#Cloudshore Games
cloudshoregames · 1 year
Your Mech is Different: Inspirations Behind BTE
Hi everyone, Dan here!
I've always been a fan of mechs. As a kid I would dream of growing up to be a mech pilot. I would enjoy shows like Gundam Wing, Zoids New Century, Escaflowne, and Big O while also playing PS1 classics like Armored Core and Xenogears. I remember one time explaining to my older brother that I thought I had figured out how Roger Smith piloted the Big O, pantomiming the movements with my hands and feet, only to be teased for being a nerd.  While there was no mech pilot's academy to join, some people could inevitably point out, "Well you could have learned to fly a jet or drive a tank. That's the next best thing." This notion, I have found permeates the mech subgenre of science fiction/fantasy. Mechs are certainly a power fantasy, but one that is very flexible. What they represent in fiction are different for each person and franchise.
What kicked off my journey into developing Beneath Twisted Earth was actually a YouTube video by Josh Strife Hayes, Armored Core - Was It Any Good? This took me on a nostalgia trip to my childhood playing Armored Core, and the various franchises I had enjoyed over the year. It got me thinking about if I were to make a mech setting what core elements would I include for it to be my quintessential mech game?  (I've Game Mastered for a long time, so this is an exercise I entertain often, seeing a thing I like as seeing how I would apply it to TTRPGs.) Most mech tabletop games in my experience were very crunchy, (Mekton & Battletech were first to mind). This is because fans of mechs like the idea of customization, and making their mech. Having that control over building your machine, but I've never been a fan of crunchy systems. I've always found them cumbersome and tedious. "I just want to play the game!", I would say. 
The next day I threw together a three page mech construction system, and jotted down some notes for a dystopian setting that I could use with my house system someday. I was really happy with what I came up with. The mech construction was highly customizable, but not overly complicated (no number sheets needed). The setting was suitably bleak for a game about war machines, but had lots of potential to be tweaked to tell many different stories'. As I excitedly went over it with my wife, she encouraged me to put it out there. After all, when combined with my house system which I used to run games in any assorted setting that there wasn't a game for, it could be fleshed out into a full game. So I did.
Over the next six months, I began fleshing out that write-up and combining it with my house system. At the same time, I immersed myself in mech fiction to draw as much inspiration as possible. I played any mech video game I could get my hands on, I watched lots of anime, I researched every TTRPG I could find record of, I watched lots of YouTube retrospectives/reviews, and for the first time I dove head first into the world of Battletech, reading through several of the core novels.
This encouraged my design of the game to be more diverse. I wanted to any players who sat down at the table to play BTE to think of a mech and to be able to build it. Not in the number crunching, twelve volume, 30 hours of work sort of way. There are players who like that, and there are games that catered to it. I wanted a game that an experienced player could create their pilot/mech in 10 minutes without sacrificing customization or growth for the people who just wanted to get in their big, stompy robot and start living that life.
Something I found compelling about this deep dive is what mechs meant to different people. When it came down to it, in stories, mechs were always analogous to other archetypes. Mechs can represent many things, but I most often found them taking the role of the following:
Suits of Armor
Swords (or other weapons)
Depending on what archetype the mech filled, determined things like how important the pilot was to the combat, what sort of stories were told, and what the capabilities of the mech would be. Because there was so much variation, I also found a lot of conflict in the fanbase over what they should be. This only reinforced to me the importance of customization, not because all fans are gearheads, but because mechs represented a flexible archetype. That meant the mech should allow for each player to express themselves/their pilot. While one player might want an oversized gun on crab legs with armor a mile thick, another player wants an angelic suit of armor that allows them to have sword fights in the sky, and still others want a custom grown symbiotes with bone claws and mouth lasers that fire when it roars in anger at their enemies. All have a place at the table as mech pilots in Beneath Twisted Earth. 
Tangented a little there, but allow me leave it there to you followers and future readers. What do mechs represent to you? What is your ideal version of a mech?
TL;DR - BTE's main inspirations are Armored Core, Battletech, and Gundam. Also, mechs mean different things to each franchise/fan so individuality is at the core of the subgenre. Because of this customization and player agency at the two core principles behind the game.
