youredreamingofroo · 8 months
Not so Berry, a long recap (1/3)
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Feel free to read this whether or not you're invested in the future of my Not so Berry save, if you are, i also encourage you to check out the intro cards for all these sims
There are images at the end of each recap Alt text very briefly explains the scene
Humble Beginnings.
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We start the story in Henford-On-Bagley, in Fall, with Coral. Simon Scott decided to visit, and ended up asking to stay over, Coral let him stay (despite the shitty living situation), they also hit it off. Sometime later I (not coral) found out his wife, Sara, was PREGNANT… 
They start dating (he's married btw!!! 😐), but during dinner one night, Sara finds out about the two, they both get chewed out. The next day, Simon "apologized" to Coral in a very intimate way.
Later on, Simon tells her that Sara and him got divorced, Coral proposes to him later that night. Since the proposal, he’d become silent, but one day, he asked her out on a date, the date goes poorly, they're both distant, and a man catches Coral's eye, she was drawn to this man, Simon tries to get her back, fails and leaves, the man, Don, and Coral go back to her place to tango. Coral turns out to be pregnant. 
She has a discussion with Don abt the baby, and in the end, she decides to keep the baby, she’s still engaged atp. she gives birth to a girl, the heir, named Cataleya.
Coral finally decides to tell Simon what’s going on, Simon was enraged, but offered her a second chance, she didn’t take it.
(A.N) I left my game unpaused when I went to make dinner and i came back to Coral being pregnant.
Love fest comes around and Don takes Coral to the festival, after a ton of damning signs, he proposes to her (and also swaps traits, Non-committal to Loyal).
Don realizes how much he loves being a father, Coral gives birth to triplets, Peregrine, Constance and Emmett, and while taking care of the newborns, Don has another self-discovery (became Family-oriented)
Coral begins a sub-plot where she tackles her self-esteem issues, specifically on how she's gained weight from all her pregnancies.
In the meantime, the triplets age up, Coral argues with Don about wanting attention, how they still haven’t gotten married, however he didn’t retaliate because he didn’t want Cataleya hearing them argue, and then Cataleya aged up.
(I changed the lifespan to normal at this point)
Coral finally loses enough weight to be happy with herself, but she wonders if she’s actually doing this for herself or for someone else…
The triplets age up to toddlers!
Don and Coral have an argument, they sit in silence for 10 minutes, then Don tells her what she needs to change about herself, and she reluctantly agrees
Cataleya ages up to a child- And Coral ended up pregnant AGAIN (don't remember/know how it happened)
Although she’s two pregnancies and four kids late, she finally goes to counseling for this unwanted pregnancy. She also decides to get her tubes tied.
The last gen 2 baby is born, Callum Meadows, who turns out to be an Albino.
Don and Coral finally get married (Don also invited Simon to the wedding 👀)
Peregrine begins his sub-plot where he fears failure and wants to be like his sisters, he starts locking himself in his room and doing homework and extra-credit work as much/often as possible. 
Coral and Don FINALLY age up to Adults, and Cataleya ages up to a teen.
Later on, Callum ages up to a child (I stopped caring about this kid when he aged up to an infant, so from here on, don’t expect much abt him at all)
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youredreamingofroo · 8 months
Not So Berry, introductions.
I decided I'm gonna post essentially a short story/long summary (will be including a couple of pics) of my Not so Berry save up to the point I left it at, but before then... I wanted to introduce all of the sims that are involved in the story (some sims were left out due to laziness and/or too tired, ive been on the grind for the last 6.5 hours).
(Images under the cut 😸🫶)
Starting with the founder herself...
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Former Casanova
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The First Child/Heir
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The Triplets
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Malcolm, Cataleya's first love
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Alexander, the instigator of the love triangle
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Cataleya's Accidental Quads
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Major lore dump on all of these
Hopefully, if I can muster up the energy (especially after today), the NSB recap will be out within the next few days or at least by the end of this week.
Also, for this save, I'm not doing the normal 6 or 7(?) generations, I'm doing the extended one by illusorythrall , which goes to Gen 32, and there's also a longer one that goes to Gen 50, which I'm not really planning to do, but we'll see. I also don't have all packs so either I progressively buy them all (/nsrs) or I just make exceptions/play for the lore not the challenge.
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