOW YOU DAR...
Blood splattered across the table and Nakamura body fell over his own brains now spread over the surface. The seven dignitaries gasped and push themselves off the table, trying to get as far as possible from the bloody remains. The gun went back to Duarte’s belt, and silence took over the meeting for over a minute. After that, all the remaining guests stood and started presenting themselves.
Boudica – You may seat. I am glad to receive every one of you. Please, don’t be frightened about what just happened, you are allowed to convey any idea or question it may arise as long as you do it with the appropriate respect the situation calls for. I will clarify one more issue, for me, Jeanette Iceni died on the attack to Amanitore station. Now I have taken the identity of Boudica and the people in this station have declared me their Queen, as I have not asked for these clothes or the throne but rather they gave it to me. I wish only for one and only goal, revenge of the treacherous attackers that killed millions of humans, KalHal and Sanari. I do not wish to drag in this endeavour people that wish not to fight, and I will not go against anyone wishes or opinions as long as they do not intend to stop me and those who follow me. So now, as Queen Boudica, I declare this session started. Please, speak.
Mikhail – Your Majesty, I am the chief strategist for war councils Mikhail Ivanov, and as you already know, now the second in command for this envoy. I will explain the orders given to us as an envoy for you to understand our situation, and we will move from there to look for a solution that suits everyone present.
Boudica – Please, continue. I need that information to know what my standing is for the governments of earth, even if I already have an idea.
Mikhail – Our task was to negotiate with you for the command of this station, the cease of military actions and a public apology to deny the broadcast that was emitted two days ago. In exchange for that, you would be removed from your position as general and given a new identity to start a new life.
Boudica – Lady Sofia Al-Mansoori, if I remember correctly, you are a declared specialist in interstellar conflict resolution. Since your arrival at this station, you saw not only that the station did not stop its operations, but that the social climate of the people here was not the one you were expecting. I had read your studies several times in my previous life and I am sure you can respond to chief Ivanov why everything that you were told now holds no value.
Sofia – Yes, your majesty. Let me clarify the situation for all the guest here and if I am mistaken please feel free to correct me. Earth government started with the assumption that a rouge general tried to single-handedly take military resources to start a suicide crusade against any alien ship crossed its path. This said general, to gain time and support from local sources, made a speech while being mentally unstable and proceeded to guide a revolt, halting all the station activities, destroying the chain of command and should now be trying to flee on a ship to start its personal war with a selected few. Sadly for chief Nakamura, who took this information as the only plausible situation, thanks to the outstanding media control that was exercised from the beginning we could not have been more mistaken. Now, taking into account historical events, I am prompted to say that we are in front of a self-appointed leader, with a strong support from humanity, a common enemy to use as a justification, an emotional goal to unite her supporters and enough charisma to avoid a strong rejection from those who don’t support her. As I personally see it, the correct course of action for this envoy is to retire and establish a communication channel with the earth government.
Boudica – I am flabbergasted with your response, lady Al-Mansoori. Even if you lied in your explanation. You know as well as I do that having a Spec-Ops team eliminate me is the fastest and economic solution for earth government, given that you realized that my mental state does not allow you to use me as a political puppet. Even more, sir Rajesh Patel, as a chief of strategic alliances for earth, I should assume that the plan to use me to unite the public opinion should have come from you.
Rajesh – Your majesty, what you said is true, but the profile we had for this operation was not even close to reality. As for what you said about the assault team, I must say that you are mistaken in that point.
Mikhail – Your majesty, it is understandable that you need to think in the worst outcome possible, but that might be a little too much.
Boudica – Please, please, let me stop you right here. Sir Knight Silva, have you received any reports from the situation outside this room?
Duarte – Yes, your majesty, we are ready to deliver.
Boudica – Please, let them in then.
Mikhail stood quickly. — Deliver what may I…
The doors opened completely and a lifter, loaded with forty corpses in different states of disarray, entered the room. All the corpses had assault uniform and were still armed. Sofia and a couple more of the delegates stood up, and the real negotiations started there.
