osintelligence · 1 year
https://bit.ly/450kuxE - 🛡️ A recent cybersecurity analysis highlighted a surge in "Realst" infostealer malware attacks, specially targeting macOS devices. The malware, hidden within fake blockchain games, is designed to extract cryptocurrency wallet data and browser passwords. Notably, the campaign seems prepared for the upcoming macOS 14 Sonoma release. #CyberSecurity #MacOS #Malware #RealstInfostealer 🕹️ The distribution strategy of Realst involves numerous malicious websites advertising illegitimate blockchain games, each with associated social media accounts. Potential victims are directly contacted via social media, tricking them into installing the infostealer under the guise of a game. #CyberThreat #SocialEngineering 📦 Infostealer malware is primarily distributed through malicious .pkg installers containing a trio of harmful scripts. The scripts act as a Firefox infostealer, a password extractor, and an uninstaller. Surprisingly, the uninstaller was found to be non-malicious. #CyberAttack 🚀 Other versions of the Realst stealer come packaged within applications via .dmg disk images. Some malware samples were even code-signed with an Apple Developer ID, which has since been revoked. However, ad-hoc code-signed samples will continue to launch since their signatures cannot be remotely revoked. #AppleSecurity #CodeSigning 💻 From a behavior standpoint, Realst samples appear similar across variants and exfiltrate key user data. Targeted browsers include Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Brave, and Vivaldi, with Safari being notably absent. Also, the Telegram app seems to be on the hit list. #BrowserSecurity #DataExfiltration 🔍 Analysis identified 16 variants of Realst across 59 samples, classified into four major families (A, B, C, and D). Each variant utilizes unique tactics, but their main goal remains to steal users' data and credentials. About a third of the samples are prepped for macOS 14 Sonoma. #MalwareAnalysis 🚨 The efforts invested in the Realst campaign, the creation of fake game sites, and the use of social engineering indicate a serious threat targeting macOS users for data and crypto wallet theft. As blockchain games rise in popularity, users and security teams must exercise extreme caution when downloading and running such games.
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bynkii · 1 year
Signing PowerShell Scripts on macOS
During my PowerShell session at MacAdmins 2023, someone asked if you could sign a PowerShell script on macOS. Doing so on Windows is trivial and well-documented elsewhere, I won’t be talking about that here. The quick answer: yes, you can. You need a code signing cert, for this I’m just using my cert from Xcode. The syntax is simple: codesign --force --sign 'Developer ID Application: <your…
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doctorcurdlejr · 5 months
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Just so you all know I received a million compliments on my outfit, my poster, and my brilliant mind. Here's my two pixel photo love wins and thank you for the outfit help heart emoji ♥️
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searchsystem · 2 years
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CoDesign / New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association / O’Beans / Packaging / 2011
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mrcatlion · 2 years
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Maruko doodles from before Uchikoshi revealed their gender
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jcmarchi · 21 days
Tigran Sloyan, Co-Founder & CEO of CodeSignal – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tigran-sloyan-co-founder-ceo-of-codesignal-interview-series/
Tigran Sloyan, Co-Founder & CEO of CodeSignal – Interview Series
Tigran Sloyan is the  Co-Founder & CEO of CodeSignal and responsible for driving the company’s overall strategic direction and results. After graduating from MIT, he co-founded CodeSignal in 2015 to help teams and individuals discover and develop the skills that will shape the future.
CodeSignal is on a mission to discover and develop the skills that will shape the future. Their skills assessments and AI-powered learning tools empower high-performing teams to go beyond skill gaps and help individuals cultivate the skills needed to level up.
What inspired you to start CodeSignal, and how has the company evolved since its inception in 2015?
At CodeSignal, we’ve always believed in the power of skills. In 2015, we saw a huge gap between traditional hiring methods and the rapidly evolving demands of the tech industry. We founded CodeSignal to create a more objective, efficient, and fair way to evaluate technical talent. Since then, we’ve grown far beyond our initial assessment tools, evolving into a comprehensive skills platform that supports both hiring and development.
Can you explain the motivation behind creating the “Conversation Practice” feature? Why do you believe it’s crucial for today’s workforce?
