#Colts coach
kenttsterling · 1 year
Smilin' Shane Steichen talks about beginning the process of building #Colts QB Anthony Richardson into a champion!
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mensuited · 11 months
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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saturninemysticthreads · 10 months
Tell us a story that this reminds you of!
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Sports Report #1
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room42 · 2 years
Colts name Jeff Saturday interim head coach
Colts name Jeff Saturday interim head coach
The Indianapolis Colts announced on Monday that they fired head coach Frank Reich, and they are bringing in a franchise legend to replace him for the time being. Former Colts center and six-time Pro Bowl selection Jeff Saturday has been named the team’s interim head coach. Saturday, 47, has no coaching experience at the professional level but is extremely popular among Colts fans. He has served…
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warping-realities · 24 days
New Coach
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Colton Andrews was worried about his first day as a high school teacher. He knew he shouldn't worry; he had been a diligent student and graduated with honors. One of his professors had even told him at his graduation that he saw in him a natural talent for teaching. Still, facing a bunch of teenagers ready to judge him for any slip-up was a daunting prospect, especially knowing that he was only a few years older than his students, which could lead to some level of disrespect for his authority. In an attempt to differentiate himself from his pupils, Colton dressed in dress pants, a button-down shirt, and a tie, hoping the clothes would give him an air of maturity.
These were idle concerns, for just as his college professor had told him, Colton had a natural talent. The students attentively followed the meticulously dressed young man’s explanations. However, as he spoke about the best way for students to organize their studies for that year, Colton couldn’t help but notice that a handsome blond boy, extremely muscular, followed him with an interest above the ordinary, and he could have sworn that there was a smile playing at the corners of the boy’s mouth.
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“Nonsense,” Colton thought to himself and concluded his lecture. However, shortly after releasing the students, the boy approached Colton’s desk, smiling. He had removed his sweatshirt, exposing his impressive arms. Colton admired the boy’s musculature, amazed—how was it possible for a 17-year-old boy to achieve such a size?
“Hey professor, I’m Rod, can we talk for a minute?”
“Rod? Rod? Ahhh, Roderik Thomas?”
“Rod, nobody calls me Roderik except my mother, and only when she’s mad at me.” Besides, Rod is a much more fitting name, if you know what I mean? concluded the boy with a wink.
“So, Roderik? What can I do for you?” Colton asked, pretending not to understand the student’s comment and deciding to maintain the image of authority he was trying to create.
“Rod, sir. I just wanted to say that I’m looking forward to seeing you in the field; all this talk about organization has shown me that you’re going to know how to do a good job.”
“I beg your pardon. Field? I don’t understand.”
“You’re Colton Andrews, aren’t you? Colton Andrews is the name of the new assistant football coach. Coach Colt, funny, haha.”
Colton looked at the young giant in front of him, appalled by the lad’s shallow sense of humor, but mostly because nothing he was saying made the slightest bit of sense.
“Sorry, Roderik, but I’m sure you’re wrong; I’ve never set foot on a football field in my life, and I can assure you I’m not a coach. You are certainly mistaking me for someone else.”
“Rod, coach. And what are the chances that there are two teachers with the exact same name at the same school? You’re a prankster, Coach. Cool, I’m sure you’ll get along great with the guys.”
“I am not a trainer, Roderik,” Colton replied, irritated.
“And I am not a Roderik, coach,” said the young man, a smile on his face as he left the room, ignoring the older man’s irritation.
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“What the hell was that?” Colton blurted out now that the room was empty.
Colton spent the rest of the day avoiding thinking about the strange encounter. However, that night, sitting on his sofa with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, absently reading a book, he found himself thinking about the strangeness of the situation. Was this the young man’s idea of a joke? Well, that could be, because Colton wasn’t lying; he had barely watched a few football games on television at home with his father during his childhood, and even he soon gave up trying to pique young Colton’s interest in the game. So the very idea of him walking onto a football field was bizarre; what about training young people for the sport? Absolutely ridiculous!
Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about Roderik’s huge arms. It made a lot of sense that a boy that size would play football. Colton pitied the opponent who got in that kid’s way. Football… it was funny, wasn’t it? The way so many people paid so much attention to a bunch of men fighting each other on a field; it was nothing more than a modern Coliseum. Taking off his glasses and putting the book aside, he followed this train of thought, imagining himself the size of Roderik, being on that modern battlefield, adrenaline coursing through his body, the anticipation of the move, the thud when blocking an opponent, the rumble of his feet on the field, the strength of his powerful muscles… Suddenly, Colton woke from his daydreams, his body feeling tired, as if he had actually done everything he had imagined. Feeling his throat suddenly dry, he headed for the kitchen, thinking of making himself a mug of tea to sip while reading.
Sitting in his kitchen, waiting for the tea to cool before drinking it, Colton again thought about Roderik’s arms, comparing them to his, though it wasn’t a fair comparison. Of course, his toned arms nicely filled out the sleeves of the polo shirt he’d chosen to wear that day; after all, he was no stranger to physical exercise. However, they were far from the gigantic size of his student’s arms. And he didn’t even want arms that big, obviously; imagine the impracticality of having two tree trunks dangling beside his body… yeah, imagine something like that.
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Still holding the mug with the hot beverage, Colton sat in front of the television, and while he sipped his tea, he randomly switched channels, one after the other, but nothing seemed to hold his attention. Until a sports channel broadcasting a college football game caught his eye. Colton absently followed the heavy bodies bumping into each other, trying to understand the names of the plays and the moves made. Of course, he wasn’t a total novice to the subject; he knew who Patrick Mahomes was and had followed Brock Purdy’s Underdog conquest story with interest the previous year, but the information he had was as basic as it could be. However, he found himself following the match with increasing interest, even cheering and screaming when the team he was rooting for got a play right.
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At halftime, Colton stretched, his arms straining at the seams of his T-shirt… dude, he liked that feeling, he thought as he took a swig of his beer. He knew that alcohol on a weekday was not a good idea, but he deserved to celebrate the success of his first day at work, even more so while watching his old college team play. Since he was a little boy, he had been a big fan of the sport, following all the games diligently, even if, to his father’s disappointment, he never showed interest in taking his passion to the field. No, Colton might have been a big guy with hard muscles, but he was still an intellectual by definition, although his relaxed attitude raised some disapproving looks during his college education. But Colton didn’t care about that; he could be an academic and still enjoy sports, working out, and of course, having a drink here and there.
As the game resumed, Colt relaxed even further, sprawled across the couch, but not letting up on play after play, cheering and cursing. Although the sofa was large, Colt suddenly felt confined, as if he had suddenly doubled in size.
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“I need to buy a bigger one,” Colt thought. In fact, he couldn’t remember why he’d bought something that didn’t fit him. Colt had always been a big kid, towering over his peers since kindergarten. This, added to an agility not compatible with his size, made him stand out in all types of sports. But football had always been his passion; he would follow the games with his father since before he learned to speak, and when he was old enough, he soon began to practice, going through all the categories of Pop Warner until he reached high school, where he joined the team in his freshman year, assuming the starting position in his sophomore year. Alternating in defensive player positions and due to his size and skill, the joke among his peers was that they were looking at a third Bosa brother. Yet, to everyone’s surprise, Colt went to college not on a sports scholarship, but on academic achievement. He loved football, but there was so much more to life than the game. During college, he faced some difficulties; his professors did not seem to take his aspirations seriously, due to his monstrous size, his language full of slang, and also his partying habits. Even though he was not part of any fraternity, that was the first impression anyone had of him.
“Dickheads. I showed them, didn’t I? I’m a fucking teacher!” Colt thought as he got up to go to the bathroom and take a piss.
“Dude, all that beer had to come out at some point; I’m pissing like a horse, especially with a dick like that… haha,” he said as he swung his huge pole, missing the toilet bowl by a few inches.
“Fuck, tomorrow I’ll clean this up; I can’t miss the end of the game.” Still, he had time to admire himself in front of the bathroom mirror. His broad chest shining with sweat, his gigantic arms were on display, mountain-sized biceps and triceps like a horseshoe. His monstrous legs were hidden by his sweatpants, but if there was anything more that resembled a horse on his body, it would be his huge thighs. Looking at his square face, framed by his blond curls, he remembered his mother telling him that he looked like a little cherub as a baby, but no one today would think of him as angelic. After all, he exuded masculinity from every pore. And small? Never! Colt was big in everything—big feet, big muscles, big dick!
“Fuck, I’m so swole,” he said, staring at the mirror.
