#Computer Vision Services
macgenceaiml · 3 months
Elevate Your Competitiveness with Computer Vision Excellence
Our team at Macgence knows that the success of computer vision services & solutions hinges on the ability to adapt to evolving situations. We employ machine learning strategies that facilitate continuous learning, ensuring the models develop and enhance over time.
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nexgitspvtltd · 9 months
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labelerdata · 1 year
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Read article visit Link : https://www.datalabeler.com/benefits-of-using-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning/
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mydiaai · 1 year
Drive Business Intelligence with Computer Vision
Mydia Ai creates cutting-edge applications by integrating computer vision services with other systems such as ERP, POS, CCTV and diagnostic software. We offer a variety of Computer Vision solutions and services, from end to end, for a range of different scenarios and industry verticals.
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cyberspacebear · 11 months
sometimes it hurts so bad knowing the internet will never be young again
that it will never feel new and bright and technological again
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What should I look for in an ERP solution
Everyone says that they have an ERP solution at a wide range of price points. How do I choose one for my SME
Check if the ERP solution would meet your requirement 5 years from now when you grow say 5X, add new manufacturing locations, add different lines of business. ERPs not only need to address the growth volume of your business but need to adapt to the business process changes required as you grow.
How easy it is to use
Can your average user learn and adapt easily, this is more relevant for SME organizations trying to embrace ERPs , as they are not in a position to employ specially trained skills for ERP implementation or operations. Your cloud ERP should be intuitive to use and as simple and easy as an e-commerce website. Make sure that the user experience is simple and follows the typical standards of any web application.
A SaaS model helps
A SaaS based ERP allows you to start with very low opex costs and minimal investment. Your opex increases as your business grows and you have a more rational approach towards investment in technology.
What about open source
One major advantage of open source solutions is that there is no license cost to acquire it. Other than that, open source solutions really don't provide any additional benefits to the end customer, most of whom would like to concentrate on their business, rather than trying to change or modify the source code. Secondly since it is open source, support and feature enhancements are driven by the community and the community should be as eager as you to add a feature .
Check the total cost of ownership of open source solutions.
1.Requirement understanding costs
2.License costs
3.Hosting or cloud costs and all the licenses required to run the open source
4.Support costs
5.Cost and reliability of making changes in the solution
The connected EcoSystem
Organizations need to leverage on the connected ecosystem. Does your ERP provide open and easy connectivity to marketplaces, statutory bodies, vendor and customer systems, banks and financial intermediaries. Does it have the capability to provide APIs for easy and quick integration and implementation.
What about AI in ERP?
A number of ERP vendors have started incorporating AI in their ERP solutions, and most of them are Cloud ERP providers. It is impossible to incorporate the infrastructure required for AI on an stand alone ERP system, the costs become prohibitive. Cloud ERPs can build AI capabilities leveraging the cloud infrastructure and share the same infrastructure with all the users.
There are already a number of use cases where AI can be used in an ERP, for instance read unstructured documents / emails using AI and convert them to Sales orders, Expenses, GRN in the ERP. Flag transactions which seem irregular by nature, detect fraud or suspicious transaction, increase planning accuracy using AI, continuous auditing, realtime evaluation of your business partners and Ai driven business analytics and Insights
To conclude
Though most ERP vendors will try and match your requirement document either "out of the box" or by so called "minor" customisation, you need to look beyond the current requirements and ensure that your ERP vendor has a track record of adapting and leveraging trends in technology so that you will be able to stay ahead in the future.
Visit Our Site To Know More :-https://proteustech.in/
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jcmarchi · 6 days
Amazon Web Services positions for AI revolution in space
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/amazon-web-services-positions-for-ai-revolution-in-space/
Amazon Web Services positions for AI revolution in space
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is strategically positioning its cloud infrastructure business to capitalize on the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries, including space.
According to Clint Crosier, AWS director of aerospace and satellite, over 60% of the company’s space and aerospace customers are already integrating AI into their operations, a significant increase from single digits just three years ago.
Predicting growth in generative AI
Crosier anticipates similar growth for generative AI in the space sector over the next few years. Generative AI employs deep-learning models to answer questions or create content based on patterns identified in extensive datasets, representing a substantial advancement over traditional machine-learning algorithms.
Crosier told SpaceNews in an interview that mathematical advancements, an explosion of available data, and more affordable, efficient processing chips create a “perfect storm” for the rise of generative AI, driving greater adoption of cloud-based applications.
AWS’s internal reorganization
“In the last year, AWS has fundamentally reorganized itself internally to place the right teams and organizational structure in place so that we can really double down on generative AI,” Crosier said.
AWS has established a “generative AI for space” cell comprising a small team that engages with cloud customers to develop next-generation capabilities. These efforts include a generative AI laboratory where customers can experiment with new uses of these emerging technologies.
