#Complicated Telecom
costreductionfirm · 1 year
10 New Complicated Telecom Plans Solved: Understanding the Connection between Complicated Telecom Plans and High Telecom Expenses | Business Cost
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Richard R John’s “Network Nation”
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THIS SATURDAY (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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The telegraph and the telephone have a special place in the history and future of competition and Big Tech. After all, they were the original tech monopolists. Every discussion of tech and monopoly takes place in their shadow.
Back in 2010, Tim Wu published The Master Switch, his bestselling, wildly influential history of "The Bell System" and the struggle to de-monopolize America from its first telecoms barons:
Wu is a brilliant writer and theoretician. Best known for coining the term "Net Neutrality," Wu went on to serve in both the Obama and Biden administrations as a tech trustbuster. He accomplished much in those years. Most notably, Wu wrote the 2021 executive order on competition, laying out a 72-point program for using existing powers vested in the administrative agencies to break up corporate power and get the monopolist's boot off Americans' necks:
The Competition EO is basically a checklist, and Biden's agency heads have been racing down it, ticking off box after box on or ahead of schedule, making meaningful technical changes in how companies are allowed to operate, each one designed to make material improvements to the lives of Americans.
A decade and a half after its initial publication, Wu's Master Switch is still considered a canonical account of how the phone monopoly was built – and dismantled.
But somewhat lost in the shadow of The Master Switch is another book, written by the accomplished telecoms historian Richard R John: "Network Nation: Inventing American Telecommunications," published a year after The Master Switch:
Network Nation flew under my radar until earlier this year, when I found myself speaking at an antitrust conference where both John and Wu were also on the bill:
During John's panel – "Case Studies: AT&T & IBM" – he took a good-natured dig at Wu's book, claiming that Wu, not being an historian, had been taken in by AT&T's own self-serving lies about its history. Wu – also on the panel – didn't dispute it, either. That was enough to prick my interest. I ordered a copy of Network Nation and put it on my suitcase during my vacation earlier this month.
Network Nation is an extremely important, brilliantly researched, deep history of America's love/hate affair with not just the telephone, but also the telegraph. It is unmistakably as history book, one that aims at a definitive takedown of various neat stories about the history of American telecommunications. As Wu writes in his New Republic review of John's book:
Generally he describes the failure of competition not so much as a failure of a theory, but rather as the more concrete failure of the men running the competitors, many of whom turned out to be incompetent or unlucky. His story is more like a blow-by-blow account of why Germany lost World War II than a grand theory of why democracy is better than fascism.
In other words, John thinks that the monopolies that emerged in the telegraph and then the telephone weren't down to grand forces that made them inevitable, but rather, to the errors made by regulators and the successful gambits of the telecoms barons. At many junctures, things could have gone another way.
So this is a very complicated story, one that uses a series of contrasts to make the point that history is contingent and owes much to a mix of random chance and the actions of flawed human beings, and not merely great economic or historical laws. For example, John contrasts the telegraph with the telephone, posing them against one another as a kind of natural experiment in different business strategies and regulatory responses.
The telegraph's early promoters, including Samuel Morse (as in "Morse code") believed that the natural way to roll out telegraph was via selling the patents to the federal government and having an agency like the post office operate it. There was a widespread view that the post office as a paragon of excellent technical management and a necessity for knitting together the large American nation. Moreover, everyone could see that when the post office partnered with private sector tech companies (like the railroads that became essential to the postal system), the private sector inevitably figured out how to gouge the American public, leading regulators to ever-more extreme measures to rein in the ripoffs.
The telegraph skated close to federalization on several occasions, but kept getting snatched back from the brink, ending up instead as a privately operated system that primarily served deep-pocketed business customers. This meant that telegraph companies were forever jostling to get the right to string wires along railroad tracks and public roads, creating a "political economy" that tried to balance out highway regulators and rail barons (or play them off against each other).
But the leaders of the telegraph companies were largely uninterested in "popularizing" the telegraph – that is, figuring out how ordinary people could use telegraphs in place of the hand-written letters that were the dominant form of long-distance communications at the time. By turning their backs on "popularization," telegraph companies largely freed themselves from municipal oversight, because they didn't need to get permission to string wires into every home in every major city.
When the telephone emerged, its inventors and investors initially conceived of it as a tool for business as well. But while the telegraph had ushered in a boom in instantaneous, long-distance communications (for example, by joining ports and distant cities where financiers bought and sold the ports' cargo), the telephone proved far more popular as a way of linking businesses within a city limits. Brokers and financiers and businesses that were only a few blocks from one another found the telephone to be vastly superior to the system of dispatching young boys to race around urban downtowns with slips bearing messages.
So from the start, the phone was much more bound up in city politics, and that only deepened with popularization, as phones worked their ways into the homes of affluent families and local merchants like druggists, who offered free phone calls to customers as a way of bringing trade through the door. That created a great number of local phone carriers, who had to fend off Bell's federally enforced patents and aldermen and city councilors who solicited bribes and favors.
To make things even more complex, municipal phone companies had to fight with other sectors that wanted to fill the skies over urban streets with their own wires: streetcar lines and electrical lines. The unregulated, breakneck race to install overhead wires led to an epidemic of electrocutions and fires, and also degraded service, with rival wires interfering with phone calls.
City politicians eventually demanded that lines be buried, creating another source of woe for telephone operators, who had to contend with private or quasi-private operators who acquired a monopoly over the "subways" – tunnels where all these wires eventually ended up.
The telegraph system and the telephone system were very different, but both tended to monopoly, often from opposite directions. Regulations that created some competition in telegraphs extinguished competition when applied to telephones. For example, Canada federalized the regulation of telephones, with the perverse effect that everyday telephone users in cities like Toronto had much less chance of influencing telephone service than Chicagoans, whose phone carrier had to keep local politicians happy.
Nominally, the Canadian Members of Parliament who oversaw Toronto's phone network were big leaguers who understood prudent regulation and were insulated from the daily corruption of municipal politics. And Chicago's aldermen were pretty goddamned corrupt. But Bell starved Toronto of phone network upgrades for years, while Chicago's gladhanding political bosses forced Chicago's phone company to build and build, until Chicago had more phone lines than all of France. Canadian MPs might have been more remote from rough-and-tumble politics, but that made them much less responsive to a random Torontonian's bitter complaint about their inability to get a phone installed.
As the Toronto/Chicago story illustrates, the fact that there were so many different approaches to phone service tried in the US and Canada gives John more opportunities to contrast different business-strategies and regulations. Again, we see how there was never one rule that governments could have used if they wanted to ensure that telecoms were well-run, widely accessible, and reasonably priced. Instead, it was always "horses for courses" – different rules to counter different circumstances and gambits from telecoms operators.
As John traces through the decades during which the telegraph and telephone were established in America, he draws heavily on primary sources to trace the ebb and flow of public and elite sentiment towards public ownership, regulation, and trustbusting. In John's hands, we see some of the most spectacular failures as more than a mismatch of regulatory strategy to corporate gambit – but rather as a mismatch of political will and corporate gambit. If a company's power would be best reined in by public ownership, but the political vogue is for regulation, then lawmakers end up trying to make rules for a company they should simply be buying giving to the post office to buy.
This makes John's history into a history of the Gilded Age and trustbusters. Notorious vulture capitalists like Jay Gould shocked the American conscience by declaring that businesses had no allegiance to the public good, and were put on this Earth to make as much money as possible no matter what the consequences. Gould repeated "raided" Western Union, acquiring shares and forcing the company to buy him out at a premium to end his harassment of the board and the company's managers.
By the time the feds were ready to buy out Western Union, Gould was a massive shareholder, meaning that any buyout of the telegraph would make Gould infinitely wealthier, at public expense, in a move that would have been electoral poison for the lawmakers who presided over it. In this highly contingent way, Western Union lived on as a private company.
Americans – including prominent businesspeople who would be considered "conservatives" by today's standards, were deeply divided on the question of monopoly. The big, successful networks of national telegraph lines and urban telephone lines were marvels, and it was easy to see how they benefited from coordinated management. Monopolists and their apologists weaponized this public excitement about telecoms to defend their monopolies, insisting that their achievement owed its existence to the absence of "wasteful competition."
The economics of monopoly were still nascent. Ideas like "network effects" (where the value of a service increases as it adds users) were still controversial, and the bottlenecks posed by telephone switching and human operators meant that the cost of adding new subscribers sometimes went up as the networks grew, in a weird diseconomy of scale.
Patent rights were controversial, especially patents related to natural phenomena like magnetism and electricity, which were viewed as "natural forces" and not "inventions." Business leaders and rabble-rousers alike decried patents as a federal grant of privilege, leading to monopoly and its ills.
Telecoms monopolists – telephone and telegraph alike – had different ways to address this sentiment at different times (for example, the Bell System's much-vaunted commitment to "universal service" was part of a campaign to normalize the idea of federally protected, privately owned monopolies).
Most striking about this book were the parallels to contemporary fights over Big Tech trustbusting, in our new Gilded Age. Many of the apologies offered for Western Union or AT&T's monopoly could have been uttered by the Renfields who carry water for Facebook, Apple and Google. John's book is a powerful and engrossing reminder that variations on these fights have occurred in the not-so-distant past, and that there's much we can learn from them.
