#Collectives For Change: Comics From The Arab World
downthetubes · 1 year
Exhibitions galore at this year’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival – and some late line-up changes
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has confirmed its exhibition plans for this year’s Festival in Bowness-on-Windermere – and announced some guest changes and additions - including Jenny Ryan from "The Chase"
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has confirmed its exhibition plans for this year’s Festival (Friday 29th September – Sunday 1st October 2023) in Bowness-on-Windermere – and announced some guest changes and additions to the previously announced line-up of over sixty international comic creators, including an appearance by Jenny Ryan from ITV’s The Chase. Three exhibitions have been…
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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Travelling Tales
Kalīlah wa-Dimnah and the Animal Fable
By Marina Warner
Influencing numerous later animal tales told around the world, the 8th-century Arabic fables of Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ’s Kalīlah wa-Dimnah also inspired a rich visual tradition of illustration: jackals on trial, airborne turtles, and unlikely alliances between species. Marina Warner follows these stories as they wander and change across time and place, celebrating their sharp political observation and stimulating mix of humour, earnesty, and melancholy.
Kalīlah and Dimnah are two jackals, wily and ambitious, one virtuous and the other rather less so, who give their names to the eponymous cycle of animal fables in Arabic that is framed by the stories of their friendship, adventures, and mishaps.1 The collection bears a family likeness to Aesop’s Fables and to other classics of moral exempla, but the volumes vary one from one another and even when the stories coincide, they aren’t identical. They share certain generic features: animal protagonists above all (lions, wolves, monkeys, asses, mice, magpies); a narrative of braided tales passing between speakers, often imbricating one story inside the other; and a prevailing tone of tragi-comic moralising coupled with world-weary wisdom about the folly and the treachery of humans.
Most of all, the story of the two jackals Kalīlah and Dimnah, and the tales told in the course of their adventures, are travelling tales, which have been travelling for a long while, migrating from language to language, culture to culture, religion to religion. The Arabic stories’ rich history ranges from Benares to Baghdad and Basra and Rome and beyond, appearing in numerous iterations over centuries, moving across borders, carrying the sparkling hope and mordant cynicism, the canniness and the wit of a form of wisdom literature that originated in the Sanskrit Panchatantra (The Five Books, or Five Discourses) and the Mahabharata, sometime in the second century BCE. Two significant branches grew from this trunk: first, a collection often attributed to a legendary Indian sage, known as Bidpay or Pilpay, and second, the Arabic branch, beginning in the eighth century with the work of the scholar Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ (d. 139/757), who translated and compiled Kalīlah wa-Dimnah. Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ worked from a lost Pehlevi (Middle Persian) composition by a writer called Barzahwayh, which he treated freely, mixing into the Panchatantra’s original fables four more tales, and a highly circumstantial and persuasive explanation of how the manuscript was obtained; he also added a crucial dramatic chapter about Dimnah’s trial, self-defence, and ultimate punishment.
Read the whole essay https://publicdomainreview.org/essay/travelling-tales/
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lexiklecksi · 2 years
Fun media tag game
I decided to do this fun media tag game again and invite some of my new followers to tag along. I’ll tag some of you here who said they like tag games; no pressure, though! If you like to be tagged in future tag games, just comment on this post or in your post. :-)
@lockejhaven @cafe-and-diner @happystarfishnightmare @bookish-galaxy @mjjune @dontjudgemeimawriter
Last watched (series):
The last series I watched alone, which is the funny and scary Ginny & Georgia. The flashbacks were brilliantly used to unfold a crime story and I love how morally ambiguous all characters are. Can’t wait for season 2!
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The last series I’ve watched with my fiancé, which was Marvel’s She-Hulk. I don’t get why it’s so difficult for Marvel to write strong female lead roles who are relatable and likeable. To be fair, I don’t hate Jennifer Walters but she could use some deeper character development and her storyline was funny but mostly boring. And why did the conflict come so late in the last episodes; why not in the middle of the season? It felt rushed to spin a superhero story where there never was one to begin with. Also the CGI seemed to be a bit on a budget and the show making self-conscious jokes about it and the unfitting ending didn’t make it better.
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Currently watching (series):
I’ve started watching season 6 of Rick and Morty with my fiancé. So far, there were only two episodes I really enjoyed watching; one was the exceptionally creative and funny episode about the fortune cookie manufactory. But I dislike the whole incest plot, that’s just weird and disgusting.
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For once, I trusted the Netflix algorithm and watched a recommendation: The ya drama series Al-Rawabi School for Girls. I watched it in original with German subtitles and realised how beautiful Arabic sounds. I can’t say much about the plot because that would spoil it, but I was very surprised by both humour and violence portrayed in this mini-series. After the cliffhanger I can’t wait for season 2!
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Last read (book):
The perfect book for the Halloween season! How the story is told using real vintage photos is very peculiar (pun intended) but it works so well! I’ve already watched the movie but reading the book made me realise they change so much in the adaptation. Why did they change the girlfriend from Emma to Olive? Anyway, I might read the whole series at some point because I really like the characters.
Currently reading (book):
I’m taking two typography classes this semester, so this book is the perfect read to learn even more about typography. It’s fascinating and fun to read about the stories behind popular type fonts. I can recommend this book for everyone because we are surrounded by type fonts in our everyday lives and it’s interesting to learn more about them. Or just distinguish and perceive type faces in a different way.
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frostyreturns · 2 years
Frosty Ruins Captain Britain And The Mighty Defenders
Before I even dive into this comic Just from looking at the cover I have complaints about it. #1 I can already tell this is going to be a socjus all female reimagining of a previous collection of franchises and #2 I have no idea who most of the characters on the cover are. I recognize She-Hulk and I'm aware loosely of the female version of Black Panther but the vaguely Spider-Man looking one I've never seen before, the costume looks horrible. The costume looks like a metaphor for the character...it looks like someone skinned Spider-Man and then wore his skinsuit like a cape and a hood. Which sounds a lot cooler than it looks. Then there is an ethnically ambiguous browinish woman who could be arab, spanish, black or Indian in the middle that looks like she's from Assassin's Creed if the assassin's wore hoodies and sweatpants. She's carrying a glowing weapon I can't tell if it's supposed to be a lightsaber like weapon or a metal sword. I don't know who she is supposed to be but I can tell from looking at this that there is no Captain Britain on the cover of this Captain Britain comic. None of the characters even look like a female version of the character. And then we have Iron Man without the man part. This is going to be fucking terrible isn't it.
The comic begins with the premise that the multiverse was destroyed and all the heroes you've been reading about for generations all failed so here's some new ones. It's not enough to rewrite and remake everything, they have to also blow up the universe and kill everything else and reduce all past work and all past heroes to dead failures.
The first story begins by trying to tear down the Tony Stark character, it begins with him giving away his suit to a guy I've never heard of and who doesn't get much of an introduction at all. Tony then goes on to say he didn't really create the iron man suit and that he deserves to die without it and how the world doesn't need him...for some reason that's not talked about.
Then we skip ahead 10 years Tony is dead and this completely unknown character he gave his suit to is giving some flowery speech about how he used the suit to solve all of the worlds problems. They seem to be criticizing Tony for developing weapons like the Iron Man suit to protect people...but don't explain how this new character uses his suit...which is still a weapon to do anything different they just vaguely say he used it to defend the world from hate, want and fear...unlike Tony who...didn't? And by doing...something...that's definitely not the same thing Tony did he's essentially eliminated poverty, crime, inequality and cured every disease for free! And is now ready to go to other planets too. Oh and they made a self sustaining metropolis to end climate change...because even when the writers are magically solving all the worlds problems...we still need to upheave society to save the world from weather. Oh but guess what that was a dream and Dr Doom actually rules the universe like a god king and a tyrant. Which makes this dream sequence even fucking dumber, the writers in a dream within a fantasy science fiction comic book...still has global warming being a thing. That should tell you everything you need to know about the mindset of these doomsayers.
So then we get introduced to She-Hulk who is one of Dr Dooms "Thors". Which from context they seem to have made Thor into a kind of green lantern corps kind of thing, which is weird and stupid. They talk about how each sector has their own Thor. She Hulk is carrying around a "gavel of thor" and does enforcing of Dr Doom's laws which include punishing people for heresy against Doom. Oh and she calls it a gavel because her muscles are the real hammer, yeah strap in for cringe. So they essentially stuffed three different characters into She Hulk, she's the Hulk, she's also Thor and also she's a green lantern. And she's doing the bidding of Doom... So she's a villain? I have no idea what the fuck is going on it's only been a few pages and this plot is already convoluted and nonsensical. Even for a comic this is fucking retarded.
Then we meet the spiderman character who seems to be wearing the Prowler costume underneath a spider cape and hood, they call him Spider Hero which sounds super fucking stupid...but then he corrects She Hulk and says Spider-Man but then the character introduction box at the bottom calls him Spider Hero as well. So great inttroduction everyone you had one job to do, tell us who this stupid new character is and you failed. I read your introduction and still don't know what this gay new hero is called.
Then this stupid new spider-man/hero says this dumbass line "If I had Spider sense it would be tingling" lmao what the fuck kind of line is that, if you dont have spider sense why would you know what it is? and why would he phrase it the way the original spider-man that doesn't exist anymore did. They even go on to say he has no idea what spider sense is. This line is a logical and metaphysical impossibility. You cannot discuss a concept you have no conception of and they did it for a cheap nod at the character whose corpse they are desecrating.
I feel like I'm walking everyone step by step through this story but I can't read more than a sentence or two in this piece of shit comic without it being astoundingly dumb. The very next line is she Hulk complaining about trigger hapy fascists...but moments ago they claimed there was no crime? And she had just threatened a man for speaking heresy against her master Doom... and she’s calling other people fascists?
Now we meet the new Iron Man who's not a man...and they call her...get this "Kid Rescue". lmfao holy shit... comics in general have some ridiculous names...but even for comics these names are so bad. These are the dumbest names out of a collection of dumb names. This character isn’t even a succesor to Iron Man either she’s a succesor to a succesor who we only met a few pages ago. These writers can't be serious, this is a joke right nobody actually earnestly thought this was good, they can't have.
