#Content Writer:- MAHI
bhartiblogger · 2 years
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imabillyami · 2 months
Basking in your heat
Read on Ao3 (no account needed)
Relationships: Jimmy Uso/ Kevin Owens
Characters: Jimmy Uso, Kevin Owens, some poor unsuspecting backstage producer & writers
3K, E
sexual content, my friends this is smut, established relationship, safe sane consensual, kayfabe compliant, some poor backstage producers and writers see more than they bargained for, these two are horny idiots who are very much in love in this one
more tags and warnings on Ao3
Kevin and Jimmy engage in some backstage shenanigans.
This started out with @bangazaii (Mahi) asking me how Kevin would’ve reacted to this look (gif below) on Jimmy. So she gets 50% of the blame. I take the other 50% that turned this into pure filth. Sweet and loving filth. But filth nonetheless.
I wrote and edited this a while back, but only found it again today. I thought it might shorten the wait until I sort out my Samijey stuff.
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
I came over from your mha blogs and I was really happy that one of my fav mha villain writers is dipping toes into jjk 💕
May I request Mahito x reader where Mahi and reader are ‘friends’ who have feelings for each other (but havent admitted to it), and then one day Mahi learns about the concept if kissing and wants to experiment with reader?
Much love to you! 💙
(Thank you! I've been drowning in my other interests lately and really truly wanted to see if venturing out would help lol. After all, even before the villain blog I was pushing an akatsuki one for several years. Life changes but writing stays the same as far as interests go!)
~Mahito's Experimentation~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
It's difficult for him to place a finger on just what exactly about you gained his interest. From day one, things had been different when it came to you. He was interested in a lot of things, but with you it would seem his curiosity ran much deeper. For specifics, he was mostly intrigued by the way you made him feel. His emotions with you were recognizable at first. Sure there was the curiosity, then the content feeling of having you around often. The happiness he felt when he opened up and spoke with you on different topics that you then returned the favor on would be his favorite emotion. There was a secret new feeling bubbling up lately that he couldn't quite specify. After a while of sitting and thinking to himself late one evening, he'd pushed through every known emotion on the list. He cycles through the idea of possibly harming you or using you in the future. When it turns out he didn't have any interest in doing so, he's settled on a form of longing perhaps?
When the two of you weren't in each others presence it was when he felt this gut feeling warp itself into a nasty type of sadness. When he couldn't spend even longer with you, it became a shortened form of anger or annoyance. When you were back in his arm the metaphorical dark cloud that hovered above him had seemed to dissipate quickly. Still unsure of what to call you, he'd settled on the common title of 'friend'. After all, that's what you were right? You smile and reach out to him with one gentle hand, cupping his cheek and ignoring the longing in your heart for something more than this. "Are you okay today? You're in your thoughts more than usual." You ask his with genuine worry etched into your features. He hums quietly at your words. "Yes of course. I'm just thinking..." He smiles and you chuckle lightly. "You always are huh?" You tease him before turning your attention back to the phone in your free hand. When you release his face he feels that small bubble of annoyance begin to pop up. He wants you to hold him like that a little longer, but doesn't say anything regarding the act. If the two of you were friends then why exactly does his body react to you the way it does. He considers himself to be friends with the others.
Geto can be used an an example.
He doesn't long for Geto's touch. He could care less about how long the two of them have spent apart from each other. Yet he enjoys conversation and company all the same. Why were you so different from this?
Mahito mourns for the time you two have to spend apart the next day. You've got business to attend to and won't return home until later that evening. He fears his emotions may possibly overtake him if he doesn't figure something out here soon. It was only when he was reading a particular romance novel that he'd accidentally picked up in his collection of books that he realized perhaps there was more he could be doing with him time and you. Romance, couples, dating, kissing, sex, families...all unimportant upon first glace. Yet, how could he explain so many of the humans partaking in this kind of stuff? Very well, he'd experiment with this odd behavior and perhaps he could find some sort of reward or revelation within it. He'd made up his mind by the time you stepped through your doorway. The whole of dinner time was uncomfortably quiet for you. He always stared at you in a way of curiosity but never for such a long time before. You'd never taken a minute to admit how you truly felt about him so having your love interest bore his eyes into your side wasn't exactly the most relaxing situation to begin with. What he chose to do next had you frozen for the better half of the next 3 minutes.
Without warning or words, Mahito reached out and gently grabbed either side of your face with both his hands. He was careful to to startle you any further than he already had. He'd slowly leaned closer to you, monitoring your lips before placing his with them softly. He was terrible at kissing. He'd watched no videos and only had the book to guide him. His eyes were widened the entire time, observing the way you stared at him in panic. He finally pulled away when he realized he was moving his lips, just sitting them on top of yours and waiting for what would happen next. "A kiss." he utters plainly with a small triumphant smile on his face. You could only scoff before bursting into laughter. "A kiss? I wouldn't exactly call it that." He hadn't known why you were laughing so hard but the sound of your joy made him chuckle a bit too. He'd done the experiment totally and completely wrong yet he was pleased with the end results. He knew he liked the feeling of your lips on his, and you hadn't exactly rejected him either. If anything, you were cooking up your own plan to show him how kissing should be done. He'd eagerly await your next move with no complaint in sight.
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mutimedia · 2 years
ट्विटर पर ब्लू टिक के लिए जब से हर माह आठ डॉलर चुकाने की घोषणा हुई है, उसी समय से हर कोई यह जानना चाहता है कि आखिर भारत में यह सेवाए कब से शुरू होगी। ऐसे में एलन मस्क ने खुद इसका जवाब दिया। ट्विटर यूजर्स के सवाल पर मस्क ने कहा कि करीब एक महीने से भी कम समय में भारत में प्रीमियम सेवा शुरू की जाएगी। अभी तक ट्विटर पर ब्लू टिक केवल यूएस, कनाडा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, न्यूजीलैंड और ब्रिटेन में आईफोन यूजर्स के लिए उपलब्ध है। Team Work List Content Writer:- Mahi Jaiswal Anchor :- Mahi Jaiswal Video Editor :- Vishal Graphic Designer :- Divya Shukla   Digital Marketer :- Anuj Kumar     ▶️Please Don't forget to Like, Share & Subscribe to This Youtube Channel. 🌏Website:-  http://www.mgbdigitalindia.com 👍Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/MGBdigitalin... 👩‍💻Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/mgbdigitali... 👉 Profile :- https://linkmix.co/11578680 ✔️Twitter:- https://twitter.com/MGBdigitalindia 🚩Pinterest:-  https://in.pinterest.com/mgbdigitalin... Breaking News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/83607... Bollywood News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/17865... Politics News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/12527... Thanks You..................🙏👩‍💻🌍 #mgbnews #beakingnews #headline #top10news #mgbdigitalindia #trendingnews #aajtakkibadikhabre #dinbharkikhabre #todaybreakingnews #breaking #news #breakingnews #breakingnewshindi #hindibreakingnews #delhi #todaynews  #breakingtop10news #topnews #toptenhindinews #breakingmgbnews #mgbbreaking #newsupdate#elonmusk#elonmusktwitter#twitter
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mc-critical · 3 years
Valide: "You once asked me what's the difference between you and Hürrem. I'll tell you the most important one - Hürrem acts with her own mind, but you act with other people's minds."
