#Confirms credibility
axolotlclown · 3 months
I have a lot of followers that don't give a shit about MCYT and especially anyone related to the DSMP.
But I do hope that you might take the time to hear Shubble's story all the same. She talks about domestic abuse that may seem more subtle. She also discusses warning signs and manipulation. I feel that she has a very important story to share, and there is a lot of value in hearing it.
Here's the vod on YouTube. She begins talking at 1:45. I unfortunately could not find it on Twitch, but here is her Twitch in case you wanted to support her.
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dreamings-free · 4 months
January 25, 2024 by Tristan Kirk, Courts Correspondent @kirkkorner
A woman accused of stalking Harry Styles has been remanded in custody after allegedly causing serious alarm and distress to the pop star.
Myra Carvalho, 35, is accused of harassing the former One Direction singer in an alleged incident on Monday this week in north London.
She appeared at Highbury Corner magistrates court on Tuesday, and was sent for trial at Harrow crown court with a hearing set for next month.
According to the charge, Carvalho is accused of “stalking involving serious alarm or distress”, with her actions allegedly having “a substantial adverse effect on his usual day-to-day activities”.
Carvalho, who has been staying at a backpackers hostel in Earl’s Court, did not indicate a plea to the charge as she was remanded in custody by District Judge Denis Brennan. She is next due in court on February 20.
The incident happened shortly after Styles had returned from a Caribbean getaway with girlfriend Taylor Russell and TV presenter friend James Corden.
In 2019, Styles was stalked by Diana Tarazaga-Orero after offering to buy food when he saw they were sleeping rough near to his north London home.
Tarazaga-Orero pushed money and notes through his letterbox and tried to grab Styles as he went out for a jog.
Styles told a court he had been left “scared” by the attention and was forced to upgrade his security, including installing a panic lock on his bedroom door.
Tarazaga-Orero then, in 2022, broke a restraining order by barging into Styles’ home.
Styles has not commented publicly on the alleged incident with Carvalho, but was reportedly left “shaken up”.
He told Willesden magistrates court in 2019 that he had previously tried to live a normal life and been approachable for fans, but the incident with Tarazaga-Orero left him feeling wary and needing to upgrade his security.
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regallibellbright · 9 months
It’s telling, in a “oh you REALLY didn’t think this one through did you” way, that one of Unity’s walkbacks/clarifications was “Oh no, DEVELOPERS won’t be on the hook for Gamepass/Playstation Plus installations, those fees will go to the distributors!”
Meaning, Microsoft and Sony.
For fees that will be applying retroactively.
If you throw a rock at Gamepass’s biggest indie titles you will probably hit one made in Unity.
And the point at which they go into effect - $200,000 in revenue, 200,000 installs - is COMICALLY low compared to Gamepass numbers.
Like, this is going to easily be in the realm of tens of millions of dollars for Microsoft, minimum. It’s fairly likely to be enough money they actually give a shit.
For fees that will be applying retroactively.
I wish them fucking luck is what I’m getting at they’re gonna fucking need it.
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natyune-writes · 1 month
tired of people spreading misinformation on the internet. even if it's for a good cause. every time someone fails to fact check something they post about, they add evidence for the opposition to point and say "are you really gonna believe those losers? they cant even get their facts straight."
it's like people lose critical thinking skills.
even worse when they accuse the opposition of spreading misinformation but lack the ability to realize they are no better than those they criticize.
stick to the facts. they are already harrowing enough. there are stories of real people to discuss. it does no good to lie.
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thinking about how quickly wikipedia's percieved credibility has changed the last few years. like, in middle school it was "never use wikipedia as a source" and then in high school it was "don't use wikipedia as a source unless you can verify what it says against t least two credible documents" and then in college it was "wikipedia's a great jumping off point for your research just make sure you have lots of other credible sources" and now its "i dont trust non academic articles unless they're verified by wikipedia"
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nnayomaise · 2 months
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i feel fucking insane. you know i've been wondering for a long time what the little. distortions in their outlines are supposed to mean and for a long time i've always thought "i investigated your memories" had to be a mistranslation
but this jp user read it also as investigating memories? so ? is that just a thing he can do???? (its a kbms comic where he does it and to be fair. i was using google translate on the description)
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suzukiadelheid · 2 years
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
I have not the least doubt that if His Majesty intends to treat and come to some sort of arrangement with these people, some personage of authority and rank ought now to be sent, and if he could but come before the closing of this Parliament, the affairs of the Princess and other matters might be satisfactorily adjusted. Should the said personage come before St. John's Day, he might assist, as I believe, at the King's approaching marriage and the coronation of the new queen, which is to be celebrated with great solemnity and pomp, the King intending, as I am told, to perform wonders, for he has already ordered a large ship to be built, like the Bucentaur of Venice, to bring the lady from Greenwich to this city, and commanded other things for the occasion.—London, 19 of May 1536.
Eustace Chapuys to Monseigneur de Granvelle.
