#Columbus Ohio Art Museum
lesoreillesouvertes · 6 months
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Samedi à Columbus, OH
Haaa mon premier grilled cheese du voyage ! Et j'avais une super place, en vitrine du café pour prendre le soleil sans le vent qui me fait décoller du sol tellement il est puissant.
Le musée d'art de Columbus : j'ai bien aimé, c'est assez grand avec un bonne section d'art contemporain et des chef d'oeuvres célèbres aussi. Dans une salle avec seulement des oeuvres de femmes photographes, une femme proposait de nous parler pendant 10 minutes de Diane Arbus et de ses photos d'êtres exceptionnels comme un géants dans le salon avec ses parents ou les soeurs jumelles parfaitement identiques ou une drag queen en train de se maquiller... J'ai adoré cette pièce. Les deux autres photographes se prenaient elle-mêmes en photo. Les oeuvres de Cindy Sherman semblent être extraites de films alors que Francesca Woodman faisait le photo surréaliste, comme s'il avait capturer des mages de fantômes.
Puis je me suis baladée au bord de la Scioto River pour avoir cette vue sur downtown et prendre le soleil.
A 17h, heure du diner (oui oui !) Bito m'a envoyé un message pour me dire qu'il avait cuisiné un Gombo. Je suis rentrée pour manger, c'était excellent et faire une sieste avant de ressortir avec lui. Il voulait aller essayer le Cowboy Bar qui venait d'ouvrir. Avec la St Patrick, le bar était bondé et le niveau de la musique juste indécent. Nous sommes allés ailleurs boire une bière et manger des tacos végétariens (des vrais pas des tacos à la française). En Ohio, j'ai l'impression que les texans ont débarqué avec leurs habitudes, les cowboys du nord.
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zerogreyspace · 10 months
more of Columbus Mundane Beauty
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I love Columbus
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longlistshort · 7 months
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Edward Hopper’s oil painting Morning Sun, 1952, is part of Columbus Museum of Art’s permanent collection. The model for the painting was his wife, Jo.
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thechillcheesecake · 2 years
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Went on a weekend trip to Ohio to check out the Columbus Museum of Art! If you’re passing by or in the Columbus area I definitely recommend checking this place out. General admission and other ticket pricing can be found on their website. But go on a Sunday, it’s free!
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nobrashfestivity · 11 months
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Rockwell Kent, Pastoral, 1914
oil on canvas 83.8 x 110.5 cm Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio
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artandthebible · 11 days
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David and Bathsheba
Artist: Artemisia Gentileschi  (Italian, 1593–1653) 
Genre: Religious Art
Depicted People: Bathsheba
Date: circa 1636-1637
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
David and Bathsheba
The story of David and Bathsheba is one of the most dramatic accounts in the Old Testament. One night in Jerusalem, King David was walking upon his rooftop when he spotted a beautiful woman bathing nearby (2 Samuel 11:2). David asked his servants about her and was told she was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David’s mighty men (2 Samuel 23:39). Despite her marital status, David summoned Bathsheba to the palace, and they slept together.
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theaskew · 2 months
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Stanton Macdonald-Wright (American 1890-1973), California Landscape, 1919. Oil on canvas, 30 x 22 1/4 in. (Source: CMA Columbus Museum Of Art, Ohio)
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mikerickson · 5 months
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8/5/2024 - 8/8/2024
Time for the latest installment of my "Don't post about a vacation until after I'm back home" series:
We were killing time in a mall before leaving for the airport on Friday when I noticed the overhead lights swaying in a store. Felt like a massive train was rolling by just outside, but I knew we weren't close enough to the NJ Transit line to actually feel it. Turns out it was a ⋆⭒˚.⋆4.8 earthquake⋆⭒˚.⋆.
Our flight got delayed for three hours while the runway was inspected for damage. While waiting to get dinner in the terminal, the lights started swaying again and we felt a 3.8 aftershock six hours after the first.
@perilous-pursuit-of-perfection and @humdrumhootenanny picked us up from the airport and let us stay with them and we didn't take a single group photo the entire weekend, but just trust me.