The motivation behind ‘Conversation Practice’ stems from the recognition that while technical skills are essential, they are not the sole determinant of a developer’s success. Today’s workforce demands well-rounded professionals who can effectively communicate, lead, and collaborate. In fact, according to Gartner, 55% of software engineering leaders say building leadership skills in senior developers is a top challenge. Our platform already excels in teaching coding and technical skills. With ‘Conversation Practice,’ we’re addressing a critical need in the market by providing a way for developers to hone these equally important soft skills, ultimately making them more effective and valuable contributors.
How does the AI-powered simulation in “Conversation Practice” work, and what types of real-life workplace conversations can users expect to practice?
Our conversation simulation utilizes multiple carefully orchestrated AI models that work together to create realistic conversation scenarios. Users engage in these simulated dialogues, practicing skills like giving feedback in code reviews, conducting effective one-on-one meetings, or even navigating challenging conversations. Our AI tutor and guide ‘Cosmo’ then provides feedback on their communication style, offering suggestions for improvement and development. It’s like having a private practice space where you can refine and enhance critical communication skills without judgment.
In what ways does the AI tutor provide feedback, and how does it ensure that the feedback remains judgment-free
Cosmo, our AI tutor, analyzes the user’s language, tone, and approach during the one-on-one simulated conversations. It then provides specific feedback, highlighting areas where the user excelled and suggesting alternative phrasing or strategies where improvement might be beneficial. The feedback is designed to be constructive and focused on skill development, not on passing judgment. We believe this creates a safe and supportive learning environment.
How do you envision the “Conversation Practice” tool impacting both junior and senior professionals in their daily work environments?
For early career professionals, ‘Conversation Practice’ offers a risk-free way to build confidence and essential communication skills. This can accelerate their growth and help them stand out early in their careers. A well-rounded skill set can turn a good developer into a great one. For senior professionals, it provides an opportunity to refine their leadership and management styles, further enhancing their effectiveness in guiding teams and projects. Ultimately, we see this tool as fostering a more collaborative, communicative, and productive work environment for all.
With the increasing focus on AI in skills development, how does CodeSignal balance the teaching of technical skills with the cultivation of soft skills?
At CodeSignal, we believe technical and soft skills are two sides of the same coin. Since 2015, our platform has supported our users’ technical skill development, and with the addition of ‘Conversation Practice,’ we’re extending that expertise to soft skills development. And we see AI as a powerful tool for both areas. By leveraging AI for personalized learning, and providing that learning in realistic simulations, we can effectively teach and reinforce the full range of skills that today’s professionals need to thrive.
In your article “What You Need To Know About Prompt Engineers—And Why You Might Want One,” you emphasize the critical role of prompt engineers in harnessing the full potential of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot. As AI technology continues to advance, how do you envision the role of prompt engineers evolving, and what initiatives is CodeSignal undertaking to support or integrate this emerging profession within its platform?
The role of the prompt engineer is still in its early stages, but it’s rapidly evolving into a highly specialized skill. However, as AI models become more sophisticated, the ability to craft effective prompts will be crucial for maximizing their utility. We see prompt engineering becoming a core competency across various roles, not just limited to AI specialists.
At CodeSignal, we’ve launched a prompt engineering course aimed at helping learners improve their productivity with AI models. We’re also piloting assessments to gauge prompt engineering skills, and we are developing additional learning modules to help engineers enhance their abilities. Our goal is to help individuals and organizations effectively harness the power of AI through skilled prompt engineering.
Your experience spans roles at Google and various startups. How have these experiences shaped your approach to leadership at CodeSignal?
My experiences at Google and various startups have been instrumental in shaping my leadership approach at CodeSignal. At Google, I learned the importance of setting ambitious goals and fostering a culture of innovation. In the startup environment, I learned the value of agility, resourcefulness, and the need to constantly adapt to changing market dynamics.
At CodeSignal, I strive to combine these lessons by setting bold objectives, encouraging experimentation, and maintaining a strong focus on execution. We also prioritize building a diverse and inclusive team, recognizing that a variety of perspectives is essential for driving innovation.
