It is only 197 days until February. What we doing?
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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kouhaiofcolor · 7 months
The whole world be watching white women absolutely disrespect the integrity & purpose of food making the most nauseatingly inedible shit on TikTok — & antiblack black men who feel empowered by misogynoir still demand attention to vouch for them being their preferences & more desirable for their willingness to “cook” for them. 🫤 I do not understand.
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afriblaq · 27 days
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ultracrii · 2 years
Why are so many Black people crying "pandering" over other Black people in previously white roles. This isn't an example of forced representation, it's an example of opening up roles. If a character is not a part of a particular group or culture that relies in part on race, that character can be played by anyone. Ariel wasn't born to be in the klan - she is a mermaid, race here is irrelevant. Retina Wesley showing up in "Last of Us" shows great acting skills when she read for the role. Shitting on people's skill bc you're uncomfortable with a change is messed up.
Miss me with the "Let Malcolm X be played by a white guy" because you and your momma are morons for that. If a character has deep roots, culture and historical relevance that ties in with their race then someone of that race should play them. Same for differently able people - this is how representation works. Not assuming someone got a role to fill a quote. Stop swimming in your own thoughts and engage with the world.
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mos-twin-mattress · 3 months
Yes i call my family white. Not simply bc they are lightskinned, but bc they move in whiteness proudly.
They are conservative trump supporting coons. They use their abilities to pass for white/racial ambiguous to harm REAL black people.
And for my darker skinned family, they also move with whiteness/white supremacy. They lived through the civil rights movement, attended marches and sit-ins and still chose to support the monster that is trump + white supremacy & patriarchy.
I do not consider my family to be kinfolk… they are nothing but coons who serve the agenda of the white devils in control.
My uncle has literally been on fox news regularly. I wont name him bc like, not lookin to doxx me or my family. Even tho they suck.
I spent my childhood HATING who i was bc of these people. I cant stand them. I have no love left for them.
I dont attend family gatherings, dont call (except my grandma) and dont engage with them at all.
I say i hate them as a statement of fact, not even out of emotion bc i no longer have any emotions for people who dont care ab Black suffering, while claiming to be Black.
I have two pound cakes in the oven so ill end it here
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starlooove · 5 months
I did forget about the respectability politics and copaganda but also whatever character y’all made up for Jason ORPHEUS HAD IT FIRST!
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Pastor Escorted 0ut of Church Building During Service.
thats what happens when you doin the devils work.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
You know you said something messed up when you make Alex Jones, of all people, uncomfortable.
I personally think Kim should get a restraining order from Kanye and get full custody of their kids, cus this fool is going to ruin whatever chances they have at not turning out like his horrible butt.
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why is misery business stuck in my head
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Every four years, bruh, i swear to god. Them coonery for votes checks be getting passed around like a blunt at a snoop party.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 years
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it’s not surprising that black white supremacists like whitelock doesn’t like bpwf. it does EVERYTHING he hates. it doesn’t center white people, it features  A LOT of black women, the black women it features are all darker skin, it tells the truth about the history of white colonization, black people have dimension and it dared feature black places. of course he’s going to hate it because the white people who he covets approval from will hate it too.
and hates black men? the movie that spent all of it’s minutes talking about how a black man who is gone was loved, appreciated and missed? a movie about how all those black women were trying to process the grief of losing him? that movie hates black men? lmaooo, the coonery is STRONG in this one. 
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kouhaiofcolor · 6 months
Dunno who needs to hear this (nah who am I kidding? I know exactly who I’m talking to & about, & y’all do too 😉),
but if your “Black friend(s)” are only Black males who are indifferent, entertained by or silent in the face of misogynoir, Black fetishism, colorism, antiblackness in general, & esp you using the n word as a non black — you do not have Black friends. I’m sorry. You’re simply friends with Black enablers who pander to & exceptionalize your ignorance bc they either hate themselves, their people or their culture (If not all of the above; & usually, it’s all if not most of the above). That’s what that is. At its core & in depth. The “Black People” you conveniently bring up to defend yourself when your humanity is brought into question or criticized online or irl, are just enabling your shitty behavior. And that is the purpose & function you comfortably reduce them to — whether either of you realize it or not.
They’re there for your convenience as apologists. I notice a lot of the time when y’all say or act on something antiblack, y’all reach vehemently for the minimal amount of Black “People” you actually know personally just to validate or excuse antiblack behavior, opinions or notions. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that these Black “friends” are always always totally fine w y’all mishandling them or things unique to our culture, either. It’s more birds of a desperate ass feather than anything else. Stop looking to these friends to protect, back and validate your prejudice, bc trust & believe actual Black People w self & cultural respect don’t & wouldn’t fw them anyhow. Y’all could be like, “BlAcK pEoPLe DoNt Go To CoLLeGe,” — and reference the all of 0.3 Black People you interact w on an even semi-regular basis as a representative for the entire diaspora just bc they coon ass agrees to save face in front of you. 😂 Be ffr.
Y’all are never acquainted w Black People who even have the balls to put you in your place “friend to friend” for the ways in which y’all make them look stupid. Please stop it. Also, not that it’s a secret at all, but Black men are pretty notorious for mistreating their own ppl the same way non blacks do so. 👀While it’s not all of them, they’re certainly not the most ideal group to testify for y’all, just saying. Them be y’all picks tho. Consistently. Y’all ain’t never friends w/ Black Women who don’t play that shit. Or even just a healthy mix of Black men and Black Women who even agree w y’all. 😂 Odd af. Y’all definitely cherry pick y’all dancing monkeys for testimony and line of defense — and they never fail to perform, I’ll give you that. You do not have Black friends tho. Tell your enablers to shut up since they’re so comfortable being silenced anyhow until you need ‘em.
Thank you for coming to my TED. ✌🏽😊
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afriblaq · 27 days
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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