#Commercial Wall Finishes UK
itsohh · 1 year
Death Goes to Disco Part 3
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A/N: Female reader, due to all the uh support from here and over at ao3 on what was supposed to be two parts, yeah I’m continuing. Dunno how much we winging it at this point.
Summary: After accepting Price's offer to join 141, you now have to deal with the fact that your new squadmates are the men you had a mindblowing threesome one-night stand with.
Word count:  4147
Warnings: None
AO3 Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Water dripped behind you, remnants of your recently finished shower. Hair still wet your arms leaned on the sink. With one hand you wiped away the steam that had settled on the mirror to reveal your face. To be back at Papakura, to be back at base. It was almost surreal. It had been so long, a lifetime ago. Yet not much has changed, you would be lying if you didn't fall back into your old rhythm. But it would never be the same, all those friends, all your family you had on base. Gone.
Your eyes gazed at yourself, your eyes specifically on the patches on your vest. It was good to wear your flag again. It felt right to have that NZSAS patch instead of the Shadow Company one. Two weeks you spent there. Two weeks of preparation that was almost up. Today was your last training day on base before you had to pack up. Then it would be off to the UK.
"A new chapter." You whispered to yourself and met your own eyes. At the sound, your shoulders relaxed and you pushed off the sink basin. For the first time in what felt like forever, you smiled. Genuinely smiled.
You had thought that they would send you on a commercial flight but you were wrong. Duffle back slung over your shoulder. A groan left your lips as you stretched a bit. You had slept through a decent amount of the flight but now your body was a little sore and stiff. The overly bright led lights had you squint and slowly you walked out of the aircraft and out of the tarmac.
One man stood there patiently waiting.
"Good to see you accepted my offer, Sergeant." He greeted you with a nod and you walked up to him.
"It was good to have options, sir. Thanks for not killing me." You nodded back and the pair of you started to walk together.
"I should be thanking you for not killing my squad."
"Call it even then sir?"
"Can do. Right, let's get this out of the way. Have you been here before?"
"A few times in the past."
"Do you remember the layout?"
"Enough not to get completely lost." He scratched his beard and nodded.
"Good, I can work with that. You have been assigned a room, I'll show you where that is." He paused and let out a breath. "The walls are rather thick but not completely soundproof. I say this because I happen to be in the room next to yours."
"Does that mean I'll hear your snoring through the wall then?" You couldn't help the way your lips curled up. Price glanced towards you for a moment.
"None of that cheek now." Despite his words, he too has a smile on his face. "Jokes aside we all share a dorm. Try to be considerate of everyone else."
"Will do."
"Good to hear. Right, you can put your stuff in the room when we get there. Laswell wants to have a video call with you."
"Back in Las Almas, she was the friend I was talking about. You will get orders from myself, Ghost and her. It's important you get used to her voice. We do training exercises and hired help in SpecGru so get used to the team around you."
"The PMC?"
"That's the one, we do training with and against KorTac."
"Never a dull moment?"
"That's one way of putting it."
"This here's my office." His eyes looked up and made contact with yours. "Always knock before you enter."
"Wouldn't dream of doing otherwise."
"Good." His eyes looked down at the laptop as he opened it. "Maybe you can get Soap to do the same." He grumbled under his breath.
Price fiddled with the computer some more until a call started.
"Good to hear from you, here with the Sergeant." He moved slightly to the side and positioned the laptop in front of the pair of you.
"Disco, heard good things. You did well in Las Almas." She nodded towards you.
"Just tried to do what I could in a bad situation."
"Not many would do what you did, don't cut yourself short." She had this hard gaze on her. One that screamed not to argue.
"How is Las Almas since we left?"
"In mourning, broken but they will heal. Alejandro is already in the process of rebuilding."
"Shadow Company?" At your question, she glanced at Price but answered regardless.
"With the death of Graves and your absence the company is collapsing. The command chain has been broken and I've had reports of some being bought out and others abandoning their post. Their competitors have been quick to snatch up their contracts."
"What happened to Derek and Pepper?" Your eyes turned to Price for this.
"The men who surrendered with you?" Kate asked and you gave her a single nod.
"From what I gathered they both went back to America and gave up military life. I know one decided to help their husband with a bakery and the other I had recommended to one of my contacts in the FBI." Despite your rather emotionless expression, you couldn't help but relax at the thought. At least you helped them. A knock on Laswell's door had her pause and glance towards it. You could hear the briefest muffled sound through it but weren't able to decipher what was being said.
"Unfortunately I have to cut this short but it's good to have you onboard."
"Good to be here ma'am." She nodded to John and the stream cut.
"I would ask if she was MI6 but she sounded too American." You pushed off the desk.
"CIA, same thing really. Right, now that's out of the way. Go rest up and unpack. Get rid of that jetlag before it settles in. It's also bloody late. Dismissed." You were a little surprised and he sighed when he looked at the clock on the wall.
"Bloody 1am delivery." You heard him grumble under his breath before you left his office.
The room they had assigned you was decently large. In the corner of the room was a queen-sized bed pressed against the wall. Above it was a window covered by a pair of curtains.  On each side of the bed was a small little bedside table, one of them had a simple lamp on top. At the foot of the bed was a decently-sided chest. Standing facing towards the bed with your door behind you, there was a desk to the right of you with an office chair.
Another door was to the right, in the middle of the wall which lead to your private bathroom. Next to that door was a set of drawers and a bookcase above it.
All and all, it was a pretty decent room. Sure Hereford was a downgrade from the king bed and suite of a room that you had at Shadow Company but still better than the rather small room you had at Papakura Military Base. Then again, you did have a house just out of town to escape to. Here in England, you didn't have that luxury. Your mind wandered a bit at the thought. Perhaps you should invest in an apartment somewhere, just to get away on the longer breaks. Then you wouldn't have to fly back but wouldn't have to be stuck on base.
A breath came from your nose and you flopped your back onto the bed. Despite the fact you had already napped on the trip over, you couldn't help but feel the true weight of your heavy eyelids. Just for a moment, the rest of your eyes you promised yourself. Only to immediately fall asleep a second later.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Your eyes cracked open with a groan. The thumping against your wall wasn't particularly loud yet it was still loud enough for you to hear. You leaned over to your side and grabbed your phone to see the time. 6am. You had managed to sleep for about five more hours.
Slowly you got off the bed and stretched out your body. You closed the bathroom door which cut off the small echo of thumping against your bathroom wall. Mentally you tried to engrain that into your head. To shut that door every right. The light to your bedroom soon clicked on and you started to unpack.
Most of your clothing was all new, either supplied to you by NZSAS or some of the clothing you had found at your old home. Tucked away in your old closet it had taken a decent amount of washing to get that old clothes smell out but you succeeded regardless.
You hadn't brought a lot of personal items. But there was one picture you brought. A framed picture that had you pause when you picked it up out of your bed.
It was an old picture, very old. It has been taken when you were still a rookie. Your Lieutenant still a Sergeant. She stood next to you with a wide smile on her face. The pair of you were surrounded by your squad mates with equally big grins on their faces. Everyone was covered in mud but you could still see the little red flag that was in your grip.
"Good job rookie, you did well!" You could still remember the praise on her lips and the smile on your then Captain's face. Still caught up in the memory, you placed the picture on your desk. It seemed like such a simpler time, back when everyone was still alive.
Half an hour later with fresh clothes on you clicked open your door only to immediately become face-to-face with the occupant of the door across from you. "Oh hey, Disco right?" He seemed a little surprised to see you but gave you a warm smile regardless.
"Uh yeah, your Gaz? Am I pronouncing that right?"
"Yeah, Kyle if it's easier for you. I don't mind. Are you heading out for breakfast? I'm going there myself if you would like to join."
"Sure, I could use the company. I think I had like a 65% of remember correctly where it is."
"Oh, you have been here before?" He shut the door behind him and the pair of you started to walk together.
"Yeah a few times way back. Normally we used to do training in-house or with the Aussies but on the odd occasion we would come here."
"Must have been a long time ago."
"Yeah, it was."
"Surprised you know the layout at all."
"I try to memorize buildings as much as I can."
"Fair, it can make the difference between life and death." The cafeteria wasn't too far away and soon the pair of you settled into the room. There was a decent amount of people in there and you followed him to the breakfast bar.
"Anything I should avoid?"
"Nah, the food here's pretty good. Just make sure you never get coffee or tea from one of the machines. Not many people use it and I swear it's never been cleaned a single time since I've been here." He gestured over to the machine against the wall.
"Duly noted."
Soon the pair of you had settled into a table in the corner of the room. All tables had a few people at them except the one you sat at. There were a few glances your way but no one said or did anything about it. "Alright, what's with the looks?" You subtly gestured with your head. Gaz looked up for a moment and shrugged.
"Not sure, probably cause you're someone new. It's not too often new operatives, let alone at your rank. Uh." You could see him glance at your shirt but without your identification, he wasn't able to figure it out.
"Sergeant." You said and he nodded and took a bite.
"Didn't keep you at Lietentiant when you jumped aboard?"
"I haven't earned that here. Besides I like being a Sergeant. I'm sure I'll learn a lot under you boys."