I'm sorry, guys, I know it's a badass scene, I know it's an epic smackdown, I can only guess how much people have been waiting for this one moment perhaps since the beginning, but narratively, the whole thing grinds my gears.
Now, I'm not saying that what Valide says here is entirely wrong: in fact, I think given which portion of the series this is in, she hit the nail on the head. Seeking help from people in need is one of the core traits of Mahidevran's character in S01/2. When she feels she's losing, when she's powerless against the circumstances, going to Valide, Ibrahim or Hatice is her first (and often only) resort. Because she has to face the loss of something so remarkable and so important in her life, someone she thought loved her, someone who she's spent so much of her time with. It's hard, and it took her very long to completely burn the bridge. And in this struggle, she sought help, she thought she couldn't do it alone. And for the core of the statement, there indeed have been times where Mahidevran used the influence of others to achieve her own goal (telling Valide for Hürrem's crown, telling Hatice to marry Nigar to Matrakçi etc.) and it is a fitting statement for this part of her S02B arc: she has gotten her utmost, here even overbearing confidence from Mustafa (E46: "When I left, I thought everything was over, that I was defeated. But now when I came back with Mustafa, I feel like I was reborn."; her behavior the entire episode; E50: "I won't do anything that endangers Mustafa's future.") and she is more than willing to use the power she gets from being his mother (E48: "I'll destroy you with the power I get from my prince!"), now that he's already grown, she's willing to destroy them all, to finally get what she deserves, be where she belongs.
However, this scene, or rather the content of it, lacks the narrative and thematic context necessary for it to be serviceable and it only looks like forced fanservice as a result.
- There is no scene in the entire show where Mahidevran ever asks what's the difference between her and Hürrem. It takes away from the impact, because if they put a scene like this, in say, E45 (but honestly, any other episode will work.), despite of the complaint I'll make in a while, they would get the golden chance to call it back and make a decent connection between the two scenes. But unfortunately, this isn't the case and they have nothing to call back to, which is why it makes all this look like something the writers pulled out of their sleeves all of the sudden, out of absolutely nowhere.
- It is totally OOC for Mahidevran to ask something like this in the first place. She knows very well what's different with Hürrem, she herself makes a difference between both of them from the very beggining to the very end. She considers herself superior to her (E08: "Who are you? I'm a Haseki. Haseki Sultana. You'll show me respect.", E10: "How dare you compare an upstart concubine with a Sultana?", E11: "How do you even call yourself a Sultana? Know your place!", E44: "Who do you think you're kicking out?", E55: "I would be careful of my words if I were you. Because your fate is now in my hands."- by memory), taking her a long while to even admit she was a Sultana (she started doing so by.. S02B? and began to openly call her such only by S03); better than her (constantly calling her a snake, a devil, E53: "This woman is a devil! What things get into her head?" or something like that), and most importantly, acknowledges very well how she breaks the tradition and treats it as unprecedented and rogue. (E40 when Hü said she was freed: "How can that be?"; E45: "How dare she speak to me about tradition?") Even if she could've wondered what was so special to her in the beginning of the show, no, she didn't, she asked Hatice how can that be in E02, but not how Hürrem got into his heart exactly, it was rather how could Süleiman do this when Mahidevran loved only him. She was sad he was replacing her with "a russian slave". She from the beginning and Valide by E45 were even sure that Hürrem had bewitched Süleiman. Mahi, not even once, began to wonder what is it about Hürrem. She had a clear answer on her mind from day one and she always considered her imprudent and fierce and later, an active danger for her son. So, Mahidevran asking such a question in any point of the series, even offscreen, is.. not like her.
- Valide had no reason to bring the "you act with other people's minds" up in the context of the episode. Valide was mad at Mahidevran for her declaring herself a Valide Sultana and being ready kill Hürrem's kids. Her blaming Aybige for her affair with Bali Bey was only the last straw, not the entire reason. And what Mahidevran did in the episode, wasn't dictated by someone else. She didn't even use anyone else to say and do it, either. These words were all hers, the actions were all hers. She proposed to Mustafa, as well as Ibrahim to be with her in that path, but none of them agreed. The only one who wanted to move on was her. She was alone here. She detached herself from everyone else. So that whole quote falls flat. And even if Valide meant to say this to Mahidevran because of her blaming Aybige, she saw and witnessed by herself Aybige's conversation with Bali Bey and she had enough evidence to drive the conclusion that there is something between them. And yes, she had the right to interrogate her, because she is Mustafa's mother and has to know what is going on. As both Valide and Mahidevran (and even Süleiman) have said: The suspicion only is venomous.
- It loses all weight in retrospect, due to biased narrative voice. (warning: SPOILERS!) I've talked about how I dislike Valide's flanderization in S02 a lot, but what I dislike even more, is how they de-flanderized her. This scene strives to be presented as this huge and important realization of Valide Sultan's character, but it is only the voice of the narrative, also thanks to all the problems I listed above. Look at this scene's composition for starters: when Valide arrives, the atmosphere suddenly changes, the triumphant music, which sets us up for something epic and badass, but we still don't know what exactly, until these lines of dialogue are uttered, almost like a plot twist. It only looks like a moment of triumph and a character realization, it looks much more like the narrative directly calling out Mahidevran. That Valide was wrong for ever supporting her. The themes break their impartial point of view and deliver something out of absolutely nowhere to prove a point. (ironically, the scene in E56 where Valide says that Mahidevran deserved everything she endured, does a much better job in somewhat being a character realization moment, because it fit the context, wasn't put there just for.. reasons and you could actually believe the character would say that.) The worst thing is that, despite of it all, nothing mattered in the end. The post-E55 truce between Hürrem and Valide is conveniently forgotten by the themes of the next arc, due to having the power of tradition "fight" with its last forces (Valide falling ill, Mahidevran and Gülfem ruling the harem) and Hürrem having to forever burn the bridges that stand between them and her. This is reflected best in Hürrem's last encounter with Valide Sultan.
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shaonsim · 4 years
Thoughts on the portayal of in laws on ITV
I am conflicted. I really am.
On one hand, I have seen my mother with her in-laws, and they weren't aren't kind to her. Taunts, thinly veiled insults, everything is fair game. My mum really doesn't care about how they treat her, and because we live in separate families, it doesn't matter. Unless we are all gathered together for some cultural events (mainly Durga Pujo).
