#Common Woodpigeon
nature4life · 9 months
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A collection of all my pigeon photos.
Seriously, these things are everywhere, help.
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bitsandbirds · 2 months
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I really like this one, considering it was taken out of a bus window. The wretched beast enjoying their wretched meal.
Common Woodpigeon (Columbus palumbus), Ireland
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bens-birds · 10 months
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Deceased juvenile Common Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)
Co. Galway - 09-09-2021
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Woodpigeon Wednesday! Have an aroace woodpigeon!
Reference photo by my Dad :)
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kavohh707 · 9 months
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My personal highlights - 2023 - part 6:
The birds I see when I am visiting my father. There is a lake nearby and a large colony of rooks and of course the birds and squirrels in the garden, plus this year hornets decided to use a nesting box.
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dansnaturepictures · 10 months
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28/11/2023-Home and Lakeside
Photos taken in this set: 1. Sky after sunrise this morning. 2, 6 and 7. Views on my Lakeside lunch time walk, taking in nice autumnal colour and creamy sky. 3. A dashing Redwing, I was hooked on watching a group of these late in the walk. 4. A fly possibly yellow dung fly on some elegant and eyecatching purple tinged hogweed a gorgeous sight along the northern path for a second day running. This fly and another fascinating to see. 5. The stunning Beaver moon lowering this morning I like seeing them in the morning too complimenting the great times seeing it in the evening including last night well. 8 and 9. Common Gull alongside Black-headed Gulls on beach lake, my first Common Gull here this winter a moment I had been waiting for they're one of my favourite birds that comes to Lakeside in winter. Sporting its ringed bill and scruffy head of the winter plumage I was very excited to spot it, seeing it splash and have a little fly too. Brilliant lunch time moments. 10. St. John's-wort leaves and berries I believe.
It was a second day running where for birds especially I just saw so much on my Lakeside walk, with the Common Gull on beach lake were the two Goosanders again mobbed by a Black-headed Gull as they fished which was interesting to see. And in those last few minutes Green Woodpecker, Blackbird and a brilliant view of two Jays also captivated me, having seen my first Coal Tit here for a long time along the northern path early on in the walk which was lovely with Goldfinches seen well nearby. Blue Tits, Long-tailed Tit, Coot, juvenile Herring Gull flying over me, loads of Woodpigeons seen and heard well and Feral Pigeon for the second day running were other Lakeside bird highlights. Long-bodied Cellar spider Starling, Woodpigeon and my first Carrion Crows for a while out the back as well as the charming sight of the Greylag Geese flying over again were at home highlights. Mistletoe, bracken and rose hips were good plants to see at Lakeside with shaggy scalycap mushrooms seen and lavender and firethorn berries looking lovely in the front garden.
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I have the most random and oddball question... What would be some expletive type language in Welsh?
I'm playing a dragon in my D&D group who is from this fantasy world's equivalent of Wales and I want to add some flavor when he is fighting that he starts using bits of his mother-tongue instead of Common.
It's easy enough to find a random list of words, but without cultural context I have no clue what would be a proper equivalent of, for example "fuck off you asshole"... I probably am putting "too much" thought into it, but I'm a cultural anthropologist, so it bugs me to not think too much about it.
A funny quirk of Welsh is that we actually tend to swear in English when we need to - because one of the social arenas it survived in was through the chapels, the closest you'd get are things that in English you'd probably associate with your granny saying, or those sad little Christian youth camps in America. One of my favourites is Nêfi blŵ, which is literally just the Welsh transliteration of the words 'navy blue' said in a Welsh accent. Why is this a swear? Unknown. I presume someone somewhere hated the colour.
However, there are a couple:
Sguthan/ysguthan: this is probably equivalent to 'bitch', it's certainly gendered the same way and has similar weight. Except much as 'bitch' literally just means a dog, sguthan means 'woodpigeon'. Why is this a swear? Unknown
Cach i fant: fuck off. 'Shit off', literally. Tbh though I don't actually know anyone who would actually use this. Mileage can and will vary wildly (keep an eye on the notes for other Welsh speakers chiming in), but this one always felt a bit like a sheep's eyeball to me, to use a Pratchett-ism. Like something Golwg would use to Appeal To The Youth. But, it is real, and does work.
Dos i ffwcio dy hunan: go fuck yourself. Now THIS one I use
Twll tin bob ____: Every ____ is an asshole. Naturally, the phrase in Wales is 'Twll tin bob Sais', but substitute Sais for the group of your choice.
