#Connor Angel
angelthemanspanker · 7 months
ngl the buffy s7/angel s4 crossover post has taken root in my mind and I can think of nothing else but the chaos of a hotel full to the brim with protagonists. what do you guys think would be the last straw for Angel's hospitality and why is it Connor laughing at one of Xander's jokes
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vampandvisiongirl · 1 year
when you rewatch Angel and remember that Connor (if he hadn't been kidnapped) would have been part of the class of 2020 and he would have had a Zoom graduation and can you just imagine how pissed Angel would be, cuz he's not great at tech and I just envision Angel squinting at the laptop or smartphone and just grumbling and Cordelia just rolling her eyes. LOL
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irate-iguana · 1 year
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Please accept some AtS textpost memes.
BtVS textpost memes
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starryeyesxx · 1 year
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moistvonlipwig · 2 months
ok time for more atsposting. do you ever think about how. connor grew up with a man who would quite literally rather kill himself than forgive someone, who couldn't even forgive connor for being born to the wrong parents. connor sunk his father to the bottom of the sea and in retaliation the people who had taken care of him all summer turned on him and tortured him and his father threw him out of his hotel. and connor tried to kill cordelia and. she hugged him. and she took his pain away. and he confessed this sin to her again when she had amnesia and she said Thank you for telling me the truth. can you IMAGINE how that felt to him...the tragedy of it all is that connor and cordelia would've both been better off if cordelia Hadn't been so kind to him because then jasmine's possession of her and manipulation of him wouldn't have worked. but she was kind to him, and so it did. that was her little guy her surrogate son her poor little meow meow. she loved him so much and it doomed them both... :[
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Honorable mention (vote “some other character” if this is your answer):
* Connor MacManus (Boondock Saints). Wasn’t enough room on the poll.
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theinheriteddutchess · 3 months
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greensword101 · 10 months
Connor Adopted AU
Okay, this idea came to me a few weeks ago with a little idea for a one shot that has now developed into a large idea.
So, we all know what happens in "Sleep Tight" in Angel, Season 3, right? Wesley decides to not tell anyone about the prophesy involving Angel potentially committing filicide and tries to kidnap Connor for his safety. What happens as consequence is Connor getting kidnapped by Holtz, growing up in the worst hell dimension possible, and Connor returning as a teen and ultimately becoming (in my opinion) the most tragic character in the Buffyverse.
Instead of doing the good old fashioned Poor Communication Kills route here, Wesley decides that Angel has a right to know about the dreaded last line: The Father Will Kill The Son.
Angel...does not handle it well. He insists that Wesley could have mistranslated, is pulling a prank, that he was reading the wrong scroll. In the end, he is forced to accept that it is true. Connor is just a baby. He has only begun to taste life and there are so many things Angel had wanted to do, so many steps he was eagerly looking forward to.
All of it gone in an instant.
"Not quite," Wesley says with a determined light. Angel is despairing that his son will die by his hand. But Wesley has already decided that it will not happen. You don't get half a miracle.
The biggest threats to the baby's safety are Holtz, Wolfram and Hart, and all of the cults obsessed with 'The Miracle Child.' They have to take priority.
"And Connor?" Angel dreads the answer.
Wesley looks close to crying. "We can't keep him..."
No one is happy with this decision. No one. But no one is happy with Connor dying, either, and so they begin making plans to find a home for him. Wesley and Cordelia work on creating a new identity for the baby and finding a foster family. Fred buries her grief in packing up what the baby is going to take to his new forever home. Gunn and Angel channel their rage and own despair into hunting down every last threat to their son/nephew. Lorne is working with the Furies on getting the best protective spells available to hide Connor from enemies and hide him under the radar.
Holtz realizes that he can't move forward with his revenge plan as word of Angel's rampage spreads throughout the underworld. His followers slowly abandon him as their fear for their lives overpowers their lust for blood. Even Justine leaves him, seeing it as a lost cause and there's nothing to be gained from fighting a losing battle.
A family is found, Cordelia fills them in on only what is essential: the baby is in an unsafe environment, the baby's father wants him put into a safe and loving home. Lawrence and Colleen Reilly already have a daughter that is ten years old, and they're too old to try passing the kid off as their own. But all it takes is one picture of little Connor for them to fall in love instantly.
And so, the day the Fang Gang had been expecting and dreading arrives. Angel kisses his son on the forehead one last time before disappearing into the night, unable to bear watching his son be taken away.
"Sleep tight, son. Daddy will always love you..."