So, coming from that background, I do agree that there is a lot of tension between a person and their in-laws. You just earn another family, out of the blue, and it is hard enough to live completely peacefully with your own family, let alone be buddy buddy with some stranger in a matter of days. I get that, and I love a decent dose of kitchen/family politics. It is a gold mine to find out more about the characters and their worldview, and it creates opportunities for new sub-plots or mini-tracks and I love those.
Besides, let's face it, we are all petty humans, of course there will be family politics if a few of us are thrown together for a long time. Even the heroic warriors and Mahaveers, of whom we read in our Epics, weren't free of family politics. I will even go as far as saying that the main point of the Epics is family politics. That's how we are.
^ One thing that irks me a lot is that we rarely see the troubles the male characters face with their in-laws. At best, we have a rich guy X poor girl trope where the husband is so nice and humble and is best friends with the girl's sibling and is adored by his mother-in-law. If the father-in-law is in the picture, then he too, loves his Damaad. Which is a total lie. It doesn't always happen like that, and there is a lot of room for the writers to explore. Ego hassles, other complications..
^^ A trope I actually like, and I like it a lot, is when two siblings get married into the same family. Oh, how I love this trope. So much potential! The parallels - the newfound tension between the siblings because of the change in dynamics!!
¦¦ That said, I also enjoy healthy relationships where everyone does get along, at least for the most part, because heyy, who has the time and energy for constant DRAMA™. No one. That's who. So just happy, normal stuff, with minimum arguments is awesome. Not always, but for the most part, it's okay and kind of enjoyable. ¦¦
Something that happens a lot with the portrayal of in-laws on ITV, is that their hatred and/or jealousy stays the same. It doesn't increase, nor does it fade into cold indifference. Like, why?
Shake things up!
Nothing stays constant forever. Especially when it comes to family dynamics. Note the usage of dynamics. Something that moves, changes.
Coming to Nanads and Jethanis, the women older to our female lead (or the female character in question) - I am really fond of the 'I don't like you and I won't hide it' trope. It's something I have touched on in my Fic Which Must Not Be Named.
Didibhai had not been one to welcome Tara with open arms. Of course, she had welcomed Tara as her sister-in-law, and no, she had never made any trouble, and she had been never managed the art of throwing insults wrapped in a smile (that level of passive aggressive behaviour was better suited to her brother), but from the first day itself, she had made it known that she didn't like Tara. If there was anything that defined the Lahiri siblings, then it was their honesty. They were always very open about their displeasure. Even now, Didibhai barely spoke to her, unless it was about the kids (Mahi was a prominent figure in their discussions, with both her and Tara being of the same age) or Mr Lahiri himself.
See? They are not bffs, but they aren't sworn enemies either. And they both know how the other person feels about them. I like this.
Now, for Nanads who are younger to their Bhabis, they are usually put in two groups - either they love their new BFF, or they hate the stranger who trapped their brother in a relationship. I think everyone knows which one I prefer.
((It is the first trope I enjoy))
Devars are either creeps, coming home drunk and leering at their bhabis, or dal badlus who switch sides and support their Bhabis no matter what.
<< Dal badlus are fine, but I love it more when the Devars stick with their brother and the camaraderie remains the same between them. >>
Grandmothers/fathers/uncles/aunts, as in the senior citizens are often shown as loving the leads, and I am okay with that. They have another generation to argue with. Plenty of scope.
I am a sucker for supportive and affectionate uncles/aunts, and we often get one of them. And for balance, we get the negative uncle/aunt.
(( I love balance. ))
Now, let's come to the part I hate about family politics. CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES. Gone are the days when our men and women were content with ruining food and burning clothes/photographs. Now they cut the brakes of cars, give supaari to goons, or worse, put fake molestation charges or actually molest them.
Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
((Wrote it thrice for emphasis))
Now, what I would like for the writers to do, is to use the family dynamics as an undercurrent, instead of, you know, the whole plot. Too much of anything is annoying, especially if it is family politics and drugging/kidnapping/accidents.
Turn down the DRAMA quotient and add some actual plot. Every character starts with a hobby, career or other socio-economic struggle, so shift the focus on to those things for a moment.
--- This is it for now, but I might add things later if I remember stuff. Feel free to give your opinions.
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csockets · 5 years
So, your girl gots some bad news.
Recently, ive had writers block. And i dont get writers block because i just shit my words out.
Ive had it for months and im just coming to the conclusion of why.
my interests have been for Servamp because it is the first fandom I have ever posted for.
And Im sad to say, ive been in it too long. Ive grown bored with my thoughts on pairings and plots. To the point that the requests I have taken: they have been coming together VERY slowly.
So, I have decided that SerVamp will be taking a back seat. I will no longer write fanfics for SerVamp (however, you might be able to hit up @mahi-does-some-art for broken ones that i have sent them; one so far...).
My last stories will be cloud-ya’s depressed Mahiru, the requests, a royalty AU for a special friend, and some others... i cant remember them for some reason... But yeah, they’ll be my last ^^
So, farewell Servamp fandom. This writer has no content for you any longer (im crying halp lmao).
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hirakdesherrani · 6 years
Bepannaah 13/06/2018 
Okay so a few things I liked about today’s episode:
1. Whoever is writing Mahi’s dialogues is doing a fab job. Of course, Vaishnavi herself is an amazing actress. Mahi is a very relatable villain. No OTT drama, no unbelievably heavy dialogues. I loved how she reacted in the witness box today. The careful hesitancy, the few escaped sobs (fake obviously), she didn’t launch into a melodramatic narration of how she thought AdiYa had an affair. No, it was very naturally done, picking up real incidents but leaving the implication suggestible. Enough to convince all those present in the court.
2. I loved how Noor charged up on Mahi. Like a total jungli billi. She isn’t above getting physically violent. And LOLed and clapped when she counter-threatened Mahi that if she sends Noor to prison, then Noor will take her along and teach her a lesson in jail (so that she is never able to recognize her face). Yes, Noor is slightly immature, but I love her spirit, always up for a fight, this girl! And I LOVED HOW ARJUN HAD TO STEP IN TO PULL HER BACK!!!! I’m such a sucker for these kind of scenes (maybe ‘cos I’m a real life Noor, always up for a fight, lol). An ArNoor scene after ages!!! Haye! My calm boy trying to cool down Noor. But then of course, Noor is pissed off at him right now for hiding his identity. But its just a bit complicated how she works this out. Lets wait and watch.