"Price is a good teacher and so is Ghost when he speaks up." He nodded. "Speaking of Price I'm surprised he's not up yet, normally he's first to rise."
"Might have got to do with me. I arrived at 0100 hours this morning." Kyle let out a low whistle.
"Damn, no wonder no one saw you come in. Anyway, welcome to the team."
"Thanks, met Laswell. What's her deal?"
"Laswell? She's the one that sends us out, pretty damn good with a rifle herself though."
"And what about you Gaz, what's your deal?"
"Haven't really got one to be honest. As basic as it sounds, I want to do good. Everyone here does."
"In SAS in general or 141?"
"I would say the prior but I don't know everyone so I'll go with the latter." A tray settled down next to Gaz and you looked up to see Price there. A porridge and a coffee.
"Disco, Gaz."
"Hope you managed to get some rest last night." Price nodded to you.
"Not the ideal amount but I'm sure I'll stabilize in a day or so."
"Good, can't have you dealing with sleep deprivation."
"So what's the plan for today?" Gaz asked and Price took a sip of his coffee.
"Well, then those two finally get out of bed, you lot are hitting the mats. I want to find out every weakness Disco here has."
You choked on your food for a second and Price gave you a grin at the edge of his cup. "So we know what to work on."
"Never such thing as too good." You shrugged and Price let out a small chuckle.
"That's the attitude, let's see if you still have it in a couple of hours."
The morning was rather relaxed. Conversation with Price and Gaz wasn't too awkward and you found yourself getting used to it. A sigh left Price's mouth as you all finished up. "Where in the bloody hell are those two?" He huffed.
"Did you want me to check up on them?" Gaz offered and Price's lips curled up and he glanced at you.
"Won't subject you to whatever has them busy. We can get started without them. You happy to spar in that?" He gestured to your plain shirt.
"Sure am."
"What about you Gaz?"
"Ready to go any time."
"Good, right let's get out there."
The indoor gym was a decently sized room. One that you found yourself in the corner of. With all the mats set out, Price stood to the side with his arms crossed.
"Any rules?" You glanced at him as you stretched.
"Try not to injure each other. No permanent injuries. Usual stuff. I'd like you both in one piece." You nodded and relaxed your body as you stepped into place.
"You ready?" You asked and Gaz gave you a nod, his eyes hardening.
"Gimmie what you got."
Instinct took over as the pair of you started. Years of training kicked in at ease and you allowed your body to work reflexively. Gaz wasn't bad, in no way. He played the perfect balance of offensive and defensive. His stamina was one to envy as well. The pair of you ended up in a long dance where neither of you really had the advantage over each other.
The pair of you were in ways, learning about each other. Each other's style, exactly how you fought. So, as Gaz danced with you, you decided to change up the song. Gaz went to punch you with his right arm. Until that moment you had either dodged or blocked. This time was a little different, you ducked under and grabbed his wrist.
With his continued movement, you brought it with you behind his back. Your foot stepped on his back calf forcing him forward. With one hand trapped by you, his other hand shot out to break his fall. However, you didn’t let him fall. Your free arm wrapped around his throat to choke him. It took a few seconds before you felt his slap against your arm and you immediately let go of his throat and stepped off his calf.
Gaz sank properly on his knees and you let go of his wrist once he was stable. “You good?”
“Yeah. You were toying with me.” He coughed with a weak smile.
“I would prefer to call it learning.” You shrugged and held your hand out for him. He slapped his hand into yours and you gave it a decent tug.
“I’d like to see how you would be in the field Sergent.” Price cocked a brow and his eyes moved from yours to the two men who approached the three of you. Soap stretched as he walked and Ghost stalked behind him.
“About time you two got up. Have a late night boys?”
“You could call it that. Sorry for the delay.” Soap spoke and his eyes settled on you. You could practically feel them size up your slightly sweaty body. “Disco, long time no see. What you doing here?” Your eyes glanced from Soap to Ghost.
“Training.” You could practically feel the way Ghost’s eyes narrowed at you.
“Speak of, Soap your up.” Gaz walked to the side of Price and took the bottle of water that sat on the floor. Meanwhile, Soap stretched his body out with a grin on his face.
“Sparing eh? I’ll go easy on you after last time.” He winked. He waved his hands out and took a position opposite you on the mat. Soap was a little different from Gaz, you had seen him work before. He was aggressive, fast to act and destroy defences. Right away you knew you would need to be on the offensive.
“Give me your best.” He winked. The grin on his face was quickly wiped off his face when you immediately jabbed towards him. Soap managed to narrowly miss your punches and jump back. “Right into it I-” You kicked his side and he let out a grunt. Now aware that you weren’t holding back he shut up. With your right arm, you went to punch him but he snatched your wrist. You continued on your moment and pressed into his grip for only a second before you jerked your hand free.
Soap was fast though, now behind you, he wrapped an arm around your throat. Just like Las Almas. There was no hesitation in your movements, you stepped to the side of Soap and grabbed his legs with both arms. Ignoring the hold on your neck you picked him up and slammed him down into the mat, breaking the hold around your neck instantly.
In his slightly stunned state, you pounced on the man. Ankles over his, your hands caught both his wrists and slammed them into the mat. Pinned. “I let you take me last time.” Soap stared up at you, his through bobbing and a light red dusted over his cheeks.
“An’t that the truth.” His bottom lip parted while his eyes landed on yours. He was painfully obviously aroused. You glanced away from him and slowly got off. Just as you had held a hand out for Gaz, you held one out for him. Soap continued to stare at you. You saved your hand impatiently and he snapped out.
“Thanks.” He swallowed and you pulled him up.
“Never underestimate your opponent Johnny.” Ghost glared at the man.
“Yup, fucked that one.” You looked over to Price to see him frowning at his phone.
“Gaz, with me.” His eyes snapped up. “Since you two decided to waste our time today see it as your punishment to make sure Disco is settled in properly.”
“Wait settled in?” Soap started to ask but was brushed off by the wave of Price’s hand. The two men promptly left and you were left with Ghost who had an expressionless look on his face and Soap who looked a little confused but not overly bothered. Both of them stared at you.
“What did the Captain mean, settle in. How long are you staying?”
“She joined 141 Johnny.” Ghost's deadpan voice had John gaping at you for a moment.
“Yeah someone supposedly someone gossiped a bit about Las Almas.” You walked over to your bottle of water.
“You're against that?” Ghost asked and you leaned over to grab your drink.
“No, just curious why go to the trouble.”
“Our reports are thorough. What Price and Laswell make of them is up to them.” Ghost was an enigma in a sense. Johnny was pretty obvious with his opinions and his emotions but when Ghost was like this, you couldn’t quite tell exactly what any of it meant. The pair of you started each other, neither saying a word. There was an uncomfortable silence between the three of you. You had been certain that spending the night with them would be a one-time thing. Something that they most likely thought the same. Then after everything that happened, you knew being face to face with them like this was the last thing they thought would happen.
“So where does Price have you holed up? When did you get here?” Soap finally broke the silence. Bottle in your hand, you relaxed your shoulders.
“The room next to his. I got here at like 0100 hours this morning.” Johnny immediately let out a cough and your eyes shot up.
“The one in between Ghost and his room?”
“I don’t know. It’s opposite Gaz?” You pressed the bottle against your lips and slowly took a drink. While Soap went to compose himself you could feel Ghost's eyes watching you.
“Oh fuck. We uh, sorry if we woke you up aye.”
“It’s fine, I just need to remember to close the bathroom door. ” You shrugged and snapped the bottle closed. “Don’t think Price was too happy about you two being late though.” You placed the bottle back down and readied back into a stance.
“Ready for another go?” You smiled and he nodded. “Don’t worry, I won’t go too hard on you.”
The morning went rather fast and eventually, the pair of you ended up drenched in sweat. Eventually that lead to Ghost taking over when you took down John for the fifth time in a row. “Not many people can take down Ghost like that.” John slapped you on your back as the three of you walked to the showers.
“The higher they are, the harder they fall or something.” You shrugged. “There's some tall people out there, I’ve learned to use that against them.”
“God and we fall, whats with you and hitting the left side, going to feel this for days.”
“I doubt that aches the least of your worries.” You muttered under your breath. "Your weak on your left side. Seem to slow you down a little more than your right." You spoke up and started to separate into the showers.
“Johnny.” You looked over your shoulder to see that John has continued on with you. Only at the sound of his name did he realise and swerved around to join Ghost to your amusement. The showers on your side were completely empty and you ended up having a rather long shower. Zoned out you didn’t realise how long you truly took until you got out.
With the two men nowhere to be seen, you found your way to the cafeteria. With a quick scan, you managed to locate them. Both of them were at the exact same table that you had shared with Gaz and Price that morning. It made you wonder if there was a specific reason. After you collected your food you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. Looking up your eyes made contact with Johns. With a smile, he gestured for you to join him. Ghost had his mask slightly moved up as he ate. Tucked away in the corner no one else except for you and John could see the small stubble on his face. Adverting your gaze you sat down next to Soap.
“So Price and Gaz are out on a mission together. Don’t know when they will be back.” Johnny leaned back and you realised that he had already finished his lunch while Ghost had little left of his.
"After you finish lunch we move out." Ghost said much to both your surprise and John's.