Next day we went to the Ohio statehouse in Columbus for a free tour. Learned that Ohio bounced around three previous capitals before the state legislature passed a law to create a permanent capital. Also Abraham Lincoln was in this building giving a speech to the state assembly when he received a telegram informing him he'd won the 1860 Presidential Election.
Next day went to the Columbus Art Museum and I was trying to get that picture of Morning Sun by Edward Hopper but this hipster couple stood in front of it chatting for honestly more than 10 minutes so I left and came back later. Also there was a cool exhibit from 2023 about "Final Girls" in horror slasher movies. Slumber Party Martyrs by Robin F. Williams was my favorite.
We also went to a Field of Corn, except the corn was made out of concrete. Andrew climbed and stood on top of one without killing himself and it was very impressive.
Day of the eclipse we left for the National Museum of the US Air Force super early and hit no traffic, and were directed to park surprisingly close to the exit. Got to see literally dozens of planes from pre-WWI up through current models (was not expecting to see an actual F-22 on display). Also the B2 stealth bomber is enormous in person and really does look otherworldly compared to "normal" planes.
The sunlight started getting noticeably dimmer about a quarter to 3 PM, and the rate of dimming felt exponential. Things started getting dark very quickly in the last minute. The museum was having a huge event for the day so there were maybe a few thousand people there with us. I thought that would take away from the experience and be distracting, but it kinda made the whole thing even more thrilling to hear a massive crowd around us cheer and shout when the sun disappeared. Totality honestly looked fake. It looked like a hole was punched in an old CRT computer monitor. The air got noticeably colder and you could see stars in the sky. The entire horizon looked like a sunset in every direction at the same time. Honestly got emotional and lost my breath in a physiological reaction; it felt like I got punched in the gut without the pain. About 2 1/2 minutes later a very bright pinpoint appeared in the bottom right quadrant and the sun started coming back. A few minutes after that, looking to the northeast where the shadow continued it just looked like a massive thunderstorm without any clouds.
Managed to beat the crowd out of the museum parking grounds and hit zero traffic on the 1-hour drive back to Columbus. The eclipse was even still happening when we got back to the house.
Other than the earthquake (which, who the fuck saw that coming), this trip went exactly as I planned for, which is such a relief considering how much I was stressing myself out over the weather in the week beforehand.
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cwritesforfun · 10 months
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader: One Bed One Heart
Prompts: "Person A cannot believe Person B is actually scared after watching a horror movie." & "Reader/Character can't sleep, but heard that cuddling with a loved one makes it easier to fall asleep"
prompts from @imagining-in-the-margins - thx!
Y/N - Your Name & I Do NOT Own the Criminal Minds characters**
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Spencer's POV
To say I have a crush on Y/N is an understatement. I genuinely think I am in love with her. She's like the perfect girl - the perfect balance of talkative, passionate, quiet, understanding, intelligent, driven, beautiful, and witty. She's drawn me into her life and made me want to learn every possible thing about her. Penelope and Derek know about my crush, so basically everyone on the team, but Y/N knows.
I spent the plane reading next to Y/N who napped on my shoulder, and then we were squished in the back seat of the SUV together. She joined the team one year ago and because she’s only 1 year older than me, we tend to gravitate toward each other and have a lot in common. I spend time with her in most cases because she’s great with other authority figures and piecing things together with the police or victims. I don’t mind spending time together one bit especially because JJ is usually occupied and it gets lonely at the station.
We just arrived at the hotel because we all needed to change before heading out to the police station and the homicide site. We were recommended to be ready to run and blend in. Hotch passed out the keys and told me that I was sharing with Y/N because Derek is slightly contagious with some sort of flu. My opinion is that Derek shouldn’t be on the case, but he’s at the end of his flu. He will be masked up for the first day or until Hotch approves it.
As I tie my shoes in the room with ONE BED, I almost combust from nervous energy. 1, I have to share a room with Y/N. 2, I have to share a bed with Y/N. This trip is shaking my world up too much right now.