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Returning to the huge sofa, Colt relaxed in front of the gigantic television in his living room. His powerful muscles comfortably positioned. His huge arms, his greatest pride, laid out at his sides like two big cannons. “Bro, he loved that feeling,” he thought before giving himself completely to the game transmitted in front of him, analyzing each move with the experienced eye of a professional in search of new techniques. After all, that was exactly what he was. Colt had been a promising player in high school, going to college on a full athletic scholarship, with the absolute certainty that only young people possess that he would be a professional player one day. His grades were miserable and his academic performance was poor, but that wasn’t important; he was a machine, a modern gladiator, and one day he would be playing in the great NFL coliseums. His college professors looked down on him and didn’t think he had any teaching skills, but they never said that in front of the behemoth that was Colt.
“A bunch of pussies,” he thought with a sneer. Colt didn’t need the appreciation of a bunch of emasculated old men; he had the football field, he had the crowd, he had his father’s eyes cheering him on every game… and unfortunately, an injury at the end of senior year had kept his biggest dream from coming true. Colt clearly remembered the look of defeat in his father’s eyes when their world had suddenly collapsed. How pleased those academic worms must have been to see Colt’s bright future disappearing. Still, he couldn’t help thinking about the sour faces that bunch of weaklings would make if they knew he was now a teacher too. Not that he cared much about the classes he had to teach. He just accepted the work because through it he managed to get the position of assistant coach of the football team and thus help a new generation to pursue their dreams since he had not been able to. He remembered at that moment the conversation he had with Rod.
“Damn, that kid has what it takes to win,” he thought. Colt had been amazed at how much the boy looked like himself at his age—same blond hair, same giant muscles, those huge arms. If he hadn’t known he wasn’t old enough to father the boy, he would have worried to find out if he had fucked his mother at some point.
“Ha, imagine being a father to a fucking boy, a Mini Colt, teaching him everything, taking him up to the professional ranks.”
After the end of the game and still daydreaming about the future, Colt went to his room. He nearly had to rip his tank top off to get it off. He took the moment to take another look at his body. He was giant, chest formed by two slabs of muscle, abs made of eight defined blocks, monstrous arms, thighs like tree trunks, calves the shape of a giant diamond, and huge size 15 feet, perfect for running on the field. All this accompanied by a square face, with high cheekbones, bright blue eyes, shallow in intellect but full of mischief, framed by his shiny blond curls. Tattooed on his gigantic arms were his varsity team crest and the letters of his fraternity.
After one last admiring glance at his perfect physique, Colt threw himself into the huge king-size bed and slept, dreams of football filling his night.
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The next morning, Colt woke up fully energized; today was the day his real work began.
“I’m a fucking football coach,” he crooned in his bovine voice as he picked up his sweatpants off the floor and sniffed one of the T-shirts strewn around the room.
“Fuck, I’m going to have to use this one… Dude, I’m such a pig… Fuck it, I’m going to the field!”
He then took a long shower, jerking off and thinking about the hot math teacher. With water running down his body, he went over the training plans for the day; proper organization was the mark of a good trainer and he would be the best. Even though the whole time he hadn’t stopped playing with his abs like they were guitar strings.
After a breakfast with enough food to feed a baby rhino, he put on his clothes, admired himself again in the mirror, and went to work.
Arriving in the locker room, the first person he found was Rod, with a big smile on his face, showing the dimples that gave a certain cuteness to a face that otherwise exudede masculinity, further accentuating the similarity between the two men. But Colt didn’t mind that; he would hate it if the guys saw him as a boring old man, like his college professors were. After all, he was still one of the guys; respect would come when they saw how awesome Colt was.
“What’s up, Mr. Andrews?” asked the boy with a sly smile.
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“What the fuck? Mr. Andrews? Did you eat shit, Rod, my man? I’m no Mister. I’m a fucking coach. You can call me Coach, Coach Colt,” Colt replied with a laugh; that alliteration always got that reaction from him, not that he knew what a fucking alliteration was.
“Sweet, coach. We can’t wait to see the legend on the field.”
“That’s right little bro; it’s time to play football,” he replied with an excited smile. After all, he had spent more time in his life playing football than in a classroom, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
since we're being semi soft today.... do u have any fluffy thoughts on any of the marley boys ?