Wu isn't wrong to say that John is engaging with a lot of minutae, and that this makes Network Nation a far less breezy read than Master Switch. I get the impression that John is writing first for other historians, and writers of popular history like Wu, in a bid to create the definitive record of all the complexity that is elided when we create tidy narratives of telecoms monopolies, and tech monopolies in general. Bringing Network Nation on my vacation as a beach-read wasn't the best choice – it demands a lot of serious attention. But it amply rewards that attention, too, and makes an indelible mark on the reader.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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mariacallous · 11 months
For more than three weeks, Gaza has faced an almost total internet blackout. The cables, cell towers, and infrastructure needed to keep people online have been damaged or destroyed as Israel launched thousands of missiles in response to Hamas attacking Israel and taking hundreds of hostages on October 7. Then, this evening, amid reports of heavy bombing in Gaza, some of the last remaining connectivity disappeared.
In the days after October 7, people living in Gaza have been unable to communicate with family or friends, leaving them unsure whether loved ones are alive. Finding reliable news about events has become harder. Rescue workers have not been able to connect to mobile networks, hampering recovery efforts. And information flowing out of Gaza, showing the conditions on the ground, has been stymied.
As the Israel Defense Forces said it was expanding its ground operations in Gaza this evening, internet connectivity fell further. Paltel, the main Palestinian communications company, has been able to keep some of its services online during Israel’s military response to Hamas’ attack. However, at around 7:30 pm local time today, internet monitoring firm NetBlocks confirmed a “collapse” in connectivity in the Gaza Strip, mostly impacting remaining Paltel services.
“We regret to announce a complete interruption of all communications and internet services within the Gaza Strip,” Paltel posted in a post on its Facebook page. The company claimed that bombing had “caused the destruction of all remaining international routes.” An identical post was made on the Facebook page of Jawwal, the region’s biggest mobile provider, which is owned by Paltel. Separately, Palestinian Red Crescent, a humanitarian organization, said on X (formerly Twitter) that it had lost contact with its operation room in Gaza and is “deeply concerned” about its ability to keep caring for people, with landline, cell, and internet connections being inaccessible.
“This is a terrifying development,” Marwa Fatafta, a policy manager focusing on the Middle East and North Africa at the digital rights group Access Now, tells WIRED. “Taking Gaza completely off the grid while launching an unprecedented bombardment campaign only means something atrocious is about to happen.”
A WIRED review of internet analysis data, social media posts, and Palestinian internet and telecom company statements shows how connectivity in the Gaza Strip drastically plummeted after October 7 and how some buildings linked to internet firms have been damaged in attacks. Photos and videos show sites that house various internet and telecom firms have been damaged, while reports from official organizations, including the United Nations, describe the impact of people being offline.
Damaged Lines
Around the world, the internet and telecoms networks that typically give web users access to international video calls, online banking, and endless social media are a complicated, sprawling mix of hardware and software. Networks of networks, combining data centers, servers, switches, and reams of cables, communicate with each other and send data globally. Local internet access is provided by a mix of companies with no clear public documentation of their infrastructure, making it difficult to monitor the overall status of the system as a whole. In Gaza, experts say, internet connectivity is heavily reliant on Israeli infrastructure to connect to the outside world.
Amid Israel’s intense bombing of Gaza, physical systems powering the internet have been destroyed. On October 10, the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which oversees emergency responses, said air strikes “targeted several telecommunication installations” and had destroyed two of the three main lines of communications going into Gaza.
Prior to tonight’s blackout, internet connectivity remained but was “extremely slow and limited,” Access Now’s Fatafta says. People she has spoken to from Gaza say it could take a day to upload and send a few photos. “They have to send like 20 messages in order for one to go through,” Fatafta says. “They are desperately—especially for Gazans that live outside—trying to get through to their families.”
“Every time I try to call someone from family or friends, I try to call between seven to 10 times,” says Ramadan Al-Agha, a digital marketer who lives in Khan Yunis, a city in the south of the Gaza Strip. “The call may be cut off two or three times,” he told WIRED in a WhatsApp message before the latest outages. “We cannot access news quickly and clearly.” People in the region have simultaneously faced electricity blackouts, dwindling supplies of fuel used to power generators, and a lack of clean water, food, and medical supplies. “It is a humanitarian disaster,” Al-Agha says.
Connectivity in Gaza started to drop not long after Israel responded to the October 7 Hamas attack. Rene Wilhelm, a senior R&D engineer at the nonprofit internet infrastructure organization Ripe Network Coordination Center, says based on an analysis of internet routing data it collects that 11 Palestinian networks, which may operate both in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, began to experience disruption after October 7. Eight of the networks were no longer visible to the global internet as of October 23, Wilhelm says. Ahead of this evening’s blackout, there was around 15 percent of normal connectivity, according to data from Georgia Tech’s Internet Outage Detection and Analysis project. That dropped to around 7 percent as reports of the blackout circulated.
One office belonging to Paltel in the Al Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City has been destroyed in the attacks, photos and videos show. Floors have been destroyed and windows blown away in the multistory building, and piles of rubble surround the entrances. (It is unclear what equipment the building housed or how many floors Paltel occupied.) Another internet provider, AlfaNet, is listed as being based in the Al-Watan Tower. The company posted to its Facebook page on October 8 that the tower had been destroyed and its services have stopped, with other online posts also saying the tower has been destroyed.
Multiple Palestinian internet and telecoms firms have said their services have been disrupted during the war, mostly posting to social media. Internet provider Fusion initially said its engineers were trying to repair its infrastructure, although it has since said this is not continuing. “The network was destroyed, and the cables and poles were badly damaged by the bombing,” it wrote on Facebook. JetNet said there had been a “sudden disruption” to access points. SpeedClick posted that the situation was out of its control. And HiNet posted that it has “no more to offer to ensure” people could stay online following “the attacks and destruction our internet servers have suffered.”
Across Paltel’s network on October 19, according to an update shared by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 83 percent of fixed line users had been disconnected, with 53 percent of sites providing fixed line connections also being offline. Half of the company’s fiber optic internet lines in Gaza weren’t operational, the update says. The connectivity disappeared this evening, according to Paltel’s Facebook post, which says there has been a “complete interruption” of all its services. Paltel, AlfaNet, Fusion, and SpeedClick could not be reached or did not respond to requests for comment.
Lost Connections
In recent years, governments and authoritarian regimes have frequently turned to shutting down the internet for millions of people in attempts to suppress protests and curtail free speech. Targeting the communications networks is common during conflicts. During Russia's war in Ukraine, its forces have decimated communications networks, tried to take over the internet, and set up new mobile companies to control information flows. When Hamas first attacked Israel on October 7, it used drones to bomb communications equipment at surveillance posts along the borders of the Gaza Strip.
Monika Gehner, the head of corporate communications at the International Telecommunication Union, says the body is always “alarmed” by damage inflicted on any telecommunications infrastructure during conflicts. The ITU, the United Nations’ primary internet governance body, believes “efficient telecommunication services” are crucial to peace and international cooperation, and its secretary-general has called for respecting infrastructure in the Middle East, Gehner says.
Officials in Israel have consistently claimed they are targeting Hamas militants within Gaza, not civilians, while responding to the Hamas attacks, which killed more than 1,400 people in Israel. The Hamas-run Health Ministry within Gaza has said more than 7,000 people have been killed there and released a list of names. A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces did not respond to WIRED’s questions about internet disruptions within Gaza.
Hanna Kreitem, a senior adviser for internet technology and development in the Middle East and North Africa at the Internet Society, an open internet advocacy nonprofit, says Palestinian firms have a “big reliance” on Israeli internet firms. “Palestinians are not controlling any of the ICT infrastructure,” says Mona Shtaya, a non-resident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. Mobile networks in the Gaza Strip rely on 2G technologies. Al-Agha, the digital marketer, shared a screenshot showing mobile internet speeds of 7.18 kilobytes per second; average mobile speeds in the US in 2022 were 24 megabits per second, according to mobile analytics firm Statista.
“The internet is vital in times of war in crises,” says Fatafta, the Access Now policy manager, who adds that there can be “terrible consequences” linked to connectivity blackouts. The UN’s OCHA said rescue workers have had a harder time “carrying out their mission” partly due to the “limited or no connection to mobile networks.” Al-Agha says he has lost some clients due to the disruptions. The lack of connectivity can obscure events that are happening on the ground, Fatafta says. News crews have told WIRED they have footage from the ground but are “losing the story because of the internet.”
Kreitem says that a lack of electricity and access to the equipment will have made an impact on top of any physical damage to communications networks. “We don't know how many of the people that actually operate these networks are still alive,” Kreitem says. “The network operators are part of the world there, there's no place for them to run. They are as affected as any other person.”
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beardedmrbean · 10 days
Finnish media outlets closely followed Tuesday night's US presidential debate, when Democratic nominee Kamala Harris and her Republican rival, Donald Trump, met face to face for the first time.