Okay here's the best part...the woman who looked like she was from Assassin's Creed is a female muslim doctor...and she's the new Captain Britain. Oh my fuck, no way. They made Captain Britain...the big buff english dude who wore a union jack costume to represent the patriotic british version of Captain America...is now a muslim woman in a hijab. Oh and also Britain doesn't even exist in this world either...lmfao. There is no way to possibly have screwed up the character anymore. It's as unfaithful and bad as it can be which makes me think there's no way it wasn't intentional. There is no part of me that believes for a second that this comic was made in earnest. It was made to be politically inflammatory, it was made to piss off the fans they expect to buy it. They probably had the press release where they called fans racist, sexist xenophobes typed up before this comic was even written. So yeah Britain... the English nation here is your fantasy story...Britain was wiped out and doesn't exist...and now your new hero is a muslim woman...and not even a muslim woman who takes up the Captain Britain mantle...she'll just wear her plain white hijab.
This is one of the worst comics I've ever read, and with lines like "hello everybody look at all my guns" it only gets worse and worse the longer you read it and the more you think about it. At one point Captian islam starts speaking like yoda for no reason at all. "I've got healing powers, I can take him apart, get the bullet out save him I can."
The anti-gun stuff is so weird from some of these people. I hate guns but I'll fight with a sword...both will kill someone what's the fucking difference. It's easy to be anti-gun when you have magical powers. Yeah sure when everyone can shoot lasers out of their hands or blow up building by punching them...then when can get rid of guns how about that?
The premise then becomes this team of heroes who has lived under Doom for what we assume is their whole lives is now teaming up to fight him out of nowhere...because a strange foreigner showed up and said Doom isn’t really a god. And then instead of fighting doom, they fight another city state that’s rebelling against Doom for some reason. None of this makes any sense, toddlers could have come up with a more coherent storyline, and they’d probably tell it better too.
And the comic ends with them introducing this character that seems to be a blend of ripoffs between robo cop, judge dredd and the punisher. Especially Judge Dredd, they have him in a Dredd like helmet, working in a mega city one type city working with a psychic partner...if Disney didn't own everything then someone would be able to sue for plagiarism. This was without a doubt one of the worst comics I've ever read. It reads not only like it was written by a retard...not only like it was written by a child but by a retarded child who is a political idealogue. It's propaganda written by retarded children for absolutely nobody because there is no audience for this. It's like it was written for regressively left women who hate comic books...a hell of an audience to try to sell comic books to. To typical comic book fans it's an affront to everything they enjoy...it's the desecration and defacement of the things they love. To political opponents it's an idiotic, hamfisted screed with no coherent point. To people who agree with the writers politically...it's a poorly written comic with a terrible premise and an even worse plot...which is probably why this only has two issues. This was cancerously bad on all levels, it has absolutely no redeeming qualities...the art style...it could be worse I guess. That's the closest I have to a positive comment about this comic.
This reads like a comic that's not real but is something that someone like Steven Crowder wrote as a joke to mock how bad comics have gotten. It reads like a satire of modern comics but it just isn't it's just that horrible. If I were grading this like an elemntary school teacher this is what I would write at the bottom of this comic in red pen...
F- see me after class you clearly didn't read the assignment instructions
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Stars Hoang
Professor Raul Herrera 
22 August 2024
The Yanky Wrongs Corrected Edition
1 Powerless
2 Pussy
3 Prostitutes
4 Skank
Asian people or culture
5 Slanted eyes
6 Stutter
7 Gooks
8 non-human
9 ugly
Arabs and/or Islam 
10 911
11 Terrorists
12 Dangerous
13 Most wanted
Hispanics/ Latinos,
14 Beaners
15 Sombrero
16 Borders
17 Deported
Blacks/ Pan-Africans/ African-Americans
18 Big-lipped
19 Apes
20 Uneducated
21 Street-thugs
LGBTQ:  lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
22 Gross
23 Hell-bound
24 Beaten
25 outcasted
Immigrants and/or Foreigners,
26 Job-stealer
27 Manicurists
28 Unamerican
29 unwelcomed
Senior Citizens and/or the Elderly.
30 Wrinkly
31 Bed-ridden
32 Hospice
33 Dieing. 
Optional: create a category of your own or suggest a group
34 Big-eye
35 Demon
36 Threat
37 secret
Stereotypes and ethnophaulisms does not benefit anyone. We all lose in doing that. Type III Timid Bigot is fearful of being bashed for being otherwise. I feel sorry for myself that I am surrounded by those settle to be not thinking full of whatever stereotypes and ethnophaulisms that comes to mind. I have rejected family and friends any medias that promote biases. There is a rainbow of emotions other than shaming others self-gain.
I identified in total thirty seven stereotypes and ethnophaulisms. They were all taken into consideration and recorded. I did not find it uncomfortable but somewhat comical. I am giving myself a chance to learn and change as well as others. I like many others will make others feel bad just to make ourselves feel good. I will be more fact-based in my approach and more considerate of others. 
My split family backgrounds, a Father with all Vietnamese relatives that for the most part are biased towards Americans. A Mother of open mixed race marriages appreciation for upper-class European British-descents. These are things that I have learnt as a child unknowingly. These are things that have been carried on into adulthood. I dislike my stereotypes and ethnophaulisms being exposed. I like the potential of having more productive interactions among all. It is easy to not think with the masses and stereotype.
 Ethnophaulisms need to be addressed in fixed thinking. Hate speech is protected constitutionally yet needs refraining and reframing. We as the best country in the world, Americans should make more groups and subgroups where people of all walks of life feel a sense of belonging, “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” 
Freedom of religion means acknowledgements of others who are not Christian nor Jewish, pagan by choice by constitution living in the United States and more so abroad studies are key. The need to be like-minded has created sustained stereotypes and ethnophaulisms. These are broadcasted daily on all platforms and readily accepted. During the Coronavirus Pandemic these issues threatened humanity, from Asian hate to crimes being committed against the police world-wide. Blacks are still called blacks by the Whites, although black reference color not people. We must identify these stereotypes and ethnophaulisms and correct them.
They are racist, sexist, and toxic for the mind of individual more so society. Our conscious is bombarded with them without mercy. The subconscious underneath it all is void of uneducated ethics. It is a great time to unlearn stereotypes and ethnophaulisms. We must turn how we really feel into what is factually and proper. The only person that can change is not the collective whole, it’s the self. The opportunity, this class is a start to perhaps. Let us find more reasons to coexist, love be sustainably unbiased. 
Color blindness is a reduced ability to distinguish between certain colors. The condition is often inherited. ”Colorblindedness is an ideology of worldview that minimizes the role of systemic racism in shaping outcomes for people of color and attributes racial disparities to the bad choices and poor behavior of racial minorities” (National Library of Medicine). I am viewed as a problem now. An Amerasian that is Vietnamese, Native Indian, and Spainard. Perhaps its because I am genderless and a tomboy. Perhaps it is because I am Baptist but like the Catholic church. Perhaps it is because I am Vietnamese from Little Rock, Arkansas. Tracy self-hatred is the root problems for stirring others to hate. I am quite resolved love myself and everyone loves me irregardless. My Vietnamese heritage could not identify with Tracy. My American friends cannot identify with her either. 
It is bad. It’s ugly. The need to be judgmental seems peer pressured created in societies. We hate others to be liked. We outcast others to fit in. We are shame and shame others contrarily. We all have been polluted by stereotypes and ethnophaulisms undeniably. French soldiers beheaded the and anything Vietnamese. I was shocked to find these photos showcased on Google images. French conceit carried on is awful historically. 
I am proud of who I am and disgusted more so of systemic racisms. This is what insecure people with identity crisis cling onto me and others. I find that I am not racist. The colonization of races needs to be unlearnt. It might take a lifetime to be free ourselves from ignorance. No one can impose their beliefs onto others least forgotten. 
It is not where I am from but where we are all going. Those who refuses to change only stunts themselves. A better world awaits young and old together is wiser. Collectively we will manifest our own future and legacy, and empower those around us with knowledge and wisdom in order to live in a world where many worlds fit.
Declaration Statement:
I will learn from my past,
I will Endure and Grow new branches from this life experience.
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zooterchet · 6 months
Pre-Law History (War on Terror, UMass-Amherst)
Scenario: The People's Crusade, a media stoked movement.  
Response: We need these cows, the Arabs stole our meat.
The First Crusade, the sack of Armenia for holding Slavics as Russian Orthodoxy, Satanists outside the Gypsy gene.  
Response: Satan, is a deliberate faith, to be reversed through athletics; not battle, the proper murder, outside of prison's threat of the cell as an athlete.
The Third Crusade, the betrayal of the Jordan River Valley tower, unpaid labor.  
Response: Anything on a non-payer commune, is open to a snitch; you need to understand the face of a foe, not the truth.  Truth, is outside of money.  But money, rules the world, that's a teacher.
The Children's Crusade, the sales of children in the thousands to African slavery in exchange for marijuana seeds and samples, "Houses in Scotland".  
Response: "Con Air"; each of you convicts, are a job, and you've been in prison, your entire life.  Don't go in with the Africans, you've been raised "black", and they're far older at the game.  The Oath of the Italian Mafia; find the Boss, the Don, the Chump.  She isn't what she seems.
The Fifth Crusade, Pierre the Coward, the Red Badge of Courage, versus Saladin, the Witch Hunter, the arts war of al-Qaeda.  
Response: Starscream, the Decepticons, the Catholics, versus Optimus Prime, the Autobots, the Arabs.  This is a rare treat, if you can find Northrup Grumman; the Charleboises.
The Eighth Crusade, the death of the German King, due to heart attack from falling in the Rhine River, forced into place.  