🙊 i'm answering this out of order from the requests in my inbox because i was HOPING someone would ask this after i posted the fluffy thoughts on the other boys -- so thank you for this 🥰
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╰┈➤ fluffy headcanons pt. 2 - aot.
ft. colt, reiner, porco, zeke. cw. gender neutral reader
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⋙ colt grice.
colt coaches falco's soccer team. he gets up early in the morning, dressed in a fleece half-zip with some gloves to set up pylons on the field for the kids' drills. he knows every kid by name and doesn't give any special attention to falco just because he's his brother -- parents love him. doesn't notice that some of the younger moms are hitting on him until you point it out, and then he gets awkward and flustered every time he sees them.
please just picture this man with little pink-flushed cheeks from the early september chill, blowing steam into his hands to keep them warm. he's calling out encouragements to all the kids as they run back and forth on the field -- always praise, because they're just kids and this is only for fun. he looks back at stands and just beams at you, excited that you were willing to get up so early just to watch him coach a bunch of little kids
idk why, but in my head, colt is not funny 💀 like he just doesn't understand comedic timing and isn't quite a quick or sharp as some of the other boys, but he appreciates every single one of your jokes!! he absolutely kills himself laughing every time you make a joke and he gets so excited about them that he'll tell other people your jokes (poorly 😭) but be laughing so hard they don't even understand him
ALWAYS kisses you and tells you that he loves you when he says goodbye. it's something that he does with falco already (that falco hates, btw), and one day it just slipped with you like "mwah! love you, bye!" and he goes beet red in embarrassment when he realizes, but you quickly kiss him back and now you do it every day 🥺
⋙ reiner braun.
this man only knows angst i think reiner really cherishes quiet moments of intimacy with you. like driving in the car with your hand laced in his, or having a nice meal at home that the two of you cooked together. it means a lot more to him if you show him that you love him through small gestures, instead of telling him.
he looooooooves head massages. he'll sit on the floor between your legs on the couch while the two of you watch tv so you can run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. guy is vocal about it too, groaning and moaning when you rub his temples. 💀 and his knees go absolutely weak whenever you scratch his head
he has a really hard time falling asleep when he's alone 🥺 he gets really anxious at night sometimes, so if the two of you are apart he hardly gets any sleep at all -- but when you're in bed with him, this guy falls asleep the second his head hits the pillow. he feels so safe and comfortable with you that it helps ease some of his worries just knowing that you're beside him.
if you roll away from him in bed when the two of you are sleeping together, guaranteed in a sleepy haze, this man is grabbing at the bed trying to find you again. the second his hand rests on your body, he hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you tight against his chest -- sighing into your shoulder and sleepily kissing your neck. when you tell him about it the next day, he says he doesn't even remember doing it 😭
⋙ porco galliard.
porco is perpetually grumpy and bratty, except for when it comes to you. this man literally will talk to you in a baby voice when the two of you are alone together 💀 if you've ever seen those tiktoks where the girl calls her bf and makes him do the baby voice when he's with their friends -- that's porco.
like "babyyyy, i'm weawy hungee, can you make me a snack?" and he's looking up at you with big dumb eyes and a little pout while he rubs his belly. lowkey kinda cringe but the shift between his baby voice when he's alone with you and his normal voice when he's with the boys is just too funny 💀
also -- loves snacks. has a stash of chips and cookies and treats in the cupboard because he's always munching on something. if you're cooking dinner for him, he'll take a snack tax and munch on one of the foods you're prepping for dinner. you always tell him he's going to spoil his appetite, but he hasn't yet!
LOVES GOSSIP!! when the two of you are out with your friends and one of them says some out-of-pocket shit, you see porco in the corner of your eye looking at you like 👀 and you just KNOW he's going to talk about it on the car on the way home. in fact -- when the two of you go on road trips together, you don't even listen to any music. you just spend the entire time filling each other in with drama at work/school/etc. and gossiping about how other people's relationships aren't as good as yours 💀
⋙ zeke jaeger.
zeke is in his early thirties but he acts like an old man. whenever he gets up from sitting down he's pushing himself up with his hands and groaning. cracking his back with a loud moan. sighing heavily and collapsing into the couch like 💀
really into grilling? like spent a bunch of money on a fancy grill and now will take any excuse to have people over for a barbeque. he's got an apron that says something dumb like "women love me, fish fear me". you guys will be having a bbq and he's standing by the grill, watching the meat, with a pair of dark rayban sunglasses and a beer in his hand.
loves feeding you. like physically feeding you. like, if he wants you to try something that he cooked, he'll hold it in his fingers and get you to open his mouth for him 💀 he sets a little piece of cookie down on your tongue or between your teeth, and watch you expectantly as you chew it and tell him your opinion
loves building things, too. like you'll mention offhand that you think it'd be nice to have a garden and the next weekend he's coming home with planks of wood and building you raised garden beds 🥺 you don't even have to ask, he's just like "she wants a garden? ok, i'm on it!" and he immediately gets to work.