Cêr y diawl: go to hell. Literally, 'go to the devil', with devil there being a reasonable stand-in for any devil you wish, not just, like, Satan.
And of course, Wenglish can provide:
Be'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: what the fuck is that
Pwy'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: who the fuck is that
Bois bach a mawr: okay listen this is going to sound like I'm joshing you but I swear this is real. It's used by an older generation, admittedly, but even younger generations will say 'Bois bach' sometimes. It, uh. It literally means "Big and little boys". Or just "little boys". Just a sort of general mild exclamation. Or what you say when you sit down and your knees complain. Um.
Ych a fi: gross. Can also be Wenglished to 'Ych a ffycin fi' which is, you know, fucking gross.
Be' ti 'di 'neud?: what have you done?
Be' sy'n bod 'da ti?: What is wrong with you?
Cô ni off, bois!: Off we go, lads (gender neutral)!
There's probably a million I'm forgetting and will think of as I try to sleep tonight, but hopefully these will tide you over. Keep an eye on the notes, I expect others will chime in with further suggestions!
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bonefall · 1 year
So i translated the first generation of all of my OCs (Over 150 cats--don't worry I'm hyperfixating on the next generation now) and I have a few gems that I thought you'd like
1. The OG, Dogstar. His name was originally Otterflame (Morfaffyn--translates as is), but for an honor title, he receives the name Dogcaller (Bayaoshaba--Large-dog-prayer)
2. My girl, Stormystar. Her warrior name was Stormyskies (Urrnyaawrl--Stormy gray-skies) but as a dishonor title after her death, she's named Bahahaoshai (Violent-storm-star)
3. Ambercall, who I named after like, actual amber, not the color amber, so her name translates as Kemree'rrihi'shainana (Ginger-pearl-hymn), which I shortened to Kemrrihiana 
4. This one I'm really proud of. A medicine cat, named Mothcloud (Raoffharryr--Prominent moth-fast cloud), nearly died, but was saved, seemingly by starclan's will. Her mentor renamed her to Mothgash (Hawofygrraga--Herald moth-mauled), due to the spiritual nature of her 'revival'
5. I do need a bit of help with this one, if at all possible. I have a few cats with the suffix -run/-runner, but I couldn't find a word for it, so I named a cat (Ferretrun) Haakekegrryrrprriprra (Ferret-is-fast) and that's a bit of a mouthful
6. This one is funny. Icenose, named for the white snip on his nose, is Chikichoop, nicknamed Chichoo which is funny because it sounds like a sneeze
7. I have a cat named Dovechirp and her clanmew name makes me really happy. Its Hoowoohoo'oowamew (Wood pigeon-lullaby) its so fun to say
8. Lastly, there's an elder. By all accounts, he should be dead. No one knows how he is still alive. His name is Mouseface (Naibauss--Living mouse-face), but all his family jokingly calls him Woobauss (Dead mouse-face)
Excellent job!! GOLD star to Dovechirp, Woodpigeon-Lullaby is an MVP here
I'd keep your translation, because I'd imagine your cats are set up in a place where they're able to encounter amber. It's actually very common in some places, it melts out of icebergs and washes up on shorelines. The UK's "amber coast" is named for that reason!
So Ginger-pearl is perfect. It makes sense they'd start using a word to describe it like that.
But in Base Clanmew, the word they're using for "Amber" (like Amberleaf) is closer in meaning to "Resin." That word is Aogi. Resin is what eventually becomes amber, after millions of years of a sort of fossilization process. Clan cats collect this right out of trees.
It can be hardened, but has a tacky, taffy-like texture when it's fresh.
When it comes to suffixes like 'runner,' under the Clanmew hood, the translations are almost always more abstract than it seems.
Nyoopaba is the one usually being used in WindClan. It roughly means "to gallop," but it's actually the specific technique that moor-runners are taught to use to run so fast. You curl your spine entirely like a rabbit to get as much distance as possible out of each bound.
So Haakekenyoopa, Ferret Will-Run, makes an easy translation. Hanyoo for short.
But for a translation less about 'skill' and more about raw speed, I'd go with 'sprint,' Fwioonee. Haakekefwioon, Ferret Sprinting, Haafwi for short.