Y/N exclaims, "So, are you excited to be in Columbus, Ohio?" I answer, "Not really since it’s for work, I wish we were here for fun. Did you know the Columbus Museum of Art has The Mediterranean by Monet and Picasso's Still Life with Compote and Glass?" She answers, "I did not know that. Did you know that the Columbus Aquarium can fit 90,000 gallons of water?" I answer, "I did and they have a 76-year-old Aldabra tortoise there." She replies, "That's amazing."
We continue to talk to the cars.
Y/N's POV... 1st Night in Ohio
We just got back from working on the case and I'm so tired. I just got out of the shower and Spencer is standing near his suitcase.
I exclaim, "You know I don't mind you sleeping in the same bed as me, right? I don't know how you and Morgan decided who got the bed, but we can share. We're both pretty small and can fit." He laughs and says, "Morgan always put me on the couch, so I appreciate this." I laugh and say, "Imagine sharing with Prentiss and JJ. It was the ultimate sleepover every night, but it simultaneously made me crave my own bed even more. I want and need alone time sometimes.” He lays down, laughs, and says, "That is completely understandable."
We talk for a bit and we go to bed when we both yawn.
Next morning...
I stand next to Morgan and sip the coffee that Spencer just handed me before he went off with Prentiss to cross-check their notes. Morgan asks, "So you and Reid, eh?" I ask, "What about it?" He answers, "He's been watching you a lot this morning like more than usual. He made you coffee the way you like it. You two seem happy and we're on a case, so something has to be off." I ask, "So people aren't allowed to be happy?" He answers, "Yeah they are, but not on a homicide case." I wait for him to put his cup of water to his lips before I say, "We slept together." That causes Morgan to choke on his water and start coughing. Hotch asks, "Everything okay, Morgan?" Morgan answers, "Yes. Water just went down the wrong pipe." Hotch replies, "Morgan and Y/N, behave and get ready to check out the first site. You head out in 5." I'm never picked for checking out the sites. According to Hotch after a month of working with the BAU, my skills lie in working with authority figures or victims' families because I seem in charge and also empathetic. Hotch either trusts me a lot today or just needs to get rid of me. THAT NIGHT
We just got back to the hotel and I'm so damn tired. I hear my name and see Hotch. I walk over and say, "Yes sir? You called my name." He exclaims, "I just wanted to talk with you about today before you went to bed." I nod and he continues talking, "I don't know what you did with Reid and Morgan today. But, they were on top of everything whenever they were with you and we made huge progress on this case, so thank you. I have no idea what gave you that productive push today, but it was great to see… When you joined the team and throughout this year, I know you’ve asked me a lot about how you can get closer to the team and how you can be the best agent you can. I know being a part of this team, you feel like you have to make sure everyone is okay and that they are okay at all times. But it’s okay to not solve other’s issues for them. I also don't want you to neglect how you feel to try to fix them. I see you downing coffee in the mornings and holding back in conversations with us recently. Everyone on the team likes having you on the team, so it’s okay to just be yourself and to open up to someone you are comfortable with. I know it can be hard to open up to others and to be your authentic self, but I just want you to be okay. I also have to ask, are you okay?" I answer, "I am okay. Frankly, sir, I thought you were going to reprimand me for how I acted today. I got Reid talkative and filled with coffee, and then I caused chaos at the police station with Morgan. I felt horrible with how I acted today." He replies, "You and Morgan were loud, but it was not chaotic. Reid was talkative, but I've seen him talk a lot more. It was manageable. Neither acted unprofessionally, so no I don’t mind how they acted. You acted professionally and were a hard worker today. I have nothing about your work ethic to complain about.” I reply, “Okay. Well then thank you for checking on me and I will try opening up to someone on the team.” He half smiles and says, “Good then that’s where I’ll leave you for tonight. It looks like Reid is waiting for you by the elevator.” I nod and tell him good night.
I make my way to Reid and say, “Thanks for waiting for me.” Reid says, “Yeah of course. I didn’t want you to have to walk to the room alone, especially after an intense conversation. I know conversations with Hotch can make me feel overwhelmed, I don't know about you. There is also a serial killer on the loose targeting young women. Enough about that, is everything okay?”