"Where they sending us to this time? Surprised they aren't just shipping you off by yourself."
"Someone has to keep you in check."
"Ah Ghost that's just your way of saying you'd miss me." He grinned.
"Greenland. Prepared for the cold." Ghost ignored John and you nodded. "We will brief more in Price's office."
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
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Star Wars: Visions volume 2 will stream on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Volume 2 shorts:
Title: “Sith”
Studio: El Guiri
Writer-director: Rodrigo Blaas
Rodrigo Blaas is an Emmy Award®-winning director who has spent more than 20 years in animation. After co-founding Stromboli Animation in 1997, Blaas joined Blue Sky Studios in 2000, working on the feature film Ice Age, before transitioning to Pixar Animation Studios. There, he worked on such projects as Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), and Wall-E (2008) and on the Oscar®-nominated short film La Luna (2011). More recently, Blaas partnered with Guillermo del Toro to develop the award-winning series Trollhunters, served as creative director for Mikros Animation Paris and, in 2021, created El Guiri Studios in Madrid with his partner, Cecile Hokes. He also wrote and directed 2009’s award-winning short film Alma.
Title: “Screecher’s Reach”
Studio: Cartoon Saloon
Director: Paul Young
Paul Young is a co-founder of Cartoon Saloon, an IFTA winner and Oscar®, Emmy® and BAFTA nominee. He produced the animated features My Father’s Dragon, WolfWalkers, The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, and The Breadwinner as well as award-winning TV series including Puffin Rock, Dorg Van Dango, and Viking Skool.
Title: “In the Stars”
Studio: Punkrobot
Writer-director: Gabriel Osorio
Gabriel Osorio majored in Fine Arts at Universidad de Chile, later specializing in 3D animation. After working in commercials, movies and television series, he founded Punkrobot Studio. Since 2008, he has directed projects for children’s television including Flipos, Muelin y Perlita, Soccer Girls, and television spots. In 2016, his short film Bear Story became the first Latin American project to win an Oscar® in the animated short category.
Title: “I Am Your Mother”
Studio: Aardman
Director: Magdalena Osinska
Magdalena Osinska is an award-winning director who has been with Aardman for eight years. She has directed stop-motion, CGI, 2D and live-action commercials including Wallace & Gromit’s “The Great Sofa Caper” and “Share the Orange.” Osinska directed development of the children’s series Joyets and has also directed films including Spirits of the Piano and Zbigniev’s Cupboard. A graduate of the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, UK, as well as the Polish Film School in Lodz and Art College in Warsaw, Osinska is currently developing the feature film Jasia, based on her grandmother’s memories of WWII Poland.
Title: “Journey to the Dark Head”
Studio: Studio Mir
Director: Hyeong Geun Park
Rising star Hyeong Geun Park had already made a name for himself when he entered the Korean animation industry in 2017, thanks to his strong drawing and animation sensibilities. He has directed animation for dozens of cinematic game trailers and has since expanded into animated series, working on projects including Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Book 3 (2022) and Lookism (2022). Journey to the Dark Head is the first title he has executive produced from start to finish.
Title: “The Spy Dancer”
Studio: Studio La Cachette
Writer-director: Julien Chheng
Julien Chheng is CEO of Studio La Cachette, an Emmy Award®-winning French animation studio he co-founded in 2014 with fellow Gobelins school’s alumni Oussama Bouacheria and Ulysse Malassagne. Chheng was trained in visual development at Disney and has worked as a character animator on acclaimed 2D animated features The Rabbi’s Cat, Mune, and the Academy Award®-nominated Ernest and Celestine. In 2021, he won an Emmy Award® as animation executive producer of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, for which he also served as animation supervisor. In 2022, Chheng directed with Jean-Christophe Roger the Cesar-nominated feature Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia.
Title: “The Bandits of Golak”
Studio: 88 Pictures
Director: Ishan Shukla
Ishan Shukla started his career as a CG artist in Singapore. For more than a decade, he spearheaded projects ranging from TV commercials to series and music videos. His 2016 animated short, "Schirkoa," was long listed for the Academy Awards® after receiving dozens of awards and playing at 120 international festivals, including SIGGRAPH Asia where it was named Best in Show. He then set up his own animation studio to work on adult-oriented animated feature films including a feature-length version of Schirkoa, set to hit festivals in summer 2023.
Title: “The Pit”
Studios: D’art Shtajio and Lucasfilm Ltd.
Writer-director-executive producer: LeAndre Thomas
Co-director: Justin Ridge
LeAndre Thomas is an award-winning writer and director from Oakland, Calif., whose most recent film won Best Director at the Pasadena International Film Festival. In addition to his independent films, Thomas is a part of the franchise studio team at Lucasfilm Ltd. where he has worked for more than 11 years being credited on recent titles such as Light & Magic, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, and many more.
Justin Ridge executive produced the Emmy®-nominated series Star Wars Resistance. His credits also include Star Wars Rebels, Storks, The Cleveland Show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Title: “Aau’s Song”
Studio: Triggerfish
Writer-directors: Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke
Nadia Darries is a director, animator and co-founder of Goon Valley Animation, with an avocation for songwriting. Born in the Cape Flats in South Africa, Darries has worked on high-end animated film and motion design as an animator, project manager, creative director and director since 2015. Her experience includes animating at Triggerfish Animation Studios on the award-winning BBC films Stick Man, Revolting Rhymes, and Highway Rat.
Daniel Clarke is a Cape Town-based director and artist working in animation, film and illustration. He started his career in animation in 2008 at Triggerfish Animation Studios, where he has served as production designer, art director and director on projects such as the feature film Khumba, BBC’s Stick Man, and The Snail and the Whale. In 2018, along with James Clarke and Daniel Snaddon, he completed the graphic novel Kariba.
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decorworks · 2 days
Eight characterful kitchens with sleek metal details
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Our latest lookbook focuses on eight homes fitted with metal kitchens, from a flat in London informed by fish-and-chip shops to a 19th-century apartment with period details in Paris. While stainless steel has long been a material associated with restaurant kitchens due to its durability and functionality, it can bring a sleek, modern feel to residential kitchens and many now opt to integrate metal kitchens into their homes. Here, we spotlight eight homes that make use of metal in residential kitchens in various ways. Included in this collection of projects is a fish-and-chip-shop-inspired kitchen in London, a live-work apartment space in a brutalist building in Quebec City and a 24-square-metre micro apartment in Melbourne. This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring conversation pits, living rooms with autumnal hints of red and orange and members' clubs with lavish interiors.
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Photo is by Edmund DabneyHighbury apartment, UK, by Holloway Li Local studio Holloway Li renovated this apartment set in a converted Victorian house in north London, creating a single-storey home with an open-plan layout for its co-founder Alex Holloway. Designed to reference materials found in London's many fast food outlets and fish and chip shops, its custom-built kitchen was clad in circle-brushed stainless steel with a curved splashback. Find out more about the Highbury apartment ›
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Photo by Maryse Béland, Maxime Brouillet and Antoine MichelBrutalist apartment, Canada, by Jean Verville Metal surfaces were juxtaposed against bright yellow wall lamps within this live-work apartment space that architect Jean Verville designed for himself as a "creative laboratory" inside a residential tower in Quebec City. Stainless-steel commercial restaurant furniture was used for the kitchen, blending in with the raw concrete walls of the 1970s brutalist building. Find out more about the brutalist apartment ›
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Photo is by French + TyeTrellick Tower apartment, UK, by Archmongers Surfaces and fixtures made from industrial-style materials were paired with newly exposed concrete aggregate walls in this home renovation by London studio Archmongers in North Kensington's Trellick Tower. In the kitchen, speckled brown and cream terrazzo was incorporated alongside brushed stainless steel counters, white cabinets and matt-black linoleum flooring. Find out more about the Trellick Tower apartment ›
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Photo is by Giulio GhirardiHaussmann-era apartment, France, by Rodolphe Parente Set within a 19th-century Parisian apartment, French interior designer Rodolphe Parente balanced cabinet finishes of stainless steel and pastel pink with a frame-like marble splashback for the kitchen. During the overhaul of the Haussmann-era apartment, Parante set out to preserve and restore some of the classic features while improving the sense of flow by connecting the dining room with the kitchen. Find out more about the Haussmann-era apartment ›
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Photo is by Félix Dol MaillotUnivers Uchronia, France, by Uchronia Named Univers Uchronia, this eclectic Paris apartment was designed by Uchronia founder Julien Sebban as his home, intended to be an extension of his studio – known for its bold application of shape, colour and reflective surfaces. A metallic island was incorporated in the open-plan kitchen, topped with a blobby seaweed-shaped table lamp, alongside an array of contrasting materials and colours. Find out more about Univers Uchronia ›
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Photo is by Yevhenii AvramenkoStalinist-era apartment, Ukraine, by Mirzoyan Studio Partition shelves and built-in furniture were used to distinguish open-plan spaces in Ukrainian architecture practice Mirzoyan Studio's renovation of this Stalinist-era flat in the historic centre of Kyiv. Fitted in the corner of the open-plan living and dining room, the cabinets and countertops in the primary working area of the kitchen were finished in polished stainless steel. Find out more about the Stalinist-era flat ›
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Photo is by Pier Carthew Kerr, Australia, by SSdH Metal surfaces were combined with wooden cabinetry in this mezzanine-style apartment by local studio SSdH, located in a warehouse building in Melbourne that once housed a chocolate factory. Part of an open-plan living space, the kitchen was fitted with geometric cabinetry made from local spotted gum timber, as well as brushed stainless steel and nickel fixtures. Find out more about Kerr ›
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Photo is by Peter Bennetts Microloft, Australia, by Studio Edwards Australian architecture practice Studio Edwards remodelled this 24-square-metre micro apartment on the top floor of a 1980s apartment block in Melbourne. A horizontal raw aluminium surface was used for the angled wedge-shaped countertops in both the kitchen and dining area, designed to seamlessly merge the two spaces. Find out more about Microloft › This is the latest in our lookbooks series, which provides visual inspiration from Dezeen's archive. For more inspiration, see previous lookbooks featuring conversation pits, living rooms with autumnal hints of red and orange and members' clubs with lavish interiors. Read the full article
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homeimprovement07 · 3 days
Transform Your Space with Premium Decorating Services in the UK
When it comes to transforming the look and feel of a home or business, a professional touch can make all the difference. Whether it's refreshing walls with a new coat of paint or completely revamping interiors, Premium Decorating Services offer the expertise needed to bring a space to life. These services ensure that no detail is overlooked, and each project is completed with precision, style, and a keen eye for detail.