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aimeedaisies · 7 months
List of attendees to the service of Thanksgiving to the late King Constantine of Greece on 27th February 2024.
🇬🇧 Queen Camilla
🇬🇧 Princess Anne
🇬🇧 Sir Tim Laurence
🇬🇧 Princess Beatrice
🇬🇧 Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
🇬🇧 Zara Tindall
🇬🇧 Mike Tindall
🇬🇧 Lady Sarah Chatto
🇬🇧 Daniel Chatto
🇬🇧 Prince Richard, The Duke of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Birgitte, The Duchess of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent
🇬🇧 George, The Earl of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Sylvana, The Countess of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Lady Helen Taylor
🇬🇧 Prince Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Alexandra of Kent
🇬🇧 James Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Julia Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Marina Ogilvy
🇬🇧 George, The Marquess of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Clare, The Marchioness of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Penny, The Countess Mountbatten of Burma
🇬🇧 Lady Alexandra Hooper
🇬🇧 Thomas Hooper
🇬🇧 India Hicks
🇬🇧 David Flint Wood
🇬🇧 Amory Wood-Hicks
🇬🇧 Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
🇬🇧 Sarah Ferguson
🇬🇷 Queen Anne-Marie
🇬🇷 Crown Prince Pavlos
🇬🇷 Crown Princess Marie-Chantal
🇬🇷 Prince Achileas-Andreas
🇬🇷 Prince Odysseas-Kimon
🇬🇷 Prince Aristides-Stavros
🇬🇷 Princess Maria-Olympia
🇬🇷 Prince Nikolaos
🇬🇷 Princess Tatiana
🇬🇷 Prince Philippos
🇬🇷 Princess Nina
🇬🇷 Princess Theodora
🇬🇷 Matthew Kumar
🇬🇷 Princess Alexia
🇬🇷 Carlos Morales
🇬🇷 Princess Irene
🇪🇸 King Juan Carlos
🇪🇸 Queen Sofia
🇪🇸 King Felipe
🇪🇸 Queen Letizia
🇪🇸 Infanta Elena
🇪🇸 Infanta Cristina
🇪🇸 Juan Urdangarian
🇩🇰 Princess Benedikte
🇩🇰 Prince Gustav
🇩🇰 Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
🇩🇰 Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Countess Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇩🇰 Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇯🇴 Queen Noor of Jordan
🇯🇴 Prince Hassan
🇯🇴 Princess Sarvath of Jordan
🇧🇬 Prince Kyril of Bulgaria
🇷🇸 Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia
🇷🇸 Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia
🇩🇪 Bernhard, Margrave of Baden
🇩🇪 Stephanie, Margravine of Baden
🇩🇪 Landgrave Donatus of Hesse
🇩🇪 Hereditary Prince Ernst August of Hanover
🇩🇪 Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langeburg
Other notable attendees
Nicholas Soames (Conservative politician)
Rocco Forte (British Hotelier)
Hugh Cavendish, Baron Cavendish of Furness (Former member of the House of Lords)
Grania Mary Caulfield (wife of Baron Cavendish of Furness)
John Kerry (United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Lady Susan Hussey (Lady-in-Waiting)
Sir Jackie Stewart (Racecar Driver and good family friend)
Alexandra von Fürstenberg (American Socialite)
Dax Miller (Alexandra von Fürstenbergs husband)
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1americanconservative · 7 months
BREAKING: “Biden administration climate envoy John Podesta was behind the administration’s decision to pause U.S. liquefied natural gas exports. His brother Tony Podesta could reap the benefits as a longtime lobbyist for foreign Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) companies—including one founded by a Russian energy oligarch.”https://freebeacon.com/energy/john-podesta-was-behind-bidens-decision-to-pause-natural-gas-exports-his-lobbyist-brother-stands-to-benefit/…
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poirott · 2 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter at Letters Live → Royal Albert Hall, October 27 + 28 2022
Benedict read several amazing letters, shared the stage with United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, and met Little Amal (a "3.5m-tall puppet which began an epic walk of 9000km across 13 countries, to raise awareness of the countless children fleeing war and persecution across the world"). Sophie acted as the announcer/"Voice of God" again for the show. :)
Source: Footage: macfadyhands, notreallygeeky2, lichtblickpink, _ffffyang Instagram Story, ellaluciaa Instagram Story, NEIL2010UK | Photos: AllBenedict, leeannrvn (2)
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mojave-pete · 9 months
The POS has no right to do that!