We get in the elevator and I answer, “Yeah Hotch was just worried about me. He said that for me to be the best I can be and improve my job, I should trust the team more and be myself. I know I should, I just get scared sometimes. He also said that today was very productive and I was on top of my work." He replies, "You were... if you ever need to talk to anyone, feel free to talk to me. I'm here for you, if you ever need anything." I reply, "Thank you, Spencer."
Team Dinner has been something that I either dread or love. We've been out all together for 2 hours and I'm tired. Morgan, Emily, and JJ are going out after this. They're trying to convince everyone else to go out too. Another reason that Y/N is my dream girl. She does not want to go out tonight with the rest of the team to drink.
After dinner, we decided to come back to the hotel and watch a movie. She said there were Halloween movies on Freeform every night until Halloween this October. We both shower, change into pajamas and turn on the hotel tv. The first movie is Hocus Pocus, which is very fun. We switch around station to find another movie and we find some horror movie.
As we watch the horror movie, Y/N cuddles into my side, which I don't mind. I actually really like it. I feel like I'm keeping her safe. I exclaim, "I'm personally shocked you find this movie scary." She jokingly hits my arm and says "Well I am. I don't like the reality of it. I prefer horror movies that feel like they wouldn't happen. We see real-life horrors during work and it makes you look at movies differently." I nod, and reply "I can turn it off, you know?" She answers, "But I know you love Halloween and I don't want you to miss out on the movie. I can tell how into it you are, so we can watch until the end." I smile and say, "Okay, only if you keep cuddling with me." She smiles and I pull her closer.
When the movie finishes, I see that Y/N fell asleep. I flick off the lights and lie there thinking. Honestly, the ending of that was a little sad. The main character's love interest survived the whole movie only to die by natural causes a week after the story was resolved. I know I haven't told Y/N about my feelings for her, but what if she were to die? What if I never tell her? I have to now.
I feel her move on my chest and she moves off my chest to her pillow. I whisper, "Could we cuddle tonight?" She whispers, "Oh I thought you would get too uncomfortable." I whisper, "No I was fine. Besides, Did you know that the heart rhythms of co-sleeping individuals not only do independent heart rhythms appear in the same relative phase for prolonged periods, but also that their occurrence has a bidirectional causal relationship?" She moves off of me and asks, "Spencer, it's way too late. I have no idea what any of that means. What are you trying to say? I answer, "I ... uh I was trying to say that when people sleep in the same bed, their heart beats sync up. So... kind of like this one bed has one heartbeat... The end of the movie kind of made me sad and I feel safe around you. So I thought if we cuddled, I would feel safe and my heart would feel as calm as yours to sleep." She replies, "I see. Then before I lay down to cuddle, are you in a comfortable position?" I answer, "Yeah I am." She then lays down and I wrap my arm around her. We soon both fall asleep.
Sources (it's a Spencer fic... yeah there are sources):
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nancydrewwouldnever · 6 months
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Alexei von Jawlensky, Schokko with Red Hat, 1909, oil/board (Museum of Art, Columbus [Ohio])
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supersonicart · 2 years
Jason Mowry's "Burgeon Fantastic"
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Currently on view at Haven Gallery in Northport, New York is artist Jason Mowry's solo exhibition, "Burgeon Fantastic."
“Burgeon Fantastic” is Mowry’s third solo show at the gallery and continues the artists exploration of human beings transcendence with nature through historic and contemporary narratives. Highly inspired by mythology, Mowry paints classical divinities and timeless chronicles in his own stylistic hand, reinterpreting these ageless tales into contemporaneous visuals. Warm, earthen palettes embrace his Mannerist female figures, impressive animals and exotic flora, as a sense of harmony and balance are evoked. Lush with detail, his paintings teem with life and grace. Through his medium, Mowry creates serene and expressive scenes uniting all living beings and returning humans to nature’s cyclical and majestic realm.
Jason Mowry Jason grew up between the art museums and comic book shops, combining the rhythms of each to walk the line between formal art and the fantastic. Jason calls Ohio home where he keeps a studio as well as teaches at the Columbus College of Art and Design. Inspired by the stories he reads, and the people and times that surround him, Jason’s work blends myth, personal narrative, and symbolic imagery to speak to the larger collective narrative.