In the competitive world of interior design and home improvement, quality decorating services stand out for their ability to deliver exceptional results that meet the client's expectations. Whether you're renovating a single room or an entire property, Premium Decorating Services cater to various needs, offering customized solutions for every project. From traditional techniques to the latest trends, these professionals bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to create spaces that are not only functional but aesthetically pleasing.
One of the most popular and efficient methods employed by these services is spray painting. This technique ensures an even finish, faster application, and a modern touch to both interior and exterior surfaces. Whether it's a kitchen renovation or a commercial property makeover, Spray Painting Services In UK offer a smooth and durable finish that withstands the test of time. Using top-quality materials and advanced equipment, these services provide a seamless look that is hard to achieve with traditional painting methods.
What sets Premium Decorating Services apart from others is their commitment to customer satisfaction. From the initial consultation to project completion, these professionals work closely with clients to understand their vision and deliver results that exceed expectations. They use high-quality paints and finishes, ensuring that every project is completed to the highest standard. Moreover, their attention to detail and dedication to craftsmanship make them the go-to choice for homeowners and businesses looking for flawless results.
In conclusion, if you're looking to enhance your space with a fresh, new look, Premium Decorating Services in the UK offer a perfect blend of creativity, professionalism, and high-quality results. Whether you opt for traditional painting techniques or the innovative approach of Spray Painting Services In UK, you can trust these professionals to transform your space into something truly remarkable.
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trendingrepots · 19 days
Fiber Cement Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Fiber Cement Market Overview
Fiber Cement Market size is forecast to reach $20.5 billion by 2026, after growing at a CAGR of 4.8% during 2021-2026. Fiber cement is a composite materials compound with lignocellulose reinforcement that is composed of sand, Portland cement, silica sand, and cellulose fibers. The demand for fiber cement can be credited to the growth in demand for fiber cement products for construction activities, with the escalation in government rules on consumption of asbestos, across the globe. Factors such as excessive demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable building materials are influencing the demand for fiber cement products like slates, Corrugated sheets, false ceilings, flat sheets, and others. The Fiber Cement Market can hit upon an extensive range of applications through the residential and non-residential applications which mostly include exterior wall cladding, roofing, and building facades. Fiber cement producers are enduring to generate innovative techniques for customers to purchase their products further effortlessly.
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COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immediate impact on the world economy and that impact goes across all industries, including Fiber Cement. The construction sector was one of the sectors that had to carry the most terrible impact of COVID-19, as it was previously fighting a liquidity crisis as an outcome of the non-banking financial institutions in the financial sector for more than a year. Many projects endured in the unfinished stages because of the lack of funds. Those that were finished, remained unsold, because of changing buyer preferences which has indirectly impacted the Fiber Cement Market growth. Although, the COVID-19 pandemic remains highly volatile and continues to evolve, and the full impact of the pandemic on the Company’s business and future financial performance remains uncertain.
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Fiber Cement Market Report Coverage
The report: “Fiber Cement Market- Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Fiber Cement Industry.
By Raw Materials: Sand, Portland Cement, Cellulosic Material, Silica, and Others By Product Type: Slates, Corrugated sheets, Flat sheets, Planks, Partition walls, Window sills, and Others By Application: Roofing and Façade, Exterior (Cladding, Siding, Soffits, others), Interior (Acoustic panels, Mezzanine floor, others), Fences, and Others By End-Use Industry: Building and Construction [Commercial (Hospitals and Healthcare Infrastructure, Educational Institutes, Hotels and Restaurants, Banks and Financial Institution, Airports, Office Buildings, Others)], [Residential (Independent Homes, Row Houses, Large Apartment Building)], Infrastructural, and Others By Geography: North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, Netherlands, Belgium, and Rest of Europe), APAC (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Rest of South America), and RoW (Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Asia Pacific dominates the Fiber Cement Market owing to a rapid increase in the Automotive and construction sector.
The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to understand their impact on the forecast period.
The report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats.
The other key areas of focus include the various applications and end-use industry in Fiber Cement Market and their specific segmented revenue.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the countries have gone under temporary shutdown, due to which operations of Fiber Cement related industries have been negatively affected, thus hampering the growth of the market.
Fiber Cement Market Segment Analysis - By Raw Materials
Portland Cement dominates the Fiber Cement Market growing at a CAGR of 4.2% over forecast period. Portland cement is manufactured by combining various elements including calcium, silicon, iron, aluminum, and other ingredients. Portland cement is of two type’s namely Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and white Portland cement. Increasing demand in making fiber cement is expected to contribute to the demand over the next seven years. Moreover, the low cost and easy availability of the materials required for manufacturing Portland cement including limestone, naturally occurring materials, and shale is expected to spur market growth.
Fiber Cement Market Segment Analysis - By Product Type
Corrugated sheets dominated the Fiber Cement Market holding share of 34%. They are a trendy siding and roofing best for agricultural and commercial buildings, due to their strength and durability. Corrugated sheets are generally used in the residential sector in prominent amounts in the form of roofing and siding options. They are durable, weatherproof, and will not rot or decay. Currently, this type of roofing is used as an alternative for asbestos sheeting, being safer and often more affordable in comparison. As per the pollution levels prevailing where they are installed, corrugated sheets have to be maintained every 5-10 years. Completely durable and eco-friendly, these roofing sheets are ideally used for protecting garages, porches, and sheds. As the consumers being dissatisfied with the available conventional options and looking for more value from their investments in corrugated sheets. This, in turn, has created a higher demand for corrugated sheets in the Fiber Cement Market.
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erfgwerfw4rt · 21 days
Leading Ceramic Tile Manufacturers: Crafting Quality and Innovation for Your Home and Business
Ceramic tiles have long been a staple in interior and exterior design, renowned for their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. As the demand for high-quality and innovative ceramic tiles grows, manufacturers around the world are pushing the boundaries of design and technology to offer products that meet diverse needs. Whether you’re remodeling your home or working on a large-scale commercial project, choosing the right ceramic tile manufacturer is crucial. Here’s an in-depth look at some of the top ceramic tile manufacturers known for their excellence and innovation.
Why Ceramic Tiles?
Ceramic tiles are favored for their:
Durability: They are highly resistant to wear and tear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.
Low Maintenance: Ceramic tiles are easy to clean and maintain, requiring minimal upkeep.
Variety of Designs: They come in a vast array of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing for creative and customizable design options.
Water Resistance: Their water-resistant properties make them perfect for areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
Eco-Friendly Options: Many manufacturers now offer eco-friendly tiles made from sustainable materials.
Top Ceramic Tile Manufacturers
Porcelanosa Porcelanosa is a global leader in ceramic tile manufacturing, known for its commitment to quality and innovation. Based in Spain, Porcelanosa offers a wide range of products, including porcelain tiles, stoneware, and wall tiles. Their designs blend modern aesthetics with advanced technology, providing durable and stylish solutions for both residential and commercial spaces.
Daltile Daltile, a leading American manufacturer, is renowned for its extensive range of ceramic tiles, including floor and wall tiles, mosaics, and accents. Known for their high standards of quality and diverse design options, Daltile caters to various design preferences and project requirements, from classic to contemporary styles.
Marazzi Marazzi, an Italian manufacturer with a long-standing reputation for excellence, offers a wide variety of ceramic tiles. Their collections include innovative designs that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. Marazzi’s tiles are celebrated for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and sustainable production practices.
Ragno Ragno, another prominent Italian brand, provides a diverse selection of ceramic tiles that cater to different design needs. Known for their creativity and high-quality materials, Ragno’s tiles are used in various applications, from residential to commercial projects, offering both style and performance.
Johnson Tiles Johnson Tiles, based in the UK, is a key player in the ceramic tile industry. Their product range includes ceramic wall and floor tiles that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Johnson Tiles is known for its commitment to innovation and quality, making them a popular choice for designers and homeowners alike.