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I didn't think about him being a knight and having endangered himself before, you're right!
I was mostly thinking along the lines of one of the kids being directly attacked and him probably not jumping at the opportunity to get between that (I feel like he would/could but he'd probably think about whether it's the smartest decision/in favour of his goals whereas Aemond would act rather rash).
Maybe he would protect Alicent without further thought tho (but I am not knowledgeable, I just base my opinions on vibes).
What do you think?
Hi there!
I think Otto gets a little bit of a bad rep in general. He doesn't talk the talk without walking the walk, if you think about it. As I've said, he has already put himself twice in harms' way on the same bridge on Dragonstone - once against Daemon, once against Daemon & Rhaenyra, both times facing dragons, both times ready to throw hands if necessary. He's not hiding somewhere in the background, he's the first to fall if things go awry. Tywin Lannister, another Hand of the King, would have simply sent an envoy, for example, and it's not for lack of courage, as he fights in battle himself to save his family from Stannis.
Which is why I think it's the more notable that Otto went himself, on behalf of the Crown. If he is willing to do that for the institution, to perform what essentially is a ceremonial, albeit (unnecessarily, for him) dangerous act, why wouldn't he protect Alicent and his grandchildren if they were in the way of direct harm?
It's also important to note that he never intentionally placed his daughter in harm's way. In his mind, Viserys is a good man who would never mistreat her (in a way he understands as being significant).
Similarly, I think a lot of this confusion stems from the political climate not being relayed properly to the viewers. Otto fully expects Viserys to change his heir once he has a son. Fandom likes to believe this is evil machination from his part, plotting Rhaenyra's murder years in advance, but most other noble lords think the same thing. Does anyone think Corlys and Rhaenys were trying to get Laena and her future children killed by putting her forward as a potential bride? Does anyone think Rhaenys was secretly plotting to defenestrate Rhaenyra while they were sassing off on that balcony? Jason Lannister shows up from way out west and fully expects Aegon to be named heir as well. People are very confused when Viserys doesn't budge.
Otto is not so unfeeling as to reduce his daughter and grandchildren to canon fodder for his personal ambition. He wasn't expecting this problem in the first place. He is taken aback and has to recalculate and re-calibrate his strategy. That is why he starts insisting to Alicent in private that she also join him in pushing for Aegon as heir. That is why he suggests betrothing Rhaenyra to Aegon. That is why he tells Alicent her children will be in danger if Viserys doesn't switch. He wasn't tricking or trapping her in a future bloody war over succession when he sent her to comfort/distract the king. Viserys is the rogue element here, someone that we in the field of international relations would say is not behaving like a rational actor.
Which is what I think Otto was doing in the eye-gouging trial as well. Taking in information and making a cost-benefit analysis. Aemond's eye was already lost by that point and perhaps he thought there was nothing to be gained politically by further antagonizing Rhaenyra. Alicent was also the one with the knife; she had the upper hand in that moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Otto is flawless here - he is not Westeros' no 1 hugger and comforter. For example, he could have interjected himself in support of his daughter, instead of her slowly losing her mind. To further the Tywin comparison, for all his faults, he would have been raging there at the King alongside Cersei. Otto has a different personality - he works more behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I don't think he would have stood idly by if Viserys suddenly decided to start removing the tongues of his family members.
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climate-crisis · 1 year
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US special envoy on climate change told a congressional hearing that the United States will not, under any circumstances, pay reparations to developing countries hit by climate-fueled disasters.
The US did however back the creation of a funding mechanism to address the damage caused by environmental disasters, which have become more frequent and severe due to the climate crisis.
The US just seems to talk the talk without any intent of actually walking the walk 😡
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