Can you share some insights from your #GoBeyondResumes movement and how it connects to the work you’re doing at CodeSignal, especially with this new feature?
The #GoBeyondResumes movement aligns with CodeSignal’s mission of discovering and developing the skills that will shape the future. We believe that skills, not resumes, should be the primary factor in hiring and development decisions. Our platform is designed to assess skills objectively, enabling individuals to showcase their abilities and potential regardless of their background or pedigree.
Our products support this mission by providing granular insights into an individual’s skillset. This not only benefits employers in making informed hiring and development decisions, but also empowers individuals to identify their strengths and areas for growth, fostering a more equitable and skills-driven talent ecosystem.
As you look to the future, what is your broader vision for how AI will reshape the way we work and learn, and how is CodeSignal positioned to lead in this transformation?
AI is poised to fundamentally transform how we work and learn. We’ll see an increasing automation of routine tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. AI-powered personalized learning will become the norm, enabling individuals to acquire new skills more efficiently and effectively.
CodeSignal is at the forefront of this transformation. Our AI-powered skills assessment and development tools are already helping organizations adapt to this new reality. We envision a future in which skills are the currency of the workforce, and CodeSignal is the platform that enables individuals and organizations to thrive in this skills-based economy.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit CodeSignal. 
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patadave · 2 months
Participatory design research, documenting the experience of Gainesville local drag performers
Stumbled across this as I was looking for stuff on autotheory and pluriversal design.
Abstract: This case study documents the process of research, identification, and cocreation —with members of the drag community— a visual ethnography of Gainesville's drag culture. This study documented drag performance as an integral element of public-facing queer communities and took place during 2021 and 2022. Drag GNV aim is to contextualize the importance and nuance of drag as an activity supporting LGBTQ+ individuals and communities and as a publicly visible format for sharing elements of LGBTQ+ community identity with broader audiences. This research focused on conversations with the queer community (performers and allies) and centered reflections on drag venues as safe spaces, to build on the oral and visual history and promote the drag art form. The project weaves together past and present stories and contributes to the collective creation of safe spaces for queer people.
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izicodes · 8 months
Me: Yeah I’m a Frontend Software Engineer now :3
Them: Oh cool, so you’re good at Leetcode?
Me, who has never even attempt to use the site because of fear of maths questions: … no …
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This also proves you can still get a tech job without having to do those maths coding challenges on websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeSignal, Exercism or more.
One day I’ll attempt (and fail), just not now-
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vhouatroph · 4 months
hi ive been working on my gag calculator for unm
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there's a couple big things lots of people will care about, and then a couple big things only a few people, or maybe just me will care about.
the biggest thing the most people will care about is custom gags, i think this is the only gag calculator that allows for users to input a gag with a custom amount of damage, which i think is pretty cool!
ive also started using github actions to build releases rather than my own hardware (since my laptop running windows died and i currently cant otherwise make a windows executable lol) which also allows me to make executables for operating systems besides windows, and throw them in releases.
so i can now make macos executable releases! i cant actually test them myself because i don't have a mac, but in theory i think they should work! one fear is that pyinstaller's automatic codesigning is not good enough and it doesn't let you run the program without turning off security features, which wouldn't look good in the readme LOL
github actions also lets me automatically build and publish the python package versions as well, so those will now be cross platform and update beyond 4.2.0, which is nice. so sorry to the 3 people who use the python package it isn't up to date 😭
the python packages also let you run the command "tt-damage-calculator" in your terminal to open the calculator now instead of "python -m tt_damage_calculator" which i think is pretty cool
ive also been playing with arch linux for the past week or so, and pushed a dev build of the calculator to the AUR, so maybe i'll start using that as another way to distribute the calculator besides pypi and the executables, just in case anyone uses arch.
the entire program was recently recoded into a more object oriented format over the past few months. this is like the fifth major rewrite ive done of the calculator, and hopefully the second to last. i kind of want to drop tk in favor of a nicer gui builder, like qt or something. but that's something for the future.