Crossville Crossville is an American manufacturer specializing in ceramic and porcelain tiles. Their products are known for their sustainability and high performance. Ceramic Tile Exporters Crossville offers a wide range of designs, including eco-friendly options, making them a preferred choice for projects with a focus on green building practices.
Choosing the Right Ceramic Tile Manufacturer
Product Range and Quality Evaluate the manufacturer’s product range and quality. Look for a variety of designs, materials, and finishes to find the best fit for your project. High-quality tiles should offer durability, consistency, and aesthetic appeal.
Innovation and Technology Consider manufacturers that invest in innovation and technology. Advanced manufacturing techniques can lead to better performance, unique designs, and improved sustainability.
Sustainability Practices If eco-friendliness is important to you, choose manufacturers that prioritize sustainable practices. High Quality Bathroom Tiles Look for certifications and information about the use of recycled materials and environmentally friendly production processes.
Customer Service and Support Good customer service is essential for a smooth purchasing experience. Choose manufacturers that offer excellent support, including guidance on product selection, technical advice, and after-sales service.
Reputation and Reviews Research the manufacturer’s reputation and read reviews from previous customers. Positive feedback and testimonials can provide insights into the reliability and quality of their products.
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floorinsite · 28 days
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PADL Bathrooms expanding its offer using Schlüter-Systems
PADL’s bathroom installation at Schlüter-Systems’ gallery in Coalville 
An installer of high-end bathrooms and wetrooms for homeowners and leisure sector clients, who was also involved in fitting out the display areas within the recently opened extension to Schlüter-Systems’ premises in Coalville, Leicestershire, has reported a growing number of applications for the German based manufacturer’s impressive range of high-performance tiling products. 
Antony enjoyed a long, successful solo career including projects with PADL companies, prior to the establishment of PADL Bespoke Bathrooms in the Midlands in 2022. The company has grown to cover the whole of the UK by offering high standards of workmanship at realistic prices.  The specialist installer won the Behind The Tiles Best Bathroom Project in 2023 and was a finalist for The Tile Association’s ‘Excellence in Tiling’ Awards 2024.
Within the scope of its operations, PADL makes regular use of Schlüter-Systems’ KERDI-BOARD as well as the waterproofing membrane and the KERDI-BOARD-W washbasin, along with correspondingly large quantities of the DITRA HEAT underfloor heating systems and the company’s rugged as well as elegant tile trims.   
Company lead, Antony Marson commented: “Prevention is better than cure and the benefits of the Schlüterproduct range is primarily the prevention of damage resulting from the substrates to the installed tiles, including cracking.  If the grout lines were to fail, the Schlüter products will prevent the water being absorbed into the wall or floor underneath.  This benefits the installer and the customer: with less time spent diagnosing and fixing problems for the installer and less stress and time for the client.  The initial outlay on the cost of the product is justified by the losses saved with failed installations. 
“As an installer of Schlüter, you are made to feel part of the family, while the Schlüter team share the same passion and enthusiasm for the application of their products as part of your installations as you do.  The team at Schlüter go above and beyond to ensure the company’s customers are equipped with the correct knowledge, whether that’s inviting you to a training course or spending time talking through technical aspects on the phone.  It’s always a pleasure to have a visit from your local Schlüter rep. 
“From the smallest domestic project to large scale commercial refurbishment, walking away from a finished job with complete confidence in the products providing the foundations to your work allows for an installer to sleep peacefully at night.  And from talking with our customers, we also know they share a confidence in the products, and that they are buying into durability when they choose to purchase Schlüter materials to support their installations.” For further information, call 01530 813396 or visit https://www.schluter.co.uk/
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icontilesuk · 2 months
Quality GVT and Ceramic Wall Tiles | UK
Discover our exceptional range of quality Glazed Vitrified Tiles (GVT) and ceramic wall tiles, available throughout the UK. Perfect for enhancing the aesthetics of any space, our tiles offer a blend of elegance and durability, making them ideal for both residential and commercial interiors. Choose from a variety of designs, colors, and finishes to suit your style, whether you're aiming for a contemporary, modern look or a more traditional, timeless feel. Our GVT and ceramic wall tiles are crafted to the highest standards, ensuring long-lasting beauty and performance in every room. Transform your spaces with our premium tiles and experience the perfect combination of style and quality.
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dependongroup · 2 months
A Guide to External Finishes and Render Options for UK Residents
The application of external finishes to a residential property serves two primary functions:
It shields the building's wall from weather-induced damage, such as the impact of rainfall.
It enhances the visual appeal of the property, adding a pleasing aesthetic touch.
Categories of External finishes and Renders
Cement Render
Acrylic render, a popular choice in contemporary home construction, is typically applied as a thin finishing layer to elevate the property's visual appeal. During its production, small fibres are included to ensure a durable finish and to resist cracking once the material has been applied to the building. The use of silicone in the process extends the lifespan of the product and endows it with self-cleaning capabilities.
Cement Render
Cement, mixed on-site for rendering, generally involves three or four application layers on the building facade, with the top coat polished to a glossy finish. While the materials used to produce the cement are relatively inexpensive, the labour involved can be costly. This type of render typically requires regular repainting to retain its aesthetic allure.
Lime Render
Available in multiple formats like lime putties or bagged hydraulic limes, lime render is somewhat more challenging to apply and slightly pricier than alternatives like Portland cement. Lime render also necessitates on-site mixing.
Monocouche Render
Sold in bags for mixing with water, monocouche render is usually applied manually with a trowel or sprayed onto the wall surface. This render comes pre-coloured in a variety of shades, includes a weatherproofing layer, and contains additives that minimise the likelihood of cracking. The material is also self-cleaning. Although the materials for monocouche render can be costly, the ease of application reduces labour costs and eliminates the need for subsequent painting.
Polymer Render
Polymer render is sold pre-mixed in diverse colours, based on either white cement or lime. The production process includes the addition of polymers and other plastic-based products to reduce the propensity for cracking, thereby enhancing the finish's lifespan.Types of External Cladding
Timber Cladding
Timber cladding is popular for its natural aesthetic appeal, particularly for residential properties. It mimics the traditional timber frame style and adds a charming touch to any building exterior.
Benefits of Timber Cladding:
Easy installation: Timber's lightweight nature facilitates rapid installation by labourers, reducing construction costs.
Energy efficiency: Timber's low thermal conductivity compared to steel and concrete reduces the building's energy consumption for heating and cooling, making it a cost-effective choice.
Eco-friendly: Unlike many construction materials, timber is a renewable and 100% recyclable resource, making it a truly green building option.
Versatility: Timber can be trimmed to any shape to meet clients' demands and is available in diverse patterns.
Durability: With proper and regular maintenance, timber cladding can last for years. The manufacturing process often enhances its durability and fire resistance. Certain timber species, such as Western Red Cedar or Douglas fir, have a naturally longer lifespan than other types of wood.
Concrete Cladding
Concrete cladding, often seen in commercial buildings, comes in the form of cladded tiles. These tiles, although durable and requiring minimal annual maintenance, are limited in shape variety and require longer installation times, leading to higher labour costs.
Fibre Cement Cladding
This cladding sheet, a low-cost blend of cellular fibre, compressed sand, water, and cement, is straightforward to install and available in a range of colours and effects. It arrives from the factory already painted or stained and needs minimal annual cleaning, with no need for repainting or restaining.
Metal Cladding
Commonly used in commercial buildings like business parks and offices, metal cladding comes in various forms, all easily customisable to client specifications. Steel cladding, robust, low-maintenance, and visually appealing, is a popular choice for commercial purposes. However, it can be costly, making it less favourable on a tight budget, and offers poor thermal insulation. Aluminium cladding, on the other hand, is affordable, low-maintenance, and easy to install but can appear cheap if poorly designed and is prone to damage. Like steel, aluminium also delivers subpar thermal insulation performance.
Stone Cladding
Stone cladding is a favourite for residential buildings, offering a natural aesthetic and sometimes combined with another exterior finish or render for added depth. This material is an excellent insulator and incredibly durable, capable of withstanding years of weathering. Stone cladding can be an expensive choice in terms of installation and maintenance, but if budget constraints are not an issue, it's a worthy option due to the myriad benefits it provides.
Vinyl Cladding or Vinyl Siding
Primarily designed for residential exteriors, vinyl cladding comes in various colours and patterns and is cost-effective due to its insulating properties, reducing the heating and cooling costs. While it requires little to no maintenance and can resist harsh weather conditions, the colour may fade over time, requiring replacement every 5-7 years. A significant downside is that this material can mask issues like dampness, facilitating mould growth, and can release harmful toxins when exposed to high temperatures, posing an environmental risk.
Weatherboard Cladding
Frequently used on residential properties, weatherboard cladding can be implemented with a variety of materials like fibre cement and UPVC in numerous colours and effects. This highly durable cladding method can be applied to many substrates but requires comprehensive annual maintenance for optimal conditions.
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aluprof · 2 months
The Rise of the Pergola
By Shaun Cartwright - National Sales Manager Domestic & Residential Systems
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Outdoor living areas have experienced significant growth following the pandemic, as the trend of staying at home, unwinding and hosting gatherings in the convenience of our own outdoor space has become increasingly popular.