Finnish outlets were particularly interested in the candidates' stances on Ukraine — unsurprisingly as Finland is among the world's top military aid donors to the war-torn country.
Ilta-Sanomat reports that Trump was asked whether he wanted Ukraine to win the war, but he avoided giving a direct answer.
"I want the war to stop. I want to save lives," Trump said, adding that Europe had not done its share to end the war. "They [The Biden administration] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are," Trump said.
Tiktok and kids
Some 1.6 million people in Finland use the short video app Tiktok every week, but the Chinese-owned company doesn't want to reveal who moderates the content.
Hufvudstadsbladet talked to Chloe Setter, the platform's European child safety manager on a recent trip to Helsinki. She said the platform is neither intended for nor suitable for children under 13.
HBL noted that this was an interesting admission given that a survey conducted by the telecom operator DNA three years ago showed that as many as one in five children aged 5–12 in Finland regularly use the platform.
"Verifying a user's age sounds very simple, but in reality, it's complicated," Setter told reporters.
According to Setter, the platform has some 30 moderators reviewing Finnish-language content and argued that the company is an industry leader in working to keep children safe.
What TikTok does not want to reveal, according to HBL, is where the Finnish or Swedish-speaking moderators are actually located. This means that outsiders can't know whether these are people who speak the language or if they are simply employees tasked with monitoring user activity in Finland and Sweden.
Hormonal changes
Fuelled by social media, children as young as ten have started using pricey skin products that scientists now say are harmful to growing bodies as these products often contain phthalates, chemicals associated with numerous health harms.
Known as "endocrine disruptors", they are chemicals that interfere with the human hormone system and are found in a wide range of everyday household products.
Helsingin Sanomat reports on an American study indicating that children as young as four are being exposed to phthalates.
"This finding isn't at all surprising, Jorma Torppari, a pediatric endocrinologist, told HS.
The widespread use of skincare products among pre-teens has become a growing trend on Tiktok. On that front, Torppari said it would be wise for kids to exercise caution.
"Early adolescence is a particularly sensitive period when the development of reproductive organs is most vulnerable to potential harm," he said.
No longer testing on animals, cosmetics companies try their products on synthetic skin and cell cultures that don't gauge hormonal impact, according to Torppari.
"The users themselves are the guinea pigs," he said.
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schraubd · 6 months
End Spoofing
The Portland JCC, which also houses the local Jewish Day School, was swatted today. Elsewhere, the mom of a friend of mine nearly got victimized by a scam where someone used voice-altering software to impersonate her daughter and beg for money after she was "in a car accident". It's no mystery that these sorts of scams seem to be on the rise, and seem to be increasingly sophisticated. And I doubt I'm giving any hot take when I say that these scammers are absolutely, 100%, the lowest of the low. One common tactic in these thugs' repertoire's is "spoofing" -- basically, impersonating another number when they call you, so it shows up on Caller ID as your doctor or the IRS or a customer support center (or just hides the actual number that the person is calling from).  I don't know whether spoofing was involved in either of the above incidents. But I'm increasingly of the mind that we might need to just ban spoofing outright. I'm aware of the legitimate reasons for spoofing. A business wants a call to register as emanating from their main line, not whatever back office is calling you. Or someone working from home still wants to be identified as calling from their company, not their personal cellphone. I even can understand some cases where spoofing may have anti-fraud properties (it lets me know that the call is coming from someone at Aetna, which I may be disinclined to believe if the phone number is the random area code of wherever the nurse went to high school). But at this stage, I just don't see those real benefits as outweighing the costs. It doesn't seem like the phone companies have any real way to distinguish "bad" spoofing from good. And while I don't actually know the mechanics (so what I say next might be entirely wrong), it seems to me that it would be technologically-easier to simply ban the practice outright -- create no mechanism through which phone calls can "identify" themselves as anything but their unique actual phone number -- than to engage in what seems to be a losing game of whack-a-mole. And sure, I know in my heart that this is probably a lot more complicated than I realize (though I do genuinely believe that it's one of those things where, if there was some serious government regulatory muscle behind it, you'd see the telecom providers hop to it). But one of the joys of aging is that I get to cantankerously grumble about problems and just demand they be fixed, and I'm leaning in.  via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/WqlrTzE
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
Youtube's Autocaption tried: Pekes and Pollicles edition, plus some extras
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Mountains vs atoms: FIGHT! (Wait…aren't mountains, like everything else, made of atoms and thus particles? Eh, whatever.)
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Indeed. A week-long pause is a long time indeed.
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Pigs vs Particles: FIGHT! (Despite pigs also being made up of particles.) And somehow loons get involved. It's...complicated, I guess?
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DAMN. Dogs (or at least one named Isadora) can drive tanks now?! These cats better up their game (then again, Misto could totally win against a tank with his magical powers. They still have an ace up their sleeves, so to speak.)
Also, I just love Michael's face here XD
And while not related to autocorrect, I just have to add this as a bonus:
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Now some more bonus autocaption ones:
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LET ALONZO SAY COCK. #letalonzosaycock
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"Telecom songs with jellicle cats" is just making me think of hold music, but it's songs from Cats.
We apologise for the delay. Someone will be with you shortly.
Also I'm sure several cats would be highly offended by the implication of being fragile. Especially Misto, who may be small but call him fragile and boy. You'll regret it.
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The more thick, soundproof walls between yowling cats and long suffering humans, the better, I guess.
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OMG even Jellicle cats are getting polls!
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The Jellicle Moon is readying for battle with an electrical bow?
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Yeah more likely he'd prefer kittens to pups, being a cat.
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hasufin · 2 years
In the beginning...
I was just talking to my spouse this morning, and realized how utterly unhinged Silicon Valley culture was back before the bubble burst.
For context, I graduated with a degree in Computer Science in December of 2000. I worked for a large telecom for a year before I got laid off - things looked okay, looked like we’d weather the recession, but then 9/11 happened and my company laid off 20,000 tech workers mostly in one metropolitan area. But that’s a story for another day.
Anyway, it’s worthwhile to note that while I graduated with a degree in computer science, almost none of my professors had CS degrees themselves. These were mathematicians, electrical engineers, physicists, and one psychologist (best teacher in the department) who had been on the ground floor building the field. We were the first generation of computer science graduates.
That’s important, really, because at the time nobody had any real idea what we could do. Corporate America sort of knew something different was happening, but had no grasp of what. Now, on the one hand big companies are - and were especially so before the tech bubble - very stolid, cautious creatures. But they’re also unrelentingly greedy, and while they had no idea just what these tech kids could do, what they could tell was that we were making lots and lots of money.
This meant that the more adventurous of the investing types would throw money at any damned thing. They really had no idea what would, and would not, work. There was no metric on how much to invest in anything, an the corporate world had no idea what was easy and what was hard. Which meant that if you had the right pitch (or went on the mythical hike up Mt. Tamalpeis) you could get millions of dollars in venture capital for, well, damned near anything. Astute readers may note this has slowed down a little, but is still happening. (Personally I suspect that venture capitalists will recover from their tech-induced cashtigmatism sometime in the 2040s, when major decisions are being made by people who grew up with information technology and are confident enough in the subject to say “Wait, this violates the laws of thermodynamics, it can’t work” though that’s complicated by the reality that it’s perfectly possible to become filthy rich on vaporware if you’re clever enough to get out at the right time).
Anyway. They also had no idea what to do with this new generation of techies. They had no idea how to recruit them, how to motivate them, or how to retain them. What they did know what that these were all young, recent college graduates. The more savvy folks also knew (and, less wisely, believed) the narrative that all the innovation was happening in dorm rooms and late night sessions, not in classrooms - which was true, but reductive and failed to appreciate that the late night hacking happened because of the classroom learning, an attitude which still permeates the industry.
What many companies did, then, was try to recreate that kind of college environment. My own experience with this was ancillary, but one saw enough to give credence to it. Casual work environments became de rigeur, of course. Companies began providing perks on a previously unheard of scale. (Well, sort of. The benefits traditionally offered to corporate executive put all the tech companies to shame, bu those perks were for the rich and well-heeled, not the mere workers. Anyway. At one such place - and considered pretty restrained for the era - they had coolers of drinks free for the taking, an onsite chef to provide restaurant-quality meals for free - including to take home, which encouraged people to work late - onsite gym, movie theater, and video games, and even a weekly beer truck. Some of these have settled as normal, others less so.
Now, these weren’t really stupid, when you consider. What these perks did was encourage people to work longer hours (we were all salaried anyway) and discouraged those same hackers from developing the kind of personal lives which would distract them from their hyperfixation du jour. Moreover, these non-compensatory benefits could be withdrawn on a whim - if it’s not in the contract, it exists at the CEO’s pleasure. Which is precisely what happened during the recession when the tech bubble burst.
It’s also worth noting that many fortunes were made in that era, often by people whom you would not imagine could become rich so easily. Some, of course, became unspeakably wealthy - this was the era which spawned Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos, to name a few. But also many rank and file workers ended up with several million dollars - I know of quite a few folks who had backgrounds not unlike mine, and ended up in the comfortable $10-20 million range (there’s a book, Microserfs, which introduces a characters as “the obligatory millionaire in our household”“).