Response: Any leadership war, is nothing without the King; but why do you have to have the King, on the spot?  He's sacrificed himself, by coming to your quarries.  Let Christ be King; Jesus was a pedophile, he saw for himself the ruthlessness of his father.  Loose Change.
The Twelfth Crusade, RIchard the Lion-Hearted, the gold trade, in Iranian souls, trapped via captive.  
Response: An O'Neill classic, "The Merchant of Venice".  The beginning of a brand.  "Ave Satani", Tip O'Neill.  Are you mine, rule of thumb?
The Thirteenth Crusade, the retaking of Jerusalem by Moslems, the homosexuals bred as soldiers.  
Response: Gay Niggers From Outer Space.  The illegal play; the Statue of Liberty; DC Comics, a "narcotics officer".
The Iranian resistance against Turks, the assassins, bred on marijuana prenatal exposure, and marijuana hashish oils, butter lipids.  
Response: The Nietzschean Society, the King's Men, and EON Productions.  The breaker of the rule, is the champion.  Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, David Charlebois.
The Mongolian invasion, the conquest of Russia, Mesopotamia, and Vietnam, by Uighurs.  
Response: Sell toys, collect children's literature, and protect your women.  Three rules, together, a German, the modern anti-Semite.
The Reconquistda, the French Germans, conquering Spain, and allowing Uthman, to return to stature, as a Rabbinical Jude, a business owner and manager.  
Response: The Synagogue, is a punishment, unless refused three times; then an Arab, the old Southern Larchy Tune.  For the Goyim. 
The mince meat pie, the bond between priests and imamis, the beginning of the university, Muslim Shaykhs, college professors, managed by Rabbinicals, salesman, through priests, the homeless managers of the common people into military and police arms.  
Response: The whole thing has to be thrown out.  Then, you win, because someone, needed your help.  Law enforcement, is a tool of a university, and the arrest, is the highschool.  Elementary school, picks cops, the track athlete; the shutdown of a banking corporate, because a child, wanted to run away.  
The resurrection of Judaism, the victor of the military, as refusing products based on rationing, the bigot to be sided against in war.
Response: The Grand Ol' Party, The United Kingdom, the Nation-State of Israel, the Federal Republic of Russia, and the Assembly of France.  The last, John Wick, is post-humous.  Is France, ethnic?  Or just Jews? 
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nahascalls · 2 years
Stickers for macbook pro
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Emojis displayed on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV use the Apple Color Emoji font installed on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
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Photo: Josef Koudelka
* * * *
It’s important to say what hope is not: it is not the belief that everything was, is, or will be fine. The evidence is all around us of tremendous suffering and tremendous destruction. The hope I’m interested in is about broad perspectives with specific possibilities, ones that invite or demand that we act. It’s also not a sunny everything-is-getting-better narrative, though it may be a counter to the everything-is-getting-worse narrative. You could call it an account of complexities and uncertainties, with openings. “Critical thinking without hope is cynicism, but hope without critical thinking is naïvete,” the Bulgarian emigre writer Maria Popova recently remarked. And Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, early on described the movement’s mission as to “Provide hope and inspiration for collective action to build collective power to achieve collective transformation, rooted in grief and rage but pointed towards vision and dreams.” It’s a statement that acknowledges that grief and hope can coexist. The tremendous human rights achievements—not only in gaining rights but in redefining race, gender, sexuality, embodiment, spirituality, and the idea of the good life—of the past half century have flowered during a time of unprecedented ecological destruction and the rise of innovative new means of exploitation. And the rise of new forms of resistance, including resistance enabled by an elegant understanding of that ecology and new ways for people to communicate and organize, and new and exhilarating alliances across distance and difference. Hope locates itself in the premises that we don’t know what will happen and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is room to act. When you recognize uncertainty, you recognize that you may be able to influence the outcomes—you alone or you in concert with a few dozen or several million others. Hope is an embrace of the unknown and the unknowable, an alternative to the certainty of both optimists and pessimists. Optimists think it will all be fine without our involvement; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from acting. It’s the belief that what we do matters even though how and when it may matter, who and what it may impact, are not things you can know beforehand. You may not, in fact, know them afterward either, but they matter all the same, and history is full of people whose influence was most powerful after they were gone. There are major movements that failed to achieve their goals; there are also comparatively small gestures that mushroomed into successful revolutions. The self-immolation of impoverished, police-harassed produce-seller Mohamed Bouazizi on December 17, 2010, in Tunisia was the spark that lit a revolution in his country and then across northern Africa and other parts of the Arab world in 2011. And though the civil war in Syria and the counterrevolutions after Egypt’s extraordinary uprising might be what most remember, Tunisia’s “jasmine revolution” toppled a dictator and led to peaceful elections in that country in 2014. Whatever else the Arab Spring was, it’s an extraordinary example of how unpredictable change is and how potent popular power can be. You can tell the genesis story of the Arab Spring other ways. The quiet organizing going on in the shadows beforehand matters. So does the comic book about Martin Luther King and civil disobedience that was translated into Arabic and widely distributed in Egypt shortly before the Arab Spring. You can tell of King’s civil disobedience tactics being inspired by Gandhi’s tactics, and Gandhi’s inspired by Tolstoy and the radical acts of noncooperation and sabotage of British women suffragists. So the threads of ideas weave around the world and through the decades and centuries. There’s another lineage for the Arab Spring in hip-hop, the African-American music that’s become a global medium for dissent and outrage; Tunisian hip-hop artist El Général was, along with Bouazizi, an instigator of the uprising, and other musicians played roles in articulating the outrage and inspiring the crowds. Mushroomed: after a rain mushrooms appear on the surface of the earth as if from nowhere. Many do so from a sometimes vast underground fungus that remains invisible and largely unknown. What we call mushrooms mycologists call the fruiting body of the larger, less visible fungus. Uprisings and revolutions are often considered to be spontaneous, but less visible long-term organizing and groundwork—or underground work—often laid the foundation. Changes in ideas and values also result from work done by writers, scholars, public intellectuals, social activists, and participants in social media. It seems insignificant or peripheral until very different outcomes emerge from transformed assumptions about who and what matters, who should be heard and believed, who has rights. Ideas at first considered outrageous or ridiculous or extreme gradually become what people think they’ve always believed. How the transformation happened is rarely remembered, in part because it’s compromising: it recalls the mainstream when the mainstream was, say, rabidly homophobic or racist in a way it no longer is; and it recalls that power comes from the shadows and the margins, that our hope is in the dark around the edges, not the limelight of center stage. Our hope and often our power. --from the 2016 introduction to Hope in the Dark. Photo: Josef Koudelka, Warsaw Pact troops invade Prague, In front of the Radio Headquarters, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1968
[Rebecca Solnit]
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
I collect Soviet newspapers. Years ago, I used to travel to Moscow’s Izmailovsky flea market every few weeks, hooking up with a dealer who crisscrossed the country digging up front pages from the Cold War era. I have Izvestia’s celebration of Gagarin’s flight, a Pravda account of a 1938 show trial, even an ancient copy of Ogonyek with Trotsky on the cover that someone must have taken a risk to keep.
These relics, with dramatic block fonts and red highlights, are cool pieces of history. Not so cool: the writing! Soviet newspapers were wrought with such anvil shamelessness that it’s difficult to imagine anyone ever read them without laughing. A good Soviet could write almost any Pravda headline in advance. What else but “A Mighty Demonstration of the Union of the Party and the People” fit the day after Supreme Soviet elections? What news could come from the Spanish civil war but “Success of the Republican Fleet?” Who could earn an obit headline but a “Faithful Son of the Party”?
Reality in Soviet news was 100% binary, with all people either heroes or villains, and the villains all in league with one another (an SR was no better than a fascist or a “Right-Trotskyite Bandit,” a kind of proto-horseshoe theory). Other ideas were not represented, except to be attacked and deconstructed. Also, since anything good was all good, politicians were not described as people at all but paragons of limitless virtue — 95% of most issues of Pravda or Izvestia were just names of party leaders surrounded by lists of applause-words, like “glittering,” “full-hearted,” “wise,” “mighty,” “courageous,” “in complete moral-political union with the people,” etc.
Some of the headlines in the U.S. press lately sound suspiciously like this kind of work:
— Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty
— Champion of the middle class comes to the aid of the poor
— Biden's historic victory for America
The most Soviet of the recent efforts didn’t have a classically Soviet headline. “Comedians are struggling to parody Biden. Let’s hope this doesn’t last,” read the Washington Post opinion piece by Richard Zoglin, arguing that Biden is the first president in generations who might be “impervious to impressionists.” Zoglin contended Biden is “impregnable” to parody, his voice being too “devoid of obvious quirks,” his manner too “muted and self-effacing” to offer comedians much to work with. He was talking about this person:
Forget that the “impregnable to parody” pol spent the last campaign year jamming fingers in the sternums of voters, challenging them to pushup contests, calling them “lying dog-faced pony soldiers,” and forgetting what state he was in. Biden, on the day Zoglin ran his piece, couldn’t remember the name of his Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and referred to the Department of Defense as “that outfit over there”:
It doesn’t take much looking to find comedians like James Adomian and Anthony Atamaniuk ab-libbing riffs on Biden with ease. He checks almost every box as a comic subject, saying inappropriate things, engaging in wacky Inspector Clouseau-style physical stunts (like biting his wife’s finger), and switching back and forth between outbursts of splenetic certainty and total cluelessness. The parody doesn’t even have to be mean — you could make it endearing cluelessness. But to say nothing’s there to work with is bananas.  
The first 50 days of Biden’s administration have been a surprise on multiple fronts. The breadth of his stimulus suggests a real change from the Obama years, while hints that this administration wants to pick a unionization fight with Amazon go against every tendency of Clintonian politics. But it’s hard to know what much of it means, because coverage of Biden increasingly resembles official press releases, often featuring embarrassing, Soviet-style contortions.