Cordelia makes the journey to the Reilly's home with Wesley acting as the decoy in case Wolfram and Hart try anything. She's holding back tears as she hands Connor off to his new family, wishing them well while Lorne is in the car finishing the last of the spellwork to protect Connor and the Reillys. Wesley gets his throat slit when one of Lilah's security team thinks he has the baby. She's furious at being made a fool, but still ensures that Wesley is taken to the hospital because s̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶o̶f̶t̶ ̶s̶p̶o̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ she wants to send a message to Angel.
Angel is the first to see Wesley in his hospital bed, unable to speak and unable to move from his spot. He awaits judgement several feet away.
Angel is quiet. "Did you really think I had it in me to kill Connor?"
Wesley looks at him hard, silently saying You could have become Angelus.
Angel nods. "Do you think I'm Angelus now?"
Wesley doesn't blink.
"Well, I'm not. You believe me, don't you?"
Slowly, Wesley nods.
"Good." Angel stands up and moves to the bed. His hand reaches for the pillow underneath Wesley's head...and gently fluffs it. Then, Angel readjusts his chair so it is right next to Wesley's bed.
"I'm staying here all night whether you want me to or not. That's the least I can do for you."
Wesley reaches out to Angel's hand and squeezes it tight. Gunn is waiting outside with Fred, who is sobbing into her coffee. Every last trace of Connor is out of the hotel, as if he were never there. They stay there the entire night, later joined by Cordelia and Lorne a few hours later.
While one family mourns the loss of one child, another family welcomes the introduction of another into their home. Connor Francis Reilly kept only several things from his old home: his name (including his middle name), a few teddy bears and a duck-printed blanket. Thanks to the efforts of the Furies and Lorne, no supernatural forces come near him. He grows up understanding that he was adopted, that Lawrence and Colleen are not his biological parents...and not thinking any less of them.
Of course, he wants to find his bio family. But only out of curiosity. His mom and dad (his parents) only told him that his mother (or who they think is his mom) worked hard to find a good home for him. He doesn't feel abandoned. He doesn't have any traumatic experiences (other than the one time he got lost in the store when he was five). Connor grows up relatively normal.
He watches Charmed with his big sister when he's a toddler (and connecting with the fourth sister, Paige, cause she was adopted too and loved her parents too), goes camping with his friends, is drawn to a lot of fantasy books like the Anna Rice novels. Mainly the ones that have vampires, for some reason. But never Stephanie Meyers, though. He gives up before he gets halfway through the first chapter in that series. That Bella girl is such an ungrateful brat!
His family goes out camping a lot, which was something Connor loved! He could almost imagine living off in the wild like Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe. Larence laughed at this and said. "You might just become the local menace in the woods."
He also loves to dance. Connor doesn't realize that he is just as artistic as his father and mother (well, Darla could sing well, and Angelus saw murder as an art form, but that's another story). It's mainly because he used to do boxing until he was 8 and punched a bag so hard that sand spilled out.
So, his dad suggested dancing instead. He could be like Billy Elliot and the chances of him punching someone's head clean off their shoulders would drastically decrease. Plus, dancing was fun! He didn't have to wear a tutu (thank God, his sister would never have let him live it down), and his instructors were amazed at how effortlessly he moved on the stage.
That's also how he met his future boyfriend (he's bi, his parents accepted that when he came out), Marcus. Marcus is on the football team and loves watching his boyfriend dance. He can't get over how graceful he is, it's almost inhuman.
Connor Reilly has an amazing life, and he can't think of how it could get any better than that.
About two weeks after he thinks this, the protection spells that were cast to protect him from the supernatural realm and hide him from enemies finally breaks. Connor gets hit by a car and crashes into the garage of his family's home without a scratch on him. His parents, now well into their fifties, get an anonymous tip that they might find answers with a certain investigations company.
They trekked to L.A. and get accosted by a vampire cult. Connor is too stunned to do anything as they pull him away from his parents, screaming their heads off in terror as their only son is ripped away.
Vampires are real. He thinks over and over again as he's dragged underground into what he suspects is connected to the sewers. Vampires are real and I'm going to die.
He's stripped naked save for a loincloth. The man (or vampire) that he suspects in their leader looks euphoric as he looks Connor over in his cell.
"At long last, the Miracle Child is among us once more."
Connor doesn't understand how he could be a miracle. Well, other than how it was a miracle that he wasn't killed by that car. And the other stuff in his life that he is conveniently ignoring for the sake of his own sanity.
"You shall be freed from this human prison and be worshipped among your kind."
Connor doesn't like the way the creep looks close to kissing him just then. He's a minor and already has a boyfriend, thank you very much!