Key areas of application
Crosier identifies three primary areas for using generative AI in space: geospatial analytics, spacecraft design, and constellation management. Earth observation satellite operators like BlackSky and Capella Space leverage AI extensively to derive more insights from their geospatial data, although they have not fully embraced generative AI.
In the manufacturing sector, engineers are exploring how generative AI models, informed by design parameters, could produce innovative concepts by drawing on potentially overlooked data from other industries, such as automotive.
“Whether you’re designing a satellite, rocket, or spacecraft, generative AI can explore global data spanning decades and provide novel design concepts for your team to refine,” Crosier said.
Enhancing constellation management
Generative AI also promises to help operators manage increasingly crowded orbits by simulating various testing scenarios.
“If I have a constellation of 600 satellites, generative AI can model numerous scenarios to determine the top 25 cases for optimal design, saving time and money,” Crosier explained.
AWS’s initiatives to accelerate the adoption of emerging computing capabilities include scholarships and a commitment announced in November to provide free AI training to two million people worldwide by the end of 2025.
Want more about AI in space? Read the article below:
4 uses of computer vision in space exploration
Both computer vision and deep learning can work together towards it, with computer vision algorithms capable of further improving autonomous performance.
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thetatechnolabs · 6 days
Weed management is a critical aspect of agriculture, significantly impacting crop yields and farming efficiency. Traditional weed control methods, such as manual weeding and chemical herbicides, are often labor-intensive, costly, and environmentally damaging. In response to these challenges, the development of automated weed detection systems has emerged as a transformative solution. Leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision, these systems promise precise, efficient, and eco-friendly weed management. Particularly in regions like Ahmedabad, known for its burgeoning tech industry, the expertise in computer vision development has been pivotal in advancing these technologies.
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priyanshilspl · 7 days
Data annotation is essential for training AI models effectively. Precise labeling ensures accurate predictions, while scalability handles large datasets efficiently. Contextual understanding enhances model comprehension, and adaptability caters to diverse needs. Quality assurance processes maintain data integrity, while collaboration fosters synergy among annotators, driving innovation in AI technologies.
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Computer Vision Solutions
Ksolves offers cutting-edge Computer Vision solutions leveraging advanced image processing and machine learning. Services include object detection, facial recognition, image segmentation, visual search, augmented reality, medical imaging, and video analytics - empowering businesses with enhanced visual intelligence for data-driven decision-making. Discover the future of visual computing by visiting the website today
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maruful009 · 2 months
Status update by Maruful95 Hello there, I'm Md. Maruful Islam is a skilled trainer of data annotators from Bangladesh. I currently view my job at Acme AI, the pioneer in the data annotation sector, as an honour. I've improved my use of many annotation tools throughout my career, including SuperAnnotate, Supervise.ly, Kili, Cvat, Tasuki, FastLabel, and others. I have written consistently good annotations, earning me credibility as a well-respected professional in the industry. My GDPR, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001 certifications provide even more assurance that data security and privacy laws are followed. I genuinely hope you will consider my application. I'd like to learn more about this project as a data annotator so that I may make recommendations based on what I know. I'll do the following to make things easier for you:Services: Detecting Objects (Bounding Boxes)Recognizing Objects with PolygonsKey PointsImage ClassificationSegmentation of Semantics and Instances (Masks, Polygons)Instruments I Utilize: Super AnnotateLABELBOXRoboflowCVATSupervisedKili PlatformV7Data Types: ImageTextVideosOutput Formats: CSVCOCOYOLOJSONXMLSEGMENTATION MASKPASCAL VOCVGGFACE2
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sofiapra · 3 months
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At Learning Spiral, get the best image annotation services for a variety of sectors. By using these image annotation services, businesses can save time and money, improve the accuracy of their machine-learning models, and scale their operations as needed. For more details visit: https://learningspiral.ai/
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macgenceaiml · 3 months
A Journey into the World of Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence
Training data for Computer Vision aids machine learning and deep learning models in understanding by dividing visuals into smaller sections that may be tagged. With the help of the tags, it performs convolutions and then leverages the tertiary function to make recommendations about the scene it is observing.
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labelerdata · 1 year
Best approaches for data quality control in AI training
The phrase “garbage in, trash out” has never been more true than when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems. Although the methods and tools for creating AI-based systems have become more accessible, the accuracy of AI predictions still depends heavily on high-quality training data. You cannot advance your AI development strategy without data quality management.
In AI, data quality can take many different forms. The quality of the source data comes first. For autonomous vehicles, that may take the form of pictures and sensor data, or it might be text from support tickets or information from more intricate business correspondence.
Unstructured data must be annotated for machine learning algorithms to create the models that drive AI systems, regardless of where it originates. As a result, the effectiveness of your AI systems as a whole depends greatly on the quality of annotation.
Establishing minimum requirements for data annotation quality control
The key to better model output and avoiding issues early in the model development pipeline is an efficient annotation procedure
The best annotation results come from having precise rules in place. Annotators are unable to use their techniques consistently without the norms of engagement.
Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that there are two levels of annotated data quality:
The instance level: Each training example for a model has the appropriate annotations. To do this, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the annotation criteria, data quality metrics, and data quality tests to guarantee accurate labelling.
The dataset level: Here, it’s important to make sure the dataset is impartial. This can easily occur, for instance, if the majority of the road and vehicle photos in a collection were shot during the day and very few at night. In this situation, the model won’t be able to develop the ability to accurately recognise objects in photographs captured in low light.
Creating a data annotation quality assurance approach that is effective
Choosing the appropriate quality measures is the first step in assuring data quality in annotation. This makes it possible to quantify the quality of a dataset. You will need to determine the appropriate syntax for utterances in several languages while developing a natural language processing (NLP) model for a voice assistant, for instance.
A standard set of examples should be used to create tests that can be used to measure the metrics when they have been defined. The group that annotated the dataset ought to design the test. This will make it easier for the team to come to a consensus on a set of rules and offer impartial indicators of how well annotators are doing.
On how to properly annotate a piece of media, human annotators may disagree. One annotator might choose to mark a pedestrian who is only partially visible in a crosswalk image as such, whereas another annotator might choose to do so. Clarify rules and expectations, as well as how to handle edge cases and subjective annotations, using a small calibration set.
Even with specific instructions, annotators could occasionally disagree. Decide how you will handle those situations, such as through inter-annotator consensus or agreement. In order to ensure that your annotation is efficient, it can be helpful to discuss data collecting procedures, annotation needs, edge cases, and quality measures upfront.
In the meantime, always keep in mind that approaches to identify human exhaustion must take this reality into consideration in order to maintain data quality. To detect frequent issues related to fatigue, such as incorrect boundaries/color associations, missing annotations, unassigned attributes, and mislabeled objects, think about periodically injecting ground truth data into your dataset.
The fact that AI is used in a variety of fields is another crucial factor. To successfully annotate data from specialist fields like health and finance, annotators may need to have some level of subject knowledge. For such projects, you might need to think about creating specialised training programmes.
Setting up standardised procedures for quality control
Processes for ensuring data quality ought to be standardised, flexible, and scalable. Manually examining every parameter of every annotation in a dataset is impractical, especially when there are millions of them. Making a statistically significant random sample that accurately represents the dataset is important for this reason.
Choose the measures you’ll employ to gauge data quality. In classification tasks, accuracy, recall, and F1-scores—the harmonic mean of precision and recall—are frequently utilised.
The feedback mechanism used to assist annotators in fixing their mistakes is another crucial component of standardised quality control procedures. In order to find faults and tell annotators, you should generally use programming. For instance, for a certain dataset, the dimensions of general objects may be capped. Any annotation that exceeds the predetermined limits may be automatically blocked until the problem is fixed.
A requirement for enabling speedy inspections and corrections is the development of effective quality-control tools. Each annotation placed on an image in a dataset for computer vision is visually examined by several assessors with the aid of quality control tools like comments, instance-marking tools, and doodling. During the review process, these approaches for error identification help evaluators identify inaccurate annotations.
Analyze annotator performance using a data-driven methodology. For managing the data quality of annotations, metrics like average making/editing time, project progress, jobs accomplished, person-hours spent on various scenarios, the number of labels/day, and delivery ETAs are all helpful.
Summary of data quality management
A study by VentureBeat found that just 13% of machine learning models are actually used in practise. A project that might have been successful otherwise may be harmed by poor data quality because quality assurance is a crucial component of developing AI systems.
Make sure you start thinking about data quality control right away. You may position your team for success by developing a successful quality assurance procedure and putting it into practise. As a result, you’ll have a stronger foundation for continually improving, innovating, and establishing best practises to guarantee the highest quality annotation outputs for all the various annotation kinds and use cases you might want in the future. In conclusion, making this investment will pay off in the long run.
About Data Labeler
Data Labeler aims to provide a pivotal service that will allow companies to focus on their core business by delivering datasets that would let them power their algorithms.
Contact us for high-quality labeled datasets for AI applications [email protected]
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marciodpaulla-blog · 5 months
Microsoft's Comprehensive Suite of Free Artificial Intelligence Courses: A Gateway to Mastering AI
"Exciting news! Microsoft offers free AI courses covering everything from basics to advanced topics. Perfect for all skill levels. Enhance your AI knowledge with expert-led training. Don't miss this opportunity - start learning today! #Microsoft #AICourse
In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and daily lives, Microsoft has taken a significant step forward by offering a series of free courses designed to empower professionals, enthusiasts, and students alike. These courses, available through various online platforms, provide an invaluable opportunity for individuals to enhance their understanding and skills in AI,…
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webmethodology · 5 months
Unlock the potential of vision-based AI applications with confidence using cutting-edge techniques. Explore proven strategies and best practices for robust development, ensuring success in the dynamic field of artificial intelligence.
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