When Biden decided not to punish Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi on the grounds that the “cost” of “breaching the relationship with one of America’s key Arab allies” was too high, the New York Times headline read: “Biden Won’t Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi’s Killing, Fearing Relations Breach.” When Donald Trump made the same calculation, saying he couldn’t cut ties because “the world is a very dangerous place” and “our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the paper joined most of the rest of the press corps in howling in outrage.
“In Extraordinary Statement, Trump Stands With Saudis Despite Khashoggi Killing.” was the Times headline, in a piece that said Trump’s decision was “a stark distillation of the Trump worldview: remorselessly transactional, heedless of the facts, determined to put America’s interests first, and founded on a theory of moral equivalence.” The paper noted, “Even Mr. Trump’s staunchest allies on Capitol Hill expressed revulsion.”
This week, in its “Crusader for the Poor” piece, the Times described Biden’s identical bin Salman decision as mere evidence that he remains “in the cautious middle” in his foreign policy. The paper previously had David Sanger dig up a quote from former Middle East negotiator Dennis Ross, who “applauded Mr. Biden for ‘trying to thread the needle here… This is the classic example of where you have to balance your values and your interests.’” It’s two opposite takes on exactly the same thing.
The old con of the Manufacturing Consent era of media was a phony show of bipartisanship. Legitimate opinion was depicted as a spectrum stretching all the way from “moderate” Democrats (often depicted as more correct on social issues) to “moderate” Republicans (whose views on the economy or war were often depicted as more realistic). That propaganda trick involved constantly narrowing the debate to a little slice of the Venn diagram between two established parties. Did we need to invade Iraq right away to stay safe, as Republicans contended, or should we wait until inspectors finished their work and then invade, as Democrats insisted?
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vintagegeekculture · 4 years
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The Empire of the Petal Throne, printed first in 1975, was the first real “campaign setting” ever created in the early days of roleplaying games, at least as we would recognize it, e.g., the idea the setting has unique characteristics and history, magic has certain rules, the tech level means a wildly different equipment list...as opposed to just being a platform for campaigns, discovered as the characters explore and move around, which was often the default in most early tabletop games. You can’t think of the first generation of tabletop gamers without seeing the huge influence of Empire of the Petal Throne in nearly everything; in the 70s, at the scale games worked at, this was a big deal. 
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As for the setting itself, it’s often fascinating to me how divergent thinkers tend to diverge alike. Nearly all “weird and different” tabletop settings (e.g. Talislanta, Skyrealms of Jorune, heck, even Synnibarr, the Uwe Boll of this subgenre) follow the blueprint of Jack Vance’s Dying Earth books, in that it usually is a setting of impossible antiquity that at one point was starfaring but reverted to barbarism, so a feudal society is surrounded by alien artifacts and superscience they barely understand, with ruins of 20,000 years and so on. That’s the world of the Empire of the Petal Throne, an earth colony that reverted to barbarism when it was sucked out of the planet’s orbit 40,000 years ago and into a dimension with vastly different physical laws. It led to impossibly stratified, priest-ruled cultures where social standing had to be factored into everything, more like precolonial India. Artists tend to make it look vaguely like precolonial South America, as their overly busy ornamentation seems to be visual shorthand in the western mind for “culture that is truly alien and wildly divergent.” 
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The creator of the setting was M.A. R. Barker, a professor of Indian and Middle Eastern studies who was a white Midwesterner who converted to Islam and changed his name to Mohammed Abdul Rashid (before weebs and Japanophilia, the culture nerds tended to obsess over most was the Middle East, India, and Persia, just ask Harold Lamb, John Milius, or even Lovecraft, who gave himself the “Arab name” of Abdul Azhared and wrote “The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath”). Barker was essentially every single teen dungeon master, myself included, with dozens and dozens of marbled composition books with all kinds of detailed notes on their settings. The interesting part is that as he was a linguist, he created artificial languages for his settings, and with Tolkien, who Barks is often compared to, it’s challenging to discover whether he started setting-first, or created the setting as a vehicle for his constructed languages. The amazing thing is, when he started writing about his setting, there was no tabletop gaming; he first saw it as a vehicle for a novel, then wargaming, then when D&D came into existence, he started running games there that lasted for decades and were published.
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Barker ran a famous “Thursday night game” for decades in Minneapolis set in the Empire of the Petal Throne, one of his players was D&D founding father and co-creator Dave Arneson. The fascinating thing about early D&D in these days is how cliquish it was; everyone knew everyone through personal connection. Professor Barker was in the right place at the right time - the midwest wargaming scene in the early 1970s - to befriend the first circle of D&D gamers, impress them with the sheer shocking depth of the worldbuilding he created at a time when that wasn’t anywhere near close to normal, and get a release of a boxed set of his world setting in ‘75, making it the first true game world setting as we know it. 
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Details in worldbuilding are great but eventually, there’s a point of diminishing returns. M.A.R. Barker reminds me of a documentary I saw called Jiro Dreams of Sushi where the guy who runs one of the most famous sushi restaurants in the world insists octopus be massaged for 45 minutes before serving. All while reading about Barker, you ask one question: does he care a lot and is he detailed, or is this unhealthy compulsion or obsessiveness? The line between being detailed and “caring a lot” vs. truly obsessive behavior is kind of blurred sometimes, like for instance, when you hear that Barker had a collection of over 2,000+ miniatures he personally created for Empire of the Petal Throne (rather like how sometimes the line between collecting and hoarding is vague). I mean, I don’t even think I can answer that because the line between the two is blurred: was Barker a genius who created a towering achievement, maybe the most detailed fantasy world of all time....or was he an obsessive eccentric with an unhealthy fixation, like a slightly less reclusive Henry Darger?
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My personal approach to worldbuilding is to start story first and build the world around the story. Don’t create any details you don’t intend to be important or to create a conflict. If it doesn’t come up, it might as well not be there. Story comes first, not setting. If you want the finale of the first adventure to be in a volcano, put a volcano next to the starting town. Only bring up that trolls once invaded the world from another dimension if you intend for Trolls to return and their dismantled gates to reactivate, and so on. If you create a rule that sorcerers lose their powers when they fall in love, have one get in danger of falling in love. If you have a rule that all clones go insane, but cloning doesn’t come up at all, what was the point of that mental energy and effort, anyway? My point is, you can get away with flimsy worldbuilding and good stories, but never the opposite.
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The danger of truly strange settings is that as there’s nothing to mentally compare it to, it all comes off as insane and disconnected - and that’s more a problem with tabletop games than any other, which have to have 6+ people “on the same page.” That’s why games are at their best at genre simulation and it is difficult to do truly unique concepts, e.g. “you’re all superheroes in Marvel Comics.” Someone, I think it was James Rolfe, once pointed out that nobody ever finds it weird or strange that Godzilla has atomic breath, because he kind of looks like a dragon, and breathing fire is a thing dragons do. But when Gamera, another monster, tucks his head and limbs in and starts flying like a pinwheel, it looks crazy and kind of hilarious because that comes from absolutely nowhere. 
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Here’s one final question to ask about the first true game setting: can you run a game in it? I’ve found that in my case, the answer is no. It’s such a product of the distinctive genius/insane mind of M.A.R. Barker that it’s hard to see how anyone else could do something with it or approach the material. I admire and love Empire of the Petal Throne, but it’s the only game setting I ever got I haven’t used. It’s interesting that D&D never revived Empire of the Petal Throne; I suppose it was too much of a product of a single stubborn vision to be absorbed into the D&D cosmology or multiverse. You will not see the armadillo men with 8 sexes who defecate in public get a listing in the Monster Manual in any future edition. 
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
this is extremely rambly and hits on a couple of different points without going too much into detail. mostly its just a vent about the batfam-fandom. if y’all agree/want to reblog it you’re more than welcome to, but im definitely not looking for a conversation here nor am i inviting anyone to come “change my mind”. if you disagree feel free to unfollow/vague about me on your own blog lmao, i’m using the usual vent & negativity tags here though (& a cut but plz feel free to lmk if its not working for whatever reason)
so going off from this ask- 
whether intentional or not, using dead space & resizing/using perspective to diminish one character’s presence in a picture in favor of another CAN have a cool effect, absolutely! (after all, if ONE character is meant to be the focus of the piece, then you need to diminish everyone else’s involvement) but when its used to bring focus once again to those usual four boys, then to me, it gives off the vibe that the artist in question only sees the others as extras or as dressing to round out the 4 batboys, which :/ doesnt reflect very well on that artist really
i understand that it can be a LOT to include 8+ characters in a picture, but if you’re gonna label a picture/edit as “Batboys” and it doesn’t include Duke, I’m personally not interested in it. If you’re gonna make a “Batfam” pic/edit and it doesnt include both Cass AND Duke, its gonna be a HARD pass from me from here on out. Making something with the “Robins”, BARE MINIMUM you should include steph there!!! (not that i dont love to see Carrie as well, but like.... she’s an out-of-canon/futureverse robin guys. you better be including steph before you go throwing carrie into the mix) 
Like, Legally Bruce has 6 kids. i dont care what anyone even TRIES to say. Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, & Duke have all been adopted/fostered by Bruce at various points of canon. sometimes its a little up in the air as to whether that’s carried over from continuity to continuity, but it’s high time that we do better as fandom to remember that regardless.
now, EMOTIONALLY he’s got at LEAST 8 (thats where you throw in Babs & Steph obvsly.) maaaaybe 9 if we include Harper but she’s only recently making a return to Rebirth iirc so that’s another one that half the fandom takes or leaves depending on their affection for her. and we’re not even getting into how connected/disconnected characters like Kate, Helena, Luke, etc., are to that “core” batfam. 
hell for that matter, no one ever bats an eye either about including Alfred, but yknow.... that’s a whole other topic I would save for another time. because what this really reveals about the overall trend of fandom is that it IS racist! it IS sexist! it IS ableist! fans can have the best of intentions while writing/drawing/editing, but unless we collectively work together and remind one another to look outside of those four boys (& think critically about why we end up whitewashing two of those boys who are confirmed romani/chinese-arabic respectively), then fans of color absolutely have every right to criticize this! (we also have every right to criticize poorly thought out race-bending for that matter, but again. another train of thought)
But really, all this boils down to the fact that the batfam fandom really is its own branch/subset of DC fandom, damn well enough to be its own separate fandom. 
so many of those batfam-fans are so insular in how they interact with the canon, its like they’re blind to the fact that this family is meant to be just one SLICE of the greater world’s history. there’s an entire WORLD of characters outside of gotham (hell there’s a whole wealth of Gotham residents that ARENT batfam members that are being ignored by the fandom too, now that I think about it)
but i guess that would require them to actually look up comics and read em to learn that, but even that seems to be too much to ask at this point
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book-exchange-easy · 4 years
8 Best Graphic Books for Teenager in 2020
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Books are man's best friends. For anyone who are suffering from the habit of reading from a really young age, notice a slow shift in their preference for various genres of novels. However, no matter what age, your love for the finest picture novels does not seem to fathom.