3. Okay I know a lot of people are going to diss Zoya for refusing to implicate Mahi, but I felt what Zoya said today was right. Just because Mahi maligned Zoya’s character, Zoya is not going to do the same to her. Even if Mahi was infatuated with Aditya and is probs doing this for revenge, Zoya is not going to humiliate her by bringing this out in public. In a world where woman on woman hate is common, I felt Zoya’s stance took a lot courage. I know it seems stupid and naive but its not? It takes a lot courage not to stoop down to the other person’s level. Also, Zoya cared about Mahi’s mom. However bad Mahi is, her mother doesn’t deserve her daughter’s humiliation in public, especially when her son has already fallen from grace in the eyes of the world. At the end of the day, the society is going to blame Madhu for raising her kids badly. And Zoya knows that because currently her parents are going to/are about to face the humiliation. She will not intentionally let Madhu face the same humiliation just because Madhu dislikes her. 
4. Which brings me to Madhu. Yes, she has her faults. She can be and has behaved like the typical saas in quite a few scenes. But she’s also a woman of principles. She may insult Zoya and try to defend her son, but she also believes in what she sees. She has some principles. She has no proof that Zoya had any hand in Yash’s murder, and she said the same in court as well. Again an interesting, layered character. 
Honestly, each and every character of Bepannaah is a multidimensional, character. Everybody has flaws (except my bby Arjun maybe), but all are compelling enough to watch and invest in. 
Bepannaah is not the run-of-the-mill drama. It had its problematic moments, the whole Aditya terrorizing Zoya bits (I think they went for that angle due to TRPs), but since last few weeks its been really good! 
Its blessing me with so much emotionally intelligent content, and talented performers (except for Rajveer, honeslty Apurva has forgotten how to act), like I look forward to each episode nowadays. 
(P.S. Its also giving me all that I hoped and expected from IB, but didn’t get due to writer’s obsession with the least interesting character of them all, SSO. If only BP writers were handling the characters of IB, IB would’ve been a memorable show.)
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timespakistan · 3 years
Sacred images | Art & Culture Paul Gauguin’s largest and “perhaps the finest work” titled, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? (1897), “reads from right to left, in the oriental fashion”. Coming across this description on the French post-impressionist’s painting in the Time-Life Library publication, one speculates about the direction of viewing a work of art, as if deciphering a written page. There can be many links between images and words. In several societies, images were treated as signs to be decoded, and words were put as visuals, to be enjoyed for their aesthetic qualities – also. In Muslim cultures, for some obvious reasons, artists and audience preferred calligraphy in contrast to portraying living beings. The reluctance seems only for replicating human figures, because all other species are depicted by Muslim painters and carvers. Call it faith, tradition, custom, or a general consensus, during Ramazan, several art galleries in Pakistan are inclined to hold calligraphic exhibitions – perhaps to join the pious bandwagon. The tendency is not different from those, who stop petty crimes and forbidden practices, and start praying five times a day – only in the month of fasting. Probably for some galleries, the regular course of art is an addiction and a superfluous indulgence; therefore, across the country shows of calligraphy are organised, along with some modern and enticing twists. An exhibition, called Script, opening on Ramazan 6, is bound to generate the idea of similar, typical and usual display of sacred verses, religious quotes or devotional poetry at O Art Space Lahore. However, a viewer climbing up to the gallery space realises that Script is not about holy text, nor some divine content, not even the script. The exhibition, a project of Studio RM (being held from April 19 to May 10), corresponds to layers of language: readable, recognisable, and enjoyable. Apart from two canvases by RM Naeem, and one by Shiblee Munir, which include names of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family and references of Arabic text, the artists have treated script as a tool to convey different versions and possibilities of writing. Language in their hands appears not unlike the chewing gum that loses its initial form with grinding, shifting, inflating, yet retains its identity (like language) once emerges from the mouth. A number of artists have dealt with the theme of script in a private manner. Adeel uz Zafar, in his Scripture I, a handmade book of seven pages, expands the definition of script. Meticulously and laboriously drawn lines, resembling weave of a muslin fabric, resonate the act of writing – line after line. The inkjet prints also, suggest presence of a parchment, a lost language, an inaccessible hieroglyph, because the act of incising these marks seems similar to the practice of inscribing words. Words, no matter in which language they are written – are always composed in sequences; a singular line or sets of lines (paragraphs) arranged on a sheet. Taking linear aspect as a point of reference, Rehana Mangi constructs circles made of human (and horse) hair in her The Lives of Line I, and Circle. In both works, form of a circle is either repeated or stretched, but due to the material, the artist’s drawings appear to be a segment of a script – a dot. Shah Abdullah also deals with dot (which in Arabic script is more a square than a circle) in his Nuqtas. The representation of this small, insignificant element of script becomes important as Abdullah renders it in Persian ink on gold leaf surface. In his other imposing and impressive Rabbana, Abdullah paints a section of incomprehensible writing, enlarged on a huge (90×174 inches) canvas. The letters grade in varying tones so what we read is a pattern, which like the language of music communicates on a sensory level. To some extent, the work reminds us of French artist Pierre Soulages, who enlarges the mark of brush strokes, and it is up to the viewer to understand it as language, or enjoy it as an abstract image. In both cases, the physical power of the visual is unavoidable, like Shah Abdullah’s canvas that covers a wall of the O Art Space. As languages are found in every part of the world, script can be deciphered in every possible format. Jorge Luis Borges in his story The God’s Script conjures up an Aztec magician, a captive to Spanish conquistadors, who is confined to a cell surrounded by a cage with a jaguar; and seeking “a magical sentence with the power” written by God on the first day of Creation; “a formula of fourteen random words” in every form of nature, which he believes “would suffice to make me all powerful”, only to recognise that it was written on the coat of the tiger in the cage next door. To no avail, because “the mystery lettered on the tiger dies with me”. The language written on the wings of a butterfly may also possess the same mystery, magic and meaning. Muhammad Zeeshan in his Untitled produces 49 images (using the technique of laser scoring) of butterflies, as if preserved in boxes. Their wings – what else is in a butterfly – are rendered as letters of an unknown script. Not readable, yet communicating ideas of beauty, harmony and perfection. Mohammad Atif Khan in his hand-stamped prints A Book Reopened II and Love Letter II constructs pages of a book with ants and flowers, composed in such a scheme that these look like a script, whether we understand it or not. This gap between recognisability and readability is witnessed in Meher Afroz’s Kashf I and Kashf II, and in Mohammad Ali Talpur’s Raig Mahi. In these works, you are aware of the presence of language but you cannot access it (except for a few words in Afroz’s mixed media on paper). This may allude to the noise of rhetoric, impotency of vocabulary or language turning into a pattern; or just the joy of texture of language when it is spoken, and (hand) written. Because like every person’s voice and way of speaking, each individual’s handwriting turns the overpowering and ancient body of language into something personal, private and living. Talpur’s addition of a dead reptile underneath his incompressible text suggests the death of language, from the voice of a living being to the marks of alphabets on a piece of paper. A mummified version of a spoken tongue. Ayaz Jokhio in his painting indicates that state of language, which was once alive in someone’s brain, uttered through vocal cords, heard by the ears of those present, but is now preserved like a corpse. His immaculately painted book (Still-Life/The Blue Book) is shut, with a book mark in the middle, confirming that even if a script is in our hands, it is still a closed book – like a work of art that you see, examine, analyse and write about, purely as a post script. The writer is an art   critic based in Lahore https://timespakistan.com/sacred-images-art-culture/17673/
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jai-kumar-gupta · 4 years
The Difference Between Jasmine And Basmati Rice
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Rice is among the widely consumed food staples around the globe. It’s the third-largest cultivated crop after maize and sugarcane. Asian and African people eat rice daily with curries and soups. It’s not just good in taste but also rich in vital nutrients. You will wonder to know that there are 120,000 different varieties of rice in the world. Rice is majorly divided into three categories, short-grain rice, medium-grain rice, and long grain rice.