As the typical average UK garden spans 188 square metres, which is in fact the same size as a regulation tennis court, our outdoor spaces are proving to be one of our most prized possessions. Given the abundance of additional living area this offers, it is hardly surprising that our gardens are evolving into more inviting spaces, mirroring the comfort of indoor living. Advancements in materials have opened up a world of possibilities when it comes to sustainable outdoor textiles, rugs, lounge sets, and lighting that can be just as stylish outdoors as they are indoors. However, it is important to be prepared for the unpredictable Great British weather. Awnings not only provide shade on sunny days but also create a new outdoor room ambiance. Integrated lighting and heating options allow you to enjoy your outdoor space even in the evening.
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A more substantial outdoor canopy is another great option. With the choice of a louvered, retractable or flat solid roof, a canopy can be freestanding or fixed against existing walls and will remain relatively weathertight when closed. Fixed roofs offer simplicity, with the bonus of being able to offer shelter in all but the most inclement weather, whereas louvered and retractable designs allow control over how much light and openness you want on sunnier days. These options also work well when attached to your house, allowing you to open the roof at the press of a button to draw more light back into your interior space and offer a seamless transition between inside and outside.
These freestanding structures are known as ‘pergolas’ and have a long history. Originating in Ancient Egypt as ornamental features providing shade from the sun, nowadays, they serve similar functions while also providing opportunities to expand living areas. Garden pergolas can be placed in various locations in the garden to capture the best aspect or midday sun.
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Aluminium is an excellent material of choice for a freestanding pergola, or lean-to canopies. With its high resistance to corrosion and availability in a wide range of finishes and colours, a structure can be designed to blend in perfectly with any garden. Aluminium also provides excellent structural capabilities negating the need for any further supporting structural materials. Today’s pergola is an incredibly versatile solution for covering small or expansive areas. It serves as a stylish addition that seamlessly aligns with many contemporary or traditional construction trends.
The pergola is not only beneficial for single-family homes as part of terrace or garden enhancements, but also for commercial structures. It serves as a modern and functional roofing element for outdoor spaces in such places as cafes, restaurants and office complexes. With the option of additional side screens and sliding glass panels, the pergola can be adapted to be used all year round, regardless of the weather conditions.
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Aluprof provide two pergola systems, the premium MB-OpenSky 140 and the MB-OpenSky 120.
The concept design of both ‘MB-OpenSky Pergola’ system allows for the installation of Aluprof’s ‘SkyRoll’ side screens or ‘MB-OpenSlide’ sliding glass panels, offering the opportunity to create a unique outdoor space. Additionally, the pergola can be customised with LED lighting that won't interfere with the roof slats and optional infrared heating units. The lighting design includes an LED strip on the roof slats, a spotlight, and extra lighting around the upper edge of the structure.
The roof structure consists of rotating adjustable slats and a mechanism to change their angle from 0º to 135º. The slats have custom seals to protect against rain and the posts contain a concealed drainage system to efficiently direct water to a rainwater drain or soak away. Tests confirm that for structures measuring 6 metres in length, 4 metres in width and 3 metres in height, the maximum permissible snow load is 200 kg/m², equivalent to approximately 1m height of snow and a simultaneous wind load of around 59 mph.
There are two system versions to select from, a free-standing arrangement and a wall-mounted design. The wall-mounted version is supplied with custom-designed brackets for wall installation depending on the substrate being fixed to. Both freestanding and wall mounted systems allow for maximum dimensions of 7 metres in length, 5 metres in width, and 3 metres in height per section to be achieved. Several sections can be combined to cover large areas of outdoor space in commercial situations.
The concept of outdoor living is rapidly gaining recognition in the UK as the climate changes and offers significant opportunities from home improvement companies to widen their product portfolio for homeowners wishing to explore options for their outdoor living spaces.
Further information about the wide range of systems on offer and specification support is available through the company’s website at aluprof.co.uk or contact Aluprof’s UK & Ireland’s head office in Altrincham by phoning +44 (0) 161 941 4005.
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Powder Coatings Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Powder Coatings Market Overview
The Powder Coatings Market size is forecasted to reach US$18.2 billion by 2027 after growing at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Powder coating is a dry finishing process in which free-flowing, thermoplastic or thermoset powder material is applied to a surface, melted and then allowed to dry and harden into a protective coating. Powder coating based on thermoplastic polymers is derived from polyolefins, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl fluoride, polyester and so on whereas thermoset-based powder coatings are derived from epoxy, polyester, acrylic, polyurethanes and so on. Powder coating imparts a high-quality, durable finish, that allows for improved efficiency and is eco-friendly. Powder coatings are based on polymer resin systems. The environmental advantages offered by powder coatings compared to liquid coating methods drives the powder coatings market. The pandemic resulted in shortages of raw materials and supply chain disruptions. According to Echemi, a chemical industry B2B website, there were shortages of neopentyl glycol that is used in many of the resins for powder coatings and triglycidyl isocyanurate which is a curing agent used in polyester powder coatings. This resulted in price hikes of over 60% in the Powder Coatings industry.
Powder Coatings Market Report Coverage
The “Powder Coatings Market Report – Forecast (2022-2027)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Powder Coatings industry.
By Resin Type: Thermoset (Epoxy, Polyester, Acrylic, Fluoropolymer, Polyurethanes and Others) and Thermoplastic (Polyamide, Polyolefin, Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polypropylene and Others).
By Coating Method: Fluidized Spray, Electrostatic Fluidized Bed, Electrostatic Spray and Others.
By Substrate: Metal (Steel, Aluminum and Others) and Non-Metal (Plastic, Wood, Ceramics, Glass and Others).
By End-Use Industry: Automotive [Two-wheelers (Scooters and Bikes) and Three/Four-wheelers (Passenger Cars, Heavy Commercial Vehicles and Light Commercial Vehicles)], Construction (Outdoor Construction and Indoor Construction), Appliances (Refrigerator, Water Coolers, Vending Machines, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners/Coolers, Electrical Fans, Kitchen Blenders/Mixers, Vacuum Cleaners, Water Heaters, Ovens & Chimneys, LPG Cylinders and Others), Electrical & Electronics (Transformers, Generators, ATM Machines, Industrial/Commercial Systems, Electrical Motor Stators/Rotors, Electric Meters & Connectors, Computer Room Floor System and Others), General Industrial (Industrial Carts & Power Tools, Storage & Racking, Escalators & Elevators, Lockers, Walls & Fittings, Water Pumps, Steel Drums, Pipes & Rebars and Others), Furniture (Outdoor Metal Furniture, Beds & Chairs, Benches and Others), Medical, Transportation & Equipment (Railways, Industrial Transportation, Construction Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Marine, Aerospace) and Others.
By Geography: North America (the USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Belgium and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Rest of South America), Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
The Asia-Pacific region dominates the powder coatings market on account of the increasing construction activities and the recovering automotive industry. According to Invest India, the construction industry in India is expected to reach $1.4 trillion by 2025.
There are two types of powder coatings, thermoplastic and thermoset. Thermoplastic powders are commonly derived from polyolefins, polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl fluoride while thermosetting powders are derived from acrylic, epoxy and polyester resins.
Thermoplastic powder coating melts and flows when heat is applied but continues to have the same chemical composition once it cools and solidifies. On the other hand, thermoset powder coatings will not melt when heated after curing.
The major opportunity for this market is developing thin-film coatings.
A detailed analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats will be provided in the powder coatings market report.
Powder Coatings Market Segment Analysis – by Resin Type
The thermoset segment held a dominant Powder Coatings Market share in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. In the powder coating process, as the powder heats and melts it flows around the surface of the object and undergoes a chemical change called cross-linking which forms a hard and durable coating. Thermosetting coatings do not re-melt when they are cooled after heat is re-applied. In its powdered state, thermoset material tends to have a much lower molecular weight than other coating materials, usually requiring less heat to melt, making it more energy efficient. Thermoset powders are commonly derived from epoxy, acrylic, polyester and polyurethane groups. The most frequently employed are epoxy and polyester-based resins. Epoxy resin-based thermoset powders form a tough impact-resistant coating that has excellent corrosion resistance, so they are used for internal applications. Polyester-based coatings have the added advantage of being highly UV resistant, making them an ideal choice for outdoor applications. Thus, the thermoset segment is anticipated to dominate the powder coatings market.
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Powder Coatings Market Segment Analysis – by Application
The construction segment held a dominant Powder Coatings Market share in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. Powder coating can be used for metal components such as door frames, railings, window frames, fencing, shelters, storefronts, façade or other areas of buildings. According to WSP, around 25% of the overall construction cost is the façade, with the metal contributing a major part of the cost. Powder coating can prevent corrosion and minimize re-coating as it imparts a long-lasting coating. The powder coat is more resistant to scratching, fading, erosion or other types of damage that can ruin the aesthetic appeal of a building The latest trend in the construction industry is low-emitting products and sustainable buildings. According to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 1,105 projects have been certified with LEED certification for green buildings in the U.S. in 2021. Powder coatings are solvent and VOC-free and produce less waste than other coating methods, making them a clear choice for green buildings. Thus, the construction industry is expected to dominate the market.