Every book enthusiast must be using a run of comic books they have followed since these were teenagers. With progressing years, there was seen a wonderful flourish in various sorts of graphic books for almost all ages. Therefore, the genre of graphic novels isn't any more restricted for kids and teenagers. It's something one can continue to enjoy and unwind on a nice rainy day with a cup of coffee from the side or some thing to learn at the close of your afternoon to day maintain your head off the day's stress.
So, here's the record of some of the finest graphic books You Have to definitely lay your hands on:
Best Graphic Novels That You Need to Not Miss!
1. Nimona Written and illustrated by Noelle Stevenson
Dragons are a hot favorite among most people. Combine it with an equally magnificent and indulging narrative, and exactly what you get is that well-presented novel Nimona. There's a central personality with heroism you are going to fall for that's forces and just a supervillain with a side kick. The illustrations are quite captivating and the storyline keeps you in for a treat. Here is a definite story to read on your own list of the very best graphic books.
2. A Contract With God and Other Tenement Stories (The Contract With God Trilogy #1) by Will Eisner
If you're looking for a book that will energize you and take you back over time, somewhere in 1930s America, then it doesn't receive any perfect than the graphic book. This master illustrator has been pumped his growing years in New York in this publication. It is based on a literary tenement situated in 55 Dropsie Avenue, the Bronx, ny. There's so much reality inside paints a brilliant picture of how the life span there was in the article World War 1 spectacle.
3. We3 by Grant Morrison (Writer), Frank Quitely (Artist)
Do you love Cyborgs? Or cats, rabbits, dogs? All themor either of these? Well, this wonderful publication has everything. The gripping story is all about the 3 lovely and innocent pets learning to be a part of a covert military program. The struggle for these to come back home is so real that you will continue anticipating what awaits you as you turn pages of the well-illustrated image book.
4. The Rabbi's Cat by Joann Sfar, Alexis Siegel (Translator), Anjali Singh (Translator)
The three phenomenal characters, a kitty, its own master - a rabbi, along with his daughter Zlabya, have been woven together in a gorgeous narrative. The much from the real, a talking cat that claims to be Jewish will probably lead you to a lot of entertainment because they travel to France to meet the kid's new family. The depiction in this publication paints a vibrant picture of the Arabs and Jewish coexisted and is a great read.
5. The Prince and the Dress-maker From Jen Wang
This is a romantic narrative of Prince Sebastian who's trying hard to cover up his secret life as fabulous Lady Crystallia who is a fashion star in Paris with the help of this out standing dress maker Frances. The beauty of this tale lies to keep the trick and also how important it's to be somebody's closest confidante. Will this trick live. Grab the publication to learn its fate and indulge in the gorgeous illustrations of the publication.
6. Archie: The New Riverdale From Mark Waid, Fiona Staples, Annie Wu, & Veronica Fish
America's favourite teen ager is in a better and revamped version of their modern era. The first volume can be found in 6 problems. It is the the finest graphic novel for teenagers because it's extremely relatable. The guy is leading the same life. He's got friendships, a love triangle, ample humor, and overall lots of fun.
7. This one Summer with Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
Growing up is hard, well is being a grownup. Changing is a part of life and so do both of these girls who are now growing into young women undergo. Our likes/dislikes, ambitions, desires, nature, everything brings a drastic change whilst at the teenage. Both of these girls have spent since youth and this one summer they detect a few unexpressed long-simmering jealousy, fear, and anger eventually bubble over. This is a certain possess in your own best graphic novels collection.
8. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Earth from Isabel Greenberg
The ground has seen many many civilizations that have emerged and forgotten to get long. This really is among the better picture books that holds the story of a child who embarks on a journey from the North pole to the South pole and meets a unique old culture. He meets his true love but the gap in these brings in new challenges in order for them to face. Does their love defeat all of it? Read on the novel to learn!
I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection of the greatest graphic novels and discuss with friends and family too. It is also possible to take to the BEEapp which is a novel exchange easy online program for sharing novels. You can easily purchase, donate, and sell your books and books safely on this platform.
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khadeeja119490 · 4 years
Id: 119490
Course name: Issues in mass communication SPRING20
Course code: Mass2620
Date: May 31, 2020
   Assignment 2
Issues in media is an important course that media students have. It gives media students the chance to know more about what is happing around and let them be a part of the actions. Of course, it is important to know the history of media and what happened in previous years, but it is more important to know what is happening around in the country as well as in the whole world. First, I thought in this course I am going to learn about the history of media and some of known political or commercial issues but what I learned was more essential than what I thought of. This course was about how to open my thinking, know how other people are thinking and how should media students see the actions from above not like ordinary people. We had useful course materials and we discussed essential topics in the class room and online as well. In this course, we learned how to understand media, how can we evaluate information, media development (the history), labelling in media, deep changes, comics in media, challenges to media.
The submitted materials:
In the past 13 weeks we were submitted around13 different topics. Although, they were different but they were linked together. Moreover, there were gradual presentation of topics. We started with disinformation, I searched about what does disinformation mean? When media people use disinformation and examples of disinformation. In this topic we learned the difference between disinformation and misinformation and as a media student I have to know how to differentiate between the two idioms. Then we move to the use of cognitive strategies in media, I searched about the cognitive strategies, it was the first time for me to search about such topic, so I faced some difficulties. Also, I knew that media people should know and understand the cognitive strategies. For example, the NUTELLA advertisement they use different colors like red, white, green and brown, they use the bread full of chocolate with some hazelnut to show that this brand of chocolate is the appropriate choice for the children especially in the morning. Then, Communication used in Cold War, World War I, World War II, the American coalition invasion of Iraq, I knew how the powers in each war used disinformation and the cognitive strategies in that times. It was a useful topic; we learned the topic from the media side. We knew the different communication ways used in that time starting from the pigeon bath, telegraph cables, dogs, airplanes, tanks, telephone, propaganda like movies, posts and radio, newspapers, magazines, spies till the live broadcast on TV channels. Moreover, we knew how they developed the communications strategies in each war. Then, we moved to how do media outside Oman present race, gender. The fourth topic was very interesting. I saw different opinions, how people think about the race in Oman and other countries, poor people are working all the time and, in any job, just to get money, rich people are traveling over the world, owned high-class cars and their cloths are from very expensive brands. In this topic also, I searched about the gender, the common stereotypes of women and men. Women are weak, they have to stay at home looking after the kids, like everything with pink color, not allowed to give their opinions in any topics, they must listen to what men say and they must say yes and not allowed to work in some careers.  Men are so brave, they don’t cry, they get money, they have to decide women’s life, they can do anything they want because they are men and they like brave characters like superman and spiderman. The third gender is not actually a new topic but people don’t like to talk about it in Arab countries but in some foreign countries are welcomed them. Then, Selfie and narcissism,  it was really pleasant topic, because we do always use selfies and some people are so obsession in taking selfies this might lead us to be narcissist because we saw ourselves better than others and people should respect us, we see that we are so beautiful .When I searched this topic I read about the legend of selfie. We discussed the fame online and how popular people show their perfect life, bright skin which will not be bright without plastic surgeries, brands and high-class cars. This can lead some teenagers to buy expensive cloths, do plastic surgeries they don’t need because they want to be like those who are in social media platforms. Then to hated speech, what I really learned that “no one born hating other person, people learn how to hate” this phrase is totally true. Some people hate others because they are poor and others are rich, white people hate black people, non-educated people hate the educated people and some people hate famous people or influencers. Social media platforms are the best place to find hate speeches. Then we moved to the role of media in health education, I learned the role of media during the Coronavirus and how media is educating people about how to wash their hands in a correct way, use the sterilizer and warn them by videos, posts, leaflets and how media in Oman cares about foreign people. Then about comics in the time of COVID-19, we collected some photos from different gulf websites and we analyzed them. I learned that there is a funny way to send the message for audience and they accepted it and it might work more than other ways. This way takes the audience out of the official circle of news. Then, we discussed two hypotheses, we discussed two hypotheses and I think media in this pandemic must be very honest with citizens and give them the real actions happening around. Media is always with people’s interest, give people what they have to know and hide some sides because media know what people should know and what they should not
and the last topic was about our perspectives about media ethic challenges, it was rich, media has ethics challenges. The development of technology, the world of social media, wars and conflicts between countries all of these things create a big challenge for media. Media must be very honest, clear and transparent with audience and also very careful with what it is publishing because there are many enemies and media should not let them know some sensitive information. Sometimes, it is ethical to lie to protect the countries from the spies or enemies.
All what we had was thoughtful, useful and factual. Actions happened and happening around and we have to be familiar with because we are media students.
The analyzing:
As what I said before, all the topics were connected to each other. We can see the frequency.  All topics are following and relating to each other as well as related to what we had in the class and online materials. Some of them were new and personally it was my first time to know them and search about them.
(disinformation and cognitive strategies) these topics are related; made me very careful when I see the news, I can identify correct information from disinformation and not everything I see in ads or movies I believe, sometimes there are lots of undirect messages like love stories.