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kasugas · 7 months
I know they're considered a common pest bird but I love you woodpigeons there's something about them they're so silly and funny
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bitsandbirds · 2 months
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Big pidge! These guys are so charming. With their weird pupils and silly beaks. :)
Common Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus), Ireland
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bens-birds · 9 months
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Common Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)
Glasgow Botanical Gardens, Scotland - 05-01-2024
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pers-books · 2 years
Walked 2.5 miles this morning (my longest yet!) to bag some postboxes. Also saw ‘a host of golden Daffodils’ (Wordsworth), Cherry Blossom, scores of Snowdrops, more Catkins, and a bundle of birds!
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(Daffodils against a stone wall.)
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(Cherry Blossom blooming.)
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(Two photos of Snowdrops in a park.)
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(Bundles of Catkins hanging from a tree’s branches.)
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(A Redwing - these are part of the Thrush family and winter here from Scandinavia - I have never seen them before! Sorry for the poor quality - between the fact I only had my phone’s camera and the fact I didn’t want to approach too close when it was feeding, that’s the best I could manage!)
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(Two big, beautiful, and very bold Herring Gulls. Something else I’ve never seen before - I usually only see the Common Gull.)
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(A feeding Woodpigeon - again, taken from a distance with my phone’s camera.)
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(A Magpie - again, taken from a distance with my phone’s camera. It had already turned its head towards me, watching warily before taking flight.)
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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14/09/2023-Lakeside, Winnall Moors, Winchester and home
Pictures taken in this set: 1. A spider's web in the morning sunlight at Lakeside which looked stunning. 2. Hawthorn in the sun at Lakeside. 3. The beautiful River Itchen at Winnall Moors. 4 and 6. Pretty views at Winnall Moors, it really was so lovely and refreshing to have a long walk round here today. 5. A Rabbit which looked great in the evening sunlight at the University of Southampton Sports Fields near Lakeside. 7. Looking at the back of the Great Hall from Peninsula Barracks where I enjoyed spending time in the sun on the way home this evening with the fountains and bits of lavender still looking nice. 8. An eyecatching flower I enjoyed seeing near Winchester railway station yesterday and today. 9. My first Michaelmas daisies of the year at Winnall Moors, a colourful flower I always enjoy seeing it is a pretty display of them here as I remember from last year. 10. Water mint at Winnall Moors.
At Winnall Moors it was also great to see Blue Tit, Blackbird, a fair few Small Whites around the flowers special specs of light, a dazzling Comma, sparkling Common Darters, a fair few herb-Roberts, comfrey, some hemp agrimony still going, fleabane, ragwort, thistle, gorgeous hedge woundwort, guelder rose berries glowing in the sunlight and hear Robin and Wren. It was good to hear Chiffchaff and see Long-tailed Tit on cuts through Lakeside today with Speckled Wood, red bartsia, white clover, wild carrot, hogweed seed heads, dew covered ragwort, creeping thistle and bindweed enjoyed too. A Woodpigeon at Peninsular Barracks and two out the back at home this morning and evening, a cellar spider and another type of spider out the front at home this evening and a Brimstone on the way back from Winnall Moors were other highlights today.
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petnews2day · 5 months
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2024 results published
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/pHhyZ
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2024 results published
The results from this year’s RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch have been announced, with nearly 10 million birds reported by more than 600,000 participants. House Sparrow retains its position as most-recorded species for another year, ranked by average count per garden, followed by Blue Tit, Common Starling, Woodpigeon and Blackbird. A total of 80 species were […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/pHhyZ #BirdNews
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floweringpoverello · 2 years
The Glory of Woodpigeons...
The Glory of Woodpigeons…
Turning and twisting They slice through the sky Flocking in fields Perching on rooftops Yet rarely I stop To notice their beauty Common, unique Distinctive each one Like us ablaze with the glory Of the life-giving sun. ~ Woodpigeon, by the Rea Brook, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 2022
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bird-of-the-day · 2 years
BOTD: Common Woodpigeon
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^photo credit: Amee Fairbank-Brown on Unsplash
Common Woodpigeon (columba palumbus)
The Common Woodpigeon is the largest pigeon in Europe. In a display flight, it flies up, cracks/claps its wings together, and then glides back down again. Their call is often mistaken for that of a Collared Dove, who have a three-note 'coo-coo-coo' call instead of the Woodpigeon's 'coo-coo-coo, coooo coooo'.
If you love pigeons, please do check out my best friend @andyisapigeon !! Coo posts and reblogs wonderful photos of pigeons, and occasionally other birds. His blog is an absolute joy to look at, please take a look!
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