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vaciena · 1 year
My gf fully thought the JL RWBY crossover was a joke until Sunday
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bylertruther · 2 years
i almost wish tht the whole 8flix stuff never blew up the way it did so tht we could've gotten the actual real details n shit lol. like obviously the writers aren't going to release actual screenshots of the real final script but it's like. ndfjshbdkjfhbd. just dialogue....? ok... thanks, i guess... could've just googled the transcript if i wanted that, but okay thank you nonetheless... it's almost like they learned their lesson from the first byler script drop and decided they needed to super sanitize it lmao. 🙄
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pilot-critical · 2 years
Was sherrif stolen? If so could you show how he originally looked but besides that i thought sherrifs boyfriend was the stolen one not sherrif himself unless both are stolen
Sheriff was stolen, yeah. But Foo's stuff has been buried very deeply it's hard to find anything.
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ourjobagency · 8 months
 How to Check If a Job Offer Is Fake or Genuine 
In today's digital age, the job market is teeming with opportunities, but it also presents a breeding ground for scams and fraudulent job offers. It's essential to be vigilant and cautious when considering a job offer to avoid falling victim to scams that can jeopardize your financial security and personal information. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to determine whether a job offer is genuine or fake.
1. Research the Company:
Start your investigation by thoroughly researching the company offering the job. Look for an official website, check if they have a physical office location, and verify their contact information. Legitimate companies will have a professional online presence, including a company website and active social media profiles. If the company doesn't appear to exist or if the website looks suspicious, proceed with caution.
2. Verify Contact Information:
Check the contact information provided in the job offer. Ensure that the email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses are legitimate and match the company's official contact details. Beware of job offers with generic email addresses like Gmail or Yahoo and mobile numbers instead of office lines.
3. Interview Process:
A legitimate job offer typically involves a well-structured interview process. Be cautious if the company offers you a job without conducting an interview or if the interview process seems overly simplistic or informal. Scammers often try to rush the hiring process to prevent you from having time to conduct proper due diligence.
4. Job Description and Responsibilities:
Carefully review the job description and responsibilities outlined in the offer. Fake job offers may promise high salaries for positions that require little to no experience or expertise. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate job offers provide detailed information about the role, including qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations.
5. Request for Personal Information:
Be wary of job offers that request sensitive personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or passport information during the initial stages of the hiring process. Legitimate employers typically request this information after you have been hired and completed the necessary paperwork.
6. Verify References:
Ask for references from the company, and be sure to contact them. A reputable company will readily provide references, and you can use these conversations to gain insights into the organization's legitimacy and work culture.
7. Check for Red Flags:
Be alert for red flags, such as job offers that contain spelling and grammatical errors, unprofessional communication, or high-pressure tactics to accept the offer quickly. Scammers often use these tactics to manipulate job seekers.
8. Search for Online Reviews and Complaints:
Look for online reviews and complaints about the company. Websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn often feature reviews and comments from current or former employees. Pay attention to patterns of negative feedback or warnings about potential scams.
9. Trust Your Instincts:
Ultimately, trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right or if you have doubts about the legitimacy of the job offer, it's better to err on the side of caution. Take your time to evaluate the offer and seek advice from trusted friends or family members.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, while the job market offers numerous opportunities, it's essential to remain vigilant and cautious when evaluating job offers. By following these steps and conducting due diligence, you can protect yourself from fake job offers and make informed decisions about your career. Remember that a genuine employer values your skills and qualifications, and they will respect your need to verify the legitimacy of their offer.
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I love finding out my past self did something really nice for me that I forgot about
#so at the end of last year when i was suuuuuper unemployed and freaking the fuck out i was trying absolutely anything to find a job#i signed up for a careers fair that i was really excited about because the timing seemed great#it was at the end of october. and it was like.. mid october when i found the thing#so i was like ‘this is perfect; only two weeks and i’ll find a job’#but then. but THEN. the email confirmation of my booking came in and i was like ‘oh god no’#because the thing is girl…….. i never checked the year#it wasn’t [x] of october 2022…. it was [x] of october 2023#and i was like well. it seems annoying to cancel the booking now lol. i’ll just keep it because if i’m still unemployed (or unemployed again#by october 2023 then i’ll REALLY need to go to the careers fair#cut to august 2023 and i have a job but unless they choose to hire me permanently (or at least keep me around as cover staff)#my contract will run out soon. and i have a course lined up in september that i’m hoping to do (i have an interview next week)#and i got this email about the careers fair that i completely forgot about and i just had to laugh#like yes girl thank you for the reminder. i will be going#i don’t really know how they work though? i’m just planning to show up dressed nicely; pretend to have a can-do attitude#and drop off copies of my cv with any employer who looks credible. i think that’s how it’s done. i hope that’s how it’s done#i hope they provide sandwiches#personal
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overbearingstruggles · 11 months
whilr the debate may or may not be lingering, I follow jeanae's business instagram and i'd like to point out how it was updated only several hours ago where she confirms her age of 15 as the age pete wentz started to manipulate her www(.)newlifeayahuasca.com/post/jeanaes-story?fbclid=PAAaZJOJ9qUI76inqNBEYzktoGvl2fPp5PwBUJktgKg6G9eYMrzRtMqz_ILMQ
She did speak about exactly this in that SHAIR podcast but seeing it in writing is still wild. Very interesting that it was posted 2 days ago but updated today a few hours ago.