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kenttsterling · 2 years
Shane Steichen wins the press conference - can he win games? Will #Colts trade up or back for a QB? Depends who is asked!
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crazychaoticizzy · 3 months
an event by honeymoon @cinnamon-girl-writes & izzy @crazychaoticizzy
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invitations were sent out on 7/7 to select authors that we enjoy the writing of & mutuals who we wanted to be part of our event! if you received an ask with an invitation, respond to the ask or message us to confirm your spot and reserve the character you'd like to write from the following list. !!one author per character!! and it will be first come first serve! include at least two backup characters in your reservation in case of repeats. please view the specific rules for this segment down below :)
starting july 9, anyone can join and write for our event! please send us an ask to let us know what you're writing, who for, and the details so we can add it to the masterlist. please view the 'overtime rules' section below for details :)
locker room!
starting july 17, izzy @crazychaoticizzy and honeymoon @cinnamon-girl-writes will be accepting requests for this event! please send us an ask with the character, sport, and any details you'd like.
**note: izzy prefers to write for armin and erwin. honeymoon prefers to write for reiner, bertholdt, and jean
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cause you know i love the PLAYERS! - masterlist
*red text indicates that the character slot has been taken. the author will be tagged beside their selected character.
baseball player!eren @arlerts-angel
figure skater!armin @chaotic-on-main
lacrosse player!jean
soccer player!connie @kingkonoha
rugby player!reiner @verxca
swimmer!bertholdt @tender-hearteddd
f1 driver!porco @saturnzheart
tennis player!floch
hockey player!colt
football player!onyankopon
coach!erwin @erwinsmithsmissingleftarm
coach!levi @lacyohlacyyy
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+ one author per character (listed above). first come first serve, so please let us know your backup characters in case the person you'd like is reserved. deadline for sign ups is july 14
+ in this event, we're specifically looking for pieces of writing, not just headcanons/bullet points. please keep your pieces over 700 words (no maximum)
+ aot characters only, no oc's
+ this is an x reader event. gn! or fem! reader welcome, but please no male reader
+ nsfw writing allowed; please tag it properly
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
+ of course, you should post your writing on your own personal masterlist as well and promote this event!!
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+ aot characters only
+ this is primarily an x reader event, but ship content is permitted (no problematic ships, i.e. age gaps like eren/levi or you will be blocked)
+ no restrictions for what character/sport you write for
+ headcanons, moodboards, fanart, and any other mediums allowed and encouraged!
+ nsfw writing allowed; please tag it properly
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
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locker room! RULES/GUIDELINES (requests)
+ only x fem! reader or gn! reader, no oc's or ships please
+ please be specific with what you want including the character and the sport; if not, we'll take creative liberty
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
+ hard deadline for this event on august 17 (8/17/24) but you can send your requests to our personal accounts if we're accepting atm
+ understand that we are also human and this is just a hobby w/ real lives outside of fandom! pls be kind :)
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we are so excited for this event!! if you have questions or concerns, please message izzy @crazychaoticizzy🤍
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mydaddywiki · 4 months
Howard Schnellenberger
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Physique: Husky Build Height: 6' 1" (185cm)
Howard Leslie Schnellenberger (March 16, 1934 – March 27, 2021; aged 87) was an American football coach with long service at both the professional and college levels. He held head coaching positions with the NFL's Baltimore Colts and in college for the University of Miami, University of Oklahoma, University of Louisville, and Florida Atlantic University. He won a national championship with Miami in 1983. Schnellenberger worked extensively as an assistant coach at the college and professional levels, including as part of the staff of the undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins.
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From his white hair, bushy mustache, blazer-wearing and ever-present pipe made him look more businessman than football coach, he was one sexy man. And with that low voice of his…forget about it. Mmmmmm.