(communication in wars, disinformation, cognitive and hate speech) they used disinformation, cognitive strategies and hated in each war and in different ways, the third topic was a good example to understand the first and second topics.
 (race and gender, hated speech, selfie and narcissism) thoughts about race, gender and hated speech whether in Oman or other countries.  That topic opened our eyes to the world and we have to change people’s thought because sometimes it might lead them to be narcissism. People must know that not everything they see in social media is real, teenagers must be very careful from the content they receive.
(media role in health education, comics, disinformation) topics were concurrent with what we going through and how much disinformation can published during the pandemic and how media use the comics to send messages. The role of awareness is not must be official, we might use comics sometimes but with real information.
(The hypotheses and ethic challenges) these topics were related, what media must show or hide from audience but still there is an ethical habit. Many challenges media face nowadays whether people, development or conflicts.  
Finally, this course was really useful for me, the topics that I studied have expanded my knowledge and awareness. I learned how to think critically, opining my thoughts and eyes, see what ordinary people cannot see and being a real media student who deserve this label. It is not like other courses I had before because, all what I learned will not stop when the course end.
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lula1991 · 5 years
My Jewel
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   An ancient spell causes a millenary young lady to weaken, it is up to Larry and her friends to help her find the key to return her to normal while a stranger pretends, along with three already known individuals, to take over a captive jewel somewhere in Egypt with the in order to proclaim it “yours.” (The shock of all the chaos in her).
   Objective? The guard and the exhibits must prevent it from falling into the wrong hands while between Ahkmenrah and the girl, a romance will slowly emerge that will bear fruit over time.
Genre: Adventure, comedy, romance, fantasy
Warnings: None
Chapter 1
  About 61 years ago, a group of archaeologists began a very important search dedicated only to the tracking and possible discovery of a mummy. It was the year 1940, approximately..
  The man in charge was 19 years behind the above, however over time he could never find that longing, until his young son fell with what appeared to be a sacred place but it was dark and with the low light of sunset that entered through the hole that was produced by this action, they were able to see walls covered with pure gold, hieroglyphs, stone sculptures, corrupted colors and two lackeys that guarded the entrance of said house where their masters remained in the eternal dream..
  Inside there were three ornate sarcophagi, they were two adults, a pharaoh on the right, his wife on the left of the king and his daughter or perhaps son in the middle, the coffins made of the same golden material and surrounded by riches is what he could see the young teenager with the lack of clarity offered by the rays of the god of heaven..
  The young man went inside and when he turned on his flashlight he could detail that place more closely, his eyes were mesmerized by the gigantic room from the wall full of ancient inscriptions to a built-in jewel that rested on the dark back wall, jealously guarded by Egyptian texts around, narrating the victories of royalty..
  He wanted to speak but he was so amazed that he could only hear his breathing rumbling softly when the silence of the room welcomed him..
“Son, are you alright?”
 The man, who was his father reliably, looked worried..
“Yes, I'm fine!“ he replied as he smiled.
“I'm going down!”
  Going into the ruins, he observed his son safe and sound so that this anguish ceased to take step by step until he reached him..
 “Yes!” he raised his arms, completing his happiness. “I searched for this tomb for so many years and what did you do? You fell right into it.” he raised his son in his arms.
“Look dad..”
    He turned his eyes to the walls, lighting the immensity of the delicious art engraved on the wall when his father detailed the scriptures loving the discovery..
“It's beautiful, just beautiful..”
“And that jewel..”
  He pointed in the direction of the relic assuming his father walked there followed by the young man. They advanced leaving behind the mound of sand scattered around that grave and once being close enough that boy tried to touch it but the scream of a man prevented him..
“Mr. Anderson?!”
  But another elderly man burst into the lapels of the young man's shirt and shook him, scaring him when his father protected him..
“Hey, what's going on with you?!” Mr. Anderson asked.
— la! la tlmsha! 'aw sawf tahadath 'ashya'an fazieatan..
“Ahmed, what is he saying?? What does it mean?” Mr. Anderson asked again.
“He says “ Do not! Do not touch her! Or horrible things will happen..” Ahmed answered.
  Also that they should leave there immediately since he who desecrates and unless they leave the abode of their ancestors in peace, an ancient spell would be unleashed..
  The young boy was a little scared when he slowly illuminated that same valuable golden object with a carved central winged beetle in blue stone .. Being warned by an old Egyptian prophet, we must not ignore the sayings of who knows what consequences will occur by acts of desecration..
— From now on, you should know.. 
  That man warned with the little English he used. Mr. Anderson was not superstitious but..
"And then to the one who dares to desecrate the tomb and the most precious possession of the queen, an ancient spell will be unleashed and upon it will fall its end.."  Mr. Anderson translated the hieroglyphs to perfection.
  The companions in the expedition of Mr. Anderson looked at each other while the native men of that country waited for some of them to pay attention. His son looked at his young father somewhat fearful but that archaeologist did not believe much even having heard and read the same warning..
“Bring the trucks..” ordered Mr. Anderson.
“Mr. Anderson, there is no time. A storm is very close..” said Ahmed.
“Then hurry up. Come on, work! I want them to load everything..” Mr. Anderson said.
   The father of the young boy committed to making history, arranged for the treasures to be arrived in the vehicles and due to the strong sandstorm that broke out, it was not long until he ordered for the second time that the artifacts were loaded into the trucks as quickly as possible, thus obtaining most of the objects that they could collect from said discovery that in the future they would surely be displayed as invaluable pieces in a museum..
   And the phrase was repeated again by Ahmed, a tall man with definite Arabic features..
“Her end will fall on her..” 
   Ahmed said while observing a beautiful bracelet with clothing and terminations that a female figure used in his time of office in Ancient Egypt..
 After graduating as a teacher, he was able to move to get another good job, however Larry still worked the Natural History museum, after all he is a hero for his friends of wax, metal and polyurethane, so to speak..
"Everything is just as it was last time ..." Larry walked happily through his workplace.
"It hasn't changed much, Larry. Except for one detail .." Teddy said.
"I've been out of the museum for more than three years because of my studies and I'm not very aware, what is it about?" Larry's curiosity was answered by Mr. Roosevelt by pointing to a museum room. "It's new, I hadn't seen it before temporarily withdrawing from here .."
"She is a lovely young lady." Teddy commented with acceptance towards her.
"So that detail is Ahk and the Egyptian girl .." Larry smiled looking at the scene.
"It has not been skipped a day since she appeared. They are equal to two young people of this time playing to fall in love .." Sacajewea was tender to the king to spend hours hidden behind the plants of Africa spying on that someone in particular.
"I still remember the day that the boy first saw the young woman .." Teddy smiled watching the two teenagers.
**** Flash ****
A month ago..
  It was night, and there was a small party, maybe it was that Larry continued to attend night classes to get his master's degree..
  Nothing particular happened as long as King Ahkmenrah came down from that balcony leaving Jed and Octavio in charge with the music..
  Since Dr. McPhee already knew everything that happened with the table, it was no wonder to see a figure come to life, so wandering next to one of them was also not considered nonsense..
  It turns out that this above was a beautiful Egyptian, with light skin, hazel eyes, brown hair, sandals, a thin, long, tight kalasiri (dress) with two straps that covered her bust made of real white linen with golden bows to your waist He also wore a kind of short coat covering the shoulders, a two-piece cylindrical snake bracelet adorning his left arm, a small crown with a cobra calf, a delicate usej in the form of winged beetle in ranges of blue, turquoise and green with three ankh charms completing the outfit of the young..
  Ahkmenrah's face said it all, it seemed that everything was happening in slow motion in his mind..
"Wow .." Ahkmenrah whispered as if she were seeing a wonder of the ancient world. "For Ra and all the gods .." Ahk's face lit up when he was dazzled by the bubbling girl with light brown hair. It was as if he were in a dream.
  When he saw her speak willingly with the Museum Director on one of the stairs, he was fascinated. No matter what she was doing, he smiled and his eyes filled with love and wonder..
  The boy was indeed enamored, and although not every woman managed to shake his heart as the Sheikh of a harem in the past, she flecked it instantly or as the cliché is said vulgarly, love at first sight..
"I had not seen a more impressive museum than this one, it is amazing." she was so happy.
"I am very happy that she feels comfortable. I will leave her with the figures of the establishment so that she knows the place. Miss .." Dr. McPhee said goodbye with respect and she made a slight inclination allowing her to retire.
  Ahkmenrah didn't miss a single movement of the pretty girl, she was standing by the desk watching her with a half-twisted smile and her gaze was as if billions of stars were lit inside her eyes..
— ‘Ah freak out..  Le freak, c’est chic ..  Freak out ..  Ah freak out ..  Le freak, c’est chic ..  Freak out ..  Ah freak out ..  Le freak, c’est chic ..  Freak out ..  Le freak out, c’est chic ..  Freak out .. ‘
  Glamorously down the stairs like an Egyptian goddess, the girl moved exploding sensuality and with a comic touch when everything happened in slow motion to the rhythm of the background music. She ran her hair back with one hand, blinked flirtatiously looking around while some exhibits threw roses at her, worshiping her presence and she greeted with a very overwhelmed and grateful smile as she slid down the hall, looking like a model from 1999 BC..
  And to all this Ahk thought that she was addressing him with that hip wig, enlarged her smile but it was not so. He continued long and he continued absorbed in his thoughts without taking his eyes off each line of his toned and fine figure, wandering in them when Mr. Roosevelt's voice made him get out of that trance..
"I don't want you to be the same as me." Teddy spoke solemnly.
"What do you mean?" Ahkmenrah was half fool trying to spin his question well.
"In the sense that I have spent more than 50 years observing and not daring to say a word to my dear Sacajewea until Larry's arrival prompted me to do so. Do not hesitate or let her escape, Your Majesty." Teddy advised wisely while the boy sighed looking at the Egyptian girl.