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dogtoling · 2 months
OK. . . seems i missed the whole 'chickens are controversial in splatoon' thing. . . why?
To put it short there's evidence both for and against them existing, and this is without me actually looking anything up so i might be missing something.
cases for chickens being extant: there's been chickens present in SOME form in several splatfests, they're not mammals so they're not NECESSARILY extinct, despite being domesticated animals and thus being unlikely to survive it doesn't mean it'd be IMPOSSIBLE because pigeons and other relatively human-dependent birds still survive in Splatoon, and of course there are many instances of Eggs being a staple in inkling culinary culture. egg is everywhere
cases for chickens being extinct: we only actually See chickens (or chicken, as in food) in splatfest art and splatfest dialogue which isn't (or at least definitely wasn't until Splatoon 3) canon-compliant at all. We havent actually seen chickens in-universe to my knowledge, nor had them mentioned outside splatfest. probably the biggest nail in the coffin is that there IS a chicken statue in Splatsville, and typically when there are big animal statues in the cities those are statues depicting extinct animals. this is something from an interview that touched on the crane and tortoise statues in Inkopolis Square; which also confirms that it wasn't JUST MAMMALS that suffered and went extinct, it was also other miscellaneous land animals and even random birds which I think me and initially a lot of other people thought were just. Fine and safe. But if a random bird like a crane can be extinct now then chickens are absolutely not safe just because they're not mammals. although eggs are in like every food it's not really been confirmed in any way that those are CHICKEN eggs (although that is the most likely), they could as well be farming domesticated pigeons or something
So really it's a big case of no real confirmation they DO exist, but also no real confirmation they DON'T exist, but also the only context we see them in-universe is in a context where every other animal depicted there IS extinct and it's like a lore thing. So the existence of eggs is a big hint TOWARDS them existing but could easily mean nothing whereas the other one is more in line with proving they do not exist. it is a very uncertain situation for the chicken
HOWEVER!!!!!! there is hope for the chicken. splatfests in Splatoon 3 have had more in-universe accurate themes and dialogue so far (meaning they dont randomly make up shit like "marina's landlord is a narwhal" and "inklings eat red meat" or whatever the fuck in that sea food vs mountain food one we didnt even have that one it was regional). SO THIS MEANS! in the next splatfest we Could get a somewhat stable answer to if chickens exist or not. of course the other 2 options are extinct animals whereas the chicken is 50/50. i'm HOPING the dialogue touches upon this fact and doesn't just talk about all of those like they just Exist. basically we are very close to some kind of progress on this issue that would be Somewhat credible because while splatfest dialogue has never been a credible source in the past, it has been WAY better in S3
TL;DR we just don't know. Chickens are a mystery
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hbmmaster · 3 months
edit: disabled reblogs because this timeline is missing some important events. see the notes for corrections
so okay my current best understanding of what happened here is
a trans woman is the victim of mass harassment
she attempts to report the harassment to tumblr and tumblr does nothing
she posts about her frustration with tumblr staff in a way that directly provokes the ceo of automattic (but not in a way that's actually a credible threat or a bannable offense)
[speculation! this is not confirmed] the ceo is so offended that someone who dares to use the platform he owns would joke about him suffering looney tunes violence that he wants to ban her for this, but since she hasn't done anything wrong he can't do that. but since he's the ceo he can do whatever he wants so he goes through her account(s) showing stuff he doesn't like to the moderation team until he eventually stumbles upon something that actually does technically violate the community guidelines
the trans woman's blog is, for reasons that haven't been officially stated, superbanned in a way that had been previously used when a bunch of black activists were accused of being russian bots. every image she's ever posted is "removed for violating community guidelines" including images that in no way violate community guidelines
tumblr users notice that these innocent images have been removed and make the reasonable assumption that the reason it says these images were removed for violating community guidelines is that something in these images violated community guidelines. people are, understandably, appalled by the implication that a trans woman posting completely normal selfies would be a bannable offense
the ceo, in a move that literally any PR person ever would advise against, personally singles out the woman who was banned, giving explanations of why exactly she was banned that members of tumblr staff would go on to clarify were not the actual reasons. he is technically on vacation while this is happening so nobody is physically there to tell him this is a bad move
miscellaneous other users who posted about this situation are banned for unstated reasons
after getting some backlash to this, the ceo doubles down and digs himself deeper, even following the banned user to another website to harass her
some trans members of tumblr staff release an official statement condemning their ceo's actions, saying in particular that the reasons he gave for why the user had been banned were not the actual reasons, but without specifying why she actually was banned
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