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Born in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, Schnellenberger graduated from Flaget High School in Louisville, Kentucky, where he played football, basketball, and baseball and earned a scholarship to the University of Kentucky. Apparently, he was an elite tight end for the Kentucky Wildcats, being named a 1955 All-American.
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He was married to his former cheerleader of a wife for over 62 years; they had three sons. I’m projecting here, but I wonder if they’re swingers. Probably not, but if they were, I wouldn’t be surprised. I personally would waste no time in tapping both of them in some serious 3-way action. Again my fruitful imagination is running away again. Schnellenberger died on March 27, 2021, in Boca Raton, Florida, eleven days following his 87th birthday.
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Years Active: 1959–2011
Head Coaching Record Overall: 158–151–3 (college), 4–13 (NFL) Bowls: 6–0 Tournaments 2–1 (NCAA D-I-AA playoffs)
Accomplishments and Honors Championships: National (1983), Sun Belt (2007) Awards: Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year Award (1983), Paul "Bear" Bryant Lifetime Achievement Award (2021)
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solkatt-arts · 5 months
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Introducing some of my nextgen ponies! I made them back in 2018 and these were drawn back in 2022. Newer art is in progress ^^
Turning Gear: Inventor with some impressive magical abilities. He is intelligent but the most awkward guy you'll ever meet. He is curious and together with Time Twister he often get into trouble. Starlight has tried and failed to tame his bird's nest of a mane but to no avail.
Classic Remix: A radio host on the shyer side. She feels safe sitting behind a mic but is more withdrawn in public. She likes to dye her mane to add a splash of color to her otherwise gray appearance. Remix has a great singing voice but is too shy to sing for a crowd. She got her cm for specializing on remixing classical music, something she came to love due to her moms' frequent collabs. She shares her music on her radio show.
Lightshow: Expert at creating light shows with her magic. She works as a light “technician” of sorts on live performances. Lately she has been helping Honeycrisp Melody out on her tour. Lightshow is enthusiastic, determined and competitive. One of her favorite things to do is play hoofball with her best friend Fastlegs.
Fastlegs: Sports coach for foals of all ages. Advocates for inclusion and love to teach. He lost his left wing to cancer and had a hard time coming to terms with his new life being flightless. He is the kindest most genuine stallion around. To feel more at ease Fastlegs moved to Ponyville to be closer to his best friend Lightshow and get away from all the expectations he felt back in Cloudsdale.
Honeycrisp Melody: Country singer with a heart of gold. She is a true Apple and loves to help around the farm whenever she can. She is optimistic, excitable and social. She loves to brawl with her cousin Candid Apple and guest star on Classic Remix's radio show. Melody is rather short and unlike most Apples, not as sturdy in her build. She inherited her pegasi traits from Rara's side of the family.
Blazing Hooves: Dedicated firefighter. He is highly empathic and takes his job very seriously. Blaze can be somewhat of a party pooper due to his dedication but his baby sister can usually make him ease up a bit. He wanted to become a firefighter as a colt after his family home burned down and his sister lost one of her legs in the fire.
Time Twister: Time traveler…?👀 She is sassy and confident, as well as dramatic and a smartass. She loves to create just enough of a chaos to stay entertained in her day to day life. One of her favorite pastimes is giving magical items to Gear to tinker with. The occasional explosion is the highlight of her day.
Princess Theory: An elegant and dutiful draconequus with a knack for getting into wacky situations. She loves to pull pranks and be generally annoying. Theory has a pretty dark sense of humor but just like her father she is very charming in her ways. Her parents have passed some impressive magical abilities down to her but her favorite trick is to teleport. She has ADHD.
Candid Apple: Works on Apple Acres. He is talkative, kind, family orientated and has a severe sweet tooth. Candid loves to bake apple treats when he isn’t working the land. His favorite cousin is Melody whom he grew up with on the farm.
Zerina: Librarian for the royal family. She is kind of messy and forgetful outside of work but she's incredibly sweet. She’s humble and generous. Zerina is autistic and her special interest is Equestrian history. Due to her expertise she got the job as the head librarian in the royal library where she can study all the archived materials as she pleases. She is a close friend of princess Theory whom happens to be neurodivergent herself.