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thenewausten · 7 months
going to ohio state/reds/bengals games with foolish(as someone who lives in ohio i would loveee this😭), visiting each others hometowns, going to amusement parks together
Suree! Thanks for the request!
Going to visit Ohio with Foolish HC's!
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I have sure Foolish would buy for both of you those shirts or coats like this one he's wearing! Imagine taking pictures with matching shirts with him? He'd post them on Instagram and Twitter for sure <3
Going to museums, like the Columbus Museum of Art or to Cincinnati Museum Center (I saw some pictures and now I want to visit Ohio).
You both would go to the Cedar Point..... In my head, Noah is a little bit scared of heights and all those dangerous stuff, so you'd beg him to face his fear and go with you on the Steel Vengeance. "No, I can't. I'll die if I go, baby." He says and you laugh. "Don't be dramatic, love. Please, I'm begging you!" You look at your boyfriend with your puppy eyes to convince him, he sighs and look to the toy. "If I die, my mom will kill you." He says. "Don't worry, you won't die, my love." You say as you hug him with a big smile on your face, Noah hugs you back and you give him a peck on his lips.
You can say you never saw your boyfriend scream the way he did on this toy and you can say you laugh so hard you stomach is hurting.
Now, after the torture of the amusement park, Noah wanted something more chill, so he'd take you to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park so you two could do walking or cycling trails!
Going to Reds and Bengals games for suree! You'd have a great time watching it with him 🥺
Going to each others hometown for sure! Imagine him meeting your parents? They'd love him so so much! He'd laugh with your old bedroom, seeing all the posters of the bands you liked when you were a teenager:( and of course you'd visit his hometown too! He'd show you everything in his house and his family would love you so much!
I think Foolish is very close to his family, so they'd take you to a restaurant or maybe do a family meeting with his cousins, uncle's and other members of his family! Imagine how chaotic it'd be???
He'd take you to a fancy restaurant aswell, just the two of you so you can have a cute date <3
His mom would show you his childhood photos and you'd laugh so much 😭
He'd also pass a lot of time with your family and to be honest, he'd want to make your parents meet his parents so it'd three times more chaotic!!!@ Imagine a family meeting in the backyard with barbecue and beer? With like a lot of people? Yeah... But it'd be very nice! Everyone would have so much fun together!
Foolish is very proud of Ohio and he's very happy to have a girlfriend who's too! For sure if the both of you had plans to marry one day, he'd want to live in Ohio with you. Imagine you buying a house to live together??? So cute 😭
Of course you both would have a lot of pictures together after visiting Ohio, he'd post them all on Instagram with the cutest captions about you <3
Note: I want to visit Ohio now after the search I made to write this one 🥲
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Decorative Sunday: Bookplates Edition
Ex Libris by Carl S. Junge collects notable bookplates from the career of Chicago-area artist Carl S. Junge. In his introduction to the volume, Chicago advertising executive and bookplate collector Leroy T. Goble argues that the bookplate is far more than a simple mark of ownership but has artistic value of its own, they are “expressions of fine art calling for the joint interests and attention of artist, engraver, and printer.”  Published in New York by H.L. Lindquist in 1935 in a limited edition of 500 copies signed by the artist. Junge’s bookplates had been collected once before in the 1916 publication Book Plates: A Collection of Original Book Plate Designs in an edition of 200 by Champlin Press of Columbus, Ohio. We hold both publications here in Special Collections.
Goble praises Junge as an eminent bookplate designer, wedding the personality and needs of the person (or institution) for which he is designing with an adept artistic sensibility and drawing on a range of styles. Indeed, Junge received five awards from the International Book Plate Association and his plates are held by such esteemed museums as the The Metropolitan Museum of New York and the British Museum. The stately bookplate of Woodrow Wilson, the appropriately juvenile plate of Leroy Goble’s son (Francis) Cleon, and the art deco inspired plate for artist O. Adreas Garson all exemplify the way Junge adapted his design aesthetic to best represent his client. My favorite is the plate for Lewis Clifford Fiske, with its scowling swordsman pointing insistently at the bookplate-within-a-bookplate (reading: “Fiske His Book”). It visually evokes the old tradition of placing a curse upon book thieves or careless borrowers, as if to say ”This is MY book. Return it, or face my sword!!”