  The young woman with an unknown name, detailed every corner and never noticed that those green eyes did not lose sight of her. It seems that Mr. Roosevelt's words encouraged the king to arm himself with courage, inflate his chest, accommodate his deshret (crown) and approach him to relate, establish a bond, perhaps..
"This is so beautiful .." she whispered fascinated looking at the divine building and how the party continued with its magic.
"Hello .." he said finally with real elegance behind her.
  She turned on her axis delicately as she was distracted watching the constellations forming mirror balls illuminating the room with a soft blue..
"Hello ..." and the pretty girl received him with a kind smile once they were facing each other ..
"What is your name?" Ahkmenrah asked.
"I'm Larempteh .." she introduced herself and Ahkmenrah raised an eyebrow detailing her peculiar appearance at a considerable distance, she hardly possessed makeup. Just a little soft brown shadow that accentuated her sweet eyes and her thick eyelashes, kohl for a discreet black and carmine lipstick, privileged to possess the fleshest. Beautifull. "High Blue Sapphire of the Nile, fourth queen of the fifth great king, ruler of the reign of my pharaohs. It is a pleasure .."
   Larempteh was not presumed, only that the way of presenting himself in the ancient world was that way when you were belonging to the descendants of Upper Egypt. His voice was a caress with words for him. The girl was cordial, warm and very respectful, as well as sweet and having that mixture between shy and intellectual. It illuminated the whole place only with its presence ..
"What a beautiful name." It was hypnotic and Ahk's eyes could not detach from the young woman for any reason. "Excuse me, I don't look at the girls like that .."
"Don't worry, that's fine. For that you have sight, you appreciate what you see .." Larempteh apologized by releasing a pleasant laugh.
"Besides, your English is perfect, where did you learn?" Ahkmenrah asked intrigued.
"I went to the University of Cambridge." Larempteh reported and Ahkmenrah was stunned with a smile.
"Were you in Cambridge?" Ahkmenrah asked.
"On display .." Larempteh spoke to continue his dialogue.
— The Department of Egyptology? — and both agreed in prayer with surprise.
"Yes, that's right! What a coincidence!" Ahkmenrah was surprised.
"Have you been there too? Wow, that's great." Larempteh said at last.
"Is it your first night at the museum?" Ahkmenrah asked.
"No, I came here in 1958 from the Giza expedition." Larempteh reported without further ado.
"How come I have never seen you before?" Ahkmenrah was intrigued.
"Well, they had me away in the warehouse until I created my showroom right in front of your showroom and I've been in my sarcophagus for 61 years, so I went out tonight. I've had so few visitors interested in the ancient world that everything this time I have been around my exhibition and I never dared to abandon it, custom, melancholy maybe .. It is difficult to get off Cambridge once you belong 18 years. " Larempteh said.
"Indeed. It feels weird." Ahkmenrah said.
"It would also be because of the fame of little docile nature that they instilled in us and I didn't want to be feared by the other exhibits." Larempteh said.
"I understand you." Ahkmenrah said softly.
"I must add that it may be due to destiny, I would say." Larempteh said beautifully.
"And why were we in different temples?" Ahkmenrah inquired funny.
"Or maybe the gods had prepared our meeting for a suitable moment and I think it worked today .." Larempteh shrugged a shoulder nicely.
"It's wonderful and you believe in destiny, that's fabulous." Ahkmenrah said and she gave him a smile.
"And, you're from around here I guess or .." Larempteh spoke.
"I belonged. I am a limited time conservation." Ahkmenrah explained and she was stunned.
"Limited time conservation?" Larempteh asked.
"Yes, I am part of the treasures of the British museum; but it is a long story that I will tell you." Ahkmenrah responded by giving her a beautiful smile.
"Okey .." Larempteh said quietly.
"Dynasty XX? I guess .." Ahkmenrah watched her carefully.
"Yes, how did you know?" Larempteh laughed with sophistication. She was charmingly curious to put a strand of hair behind her right ear, revealing one of her shiny rings with a triangle design and an elegant nail varnish in burgundy.
"On the above, is that you have a little seen face, my guess is that by chance you are familiar with Nefertari Meryetmut or maybe it is because she has reincarnated in you and it is impossible for you to go unnoticed." Ahkmenrah said.
  Dazzled, he winked giving her a warm smile by indirectly telling him how extremely beautiful it was. Perhaps the young man hinted that the girl would be descended from the most important queen that Egypt had, making her an extremely attractive goddess for her taste and reach..
"No .." Larempteh kept thinking. "I don't think it's that way. Well, one knows who descends to reincarnate in a living god on Earth, but one of my parents may have been the continuation to the offspring of Nefertari. Some grandson of the many children who she had .. " she continued.
"The hundreds of kings who claimed your love should tell you." Ahkmenrah supposed.
 And as? If she radiated sweetness and owner of an exquisite exotic image; how it would not be possible that the kings would not discuss the hand of that venerable woman ..
"No, it was my older sister who received all those courtships." Larempteh let out a natural laugh.
"Sister .." Ahkmenrah was not interested, rather he was unsuspecting. Shocked by the fact that her beauty is not praised.
"Yes. You see, my dad wanted two rulers, one who was a strong pharaoh and who knows how to command the kingdom and another who was a champion in the battles, especially in Kadesh. But he had my sister and me. Yes, he had more secondary children but she and I were of pure lineage with direct access to lead a nation. " Larempteh commented raising his brow with a smile naturalizing his story.
"And why her and not you, how is it possible?" Ahkmenrah used a tone of Real disbelief.
"It was very beautiful .." Larempteh simply shrugged one shoulder in a beautiful way continuing the thread of praise. "Although she was somewhat crazy .." she added without further ado.
"I am sure it does not overcome the honey in your voice or your delicate presence." Ahkmenrah said gallantly.
  The young woman did not know where to look, and how not, Ahk's electric eyes dared not detach from her youthful features, she was intimidated by those lovely courtships and tilted her face a little to the side hiding her faint blush while maintaining a thin smile while he tilted his head and then watched him ..
"And what's your name?" Larempteh asked.
"I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, ruler of my parents' lands and the pleasure is all mine." Ahkmenrah bowed bowing before her presence, showing him cordiality when he kissed her hand, she could not believe that this kind of young man with 18 years of age, a classical conservation of 4000 years, was real. How the man who dreamed all his life. "Sorry for my daring but I couldn't stop watching you since I saw you. You are more beautiful than the pyramids in Cairo." Ahk flattered her and the girl felt another strong blush seize her face.
"How divine." Larempteh was stunned by all the praise she got from him in a delicate tone with a slightly strange smile.
"I spent 54 years wrapped in bandages and dirty linen, locked in a sarcophagus and after waking up 61 consecutive nights to meet you, that is divine. You are a beautiful, beautiful creature." Ahkmen after that compliment, smiled sideways showing his immaculate teeth, without showing lasciviousness or perversion, it was like a seductive tactic in him.
"Thank you?" Larempteh laughed with elegant confusion.
"The pharaohs tend to have an aggressive and unkind image ..." Ahkmenrah commented recovering her position of getting straight.
"I'll be careful then .." Larempteh's whisper was a little less than what is called suggestive, maybe being mysteriously insinuating was a sound seduction tactic to start the game of romance. "Although if someone comes between you and my beauty, probably the king of 4000 years ago, maybe make an exception. But as long as none of that happens.." Ahkmenrah said.
"I knew how the pharaohs were in our time. Nothing tolerant, only in tiny exceptions .." Larempteh said.
"I'm kind, don't believe it in me unless .." Ahkmenrah leaned back, bringing the female hand to his lips and then straightening and winking again. 
— Laaa, no!" Do not touch that! Those are not headphones! It's a defibrillator!
Tilly's voice was heard as she ran around Laaa in the lobby.
  That stir caused Rexy to get scared and make sounds, scaring the crowd minimally, causing Larempteh to avoid how he could alpacas, llamas, terracotta soldier and Vikings fleeing in his direction. There was a moment that he lost his balance by their action, it was there that he fell into Ahk's arms that held her tightly by reflex, that caused her to sink her face into the hollow of the king's precious and soft neck, forming an electricity This was done in the face of the clash of skin against skin and at that moment a spark ignited between them when they looked at each other ..
"What divine eyes you have .." Ahkmenrah praised their color by giving him a soft grin on her lips and she watched him behind her eyelashes smiling tenderly, losing himself in his. **** End of Flash ****
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The Queens Museum
The Queens Museum of Art is located in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in the NYC borough of Queens. Through its presentation of art exhibitions and public and educational programs, this museum works to promote an appreciation for the many diverse cultures that comprise NYC’s urban communities. While children under the age of 18 are admitted free, as are all NYC college students with a valid ID, there is a standard admission fee of $8.00 per adult. This admission allows visitors to not only experience the museum’s wide variety of permanent exhibitions, but also take part in a multitude of continually changing exhibitions and programs.
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The “Panorama of the City of New York” is the highlight of the museum’s permanent exhibitions. Commissioned for the 1964 World’s Fair by Robert Moses, a public official and innovative builder in New York City during the mid-20th century, this sprawling architectural model was one of the most popular attractions as it provided fair goers with an aerial view of the city and its encompassing boroughs. Periodic architectural updates have ensured that this model is fairly current and today it includes every building that existed in all five of NYC’s boroughs before 1992. Designed in 273 separate sections, the Panorama’s construction contains a total of 895,000 individual structures and over 100 bridges! Every park and city street are also depicted in the model, as are special features such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and Yankee Stadium. Surprisingly, because the Panorama has not been updated since 1992, model replicas of the Twin Towers can also be seen, although there is every intention of replacing them with the new buildings that will adorn the site once construction in this area is completed.
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Another exhibit entitled “Relief Map of the New York City Water Supply System” details the complexities involved in providing drinking water to all those who call the city their home. Built for the 1939 World’s Fair, this 27-piece model was designed to educate fair goers about NYC’s water system. It traces the city’s water supply from the tributaries of the Delaware River to the watershed of Nassau County and depicts the many aqueducts, reservoirs, and drainage basins that contribute to the city’s water supply. In addition to this 540 square foot structure, historical photographs documenting the construction of the city’s water supply are displayed throughout the exhibit to reveal the enormous amounts of manpower and skill that was needed to engineer such a system.