Rockslide Pie: Rodeo performer. He is clumsy, silly and tends to fumble on his words. He is bold in his performances.. There is nothing he likes more than to entertain and make others laugh, something he got to discover through his aunty Pinkie.
Not pictured:
Snow Quartz: Artist specializing on ice sculptures. She is the younger sister of Blazing Hooves but unlike her big brother she is calm and relaxed most of the time. She is spontaneous and easygoing. She's witty around her brother and likes to joke with him (on his expense). Her missing leg doesn’t bother her at all.
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ketchuplaser · 5 months
Most American gun!
I'm really curious about how this is going to turn out. If I missed your favorite, sorry. Had to narrow it to 12 choices.
Thanks for the input on the previous ask!
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k8023 · 20 days
A fantastic article from Albert Breer at Sports Illustrated about Joe. It's kinda long but worth the read. A lot of interesting comments from Joe, Zac, Dan Pitcher and even the Colts coaching staff praising Joe after their joint practice. This man might have the highest football IQ in the league. 🧠
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kits-private-lair · 2 months
My BvZ OC! Ali!
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Just some lore (if you want it)
Alit Cranton.
Age: 37
Height: 5’9 ft
Weight: 145lb
BMI: 21.4
Sex: Female
Species: Human-Fire
Spouse: N/A
Family: Mother, Father
Roommates: N/A
Partners: N/A
1st: Jr Coach at CPBC
2nd: Coach at CPBC
3rd: Bounty Hunting
Hand-To-Hand: 9.2/10
Shooting Aim: 7.4/10
Medical Care: 6.0/10
Magic: 5.9/10
Sword Aim: 3.2/10
Ali Cranton was born on Spring-Rock in 102 A.E.D to Mrs. Eliza Cranton and Mr. Colt Cooper. Mrs. Cranton and Mr. Cooper had only 1 known child.
Cooper was a miner at the FES (Frontier Electrumite Syndicate.) while his wife, Cranton, seemed to stay home with their child. Nothing more is known about them. Neighbors had nothing to say about them, town residents had nothing to say about them, nor did any legal force.
Ali attended local schools, LSSP Elementary School, LSSP Middle School, and LSSP High School. With above average grades and being one of the best old world ballet dancers at Celestial Pointe Ballet Company (CPBC) , Ali had a bright future ahead of her. For unknown reasons she didn’t get accepted into the official CPBC college. Rumors spread that it was due to one of the instructors favoritism to their own daughter however that rumor was never confirmed. Ali then took up bounty hunting as a result against their fathers wishes. After Ali left, there has been no signs of communication with their family.
They started working in the hot cycle of the year 124 A.E.D.
They've found 1,274 bounties in their 15 years of bounty hunting.
783 of those bounties ended in having them be brought back dead.
314 of those bounties ended in jail time.
6 of those bounties ended in death penalty.
171 ended with being set free.
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novacorpsrecruit · 9 months
April 24, 1987 - GAME 1
Hi here’s a Steddie Drabble from my latest sports discovery while deciphering basketball stats.
gen * wc 1,174 * established relationship
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The 1986-87 Indiana Pacers season has been a doozy. Steve would never had guessed that the Pacers would make it to playoffs. Jack Ramsey, the long standing coach of the Portland Trail Blazers recently hired for the Pacers, leading the team into playoffs for the first time since ‘81.
And for the first time in four years, Steve has someone to watch the playoffs with.
When Eddie was still in the hospital, Steve and Wayne would meet in passing, alternating sitting by his side to keep him comfort and to keep him safe. The first two weeks, Eddie was in and out of consciousness, and “unable to protest when I put on the game,” Wayne half joked, nodding to the Cardinals-Cubs game on the television. Steve nodded, sitting down on the other side of Eddie as they watched the game in silence. A few innings in, Wayne scoffed. “You tellin’ me, this Rick Sutcliffe is worth a buck and a half?”
Steve couldn’t help but smirk. “The Cardinals are the ones paying almost 2 million for a short stop.”
“And a damn good one, too,” Wayne added. “Wayne.”
“Steve,” Steve added, properly introducing himself.
Wayne hummed, as if he was thinking something over. “I wondered if that was you. He doesn’t shut up about ya.”
“He’s … something special,” Steve said softly, and he was sure Wayne knew.