Out of the above three types of rice, long-grain rice is the fluffiest and healthier. They are used in regular meals as well as for special occasions. They are rich in carbs and fiber. The long-grain rice contains less starch, that’s why it possesses a non-sticky texture. They expand almost double on cooking. Their firm and dry texture make them the best for cooking biryani and fried rice. Their length is around 4 to 5 times longer than the width.
Generally, there are three types of long grain basmati rice: Basmati rice, Jasmine, and American long-grain rice. But there is a difference in their texture, taste, and fragrance. Here are the major differences between Jasmine and Basmati rice.
Basmati rice has its roots from the foothills of the Himalayas and is extensively cultivated in India and Pakistan. India is the largest exporter of Basmati rice worldwide and produces high-quality Basmati. This rice has been grown in northern parts of India (Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Up, J&K, and Uttrakhand) for centuries and well known for its appetizing aroma and mouthwatering taste. The first variety of Basmati rice was “Heer Ranjha,” which was grown in the region of Punjab. You will also find some varieties of Basmati rice in the U.S.
On the other hand, Jasmine rice hails from Thailand and is also known as “Khao Hom Mali.” It is named Jasmine because it releases the fragrance of jasmine flower when cooked. Now, these rice are eaten all over the world, but the remnants of history suggest that in earlier times, it was cultivated only for the royal kingdom’s royalty. Besides Thailand, this rice is also grown in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Shape and Size
Both Jasmine and Basmati rice are long-grain rice, but Basmati rice is a bit longer than the Jasmine. The minimum length of Basmati rice is 6.61 mm and goes up to 8.2 mm.
Talking about the shape: the Jasmine rice has slightly round edges and a translucent in color. On the other hand, Basmati rice has sharper ends and dense white in color. The length to breadth ratio of Basmati is around 3.0.
Different Varieties
Jasmine rice comes in three versions: white, brown, and black. Out of these, Black Jasmine rice is very rare. Brown and Black Jasmine rice are healthier than the polished one because it’s rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vital vitamins. They are good for your skin, eyes, and immunity power.
India produces 70% of the world’s Basmati rice, and here you will have 29 varieties, some of which are 1121 Basmati rice, Kasturi basmati rice, Mahi Sugandha Basmati Rice, Pusa Basmati rice, Ranbir Basmati rice, Vallabh Basmati rice, etc.
Aroma And Flavour
Both Jasmine and Basmati rice contain a compound 2AP, which releases a fragrance like classic popcorn. Hence, the aroma of both of these rice is almost the same. The flavor of Jasmine rice is quite nutty and sweet, while Basmati is slightly tinder than Jasmine.
The Jasmine rice gains little moisture on cooking and becomes a bit sticky, whereas Basmati rice is a grain that remains separated and dry. So, if you like to eat more fluffy, long, and dry rice, it would be better to go with Basmati rice.
Iron Content
We all know how important iron is for our mental and physical well-being. The processed Basmati rice contains 2% iron, but unfortunately, iron is not present in processed Jasmine rice.
Glycemic Index
Glycemic index is a number that gives an idea about how fast your body digests a particular food. The higher the Glycemic index, the faster the food is absorbed. The GI of a Jasmine rice is 109, whereas Basmati rice is 58. This shows Basmati rice is a good option to maintain a healthy weight.
Basmati rice complements the curries and is used for making biryani, pulao, fried rice, etc. Jasmine rice is accompanied by south Asian cuisines like Nasi Katok, Naem Khao Tod, Arroz Caldo, etc.
Cooking Method
You have to wash both types of rice before cooking; this will remove dirt and extra scratch from them. Jasmine rice can be steamed or boiled. But it is better to prepare basmati by boiling.
The Bottom Line:
The unpolished version of both Basmati and Jasmine rice are healthier alternatives. They are rich in protein and fiber and high in nutrients.
Authors Bio -: For the last 10 years, Somnath Verma has been writing about basmati rice, and he aims to promote basmati pedigree across the world. He is the marketing manager at Supple Tek Ltd by profession and an enthusiastic writer by passion.
Originally Published at: https://www.goodtravelworld.com/difference-between-jasmine-and-basmati-rice/
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mahijaiswal · 2 years
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smileofdreamers · 7 years
recently, due to my own frustrations, i’ve become aware of some things in the servamp fandom. although we don’t have drama, and i know for a fact everyone’s so kind!, there’s still something oddly wrong.
pls read below the cut if you have the time. <3
regarding the content people make; art, ocs, fanfiction, etc., we make a whole lot of it. i being one of the content makers, which is why i make this post right now. now, i’m sure i’m not the only one who’s noticed this. but we have a problem with fairness and giving people the praise they really deserve. this has been happening to my friends and even me lately, and its a little frustrating because of all the effort we use on things like fanfiction or something.
it makes the artist not want to do the work. we all know how hard it is to crank out work after work. speaking for myself, i spend a lot of time on the things i make; as do all of my friends, however its a bit disappointing when we receive nothing in terms of support or love, etc. that being said, there’s also many people considered ‘main’ content makers; people who, regardless of what kind of content they have, they still get more love than other people. i am not saying, in any way, people should stop supporting them! but sometimes new writers or old writer veterans get absolutely nothing compared to those who get everything. we’ve all seen that happen, whether it be in this fandom in particular, or in any other fandom out there.
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we make a lot of things that contain ships. if anybody knows me, i’m an avid sloth pair fan; for personal and emotional reasons, i’m very close to it. i have other favorites, but things like kuro/mahi has tons of love out there. using kuro/mahi as an example, that seems to be the only thing a lot of fans care about! if something like fanfiction has a ship tagged, people flock to it. you could write a solo-character fic, and it would get a significantly less amount of care, no matter how well written it be. (i don’t want to use these words, but even if the fic is ‘badly’ written, if its a ship, its followed.) ships are great! don’t get me wrong! however, its frustrating when you consider that there’s also plenty of other content that’s just as good, if not better. but, even then, no matter how good it is, it will never get the same support ship fics do because its not what people care about.