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On the second floor of the museum visitors can find an entire exhibit dedicated to the 1939 and 1964 World’s Fairs. As the Queen’s Museum building served as the city’s official pavilion during both events, it is only fitting that it now house and display those objects that were once part of these celebrations. Entitled “World’s Fair Visible Storage,” this exhibit contains over 10,000 souvenirs, memorabilia, and give away items from each fair. Commemorative plates, glasses, toys, souvenir coins, dinosaur figures, and other objects are encased within glass and are interesting to look at, as is the large model of the pavilion located in a bubble-top display in the middle of the room.
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In one of the newer wings of the museum visitors can explore the “Neustadt Collection of Tiffany Glass,” a one-of-a-kind archive of lamps, windows, and metalwork from the famed Tiffany Studios. Founded by Egon and Hildegard Neustadt, early collectors of Tiffany glass, this exhibit showcases a multitude of leaded glass designs in a broad array of floral, geometric, landscape, and figural patterns. It also features samples of each type, color, and pattern of glass used by Tiffany Studios in their creations throughout the years. Period photos of the workshop and a film presentation on the process involved in the making of leaded glass not only provide museum goers with historical information about Tiffany Studios but are also apropos since their workshops were once located in Corona, Queens.
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Available at the Queen’s Museum from October 6- February 16, 2020 is a temporary exhibit entitled “Nicholas Moufarrege: Recognize My Sign.” Moufarrege, a contemporary artist, mixed Classical and Baroque elements with Pop Art, comic book characters, Arabic calligraphy, and Islamic tile work to create embroidered paintings. This unique form of art reveals the many eastern and western influences on the artist’s life and provided a fresh and exciting means for the blending of the two.
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Also temporarily available from October 6- February 16, 2020 is the museum’s Pia Camil exhibit. Entitled “Fade into Black: Sit, Chill, Look, Talk, Roll, Play, Listen, Give, Take, Dance, Share,” this exhibit is an artistic commentary on global consumerism. Using recycled textiles, Pia Camil reflects on the production and distribution of such consumer goods as t-shirts and jeans in a unique and interesting manner. In her Bluejeanando project on display in the museum, denim jeans are stuffed and sewn together in pairs to form body pillows that are arranged into piles on the floor of the exhibit space. In “Fade into Black,” hundreds of t-shirts with different logos are sewn together to form a single, massive curtain. Visitors are encouraged to lounge on the stuffed jean sculptures and reflect on how consumer goods are often made in poorer Latin American countries and then shipped to the US where they are sold, worn, and then discarded by their purchasers, only to resurface in the countries where they were originally produced to be re-sold in second-hand markets to individuals who have no cultural affinity for their labels or logos.
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Housed in a historic NYC building, the Queen’s Museum features many worthy exhibitions for visitors to see. Smaller than some of the city’s other museums, a visitor can experience all that this museum has to offer in a single day. The museum is very beautiful- its clean lines and bright, open spaces really showcase the art that is on display. While the highlight of the museum is its Panorama of the city, I found this season’s temporary exhibits to be the most interesting and thought provoking. Although the Queen’s Museum doesn’t have the reputation or allure of the MET or MOMA, it is definitely worth a visit if you happen to be in the borough of Queens.
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bigassmoody-blog · 5 years
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Basic Information
Full name: Alastor Barov Moody Pronunciation: Al-us-tor Ber-ov Moody Nickname(s): No. None. Birthdate: November 5th, 1982 Age: 36 Zodiac: Scorpio Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Romantic orientation: Panromantic Sexual orientation: Pansexual Nationality: English Ethnicity: White British Current location: London, England Living conditions: He's lived in the same flat since after college, mostly because if it isn't broke, don't fix it. It was a good place, he could get in and out discretely, they allowed dogs, it was easy to get into and tucked into a nice little street, his neighbors were chill. Only problem? He hates elevators and the stairs weren’t an option right after he lost his leg. So he had to pick everything up and shift into something a little more accessible. He ended up buy a small little two bedroom place (complete fixer upper) and has been slowly working on it. He's relatively clean. He has house plants all over the place~
Birthplace: London, England Hometown: London, England Social Class: Middle Educational achievements: BS in Criminology with a minor in music Father: Sergei Ravenia Moody Mother: Irene "Ireena" Tatyana Moody Sibling(s): Berez "Marie" Petrovna Moody Birth order: Marie is 3 years older. Pets: Luna. Previous relationships: TBD, but hmu cuz I want one Arrests: … No Prison time: Nope Occupation & Income: He’s doing alright Current occupation: Detective Inspector Dream occupation: Retirement when there's fucking world peace Past job(s): He worked at an animal shelter through college Spending habits: It comes in waves. He'll be fine, then suddenly get really invested in like… baking cookies or something and then end up buying a shit ton of cookie cutters and good pans and things like that. And then he'll get too busy for it and get back to work, until, you know, he learns about diy mechanical keyboards and tries to build himself a nice one. In debt?: Uh, not bad. He's doing alright, just paying off some medical bills still. Most valuable possession: His prosthetic leg. That'd be a bitch to replace.
Skills & Abilities
Physical strength: Above Average | Average | Below Average Speed: Above Average | Average | Below Average Intelligence: Above Average | Average | Below Average Accuracy: Above Average | Average | Below Average Agility: Above Average | Average | Below Average Stamina: Above Average | Average | Below Average Teamwork: …Hahahahhahaha Talents/hobbies: His true talent is cycling through useless hobbies. He likes adventure sports Shortcomings: I mean he's got one out of two eyes, one out of two legs, and, after the amount of concussions he's had, half of his original amount of brain cells. He's stubborn and will take risks. Languages spoken: English, French, German, some Arabic Drive?: Yes Jump-start a car?: Yes Change a flat tyre?: Yes Ride a bicycle?: Yes Swim?: Yes Play an instrument?: Yes Play chess?: No Braid hair?: No Tie a tie?: Yes Pick a lock?: Yes Cook?: Yes
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Faceclaim: Charlie Hunnam Eye colour: Hazel Hair colour: Blond Hair type/style/length: It's usually cropped pretty short, but sometimes he gets lazy and lets it grow out. Once it starts getting in his face, it's haircut time. Glasses/contacts?: Uh, well he has a glass eye. Covers it with an eyepatch. Dominant hand: Right Height: 6'1" Weight: 88 kg/ 194 lbs Build: Broad shouldered, muscular, very defined. His legs and ass aren't as great as they used to be, so he's working on that. Exercise habits: He works out frequently with the intention of getting back to his pre-accident body. He'll hit the gym almost daily. He also has a set of exercises and special care for the leg, which he makes sure to do. Skin tone: White, but tanned from too much time in the sun Tattoos: Many. I'll be posting a reference soon, but he has a full sleeve that's all flowers. The rest of his body's covered with various nature themed tattoos. Piercings: Nah Marks/scars: Very many. He's got some on his face, deep cuts that go from his left eyebrow to his upper lip, cutting through his eye. He's also got plenty of scrapes and scars from injuries that never healed right. Got his leg, there’s that. Clothing style: He's supposed to wear a shirt and tie for work. Definitely has to keep his tattoos covered in that environment. As soon as work's over, the sleeves get rolled up, the tie's gone. Weekends, he dresses pretty casually. Jewellery: Nope, none :( Allergies: Idiots. Diet: He follows a pretty strict diet and takes it seriously. He'll count calories and watch his proteins vs carbs, etc. Physical ailments: None
MBTI type: ENTJ Enneagram type: The Challenger Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good Temperament: Choleric Element: Earth Emotional stability: Debatable Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Obsession(s): Currently: dogs, pretty people, how to season cast iron skillets. Past ones: Pokemon go, candles, and the justice league comics Compulsion(s): Doing stupid shit because if it could possibly get the job done, it's worth a try Phobia(s): Enclosed or tight spaces Addiction(s): Thrills Drug use: I mean the man's got meds, that's about it Alcohol use: Yup Prone to violence?: Nah Prone to crying?: Nah Believe in love at first sight?: Yea (maybe not for him, but he believes it)
Accent: Rough, he drops consonants Speech quirks: He uses the word no more times than anyone should Hobbies: He likes DIY projects and is super hands on, fucks with shit around the house often. He also has a new hobby like every month. Habits: tapping his fingers on tables, wrinkles his nose, he makes a stupid snorting half laugh noise a lot Nervous ticks: scratching his beard Drives/motivations: He has a way that he… sees the world, I guess. He wants it to be a certain way and when it doesn't, it drives him crazy. So he very much feels the need to fix that. He also really needs that antique record player back from Lucius, especially because it's most likely just collecting dust in a corner somewhere. Fears: Being alone Sense of humour?: Playful and teasing and probably a little bit mean sometimes because he doesn't know where that line is until he's crossed it Do they curse often?: Yup…
Animal: Dog Beverage: Cold beer Book: A book of poems an ex gave him Colour: Deep green Food: Pizza Flower: Sunflowers Gem: Opal Mode of transportation: Motorcycle. He had to Uber a lot after losing his leg. It's been a while, so that shit's now modified and ready to go. Scent: Woodsy, earthy tones Sport: Dirt Biking Weather: Snow, but only if he's visiting and not in it Vacation destination: He'll always try something new and doesn’t like going to the same place twice. He's been making his way through some of the best hiking spots in the world, though.
Greatest dream: Climbing Everest Greatest fear: cheap beer, letting people who rely on him down Most at ease when: He's high on painkillers in the hospital after a surgery Least as ease when: A thundery night when he can't get to sleep, like there's too much energy in his body with no place to go Worst possible thing that could happen: admitting he's wrong about something Biggest achievement: his niece saying he's her favorite adult Biggest regret: trying to sand and varnish the cabinets himself, pretty sure he's ruined those
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