Powder Coatings Market Segment Analysis – by Geography
The Asia-Pacific region held the dominant Powder Coatings Market share up to 60% in 2021 owing to the rising consumption of powder coatings from the automotive, construction and appliances sector. The construction activities in the region rebounded after the initial lockdown in 2020. The government of India has made several investments in construction and infrastructure to aid in development. As per a report by the Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (ICEMA), the construction equipment industry recorded a 47% growth in the second quarter of FY2021-22. According to a news report in Reuters, in FY22-23, US$529.7 billion will be invested to further drive economic growth across the country. China’s construction sector is expanding rapidly. according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s construction output is estimated to be worth approximately US$4.3 trillion in 2021. China plans to invest US$1.43 trillion in key construction projects as part of its 14th five-year plan. As per the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Shanghai plans call for a total investment of US$38.7 billion over the next three years. The Japanese construction industry is expected to boom as the World Expo will be hosted in Osaka, Japan in 2025. Therefore, this region is set to dominate the Powder Coatings market.
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Powder Coatings Market Drivers
Environmental Advantages of Using Powder Coatings
Powder coating is the green process of choice for finishing operations. It produces less waste than other finishing processes such as liquid coating. The use of powder coating aids in eliminating waste because, after application, the powder coating overspray can be reclaimed and reused. These types of reclamation practices keep overhead costs low while minimizing environmental impacts. Solvents contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are detrimental to the environment. In liquid coatings, the average VOC content is between 3.5 to 5.5 pounds per gallon, which is approximately one-third to one-half of each gallon of the liquid coating being emitted into the environment during the application process. Since powder coating lines do not require the use of solvents, they do not emit VOCs and can operate with reduced energy, faster curing and lower temperatures. This makes powder coatings highly attractive from an environmental perspective. Innovations in the powder coatings industry strive to make it even better. For instance, in early 2020, Sherwin-Williams General Industrial Coatings division launched the Powdura ECO line made from a resin that uses pre-consumer recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET). Thus, the environmental advantages offered by using powder coatings drive the market.
Growing Usage of Powder Coatings in Electric Vehicles
The growth of electric vehicles (EVs) can be attributed to increasing oil prices and growing awareness regarding climate change. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2021, sales of electric cars (including fully electric and plug-in hybrids) doubled to a new record of 6.6 million. Sales kept rising in 2022 as well, with 2 million electric cars sold worldwide in Q1 2022, up almost 75% compared to Q1 2021. To keep EV motors and batteries operating efficiently, it’s important to maintain an optimum temperature range. Sometimes EV motors can generate operating temperatures that may exceed 200°C. Powder coatings are used to insulate battery boxes and isolate thermal activity. To take advantage of the growing EV market, powder coating manufacturers are launching products that cater to EVs. For instance, in January 2022, Arkema announced high-voltage coating solutions for electric vehicles. The two new polyamide 11 powder coating grades with UL certification were introduced for use in electric vehicle battery systems and other applications. Thus, the growing usage of powder coatings for EVs drives the market.
Powder Coatings Market Challenge
High Initial Investment
The major restraint in the Powder Coatings market is the high initial investment required to set up the powder coating equipment. Liquid coating applications only require a spray gun and a spray area. Comparatively, a powder coating workshop needs a spray gun, spray booth and curing oven. The addition of the curing oven adds significantly to the initial start-up costs for powder coating. The size of the curing oven purchased needs to take into account the maximum part size that can effectively be handled. Larger, thicker and heavier parts require a larger and more powerful oven, which further adds to the overall equipment costs. While metals can be powder coated using electrostatic spray deposition, non-metals require a fluidized bed powder coating application. The need for a fluidized bed also increases the overall equipment costs for the establishment of a complete powder coating facility. This can prove to be a challenge for the powder coatings market.
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Powder Coatings Industry Outlook
Product launches, acquisitions and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Powder Coatings market. The top 10 companies in the Powder Coatings Market are:
PPG Industries
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings
Axalta Coating Systems
The Sherwin Williams Company
Valspar Corporation
Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd.
Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited
Tiger Coatings
Recent Developments
In June 2022, Polychem launched a new powder coating collection called the Effects Collection. The collection features powder special effects, such as speckles, translucents, metallics, sparkle translucent, veins, patina effects, river textures, fine textures and dramatic illusion colors, available in a variety of colors.
In May 2022, AkzoNobel Powder Coatings launched a comprehensive range of ready-to-ship powder coatings ranges specifically for the North American market. The range comprises approximately 500 unique powder coatings, with a broad variety of premium quality colors, textures and finishes.
In February 2022, PPG announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire the powder coatings business of Arsonsisi, an industrial coatings company based in Milan, Italy. The acquisition will enable PPG to expand its powder coatings offering in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.
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byko-uk · 3 months
Professional Plasterer Services in Leicester by BYKO UK
When it comes to high-quality plastering services, look no further than BYKO UK. As a leading plasterer in Leicester, we offer exceptional workmanship and reliable service to both residential and commercial clients. Whether you're renovating a single room or an entire property, our team of skilled plasterers ensures a flawless finish every time.
Why choose BYKO UK for your plastering needs in Leicester? Our reputation is built on a foundation of quality and trust. We understand that plastering is a crucial part of any construction or renovation project, providing the smooth surfaces required for painting, wallpapering, and other finishes. Our experienced plasterers are adept at handling a variety of plastering tasks, from skimming and patch repairs to full wall and ceiling installations.
At BYKO UK, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. We use only the best materials and techniques to deliver durable, long-lasting results. Our plasterers in Leicester are known for their professionalism, arriving on time and completing projects within the agreed timeframe and budget.
Whether you're a homeowner looking to refresh your living space or a business in need of professional plastering services, BYKO UK is your trusted partner in Leicester. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover why we are the preferred plasterer in Leicester.
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priyanshisingh · 3 months
Dishwashing Detergent Market Outlook: Global Trends and Forecast Analysis (2023-2032)
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The Dishwashing Detergent Market is projected to grow from USD 20,438.4 million in 2024 to USD 33,698.63 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 6.45%.
The global dishwashing detergent market is witnessing significant growth, driven by the rising awareness of hygiene and cleanliness among consumers, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The market is expected to expand at a robust CAGR over the forecast period, with a considerable increase in market size, reflecting heightened demand for both liquid and powder detergents. Consumers are increasingly opting for eco-friendly and biodegradable detergents, propelled by growing environmental concerns and stringent regulations on chemical usage. The trend towards convenience and efficiency is leading to a surge in the adoption of automatic dishwashing detergents, which are designed to work effectively in modern dishwashers. Moreover, manufacturers are innovating with advanced formulations that offer superior cleaning performance, including grease-cutting capabilities and spot-free finishes, which are highly sought after in both residential and commercial settings. Regional analysis reveals that North America and Europe hold substantial market shares due to their well-established dishwasher penetration rates and consumer preference for premium products.
Uses of Dishwashing Detergent Market:
Primary Use:
Cleaning dishes, utensils, glassware, and cookware.
Types and Applications:
Liquid Detergent:
Handwashing dishes.
Powder and Gel Detergents:
Used in automatic dishwashers.
Convenient, pre-measured doses for automatic dishwashers.
Household Cleaning:
Cleaning countertops, sinks, and stovetops.
Washing floors and walls.
Cleaning outdoor furniture.
Car exterior cleaning.
Removing stains from carpets and upholstery.
Special Cleaning:
Removing oil stains from fabrics and surfaces.
Cleaning tools and equipment in the workshop or garage.
Insecticidal soap (diluted mixture) for pest control on plants.
Personal Care:
Cleaning makeup brushes and combs.
These varied applications highlight the versatility and utility of dishwashing detergent beyond its primary purpose in the kitchen.
Key Player Analysis
Procter & Gamble Co. (US)
Unilever NV (Netherlands)
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (Germany)
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. (US)
Kao Corporation (Japan)
The Clorox Company (US)
SC Johnson & Son Inc. (US)
Lion Corporation (Japan)
Seventh Generation Inc. (US)
McBride plc (UK)
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/dishwashing-detergent-market
The dishwashing detergent market exhibits diverse growth patterns across different regions, driven by varying consumer behaviors, economic conditions, and technological advancements. Here is an overview of the regional insights for the dishwashing detergent market:
North America
Market Share: North America holds a substantial market share, attributed to the high penetration of dishwashers in households and a preference for premium, high-performance products.
Consumer Preferences: There is a growing trend towards eco-friendly and biodegradable detergents, reflecting heightened environmental awareness among consumers.
Innovation: Manufacturers in this region focus on advanced formulations that offer superior cleaning and antibacterial properties.
Market Characteristics: Europe is another significant market, driven by stringent regulations on chemical usage and a strong inclination towards sustainability.
Product Trends: There is a notable demand for eco-friendly and phosphate-free detergents. The market also sees high adoption of dishwashing tablets and pods due to their convenience.
Regional Differences: Western Europe, particularly countries like Germany, France, and the UK, lead in market size and growth due to high dishwasher usage rates.
Growth Rate: The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to witness the highest growth rate, fueled by rapid urbanization, increasing disposable incomes, and a growing middle class.