Check out more Decorative Sunday posts here. 
You can find more posts about bookplates here. 
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Assistant
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longlistshort · 5 months
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There’s an unsettling tension in the room that houses Mel Chin’s installation Spirit (1994), at the Columbus Museum of Art. Is the rope strong enough to support the barrel? What will be its breaking point?
Some details from the museum about the work-
The rope that seems to carry the weight of Spirit’s enormous cask is made from tallgrass. This native plant was once central to a vast prairie ecosystem spanning over 170 million acres of North America. By 1930, most all of this was decimated as a result of agricultural and industrial settlement, and what remains is protected habitat (Chin received special permission to harvest a portion for this sculpture).
Wooden barrels are traditionally used to measure and transport dry goods like grain, beans, as well as beer, oil and wine, and were central to the process of European settlement and trade in North America. Here, the image of this rope bearing such a massive weight suggests the precarious status of nature in a world of outsized human development. Even the gallery walls, which curve inwards on all sides, seem to respond to the strain.
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Charles Demuth who was born on this day in 1883!
The Circus Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935, American [artist] Dimensions: 8 x 10 5/8" Watercolor and graphite on paper American 1917 Repository: Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio, United States
HOLLIS number: 8000932275 This image is part of FAL’s Digital Images and Slides Collection (DISC), a collection of images digitized from secondary sources for use in teaching and learning. FAL does not own the original artworks represented in this collection, but you can find more information at HOLLIS Images.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
COLUMBUS, Ohio – An Ohio man won $45 million in a civil lawsuit against a police department and detective whose actions led to his wrongful conviction and more than 20 years behind bars.
Dean Gillispie sued Miami Township police and former detective Scott Moore for suppressing evidence and tainting eyewitness identifications in the 1991 rape and kidnapping case against Gillispie.
Gillispie was convicted in 1991 in Montgomery County and released from prison in 2011. The Ohio Innocence Project at the University of Cincinnati law school, former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro and Dean's mother, Juana Gillispie, worked to free him and clear his name.
Today, Gillispie is 57, and lives in Fairborn, a suburb of Dayton.
"The horror inflicted on Dean and his family and community is hard to wrap your mind around," Ohio Innocence Project Director Mark Godsey said. "The way the authorities pushed through a conviction and then fought back and refused to admit a mistake was so disappointing. Nothing can repay Dean for the horror."
He added: "The jury's verdict sends a strong message that those in power need to change the way they do things."
"Justice prevailed in this case, although it took a long, long, long time for that to occur," said Petro, who co-authored a book with his wife Nancy about wrongful convictions.
David Owens, whose firm Loevy & Loevy represents wrongfully convicted clients and represented Gillispie, said they believe $45 million sets an Ohio record.
It is unclear if Miami Township or Moore will seek to appeal the case or when Gillispie might receive payment.
Gillispie steadfastly maintained his innocence from day one. In 2021, a Montgomery County judge declared Gillispie a wrongfully imprisoned person.
He was convicted in the rape and kidnapping of twin sisters in one attack and a third woman in a second attack. But the jury in the federal civil lawsuit found that Moore violated Gillispie's rights by hiding evidence that would have helped Gillispie's defense and creating unfair lineup procedures for the victims.
Moore claimed a witness had made an identification when she had not, and later told the victims that they might not recognize Gillispie in court because he “dyed his hair.” Evidence was also presented that Moore failed to disclose camping receipts showing Gillispie was in Kentucky when the crimes occurred, his attorneys said. 
No biological evidence ever tied Gillispie to the crimes.
While imprisoned, Gillispie turned to art across multiple mediums. It was an outlet for his pain and imagination of how life would've been different. In 2020, his artwork depicting a miniature model camping trailer was included in “Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration,” an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
After his release, he bought and restored a camping trailer.
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