Now, those fortunes are kind of an interesting phenomenon. At the time, many companies offered most of their compensation in stocks - you could be making $60,000 in cash, or you could get $40,000 in cash and $20,000 in stocks. Since those stocks were soaring, the latter option often came to an easy six figure salary. I knew many people at the time who were paying off their mortgage by selling stock. Which put them in quite a bit of a bind wen those stock prices tanked... But those whose stocks really took off, and who got out at the right time, ended up unexpectedly rich. The famed DNA Lounge of San Francisco exists for this reason, and numerous other odd, weird vanity projects in the Bay Area - yes, “Weird” requires money, and having an awful lot of people with money and no clear idea how to spend it does sometimes have a positive effect. But I also know a guy who lives in an aircraft hanger, surrounded by arcade games, TVs, and every other form of entertainment - a 50-year-old man living the dream of his 14-year-old self.
It was an interesting time. I just missed it, honestly. I suppose I could have dropped out of college my junior year, maybe I would have caught the wave, but I think I would not have fared particularly well.And I’m not sure I’d want to be the kind of person I’d have become if I had, either. But it certainly had a profound effect on the Bay Area, and will echo for decades to come.
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Regulations on Investment in Telecommunications Services in Vietnam
The field of telecommunications has appeared in Vietnam for more than 30 years and has helped the business environment and social life of Vietnam to develop. The process of liberalizing the telecommunications sector in Vietnam has led to the expansion of the telecommunications network and has become an attractive field for investors to set up company in telecom service, internet service, or join with Vietnamese partner on business cooperation contract in the same fields.
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                             Telecommunication Lawyers in Vietnam
Currently, telecommunications services are not just telephones and telex, but variy with many types from simple to complex such as audio, video, data transmission services,… Besides the conveniences brought in life, telecommunications services have really become one of the important infrastructures of the economy. However, Vietnam government also impose certain requirements on foreign investors entering Vietnam in this sector.
Specifically, at present, foreign investors can only participate in investments in the form of joint ventures or business cooperation contracts with Vietnamese enterprises to provide telecommunications services. However, for the provision of services with network infrastructure, the partner in which the investor joins the joint venture must be a licensed telecommunications service provider in Vietnam. In addition, foreign investors are also limited on the percentage of charter capital in joint ventures. Accordingly, for services without network infrastructure, foreign investors own not more than 65% of charter capital and for services with network infrastructure, foreign investors do not own more than 49% legal capital of the joint venture.
On the other hand, foreign investors participating in business cooperation contracts will be able to sign a new agreement or switch to another form of presence with conditions no less favorable than those they are currently receiving. Furthermore, an organization or individual that already owns more than 20% of the charter capital or shares in a telecommunications enterprise may not own more than 20% of the charter capital or shares of another telecommunications enterprise doing business in the same company a market for telecommunications services.
Therefore, if the investor meets the above conditions, the investor will carry out the procedures for establishing an economic organization. Like other foreign-invested organizations, the establishment will go through two stages: investment registration and business establishment. For foreign investment projects in the business of telecommunications services, it is necessary to receive the investment approval of the Prime Minister. Accordingly, the investor submits the application for approval of the investment policy of the investment project to the investment registration agency and within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the complete dossier, the investment registration agency submit the application for appraisal opinions of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the dossier, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall give its appraisal opinions on the extent under its state management and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Within 40 days from the day on which the application is received, the investment registration agency shall organize the appraisal of the dossier and make an appraisal report and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval of the investment policy. After receiving the approval of the investment policy, the investor proceeds to establish the business as domestic entities.
The telecommunication services are subject to strong regulations hence the conditions for foreign investors to invest and set up company in telecommunication services or take part in providing telecommunication services are also relatively complicated. Therefore, investors are suggested to undertake research on telecommunication regulatory specific to their business with the help of telecommunication services lawyers in Vietnam to make the investment effectively.
Professionals at ANT Lawyers work on many a variety of telecommunications, media and technology transactions and cases. Our attorney’s industry knowledge and expertise allow us to effectively support the information technology sector. We could deliver the experience and expertise needed to handle issues in both private practice and in corporate and regulatory bodies.
ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up the regulations on investment in telecommunications services in Vietnam to update clients on regular basis.
You could learn more about ANT Lawyers TMT Practice or contact our TMT lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email [email protected] or call our office at (+84) 24 730 86 529
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/library/regulations-on-investment-in-telecommunications-services-in-vietnam.html
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bicsbec · 3 hours
Stay a Little Longer pt. 4
The quintant ahead of Coran was a busy one, even with Emi running from one end of the castle to the other doing as much as he could. The Castle of Lions was to hold a diplomatic banquet to serve as the third party that placated between two planets that found themselves at odds. Happy Lives would be catering the event and Coran was expecting a shipment from the Garrison for some improvements on the Rovers that helped run the castle.
He trusted Hunk to be alright on his own in the kitchens, but he felt like a bad host leaving him alone.
“Coran,” Romelle peered her head around the kitchen entrance, “they need you at the loading docks.”
“Erm, yes. Just a dobosh,” he said, turning to Hunk. “I’ll be quick about it, I promise.”
Hunk chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Take your time.”
“I can stay until you get back,” Romelle offered.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Plus, this whole operation seems fun,” she gestured toward the activity currently overtaking the kitchens.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon,” Coran said, hurrying out.
There was a lot of foot traffic in the direction of the bays, with ambassadors and cargo handlers mingling together.
“Excuse me, sir? Which way to the banquet?”
“Hey, mister, where do you want these parts?”
“Oh, um. Alright. Ambassadors! Please follow the gentleman with the purple hair to the banquet!” Emi raised his hand at the end of the hall, waving for the officials to follow. “Garrison fellas! Everything to the storage room down to your left!”
Coran pushed through to the docks, trying to find the shipment papers he had to sign.
“Coran!” a woman’s voice called. He looked around a found someone in pilot’s uniform waving at him. A blonde girl with short hair and freckles. She was familiar to Coran—an MFE pilot. Yes, Ina-something. Something complicated.
“Hello,” Coran smiled politely. “Have you the papers I’m to sign?”
“Yes,” she handed him a clipboard and pointed to where his signature was needed. “We also need to pick up a shipment of teludav disks for wormhole construction.”
“Those would have to be cleared by the Intergalactic Transportation Department, over on Pillar F.”
“Captain’s getting the clearance as we speak,” Ina said, taking the clipboard back.
“Alrighty, then I’ll fetch our Transport Merchant,” Coran wandered over to the bay’s telecoms and notified Oller of the request.
“Between clearing the papers and request, plus getting the stock to the bay…it’ll be the better half of a varga,” Oller called over the comms.
“Thank you, Oller,” Coran said, turning to Ina. “Did you get that?”
“Yes,” she said, her tone level, but her expression slightly irritated.
“Leifsdottir! I’ve got the papers!” a familiar voice called over. Coran looked around for the person it belonged to and found Lance clumsily dismounting a shuttle, like he was in a rush. He looked up and his eyes lit up. “Coran! Hey!”
He jogged over, papers in hand, grin wide. “Here you go.” He handed Coran the papers. “What’s our ETD?”
“Over half a varga,” Leifsdottir said.
“Well, dang,” Lance chuckled. “That’s a delay. Iverson won’t like that.”
“Yes, Coran?”
“How are you here?” Coran felt like he was in some weird dream, watching Lance stand there like it was the most natural thing in the world. Last he’d heard, Lance was a farmer on Earth, not a cargo ship captain.
“Oh,” Lance chuckled nervously. “I decided to finish my cargo license. I was kind of losing my mind at the farm. Vero noticed before I did, nudged me in the right direction and all that.”
“Well, since you’ll be here a while, we can catch up more properly,” Coran said with a smile. “You’re welcome to visit different halls in the castle,” he offered to Leifsdottir.
“I’ll wait in the ship,” she said firmly. “I’ll beep you when we’re good to go. And you better get here as fast as those legs can carry you, McClain.”
Lance nodded, unfazed by the edge in Leifsdottir’s voice. “No problem.”
“She’s in a mood,” Coran commented in a whisper as they walked away. “I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard her talk.”
“It’s her anniversary, had a whole dinner planned,” Lance supplied. “We might not make it back in time. Honestly, I’d be just as pissed if I were late to dinner with Keith because of a last-minute run.”
“I’ll try to hurry this along,” Coran said, holding up the clearance papers. “Oller’s a fast guy, he’ll come through.”
Lance nodded.
“Oh, and after we drop these off, we can head to the kitchens. Hunk’s there with his crew.”
“Hunk’s here!? I haven’t seen him in the longest time! C’mon, let’s hurry,” Lance said, with much too enthusiasm, shaking Coran a little.
Having Lance and Hunk together in the same room was like watching children be reunited with their best mates after school break: overly sentimental and extremely dramatic, like they’d never thought they’d see each other again. It was then, of course, that they’d been struck with the idea to see the training deck again. “For old time’s sake,” Lance had said.
It was strange being back in the room. Everything was in its place, just as they had left it. Coran realized he couldn’t remember the last time they’d actually been there. He hadn’t had reason to visit the room.