Art by JGD
Preview Book now available at https://cloudshore.itch.io/beneath-twisted-earth
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chronivore · 9 months
Beneath Twisted Earth Free Edition - Cloudshore Games | DriveThruRPG
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cloudshoregames · 1 year
Deadline Vector Roll: BTE Free Version!
Hi there! Dan here,
So I may have paid extra attention to the character sheet and did some last minute rules tweaks that has delayed layout. As I said in a previous devlog this will not delay the release of Beneath Twisted Earth; however, it will require some evasive maneuvers. The paid version of BTE will be taking a bit longer. The layout need extra time and we're working up still more art (seriously, it's good, in-universe stuff). That said, we will be moving forward with releasing a version of the game next week.
It has always been my intent to release three versions of BTE, a Deluxe, Standard, and Free version. Now before you go thinking we'll be locking any game content behind a paywall, don't. The Free Version of BTE will be the full game available in a hyperlinked PDF available for download. That said, it will be bare bones. Art, and layout have been stripped out, and it's pretty much just the rules. That said, anyone who doesn't have the scratch or wants to try it out will always be welcome to download and play for free. I would rather you get something out of the game, than nothing. Should you decide you like this version enough that you want to support Cloudshore Games for future projects, we would ask that when they release in August that you consider purchasing the Standard or Deluxe Editions.
The Standard Version of BTE will be the fully laid out PDF with art, and maybe some secrets tucked here and there (no rules, just something fun for the observant/determined.)
The Deluxe Version will be offered on DriveThruRPG, and will be an 8.5x11 print copy of the game. This will be for those of you who really enjoy the game and decide you want it on your shelf next to Mekton and Lancer (maybe even Jovian Chronicles!)
For those of you following the project we hope that this will still prove to be exciting news! You get to download the game soon, FOR FREE! As another preview for the game, I've included some images of the character sheet. 
Beneath Twisted Earth Free Version will be releasing July 28th!
Thank you again for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at release!
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cloudshoregames · 3 months
Allied Units Detected: BTE Crossover Pregen Pack #1!
Greetings, Dan Here,
I'm excited to announce that a project that I've been working on with some very talented folks has come to completion. Cloudshore Games has teamed up with some fellow indie mech creators in the tabletop space to produce a new pack of pregenerated mechs from:
Mobile Engagement Chassis: Steel Hearts from Sandro A.D.
Fist World Volga from Data Sparrow 
Apocalypse Frame from Binary Star Games
Three pregenerated mechs have been built from each game featuring both headliners and fan favorites! As with the previous pregen mech pack this pack will be completely free. I'll be uploading each of the game's mechs separate in case anyone only wants to check out their favorite game's pregens, but I'll be following this up with the pregen pack containing all nine. Now any fans from these wonderful games interested in trying something new, can jump right in to a BTE game with a familiar machine to pilot. These builds were chosen and converted with the help from their creators! Likewise, art, a brief intro to the game and a link to its home will be provided for each so fans of BTE can check out other cool mech games to add to their libraries.
I'm very excited to have worked with each of these creators, and I look forward to providing some fresh new mech builds to everyone. Expect the first of these game-specific packs to be uploaded soon. In the meantime, thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at the launch of the premium version of Beneath Twisted Earth and Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive!
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cloudshoregames · 7 months
State of Ark 13 Address: BTE Updates
​Greetings, Dan here!
Been a little bit, folks, but I have several things to report. First and foremost, layout of the Premium PDF/Print Versions of BTE continues, and soon I will be posting again with a layout preview. In the meantime, everything is looking sleek, and I can't want to share it with everyone. We've gone for a thematic design, but simple for readability. The layout will be consistent between Premium PDF/Print; though, for those that pick up the PDF, there might be an additional easter egg  tucked away in there.
In other news, I am still exploring expanding BTE's offering on more marketplaces. All of our files can currently be picked up on itch.io, and  DriveThruRPG. I am currently exploring opening up on Lulu, Role, and possibly Exalted Funeral. More news on that pending.