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as much as i adore sloth pair and everything people make, i really am fucking tired of THAT being the only thing people show love for. because my point here is that there’s much more out there than we choose to see.
please don’t get me wrong tho, i am not saying we have to support everything; there’s some things people don’t like, there’s some things people legit cannot handle seeing, which i get. i feel it, i experience it, and its hard. however, if you feel something isn’t getting enough love, you can be the one person to look at that work and send a kind message, y’know? it may just make the artist’s day. i’ve had thoughts of deleting my works if it doesn’t get much of anything at all. i’m sure i’m not the first person here that’s had a thought like that, and i can definitely reach to my friends to help me prove this point.
as artists, we thrive off of comments and things like reblogs, etc., but sometimes people don’t get the love the truly deserve. sometimes there’s an unequal distribution of care, and its infuriating at this point.
everyone’s hardworking, and its sad when some people are disappointed all because people choose to ignore the work they spent so much time on. it would be great if this could be changed, because it kills me when some people have a hard time in such a small fandom like this one. everyone deserves something, and its unfair when they’re ignored all because it doesn’t contain something like a ship or something explicit/nsfw. because, let’s be honest, those works always have more attention. (i know i write a lot of that, please don’t think i’m ignorant of my own works.)
i just think... the ignorance of some things in this fandom is a little annoying. as much as i love everyone and how close everyone is, there’s still an issue in my eyes and others can see it too.
i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and i apologize if i came off as rude at any point. i know for a damn fact that i’m not the first to think about this. thank you for reading this complaint regardless. i hope i was clear enough in this point!! sorry if i’m all over the place, i’m a bit angry and its hard for me to write such a long post consistently!
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marathistars · 6 years
Movie : Sorry (2018) | सॉरी
Producer : Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi
Director :  Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi
Studio : Y.D.G.Films
Star Cast :
Sulakshana Rai
Samrudhi Pache
Saurabh Chirmulla
Pooja Meshram
Mahi Kapoor
Chandrakant Bamane
Sanjeevkumar Patil
Anjali Atre
Mayuresh Kulkarni
Sujata Upasani
Sayali Deodhar
Writer : Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi
Music : Srirang Dhawale
Sound Design : Tushar Pandit and Ishaan Devsthali
Cinematography (DOP) : Harshad Mujumdar
Editor : Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi and Santosh Gothoskar
Art Director : Vinod Valunj, Vijay Jogdand and Anup Walunjkar
Costume : Mahi Kapoor
Make-up : Asad Waris
Executive Producer : Mahi Kapoor
Line Producer : Deepika Avinash Fattepurkar
DI and VFX : WoT Studios
Sound Processed at : DAWN Studios
DI Colorist : Shrinivas Rao
Animation : Jayesh Malakapure
Film Distribution : Sachin Parekar and Netra Shroti
Publicity Design : Sonali Sanjay Parakhi and Ritesh Ravikumar Dhomase
Genre : Drama
Release Date : 27th July 2018
Synopsis : It is a story of Sorry, a young college student, who aspires to become a writer. However, while penning down his play, he starts living in one of his characters. Will he be able to find his real identity?
Sorry Marathi Movie Poster/Photos :
Sorry Marathi Movie Teaser/Trailer :
Sorry (2018) - Marathi Movie Movie : Sorry (2018) | सॉरी Producer : Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi Director :  Yogesh Dattatraya Gosavi…
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foamingkitty · 6 years
Angela McAllister’s Top Ten Favourite Children’s Books
Angela McAllister is the author of A Year Full of Stories and the recently published A World Full of Stories. Two wonderful books which my girls are really enjoying at the moment. Angela’s ability in collecting such wonderfully rich stories and comprising them into these two beautifully illustrated books is a gift and I’m so happy she agreed to share her top ten children’s books with us. You’ll agree it’s a fabulous list and I’m rather inspired to look up a few from her list for my girls. Enjoy and thank you Angela!
1. Next Stop Grand Central by Maira Kalman  – This book is a masterpiece. On my first trip to New York I had to get an extra suitcase to carry all the books I bought and this one is my favourite. It tells of the extraordinary variety of people who work in Grand Central Station and the life that goes on there from dawn to dusk; the maintenance, the services, the restaurants, the greetings and partings, the hints of exotic destinations, all of life is here, full of colour and quirkiness. Even minor characters are so fascinating that you want to follow them out of the book into whatever life they came from. Maira Kalman’s vivacity is expressed not only in her compelling illustrations but also in the way she paints pictures with words. It’s a great book to inspire young writers.
2. Over and Under by Kate Messner –  Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal. In contrast to the more zany books on this list, here is something as gentle and full of wonder as snow itself. A girl and her father ski through the snowy woods, while we are simultaneously shown the secret world under the snow where the smallest forest animals stay safe and warm. This is a wonderful example of the exciting growth of non-fiction picture books and has become an instant favourite. I particularly like the pages at the end with extra information, further reading and links.
3. A Near Thing For Captain Najork by Russell Hoban – Illustrated by Quentin Blake. This sequel to the equally wonderful How Tom Beat Captain Najork And His Hired Sportsmen is a riot of a story about a boy who invents anti-sticky while fooling around with his chemistry set. When he uses this amazing new technology to create a mechanical jam-powered frog, his adversary, Captain Najork, pursues him in a five-man undulating snake, to settle an old score. The climax is an arm-wrestling match between two of the most extraordinary female characters in children’s literature. I love this for its exuberant nonsense. It’s the perfect pairing of two masterful picture book creators.
4. The Man Whose Mother Was A Pirate by Margaret Mahy – Illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain – I can’t possibly have a top ten without pirates in it, or either of these brilliant Margarets! An ‘ordinary little man’ who works in a drab office is persuaded by his mother, an old retired pirate, to take her to visit the sea. In a liberating journey of discovery, the man comes to understand his true nature and becomes a pirate himself. This is the book to read if you ever need reminding how good it is to be alive, but beware, you may feel an irresistible urge to go the sea afterwards.
5. The Green Ship by Quentin Blake – This is a magical book that tells the story of a summer holiday in which two children, staying with their aunt, discover a topiary ship in the neighbour’s garden. A beautiful relationship grows between the old neighbour, her gardener and the children. Together they make imaginary voyages around the world, cross the equator and brave a storm. Quentin Blake’s sketchy, atmospheric illustrations here have quite a different feel to those in the first book on this list. It’s a lovely evocation of how age and youth can make believe together. Perfect for anyone who would love to play in an old, overgrown garden.
6. The Two Admirals by David McKee – When a famous retired Admiral moves into a quiet village the locals are proud to have him there. They don’t complain about his powerful presence. They tolerate him boasting that he can do everything better than anyone else. However, when a second self-important admiral moves in and the two start to compete with each other in absurd ways, life becomes intolerable for the villagers. If only all larger than life, boastful characters could be dealt with by offering a prize to the one who could keep the peace longest! David McKee also gave us the wonderful Mr Ben and King Rollo books along with many others. Most of all, I love the tremendous wit and warmth with which he observes people. Pure joy!