“Man, we’d been kids the last time we were here,” Lance said, stepping forward into the room, walking toward the lounge area.
Hunk laughed. “You would’ve never called yourself a kid back then.”
“Of course I wouldn’t have,” Lance scoffed, flopping onto the sofa. “I was too busy being full of myself.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Coran said, venturing to step inside. “You boys grew into men in these halls. All of you became fine people through Voltron.”
“That’s really sweet, Coran. Thank you,” Hunk said with a smile.
“You know it’s true,” Coran shrugged. He watched as Hunk wandered around the room and Lance settled himself comfortably in the lounge, feet propped on the small table and hands behind his head. He took a seat beside Lance, the cushion giving under his weight comfortably. “So…”
“So…” Lance echoed, eyes closed, waiting for Coran to continue.
“How have you been? Getting back into piloting and all that?”
Coran noticed Hunk get a little closer at the question, Lance huffing out a breath. “It’s a slow adjustment, but my therapist at the VA helps a lot. Keith’s been really supportive, too. My sisters as well.”
“How’s that going?” Hunk asked from behind the sofa. “You and Keith?”
“Really, really well,” Lance smiled, his marks shinning in an endearing way. He chuckled, saying, “My nephews started calling him uncle. It’s freaking him out.”
“That’s lovely, Lance. I’m happy for you both,” Coran said.
That made Lance beam. “That means a lot, Coran. You have no idea.”
“I think I do,” Coran shook his shoulder reassuringly.
Coran couldn’t blame Lance for moving on, in fact, he was glad he had. The last thing he would wish was for Lance to remain stagnant in his grief. Allura wouldn’t have wanted that either.
Coran knew how much Keith cared for Lance, how long he’d harbored those affections. He was honestly glad that they had gotten together, he was happy to see that love was possible after devastation.
He had suspected that Lance would value his opinion about their relationship, but he didn’t think it would be to the point of the relief he now saw on Lance’s face. They had talked about Lance and Keith’s relationship before, but Coran had never expressed his opinion on it. He wondered if he should have done so sooner.
Lance’s belt gave off a beeping noise that yanked Coran from his thoughts.
“Oh, shit,” Lance said, shooting to his feet. “That’s Ina. We’re heading out in five doboshes.”
“We should head to the dining room,” Hunk said. “I can’t leave Shay alone for the courses.”
“Right, of course,” Coran said, standing from the couch. “I hope to see more of you, Lance.”
“You got it, chief,” Lance winked and hurried out to the docks.
When they made it back to the kitchens, the courses were already being set up. Romelle seemed to be helping plate the dishes. Hunk immediately entered his head-chef-mode, inspecting the plates and quality of the meals.
“You seem to be a natural, Romelle,” Hunk said in an impressed tone. Coran had seen Hunk lose his composure over the smallest divergence in the seasoning of a soup, which led him to believe that was a genuine compliment.
“Thanks, Hunk!” Romelle said, unaware of the magnitude of her praise. “Working with your crew’s been delightful.”
Romelle joined Coran at the banquet with an extra pep in her step.
“You really liked working with them,” Coran noted.
“I really did,” she sighed a little and smiled. “It’s a shame they don’t come around too often. Shay is wonderfully humorous.”
“You can join them, if you’d like.”
“You think so? Would you be alright if I left?”
“Emi is wonderful help; you won’t have to worry about that.”
“I was asking about you, not the castle,” Romelle nudged him gently.
Coran smiled, the stress of juggling the quintant melting a little. “Me? Yes, I think I’ll be alright. Just be sure to visit once in a while. Drag Hunk along, as well.”
Romelle beamed. “I can do that.”
* * *
Alfor had been lurking in his office for some time now. Coran would look up on occasion to see what the king was up to, but he mostly just found him staring out the window in his office, overlooking the castle grounds. Alfor sometimes did this, hover around Coran in silence.
He was avoiding something.
“Your Majesty?” Coran said without looking up from his work. He was coordinating with the other kingdoms of the system for a grand ball, to celebrate Altea’s new monarch.
“Ancients, that’s weird to hear,” Alfor said, immediately brightening at the attention and looking over. Coran resisted to urge to shake his head fondly. If the kingdoms only knew how spirited the new king actually was.
“Am I needed?” Coran asked, unable to repress his smile.
“Not yet,” Alfor said, stepping toward the desk and sitting on the edge. “I brought you something, though.”
Alfor laughed when he saw the surprise on Coran’s face.
“If anything, I should be the one to gift you things, Your Majesty. Your coronation was this movement and I haven’t been able to get away and—”
“You worry too much,” Alfor chuckled. “I—this is a small thing. No need to fuss.”
Alfor produced a small cube from his robe pockets. It was a Secret Keeper, a child’s toy. Coran hadn’t seen one in quite a while. Much less, been given one, even as a boy. They were single use toys, similar to Olkari Cubes, but instead of repeating messages or phrases they only held the secret they were told. Once opened, the secret was repeated, and the cube would fall apart. Being gifted one was a sign of trust, monumental trust, but that was among children. Coran was still trying to figure out what it meant for Alfor to gift him one.
The next thing out of Alfor’s mouth was something Coran never forgot.
“You are only to listen to this under two conditions,” Alfor said, winking. “I am dead, or you intend to collapse the Altean Hierarchy and all its traditions.”
Coran gaped at Alfor. Alfor had never talked like he had anything against his family or the life they had projected for him. To talk about the collapse of the Altean Hierarchy like he would like to see the quintant it happened, like he looked forward to it with glee was baffling.
He then realized that the collapse would depend on him. He was being given the secret that would unravel the kingdom. He wondered what kind of insane scandal Alfor must’ve been involved in, its magnitude so great that it would undo his kingdom entirely. But his curiosity wasn’t so great that he’d actually open the thing.
As he reached for the cube, he silently vowed to never open it.
The moment the cube left Alfor’s hand, he huffed a breath of relief. “Alright, glad that’s over with. I’ll see you at the banquet.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Coran said, following Alfor out with his gaze.
Just at the threshold, Alfor shook his head with a chuckle. “Quiznak, that’s weird.”
Coran stared at the cube in his hand. A small thing. It certainly didn’t seem so small.
pt. 1 | < pt. 3 | pt. 5 >
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paypointindia16 · 4 days
Top Benefits of Starting an Education Bill Payment Centre with a PayPoint India Franchisee
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In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, especially when it comes to managing financial transactions like paying bills. One such sector that has seen immense growth is bill payment services, particularly in the education sector. Establishing an Education Bill Payment Centre through a Paypoint franchise is an opportunity that not only taps into a booming market but also provides steady income and multiple benefits. If you’re looking for a low-investment, high-reward business, this might be the ideal option for you. In this article, we'll explore the top benefits of starting an education bill payment centre with a Paypoint franchise.
1. Trusted Brand and Established Network
When you get PayPoint franchisee, you align yourself with a well-known and trusted brand that has a vast network of retail outlets across the country. Paypoint has built a reputation for offering reliable and efficient bill payment services for various sectors, including utilities, telecom, insurance, and education. By becoming a part of this established network, you don’t have to start from scratch. Instead, you leverage Paypoint’s strong market presence and credibility to attract customers right from the beginning.
2. Wide Range of Payment Services
One of the key advantages of running an education bill payment centre under the Paypoint franchise is the wide variety of services you can offer. While your primary focus may be collecting fees for schools, colleges, and universities, you can also provide a range of other bill payment services such as utility payments, mobile recharges, DTH services, and more. This diversity allows you to attract a broader customer base, increasing footfall and boosting your revenue.
By offering a complete bill collection center for education and beyond, you become a one-stop shop for customers’ payment needs, encouraging repeat visits and customer loyalty.
3. High Demand for Education Bill Payment Services
With the rising number of educational institutions and the growing trend of online and digital payments, there is a significant demand for centralized education bill payment centres. Parents and students prefer a hassle-free, secure place where they can quickly pay school fees without dealing with complicated online systems or multiple platforms. By providing a dedicated education bill payment centre, you cater to this growing need in the market.
Moreover, as more schools and universities move toward cashless payments, having a physical bill payment center bridges the gap for individuals who may not be comfortable with online transactions, making your service invaluable.
4. Low Investment, High Returns
Starting an education bill payment centre with a Paypoint franchise is a relatively low-investment business model compared to other franchise opportunities. You don’t need a large amount of capital to get started—just a small space, basic infrastructure, and a reliable internet connection. Once operational, you can expect high returns on your investment, especially as you diversify your services and build a loyal customer base.
The Paypoint franchise model is designed to be affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of potential business owners. This low-cost entry point, combined with the ability to offer multiple payment services, ensures a quicker break-even point and long-term profitability.
5. Support and Training from Paypoint
When you get Paypoint franchisee, you’re not just opening a business—you’re joining a support system that ensures your success. Paypoint offers comprehensive training and ongoing support to help you understand the operations of your bill collection center. From setting up your education bill payment centre to managing transactions and customer relations, Paypoint provides the tools and guidance you need to run your business smoothly.