Speaking of news, primarily all updates are being posted here on itch.io​, and Tumblr​. Moving forward, updates will also be posted on the community discord​ and I'm exploring services for setting up a newsletter. If you have any recommendations for a good service for email newsletters, I'd be very grateful. I just want to get updates to everyone who'd be interested in the most convenient way. I know emails would be a good way to do that, but many of the services are a lot more powerful than I think I need for a simple email list update.
Lastly, I've been debating announcing this since the paid version of BTE has not officially been launched yet, but I just wanted to let everyone know that Cloudshore Games has continued to work on the game even while we wait for final launch. We are currently at work on the first supplement for the game which will contain more Pilot/Mech Options, Rules for Combiner Mechs, Paranormal elements that can be added to the game, and new factions (both employers and enemies of the arks). Currently this supplement is going by the working title of Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive. We have not decided on a pay model for Overdrive yet, but likely we will pursue a free vs premium model similar as with the core game.
That's all for today. I want to thank everyone for their continued interest in the game. I would also ask, if you enjoy BTE, and would like to help us out before the Premium/Print versions go live, just leaving a comment on itch.io/DriveThruRPG would go a long way to help passers by know that they're welcome to stop and stay a while. Also feel free to stop by the discord to talk about the game or get clarifications on any rules you may have questions about. Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you at launch!
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cloudshoregames · 1 year
Greetings, Dan here!
Real quick before we get started it was asked if we intended to make BTE available on Roll20. I admit I've only sparingly used the service as I do most of my gaming at the table, but from the games I have played on there, I know you are able to create custom character sheets that can be accessed at large. In the very least I will be pursuing getting one of those up for players groups interested in running through Roll20. As for anything further I will need to do additional research.
Additionally, in regarding these Mech Construction showcases I know the next one I had planned after Escaflowne, but I will be sure to have to do a second one to commemorate the return of Armored Core on the 25th. For now, let's take a look at one of the preeminent fantasy mechs, Escaflowne. 
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(Concept art from Vision of Escaflowne, property of Funimation.)
Unlike with the King Crab, this build was specifically done as a version of the Escaflowne as built during initial mech construction, with all the limitations in place during character creation. There are two versions of this mech, one more steampunk (show), and the other more biomech (movie). The only real difference being one or two additional traits/weapons featured in the movie over the show. For clarity, I built this with the show version of Escaflowne in mind.
For those unfamiliar, Escaflowne is the titular mech from Vision of Escaflowne, where it is the guymelef (mech) of the royal family of the Kingdom of Fanelia. Guymelef's are similar to steampunk, exosuits where they function as suits of armor for their pilots. Because of this, most of them carry giant versions of medieval weaponry and that's the extent of their capabilities as making the knights giant sized.  That said, some like the Escaflowne are of special make, which gives them some special traits in this case. This is reflected in the mech parts chosen.
Because of its impeccable design by the Ispano clan, the Escaflowne is very hardy, reflected here with a Blitz Tech Frame giving it 24 AP. When on foot, more on that later, it is no faster than your average guymelef, so we left it with the Caballero Corp boosters, giving it an Movement Rate of 1. Since, it comes with some special traits from its creators, it will require multiple utility systems, so we went with the Blitz Tech CPU, giving it two utilities. Lastly, since the Escaflowne's primary weapon is a royal long sword, the Caballero Corp Radiator with it's Heat Rating of 8 will do just fine.
Now as for the Escaflowne's two utilities, those of you who are fans of the franchise will already know where we're going, for the Ispano Clan designed the white armored guymelef to be able to transform into an armored dragon. This is mostly used for transportation purposes as most guymelefs are incapable of flight. To reflect this, we went with the Aerial Frame giving it the ability to apply its Movement Rate into the air, as well as the Mobility Mode Converter so when it transforms into the dragon mode, the Escaflowne will gain 2 MR allowing it to change up to three range types in a move action. The mech will be unable to use weapons while in this mode, but depending on the player's flexibility around their build, the Escaflowne here would technically be capable of flight even in humanoid form. Granted it would have some difficulty doing combat while in the air anyway, as it only carries a melee weapon.