7. The Witch’s Children by Ursula Jones – Illustrated by Russell Ayto. How I wish I’d written this book! It’s a fairy tale fizzing with energy and invention. I love the great design and characterisation in the illustrations and there is so much content that you find something new with each reading. The story is packed with drama – it’s almost like watching a play.
8. In The Attic by Hiawyn Oram – Illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura. Another fabulous exploration of the imagination, showing how creative the state of boredom can be. With so much constant stimulation around children now it’s more important than ever to allow the quiet time needed to develop imagination. It takes tremendous skill to write such a spare, evocative text as this and Satoshi is a genius with astonishing poetic energy and inventiveness in all his work.
9. Time To Get Out Of The Bath, Shirley by John Burningham – This is a great example of how a picture book can offer a distinct visual narrative alongside the text. While Mum busies about in the bathroom, the reader shares Shirley’s imaginary adventure as she shrinks to be very small and rides her toy duck away through the waste pipe, to a land of witches, knights and an eccentric royal joust. At once familiar and strange, there’s plenty of delicious detail to discover and lots to discuss when sharing this. The world of fantasy plumbing on the endpapers inspired hours of inventive drawing in our house.
10. Bijan and Manije by Ali Seidabadi – Illustrated by Marjan Vafaian. This ancient Persian story, rewritten by Nicolette Jones is one of several books from Tiny Owl who are bringing wonderful Iranian writers and artists to our bookshelves. When I went to the Sharjah Book Fair in the UAE last year I was particularly moved by some of the illustration from Iran and this rich, colourful book is a great example of the exciting work from that region. Folk tales and legends have universal appeal and never age. How wonderful that we can tell our children a story that began in the 10th century!
Vanessa x
The post Angela McAllister’s Top Ten Favourite Children’s Books appeared first on Babyccino Kids: Daily tips, Children's products, Craft ideas, Recipes & More.
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mutimedia · 2 years
बर्फ की चादर से ढका हुआ दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा शिव मंदिर नमस्कार आप देख रहे है म गब डिजिटल इंडिआ मैं हूँ माहि और आज मैं बात कर रही हु दुनिया के सबसे बड़े शिव मंदिर की  ये वीडियो किसी नॉर्वेजियन राजनयिक नाम के एक सक्श ने शेयर किया है #tungnath #kedarnathyatra #yatravats #uttarakhand #uttarakhandnews #shivmandir #shiva #Shiv Team Work List Content Writer:- MAHI Anchor :- MAHI Video Editor :- Vishal Graphic Designer :- Divya Shukla   Digital Marketer :- Anuj Kumar     ▶️Please Don't forget to Like, Share & Subscribe to This Youtube Channel. 🌏Website:-  http://www.mgbdigitalindia.com 👍Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/MGBdigitalin... 👩‍💻Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/mgbdigitali... 👉 Profile :- https://linkmix.co/11578680 ✔️Twitter:- https://twitter.com/MGBdigitalindia 🚩Pinterest:-  https://in.pinterest.com/mgbdigitalin... Breaking News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/83607... Bollywood News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/17865... Politics News Fb :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/12527... Thanks You..................🙏👩‍💻🌍 #mgbnews #beakingnews #headline #top10news #mgbdigitalindia #trendingnews #aajtakkibadikhabre #dinbharkikhabre #todaybreakingnews #breaking #news #breakingnews #breakingnewshindi #hindibreakingnews #delhi #todaynews  #breakingtop10news #topnews #toptenhindinews #breakingmgbnews #mgbbreaking #newsupdate
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mc-critical · 3 years
(Okay head’s up, I’m going to be on your blog a lot since I absolutely LOVE your takes and analysis’.) Do you think (strictly theatrically speaking, not in the non-fictional and historical sense) Suleyman really loved Hürrem? As I watched the show I found it very silly how other characters of the show would remark how Suleyman “loved Hurrem so much he refused to ever take another concubine again” because..he did? And multiple times from what the viewers have seen too. Majority of the times the concubines/other women in Suleyman’s life (Isabella, Firüze etc) were only removed from his life via Hurrem’s intrigues, not by Suleyman’s decision. What do you think?
Aww, thank you so much for the nice words! 💕 Be here as much as you wish, absolutely no problem! (there are some takes I've had in the past that are quite passive-agressive in retrospect 😅, so I might as well also give you a heads up.)
As for your question, I think yes, SS loves Hürrem, but in his own, sometimes honestly incomprehensible (even outright toxic), way.
The writers perhaps wanted to hint at love at first sight in the beggining, due to the way she fainted in his arms in the first episode and how he kept thinking about her (that Ibrahim had to tell him that where he was supposed to go was the other direction) and the wave of excitement and anticipation he felt while waiting for her. But when they spent two nights together and he truly got to know her, was where it was at. Her uncanny ability to make him laugh, entertain him in a way no one else had before, was what impressed him first. He felt calm, safe in her presence, and wanted to keep this probably forever, along with him doing whatever else he wanted in the meantime regardless.
I feel the point of contention of whether he truly loved her or not comes from the fact that, the show wanted to make their love story integral to their both historically thematic and narratively soapy story - what I mean is, they wanted to make it the central plotline. And as a central plotline, it creates and/or extends on the other plotlines, having to show the other characters' reactions in excessive detail and even center parts of their motivations around it. You see how S01 and S02 of the series played this aspect of Hürrem and Süleiman's story completely straight - it presented it as The Love, this big, (thematically and narratively) unprecedented thing, this vital aspect of the series' DNA, the very tool that moves the story forward, that is only bound to have consistent narrative opposition: and I'm not referring only to Isabella and Firuze and all the other concubine arcs that force love triangles suited for the genre, it all is also about the continuous, frequent attacks on their love, that only stopped when the show made a complete genre shift by the second half of S04 and didn't have much time left. They worked with the idea that the more this love is attacked and antagonized, the stronger it becomes and the more shall people root for it. That's where the problem comes, because in retrospect, you can honestly see that these attacks played a major part in provoking a bunch of stuff SS did for Hürrem. Mahidevran beating her to death and poisoning her? SS gives Hürrem a chamber only for herself. (the other one she shared with Ayşe.) Them accusing her incessantly? Valide complaining about her? The various attacks? He continues to care even more for her. Valide and Ibrahim arranging that attack with the bandits? He married her. And one would wonder: is this even genuine or does the writing simply use her enemies' failings to lead Hürrem to SS? Is that the only reason he actually cares? What does MC want to achieve?