In addition, PayPoint offers technical support, so if any issues arise with the payment platform, you can rely on their expert team to resolve them promptly. This level of support significantly reduces operational stress, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
6. Technology-Driven Solutions
One of the major benefits of the Paypoint franchise is its robust, technology-driven payment platform. With a seamless online system, you can process multiple types of payments in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual handling, reduces errors, and enhances customer satisfaction. As an education bill payment centre, this feature is especially crucial, as it allows parents and students to make their payments quickly and easily.
The technology behind Paypoint also ensures secure transactions, giving customers peace of mind when using your services. By providing a reliable and efficient payment experience, you build trust and credibility, which can significantly impact the growth of your bill collection center.
7. Scalability and Expansion Opportunities
Another key advantage of starting an education bill payment centre with Paypoint is the potential for scalability. As your business grows, you can expand your services to include more schools and educational institutions. Additionally, you can explore offering other financial services such as insurance premium collection, loan repayments, and even micro-ATM services. This flexibility allows you to increase your revenue streams and expand your business model as the market evolves.
Paypoint also gives you the opportunity to expand into other geographic locations, making it easier to scale your bill collection center into a multi-location enterprise.
8. Community Engagement
Opening an education bill payment centre through a Paypoint franchise allows you to play a significant role in your local community. By offering an essential service like bill payments, you become a trusted resource for local families and businesses. The convenience you provide helps strengthen your community ties, fostering relationships that contribute to long-term success.
Moreover, providing easy access to education bill payment centres helps schools and parents streamline fee collection, making education more accessible and manageable for all.
Starting an education bill payment centre with a Paypoint franchise presents a rewarding business opportunity with multiple benefits. From low investment and high returns to strong brand support and cutting-edge technology, you have all the tools you need to build a successful and profitable bill collection center. With the increasing demand for convenient education bill payment solutions, now is the perfect time to get Paypoint franchisee and tap into this growing market.
By offering a range of payment services, engaging with your community, and leveraging Paypoint's trusted reputation, you can establish a thriving business that meets the needs of today's consumers.
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suryaktelecom · 11 days
Mobile Repair Shop in Hyderabad: Your One-Stop Solution at Surya K Telecom
Our daily lives would be impossible without our mobile phones in this fast-paced world of ours. These gadgets are indispensable for everything from professional job management to personal communication. Nevertheless, due to recurrent use, mobile phones are vulnerable to hardware damage, software bugs, and general wear and tear. Locating reputable & trustworthy repair company becomes important when your gadget breakdowns.
The best mobile repair shop in Hyderabad is Surya K Telecom, if you are in city & having problems with your phone. Renowned for its unresolved customer service, quick fixes, and highly qualified experts, Surya K Telecom has made name for itself as pioneer in the mobile repair sector. The professionals at Surya K Telecom are here to impact you if you have broken screen, battery problem, or a software glitch.
Why Choose Surya K Telecom for Mobile Repair?
It can be difficult to find reputable mobile repair shop, especially if you need trustworthy & fast service. Because of its superior service, knowledge, & customer-focused philosophy, Surya K Telecom has recognized reputation as the top mobile repair store in Hyderabad. For your mobile repair needs, you should pick Surya K Telecom for the following reasons:
1. Skilled Technicians
We at Surya K Telecom are aware of how important your smartphone is to you. Because of this, we have group of very skilled & knowledgeable experts that focus in fixing different mobile phone manufacturers, including Vivo, Oppo, Samsung, Apple, & OnePlus. Regardless matter whether the problem is with the hardware or the software, our professionals are adept at identifying & successfully fixing any mobile problem.
Our professionals, who have years of experience in the area, make sure your gadget is fixed flawlessly by using newest tools & procedures. Our expertise can handle any size issue, from complex motherboard problems to damaged screens. 
2. Reasonably priced
Due to certain repair businesses' exorbitant fees, many consumers choose not to have their mobile phones serviced. At Surya K Telecom, we pride ourselves on providing excellent services at reasonable costs. Our open pricing structure rejects any hidden fees, giving us one of Hyderabad's most reasonable choices for mobile repair. 
Whether it's a software update, battery replacement, or screen replacement, we offer the top deal without sacrificing quality.
3. Quick Turnaround Time
At Surya K Telecom, we understand how important your phone is to you and how annoying it can be to be without it for an stretched period of time. Our staff is loyal to providing rapid & actual repair services so you may get your gadget back as soon as possible. Most repairs can be finished in few hours, dependent on problem; more complicated repairs could take a day or two. We are the best mobile repair company in Hyderabad for people who need their phones back in working order right away because of our short turnaround time.
4. Genuine Spare Parts
The quality of the spare components used is one of worries consumers have when having their mobile phones serviced. At Surya K Telecom, we exclusively use authentic spare parts that are procured directly from reliable vendors. We assurance that parts we use, whether it be for a camera module replacement, screen repair, or battery replacement, are compatible with your device and of the best quality. This reservations the integrity of your mobile phone & sureties the duration of the repair.
5. Comprehensive Repair Services
Your one-stop shop for all mobile repair needs is Surya K Telecom. We provide a comprehensive range of services to handle any issue that may arise with your mobile device. Among our well-liked offerings are:
Cracked or shattered screen in need of replacement? For all major brands, we offer prompt and dependable screen replacement services.
Battery Replacement: We can swap out your phone's old, weak battery for a new, long-lasting one if the old one is not charging or is running low on power.
Water Damage Repair: Unintentional leaks or spills? Our specialty is fixing gadgets that have been harmed by water and getting them back to normal.
Software Problems: Our professionals are capable of rapidly handling all software-related issues, ranging from firmware updates to lagging issues.
Camera Repair: Is your smartphone's camera giving you problems? Our services include lens and camera module replacements to bring back flawless performance.
Motherboard Repair: Our specialists are skilled in addressing motherboard difficulties, guaranteeing that even the trickiest issues are resolved.
6. Customer Satisfaction
Our main goal at Surya K Telecom is client happiness. We want to make the phone repair procedure as seamless as we can, knowing how inconvenient it may be when your phone breaks down. As soon as you step in, our helpful and pleasant team will help you with any repairs you need and address any questions you may have. In order to guarantee that your phone is operating correctly after you leave our shop, we also provide post-repair support.
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One of the reasons we are regarded as the top mobile repair shop in Hyderabad is our dedication to providing exceptional client service.
7. Warranty on Repairs
We guarantee the caliber of our output. We provide a warranty on all repairs and replacement parts as a result. You can return your phone to us for repair if there are any problems, and we'll fix it for free during the warranty time. Our guarantee policy gives customers piece of mind and shows how confident we are in the caliber of our offerings.
How to Choose the Best Mobile Repair Shop in Hyderabad
It can be difficult to select the best mobile repair business when there are so many possibilities. But you can make an informed choice and know that your phone is in good hands if you keep the following things in mind:
1. Experience and Expertise
The professionals' experience and level of knowledge should be taken into account when selecting a mobile repair shop. Surya K Telecom has years of experience fixing a wide range of mobile brands and models, thanks to its team of highly qualified experts. Their experience guarantees a precise and timely repair for your phone.
2. Spare Parts Quality
The functionality and lifespan of your equipment are greatly influenced by the quality of spare components used during repairs. Select a repair business that exclusively uses original replacement components. To provide the greatest outcomes, Surya K Telecom makes sure that only authentic, high-quality parts are utilized for every repair.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
It's crucial to choose a repair business that charges reasonably for its services, but be cautious of establishments that offer remarkably reduced costs. Poor craftsmanship or the use of inferior parts are common features of inexpensive repairs. You can be sure you're getting the best value for your money with Surya K Telecom since they offer the ideal mix of quality and cost.
4. Testimonials and Reviews from Customers
Checking reviews and feedback from previous customers is always a smart idea when selecting a mobile repair service. Positive evaluations demonstrate the caliber of the services rendered. Satisfied clients have continuously left glowing reviews for Surya K Telecom, enhancing its standing as the greatest mobile repair store in Hyderabad.
5. Warranty on Repairs
A trustworthy mobile mechanic should provide surety for both replacement parts and repairs. This not only supports you but also demonstrates repair shop's commitment to quality. You may be sure that your apparatus is in good hands since Surya K Telecom gives warranty on all repairs.
Why Hyderabad Residents Trust Surya K Telecom
It's critical to have access to dependable & actual mobile repair business in a city like Hyderabad where smartphones are a need. Residents of Hyderabad have come to trust Surya K Telecom because of its superior service, knowledgeable technicians, & customer-focused philosophy. Surya K Telecom has recognized itself as go-to company for anyone in the city with mobile phone problems thanks to its loyalty to offering premium repairs at equitable costs. Surya K Telecom can assist you whether you're having trouble with damaged screen, battery troubles, or complicated motherboard problems. Our staff is committed to delivered that dependable, quick repairs so that your phone can quickly return to its best state.
Conclusion: Get Your Mobile Phone Repaired at the Best Mobile Repair Shop in Hyderabad
You need look no further than Surya K Telecom if you're searching for a trustworthy, reasonably priced, & actual best mobile repair in hyderabad. Surya K Telecom is the best option for mobile repair services because of its staff of knowledgeable technicians, reliable spare parts, fast turnaround times, & dedication to client happiness.