Speaking of, the Escaflowne has one weapon system at start, that would be the Sword of Fanelia, an extending long sword bearing the crest of the kingdom's royal family. Since this is the guymelef's primary weapon, and it was designed as a close combatant, we were about to apply three HR toward damage, giving it a d8 damage die. While we needed the HR for other traits, the Rate of Fire was left at 1 using only a single HR, but by optimizing this portion of the weapon, we were able to increase the RoF to 2. For the ammo, two HR allowed it to have 6 full damage swings. After which the weapon would be reduced to unpowered melee damage (1 + Weapon Skill Bonus). For ranges, obviously, the sword was given melee, but since it does extend into a two handed longsword, two HR gave it a little reach, allowing it to hit targets at Close Range as well.
With this build, even at start, the player would have a mech that would feel like the Escaflowne in play. Of course, as the player earned credits through missions, additional equipment could be purchased to make the mech feel even more accurate to the franchise. Higher level CPUs would give the Escaflowne more utilities, and the first one that comes to mind is the Neural Interface that grants the pilot bonuses on attacks, but runs the chance of causing them harm as they take damage, something that occurs in the show as the pilot's bond with the guymelef grows. Additionally, in the movie, the mech was organic in nature, capable of going on a rampage if the pilot lost control, so perhaps the Bio Frame utility as well. Also in the movie, the Escaflowne was capable of shooting lasers from its shoulder crystals. Improving the radiator and constructing a range weapon could give the build some much appreciated versatility. If not, the pilot could always purchase Disposable Equipment to supplement the need for ranged attack options. Some might view a mech focused on melee as limiting, it should be noted that a single mech does not exist in a vacuum as players are but one member of a squadron. While one mech may focus on dropping onto the front line, and tanking, others could fill in range attack roles. 
This time we took a look at a mech that was themed after knights in heavy armor (granted one that could fly lol), but what about a player that was something more...primal in theme. Next time, we'll take a look at the fast moving, feline mech from the Zoids franchise, the Blade Liger.
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cloudshoregames · 2 months
The Usual Table Actual Play Interactive Stream
So a friend of Cloudshore Games is part of The Usual Table D&D actual play. They have a talented DM and a fun cast of characters. They're hosting an interactive stream tonight. Check it out if you're might be interested in a new actual play and just want to hang out. I hear they're making NPCs for their world tonight.
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cloudshoregames · 9 months
News From the Front: DriveThru RPG Store Open!
Greetings, Dan here!
A quick update for everyone today. We have officially opened up a store on DriveThruRPG. Currently the Preview Book, and Free Version PDF are available, with the Pregen Pack #1 soon to be up as well as soon as the file is approved for market. If you'd like to pay us a visit there either to leave a rater/review or to just bookmark it for when the Print Version becomes available you can find us here: Cloudshore Games DriveThruRPG
It has also been brought to my attention that there are folks out there that primarily stick to their preferred marketplace, which makes complete sense, but has led to the decision to widen our availability. In addition to Itch.io and DriveThruRPG we are exploring opening up on other independent gaming marketplaces. As those become available, I'll post the news here, as until such a time that we open a formal website, itch.io will serve as our news hub, backed up by our tumblr page.
In related news, layout continues apace on the Print Version. I have been meeting with our graphic design, Rick, to review progress, and I'm very excited. The premium book/file's aesthetic is reminiscent of classic science fiction jrpgs such as Front Mission 3 or Xenogears which matches the pixelart from Cecihoney perfectly. We're looking for a good spread to share as a preview that will show the various forms of layout. As soon as we have one I'll share it here to give you a preview of what you can expect. I will note that we are working on something unique for the Premium PDF. With it will have the same layout of the book, it just might have an easter egg or two squirreled away. Launch for these versions is still projected for early 2024.
In the meantime, thank you again for your interest, and I hope to see you at the launch of the premiums versions!
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chronivore · 9 months
Beneath Twisted Earth Preview Book - Cloudshore Games | DriveThruRPG
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