#CoS spoilers
lately i've been trying to picture the Strahd that is somehow a tactical genius, a 9th level wizard, and a guy who filled his house with goofy Home Alone style traps
I was telling my partner about my theory that he just got really stir-crazy about 150 years in and started building Rube Goldberg style traps to stave off the boredom, and they were like, "Did he put the traps there to scare off adventurers? Or are the traps to mess with his staff?"
listen Strahd says they're for adventurers but I now know in my heart that 100% of his traps are to prank his roommates
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leenalecklin · 5 months
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Pidlwick II and III 🎭
(👇 Possible Curse of Strahd spoilers below 👇)
Amento has been having a stressful journey figuring out his past as Pidlwick III. In the castle he met his first failed version Pidlwick II, which definitely creeped him out.
Now he lives in denial saying that they look nothing alike (they do).
I wasn't too keen on the official design of Pidlwick II, so I just drew how I imagined him instead. Also our DM added in the story that he has a second face in the back of his head, and the head rotates 180 degrees between happy and sad expression when needed. It's so creepy I love it.
Amento is my reborn druid in Curse of Strahd campaign. I had no idea what the story was when I was designing him and decided he would be a puppet. It fits so well with the story it's almost uncanny.
No spoilers in the tags please! 🙏
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ilariel · 3 months
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“More eager than I would’ve expected,” Strahd said.
@saladcannibal’s fanfic that details the consequences of seducing a deranged angel has changed my brain chemistry
Read here
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raviollies · 1 year
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shrimpari · 1 year
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“I made a pact with Vol, a pact of Blood”
Strahd von Zarovich and his very, very good friend.
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barovianbunny · 9 days
Vampires will say "i know a place" and then send you to a ten foot wide cage trap in their castle that is rapidly accelerating toward the ceiling.
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elviragrey · 8 months
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Vasilka for my party
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bluehairperson · 9 months
Absolute funniest thing about Curse of Strahd is how the players get to hear about this menacing vampire who's been terrorizing the land for centuries and then you find out he's a 40 something yr old boomer in a perpetual middle age crisis trying to steal his little brother's girlfriend.
Like, the party was playing a horror campaign while Strahd has been stuck in a shitty dating sim for hundeds of years.
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witchscience-draw · 3 months
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At previous CoS session we found creepy room in Vasili home, where all the walls were carved with the words "sorry". And these carvings look pretty new. After that we revealed some weird shit about Vasilii being not Vasilii at all(but looks like he's not strahd either because we saw him and strahd together), and another letter with "I'm sorry" in the coffin with a skeleton who had Vasilii clothing. Our party suspects that all those ""sorry"" were meant for our paladin, whom Vasili supposedly loved but deceived regarding who he really is. So I draw a moment of Vasilii mental breakdown
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geopvnk · 3 months
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Our party keeps getting insane lore drops from our druid Honey Fungus talking to birds.
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Oh right... The curse. The curse of Strahd. The curse chosen specially to torture Strahd, Strahd’s curse.
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leenalecklin · 2 years
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Amento is slowly getting his memories back, but at what cost? 💔
First Ireena just straight up told him that Jester outfit would look good on him (mmm...RUDE?!), then he dreamed about it the next night. Also he most likely met himself in the memories of the past and it really freaked him out. I imagine it being like hearing your own voice recorded and played back - you know it has to be you, but somehow it feels completely off. 
Amento is my wooden puppet druid I play on Curse of Strahd campaign! He’s a sweet little boy getting increasingly conflicted about his part in this all. 💦
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ilariel · 1 month
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Strahd and The Abbot relationship in The Scorpion and The Frog fic (go read it)
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uvienova · 3 months
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I just think about it from time to time (bullshit), Ed managed to keep his promise because he was able to get Al his body back, but because theyre stuck on the other side of the Gate, Theres no way to get Ed’s arm and leg returned to him, so Al cant fulfill his promise to Ed and that fills me with despair :,(
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shrimpari · 4 months
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On the eve of the blood moon, Strahd finally kidnapped Ji and took him to Ravenloft
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