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We aim to deliver excellent repair services that go above & beyond your expectations since we recognize how important your mobile phone is to you. Therefore, the next time you have mobile problem, visit Surya K Telecom, the top mobile repair shop in Hyderabad, & you will never again receive competent & reliable service.
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industrynewsupdates · 30 days
Fixed Line Services Procurement Intelligence: Trends and Outlook
The fixed line services category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.20% from 2023 to 2030. In 2022, the category size was estimated to be valued at USD999.75 billion. The consistent and stable connectivity service offered by the category makes it ideal for critical applications like business communications, remote work, and online learning. Higher bandwidth and faster internet speeds compared to wireless options further fuel the category demand which supports data-intensive applications, smart homes and IoT. The infrastructure such as fiber-optic networks offers scalability & security and the potential to meet future technological advancements and bandwidth requirements, making it a preferable option for businesses. Growing consumption of high-definition streaming content and online entertainment also supports the category rise. In August 2023, Reliance Jio surpassed BSNL to take the top spot among India's fixed-line service providers. According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) subscriber report for August 2023, Jio has 73.52 lakh wireline subscribers, compared to 71.32 lakh for BSNL.
With more environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) plans in place to reduce environmental impact, telcos are continuing to promote change across the industry. The majority of operators are converting their ageing copper and cable networks to full or deep fiber-to-the-home networks. When compared to access options based on copper, fiber is 85% more energy efficient per subscriber. In the age of 5G and wireless connection, the future of fixed-line broadband is complicated and multifaceted. Companies are attempting to positively minimize their environmental impact in the circular economy through improvements in precision manufacturing and the use of data analytics to the manufacturing process. 
Order your copy of the Fixed Line Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
The category faces high competition arising from various services providers offering similar services, pricing strategies, and technology options. Companies constantly vying for customers through promotion and offers. High initial investments, technical expertise, and regulatory compliance can act as barriers to entry, limiting the number of large players and allowing smaller ones to compete in specific niches. Additionally, there is future competition from other technologies, such as satellite broadband and potentially 5G/6G wireless networks. American multinational telecommunications holding firm AT&T in 2022 invested approximately USD24 billion on fiber and 5G network, and a similar amount was anticipated to invest in 2023. AT&T has spent more than USD140 billion on infrastructure over the last five years.
Building new telecommunications infrastructure and services is quite expensive. Existing network upgrades can be as costly. Both demand significant capital outlays. The key cost factors for wired telecommunication systems include infrastructure setup, equipment, continuous maintenance, labor, cable installation, switching equipment installation and regulatory compliance. The average cost of installing fiber optic for high-speed internet connectivity to homes and businesses-either underground or through aerial fiber-is around USD1,000 to USD1,250 per residential residence passed, or USD60,000 to USD80,000 per mile. An increase in bandwidth also raises the cost of a network connection.  A throughput capacity of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) will cost more than one with a capacity of 250 Mbps in a Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) link. The supplementary expenses factors are the permissions, licenses, and authorizations from municipal and other governmental bodies that must be secured before construction.
Sourcing of the category requires identification and partnering with vendors and suppliers who can provide the required equipment, components, and services at competitive prices. Fixed broadband and telephone services fall under this category. The American company Verizon surpassed competitors AT&T and Deutsche Telekom globally in 2022, with a worth of USD67.44 billion. Singapore with an average of 242 Mbps, had the fastest fixed broadband internet speed. The United Arab Emirates came in second with an average fixed broadband internet speed of about 217 Mbps, followed by Chile. Security and compliance, customer support, coverage, reliability, and uptime are other informed sourcing practices for the category. 
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Fasteners Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Tube Packaging Procurement Intelligence Report, 2024 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Fixed Line Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Fixed Line Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 5.20% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 2% - 3% (Annual)
• Pricing Models: Value-based pricing model, Fixed pricing model, Competition pricing model, Subscription pricing model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Vendor evaluation, Integration capabilities, Security, and Compliance, Coverage
• Supplier selection criteria: Service support, scalability, deployment medium, speed, technical specifications, operational capabilities, regulatory standards and mandates, category innovations, and others.
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key companies profiled
• Verizon Communications Inc.
• Deutsche Telekom AG
• Comcast Corporation
• AT&T Inc.
• BT Group Plc
• Vodafone Group
• China Mobile
• Reliance JIO
• Nippon Telegraph
• Telephone Corporation
• Orange S. A
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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mariacallous · 6 months
Ads containing abortion-related misinformation are allowed to run on Facebook and Instagram in countries across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, while legitimate health care providers struggle to get theirs approved, new research has found.
The report, released today from the Center for Countering Digital Hate and MSI Reproductive Choices, an international reproductive health care provider, collected instances from across Vietnam, Nepal, Ghana, Mexico, Kenya, and Nigeria. Between 2019 and 2024 in Ghana and Mexico alone, researchers found 187 antiabortion ads on Meta’s platforms that were viewed up to 8.8 million times.
Many of these ads were placed by foreign antiabortion groups. Americans United for Life, a US-based nonprofit whose website claims that abortion pills are “unsafe and unjust,” and Tree of Life Ministries, an evangelical church now headquartered in Israel, were both linked to the ads. Researchers also found that ads placed by groups not “originating in the country where the ad was served were viewed up to 4.2 million times.”
In the report, researchers found that some of the ads linked out to websites like Americans United for Life, whose website describes abortion as a “business” that is “unsafe” for women. The abortion pill is widely considered safe and is less likely to cause death than both penicillin and Viagra. Other ads, like one run by the Mexican group Context.co, linked to a Substack dedicated to the topic that implied there is a secret global strategy to manipulate the Mexican populace and impose abortion on the country.
One ad identified in Mexico alleged that abortion services were “financed from abroad … to eliminate the Mexican population.” Another warned that women could suffer “severe complications” from using the abortion pill.
Meta spokesperson Ryan Daniels told WIRED that the company allows “posts and ads promoting health care services, as well as discussion and debate around them,” but that content about reproductive health “must follow our rules,” including only allowing reproductive health advertisements to target people above the age of 18.
“This is money that Meta is taking to spread lies, conspiracy theories, and disinformation,” says Imran Khan, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
In these countries, where Meta often has partnerships with local telecom companies that allow users to access its platforms for free, Facebook is a key source of information. Some of these ads also ran on Instagram. “Anybody with a cell phone can access information. People use it to find services. When we ask clients, how did you hear about us? a lot of them will cite Facebook, because they live on Facebook. It's where they know to search for information,” says Whitney Chinogwenya, marketing manager at MSI Reproductive Choices. So when disinformation runs rampant on the platform, the impact can be widespread.
“Good health information saves lives. By actively aiding the spread of disinformation and suppressing good information,” Khan says, “[Meta is] literally putting lives at risk in those countries and showing that they treat foreign lives as substantially less important to them than American lives.”
Many of the countries impacted by this report also have high maternal mortality rates, making access to reproductive services particularly crucial. In Nepal, for instance, there are 239 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, as opposed to only 32 in the United States. In Ghana, it’s even higher: 319 deaths per 100,000 live births. This comes as the US continues to grapple with the implications of the 2022 Supreme Court decision that struck down Roe v. Wade. On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments on a milestone abortion case that will determine access to the abortion pill across the country. These laws and policies in the US are often fodder for those seeking to roll back abortion rights elsewhere in the world.
These findings are not the first instances of right-wing groups using social media to promote antiabortion messaging abroad. In 2022, the Spanish far-right group CitizenGo orchestrated a disinformation campaign on Twitter to rebrand a reproductive health bill focused on regulating surrogacy as an “abortion bill.” (The legislation did not address abortion.) A 2023 report from Amnesty International also cited social media as a key way that antiabortion groups disseminate their messaging and target reproductive-health workers.
The report also found that the problem extends beyond just abortion. In one instance, Meta removed one MSI Reproductive Choices ad for cervical cancer screenings in Nepal, saying it involved “sensitive information.” Another ad promoting breast cancer awareness in Ghana was also flagged, as was one in Kenya providing information on vasectomies.
After trying and failing to place ads on Meta’s platforms in Nepal and Vietnam, MSI’s local accounts were restricted from placing any further ads, forcing the organization to start new ones. “But of course, it doesn't have as much audience as we did on the original page,” Chinogwenya says.
Glenn Ellingson, a former Meta employee who worked on civic misinformation, tells WIRED that there are several factors that might lead to an ad being rejected from the platforms, including if it’s targeting a group considered “sensitive,” particularly in an automated system.
“When you’re operating at the scale Meta is at, there are always going to be errors,” he says, adding that greater investment in humans who could review and flag content would likely help the platform distinguish between content that violates its policies and content that doesn’t.
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dineshbacklink · 2 months
The process of registering with the TEC is a vital step for many businesses in the complicated realm of legal compliance. If you’re looking to ensure that your telecom equipment meets the necessary standards, understanding the online registration timeline is essential. This blog will guide you through what to expect during the TEC registration process, from preparation to certification.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Rakuten Cloud & Dell Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Symphony
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Rakuten Cloud
The telecom industry is changing. The emergence of 5G and cloud-native, disaggregated software-based Core and Radio Access Networks is transforming the situation. In the midst of these adjustments, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are being led by Dell and Rakuten Symphony in modernizing the way they install and oversee NFV infrastructure and services.