There are people who say that the entire point of SS loving her was that she was so different from everyone else (and that the concubine arcs ruined it), and yes, it was like that, in the very beginning. First impression is important and he truly began to enjoy her a lot since their first two nights, for her bringing him something new. However, both of Hürrem and Süleiman's characters and their relationship overall, drastically evolved throughout the show. When the first impression had passed and Hürrem gained SS's utmost attention and she became pregnant, she very quickly started taking stuff for granted, considering him only hers (the demonstration of the ring in front of Mahi; the twinge of jealousy towards Ibrahim.) and as a parallel, him still being a Sultan, having to follow the customs anyway, and calling Gülnihal in his chambers twice. Both of their ways of living clash, because Hürrem wants a monogamous relationship and takes every sign of care for him at face value, while SS lives in an environment that wants him to do what is expected of him.
SS both loves and hates when Hürrem stands up to his will. There have been times where she acted rashly, making borderline silly accusations (like blaming little Mustafa for the fire in E10), where she made moves out of jealousy (like stealing Isabella's pendant) and where she was complaining to him for something she didn't succeed to get (like Valide's chambers in S03). Süleiman sees her rebellious nature and goes out of his way to do moves to spite her. (this guy invited Isabella on a halvet out. of. sheer. spite and nothing else! smh honestly..) But there are as many times where he simply covers what she did (like killing Isabella) and caves to her demands anyway! Why would he cave to her demands and close his eyes on so much stuff she did, if he doesn't feel at least something for her?
The different treatment she gets also comes into play, because no matter how many times she's attacked and he seemingly stood by and watched aside from more serious cases, all it honestly does, is trigger his protective instincts. Despite of all the bumps on the road, Hürrem always was his darling, his special snowflake, whom he clearly felt something for. If anything, he wouldn't have freed her and this isn't something he would do to just anyone. (as we see how he refused to free Mahidevran when she desperately begged him to in E45.; and what's important, him freeing Hürrem wasn't provoked by someone else attacking her.) And when she makes all these jealousy fits, he listens, because Hürrem's character development represents full adaption to the circumstances of the harem, and by that, getting just like the others and learning their tricks. This has turned him off numerous times and when she shows that rebellious side of hers yet again, he couldn't help, but listen. What he said to Ibrahim after he sent off the Russian concubines, is especially telling: "No. (I don't love Hürrem as much as she loves me.) But now I fell in love with her even more." This summarizes extremely well what he thinks of her at this point, because while he's ready to cut her some slack, he's still helpless to her.
Though, later down the line, it gets very abundantly clear that if he loves her, he doesn't love her because she's different and she's rebellious, but because she's loyal to him. Infinitely loyal. She loves him this much, that she's not only ready to willingly drink poison and kill herself for him anytime, but she doesn't even want to give up his throne. It is all very well highlighted by his infamous line to Fatma: "Hürrem is not an angel, but she has something that none of you have. Loyalty! Absolute loyalty... / "She never saw anyone else on the throne but me." Over the years, SS began to live with the dramatically increased paranoia of betrayal, turning his natural ego from a strength, to an everlooming weakness. It destroyed every single relation of his, except for Hürrem. She's the only person that wasn't targeted by this crippling paranoid fear, he perhaps found piece and tranquil in her presence, because he knew that she wouldn't ever turn her back on him. And all these times he got mad at her, he had halvets to spite her, he caused her to prove to him how much he loved her, it turned out to be not only because his ego was tempered with, he wanted to test her loyalty the entire time. And all the times he prevented her from digging deeper into him and told her to stay out of political matters, now in S04 he no longer does that, since she actively joins every single conversation. Hürrem and Süleiman's relationship was put in a thorough deconstruction in S03 and S04, because after the slow Cerebus Syndrome transition began occurring and Yılmaz Şahin fully took over the script, the narrative stopped playing the love story completely straight and it put in the impression that it isn't focused on as much as it was before. So its more problematic aspects began showing even more down the line and it all lead into this very realization. The last episodes of Hürrem's life, while seeming like a cop-out, are genuine love letters for the fans and for Hürrem, with having Süleiman realize who he will lose and what will happen next, giving her the attention he never did. (I think the best Hürrem and Süleiman scenes we got, were in these episodes, along with the ones in the beginning episodes and right after the wedding, in E43-44.)
[And the episodes after Hürrem's death also make us question whatever he cares for her, because all he did there was straightforwardly betray her dying wish. Still, we should keep in mind that SS was at the peak of his downward spiral and it was Hürrem's death that sealed everything for him - losing the person who loved you dearly and was the most loyal one to you in your book, only caused catastrophic and devastating results, with SS going in her chambers in E136 and begging her to forgive him, right before the big fight between Selim and Beyezid began. There is everything else he did, yes, but losing HER is what caused him the truly neverending misery and what pushed him to such extremes, the loss of her loyalty broke him and finished him.]
Isabella and Firuze and Nazenin also add to these tests of loyalty, as well as being love triangles, added in for the drama. I feel SS did this not only to spite Hürrem, but also because he liked her unpredictability and he truly never expected for her to be this loyal in his eyes. It is possible he thought at some point due to his paranoia that she would give up on him, betray him, knowing that she also has her own ambitions. But seeing that none of that happened... perhaps all these continuous rifts in their relationship strived to show how strongly she loved him after all and maybe he came to appreciate that, even if it were too late. {note: the others said that SS loved Hü not exactly because of him refusing to take in concubines, but rather not taking concubines in for a long time. It illustrates more their hopes and beliefs (Mahidevran in E61: "Did you really think that his majesty couldn't be with other women?") and arguments presented when they need to win someone over for their cause to get rid of her. (like Hatice with Afife in S03) I always considered the Firuze arc more of a thematic tool than a dramatic one: aside from showing an actual continuous rift between Hürrem and SS, it breaks Hürrem's season two finale victory in half, enforcing even further that there isn't just any true long lasting victory that the themes won't condemn in this franchise. Nazenin was more for the parallels (Nurbanu - Nazenin; Hürrem - Gülnihal), while I never fully figured out what Isabella Fortuna was for, tbh.}
{He regarded Isabella as more of a toy, unfortunately, even with him saying that it was all somehow "a political game" with her and we had only him succumbing to his "manliness", protecting her from the snake and inviting her to a halvet only to spite Hürrem. With Firuze it was, admittedly, a bit more complicated, because he sure was infatuated with her to some extent, recited the exact same poetry to her, as well, but then again, we have the poisoning as a factor, and we have no idea to what extent it began to affect his psyche, besides him having to lay in bed in E78. I don't think Hürrem's intrigues had anything to do with the feelings he had for both of them, and I believe he would at some point have let them all go, exactly due to his ego and loyalty complex.}
I don't say that Süleiman's love for Hürrem is a healthy one, because oh noo, IT IS NOT, very far from it, in fact. Especially with the writers still keeping the status-quo with them the exact same even after he freed and married her, and for a while, it never made an actual difference. However, it is something that he didn't feel for anyone else in this harem and I would say that he indeed cherished it a lot.
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