the latest dev version of the calculator with all this stuff is at https://github.com/Vhou-Atroph/TT-Damage-Calculator/releases/tag/V4.3.0_dev.4 if you like executables, https://github.com/Vhou-Atroph/TT-Damage-Calculator/actions/runs/9149820048 if you like wheels, and https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tt-damage-calculator if you're an arch user. it has stuff for unm, so it's not really usable on the live server, but it still has some cool features i'm proud of and wanted to talk about lol
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gdbot · 2 years
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CoDesign / New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association /... https://ift.tt/Tq4sxKh Telegram: https://t.me/gdesignbot
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ofhouses · 2 years
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1017. Duany Plater-Zyberk (Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk & Andrés Duany) /// Hibiscus House /// Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida, USA /// 1980-81
OfHouses presents: Readings, part II - Charlotte Von Moos, ‘In Miami in the 1980s: The Vanishing Architecture of a Paradise Lost’.   (Photo: © DPZ CoDesign, Steven Brooke. Source: The Architectural Record 05/1983; Charlotte Von Moos, ‘In Miami in the 1980s: The Vanishing Architecture of a Paradise Lost’, Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2022.)
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searchsystem · 2 years
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CoDesign / New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association / O’Beans / Packaging / 2011
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years
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The exterior shots of the houses in both The Electric House (1922) and Parlor, Bedroom and Bath (1931) were Buster’s home at the time of filming.
The house in The Electric House was 59 Westmoreland Place.
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Buster needed a big house because his in-laws practically lived with him, despite having even grander homes themselves. The top floor of the house was a ballroom, which his sister-in-law Constance Talmadge, would use to ride her bicycle in.
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The Italian Villa was Buster’s second attempt at building a house that his wife Natalie and her mother and sisters would approve of. Built in the Mediterranean Revival style, it was codesigned by Buster and architect Gene Verge, Sr.
Their neighbours were Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph Valentino.
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uwuwuwuwuuwuwuwu · 2 months
I saw somewhere that you asked for ideas to draw, I have a suggestion if you're still looking. How about an Akako with Kaitou KID's outfit? Or an Akako as Phantom Lady accompanying KID? It's just a thought. I've been thinking a lot about an AU where Akako helps Kaito steal gems. My Roman Empire is a Japanese AkaKai comic I once saw where Akako told Kaito "Don't be afraid of the cops, I'll protect you." I simply love. LMAO, SORRY I DIVERTED.
YES, I a will draw this I think akako looks so cute with kids suit , she’s handsome even. I will also think of a design for her to be a helper of Kaito becuz i feel Kaito would like at least some codesign for them but that also fits her. (Maybe since he uses his dads outfit for him to be Kaito kid maybe he uses his moms for akako xD?)
I feel like this au could be possible since she has done it before like once or twice XD pls tell me this comic I would love to read it . Thank u for the help I feel extra motivated >:3
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samtheboyfailure · 16 days
Love my codesigner for our Epic project bc she my biggest enabler 🫶🫶🫶
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squidhominid · 22 days
An announcement.
Hey I'm sorry to spring this on people since I made such a big deal about the analog glitch art streams, and coming back to streaming this week, starting Xenogears, and all of that, but…
Aside from my collabs with Emery and Cass, regular, scheduled streams are suspended until further notice, and things may be unusual for a while.
Since getting back from Colorado I've noticed I've been struggling really bad mentally. I have lots of things I've needed doing that haven't been getting done, both for stream, for friends, and for myself.
As I've already alluded to elsewhere, what this comes down to is I think I need to adjust my ADHD medication. Significantly. Unfortunately, this is a process that will take months to fully figure out.
I don't feel comfortable committing to a rigid streaming schedule during this period, combined with my other commitments, which will include my classwork starting in October, as well as adding all my six years of CSE coursework to my GitHub before my UCSD Google Account is revoked, since they no longer provide alumni accounts, doing Leetcode and CodeSignal exercises, applying for jobs for when I graduate from UCSD, et cetera, WHILE ALSO trying to find a new medication regimen that lets me even function on a day-to-day basis.
I WILL stream occasionally, but it'll happen when it happens. I'll make announcements ahead of time, but it will probably be somewhat erratic. Expect one stream a week, give or take.
I'm sorry for all of this. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, it's just gonna take some doing to get there.
See you on Emery's stream this week. <3
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