Telecom Symbols Blueprint
A Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten  Cloud was developed in partnership with Dell and Rakuten Symphony to solve these issues, and it was tested in the Dell Technologies Open Telecom Ecosystem Lab (OTEL). OTEL was created to make it easier for creative cloud-native 5G solutions to be tested, validated, and collaborated on. In order to bring together companies such as Dell and Rakuten Symphony to develop the 5G cloud-native technologies of the future, OTEL offers a secure environment.
Dell and Rakuten Symphony Cloud are providing a tried-and-true solution for CSPs with unmatched simplicity and automation capabilities through this design and test certification approach. This solution can improve efficiency, speed service delivery, streamline operations, and optimize network performance.
For CSP telecom cloud transformation, the Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Symphony is crucial. Best-of-breed telecom cloud environment setup, management, and operations are made simpler by it. With a focus on 5G Core and RAN use cases, the Rakuten Cloud solution was evaluated and approved on a few Dell Technologies PowerEdge devices.
CSPs can benefit greatly from the synergy between Dell PowerEdge telecom infrastructure and Rakuten’s cloud-native technology. It offers the scalability and agility required to enable decentralized software-based Core and RAN networks as well as 5G. Additionally, by automating processes and controlling resource allocation, it improves performance and fortifies security.
Rakuten Symphony Cloud
When Rakuten Cloud-Native Orchestrator is deployed in a CSP’s network with tailored Dell infrastructure, the Dell Technologies Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Cloud can increase operational efficiencies and save costs. Drawing from Rakuten Symphony’s Rakuten Mobile expertise, employing this architecture may yield significant total cost of ownership advantages.
The partnership between Dell and Rakuten Symphony, which offers unmatched simplicity, automation capabilities, and substantial cost savings, is propelling the cloud transformation of CSPs. We’re excited to collaborate with Rakuten as lead the telecom sector’s cloud transformation path as keep innovating and pushing the envelope.
Dell and Rakuten Symphony have created a solution brief that outlines the architecture to modernize the way CSPs deploy and operate NFV infrastructure and services. View it to learn more about the Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Cloud.
The cooperation between Rakuten and Dell is a critical step in hastening the cloud transformation of the Communication Service Provider (CSP) sector.
Realising the open and contemporary telecom ecosystem
Dell goal is to quickly test complicated end-to-end technical solutions while expediting and streamlining the development of an open, contemporary telecom ecosystem. More than that, though, they give you the tools you need to generate new business prospects with the assistance of one of the top telecom sales teams globally.
Cooperate internationally
To securely expand telecom vendors and CSP laboratories anywhere in the world, use OTEL’s hybrid connectivity strategy.
Get access to cutting edge Dell and affiliated technologies
Give NEPs, ISVs, startups, and other telecom vendors access to the newest hardware platforms from partner ecosystems and Dell Technologies so they may validate their software.
Turn telecom solutions into consumables
With cloud operations modelling, numerous test-line configurations, user-defined end-to-end and on-demand validation at different scopes, and multi-vendor system integration at scale, you can accelerate time to value.
Products propelling the untapped 5G market
Industry/Partner Certification
Independent software suppliers can reduce deployment risk and make the ecosystem more consumable through self-certification.
Through the verification of ecosystem partner compatibility, joint certification enhances results and adds value to businesses.
With Dell’s pre-integrated and pre-validated solution, certification on Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks speeds up the deployment of 5G workloads with assurance.
Validation of Customer Solutions
Validation of the entire CSP solution, life-cycle management, and improved service support.
Validation of Idea
Develop early evaluation and sandbox development in collaboration with partners and CSPs to promote ecosystem adoption.
Training and Exhibition
Display new skills and assist with technical training initiatives.
what is csp cloud
Through this collaboration, Dell’s hardware expertise and Rakuten’s cloud-native, disaggregated network design are combined in a novel way. Future ramifications of this partnership could include the following:
Enhanced 5G Implementation and Further
Quick Network Virtualization
CSPs may quickly virtualize network functions, enabling a quicker rollout of 5G and a shorter time-to-market for new services, by utilising Dell’s infrastructure and Rakuten’s cloud-native strategy.
Edge Computing Advancements
The cooperation might develop edge computing solutions, providing low-latency apps and services to people. For augmented reality, driverless vehicles, and the Internet of Things, this is crucial.
Increased Network Scalability and Agility
Dynamic Resource Allocation
Through the integration of Rakuten cloud orchestration with Dell’s adaptable hardware, CSPs may optimise network performance and cost-efficiency by dynamically allocating resources in response to demand.
Microservices Architecture
Since microservices architecture permits separate creation, testing, and deployment of network functions, it will accelerate innovation by increasing scalability and agility.
Operational Efficiency and Cost Cutting
Infrastructure optimization can lower hardware and software expenditures as well as operating expenses by streamlining network operations with Dell’s technology and Rakuten’s cloud-native strategy.
Automation and Orchestration
By streamlining network management and providing more advanced automation and orchestration capabilities, resources may be allocated towards innovation and enhancing service quality.
New Sources of Income
New Cloud-Based Services
The partnership may encourage the creation of cutting-edge edge computing programs, network slicing, and network function virtualisation (NFV) technologies.
Partnerships for Digital Transformation
Dell and Rakuten  Cloud can work together to investigate joint ventures with other industry participants in order to develop creative solutions and seize fresh market opportunities.
Sector Leadership and Environmental Development
Adoption of Open Standards
Through encouraging interoperability and open standards, Dell and Rakuten can help create a vibrant ecosystem of developers and partners.
Thought Leadership
Through their partnership, Dell and Rakuten Cloud may establish themselves as frontrunners in the telecom cloud transition space, impacting best practices and industry standards.
In summary
The Telecom industry could undergo a significant transformation due to the collaboration between Rakuten Cloud and Dell. They may spur innovation, hasten cloud adoption, and open up new revenue prospects for CSPs by pooling their expertise.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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coolhodusoft · 2 months
Resolving Billing and Payment Issues: The Impact of IP PBX Software on Customer Experience
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Even though billing and payment issues happen less frequently in the telecom sector, it can be extremely frustrating for customers and harrowing for employees. Just imagine a situation where your customers have to deal with the frustration and bewilderment of customers who face issues with their bills and payments.
That’s why telecom companies must leverage the right technology not only to resolve billing and payment issues but also to ensure excellent customer experience (CX). To rephrase the popular quote of celebrated author Maya Angelou, your customers may forget what you said, they may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. That’s what CX is all about!
Making customers feel that they are important and valued is important for every business. And when it comes to resolving billing and payment issues and ensuring high-quality CX, Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange (IP PBX) software can be extremely useful.
Let’s discuss how IP PBX software can resolve billing and payment issues effectively and improve CX:
1. Transparency and Clarity
Complicated pricing structure as well as varying tiers and features of telecom companies can be confusing for customers. When customers don’t understand their invoices or billing statements, they are more likely to dispute the billing. In this case IP PBX software can provide transparency and clarity. By providing detailed billing statements, IP PBX software can help customers verify charges and understand the value they receive.
2. Multilingual Support
When billing statements and payment requests come in an unfamiliar language, it can lead to billing and payment issues. But by leveraging IP PBX software, telecom companies can overcome that. By using the right IP PBX software, they can provide multilingual customer support experience to customers living in different places. IP PBX software’s multi-lingual module can be easily configurable by users. It can also be automated to recognize a caller's language by the country code.
3. Multi-Currency Feature
Just imagine a situation when an UK-based customer receives a bill that directs him to pay in dollars. But he doesn’t use dollars. Instead he has British pounds in his bank account. This is also a case where billing and payment issues can arise. Here also IP PBX software can solve the problem effectively. The IP PBX software solutions that have built-in multi-currency feature can enable telecom companies to conduct their business impeccably irrespective of the countries they operate in and the currencies they have to deal with.
4. Superior Security
Unauthorized or fraudulent use of services is a serious issue. Just imagine a scenario when a customer gets a bill for the calls he has not made, messages he has not sent, and data he has not consumed. Some other person has used those services illegally. In such a case, billing disputes are natural. IP PBX software can put an end to unauthorized or fraudulent use of services by providing superior security. Its advanced security features such as two-step verification, multi-factor authentication, access control, and robust encryption enhance security standards and prevent frauds.
In Conclusion,While IP PBX software enhances communication capabilities for businesses, ensuring smooth billing and payment experiences is crucial for maintaining positive customer relationships. By addressing challenges with transparent billing practices, convenient payment options, and reliable customer support, businesses can mitigate issues and enhance overall customer satisfaction. Ultimately, investing in effective billing and payment solutions not only improves operational efficiency but also strengthens the brand's reputation as a customer-centric organization in today's competitive market.
Source: https://hodusoftpvt.blogspot.com/2024/07/resolving-billing-and-payment-issues.html
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