Too soon, he's dragged out and tied to an alter where the Head Creep suddenly changes his face and bares his sharp teeth. Connor tries fighting, but the bindings are too strong and he's frozen with fear.
And then the Head Creep is dust. Literal dust. One of the other creeps is behind him wearing that same Scary Face, but for some reason, Connor isn't afraid of that one. The sword in his (savior?)'s hand shines in the torchlight and slash at the bindings. Before Connor can react, he's swaddled in the robe the Scary-But-Not-Scary Guy was wearing and witnesses all of the other vampires being hacked and staked until there's no one left but him and the other guy.
Then, the face goes back to normal and Connor finds it funny that the guy looks like he's brooding. Well, he would if he weren't half naked and still possibly awaiting death by fanage. Suddenly, a bundle is tossed his way and Connor realizes that it's his own clothes. His savior has the decency to look away while Connor changes, which pushes him further up the Guess You're Not Really A Bad Guy bar in Connor's book.
"Are you hurt?" His savior asks.
"No." Connor says honestly. Then, he realizes that there's a scratch on his cheek (probably from when the sword was cutting off the rope).
For some reason, this seems to get his savior upset. "Oh God, Connor, I am so sorry, I wasn't looking! I wasn't trying to hurt you and" -
Connor cuts him off before he continues to ramble. "How did you know my name?!"
Then, he sees the guy's face. It looks so much like his own, except...broodier and his hair is short. Connor lost his hair band keeping his man bun in check and he has to brush away the bangs going over his eyes.
Connor then realizes that he's meeting his biological father for the first time ever.
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cangelgifs · 11 months
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Cordelia soothing Connor in 3.21 "Benediction" └ Requested by @vampandvisiongirl
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bangelism · 4 months
‘i look in peoples windows’ is SOOO angel i’m going to be sick.
and because i can’t edit, i will ramble:
‘i look in peoples windows, in case you’re at their table, what if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time’ every time i hear those lines i INSTANTLY see those bangel scenes in btvs 4x08, AND the connor scene at the end of 4x22 when he’s watching connor and his new family from the window. and my heart breaks every single time.
angel is forced to live life by ‘looking through windows’. this idea he must instead imagine or fantasise about a life he *could have had* because he isn’t allowed to have it. the life he sees through ‘windows’. windows acting as a literal, but also a metaphor for longing and dreaming, as she describes how she fantasies about the ‘if only’ and the agony of ‘not knowing’ how something could have turned out.
in my opinion, the two major loves and losses of angels life that fundamentally change him in the most significant ways, are buffy and connor. people whose lives he has to seperate himself from, out of fear of hurting them, and so he is forced to watch their lives through windows. both in the literal and the metaphorical swift uses in the song.
the window of ‘i will remember you’. the what if’s. what if there was more time? if the day didn’t have to be reversed? where would they be now? how would their lives have changed? would they live in sunnydale or somewhere else? would they be married yet? what if they started a family? or got a cat. maybe a dog. or maybe pets just aren’t for them. if only…
the window of connor’s childhood. what if he was never taken? what if angel got to raise him? who would he have been? what would his favourite toy have been? what was his favourite colour? what would have his first steps been like? or his first day of school? and the last? would he have been quiet and shy like his dad or the complete opposite? would he have been the most bubbly bright boy you’ve ever met. was he really going to be left handed? if only…
knowing angel, knowing how introspective he is, how much time he must spend inside his mind. how he ruminants and sifts through memories with the most intricate detail (just like how swift describes doing in the song as well) i have no doubt he has spent hours combing through the what ifs of his life.
all those times he spent staring out of those huge wall length windows at wolfram & hart, staring out into the sunlight, transfixed by rose golden glows and a world he cannot touch.
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I wish that Tumblr had less of Cangel and more of Bangel and Xandelia. Angel had to become like Xander in order to match Cordelia while Cordelia had to become a dumb version of Buffy to be compatible with Xander-like Angel. Cordelia was her smarter self with Xander and had better chemistry with him. While Cordy was in a coma, Angel went to Sunnydale to kiss Buffy and spent most of the other part of that coma fighting with Spike over Buffy. To put the cherry on top, Buffy never kissed Angel's son while having amnesia and let her body be in a love triangle between father and son.
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angelthemanspanker · 6 months
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 months
I cannot believe they made a worse decision with Cordy's love life than Angel. I hate this so much.
Glad they immediately walked it back on her end, at least, but I hate that this is what the plot is.
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irate-iguana · 1 year
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starryeyesxx · 1 year
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
it really is nuts how many jokes ats devotes in s4 and 5 to connor being into 'older women' all because he had a single crush on a woman 3 years older than him who was the only person in the world who was nicies to him
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