And when Steve and Eddie started to date, game nights with Wayne became more common. They started by watching the World Series (an unfortunate season for the Cubs, but at least Wayne’s Cardinals also failed to go into post season). Then into football season (a disappointing season from the Colts). Then a couple of hockey games when the Blackhawks were nationally televised, but the real excitement hit when the Indiana Pacers were playing.
Wayne and Steve were pretty excited when the Pacers made it to playoffs.
On game nights, one of the men would be in charge of grabbing supper, usually pizza or something from the diner on the edge of town. Wayne and Steve would settle in the living room as Eddie went to his bedroom, working on a new song or planning the next campaign. He enjoyed his alone time, allowing the creativity to flow and not worry about if he’s ignoring Steve. During halftimes, Steve would find his way into the bedroom, enjoying time with Eddie before the game picks up again.
Steve was setting up the living room and finding the channel for the first Pacers playoff game. Wayne and Eddie should be off of work and be home soon. Eddie was on supper duty tonight.
Gravel crunched under tires, signifying that one of the two had arrived. A loud slam of a car door confirmed that it was his boyfriend.
“Hey, baby —“ Steve started to greet Eddie.
“What do you mean a basket is called a field goal?” Eddie asked dramatically.
“I — what?” Steve asked a wrinkle to his brow.
“A field goal,” Eddie supplied. Steve watched as Eddie set up the three meals —three? — in the living room. Usually Eddie takes his into the bedroom before the game starts. “It’s fucking basketball. They’re called field goals?”
“I mean — yeah. Field goals,” Steve said, watching Eddie get settled into the couch, burgers and milkshakes spread out on the coffee table. “They’re the two or three pointer shots. If they score, it’s a field goal. They’re mainly called that … in stats.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, stuffing fries into his mouth. “I read up.”
“On … stats,” Steve said, sitting down on the couch, nearly on top of Eddie. “On basketball stats?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “I wanted to know what’s going on in the playoffs.”
“You want to watch with us?” Steve asked.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, leaning into Steve. “You said this was a big deal, so I thought I’d join in.” He took a sip of his milkshake. “Is that … okay?”
“You, Eddie Munson, want to watch basketball with us?” Steve asked. He extended his hand, pressing the back of his palm against Eddie’s forehead. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie laughed, swiping Steve’s hand away. “I asked Lucas if he could give me some pointers.”
“For the Pacers game,” Steve repeated.
“Yeah,” Eddie said with a slight huff. “He said to keep an eye on Chuck Person, said he wouldn’t be surprised if he won Rookie of the Year. He said the Pacers improved drastically with the coach change. That they went from, what, a record of 26-56 to 41-41? That’s fucking impressive. And it looks like a lot of that depended on Person averaging 18 points per game? I mean, he’s no Magic Johnson or Larry Bird or Michael Jordan, but that’s still fucking good, right? For his rookie season?”
Steve couldn’t help but stare, his mouth slightly agape. He had to be dreaming, right? This is his boyfriend rattling off facts and stats in front of him, right?
Eddie waved his hand in front of Steve’s face. “Stevie?”
Steve all but leaped into Eddie’s arms, crashing their lips together in a hard and clumsy kiss. Eddie, known jock despiser, learned sports statistics for him?
“If I knew this was the response I’d get,” Eddie mumbled into the kiss, “I would’ve told you Colts stats months ago.”
Steve groaned. “It wouldn’t have worked as well. Colts sucked ass this season.”
“I know something that sucks good —“
“Please, for the love of God,” Wayne groaned from the front door. The two nearly split, pulling off of each other but staying pressed against one another on the couch. “Not in front of the Pacers.”
“Eddie’s gonna watch with us tonight,” Steve beamed. Eddie took note of his smile, of the energy Steve gave for just Eddie being interested in watching sports with him. Maybe he could get enough cash together to buy three tickets for the next Cardinals-Cubs game.
“Wondered when he’d get his head out of his ass and join us,” Wayne laughed, sitting in the recliner, grabbing his dinner from the coffee table. “Who you got on the game, Eds?”
“Depends on if we can keep the ball away from Wilkins,” Eddie said around his fries. “Ending last season with an average of 30 points per game? Need to keep him away from the net.”
“Jesus,” Steve mumbled, taking a long look up and down Eddie. “Wayne, you might need to take a long smoke break during halftime.”
“Already planning on it,” Wayne sighed. “Turn on the game.”
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