Adoption: Rising awareness of hygiene and the adoption of modern kitchen appliances, including dishwashers, are key drivers.
Market Dynamics: China, Japan, and India are significant contributors to market growth, with increasing consumer spending on household cleaning products.
Latin America
Market Expansion: The market in Latin America is expanding steadily, driven by improving economic conditions and urbanization.
Consumer Behavior: There is a growing preference for liquid dishwashing detergents for handwashing, although the adoption of automatic dishwashing detergents is gradually increasing.
Challenges: Economic instability in some countries may pose challenges to market growth.
Middle East and Africa
Market Potential: The Middle East and Africa region holds potential for growth, with increasing urbanization and rising awareness of hygiene and cleanliness.
Adoption Rate: The adoption of dishwashers is lower compared to other regions, but it is gradually increasing, leading to higher demand for dishwashing detergents.
Economic Factors: Market growth may be influenced by economic conditions and consumer spending power in different countries within the region.
Based on Type:
Based on End-User:
Based on Distribution Channel:
Supermarkets & Hypermarkets
Convenience Stores
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/dishwashing-detergent-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dishwashing-detergent-market-key-industry-loltf
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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homeimprovement07 · 22 days
Transform Your Space with Professional Wallpaper Hanging Services Online
When it comes to refreshing your home’s interior, nothing has quite the same impact as a well-executed wallpaper installation. Whether you want to make a bold statement with a feature wall or create a subtle backdrop for your furniture, professional wallpaper hanging can be the key to achieving a flawless finish. However, finding reliable and skilled professionals to carry out the job has traditionally been a challenge. Fortunately, Wallpaper Hanging Services Online are now more accessible than ever, allowing you to connect with expert decorators at the click of a button.
The advent of online services has revolutionized how homeowners and businesses approach interior decoration. By offering a convenient platform to book experienced wallpaper hangers, these services save you the hassle of sourcing, vetting, and scheduling a professional. You can browse through a wide range of options, compare prices, and read reviews, all from the comfort of your home. Whether you need a single room refreshed or your entire property transformed, online services ensure that the job is completed to the highest standards with minimal disruption to your daily life.
In addition to wallpaper hanging, many online platforms also offer related services, such as Spray Painting Services In Uk. This can be particularly useful if you are planning a comprehensive renovation or want to combine different decorative techniques to achieve a unique look. Spray painting is an efficient and cost-effective method for achieving smooth, even coverage on large surfaces, making it ideal for both residential and commercial projects. By choosing a service provider that offers both wallpaper hanging and spray painting, you can streamline your decorating process and ensure a cohesive finish throughout your space.
Another advantage of using online wallpaper hanging services is the ability to access a wide variety of styles, materials, and techniques. Whether you are looking for traditional patterns, modern designs, or custom prints, online platforms give you access to a broader selection than you might find locally. Additionally, these services often employ skilled artisans who are adept at handling complex installations, such as matching patterns, working around obstacles, or applying delicate materials.
In conclusion, Wallpaper Hanging Services Online provide a convenient, reliable, and professional solution for transforming your interior spaces. Combined with Spray Painting Services in the UK, they offer a comprehensive approach to home and business decoration that ensures a high-quality finish and a beautifully updated environment.
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floorlanduk01 · 4 months
Elevate Your Interior Design with Floor Land: Your Premier Wholesale Floor Tile Supplier in the UK
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Welcome to Floor Land, your ultimate destination for premium wholesale flooring solutions in the UK. As a leading supplier of floor tiles, laminate flooring, floor accessories, underfloor heating, and wall panels, we take pride in offering an extensive range of high-quality products to cater to all your needs. Whether you're a homeowner, a contractor, or an interior designer, we have everything you need to transform your space into a masterpiece of style and functionality.
Quick Step Largo: Redefining Elegance and Durability
One of our standout products is the Quick Step Largo range, renowned for its unparalleled elegance and durability. Quick Step Largo floor tiles are designed to withstand the test of time, making them the perfect choice for high-traffic areas in both residential and commercial settings. With their extra-long and extra-wide planks, Quick Step Largo floor tiles create a sense of spaciousness and luxury in any room.
Quick Step Impressive Ultra: Beauty Meets Performance
For those who demand nothing but the best, our Quick Step Impressive Ultra range offers the perfect blend of beauty and performance. These laminate floor tiles are engineered to withstand the rigors of daily life while exuding sophistication and charm. With their waterproof surface and scratch-resistant finish, Quick Step Impressive Ultra floor tiles are ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and other moisture-prone areas.
Quick Step Impressive Patterns: Unleash Your Creativity
If you're looking to add a touch of personality to your space, our Quick Step Impressive Patterns collection is sure to impress. Featuring a variety of unique designs and patterns, these floor tiles allow you to unleash your creativity and express your individual style. Whether you prefer classic herringbone or contemporary geometric patterns, Quick Step Impressive Patterns floor tiles offer endless possibilities for customization.
Laminate Flooring Warrington: Quality You Can Trust
At Floor Land, we understand that quality is paramount when it comes to flooring. That's why we're proud to offer a wide selection of laminate flooring options, including our popular Laminate Flooring Warrington collection. Sourced from trusted manufacturers, our laminate floor tiles are crafted to the highest standards of quality and durability, ensuring long-lasting beauty and performance.
Elevate Your Space with Floor Land
In addition to our premium floor tiles, Floor Land also offers a wide range of floor accessories, underfloor heating solutions, and wall panels to help you complete your project with ease. Whether you're renovating a single room or undertaking a full-scale remodeling project, our comprehensive selection of products has everything you need to elevate your space to new heights of style and sophistication.
Why Choose Floor Land?
When you choose Floor Land as your wholesale floor tile supplier, you can expect nothing but the best. Here are just a few reasons why our customers keep coming back:
Premium Quality: We only offer products that meet the highest standards of quality and durability.
Wide Selection: With our extensive range of floor tiles and accessories, you're sure to find the perfect solution for your project.
Competitive Prices: We offer wholesale prices on all our products, allowing you to get more for your money.
Exceptional Service: Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to help you every step of the way, from product selection to installation.
Convenient Online Shopping: Browse our website from the comfort of your own home and place your order with just a few clicks.
Transform Your Space Today with Floor Land
Ready to transform your space into the home of your dreams? Visit Floor Land today to explore our full range of floor tiles, laminate flooring, floor accessories, underfloor heating solutions, and wall panels. With our unbeatable selection and unbeatable prices, you'll find everything you need to bring your vision to life.
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floorinsite · 3 months
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Bend the Rules of Design: Curved Application Solutions from Havwoods
Market-leading wood surface specialists, Havwoods, has developed and enhanced its collection to include new and innovative veneers that can be applied to curved surfaces – with the addition of the Elegante and PureVeneer ranges.
Offering versatility and flexibility, these groundbreaking collections offer architects, designers and homeowners the opportunity to create stunning designs, made from high-quality materials, which can be applied to curved surfaces such as walls, cabinetry and furniture.
The 3-dimensional Elegante Veneer sheets introduce beauty in intricate shapes that add intrigue to spaces. The grain structures of different timber species are expertly recreated in stunning, colour consistent veneers which are then meticulously milled in the Italian countryside to create stunning profiled sheets that have the flexibility to be used upon curved sub-structures.
The low-density structure means that the veneers are extremely lightweight compared to an alternative wood equivalent, resulting in a more amenable and flexible product that can be fixed onto walls, furniture, cabinetry and subtly curved surfaces. The range is made up of 10 colours and 3 different constructions, with the option for custom designs as well.
Part of the PurePanel collection, the PureVeneer sheets from Havwoods are pre-finished, flat sheet veneers that offer fantastic flexibility to create stylish and unique interiors for both residential and commercial spaces.
Versatile and ready to use, the sheets offer the same distinctive look and feel as solid wood but are a more affordable and time-saving option. Coloured to complement some of Havwoods’ most popular flooring designs, customers have a choice of 9 finishes. The collection includes everything from the rich tones of Walnut and Vernon to the sandy hues of Artenay and Paron.
Havwoods’ curved products are crafted using advanced techniques that ensure flexibility without compromising on strength or durability. The panels and sheets can easily conform to the contours of curved walls and furniture, whilst providing a smooth and professional finish. Designed to withstand the rigours of everyday use, the collections are guaranteed to maintain their integrity and appearance over time.
With an array of products suited to a variety of surface applications, Havwoods’ product selection offers both traditional and contemporary designs in a range of colours, patterns and materials. From virtual appointments to showroom experts in a choice of five locations, the dedicated team works closely with every customer to ensure every detail of their project is met.
www.havwoods.com/uk [email protected] +44 (0)1524 737000 Pricing1 – 5. Elegante Veneers start from £817.95 per sheet 6. Artenay PurePanel Veneer start from £375.95 per sheet 7. Bayonne PurePanel Veneer start from £375.95 per sheet 8. Brienne PurePanel Veneer start from £375.95 per sheet 9. Walnut PurePanel Veneer start from £404.95 per sheet 10. Taize PurePanel Veneer start from £375.95 per sheet 11. Paron PurePanel Veneer starts from £83.95 per sheet
View the latest Woodbook here
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